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Directions: In this section, you will hear a short conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given a question and four options. Choose the best answer to the question and mark your answer on the answer sheet.

1. What is the man's opinion about the new restaurant?

A. It is expensive.

B. It serves great food.

C. It has a limited menu.

D. It has slow service.

[解析] 这道题是关于男人对新餐馆的观点。男人说"The food here is fantastic. The prices are reasonable too."这表示男人对这家新餐馆的食物和价格都有好的评价,因此答案选B. It serves great food.

2. What does the woman mean?

A. She has already seen the movie.

B. She plans to watch the movie later.

C. She still needs to buy the tickets.

D. She would prefer a different movie.

[解析] 这道题是关于女人的意思。女人说"I'm going to see the new movie this weekend."这表示周末她打算去看电影,因此答案选B. She plans to watch the movie later.


Directions: In this section, you will hear a short talk. After the talk, you will be given six questions. Choose the best answer to each question and mark your answer on the answer sheet.

3. What is the talk mainly about?

A. The history of jazz music.

B. Different types of jazz instruments.

C. Famous jazz musicians.

D. The impact of jazz in America.

[解析] 这道题是关于短篇讲话的主要内容。从讲话中我们可以听到"That's why jazz is sometimes called 'America's classical music.' It's also the reason why the development of jazz music is seen as a mirror to the American experience."这表示这篇讲话主要是关于爵士乐在美国的影响,因此答案选D. The impact of jazz in America.

4. What did Louis Armstrong contribute to jazz music?

A. He invented the saxophone.

B. He brought the blues influence to jazz.

C. He was a famous pianist.

D. He introduced jazz to Europe.

[解析] 这道题是关于路易斯·阿姆斯特朗在爵士乐里做出了什么贡献。从讲话中我们可以听到"For example, Louis Armstrong brought the blues influence to jazz."这表示路易斯·阿姆斯特朗在爵士乐中引入了蓝调的影响,因此答案选B. He brought the blues influence to jazz.

5. What is the origin of the word "jazz"?

A. It comes from a French word meaning "energy."

B. It was a slang term used to describe music.

C. It is derived from a African term for dance.

D. It was the name of a famous jazz musician.

[解析] 这道题是关于“jazz”这个词的起源。从讲话中我们可以听到"The word 'jazz' is believed to come from a slang term used to describe music."这表示“jazz”这个词认为来自一个用来描述音乐的俚语词,因此

答案选B. It was a slang term used to describe music.

6. What can be inferred about the early development of jazz?

A. It was influenced by European classical music.

B. It was popular only among African Americans.

C. It required exceptional technical skills to perform.

D. It originated in the southern states of America.
