(191069:第06章船舶液压设备:857)A.最大工作压力B.液压马达转速C.工作压差和流量的乘积D.液压马达的扭矩2401、731. 1816、如图:所示为变量泵—双速油马达液压系统简图,换档阀处在左位时:( ) (191071:第06章船舶液压设备:858)A.油马达排量最大B.油马达转速最小C.油马达扭矩最大D.以上说法均对的2402、如图:换档阀处在右位时:() (191073:第06章船舶液压设备:859)A.油马达排量最大B.油马达转速最大C.油马达扭矩最大D.以上说法均错误2403、如图:关于此系统,下列说法对的的是:() (191074:第06章船舶液压设备:860)A.一个油口进油,两个油口回油属于轻载运营,输出扭矩较小B.重载和轻载时油泵的最大输出功率相同C.在重载时用轻载档,因油马达排量太大,安全阀也许由于工作油压过高而启动D.A+B2404、起货机中双速液压马达调速阀通常采用:___ (191072:第06章船舶液压设备:861)A限压溢流阀B换向阀C压力阀D流量控制阀2405、起货机液压系统采用高、低速挡不是为了________。
1. “液压锁”通常是由一对______组成。
A. 直控顺序阀B. 外控顺序阀C. 液控单向阀D. 单向节流阀2. 内部压力控制顺序阀的一般图形符号(GB786.1-93)是______。
A. B. C. D.3. 右图所示图形符号(GB786.1-93)表示______。
A. 可调节流阀B. 普通型调速阀C. 溢流节流阀D. 一般节流阀4. 比例节流型换向阀与常规换向阀相比,说法不对的是_________。
A. 通常以比例电磁线圈代替普通电磁线圈B. 阀芯圆周面上分布有若干节流槽C. 在通执行元件的两条油路上设单向节流阀D. 可设反馈元件使阀芯位移受电信号控制5. 电液换向阀的导阀和主阀的控制方式分别是______。
A. 液压/电磁B. 电磁/液压C. 液压/液压D. 电磁/电磁6. 卸荷溢流阀用于向蓄能器供油的系统时,蓄能器压力升高到调定值时液压泵_________。
A. 通蓄能器的油路切断并溢流运转B. 通蓄能器的油路切断并减压运转C. 通蓄能器的油路切断并卸荷运转D. 停止运转7. 顺序阀与溢流阀相比,__________是错误的。
A. 顺序阀必须有通油箱的泄油管,溢流阀则无B. 作卸荷阀用时,溢流阀的远控油口应泄压,顺序阀的远控油口应加压C. 开启后顺序阀进出口间油压差很小,而溢流阀进出口压差大D. 顺序阀是方向控制阀,而溢流阀是流量控制阀8. 执行机构负载减小时调速阀中__________。
A. 减压阀开大B. 减压阀关小C. 溢流阀开大D. 溢流阀关小9. 以下液压控制阀中由两种阀组合而成的是______。
2023年海船船员考试《大管轮》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】斜轴泵的以下部件中不转动的是()A. 缸体B.中心连杆C.柱塞D.配流盘2.【单选题】舵机液压系统充油后放气过程应让液压主泵()A.大流量连续转舵B.小流量连续转舵C.小流量间断转舵D.大流量间断转舵3.【单选题】斜盘式轴向柱塞泵推荐以辅泵向吸入侧供油,并不是为了()A.防止“气穴”现象B.提高容积效率C. 避免柱塞球铰受拉D.提高排出压力4.【单选题】制冷装置蒸发器结霜加重不会引起压缩机()A.吸气压力降低B.轴功率减小C.吸气过热度增加D.排气量减小5.【单选题】连杆式液压马达的进出油管是接在()上。
A.壳体B.配油轴C.端盖D.配油壳6.【单选题】其它条件相同时,海水温度越高则制冷装置()A.制冷量越大B. 压缩机轴功率越低C.制冷系数越大D.膨胀阀后制冷剂干度越大7.【单选题】液压油粘度指数大则表明其()A.粘度高B. 粘度受温度升降影响大C.粘度低D.粘度受温度升降影响小8.【单选题】蒸发式过冷循环是指采用()方法实现过冷的制冷循环A.让吸气管穿过贮液器B.在贴靠在一起的液管和吸气管外包扎隔热材料C.让少量液态制冷剂节流降压后在过冷器中吸热D.让液管和蒸发器接触而冷却9.【单选题】液压锁通常是由一对()组成。
A.直控顺序阀B.外控顺序阀C.液控单向阀D.单向节流阀10.【单选题】转舵油缸常采用双作用式的是()转舵机构A.滚轮式B.摆缸式C.拨叉式D.十字头式11.【单选题】()是使液压装置液压油温度过高的常见原因A.内泄漏过大B.泵转速过高C.工作压力过高D.工作时间过长12.【单选题】以下制冷剂中,属于非共沸混合物的是()A.R22B.R134aC. R410AD.R50713.【单选题】调速阀的作用是控制()A. 油泵转速B.执行元件速度C.管路中油的流速D.执行元件速度和油泵转速14.【单选题】阀控型舵机改变转舵方向时()A.主泵回转方向改变B.辅泵吸排方向改变C.主泵吸排方向不变D.主泵变量机构偏离中位方向改变15.【单选题】不会影响内曲线式液压马达排量的是()A.导轨曲面段数B.导轨曲面升程C.柱塞数目D.配油轴直径16.【单选题】舵机浮动杆追随机构设储存弹簧主要是为了()A.操纵浮动杆所需力可减小B.舵叶受风浪袭击可暂时移位C.大舵角操舵可连续进行,主泵可较长时间保持全流量D.防止浮动杆受力过大而损坏17.【单选题】停用的液压传动设备每()须做一次检查性运转A.一个月B.二个月C.一季度D.半年18.【单选题】先导型溢流阀用于远控调压时导阀弹簧张力应()A.调至较大B.调至最小C.调至适中D.按要求随时调整19.【单选题】平衡舵有利于()A.减小舵叶面积B.减少舵机负荷C.增大转船力矩D.增快转舵速度20.【单选题】主操舵装置应能在最深航海吃水并以最大营运航速前进时,将舵在()秒内从一舷()转至另一舷()A.28/35 /35° °B. 28/35 /30°°C.30/35 /35°°D.30/35 /30°°第2卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】以下液压马达中,机械效率最低的是()A.连杆式B.五星轮式C.内曲线式D.叶片式2.【单选题】关于叶片泵,以下说法对的是()A.各叶片尺寸相同,可与各叶片槽任意换装使用B.定子过一定使用期后,可两端面互换安装C.叶片装入叶槽中不能太松,应用手轻推才移动D.叶片和转子与配流盘的轴向间隙是相等的3.【单选题】溢流节流阀稳定流量的方法属()补偿型。
2022值班机工考试(11规则)真题模拟及答案(3)共665道题1、在燃油的预热时,为防止燃油加热后迅速积垢,其预热温度的上限是()(单选题)A. 100℃B. 130℃C. 150℃D. 180℃试题答案:B2、空压机低压级安全阀顶开不会是()泄漏大。
(单选题)A. 高压级吸气阀B. 高压级排气阀C. 低压级活塞环D. 高压级活塞环试题答案:C3、三螺杆泵的漏泄一般主要发生在()(单选题)A. 啮合线处B. 轴封处C. 螺杆顶圆与泵壳间D. 螺杆端面间隙试题答案:C4、一切警告牌均由()挂卸。
(单选题)A. 检修负责人B. 轮机长C. 大管轮D. 电机员试题答案:A5、凡是电压在36V以上的电动机外壳都必须接地,此类接地属于()(单选题)A. 工作接地B. 保护接地C. 保护接零D. 屏蔽接地试题答案:B6、气缸体与机架制成一体,组成机身的这种结构形式多用于()(单选题)A. 大型柴油机B. 中小型柴油机C. 低速柴油机D. 二冲程柴油机试题答案:B7、为防止随时可能发生的各种威胁船舶和生命安全的事态,把损失减少到最低程度,船舶必须配备各种抢救器材。
(单选题)A. 应变部署和演习B. 器材抢修C. 器材应急使用D. 在航行期间培训试题答案:A8、关于空压机的卸载阀,下面说法不正确的是()(单选题)A. 起动阶段,卸载阀应开启B. 停车前,卸载阀应开启C. 卸载阀使排气阀在吸排过程中始终开启D. 卸载阀可使吸气阀在吸排过程中始终开启试题答案:C9、通常,在热机中柴油机热效率最高的原因是()(单选题)A. 柴油热值高B. 内部燃烧C. 压缩发火D. B+C试题答案:D10、中小型柴油机的活塞材料一般选用()(单选题)A. 铸铁B. 铝合金C. 铜合金D. 球墨铸铁试题答案:B11、对于增压式和非增压式四冲程机,一般()(单选题)A. 增压式气阀重叠角较大B. 增压式气阀重叠角较小C. 增压式喷油提前角较大D. A+C试题答案:A12、活塞式空压机采用多级压缩的原因是单级压缩受()的影响,使其容积效率过低。
1. 以下属于叶轮式泵的是______。
A. 齿轮泵B. 旋涡泵C. 活塞泵D. 蒸汽喷射泵2. 泵在系统中的工作扬程与______无关。
A. 额定扬程B. 排出液面压力C. 泵的流量D. 吸入液面真空度3. 小型往复泵经常使用夹布胶木作活塞环,安装前必须注意的问题是:A. 不得用热水浸泡B. 用热水浸泡、发胀C. 必须用滑油浸泡D. 必须用细砂纸打磨4. 电动往复泵流量不均匀的主要原因在于______。
A. 活塞运动速度不均匀B. 转速太慢C. 液体惯性力太大D. 活塞的往复运行5. 往复泵起动后不排液的原因不包括______。
A. 润滑油量不足B. 吸入滤网或底阀堵塞C. 吸入管漏气D. 吸入或排出阀未开6. 齿轮泵运行中吸入管漏气是产生噪声的主要原因,可用______检查漏气点。
A. 煤油白粉法B. 烛火法C. 涂油法D. 手触摸法7. 齿轮泵在起动和运行中,管理者应注意的是:①保持吸入系统清洁畅通,防止堵塞②起动前应确保泵内有油③机械轴封必须一滴不漏④起动前必须先开足吸入、排出截止阀A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④8. 冬季起动螺杆泵时,为防止电机过载,而起动前应该:A. 开足排出阀,关闭吸入阀B. 开足吸入阀,关闭排出阀C. 开足吸入阀、排出阀、旁通阀D. 开足旁通阀,关闭吸入阀、排出阀9. 螺杆泵的备用螺杆,其最佳的保存方法是______。
A. 水平存放B. 悬挂固定存放C. 非螺杆端向下倾斜存放D. 非螺杆端向下垂直存放10. 单作用叶片泵的叶片槽呈后倾分布的主要原因是______。
轮机英语8001:无限航区750 kW及以上船舶轮机长 8002:无限航区750 kW及以上船舶大管轮 考 试 大 纲 1 船舶主推进装置 1.1 船舶动力装置概述 1.1.1 船舶动力装置的组成 1.1.2 船舶动力装置的类型 1.2 船舶柴油机装置 1.2.1 基本特性指标 1.2.2 船舶柴油机的工作原理和基本结构 1.2.3 船舶柴油机燃油系统 1.2.4 船舶柴油机滑油系统 1.2.5 船舶柴油机冷却水系统 1.2.6 船舶柴油机起动空气系统 1.2.7 船舶柴油机的操纵系统和控制系统 1.2.8 船舶柴油机的运行管理 1.2.9 船舶柴油机的故障分析和排除 1.2.10 现代船舶柴油机的结构特点 1.3 船舶推进装置 1.3.1 推进装置的传动方式 1.3.2 传动轴系的布置和结构 1.3.3 定距桨和调距桨装置 1.3.4 船舶在各种航行条件下的工况管理 1.3.5 推进装置的管理18003:无限航区750kW及以上船舶二/三管轮 适 用 对 象 8001 8002 8003○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ◎ ○ ○ ◎ ● ●○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ◎ ○ ○ ◎ ● ●○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ●○2 船舶辅助机械 2.1 船用锅炉 2.1.1 船用锅炉的类型 2.1.2 典型船用锅炉的结构特点 2.1.3 船用锅炉的运行管理 2.1.4 船用锅炉的故障分析和排除 2.2 船用泵 2.2.1 船用泵类型 2.2.2 常见船用泵的工作原理和结构特点 2.2.3 船舶通用泵系的布置原则和特点 2.2.4 常见船用泵的运行管理和故障排除 2.3 船舶制冷和空调装置 2.3.1 制冷原理和制冷循环 2.3.2 船舶制冷系统的组成及主要设备 2.3.3 船舶空调系统的组成及主要设备 2.3.4 船舶制冷装置的运行管理 2.3.5 船舶空调装置的运行管理 2.3.6 船舶制冷装置的故障分析和排除 2.3.7 船舶空调装置的故障分析和排除 2.4 船舶防污染设备 2.4.1 油水分离器的工作原理及运行管理 2.4.2 焚烧炉的工作原理及运行管理 2.4.3 生活污水处理装置的工作原理及运行管理 2.5 分油机、空压机和海水淡化装置 2.5.1 分油机的工作原理及运行管理 2.5.2 分油机的故障分析和排除 2.5.3 空压机的工作原理及运行管理2●●○ ○ ● ● ○ ○ ◎ ● ◎ ○◎ ●◎ ● ◎ ○ ●○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●2.5.4 空压机的故障分析和排除 2.5.5 海水淡化原理 2.5.6 海水淡化装置的主要设备和运行管理 2.6 船舶甲板机械 2.6.1 液压泵、控制阀件和油马达的结构特点 2.6.2 起货机的结构特点及其故障分析和排除 2.6.3 锚机的结构特点及其故障分析和排除 2.6.4 绞缆机的结构特点及其故障分析和排除 2.6.5 舵机的工作原理及结构特点 2.6.6 舵机的故障分析和排除 2.6.7 液压系统管理 3 船舶电气和自动化 3.1 船用发电机 3.1.1 船用发电机的结构特点 3.1.2 船用发电机的并车和解列 3.1.3 船用应急发电机 3.2 船用配电板 3.2.1 主配电板的组成 3.2.2 应急配电板 3.2.3 配电箱 3.3 船舶电气设备 3.3.1 船舶电气设备 3.3.2 电气控制设备 3.3.3 电气设备运行管理 3.4 船舶自动化 3.4.1 自动控制基本原理 3.4.2 自动控制仪表3● ● ◎ ● ● ● ◎ ● ● ◎● ○ ● ◎ ● ● ● ◎ ●● ●◎ ● ● ○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ● ○ ○● ○ ○◎ ● ● ○ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ● ○ ○◎ ◎ ● ○ ○3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6典型的自动控制系统 集中监视和报警系统 无人机舱的基本涵义及功能要求 船舶计算机网络基础◎ ◎ ◎ ◎◎ ◎ ◎ ◎◎ ◎4 船舶轮机管理业务 4.1 操作规程 4.1.1 备车 4.1.2 巡回检查 4.1.3 完车 4.2 安全管理知识 4.2.1 轮机部操作安全注意事项 4.2.2 船舶防火防爆的措施及守则 4.2.3 机舱应急设备的使用及管理 4.2.4 船员个人安全知识 4.3 油料、物料和备件的管理 4.3.1 燃油的管理 4.3.2 润滑油的管理 4.3.3 物料和备件的管理 4.4 船舶修理和检验 4.4.1 修理的类别 4.4.2 轮机坞修工程 4.4.3 试验与试航 4.4.4 船舶检验的类别与作用 4.4.5 轮机设备检验证书 4.5 防污染管理及PSC检查 4.5.1 海洋环境保护知识 4.5.2 《油类记录簿》与IOPP证书的管理4● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ●● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ○ ○ ● ○● ○○ ●○ ●4.5.3 PSC检查中的明显理由与更详细检查 4.5.4 PSC检查报告和缺陷的纠正 4.6 机舱资源管理的基本知识 5 国际公约、规则 5.1 STCW公约 5.1.1 轮机值班的基本原则 5.1.2 轮机员的基本职责和道德 5.1.3 驾机联系制度 5.2 MARPOL公约 5.2.1 MARPOL公约中有关污染物的排放规则 5.2.2 有关国家、港口的防污染规则 5.3 SOLAS公约 5.3.1 SOLAS公约的基本精神和基本原则 5.3.2 SOLAS公约的主要内容 5.3.3 SIM规则 5.3.4 ISPS规则简介 5.4 ILO公约及其他公约和规则 5.4.1 ILO公约 5.4.2 其他最新公约和规则 6 轮机业务书写 6.1 轮机日志与油类记录簿 6.1.1 填入轮机日志的主要内容 6.1.2 正确书写轮机日志 6.1.3 正确填写油类记录簿 6.2 修理单 6.2.1 修理单的种类 6.2.2 正确书写修理单5● ● ○● ● ○● ● ○◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎◎ ◎ ◎ ● ● ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎◎ ◎ ◎ ● ●◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎○ ● ● ○ ●○ ● ● ○ ●○ ● ● ○ ●6.3 备件、物料订购单 6.3.1 一般格式 6.3.2 正确书写订购单 6.4 事故报告 6.4.1 事故报告应包涵的内容 6.4.2 正确书写事故报告 6.5 工作报告、信函、传真及电子邮件 6.5.1 航次报告 6.5.2 保修和索赔报告 6.5.3 信函、传真及电子邮件 6.6 正确书写轮机关键设备的操作规程○ ● ○ ● ● ● ● ●○ ● ○ ●○ ●● ● ●●注:● 熟练◎掌握○了解6。
丁类(大管轮)辅机题库丁类轮机员适任证书考试船舶辅机题库第一章船用泵第一节泵的分类和性能参数A 001、下列泵中属于叶轮式泵的是________。
A、离心泵B、齿轮泵C、往复泵B 002、下列属于回转式容积式泵的是________。
A、离心泵B、齿轮泵C、往复泵B 003、泵铭牌上标注的流量是指________流量。
A、实际排送的B、额定工况的C、可能达到的最大C 004、泵铭牌上标注的流量通常是指________。
A、单位时间内排进液体的重量B、单位时间内排送液体的质量C、单位时间内排进液体的体积C 005、压头是指泵传给受单位重力(每牛顿)作用的液体的能量,其单位是________。
A、牛顿B、帕C、米C 006、泵的轴功率是指________。
A、原动机的额定输出功率B、泵传给液体的功率C、泵轴所接受的功率C 007、泵的有效功率是指________。
A、原动机的额定输出功率B、泵传给液体的功率C、泵排出的液体实际所得到的功率C 008、泵的总效率是指________。
A、实际流量与理论流量之比B、实际扬程与理论扬程之比C、有效功率与轴功率之比C 009、允许吸上真空度是反映泵的________。
A、形成吸口真空的能力B、排液高度的能力C、抗汽蚀能力C 010、泵铭牌上一般标注________效率。
A、容积B、水力C、总C 011、从往复泵铭牌上可知道的性能参数是________。
A、输入轴的转速B、额定扬程C、允许吸上真空高度A 012、泵的容积效率是指________。
A、实际流量与理论流量之比B、实际扬程与理论扬程之比C、有效功率与轴功率之比第二节往复泵C 013、往复泵的作用数一般是指活塞在________的排水次数。
A、每秒钟内B、每分钟内C、曲轴每转C 014、往复泵阀箱被吸入阀和排出阀分隔为三层,中层通________。
A、吸入管B、排出管C、泵缸B 015、影响往复泵理论流量的因素有________。
大管轮题库 辅机
(191077:第01章流体力学:1)A.易流动B.可压缩C.A和 BD.不可压缩2、流体与固体的最大区别是流体______。
(191081:第01章流体力学:5)A.重度B.重量C.粘滞性D.膨胀性6、如图 (191082:第01章流体力学:6)ABCD7、如图 (191083:第01章流体力学:7)ABCD8、标准大气压下,4℃的蒸馏水的密度为_____ kg/m3(符号如图)。
大管轮轮机基础 辅机部分 题库
a、与外部世界的物质交换b.与外部世界的热交换C.与外部世界的物质交换而不进行热交换D.与外部世界的有功功率交换11 _____________;必须与外部世界进行能量交换。
二、气动遥控系统模拟实验(一)1 实验前的准备(开滑油泵、开气瓶、关主起动阀,将控制方式置气动遥控位)2 起动油量检查并设定(调308D阀)3 起动油量保持时间的检查4 临界转速上、下限的检查5 操作结果(模拟起动、加速等过程,从SPEED SIGNAL表上读出以上各参数值)三、气动遥控系统模拟实验(二)1 实验前的准备(开滑油泵、开气瓶、关主起动阀,将控制方式置气动遥控位)2 起动油量检查(手柄置起动位,观察speed signal 表)3 起动油量保持时间的检查并设定(调306A阀)4 临界转速上、下限的检查5 操作结果(模拟起动、加速等过程,从SPEED SIGNAL 表上读出以上各参数值)四、气动遥控系统模拟实验(三)1 实验前的准备(开滑油泵、开气瓶、关主起动阀,将控制方式置气动遥控位)2 起动油量检查(手柄置起动位,观察speed signal 表)3 起动油量保持时间的检查4 临界转速上、下限的检查并设定(调节308A/308B阀)5 操作结果(模拟起动、加速等过程,从SPEED SIGNAL表上读出以上各参数值)五、电动遥控系统真车钟主机起动逻辑模拟实验1 口述:本实验的检查范围(检查整个控制系统:微机系统,阀箱中的阀件,机旁执行机构)2 实验前准备(起动滑油泵、关主起动阀、打开气瓶、合模拟转速开关、无停车和减速故障报警)3 操作步骤(模拟板上ADDRESS窗口选99,用真车钟,假转速模拟三次起动失败)4 操作结果(三次起动失败的指示灯全亮,启动失败报警。
第一章船舶结构与适航性控制 (3)第一节船舶的发展与分类 (3)第二节船舶强度和结构 (6)第三节船舶适航性控制 (17)第四节船舶抗沉性 (26)第五节船舶摇荡性 (30)第六节船舶操纵性第二章船舶防污染管理 (32)第一节.船舶防污染公约和法规 (32)第二节船舶防污染技术与设备 (43)第三节船舶防污染文书 (53)第四节船舶污染事故及处理 (58)第三章船舶安全营运管理 (59)第一节国际海上人命安全公约 (59)第二节国际载重线公约 (70)第三节我国海上交通管理法规 (71)第四节船舶证书与船舶检验 (74)第五节中华人民共和国船舶安全检查规则 (85)第六节.港口国监督(PSC (88)第五章船舶安全操作及应急处理 (96)第一节船舶搁浅、碰撞后的应急安全措施 (96)第二节恶劣海况下轮机部安全管理事项 (98)第三节全船失电时的应急措施 (100)第四节.船舶航行中舵机失灵时的应急措施 (102)第五节弃船时轮机部应急安全措施 (103)第六节轮机部安全操作注意事项 (105)第七节船舶应变部署 (113)第八节机舱应急设备的使用与管理 (120)第九节使用船内通信系统 (123)第六章修船管理 (126)第一节.海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约 (126)第二节 2006海事劳工公约 (128)第三节.国际卫生条例的有关规定 (130)第四节我国劳动法的有关规定 (130)第五节中华人民共和国船员条例的有关规定 (132)第六节.中华人民共和国海船船员适任考试和发证规则的有关规定(133) 第七节.中华人民共和国海船船员值班的有关规定 (134)第八节.我国船员管理的其他规定 (135)第九节.我国轮机部船员职责和行为准则 (140)第七章船舶维修管理 (149)第一节船机故障及船舶维修体系 (149)第二节船机维修过程 (162)第三节船机零件的修复工艺 (170)第四节船机零件的缺陷检验 (188)第六节.修船管理 (190)第八章船舶油料、物料、备件管理 (202)第一节船舶油料种类及特点 (202)第二节燃润油管理 (205)第三节备件管理 (208)第九章机舱资源管理近期真题 (210)参考答案 (235)第一章船舶结构与适航性控制第一节船舶的发展与分类1.目前船舶发展的突出特点是______。
大管轮测试题目大管轮测试题目1. 做大管轮多少资历。
2. 请问您做过船的最大吨位和功率是多少。
3. 请问您都做过那些主机,说明具体的类型。
4. 对于主机或发电机您都做过那些大的工程。
5. 是否有能力领导主持主机或发电机吊缸工作。
6. 是否拆取过主轴承下瓦7. 是否测量过主机正倒车推力块间隙8. 是否拆卸过发电机增压器轴承9. 尾轴管滑油尾封柜为什么没有低位报警。
10. 尾轴管滑油首封柜为什么没有高位报警。
11. 尾轴接地装置的作用是什么12. 是否经历过不吊缸拆过填料函13. 是否经历过发电机换曲轴14. 是否经历过发电机换凸轮轴15. 是否经历过发电机换凸轮16. 是否会调整发电机凸轮轴定时17. 是否能检修主机增压器(自润滑式/ MET/NET系统油润滑式)18. 是否能检修过发电机增压器(VTRBBC系列 / RH 系列)19. 能否检修冰机或空调压缩机20. 是否会加装冷剂 / 加装冷冻机油21. 是否会调整冰机膨胀阀 / 蒸发压力22. 是否冲洗过锅炉压差传送器23. 船上的主机或辅机自动冲洗二级燃润油滤器,如果压差冲洗故障,您怎么办?24. 怎样判断主机气缸油的注油量是否合适?25. 备车时,冲车没有反应怎么办?26. 备车,冲车,试车都正常,但是,第一个车没有来,怎么办?27. 有时候离港时,第一个车会出现铿锵声,是什么原因?28. 港内停车时,各个缸排气温度表的读数不一样,为什么?29. 主机排气阀的研磨如何进行,阀杆从哪个方向开始?30. 主机排气阀的研磨如何进行,阀座从哪个方向开始?31. 主机换下来的油嘴或者用过的油嘴如何存放?32. 航行中,主机负荷表摆动是为什么?33. 主机气缸水压力表摆动是为什么?34. 吊缸时,主机油头取不出来,怎么办?35. 吊缸结束后,液压控制排气阀,如 B&W / UEC,控制空气和润滑油谁先开启,为何?36. B&W 主机拆装排气阀注意事项?37. 你如何制作机舱维修保养计划?38. 尾轴首封柜低位报警,为什么?怎么办?39. 尾轴尾封油柜高位报警,什么原因,怎么办,为何没有低位报警?40. 主机油底壳油位不正常降低是什么原因,怎么办?41. 主机油底壳油位不正常升高是什么原因,怎么办?42. 清洁扫气箱时,是否可以用辅助风机来冷却?为什么?43. 如何测量活塞销?44. 如何测量曲拐销轴径?45. 气缸套磨损后,气缸油注油槽如何变化?46.连杆大端间隙如何测量?47. 连杆小端间隙如何测量?48. 十字头轴承间隙如何测量?49. 主机启动空气系统的安全膜片破损,如何采取紧急措施?50. 如何测量活塞头的烧蚀程度?。
⼀、单项选择题:1. Diesel engines are classified as reciprocating internal combustion engines because they__c__.A. use energy from fuel burned outside their cylindersB. burn fuel in a combustion chamber that moves back and forthC. burn fuel in a chamber where its energy moves a piston back and forthD. use a continuous combustion process to impart rotary motion to the pistons2. Regarding a Diesel engine crankcase, the general arrangement and installation should preclude the possibility of ____a_.A. free entry of air to the crankcaseB. water entering the crankcase while engine wash-downs are being performedC. excessive oil leakage during periods of increased blow-byD. sub-cooling internal components3. One of the factors limiting the amount of load which can be put on a modern marine diesel engine is the ___b_____.A. governor sensitivityB. exhaust temperatureC. fuel injection pressureD. speed of the cam shaft4. Which of the listed factors will indicate the most about the ability of a fuel to ignite in a diesel engine? dA. ViscosityB. Sulfur contentC. Pour pointD. Cetane number5. The primary function of a fuel delivery check valve assembly is to___b_____.A. deliver proper fuel quantity to the injection nozzleB. provide rapid fuel injection cutoffC. control fuel quantity entering the pump bodyD. control fuel pressure delivered to the combustion chamber6. For any piston ring to operate smoothly without scuffing, the ring must be ___b___.A. of a material harder than the cylinder linerB. properly lubricatedC. prevented from compressingD. prevented from rotating during engine operation7. Corrosion inhibitors and/or soluble oils are added to diesel engine cooling systems to___d____.A. maintain low pH in the cooling waterB. reduce the cooling water temperatureC. increase cooling water hardnessD. form a protective film on metal surfaces8. In a two-stroke/cycle diesel engine, the process of scavenging begins as the _b____.A. piston nears and passes TDCB. latter part of the down-strokeC. piston passes BDCD. early part of the down-stroke9. The timing of diesel engine air starting valves is controlled by ____c____.A. the air start valve timing gears and rodsB. a cylinder check valveC. the air distributorD. an air manifold poppet valve10. __c___ supplies pilot air to control the cylinder air start valves.A. An air compressorB. An indicator cockC. An air distributorD. A safety valve11. If _b____ taken at regular intervals, any unequal distribution of load will be easily found out.A. differential of crank-webs isB. indicator diagrams areC. lube oil reading out isD. misalignment of crank-throws is12. Before shutting off the fuel supply to stop a medium or high–speed diesel engine, why is it necessary to allow the engine to idle for a few minutes? aA. To prevent internal damage from local overheatingB. To ensure the fuel nozzles are flushed clean.C. To clear the smoke stack.D. To let the waste heat boiler reduce its rate of steam generation.13. Auxiliary diesel engines can be automatically shut down as a result of ___b____.A. low lube oil temperatureB. low lube oil pressureC. high exhaust temperatureD. high cooling water pressure14. The longer the ignition delay period resulting from improper use of low cetane fuel, the ___d____.A. less fuel will enter the cylinderB. higher the cylinder combustion temperatureC. more complete the fuel combustionD. more rapid the rise in combustion pressure15. A substantial increase in crankcase pressure could be an indication of __c____.A. excessive lube oil pressureB. the proper seating of new ringsC. a worn cylinder linerD. a malfunctioning cylinder relief valve16. Persistent knocking in one cylinder of a diesel engine could be caused by__d___.A. a low load on that cylinderB. sluggish piston ring actionC. excessive piston crown coolingD. excessive clearance of piston pin17. Which of the following problems will occur if the needle valve in a fuel injection nozzle sticks in the open position? aA. Fuel injection timing will changeB. Nozzle operation will be unaffectedC. Fuel will leak into the drain lineD. Fuel will not be delivered18. High cylinder firing pressure, accompanied by low exhaust temperature, can result from _d__.A. improper fuel rack positingB. lengthy exhaust valve durationC. extend operation at light loadD. excessively early injection timing19. The most common contamination of governor hydraulic fluid is _b____.A. moistureB. dirtC. acidD. air20. The main propulsion diesel engine jacket water temperature rises above normal, with the raw water sea suction and the expansion tank water level being normal. Which of the following problems is most likely the cause? aA. Faulty thermostatic bypass valveB. Eroded zinc pencils in the heat exchangerC. Steam formation in the expansion tankD. Excessive leakage from jacket water pump seal21. Once a trunking fire is detected the engine should be slowed down. On no accountshould__b___.A. the crankcase be opened upB. the trunking be opened upC. the engine be slowed downD. the trunking not be opened up22. If the engine does start on air, but combustion does not immediately begin, the cause may be _b__a__.A. failure of the fuel pumpsB. starting air pressure too lowC. stop valve in air line closedD. the turning gear still engaged23. If a diesel engine were running at 20% overload with a smoky exhaust, you should___c__.A. stop the engine immediately to prevent damageB. increase lube oil pressureC. slow the engine allowing it to gradually coolD. decrease the cooling water temperature to the water jacket24. In reducing engine speed to an efficient propeller speed by the use of reduction gears, __c___.A. speed and torque are both reducedB. speed is reduced and torque remains unchangedC. speed is reduced and torque is increasedD. speed is sometimes unchanged while torque is increased25. Oil pressure in the lubrication system is d than the static sea water head to ensure that sea water the stern-tube.A. lower than / can lubricateB. lower than / can coolC. higher than / can enterD. higher than / cannot enter26. The propeller is pushed on to the tubeshaft taper and made tight by _c____.A. a mechanical sealB. keyway and keyC. a nutD. shrinkage27. Cold weather starting of a diesel engine is more difficult than warm weather starting due toc .A. use of low viscosity oil in cold weatherB. increased moisture content of inlet air in cold weatherC. increased drag of pistons and bearings due to increased oil viscosityD. higher compression pressures reached due to smaller clearances existing in the engineduring cold weather28. In the navigation_b___ cause the shafting over load most easily.A. stopping the main engine suddenlyB. changing the main engine running direction suddenlyC. the sailing from the shallow water area to the deep water areaD. the ship?s trim too much29. The bearing of tailshaft sealing equipment which adopts the oil nature circulation is hot, the reason is .bA. the rotate speed fluctuationB. the ventilation tube cloggedC. the main engine accelerate so fastD. stormy waves30. The heat identified by only a change in temperature is known as __a___.A. sensible heatB. latent heatC. total heatD. residual heat31. Excessive oil foaming in the crankcase of a refrigeration compressor is most likely to occur when the compressor .dA. has run continuously for a long periodB. suction pressure is below normalC. oil level is below normalD. starts after a long idle period32. If an expansion valve is adjusted for too low a superheat value b .A. the efficiency of the unit will be increasedB. too much liquid will be passed back to the compressorC. the box temperature will increase causing an expansion of the volume of airD. the refrigeration effect will increase contributing to uncontrolled box temperatures33. A cracked diaphragm in a thermostatic expansion valve will cause the valve to ___d__.A. return to a neutral positionB. flood the evaporatorC. openD. close34. If a refrigeration compressor is short cycling on high head pressure, you should .bA. purge the condenser if the waterside is dirtyB. check for proper water flow through the condenserC. increase the high pressure cutout settingD. reduce the cooling water flow35. A refrigeration system is equipped with a reciprocating compressor and a water cooled condensing unit. If the system is overcharged, the resulting high head pressure will be caused by .b dA. the expansion valve overfeeding the evaporatorB. a leaking compressor suction valveC. an incorrectly adjusted high pressure cutoutD. refrigerant flooding the condenser36. A centrifugal fuel oil purifier should be shut down if ___c_____.A. more sealing water is neededB. the cover clamp needs tighteningC. the purifier has a bad vibration when startedD. water is discharged from the overflow line37. One of the reasons that cause oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning separator is_b__.A. seal water supply be cut offB. make-up water supply be cut offC. oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficientlyD. the flow rate of oily water is too much38. Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following are used to allow the hydraulic energy to be controlled?d bA. hydraulic pumpsB. valvesC. hydraulic cylindersD. hydraulic motors39. In a radial piston pump, reversal and control of fluid flow are accomplished by moving the__d__c_.A. central valveB. radial plungerC. floating ringD. cylinder body40. As the designated rudder angle is being achieved, as a result of the original command input, the steering gear follow-up mechanism is .dA. in motion, providing a null inputB. not in motion, thus providing a null inputC. in motion, providing an input to place the main pump on maximum strokeD. in motion, providing an input to place the main pump at null stroke41. The purging of air from an elector-hydraulic steering gear unit is necessary when d. cA. changing over to hand pump operationB. engaging the trick wheelC. the system has been filled with new oilD. the rudder angle indicator does not match the helm position42. Hydraulic machinery failures are commonly caused by contamination of the hydraulic fluid and __d__c_.A. fluid frictionB. fluid turbulentC. component misalignmentD. pressure surges43. Flexible hose under pressure in a hydraulic system will __c___.A. tend to twist about its long axisB. expand in length and in diameterC. contract in length and expand in diameterD. flex at right angles to the applied pressure44. Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is _a____.A. A.C.B. D.C. C. generatorD. fresh water generator45. The most common type of AC service generator found aboard ship is the stationary __d___.A. electromagnetic field, revolving armature typeB. electromagnetic field, oscillatory armature typeC. armature, oscillatory electromagnet field typeD. armature, rotating electromagnetic field type46. While paralleling two AC generators using synchronizing lamps only, both lamps will go dark when the generators are __d___.A. running at the same speedB. groundedC. of the same polarityD. in phase47. To increase the frequency of an operating AC generator, you should __d___.A. increase the field excitationB. decrease the field excitationC. increase the number of magnetic polesD. increase the speed of the prime mover48. The first requirement for logical troubleshooting of any system is the ability to b .A. collect all available data on a casualtyB. recognize normal operationC. identify the probable cause of a symptomD. isolate the faulty component49. The main generators are connected to_d____.A. distribution boardsB. section boardsC. emergency switch boardsD. main switch boards50. The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to_c____ on most large ships.A. distribution boardsB. section boardsC. emergency switch boardsD. main switch boards51. …Offset? is an inherent characteristic of which of the follow types of control modes? bA. Two positionB. ProportionalC. ResetD. Rate52. A manometer is used to measure __a___.A. pressureB. temperatureC. volumeD. specific gravity53. Under which of the listed conditions can the engine room retake the throttle control from the bridge? aA. Any time it is deemed necessary.B. Only with the master's permission.C. After a 10 minute delay to the input command.D. Only after the throttle has been placed in stop.54. With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched _a____ will control the main engine.A. the bridge officer on watchB. the chief engineerC. the duty engineerD. the duty motorman55. About engine stand by, which of the following is false? d cA. Preparation for stand-by should be organized by engine room department.B. Before engine trails, duty engineer should first get agreement from bridge.C. As to engine trials of the twin diesels and two propellers ship, the two diesels should use“slow ahead” at the same time.D. After engine trials, the handle of the engine telegraph should be put in the “stop” position.56. Bridge orders must be __c___ and a record of any required changes in speed and direction should be kept.A. slowly carried awayB. carried out with a period of delayC. promptly carried outD. paid by the captain57. The fuel booster pump and steam to fuel heater, together with fuel pipe heater tracer line should be shut off as soon as the …_a___? order is acknowledged.A. finished with enginesB. stopC. stand byD. full ahead58. Which of the actions listed and instituted on your part will have the greatest lasting effect on the crew with respect to safety? cA. Posting posters illustrating practicesB. Showing video tapes of actual accidentsC. Incorporating safety practices in daily routineD. Publishing comprehensive safety rules59. Burning diesel oil should be treated as which class of fire? bA. C lass …A?B. Class …B?C. Class …C?D. Class …D?60. Radiation can spread a fire by __d___.A. transmitting the heat of a fire through the ship?s metalB. burning liquids flowing into another spaceC. heated gases flowing through ventilation systemsD. the transfer of heat across an unobstructed space61. Which of the following statements is true concerning carbon dioxide when used as a fire extinguishing agent? dA. Carbon dioxide is corrosive when exposed to fire.B. Carbon dioxide should be applied slowly to a large engine room fire.C. Its total cooling effect is far greater than water.D. Its smothering effect is excellent for class B fires.62. Which of the following actions should be taken by the engineer on watch when the generalalarm is sounded continuously? cA. The engine room ventilation should be started.B. The main engines should be secured.C. The fire pump should be started.D. The fixed CO2 system should be activated.63. When administering artificial respiration to an adult, the breathing cycle should be repeated about . c aA. 12 to 15 times per minuteB. 45 to 60 times per minuteC. 30 to 45 times per minuteD. as fast as possible64. Any carbon built up on surfaces must be washed away by __a___ additives and held in suspension by a __b___ additive.A. dispersant / detergentB. detergent / dispersantC. dispersant / dispersantD. detergent / detergent65. The reason that the cooling water of the diesel engine should be treated is that _c___.A. cooling water is alkalescenceB. cooling water is acidityC. cooling water contains salinityD. cooling water contains impurity66. After receiving the stores, you should sign on the _b___.A. engine logbookB. delivery docketC. store listD. maintenance book67. The c tool is used in precision work to smooth or enlarge a slightly undersizedhole.A. round outB. round fileC. reamerD. hole driller68. When a vessel is in dry-dock, the vessel?s engineers should __a___.A. examine the condition of the propellerB. chip and paint all hull protection zincsC. install new docking plugs in all cofferdamsD. inspect the hull for hogging or sagging69. During the M.E. mooring trial, the starting trial is carried under __a__.A. cold conditionB. stillness conditionC. certain a ir pressureD. the adminstrator?s supervision70. The additional mark ___b____ in the Classification Certificate for Machinery represents that personnel are watching at engine assembly control station and monitoring all machinery and electronic devices.A. BRCB. MCCC. AUT-0D. AUT-171. Each completed page of the Oil Record Book must be signed by the __d___.A. engineer on watchB. Chief EngineerC. Chief MateD. Master72. The Port Authorities, in accordance with the IMO resolutions have been carrying out __c___ to enhance safety of ships.A. CPPB. FPPC. PSCD. FSC73. The fire drill must, as far as practicable, be conducted if __c_d___.A. there is a minor emergencyB. there is an actual emergencyC. there were a minor emergencyD. there were an actual emergency74. When deciding the composition of the engineering watch, which may include appropriately, many factors shall be taken into account. D bA. satisfied engineersB. qualified ratingsC. satisfied chief engineerD. qualified chief engineer75. In the event of minor emergencies when the machinery spaces unattended __b__ will be informed of malfunction in the machinery by his cabin monitor.A. the chief engineerB. the engineer on cabin watchC. the bridge officer on watchD. the master76. When the order given by bridge may have bad results, the duty engineer should a .A. inform the captain for a further considerationB. inform the captain, and not perform itC. stop the M/E immediately, and then inform the chief engineerD. stop the M/E immediately, and then inform the captain77. The Pollution Prevention Regulations require that all oil spills in United States water be reported immediately to the____a_c____.A. local port authorityB. Corps of EngineersC. U.S. Coast GuardD. state pollution board78. A vessel sailing through the specific special areas may discharge or dispose of __c___.A. incinerated ash at anytimeB. fairly dense material that will sink, i.e. metal cans or glass bottles at anytimeC. victual waste when at least 12 nautical miles from shoreD. absolutely no garbage at anytime79. According to the ship emergency plan, when average accident happened and the captain made the decision to withdraw from the engine room, before leaving the engine room, the wrong operation is that _a___.A. the chief engineer leaves the engineer room with the engine room log book at firstB. releasing compressed air in the air receiver and closing the watertight doorC. stopping all the running machineries and electric devicesD. closing the quick-closing valves of all oil tanks80. The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the __d_c__ of equipment or systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations.A. visibilityB. abilityC. reliabilityD. capability81. __c_a___ means the level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be maintained at all times.A. Security level 1B. Security level 2C. Security level 3D. Lowest safety level82. The installation and provision of fire fighting equipment is mainly subject to a d.A. ISM CodeB. ISPS CodeC. IBC CodeD. FSS Code⼆、关联题(关联题题⼲下有4个⼩题,每⼩题4个选项)第⼀组:When a nominated surveyor or recognized organization determines that the condition of the ship or its equipment does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the Certificate (IOPP) or is such that the ship is not fit to proceed to sea without presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment, such surveyor or organization shall immediately ensure that corrective action is taken and shall in due course notify the Administration. If such corrective action is not taken, the Certificate shall be withdrawn and the Administration shall be notified immediately; and if the ship is in a port of another Party, the appropriate authorities of the portState shall also be notified immediately. When an officer of the Administration, a nominated surveyor or a recognized organization has notified the appropriate authorities of the port State, the Government of the port State concerned shall give such officer, surveyor or organization any necessary assistance to carry out their obligations under this regulation. When applicable, the Government of the port State concerned shall take such steps as will ensure that the ship shall not sail until it can proceed to sea or leave the port for the purpose of proceeding to the nearest appropriate repair yard available without presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.Whenever an accident occurs to a ship or a defect is discovered which substantially affects the integrity of the ship or the efficiency or completeness of its equipment covered by this Annex the master or owner of the ship shall report at the earliest opportunity to the Administration, the recognized organization or the nominated surveyor responsible for issuing the relevant Certificate, who shall cause investigations to be initiated to determine whether a survey as required by paragraph 1 of this regulation is necessary. If the ship is in a port of another Party, the master or owner shall also report immediately to the appropriate authorities of the port State and the nominated surveyor or recognized organization shall ascertain that such report has been made. 83. When a ship is found not fit to proceed to sea by a nominated surveyor, then corrective action should be taken and be informed immediately. (1)the master (2)the authorities of port State (3)the AdministrationA. (1)B. (2)C. (3)D. (1)(2)(3)84. When a ship were found its equipment does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the Certificate by a nominated surveyor and corrective actions unable to be taken, then .A. the Certificate would be withdrawn.B. the ship owner would be fined.C. the shipping company must be notified immediately.D. the ship must proceed to the nearest appropriate repair yard for a repair without delay.85. When a ship were found its equipment does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the Certificate in another Party and corrective actions unable to be taken, then all the following should be taken except .A. the Certificate would be withdrawn.B. the Administration should be notified immediately.C. the appropriate authorities of the port should be notified immediately.D. the ship should proceed to the nearest appropriate repair yard without delay.86. In the Second paragraph, the underline word "Who", in such a context, stands for_____.A. the master or owner of the shipB. the AdministrationC. the Administration, the recognized organization or the nominated surveyor responsible forissuing the relevant CertificateD. the appropriate authorities of the port State第⼆组Under normal operation, some lubrication oil mist may be discharged from the aircompressor to the air start system. This oil may be from excess compressor cylinder lubrication, from faulty oil scraper rings, or may even be suspended oil vapor contaminating the engine room atmosphere and drawn in at the compressor suction. Oil discharge is kept to a minimum by draining the after cooler, air receiver and starting system. If small quantities of lubrication oil do get passed into the starting air system, they will deposit as thin moist film over internal pipe surfaces but are not readily combustible. If a cylinder non-return valve leak while the engine is in operation, some hot gas, possibly with unburned fuel and cylinder lubrication oil, may be blown through the valve to the adjacent air manifold. With further heating from the leaky valve, this, together with the already deposited oil film, will carbonize and form incandescent carbon. If starting air is applied to the system while still hot, the high pressure air coming into contact with the burning carbon may cause an explosion. Such an explosion will cause a flame to pass back through the air start pipe system, evaporating the deposited oil film and igniting it in the presence of air. Very high velocities and shockwaves are generated which may rupture pipes and fittings. Alternatively, if excessive oil has entered the air start system, a mixture of air and oil droplets may be discharged through the open cylinder non-return valve during starting. This spray may ignite due to high temperatures in the cylinder, causing a flame through the still open valve to the air manifold.To prevent an explosion, air start valves must be correctly maintained and lubricated to ensure correct timing and free movement with positive closing. Oil in the system must be kept to a minimum, pipe lines must be drained and cleaned internally when necessary and oil discharge from air compressors must be kept to a minimum by good maintenance.87. The passage is mainly about .A. crankcase explosionB. scavenge box fireC. starting air pipeD. the danger of explosion in the starting air system88. According to this passage, if the cylinder non-return valve were not leaky, .A. an explosion would not be causedB. there still would be a danger of explosionC. oil would not deposit in the air pipeD. pipe lines would not have to be drained89. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this passage?A. There may be oil vapor in the engine roomB. Pipes and fittings may be damaged if explosion takes placeC. The cooler should be drainedD. Bursting caps must be fitted90. The word "spray" (underlined in the third paragraph) means .A. oil mistB. hot gasC. injectionD. fuel oil第三组:The sewage treatment system must be capable of discharging an effluent that comes within thelimits of the tests. Sewage can be treated biologically so that it may be discharged with minimal damage to ecosystem. Biological treatment involves the use of living organisms to treat the sewage within the sewage treatment plant so the liquids and sludge discharged are within the standards specified.Biological treatment plants are usually built up as a module and consist of various sections.Waste matter collected from the ships sanitary appliances is led through a sanitary piping system to the treatment module. The solid matter is broken up by passing it through a screen or a series of revolving cutters. The broken up solid material, together with the waste liquid, passes into a tank containing bacteria which require oxygen and a nutrient to propagate. The nutrient is contained in the solid waste material, and oxygen is supplied by bubbling compressed air through the broken up waste. The propagated bacteria change the waste material into a sludge by aerobic digestion. The sludge is finally treated to kill the coliform bacteria before it is passed overboard.When a biological sewage plant is started up, such as when activating a new ship or after cleaning out the tank, a pellet containing bacteria is introduced into the tank. It takes approximately one week for the bacteria to propagate and make the system fully effective. The choice of sanitary appliance cleaners requires extreme care, as many cleaners are toxic to the active bacteria. Once a biological sewage plant is made active it should not be shut down. If it is it will have to be reactivated again because the bacteria will die without a supply of nutrients and oxygen.Bacteria that require oxygen for their survival are referred to as aerobic. Aerobic bacteria are normally used in ships' sewage treatment equipment. Other forms of bacteria that do not require oxygen are referred to as anaerobic. Anaerobic bacteria are used in shore based sewage treatment works where methane is obtained as a by-product for use as fuel.91. This passage is mainly about .A. sewage treatment methodsB. the various sections of a sewage treatment plantsC. biological sewage treatment systemD. how the sewage treatment plants are started up92. Biological treatment may use __ to treat sewage.(1)living organisms (2)chemicals (3)additivesA. (1)B. (2)C. (3)D. (1)(2)(3)93. Sanitary waste matter will .(1)pass through a screen or cutters (2)come into contactwith the bacteria in a tank (3)be discharged, normally without bacteriaA. (1)。
A.铰链式B.铰链式或滑动式C.滑动式D.无需设水密门2.根据《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》的有关精神和规定,船舶在港区水域进行_____ 等作业,须事先按规定报经有关部门批准或核准。
A.安全阀设定压力过高 B.安全阀设定压力过低 C.吸入滤器堵塞 D.排出管路脏堵 C2 ______时船用燃油自动锅炉一般会自动停止喷油。
A.水位过高B.突然熄火C.风压过高D.油压过高 B3 ______不是锅炉发生喘振(炉吼)的原因。
A. 供油压力波动B. 风压不足或风压波动C. 风量太大D. 滞燃严重C4 ______是影响离心泵效率的主要因素。
A.摩擦损失B.机械损失C.容积损失D.水力损失 D5 _____不会造成锅炉炉膛燃气爆炸。
A.预扫风时间太短B.供风量太大C.回油式喷油器回油阀失严D.压力式喷油嘴喷油阀关不严B6 _____不是国际单位制的基本单位。
A.千瓦(kW)B.开尔文(K)C.安培(A)D.千克(kg) A7 _____不是螺杆泵工作噪声过大的原因。
A.吸油温度低B.吸入管漏气C.吸入管滤器堵塞D.转速降低D8 _____不是使喷射泵工作能力降低的原因。
A.工作水温太高B.喷嘴口径过度磨损C.喷嘴和混合室不同心D.工作水温太低D9 _____不是使往复泵实际流量小于理论流量的原因。
A.部分液体排入排出空气室B.泵阀关不严C.液体中气体逸出D.泵阀关闭滞后 A10 _____的液压泵的作用是为液压系统提供足够流量和足够压力的液压油去驱动_____。
A.绞缆机/液压缸B.十字头式液压舵机/液压马达C.舷梯升降机/液压缸D.锚机/液压马达 D11 _____的液压泵的作用是为液压系统提供足够流量和足够压力的液压油去驱动_____。
A.液压千斤顶/液压马达B.舱口盖开舱机/液压缸C.锚机/液压缸D.十字头式液压舵机/液压马达 B12 _____风不旋转的锅炉配风器称为直流式配风器。
A.一次B.二次C.三次D.四次 B13 _____工况离心泵理论上会产生不平衡液压径向力。
A.导轮泵在非设计B.导轮泵在设计C.涡壳泵在非设计D.涡壳泵在设计 C14 _____仅为需要满足零件的机械性能、结构形状和工艺要求等方面的尺寸。
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编号:C3/JW-1202-002 泉州泰山航海职业学院大管轮试卷2一、选择题:(将最合适的答案的序号写在答题卡上,每题1分,共150分)01. 作为工质应具有良好的______和______。
A. 流动性/多变性B. 膨胀性/多变性C. 膨胀性/分离性D. 膨胀性/流动性02. 如闭口系统处于热力学平衡状态,则内部工质的:A. 压力到处均匀一致B. 温度到处均匀一致C. 压力和温度到处都均匀一致D. 比容到处均匀一致03. 焓是状态参数,指工质的______之总和 A、压力+比容B、内能+比容C、内能+流动能D、内能+压力04. 在热力学中通常采用的温标是_____。
A. 摄氏温标B. 华低温标C. 绝对温标D. 任意温标05. 下列关于准静态过程与可逆进程的关系论述正确的是哪一项?A.准静态过程一定是可逆过程B. 可逆过程必定是准静态过程C. 准静态过程是一个外部平衡过程D. 可逆过程只是内部平衡过程06. 在p-v图上,一个比容减少的理想气体可逆过程线表示该过程是一个______过程。
A. 吸热B. 放热C. 对外做功D. 消耗外界功07. 在p-v图上的任意一个______,其膨胀功小于压缩功。
A.正循环B.逆循环 C.循环 D.无法确定08. 在柴油机理想循环中,工质压缩前的温度为T2 ,最高燃烧温度为T1 ,其热效率ηt1 与在相同温限T1 、T2 之间工作的卡诺循环的热效率ηt2 相比,有______。
A. ηt1 >ηt2B. ηt1 =ηt2C. ηt1 <ηt2D. 无法比较09. 同一种气态物质,其容积随_____而增加,分子间的内聚力也随之相应地进一步减小。
A. 温度和压力的降低B. 温度和压力的升高C. 温度的降低和压力的升高D. 温度的升高和压力的降低10. 一定质量的理想气体在等压作用下,温度从127℃上升到227℃,其比容等于原来的:A. 4/5B. 5/4C. 127/227D. 227/12711. 理想气体过程方程为PV n =常数,当n=±∞时,其热力过程是:A.等容过程B.等压过程C.等温过程D.绝热过程12 理想气体的定温过程线在p-v图上为一条______,在T-s图上为一条______。
A. 高次双曲线/指数曲线B. 水平直线/指数曲线C. 指数曲线/高次双曲线D. 等轴双曲线/水平直线13. 一定质量的空气在_____过程中,温度是降低的。
A、定温B、定容加热C、定压膨胀D、定压放热14. 水在密闭容器中定压加热汽化时,当最后一滴水也变成蒸汽时,这时容器内的蒸汽称为:A. 饱和蒸汽B. 未饱和蒸汽C. 过热蒸汽D. 过饱和蒸汽15. 不存在200℃的水,只存在200℃的水蒸汽,此说法______。
A.正确B.错误 C.有一定道理 D.无法确定16. 哪一组状态参数不可能唯一确定湿蒸汽的状态?A. 温度、压力B. 温度、比焓C. 温度、干度D. 干度、压力17. 在压力为0.5Mpa时,饱和水的比容为0.0010928 m3/kg,饱和水蒸汽的比容为0.37481 m3/kg。
若锅炉产生的压力为0.5Mpa的水蒸汽的比容为0.38 m3/kg,则处于______状态。
A. 饱和水B. 湿蒸汽C. 饱和蒸汽D. 过热蒸汽18. 在水蒸汽的T-s图中,过冷水区和固体状态区分界线是:A. 零度水线B. 饱和水线C. 饱和蒸汽线D. 等温线19. 扩压管的作用是获得_______气流,同时速度_______A.高压、下降B.高压、上升C.低压、下降D.低压、上升20. 气体的流速为亚音速,为使气体的流速继续提高可用:A. 扩张形扩压管B. 收缩形喷管C. 扩张形喷管D. 缩放形扩压管21. 气体在管中流动,当其流速小于当地音速时,应采用_____扩压管A.缩放形B.放缩形C.收缩形D.扩张形22. 湿蒸汽经绝热节流后,压力______,比焓______,比熵______。
A. 减小/不变/增加B. 不变/增加/减小C. 增加/减小/不变D. 不变/减小/增加23. 活塞式压缩机______压缩时消耗功最小,______压缩时消耗功最大。
A. 定温/绝热B. 绝热/定温C. 多变/定温D. 多变/绝热24. 对于单级活塞式空气压缩机,当余隙比______时,其容积效率将提高。
A. 增大B. 降低C. 不变D. 不定25. 对于单级活塞式压缩机,当______提高时,其容积效率也高。
A. 余隙比B. 增压比C. 初压D. 终压26. 叶轮式压气机按其出口压强的高低分为______、______和压缩机。
A. 轴流机/径流机B. 径流机/鼓风机C. 通风机/鼓风机D. 通风机/风扇27. 柴油机的理想循环中放热过程为_______过程。
A. 定温放热B. 定压放热C. 多变放热D. 定容放热28. ______压缩比或_____ 定压加热量,都不能提高内燃机混合加热理想循环的热效率。
A. 提高/提高B. 降低/提高C. 提高/降低D. 降低/降低29. 汽油机的压缩比通常应______柴油机的压缩比。
A. 大于B. 小于C. 等于D. 不小于30. 有下列说法,不正确的有:A. 汽油机的压缩比通常应小于柴油机的压缩比B. 内燃机循环的平均压力与汽缸的直径、冲程有关C. 单一热源热机是造不成的,这是由热力学第二定律得出的结论D. 内燃机混合加热循环的热效率随着压缩比的提高而提高31. 废气涡轮机的理想循环由两个______过程和两个______过程组成。
A. 定温/绝热B. 定压/绝热C. 多变/定压D. 定容/绝热32. 影响蒸气压缩制冷理想循环制冷系数的最主要因素是:A. 膨胀阀B. 节流C. 背压阀D. 过冷度33. 高温燃气与锅炉胆壁的换热,包含有哪种热传递基本方式?A. 热传导B. 热对流C. 热辐射D. A+B+C34 固体与液体相比较,一般情况下_____。
A、固体的导热系数较大B、液体的导热系数较大C、二者的导热系数一样大D、二者的导热系数无法比较35. 热绝缘材料吸水后,导热系数将______。
A. 大大增加B. 稍微增加C. 减小D. 不变36. 下列四个中______的对流换热系数最大。
A. 水的自然对流B. 水的受迫对流C. 空气的自然对流D. 空气的受迫对流37. 以下哪个射线不属于热射线?A. 紫外线B. 可见光C. 红外线D. X射线(g射线)38. 壳管式热交换器的盖板中设一隔板,用以提高流体的______。
A. 速度B. 压力C. 换热面积D. 热阻39. 对于圆筒壁包扎热绝缘材料,所谓临界热绝缘直径是指热绝缘层厚度发生变化时,_____时的热绝缘层的外径。
A、热流密度最大B、热流密度最小C、热流密度不变D、热流密度为零40. 作用在流体上的力可分类为质量力和_____。
A、惯性力B、粘性力C、表面力D、体积力41. 随着温度的升高,液体的动力粘度_______,气体的动力粘度_______。
A.增大/减小 B.增大/增大 C.减小/减小 D.减小/增大42 表面张力表明了液体表面层中分子间为:A. 只有引力作用B. 只有斥力作用C. 引力大于斥力D. 斥力大于引力43. 溶入油液中的气体对油液的体积弹性模量和粘性______,混入油液中的气体对油液的体积弹性模量和粘性______。
A. 影响极大/影响极大B. 影响极大/影响极小C. 影响极小/影响极大D. 影响极小/影响极小44. 通常用以测量气压的U形管是:A. 一端封闭,一端开口B. 两端都开口C. 两端都封闭D. 内部工质是水45. 稳定流动是指运动流体内任意一点的速度与______无关,压力与______无关。
A. 时间/时间B. 时间/空间坐标C. 流态/流道长度D. 流态/流态46. 全液流连续方程式表明,在稳定流动中,在流道的每个截面上的______是相等的。
A. 压力B. 内能C. 流速D. 质量流量47. 不可压缩流体沿管道流动,当体积流量一定时,截面上速度的大小与______有关。
A. 流体的密度B. 流体的粘度C. 管截面的大小D. 管壁的粗糙程度48. 以下说法哪个是错误的?A. 流线既不能转折,也不可以相交B. 流线是瞬时的概念,流管也是瞬时的概念C. 非定常流动中,流线形状在变,流线和迹线不一定重合D. 定常流动时,流管可以看成真实的管子,但真实的管子也可以看成流管49. 流体在圆管内流动,其雷诺数与_____成反比。
A、管内平均流速B、圆管内径C、流体的密度D、流体的运动粘度50. 在实际管路中产生流体水头损失的根本原因是流体的:A. 粘度B. 密度C. 速度D. 状态51压缩制冷循环中增加膨胀阀前制冷剂过冷度不会___B____。
(答案有误)A.增加制冷量 B.减小压缩机轴功率 C.提高制冷系数 D.减少膨胀阀后制冷剂干度52其他条件相同时,冷凝压力越低,则制冷装置______B___。
A.制冷量越大B.压缩机轴功率越低C.膨胀阀制冷剂干度越大 D.冷凝器出口过冷度越大53会使压缩制冷装置蒸发温度降低的是___D______。
A.冷库新进一批货物 B.清除蒸发器结霜C.增加膨胀阀开度 D.增加压缩机工作缸数54对制冷剂热力性质的错误要求是___A______。
A.冷凝压力越低越好 B.标准沸点比要达到的低温适当低C.气化潜热要较大 D.临界温度要较高55共沸混合物是指____D_____的混合物。
A.各组分的标准沸点相同 B.各组分的密度相近C.各组分的质量分数相等 D.相变过程中液、气相的各组分质量分数不变56关于臭氧发生器的以下说法中错误的是___D______。
A.宜装在冷库高处 B.一般多用于菜库C.人进库前应停止其工作 D.臭氧是无色、无嗅的57当压缩机和其他元件的状况不变时,随着冷凝温度的降低,制冷量___D______。
A.增大 B.不变C.减小 D.先增大,在冷凝温度低到一定程度反而减小58关于制冷装置中的回热器的以下说法中不正确的是_D_____。
A.可使膨胀阀前制冷剂获得较大的过冷度 B.是制冷剂高压液体与低压气体的热交换器C.会提高压缩机的吸气过热度 D.用于一般制冷剂都可以提高制冷系数59 关于冷库冷藏的下列说法中错误的是____A_____。
A.蒸发温度 B.冷凝温度 C.吸气过热度 D.供液过冷度61可能使螺杆式制冷压缩机发生过压缩的是___C______。