LDG_at100(at200)pro -2_中文说明书


ATC1002B 测距测速

ATC1002B 测距测速






利用“Over 100M”模式,在测量超过100M 的目标时,可消除近距离(100M以内)电线、树枝等小目标的影响。


二、测距、测速望远镜的外形外形如图1图1 测距、测速望远镜外形图1 --- 望远镜目镜(镜内显示距离和速度)2 --- 望远镜物镜3 --- 激光发射物镜4 --- 激光接收物镜5 --- 模式按钮(MODE )6 --- 触发按钮(ACTION )7 --- 电池仓712 4365三、测距、测速望远镜的主要技术指标和规格LRM 1000-2000M 备注测距范围20~1200M/2000M 均有1200M、1500M1800M、2000M等多钟规格测速范围0-300KM/H测量激光类型905nm 905纳米一级人眼安全激光望远镜物镜孔径25mm望远镜倍率8X望远镜视场8.13°望远镜出瞳直径 3.1mm视度调节范围± 6工作温度-20~50°C测距时间0.3~4 秒测距误差±1M(Y)±0.2%测速时间小于3秒测速误差±5 km/h三脚架接口1/4″×20使用电池6F22-9V方块电池电池欠压指示产品净重/毛重472g/703g外形尺寸121×127×58mm四、测距、测速望远镜镜内LCD显示图符说明图2 镜内LCD显示图符(从上左至下右分别是图符1~图符6)1、图符1~图符3为测距和测速的模式选择界面,分别是:a.图符1表示大于100m的测距模式,主要用于测量远距离目标。
























4.2 GPRS 功能..................................................................................................................................4 4.2 短消息操作...............................................................................................................................7 四、指示灯状态定义..............................................................................................................................7 五、主机安装.........................................................................................................................................8 5.1 主机示意图...................................................................................................................................8 5.2 安装前的检查准备工作.................................................................................................................9 5.3 主机安装.......................................................................................................................................9 5.3.1 SIM 卡安装说明......................................................................................................................9 5.3.2 综合接口安装说明..................................................................................................................9 5.3.3 GPS/GSM 天线的安装 ...........................................................................................................11 5.3.4 终端设置 ..............................................................................................................................11 5.3.5 中心资料录入.......................................................................................................................12 六、安装完成相关检测........................................................................................................................ 12 七、常见故障....................................................................................................................................... 13 八、产品保修卡................................................................................................................................... 14

LinkRunner AT 1000 2000网络自动测试仪用户手册说明书

LinkRunner AT 1000 2000网络自动测试仪用户手册说明书

2020 年 01 月發佈Copyright © 2012 NetAlly所有產品名稱皆為其各自公司之商標。

LinkRunner ™AT 1000/2000網路自動測試儀使用手冊法律通知使用本產品須遵守/terms-and-conditions提供的最終用戶許可協議,或者在發貨時隨產品一起提供,或者,如果適用,由NetAlly執行的法律協議(如果適用)和本產品的購買者。




目錄標題頁次I.簡介 (1)Link-Live 雲端服務 (1)LinkRunner Manager (1)關於本手冊 (1)NetAlly 網站 (2)註冊您的產品 (2)聯絡 NetAlly (2)安全資訊 (2)清理測試儀 (3)套件內容 (3)II.實體特點 (4)電池充電與使用時間 (5)維護 (7)配件 (7)III.首頁畫面 (8)IV.LinkRunner AT 能解答的 常見問題 (9)V.Link-Live 雲端服務 (11)VI.設定測試儀 (12)IP 設定 (12)VLAN/MAC/Proxy 設定 (13)自動測試設定 (14)PoE 設定 (14)連接設定 (15)一般設定 (15)反射器設定 (僅限 2000 型號) (16)VII.其他 LinkRunner 工具 (17)LinkRunner 資訊 (17)管理檔案 (17)恢復原廠預設值 (18)更新韌體 (19)將已儲存的設定檔輸入/輸出 LinkRunner Manager (20)設定語言 (20)VIII.使用自動測試、交換器和纜線測試 (21)使用自動測試 (21)使用距離最近交換器測試 (22)使用纜線測試 (22)IX.使用 PoE 功能 (23)X.使用反射器功能 (僅限 2000 型號) (27)XI.使用光纖連線 (僅限 2000 型號) (27)XII.儲存報告 (28)XIII.規格 (29)環境規格 (29)一般規格 (30)LinkRunner Manager 軟體 (31)圖表列表圖頁次1.LinkRunner AT 的實體特點 (4)2.如何取出/更換電池 (6)3.首頁畫面 (8)4.工具功能表 (12)5.IP 設定畫面 (12)6.VLAN/MAC/Proxy 設定畫面 (13)7.自動測試設定畫面 (14)8.PoE 設定畫面 (14)9.連接設定畫面 (15)10.一般設定畫面 (15)11.反射器設定值畫面 (16)12.反射器預設設定畫面 (16)13.連接光纖配接器時的 LinkRunner 資訊畫面 (17)14.自動測試設定畫面 (21)15.自動測試結果畫面 (21)16.展開測試結果 (21)17.距離最近交換器結果 (22)18.纜線測試結果 (22)19.LR-AT 1000 型號的 PoE 設定 (23)20.LR-AT 2000 型號的 PoE 設定 (23)21.自動測試結果 - 無 TruePower 的 PoE (24)22.交換器 - 無 TruePower 的 PoE (24)23.自動測試結果 - 有 TruePower 的 PoE (25)24.交換器 - 有 TruePower 的 PoE (25)25.自動測試結果 - 有 TruePower 的 PoE 並測得載流 (26)26.反射器模式畫面 (27)27.光纖連線的交換器結果 (27)LinkRunner AT 1000/2000網路自動測試儀I.簡介LinkRunner AT 1000/2000 網路自動測試儀可快速驗證乙太網路銅纜和光纖 (僅限 2000 型號) 纜線,以及網路連線能力和可用性。

石家庄陆杰电子科技有限公司 Wi-Fi通信模块使用说明说明书

石家庄陆杰电子科技有限公司 Wi-Fi通信模块使用说明说明书













二零二二年六月目录一、基本说明 (4)二、硬件设备说明 (4)三、连接方式说明 (5)四、配置软件说明 (5)五、操作说明 (6)六、微信小程序使用说明 (7)七、故障排除 (10)一、基本说明Wi-Fi通信模块(Wi-Fi-UART)(以下简称模块)具备USB转232、转485、转422、串口转Wi-Fi的功能,适用PLC、HMI等串口设备的读写监控,数据传输功能。



Pro-Watch 完整集成安全套件 - 专业盾墙说明书

Pro-Watch 完整集成安全套件 - 专业盾墙说明书

MASTER YOUR ENVIRONMENTIntegrated Security SuitePRO-WATCH®TABLE OF CONTENTSPro-Watch Integrated Security Suite 2Pro-Watch Mobile App 4Pro-Watch Intelligent Command 5Pro-Watch Video Management System 6Pro-Watch Access Rights Management 8Pro-Watch Identity Management Assurance 9Pro-Watch Visitor Management 10As the chosen security system used by FortunePro-Watch offers users complete confidence that people and assets are secure. Pro-Watch Integrated Security Suite continues to offer this reassurance by bringing together a range of robust, fully integrated modules. These modules include access and intrusion management, and video surveillance, offering a complete Pro-Watch security ecosystem which will meet all the security needs of the business.PRO-WATCH ®INTEGRATEDMEETING BUSINESS NEEDSPro-Watch Integrated Security Suite offers all around protection through a range of integrations and functionality.SCALABILITYOur suite is easily scalable, so it is suitable for enterprises of any type or size, and it grows and adapts to users changing needs.MANAGEMENT OF MULTIPLE SITESMany organizations have a large number ofgeographically dispersed sites. With Pro-Watch,the security solutions for all of sites can be monitored from a single location. It will also handle growth through acquisitions and new estates that already have configured security solutions in place.COMPLIANCEThe Integrated Security Suite ensures compliance with industry regulations and can significantly reduce the risk and costs of non-compliance. Pro-Watch also enhances data privacy by utilizing Selective Masking in turn avoiding fines.CYBER SECURITYOur systems benefit from UL 2900-1 cybercertification. Further protection is provided by the integration of the different Pro-Watch modules and event management.EFFICIENCYHoneywell’s Pro-Watch Integrated Security Suite enhances the efficiency of badging and reporting and also supports the issuing of mobile credentials. Other benefits include reductions in the cost of facility management and fewer disruptions to your business.Pro-Watch Integrated Security Suite enables an enterprise to benefit from the seamless integration of all of its security solutions, giving complete visibility of all the connected systems, in turn mitigating business risks.It's designed to protect people and property, optimize productivity, and ensure compliance with industry regulations. And it saves time and money by providing actionable intelligence and reducing operational costs.manage credentials remotely.MEETING BUSINESS NEEDSThe Pro-Watch Mobile app gives morefreedom and flexibility.ALARM AND DOOR MANAGEMENT Operators can use the app to access the system’s information and manage alarms at any time.It can also be used to lock, unlock andre-enable doors remotely.ACCESS MANAGEMENTThe app has configurable filtersthat enable users to view anyunused or expiring cards or tosearch for a specific badge holderor access card. Users can changeaccess permissions for badgeholders or cards; extend or changethe validity of access cards; and scanbadge holder barcodes to verify theuser’s access details.The platform’s map userinterface has interactiveelements that enable usersto manage and monitor allintegrated video, access control,and intrusion solutions acrossall sites from a single interface.This interface providesactionable intelligence thatfacilitates rapid decision makingto enhance the protection ofpeople and property. PRO-WATCH®MEETING BUSINESS NEEDSSITUATIONAL AWARENESSVALUABLE REPORTSSIMPLIFIED DEVICEMAINTENANCE VERSATILE TOOLSPro-Watch Intelligent Command includes new and enhanced video analytics and management tools, providing high-quality evidence of compliance with regulations. INTEGRATION WITH OTHERSYSTEMSPro-Watch Intelligent Command can integrate with third party systems to reduce your costs and increase your operational efficiency.5SYSTEMMEETING BUSINESS NEEDSPro-Watch VMS supports emerging technologies in the industry, like 4K resolution, H.265 smart videocompression codec, multi-imager and fisheye cameras. Businesses can fully utilize the advantages of superb video quality with 4 times the details over 1080p HD, 30%~50% less storage expense, and seamless 180° and 360° surrounding surveillance.Pro-Watch VMS (video management system) controls multiple sources of video subsystems to collect, manage and present video in a clear and concise manner. It also intelligently determines the capabilities of each subsystem across various sites, allowing video management of digital video devices through a unified configurationand viewer.NATIVE INTEGRATION WITH HONEYWELL CAMERASIntegration with 60 Series and equIP cameras and advanced camera features, like “Click & Drag” 3D PTZ control, license plate recognition, intelligence events and bounding boxes on objects detected by specific video analytics, help surveillance operators to efficiently protect people, property and services.FAILOVER FEATURE FOR ENHANCED COMPLIANCEPro-Watch has database redundant and 1+1/N+M NVR failover features for unforeseen/maintenance scenarios in enterprise and critical infrastructure applications. Once there is a failure on NVR equipment, system database or network, the redundant and failover feature can continue to support the system functions with minimal interruption. Incidents will be reported in a system log for future auditing and reporting.PRO-WATCH NVRPro-Watch NVR is a flexible, scalable and open IP video surveillance system, including the Pro-Watch NVR 12-bay and 24-bay turnkey boxes with 64 to 256 channels as well as a software based solution.Supporting Honeywell’s high definition (HD) cameras and broad integration with third party IP cameras and encoders, the Pro-Watch NVR family is a powerful HD IP recording and security monitoring system for a variety of applications.OPEN – BROAD DEVICE INTEGRATIONSIntegrates to full line of Honeywell IP cameras and encoders.Support for ONVIF Profile S and Profile G, PSIA, real time streaming protocol (RTSP) and multicast standards and Honeywell native device integrations supporting equIP® Series cameras’ new features: 4K resolution, H.265 video compression codec, 3D PTZ control, 360° camera, multi-imager camera support,intelligence events and bounding boxes on objects detected by specific video analytics.Native device integrations supporting 60 Series, 30 Series cameras’ new features: H.265 smart video compression codec and encrypted video stream with TLS 1.2.SYSTEMSCALABLE INTEGRATED SECURITY SOLUTIONMultiple Pro-Watch NVRs can be deployed for system expansion using a distributed architecture and are integrated with the Pro-Watch VMS enterprise video management system with Integrated Security Suite.The whole Pro-Watch NVR products contain no content or material from any companies or their subsidiaries prohibited under US National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Section 889 and can be used as part of video systems which comply with NDAA Section 889.ANALYTICSVideo analytics has been a powerful tool to provide means for improved situational awareness, insights for increasing efficiency and reduce workload on security and management staff in turn increasing returns from existing surveillance infrastructure.Events trigger an alarm on Intelligent Command and integrated access control provides actionable results to maintain business continuity.7PRO-WATCH®The Access Rights Management module streamlines the cardholder access request process. It incorporates intuitive web-based interfaces for both badge holders and administrators. The automation of the approval process also enables system administrators to manage identities easily, while saving time and money and reducing errors.BENEFITS FOR ADMINISTRATORS on approvals and access changes.requests.BENEFITS FOR USERScodes.8PRO-WATCH ®IDENTITY MANAGEMENT ASSURANCEMANAGING CREDENTIALSThe Pro-Watch Identity Management Assurance enables users to resolve the many challenges involved in verifying the identity and backgrounds of the large numbers of employees, visitors and contractors passing through the business's facility. It enables users to give different access rights based on business need and access levels. It also helps manage and monitor the training needs required for gaining access to these areas.AUTOMATING PROCESSESPro-Watch’s software can connect different systems and automate manual processes, reducing human error, eliminating duplicate entries and increasing efficiency and productivity.ENSURING REGULATORY COMPLIANCEHoneywell's software is updated regularly to ensure that our Identity Management Assurance solution remains compliant with the latest regulations – which in turn will ensure Is there a need for a more effective method of verifying the identity of people entering and leaving different parts of the organization’s premises while also reducing operators’ workloads? The Identity Management Assurance module is developed to enable large-scale facilities to segment access rights according to job descriptions or functions.The module can even confirm the training required and undertaken for specificlocations. It’s an open platform, so it can also work with almost any access control or other computer-based system.PRO-WATCH ®VISITOR MANAGEMENT RAPID CHECKSWith Lobby Works, visitor registration is quick and simple and can take place at a guard station or an optional self-registration kiosk. The application allows visitors to scan photo ID's or business cards and instantly checks if the visitor is expected; that they are not on a list of prohibited people; and whether they are a returning visitor. After scanning the information, the application takes a digital photo or captures the visitor's signature.BADGING VISITORS For pre-registered and returning visitors, badges can be awaiting their arrival and will just need to be scanned to check them in. Visitor badges can be printed on black and white thermal direct label printers; inkjet or laser color printers; or dye-sublimationprinters. The badges can incorporate features such astime-expiring stamps or tamper-resistant inks. Each badge is individually printed with visitor’s name and photo, expiry time, the host’s name and the areas of access. STREAMLINED MOVEMENTSLobby Works can automatically contact the visitor’s host by email or through real-time network messaging to announce the visit. Once the visitor is registered, they will be given a badge that specifies which areas they can visit. Afterwards, the system will also check that the visitor has signed out and left the site.Is there a need for an effective method of controlling and monitoring the movements of everyone that visits the organization's site and facilities? Lobby Works provides a highly effective way of registering, badging and tracking any visitors and can be tailored to meet your specific needs.HIS*PROWATCHINTSEC-02-UK-(0620)SB-ZB © 2020 Honeywell International Inc.For More Information/uk Honeywell Commercial Security Aston Fields RoadWhitehouse Industrial Estate RuncornCheshireWA7 3DLTel: +44 (0)8448 000 。

ProTIM-R 200200 双输入加速度测量仪(DIN柱式安装)说明书

ProTIM-R 200200 双输入加速度测量仪(DIN柱式安装)说明书

DescriptionThe 200200 dual-input ProTIM-R (DIN rail mount) provides 2channels of measurement. All acceleration-to-velocity (A-V)channels condition the signal from an accelerometer andintegrate it to velocity units. The low frequency A-V channelsare better suited for slower speed applications. A-V withAcceleration Enveloping (AE) channels provide bothintegrated velocity units and advanced AE signalconditioning. Temperature channel types include K-typethermocouples and 100W Platinum (Pt) RTDs with electricalisolation. Each channel is independent and specified whenthe ProTIM is ordered.Table 1: ProTIM Measurement Types and Transducers200200ProTIM-RDatasheetBently Nevada Machinery Condition Monitoring163662Rev.AKSpecificationsAll specifications are at +25 ± 5° C(+77 ± 9° F) unless otherwise specified.Operation outside the specified limitswill result in false or inaccuratereadings.Table 1: ProTIM and Transducers Frequency Responsesfrequency up to 10 KHz.2 200155 has a long settling time. Therefore, it should only be used for low frequency acceleration to velocity channel types.200200 ProTIM-R and 200150, 200155, 200157 or 200125 transducer systemsFor detailed specification on the transducers, refer to the individual transducer data sheets.Electrical: A–V (General Purpose) Channels (with 200150)Measurement Range 0 to 50 mm/s pk (0 to 2 in/s pk)Over Range63 mm/s pk (2.5 in/s pk)Resolution0.025 mm/s(0.001 in/s pk) nominalAccuracy± 15% at 80 HzFrequencyResponse110 Hz to 1 kHz (600 cpm to60,000 cpm) ± 20% (± 2 dB)1 Not OK RangeOpen transducer signal,power, or common is “Not OK”.Shorted leads are “Not OK”except for SIG+ shorted toSIG- or common shorted toshield.1 This Frequency response represents the System ProTIM & Transducer. For details on individual device frequency response, see Table 1: P roTIM and Transducers Frequency ResponsesElectrical: Low Frequency A–V Channels (with 200155) MeasurementRange0 to 50 mm/s pk(0 to 2 in/s pk)Over Range63 mm/s pk(2.5 in/s pk)Resolution0.025 mm/s(0.001 in/s pk) nominal Accuracy±15% at 80 HzFrequencyResponse 13 Hz to 1 kHz (180 cpm to 60,000cpm) ± 10%(±0.9 dB) 2Not OK RangeOpen transducer signal,power, or common is “Not OK”.Shorted leads are “Not OK”except for SIG+ shorted toSIG- or common shorted toshield.1 This Frequency response represents the System ProTIM & Transducer. For details on individual device frequency response, see Table 1: P roTIM and Transducers Frequency Responses2 The A-V circuitry attenuates frequencies above 1 kHz. Use of the 200155 transducer to obtain higher frequency information will be ineffective.Electrical: A–V w/ AE Channels (with 200157)Measurement Range 0 to 50 mm/s pk (0 to 2 in/s pk)Over Range63 mm/s pk(2.5 in/s pk)Resolution0.025 mm/s(0.001 in/s pk) nominal Accuracy±15% at 80 HzFrequency Response 1A-V 10 Hz to 1 kHz (600 cpm to 60,000 cpm) ± 20% (± 2.0 dB) 2AE 10 Hz to 500 Hz (600 cpm to 30,000 cpm) ± 20% (±2.0 dB) 3Not OK Range:Open transducer signal, power, or common is “Not OK”. Shorted leads are “Not OK” except for SIG+ shorted to SIG- or common shorted to shield.1T his Frequency response represents the System ProTIM & Transducer. For details on individual device frequency response, see Table 1: P roTIM and Transducers Frequency Responses.2 The A-V circuitry attenuates frequencies above 1 kHz. Use of the 200157 transducer to obtain higher frequency information will be ineffective. AE signals up to 10 kHz are processed at the ProTIM.3 The 500 Hz filter has a 4-pole attenuation slope. The enveloped signal will range between 1Hz to 500 Hz. Not OK Range: OpenTable 2: ProTIM and Transducers Compatibility1 ProTIM does not offer AE capability and will only accept frequencies up to 1 KHz whereas 200157 will go up to 10 KHz.2 Lower transducer limit is 10 Hz, whereas 200155 will operate down to3 Hz.3 ProTIM's AE circuit accepts frequencies up to 10 KHz, but 200150 operates only up to 1 KHz.Electrical: Temperature ChannelsMeasurementRange-18°C to +204°C(0°F to +400°F)Resolution0.07°C (0.12°F)AccuracyK-Type TC±8°C (±14°F), includingProTIM-R, thermocouple &lead wire error, maximumlength of 6 meters.Maximum temperature ramprate: ±0.5°C/min.RTD±4.45°C (±8°F), RTD lead wireerror not includedOK Range -31°C to +213°C (-25°F to+415°F)Not OKConditionTemperatures outside the OKRangeOpen RTD or thermocouplewires are "Not OK"RTD Compensation Coefficient Alpha inW/W/°CEuropean0.00385US Industrial0.00392SoftwareCompensation At host computerElectrical: Rack Buffered Output ChannelsMeasurement Range AC: 1Vpp to 8Vpp full scale DC: 0 to –20VdcResolution AC: ±1% of full-scale value at100HzDC: ±500 mV, absolute accuracyFrequencyResponse10Hz to 3 KHz (+0 to –5%)Not OK RangeInput signal is out of range,Input signal mis-wired.AC over range of DCGAP_IN occurred when [Vpp(AC)/2 + (1-Vdc*0.15) - 2.5V] > 2.181VElectrical: Process Variable ChannelsMeasurement Range Current: +4mA to +20mA Voltage: +1Vdc to 5VdcOver Range Current: <+3mA or >+22mAVoltage: <+0.8Vdc or >+5.5Vdc Resolution±1% of full-scale value TypicalOK Range Current: Over +3.2mAVoltage: Over 0.8Vdc FrequencyResponse DC to 3 KHz Electrical: Pressure Channels MeasurementRange 0 to 50mVResolution±8.5% of the transducer full-scale rating (transduceraccuracy not included)OK Range 1Vdc to 3Vdc Bias fromtransducerFrequencyResponse Less than 3 KHz Keyphasor Rotational Speed Channels (with 330101/330103) MeasurementRange0.1 to 600 Hz(6 to 36000 RPM) TransducerRange10 to 50 mils(0.254 to 1.27 mm) Resolution 1 RPMAccuracy Within 0.015% of true RPM.FrequencyResponseMinimum Trigger Width 9.0mm (0.35 in)Minimum Trigger Relief 1.25mm (0.05 in)Not OK Range Open/short transducer signal,Power or common is “Not OK”.Displacement Channels (with 330101/330103)Input Used with our 3300 XL 8 mm probe or 3300 5 mm probe and extension cable (5 metre system) only.Output Voltage Range -3.0 to 3.0 V (Over Specified linear range)TransducerLinearRange10 to 50 mils (0.254 to 1.27 mm)ScaleFactor 120 mV/mil +/-10% AccuracyOver gapRange+/-1.2 mils @ mid-scale range.FrequencyResponse DC to 3 KHz (0 to 180,000 cpm).Minimum Target Size 15.2 mm (0.6 in) diameter (flat target)Shaft Diameter:Minimum: 50.8 mm (2 in)Recommended minimum: 76.2mm (3 in)Measurements on shaftdiameters smaller than 50 mm(2 in) usually require closespacing of radial vibration oraxial position transducers withthe potential for theirelectromagnetic emitted fieldsto interact with one another(cross-talk), resulting inerroneous readings. Careshould be taken to maintainminimum separation oftransducer tips, generally atleast 40 mm (1.6 in) for axialposition measurements or 74mm (2.9 in) for radial vibrationmeasurements. Radial vibrationor position measurements onshaft diameters smaller than76.2 mm (3 in) will generallyresult in a change in scalefactor. Consult PerformanceSpecification 159484 foradditional information.Not OKRangeOpen/short transducer signal,Power or common is “Not OK”.Environmental LimitsOperatingTemperatureStandard: -40°C to +85°C(-40°F to +185°F)RTD, K-Type TC andThermocouple pro-TIM have alimited operating temperatureof -25° C to +85° C.StorageTemperature-40°C to +100°C(-40°F to +212°F)Humidity100% non-condensingApply DC4 grease onconnecter contacts to improveenvironmental performanceand prevent corrosion.EnclosureType Type 4MechanicalHousingMaterial Powder-coated AluminumWeight545 g (19 oz)DimensionsPolyester Housing Dimensionsor Stainless Steel HousingDimensions on pages 13 & 14.200151 and 200152 Transducer CablesUse to connect the acceleration transducers to the ProTIM-R.Operating Temperature -20°C to +100°C(-4°F to +212°F).Note:These cables may be used at lower temperatures down to –40°C (-40°F), if the cable is not allowed to move or flex. Flexing these cables at temperatures below –20°C (-4°F) may damage them.MinimumBend Radius63.5 mm (2.5 in)Construction 4-conductor (22 AWG) with foil shield and drain wire (100% coverage), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) outer jacket.Connectors200151 Cables Screw-on, 5-pin, keyed connector on the ProTIM-R end and a PT06F8-4S (or equivalent) on the transducer end. Connector coupling nuts consist of 1/2-20 UNF-threaded 2011 T3 aluminum or UV-stabilized black nylon. Contact material is gold-plated nickel-coated brass.200152 Cables PT06F8-4S (or equivalent) on the transducer end; stripped stranded wire at ProTIM end. Connector coupling nut material is 1/2-20 2011 T3 aluminum or UNF-threaded nickel-plated brass. Connector contact material is gold-plated brass.Classifications:Cable assembly meets UL2238. Cable meets IP67ingress protection.85033 Trendmaster SPA/TIM linecableUse to connect a Signal Processing Adapter(SPA) to the ProTIM. For substitutions, referenceguide 101206.OperatingTemperature-70°C to +200°C(-94°F to +392°F).Conductors4x 18 AWG stranded tinnedcopper1x 18 AWG stranded copper,tinned overcoat uninsulateddrain wireShielding100% aluminum Mylar foil outwith helically applied drainwire85% braided tinned copperInsulationConductorsFluoroethylene propylene(FEP) Teflon material 0.25 mm(0.010 in) thickOuter FEP Teflon material 0.38 mm(0.015 in) thickClassifications NEC article 725 class 3UL ListedVoltage rating300 VrmsCapacitanceBetweenConductors131 pF/m (40 pF/ft.)BetweenConductorand DrainWire262 pF/m (80 pF/ft)Compliance and CertificationsFCCThis device complies with part 15 of theFCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions:l This device may not cause harmfulinterference.l This device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may causeundesired operation.EMCEN 61000-6-2 :2005EN 61000-6-4:2007 +A1:2011EMC Directive 2014/30/EURoHSRoHS Directive 2011/65/EUATEXEN 60079-0: 2012/A11:2013EN 60079-11:2012EN 60079-15:2010EN 60079-28:2015 (DSM 149744 only)EN 60079-31:2014 (TMGI 162459-01 only)ATEX Directive 2014/34/EUMaritimeABS 2009 Steel Vessels Rules1-1-4/7.7,4-8-3/1.11.1,4-9-7/13Hazardous Area ApprovalsFor the detailed listing of country and product specific approvals, refer to the Approvals Quick Reference Guide (108M1756) available from .CSA/NRTL/C (Approval Options 05)Installed with intrinsically safe zener barriers per drawing112M7732Ex ia IIC T4 GaClass I Zone 0: AEx ia IIC T4 Ga Class I, Div 1 Groups A, B, C & D Class II, Groups E, F & G Class IIIT4 @ -40° C[ Ta [+ 100° C (-40° F [ Ta [+212° F)Installed without barriers per drawing 112M7732Ex nA IIC T4 GcClass I Zone 2: AEx nA IIC T4 GcClass I, Div 2 Groups A, B, C & DT4 @ -40° C [ Ta[+ 100° C (-40° F[Ta [+212° F)ATEX/IECExProTIMs (200200 and200250)II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 GCII 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 GC II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 GcT4 @ Ta = -40°C to +100°CTrendmaster DSM (149744) II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 GCII 3(3) G Ex nA [ic] IIC T4 GcII 3(3) G Ex nA op is [op is T4 Gc]IIC T4 GcT4 @ Ta = -20°C to +65°CTMGI(162459-01)II (1) G [Ex ia Ga] IIC II(1) D [Ex ia Da] IIICII 3 (1) G Ex nA [is Ga] IIC T4 Gc II 3(1) D Ex tc [ia Da] IIIC T140°c Dc IP5XT4 @ Ta = -20°C to +65°COrdering InformationFor the detailed listing of country andproduct specific approvals, refer tothe Approvals Quick Reference Guide(108M1756) available from . ProTIM-R200200-AA-BB-CCA: Channel AA Input Option0 1Acceleration to Velocity (200150) 0 2K-Type Thermocouple (200125)1 0 3 2 or 3 Wire Pt. RTD0 4 4 Wire Pt. RTD0 5Low Freq Accel-to-Velocity(200155)0 6Accel to Velocity w/AE (200157) 07Rack buffered Output08Process Variable09 Pressure (120M1644)10Keyphasor (330101/330103)11Displacement (330101/330103) B: Channel BB Input Option0 1Acceleration to Velocity (200150) 0 2K-Type Thermocouple (200125)1 0 3 2 or 3 Wire Pt. RTD0 4 4 Wire Pt. RTD0 5Low Freq Accel-to-Velocity(200155)0 6Accel to Velocity w/AE (200157) 07Rack buffered Output08Process Variable09Pressure (120M1644)11Displacement (330101/330103)BB option availability is dependent on AA options chosen. Not all BB options are available with each AA option.C: Approvals0 1None0 5Multiple Approvals1 The 200125 is the recommended Trendmaster sensor for temperature measurements when the range of a K-type thermocouple is adequate. We do not recommend the use of other K-type thermocouples due to the unique electrical isolation requirements of the Trendmaster system, and highly recommend the use of only non-grounded RTDs and non-grounded tip thermocouples to prevent ground loops. Failure to comply may result in Not OK or NO DATA conditions, inaccurate readings, or ProTIM-R damage. Consult the factory for further information.Transducer Cable (for use with 200150, 200155, and 200157 Accelerometers)200151-AA-BB-CCUse the 200151 with the 200200 ProTIM only with applications using either a 142485 Housing Cable Adapter or a 141887 Conduit Cable Adapter.A: Cable Length:2 0 2.0 metre (6.6 feet) cable4 0 4.0 metre (13.1 feet) cable6 0 6.0 metre (19.7 feet) cableB: Outer Jacket Option:0 2Blue, unarmored0 3Blue, armoredC: Additional Features:0 0Standard coupling nut0 2Nylon coupling nut1 0Knurled coupling nut Transducer Cable (for use with 200150, 200155, and 200157 accelerometers)200152-AA-BBA: Cable Length:0 4 4.0 metre (13.1 feet) cable1 515.0 metre (49.2 feet) cable2 525.0 metre (82.0 feet) cable (foruse with 200150 only)B: Additional Features:0 0Standard coupling nut1 0Knurled coupling nut Transducer Cable120M1648 -AA (for use with 120M1644 pressure transducer)A: Cable Length:0 50.5 metre (1.6 feet) cable1 0 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) cable1 5 1.5 metre (4.9 feet) cable2 0 2.0 metre (6.6 feet) cable4 0 4.0 metre (13.1 feet) cable6 0 6.0 metre (19.7 feet) cable9 09.0 metre (29.5 feet) cable Pressure Transducer120M1644-AAAAA: Pressure rating00300 to 30 PSI SG00500 to 50 PSI SG01000 to 100 PSI SG03000 to 300 PSI SG05000 to 500 PSI SG10000 to 1000 PSI SG15000 to 1500 PSI SG20000 to 2000 PSI SG Accessories138493-01Replacement DIN-mountmounting pad.136806-01T-TIM Assembly.141887-01Single Conduit Cable Adapter.141887-02Double Conduit Cable Adapter.See Dual Conduit Cable Adapter. 142485-01Anodized aluminum housingCable Adapter. See HousingCable Adapter.149831-01Trendmaster DSM Datasheet. 163986-01ProTIM-R Installation Manual.164045Extra Female Terminal Plugs. ForTIM line connections.164046Extra Male Terminal Plugs. ForTIM line connections.164352T-Connector. For splitting TIMline cable into 2 directions. 85033-01-00150 Meter (500 ft) Cable. For TIMline, no connectors.85033-02-00300 Meter (1000 ft) Cable. For TIM line, no connectors.88312-014-unit IS Polyester W/P Housing. Div 1, Type 4X. Houses 4 ProTIM-R units maximum. See Polyester Housing Dimensions.88313-012-unit IS Polyester W/P Housing. Div 1, Type 4X. Houses 2 ProTIM-R units maximum. See Polyester Housing Dimensions.88314-014-unit IS SST W/P Housing. Div1, Type 4X, Houses 4 TIMs maximum. See Stainless Steel Housing Dimensions.88315-012-unit IS SST W/P Housing. Div 1, Type 4X. Houses 2 TIMs maximum. See Stainless Steel Housing Dimensions.85716-012-unit Polyester W/P Housing. Div 2, Type 4X. Houses 2 ProTIM-R units maximum. See Polyester Housing Dimensions85717-014-unit Polyester W/P Housing. Div 2, Type 4X,. Houses 4 ProTIM-R units maximum. See Polyester Housing Dimensions.00500128Terminal Connector. ForTransducer inputs into ProTIM-R.02180005Jumper. For the RTD ProTIM-Rterminals.03814237Conduit Hub. 1/2-14 NPT.03817040Bonding and Ground Wedge. 1/2NPT.03839129Conduit Fitting. 1/2-14 NPT.03839240Cable Seal. 1/4-12 NPT. Diameter 5.0 to 6.7 mm (0.20 to 0.26 in);. Use with 200152 cable.03839241Cable Seal. 1/4-12 NPT. Diameter1.9 to 3.4mm (0.07 to 0.13 in). 03839242Cable Seal. 1/4-12 NPT. Diameter3.4 to 5.0 mm (0.13 to 0.20 in).Use with 200125 armoredthermocouple.03839243Cable Seal. 1/2-14 NPT. Diameter6.4 to7.9 mm (0.25 to 0.31 in).03840490Thread Seal. For 1/4 -12 NPTfittings.03880243Square Cut O-ring. For 1/2-14 NPTfittings.04500006Dow Corning 4, ElectricalInsulating Compound (5.3 Oz).Graphs and FiguresTable 1: Channel Types Cross-compatibilityNote: All dimensions in millimetres (inches) except as noted.1. Top view2. Side view3. Side view #24. Powder coated aluminum housingFigure 1: ProTIM Dimensional Diagram1. Side view. ProTIM Enclosure Dimensions for dimensions.2. Top view. P roTIM Enclosure Dimensions for dimensions.3. If not using Quick Release, use 10-32 pan head screw (2places).Figure 2: Polyester Housing DimensionsTable 2: ProTIM Enclosure Dimensions1. Side view. Stainless Steel ProTIM Enclosure Dimensions fordimensions.2. Top view. S tainless Steel ProTIM Enclosure Dimensions fordimensions.3. 8 mm (0.31 in) diameter, 4 placesThe number of clamps and the placement is shown for the large enclosure. The small enclosure has only one clamp, centered on the side opposite the hinge.Figure 3: Stainless Steel Housing DimensionsTable 3: Stainless Steel ProTIM Enclosure Dimensions1. Housing cable adapter, 142485-012. 200151 cable3. Accel to Velocity ProTIM-R4. TIM housing5. 200150 accelerometer6. Machine casingFigure 4: Housing Cable Adapter1. To SPA2. TIM housing3. Accel to Velocity ProTIM-R4. 200151 cable5. 200150 accelerometer6. Wiring in rigid conduit7. 1-inch conduit body near machine8. 141887-02 Conduit Cable AdapterFigure 5: Dual Conduit Cable AdapterCopyright 2021 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.Bently Nevada, Keyphasor, Trendmaster and Orbit Logo are registered trademarks of Bently Nevada, a Baker Hughes Business, in the United States and other countries. The Baker Hughes l ogo is a trademark of Baker Hughes Company. All other product and company names are trademarks of their respective holders. Use of the trademarks does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by the respective holders.Baker Hughes provides this information on an “as is” basis for general information purposes. Baker Hughes does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information and makes no warranties of any kind, specific, implied or oral, to the fullest extent permissible by law, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or use. Baker Hughes hereby disclaims any and all liability for any direct, indirect, consequential or special d amages, claims for lost profits, or third party claims arising from the use of the information, whether a claim is asserted in contract, tort, or otherwise. Baker Hughes reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. Contact your Baker Hughes representative for the most current information.The information contained in this document is the property of Baker Hughes and its affiliates; and is subject to change without prior notice. It is being supplied as a service to our customers and may not be altered or its content repackaged without t he express written consent of Baker Hughes. This product or associated products may be covered by one or more patents. See /legal.1631 Bently Parkway South, Minden, Nevada USA 89423Phone: 1.775.782.3611 (US) or /support。

ATTO 光纤旁路适配器用户指南说明书

ATTO 光纤旁路适配器用户指南说明书

ATTO Technology, Inc.155 CrossPoint ParkwayAmherst, New York 14068 USATel (716) 691-1999Fax (716) 691-9353Sales support:****************Technical support: Please visit https:///support/ for hours of operation.*********************Tel (716) 691-1999 ext. 242© 2016 ATTO Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand or product names are trademarks of their respective holders. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the express written permission of ATTO Technology, Inc.11/2016 PRMA-0400-000MDCelerity Fibre Channel Host AdapterGetting Started GuideThank you for purchasing the ATTO Celerity FC HostAdapter. This guide gives you the basics for installing andconfiguring your adapter. For more information, refer to theCelerity Installation and Operation Manual and the ATTOUtilities Manual.Ensure you have the equipment and software youneed for the installation:•Celerity FC adapter• A computer with an available PCIe, PCIe 2.0 orPCIe 3.0 expansion slot•Storage, cables and connectorsInstalling the Latest Celerity 32Gb, 16Gb or 8GbDrivers1Please visit the ATTO website at https:///2Hover over Support and click Downloads.3For returning customers login by entering yourusername and password. For new users pleaseregister to create login.4Select Product: Click on Fibre Channel HBAs5Select Model: Click on 32Gb, 16Gb CelerityHBAs or 8Gb Celerity HBAsInstall DriversConfigure your system to recognize and use yourCelerity adapter by installing drivers for your operatingsystem.Windows1Power on your system and log in as theadministrator or a user with properadministrative privileges.2Go to the ATTO website and login as describedin the Installing the Latest Celerity 32Gb, 16Gbor 8Gb Drivers section3Click on Windows. This will display the mostcurrent Windows drivers available.4Click on Windows XX Driver link based on theoperating system (x86 or x64) in use. If you areunsure which version you are using, pleasecontact your system administrator.5Open the download link and click run.6Follow the on-screen instructions to completethe driver installation.NoteWHQL Certified Drivers are available for selectCelerity Fibre Channel HBAs. If available, thesedrivers will be listed below the default Windowsdrivers.Mac OSSupport for all Celerity FC models except 164E1Power on your system and log in as theadministrator or a user with properadministrative privileges.2Go to the ATTO website and login as describedin the Installing the Latest Celerity 32Gb, 16Gbor 8Gb Drivers section3Click on Mac. This will display the most currentMac OS drivers available.4Click on the Mac OS X Driver link based on theoperating system in use. If you are unsure whichversion you are using, please contact your system administrator.5Open the download.6Launch the installer package.7Follow the on-screen instructions.LinuxNoteNote: These steps assume a basic knowledge of Linux terminal commands. You must also have the correct kernel source files for the appropriate kernel already installed.1Power on your system and log in as the administrator or a user with properadministrative privileges.2Go to the ATTO website and login as described in the Installing the LatestCelerity 32Gb, 16Gb or 8Gb Driverssection.3Click on Linux. This will display the most current Linux drivers available.4Click on Linux XX Driver link based on the operating system in use. If you are unsure which version you are using, pleasecontact your system administrator.5Copy the .tgz file to a temporary folder.6Open a terminal window and change to the location of copied tgz from step 5.7Extract the file using the command tar -xfz <filename.tgz>.8Change to the directory created above then run the installer script ./install.sh.9Click on Y to load driver.10Click on Y to install CLI tools.11Confirm location.VMwareNoteNote: ESXi 5.0 & later: 8Gb Celerity supportESXi 5.1 & later: 16Gb Celerity support1Download the correct Driver Bundle from the VMware or ATTO website.2Within the bundle unzip the Driver VIB file (.vib) for your ATTO Adapter.3Use the Datastore Browser in the vSphere Client to upload the VIB file to your ESXihost.4Log in to the ESXi host on the Local Tech Support Console (ESXi), or through anSSH client.5Install the VIB using the followingcommand on the ESXi host: # esxclisoftware vib install -v <full path to VIB file> 6Once the VIB is installed, reboot the ESXihostFreeBSDNoteRefer to the Celerity Installation and Operation Manual forinstructions on installing FreeBSD driversInstalling the ATTO ConfigToolThe ATTO ConfigTool is a free utility. Visit theATTO website (/downloads.php) for specific operatingsystem support information and downloads.The ATTO ConfigTool includes twocomponents: a GUI Application and a systemservice. Either, or both, of these componentscan be installed on a host, depending on thefunctionality desired. Refer to the Utilitiesmanual for additional details.NoteLogging and other important features are only available if theATTO ConfigTool service is installed. We recommendinstalling the service as a minimum configuration.NoteThe vConfigTool supports VMware VCenter Server. Refer tothe ATTO website for information on downloading and usingthis free utility.Windows Installation Instructions:1Double-click thewin_app_configtool_xxx.exe package file2Click "Unzip" to extract the installer files.The files are put in "C:\ATTO\ConfigTool\4.xx" directory.2.1To install the Full Application orApplication Only:•Navigate to the "C:\ATTO\ConfigTool\4.xx\Service"directory•Double-click on the ConfigTool_xxx.exeinstaller executable•Select Full Installation or ApplicationOnly as desired.•Follow the on-screen instructions2.2To install the System Service only:•Navigate to the"C:\ATTO\ConfigTool\4.xx\Service"directory•Double-click on the "attocfgd.msi"installer executable•Follow the on-screen instructionsMac OS Installation Instructions:1Double-click theosx_app_configtool_xxx.exe package file.2 A Finder window appears.2.1To install the Full Application orApplication Only:•In the Finder window that appears,double-click on the ConfigTool_xxx.appinstaller executable.•Select Full Installation or ApplicationOnly as desired.•Follow the on-screen instructions.2.2To install the System Service only:•Navigate to the “Service” folder in theFinder window that appears.•Double-click on the "attocfgd.mpkg"installer executable file.•Follow the on-screen instructions.Linux Installation Instructions:1Extract the package file by running thefollowing command in a terminal: tar -xvzflnx_app_configtool_xxx.tgz2Navigate to the extracted folder“lnx_app_configtool_xxx”2.1To install the Full Application orApplication Only:•Run the ConfigTool_xxx.bin installerexecutable as root or superuser.•Select Full Installation or ApplicationOnly as desired.•Follow the on-screen instructions.2.2To install the System Service only:•Navigate to the “Service” directorylocated inside thelnx_app_configtool_xxx directory•Double-click on the "attocfgd.msi"installer executableRun the “attocfgd.sei” installer executable asroot or superuser using the followingcommand line: ./attocfgd.sei -i.Hardware InstallationBack up your system data before changing orinstalling any hardware.CAUTIONCelerity FC host adapters containcomponents that are sensitive toelectrostatic discharge (ESD). ESDcan Cause damage to the Celerity FChost adapter. Please follow standardmethods to avoid ESD.1Install the latest drivers. Refer to InstallDrivers of your Celerity Fibre Channel HostAdapter Getting Started Guide.2Power down the computer and unplug thecomputer from all power sources.3Open the case.4Install the Celerity FC host adapter in anyopen PCI Express expansion slot. ForCelerity 164E only, install the appropriateexternal power cable (supplied). If youhave questions about how to install anexpansion card in your system, consultyour computer’s documentation.NoteAll Celerity cards fit in x8 or x16 mechanicalslots.CAUTIONCelerity 16Gb Quad Fibre ChannelHost Adapters (FC-164E) requireexternal power supply and adequatecooling to ensure proper systemoperation and prevent data loss.5Connect Fibre Channel devices byinserting a Fibre Channel cable from thedevices to the connectors on the CelerityFC host adapter until you hear a click.6Close the case on the computer and powerit up.Configure your storage and adapterDefault settings are appropriate for mostsystems but you may change settings usingthe ATTO Configuration Tool on the ATTOwebsite.Please see ATTO Utilities Installation andOperations Manual for further information.。


The rear of the model Pro210F is equipped with a headset jack. If desired, you may insert a headset into the jack and receive the audio response in that manner.
Operation – Tone Generator
WARNING - Never connect to live wires greater than 60 volts including 110 or 220 volt AC service.
Connect the model Pro110 Tone Generator to the wire you wish to trace using one of the red or black alligator clips and leads. When using the clips, you may either connect to a single wire of a pair with each clip that run together or 1 clip to a wire and one to earth ground. Results vary with each method so experiment. You can connect to a wall jack using the RJ11 modular adapter.
Wrist Strap
Headset Jack
AC interference Rejection
Volume Control
Battery Installation

K-TEK MS40 EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch 操作说明书

K-TEK MS40 EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch 操作说明书

MS40/EXMagnetic Level Gauge SwitchMagnetically actuated 10 amp DPDT electric switchK-TEK Level productsIntroductionThis operation and instruction manual provides the following information:–Operation - see page 3–Mounting and installation - see page 3-4–Maintenance - see page 4Table of Contents1.0 Description (3)2.0 Application (3)3.0 Operation (3)4.0 Mounting & Installation…………………………………………………………………………………………………3-45.0 Maintenance (4)6.0 Warranty Statement (9)7.0 RMA Form (10)2 MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch | Operating instruction manualOperating instruction manual | MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch 31.0 DescriptionThe MS40 is a magnetically activated double pole double throw switch. When the MS40 is mounted on a KM26 or an external chamber that has a magnetic ABB float it can sense high or low levels within a vessel.The unique magnetic coupling action eliminates the need for such things as seals, diaphragms, springs. Or torque tubes because there is no physical contact with the process. No valves are required to block off the switch from the process to perform any main-tenance or operational checks, and since the MS40 is isolated from the process it does not need to be cleaned.2.0 ApplicationThe MS40 will provide either normally open or normally closed dry contacts that can be used to activate external devices such as alarms or solenoids. The capacity of the switch allows for a wide range of devices to be switched, as long as the stated limits are not exceeded.Since the MS40 is magnetically activated, it is suited for any application where it is necessary to sense the passing of a magnet or magnetic field near it. However, its main application is to sense the passing of a magnetic float in a KM26 or similar chamber at -tached to a vessel containing a fluid. This will provide for the detection of a start/stop trip point of either a total or interface level in any vessel. These trip points can be used for alarms or to activate a pump motor starter relay.3.0 OperationThe MS40 consists of two snap action switches assembled in a double pole double throw configuration, and a precision cam/spindle assembly which contains a rod magnet. A magnetic ABB float passing by the MS40 will cause its magnet to rotate through approxi -mately 60° of arc, causing the integral snap action switches to actuate. The action of the contacts is break before make.The spindle is not totally free to rotate unless a strong magnetic field is passed parallel to the MS40 switch because the spindle magnet is magnetically latched to one of two stops. The spindle magnet attraction for a stop is great enough to keep the spindle from rotating on its own, but the magnetic field of a float is strong enough to cause the spindle magnet to release from the stop to which it is attached and rotate to align itself with the float’s magnetic field. As the float passes by the MS40 switch, the spindle magnet will latch to the opposite stop. It will remain in this position until the float passes by again.4.0 Mounting & InstallationThe standard MS40 is mounted using a stainless steel clamp that passes through the mounting slot in the housing. The clamp is then fastened to the KM26 or similar chamber. The switch can be easily positioned by loosening the clamp and sliding the switch to the correct position on the chamber. The switch will trip at a point 0.5” above the center of the side of the housing.A rod mount method is also available (optional). With this mounting method, a rod is permanently attached to the KM26 with the MS40 subsequently attached.The following procedure outlines the steps necessary to install the switch.Warning: Make sure circuit is de-energized while installing the switch.1. Mount the switch to the chamber where you want the switch to trip. The switch should be mounted 90° from the indicator as-sembly to insure optimum magnetic coupling.2. Remove the cover of the MS40 (or MS40/EX) enclosure. The switch mechanism is mounted to the base of the enclosure with its integral terminal block easily accessible. Note: The MS40/EX/B switch employs a wiring harness and the connections should be made external to the switch enclosure.3. Route the field wiring through the “female NPT coupling of the MS40 (or MS40/EX) enclosure base.4. Connect the field wires to the terminal block according to the application. A schematic diagram can be found at the end of this document.5. Make sure the field wires do not interfere with the rotation of the spindle or that they will not become pinched between the MS40 cover and housing when the cover is installed. It is best that the field wires be as short and direct as possible from the coupling to the terminal block.6. Reinstall the cover on the housing being careful not to pinch the wires.7.The float must be cycled past the switch in both directions to insure that the switch will operate properly when put into service.4.0 Mounting & Installation (cont’d)Notes:•All field wiring that is connected to the MS40 switch must comply with applicable National Electric Code guidelines.•Do not use the switch on chambers with operating temperatures above 300°F without using insulation between the switch and the chamber to keep the temperature of the switch from exceeding 300°F. Also, verify tht the operating temperature of the switch is less than the applicable flammable gas ignition temperature (for applications in explosive atmospheres).•On KM26 chambers that are funished with factory installed insulation blankets the switch may be mounted via special rod mount brackets to a factory installed switch mount rod that is external to the insulation.•Any conduit of fittings connected to a magnetically activated switch should be aluminum or some other non-magnetic material.This is necessary to avoid interference with the ioperation of the KM26 Magnetic Liquid Level Indicator or other magnetically activated switches.•Other switches can be added at any position, at any time, without the concern for additional process piping or valves.•Two switches can be mounted so that they can trip at the same point or at two different points separated by less than the length of a switch.•Option B is not available.5.0 MaintenanceThe MS40 does not require any routine maintenance in normal day to day operationWarning: If there is a need to take the switch out of service or disconnect it for any reason, then make sure thecircuit is de-energized or that the area is known to be non-hazardous.MS40 Connection Diagram(Shown with float below switch)4 MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch | Operating instruction manualOperating instruction manual | MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch 56 MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch | Operating instruction manualOperating instruction manual | MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch 78 MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch | Operating instruction manual6.0 Warranty Statement5 YEAR WARRANTY FOR:KM26 Magnetic Liquid Level Gauges; MagWave Dual Chamber System; LS Series Mechanical Level Switches (LS500, LS550,LS600, LS700, LS800 & LS900); EC External Chambers, STW Stilling Wells and ST95 Seal Pots.3 YEAR WARRANTY FOR:KCAP300 & KCAP400 capacitance switches.2 YEAR WARRANTY FOR:AT100, AT100S and AT200 series transmitters; RS80 and RS85 liquid vibrating fork switches; RLT100 and RLT200 reed switch level transmitters; TX, TS, TQ, IX and IM thermal dispersion switches; IR10 and PP10 External Relays; MT2000, MT5000,MT5100 and MT5200 radar level transmitters; RI100 Repeat Indicators; KP paddle switches; A02, A75 & A77 RF capacitance level switches and A38 RF capacitance level transmitters; Buoyancy Level Switches (MS50, MS10, MS8D & MS8F); Magnetic Level Switches (MS30, MS40, MS41, PS35 & PS45).1 YEAR WARRANTY FOR:KM50 gauging device; AT500 and AT600 series transmitters; LaserMeter and SureShot series laser transmitters; LPM200 digital indicator; DPM100 digital indicators; APM100 analog indicators; KVIEW series digital indicators and controllers; SF50 and SF60 vibrating fork switches, KB Electro-Mechanical Continuous Measuring Devices, KSONIK ultrasonic level switches, transmitters & transducers, ChuteMaster Microwave Transmitter / Receiver and TiltMaster Switches.SPECIAL WARRANTY CONSIDERATIONS:ABB does not honor OEM warranties for items not manufactured by ABB (i.e. Palm Pilots). These claims should be handled directly with the OEM.ABB will repair or replace, at ABB’s election, defective items which are returned to ABB by the original purchaser within the period specified above from the shipment date of the item and which is found, upon examination by ABB, to its satisfaction, to contain defects in materials or workmanship which arose only under normal use and service and which were not the result of either altera-tions, misuse, abuse, improper or inadequate adjustments, applications or servicing of the product. ABB’s warranty does not include onsite repair or services. Field service rates can be supplied on request.If a product is believed to be defective, the original purchaser shall notify ABB and request a Returned Material Authorization be-fore returning the material to ABB, with transportation prepaid by the purchaser. (To expedite all returns/repairs from outside of the UnitedStates,consultABB’scustomerserviceteam(********************)todetermineanoptimalsolutionforshippingmethod and turnaround time.) The product, with repaired or replaced parts, shall be returned to the purchaser at any point in the world with transportation prepaid by ABB for best-way transportation only. ABB is not responsible for expedited shipping charges. If the product is shipped to ABB freight collect, then it will be returned to the customer freight collect.If inspection by ABB does not disclose any defects in material or workmanship, ABB’s normal charges for repair and shipment shall apply (minimum 250.00 USD).The materials of construction for all ABB products are clearly specified and it is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine the compatibility of the materials for the application.THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS ABB’S SOLE WARRANTY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXCLUDED AND NEGATED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. NO PERSON OR REPRESENTATIVE IS AUTHORIZED TO EXTEND ANY OTHER WARRANTY OR CREATE FOR ABB ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF ABB’S PRODUCTS. THE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTY ARE EXCLUSIVE OF ALL OTHER REMEDIES AGAINST ABB. ABB SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. ABB’S SOLE OBLIGATION SHALL BE TO REPAIR OR REPLACE PARTS (FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE IN MA-TERIALS OR WORKMANSHIP) WHICH ARE RETURNED BY THE PURCHASER TO ABB.Operating instruction manual | MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch 910 MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch | Operating instruction manual7.0 RMA FormABB18321 Swamp RoadPrairieville, LA 70769Phone: +1 (225) 673-6100Fax: +1 (225) 673-2525Email:********************Toll Free: (800) 735-5835*** IMPORTANT CUSTOMER NOTICE: PLEASE READ PRIOR TO RETURNING PRODUCTS TO ABB***Be sure to include the Return Authorization (RA) number on the shipping label or package to the attention: Customer Service. A copy of this document should also be included with the packing list. ABB wants to maintain a safe work environment for its employ-ees. In the event, the returned product or material has been in contact with a potentially hazardous chemical, per federal regula-tions, the customer must provide evidence of decontamination and the related chemical composition and characteristics. In order to expedite your return, please include the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and decontamination tags by affixingthese documents in close proximity to the shipment label for identification purposes. (January 18, 2006)Operating instruction manual | MS40/EX Magnetic Level Gauge Switch 11O I /M S 40-E N R e v . D 08.2017Contact usNoteWe reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents - in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.Copyright© 2017 ABB All rights reservedABB Inc.Industrial Automation 125 E. County Line Road Warminster, PA 18974 USA Tel: +1 215 674 6000Fax: +1 215 674 7183ABB Inc.17100 Manchac Park Lane - Suite B Baton Rouge, LA 70817 USA Phone: +1 225 408 0800Service: +1 225 408 0898Fax: +1 225 408 0897Servicee-mail:*******************.comABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.No. 4528, KangXin Hwy.Pudong New DistrictShanghai, 201319, P .R. China Phone: +86 10 64231407Service: +86 21 61056421Fax: +86 10 64371913E-mail:************************.com Servicee-mail:**************.com /level。

LDG_at100(at200)pro -2_中文说明书

LDG_at100(at200)pro -2_中文说明书

LDG AT-100PRO-2自动天调简易说明书规格:0.1-125W,SSB、CW峰值功率,100W 数字通信模式及6米波段;超低功率闭锁继电器;2000个存储点;内置记忆操作频率计;易识别的LED显示驻波及操作状态;工作频率1.8-54MHz;调谐6-1000欧姆负载(6M为16-150),使用4:1巴伦时为6-4000欧姆;水平天线,垂直天线,Vees,Beams或者其他同轴馈电天线;可选的外置巴伦允许调谐任意长度长线及梯形馈电天线;提供ICOM电台控制线(Yaesu控制线为选配件,自制很简单);电源需求:直流7-16V,调谐时最大电流250mA,闲时25uA;外形尺寸:8.0”L*5.0”W*1.75”H;203.2L*127W*44.45H--mm重量:1lb,6oz.(630克),无内置电池时。

前面板:Func:瞬间按下配合其他按键,为选择其他按键的第二功能;C Up/C Dn:手动增加减少电容;L Up/L Dn: 手动增加减少电感;Tune:启动一个调谐周期,或者将天调置为旁路模式;1.5,2.0,and>3.0 LEDs:显示驻波(SWR);Tune LED:指示调谐过程。


安装:操作:基本操作:LDG Z-11Pro2通过前面板的6个按键进行操作。




通过短按FUNC 然后按下其他相关按键,可以选择第二功能。






AT100磁致伸缩液位/界位变送器安装调试操作手册目录1. 概述 (3)2. 存放 (3)3. 安装和启动3.1 接线 (4)3.2 液位输出标定 (4)3.2.1 通过按钮标定 (4)3.2.2 通过LCD设置菜单标定 (4)3.3 反安装3.3.1 如果倒置安装 (4)3.3.2 倒转标定的步骤 (5)3.4 挑选一个主要变量 (5)3.5 挑选测量所用的工程单位 (5)3.6 挑选温度单位 (5)3.7 温度输出标定 (6)3.8 液位偏移 (6)3.9 阻尼 (6)3.10 跳线设定 (6)3.11 温度重置 (6)4. 通信选项4.1 HART协议界面选项 (7)4.1.1用A 268 罗斯蒙特通讯器或等同设备 (7)4.1.2 用A 265 罗斯蒙特通讯器或等同设备 (7)4.2 HONEYWELL DE 协议 (7)4.2.1 协同性和适应等级 (7)4.2.2 操作模式 (7)5. 体积计量表5.1 计量表是如何工作的 (7)5.2 设定(或重设)计量表 (8)5.3 设定输入模式(自动或手动) (8)5.4 设定计量表点 (8)5.5 计量表用法注意事项 (9)5.6 存储/载入一个计量表 (9)5.7 基于体积设定电流输出 (9)6. 故障处理信息6.1 确认变送器正确上电 (9)6.2 确认电流输出稳定 (10)6.3 起始液位调节 (10)7.附录A7.1 接线图 (11)7.2 典型回路接线图 (13)LCD操作菜单 (14)一、概述K-TEK AT100变送器在世界范围内广泛应用于过程容器的精确液位测量。




HART和HONEYWELL DE通讯协议选项使AT100和大多数的控制系统可以更加方便的进行数字连接。




广域网访问设置.................................................................................. 26
防火墙 .................................................................................................. 27
2 网络配置管理介绍 ...............................................................................................................6
登录ONU前的准备.......................................................................................... 6
桥接MAC过滤..................................................................................... 27
路由MAC过滤..................................................................................... 29 选择模式-Route .....................................................................13 选择模式-Bridge ....................................................................15


Users Manual
Smart Wand Wedge Interface
Ver. May 2000
8 Olympic Drive Orangeburg, NY 10962
Tel 845.365-0090 Fax 845.365-1251
NOTICE Opticon has taken every step to ensure that the information included in this manual is accurate,
however we reserve the right to change any specification at any time without prior notice.
To select menu options:
1. Scan START. The smart wand will beep intermittently to indicate that it is ready to be programmed.
2. Make parameter selection from menu. A beep and a read light (MSH-220 only) indicates that the parameter has been scanned.
Table of Contents
PART I Set-Up General Information .......................................... 1 Wedge Interface ............................................... 2 Set Up ............................................................. 3 Scanning .......................................................... 5 Troubleshooting ................................................ 6 Technical Specifications ..................................... 8 FCC Information .............................................. 10 Warranty ........................................................ 11 Glossary ......................................................... 12

Proline Promag H 200电磁流量测量系统说明书

Proline Promag H 200电磁流量测量系统说明书

应用•化工应用场合中的精准的双向液体流量测量,介质的最小电导率应³ 20 m S/cm。



仪表特性•介质温度:max. +150 °C (+302 °F)•标称口径:DN 2...25 (1/12...1"),提供多种类型的过程连接•抗真空的PFA内衬和密封圈•两线制变送器,铝外壳•图形化现场显示,从外部操作(触摸键控制)•4...20 mA HART通信•通用型防爆(Ex)认证:ATEX、IECEx、cCSAus (本安型或隔爆型)优势真正回路供电技术,适用于两线制无缝系统集成,结构坚固,满足过程应用要求选型-正确产品选型Applicator -根据实际应用条件,可靠、简便地进行仪表选型安装-简单高效•一体式结构设计•可以安装在危险区域中使用•两线制技术降低了布线成本调试-直观可靠引导式参数设置-“Make-it-run”向导操作-测量适用范围更广泛•体积流量测量•无压损、无移动部件、不受管路振动的影响•诊断;HistoROM自动数据储存通过W@M进行经济的生命周期管理技术资料Proline Promag H 200电磁流量测量系统真正两线制技术的仪表,最小流量测量TI01061D/06/ZH/01.1271195711目录Proline Promag H 2002Endress+Hauser目录文档信息 (3)图标 (3)功能与系统设计 (4)测量原理...................................4测量系统.. (5)输入 (5)测量变量...................................5测量范围...................................5量程比 (6)输出.....................................6输出信号...................................6报警信号...................................7负载......................................8防爆(Ex)连接参数.............................8小流量切除................................10电气隔离..................................10通信规范参数...............................10电源....................................10接线端子分配...............................10供电电压..................................11功率消耗..................................11电流消耗..................................11电源故障..................................11电气连接..................................11电势平衡..................................13接线端子..................................14电缆入口..................................14电缆规格..................................14过电压保护单元.............................14性能参数 (14)参考操作条件...............................14最大测量误差...............................15重复性....................................15环境温度的影响.............................15安装条件 (16)安装位置..................................16安装方向..................................17前后直管段................................17转接管....................................18特殊安装指南...............................18环境条件 (18)环境温度范围...............................18储存温度..................................19防护等级..................................19抗冲击性..................................19抗振性....................................19机械负载..................................19电磁兼容性(EMC)............................19过程条件 (19)介质温度范围...............................19电导率....................................19压力-温度曲线..............................19密闭压力..................................21限流值....................................21压损 .....................................21系统压力..................................21振动.....................................21机械结构 (22)设计及外形尺寸.............................22重量.....................................40测量管规格................................41材料.....................................41配套电极..................................42过程连接..................................42表面光洁度................................42可操作性 (42)操作方法..................................42现场操作..................................43远程操作. (44)证书和认证 (44)CE 认证...................................44C-Tick 认证.................................45防爆认证(Ex)...............................45卫生型认证................................45其他标准和准则.............................45订购信息.................................46应用软件包 . (46)诊断功能 (46)附件....................................46仪表类附件................................46通信类附件................................47服务类附件................................48系统组件..................................48文档资料 (48)标准文档资料...............................49补充文档资料. (49)注册商标 (49)Proline Promag H 200文档信息图标电气图标特定信息图标图中的图标符号Endress+Hauser3Proline Promag H 200功能与系统设计测量原理根据法拉第电磁感应定律,导体在磁场中运动时,会产生感应电压。


4. AT100 快速操作指南: ..................................................................................7
4.1 登记指纹............................................................................................................................7 4.2 删除用户:........................................................................................................................7 4.3 更改语言:........................................................................................................................7
1. 引言...................................................................................................................2

AIG-100 系列 IIoT 閘道器 - 中文名称说明书

AIG-100 系列 IIoT 閘道器 - 中文名称说明书

AIG-100系列2埠Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP轉MQTT/Azure/AWS雲端閘道器特色與優點•支援通用MQTT用戶端•支援使用Azure/AWS雲端的內建裝置SDK進行的MQTT連接•支援Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP主控裝置/用戶端•支援Modbus TCP伺服器•內建網路流量監控和診斷工具,便於故障排除•支援使用儲存轉發和數據記錄器的數據緩衝•與Moxa ioLogik/UPort裝置緊密整合,輕鬆擴充I/O和序列介面•內建數據處理功能,不需要進行程式設計•-40°C至70°C操作溫度範圍•提供LTE Cat.1美國、歐盟和亞太地區型號認證簡介AIG-100系列閘道器是入門級IIoT閘道器,可將Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP裝置連接到雲端平台和應用程式,例如Azure、AWS和MQTT。

做為Modbus 主站的AIG-100可以將現有的Modbus裝置與雲端平台整合,輕鬆收集數據並將數據傳輸到Azure和AWS雲端。

此外,閘道器也支援Modbus TCP從站模式,能夠同時將數據傳輸到雲端平台和本地SCADA系統。


一般的做法是安裝遠端I/O 和裝置服務器來擴充介面,不過所需的配置設定對於大多數使用者來說可能是一場夢魘。

為了提供極為簡單的介面擴充配置過程,AIG-100閘道器達到更好的整合度,並提供直覺式精靈,只需要按幾下即可設定Moxa ioLogik和UPort。







G系列Ref: 49-TG000CH06目录1.测试 (1)1.1.进入测试模式 (1)1.2.显示测试 (2)1.3.键盘测试 (2)1.4.显示软件版本 (2)1.5.显示校正值 (2)2.校正 (3)2.1.国家设定 (3)2.2.OIML设定 (3)2.3.量程设定 (3)2.4.是否进行零点设定 (5)2.5.最小称量 (5)2.6.重量小数点设定 (5)2.7.价格小数点设定 (5)2.8.四舍五入 (5)2.9.累加操作设置 (6)2.10.是否允许记忆操作 (6)2.11.校正 (6)2.12.纬度设定 (6)2.13.海拔高度设定 (6)2.14.零点标定 (7)2.15.重量标定 (7)3.百克单价设定 (7)4.通讯 (7)4.1.通讯参数设定 (9)4.1.1.通讯参数 (9)4.2.通讯协议设定 (9)4.2.1.选择通讯协议 (10)4.2.2.协议特征 (10)4.2.3.操作 (10)4.3.协议类型 (11)4.3.1.ANKER收银机协议 (11)4.3.2.TPV CASIO CE 协议 (11)4.3.3.RIVA / UNIWELL 收银机协议 (12)4.3.4.TISA 收银机协议 (12)4.3.5.EAN 收银机协议(连接 PC ICL) (12)4.3.6.SANYO 收银机协议 (13)4.3.7.APOLLO/SAMSUNG POLAND / POSNET POLAND 收银机协议 (13)4.3.8.DELTA 收银机协议 (13)4.3.9.ALFA 收银机协议 (14)4.3.10.SAMSUNG-SPAIN 收银机协议 (14)4.3.11.SAMSUNG PORTUGAL 收银机协议 (14)4.3.12.UNIPROX / BMC PS 2000 收银机协议 (14)4.3.13.UNIPROX with CHECKSUM 收银机协议 (15)4.3.14.SHARP UP-700 收银机协议 (15)4.3.15.KABEL 收银机协议 (16)4.3.16.NCI 收银机协议 (16)4.3.17 ECR-POSNET 协议 (17)4.3.18TISA协议 (发送稳定重量 ) (17)4.3.19VD TISA 协议 (17)4.3.20 VD SEUR 协议 (17)4.3.21UNIPROX协议 (6位价格) (18)4.3.22STAR协议 (发送稳定称重) (18)Protocol (18)4.3.23保留 (19)4.3.24DIALOG 06 协议 (19)4.3.25EUROSTAR 2000T ALPHA 协议 (19)4.3.26保留 (20)4.3.27 DATECS 协议 (20)4.3.28l CASIO 2协议 (21)4.3.29保留 (21)4.3.30 DIALOG 06 协议(有最小称重) (21)4.3.31 ELZAB 协议 (22)4.3.32 TOWA 协议 (23)4.3.33 SHARP UP-700-2 协议 (24)Protocol (24)5.测试模式 (26)5.1.测试 (26)5.1.1.进入测试模式 (26)5.2.标定 (27)1. 测试为了让用户方便地检测秤的各部分是否工作正常,本秤具有快速检测各部件的功能,当秤出现故障或工作不正常时,可关机进入测试模式查找问题。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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0.1-125W,SSB、CW峰值功率,100W 数字通信模式及6米波段;

C Up/C Dn:手动增加减少电容;
L Up/L Dn: 手动增加减少电感;
3.0 LEDs:显示驻波(SWR);
Tune LED:指示调谐过程。


LDG Z-11Pro2通过前面板的6个按键进行操作。




通过短按FUNC 然后按下其他相关按键,可以选择第二功能。




LDG Z-11Pro2拥有2种调谐模式:全自动调谐,半自动调谐。



在这两种调谐模式下,LDG Z-11Pro2采用了2种不同的调谐方式:记忆调谐,完全调谐。

Tune LED在调谐过程中会闪烁。




完全调谐:白手起家进行调谐,开始按照固定的顺序进行调谐,LDG Z-11Pro2快速的尝试各种时大时小的电容电感值的组合,直到可能的最佳匹配。


通过这种方式,LDG Z-11Pro2不断学习,越来越适应使用的波段和频率。







短按Func键,然后短按C Dn/Auto键。




调谐期间Tune LED点亮,SWR LED显示驻波。














如果你的电梯没有驻波回滚电路,调谐开始前请减小功率到25W 以下。








短按Func,然后按下L Dn/Thresh。


再次短按Func,然后按下L Dn/Thresh,将前进到下一
