S Y V D微热吸附式干燥机操作说明书公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-微热再生吸附式干燥机操作说明书上海盛源机械设备有限公司前言:尊敬的用户,为了更好更准确的使用本机器,请您在使用机器前认真阅读本说明书,并严格按照说明书上的使用要求去做。
盛源售后服务目录产品概述1、产品概述 (4)2、微热再生吸附式干燥机的使用组合(见下图) (4)3、设备选型及安装操作 (6)4、故障分析与排除 (10)温馨提示:严禁在不通气的情况下开机,以免造成加热器的损坏!一、产品概述本公司生产的微热再生型吸附式压缩空气干燥机,是终合了外加热再生和无热再生的优点而设计、生产的节能型产品。
微热吸干机工作流程英文回答:The working process of a micro-heat absorption dryer involves several steps. Firstly, the wet material is loaded into the drying chamber of the dryer. This can be done manually or through an automated feeding system. Once the material is loaded, the drying chamber is sealed to prevent any external air from entering.Next, the heating system of the dryer is activated. This can be done using electricity, gas, or other heat sources. The heat is transferred to the drying chamber, raising the temperature inside. As a result, the moisture within the wet material starts to evaporate.Simultaneously, the dryer's ventilation system is turned on. This system consists of fans or blowers that circulate the air within the drying chamber. The purpose of the ventilation system is to remove the moist air andreplace it with fresh, dry air. This continuous air circulation helps in speeding up the drying process.As the moisture evaporates from the wet material, it forms as humid air inside the drying chamber. This air is then expelled through an exhaust vent. The exhaust vent is equipped with filters to prevent any dust or particles from escaping into the environment. The filtered air is released outside, while the remaining moisture is collected and drained away.Throughout the drying process, the temperature and humidity levels inside the drying chamber are monitored and controlled. This ensures that the material is dried evenly and efficiently. Advanced micro-heat absorption dryers may also have sensors and control systems to adjust the drying parameters automatically based on the material's moisture content.Once the drying process is complete, the dried material is discharged from the dryer. It can be collected in bins, bags, or conveyed to the next stage of the productionprocess. The drying chamber is then cleaned and prepared for the next batch of wet material.中文回答:微热吸干机的工作流程包括几个步骤。
(加热温度:130∽170℃可调) 3.干燥的低压热空气(称再生气)自上而下从吸附剂表面逐步脱附水份,使吸附剂再生。
(注:吸附剂再生,分上半再期加热,下半再期吹冷) 4. 吸附筒B 再生后截止阀4关闭,逐渐升压至工作压力(称均压过程)5.均压后接着截止阀3打开,B 筒进入吸附运转。
同时阀1关闭,阀2打工开,A 筒进入再生。
其主要技术参数如下: 1.进气压力:标准 允许 ∽ Mpa 2.进气温度:标准 ≤40℃ 最高允许 45℃ 3.初始压力降:≤ Mpa 4.成品气露点:-40℃∽-65℃ 5.再生气耗量:5∽7% (额定处理量) 图一 微热再生吸附干燥工艺图1~3(电磁式气控)进气截止阀2~4(电磁式气控)再生气截止阀 5.程控仪 6.吸附筒 7.排气单向阀8.再生气进气单向阀 9.电加热器10.消声器6.再生方式:微热再生 (再生温度可调)7.切换周期:一般定位 T=120min (可调60∽240min) 8.操作方式:程序控制(全自动)三、程序控制:本吸干机采用了先进可编的微电子程控仪,对微热再生吸干机的工艺过程进行最佳编程。
微热再生干燥机配置流程:微热再生干燥机主要部件图解:技术参数:进气温度:≤45℃进气含油量:≤0.1PPM 工作压力:0.6~1.0MPa成品气露点:≤-40℃再生气量:≤4%~6%工作周期:1~30(NM3/min含)T=2h;40~60(NM3/min含)T=4h;70~100(NM 3/min 含)T=6h;100(NM 3/min )以上 T=8h电源:1~8(NM 3/min )AC 220 50Hz10(NM 3/min )以上 AC380/220 50Hz技术要求:1) 微热再生吸附式干燥机的使用组合:后 部 冷 却缓 冲 罐气液 分 离螺杆、离心式 空 气H C 级过滤高效除油器或除油微 热 再 生 吸附 式 压 缩 空 气 除 尘 过滤 HA级 过 滤 注意—设备合理配置不按使用组合要求配置,都会使干燥机发生故障或达不到性能参数的要求。
1. 结构微热再生吸附式干燥机主要由进出料口、加热装置、环境控制系统、再生装置、吸附装置、密封装置以及控制系统等部分组成。
2. 工作原理微热再生吸附式干燥机将进料口送入的湿料在吸附装置中被吸附剂吸附,降低湿度;同时,再生装置通过加热和循环风来驱除吸附剂中的水分。
3. 优点(1)能耗低:与传统干燥设备相比,微热再生吸附式干燥机能耗更低,节省了能源成本。
4. 操作注意事项(1)首次使用前,应按照说明书的要求进行检查、安装和调试,确保设备正常运行。
使 用 说 明 书
2012 年 6 月
1 微热再生压缩空气干燥机是带有压力容器的设备,因此工作压 力绝不能超过铭牌上标明的最高工作压力。
2 微热再生压缩空气干燥机在电力驱动下运行,请按国家电力标 准进行安装。
请确认供电电源是 AC220V。必须提供接地线,接地电阻按国家标准规定执行。
Pt100 温度传感器为三线制接法,不正确的接线可能产生测量误差。如果使用 两线制传感器,必须将传感器接线端子的两个负端(I-)短接起来才能正常工作。
5.3 控制器面板
5.3.1、控制面板说明 1)、四阀结构控制面板
HD26E2/Th1-04 四阀 阀门属性可设置 300×400×190
5.2 安装与接线 5.2.1、安装
5.2.2、接线 为了避免触电,在连接电线到控制板时,确保总电源开关已断开。接线前,
吸附剂暴露在空气中,使用前可在 2040C 的炉中加热 4 小时。 4.3.2 如果干燥机中充填的不是干的吸附剂,为了使它干燥,有必要使干燥机实际
进口 流量减到最大进口流量的 50%下操作。 4.4.1 控制气过滤器中的滤芯应每年更换,如果滤芯上的压差妨碍了阀的动作,滤
芯必须更换,控制气压力不能低于 0.41MPa。 4.4.2 滤芯更换过程
一、工况条件与技术指标Working condition and technical data再生气量(Purge air): ≤12~15%工作压力(Working pressure): 0.6~1.0MPa进气含油量(Inlet oil content): ≤0.1mg/m3成品气压力露点(Outlet air pressure dew point): -20~-40℃干燥剂(Desiccant): 活性氧化铝(Activated aluminum)或分子筛(Molecular siere)工作周期(Working periods): 60~180min进气温度(Inlet temperature): 0~45℃二、伽利略吸附式干燥机产品特点:1)人性化设计:科学合理结构设计,外型新颖,美观大方,长期高效,性能稳定,操作、维护、保养方便,安装简便(无基础)。
6) 品质优良的消音器,有效的降低产品噪音,具有压力保护功能,提升产品安全性。
7) 保持吸附筒内空气合适的流速,既可确保压缩空气与吸附剂充分接触,亦可防止吸附剂移动和粉化。
8) 产品独特设计,气流脉冲小,气压平稳无波动,吸附剂破碎大大降低,出口气含粉尘少。
三、型号规格与性能参数Model,size & technical data微热吸附式干燥机工作原理、操作事项及维护保养1、概述在应用许多类似于精密电子行业或高精密仪表的运用上,因为工艺要求需将压缩空气中的压力露点降到0℃以下时,因冷冻式干燥机的压力露点低于0℃时会出现管路结冰的现象,此时采用冷冻式干燥已不能满足工艺的要求,我司在引进先进的冷冻式干燥机制造技术同时,也引进了无热式吸附式干燥机的制造技术,其最低露点温度可达-70℃;同时采用优质的材料如进口不锈钢气动阀、不锈钢单向阀等制造,避免管路的污染,提高空气品质。
其主要技术参数如下:1.进气压力:标准 0.7Mpa 允许 0.6∽0.9 Mpa2.进气温度:标准≤40℃最高允许 45℃3.初始压力降:≤0.021 Mpa4.成品气露点:-40℃∽-65℃5.再生气耗量:5∽7% (额定处理量)6.再生方式:微热再生(再生温度可调)7.切换周期:一般定位 T=120min (可调60∽240min) 8.操作方式:程序控制(全自动)三、程序控制:本吸干机采用了先进可编的微电子程控仪,对微热再生吸干机的工艺过程进行最佳编程。
部门生产部编号FYZK-RK-GL-201605017安全措施(必要时可附页或绘图说明)工作地点其它安全措施或注意事项(由工作票签发人填写)补充工作地点其它安全措施和注意事项(由工作许可人填写)工作负责人(监护人):杨斌班组:电仪检修附页:1张工作班成员(不包括工作负责人):李长青梁超杰共 2 人工作场所、设备所属专业及设备名称:空压机房锅炉专业微热吸附式干燥机工作票签发人签名:签发日期:年月日时分工作任务工作地点及设备双重名称工作内容收到工作票时间:年月日时分运行值班负责人签名:工作负责人签名:空压机房微热吸附式干燥机微热吸附式干燥机装消声器以及检查计划工作时间:自2016 年05月24日10 时00 分至2016年05 月24 日12 时00分批准工作结束时间:年月日时分(运行值班负责人填写)安全措施(必要时可附页或绘图说明)需要退出的热工保护和自动装置执行人已执行( √ )上述各项安全措施已完成,确认无误,于年月日时分,许可开始工作。
工作班组人员签名:需要变更的设备和热控运行方式执行人已执行( √ )工作负责人变更:原工作负责人,于日时分离去,变更为工作负责人。
工作票签发人签名:工作许可人签名:微热再生吸附式干燥机停运切换为旁路运行工作票延期:有效期延长到:年月日时分工作负责人签名:工作许可人签名:应断开的电源开关和保险并粘贴“禁止合闸,有人工作”警告标示执行人已执行( √ )检修设备需试运:(工作票交回,所列安全措施已拆除,可以试运)允许试运时间工作许可人工作负责人年月日时分应关闭的阀门,并挂“禁止操作,有人工作”警告牌执行人已执行( √ )检修设备试运后,工作票所列安全措施已全部执行,可以重新工作微热再生吸附式干燥机进气门允许恢复工作时间工作许可人工作负责人微热再生吸附式干燥机出气门年月日时分工作票终结:全部工作于年月日时分结束,设备及安全措施已恢复至开工前状态,工作人员已全部撤离,材料工具已清理完毕。
1) 用于再生的气耗量小;
2) 控制系统采用单片微机程序进行自动控制,性能稳定可靠;
3) 具备阀门开关自动显示功能,人机界面友好,操作简单,方便日常维护保养;
4) 根据实际负荷与湿度,可调节再生气耗比例,节约再生气能耗;
5) 可选择系统循环切换时间(60~240分钟),满足对成品气露点要求;
6) 气动阀门控制与其他电磁阀门控制比较,寿命更长,保证干燥机长期稳定运行。
1) 环境温度:≤42℃
2) 进气温度:≤45℃
3) 进气含油量:≤0.1PPm
4) 工作压力:0.45~1.0 MPa
5)压力露点:- 40℃~ -70℃(PDP) 6)系统压降:≤0.02Mpa
8)切换周期:30-240 min(可调) 9)吸附剂:活性氧化铝
SLAD系列操作使用说明书购买日期型号出厂编号杭州山立净化设备股份有限公司HANGZHOU SHANLI PURIFY EQUIPMENT CORPORATION目录一、产品介绍1.工艺流程图2.工作原理3.配置流程4.主要部件图鉴5.技术参数6.技术要求二、控制器操作使用说明1.参数设置2.控制器接线端子图三、操作过程1.开机前的检查2.开机准备3.启动步骤四、运行中观察五、维护及保养六、突然停电七、关机八、微热再生吸附式干燥机故障诊断指导尊敬的用户:感谢您选购杭州山立净化设备股份有限公司SLAD系列的微热吸附式干燥机,为了确保机器正常,可靠运行,请务必在使用本机器之前详细阅读说明书。
盛源售后服务目录产品概述1、产品概述 (4)2、微热再生吸附式干燥机的使用组合(见下图) (4)3、设备选型及安装操作 (6)4、故障分析与排除 (10)温馨提示:严禁在不通气的情况下开机,以免造成加热器的损坏!一、产品概述本公司生产的微热再生型吸附式压缩空气干燥机,是终合了外加热再生和无热再生的优点而设计、生产的节能型产品。
微热吸干机工作流程英文回答:The working process of a micro-heat absorption dryer involves several steps. First, the wet material is placed inside the dryer. The wet material can be anything from clothes to food products.Next, the dryer is activated, and the heating elementis turned on. The heating element generates heat, which is then transferred to the wet material. As a result, the moisture in the material starts to evaporate.Simultaneously, a fan inside the dryer starts to circulate the hot air. This helps in speeding up the evaporation process by continuously bringing in fresh air and removing the moisture-laden air.As the moisture evaporates, it turns into water vapor. The water vapor is then collected and condensed into liquidform. This is done using a condenser, which cools down the vapor and converts it back into water.The condensed water is then drained out of the dryer through a drainage system. Some dryers may have a collection tank where the water is stored for later use.Once the majority of the moisture is removed from the material, the drying process is complete. The dryer automatically shuts off, and the dry material can be taken out.中文回答:微热吸干机的工作流程包括几个步骤。
压缩空气干燥机Compressed air dryers微热再生吸附式干燥机和过滤器杭州嘉隆气体设备有限公司2013Oem:杭州嘉隆气体设备有限公司Add:浙江省杭州市下城区沈家路198号/北京市丰台区右安门开阳里六区11-405#Tel:+86-571-85365111 / +86-10-67355195、60106117Fax:+86-571-85365000Mb:+86-135********E-mail:*********************Http:一、吸附式干燥机说明(可提供微热再生机型/再生机型)Specification for Heatless regenerative desiccant absorptive air dryer以微热再生吸附式干燥机作说明:概述:SummaryJLAH型微热再生吸干机是杭州嘉隆气体设备有限公司自行设计制造的高效压缩空气干燥机器,结合了国外众多厂家(美国汉克森hankison、德国)超滤Ultafilter、英国多明尼克Domnick Hunter/DH)最先进的设计理念,我们一直紧追国际先进技术,不断向客户提供技术含量更高、效果更好的产品。
JLAH type heatless dryers is Hangzhou Jialong gas Equipment Co., Ltd. to design and manufacture efficient compressed air drying machines, combined with many foreign manufacturers (, Hankison hankison, USA German ultrafiltration Ultafilter, England Dominique domnick hunter)advanced design concepts, we have been hot pursuit of international advanced technology, continue to provide customers with higher technological content, the better the product. The products have been poured into the international market, exports to Turkey, Kenya, Botswana, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Sudan and other countries. Product quality and technology to the domestic advanced level, and increasingly close and reached the international advanced level.JLAH型吸干机用于清除压缩空气中的水分,使压缩空气的露点温度达到-20O C~-60 O C,甚至于更低。
微热再生吸附式干燥机说明书(2009-04-28 19:52:29)标签:微热再生干燥机吸附式干燥机吸干机说明书分类:吸附式干燥机说明书1.工作原理概述JHL型微热再生吸干机是根据变压、变温吸附原理,充分利用吸附剂在高压、低温下吸附,低压、高温下脱附的特性,提高单位质量内的吸附剂的吸附量,从而达到深度干燥压缩空气的目的。
吸附塔B内有上半个周期吸附下来的水分,再生气带走这些水分并经再生阀RB 和消声器MF排空,此为加热再生阶段。
(加热温度:130∽170℃可调) 3.干燥的低压热空气(称再生气)自上而下从吸附剂表面逐步脱附水份,使吸附剂再生。
(注:吸附剂再生,分上半再期加热,下半再期吹冷) 4. 吸附筒B 再生后截止阀4关闭,逐渐升压至工作压力(称均压过程)5.均压后接着截止阀3打开,B 筒进入吸附运转。
同时阀1关闭,阀2打工开,A 筒进入再生。
其主要技术参数如下: 1.进气压力:标准 0.7Mpa 允许 0.6∽0.9 Mpa 2.进气温度:标准 ≤40℃ 最高允许 45℃ 3.初始压力降:≤0.021 Mpa 4.成品气露点:-40℃∽-65℃ 5.再生气耗量:5∽7% (额定处理量)图一 微热再生吸附干燥工艺图1~3(电磁式气控)进气截止阀2~4(电磁式气控)再生气截止阀 5.程控仪 6.吸附筒 7.排气单向阀8.再生气进气单向阀 9.电加热器10.消声器6.再生方式:微热再生 (再生温度可调)7.切换周期:一般定位 T=120min (可调60∽240min) 8.操作方式:程序控制(全自动)三、程序控制:本吸干机采用了先进可编的微电子程控仪,对微热再生吸干机的工艺过程进行最佳编程。
INSTRUCTION MANUAL TOASTER OVENTL2-AC25CZA(GR)CONTENTSPRODUCT SAFETYIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS .............................................................................................................................................EN-3INSTRUCTION FOR USEBEFORE FIRST USE ............................................................................................................................................................EN-NAME OF PARTS ................................................................................................................................................................ EN-6HOW TO USE ......................................................................................................................................................................EN-7CONTROL PANEL.................................................................................................................................................................EN-7CARE AND CLEANING .......................................................................................................................................................EN-14SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................................................................................EN-14SHORT CORD INSTRUCTIO ........................................................................................................................................EN-OPERATION ...........................................................................................................................................................................EN-85MAINTENANCEONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY ...............................................................................................................................EN-15MUTE .......................................................................................................................................................................................EN-8AIRFRY .................................................................................................................................................................................EN-8AIRFRY MENU .....................................................................................................................................................................EN-9TOAST .................................................................................................................................................................................EN-10BAKE .......................................................................................................................................................................................EN-10PIZZA ..................................................................................................................................................................................EN-125ROAST ..................................................................................................................................................................................EN-11BROIL ......................................................................................................................................................................................EN-11WARM ....................................................................................................................................................................................EN-12REHEAT ................................................................................................................................................................................EN-13DEHYDRATE...........................................................................................................................................................................EN-13N ..IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS SAFETY WARNING When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following :1. Read all instructions.2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.3. To protect against electrical shock do not immerse cord, plugs, or any electrical parts inwater or other liquid.4. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children.5. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to cool before putting on or taking o parts.6. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the appliancemalfunctions or has been damaged in any manner. Return appliance to the nearestauthorized service facility for examination, repair, or adjustment.7. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may cause injuries.8. Do not use outdoors.9. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.10. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or in a heated oven.11. Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot oil or other hot liquids.12. Always attach plug to appliance rst, then plug cord into the wall outlet. To disconnect,14. Use extreme caution when removing tray or disposing of hot grease.15. Do not clean with metal scouring pads. Pieces can break o the pad and touch electrical parts, creating parts, creating a risk of electric shock.16. Oversize foods or metal utensils must not be inserted in a toaster-oven as they maycreate a re or risk of electric shock.17. A re may occur if the toaster-oven is covered or touching ammable material, including curtains, draperies, walls, and the like, when in operation. Do not store any item on top of the appliance when in operation.18. Extreme caution should be exercised when using containers constructed of other thanmetal or glass.IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS SAFETY WARNING 19. Do not store any materials, other than manufacturers recommended accessories, inthis oven when not in use.20. Do not place any of the following materials in the oven: (that is, paper, cardboard,plastic, and the like).21. Do not cover crumb tray or any part of the oven with metal foil. This will causeoverheating of the oven.22. Caution-To ensure continued protection against risk of electric shock, connect toproperly grounded outlets only.23. Remove plug from outlet when the appliance is not in use, before putting on or takingo parts, and before cleaning. Allow to cool before handing.24. Avoid contacting moving parts.25. For household use only.26.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSSAFETY WARNINGBEFORE FIRST USE1. Remove all accessories and packing materials before operating the oven.2. Wash the rack and grill tray in warm soapy water. Wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth or sponge. Blot dry with paper towels to be sure the unit is dry before using it.3. Place oven on a at counter or other stable surface. DO NOT OPERATE ON THE SAME CIRCUIT WITH ANOTHER APPLIANCE.4. Make sure the crumb tray is properly installed before using it.5. Before working, place the crumb tray under the bottom heating pipes.For the rst time only, set the temperature knob to MAX, the function setting on roast and the timer to 15 minutes. This will burn o any oils still on the oven.SHORT CORD INSTRUCTION DETACHABLE POWER SUPPLY CORD 1. A short power-supply cord (or detachable power-supply cord) should be used to reduce the risk resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.2. Longer detachable power-supply cords or extension cords are available and may be used if care is exercised in their use.3. If a longer detachable power-supply cord or extension cord is used:• The marked electrical rating of the cord set or extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance.• The cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.• If the appliance is of the grounded type, the extension cord should be a grounding-type 3-wire cord.HousingNAME OF PARTSKnobFootDisplayDoor HandleHandle HolderCrumb Tray Door Glass Grill Tray Rack Fry BasketLayer 3Layer 2Layer 1HOW TO USECAUTION: THE OVEN SURFACES ARE HOT DURING AND AFTER USE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS1. Place the rack in position that will accommodate the height of the food to be cooked.2. The food must be put into the grill tray to avoid the re danger that caused by the accumulation of food chipping on the heating pipes.3. Make sure that you always use an ovenproof container in the oven, never use plastic or cardboard containers in the oven.4. Clean the heating pipe periodically.5. Never use glass or ceramic pans or lids.6. DO NOT let juice run to the bottom of the oven. Use the crumb tray when cooking.7. Set the temperature as suggested by the recipe or as desired.8. Securely shut the door and set the cooking time to begin operating the oven.9. When you use the rack, please put the convex upward.10. Please don’t unplug the power cord when the oven nish working. The cooling fan will stop delay working 1 min.CONTROL PANEL COOKING STEPBake level (only Toast function)PreheatFan for convection button Light button Airfry menu buttonTemperature/Time buttonBack/Cancel/Mute buttonStart/Pause knob Time / Slice / Inch (only slice/inch for the Toast or Pizza function)Temperature 123456OPERATIONWhen the oven is powered, the buzzer will ring once. The default function is AIRFRY. In the process of cooking , you can press " OK/START/PAUSE " to pause cooking. MUTEAIRFRY1. Turn on the power and machine is at original state. The default function is AirFry. “ AIRFRY” and “ ” will display on the display screen.3. Press and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the temperature. Thedefault temperature is 410˚F. This temperature is the cooking temperature after preheating.4. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to set the cooking time. The default cooking time is 15 minutes. This time is the cooking time after preheating.5. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to preheat.6. After preheating, put the food into the cooking machine and close the door. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking.7. You can press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the temperature and the time during cooking process.8. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food and the machine when you take out the food.OPERATIONAIRFRY MENUmenu. “ AIRFRY”, A01” and “ ” will display on the display screen.2. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob and you can choose functions fromA01-A08 in the menu. The default function is A01 (Chicken nuggets).Note: if you choose A08 (frozen French fries), “A08”and “ ” will display onthe display screen.3. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust thetemperature. The default temperature of A01 is 410˚F. This temperature is thecooking temperature after preheating.4. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to set thecooking time. The default cooking time of A01 is 15 minutes 30 seconds. Thistime is the cooking time after preheating.5. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to preheat.6. After preheating, put the food into the cooking machine and close the door. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking. (If you choose A08 function, put French fries on the bottom of the fry basket. You are recommended to selectthe temperature and time shown on the menu. You also can adjust them afterthe cooking starts.)7. You can press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the temperature and the time during cooking process.8. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food and the machine when you take out the food.Display A01 A02 A03 A04AIR FRY MenuChicken nuggetsBreaded squid ringsBreaded cod sticksSpring rollsAIR FRY MenuPotato cheese stripsVegetablesChicken legFrozen french friesDisplayA05A06A07A08OPERATIONTOAST1. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to the right once. The display screen will show “TOAST” and “ ”. Then the machine will be in the TOAST function.2. Press and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to choose the slice number oftoast. The default number is 4 slices.3. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to choose the degrees of toastiness. The default setting is4.4. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking. The default cooking time is 4 minutes and 15 seconds, which cannot be adjusted during cooking process.5. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food and the machine when you take out the food.BAKE1. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to the right twice. The display screen will show “BAKE” and “ ”. Then the machine will be in the BAKE function. The fan is closed by default. You can open it by selecting “ ” and the “ ” icon will display.2. Press and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the temperature. The default temperature is 350˚F.3. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust thecooking time. The default time is 25 minutes.4. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking.5. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food and the machine when you take out the food.OPERATIONROAST1. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to the right 3 times. The display screenwill show “ROAST” and “ ”. Then the machine will be in the ROAST function. The fan is closed by default. You can open it by selecting “ ” and the “ ”icon will display.2. Press and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the temperature. The default temperature is 350˚F.3. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the cooking time. The default time is 10 minutes.4. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking.5. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food andthe machine when you take out the food.BROIL1. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to the right 4 times. The display screen will show “BROIL” and “ ”. Then the machine will be in the BROIL function. The fan is closed by default. You can open it by selecting “ ” and the “ ” icon will display.2. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the temperature. The defaulttemperature is 350˚F.3. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust thecooking time. The default time is 10 minutes.4. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking.5. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food and the machine when you take out the food.OPERATIONPIZZA1. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to the right 5 times. The display screen will show “PIZZA” and “ ”. Then the machine will be in the PIZZA function.2. Press and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to choose pizza sizes, including 6 inches, 9 inches, and 12 inches. The default size is 9 inches.3. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust thetemperature. The default temperature is 380˚F for a 9-inch pizza.4. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust thecooking time. The default time is 10 minutes for a 9-inch pizza.5. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to preheat. “Preheat” will ash.6. After preheating, put the food into the cooking machine and close the door. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking.7. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust thetemperature and the time during cooking process.8. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food andthe machine when you take out the food.WARM1. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to the right 6 times. The display screen will show “WARM” and “ ”. Then the machine will be in the WARM function.2. Press and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the temperature. The default temperature is 180˚F.3. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust thecooking time. The default time is 1 hour.4. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking.5. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food and the machine when you take out the food.OPERATIONREHEAT1. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to the right 7 times. The display screen will show “REHEAT” and “ ”. Then the machine will be in the REHEAT function. The fan is closed by default. You can open it by selecting “ ” and the “ ” icon will display.2. Press and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the temperature. The default temperature is 350˚F.3. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust thecooking time. The default time is 3 minutes.4. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking.5. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food and the machine when you take out the food.DEHYDRATE1. Rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to the right 8 times. The display screen will show “DEHYDRATE” and “ ”. Then the machine will be in the DEHYDRATE function.2. Press and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust the temperature. The default temperature is 150˚F.3. Press the “ ” button and rotate the “OK/START/PAUSE” knob to adjust thecooking time. The default time is 4 hours.4. Press the “OK/START/PAUSE” button to start cooking.5. After the cooking nishes, the machine will beep 3 times and the display screen will show “End”. Pay attention to the high temperature of both the food and the machine when you take out the food.SPECIFICATIONCARE AND CLEANING1. Before cleaning, unplug the oven and allow it to cool completely.2. Wash all the attachments with mild, soaped water including the rack and the grill Tray.3. Do not use abrasive cleansers, scrubbing brushes and chemical cleaner as these will cause damage to the non-stick coating of grill tray.4. Using a wet cloth to wipe the inner of the oven.5. To clean the door by using a wet cloth saturated with detergent or soap.6. Never immerse the unit in water or other liquid.7. Any other servicing should be performed by an authorized service representative.MODELCUBAGEVOLTAGEAC FREQUENCYPOWER 25L 120V~60Hz 1750WTL2-AC25CZA(GR)ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYThis product carries a warranty stating that it will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase. This warranty is valid for the original retail purchaser from the date of initial retail purchase and is not transferable. Keep your original sales receipt.IMPORTANT:1. This warranty does not cover damages resulting from accident, misuse or abuse, lack of reasonable care, the affixing of any attachments not provided with the product, loss of parts, or subjecting the appliance to any but the specified voltage. ( Read directions carefully. )2. This warranty is void if this product is ever used for other than private household purposes.3. This warranty is void if this product is ever used outside of United State.If service is required during the warranty period, properly pack your unit. mend using the original carton and packing materials.If additional assistance is needed, please contact customer assistance at:Midea America Corp. expressly disclaims all responsibility for consequential damages or incidental losses caused by use of the appliance. Some states do not allow this exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential losses so the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state.*********************************.com855-204-5313Midea America Corp5 Sylvan Way,Parsippany, NJ 07054Model Number:Serial Number:SAVE THIS FOR YOUR RECORDSWe recom The serial number can be found on the back cabinet. We suggest that you record the serial number of your unit in the space below for future reference PN:16171000A13088Customer Assistance: 855-204-5313 Midea America Corp5 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, NJ 07054。
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SLAD SeriesHeated Regeneration Air DryerOperation InstructionPurchasing DateModelManufacture No.HANGZHOU SHANLI PURIFY EQUIPMENT CORPORATIONCONTENTS1、Product Introduction1)Process Flow Diagram2)Working Principle/Operation Principle3)Configuration Process4)Main Component Illustration5)Technical Parameters6)Technical Requirements2、Operation Instruction of the Controller1)Parameters Setting2)Wire Connecting Terminal Diagram of the Controller3、Operation Process1)Pre-start Checking2)Pre-start Preparation3)Start Process4、Machine Running Status Observation5、Maintenance6、Unexpected Blackout7、Dryer Shutdown Process8、Instruction on Heated Regeneration Air Dryer FaultsDear Sir/Madam,Thank you for your wise purchasing SLAD series heated regeneration air dryer, which is manufactured by Hangzhou Shanli Purify Equipment Corporation China. In order to ensure regular operation and reliable performance of the dryer, please read this operation & maintenance instruction carefully before your first running of the dryer.You will have been guaranteed our first-class service since the date that you make a purchase of our equipment.AttentionThis operation & maintenance instruction is suitable for our standard equipment. Ifyour purchased equipment is special required, please read the attached illustration aswell as the operation & maintenance instruction, carefully.1、Product Introduction1)Process Flow Diagram of Heated Regeneration Air dryersA、B Desiccant TowerK1、K2、K3、K4 Check ValveM Process ControllerO Electromagnetic Valve Seta、b、c、d Pneumatic ValveP1、P2 Pressure GaugeJF Reducing ValveS MufflerQ HeaterZ1、Z2、Z3、Z4 Diffuser2)Working PrincipleWith taking advantage of the surface absorbability of porous solid material, the heated regeneration air dryer is a kind of equipments, which can absorb the moisture to get satisfied air with lower dew point and better cleanliness.It adopts active alumina, whose diameter is almost same with water molecule, as the desiccant, it’s also in line with the world advanced pressure swing adsorption (PSA) principle, that is to say, when absorbing in normal temperature, the pressure of water molecule in air is big than that in desiccant, so the former will be sucked into the desiccant, then condense to water drop, meanwhile the liberated heat will be stored at the upside of the tower. As regenerating, in order to temporary lower the desiccant absorption ability to let the water molecule effuse out, about 7% dry air will go through the regeneration tower slowly after the air being heated up to 150℃, the stored heat also will take part in regeneration process for energy saving. For the circular employ ofabsorption-regeneration-absorption, the desiccant dries compressed air continuously to get deeply dried air. The technical performance already has reached the international high-level standard. It can be you ideal equipment with dew point lowering than -40℃.The working alternating cycle of twin tower can ensure stable output of satisfied compressed air. Its pressure dew point which can make up to -40℃is definitely can meet the high quality requirements of users. Due to the heater, it can keep good regeneration performance with less purge air loss.3)Configuration Process of Heated Regeneration Air Dryer4)Main Component IllustrationInlet Air Temperature 20-45℃Inlet Air Oil Content ≤0.1PPM Working Pressure 0.6-1.0MPa Dew Point ≤-40℃Regeneration Air Purge Loss 6%-8% Power Supply 1-6(Nm3/min):AC220V 50HZ8(Nm3/min) andabove:AC380/220V50HZ6)Technical Requirementsa )Matching Application of Heated Regeneration Air Dryerb )During absorption process, desiccant is sensitive with the quality of inlet air: the oil content of the inlet air should be lower than 0.1PPM, otherwise, it will give an influence on the absorption performance, what ’s worse, it will reduce desiccant ’s lifespan and make an irretrievable damage.c )In order to meet production need without any impact on continuous manufacturing, such as dryer maintenance and repairing, we suggest customers select by-pass system to equip at air inlet and outlet place.d )When inlet air pressure changes, the capacity of air dryer should be recalculate with the following correction coefficient table.After CoolerBuffer Tank罐Water SeparatorScrew/Centrifugal Air CompressorHC-level FilterHigh Efficient Oil RemoverHeated Regeneration Air DryerDust FilterHA-level FilterTreated Compressed Air SourcePiston Air Compressor HC-level FilterAttention —Equipment Reasonable Configuration In order to reach the specific required performance and to avoid unnecessary faults,please take matching application configuration as reference.e)In order to win 5 to 10 minutes buffer time under the situation of unexpected blackout, we suggest our customers select air receiver equipped before the dryer.f)When there are several air compressors in the compressor room, the outlet pipe of every air compressor should all be quipped with check valve and isolating valve.7)Before and after the air dryer, we suggest our customers deploy air flow gauge, pressure gauge and temperature gauge for detecting and recording use.8)Please open the drainage valve at the bottom of the tower to drain for each start or shutdown.2、Operation Instruction of the Controller1)Parameters SettingPlease turn DIPSW on the left position (setting mode) to enter into controller parameter setting status. At the same time, the left display will show parameter code, and the right display will show parameter value.a)Choosing the Parameter Code: you can push the button “Stop/Code” cyclically from P01 to P12 to choose the parameter item you want to set.b)Setting the Parameter Value: after you choosing the parameter item, please push the button “Stop/Parameter”, then you can set the parameter value progressively and cyclically. Meanwhile, you can push the button “Start/Code”again, then you can set the parameter degressively and cyclically.c)After finishing setting, you can turn DIPSW to the right position (running mode), the setting parameters will be written into E2PROM, even after blackout, it still will be saved. If the display show E0, E1, E2, you should take some time to set again until all correct.Balance TimeP12 Overheat Protection Value 1~450 ℃AttentionSince your setting shutdown pressure balance time, the regeneration purge air valve will be close when you push the button “Stop/Parameter”, however, the controller will halt after the store air reach pressure balance in regeneration tower.2)Wire Connecting Terminal Diagram of the Controller3、Operation Process 1)Pre-start Checkinga )Firstly, please check whether the equipment external is impaired or not, and check whether the configuration is all in readiness or not. About the equipment installation, the non-perpendicularity should be lower than 1/1000.b )According to the electrical principle diagram, please check the wiring of the equipment is proper and tight or not.c )Please check the connections of air pipes and valves are proper and tight or not; check the setting value of the relief valve is normal or not.Notes: the rated setting value for pneumatic membrane valves is 0.2Mpa to 0.3Mpa; the rated setting value for pneumatic butterfly valve is 0.5Mpa to 0.6Mpa.d )Please check whether the connections of inlet and outlet air pipes are proper or not. If there are equipped with filters, please check whether the connections of pre & After Filters are proper or not, too.2)Pre-start Preparationa )It is the line hole that you can put the power supply wire through to the connector plug. Please check the supply voltage is normal. Notes:The acceptable voltage fluctuation range: if operation is long period, it is the rated voltage ’s 5%; if operation is short period, it is the rated voltage ’s 10%; if operation meets the L1-L2-L3 Voltages are unbalanced, it is the rated voltage ’s 2%The acceptable frequency fluctuation range: the rated frequency ’s 2%.b )Please turn DIPSW on the left position (setting mode) to enter into controller parameter setting status. Normally, the parameters have already been set before delivery, so it isn ’t necessary to set it again.1-20Nm3/min 25-50Nm3/min 60-100Nm3/min 120Nm3/min and above Absorption Time60min120min 180min 180min Pressure Balance Time 5sec 5sec 5sec 5sec Regeneration Delay Time 5sec 5sec 5sec 5sec+20sec Regeneration Time 58min118min 175min 175min Heating Delay Time8sec8sec 8sec 8sec Heating Time20min45min60min60minAttentionThis kind of controllers are regular electrical configuration, if the purchased one is special required, please take the attached operation instruction as reference carefully.Heating Temperature 150℃ 150℃ 150℃ 150℃ ReturnDifference Value40℃40℃ 40℃ 40℃ Force Warning Protection Temperature Setting Value≥180℃ ≥180℃≥180℃≥180℃Notes :The heater working principle: the heater will start heating automatically when the temperature is lower than 110 ℃; the heater will stop heating automatically when the temperature is higher than 150℃.c )Turn the toggle switch on the panel to the "Run" state, the controller to exit the parameter setting state.d )Inspect the temperature and time display on the panel is correct or not.3)Start Processa )Please close the isolating valve to let the pressure of twin towers increase up to pipe network pressure.b )Please check whether there is leakage or not, meanwhile, the regeneration purge air valve should be in close status.c )When DIPSW is on right position, push the button “Start/Code ”, then the light of “Start/Code ”, the light of running status and the light of valve movement are all on, that is to say, the controller is running.Notes: the dryer only accept remote controlling signal when it in remote status.d )The regeneration air discharge valve open automatically, then, one of towers begins to depressurization.e )One or two working cycles of the regeneration air dryer running later, please open the air outlet valve.f )Please shutdown the dryer and replace part active alumina when there is a lot of stive in treated air.Attention The regeneration discharge air temperature of the heated air dryer depends on its flow capacity, in a word, the normal temperature range of it is between 110℃ to 180℃. Warning It is prohibited to start with no-load in stuffiness, to avoid broking the heater.4、Machine Running Status Observation1)The absorption tower inside pressure should be equal to pipe network pressure, which’s showed by pressure gauge.2)The regeneration tower inside pressure should be lower than 0.022Mpa. Any higher pressure of regeneration air all demonstrates ill-state of running pressure. Please take Instruction on Heatless Regeneration Air Dryer Faults as reference.3)In order to avoid valve automatic switch, please make sure the pressure value in controlling air supply system is stable.Notes:The setting value of the relief valve in controlling air supply system: the rated setting value for pneumatic membrane valves is 0.2Mpa to 0.3Mpa; the rated setting value for pneumatic butterfly valve is 0.5Mpa to 0.6Mpa.5、MaintenanceWarningPlease make sure power is off and pressure is released before maintenance.1)Please Clean or replace the filter elements in pipeline in time, especially in the first month and keep it as a habit. Please clean the mufflers periodically, if the regeneration tower inside pressure is higher than 0.035Mpa, which means you should change the mufflers.2)Please close the relief valve and check whether there is leakage or not for every three months, if the air is discharged via muffler, there is leakage exist.3)Don’t worry about the lubrication effect, there is no necessity to lubricate the heatless regeneration air dryer.Every Day4)Please check the automatic drainage of the pre-filter.Every Week5)Please check whether the execution of tower-switching, regeneration and pressurization is normal or not.6)Please pay attention to the operation conditions, the inlet air pressure & temperature, and air flow.7)Please check whether the muffler is clean or not, if the regeneration pressure is higher than the standard, it is necessary to make a replacement.8)Please check the pressure drop between pre-filter and after filter, if the pressure is more than 0.07Mpa, it is necessary to make a replacement of filter elements.Every Month9)Please check the element of the filtrating relief valve in controlling air supply system, andreplace it in time when there is a need.Every Three Months10)Please check the possible jam and damage in pre & after filters, make a replacement if necessary.11)In order to do sample test of the desiccant, please take the following as reference: firstly, close the inlet & outlet valves or bypass the dryer; secondly, depressurize the dryer system thoroughly, then open the filling lid and take sample. If the desiccant is seriously damaged, please replace the desiccant in time.12)Please disconnect and check the air inlet pneumatic valve and regeneration purge air discharge valve, clean or replace the valve seat and the seal ring timely.13)Please check whether there is leakage in pneumatic valve membrane, and check whether the seal ring is abraded or not.14)Please check, maintain or replace if there is a need.15)Please check and maintain the electromagnetic valves in controlling air supply system.16)Please check the dew point probe, if there is one.17)Please check whether the mufflers are being stuck by oil or particles, if the pressurization is more than 0.035Mpa, there is a need to replace.6、Unexpected BlackoutAs there is an unexpected blackout, the two air inlet pneumatic valves will open, and the two regeneration air discharge valves will close, automatically. After power resumption, please wait the twin-tower pressure get to standard pipe working pressure, then, push the button “Start/Code” , and the controller will begin to work. One of the towers will come into absorption status and the other tower regeneration status.7、Dryer Shutdown ProcessDuring the pressurization period of the air dryer, if you want to shutdown the dryer, you should wait the twin-tower pressure get balanced, then push the button “Stop/Parameter”, the controller will stop working.7. There is too much dust in the outlet air.1. The controller does not work, which leads todesiccant mutual impact caused by pressure unstable.2. The pressure balance time is too short. 1. Test the output of the controller with a multi-meter to see if it works normally.2. Check whether the controller parameter setting is reasonable or not.1. Check the controller, repair or replace it.2. Prolong the balance pressure time.8.The regeneration temperature is too low.1. The controller doesn ’t work or its setting value istoo low.2. The temperature transducer gets wrong.3. The electricity power is in fault.4. The heater gets wrong. 1. The set value of the controller ’s heating temperature is too low. 2. Test the resistance of the temperature transducer. 3. Check the voltage of the power supply.4. Check the resistance value of the heater.1. Reset the value of the controller and replace the controller if necessary2. Replace the transducer.3. Check the electricity line.4. Replace the heater. 9. The regeneration temperature is too high.1. The controller gets wrong or its setting value is too high.2. The temperature transducer gets wrong.3. The regeneration air flow is too small.4. The heater gets wrong.5. The contactor is in fault.1. The set value of the controller ’s heating temperature is too high.2. Test the resistance of the temperature transducer.3. Check the regeneration purge airregulating valve.4. Check the resistance value of theheater.5. Check the contactor.1. Reset the value of the controller andreplace the controller if necessary. 2. Replace the transducer. 3. Adjust the regeneration air flow. 4. Replace the heater. 5. Replace the contactor.HANGZHOU SHANLI PURIFY EQUIPMENT CORPORATIONADDRESS DONGFENG INDUSTRIAL ZONE, DONGXI AVENUE, RENHE TOWN, YUHANG DISTRICT, HANGZHOU CITY TELEPHONE 086-0571-******** SERVICE HOTLINE 086-0571-******** FAX 086-0571-******** POST CODE 311107WEBSITE E-MAIL *****************AttentionDuring the warranty period of the heated regeneration air dryer, please take a note about the relevant model and factory number, then call our after-sales department to analyze the fault cause.。