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CET-6翻译训练题 --中国文化篇


北京有无数的胡同 (hutong。平民百姓在胡同里的生活给古都北京带来了无穷的魅力。北京的胡同不仅仅是平民百姓的生活环境,而且还是一门建筑艺术。通常,胡同内有一个大杂院,房间够 4到 10个家庭的差不多 20 口人住。所以,胡同里的生活充满了友善和人情味。如今,随着社会和经济的飞速发展,很多胡同被新的高楼大厦所取代。但愿胡同可以保留下来。


In Beijing, there are numerous hutongs. The life of common people in hutongs brings endless charm to the ancient capital, Beijing. The hutong in Beijing is not only the living environment of common people but also a kind of architecture. Usually, there is a courtyard complex inside hutong, with rooms shared by 4 to 10 families of about 20 people. Therefore, life in hutongs is full of friendliness and genuine humanity. Nowadays, with rapid social and economic development, many hutongs are replaced by new tall buildings. I hope hutongs can be preserved.


1. 带来了无穷的魅力:翻译为 bring endless charm to。

2. 汉语习惯于用并列的散句或短语来表达一个语境, 而英文习惯上用整句表述,句内不太重要的信息会用介词短语或从句来补充说明,如本段中“胡同内有一个大杂院, 房间够 4到 10个家庭的差不多 20口人住”是:两个并列关系的汉语短句,翻译成

英文时可将第二句用 with 介词结构表达出来,起补充说明的作用。

3. 充满友善和人情味:翻译为 full of friendliness and genuine humanity。

4. 随着社会和经济的飞速发展:翻译为 with rapid social and economic development ,也是 with 介词短语的应用,在句中作伴随状语。


要了解中国文化, 就应该对中国的戏曲文化有所了解。中国地方戏种类很多, 其中京剧是一个具有代表性的剧种。作为一个独立的剧种, 京剧的诞生大约是在1840年至 I860年。京剧是在吸收其他地方戏营养的基础上形成的。京剧有明确的角色分工 ; 在念白上用北京方言 ; 在音乐上以胡琴为主要伴奏乐器。由于京剧是在融合各种地方戏之精华的基础上形成的,所以它不仅为北京的观众所钟爱,也受到全国人民的喜爱。


To understand the Chinese culture, you have to know something about the Chinese opera culture. In China, there are many kinds of local operas, among which Peking Opera is a representative one. As an independent opera form, Peking Opera was approximately born between 1840 and 1860. Peking opera originated from absorbing the essentials of other local operas. In Peking Opera there is a clear division of roles; the spoken parts are in Beijing dialect; and huqin, is the main accompaniment instrument. Since Peking Opera has combined the cream of various local operas, it is enjoyed not only by Beijing audience, but also by people all over the country.


1. 要了解中国文化, 就应该对中国的戏曲文化有所了解:该句没有给出明确的主语, 因而在翻译时要注意:增译主语 you 。“中国的戏曲文化” 可译为 the Chinese opera culture 。

2. 中国地方戏种类很多, 其中京剧是一个具有代表性的剧种:该句在翻译时可以采用非限定性定语从句结构。该句可译为:In China, there are many kinds of local operas, among which Peking Opera is a representative one.注意此处为了避免在前后分句中重复使用名词 opera 而在后半句中使用了名词性替代词 one。

3. 京剧是在吸收其他地方戏营养的基础上形成的:“在……的基础上形成” 如果直接译为 be formed on the I basis of...会稍显生硬,因而可以灵活译为 originate from...。“地方戏”可以直译为 local opera。

4. 念白:“念白” 指的是中国戏曲中人物的独白或者两者的对话,因而此处在翻译时可将其灵活译为 the I spoken parts。

5. 胡琴:这一特有名词在英文中并没有直接对应的词汇或表达, 因而可以采用汉语拼音表示。

6. 它不仅为北京的观众所钟爱, 也受到全国人民的喜爱:“不仅也”常用 not only … but also …来表达。此处句中的“钟爱”和“喜爱”同义,在翻译后半部分内容时可以将与前半部分重复的内容省略,故该部分内容可译为:it is enjoyed not only by Beijing audience, but also by people all over the country。


中医 (Traditional Chinese Medicine 是中华文化不可分割的一部分,为振兴华夏

做出了巨大的贡献。如今, 中医和西医 (western medicine在中国的医疗保健领域并驾齐驱。中医以其独特的诊断手法、系统的治疗方式和丰富的典籍材料,备受世界瞩目。中国的中医事业由国家中医药管理局 (State Administration of TCM and Pharmacology负责。现在国家巳经出台了管理中医的政策、法令和法规,引导并促进这个新兴产业的研究和开发。在定

义上,中医是指导中国传统医药理论和实践的一种医学,它包括中医疗法、中草药 (herbalogy、针灸 (acupuncture 、推拿 (massage和气功 (Qigong。


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM is an integral part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China. Today both TCM and western medicine are being used in providing medical and health services in China. TCM, with its
