GE Vivid E95 超声扫描仪产品指南说明书

for enhanced handling.
M5Sc-D† 6S-D 12S-D
Cardiac, Pediatric Abdomen, Fetal Heart, Transcranial, Coronary, Stress, Contrast Low MI, LVO Stress, LVO Contrast†
9L-D† 11L-D
Vascular, Musculoskeletal Conventional, Thyroid, Contrast†
Vascular, Breast, Small Parts, Musculoskeletal Conventional, Thyroid, Scrotal, Rodent
Advanced ergonomic design features lightweight
polymers and light, flexible cables for ease of
movement. Probes are shaped for ergonomic
grip so they fit the hand comfortably, with ridges
Vivid™ E95
Probe Guide
GE second generation in-transducer beam forming increases bandwidth and second harmonic sensitivity to provide enhanced image resolution and angular sensitivity.

GEGE在1998年收购了美国超声公司Diasonics, 结合自己产品开发了放射LOGIQ 系列超声。
1998年又收购了Vingmed公司,于是诞生了进入了心脏领域的VIVID 系列超声产品。
LOGIQ系列彩超产品是LOQIQ e, LOGIQ 3, LOGIQ 5, LOGIQ 7, LOGIQ 9.在不同国家和地区他们又丰富了中高端彩超产品系列。
于2006年推出了LOGIQ P5, LOGIQ S6。
2008年又增加了LOGIQ P6,LOGIQ E9。
2009年金融危机时,针对中国4万亿的投资和乡村医疗计划,开发出了LOGIQ C3, LOGIQ C5低成本,低图像质量的投标产品.目前在亚太区域销售。
VOLUSON系列便携彩超有VOLUSON e, VOLUSON i 台式妇科彩超VOLUSON 730(2007年)后来更新为VOLUSON E8。
中间增加了VOLUSON E6。
VIVID E9配有心脏4D成像探头.GE的手持式超声Vscan(手机大小)可以扫查心脏功能.在GE的黑白超逐渐停产之际,目前又推出了手持黑白Venue40。
飞利浦放射超声有HD3, EnVisor(2002年),HD7,HD11,HD15。

ge超声探头参数摘要:一、GE 超声探头简介1.GE 公司背景2.超声探头基本概念二、GE 超声探头的主要参数1.频率2.线性3.分辨率4.动态范围5.发射/接收通道三、GE 超声探头的应用领域1.临床诊断2.医疗研究3.动物实验四、GE 超声探头的优势与特点1.高性能2.高可靠性3.易于操作4.适用于多种临床场景五、GE 超声探头在临床诊断中的实际应用1.心脏超声2.妇产科超声3.血管超声4.腹部超声六、GE 超声探头的维护与保养1.使用注意事项2.探头清洁与消毒3.探头维护与更换正文:【一、GE 超声探头简介】GE(通用电气)公司作为全球知名的科技公司,在医疗领域具有很高的声誉。
GE 超声探头凭借其卓越的性能、可靠的质量和丰富的应用领域,受到了广大医务人员和患者的青睐。
【二、GE 超声探头的主要参数】1.频率:GE 超声探头拥有多种频率选择,包括2.0 MHz、3.0 MHz、4.0 MHz 等。
GE 超声探头具有高线性,能够提供清晰的图像和准确的诊断结果。
GE 超声探头具有高分辨率,可以有效减少图像中的噪声和伪像,提高图像质量。
GE 超声探头具有较大的动态范围,能够适应不同强度的回波信号,保证图像的层次感和对比度。

GE超声探头参数1. 引言超声探头是超声影像检查中最核心的组成部分之一,它负责发射超声波并接收回波,从而生成影像。
2. GE超声探头参数2.1 探头类型GE超声设备的探头类型包括线性探头、凸阵探头、阵列探头等。
2.2 频率GE超声探头的频率范围通常在2-18MHz之间,不同的频率适用于不同深度的成像。
2.3 阵元数量阵元数量是探头中超声发射和接收的单元数量。
2.4 阵元形状GE超声探头的阵元形状可以是圆形、线性或矩阵状。
2.5 阵元尺寸阵元尺寸是指探头中单个阵元的物理尺寸。
2.6 探头尺寸探头尺寸是指探头的物理尺寸,通常以毫米为单位。
2.7 探头接口类型GE超声探头的接口类型有多种,包括直接接口、USB接口和无线接口。

ge超声探头参数摘要:一、GE 超声探头简介1.GE 公司背景2.超声探头概述二、GE 超声探头的主要参数1.频率2.线性3.矩阵4.灵敏度5.深度三、GE 超声探头的应用领域1.临床诊断2.医学研究3.动物实验四、GE 超声探头的优势与特点1.高分辨率2.高质量图像3.临床适用性4.技术创新五、GE 超声探头的使用与维护1.使用方法2.操作注意事项3.维护与保养正文:【一、GE 超声探头简介】GE(通用电气)公司,作为全球知名的科技巨头,在医疗领域有着丰富的经验和技术积累。
超声探头作为超声波检查的重要工具,GE 公司自然也在这方面投入了大量的研发精力。
本文将为您介绍GE 超声探头的相关参数及应用领域,帮助您更好地了解这款产品。
【二、GE 超声探头的主要参数】1.频率:GE 超声探头的频率是其性能的一个重要指标,不同频率的探头适用于不同类型的检查。
【三、GE 超声探头的应用领域】GE 超声探头广泛应用于临床诊断、医学研究、动物实验等多个领域。
【四、GE 超声探头的优势与特点】1.高分辨率:GE 超声探头具有高分辨率,能够清晰地显示出被检查部位的细节,为临床诊断提供准确的信息。

目录Voluson系列 (1)Voluson E8 Expert 高端专业妇产彩色超声诊断仪 (1)Voluson E6 (1)Voluson S8专业妇产彩色超声诊断仪 (2)Voluson S6专业妇产彩色超声诊断仪 (2)Voluson i (3)Voluson e (4)Voluson 730 (4)Vivid心血管超声 (5)Vivid E9 旗舰心血管超声产品 (5)Vivid S6 (5)Vivid q 创新一代高端心血管便携彩色超声系统 (6)Vivid i (6)Vivid S5 (7)Vivid e (7)EchoPAC临床工作站软件 (7)小型超声可视化工具Vscan (8)超声远程咨询系统 (9)LOGIQ 全身应用成像超声系统 (10)LOGIQ E9 容积导航超声产品 (10)LOGIQ C9 (10)LOGIQ F Series (11)LOGIQ S7 高端全身应用彩超 (11)LOGIQ S8 (12)LOGIQ P6 (12)LOGIQ P5 (13)LOGIQ P3 (13)LOGIQ e (13)LOGIQ Book XP增强版 (14)ViewPoint6超声工作站软件 (15)超声远程咨询系统 (15)Venue40 (16)彩色数字型超声诊断仪(缺) (16)Voluson系列Voluson E8 Expert 高端专业妇产彩色超声诊断仪新超声新“视”野概述:●卓越的图像质量源于新型的矩阵和单晶体探头技术,有助于提高临床诊断信心。
●提供高分辨率容积成像(HD Live)、容积SRI (V SRI),新一代的3D/4D 渲染模式,为妇产科临床带来崭新的研究工具。
Voluson E6VolusonE6除了满足您今天在妇女健康超声影像的要求,还具备拓展您在将来开展其它临床工作的能力概述:●强大的Voluson E6的特别设计既能满足您今天的挑剔眼光,也能满足您挑战不同的临床应用。

LOGIQ E9LOGIQ E9常规成像系统让你可以按照新方式自由使用超声设备。
借助LOGIQ E9,您可以轻松改进工作流程。
LOGIQ 9以全新方式认识超声。
LOGIQ 9打破传统局限性并开创了新局面。
OGIQ® 9 以出色的图像质量、工作流程和临床护理水平为超声带来全新的面貌。
LOGIQ e强大的LOGIQ® e颠覆了长久以来人们对便携超声的认识,给您证明了不需牺牲图像质量或功能也能实现便携超声操作。
LOGIQ e让您可以在患者护理点获取所期望的临床信息。
LOGIQ e Emergency EditionLOGIQ® e 急诊版超声系统有一个紧凑的包装设计,可以获得出色的图像质量,只需要在数秒钟内即可准备好进行扫描,这一特点让它成为繁忙的急诊部门的完美选择。
LOGIQ Book XP升级版LOGIQ® Book XP升级版在一个紧凑平台上提供了出色的性能,它俨然是满足您需求的来自世界领先超声设备供应商的产品。
LOGIQ 5LOGIQ® 5超声系统以一个通用的高性能套装提供了出色的性能和GE TruScan™架构的优势。
LOGIQ 3作为久负盛名的LOGIQ®系列超声设备的其中一项产品,LOGIQ® 3超声系统适合奥球通用扫描仪的办公室专业人员或工作环境。
LOGIQ® 3具有与GE 领先的LOGIQ产品家族相同的TruScan™高级架构。
LOGIQ e 麻醉版LOGIQ® e 麻醉版让您自信地在需要查看的部位成像,它在一个紧凑的包中提供了出色的图像质量,只需几秒钟即可做好准备进行扫描。

GE彩超-探头表(所有版本)!GE超声的凸阵, 线阵, 腔内, 食道, 直肠, 容积等专业探头. 以下是GE公司全线产品 RT2600, RT2800, RT3000, RT3200 (所有版本), RT3600, RT4000. LOGIQ 100, LOGIQ 200, LOGIQ 400, LOGIQ 500, LOGIQ 700, Vivid 3, Vivid 5, Vivid 7 , System 5, LOGIQ 3, LOGIQ 5, LOGIQ 7, LOGIQ 9, Voluson 730 3D/4D, Voluson E8 . LOGIQ i , LOGIQ e , Vivid e , Vivid i , Voluson i, Vivid S5, Vivid S6和Vivid q标签: RT2600,RT2800,RT3000,RT3200 (all revisions),RT3600,RT4000,LOGIQ 100,LOGIQ 200,LOGIQ 400,LOGIQ 500,LOGIQ 700,Vivid 3,Vivid 5,Vivid 7 Series Systems,System 5,LOGIQ 3,LOGIQ 5,LOGIQ 7,LOGIQ 9,Voluson730/E8,LOGIQ i,LOGIQ e,Vivid e,Vivid i,Voluson i,Vivid S5,Vivid S6,Vivid qGE探头列表GE 2D-RS– GE 2D-RS / CW for GE Portable Systems with CW doppler option installed.GE 3C-RS– GE 3C-RS for GE Portable Systems.GE 3Cb– GE 3Cb for LOGIQ 200 Series Systems.GE 3S– GE 3S for LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE 3V / Vector Array3V Cardiac Vector Array (1.5 – 3.6 MHz) for Vivid 7 Dimension and PRO Series System. (Software application required) 2D/3D/4D Cardiac applicationsGE 348C– GE 348C for LOGIQ 400/500/700 Series Systems.GE 3.5C– GE 3.5C for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE 3.5CS– GE 3.5CS Convex for GE LOGIQ 3 and LOGIQ 5 Systems.GE 4C– GE 4C for LOGIQ Series Systems.GE 4C-A– GE 4C-A for GE Voluson 730 (BTO5 and higher) Systems.GE 4C-RS– GE 4C-RS for GE Portable Systems.GE 4D3C-L– GE 4D3C-L / 3D/4D for LOGIQ 9 Series Systems.GE 4DE7-C– GE 4DE7-C / 3D/4D for LOGIQ 9 Series Systems.GE 5CS– GE 5CS (2 – 6 MHz) for LOGIQ A5 Ultrasound System.GE 546L– GE 546L for LOGIQ 400/500/700 Series Systems.GE 548C– GE 548C for LOGIQ 400/500/700 Series Systems.GE 6T and 6T-OR Transesophageal– GE 6T and 6T-OR TEE for LOGIQ 7, LOGIQ 9, LOGIQ S6, Vivid 3, Vivid 3N, Vivid 4, Vivid 7 and Vivid S6.GE 6T-RS Transesophageal– GE 6T-RS for GE Vivid i, Vivid i2, Vivid S5, Vivid S6, and Vivid q systems.GE 6.5MHz MZ for RT3200 Advantage III– GE MZ / 6.5MHzTransvaginal/Transrectal for RT3200 Advantage III Series Systems. Note: Advantage I or Advantage II systems require an upgrate to Advantage III level software to use this.GE 6.5 MTZ - for LOGIQ 200 Series Systems.GE 739L - for LOGIQ 400/500/700 Series Systems.GE LA39– for LOGIQ 400/500/700 Series Systems.GE 7S– for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE 7L– LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE 7S-RS– for GE Portable Series Systems.GE 8C– for GE Portable Series Systems.GE 8C-RS - for GE Portable Series Systems.GE 8L-RS - for GE Portable Series Systems.GE 8L-RS– for GE Portable Series Systems.GE 9L - for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE 10S– GE for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE 10S-RS– GE 10S-RS Sector Array (4.4 – 11.5 MHz). Pediatric Cardiac, neonatal, and nerve block applications for Vivid i andGE 9T Pediatric Transesophageal- for LOGIQ 7, LOGIQ 9, LOGIQ S6, Vivid 3, Vivid 3N, Vivid 4, Vivid 7 and Vivid S6.GE 10L– GE 10L for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE 11L– for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE 10S-RS– for GE Portable Series Systems.GE 12L-RS– for GE Portable Series Systems.GE i12L-RS– for GE Portable Series Systems.GE AB2-5– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE AB2-7– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE AB3-8– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE AC2-5– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE BE9C– Bi-plane transrectal 20mm (4-11MHz) for the GE LOGIQ 3/5/7 Ultrasounds Systems and the A5 and P5 Ultrasound Systems.GE C358– for GE LOGIQ 400/500 Series Systems.GE C36– for GE LOGIQ 100 and 100 PRO Series Systems.GE C364– for GE LOGIQ 400/500 Series Systems.GE CAE– 5.0MHz for GE LOGIQ 200 Series Systems.GE CBF– 3.5MHz for GE LOGIQ 200 Series Systems.GE E721– for GE LOGIQ 400/500 Series Systems.GE E8C– for GE LOGIQ Series Systems.GE E72– for GE LOGIQ 100 and 100 PRO Series Systems.GE E721– for GE LOGIQ 400/500 Series Systems.GE i12L– for GE LOGIQ Series Systems.GE i12L-RS– for GE Portable Series Systems.GE IC5-9H– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems (BTO4 and higher software systems).GE L76– for LOGIQ 100 and 100 PRO Series Systems.GE L764– for LOGIQ 400/500/700 Series Systems.GE LA39– for LOGIQ 400/500/700 Series Systems.GE M3S– / Active Matrix Cardiac for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE M4S– / Active Matrix Cardiac for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE M12L– / Active Matrix for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE M7C– for GE LOGIQ and Vivid Series Systems.GE MZ 6.5MHz for RT3200 Advantage III– for RT3200 Advantage III Series Systems. Note: Advantage I or Advantage II systems require an upgrate to Advantage III level software to use this.GE MTZ 6.5MHz– for LOGIQ 200 Series Systems.GE PA2-5P– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE PA6-8P– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE RAB2-5D– for GE E8 Series 3D/4D Systems.GE RAB2-5L– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems. BTO3 and Higher Software.GE RAB2-5P -for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE RAB4-8D– for GE E8 Series 3D/4D Systems.GE RAB4-8L– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems. BTO3 and Higher Software.GE RAB4-8P– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE IC5-9– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE IC5-9H– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems(BTO4 and higher software systems).GE RIC5-9H– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems. (BTO4 and higher software systems).GE RSP5-12– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE RSP6-12– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE RSP6-16– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems (BTO5 and higher software required).GE RSP6-16D– for GE E8 Series 3D/4D Systems.GE SP4-10– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE SP5-12– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE SP6-12– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE SP10-16– for GE Voluson 730 Series Systems.GE LOGIQ 100 Model VE5 Veterinary - Hard to find VE5 “side fire” linear reproduction model for the LOGIQ 100 portable ultrasound systems.GE Portable Ultrasounds / Listed by SystemGE LOGIQ Book and LOGIQ Book XPGE 3C-RS Convex– 3C-RS Curved Array (2 – 5 MHz). Abdominal and OB/GYN applicationsGE 3S-RS Sector Array– 3S-RS Sector Array (1.5 – 3.6 MHz). Cardiac and abdominal applications.GE 8C-RS Convex– 8C-RS Curved Array (3.3-8.0 MHz). Neonatal, pediatric, and nerve block applicationsGE 8L-RS Linear Array– 8L-RS Linear Array (4-13.3 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applications. (Runs on the LOGIQ Book XP, not the original LOGIQ Book)GE 10LB-RS Linear Array– 10LB-RS Linear Array (4-13.3 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applications. (Runs on the original LOGIQ Book)GE E8C-RS Micro-convex Endocavitary– E8C-RS Curved Array Endocavity (2 – 5 MHz). Endocavitary Gynecology and Urology Applications.GE i739-RS Intraoperative– i739-RS Intraoperative (4 -10.0 MHz). Interoperative applications.GE i12L-RS Intraoperative– i12L-RS Intraoperative (4.5-10.0 MHz). Interoperative applications.GE t739-RS Intraoperative– t739-RS Intraoperative (4 – 10.0 MHz). Interoperative applications.GE LOGIQ eGE 3S-RS Sector Array– 3S-RS Sector Array (1.5 – 3.6 MHz). Cardiac and abdominal applications.GE 4C-RS Convex– 4C-RS Curved Array (2 – 5 MHz). Abdominal and OB/GYN applicationsGE 8C-RS Convex– 8C-RS Curved Array (3.3-8.0 MHz). Neonatal, pediatric, and nerve block applicationsGE 8L-RS Linear– 8L-RS Linear Array (4 – 12 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE 12L-RS Linear Array– 12L-RS Linear Array (5 – 13.0 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE i12L-RS Intraoperative– i12L-RS Intraoperative (4.5-10.0 MHz). Interoperative applications.GE E8C-RS Micro-convex Endocavitary– E8C-RS Curved Array Endocavity (2 – 5 MHz). Endocavitary Gynecology and Urology applications.GE LOGIQ iGE 3S-RS Sector Array– 3S-RS Sector Array (1.5 – 3.6 MHz). Cardiac and abdominal applications.GE GE 4C-RS Convex– 4C-RS Curved Array (2 – 5 MHz). Abdominal and OB/GYN applications.GE 8L-RS Linear Array– 8L-RS Linear Array (4-13.3 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE 8C-RS Convex– 8C-RS Curved Array (3.3-8.0 MHz). Neonatal, pediatric, and nerve block applications.GE 8L-RS Linear– 8L-RS Linear Array (4 – 12 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE 12L-RS Linear Array– 12L-RS Linear Array (5 – 13.0 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE E8C-RS Micro-convex Endocavity– E8C-RS Curved Array (2 – 5 MHz). Endocavity Gynecology and Urology Applications.GE Vivid eGE 3S-RS Sector Array– 3S-RS Sector Array (1.5 – 3.6 MHz). Cardiac and abdominal applications.GE 4C-RS Convex– 4C-RS Curved Array (2 – 5 MHz). Abdominal and OB/GYN applications.GE 8C-RS Convex– 8C-RS Curved Array (3.3-8.0 MHz). Neonatal, pediatric, and nerve block applications.GE 8L-RS Linear– 8L-RS Linear Array (4 – 12 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE 12L-RS Linear Array– (requires a software upgrade) – 12L-RS Linear Array (5 – 13.0 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE i12L-RS Intraoperative– i12L-RS Intraoperative (4.5-10.0 MHz). Interoperative applications.GE Vivid iGE P2D-RS– P2D-RS (P2D) Doppler (2.0 MHz). CW Doppler non-imaging Cardiac .GE P6D-RS– 6D-RS (P6D) Doppler (Non-Imaging 6.0 MHz). CW Doppler non-imaging Cardiac for higher frequency studies.GE 3S-RS Sector Array– 3S-RS Sector Array (1.5 – 3.6 MHz). Cardiac and abdominal applications.GE 4C-RS Convex– 4C-RS Curved Array (2 – 5 MHz). Abdominal and OB/GYN applications.GE 7S-RS Sector Array– 7S-RS Sector Array (4.4 – 11.5 MHz). Pediatric Cardiac, neonatal, and nerve block applications.GE 8L-RS Linear Array– 8L-RS Linear Array (4 – 13.3 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE 8C-RS Convex– 8C-RS Curved Array (3.3 – 8.0 MHz). Neonatal, pediatric, and nerve block applications.GE 10S-RS Sector Array– 10S-RS Sector Array (4.4 – 11.5 MHz). Pediatric Cardiac, neonatal, and nerve block applications.GE 12L-RS Linear Array– 12L-RS Linear Array (5 – 13.0 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE i12L-RS Intraoperative– (4.5 – 10.0 MHz)GE 6T-RS TEE– (2.9 -6.7 MHz)GE Vivid i2GE P2D-RS– P2D-RS (P2D) Doppler (2.0 MHz). CW Doppler non-imaging Cardiac .GE P6D-RS– 6D-RS (P6D) Doppler (Non-Imaging 6.0 MHz). CW Doppler non-imaging Cardiac for higher frequency studies.GE 3S-RS Sector Array– 3S-RS Sector Array (1.5 – 3.6 MHz). Cardiac and abdominal applications.GE 4C-RS Convex– 4C-RS Curved Array (2 – 5 MHz). Abdominal and OB/GYN applications.GE 7S-RS Sector Array– 7S-RS Sector Array (4.4 – 11.5 MHz). Pediatric Cardiac, neonatal, and nerve block applicationsGE 8L-RS Linear Array– 8L-RS Linear Array (4 – 13.3 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE 8C-RS Convex– 8C-RS Curved Array (3.3 – 8.0 MHz). Neonatal, pediatric, and nerve block applications.GE 10S-RS Sector Array– 10S-RS Sector Array (4.4 – 11.5 MHz). Pediatric Cardiac, neonatal, and nerve block applications.GE 12L-RS Linear Array– 12L-RS Linear Array (5 – 13.0 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applictions.GE i12L-RS Intraoperative– i12L-RS Intraoperative (4.5 – 10.0 MHz). Interoperative applications.GE 6T-RS TEE– 6T-RS Multiplane TEE (2.9 -6.7 MHz). Adult Transesophageal .GE Voluson iGE 4C-RS Convex– 4C-RS Curved Array (2 – 5 MHz). Abdominal and OB/GYN applications.GE 12L-RS Linear Array– 12L-RS Linear Array (5 – 13.0 MHz). Vascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, nerve block, and pediatric applicationsGE i12L-RS Intraoperative– i12L-RS Intraoperative (4.5-10.0 MHz). Interoperative applications.GE GE E8C-RS Micro-convex Endocavitary– E8C-RS Curved Array Endocavity (2 – 5 MHz). Endocavitary Gynecology and Urology applications.GE RAB2-5-RS 2D/3D RealTime 4D– RAB2-5-RS 2D/3D/4D (2 – 5.0 MHz). 2D/3D/4D for Volume Imaging.GE RAB4-8-RS 2D/3D RealTime 4D– (requires BTO7 or higher software) –RAB4-8-RS 2D/3D/4D (2 – 5.0 MHz). 2D/3D/4D for Volume Imaging.GE RIC5-9-RS 2D/3D RealTime 4D Endocavitary– RIC5-9-RS 2D/3D/4D Endocavitary (5 – 9.0 MHz). 2D/3D/4D RealTime Endocavitary for OB/GYN and Urology Volume Imaging.GE RNA5-9-RS 2D/3D RealTime 4D Micro-convex Small Footprint– (requires BTO7 or higher software) – RNA5-9-RS 2D/3D/4D (5 – 9.0 MHz). 2D/3D/4D Micro-convex Small Footprint, ideal for Pediatric Volume Imaging.GE RSP6-16-RS 2D/3D RealTime 4D Linear- RSP6-16-RS 2D/3D/4D Linear (6 – 16.0 MHz). 2D/3D/4D RealTime Linear for Breast and Small Parts Volume Imaging.。

1. 工作原理:GE超声利用高频声波显示人体内部结构,这些声波通过探头发射并被体内组织反射回来,然后被探头接收并转换为可视图像。
2. 设备组成:GE超声设备主要包括主机、探头和脚踏开关等部分。
3. 图像质量:GE超声的图像质量非常高,能够清晰地显示人体内部结构,对于临床诊断具有重要意义。
4. 操作简便:GE超声的操作相对简便,医生可以通过软件界面进行控制,并对图像进行调整。
5. 应用范围:GE超声在临床诊断中广泛应用,可用于检查腹部、妇科、心血管等多个领域。
6. 维护保养:为了保证设备的正常运行和延长使用寿命,需要定期对GE超声进行维护保养,包括清洁探头、校准设备等。

产品-Vivid系列GE心血管超声代表Vivid E9GE超声产品主要分三大领域:Vivid系列、Voluson系列和LOGIQ系列。
Vivid系列:GE超声Vivid系列来源于GE收购的VINGMED威曼公司,Vivid系列彩超主要应用于心血管,产品涵盖高中端市场,主要型号包括:Vivid E9、Vivid S6、Vivid q(便携)、Vivid i(便携)、Vivid S5、Vivid e(便携)。
Vivid E9:GE旗舰心血管超声产品,主要面向二甲及二甲以上医院,定位高端,主要竞争产品是飞利浦IE33,其次是西门子ACUSON SC2000;Vivid S6:Vivid S6是一款具有心脏专科特色的全身应用型彩超,主要面向二甲级别医院,定位中高端,竞争产品包括飞利浦HD15等;Vivid q:高端便携心脏彩超,定位高端,主要面向二甲及二甲以上医院,主要竞争产品是飞利浦CX50;Vivid i、Vivid S5和Vivid e定位中端,主要面向二甲及二甲以下医院。
产品-Voluson系列GE妇科超声代表Voluson E8Voluson系列:GE超声Voluson系列技术主要来源于GE从MEDISON手中收购了奥地利的超声巨头Kretz公司,Voluson系列彩超主要应用于妇产科,产品涵盖高中端市场,主要型号包括:Voluson E8 Expert、Voluson E6、Voluson S8、Voluson S6、Voluson i(便携)、Voluson e(便携)、Voluson 730。
Voluson E8 Expert:GE最高档妇产彩超,主要面向二甲及二甲以上医院,定位高端,主要竞争产品是飞利浦IU22,其次是西门子ACUSON S2000等;Voluson E6:GE高端妇科彩超,主要面向二甲级别医院,定位中高端;Voluson S8:GE中高端妇产彩超,主要面向二级医院;Voluson S6、Voluson i(便携)、Voluson e(便携)和Voluson 730,定位中低端,主要面向二级医院。

GE超声产品早在上世纪90年代就已经开始广泛使用在各大医院,延续至今,不论彩超的档次和种类都已经得到很大改善,据虔信咨询的数据显示,2011年GE彩超中国市场的销售量约占总量的28%,雄居榜首,而GE彩超产品的发展也是可圈可点: 1990年推出RTFINO黑白超
1999年收购VINGMED(威曼)公司,主要产品是VINGMED 625
2002年GE Vivid系列超声产品上市
2004年收购MEDISON公司四维彩超产品和技术,推出GE V730机器
2005年推出心脏机VIVID 4
2006年推出LOGIQ P5, LOGIQ S6

编码谐波成像、斑点噪声抑制技术 实时多角度复合成像 智能成像技术、大孔径成像 宽景成像、灰阶血流成像 血管/腹部造影技术 血管内中膜自动测量技术
• • • •
实时解剖M型 全面的组织多普勒成像(组织速度成像/组织追踪成像/组织同步成像) 智能化负荷超声 左室造影
• 使用方便
L Book XP主要卖点
• • • • • GE TruScan超声平台 原始数据 二维、频谱一键优化 全中文操作界面 锂电池支持断电条件下操作
• • • •
1. 技术平台
从高端机移植的先进Truscan平台 具备原始数据处理能力 全模式一键优化技术 所有探头均能加谐波
• • • •
2. 临床应用
超大动态范围调节范围 多普勒自动包络功能 三维、宽景等强大的选配功能 中文的操作界面
• • •
3. 连接能力
大存储空间(动静态) USB借口 DICOM
• • • •
1. 技术平台
从高端机移植的先进Truscan平台 具备原始数据处理能力 多普勒成像单元 所有探头均能加谐波
GE Healthcare
selling point
17寸TFT液晶监视器、液晶触摸屏 独有的先进技术 编码B-FLOW、 CrossXBeam、SRI、双同步显示 强大的心脏功能
Q-Analysis心脏定量分析功能 TVI (组织速度成像) 心肌造影成像技术 容积超声 VOCAL 、VCI、反转模式invert、容积造影
GE Healthcare Vivid E9 XDclear 实时超声检查仪说明书

Accelerated Volume ArchitectureGE’s exclusive and patented beam-forming technology, the Accelerated Volume Architecture, provides several times the power of traditional GE ultrasound systems with increased volume size for full volume single beat, as well as for high-volume rate multi-beat 4D acquisition. Using both coherent and harmonic image processing, the system provides computational power, ease of imaging, workflow flexibility and product upgradeability.Raw data formatThe GE Vivid product line has always acquired and storedits data in a specific raw data format, which enables onboard, as well as after-the-fact post-processing capabilities. This flexible and innovative format and storage of pre-scan converted data has enabled development of utilities with high clinical value.This has resulted in an increase in the ability to perform additional advanced algorithms for all of the stepsin the data processing chain, culminating in the releaseof the Vivid E9 with XDclear.XDclear. High speed and image quality to help make your work life easier.An advanced, intuitive ultrasound leadership system, Vivid E9 with XDclear provides extraordinary image quality for the following imaging modes: 2D, color flow, Doppler, and 4D. It’s well-suited for serving your cardiovascular and shared services needs.Five new imaging transducers—two designed with GE Healthcare’s XDclear transducer technology—complementan already robust portfolio of adult, pediatric, vascular, and abdominal transducers.Vivid E9 with XDclear helps strengthen 4D display and visualization, as well as 2D and 4D quantification. It offers excellent workflow and portability—designed into a powerful, versatile platform built for current and future innovations. Advanced transducer technologyThanks to recent advances in transducer technology, XDclear transducers are GE Healthcare‘s highest-performing transducers. XDclear transducers are designed to deliver more powerful and efficient sound waves, with higher bandwidth and efficiency than traditional GE transducers. XDclear technology is built on a combination of three innovations in acoustic engineering:• S ingle Crystal provides a method to “grow” advanced piezoelectric material with the polarity of the molecules aligned to deliver a high-quality acoustic signal with enhanced bandwidth and efficiency.• A coustic Amplifier design acoustically insulates the core transducer structure from the mechanical housing to capture and redirect unused energy that passes through the crystal. This enhances power efficiency bandwidth and helps reduce noise and heat dissipation.• C ool Stack helps optimize energy use by relieving inherent heat generation that can otherwise reduce sensitivityand penetration.The result: Impressive penetration and/or high sensitivity—while still maintaining high spatial resolution. At your serviceFrom your adult and pediatric echo labs, to your interventional suite and OR, Vivid E9 with XDclear can help deliver improved image quality in 2D, 4D, color, and Doppler, for enhanced diagnostic confidence and to help shorten exam times. Adult echoBy providing superb image quality even on difficult-to-scan patients, Vivid E9 with XDclear helps increase diagnostic confidence and productivity in adult echocardiography. Interventional/ORWith the introduction of the visualization tools PolarVision and Depth Illumination, Vivid E9 with XDclear offers extraordinary, clear 3D depth perception of cardiac structures during image-guided device placements, as well as during other transthoracic or transesophageal procedures. PediatricsFor your pediatric patient population, the echo imaging capability of the Vivid E9 with XDclear can provide lifetime follow-up – from the fetal heart, through pediatrics, to adult congenital heart issues – for excellent patient care.Shared servicesWith a comprehensive portfolio of transducers that deliver extraordinary image quality on a broad spectrum of body types, Vivid E9 with XDclear is well-suited for a variety of shared services uses, including cardiac, peripheral vascular, abdominal, and OB/Gyn.for every dayXDclear TechnologyCrisp imaging. Focused workflow. Clear quantification.Vivid E9 makes short work of your routine 2D exams.2D image qualityDesigned with GE’s proprietary XDclear technology, the M5Sc transducer delivers excellent endocardial definition and texture. Together with controls like UD Clarity and HD imaging, it helps provide crisp valves and borders across a wide rangeof patients. Similar image quality is achieved with pediatrics, vascular, abdominal, and TEE transducers.Vascular imagingnotice the clarity and excellent definition of layers and vessel walls in this carotid image acquired with the new 9L-D Carotid_A preset. Fetal heart imagingFetal heart C2-9-D color Doppler image combining high temporal and spatial resolution.Adult echo color DopplerThe XDclear transducer technology provides the color sensitivity needed for visualization of pulmonary vein inflow.Abdominal imagingC1-5-D abdominal image in harmonics for excellent spatial and contrast resolution.i mage qualityAutomated Function Imaging (AFI)This software tool assesses andquantifies left ventricular wall motion at rest. It calculates a large set of parameters to describe the function of the left ventricular walls. AFI specifically calculates peak systolic longitudinal strain (both segmental and global) and presents the results as parametric images.As part of its healthymagination validation, a study has shown that AFI offers potential in predicting mortality in patients with suspected LV impairment compared to Ejection Fraction and Wall Motion.1Based on extensive feedback from clinicians just like you, TTE and TEE on the Vivid E9 are all about making imaging simple, intuitive, and quantifiable to help make your workeasy and efficient.4D StrainAs an extension to the 4D LV Mass tool, both global and regional strain values are calculated based upon a spatial speckle-tracking algorithm. The end result is presented in a Strain Bull’s-eye plot accompanied by time-strain curves and cut planes for enhanced visualtracking assessment.AFIBull’s-eye as well as segmental traces showingreduced longitudinal strain, likely due to right coronary flow obstruction.4D Auto LVQA mesh-based surface-tracking model, the 4D Auto LVQ quantification tool provides you with a graphical output of pure 4D volume data. Utilizing temporal data, it delivers reproducible results for automatic volumes and ejection fractions.4D LV MassUsing the above-mentioned mesh-based surface-trackingmodel, by adding the epicardial border, an LV Mass and an LV Mass Index is derived from the same data set.1Stanton et al, ‘Prediction of all-cause mortality from global longitudinal speckle strain: Comparison with ejection fraction and wall-motion scoring’, Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, 2009; 2: 356-364quantificationMV AssessmentThe semi-automated MV Assessment tool, now also available on Vivid E9 for TEE and TTE, provides theability to include quantitative results for the mitral valve apparatus, into the patient exam.Extraordinary workflow4D Views4D Views provides you with “one-touch” options to view images such as 4-chamber, 2-chamber, APLAX, mitral valve, septum, and aortic valve. After a rapid alignment, it takes the full volume acquisition data set and, with the touch of a button, automatically crops away the volume to instantly deliver the view you want. 4D Views helps reduce the manual cropping and cutting of conventional 3D workflow—a time-consuming process that’s difficult to teach and learn.4D Virtual StoreThis innovative feature helps reduce the size of patient studies by using image pointers to refer back to the original full-volume data set, rather than saving multiple large data sets for every new crop view or measurement.Advanced 4D User Tool BoxFor 4D Auto LVQ and 4D Views, an automated tool, Auto Align, helps simplify and speed up the process of aligning the left ventricle. Multi-Slice Imaging provides you with a live imaging mode where you can chose between viewing 5, 7, 9, or 12 slices, for simultaneous acquisition and assessment. Dynamic Multi-Slice and Dynamic Crop enable continuous display of the same structures throughout the cardiac cycle, compensating for out-of-plane motion in short-axis views, potentially improving the accuracy of wall-motion scoring.4D StressHelping improve workflow for stress echo procedures, 4D Stress is an innovative first step in helping you integrate 4D into the routine of your day-to-day clinical practice. Acquire full volume, then using 4D Stress, the Vivid E9 cuts thatvolumetric view into three planes for short-axis analysis and three planes for long-axis analysis, so you can view images more easily. With the Vivid E9, you can now visualize short-axis slices of the entire ventricle under stress. See views you’ve never seen before with conventional echo, which only shows you one slice in the short-axis view.Scan AssistWith Scan Assist, you can quickly customize the system for your departmental protocols for CRT optimization, and let the system guide you to the next view, mode, and measurement. There are also templates for both exercise and pharmacologic stress, all customizable using Scan Assist. Also available for 4D TTE and TEE.Scan Assist ProWith Scan Assist Pro, you can customize the system for your standard echo, vascular, and abdominal exams. The protocols assist you throughout each step of an exam by automatically setting up modes and measurements, as well as annotations, helping enhance image acquisition consistency and helping reduce the number of keystrokes. Also available for 4D TTE and TEE.The Vivid E9 helps make 4D imaging as easy as 2D imaging. It can bring remarkable enhancements to your entire 4D workflow process, thanks to fast, consistent reproducibility.4D ViewsSAX 4D Stress ViewsFlexiZoomSee the mitral valve in 4D TEE with one push of a button.Visualizing the mitral valve in live mode typically requires extensive cropping, rotation, and translation. FlexiZoom provides a fast, efficient way to see a surgeon’s view of the mitral valve to help increase flexibility and reduce keystrokes. There’s no need to turn the volume toward you, manually crop into it, or rotate it to position the aortic valve above the mitral valve. FlexiZoom’s intuitive user interface enables flexible, quick and easy visualization of the structures of interest. you don’t need to adjust gains to optimize the image. Just push a button, and FlexiZoom does it all for you.FlexiSliceEasily switch from volumes to slices and back in live or replay mode.Extracting 2D slices from 4D volumes can be a complicated process. FlexiSlice is an intuitive, interactive tool forobtaining many 2D or render views in either live or replaymode. With FlexiSlice, you can slice in any direction, and easily select a slice view to be projected as a render image.Image shown is a left ventricle outflow track.Polar VisionThe Polar Vision option is designed to enhancecommunication in the cath lab and OR, introducing a new stereo vision technology combining polarized stereo withdepth rendering displayed on a dedicated 3D monitor.2-Click CropClick and drag. See any 4D view in live mode or replay.Obtaining standard or non-standard views during live scanning or replay can be difficult. A simple, quick, extremely intuitive live crop tool, 2-Click Crop lets you crop from the inside out, starting with two extracted scan planes.Image shown is a 4D TTE view of the mitral valve.Multi-sliceMulti-slice imaging, available in live or replay, helps the user extract conventional long-axis and short-axis views from 4D volume data sets.Image shown is from a 4D TTE volume loop, extracting the three conventional long-axis views and four short-axis slices simultaneously.Depth IlluminationA new depth color map enables illumination of structures by an imaginary movable light source, casting a shadow to help improve depth/distance perception. Shown above is an ASD closure device.imagination at workExtraordinary ergonomicsFrom its slim, lightweight, maneuverable design, to its adjustable electronic keyboard, the Vivid E9 system is ergonomically designed to be easy to handle and operate.Adjustable LCD displayThe 17-inch, all-digital high-definition LCD display tilts and swivels to a comfortable viewing angle.Highly mobile40% smaller and 30% lighter than console-based ultrasound systems,* the highly mobile Vivid E9 is ready to roll right to the er adaptableUsing one-touch ergonomics, the Vivid E9’s keyboard position, LCD display angle and touch panel interface can be easily configured to your preferences.Front and rear handles Handles on both the front and rear of the Vivid E9 make it easy to transport the system.Accessible touch panel controls The Vivid E9’s touch panel uses fewer hard keys, making the keyboard smaller and the keys larger for easier access.* Expanded 4D imaging controls are organized for an easy 4D workflow with flexibility.Adjustable floating keyboardWith one touch, you can easily adjust the height and position of the Vivid E9 keyboard. Once comfortably positioned, just lock it in place to help prevent accidental shifting.Easy keyboard storageThe keyboard stores conveniently out of the way in a drawer when not in use.Convenient data management Data management options are conveniently located with multiple USB ports and a DVR recorder.ULTC-0266-09.13-En-USDOC1440959©2013 General Electric Company – All rights reserved.General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in specifications andfeatures shown herein, or discontinue the product or service described at any time, without notice or obligation. This information does not constitute a representation or warranty or documentation regarding the product or service featured. Timing and availability remain at GE’s discretion and are subject to change and applicable regulatory approvals. Contact your GE representative for the most current information.GE, the GE Monogram, imagination at work, Vivid, and XDclear are trademarks of General Electric Company.GE Medical Systems Ultrasound & Primary Care Diagnostics, LLC, a General Electric company, doing business as GE Healthcare. *As compared to previous GE scanners.GE Healthcare9900 Innovation Drive Wauwatosa, WI 53226 USA。


ge超声探头参数【实用版】目录1.GE 超声探头简介2.GE 超声探头参数分类3.常见 GE 超声探头参数及其意义4.GE 超声探头参数的选择与应用5.总结正文【1.GE 超声探头简介】GE 超声探头,即由美国通用电气公司(General Electric,简称 GE)生产的超声波探头,是一种广泛应用于医学、工业等领域的高精度检测设备。
【2.GE 超声探头参数分类】GE 超声探头参数繁多,可以根据其性质和功能进行分类,主要包括以下几类:(1)物理参数:如频率、脉冲宽度、发射角度等;(2)几何参数:如阵元尺寸、阵列形状、聚焦方式等;(3)电子参数:如增益、衰减、滤波等;(4)功能参数:如成像模式、测量范围、图像处理等。
【3.常见 GE 超声探头参数及其意义】(1)频率:超声波的频率决定了其传播的距离和分辨率,频率越高,分辨率越高,但穿透力越弱。
常见的 GE 超声探头频率有 2.5MHz、3.5MHz、5.0MHz、7.5MHz、10.0MHz 等。
常见的 GE 超声探头脉冲宽度有 10μs 至 1000μs 不等。
常见的 GE 超声探头阵元尺寸有1mm 至 2mm 不等。
(5)成像模式:成像模式决定了超声波探头的成像效果,常见的成像模式有 B 模式、B/B 模式、B/M 模式、B/A 模式等。
【4.GE 超声探头参数的选择与应用】在选择 GE 超声探头参数时,需要根据具体应用场景和需求进行综合考虑,如:(1)医学领域:在医学领域,GE 超声探头主要用于诊断和治疗,需要选择高频率、高分辨率的探头,如 7.5MHz、10.0MHz 等,以获取清晰的图像和精确的数据。
GE Healthcare Venue系列超声探头指南说明书

Wide-band linear array
Abdomen, Fetal/Obstetrics, Gynecology, Musculoskeletal, Neonatal Cephalic, Nerve Block, Ophthalmic, Pediatric/Neonatal, Peripheral Vascular, Rheumatology, Small Parts, Thoracic/ Pleural, Urology, Vascular Access
Transducer 3Sc-RS 6S-RS
Biopsy Guide
System Compatibility
Wide-band phased array
Abdomen, Adult Cardiac,
Adult Cephalic, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Ophthalmic, Pediatric/Neonatal, Pediatric Cardiac,
Wide-band microconvex array
Gynecology, Obstetrics, Transrectal, Transvaginal, Urology
16.9 x 21.2 mm FOV 128°
Probe Frequency Range: 2.2 – 12.5 MHz
Venue, Venue Go and Venue Fit
12 x 22 mm FOV 128°
Probe Frequency Range: 3.1 – 12.9 MHz N/A
GE彩色超声诊断仪(LOGIQ 5 PRO)

GE彩色超声诊断仪(LOGIQ 5 PRO)操作规程一、开机:先开UPS电源,待3—5分钟电压稳定后,然后打开机器开关,接着打开打印机开关、录象机开关和工作站开关,待其自检完毕后方可开始操作!二、操作过程:1)检查前核对受检者姓名、性别、年龄等,仔细阅读彩超申请单,了解病情及送检目的,并根据不同检查脏器和部位明确病人是否按要求做好准备,如有疑问应及时与送检医师联系。

产品-Vivid系列GE心血管超声代表Vivid E9GE超声产品主要分三大领域:Vivid系列、Voluson系列和LOGIQ系列。
Vivid系列:GE超声Vivid系列来源于GE收购的VINGMED威曼公司,Vivid系列彩超主要应用于心血管,产品涵盖高中端市场,主要型号包括:Vivid E9、Vivid S6、Vivid q(便携)、Vivid i(便携)、Vivid S5、Vivid e(便携)。
Vivid E9:GE旗舰心血管超声产品,主要面向二甲及二甲以上医院,定位高端,主要竞争产品是飞利浦IE33,其次是西门子ACUSON SC2000;Vivid S6:Vivid S6是一款具有心脏专科特色的全身应用型彩超,主要面向二甲级别医院,定位中高端,竞争产品包括飞利浦HD15等;Vivid q:高端便携心脏彩超,定位高端,主要面向二甲及二甲以上医院,主要竞争产品是飞利浦CX50;Vivid i、Vivid S5和Vivid e定位中端,主要面向二甲及二甲以下医院。
产品-Voluson系列GE妇科超声代表Voluson E8Voluson系列:GE超声Voluson系列技术主要来源于GE从MEDISON手中收购了奥地利的超声巨头Kretz公司,Voluson系列彩超主要应用于妇产科,产品涵盖高中端市场,主要型号包括:Voluson E8 Expert、Voluson E6、Voluson S8、Voluson S6、Voluson i(便携)、Voluson e(便携)、Voluson 730。