BT学院 120考点Portfolio(7个考点)
投资组合保险(Portfolio Insurance)
(四)TIPP(Time-Invariant Portfolio Protection;彈性遞增投資保險) TIPP的調整公式與CPPI同。唯一的差異在於 保險額度並非不變,而是在該時點資產值 的某一固定比例和原先的保險額度中,取 其大者,作為新的保險額度。 保險額度(F’) = Max(A*f,F) 其中f為投資人所設定的要保比例(如90%) , F則為期初所決定的要保額度。
•假設投資人在t時點有的財富W,正好等於 標的資產的價格(St),於是他可以將的財富 用於購買一單位的風險性資產。如果投資 人希望在時至少能拿回的資金,他便可以 再購買一個以該一單位風險性資產為標的 物的歐式賣權,而此賣權在T時到期。
• 這就相當於上式所表達的意義,而購買賣 權所需的權利金須額外付出,相當是購買 保險所須支付的保費。若看等式的右邊, 則可發現受保的投資組合其實是由一部分 的股票和一部分的無風險資產所構成,至 於構成的比重則隨時間的經過及當時資產 的價值而變,故需不斷的調整。
d 1
ln( St / K ) (r 12 2 )(T t )
(T t )
put-call parity: St + Pt = Ct + Ke-r(T-t) St + Pt =
St N (d ) [1 N (d )]Ke r(T t ) 1 2
(原來) 120 = 2 * (200 - 140) (假設f=70%) (情況1) 80 = 2 * (180 - 140) (180*70%=126<140) 減碼20(=(120-80)-(200-180)) (情況2.1) 150 = 2 * (250 -175) (250*70%=175>140) 減碼20(=(150-120)-(250-200)) (情況2.2) 240 = 2 * (400 - 280) (400*70%=280>140) 減碼60(=(240-150)-(400-250))
2018 CFA level 1 知识点——Portfolio Management
Portfolio ManagementPortfolio Management: An OverviewDescribe the portfolio approach to investing1.The portfolio perspective refers to evaluating individual investments by theircontribution on the risk and return of an investor’s portfolio.投资组合视角指的是通过投资组合对风险和回报的贡献来评估个人投资。
2.把所有钱用于买一只股票并不是一种portfolio perspective,把钱分散在多只证券中才能降低风险,增加收益。
3.One measure of the benefits of diversification is the diversification ratio. It iscalculated as the ratio of the risk of an equally weighted portfolio of n securities to the risk of a single security selected at random from the n securities.衡量多样化的好处之一是多样化比率。
4.If the average standard deviation of returns for the n stocks is 25%, and thestandard deviation of returns for an equally weighted portfolio of the n stocks is 18%, the diversification ratio is 18/25=0.72.Describe types of investors and distinctive characteristics and needs of each1.Individual investor个人投资者就是个人为了满足生活目标而进行理财的投资者,是牺牲当前消费以期获得未来更高水平消费的个人。
Financial risks and non-financial risks ●Financial risks Financial risks refer to the risks that arise from events occurring in the financial markets,including credit risk,liquidity risk and market risk. ?Credit risk The risk that a counterparty will not pay an amount owed.交易对手方无法还钱。 ?Market risk Uncertainty about market price of assets,rising from movements in stock prices,interest rates,exchange rates,and commodity prices.投资资产的市场价格变动。 ? when selling an asset at price less than the underlying fair value of the asset.卖不出去,或者想卖的话只能以很低的价格卖 衡量liquidity risk的是bid-ask spread=ask–bid,越大说明市场流动性越差
Act in a Performance –
During the Art Festival (at the end of December) or another school held event or assembly, do an original artistic performance, you may sing, play music, dance, recite poetry, or show us any skills you may have.
Arts & Design Community Involvement & Employability Skills Education & Career Planning
Academic Showcase
Cultural Awareness
Personal Health
Elective Choices
Personal Health:
Physical Activity – Perform at least 20 hours of an organized/official physical activity. IT CANNOT BE P.E. CLASS
Elected Choices:
Go to a Performance Public Events Act in a Performance Participate in a Service Activity organized by a GCA teacher Religious Service Keep the ticket!
Hard copy: You print out all the material that you need , eg: articles, photos and certification, for the portfolio and put them in a binder.
一、投资词汇1. Investment(投资)指将资金或其他资源用于期望获取回报的行为或活动。
2. Portfolio(投资组合)指个人或机构持有的所有投资项目的集合。
3. Asset(资产)指拥有的有价值的物品或权益,如股票、债券、不动产等。
4. Equity(股权)指投资者在公司中所持有的股份或股权。
5. Risk(风险)指投资可能面临的损失或不确定性。
6. Return(回报)指投资所产生的利润、收益或回报。
7. Diversification(分散投资)指将资金投资于多个不同的资产类别或领域,以降低风险。
二、证券交易词汇1. Stock(股票)指公司向公众发行的股份,代表持有者在公司中的权益。
2. Shareholder(股东)指持有某公司股份的个人或机构。
3. Dividend(红利)指公司根据盈利情况向股东支付的利润分配。
4. Bond(债券)指借款人以借款为基础发行给债权人的债务证券。
5. Coupon(票息)指债券上规定的每年支付给债券持有者的利息。
6. Principal(本金)指债券上规定的借款人要偿还给债权人的原始金额。
7. Maturity(到期日)指债券或其他金融产品到期的日期。
8. Yield(收益率)指投资产品的盈利能力及其相对于投资成本的比例。
三、其他相关词汇1. Broker(经纪人)指在买卖证券或货币等产品过程中充当中介的个人或公司。
2. Exchange(交易所)指进行证券交易的市场,例如纽约证券交易所(NYSE)。
3. Bull market(牛市)指证券市场价格持续上涨的市场状态。
我就为大家分享一下CFA考试的考试科目:1、道德与职业行为标准(Ethics and Professional Standards)2、定量分析(Quantitative)3、经济学(Economics)4、财务报表分析(Financial Statement Analysis)5、公司理财(Corporate Finance)6、权益投资(Equity Investments)7、固定收益投资(Fixed Income)8、衍生工具(Derivatives)9、其他类投资(Alternative Investments)10、投资组合管理(Portfolio Management)推断统计是研究如何利用样本数据来推断总体特征的统计方法。
可以分为三个步骤:✔抽样(sampling):采取一定的方法从总体中抽取一部分个体,组成样本(我们可以从总体中获得无数个样本);✔估计(estimation):根据样本信息估计总体特征;✔假设检验(hypothesis test):利用样本信息判断在一定的置信水平下对总体的假设是否成立。
财务管理 投资组合理论(Portfolio Theory)
i jc
co K i,v K j iji j
Investing Risk Diversification
2 p
wiwjij ij
i1 j1
As long as ij less than 1,portfolio standard deviation will
Risk and Return of Single Asset Investment
Measure of investing return Measure of investing risk Measure of expected rate of return
Measure of Investing Return
K Ki Pi i 1
K ——expected value of future return Ki——rate of return under ith possibility Pi——probability of ith possibility N ——number of possibility
Highest expected rate of return
Point with lowest standard deviation C
Standard deviationp
Choice of Optimal Portfolio
Indifference Curve of Risk and Return
3.All investors have identical estimates of the expected returns, variances,and covariances among all assets;that is,investors have homogenerous expectations.
Alternative Investments
Reading 61 Introduction to alternative investments
考点一. Alternative investments的特点 记忆特征 Illiquidity of underlying investments Narrow manage specialization【需要更加专业】 Low correlation with traditional investments【组合中加入alternative:return上升,risk下
降】 Low level of regulation and less transparency Limited and potentially problematic historical risk and return data 根据这一条:sharp ratio不再适用(往往return体现为leptokurtic, negatively skewed)
Reading 61 Introduction to alternative investments
(2)VC 掌握stage
Reading 61 Introduction to alternative investments
考点三. Private equity 1.概念: PE的结构:往往是LP,GP结构(partner ship) 收费结构:management fee & incentive fee 重要考点:PE的management fee的收费是根据committed capital
William Sharpe(1963)提出了简化方法:单指 数模型(single-index model);
William Sharpe(1964)、John Lintner (1965) 及Jan Mossin(1966)提出了市场处于均衡状态 条件下的定价模型:CAPM;
假设5:投资者可以以无风险利率借入或贷出任何数量 的资金。
假设6:证券市场是一个“无磨擦市场”(frictionless market)。
所谓“摩擦”是指市场中的对资金流动与信息 传播的阻碍(impediments)。一个无摩擦的市场不 存在(1)买卖证券的交易成本;(2)税金;(3) 对卖空的限制;(4)信息成本。
但在现实市场中,卖空可能受到限制。另外,即使 可以卖空,一般投资者也不能自由使用卖空所得资 金,而且必须对卖空另付保证金。
投资者的风险厌恶是显然的,然而,当收益率的 方差或标准差不足以测度风险时,这一假设就存 在一定的疑问。
假设2~5可以放宽,所得的结论也与放宽前相类 似。
假如关于股票L与H未来估值的信息少得可怜, 张三不得不将眼光转向过去:用历史的收益与 风险作为未来预期收益及风险的估计。 已知股票L与H过去若干年(95年-04年)的股价 与红利如表所示:
年份 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 L价格 22 23 22 24 22 23 20 19 19 21 L红利 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 H价格 8 7 18 24 28 18 12 12 16 14 H红利 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 1.0 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.0
Chapter 11、Unified budget: The document which itemizes(逐项列出)all the federal government’s expenditures(支出)and revenues(收入).统一预算:联邦政府在一种文件中将其支出逐项列出。
2、regulatory budget: An annual statement of the costs imposed on(施加影响于)the economy by government regulations.(Currently, there is no such budget.)管制预算:政府管制给经济造成的成本的年度报告。
(目前尚无)3、entitlement programs: Programs whose expenditures are determined by the number of people who qualify, rather than preset budget allocations(分配).公民权力性计划其支出由符合条件的人数而非预先的预算安排来决定的计划。
Summary :1、public finance ,also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution(分配)of income.财政学,也称公共部门经济学或公共经济学,以政府的收支活动及其资源配置与收入分配的影响为研究对象2、I n an organic view of society ,individuals are valued only by their contribution to the realization of social goals. These goals are determined by the government.按照社会有机论,个人只有在有助于社会目标实现时才有价值。
Cov(rA , rB )
Cov(rA , rC ) Cov(rB , rC )
2 (rp ) x A 2 A 2 xB 2 B 2 xC 2 C 2 2 x A xB Cov(rA , rB )
2 x A xC Cov(rA , rC ) 2 xB xC Cov(rB , rC )
The Portfolio’s Variance
(rp ) x A A xB B 2 x A xB Cov(rA , rB )
2 2 2 2 2
A, B
Cov(rA , rB ) (rA ) (rB )
2 2 2 2
Cov(rA , rB ) A, B (rA ) (rB ) 2 (rp ) x A A xB B 2 x A xB A, B (rA ) (rB )
Perfect positive (+1) correlation & Perfect negative (-1) correlation
If you can not:
The line of best fit
The Coefficient of Determination
档案袋评价(portfolio assessment)又称为“学习档案评价”或“学生成长记录袋评价”,是以档案袋为依据而对评价对象进行的客观的综合的评价,它是20 世纪90 年代伴随着西方“教育评价改革运动”而出现的一种新型质性教育教学评价工具。
2.1. Portfolio Choice
Portfolio Choice (1)
September 2013
9 / 25
How Much Risk Should You Take?
CRRA Lognormal Case
Portfolio Choice in the CRRA Lognormal Case
Assume that asset returns are lognormally distributed, and utility is power with relative risk aversion γ. The maximization problem is max Et Wt +1 /(1
Portfolio Choice (1)
September 2013
5 / 25
How Much Risk Should You Take?
CARA Normal Case
Portfolio Choice in the CARA Normal Case
The above formula for dollars invested in the risky asset is exact when risk is normal, e x N (µ, σ2 ), and utility is CARA with risk aversion A. In this case the problem becomes Maxθ V (θ ) = E[ exp( Utility is lognormally distributed (its log is normally distributed) if e x is normally distributed. For any lognormal random variable e z , we have the following extremely useful result: 1 log E(e z ) = E log(e z ) + Var log(e z ). 2 A ( w0 + θ e x ))].
第三讲 投资组合(portfolio)理论基础一.单个资产的收益和风险 1.期望收益(expected return)数学期望(mathematical expectation)的定义:若离散型随机变量X 的可能值为),2,1( =i x i ,其概率分布为{}i i p x X P ==, ,2,1=i则当:∞<∑∞=i i ip x1时,称X 的数学期望存在,并且其数学期望记作EX ,定义为:i i i p x EX ∑∞==1对于风险资产而言,其未来的收益是一个随机变量。
用公式表示为:i ni i i i r p p p r E ∑=---=111)( 式中,i r 为该资产收益的第i 状态的取值;i p 为资产收益取值i r 的概率;)(r E 为该资产的期望收益。
例题:已知某种证券在市场状况较好的情况下的投资收益率为45%,在市场状况较差的情况下的投资收益率为-15%,又已知未来市场状况转好的可能性为60%,市场状况转坏的可能性为40%,则该证券的期望收益为多少?%2121.006.027.0%)40%15(%60%45)r (E ==-=⨯-+⨯=练习题:假设某种证券资产在A 情况下的收益率为35%,在B 情况下的投资收益率为15%,在C 情况下的投资收益率为-20%。
A 、B 、C 三种情况发生的概率分别为20%,50%和30%,求这种证券资产的预期收益。
2.收益的方差(Variance)方差(variance)和标准差(standard deviation)的定义: 设X 为一个随机变量(random variable),其数学期望EX 存在,则称EX X -为X 的离差(deviation),进一步,如果2)(EX X E -也存在,则称2)(EX X E -为随机变量X 的方差,记作DX 或VarX ,并称DX 为X 的标准差。
1. 文件夹或公事包:它可以指用来装文件、文档或其他材料的物理容器,如一个文件夹或公文包。
2. 作品集:在艺术、设计、写作等领域中,portfolio指的是个人的作品集合,用于展示一个人的技能、风格和成就。
3. 投资组合:在金融领域,portfolio指的是一个投资者持有的各种资产(如股票、债券、商品、房地产等)的集合。
4. 业务组合或服务组合:在商业环境中,portfolio可能指一个公司提供的所有产品、服务或项目的集合。
I keep all my important documents in a leather portfolio.
She presented her design portfolio to the hiring manager.
He manages a diverse investment portfolio that includes stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
The company's product portfolio includes software, hardware, and consulting services.。
BT学院 2017年12月CFA一级模拟考试试卷(AM)
【答案】A 【解析】 准则 III(B)公平, 指的是公平对待每一位客户, 对于 discretionary accounts (基金经理可支配的账户) 在交易分配时要公平对待,要提前披露分配政策。题干中按照开户时间,不足一年的客户被 disadvantage,没有 公平对待,注意陷阱在于提前披露了这一位客户。 【考点】 Guidance for Standards I-VII 6. Nicholas Bennett, CFA, is a trader at a stock exchange. Another trader approached Bennett on the floor of the exchange and verbally harassed him about a poorly executed trade. In response, Bennett pushed the trader and knocked him to the ground. After investigating the incident, the exchange cleared Bennett from any wrongdoing. Which of the following best describes Bennett's conduct in relation to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Conduct? Bennett: A. B. C. violated both the standard relating to professionalism and integrity of capital markets. did not violate any of the Code of Ethics or Standards of Professional Conduct. violated the standard relating to professionalism.
关键词:portfolio;电子学档;学习评价;评价量规1 “portfolio”的起源和发展“portfolio”,又译为文件夹,是依据一定目的,收集反映学生学习过程中所做的努力、取得进步、最终成果以及学习反思的一整套资料,是对个人作品的系统收集。
关于电子学档,国外一般称为“electronic learning portfolio”,也有少数学者称为“digital learning portfolio”、“e leaming portfolio”。
CFA考试要注意的一级三个重点和一个关键点根据各部分的权重,将一级划分为三个着重点,和一个关键点, 分别为:重点一: Financial Reporting and Analysis第一个着重点很明显,就是Financial Reporting and Analysis, 简称FRA,报表分析在CFA考试占得比重最大,占20%。
之前学校的研究生foundation course中的AFM(Accounting for Managers)对这个科目里的一些知识略有介绍。
Session 7 主要讲的IFRS 和U.S. GAAP在不同情况下的区别,还有各种statements的元素构成。
Session 8 就是集中在Income statement, Balance Sheet, Cash flow statement 和各种Ratio analysis。
这一章节需要注意知识点是Revenue & Expense recognition, Basic and Dilute EPS, Goodwill;Trading, Holding to maturity and Available for sale securities, 然后cash flow statement中重点要会Direct & Indirect method, 以及两者之间的相互转化。
Ratio analysis中需要注意ROE中Basic & Extended DuPont equation以及四大Ratio: Activity, Liquidity, Solvency and Profitability ratios。
3.6Stochastic dominance•Knowing the utility function,we have the full information on ing the maximum expected utility criterion,we obtain a complete ordering of all the investments under consid-eration.What happens if we have only partial information on preferences(say,prefer more to less and/or risk aversion)?•In the First Order Stochastic Dominance Rule,we only consider the class of utility functions,call U1,such that u′≥0(with strict inequality over some range).This is a very general assumption and it does not assume any specific utility function.•Recall E[u(x)]=∫u(x)dF(x)=U(F),where F is the probability distribution of the random variable x.We may consider expected utility value as a function of distribution on the underlying x.103Feasible set–set of all available investments under consideration. Dominance under U1Investment A dominates investment B under U1if for all util-ity functions such that u∈U1,E A u(x)≥E B u(x);[equivalently, U(F A)≥U(F B),where F A and F B are the distribution function of choices A and B,respectively];and for at least one utility function, there is a strict inequality.•Choices among investments amount to choices on probability distributions.104For any pair of distinct investments x and y,either one of the following cases holds:(i)x dominates y for any choice of utility function in U1;(ii)x dominates y under one utility function while y dominates x under another utility function;(iii)y dominates x for any choice of utility function in U1.Efficient set in U1(collection of investments that are not being dominated)An investment is included in the efficient set if there is no other investment that dominates it.Suppose investments A and B are efficient,then neither A nor B dominates the other.That is,there exists u1∈U1such that E A u1(x)>E B u1(x)while there exists another u2∈U1such that E A u2(x)<E B u2(x).Some prefer A and other prefer B(no dominance between A and B).105Inefficient set in U1(being dominated)Any investment that does not lie in the efficient set is included in the inefficient set.The inefficient set includes all inefficient investments. An inefficient investment is that there is at least one investment in the efficient set that dominates it.•There is no need for an inefficient investment to be dominated by all efficient investments.One dominance is enough to relegate an investment to the inefficient set.•It is still possible that an inefficient investment is dominated by another inefficient investment,but that dominating investment is itself being dominated by an efficient investment.•An investment within the inefficient set cannot dominate an investment within the efficient set since if such dominance were to exist then the latter one would not be efficient.106ExampleThere are5investment choices:A,B,C,D and E.•E A u1(x)>E B u1(x)while E A u2(x)<E B u2(x).•A dominates C and D,while B dominates E.Since any investment must be either efficient or inefficient,the ef-ficient and inefficient sets form a partition of the feasible set.•The partition into the efficient and inefficient sets depends on the choice of the class of utility functions.In general,the smaller the efficient set relative to the feasible set,the better for the decision maker.•When we have only one utility function,we have complete or-dering of all investment choices.The efficient set may likely contain one element(possibly more than one if we have invest-ments whose expected utility values happen to tie with each other).•Objective and subjective decisionsThefirst stage provides the efficient set(objective decision) while the second state determines the optimal choice by maxi-mizing the expected utility of an individual investor(subjective decision).Properties of efficient and inefficient sets under FSD•We do not require an inefficient investment to be dominated by all efficient investments.In order that an investment is relegated into the inefficient set,it is sufficient to have one investment that dominates the inefficient investment.•Dominance or non-dominance among investment choices within the inefficient set is irrelevant since all investments included in this set are inferior.•The distribution functions of all investments within FSD effi-cient set must intercept.If otherwise,one distribution would dominate the other,a contradiction to non-dominance.116Write I A(x)=∫x−∞F A(y)dy and observe that F A(8)is constantwithin[8,9)I A(8.6)=I A(8)+F A(8)×0.6=1+12×0.6=1.3I A(13.5)=I A(12)+F A(12)×1.5=4+1×1.5=5.5.Note that F A(x)has discrete jumps at those discrete values that can be taken by the random outcome of investment A,a feature that is typical for the distribution function of a discrete-valued random variable.120。
非系统性风险: 非系统性风险:指只对某个行业或者各别公司的证券产 生影响的风险,它通常由某一特殊因素引起, 生影响的风险,它通常由某一特殊因素引起,与整个证 券市场的价格不存在系统、全面的联系, 券市场的价格不存在系统、全面的联系,而只对个别或 少数证券的收益产生影响 非系统风险是可以抵消、回避的,因此又称为可分散 非系统风险是可以抵消、回避的, 风险或可回避风险。非系统风险包括信用风险、 风险或可回避风险。非系统风险包括信用风险、经营 风险、 风险、财务风险等 在定价的过程中, 在定价的过程中,市场不会给这种风险任何报酬 对单个证券而言,由于其没有分散风险,因此, 对单个证券而言,由于其没有分散风险,因此,其实 际的风险就是系统风险加上特有风险
资产组合的风险(5) 资产组合的风险
相关系数: 相关系数:是两个变量间的线性关联的一个度量
ρ12 =
Cov(r1 , r2 )
σ 1σ 2
σ 12 = σ 1σ 2
意义:相关系数的取值范围介于 之间。 意义:相关系数的取值范围介于—1与+1之间。 与 之间 当取值为—1时,表示证券1、2的收益变动完全负相关; 时 表示证券 、 的收益变动完全负相关 的收益变动完全负相关; 当取值为 当取值为+1时 表示完全正相关; 当取值为 时,表示完全正相关; 当取值为0时 表示完全不相关; 当取值为 时,表示完全不相关; 当0<ρ12 <1时,表示正相关,表明证券 、2的收益有同向 时 表示正相关,表明证券1、 的收益有同向 变动倾向; 变动倾向; 当—1< ρ12 <0时,表示负相关,表明证券 、2的收益有 时 表示负相关,表明证券1、 的收益有 反向变动倾向。 反向变动倾向。
无交易费用、个人所得税等因素的影响, ④ 无交易费用、个人所得税等因素的影响,即市 场无摩擦 。
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Portfolio Management 2017王老师和贾老师的CFA课堂考点Reading 考点R40 Portfolio Management: An Overview •投资者类别,不同投资者特点。
•三步走plan-execution -feedback。
R41 Risk Management: An Introduction •risk budgeting•the categorization of types of risks•methods of risk mitigationR42 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I •Major return measurement and Theportfolio standard deviation formula•Minimum variance and efficient frontier•CAL•CAPM公式+假设+应用。
•SML和CML的特点及对比R43 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part IIR44 Basic of Portfolio Planning andConstruction•IPS中的Objective and constraints•SAA和TAA考点一投资者类别,不同投资者特点□Portfolio perspective□The types of investment management clients □Characteristics of different types of investors•Characteristics of different types of investorsInvestor Type Risk Tolerance Investment Horizon Liquidity Needs Income NeedsIndividuals Depends on individual Depends on individual Depends on individual Depends on individualDB pensions High Long Low Depends on age Banks Low Short High Pay interest Endowments High Long Low Spending levelInsurance Low Long—life;Short—P&CHigh LowMutual funds Depends on fund Depends on fund High Depends on fund✐Which of the following types of institutions is most likely to have a long investment time horizon and a higher level of risk tolerance?A.A bankB.An endowmentC.An insurance companyAnswer=B✐Which of the following institutional investors are most likely to have a low tolerance for investment risk and relatively high liquidity needs?A.Insurance companyB.Charitable foundationC.Defined benefit pension planAnswer=AA is correct because insurance companies need to be relatively conservative and liquid given the necessity ofpaying claims when due.考点二Three steps in the portfolio management资产管理三步走□Planning step □Execution step □Feedback step考点二资产管理三步走2Three steps in the portfolio management资产管理三步走●Planning stepDetermine client needs and circumstance,including investor’s risk tolerance,return objectives,time horizon,tax exposure,liquidity needs,income needs,unique circumstances.Create and then periodically review and update an investment policy statement(IPS).IPS:details about the investor’s needs and circumstance;specify an objective benchmark;update at least every few years and anytime the investor’s objectives or constraints change significantly.●Execution step:asset allocation;top-down analysis and bottom-up analysis;portfolio construction●Feedback step:monitor and rebalance the portfolio;Measure portfolio performance.常考点:security analysis是execution过程中的一步Which of the following is least likely a part of the execution step of the portfolio management process?A.Security analysisB.Portfolio constructionC.Performance measurementAnswer=CC is correct.Performance measurement is a part of the feedback step of the portfolio management process.The execution step includes asset allocation,security analysis,and portfolio construction考点三risk budgeting□Risk and risk management□Financial risks and non-financial risks □Measure of risk□Methods of risk modification➢Risk management is most likely the process by which an organization:A.minimizes its exposure to potential losses.B.adjusts its risk to a predetermined level.C.maximizes its risk-adjusted return.B is correct.➢A major benefit of employing a risk budgeting process is that it most likely :A. allows the organization to determine its enterprise risk tolerance.B. forces risk tradeoffs across the organization.C.eliminates the need for hedging within the organization.B is correct.Adding a risk budgeting process causes the organization to consider how its total risk tolerance will be allocated across its subsidiaries. Either the total current risks the subsidiaries are engaging in will exceed the risk tolerance and subsidiaries will have to compete for risk by demonstrating highest returns per unit of risk or the total current risks will be less than the risk tolerance and a search will be underway for the subsidiaries that can best utilize the remaining risk budget. The risk tolerance is determined and then sets the risk budget, rather than being determined by it. Hedging can be a part of risk budgeting if hedging produces the superior risk adjusted returns.A is incorrect because the risk tolerance of the organization defines its risk budget, not the other way around.C is incorrect because hedging can be a part of risk budgeting if it produces the best returns per unit of the risk budget.考点三risk budgeting3Financial risks and non-financial risks●Financial risksFinancial risks refer to the risks that arise from events occurring in the financial markets,including credit risk,liquidity risk and market risk.•Credit riskThe risk that a counterparty will not pay an amount owed.交易对手方无法还钱。