
四年级英语下册全部单词表Unit 11. playground ['pleɪɡraʊnd] n. 操场2. garden ['ɡɑːdn] n. 花园3. teacher's office ['tiːtʃəz ˈɒfɪs] 教师办公室4. library [ˈlaɪbrəri] n. 图书馆5. first [fɜːst] num. 第一6. floor [flɔː(r)] n. 层7. welcome [ˈwelkəm] v. 欢迎8. to [tuː] prep. 到;去Unit 21. lunch [lʌntʃ] n. 午餐2. English class [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ klɑːs] 英语课3. music class [ˈmjuːzɪk klɑːs] 音乐课4. breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] n. 早餐5. dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] n. 晚餐;正餐6. P.E. class [ˌpiːˈiː klɑːs] 体育课7. over [ˈəʊvə(r)] adv. 结束Unit 31. cold [kəʊld] adj. 寒冷的;冷的2. cool [kuːl] adj. 凉的;凉爽的3. warm [wɔːm] adj. 温暖的;暖和的4. hot [hɒt] adj. 热的;烫的5. sunny [ˈsʌni] adj. 阳光充足的6. windy [ˈwɪndi] adj. 多风的;风大的7. cloudy [ˈklaʊdi] adj. 阴天的;多云的8. snowy [ˈsnəʊi] adj. 下雪(多)的9. rainy [ˈreɪni] adj. 阴雨的;多雨的Unit 41. tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊ] n. 西红柿2. potato [pəˈteɪtəʊ] n. 土豆3. green beans [ɡriːn biːnz] 豆角;四季豆4. carrot [ˈkærət] n. 胡萝卜5. horse [hɔːs] n. 马6. cow [kaʊ] n. 母牛;奶牛7. sheep [ʃiːp] n. 羊;绵羊8. hen [hen] n. 母鸡Unit 51. clothes [kləʊðz] n. 衣服;服装2. pants [pænts] n. 裤子3. hat [hæt] n. (常指带檐的)帽子4. dress [dres] n. 连衣裙5. skirt [skɜːt] n. 女裙6. coat [kəʊt] n. 外衣;大衣7. sweater [ˈswetə(r)] n. 毛衣8. sock [sɒk] n. 短袜9. shorts [ʃɔːts] n. 短裤10. jacket [ˈdʒækɪt] n. 夹克衫Unit 61. glove [ɡlʌv] n. (分手指的)手套2. scarf [skɑːf] n. 围巾;披巾3. umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə] n. 伞;雨伞4. sunglasses [ˈsʌnɡlɑːsɪz] n. 太阳镜5. pretty [ˈprɪti] adj. 美观的;精致的6. expensive [ɪkˈspensɪv] adj. 昂贵的;花钱多的7. cheap [tʃiːp] adj. 便宜的;花钱少的8. nice [naɪs] adj. 好的。

--Howmuchisthecake? 接力版四年级下册单词&句子--Foily-eightyuan.Less on 1Howoldishe? 单词:gran dpa,gra ndma,u ncle,a un tC1:-- Who' sthatman?--He' smyuncle.--Howoldishe?--Heis40.C2:--Who ' sshe?--She ' smyaunt.--Howoldisshe?--She' s30.C3:--What ' sthis?--It' satree.--Howoldisit?--It' stwenty. Less on 2Howmuchisthefootball?单词:much,football,wa nt,pearC1:-- Howmuchisthefootball? C2:--Ca nlhelpyou?--Iwantthebag.--Howmuchisit?--Seventyyuan.--Hereyouare.--Thankyou.Less on 3Whattimeisit ?单词:time,half,hour」ate,get,play,o ' clock,past C1:--Whattimeisit?--Itisteno ' clock.--Whattimeisit?--It' shalfpastten.C2:--Whattimeisit?--It' stenfifteen.Ss:It' stimetogetup.It ' stimetogotoschool.It ' stimet oplay.It ' stimetogotobed.Less on4 Igetathalfpastsix单词:when,breakfast,class,homeC1:--Whe ndoyougetup?--Igetupathalfpastsix.--Whe ndoyougotoschool?--Igotoschoolathalfpastseve n.--Sixtyyuan.--Howmucharethepears?--Tenyuan.--Whe ndoyougotobed? --Igotobedat nine. Ss:lgetupathalfpastsix. Ihavebreakfastatseve n. Igotoschoolathalfpastseve n. IhaveE nglishclassat nine.C2 : --Whendoyougohome?--Igohomeat11:30.--Whendoyouplayfootball?--At3:30.Less on 5Whatareyoudo ing? 单词:we,watch,story,tellC1:-- Whatareyoudo ing?--I' mreadingabook.--Whatareyoudoing?--Weareeatingbananas.-- Whatareyoudo ing? -- Wearedrawing. Ss:Weareread in gabook. I' mlisteningtoastory.I' mwritingastory.I' mtellingastory.Less。

Lesson1grandpa(口)(外)祖父grandma(口)(外)祖母uncle 伯父,叔父,姑父,姨父,舅父aunt伯母,婶母,姑母,姨母,舅母Lesson 2much 许多,大量的football足球want要,想要pear梨Lesson 3time 时间half一半hour 小时late晚,迟get 得到,达到play玩(游戏等),打(球)o'clock ’点钟past 过,超过Lesson 4when 什么时候breakfast早餐,早饭class 课,班级home家Lesson 5we我们watch看,观看wash洗story故事tell告诉,讲述Lesson 6cow 奶牛,母牛run跑rice 米饭sleep 睡觉away离开Lesson7playground操场shop 商店library 图书馆cinema电影院Lesson 8use使用computer电脑there那里drive 驾驶Revision 1they 他们,她们,它们afraid 害怕的very很,非常dance 跳舞little小的but 但是tail 尾巴Lesson 9too 太,过于soup 汤,羹careful小心的,仔细的climb 爬,攀登deep 深的railway 铁路Lesson 10crayon 蜡笔fan 风扇candy糖果basketball篮球Lesson 11whose 谁的open 打开Lesson 12sweater 毛衣knife刀Lesson 13tea 茶bread 面包coffee咖啡rest休息Lesson 14potato 马铃薯,土豆tomato 番茄,西红柿drink饮料so这样,如此Lesson 15kitchen 厨房kid 小孩toilet 厕所,卫生间bathroom 浴室,盥洗室bedroom卧室classroom 教室Lesson 16next 靠近between 在···之间front 前面Revision 2coat 外套fish 鱼;钓鱼why为什么building 建筑物pan平底锅附:thirtyfortyfiftysixty三十四十五十六十七十八十九十一百seventyeightyninetya/one hundredhow muchget upyou are welcomereading roomin front ofnext to别客气阅览室在。

接力版小学四年级下册英语词汇Lesson1 How old is he?单词: grandpa, grandma, uncle, auntC1: --Who’s that man?--He’s my uncle.-- How old is he?-- He is 40.C2: -- Who’s she?-- She’s my aunt.-- How old is she?-- She’s 30.C3: -- What’s this?-- It’s a tree.-- How old is it?-- It’s twenty.Lesson 2 How much is the football?单词:much, football, want, pearC1: -- How much is the football?-- Sixty yuan.-- How much are the pears?-- Ten yuan.-- How much is the cake?-- Forty-eight yuan.C2: -- Can I help you?-- I want the bag.-- How much is it?-- Seventy yuan.-- Here you are.-- Thank you.Lesson 3 What time is it?单词:time, half, hour, late, get, play,o’clock, pastC1: -- What time is it?-- It is ten o’clock.-- What time is it?-- It’s half past ten.C2: -- What time is it?--It’s ten fifteen.Ss: It’s time to get up. It’s time to go toschool. It’s time to play. It’s time to go tobed.Lesson 4 I get at half past six单词: when, breakfast, class, homeC1: -- When do you get up?--I get up at half past six.--When do you go to school?--I go to school at half past seven.--When do you go to bed?--I go to bed at nine.Ss: I get up at half past six.I have breakfast at seven.I go to school at half past seven.I have English class at nine.C2:--When do you go home?-- I go home at 11:30.-- When do you play football?-- At 3:30.Lesson 5 What are you doing?单词: we, watch, story, tellC1: -- What are you doing?-- I’m reading a book.-- What are you doing?-- We are eating bananas.--What are you doing?-- We are drawing.1 / 5Ss: We are reading a book.I’m listening to a story.I’m writing a story.I’m telling a story.Lesson 6 What is it doing?单词: cow, run, rice, sleep, awayC1: -- What is it?-- It is a bird.-- What is it doing?-- It is flying.C2: -- What is Sue doing?-- She is washing her hair.Story:The fish is eating. The mouse is sleeping. The cat is walking to the fish and the mouse. The fish is swimming away. The mouse is running away, too.Lesson 7 Where are you going?单词: playground, shop, library, cinemaC1: -- Where are you going?-- I am going to the park. C2: -- Where are you going?-- We are going to the playground.C3: -- Where are they going?-- They are going to the shop.C4: -- Where are you going?--I’m going to the zoo.C5: -- Where is Mary going?--She’s going to the cinema.Lesson 8 I can swim单词: useSs: I can swim.I can jump.Help! I can’t get down.Help! I can’t get out.’t.My mum can cook. I can’t.I can read English. My mum can’t.My dad can drive. I can’t.Revision 1单词:they, afraid, very, dance, little, but,tailStory:Mary’s hands are dirty. She wants towash her hands. Mary is washing her hands.T’s jumping. Mary is running away. She isafraid.running away. Mary is very happy.Mary thanks Peter. She is not afraid now.C1: --What’s she doing?--She’s dancing.--Where are they going?--They are going to the hospital.C2: -- How much is the skirt?--It’s 90 yuan.C3: -- What is the boy doing?--He is playing football.C4: -- What time is it?--It’s 12 o’clock.Ss: It’s time to cook. It’s time to eat a cake.It’s time to drink. It’s time to read a book.Lesson 9 Be careful单词:too, soup , careful, climb, deep,railwaySs: Be careful! Don’t run.Don’t climb the tree.2 / 5Don’t be late for school.Don’t touch this. It is too hot.Don’t touch this. It is down.Don’t swim there. The water is deep.Don’t touch the door. It is wet.The soup is too hot. Don’t eat.The light is too hot. Don’t touch it.’t walk on the railway.Lesson 10 Who has a watch?单词: crayon, fan, candy, basketballC1: -- Who has a watch?-- I have a watch.-- I don’t have a watch.C2: -- Who has a pencil?-- I have a pencil.- -Can I use it?-- Here you are.-- Thank you.-- You’Lesson 11 Whose key is this?单词: whose, open,Ss: We can open a door with a key. Here are some keys. Please look at these keys. C1: -- Whose key is this?--It is Tom’s key.C2: -- Whose ball is this?--It is Ann’s ball.C3: -- Whose book is this?-- It’s my book.-- Whose umbrella is this?-- It’s Peter’s umbrella.Lesson 12 Do you have a pen?单词: sweater, knifeC1: -- Do you have a pen?--Yes, I do.--Do you have a knife?--No, I don’t.C2: -- Here is an eraser, Ann.-- Who has the eraser now.-- Ann, Do you have the eraser?-- No, I do n’t.-- Mary, do you have the eraser?-- Yes, I do.Lesson 13 I want some soup.单词: tea, bread, coffee, restC1: -- What do you want?--I want some soup.Ss: I want an ice cream, please.I want a banana, please.I want some bread.I want some juice, too.I want a rest.C2: -- Can I help you?--I want the kite. How much is it?--It’s fifteen yuan.--Here you are.-- Thank you.Lesson 14 Do you want milk or water?单词: potato, tomato, drink, soC1: -- Do you want milk or water?-- I want milk, please.-- Do you want rice or bread?-- Rice, please.-- Do you want potatoes or tomatoes?-- Tomatoes, please.--Do you want juice or tea?-- I want tea, please.C2: -- Wow, so many drinks.3 / 5-- Can I help you?-- I want some juice.-- Do you want apple juice or orange juice?-- Orange juice, please.-- Here you are.-- Thank you.Lesson 15 Where is Tom?单词:kitchen, kid, toilet, bathroom, bedroom, classroomC1: -- Where is Tom?-- He is in the bathroom.-- Where are Mary and Mrs. Zhang?-- They are in the kitchen.C2: -- Hello, I’m here.-- Where are you?-- I’m on the bed.-- Oh, no, where are you?-- I’m in the kitchen.-- Where are you?-- I’m in the toilet.-- Where are you?-- I’m in the box.-- Oh, no. Jerry, where are you?-- Ha ha….C3: -- Are Ann and Linngling in the readingroom now?-- No, they aren’t.-- Are they in the living room?-- Yes, they are.-- What are they doing.-- They’re watching TV.Lesson 16 Sue is behind John.单词: next, between, front,Ss: 1.Shue is behind John.She is in front of Kate.2. Lingling is in front of Li Ming.She is next to John.3. Sue is between Li Ming and Ann.Kate is between Jack and Bill.C1: -- Who is next to Jack?-- Kate.C2: -- Where is the bed?--It is next to the desk.--Where is the ball?--It is behind the door.Revision 2单词:coat, fish, why, building, panC1: -- What are you?--I’m a taxi driver.--What are you doing?--I’m washing my car.--Where are you going?--I’m going to the shop.C2: Is it a clock? -- No, it isn’t.Is it a watch? --Yes, it is.C3: Is building 3 next to Building 2?--No, it isn’t.Is building 6 between Building 4 andBuilding 5?--No, it isn’t. It’s between Building 4 andBuildig 8.Is Building 10 behind 9?--Yes, it is.Ss: I am the winner.What do you want?What is he doing?Where are they going?How much is the football?Do you want juice or coffee?4 / 5Who has a watch?Where are they?Whose key is this?5 / 5。

接力版四下英语笔记Module 1Age A.words:“四会”:1)photo相片year年year(s)old 多少岁computer game电脑游戏birthday生日card 卡片have a party 举办聚会2)person人baby(babies)婴儿child(children)孩子3)1ook看起来tell her告诉她sing a song唱歌give给cut切eat吃4)really真正的happy 高兴的so因此5)不定代词:anything 任何东西something某些东西nothing没有东西“三会”holiday photo 假日相片younger更年轻To te1l you the truth 老实告诉你secret秘密teenager十几岁的少年excited激动的forget忘记grandpa爷爷only joking 开玩笑而已blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛B.Sentences:1问年龄:How old are you?I'm10(years old) How old is he/she?He's/She's(year old) 2生日用语:Happy birthday!Thank you(so/very much) 3形容人的外貌特征:He looks strong and handsome She looks slim and pretty.1)You're forgetting something.你忘记了一些事情。
2)Is today your birthday?Yes,it is/No it isn't 3)认真读课本P10的短语.Module 2 Activities A. Words: "四会1; listen to the radio 听收音机listen to the Tape 听录音机music listen to music 听音乐work on the computer 在电脑上工作paint a picture 画画read a story-book 读故事书Fish in the lake.在湖里钓鱼。

四年级下册英语书词语表Unit 1.first floor 一楼。
second floor 二楼。
teachers' office 教师办公室。
library 图书馆。
playground 操场。
computer room 计算机房。
art room 美术教室。
music room 音乐教室。
next to 紧邻;在……近旁。
homework 作业。
class 班;班级。
forty 四十。
way 方向。
Unit 2.breakfast 早餐;早饭。
English class 英语课。
lunch 午餐;午饭。
music class 音乐课。
PE class 体育课。
dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐。
get up 起床。
go to school 去上学。
go home 回家。
go to bed 上床睡觉。
over 结束。
now 现在;目前。
o'clock (表示整点)……点钟。
kid 小孩。
thirty 三十。
hurry up 快点。
come on 快;加油。
Unit 3.cold 寒冷的;冷的。
cool 凉的;凉爽的。
warm 温暖的;暖和的。
hot 热的;烫的。
sunny 阳光充足的。
windy 多风的;风大的。
cloudy 阴天的;多云的。
snowy 下雪(多)的。
rainy 阴雨的;多雨的。
outside 在户外。
be careful 小心。
weather 天气。
New York 纽约。
how about ……怎么样?degree 度;度数。
world 世界。
London 伦敦。
Moscow 莫斯科。
Singapore 新加坡城。
Sydney 悉尼。
fly 放(风筝等)love (写信结尾的热情问候语)爱你的。
Unit 4.tomato 西红柿。
potato 马铃薯;土豆。
green beans 豆角;四季豆。
carrot 胡萝卜。
horse 马。
cow 母牛;奶牛。
sheep 羊;绵羊。

四年级下册所有英语单词Unit 1.1. playground [ˈpleɪɡraʊnd] n. 操场。
2. garden [ˈɡɑːdn] n. 花园。
3. teacher's office [ˈtiːtʃəz ˈɒfɪs] 教师办公室。
4. library [ˈlaɪbrəri] n. 图书馆。
5. first [fɜːst] num. 第一。
6. floor [flɔː(r)] n. 层。
7. welcome [ˈwelkəm] v. 欢迎。
Unit 2.1. lunch [lʌntʃ] n. 午餐。
2. English class [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ klɑːs] 英语课。
3. music class [ˈmjuːzɪk klɑːs] 音乐课。
4. PE class [ˌpiːˈiː klɑːs] 体育课。
5. breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] n. 早餐。
6. dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] n. 晚餐。
7. over [ˈəʊvə(r)] adv. 结束。
Unit 3.1. cold [kəʊld] adj. 寒冷的;冷的。
2. cool [kuːl] adj. 凉的;凉爽的。
3. warm [wɔːm] adj. 温暖的;暖和的。
4. hot [hɒt] adj. 热的;烫的。
5. sunny [ˈsʌni] adj. 阳光充足的。
6. windy [ˈwɪndi] adj. 多风的;风大的。
7. cloudy [ˈklaʊdi] adj. 阴天的;多云的。
8. snowy [ˈsnəʊi] adj. 下雪(多)的。
9. rainy [ˈreɪni] adj. 阴雨的;多雨的。
Unit 4.1. tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊ] n. 西红柿。
2. potato [pəˈteɪtəʊ] n. 土豆。
3. green beans [ɡriːn biːnz] 豆角;四季豆。
接力版英语四年级下册L6 What-is-it-doing

A:What is John doing? B: He is playing football
• play playing
playing football
A: What is he/she/it doing?
B: He is… B: She is… B: 人名/动植物+ is…
. — What C you doing?
—I am watching TV.
A. is B. am
我们听一个故事。 我们写一个故事。
cow 奶牛
run 跑
run away 跑开
rice 米饭
sleep 睡觉
away 离开
• do
• wash washing
• draw drawing
• eat eating
• watch watching
• swim swimming
C. are
2. — B are you doing?
—I am reading a book.
A. When B. What
C. Who
3. We are A
a picture.
A. drawing B. tell
C. drinking
Exercise: 圈出正确单词形式
1. I am
(wash/washing) my hair.
Lesson 6
What is it doing?

四年级下册英语词语表全部完整版四年级下册英语词语表全部完整版第一篇:名词(Nouns)1. apple (苹果)2. book (书籍)3. cat (猫)4. desk (桌子)5. elephant (大象)6. fish (鱼)7. girl (女孩)8. hat (帽子)9. ice cream (冰淇淋)10. juice (果汁)11. kite (风筝)12. lion (狮子)13. milk (牛奶)14. nose (鼻子)15. orange (橙子)16. pencil (铅笔)17. queen (女王)18. rabbit (兔子)19. sun (太阳)20. tree (树)第二篇:动词(Verbs)1. ask (问)2. bring (带来)3. climb (爬)4. dance (跳舞)5. eat (吃)6. fly (飞)7. grow (生长)8. hug (拥抱)9. invite (邀请)10. jump (跳跃)11. kick (踢)12. laugh (笑)13. move (移动)14. open (打开)15. play (玩)16. read (阅读)17. sing (唱歌)18. swim (游泳)19. talk (交谈)20. walk (走路)第三篇:形容词(Adjectives)1. big (大的)2. cute (可爱的)3. fast (快的)4. happy (开心的)5. interesting (有趣的)6. juicy (多汁的)7. kind (亲切的)8. lazy (懒惰的)9. messy (凌乱的)10. nice (好的)11. old (老的)12. pretty (漂亮的)13. quiet (安静的)14. small (小的)15. tall (高的)16. ugly (丑的)17. young (年轻的)18. warm (温暖的)19. yellow (黄色的)20. zippy (活泼的)第四篇:副词(Adverbs)1. always (总是)2. carefully (仔细地)3. easily (容易地)4. fast (快速地)5. gently (轻轻地)6. happily (快乐地)7. loudly (大声地)8. nicely (好地)9. often (经常)10. quickly (快速地)11. quietly (安静地)12. slowly (慢慢地)13. soon (很快)14. together (一起)15. usually (通常)16. very (非常)17. well (好)18. yesterday (昨天)19. zealously (热情地)20. easily (容易地)第五篇:介词(Prepositions)1. above (在…上方)2. behind (在…后面)3. before (在…之前)4. below (在…下方)5. beside (在…旁边)6. between (在…之间)7. by (靠近)8. from (从…来)9. in (在…里面)10. near (靠近)11. of (…的)12. on (在…上)13. out (外面)14. over (在…上方)15. through (穿过)16. to (到…方向)17. under (在…下面)18. with (和…一起)19. without (没有)20. within (在…之内)第六篇:连词(Conjunctions)1. and (和)2. but (但是)3. or (或者)4. so (所以)5. because (因为)6. if (如果)7. when (当…时候)8. although (尽管)9. until (直到)10. while (当…的时候)11. since (因为)12. before (在…之前)13. after (之后)14. as (作为)15. than (比)16. unless (除非)17. whether (是否)18. while (当…的时候)19. since (自从)20. as if (仿佛)以上是四年级下册英语词语表的全部内容。

接力版英语四年级下册重点句子1.Who’s that man? He’s my uncle.2.How old is he? He is 40.3.How old is it? It’s twenty.4.How much is the football? Sixty yuan.5.How much are the pears? Ten yuan.6.What time is it? It’s ten o’clock.7.It’s half ten.8.It’s ten fifteen.9.It’s time to get up.10.When do you get up? I get up at half past six.11.What are you doing? I’m reading a book.12.We’re eating bananas.13.What is it doing? It’s flying.14.What is Sue doing? She is washing her hair.15.Where are you going? I am going to the park.16.Where are they going? They are going to the shop.17.Where is Mary going? She’s going to the cinema.18.I can swim.19.I can’t get down.20.I can use the computer.21.My dad can’t.22.What’s she doing? She’s dancing.23.Don’t climb the tree.24.Don’t be late for school.25.Don’t touch it.26.Who has a watch?27.I have a watch.28.I don’t have a watch.29.Tom has a car.30.Can I use it?31.You’re welcome.32.Whose key is this? It is Tom’s key.33.Do you have a pen? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.34.Who has this eraser now?35.What do you want? I want some soup.36.I want an ice cream, please.37.I want s banana, please.38.I want a rest.39.Do you want milk or water? I want milk, please.40.Where is Tom? He is in the bathroom.41.Where are Mary and Mrs Zhang? They are in the kitchen.42.Are they in the reading room?43.Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.44.Where is Sue? She is between Li Ming and Ann.45.It’s between Building 4 and Building 8.46.Do you want juice or coffee?47.Whose key is this?。

Lesson1grandpa(口)(外)祖父grandma(口)(外)祖母uncle 伯父,叔父,姑父,姨父,舅父aunt伯母,婶母,姑母,姨母,舅母Lesson 2much 许多,大量的football足球want要,想要pear梨Lesson 3time 时间half一半hour 小时late晚,迟get 得到,达到play玩(游戏等),打(球)o'clock ’点钟past 过,超过Lesson 4when 什么时候breakfast早餐,早饭class 课,班级home家Lesson 5we我们watch看,观看wash洗story故事tell告诉,讲述Lesson 6cow 奶牛,母牛run跑rice 米饭sleep 睡觉away离开Lesson7playground操场shop 商店library 图书馆cinema电影院Lesson 8use使用computer电脑there那里drive 驾驶Revision 1they 他们,她们,它们afraid 害怕的very很,非常dance 跳舞little小的but 但是tail 尾巴Lesson 9too 太,过于soup 汤,羹careful小心的,仔细的climb 爬,攀登deep 深的railway 铁路Lesson 10crayon 蜡笔fan 风扇candy糖果basketball篮球Lesson 11whose 谁的open 打开Lesson 12sweater 毛衣knife刀Lesson 13tea 茶bread 面包coffee咖啡rest休息Lesson 14potato 马铃薯,土豆tomato 番茄,西红柿drink饮料so这样,如此Lesson 15kitchen 厨房kid 小孩toilet 厕所,卫生间bathroom 浴室,盥洗室bedroom卧室classroom 教室Lesson 16next 靠近between 在···之间front 前面Revision 2coat 外套fish 鱼;钓鱼why为什么building 建筑物pan平底锅附:thirtyfortyfiftysixty三十四十五十六十七十八十九十一百seventyeightyninetya/one hundredhow muchget upyou are welcomereading roomin front ofnext to别客气阅览室在。

小学四年级英语下册单词表一、单词表1.playground /ˈpleɪɡraʊnd/ 操场-解析:play(玩)+ground(地面),是孩子们玩耍的地方。
-例句:We play games on the playground.(我们在操场上玩游戏。
)2.teacher's office /ˈtiːtʃəz ˈɔːfɪs/ 教师办公室-解析:teacher(教师)+’s(……的)+office(办公室)。
-例句:The teacher is in the teacher's office.(老师在教师办公室里。
)3.library /ˈlaɪbrəri; ˈlaɪbri/ 图书馆-解析:存放书籍供人阅读和借阅的地方。
-例句:We can borrow books from the library.(我们可以从图书馆借书。
)4.art room /ɑːt ruːm/ 美术教室-解析:art(美术)+room(房间),用于上美术课的教室。
-例句:We draw pictures in the art room.(我们在美术教室里画画。
)5.music room /ˈmjuːzɪk ruːm/ 音乐教室-解析:music(音乐)+room(房间),上音乐课的地方。
-例句:We sing songs in the music room.(我们在音乐教室里唱歌。
)puter room /kəmˈpjuːtə ruːm/ 计算机房-解析:computer(计算机)+room(房间),有很多电脑供学生使用。
-例句:We have computer classes in the computer room.(我们在计算机房上计算机课。
)7.breakfast /ˈbrekfəst/ 早餐;早饭-解析:break(打破)+fast(禁食),早晨打破禁食的一餐。
-例句:I have bread and milk for breakfast.(我早餐吃面包和牛奶。

Unit 1.1. first floor [fɜːst flɔː(r)] n. 一楼。
2. second floor [ˈsekənd flɔː(r)] n. 二楼。
3. teacher’s office [ˈtiːtʃəz ˈɒfɪs] n. 教师办公室。
4. library [ˈlaɪbrəri] n. 图书馆。
5. playground [ˈpleɪɡraʊnd] n. 操场。
6. computer room [kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ruːm] n. 计算机房。
7. art room [ɑːt ruːm] n. 美术教室。
8. music room [ˈmjuːzɪk ruːm] n. 音乐教室。
Unit 2.1. breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] n. 早餐;早饭。
2. English class [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ klɑːs] n. 英语课。
3. lunch [lʌntʃ] n. 午餐;午饭。
4. music class [ˈmjuːzɪk klɑːs] n. 音乐课。
5. PE class [ˌpiːˈiː klɑːs] n. 体育课。
6. dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] n. 正餐;晚餐。
7. get up [ɡet ʌp] 起床。
8. go to school [ɡəʊ tuː skuːl] 去上学。
9. go home [ɡəʊ həʊm] 回家。
10. go to bed [ɡəʊ tuː bed] 上床睡觉。
Unit 3.1. cold [kəʊld] adj. 寒冷的;冷的。
2. cool [kuːl] adj. 凉的;凉爽的。
3. warm [wɔːm] adj. 温暖的;暖和的。
4. hot [hɒt] adj. 热的;烫的。
5. sunny [ˈsʌni] adj. 阳光充足的。
6. windy [ˈwɪndi] adj. 多风的;风大的。

2024四年级下册英语单词表Unit 1.- first floor:[fɜːst flɔː(r)],名词短语(n. phr.)- second floor:[ˈsekənd flɔː(r)],名词短语(n. phr.)- teacher's office:[ˈtiːtʃəz ˈɒfɪs],名词短语(n. phr.)- library:[ˈlaɪbrəri],名词(n.)- playground:[ˈpleɪɡraʊnd],名词(n.)- computer room:[kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ruːm],名词短语(n. phr.)- art room:[ɑːt ruːm],名词短语(n. phr.)- music room:[ˈmjuːzɪk ruːm],名词短语(n. phr.)Unit 2.- breakfast:[ˈbrekfəst],名词(n.)- English class:[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ klɑːs],名词短语(n. phr.)- lunch:[lʌntʃ],名词(n.)- music class:[ˈmjuːzɪk klɑːs],名词短语(n. phr.)- PE class:[ˌpiːˈiː klɑːs],名词短语(n. phr.)- dinner:[ˈdɪnə(r)],名词(n.)- get up:[ɡet ʌp],动词短语(v. phr.)- go to school:[ɡəʊ tuː skuːl],动词短语(v. phr.)- go home:[ɡəʊ həʊm],动词短语(v. phr.)- go to bed:[ɡəʊ tuː bed],动词短语(v. phr.)Unit 3.- cold:[kəʊld],形容词(adj.)- cool:[kuːl],形容词(adj.)- warm:[wɔːm],形容词(adj.)- hot:[hɒt],形容词(adj.)- sunny:[ˈsʌni],形容词(adj.)- windy:[ˈwɪndi],形容词(adj.)- cloudy:[ˈklaʊdi],形容词(adj.)- snowy:[ˈsnəʊi],形容词(adj.)- rainy:[ˈreɪni],形容词(adj.)Unit 4.- tomato:[təˈmɑːtəʊ],名词(n.)- potato:[pəˈteɪtəʊ],名词(n.)- green beans:[ɡriːn biːnz],名词短语(n. phr.)- carrot:[ˈkærət],名词(n.)- horse:[hɔːs],名词(n.)- cow:[kaʊ],名词(n.)- sheep:[ʃiːp],名词(n.,单复数同形)- hen:[hen],名词(n.)Unit 5.- clothes:[kləʊðz],名词(n.,复数形式,无单数形式表示“衣服”的概念)- pants:[pænts],名词(n.,复数形式,常指长裤)- hat:[hæt],名词(n.)- dress:[dres],名词(n.)- skirt:[skɜːt],名词(n.)- coat:[kəʊt],名词(n.)- sweater:[ˈswetə(r)],名词(n.)- sock:[sɒk],名词(n.)- shorts:[ʃɔːts],名词(n.,复数形式,常指短裤)- jacket:[ˈdʒækɪt],名词(n.)Unit 6.- glove:[ɡlʌv],名词(n.)- scarf:[skɑːf],名词(n.,复数形式为scarves或scarfs)- umbrella:[ʌmˈbrelə],名词(n.)- sunglasses:[ˈsʌnɡlɑːsɪz],名词(n.,复数形式)- pretty:[ˈprɪti],形容词(adj.)- expensive:[ɪkˈspensɪv],形容词(adj.)- cheap:[tʃiːp],形容词(adj.)- nice:[naɪs],形容词(adj.)。

四年级英语下册的单词Unit 1.- first floor [fɜːst flɔː(r)] n. 一楼。
- second floor [ˈsekənd flɔː(r)] n. 二楼。
- teacher’s office [ˈtiːtʃəz ˈɒfɪs] n. 教师办公室。
- library [ˈlaɪbrəri] n. 图书馆。
- playground [ˈpleɪɡraʊnd] n. 操场。
- computer room [kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ruːm] n. 计算机房。
- art room [ɑːt ruːm] n. 美术教室。
- music room [ˈmjuːzɪk ruːm] n. 音乐教室。
Unit 2.- breakfast [ˈbrekfəst] n. 早餐;早饭。
- English class [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ klɑːs] n. 英语课。
- lunch [lʌntʃ] n. 午餐;午饭。
- music class [ˈmjuːzɪk klɑːs] n. 音乐课。
- PE class [ˌpiːˈiː klɑːs] n. 体育课。
- dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] n. 正餐;晚餐。
- get up [ɡet ʌp] 起床。
- go to school [ɡəʊ tuː skuːl] 去上学。
- go home [ɡəʊ həʊm] 回家。
- go to bed [ɡəʊ tuː bed] 上床睡觉。
Unit 3.- cold [kəʊld] adj. 寒冷的;冷的。
- cool [kuːl] adj. 凉的;凉爽的。
- warm [wɔːm] adj. 温暖的;暖和的。
- hot [hɒt] adj. 热的;烫的。
- sunny [ˈsʌni] adj. 阳光充足的。
- windy [ˈwɪndi] adj. 多风的;风大的。
- cloudy [ˈklaʊdi] adj. 阴天的;多云的。

四年级下册1至6单元英语单词Unit 1.- first floor:[fɜːst flɔː(r)],名词短语(n. phr.),一楼。
- second floor:[ˈsekənd flɔː(r)],名词短语(n. phr.),二楼。
- teacher’s office:[ˈtiːtʃəz ˈɒfɪs],名词短语(n. phr.),教师办公室。
- library:[ˈlaɪbrəri],名词(n.),图书馆。
- playground:[ˈpleɪɡraʊnd],名词(n.),操场。
- computer room:[kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ruːm],名词短语(n. phr.),计算机房。
- art room:[ɑːt ruːm],名词短语(n. phr.),美术教室。
- music room:[ˈmjuːzɪk ruːm],名词短语(n. phr.),音乐教室。
Unit 2.- breakfast:[ˈbrekfəst],名词(n.),早餐。
- English class:[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ klɑːs],名词短语(n. phr.),英语课。
- lunch:[lʌntʃ],名词(n.),午餐。
- music class:[ˈmjuːzɪk klɑːs],名词短语(n. phr.),音乐课。
- PE class:[ˌpiːˈiː klɑːs],名词短语(n. phr.),体育课。
- dinner:[ˈdɪnə(r)],名词(n.),晚餐。
- get up:[ɡet ʌp],动词短语(v. phr.),起床。
- go to school:[ɡəʊ tuː skuːl],动词短语(v. phr.),去上学。
- go home:[ɡəʊ həʊm],动词短语(v. phr.),回家。
- go to bed:[ɡəʊ tuː bed],动词短语(v. phr.),上床睡觉。
Unit 3.- cold:[kəʊld],形容词(adj.),寒冷的。

time 时间o'clock 点钟half 一半past过,超过hour 小时when什么时候
home家play 玩(游戏等)get得到,达到class 课,班级breakfast早餐late晚,迟
get up 起床go to school 去学校go to bed 上床睡觉have breakfast 吃早餐
have English class 上英语课go home 回家play football 踢足球
1.------What time is it?现在几点?
-----It’s ten o'clock .十点。
-----It’s half past ten.十点半。
-----It’s ten fifteen/a quarter past ten.十点十五分/十点一刻。
------It’s ten forty-five.十点四十五分。
2.It’s half past six .It’s time to get up.
3.----When do you get up?你什么时候起床?
-----I get up at half past six.我六点半起床。

四年级下册英语1到4单元单词Unit 1.- first floor:[fɜːst flɔː(r)];名词短语(n. phr.),一楼。
- second floor:[ˈsekənd flɔː(r)];名词短语(n. phr.),二楼。
- teacher’s office:[ˈtiːtʃəz ˈɒfɪs];名词短语(n. phr.),教师办公室。
- library:[ˈlaɪbrəri];名词(n.),图书馆。
- playground:[ˈpleɪɡraʊnd];名词(n.),操场。
- computer room:[kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ruːm];名词短语(n. phr.),计算机房。
- art room:[ɑːt ruːm];名词短语(n. phr.),美术教室。
- music room:[ˈmjuːzɪk ruːm];名词短语(n. phr.),音乐教室。
Unit 2.- breakfast:[ˈbrekfəst];名词(n.),早餐。
- English class:[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ klɑːs];名词短语(n. phr.),英语课。
- lunch:[lʌntʃ];名词(n.),午餐。
- music class:[ˈmjuːzɪk klɑːs];名词短语(n. phr.),音乐课。
- PE class:[ˌpiːˈiː klɑːs];名词短语(n. phr.),体育课。
- dinner:[ˈdɪnə(r)];名词(n.),晚餐。
- get up:[ɡet ʌp];动词短语(v. phr.),起床。
- go to school:[ɡəʊ tuː skuːl];动词短语(v. phr.),去上学。
- go home:[ɡəʊ həʊm];动词短语(v. phr.),回家。
- go to bed:[ɡəʊ tuː bed];动词短语(v. phr.),上床睡觉。
Unit 3.- cold:[kəʊld];形容词(adj.),寒冷的。

新版四年级英语下册重点词汇新版四年级英语下册重点词汇、语音教学的单词和重点句子Unit one My School一.重点词汇:(Vocabulary)1.a teachers’office 一间教师办公室2.a music room 一间音乐室3.a classroom 一间教室4.an art room 一个美术室5.a hall 一个礼堂6.a gym 一个健身房7.a library 一个图书馆8.a playground 一个操场二.Sounds and words:1. room房间2. classroom教室3.moon月亮4.school学校5. cool凉爽6.noodles面条三.重点句子:(Target)1.This is my school. 这是我的学校。
There’s a hall, a gym, a teachers’ office, a library, an art room, and a music room.有一个礼堂,一个健身房、一间教师办公室、一个图书馆、一个美术室和一个音乐室。
2. How many classrooms are there?有多少间教室?There are twenty-five classrooms.有25间教室。
3.Go to school with us, Gogo.果果,我们一起去学校。
4.OK. What’s in your school?好!在你的学校里有什么?5.Do you have a classroom? 你有一间教室吗?6.Of course, Gogo! There are lots of classrooms.果果,当然有。
7.I have an idea. 我有一个主意。
Unit two Our New Home.一. 重点词汇:(Vocabulary)1.a living room 一个客厅2.a kitchen一个厨房3. a dining room 一个餐厅4. a bathroom一个浴室5. a bedroom 一个卧室6. a garden 一个花园二.Sounds and words:1. arm手臂2. card 卡片3. art美术4. garden花园5. park公园6.party 聚会三.重点句子: (Target)1. Is there a living room in your new home?在你的新家里有客厅吗?Yes, there is.是的,有。
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接力版四年级下册单词&句子Lesson1 How old is he?单词:grandpa, grandma, uncle, auntC1: --Who’s that man?--He’s my uncle.-- How old is he?-- He is 40.C2: -- Who’s she?-- She’s my aunt.-- How old is she?-- She’s 30.C3: -- What’s this?-- It’s a tree.-- How old is it?-- It’s twenty.Lesson 2 How much is the football?单词:much, football, want, pearC1: -- How much is the football?-- Sixty yuan.-- How much are the pears?-- Ten yuan.-- How much is the cake?-- Forty-eight yuan. C2: -- Can I help you?-- I want the bag.-- How much is it?-- Seventy yuan.-- Here you are.-- Thank you.Lesson 3 What time is it?单词:time, half, hour, late, get, play, o’clock,pastC1: -- What time is it?-- It is ten o’clock.-- What time is it?-- It’s half past ten.C2: -- What time is it?--It’s ten fifteen.Ss: It’s time to get up. It’s time to go to school.It’s time to play. It’s time to go to bed.Lesson 4 I get at half past six单词:when, breakfast, class, homeC1: -- When do you get up?--I get up at half past six.--When do you go to school?--I go to school at half past seven.--When do you go to bed?--I go to bed at nine.Ss: I get up at half past six.I have breakfast at seven.I go to school at half past seven.I have English class at nine.C2:--When do you go home?-- I go home at 11:30.-- When do you play football?-- At 3:30.Lesson 5 What are you doing?单词:we, watch, story, tellC1: -- What are you doing?-- I’m reading a book.-- What are you doing?-- We are eating bananas.--What are you doing?-- We are drawing.Ss: We are reading a book.I’m listening to a story.I’m writing a story.I’m telling a story.Lesson 6 What is it doing?单词:cow, run, rice, sleep, awayC1: -- What is it?-- It is a bird.-- What is it doing?-- It is flying.C2: -- What is Sue doing?-- She is washing her hair.Story:The fish is eating. The mouse is sleeping. The cat is walking to the fish and the mouse. The fish is swimming away. The mouse is running away, too.Lesson 7 Where are you going?单词:playground, shop, library, cinemaC1: -- Where are you going?-- I am going to the park.C2: -- Where are you going?-- We are going to the playground.C3: -- Where are they going?-- They are going to the shop.C4: -- Where are you going?--I’m going to the zoo.C5: -- Where is Mary going?--She’s going to the cinema.Lesson 8 I can swim单词:use, computer, there, driveSs: I can swim.I can jump.Help! I can’t get down.Help! I can’t get out.I can use the computer. My dad can’t.My mum can cook. I can’t.I can read English. My mum can’t.My dad can drive. I can’t.Revision 1单词:they, afraid, very, dance, little, but, tailStory:Mary’s hands are dirty. She wants to washher hands. Mary is washing her hands. Theyare clean now. A cat is coming. It’s jumping.Mary is running away. She is afraid.Peter is coming. He sees the cat. Peterlikes the cat. He is not afraid. The cat isrunning away. Mary is very happy. Marythanks Peter. She is not afraid now.C1: --What’s she doing?--She’s dancing.--Where are they going?--They are going to the hospital.C2: -- How much is the skirt?--It’s 90 yuan.C3: -- What is the boy doing?--He is playing football.C4: -- What time is it?--It’s 12 o’clock.Ss: It’s time to cook. It’s time to eat a cake.It’s time to drink. It’s time to read a book.Lesson 9 Be careful单词:too, soup , careful, climb, deep, railwaySs: Be careful! Don’t run.Don’t climb the tree.Don’t be late for school.Don’t touch this. It is too hot.Don’t touch this. It is down.Don’t swim there. The water is deep.Don’t touch the door. It is wet.The soup is too hot. Don’t eat.The light is too hot. Don’t touch it.A train is coming. Don’t walk on therailway.Lesson 10 Who has a watch?单词:crayon, fan, candy, basketballC1: -- Who has a watch?-- I have a watch.-- I don’t have a watch.C2: -- Who has a pencil?-- I have a pencil.- -Can I use it?-- Here you are.-- Thank you.-- You’re welcome.Lesson 11 Whose key is this?单词:whose, open,Ss: We can open a door with a key. Here are some keys. Please look at these keys.C1: -- Whose key is this?--It is Tom’s key.C2: -- Whose ball is this?--It is Ann’s ball.C3: -- Whose book is this?-- It’s my book.-- Whose umbrella is this?-- It’s Peter’s umbrella. Lesson 12 Do you have a pen?单词:sweater, knifeC1: -- Do you have a pen?--Yes, I do.--Do you have a knife?--No, I don’t.C2: -- Here is an eraser, Ann.-- Who has the eraser now.-- Ann, Do you have the eraser?-- No, I do n’t.-- Mary, do you have the eraser?-- Yes, I do.Lesson 13 I want some soup.单词:tea, bread, coffee, restC1: -- What do you want?--I want some soup.Ss: I want an ice cream, please.I want a banana, please.I want some bread.I want some juice, too.I want a rest.C2: -- Can I help you?--I want the kite. How much is it?--It’s fifteen yuan.--Here you are.-- Thank you.Lesson 14 Do you want milk or water?单词:potato, tomato, drink, soC1: -- Do you want milk or water?-- I want milk, please.-- Do you want rice or bread?-- Rice, please.-- Do you want potatoes or tomatoes?-- Tomatoes, please.--Do you want juice or tea?-- I want tea, please.C2: -- Wow, so many drinks.-- Can I help you?-- I want some juice.-- Do you want apple juice or orange juice?-- Orange juice, please.-- Here you are.-- Thank you.Lesson 15 Where is Tom?单词:kitchen, kid, toilet, bathroom, bedroom,classroomC1: -- Where is Tom?-- He is in the bathroom.-- Where are Mary and Mrs. Zhang?-- They are in the kitchen.C2: -- Hello, I’m here.-- Where are you?-- I’m on the bed.-- Oh, no, where are you?-- I’m in the kitchen.-- Where are you?-- I’m in the toilet.-- Where are you?-- I’m in the box.-- Oh, no. Jerry, where are you?-- Ha ha….C3: -- Are Ann and Linngling in the reading room now?-- No, they aren’t.-- Are they in the living room?-- Yes, they are.-- What are they doing.-- They’re watching TV.Lesson 16 Sue is behind John.单词:next, between, front,Ss: 1.Shue is behind John.She is in front of Kate.2. Lingling is in front of Li Ming.She is next to John.3. Sue is between Li Ming and Ann.Kate is between Jack and Bill.C1: -- Who is next to Jack?-- Kate.C2: -- Where is the bed?--It is next to the desk.--Where is the ball?--It is behind the door.Revision 2单词:coat, fish, why, building, panC1: -- What are you?--I’m a taxi driver.--What are you doing?--I’m washing my car.--Where are you going?--I’m going to the shop.C2: Is it a clock? -- No, it isn’t.Is it a watch? --Yes, it is.C3: Is building 3 next to Building 2?--No, it isn’t.Is building 6 between Building 4 andBuilding 5?--No, it isn’t. It’s between Building 4 andBuildig 8.Is Building 10 behind 9?--Yes, it is.Ss: I am the winner.What do you want?What is he doing?Where are they going?How much is the football?Do you want juice or coffee?Who has a watch?Where are they?Whose key is this?。