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Lake FOreSt HIgh SChOOl CIUbS

EnVlrOnmental CIUb

ClUb members are PIOVlded Oppominities to IealiZe their goals Of environmental service. The majority Of PrOjeCtS are SnIdent-initiated. LaSt year 's activities include& die LFHS COUrtyard Garden upkeep, BIke to SChOOl Day With free COCOa and snacks, an 八eat IOCaΓ' IOOmIle dmner, recycling SOIUtiOnS for LFHS, beach CIeanUP tlιrough die Great LakeS AIlIalice. aιιd Earth Week Celebrations.

Meetings: FirSt FrIday Of the month in ROOm 5 at 7: 00 a m.

Adλ∙isor: MS IVlary Beth NaWOE ImlawOr@[fischoolsma

Peer TUtOnng

SnIdeiltS VOiUnteer to help fellow SnIdentS In mψroλing their acadenuc and OrgalIIZatiOnal skills. SnIdentS nιtor LFHS aιιd middle SChOOl SnldentS On aιι IndIVldUally SChedUled basis. LFHS tutors must have PlOfiCienCy(精通)In the academic area m WhICh they WiSh to tutor, but middle SChOOl tutors OnIy need general academic proficiency.

done On an individually SChedUled basis.

Meetings: All Uitormg is


AdViSOIK MS Kathy O'Hara. kohm・a@lfschoolsmet

YbUng Idea

YOImg Idea is LFHS's art and Iiterary r magazine. SnIdelItS Of all ages WhO IOVe Writmg and art are encouraged to become Part Of the StafF Of this award winning magazme. YOImg Idea encourages all SnldelltS to SUbnIit art and Ilteranlre WOrkS to the magazine, Whether they are a Part Of the Staff or not. FrOm SePtelIIber to February, YOlmg Idea meets On ThUrSdayS after SChOOl Iil the PUbIiC ROOm to discuss the PIeCeS that IIaVe been SlIbnIitted to the magazme aιιd PrOVlde feedback for the autrhors.

Meetings: See abθΛβe explanation.

Adviso匚MS DebbIe Zare, dzarg®%ChOOIS


SCOUt BUddIeS is a friendship ClUb WlUCh helps build friendship among IndmdUaIS with and WitllOUt disabilities. ClUb members PartIClPate in a variety Of SOCial activities botlι WitlIIn the SChOOl and m the COininUIιity. ACtiVitieS IllClUde OrgamZmg holiday PartIeS in the SChOOL bowling、gomg to the monies, and eatmg OUt in IOCal restaurants.

Meetings: MOnthIy meetmg dates VaIy but iιι ROOm 134.

AdViSOC MS DOlma Lovitsch, dlovitsch@lfkchoolsnet

21.WhiCh ClUb ρroλ4des IleIP for SnIdentS POOr iιι study?

A.Peer Tutoring.

B. Environmental Club.

C. YOUngIdea.

D. SCOUt Buddies.

22.Whell is the Staff Of YOIaIg Idea most IIkely to meet?

A.6:30 ρ.m., AUgUSt 11, ThlIrSday

B. 6:00 p.m., JanUary 5, TlIurSday

C. 7:30 a m., NOVember 17, TlIUrSday

D. 7:00 p.m., SePtellIber 23, Friday

23.What is the requirement for SnIdentS to jom a CertaIn club?

A.They are IeqUired to have a bike to JOIn EaVirOnmeIltaI Club.

B.They need to be athletic to join SCOUt Buddies.

C.They need to Win a Ilterary r award to jom YOUng Idea.

D.They need to be academically PrOfiCient to jom Peer TUtOrlng.


Lymg In die SUn on a rock, the COUgar (美豹)SaW Jeb and his SOn TOm before they SaW it. Jeb PUt his bag down quickly and PUiIed Iiisjacket OPen With both hands, nιakmg himself IOOk big to the COUgar It worked. The COUgar hesitated, Ieady to attack Jeb. but Ieady to forget the WhOle thing, too.

Jeb Iet go OfhiS jacket, grasped TOm and held hιnι across his body, making a cross. NOW the COUgafS enemy IOOked even bigger, and It IOSe up, Ieady to InOVe away but Unfbmlnately TOm g,ot SCared and StnIggled free OfjOb-

H TOnι, no? " ShOUted his fathe匚

BUt TOm broke and ran and tħat,s tlιe IaSt thing you do WIth a cougar. The SeCOnd TOm broke Jeb tlιrew Iiiinself on the cougar, just as it jumped the IOCkTlley hit each Other In mid-air and botlι fell. The COUgar WaS On jeb In a flash, leaving TOm alone, WhiCll WaS W F hat Jeb wanted.

COUgarS are not as big as most PeOPle think and a Jeterniined nιaιι StalldS a ChalICe, even WitIl just ħis fists. As. die COUgafS ClaWS (爪子)got into his Ieft ShOUlde匚Jeb SWUng his fist at its eyes and hit hard. The amnιal howled (吼【川) and PUt its head back. Jeb followed UP With IliS Other fist. Thell OUt Of the COnler OfhiS eye, Jeb SaW Tom. The boy WaS nιnnιng back to help his father.
