雅思 口语 必背 精简

1. What do you think are the main causes of road accidents?2. Do you know what to do in case of emergency?3. Does your name have any special meaning?4. Where were you come from?5. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?6. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to ABC?7. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?8. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?9. What is the climate like in your hometown?10. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?11. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?12. What is people"s favorite food in your region?13. How do you make dumplings?14. What do you do during the Spring Festival?15. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?16. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?17. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.18. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.19. Tell me something about the customs of your country.20. How long have you lived in Beijing?21. What is the weather like in Beijing?22. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?23. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ?24. Which is the worst place you"ve been to China?25. Which is the best place you"ve been to China?26. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?27. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved?28. What is the biggest problem China faces?29. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?30. Could you tell me something about your family?31. Have you any children?32. What is your child"s name? Does his name have a meaning?33. What does your wife/husband do?34. When did you get married?35. Describe your wedding.36. How have weddings changed in recent years?37. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?38. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.39. Where did you go for your honeymoon?40. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you got married?41. Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying?42. Where do you think a newly couple should live? Living with their parents or on their own?43. What responsibilities should a couple take?44. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?45. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?46. What kind of parent do you intend to be?47. What do you think of One-Child Policy in China?48. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son?49. What difficulties do Chinese farmers have concerning their old age?50. What do you think needs to be done in order to relieve the farmer"s worries?51. What hope or fears do you have for your children?52. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?53. Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you were brought up? How?54. Do you enjoy shopping?55. Who does most of the shopping in your family?56. What are you good at cooking? What is your favorite dish?57. Who does most of cooking in your family?58. Is there *** discrimination in China?59. How do you sum up women"s conditions in China?60. What are the causes of *** discrimination?61. Should government pay certain salaries to those housewives? Why or why not?62. Would you want your wife to continue with her career or to stay at home taking care of the household after you get married?63. Have you ever wished to be one of the opposite ***? Why (why not)?64. What would you do if your next-door neighbour were noisy nearly all the time?65. Do you have a lot of friend?66. What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people do you make friend with?67. What is your major?68. How do you like your major?69. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?70. Do you still remember your school days?71. What impressed you most when you were at university?72. Which is the best university in your country?73. Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points?74. What do you think of the practice of setting up key schools in primary and secondary school education in China?75. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?76. What do you think education should be? Should it be a process of learning what is useful for your future life or should it be simply learning for enjoyment? Why?77. What do you do for a living?78. What do you do in the office every day?79. Since your job seems too professional to me, could you explain it in detail?80. What are your job prospects?81. If you had the opportunity to change your job, what would you do with it?82. Do you have any ambitious?83. Will any possible future changes affect your job in any way?84. What are your spare time interests?85. How do you spend your weekends?86. What is your favorite sport? What are the rules?87. What is the most popular sport in your country?88. What are the sporting facilities like in your university/Beijing?89. What do you know about Qigong? Do you believe in Qigong?90. What do you do in your spare time?91. Do you often read newspapers? If not, why ones do you read?92. What do you think of computer?93. Do you think computer has changed our life so much?94. Do you often go to the cinema/theatre?95. What kind of films do you like best?96. Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program?97. Do you think watching TV too much is a waste of time?98. What kind of music do you enjoy?99. Who is your favorite film star? Will you describe him/her to me?100. Do you enjoy travelling?101. Where have you been travelling to? Which place interested you most? 102. Do you smoking?103. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so, why?104. What do you know about ABC?105. What problem do you think you will have in ABC?106. How will you overcome the difficulties?107. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program in ABC?108. What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies in ABC? 109. Can you imagine what life in Britain/Canada/Australia/London, etc. would be like?110. How will you fare in Britain/Canada/Australia, etc. without your family? 111. What do you intend to study?112. Which university are you going to study at?113. Why did you choose this university?114. Where are you going to study in ABC?115. What are you plans in ABC?116. What is your research proposal all about?117. What do you hope for most from your study abroad?118. Will your study abroad help your job prospects after come back to China? 119. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please. 120. What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the ABC?121. How will your study in Britain benefit your work in China when you come back to China?122. How will your study in Britain benefit your work in China when you come back to China?123. What do you intend to do after you finish studying?124. What will be your main problem when you are study in a foreign country? 125. What problem can you foresee in the future when you come back to China? 126. Will there be any adjustment problems in your life when you come back to China? If so, what are they?127. Will you have to make any changes in your work/life when you come back to China?128. Do you think there will be a gap between your knowledge gained in China and the level of knowledge you are going to encounter on arrival? If so, what will it be? 129. What do you think of the future of China keeps an open policy?130. What do you regard as the most significant events in your country’s recent history?131. Are there any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they? 132. What do you especially want to do in Canada?133. How do you like your life in ABC University?134. What do you think of the training in the university?135. In what way do you think university training is helpful or falls short?136. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?137. Do you find American English easier to understand than Britain English? 138. What sports are played in your country?139. Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?140. What role dose religion play in everyday life in your country?141. What would you regard as the most significant events in your country"s recent history?142. How aware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues? 143. Could you tell me why you chose to study at the university of ABC?144. What role dose tourism play in your country"s economy?145. How serious is unemployment in your country?146. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?147. What do you think have been the most important changes in your field over the past 5 years?148. What are you going to major in ?149. Are you going to do your own cooking when you are at university?150. Some local students feel that overseas students get preferential treatment. What is your opinion?151. Do you think you will be able to cope with the English-language demands of your intended program?。

In terms of; Speaking of which; when it comes to; concerned.; as regards ; regarding;etc.Eg:In terms of many old people who live alone, their children are not willing to support them financially, let alone visit them on a regular basis.衔接词2:比较; 对比很多话题其实都会讨论两面性,当然就会涉及到比较啦,这也是雅思口语中的一个技巧嘛,从两方面来讲,就最容易拓展思路,也最容易有话说。
on the other hand,while,whereas这三个衔接词,一般使用在需要表示两种事物對比的情況时使用。
Eg:Markets sometimes are smelly and stuffy, while supermarkets usually have more pleasant shopping environments.However, in spite of this; nevertheless(比较formal);1) However,Nevertheless多用在句中时,前后两个句子中的观点是矛盾的,起到了强调转折的作用。

雅思口语想要得高分,就一定要尽量使用English native speaker的说法,而不使用我们自己编造出来的说法。
这几个短语分别是:a sense of (responsibility, humor...)---有幽默感等, make sense/not make any sense,有意义,没意义(所以我说别老用meaningless,不是人家听不懂,那很中式的)。
Chinglish:I very like him. He is very humorous.
Revision:I like him very much. He has a good sense of humor.
Chinglish:I know, but it's meaningless in some places.
Revision:I know, but again at some point it doesn't make any sense.
What? at least 6 weeks? Does it make any sense?(或what's your point?)。

雅思口语地道俚语1. "Piece of cake" - 意思是非常容易或简单的事情,如:The speaking test was a piece of cake.(口语考试太容易了。
)2. "Break a leg" - 表示祝福或鼓励,尤其在表演或演出之前。
如:Good luck on your speaking test, break a leg!(祝你口语考试顺利,成功!)3. "Bite the bullet" - 意思是勇敢面对困难或痛苦的事情。
如:I didn't want to take the test, but I had to bite the bullet and do it.(我不想参加考试,但是我不得不勇敢面对然后去做。
)4. "Hit the books" - 意思是开始认真学习或阅读。
如:I need to hit the books and prepare for the test.(我需要开始认真学习准备考试了。
)5. "Cost an arm and a leg" - 意思是非常昂贵。
如:Studying abroad can cost an arm and a leg.(出国留学可是非常昂贵的。
)6. "Pull someone's leg" - 意思是开玩笑或捉弄某人。
如:I was just pulling your leg, I didn't mean to offend you.(我只是在开玩笑,我并不是有意冒犯你。
)7. "Get the hang of it" - 意思是掌握了某事的技巧或方法。
如:After a few tries, I finally got the hang of riding a bike.(试了几次之后,我终于掌握了骑自行车的技巧。

以下是⽆忧考整理的雅思⼝语的⾼分词汇分享,欢迎阅读!1.雅思⼝语的⾼分词汇分享 1、Family 话题 friendly, kind, caring, big-hearted(宽宏⼤量的) supportive, always there when you need them good role models, they set a good example welcoming, great hosts, their door is always open 2、swimming话题 keep fit get in better shape gives me an energy boos a good cardiovascular(⼼⾎管的) workout feel refreshed rejuvenated(使恢复活⼒的) invigorated (使精⼒充沛) 3、smartwatch话题 functions and features fashion accessory synchronise it with your computer and phone calendar notifications check my appointments and work commitments at a glance(⼀⽬了然) track your exercise goals the ultimate in portable devices 4、interesting city 话题 lively bustling(繁忙的) hectic(繁忙的) thriving(繁荣的) cosmopolitan(世界性的) multicultural(多元⽂化的) fascinating, unique a special atmosphere sightseeing, entertainment an unforgettable experience enjoyed every minute the time flew by endless things to see and do it was over too quickly 5、TV programme话题 primarily for entertainment people treat television as a form of relaxation talent shows soap operas the focus is on entertainment rather than education what is morally right and wrong traditional fairy tales toddlers(蹒跚学步的孩⼦) we start taking an interest in my own preferences have changed over the years I would never have watched news programmes when I was younger our viewing habits mature ('mature' is used as a verb) IELTS Speaking Part 3: 'TV programme' answers2.雅思⼝语的发⾳⽅法 发⾳,可以说是雅思⼝语的外⾐,是考官接触到你时的最初印象。

如:“I find history very interesting.”2.Beautiful(美丽的):用于形容美丽的人、地方或事物。
如:“The sunset over the beach was absolutely beautiful.”3.Challenging(具有挑战性的):描述一个具有挑战性的任务或情况。
如:“Learning a new language can be challenging.”4.Exciting(令人兴奋的):用于描述令人兴奋的经历或活动。
如:“Traveling to a new country is always exciting.”5.Relaxing(放松的):用于形容令人感到舒适和放松的事物。
如:“I enjoy reading a good book in a relaxing environment.”6.Delicious(美味的):用于形容食物或饮料味道很好。
如:“The food at that restaurant was absolutely delicious.”7.Astonishing(令人惊讶的):描述让人感到惊讶或震惊的事物,如:“The magician's tricks were astonishing.”8.Frustrating(令人沮丧的):描述令人感到沮丧、困惑或苦恼的情况,如:“I find dealing with technological issues very frustrating.”9.Memorable(难忘的):用于形容令人难以忘怀的经历或事件,如:“My trip to Paris was a memorable experience.”10.Inspiring(鼓舞人心的):描述令人感到鼓舞或受到激励的事物。

Chapter 1 人物a man of stout build 矮胖的人a short person 矮个子about/around 40 大约40岁alert 敏捷机灵的ambitious 有雄心的amiable 和蔼可亲的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有抱负的bald 光秃的beard 络腮胡broad-shouldered 宽肩的clean—shaven 刮过脸的considerate 体贴的curly hair 卷曲的头发dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的discreet 小心谨慎的double eyelid 双眼皮dyed 染色的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 热情的expressive 善于表达的fair—skinned 皮肤白皙的faithful 忠诚的forceful 有说服力的frank 直率的fringe 刘海full lips 厚嘴唇generous 宽宏大量的gentle and graceful (女性)窈窕的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 亲切的hospitable 好客的humorous 幽默的in his/her 30's 30多岁independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的long eye lashes 长睫毛long nose 长鼻梁medium build 中等身材medium height 中等身高moustache 唇上的胡子neat 整洁的oval face 瓜子脸overweight 偏胖的plait 编的辫子plump 丰满的plump/chubby cheeks 胖胖的脸蛋pointed chin 尖下巴pony—tail 马尾辫round face 圆脸slight of figure 身材瘦小的slim 苗条的square face 方脸thin lips 薄嘴唇wavy hair 波浪形头发well made—up 化妆的well-built (男性)健壮的well-educated 受过良好教育的with wrinkles/lines 有皱纹的Chapter 2 交通airport 机场arrival time 到达时间be stuck in the traffic jam 塞车bicycle 自行车boarding pass/card 登机牌/卡bus pass 公交一卡通bus 公共汽车coach 长途客车compact 小轿车compartment 车厢corridor 走廊dead(right ) on time 准点delay 晚点departure lounge (出发)休息室departure time 出发时间drink-driving /drunk-driving 酒后开车driver 司机economy class 经济舱elevator 电梯entrance 入口exit 出口E-ticket(electronic ticket )电子票fatigue driving 疲劳驾驶first class 头等舱flight attendant 空姐flight crew 机组人员flight number 航班号flight 班机jeep 吉普车left luggage office 行李寄存处light railway/rail 轻轨lobby 大厅means of transport 交通工具motor vehicle 机动车辆motorbike 摩托车motoring offence 违章驾驶mountain bike 山地车off—road vehicle 越野车on time 正点overpass 天桥passenger 乘客pedestrian 行人platform ticket 站台票rack 行李架reservation 预定return ticket 往返票rider 骑自行车/马等的人rush hour 上下班高峰期saloon/car 轿车security camera 监控摄像头security checks 安检sidewalk/pavement 人行道single/one-way ticket 单程票sleeper 卧铺spaceship 宇宙飞船staircase 楼梯ticket inspector 检票员traffic condition 交通状况traffic jam/congestion 交通堵塞traffic/road/car accident 交通事故train attendant 列车员tunnel 隧道underground/subway 地铁underpass 地下通道vehicle type 车辆类型Chapter 3 婚姻家庭arrogant 傲慢自大的be addicted in 沉迷于be tired of learning 厌学的birthday cake 生日蛋糕blow the candles 吹蜡烛bouquet 花束bread-winners 养家糊口的人bride 新娘bridegroom/groom 新郎bridesmaid 伴娘bring up/foster 抚养communicate 沟通corporal punishment 体罚democratic 民主的DINK(double income no kid ) family 不要子女的家庭discriminate 歧视divorce 离婚etiquette 礼节exchange 交换family party 家庭聚会feminist 女权主义者formality 礼节,仪式foster one’soriginality 培养创造力get—together 联欢会groomsman 伴郎guidance of parents 父母的引导harmonious 和睦的honeymoon 蜜月household chores 家务劳动independence 独立性indifferent 冷漠的innocent 天真的late marriage 晚婚marital relationships 婚姻关系naughty 调皮的negative role model 负面榜样officiator 主婚人optimistic 乐观的overlook/neglect 忽视pastor 牧师potential 潜能single-parent family 单亲家庭solitary 孤僻的Speeches 结婚祝词spoil 溺爱stimulate interest 激发兴趣support a family 支撑家庭trustworthy 可信赖的Vows 婚誓wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日wedding cake 婚礼蛋糕wedding ceremony 结婚典礼wedding dress 婚纱wedding ring 结婚戒指widen one's outlook 开阔眼界Chapter 4 喜好active 积极活跃的backstroke 仰泳billiards 台球breaststroke 蛙泳cycle racing 骑自行车运动develop social skills 培养交际能力energetic 精力充沛的enjoyable 令人愉快的flying kites 放风筝go fishing 垂钓go for a drive in one’s car 驾车兜风go on an outing 去远足gymnasium 体育馆,健身房hang about in a bar 泡吧have some time at one's own disposal 有独立支配的时间interactive 互动的keep fit 保持健康leisure activity 休闲活动optimistic 乐观的outdoor exercise 室外活动parachuting 跳伞pastime 消遣,娱乐play bowling 打保龄球play cards 打牌play chess 下棋play golf 打高尔夫球refresh 使精神振作sing songs in KTV 在KTV唱歌sleep in/lie in 睡懒觉soap opera 肥皂剧soothe/ease fatigue 缓解疲劳soothe field 运动场stadium 露天运动场stay motivated 保持活力stimulate the mind 刺激思维stimulating 刺激的strike a proper balance between work and leisure 劳逸结合stroll up/down the streets 逛街surf the web/Internet 上网冲浪surfing 冲浪to relieve the stress/tension 减压to strengthen muscles 锻炼肌肉track-and—field 田径运动TV serials 电视连续剧vigorous 精力旺盛的visit/stroll around a park 逛公园visual stimulation 视觉刺激Chapter 5 建筑accommodation 住宅altar 坛arch 拱形门architecture 建筑be located in the middle of CBD 位于中心商业区的中央be located in 坐落在/地处于……building with a classical trend 古典风格建筑building 建筑业,建筑物bungalow 平房cathedral 大教堂CBD(Central Business District) Chinese—styled 中式风格的church 教堂city square 城市广场classic masterpiece 经典的杰作contemporary style 现代风格European style 欧式风格European-styled 欧式风格的flat/apartment 公寓Forbidden City 故宫stand.。

1. Social Relationships(社交关系)- Acquaintance(熟人): casual friend, associate, companion- Peer(同龄人): contemporary, fellow, cohort- Colleague(同事): coworker, collaborator, teammate- Spouse(配偶): partner, mate, significant other- Neighbor(邻居): nearby resident, next-door neighbor, community member- Society(社会): community, populace, public2. Education(教育)- Curriculum(课程): course, program, syllabus- Bachelor’s degree(学士学位): undergraduate degree, first degree- Postgraduate(研究生): graduate student, advanced study- Lecture(讲座): presentation, seminar, workshop- Assignment(作业): task, project, homework- Research(研究): investigation, study, exploration3. Technology(技术)- Smartphone(智能手机): mobile phone, cell phone, handheld device - Social media(社交媒体): networking sites, online communities- Internet(互联网): web, cyberspace, world wide web- Digital(数码): electronic, computerized, virtual- App(应用程序): application, software, program- Cybersecurity(网络安全): online security, data protection, information privacy4. Work(工作)- Occupation(职业): job, profession, career- Promotion(晋升): advancement, elevation, upgrade- Workload(工作量): tasks, responsibilities, job duties- Flexibility(灵活性): adaptability, versatility, open-mindedness- Deadline(截止日期): due date, cutoff time, time limit- Work-life balance(工作与生活平衡): harmony, equilibrium, integration5. Tourism(旅游)- Destination(目的地): location, place, spot- Itinerary(行程): travel plan, schedule, route- Attractions(景点): landmarks, sights, points of interest- Accommodation(住宿): lodging, housing, residence- Souvenir(纪念品): memento, keepsake, token- Sightseeing(观光): touring, visiting, exploring6. Environment(环境)- Pollution(污染): contamination, degradation, impurity- Conservation(保护): preservation, protection, safeguarding- Renewable energy(可再生能源): sustainable energy, clean energy - Climate change(气候变化): global warming, environmental shift - Ecosystem(生态系统): habitat, biota, ecological community- Recycling(回收利用): reusing, repurposing, resource recovery以上是一些常用的雅思口语词汇及相关的拓展用法,希望对您备考雅思口语考试有所帮助。

中学英语家教,口语八大细节巧用停顿技巧1、Keep eye contact.保持眼神交流中国考生在答题时往往眼睑自然下垂,是一种内敛的表现。
2、Don‘t confess your English is poor.决不坦白有些考生本来英语不差,但在开始作自我介绍时就和考官说:My name is厖My English is not very good.提醒大家的是,即使英语真的不咋样,也不能坦露。
3、Listen carefully and respond quickly.仔细听题、快速反应不少考生备考口语考试时,忽略了加强听力练习,殊不知,口语交流的前提是听懂问题。
4、Don‘t pretend you understand the questions when you don‘t.不可不懂装懂有些考生考试时由于紧张或听力不好没听清考官的问题,但又不想暴露,于是便连蒙带猜给出一个答案。
所以,与其猜测不如确认或请考官重复问题,比如:Sorry, what was that? I‘m sorry?5、Use hesitation devices appropriately.巧用停顿技巧考生即使准备再充分,也难免被考官问到一些冷僻或棘手的问题,这时恰当地使用停顿技巧就变得很重要。

洛基英语雅思口语常用高级形容词1. fantastic 奇异的,很棒的2. amazing 惊人的,很棒的3. absurd荒谬的4. unbelievable 难以置信的5. intelligent 聪明的6. annoyed 惹恼怒的7. gorgeous华丽的,豪华漂亮的8. brilliant 辉煌的,卓越的9. monotonous千篇一律的11. stringent严格的12. efficient 高效的13. outstanding 杰出的14. adventurous 爱冒险的15. impatient 没耐心的16. practical 实际的17. romantic 浪漫的18. deliberate故意的19. ambitious 有雄心壮志的20. organized 做事有条理的21. reserved矜持的,寡言内向的22. sociable 好社交的23. talkative 爱说话的,唧唧喳喳的24. unusable于众不同25. avid贪婪渴望的26. greedy 贪婪的27. understanding 善解人意的28. dedicated专注的,献身的29. incurable 无可救药的30. pretty shy 非常害羞的31. outgoing 外向的32. disorganized紊乱的33. frank 坦白的34. generous 慷慨的,大方的35. tolerant 容忍的,宽容的36. inexperienced 无经验的37. mischievous恶作剧的,淘气顽皮的38. sensitive 敏感的39. sensible明智的,有判断力的40. emotional 富有情感的,易动感情的41. sentimental伤感的42. responsible 有责任感的44. supportive 能给予帮助和支持的45. passive 被动的46. costive小气的47. stingy小气吝啬的48. malignant恶意的49. vigilant警惕的50. omnipotent全能的,万能的51. fierce 凶勐的,残忍的52. severe严重的(SARS:Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)53. intriguing有趣的,迷人的54. retard ed 反应迟钝的55. discreet谨慎小心的56. discreditable丢脸的57. thrifty节俭的58. furtive偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的59. shabby破烂的,褴褛的60. assertive过分自信的61. tangible切实的62. tempting 诱惑人的,吸引人的63. tiring 疲劳的,累人的64. cynical玩世不恭的,愤世嫉俗的65. notorious臭名昭着的66. applicable能应用的,适当的67. agitated激动的,不安的68. boldly 大胆的,显露的69. eminent杰出的,显赫的70. dry 无味的,干巴巴的(这个简单的单词但有生动的用法)71. doleful无趣的,郁闷的72. unavoidable 不可避免的73. inevitable 不可避免的74. dignified尊严的,庄重的75. indispensable非常重要的,无可替代的76. cunning 狡猾的,精明的78. flashy光鲜的79. impressive 印象深刻的80. rational有道理的81. reasonable 有道理的82. miserable 可悲的,悲惨的83. spontaneous自发的,自然的85. industrious勤奋刻苦的86. studious勤奋刻苦的87. indolent懒惰的88. cosmopolitan国际化的(多用于形容大都市) 世界性的89. radiant容光焕发的90. versatile多才多艺的91. canny精明的92. cautious 小心谨慎的93. discreet小心谨慎的94. immortal永垂不朽的95. extravagant挥霍的96. idle空闲的,懒惰的97. abstemious有节制的,节约的98. frugal节俭的99. wholehearted全心全意的100. competent 有能力的,胜任的101. sympathetic 同情的102. compassion ate 富有同情心的103. eccentric古怪的104. interpersonal人际关系的105. introversive内向的106. cozy舒适惬意的107. lax轻松的,松弛的108. conceited自以为是的109. extraordinary不寻常的110. vernal春天的,和煦的111. futile徒劳的,无用的112. crook ed 弯曲的113. timorous胆小,腼腆的114. harsh苛刻的115. consecutive连贯的116. anti clockwise逆时针的117. clockwise 顺时针的118. dread ed 可怕的119. instinctive 天生的,本能的120. bleak阴冷的121. brisk轻快活泼的122. caustic尖酸刻薄的123. brittle易碎的124. unceasing永不停息的125. climatic顶点的,高潮的126. clumsy笨手笨脚的127. considerate 体贴的,为他人考虑周到的128. coherent一致的,连贯的129. incredible 难以置信的130. constant 连续的,持续的。

1. Talking about preferences:I’m really into + 名词 (如:I'm really into reading books.)2. Talking about experiences:The most memorable/exciting/interesting experience I had was + 句子 (如:The most memorable experience I had was when I went skydiving.)3. Giving examples:For example, + 句子 (如:For example, I enjoy playing basketball, swimming, and hiking.)4. Expressing opinions:In my opinion, + 句子 (如:In my opinion, traveling is a great way to broaden one's horizons.)5. Expressing preferences:I prefer + 名词/动名词 (如:I prefer swimming to jogging.)6. Describing people or things:He/She/It is + 形容词 (如:He is tall and handsome.)7. Making comparisons:In comparison with + 名词/动名词, + 句子 (如:In comparison with traditional shopping, online shopping is more convenient.)8. Expressing agreement:I agree with + 句子 (如:I agree with the statement that exercise is important for one's health.)9. Expressing disagreement:I disagree with + 句子 (如:I disagree with the idea that money brings happiness.)10. Describing changes:There has been a significant + 形容词/noun (如:There has been a significant increase in the number of people using smartphones.)11. Giving reasons:The reason why + 句子 is that + 原因 (如:The reason why I chose to study abroad is that I want to experience different cultures.)12. Describing trends:There has been a steady/increasing/decreasing + 名词 (如:There has been a steady rise in global temperatures.)13. Talking about advantages:One of the advantages of + 名词/动名词 is that + 句子 (如:One of the advantages of living in a big city is that there are more job opportunities.)14. Talking about disadvantages:One of the disadvantages of + 名词/动名词 is that + 句子 (如:One of the disadvantages of living in a big city is the high cost of living.)15. Expressing likelihood:It is likely/probable that + 句子 (如:It is likely that he will pass the exam.)16. Expressing certainty:I am certain/sure/confident that + 句子 (如:I am confident that I will achieve my goals.)17. Giving suggestions:I would suggest/recommend + 动名词/动词原形 (如:I would suggest taking a break and relaxing.)18. Expressing regrets:I regret + 动名词/动词-ing (如:I regret not studying harder for the exam.)19. Giving instructions:First, + 句子. Then, + 句子 (如:First, wash the vegetables. Then, cut them into small pieces.)20. Expressing importance:It is important/crucial/vital to + 动词原形 (如:It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.)21. Expressing consequences:If + 句子, + 结果 (如:If you don't study, you will fail the exam.)22. Expressing purpose:The purpose of + 名词/动名词 is to + 动词原形 (如:The purpose of education is to equip students with knowledge and skills.)23. Expressing condition:If + 句子, + 句子 (如:If it rains, we will stay indoors.)24. Expressing possibilities:There is a possibility/chance that + 句子 (如:There isa possibility that he will be promoted.)25. Expressing alternatives:Instead of + 动名词/动词-ing, + 句子 (如:Instead of driving, I prefer cycling to work.)26. Expressing reasons:The reason for + 名词/动名词 is that + 句子 (如:The reason for the traffic jam is that there is construction on the road.)27. Expressing consequences:As a result of + 名词/动名词, + 句子 (如:As a result of the pandemic, many people lost their jobs.)28. Expressing possibilities:It is possible/probable that + 句子 (如:It is possible that she will arrive late.)29. Giving examples:Take + 名词/动名词 for example (如:Take environmental pollution for example.)30. Expressing time:In + 一段时间, + 句子 (如:In recent years, people have become more aware of the importance of environmental protection.)31. Expressing contrast:On the one hand, + 句子. On the other hand, + 句子 (如:On the one hand, technology has made our lives more convenient. On the other hand, it has also led to reliance and decreased interpersonal connections.)通过学习和熟练运用这些雅思口语高分必背公式,考生将能够在口语表达中更加流利地使用适当的词汇和句子结构,从而获得更高的口语分数。

2.表达“许多”的意思可以使用“a lot of”、“lots of”、“plenty of”、“a great deal of”等词汇,这些词汇比“many”、“much”更加口语化。
9.表达“在之后”的意思可以使用“subsequently”、“afterwards”、“later on”、“eventually”等词汇,这些词汇比“then”更加具体和准确。
10.表达“有很多事情要做”的意思可以使用“have a lot on my plate”或者“have my hands full”,这些表达比常规说法更加生动有趣。

House&FlatI currently liveina three-bedroom, seventy square-meter apartmentlocatedinthe city center of Beijing. My flat is situated onthe tenthfloor of a twenty-storybuilding, surrounded by a supermarket, bank and primary school. There are various rooms including a living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom, not to mentiona balcony.同义词的转换: be located in 和 be situated on ;过去分词、现在分词的灵活运用:located in the city … .,surrounded by,including a living room; 副词 currently 为加分词汇My apartment is very warmand gives my family members and me a homelyfeeling. It is fairly spacious and allows me to have freedomto do anythingthat Iwanttodo. For instance, I canwatchTV inthe livingroom, relax inmy bedroomorhave a nice warm shower in the bathroom.fairly 放在形容词前加强语气, “非常”相“当”的意思; spacious 甩 big 这样的单词几条街;Thebestpartof my homeis undoubtedly my bedroomsinceI canfully unwindwhilelyingonmy bed. After a toughday of studies, relaxingonmy bedcanconsistof using my computer or playing with my smartphone. I can also realize a sense of privacy and spend quiet time alone to consider the events in my life.undoubtedly ,fully 用在句中属于加分词汇,注意带有感情的重读此单词;unwind 心 情放松,比“relax ”更地道的表达; a tough day 痛苦的一天I much prefer to live in a house due to the fact that it is more spacious andprivate. As opposed to living in an apartment, it is less noisy to live in a house and people may not feel crowded. Inaddition, houses cangive a homely feelingandtheir communities tendtobe safer.duetothefactthat 与… .相反…..替换“because “ “since”这样的表达; as opposedto … ..ShoppingFrommy perspective, I amfairly attracted to shoppingsince I canenjoy mytime withfriends or family members. While window shoppingor selectingitemsfor purchase, we can talk about what has been going on in our lives. Furthermore,browsing for new clothes or shoes can be a relaxing and delightful experience to relieve stress.From my perspective , delightful 为加分词汇When shopping at a shopping mall or small store, it is common for me to buy clothes such as shirts, pants and socks. Furthermore, if I need to buy electronics, I may need to obtain a computer or smartphone while shopping.During special occasions, I might also need to get gifts for family members or friends.obtain ,occasion 为加分词汇Online shopping is quite convenient and allows buyers to purchase goods fromthe comfort of their ownhomes. Furthermore, there is significantly greaterselection when shopping online due to the multitude of stores. Most importantly, shoppers don’tneed to leave their couches and can receive deliveries at theirfront doors.significantly 为加分词汇; due to the multitude of 用词巧妙Online shopping has already started to replace physical shops and this trend will continue in the future. Nowadays, the volume of goods sold online is significantly higher thanrevenues inphysical stores. Due to its convenience andusability, online shoppingwill overtake and possibly eliminate bricks and mortarstores in the near future.usability,eliminate 为加分词汇FruitAt the moment, my favorite fruit is the cherry due to its lusciousness and sweetness. Inspite of the uncomfortable habit of havingto spit out seeds wheneating them, they have a variety of uses. As an example, they can be eaten on desserts, such as cakes and pies, and never fail to brighten up my day.1. never fail to brighten 加分短语2. lusciousness 为加分词汇I makeita priority toeatfruits ona daily basis, duetotheir multitudeof healthbenefits. Typically, inoneday, I havea tendency toeat3-4 servings of fruits suchasapples, pears, cherries or watermelons. During summertime when it is essential tohydrate the body, I may increase my intake of fruits to avoid dehydration.1. Typically 代替 especially2. dehydration 为加分词汇To my knowledge, there are not any special fruits that grow in my hometown. Nevertheless, Beijing has a vast range of suburban fruit farms and orchards, consisting of a wide variety of fruits that are available to the public. For example, visitors to these farms can pick strawberries, cherries, apricots, pears, peaches, grapes and apples.1. vast range of 代替 a lot of,避免重复使用。

例如,当被问到喜欢的电影类型时,考生可以选择使用各种形容词来描述,比如:exciting(刺激的)、thrilling(令人激动的)、entertaining (有趣的)等等。
例如,在描述自己的爱好时,考生可以使用一些流行口语或俚语,比如“I'm a big fan of...”、“I'm hooked on…”等等,这能够让考官感到考生对英语的熟练程度和流利度。

雅思口语常用词汇所周知,雅思口语考试有四大评分标准:Grammatical rangeand accuracy(语法)、Lexicalresource(词汇)、Pronunciation(发音)和Fluency andcoherence(流利度与连贯性)。
男篮世界杯也可以用在雅思口语里--核心词推举(slam) dunk:(强力)灌篮bank shot:擦板球double pump:拉杆式投篮(verb)fade-away shot:后仰式跳投hook shot:钩射投篮jump shot:跳投layup:带球上篮perimeter shot:中距离投篮set shot:立定投篮three-point shot:三分球NBA 各种统计术语assist:助功block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿defensive rebound:防守篮板球field goal percentage:投球命中率field goal:投球命中free throw percentage:罚球命中率free throw:罚球offensive rebound:进攻篮板球rebound:篮板球scoring:得分steal:抄截three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率turnover:失误NBA 规章篇blocking foul:阻挡犯规buzzer:(竞赛用的)蜂鸣器(表示时间终了,换人…等) charging foul:(带球)撞人(犯规)dead ball:死球(停止竞赛进行时段)defensive basket interference:防守方干扰投篮得分delay of game:阻碍竞赛之正常进行disqualification:犯满离场,毕业double dribble:两次运球(违例)ejection:驱除出场elbowing:打拐子expiration (of game, first half…):(全场竞赛,上半场…的竞赛)时间终了first half:上半场first (second, third, fourth) period:竞赛的第一(其次,第三,第四)节five ticks left on the (game clock, shot clock…):(全场竞赛,时限钟上…的)时间只剩下5秒钟flagrant foul:恶性犯规foul:犯规foul out:犯满离场,毕业foul trouble:快要犯满离场,领到一张准毕业证书full timeout:全时(100秒的)暂停goaltending:干扰投篮得分hand-checking:以手掌推挡对方进攻球员之犯规动作held ball:持球(双方均持球不放)illegal defense:防守违例illegal offense:进攻违例(见isolation)isolation:四位进攻球员在一边,而由第五位球员单吃对方防守球员jump ball:争球,跳球loose ball foul:双方均无持球权时的犯规(通常发生于双方争夺篮板球时)offensive basket interference:进攻方干扰投篮得分out of bound:球出界线(千万不要说outside)overtime:加时赛,延长赛referee:裁判second half:下半场shot clock violation:违反24秒内必需投篮(并且球必需触及篮框)时限之规定substitute:换人(上场、下场)suspension:停止出赛(之惩罚)technical foul:技术犯规ten-second violation:进攻方10秒钟内未带球过中场之违例three-second violation:(篮下)3秒钟之违例throw a punch:出拳打架throw in:发球入场traveling:(带球)走步twenty-second timeout:只有20秒钟之暂停walking:(带球)走步NBA 战术篇backdoor cut:从两边底线往篮下的战术block out:把对方球员拦住,使其不易强到篮球赛,卡位cut:切入double team:用两位防守球员包夹进攻球员dribble out the time:进攻方以运球方式消耗掉竞赛所剩下时间eat up the clock:进攻方以运球或传球方式消耗掉竞赛所剩下时间fast break:快攻foul strategy:犯规战术give and go:(进攻方持球球员的)传切战术jockey for position:(篮下)卡位milk the time away:进攻方以运球或传球方式消耗掉竞赛所剩下时间one-one-one defense:人盯人防守pick and roll:(进攻方做掩护之球员的)挡切战术post-up play:(进攻方持球球员背对篮框)单吃对方防守球员之战术triple team:用三位防守球员包夹进攻球员zone defense:区域防守,区域联防NBA 动作篇(throw a) baseball pass:(快攻时)长传(shoot) an air ball:(投)篮外空心球,面包behind-the-back dribble:背后(换手)运球carrying the ball:翻球cross-leg dribble:胯下运球dribble:运球driving to the hoop:带球上篮four-point play:投进3分球后因被犯规再罚进一分hacking:打手犯规holding:拉手犯规make the basket:投篮得分make the hoop:投篮得分monster dunk:狂猛灌篮nothing but the net:空心球(入篮)palming:翻球reverse dunk:倒灌篮reverse lay-up:反手走篮shoot behind the arc:投三分球score a basket:投篮得分swish:空心球(入篮)tap in:托球入篮three-point play:投进2分球后因被犯规再罚进一分跟着《流浪地球》一起学科幻词汇科幻片常见词汇science fiction 科幻片(简称sci-fi)alien 外星人/异形monster 怪物android 仿生人cyberpunk 赛博朋克dystopia 反乌托邦spaceship 太空船laser gun 激光枪space battleship 宇宙战舰parallel universe 平行宇宙teleportation 远距离传送science fiction 科幻小说satellite 卫星小贴士:闻名科幻电影Star Wars 星球大战Independence Day 独立日Inception 盗梦空间WALL·E 机器人总动员Interstellar 星际穿越Ready Player One 头号玩家The Matrix 黑客帝国Avatar 阿凡达Big Hero 6 超能陆战队2022:A Space Odyssey 2022太空漫游E.T. ET外星人The Martian 火星救援The Day Atfer Tomorrow 后天雅思词汇:表达心情的英文词有哪些embarrassed尴尬ashamed惭愧flustered惊慌guilty内疚agony苦恼heartbroken难过miserable凄惨depressed懊丧discouraged气馁雅思变题期高频词汇:建筑雅思口语话题:discribe a historial building/discribe a building in your cityBuddhist temple 佛寺;Taoist temple 道观;Confucian temple 孔庙;pavilion 亭,阁beacon tower 烽火台;memorial arch 牌坊;ornamental column 华表;Chinese quadrangle 四合院雅思变题期高频词汇:旧物形容词雅思口语话题:an important object your family has kept for a long timehandicraft手工艺品;pottery/ceramics陶器;porcelain瓷器;玉器jade article; embroidery刺绣;statue雕像;pendant挂件;wood figurine木雕;root carving;glasswork玻璃工艺品; crystal craft水晶工艺品; archaize craft仿古工艺品; painting绘画;knitting编织; metalwork金属工艺melancholy愁闷jealous嫉妒insecure担心全leery狡猾reserved冷淡sensitive敏感anxious焦虑cranky急躁distraught心烦意乱stressed out紧急有压力雅思口语常用词汇文章到此就结束了,欢迎大家下载使用并丰富,共享给更多有需要的人。

以下是一些雅思考试中的常用高频词汇,但请注意,这些词汇可能会随着考试趋势的变化而变化:1. 阅读词汇:- accommodation: 住宿- advertising: 广告- agriculture: 农业- ambassador: 大使- animal: 动物- artist: 艺术家- athlete: 运动员- author: 作者- automobile: 汽车- award: 奖励2. 听力词汇:- airport: 机场- appointment: 预约- audience: 观众- author: 作者- book: 书- broadcast: 广播- budget: 预算- conference: 会议3. 写作词汇:- advantage: 优点- benefit: 利益- challenge: 挑战- comparison: 比较- conclusion: 结论- contribution: 贡献- development: 发展- efficiency: 效率4. 口语词汇:- family: 家庭- friend: 朋友- hobby: 爱好- job: 工作- leisure: 休闲- travel: 旅行- vacation: 假期- weekend: 周末这只是一个非常简短的列表,实际上雅思考试的高频词汇远远不止这些。

1.Firstly: 通常用于开始回答问题时,介绍你的第一个观点。
2.Secondly: 通常用于继续你的论述,介绍你的第二个观点。
3.Additionally: 用于进一步强调你的观点或论据。
4.Furthermore: 与Additionally相似,用于进一步解释或强调你的观点。
5.In particular: 用于详细说明你的观点或论据。
6.Moreover: 用于强调你的观点或论据,并引入新的信息。
7.Finally: 用于总结你的观点或论据,表示这是你的最后一个观点。
8.To conclude: 用于总结你的观点或论据,表示这是你的总结。
9.Therefore: 用于得出结论,表示你的观点或论据导致的结果。
10.However: 用于表达与前面所述内容相反的观点或情况。
11.Nevertheless: 与However相似,用于表达相反的观点或情况,但语气较为委婉。
12.On the other hand: 用于引出与前面所述内容相反的观点或情况。
13.In contrast: 与On the other hand相似,用于引出与前面所述内容相反的观点或情况,
14.Similarly: 用于表达与前面所述内容相似的情况或观点。
15.In the same way: 与Similarly相似,用于表达与前面所述内容相似的情况或观点。

一、自我介绍话术及词汇推荐1. 开场白:Good morning/afternoon, my name is [Your Name]. I am from [Your Country] and I am [Your Age] years old. I am currently studying/working as [Your Occupation].2. 个人信息:In terms of my hobbies, I enjoy [Your Hobby], which allows me to [Reason]. Additionally, I am quite interested in [Your Interest] as it helps me [Reason].3. 家庭背景:In terms of my family, I come from a [Your Family Background], with [Number of Family Members]. I have [Number of Siblings] siblings, which makes my family a lively and supportive one.4. 学习或工作经历:I have been studying/working in the field of [Your Field] for [Number of Years] years. I find this field quite intriguing and I am passionate about [Reason].5. 未来计划:In the future, I plan to [Your Future Plan] as it aligns with my goals and allows me to [Reason]. I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and look forward to the challenges.二、谈论观点话术及词汇推荐1. 表达同意:I totally agree with you.I couldn't agree more.I'm in complete agreement with what you just said.2. 表达不同意:I have a slightly different opinion.I see where you're coming from, but I think differently.I'm afraid I can't agree with that.3. 表达犹豫:Well, I'm not quite sure about that.I'm a bit on the fence about this topic.I'm torn between two perspectives on this.4. 表达喜好:Personally, I am a big fan of [Your Preference].I have a strong preference for [Your Preference].I am particularly fond of [Your Preference].5. 表达原因:The reason I believe this is because...One of the main reasons for this is...This is due to the fact that...三、谈论经验话术及词汇推荐1. 举例说明:For example, when I was in [Specific Situation], I encountered [Specific Experience]. This taught me the importance of [Important Lesson].Another instance is [Another Specific Experience], where I learned [Another Important Lesson].2. 描述感受:I was deeply moved by this experience.I felt a great sense of accomplishment.It was a truly unforgettable moment.3. 表达建议:If I were to give advice, I would suggest [Your Suggestion].I highly recommend [Your Recommendation].It might be worth considering [Your Alternative].4. 表达困难或挑战:One of the challenges I faced was [Specific Challenge].I found it quite difficult to [Specific Difficulty].Overcoming this obstacle was not easy, but it was definitely worth it.5. 展望未来:In the future, I hope to continue [Your Ambition].I am determined to overcome any hurdles that come my way.I am confident that this experience has prepared me for future challenges.通过以上的话术和词汇推荐,希望能帮助大家在雅思口语考试中更好地表达自己的观点,谈论自己的经历,并且展现出良好的语言能力。

雅思口语考试万能语句 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】雅思口语考试万能语句1. 与考官见面用语Glad to meet you here.?很高兴见到你。
How nice to see you.?能见到你太好了。
Fancy seeing you.?见到你真好。
How are you??你好吗?I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.?我很高兴能有机会见到你。
I’m glad to meet you.?我很高兴能见到你。
I’m please to meet you.我很开心能见到你。
It’s a pleasure to meet you.能见到你很开心。
2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂Could you please rephrase that question / topic??你能把这个问/话题换种说法再说一次吗?I’m not exactly sure what you mean…?我不在确定你指的是什么。
3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂,要核实对考官所提问题的理解是否正确Do you mean…??你指的是。
If I understand right,…?如果我没有理解错的话。
I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…??不好意思如果我理解慢了,但是。
I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…??不好意思,我不能确定我完全理解了。
So am I right in saying…??所以我可以说。
If I’ve got the picture, then…?如果我理解了的话,那。
So what you mean is…, right?所以你想说明的是。
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众所周知,雅思口语考试共有四项评分标准,分别为流利与连贯(fluency and Coherence),词汇运用(Lexical Resources),语法运用(Grammatical Range)和发音(Pronunciation)。
其中很重要的一项,就是对于词汇(Lexical Resources)的拿捏与把握。
My favorite actor is Xiao Shenyang .
Xiao Shenyang is a handsome man.
He has a lot of super fans.
如果我们把前两句改成“My favorite actor is Xiao Shenyang who is very handsome.”分数会稍微高一些,因为你用上了定语从句,这符合流利与连贯里对使用长句
然而,更符合考试“潜规则”的答案是“We ll, Xiao Shenyang, a very handsome man, is my favorite actor . As is known to all, He has a lot of super fans in China. ”别小看了这段话里的“well”和”as is known to all”。
我们来看一首众人皆知的小诗:Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift
So we call it present
再比如Martin Luther King, Jr.撰写的流芳千古的《I have a dream》,
那么下面就Part 1谈谈如何使用亮点词汇。
比如“The things in that supermarket are very pricy.” 我们可以把things 换成stuff. I think可以换说成I guess或I suppose,这样显得更客气。
我们经常说的like,其实可以有很多词汇代替,比如adore, be into或者be crazy about.这些词汇与先前的相比,更地道,更能准确地表达出说话人感情的强烈程度。
比如你想表达“很累”,可以用tired, 但是使用burn out更有张力。
而劳累之后想放松可以用relax, 但
是用kick back and relax或者wind down更俏皮活泼。