新人教版九年级上册英语期末专题复习课件(专项一 单词运用)

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5. Everyone is here. Nobody is absent from the important exam.
6. Sometimes people need private space and don’t want to be disturbed.
7. In autumn, the tree leaves turn yellow and fall on the ground.
13. As we know, Zhou Enlai was one of the greatest _l_e_a_d_e_rs__ (lead).
14. They say the Inter is part of their ____d_a_i(ldyay) life. 15. As time went on, tea became the _n_a_t_io_n_a_l_(nation)
14. We all think the little boy should be _p_r_a_is_e_d_(表扬) for his honesty.
15. There is a man __l_i_ft_in__g_(举起) a big stone.
16. He came to this school for his English _c_o_u_r_s_e_(课程). 17. If you want to know the way, ask one of the __lo_c_a_l__
6. The girl decided to stay in that beautiful_E_u_r_o_p_e_a_n_ (Europe) town from then on.
7. Mrs Xie gave us a _s_p_e_e_c_h_(speak) about “Construction of families and schools”.
5. The sentence is grammatically __c_o_rr_e_c_t_(正确的) but it doesn’t sound natural.
6. At the summer camp Jenny will share the _b_a_t_h_r_o_o_m__ (浴室) with the other three girls.
8. The box is made of glass . We can see clearly the things in it.
9. Jim doesn’t know the way to the museum in the city because he is a stranger .
10. First of all, please give us a short introduction to your new invention.
专项一 单词运用
1. Li Hua and other volunteers went to visit some _p_a_t_ie_n_t_s_ (病人) last weekend.
2. Could you please tell me the __s_ec_r_e_t_(秘诀) of success in your English study?
8. This is _e_x_a_c_tl_y_(exact) the reason why you should read them.
9. His invention is _w__id_e_l_y_(wide) used in the yard after the strong wind.
10. Lots of _p_r_o_d_u_c_ts_(produce) made in China are selling well around the world.
—Really? What do you think of it?
16. Someone is knocking at the door. Go and see who it is. 17. Lots of customers come to the restaurant because the
food is cheap and delicious. 18. Last night I worked until 11 o’clock, so I’m feeling
from the e-dictionary. 2. When you are talking to the elderly, be sure to talk
__p__o_li_te_l_y__(polite). 3. They went out of their room to enjoy the__w__a_r_m_t_h_ (warm)
9. Jenny _s_e_ld_o_m__(很少) watches TV but she likes to play sports in the playground.
10. My mother bought me a pair of __g_lo_v_e_s_(手套). 11. We were preparing some food for the __p_ic_n_i_c_(野餐)
11. Music can offer _p_le_a_s_u_r_e_(please) to us, so many people like to listen to it.
12. Her dream of _e_n_te_r_i_n_g_(enter) the famous university came true last year.
when they came into the house. 12. She seems too young to _m_a_n_a_g_e_(应付) three children
and that big house.
13. Our _c_o_m_m__u_n_i_ty_(社区) has its own library. We often read books there.
18. This old stamp is beautiful and _v_a_lu_a_b_l_e_(value). I like it very much.
19. The hospital has promised to provide the best _m__e_d_ic_a_l_ (medicine) care.
20. Karen doesn’t want to talk about her _p_a_in_f_u_l_(pain) experience.
四、根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其适当形 式填空。
sad, relative, active, lie, support, express, avoid, nearly, perform, steal, attend, suggest, shy, proud, hot, sense, sudden, hero, regret, position
of the sun.
4. The lady’s pet dog has been ___d_e_a_d___ (die) for a week; she is always in the sadness.
5. Your experiences may be _h__el_p_f_u_l_(help) to me.
r epeat it ? 3. The train moves forward at a very slow speed when it
gets near the station.
4. The shopping mall is just in our neighborhood, so it’s very convenient for us to shop.
3. The girl has put on quite a few __p_o_u_n_d_s_(磅) during the long relaxing holiday.
4. The police _w_a_r_n_(_e_d_) (警告) the local people not to go out because of the bad situation.
16. Now more and more people pay attention to food _s_a_fe_t_y_(safe) .
17. I’m happy to know that you have made the right _c_h_o_i_c_e_(choose).
sleepy .
19. Nothing can prevent me from playing chess. 20. The door was locked so you couldn’t go into the room.
三、根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. You can learn the _p_r_o_n_u_n_c_i_a_ti_o_n_(pronounce) of the words
7. You read the article too carelessly and didn’t understand its __ce_n_t_r_a_l_(中心的) idea.
8. After the accident a lot of reporters __in_t_e_r_v_ie_w__e_d_(采访) the girl who saved a little boy.
(当地的) people. 18. Very little of the old house _r_e_m__a_in_e_d__(遗留) after the
19. The better you know her, the more you will _a_d_m__ir_e_ (欣赏) her.
11. If you have spare time, please go to the museum with me.
12. Kevin has received a present from Ben but he’s not going to accept it.
13. — Yesterday morning I didn’t go to the concert because of the heavy rain.
20. The twenty-year-old girl is as ___li_v_e_ly__(活泼的) as a child.
二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. The two students often have a conversation in English
to improve their speaking skills. 2. Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. Could you please
1. Chinese people usually visit _r_e_la_t_i_v_es_ or friends during the festival.
2. Look! Peter is __ly_i_n_g__on the sofa reading a book.
— What a pity ! The concert was really wonderful. 14. — What kind of musical instrument can you play, Mona?
—I can play the guitar. 15. — Just now Mike mentioned his idea to me.