必修二unit2单词公开课 PPT

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01 文本文字内容
Add up anything what your need or what your like
1.competevi.比赛;竞赛;竞争;比得上 1)compete with/against sb. for sth.为争取某物 和某人对抗
We need to compete with them for the right. compete with sb./ sth.与……媲美,比得上
3.replace vt. 替换,取代;更换; 把…放回原处 replace(=take the place of) sb./sth.取代某人/某物 A new vase replaced the old one. replace sb as 取代某人而成为 He replaced his father as the manager. replace sth. with/by sth. 用……替换…… My mother replaced the old vese with a new one. in place of=in one's place 代替 We use gas in place of coal in cooking.= We use gas in coal's place in cooking. take one's place=take the place of 代替 Tractors have taken the place of horses in many places
(1)Over 1 000 athletes will __c_o_m__p_e_t_e___in___ the race.将有1 000多名运动员参加赛跑。
(2)The two teams _c_o_m_p_e_t_e_d__a_g_a_in_s_t_ each other __fo_r__ the championship. 这两个队竞争冠军。
________________ the contract. 几家广告公司在竞争这
To compete more effectively with others
, more and
more people equip themselves with a higher education.
John competed for a place in a school, but he didn’t
get it.
2.admit v.承认;准许进入;容纳
2)admit sb./sth to /into...准许某人进入(或加入)… The ticket will admit three persons to the concert. 3)be admitted to/ into 被… 接纳,被… 录取 He was admitted to/into the famous university. 4) admit of 容许 This matter admits of no delay. 此事刻不容缓。 5) It is admitted that... 人们公认… It is admitted that Fan Bingbing is a very attractive woman.
She _r_e_pl_a_c_ed__Tom __a_s___the local teacher . ( 4)把书放回书架上 __R_e_p_la_ce___ the book on the shelf. ( 5)我用新轮胎替换了旧轮胎 I _r_e_p_la_c_ed____ the old tyres __w_it_h__ new ones.
Their products can't compete with ours. compete in参加……比赛/竞争
How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic
Games? (P9) compete to do sth 竞争做某事
Several advertising agencies are competing to get the contract. 几家广告公司在竞争这份合同。 (2)competition n.比赛 competitive adj.有竞争力的 competitor n.比赛者;对手
1)admit +n./doing (having done)/that-clause 承认某事/(已经)做了某事
2)admit sb. / sth. to be/as 承认某人/某物是…… 3)admit sb./sth to /into...准许某人进入(或加入)… 4)be admitted to/ into 被… 接纳,被… 录取 5)It is generally admitted that... 人们公认…
即学即用 (1)有什么能取代母亲的爱和关怀吗? Can anything __r_ep_l_a_ce__a_m_o_t_h_e_r’_s_lo_v_e_a_n_d_c_a_r_e____? (2)课堂上,电脑永远不会取代老师。 Teachers will never __b_e_r_ep_l_a_ce_d__ by computers in class ( 3) 她取代汤姆成了当地的老师。
[即学即练] (1)You must _a_d_m__it_ the task ____t_o_b_e_____ difficult.你必须承
认这项任务是艰巨的。 (2)He ___a_d_m_i_tt_e_d_s_t_e_a_li_n_gthe bicycle. 他承认偷了自行车。 (3)The ticket will __a_d_m__it three persons ___to___ the concert. 这张票可允许三个人参加音乐会。 (4)___It_’s__a_d_m_i_tt_e_d_t_h_a_t__ the plan is unreasonable. 普遍认为这个计划不合理。