





二胎政策英语作文篇1 China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. Thus, people argue that two-child policy should be put into effect. In my opinion, two-child policy should be carried out.中国是一个人口大国。





作文First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, 1/ 16their child marry with an only child girl accidentally, theburden on their child and his wife is unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult; if the pressure increasing twice, how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.首先,二胎政策对于一些独生子女来说是天赐的礼物。





我对二胎的看法英语作文篇1It has been such a long time for Chinese people to carry out the family plan, so most families only have one child. But now the government has loosen the one-child policy, more and more families have the right to raise the second child. In my opinion, having the second child has many advantages.中国人实行计划生育已经有很长一段时间了,因此大部分家庭只有一个孩子。



First, it is good for the only child to have a sister or brother, so that the child can learn to share things. The parents are easily to focus their all attention to the only child, they want to give all the things he wants. But in the long run, they don’t realize they have spoiled their child to be an emperor. Selfishness can be found on the only child, if he has a partner, then he will realize the need to share things with other s. What’s more, the parents can distract their attention, so they won’t spoil their kids.第一,对于独生子女来说,有个兄弟姐妹是好的,这样孩子就能学会分享东西。



二胎政策的好处英语作文English: The policy of allowing couples to have a second child has several benefits. Firstly, it helps to address the issue of an aging population in China by potentially increasing the number of young people in the future workforce. This could help to alleviate the burden on the social security system and ensure economic stability in the long term. Secondly, allowing couples to have a second child can also benefit families who want to have more than one child, providing them with the freedom to make choices about their family size. This can contribute to family happiness and stability. Additionally, it can boost the economy by stimulating demand for goods and services related to childcare and education. Overall, the two-child policy has the potential to have positive social and economic impacts in China.中文翻译: 允许夫妇生育第二个孩子的政策有几个好处。



二胎的好处英语作文英文回答:Benefits of Having a Second Child:1. Increased Family Bonding: A second child brings about a unique opportunity to strengthen family bonds. With two children in the household, siblings learn the importance of sharing, cooperation, and compromise, which forms a solid foundation for future relationships.2. Enhanced Cognitive Development: The presence of a younger sibling stimulates the older child's cognitive development. As they engage in play and interactions, the older child's language skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity are significantly enhanced.3. Reduced Risk of Health Issues: Research suggeststhat children from larger families have a lower risk of developing certain health conditions, such as asthma,allergies, and childhood cancers. This is attributed to increased exposure to different immunological stimuli, which strengthens their immune systems.4. Increased Happiness and Fulfillment: Studies have shown that parents tend to report higher levels of happiness and fulfillment after having a second child. The added responsibility and joy of raising two children brings a sense of purpose and a renewed appreciation for life.5. Financial Benefits: In some cases, having a second child can lead to financial advantages. Government programs may offer tax credits or other incentives for larger families, and parents may qualify for more affordable healthcare plans.中文回答:生二胎的好处:1. 增进家庭联系,二胎的到来为加强家庭联系提供了独特的机会。




关于二胎看法的英语作文(一)China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. Thus, people argue that two-child policy should be put into effect. In my opinion, two-child policy should be carried out.First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry with an only child girlaccidentally, the burden on their child and his wife is unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually, a youngcouple looking after an old couple is a little difficult; if the pressure increasing twice, how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.Secondly, two-child policy can guarantee the number of Chinese population. As the widely spread of one-child policy, some people have changed their conception about giving birth. If they firmly believe one-child policy, there will be more and more the dink. After several decades, our country will famous for lack of population.。



二胎的好处英语作文英文回答:Having a second child can bring many benefits to a family. One of the main advantages is that it can provide companionship for the first child. Growing up with asibling can help children develop social skills, learn how to share and cooperate, and build lifelong bonds. For example, my sister and I used to play together all the time when we were kids, and now as adults, we are still very close and always there for each other.Another benefit of having a second child is that it can bring more joy and laughter into the household. More children means more love and happiness to go around. I remember how much fun we used to have as a family during holidays and birthdays, with everyone gathered together, laughing and sharing stories. It really creates a warm and loving atmosphere at home.Moreover, having a second child can also help parents to become more patient, organized, and responsible. Raising multiple children requires juggling different schedules, managing conflicts, and finding ways to meet everyone's needs. It can be challenging at times, but it also helps parents to grow and become better at multitasking and problem-solving. I have seen how my parents have become more patient and understanding over the years, thanks to raising my siblings and me.In conclusion, having a second child can bring many benefits to a family, from providing companionship and building lifelong bonds to bringing more joy and laughter into the household. It may come with its challenges, but the rewards of having a bigger, loving family aredefinitely worth it.中文回答:生二胎对家庭来说有很多好处。



In contemporary society,the decision to have a second child has become a topic of significant debate.Many parents are weighing the pros and cons of expanding their family.From a personal perspective,the journey of having a second child has been an enriching experience that has brought numerous benefits to my life.First and foremost,the presence of a second child has greatly enhanced the family dynamic.Watching my eldest child embrace the role of an older sibling has been heartwarming.The bond that develops between siblings is unique and often provides a sense of companionship that no other relationship can replicate.My children have learned to share,cooperate, and support each other,which are essential life skills that will serve them well in the future.Moreover,having a second child has also provided an opportunity for personal growth.As a parent,I have had to revisit the challenges of early childhood development and adapt my parenting strategies to cater to the different needs of my two children.This process has been a humbling experience,teaching me patience,empathy,and flexibility.It has also allowed me to reflect on my own upbringing and the values I wish to instill in my children.Financially,the decision to have a second child may seem daunting,but it has also motivated me to be more prudent with my finances.The prospect of providing for two children has encouraged me to save more and spend less on nonessential items.This financial discipline has not only benefited my family but has also taught me valuable lessons in budgeting andlongterm planning.Another significant benefit of having a second child is the joy and fulfillment it brings.The laughter and excitement that a new baby brings into a home are indescribable.Watching my children grow and develop their own personalities and interests has been a source of immense happiness and pride.The milestones,from first steps to first words,are cherished moments that I would not trade for anything.Furthermore,the experience of having a second child has also opened up new social circles.Meeting other parents who are navigating the same journey has been a source of camaraderie and support.The shared experiences and advice have been invaluable in dealing with the challenges that come with raising children.It is also worth noting that having a second child can have longterm benefits for the children themselves.Studies have shown that children with siblings tend to have better social skills and are more likely to be empathetic and cooperative.The lifelong bond between siblings can also provide a strong support system as they grow older.In conclusion,while the decision to have a second child comes with its own set of challenges,the benefits it brings to both the parents and the children are profound.The personal growth,enriched family dynamics, financial discipline,joy,social connections,and longterm benefits for the children make the journey of raising a second child a rewarding one.As I reflect on my own experience,I am grateful for the opportunity to witnessthe growth and development of my children and the positive impact it has had on my life.。



以二胎为话题的英文作文英文:As a mother of two children, I can say that having a second child, also known as "erhai" in Chinese, has been a wonderful and challenging experience. When my husband and I first discussed the idea of having a second child, we were excited but also a little nervous. We wondered how we would manage with two children, especially considering the demands of our jobs and the financial responsibilities of raising a family.However, we ultimately decided to go for it, and I'm so glad we did. Our second child has brought so much joy and laughter into our home. Watching our two children play together and develop a bond has been incredibly rewarding. Of course, there have been challenges as well. Balancing the needs of two children can be tough, and there are days when I feel like I'm being pulled in a million different directions. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.In Chinese culture, there is a lot of pressure to have a son as the second child. Fortunately, my husband and I didn't feel that pressure, and we were happy to welcome a second daughter into our family. In fact, our second daughter has been such a blessing, and I can't imagine our family without her.中文:作为两个孩子的母亲,我可以说,有第二个孩子,也就是中国所说的“二胎”,是一次美妙而具有挑战性的经历。



关于二胎政策的英语作文带翻译二胎问题英语作文(一)Viewoftwochildrennow,ourcountrythenumberofstraightlinerise,becausethetwopopulationin creasing,aseriesofproblem,here,I'llgiveyousomethingaboutwiththat! Thecurrentfamilyplanningpolicyisunfair,urbanresidentshavingonlyonechil d,ruralresidentsthefirstchildisfemaleof,canhavetwochildren.Tohavetwochi ldren,however,leadstothehousingproblem,populationincrease,alsotakes morehouse,nowscientistsshowthatChina'shousinglifefor30years,whilewe sterncountrieshousingservicelifeis2timesofourcountry,therefore,ourcoun try'shouseoffast,downtoofast,thehouseisalwaysnotenough,soafewpeopl ewhoarefacingproblemsdon'thaveahousetolive.Today,ourcountry'sarablelandhasalsobeenalotofproblems,suchas:1,dueto thelargeareareclamationwoodlandlawn,cultivatedlandiswidening.2,duet othelarge-scaleafforestation,reducecultivatedlandquickly.3,duetowaterlo ssandsoilerosion,landdesertification,humandevelopmentblindly,arablela nddecreasequickly.4,duetotheimpactofforeignagriculturalproducts,alarge numberofcultivatedlanddesolate.Becauseofpopulationincrease,toalargen umberoflandreclamation,toalargenumberofoccupationofland,onlyinthis waycanwehaveanewtechnology,willhaveahousetolivein.So,ourcountry'sla ndareaisgreatlyreduced.But,ourcountryalotoflandisoccupied,cancontinuouslyreducethecultivatedlandarea,arablelanddecrease,manykindsoffoodl ess,evensomepeoplestarvetodeath.Twopopulationincrease,theemploym entproblemalsomoreandmorecompetition,suchas:1,theourcountrypopul ationbaseisbig,needmoreemployment,employmentpeaklastalongtime.2, needstoimproveemploymentmechanism,talentmarket,labormarketdevel opmenthasyettobeperfected,laborelementsconfigurationhasnotyetreach edfulloptimization.3,employmentconceptupdating,lackofinitiative'entrep reneurialenthusiasm,"suchas""by"theideasofthe"to"stillexist,notfromthe irownandrealisticenvironment,employmentexpectationsaretoohigh.So,y oungpeopleinemploymentinourcountrymaynotwork,can'tbringhomethe bacon.Inordertothemselvesandothersinthefuture,pleasehavefewer,euge nics.Boyorgirl,isthebackboneofthemotherlandinthefuture.对二胎的看法现在,我国的人数直线上升,因为生二胎人口增多,造成的一系列问题,下面,我给大家加讲一讲吧!现行的计生政策不公平,城市居民只能生一胎,农村居民第一孩字是女的,能生二胎。



话题作文二胎英文英文:As a mother of one, the topic of having a second child has been on my mind a lot lately. On one hand, I would love to have another child and give my firstborn a sibling to grow up with. On the other hand, I worry about thefinancial and emotional strain that comes with raising two children.Financially, having a second child would mean more expenses for things like diapers, formula, and childcare. It would also mean that we would need a bigger car and a bigger house eventually. Emotionally, I worry about being able to give both children the attention and love they deserve. I don't want my firstborn to feel neglected or jealous of the new baby.However, I also know that having a sibling can be a wonderful thing. My own siblings are some of my closestfriends and I can't imagine life without them. I also know that as a parent, I am capable of loving and caring for more than one child. It may be challenging, but it is also rewarding.In the end, I think the decision to have a second child comes down to what feels right for our family. We will weigh the pros and cons and make the best decision for us.中文:作为一个已经有一个孩子的母亲,二胎的话题最近一直在我的脑海里。





二胎政策英语作文篇1China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. Thus, people argue that two-child policy should be put into effect. In my opinion, two-child policy should be carried out.中国是一个人口大国。





作文First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry with an only child girl accidentally, the burden on their child and his wife is unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult; if the pressure increasing twice, how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.首先,二胎政策对于一些独生子女来说是天赐的礼物。



关于二胎政策的英语作文(带翻译)China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. Thus, people argue that two-child policy should be put into effect. In my opinion, two-child policy should be carried out.中国是一个人口大国。





作文First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry with an only child girl accidentally, the burden on their child and his wife is unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually, a youngcouple looking after an old couple is a little difficult; if the pressure increasing twice, how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.首先,二胎政策对于一些独生子女来说是天赐的礼物。



开放二胎的高中英语作文篇1It has been such a long time for Chinese people to carry out the family plan, so most families only have one child. But now the government has loosen the one-child policy, more and more families have the right to raise the second child. In my opinion, having the second child has many advantages.中国人实行计划生育已经有很长一段时间了,因此大部分家庭只有一个孩子。



First, it is good for the only child to have a sister or brother, so that the child can learn to share things. The parents are easily to focus their all attention to the only child, they want to give all the things he wants. But in the long run, they don’t realize they have spoiled their child to be an emperor. Selfishness can be found on the only child, if he has a partner, then he will realize the need to share things with others. What’s more, the parents can distract their attention, so they won’t spoil their kids.第一,对于独生子女来说,有个兄弟姐妹是好的,这样孩子就能学会分享东西。



英语作文关于二胎英文回答:As a parent of two, I couldn't be happier with my decision to have a second child. It's true that there are some challenges that come with having two kids, but the rewards far outweigh the difficulties.One of the best things about having a second child is that it gives your first child a built-in playmate. They can spend hours together playing, and they'll develop a close bond that will last a lifetime. Having a sibling can also help your first child learn to share and cooperate.Another great thing about having a second child is that it forces you to become more organized and efficient. With two kids, you can't afford to be a procrastinator. You have to learn to plan ahead and get things done on time. This can be a challenge at first, but it's ultimately a good thing.Of course, there are some challenges that come with having two kids. One of the biggest challenges is the financial burden. Raising two kids is more expensive than raising one, and it can be difficult to make ends meet. Another challenge is the lack of sleep. With two kids,you're always on call. You can never really get a good night's sleep, and you're always exhausted.Despite the challenges, I wouldn't trade my two kidsfor the world. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me. They bring me so much joy and laughter, and I love watching them grow and learn. I know that there will be challenges ahead, but I'm confident that we'll get through them together.中文回答:作为两个孩子的家长,我对决定生育二胎感到无比幸福。



二胎英语作文高中I have mixed feelings about the idea of having a second child. On one hand, I love the idea of giving my firstchild a sibling to grow up with and share experiences with. On the other hand, I worry about the financial and emotional burden that comes with raising two children.I think it would be wonderful to see my children play together and form a close bond that will last a lifetime.It would also be nice to have a bigger family and share the love and joy with more little ones. However, I also worry about the practical aspects of having a second child, such as the cost of raising two children and the time and attention that each child needs.Another concern I have is whether I will be able to give each child the same amount of love and attention. I worry that I might not be able to divide my time and energy equally between two children, and that one might end up feeling neglected. I also worry about the impact thathaving a second child will have on my career and personal life.Overall, I think the idea of having a second child is both exciting and daunting. I love the idea of expanding my family and giving my first child a sibling, but I also worry about the practical and emotional challenges that come with it. I think it's a decision that requires careful consideration and planning.。



关于二胎的作文英语作文Having a second child is a big decision for many families. It can bring joy and excitement, but also challenges and changes. Some parents may feel overwhelmedby the idea of having another child, while others may embrace the opportunity to expand their family.For some families, the decision to have a second childis influenced by cultural or societal expectations. In some cultures, having multiple children is seen as a sign of prosperity and success. This can put pressure on parents to have a second child, even if they may not feel ready for it.Financial considerations also play a big role in the decision to have a second child. Raising children is expensive, and many parents worry about the cost of adding another child to their family. From childcare expenses to education costs, the financial burden of having a second child can be a major concern for many families.On the other hand, some parents may feel that having a second child will bring more joy and fulfillment to their lives. Siblings can provide companionship and support for each other, and many parents see the benefits of having a larger family.The decision to have a second child is a deeply personal one, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It is important for parents to consider their own circumstances, desires, and values when making this decision. Ultimately, the choice to have a second child is a significant and life-changing one that should be made with careful consideration and thought.。



关于二胎的作文英语Having a second child is a big decision for many families. It can bring joy and excitement, but also challenges and changes. Some parents may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of raising another child, while others may embrace the opportunity to expand their family.For some parents, the decision to have a second child is influenced by factors such as age, financial stability, and career goals. They may worry about how they will juggle the demands of parenting two children while also managing their own lives. However, others may see the benefits of having a larger family and feel ready to take on the challenge.One of the biggest concerns for parents considering a second child is the impact it will have on their firstborn. They may worry about how their older child will adjust to having a sibling, or how they will divide their time and attention between the two. It can be a difficult transitionfor everyone involved, but with patience and understanding, families can find a new balance and create a strong bond between siblings.Despite the challenges, many parents find that having a second child brings a sense of fulfillment and completeness to their family. They enjoy watching their children grow up together, sharing experiences and creating memories that will last a lifetime. The love and joy that a second child brings can outweigh any difficulties or sacrifices that may come with it.In conclusion, the decision to have a second child is a personal one that each family must make for themselves. It can be a daunting prospect, but also a rewarding experience that enriches the lives of parents and children alike. Whether it's a carefully planned decision or a spontaneous choice, having a second child can bring new adventures, challenges, and love to a family.。



关于二胎的作文英语作文Having a second child is a big decision for many families. It brings both joy and challenges, but ultimately, it's a choice that can enrich lives in countless ways.For starters, having a second child means double the love and twice the fun. Watching siblings grow up together, learning, playing, and supporting each other is a beautiful thing. It creates a special bond that lasts a lifetime. Plus, it's always nice to have an extra pair of hands to help out around the house!On the other hand, having a second child also means more responsibility. There's the added stress of financial planning, making sure there's enough room in the house, and dividing time and attention between two kids. It's not always easy, but it's definitely rewarding when you see how much they love and care for each other.Another aspect to consider is the impact on the firstchild. Some kids embrace the idea of being a big brother or sister, while others might feel jealous or left out. It's important to make sure both children feel loved and valued, and that。



二胎高二英语作文二胎高二英语作文The Second ChildIn the last century, government carried out the policy of Family Plan, which helped to slow the increasing number of population. Now the policy has changed. Every family can have one more child, which is the great news for many families, because Chinese traditional view believes that the more children, the better. According to the research, many young people refuse to have the second child, because they are under great pressure. Raising a kid needs a lot of money, and the money for better education is indispensable. What’s more, the parents need to buy a comfortable house, and all of these are great burden. If they raise the second child, which means that they need to work much harder. For living more comfortable, the young parents choose to raise one kid, so they can have more time and money to enjoy life.在上个世纪,政府实施了方案生育政策,这有助于减缓日益上升的`人口。

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Since the one child policy carried on, many families had only one kid. As the children growing up, they felt lonely, because they did not have anyone to accompany. They felt so envious when they saw others have siblings. There is no doubt that the one child policy has controlled the population to increase so fast and helped people to improve their life lever. Recently, the government tends to open the second child policy slowly. People hold the different opinion. Some people think that it is good to let the child have siblings, so they will not lonely and can learn the meaning of sharing. Other people don’t want to have one more child because they don’t have enough money. They want to give the best education to the child, so they think one child is enough. Anyway, the second child policy gives people more choice.










有关二胎的高中英语作文篇2It has been such a long time for Chinese people to carry out the family plan, so most families only have one child. But now the government has loosen the one-child policy, more and more families have the right to raise the second child. In my opinion, having the second child has many advantages.



First, it is good for the only child to have a sister or brother, so that the child can learn to share things. The parents are easily to focus their all attention to the only child, they want to give all the things he wants. But in the long run, they don’t realize they have spoiled their child to be an emperor. Selfishness can be found on the only child, if he has a partner, then he will realize the need to share things with others. What’s more, the parents can distract their
attention, so they won’t spoil their kids.





Second, since in Chinese tradition the old people would not like to spend their later life in the nursing house, two children can share the burden of taking care of the parents and support them when they grow old. Those only children would be exhausted then while they have their own family to take care.


Third, the more kids in the family, the happier the family will be. Watching the children play and fight is a kind of fun for the parents. The lively phenomenon makes people feel happy.


热闹的环境让人感到开心有关二胎的高中英语作文篇3In my family, there are only
three people, my parents and I. because of my parents’ work, they could only have one child at that time, so I don’t have any siblings. I felt so lonely when my parents went out for their work. Now the government changed their policy, people can have the second child. But some people refuse because they think they can’t afford it. Despite the expense, there are many advantages to have the second child. For one thing, the only child can have someone company, so they won’t feel lonely on the process of growing up. For another thing, two kids will help each other, they can share things together. Learning to share things is a very important lesson for children. In Chinese tradition, more kids, more better, but I think two are perfect for the family.





不考虑花费, 生二孩有很多好处。

首先,独生子女有伴, 因此在成长的过程中不会感到孤独。



