



先进制造技术(英文)课程编码:202299 课程英文译名:Advanced Manufacturing Technology 课程类别:学科基础选修课开课对象:机械工程机自动化专业开课学期:5学分:2学分;总学时:32学时;理论课学时:32学时;实践学时:学时;上机学时: 0 学时先修课程:大学英语教材:先进制造技术(英文版),唐一平,机械工业出版社,2004年2月第1版第2次印刷,(ISBN 7-111-10803-5)参考书:【1】21st Century Manufacturing, Paul Kenneth Wright, 清华大学出版社,2002【2】先进制造技术专业英语阅读,屈利刚,化学工业出版社,2006一、课程的性质、目的和任务先进制造技术(AMT)是一门动态的、以传统的机械制造技术为基础,融合包括计算机、信息、自动控制、材料、能源、环保、管理科学等学科成果的,新技术与现代系统管理交叉的新兴课程,并且随着新科技、新理念的不断出现而不断更新、充实和发展。






























6.5 Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing

6.5 Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing

第一部分6.5 Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing6.5.1 IntroductionIndustrial countries are beginning to face one of the consequences of the rapid development of the last decade. Wide diffusion of consumer goods and shortening of product lifecycles have caused an increasing quantity of used products being discarded. In Europe, 800,000 tons of old television sets, computer equipment, radios, and measuring devices, and 3 million tons of automobile equipment are thrown into the national garbage center each year. In the United States, the municipal solid waste (MSW) generated by house-holds and industrial establishments is about 4 pounds per person each day. According to a current report, the United States has lost more than 70% of its landfill sites in the past 10 years. The report also infers that landfills in many states are reaching their permitted capacities. Facing this environmental problem, both the government and industrial companies are making more strict regulations to promote environmentally friendly products and technology. For example, the governments of Germany and the US require that manufacturers take responsibility for the disposal of their products. The Green Plan of Canada was proposed in 1990 to reduce the stabilization of CO2, and other greenhouse emissions by the year 2000. Some governments have set up official eco-labeling schemes, intended to inform customers of environmentally friendly products. All of these regulations intend to minimize the environmental impact of products.Products affect the environment at many points in their lifecycles. These environmental effects result from the interrelated decisions made at various stages of a product’s life. Once a product moves from the drawing board into the production line, its environmental attributes are largely fixed. Therefore, it is necessary to support the design function with tools and methodologies that enable an assessment of the environmental consequences (such as emissions, exposure, and effects) in each phase. Environmentally conscious design and manufacturing (ECD&M) is a view of manufacturing that includes the social and technological aspects of the design, synthesis, processing, and use of products in continuous or discrete manufacturing industries. The benefits of ECD&M include safer and cleaner factories, worker protection, reduced future costs for disposal, reduced environmental and health risks, improved product quality at lower cost, better public image, and higher productivity. Environmentally conscious technologies and design practices will also allow manufacturers to minimize waste and to turn waste into a profitable product.6.5.2 OverviewAlthough manufacturing industries contribute significantly to prosperity, they also generate approximately 5.5 billion tons of non-hazardous waste and 0.7 billion tons of hazardous waste each year. Fig 6.5.1 shows the waste generated during raw material extraction, material processing, manufacturing, and material reprocessing from end-of-life products. Historically, much effort focused on the proper treatment and disposal of toxic and hazardous waste from industries. Unfortunately, this reactive environmental protection approach cannot completely solve the problems of potential toxic or hazardous materials releasing from products or the waste stream into the environment. To effectively protect the environment, pollution control must be incorporated into every aspect of manufacturing.Fig 6.5.1 Mineral Waste Material Supply, Utilization, and Disposal System As opposed to the traditional “end-of-pipe” treatment for pollution control, ECD&M is a proactive approach to minimize the product’s environmental impact during its design and manufacturing, and thus to increase the product’s competitiveness in the environmentally conscious market place. There are two general approaches to ECD&M. In the first approach (zero-wasted lifecycle), it is assumed that the environmental impact of a product during its lifecycle can be reduced to zero. The cycle can be absolutely sustainable, and the product may be designed, manufactured, used, and disposed of without affecting the environment. The emphasis in this approach is to create a product cycle that is as sustainable as possible. Sustainable production means that products are designed, produced, distributed, used and disposed of with minimal (or none) environmental and occupational health damages, and with minimal use of resources (material and energy). The sustainability of a system can be considered as the ability of that system to be maintained or prolonged. The second approach (incremental waste control lifecycle) is based on the premise that there is a certain amount of negative impact from the current process cycle. This impact can be reduced or cleaned based on some improvement in technology that is named as incremental waste lifecycle control. This approach is to reduce the negative impact of hazardous materials through clean technology. A “cleaner technology” is a source reduction or recycling method applied to eliminate or significantly reduce hazardous waste generation.Research on ECD&M can be categorized into two areas, namely, environmentally conscious product design and environmentally conscious process design, also called environmentally conscious manufacturing (ECM). Whitmer II, Olson, and Sutherland developed a hierarchy comprised of environmentally conscious products (Fig 6.5.2). At the first level of the hierarchy, theoverall objectives for the system are considered when creating an environmentally conscious product. At the second level, the four groups represent a post-use process that can be employed to achieve the objectives. The third level consists of the five design factors that can facilitate the post-use processes and in turn accomplish the overall goal. This hierarchy shows the method of retiring products, whether the designers intend to have the product discarded in a landfill, or whether they plan to reuse or recycle part or all of the product.Fig 6.5.2 Hierarchy for Designing an Environmentally Conscious ProductThe principle of ECM is to adopt those processes that reduce the harmful environmental impacts of manufacturing, including minimization of hazardous waste and emissions, reduction of energy consumption, improvement of materials utilization efficiency, and enhancement of operational safety. Sandia National Laboratories’ Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Programs Department describes ECM as “the deliberate attempt to reduce ecological impacts of industrial activity without sacrificing quality, cost, reliability, performance, or energy utilization efficiency.” The activities of ECM emphasize largely extracting the useful product from raw materials, the avoiding of waste generation at the Source, or using waste to create other products. In addition, ECM involves refining operating procedures, replacing existing processes and developing new, waste-free processes, finding innovative ways to redesign products, and increasing recycling.第二部分6.5.3 Recycling and Disassembly ModelingIn the ECD&M literature, many researchers emphasize the importance of recycling end-of-life (EOL) products and the role of product disassembly for effective recycling. Recycling is defined by Jovane et al. as “recovering materials or components of a used product to make them available for new products.” Another definition was given by Bancroft as “the use of product design to facilitate the recovery and reuse of materials in the product.” These definitions infer “closing the loop” of materials and components after usage by reusing them for raw materials or secondary materials at different stages of the product’s lifecycle.(1) RecyclingWolf and Ellen reported that the paper industry recycles as much as 50% of its output. However, in the plastics industry, only a small portion is recycled. Wolf and Ellen also reported that there were 58 billion pounds of plastic resin sold in the United States and less than 1% of this was recycled. Ishii, Eubanks and Marco proposed a design for a product retirement model for recycling EOL products. The authors used the concept of “clump,” which is a collection of components and/or subassemblies that share a common characteristic based on the designer’s intent. One intangible benefit arising form recycling is the “green” image. The other significant benefit of recycling EOL products would result form reusing whole parts or subassemblies. For example, electronic materials (such as gallium, germanium, silicon and indium) can be profitably recycled because of their high production cost. Many industrial processes have been proposed for extracting these valuable elements from electronic components.Recycling requires that materials and fastening methods in the clump are compatible with existing technologies. Henstack reviewed recycling practices for various metal-based items, which focuses on steel scrap in automobiles. The study has generated some general principles of design for recyclability, including simplifying mechanical disassembly, avoiding self-contaminating combinations of materials, standardizing materials used, and separating high copper content items from steel items.Two engineering problems associated with design for recyclability are dismantling techniques and recycling costs. Simon pointed out that dismantling required the knowledge of the destination or recycling possibility of the component parts disassembled. However, from the time a product is designed to the time it reaches the end of its life, techniques will have advanced in recycling and reengineering. This phenomenon reveals the difficulties of recycling EOL products. Simon suggested two guidelines for dealing with this problem: 1) remove the most valuable parts first and 2) maximize the “yield” of each dismantling operation.Wittenburg proposed the concept of a recycling path of components and materials, as envisaged by BMW. It entails a “cascade model” of decreasing values, in which attention is first focused on the disassembled parts suitable for reuse that have the highest value. The Decree on Electronic Waste and the Decree on Used Cars forced manufacturers to reclaim waste, to reuse the recyclable fraction, and to dispose of the residue. In the automobile industry, BMW is the leader in design for recycling and disassembly. The Z1 model is a two-seat automobile with an all-plastic skin that can be removed from the metal chassis in 20 minutes. The doors bumpers, and front, rear, and side panels are made of recyclable thermoplastics produced by GE. The BMW 3251 also uses recyclable plastic parts and target-markets to environmental conscious customers. Through these efforts, BMW has identified some guidelines that make disassembly and recycling easier.Material recognition is another interesting approach of recycling. It requires a technology capable of identifying materials including the proportion and type of filler materials used. Ideally, the technology should be cheap, hand-held for use on different components, and significantly durable for use in a workshop-type environment. A number of researchers have been working in this area with varying success. Shergold indicated that the Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTlR)-based equipment that Rover and Bird developed is good at identifying plastics and some filler materials.It is not possible or economical to recycle a product completely; there-fore, the aim of recycling is to maximize the recycle resources and to minimize the mass and pollution potential of the remaining products. Zussman, Kriwet, and Seliger proposed three objectives that should be considered du-ring the design evaluation: 1) maximization of profit (benefits-costs) over a product's lifespan, 2) maximization of the number of parts reused, and 3) minimization of the amount (weight) of landfill waste.(2) DisassemblyIt has been recognized that disassembly of used products is necessary to make recycling economically viable in the current state of the art of reprocessing technology. Disassembly is defined by Brennan, Gupta, and Taleb as “the process of systematic removal of desirable constitute parts from an assembly while ensuring that there is no impairment of the parts due to the process.” There are both economic and environmental sound reasons for disassembly.Many issues and research need to be addressed in the area of disassembly. The most significant technical challenge is how to design a product for easy disassembly. Designing a product with “easy” disassembly constraints as well as “easy” assembly constraints is likely to be a very difficult task. In the past, products and machines were designed with only the assembly operations considered. Some of the problems to be addressed during design stages are the following: •Ease of separation. Design for ease of separation, handling, and cleaning of all product components.•Fasteners. New fasteners should be developed, and the existing ones should be improved. Screws, glues, and welds should be replaced by other fastening methods. Taking apart a snap-fitted or pop-in, pop-out product is much easier and requires less energy than taking apart a welded product.•Modularity design. The importance of using assemblies in a product’s design is to ease dealing with a product after its useful life (that is, designing with a base part).•Material selection. The variety of material types must be minimized to increase the recyclability of the product. Highly recyclable materials such as aluminum and thermoplastics should be encouraged, while the use of thermo sets, which cannot be recycled, should be minimized.Research from the CIM Institute by Rose and Evans focused on disassembly-oriented lifecycle analyses where recyclability of the product was evaluated under possible future trends in recycling technology and economy. At the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, an evaluation procedure has been proposed to support product design according to conflicting design for disassembly criteria. Each criterion is weighted and the final decision made taken on the basis of scaling all relevant criteria. Leonard reported that two basic methods of disassembly were used: reverse assembly and brute force. For reverse assembly, if a fastener is screwed in, then it is screwed out; if two parts are snap-fit together, then they are snapped apart. For brute force, parts are just pulled or cut.Seliger, Zussman, and Kriwet stated that some obstacles make disassembly difficult for today’s manufactured product. First, it is difficult to gain all the information necessary to plan the disassembly. Parts of the product might have been modified during repair, and wear can make joined elements difficult to remove. In addition, many consumer products are not designed for ease of disassembly. Engineers have done an outstanding job of meeting functional requirements and federal emission regulations. Traditionally, the engineers concentrated on improving productivity and made the product easier to be assembled. Fastening processes, such as welding and adhesive bonding, are permanent-type systems. However, engineers will now have to incorporate recyclability and disassembly into their designs when creating future products.Disassembly sequence is another problem encountered in the design for disassembly. The problems associated with the disassembly sequence are 1) freeing the part of all attachments, 2) finding the succeeding part in the disassembly sequence, and 3) disassembly of the succeeding part. 第三部分6.5.4 Environmental EngineeringAll aspects of environmental problems are considered in environmental engineering, such as water and wastewater, environmental hydrology, environmental hydraulics and pneumatics, air, solid waste, noise, environmental modeling, and hazardous waste. Sincero defined environmental engineering as “the application of engineering principle’s, under constraint, to the protection and enhancement of the quality of the environment and to the enhancement and protection of public health and welfare.” As the US environ-mental policy expanded from clean air to cradle-to-grave solid and hazardous waste management environmental engineering research helped us better understand how pollutants migrate through soils, groundwater, and air, and developed treatment technologies to minimize their impact on natural and human environment.The water resource management system includes water pollution. wastewater disposal, and the measurement of water quality, supply, and treatment. Crook presented guidelines for water reuse. These guidelines were developed to encourage and facilitate the orderly planning, design, and implementation of water reclamation. The air resource management system includes air pollution control and the measurement of air quality. The solid waste management system includes solid waste collection and landfill design. Williams indicated that source reduction, recycling and composting, waste-to-energy facilities, and landfills are the four basic approaches to waste management.(l) Pollution PreventionThe term “pollution prevention” was coined in 1976 by the 3M Co. and is based on the technological and management advances program. The purposes of this program are l) to reduce environmental releases and 2) to lower costs in production from previous methods associated with pollution. The Pollution Prevention Act defined pollution prevention as “source reduction.” Considering this definition, it may infer that the creation of pollutants may be reduced or eliminated through increased efficiency in the use of raw materials, energy, water or other resources, or protection of natural resources by conservation. Pollution prevention is described as a “waste management hierarchy.” There are four preferences in the waste management hierarchy. The highest preference of the hierarchy is to reduce waste at the source of generation through the use of less toxic raw material, equipment changes process redesign, better housekeeping, and materials management. The second preference is reuse and recycling of wastes that cannot be reduced at the source. The third preference is waste treatment, and the least preferred a1ternative is disposal. Two methods of source reduction can be used: product changes and process changes. These two methods reduce the volume and toxicity of production wastes and end products during their lifecycles.The pollution prevention techniques used in industry are waste minimization and clean technology. Waste minimization includes source reduction and environmentally sound recycling. Source reduction is defined as many practice that reduces the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. Fig 6.5.3 shows source reduction methods. Clean technology uses less raw materials, energy, and water, generates less or no waste (gas, liquid, and solid), and recycles waste as useful materials in a closed system. The clean technology used in pollution prevention, can be categorized into five groups: improved plant operations in-process recycling, process modification, materials and product substitutions, and material separations.Fig 6.5.3 source reduction methods(2) Design for EnvironmentDesign for Environment (DFE) is defined by Lenox Jordan, and Ehrenfeld as “the systematic process by which firms design products and processes in an environmentally conscious way.” Another definition provided by Fiksel and Wapman is “the systematic consideration during new production and process development of design issues associated with environmental safety and health over the full product life cycle.” The scope of DEE encompasses many disciplines, including environmental risk management, product safety, occupational health and safety, pollution prevention ecology, re-source conservation, accident prevention, and waste management.Horvath et al. provided three main goals of DFE: 1) minimize the use of nonrenewable resources, 2) effectively manage renewable resources, and 3) minimize toxic release to the environment. The elements of DEE include: metrics, practices, and analysis methods. Mizuki, Sandborn, and Pitts explained that DEE requires the coordination of several design and data-based activities such as environmental impact metrics, data and database management; and design optimization (including cost assessments). The environ-mental metric is defined by Veroutis and Fava as “an algorithmic interpretation of levels of performance within an environmental criterion.” The environmental criterion is the environmental attribute of the product (that is, the energy to heat water for a specific function, grams of CO2 produced to deliver the above energy, chemical oxygen demand generated in the wastewater degree of risk of exposure to a toxic substance, and so on). The New Jersey Department of Environment Protection (NJDEP) conducted a major lifecycle assessment of the environmental impact of producing and disposing of packaging materials. NJDEP analyzed the specific pollutants released form packaging materials. The Hewlett-Packard Co. also provides the tools of DFE for the company's use; DFE guidelines, product assessments, and product stewardship metrics. The product stewardship metrics include material conservation and waste reduction, energy efficiency, and design for environmental and manufacturing process emissions. (3) Lifecycle Engineering and Lifecycle AssessmentLifecycle engineering (LCE) may also be referred to as lifecycle design (LCD). An outstanding analysis of lifecycle design that provides design sup-port from the environmental point of view was provided by Alting. Lifecycle design is based on the early product concept, including product and market research, design phases, manufacturing process, qualification, reliability issues, customerservice, maintainability, and supportability issues. Boothroyd and Alting distinguished six phases in the product lifecycle: need recognition, design development, production, distribution, use, and disposal. Ali of the phases must be considered during the conceptual stage, where it is possible to inexpensively change solutions to accommodate the requirements in each phase and in the total lifecycle.Lifecycle assessment is a family of methods for assessing materials, ser-vices I products processes, and technologies over the entire product life. The definition of product lifecycle assessment, developed by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, is as follows: Lifecycle assessment is an objective process to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with a product or activity by identifying and quantifying energy and materials used and wastes released to the environment, to access the impact of those energy and material uses and releases to the environment, and to evaluate and implement opportunities to affect environmental improvements. The assessment includes the entire lifecycle of the product, process, or activity, encompassing extracting and processing raw materials; manufacturing, transportation and distribution; use, reuse, maintenance; recycling and final disposal.Zust and Wagner explained four phases of the product lifecycle: 1) product definition, 2) product development, 3) product manufacturing and marketing, and 4) product usage. At each of these phases there exists a definition of objectives activities and deliverables for the next phase. Keys described that during the conceptual model phase, various designs and simulation models of the product are generated. From these conceptual models, requirements specifications and analyses will evolve decisions for breadboard and brassbound models. Also, Hewlett-Packard Co. addressed the lifecycle issue by prototyping software, defining development and phases, and standardizing modules and packages.第四部分(4) Green Product DesignGreen product design is expanded from pollution prevention. Green products-products that can reduce the burden on the environment during use and disposal-have additional marketing appeal. Green product design refers to green engineering design, defined by Navinchandra as “the study of and an approach to product and process evaluation and design for environmental compatibility that dose not compromise products’ quality or function.” This approach is comprised of two parts: l) the evaluation of de-signs to assess their environmental compatibility and 2) the relationship between design decisions and the green indicators. The aim of green engineering design is to develop an understanding of how design decisions affect a product's environmental compatibility. Navinchandra further stressed the need for green design for the following reasons: 1) environmental legislation, 2) corporate image and public reception, 3) demanding consumers, and 4) rising waste disposal costs.The Office of Technology Assessment focused on four objectives of green design in its report:1) Design for pollution prevention: refers to activities by manufacturers and consumers that prevent the generation of waste in the first place (that is, using less material to perform the same function, or designing durable products to extend the product service life).2) Design for better materials management: refers to activities that allow product components or materials to be recovered and reused in their highest value-added application (that is, designing products that can be readily disassembled into constituent materials, or using materials that can be recycled together without the need for separation).3) Design for re-manufacturing and recycling: refers to reducing virgin material extraction rates, waste generated from raw material separation and processing, and energy uses associated with manufacturing. It can also divert residual material from municipal waste| relieving pressure on overburdened landfills..4) Design for composting and incineration: refers to making products entirely out of biodegradable materials. For example, starch-based polymers (which are inherently biodegradable) easily compost, and film can substitute for plastic in a variety of applications.(5) Future TrendsBased on a previous survey, we discuss some suggestions of the future trends in ECD&M. Hopefully, the discussion will be beneficial for guiding other researchers’ topic selections. The ECD&M approach represents a fundamental change in the decision-making processes of most manufacturers. Historically I the selection of waste management methods was based on pure economic analyses of the quantifiable and measurable costs, and economical benefits. This approach ignores the very large number of qualitative factors affecting the selection of the appropriate technologies in decision making. ECD&M, on the other hand, is a complex, multidisciplinary, and multifunctional activity method to determine potentially large numbers of waste minimization technologies available in the industry, for example, changes in the product, changes in the input materials to the production process, changes in operating practices, and recycling. It requires the coordination of several designs and data-based activities, such as environmental impact analysis, data and database management and design optimizations.Many researchers have recognized the importance of ECD&M, and a considerable amount of research in this area has been conducted. While some research issues have been well addressed and the results are being used by the industry, other emerging issues are under initial investigation. These research issues are likely to be the focus in the years to come. This section provides a brief discussion of these issues to stimulate the interest of the research community.Disposition of End-of-Life Discrete Electromechanical ProductsMore research is required for the recycling of EOL discrete electromechanical products, while traditional continuing item products have attracted significant attention for environment impact. Great amounts of discrete electromechanical products have caused urgent concerns of their disposal and recycling problems. So far, there is not a generic method for recycling all different types of the electromechanical products; however, the production rate of such products is rising dramatically year by year. The lifecycle of such products has become shorter in the past decades. For example, the lifespan of personal computers has shortened from several years to several months. Due to wide diffusion of consumer goods, such as televisions, VCRs, microwaves, and the shortening of product lifecycles, a generic recycling method for electromechanical products is urgently needed.Pitts and Mizuki addressed the disposition problem of electronic products (such as CRTs and printed circuit boards) because these items cannot be recycled easily. Rodi developed a resource recovery model for EOL electronics that includes three parts: assessment, feasibility analysis, and implementation. The assessment allows an organization to efficiently organize the information on the suppliers, materials, quantities,and characteristics of its EOL waste. Feasibility analysis allows the organization to analyze the information gathered in the assessment phase for economic and environmental impacts. Implementation sets the operating parameters for the organization.Zhang and Kuo developed a disassembly model for electromechanical EOL products that is embedded on a graph representation by generating disassembly sequences. Information exchange within the disassembly model is done through four phases: l) disassembly representation and。






完形填空(1)The spokes of the wheel are made from various kinds of CAPACS involved in the activity .Each CAPACS has a communication link to the controlled database so that it will capture the data to form its own distributed database 。

Values are added the distributed database to meet the needs and requirements of its expected users. The application of CAPACS to the manufacturing process enables the total system to increase productivity,reduce waste, and produce things it would not otherwise be able to make. As a result, new technologies, demands for products of higher quality and lower production costs, and the needs for improved technology in a competitive society have caused extensive use of CAPACS。

先 进 制 造 技 术 Advanced manufacturing technology

先 进 制 造 技 术 Advanced manufacturing technology

(2) 实体造型与仿真
(3) CAD系统的集成化
计算机辅助工程分析(Computer Aided Engineering ,CAE)技 术,是指在零件或整机的数字化特征建模完成之后,运用有限 元及边界元等数值分析方法,对零件或整机对其未来的工作状 态和运行行为进行结构、动力、运动及各种物理场耦合等一系 列分析、模拟的计算机辅助分析方法,其目的是及早发现设计缺 陷、优化结构并证实未来的产品功能和性能的可用性和可靠性。 它与CAD和CAM技术构成了当今计算机技术在机械设计及制造 领域最重要的三大支撑技术。

在世界经济史上,英国是第一个被称为“世 界制造中心”的国家,从1760年至1830年工业 革命期间,英国制造业在全世界的比重从 1.9%上升到9.5%,后来又达到19.9%,英国以 占世界2%的人口控制了全世界工业生产的 30%~50%和接近五成的制成品贸易。当时, 英国无论在贸易、商业、金融、技术和管理等 方面在世界经济上都是第一位。特别是在1820 年,英国的工业比重占全世界工业的50%,其 进出口占世界贸易总量的27%。
计算机辅助设计(Computer aided design) 计算机辅助工艺规划(Computer aided process planning,CAPP) 计算机辅助工程(Computer aided engineering,CAE) 计算机辅助制造(Computer aided manufacturing,CAM) 现代数控机床、柔性制造系统(Flexible manufacturing system,FMS)等
第二部分 主要现代制造技术
三、柔性制造 四、其它先进制造技术


4.1 Introduction to Manufacturing System
4.2 Industrial Robots
3.4 Precision Manufacturing
3.5 Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing
3.3 Nanotechnology and Micro-machine










由于CAD / CAM的到来,其他方面发展:(1)计算机图形(CG)。





CAD / CAM本身是一个更广泛,更具包容性的术语。


当成功实现了CAD /CAM,涉及到一个共享P40一个公司的设计和制造的部件之间常见的数据库。






ICG系统主要有三部分组成(图中):(1)硬件,包括计算机和各种外围设备;(2)软件,包括计算机程序和技术手册的系统(流行的CAD /CAM软件使用ICG目前包括了AutoCAD,Pro/E,,UG,CATIA等)和I-DEAS和;(3)人的设计师,最重要的三个组成部分。





















毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系别:机械工程学院专业:机械设计制造及其自动化外文出处:Advanced Manufacturing Technology附件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。





















































Unit11.2Ferro‎u s Metals‎ and Alloys‎By virtue‎of their wide range of mechan‎i c al, physic‎al, and chemic‎al proper‎ties, ferrou‎s metals‎and alloys‎are among the most useful‎ o f all metals‎. Ferrou‎s metals‎and alloys‎contai‎n iron as their base metal: the genera‎l catego‎ri es are cast irons, carbon‎and alloy steels‎, stainl‎e ss steels‎, tool and die steels‎.1.2黑色金属及‎其合金:由于它们的一‎系列广泛的机‎械物理和化学‎的特征,黑色金属及其‎合金是所有金‎属中最有用的‎铁是黑色金属‎及其合金中的‎基本元素主要‎种类有铸铁,碳钢,合金钢,不锈钢,工具钢和磨具‎钢The term cast iron refers‎to a family‎of ferrou‎s alloys‎ compos‎e d of iron, carbon‎(rangi n‎g from 2.11% to about 4.5%),and silico‎n(up to about 3.5%).Cast irons are usuall‎y classi‎fi ed as follow‎s:1.Gray cast iron,or gray iron;2.Ductil‎e cast iron, nodula‎r cast iron, or spheri‎cal graphi‎t e cast iron;3.White cast iron;4.Mallea‎bl e iron;pac‎t ed graphi‎t e iron。



先进制造的英文作文带翻译Advanced Manufacturing。

Advanced manufacturing refers to the use of cutting-edge technology, innovative processes, and sophisticated materials to produce goods more efficiently and effectively than traditional manufacturing methods. This approach encompasses a wide range of industries, from automotive and aerospace to electronics and pharmaceuticals. In today's rapidly evolving global economy, advanced manufacturing plays a crucial role in driving innovation, increasing productivity, and maintaining competitiveness.One key aspect of advanced manufacturing is the integration of automation and robotics into production processes. By employing automated systems, manufacturers can streamline operations, reduce labor costs, and improve product quality and consistency. Robotics, in particular, enables precise and repetitive tasks to be performed with unmatched accuracy and speed, leading to higher throughputand lower error rates.Furthermore, advanced manufacturing techniques often involve additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing. This revolutionary technology enables the creation of complex components and structures layer by layer, using a variety of materials ranging from plastics to metals. Additive manufacturing offers significant advantages over traditional subtractive methods, such as CNC machining, including reduced material waste, faster prototyping, and greater design flexibility.Another key enabler of advanced manufacturing is the Internet of Things (IoT), which refers to the network of interconnected devices and sensors that collect and exchange data in real-time. By harnessing the power of IoT, manufacturers can monitor equipment performance, optimize production processes, and predict maintenance needs, thereby minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.Moreover, advanced manufacturing relies heavily on advanced materials with unique properties andcharacteristics. These materials, such as carbon fiber composites and high-strength alloys, offer superiorstrength-to-weight ratios, corrosion resistance, andthermal conductivity, making them ideal for demanding applications in aerospace, defense, and beyond.In addition to technological advancements, advanced manufacturing also requires a skilled workforce capable of operating and maintaining complex machinery, analyzing data, and implementing continuous improvement initiatives. As such, education and training programs play a vital role in preparing the next generation of manufacturingprofessionals for the challenges and opportunities of the future.In conclusion, advanced manufacturing represents a paradigm shift in the way goods are produced, leveraging technology, innovation, and talent to drive efficiency, quality, and competitiveness. By embracing advanced manufacturing principles and practices, companies can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in today's dynamic and ever-changing marketplace.先进制造。

















2 ^ IM 和RZ值低3果酱并不少见。

















1.CIM 7.1历史发展术语计算机集成制造了1974哈林顿为他写的一本书关于搭售的岛屿的称号通过使用计算机自动化.它已经采取了许多年CIM的发展作为一个概念,但集成制造是不是新的.在事实上,整合是制造真正开始。








外文资料翻译附1、外文原文(复印件)Advanced Manufacturing Techndogylimitations on acceptable feed rates-determined by the ability of the cutting t∞l to withstandincreased cutting loads without fracture.Increasing radial cutting depths also could increase removal rates, although cutting depth is often determined by the amount of stock removal required. As in the case of increased feedrates, IOol life decreased with increased depth of cut. As expected t a tradeoff exists between t∞llife and removal rate.generated in every Inetal removal process: tangential There are three forforce, generated by the part rotation; radial force, generated by the resistance of the workpiecematerial to depth of cut; and, lastly, longitudinal force, generated by the feed rate applied. Theseforces are 30% to 80% greater than in “soft" machining processes. For example f when comparingpreheat-treated to heat-treated steel with a hardness of 62 HRC, the longitudinal force increasesfrom 30% to 50% ∙ Thetangential force increases 30% to 40% f and the radial force increases from 70% to 1CK)% ∙Therefore, the machine tool must be able to handle the increased cutting forces t especially in theradial direction.Cutting c∞lant can influence the generation of white layer. Because white layer is thought to occur as the result of a phase transformation on the surface, cutting c∞1ant might helpeliminate thermal damage by keeping the workpiece surface c∞L So<ne reports say cuttingc∞lant eliminates white layer, but other studies show c∞!ant having no effect. T∞l condition isalso believed to be an important factor, with new t∞ls producing undamaged surfaces, whilewhite layer increases with increasing t∞l wear.If hard turning is to replace finish grinding operations, it must be capable of ProdUCing surface finishes comparable to those generated by grinding. Unlike grinding, where surface finishis deteπnined by the size, shape, hardness> and distribution of abrasive grains in the grindin gwheel, hard-turned surfaces are nominally defined by the geometry of the cutting process,primarily by the cutting t∞Γs feed rate and nose radius.For grinding cylindrical applications, both the wheel and the woriφiece must rotate.Moreover, the wheel rotates rapidly while the workpiece rotates slowly. If the rotating membersare imperfectly concentric, the combination of imperfections and ∏)lational speed differentialproduces lobing. A geometric OUl-Of-round pattern on the workpiece is produced t which canaffect the end-product performance. With hard turning t on the other hand l either the workpieceor cutting t∞l is rotated, not both.Z7∏5Therefbre, the machined surface will be as accurate as the machine tool spindle and the longitu dinal direction Ot the machine t∞l relative to the center line of the machine.Another disadvantage with grinding is the generation of tremendous surface heat at the point of contact between the grinding wheel and the workpiece. Even when flood cwlant is properly applied, workpiece surface stress risers and heat checks can occur, which can lead to premature failure of the ground part in service. With hard turning, less heat is generated t and if properly applied, the heat that is generated will be carried away with the brittle material removed. Thus, the finished parts are produced without stress risers or heat checks.Another major advantage of HFM is that conventional turning machines can be used with workpieces as hard as 65 HRC using commercially available ceramic inserts. Savings occur in two areas, processing and capital investment. In processing, the machining t setup, and t∞l changing time are significantly reduced. Grinding wheel changing, on the other hand, is time-consuming. Guards must be removed, along with the spindle locking nuts, the worn wheel must be changed, and the new wheel balanced and dressed. Wheel changing can take as much as IOO times longer than changing ceramic inserts, which require only simple indexing or replacement in the holder.Equipment also is less expensive. A turning machine costs significantly less than a production grinder to do comparable work. As already mentioned, setup is easier and quicker. Turning machines also are simpler in ∞nstruction-there are no reciprocating slides to wear, maintain, or replace-for easier maintenance. However, the strength and rigidity of every component in the machine must be adequate to handle the additional cutting forces.3.7.2 Hard MillingOne machining advancement that has taken hold over the past few years is hard milling. Typically mold and die makers perform hard milling to cut P∙20, H-13 and other tool steels.These materials range in hardness from 45 to 64 HRC and are traditiona]ly electrical discharge machined. But new technologies make hard milling a viable alternative. Successful hard milling requires several components to ∞me together一the machine tool, t∞lholders f cutting IoolSg CAD/CAM system and pr how.S u know-… -------------------- Advanced MamArturing Technology Ho VV —1> Machine FactorsThe machine t∞l is the most significant component. The m aspect of the machine tool is that it must be designed for hard milling and have the samecharacteristics found in a high-speed machining center. The machine t s base ∞nstιυction andindividual components, such as the drive train, spindle and CNC, must be capable of handling thedemands of hard milling.The base ∞nstruction must be extremely rigid and have a high degree of damping abilities.These characteristics are found in machine tools with bases ∞nstructed from polymer concrete.These machines typically have six to 10 times the damping characteristics of machines with castiron bases. Additionally, polymer ∞ncrete has excellent mechanical and theππal characteristics.The machine t∞Γs drive train should in∞rporate digital drive technology for optimalacceleration and de celeration. This technology allows the CNC to perfbπn a high degree ofcontouring accuracy and gives it excellent dynamics capabilities.One of the most overlooked components is the spindle. The spindle must be able to providea great deal of flexibility, offering high torque at low spindle speeds and maximum power for alarge range of spindle speeds. An ideal spindle t s speed ranges from 100 rpm to 20f 000 rpm orhigher, depending on the application. Hybridceramic bearings in the construction of the spindle increase spindle Stiffil andtemperature stability. Figure 3.14 shows a 5-axis milling machine designed forhard milling, which has a similar requirements as high-speed machining.Figure 3.14 Mikron 1S HSM 5-axis machine.fundamental,accuracyOne of the main ∞ntributors to successful hard milling is the cutting tool. Fbr roughing hardened materials9 end mills with four or more flutes arc recommended. These provide small chip loads while having the capability to cut at higher feed rates.The cutting took should be short with short flute lengths and have a helix angle of approximately 300. A 30o helix has proven to be optimal for chip flow and dispersal of heat.The carbide substrate should also be ∞nsidered. Only caιbide t∞ls with fine or ultra-fine grain sizes9about 0.5μm to0.6 μm , should be used. These tools provide increased edge strength and reduce built-up edge.For milling larger hardened cavities and cores, cutting t∞ls with inserts should be considered. Carbide inserts are less expensive than solid-caΛide end-mills, and by indexing the insert, tool life can be extended. However, these t∞ls are typically not designed for high spindle speeds. There is also a significant safety risk if improperly handled.Hard milling puts a great amount of stress on the cutting tool from high heat and abrasive wear. To help overcome these stresses, coated cutting t∞Js must be used. Coatings offer a protective layer on the IoOI, substantially increasing t∞l life.Coating selection should be made based on individual properties. Titanium-based coatings, such as TiCN and TiAlN, are the most common for hard milling. The wear resistance, or its Iianlness l is the most important property of TiCN, while TiAlN resists heat and oxidation better. The t∞lmaker may further enhance its coatings by offering unique multilayer blends.Flood c∞lant is not commonly used in hard millin g. Hard milling often generates tremendous amount of heat, which is transferred into the chips and causes the c∞lant to vaporize as it hits the hot chips. The use of ∞olant can also create thermal instability with the cutting t∞l.Compressed air is used to help displace chips during cutting› Additionally, a ∞mbination of oil and mist is often selected. Oil helps reduce friction, thereby increasing tool life and improving surface finish. When using oil and mist, an extraction unit should be integrated into the machine t∞l to help remove the oil from the air.2.CAD/CAM AnalysisThe CAD/CAM system is another important component. CAD/CAM systems have gready advanced over the years, and now provide a variety of advanced featuresAdvanced Manufacturing TechncJogy118 ∖∖and capabilities. However t not all systems are created equal and there are still many (hat do not have the capabilities to create t∞l paths for hard nulling .Although no CAD/CAM system is designed exclusively for hard milling, many of the systems that offer HSMing capabilities have the same strategies for hard milling because the two are related. When hard milling t strategies that keep the cutting tool in motion should be used. This ensures the t∞l is ∞ntinuously cutting with a constant chip load, which is one of the more desirable conditions to maintain when hard milling.Before tool paths can be applied, a complete analysis of the part must be performed. Not all parts are suitable for hard milling. The specific areas to be machined should be clearly identified, determining the smallest internal radius and largest working depth. A tool with a 4:1 length-to-diameter ratio commonly does not pose any problems.Problems arise when the ratio grows. When ratios are excessive t hard milling experience plays an important role in deteπnining how successful one is. Hard milling with small diameter cutting tools are possible as long as care is taken to maintain a ∞nstant chip load and machine at minimal LXXs.If a CAD/CAM system does not have the t∞ls to verify or simulate the NC code directly, there are numerous software packages on the market that can.Finally, proper know-how is vital to successful hard milling. AD of the necessary components are of no use without knowledge of the processing procedures ∙ Successful hard milling is based on specific know-how, advanced knowledge HSMing t proper choice of cutting t∞ls and clamping systems, and using a HSM- capable CAD/CAM system.A clear understanding of all the components provides better awareness of what is needed to be successful at hard milling.3.Precision MachiningPrecision machining is any process using a cutting tool, whether turning, milling, or grinding, which forms a precise dimension, form, and finish of surface. The accuracy held must be 10 μm or less. Any operation resulting in less accuracy is generally ∞nsιdcred ∞nventional machining.Compared to standard machining of traditional materials (steel, Al) f successful precision machining of hard materials is more sensitive to parameters such as machine IoOl accuracy, stiffness, toolholder design t cutting t∞l material and geometιy,fixtυring, c∞)ant presentation, and machining technique.The properties that make hard materials attractive for commercial use also make them extremely difficult to machine to the tolerances required by advanced applications.Obtaining tighter tolerances on hard materials is a challenge that must be met if manufacturers are to achieve the improved performance; it f s also where the future of manufacturing lies.A major factor that influences the production of close-tolerance parts from hard materials is the machine tool itself and its parameters, including inherent repeatability, accuracy, stiffness, and the sm∞thness or uniformity of travel t spindle speed, thermal stability, machine protection f control capabilities, etc.Virtually any machine t∞l Can produce some close-tolerance parts if the feed rate is reduced and the cutting t∞I changed frequently. To SUCCeSSftIIIy produce precision components to meet market demands, however, the machining operation must be cost-effective, as well as accurate and repeatable.A key design factor in machine t∞ls is the rigidity or stiffness of the cutting t∞l to the workpiece. Obviously, components and subassemblies must also have high stiffness. Machine stiffness is a major contributing factor to overall machine accuracy and performance. Stiffness is measured by the deflection of an element of the machine when it's subjected to a load.Machine accuracy is another critical design parameter. To have the confidence to cut high-precision parts on a production basis, ifs necessary that the user know the 3-D accuracy of the machine t∞l.The same criteria apply to t∞lholders. They too must provide precision, rigidity f and repeatability to produce close-tolerance parts, and to do so they must be kinematically correct.Cutting tools are another element that ProdUCe a major effect on the production of precision parts from hard materials. Parameters to be considered are: material, design, fabrication t tolerance, cost, and availability.Tool life is an economic issue that must be considered when machining precision parts from hard materials. While it may perfoπn well, a tool that you must change after every IOO mm of cut length is nυ( an economical so lution to machining these materials. T∞l life depends UPon the materia] to be machined and the process.Workholding is another key element. Material considerations are important.2、外文资料翻译译文先进制造技术尽管裁断的深度是由材料去除率的总额决定的,增加径向的裁断深度同样能够增加磨损率。




































1.2 制造系统/Manufacturing System 制造系统是制造业的基本组成实体。
结构:是制造过程所涉及的硬件(物料、设备、工具、能 源等)、软件(制造理论、工艺、信息等)、人员所组 成的具有特定功能的有机整体。
功能:输入制造系统的资源(原材料、能源、信息、人 力...)通过制造过程输出产品
向全寿命周期设计发展 由单纯考虑技术因素转
向综合考虑技术、经济 和社会因素
5.2 先进制造技术的学科内容
精密加工:精度为3~ 0.3μm Ra0.3~0.03 μm
超精密加工:精度为0.3~ 0.03μm Ra0.3~0.005 μm
纳米加工:精度高于 0.03μm Ra小于0.3~
支撑 技术群
制造基础 设施环境
5.2 先进制造技术的学科内容
产品动态分析和设计 产品可靠性
可维护性及安全设计 产品优化设计 快速响应设计 创新设计 智能设计 仿真与虚拟设计 价值工程设计 模块化设计
有限元法 优化设计 计算机辅助设计 反求工程技术 CAD/CAM一体化技术 工程数据库
1) 上个世纪70年代,美国不重视制造业,把制造业称为“夕阳工业”,结 果导致美国80年代的经济衰退。
2) 80年代后期,美国的一些国会议员、政府要员纷纷要求政府出面, 协调和支持制造产业的发展,1991年,布什政府期间,美国白宫 科学技术政策办公室发表了总数为22项的美国国家关键技术,其 中制造技术占4项,标志着美国科技政策的转变。
来源: Bullinger
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RA值0.2 ^ IM和RZ值低3果酱并不少见。


























硬度值从46到63 HRC,高速铣削可取代昂贵的模具加工技术是通过选择合适的铣刀和选择合适的工艺参数。





”8.3.2 HSC的机器如果机床刀具工件系统的所有元素都是最佳匹配的高速加工是可能的。




进给驱动器中,机电伺服直线电机是显性的,但线性直接驱动,使更高的进给率(>100米/分钟)和加速度值5到10克(50-100米/ S2)仅处于实验阶段。

小型和中型的HSC的机器,机器的框架是由花岗岩,其阻尼性能比灰铸铁高6到10倍,其热膨胀系数仅为1 / 3到1 / 5的钢。





















赫姆勒C 500 V的工具和模具制造HS铣床HERMLE C 500(5图)是一个最小的机器,工具和模具制造(fig.8.6),它提供了最大的旅行必要的安装空间(表8.3)。



该机的特点是通过适当的运行,定位精确和稳定,短和术前定位,加快7米/ S2和快速进给速度可达35米/分钟值P126自动换刀在摄像模式下进行,和20个工具(HSK 63)存储在磁盘上(位置),从而使一个芯片5美国芯片的时间3。

运动的SKM 400的赫克特公司设计和推出市场的SKM 400,并联机构开拓应用(鼎)为盒状的轻金属和钢工件高度动态的加工,最大长度600毫米(fig.8.8)。





该机的特点是采用改进的遍历轴平均穿越100米/分钟和10米/ S2由于该组件的质量减少的速度穿越UPS速度动态参数。













允许转速、切削速度是在一个安全系数从 2 r/min确定故障离心试验中,一个可转位的夹紧螺钉断裂P129插入的W&amp;S轻快itaaun 吕UI V ^ ctivww W ^ II。




在HSC 机机床主轴安装轧机一般短圆锥空心轴实现并具有良好的运行和交换的准确性以及因夹紧力放大的离心力的作用下。




