

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture3 The Middle Ages

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture3 The Middle Ages

b) Church Fathers and Early Monasticism
St. Jerome
Augustine of Hippo
St. Benedict Benedictine Rule
c) the power and influence of the Catholic Church
under feudalism, people of western Europe were mainly divided into three classes: clergy, lords and peasants.
After a knight was successful in his trained and tournaments, there was always a special ceremony (选择) to award him with a title, knight. This special ceremony is called dubbing.
People pay taxes to churches.
nobles and Kings often gave lands, crops or cattle to support the church.
Many high church officals were themselves big landowners and influencial nobles.
knight trained for war by fighting each other in mock battles called tournaments.(模拟战场)
2. The Church After 1054, the church was divided into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.



欧洲文化入门1.What did the Roman have in common with the Greeks?And what was the chief difference between them?1)The Romans had a lot in common with the Greeks.Both peoples had traditions rooted in the idea of the citizen-assembly,hostile to monarchy and to servility.Their religions were alike enough for most of their deities to be readily identified—Greek Zeus with Roman Jupiter,Greek Aphrodite with Roman Venus,and so on—and their myths to be fused. Their languages worked in similar ways and were ultimately related, both being members of the Indo-European language family which stretches from Bangladesh to Iceland.(2)There was one big difference.The Romans built up a vast empire. The Greeks didn’t,excepted for the brief moment of Alexander’s conquests,which soon disintegrated.1.What was the Hebrew’s major contribution to world civilization?The history of the Hebrews was handed down orally from one generation to another in the form of folktales and stories,which were recorded later in the Old Testament,which still later became the first part of the Christian Bible.The Hebrews’major contribution to world civizalation wan Judasam.2.Why do we say Judaism and Christianity are closely related?⑴it was the Jewish tradition which gave birth to Christianity;⑵both originated in Palestine.1.What happened in Western Europe after the decline of the RomanEmpire?After the Roman Empire lost its predominance,a great manyGermanic Kingdoms began to grow into the nations know as England,France, Italy,and Germany in its place.These nations of Western Europe were in the scene of frequent wars and invasions.The political unity had given way to widespread destruction and confusion.Hunger and disease killed many lives and village fell into ruin and great areas of land lay waste.There was no central government to keep the order.The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church. Christianity was almost the all and the one of Medieval lives in western Europe and took lead in politics,law,art,and learning for hundreds years.2.What were the cultural characteristics of the period from500to1000?Above all,the cultural characters of this period were the heritage and achievement of Roman culture and the emergence of Hebrew and Gothic culture.1.What made Italy the birthplace of the Renaissance?Because of its geographical position,foreign trade developed early in Italy.This brought Italy into contact with other cultures and gave rise to urban economy and helped Italy accumulate wealth which was anessential factor for the flowering of art and literature.For two centuries beginning from the late15th century,Florence was the golden city which gave birth to a whole generation of poets,scholars, artists and sculptors.There was in Florence a revival of interest in classical learning and rising of humanist ideas.And to spread the new ideas,libraries and academies were founded.In the15th century printing was invented and helped to spread humanist ideas.2.What are the main elements of humanism?How are these elementsreflected in art and literature during the Italian Renaissance? Humanist is the essence of Renaissance.Humanists in renaissance believed that human beings had rights to pursue wealth and pleasure and they admires the beauty of human body.This belief ran counter to the medieval ascetical idea of poverty and stoicism,and shifted man’s interest from Christianity to humanity,from religion to philosophy,from heaven to earth,from the beauty of God to the beauty of human in all its joy,senses and feeling.The philosophy of humanism is reflected in the art and literature during the Italian Renaissance in the literature works of Boccaccio and Petrarch and in the art of Giotto,Brunelleschi,Donatello,Giorgione,daVinci,Michelangelo,Raphael,and Titian,etc.In their works they did not stress death and other world but call on man to live and work for the present.DIVISION ONE1.战争双方:1200B.C Greece(希腊)and Troy(特洛伊)The5th centry B.C colsed with civil war between Athens(雅典)and Sparta in Greece(希腊).146B.C.the Romans conquered Greece。

英语专业 欧洲文化入门 chapter 5 名词解释 英文版

英语专业 欧洲文化入门 chapter 5 名词解释 英文版

Renaissance 文艺复兴:The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, which encompassed innovative flowering of Latin and vernacular literatures.Constantinople君士坦丁堡:Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantium, which was founded on the site of the ancient city of Byzantium.Lombard 伦巴族人:The term Lombard refers to members of or things related, directly or indirectly, to Lombardy, a region in northern Italy.Justinian Code《查士丁尼法典》:Justinian Code was a coherent body of law that was codified by all Roman laws and it was the preservation and systematization of a large number of existing Roman laws.Iconoclasm 反圣像运动:The Iconoclasm controversy concerned the use of icons as aids to worship. In 726, Emperor Leo Ⅲlaunched it to destroy and forbid icons.Sassanid 桑萨王朝: Sassanid was one of the two major powers divided by west Asua.Zoroastrianism 波斯拜火教: Zoroastrianism is an ancient Iranianreligion and a religious philosophy. It arose in the eastern region of the ancient Persian Empire, and it was the state religion of the Sassanid.Kaaba: K aaba is a sacred black meteorite. Arabs called it “the black stone that fell from the heaven in the days of Adam” and considered it the holiest shrine in the Arabia.Allah: Allah is the supreme deity of Arabs, and he is the creator and the giver of rain, the Arabic word for the only God in Islam.Medina 麦地那:“the city of prophet”Hegira: the migration of Muhammad and his followers to the city of Medina in 622 CEQur’an《古兰经》:the holy book of Islam. The word Qur’an means recitation, which Muslims believe to be the revelation from Allah.Ramadan 斋月: Muslims worldwide observe this as a month of fasting. This annual observance is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam.Islamic Golden Age: an age of discovery and exploration for Arab traders and explorers from the mid-8th to the mid-13thFatalistic belief(宿命化信仰): believe that nothing would happen unlessthe God actively willed itKnowledge of Truth: it is not just knowledge, rather, it is "epi - gnosis"(from the Internet and can not find a exact definition)Arab numeral system(阿拉伯数字体系): a system that log with Latin numberArabian Nights(一千零一夜): also called The Book of One Thousands and One Nights, mostly a compilation of earlier folk tales.Feudalism(封建制度): the social system that developed in Europe in the 8th century; vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war Charlemagne(查理曼大帝): (also called Charles the Great) the greatest Frankish king who established the vast Carolingian EmpireCarolus Magnus: the Latin version of Charlemagne’s nameVassal(封臣): a person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lordCounty(郡): distinct similar to the Roman ProvinceCount(伯爵): the administrator, judge and military leader of the county Clergy(什一税): 10% income taxDark Ages: the two centuries after Carolingian Empire collapsed which Western Europe being attached by non-Christian invadersTribute(贡金):money that forced to pay to the invaders after being occupiedNormandy(诺曼底): (also called “land of Norse”) the part of the northern Frankish coastal region which under Norseman’s control in 911 Vassalage(采邑制,封臣制): the relationship between a vassal and his lordCrusader(十字军):a warrior who engages in a holy warTreaty of Verdun(凡尔登条约): a treaty that divided the Carolingian Empire into three parts in 843, signed by Louis the PiousTreaty of Meerssen(莫尔森条约): a treaty signed in 870 that ended the civil war between the East Franks and the West Franks。



European Culture: An Introduction Introductiones of the Subject2.Two Major Elements in European CultureEuropen culture is made of many elements, which has gone through changes over the centuries. Two of these elements are considered to be more enduring and they are: the Greco-Roman element, and the Judeo-Christian element.DIVISION 1 GREEK CULTURE AND ROMAN CULTUREI. Greek CultureGreek CultureTimeline of Ancient GreeceAncient Greece--- no fixed dates for the beginning or the end of the period. In common usage it refers to all Greek history before the Roman Empire.Its history is usually divided into several periods, among which we introduce three of them.1600 BC to about 1100 BC History of Mycenaean GreeceThis period is known for the reign of King Agamemnon, and the wars against Troy. Around 1200 B.C., Trojan WarIn Greek legend, famous war waged by the Greeks against the city of Troy. Ending in the destruction of Troy. This is the war Homer refers to in his epics. It is the historical setting of the epics of Homer and much other Greek mythology.1100 BC to the 8th century BC “Greek Dark Ages"The word ―dark‖ here refers to the period of Greek prehistory. No primary texts, and only scant archaeological evidence, survive. During this time the culture of Greece dwindled. The great trading empire which had begun with the Minoans (弥诺斯人) and was inherited by the Mycenaean's, was destroyed in the Dark Ages.8th century BC to 323 BCGreek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century BC. marked by successful repulse 击退of Persian invasion, establishment of democracy and flourishing of science, philosophy, literature, art and historical writing in Athens.The century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta. (雅典-斯巴达)In the second half of the 4th century BC, all Greece was brought under the rule of Alexander, King of Macedon.马其顿his armies went out to conquer large areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa. In 146B.C. the Romans conquered Greece. By that time Greek culture had firmly established itself in much of eastern wand western Europe and north africa.This period ended with his death in 323 BC.Social and political structureAthens was a democracy. Democracy means“exercise of power by the whole people‖, but by“the whole people‖ the Greeks meant only the adult male citizens, and citizenship was a set of rights whichi a man inherited from his father. Women, children, foreigners and slaves were excluded. They had no rights.The economy of Athens rested on immense amount of slave labour. There was harsh exploitation in Greek society.The Greek love sports. Once every 4 years, they had a big festival on Olympic Mount, thus began the Olympic Games. Revived in 1896, the Games have become the world‘s foremost amateur sports competition.Homer and his EpicsAncient Greeks considered Homer to be the author of their epics. Lived around 700 B.C.. First recorder of former oral, epic poems served to entertain the ancient Greeksauthor of The Iliad and The OdysseyThe two major epics of ancient Greece, a major part of ancient history, especially that of Ancient Greece, thought by some to have been the backbone of an ancient Greek youth's education.The Iliad is set in the final year of the Trojan war. The odyssey describes the return of the Greek hero Odysseus(Ulysses) from the Trojan war. They both not events about Homer‘s own time, but remoter about 1200-1100B.C..The IliadDeals with the alliance of the states of the southern mainland of Greece, Led by Agamemnon in their war against the city of Troy. The heroes are Hector on the Trojan side and Achilles Odysseus on the Greek. In the final battle, Hector was killed by Achilles and Troy was sacked and burned by the Greeks.The OdysseyDeals with the return of Odysseus after the Trojan war to his homeland of Ithaca.The epic tells of Odysseus's ten years of traveling.The second half of the poem: Odysseus's arrival at his home island of Ithaca.Penelope, the wife of Odysseus, is serious and industrious, a perfect wife and mother in many aspects. Exercising infinite patience and self-control, Odysseus tests the loyalty of his servants; plots and carries out a bloody revenge on Penelope's suitors; and is reunited with his son, his wife, and his aged father.Lyric PoetryOf the many lyric poets of the time,two are still admired by the readers today: Sappho and Pindar Sappho (612-580B.C.), woman poet of Lesbos, is noted for her love poems of passionate intensity, some of which are addressed to women. She was considered the most important lyric poet of ancient Greece. In the 10th century the Christian church burned her works. Only fragments remain.Pindar (518-438B.C.) is best known for his odes颂celebrating the victories at the athletic games, s uch as the 14 Olympian odes. These were chanted by a chorus in a procession, and marked by an elevated tone and stiring sound effects. His imitators as the 17th poet John Dryden. DramaGreeks performed plays at religious festivals. A powerful drama developed in th e 5th century B.C. Performances were given in open-air theatres, with the audience sitting on stone benches and looking down at the stage from three sides.a.Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.)---noted for his vivid character portrayal and majestic poetry. Prometheus Bound-(composed almost entirely of speeches; identified Zeus as a tyrant(暴君)and criminal.), Persions, Agamemnon . in these plays there are only two actors and a chorus. There is no escape but death. Plays written in verse.b.Sophocles (496-406 B.C.)--- has had a strong impact on European literature, contributed greatly to tragic art. He added a third actor and decreased the size of the chorus.Oedipus the King(-had a perfect plot ,with the fulfilled the oracle“killed his father and married his mother‖―the Oedipus complex‖ Austrian psychiatrist Freud‘s term.)Antigone is what happened to the this girl ,daughter of the Oedipus and Jocasta.Euripides (484-406)---more of a realist, concerned with conflicts, may be called the first writer of ―problem plays, ―the most tragic of the poets‖, ―Euripides the human‖.Comedy also flourished in the 5th century B.C., with its best writer Aristophanes(450-380B.C.),who has left 11 plays, including: Frogs, Clouds, Wasps, and Birds. Loose in plot and satirical in tone, clever parody诙谐的模仿and acute criticism. They treat of contemporary events and contain direct attacks on well-known people of the day as Socrates in Clouds and Euripides in Frogs. Coarse粗糙粗俗language is a striking feature of Aristophanes. Swift says of him: As for comic Aristophanes, The dog too witty and too profane 亵渎异教世俗is。



Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646(1646-1716)
Leibniz was a German philosopher, scientist, mathematician, historian and diplomat. He opposed the Cartesian account of matter. He believed that the world was made of simple, active, unconcerned and unextended substances, each from its point of view reflecting the whole universe, and all coordinated in prepreestablished harmony. He and Newton invented independently the Differential and integral calculus.
Two Merits Shared by the Great Scientists of the 17th Century First, they showed boldness in framing hypotheses. Second, they all had immense patience in observation. The combination of the two merits brought about fundamental changes in man’s scientific and philosophical thinking. thinking.
Philosophy, Politics and Literature in England



3、The differences points between Renaissance and Enlightenment:
1. The period of time Renaissance is from 14centry to 16cenry, and Enlightenment is from 17centry to 18cenry. 2. The background Renaissance: budding capitalist relations of production, the formation of the emerging bourgeoisie and the feudal church theology is ruling people
Enlightenment: capitalist economy developing and handicraft workshops growing fast, bourgeoisie getting stronger and reforms of feudal monarchy in Europe to

5. Methods Renaissance: with the ancient Greek and Roman culture, under the cloak of religion Enlightenment: atheism is proposed, out of religious bondage and taking up the gauntlet to the religious theology
The Enlightenment
Enlightenment is a cultural and thought movement took place in Europe in a very large scale in 18th century. To a great extent, Enlightenment was the product of social progress and the advancement of science and technology. By the time of 18th century, the human beings had a better understanding of the nature, and a lot of great scientific discoveries had been made. Since the Renaissance, the man had an unprecedented certainty and confidence about himself and the nature. Man was believed to be powerful, just as Rene Descartes says, “I think therefore I am.” Man was thought as powerful is because he has the “REASON”. As a historical category, the term "Enlightenment" refers to a series of changes in European thought and letters. It is one of the few historical categories that was coined by the people who lived through the era (most historical categories, such as "Renaissance," "early modern," "Reformation," "Tokugawa Enlightenment," etc., are made up by historians after the fact). When the writers, philosophers and scientists of the eighteenth century referred to their activities as the "Enlightenment," they meant that they were breaking from the past and replacing the obscurity, darkness, and ignorance of European thought with the "light" of truth. However, it is hard to determine the beginning to the Enlightenment, just as we can’t really identify an end point either.

欧洲文化入门 ( 三 )

欧洲文化入门 ( 三 )
All the above rules were known as code of chivalry.
2. The church
Center of daily life place of worship place for recreation center of trade center of community activity
Age of Faith
In the late Middle Ages, almost
everyone in western Europe was a
Christian and a member of the Christian
Church. Christianity took the lead in
The Middle Ages
I. General Introduction
1. The Middle Ages
a. Time division: in European history, the thousand-year period following the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century is called the Middle Ages.
Greatly influenced the history of Europe
Feudal lords out, kings at home strengthen themselves→help to break down feudalism→ rise of the monarchies.
Many ideas changed ‘cause of the more cultured Byzantines and Moslems



Author of Leviathan (利维坦) One of the most celebrated political treatises in European Literature. During the England revolution ,thinking his safety was menaced.
London: Wrote
Thomas Hobbes 托马斯.霍布斯 (1588-1679)
Royalist convictions (保皇主义者)
pairs: Came out in in 1651
He took refuge to France.
Hobbes’s Materialist views
• And the sovereign is not a party himself to the social contract.
• The subjects of the sovereign cannot either change the form of government or repudiate(拒绝) the authority of the sovereign. • Rebellion is wrong, which will lead men back to the natural state of war.
The laws of nature(自然法则)
• Because the condition of man is a condition of war of every man against every man, it’s obviously in man’s interest to emerge from this natural state of war. • The possibility of doing so is provided by nature itself.



历史性:欧洲文 化具有悠久的历 史,从古希腊、 罗马到中世纪、 文艺复兴等时期 都有丰富的文化 遗产
创新性:欧洲文 化具有创新性, 如文艺复兴、启 蒙运动等时期都 推动了人类文明 的进步
影响力:欧洲文 化对全球产生了 深远的影响,如 科学、哲学、艺 术、文学等领域 都产生了重要的 影响
古希腊哲学:苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多 德
欧洲历史:从古希腊罗马到中世纪, 再到文艺复兴和启蒙运动,欧洲历 史经历了多次变革和进步
东正教:基督教的另一个分支, 强调教会的独立性和传统
新教:基督教的另一个分支, 强调个人信仰和圣经的权威
天主教:基督教的一个分支, 强调教会的权威和传统
仪式:洗礼、婚礼、葬礼等, 都是欧洲宗教的重要仪式
基督教:欧洲最主要的宗教, 信仰上帝和耶稣基督
节日:圣诞节、复活节、万圣 节等,都是欧洲宗教的重要节
罗马斗兽场:意大利罗马的古 代建筑,可以了解古罗马的历 史和文化
卢浮宫:法国巴黎的著名博物 馆,收藏了大量的艺术品和历 史文物
埃菲尔铁塔:法国巴黎的标志 性建筑,可以俯瞰整个巴黎市 区
威尼斯水城:意大利威尼斯的 水上城市,可以体验独特的水
巴塞罗那高迪建筑:西班牙巴 塞罗那的建筑,可以欣赏到高
欧洲艺术和音乐在欧洲历史上扮演了重要的角色,如文艺复兴时期、巴洛克时期、古典主义时期等,这些时期的 艺术和音乐对欧洲文化的发展产生了重要的影响。

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture4 Renaissance and Reformation

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture4 Renaissance and Reformation



ii)Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519): known as a painter but his out put was actually relatively small and included ‘The Last Supper’ and ‘The Mona Lisa’. He was also an inventor who even designed potential flying machines
The Rise of Humanism

i) Due to the increase in wealth caused by increased trade there was a new moneyed class with a new philosophy. Intellectuals who used to help train priests and spread Christianity focused their energy on providing these people with a philosophy. ii) Shakespeare accurately sums up humanist philosophy when he says in Hamlet:

The Reformation was a 16th century religious movement as well as (同时) a socio-political (社会政治) movement. It began as Martin Luther posted on the door of the castle church at the University of Wittenberg (机智) his 95 thesis 。 This movement which swept over the whole of Europe was aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible. The reformists (改革者) engaged (使用) themselves in translating the Bible into their mother tongues. 宗教改革的实质是:反对罗



3、Olympus mount, Revived in 1896(当代奥运会)
4、Ancient Greece(古希腊)‘s epics was created by Homer.
5、They events of Homer‘s own time. (错)
(They are not about events of Homer‘s own time, probably in the period 1200-1100 B.C.)
28、The land area of Roman empire reached its climax in 2 to 3 century.
29、north: Scotland east: Armenia and Mesopotamia
30、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed(保证) by the Roman legions(罗马军团)
※ “The greatest historian that ever lived.” (有史以来最伟大的历史学家) —→ Thucydides —→ war (Sparta, Athens and Syracuse)
14、The Greek historical writing writes mainly about wars.
38、Virgil Aeneid 阿尼德
39、The pantheon was built in 27 B.C.
The world‘s first vast interior space.世界上第一所最大的室内场所

欧洲文化入门(The Middle Ages )

欧洲文化入门(The Middle Ages )
During the Medieval times there was no central government to keep the order. The only organization that seemed to unite Europe was the Christian church.
politics, law, art, and learning for hundreds
of years. It shaped people’s lives. That is
why the Middle Ages is also called the
“Age of Faith”.
II. Manor(庄园) and Church
1. Feudalism: a system of land-holding, a
word derived from Latin “feudum”, a grant of land:封建土地所有制
a. Growth of Feudalism b. The Manor
C. Knighthood & Code of Chivalry
Serf :农奴 Fiefs:封地(采邑) Vassals:诸侯(封臣)
Code of Chivalry骑士的信条
A. be pledged to protect the weak
B. fight for the church C. be loyal to his lord D. respect women of noble birth
3. The Crusades (十字军东征)

The Effect
Important effect on the future both the East and West.

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture 1 Greek Culture and Roman Culture

欧洲文化入门Europe Culture 1 Greek Culture and Roman Culture

最後,奧德賽得神助,乘坐一艘在一夜之間可到達世界 各地的奇異船,在睡眠中回到故鄉伊他開。在那裡, 奧 德賽得到雅典娜女神的鼓勵,還有兒子和兩位忠實部下的 協助,並得知其妻對其的忠貞,從武器倉庫裡取出古時候 留傳下來的大弓箭,將那些惡劣的求婚者一一射殺。貝尼 蘿蓓亞以為奧德賽在特洛伊陣亡,見丈夫平安歸來驚喜萬 分,一家人終於團圓。
Athens was a democracy
Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”.
Athens was a democracy
Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”.
Athens was a democracy
Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”.
Greeks loved sports
Olympus Mountain---Olympic Games Modern Olympic Games revived in 1896 顾拜旦 (法国)
此時霍克得雖然擔心自己死後國家和妻子的命運,但為了名譽, 單獨出城和阿奇里斯決一死戰。最後,阿奇里斯有雅典娜女神 的幫忙,將霍克得殺死,達到報仇的心願。阿奇里斯並將霍克 得的屍體縛在戰車上拖著走。特洛伊的老王普利亞摩斯,為了 要回兒子的遺體,親自訪問阿奇里斯的營地,於是兩人共嘆命 運的悲哀。老王將兒子的遺體運回充滿悲傷的特洛伊城舉行葬 禮。
希臘方面為了奪回海倫,公元前1194年,亞該亞希臘人組織 一千艘的船對進攻特洛伊,以斯巴達王的長兄邁 錫尼王亞格門 能 (亞金面羅王) 為統帥。經過十年悠久歲月,仍然不能攻下 特洛伊城。「伊里亞德」就是歌 詠這十年當中最後數十天所發 生的事。


◦ Greco-Roman element ◦ Judeo-Christian element
Division 1
Greek Culture &
Roman Culture
Greek Culture
◦ The Historical Context
1200 B.C.
War between Greece and Troy
Tragedy/ Characteristics Comedy
Noted for
Prometheus Bound,
(525-456 B.C.) Persians,
Sophocபைடு நூலகம்es
Oedipus the King,
(496-406 B.C.) Electra, Antigone
Tragedy Tragedy
Andromache, Medea, Tragedy
(484-406 B.C.) Trojan Women
Only two actors and a chorus; Written in verse
Vivid character portrayal and majestic poetry
5th century B.C. Greek culture reached a high point ---Failure of Persian invasion ---Establishment of democracy and flourishing of S.P.L.A.& HW Civil war between Athens and Sparta



1.?What?did?the?Roman?have?in?common?with?the?Greeks??And?what?was?the?c hief?difference?between?them??(1)The?Romans?had?a?lot?in?common?with?the?Greeks.?Both?peoples?had?traditio ns?rooted?in?the?idea?of?the?citizen-assembly,?hostile?to?monarchy?and?to?servilit y.?Their?religions?were?alike?enough?for?most?of?their?deities?to?be?readily?identi fied?—Greek?Zeus?with?Roman?Jupiter,?Greek?Aphrodite?with?Roman?Venus,?an d?so?on—and?their?myths?to?be?fused.?Their?languages?worked?in?similar?ways? and?were?ultimately?related,?both?being?members?of?the?Indo-European?language ?family?which?stretches?from?Bangladesh?to?Iceland.?(2)?There?was?one?big?difference.?The?Romans?built?up?a?vast?empire.?The?Gree ks?didn’t,?excepted?for?the?brief?moment?of?Alexander’s?conquests,?which?soon? disintegrated.2.?Why?do?we?say?Judaism?and?Christianity?are?closely?related??Judaism?and?Christianity?are?closely?related:?(1) It?was?the?Jewish?tradition?which?gave?birth?to?Christianity;?(2)Both?originated?in?Palestine--the?hub?of?migration?and?trade?route,?which?led? to? exchange?ideas?over?wide?areas.5.?Into?what?three?groups?were?people?divided?under?feudalism??Under?feudalism,?people?of?their?Western?Europe?were?mainly?divided?into?three ?classes:?clergy,?lords,?and?peasants.2.?What?are?the?main?elements?of?humanism??How?are?these?elements?refl ected?in?art?and?literature?during?the?Italian?Renaissance??Humanist?is?the?essence?of?Renaissance.?Humanists?in?renaissance?believed?that? human?beings?had?rights?to?pursue?wealth?and?pleasure?and?they?admires?the?be auty?of?human?body.?This?belief?ran?counter?to?the?medieval?ascetical?idea?of?poverty?a nd?stoicism,?and?shifted?man’s?interest?from?Christianity?to?humanity,?from?religion? to ?philosophy,?from?heaven?to?earth,?from?the?beauty?of?God?to?the?beauty?of ?human?in? all?its?joy,?senses?and?feeling.?The?philosophy?of?humanism?is?reflected?in?the?art?and?literature?during?the?Itali an?Renaissance?in?the?literature?works?of?Boccaccio?and?Petrarch?and?in?the?art? of?Giotto,?Brunelleschi,?Donatello,?Giorgione,?da?Vinci,?Michelangelo,?Raphael,?and?Titian,? etc.?In?their?works?they?did?not?stress?death?and?other?world?but?call?on?man?to ?live?and?work?for?the?present.6.?What?are?the?doctrines?of?Martin?Luther??What?was?the?significance?of?the?re formation?in?European?civilization??In?Reformation?began?in?1517,?Martin?Luther?put?forth?the?following?doctrines:?⑴He?rejected?the?absolute?authority?of?the?Roman?Catholic?church?and?replace?i t?with?absolute?of?the?Bible.?People?can?communicate?with?God?directly?instead? of?through? the?church;?⑵He?opposed?the?purchase?of?indulgences?and?called?for?institutional?reform?of? the? church;?⑶advocated?translating?the?whole?Bible?into?vernaculars?and?made?the?Bible?acc essible? to?every?man;?⑷He?preached?love?and?ideals?of?equality,?and?he?was?a?fighter?for?democracy? and?nationalism,?a?humanist?who?helped?to?build?a?competent?educational?system ?in?Germany.The Reformation was significant in the European civilization. Before Reformation, E urope was essentially feudal and medieval. In all aspects of politics, economy and spir it, it was under the absolute rule of the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire. But after the Reformation things were different. In educational and cultural m atters, the monopoly of the church was broken. In religion, Protestantism brought into being different forms of Christianity to challenge the absolute rule of the Roman Cath olic Church. In language, the dominant position of Latin had to give way to the nation al languages as a result of various translations of Bible into vernacular. In spirit, absol ute obedience became out--mode and the spirit of quest, debate, was ushered in by the reformists. In word, after the reformation Europe was to take a new course of develop ment, a scientific revolutionwas to be under way and capitalism was to set in with its dynamic economic principle s.4. Why do we say that Bacon was a founder of modern philosophy? Bacon was regard ed as the founder of modern philosophy:The whole basis of his philosophy was practical. He held the philosophy should be ke pt separate from theology instead of being blended with it as the Scholasticism; Bacon maintained that it was crucial to supply mankind with a scientific method of in quiry into nature. He rejected the traditional deductive method and founded modern in ductive method;To expert any great advancement in science, bacon held that we must begin anew. The fresh start required the mind to overcome all the preconceptions, all prejudices, all theassumption, to sweep away all the fallacies and false beliefs, in a word, to break with t he past, and to restore man to his lost mastery of the natural world. This was what Bacon called the Great Instauration.8. What is Descartes’ method of Cartesian doubt? What is its significance? Descartes employed methodic doubt with a view to discovering whether there was an indubitable truth. And he expressed this truth in this famous motto: ―I doubt, therefor e I think: I think, therefore I am.‖ This Cartesian doubt is the most important point in h is philosophy. According to Descartes, I think therefore I am‖ makes mind more cer tain than matter. He believed that is thinking is one that doubts, understands, conceive s, affirms, denies, wills, imagines, and feels. Doubting is thinking, thinking is the esse nce of mind. So he concluded that knowledge of things that we conceive very clearly and distinctly are true, and that knowledge of things must be by the mind. As to the se nses, he believed that they are not dependable.2. Why the Enlightenment is also called “the Age of Reason”?The Enlightenment characterizes the efforts by certain European writers to use criticalreason to free minds from prejudice, unexamined authority and oppression by Church or State. Therefore it is called the Age of Reason.7. In which book did Montesquieu discuss the separation of powers? Discuss its core (main) ideas and significance. (谈谈其当时的意义以及对美国立法的影响。

欧洲文化入门 自考英语本科

欧洲文化入门  自考英语本科

Division2 THE BIBLE AND CHRISTIANITY1 General Introduction1.Among all the religions, Christianity is by far the most influential in the West. Everyman’s life is touched by this religion, so much so that it has become a part and parcel of Western culture.2.Q: Why do we say Judaism and Christianity are closely related?It was Judaism which gave birth to Christianity. They both originated in Palestine—the hub of migration and trade routes, which led to exchange ideas over wide areas.3.The Hebrews—Some 3800 years ago the ancestors of the Jews, the Hebrews,wandered through the deserts of the Middle East. They were travelling merchants, moving from one trading post to the next. That was how they to be called ‘Hebrews’, which means wanderers.4.The Hebrew history was handed down orally from one generation to another in theform of folktales and stories, which were recorded later in the Old Testament.5.Q What contribution did the Hebrews make for the world civilization?–The Old Testament2 The Old TestamentPentateuch1.名词解释the Old Testament & the New TestamentThe Bible is a religious writing comprising two parts: The Old Testament and the NewTestament.The Old Testament is about God and the Laws of God. The New Testament, the doctrine of Juses Christ.The word Testament means agreement, namely the agreement between God and Man.2.名词解释The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the most important of which arethe first five books, called Pentateuch.3.Pentateuch includes Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.4.Genesis belongs to Pentateuch, the Old Testament. Genesis is about a religiousaccount of the origin of the Hebrew people, including the origin of the world and man.5.Exodus is a religious history of the Hebrews during their flight from Egypt, the periodwhen they began to receive God’s law.6.Q which story records the history of Adam and Eve? –The Fall of Man, Genesis/Noah’s Ark comes from Genesis7.Ten Commandments—摩西十诫The Historical Books1.Historical Books includes 10 books in total. The Historical Books were writtensometime between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C, dealing with the history of the Hebrew people from their entry into Palestine around 1200B.C. till the fall of Palestine into hands of Assyrian and Chaldeans in 586 B.C.2.The Historical Books covers: the settlement in the Highlands by the Hebrews. Thedevelopment of system of landed nobles. Development of monarchy. Age of great prosperity under Saul, David and Solomon. Establishment of two Kingdoms.The Prophets1.The Prophets can be classified into two groups: the Major Prophets and the MinorProphets. (大先知,小先知)2.名词解释For more than a thousand years in the Middle East there has been a class ofpeople knows as “prophets” or the spokesman of god. Earlier prophets lived in g roups as temple officials. Later on there appeared independent prophets.The Book of Daniel3.In 169 B.C. the Jews revolted against the Syrian King Antiochus IV. Rebel Jewsfought against the whole military power of the empire. The story described how Daniel and his friends were taken prisoner to Babylon after the fall of Jerusalem and how they refused to compromise their faith.4.Synagogues—The precedent of the churches or the cathedrals. 犹太人的集会地点,教堂,教会的前身。


Division one Greek culture and roman culture
I . Greek Culture
Group one
• Leader:胡锦璞 • Members:孙京、杨建勋、赵元硕、段娟娟
• • • • •
Part 1-3 Part 4-6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
胡锦璞 赵元硕 段娟娟 杨建勋 孙 京
1、The Historical Background
• TIME: around 1200B.C. • Establishment : after the war between Greece and Troy. • Cultural Significance: mark by the successful repulse of the Persian invasion . • Spread : Alexander and his armies conquered large areas of Europe Asia and Africa. • End: it was conquered by the Romans
• The Histories — his masterpiece and the only work he is known to have produced — is a record of his "inquiry" , being an investigation of the origins of the Greco-Persian Wars and including a wealth of geographical and ethnographical information. Although some of his stories were not completely accurate, he claimed that he was reporting only what had been told to him. Little is known of his personal history since ancient records are scanty, contradictory and often fanciful.

欧洲文化入门(The Middle Ages )

欧洲文化入门(The Middle Ages )
Three classes of people at the time
1. Clergy 2. Lords
1&2. The ruling classes 3. Peasants
The Inquisition:宗教裁判所 Holy communion:圣餐 Sacraments:圣礼 Convocation:圣会 Canon: 教规 Rabbi: 拉比 Lord’s Prayer: 主祷文 Water of bitterness:尘水(苦水)
What is the plot and theme of England’s national epic Beowulf?
? 英国史诗《贝奥武甫》的情节是如何展开的?其主题是什么
Beowulf, nephew of the king of the Geats, hears that Hrothgar,
a Danish king, is in great trouble. The kingdom of the king is harassed by a monster called Grendel. He at once sails there, grapples with the monster, and wounds it fatally. Then comes Grendel’s mother, a she-monster, in revenge of her son. Beowulf follows her to her under-water cave and kills her with a giant sword. With these honors won, he returns to his homeland and reigns as its king for 50 years. Then a fire-breathing dragon comes out of its den and kills many people. Though old now, Beowulf still kills it singhandedly. But he, too, is fatally wound and later dies.


Initiate laws Veto Senate
The Assemblies
comitia tributa
comitia centuriata
Punic Wars
Along with the reform in politics, Rome began its expansion. By 274 BC, the Romans had taken over all of Italy.
But the Romans respected this inheritance and assimilated it for the artistic enrichment of their own culture.
Both Greece and Rome are Mediterranean countries, but the terrain of the two is very different.
Roman Government
Senate (300 members)
Consuls (2 members) Head of Government
Tribune (10 members)
Patrician Appointed Hold office for life
Patrician & Plebian Elected Hold office for 1 year
The Battle of Corinth
The Romans under Lucius Mummius destroyed Corinth following a siege in 146 BC; when he entered the city, Mummius put all the men to the sword and sold the women and children into slavery before he torched the city.
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Comparison between Renaissance and Enlightenment
制作人:吴金焕 制作人:吴金焕
1、Introduction 2、 The differences points 3、 The same points 4、Enjoy the pictures
3、The differences points between Renaissance and Enlightenment:
1. The period of time Renaissance is from 14centry to 16cenry, and Enlightenment is from 17centry to 18cenry. 2. The background Renaissance: budding capitalist relations of production, the formation of the emerging bourgeoisie and the feudal church theology is ruling people

The Renaissance
The Renaissance era encompasses Western music history from 1400 to the beginning of the 1600. This period in time marked the rebirth of humanism, and the revival of cultural achievements for their own sake in all forms of art, including music. The word “Renaissance” in itself is defined as a “rebirth” or a “reconstruction”. During this time, artists and musicians produced works that displayed more artistic freedom and individualism. This creativity allowed artists to abandon the stricter ways of the Medieval Era. Their art forms rediscovered the ancient Greek ideals. The great masters of the Renaissance were revered in their own lifetimes (rather than after their deaths), which was different from most of their Medieval predecessors. With the new printing techniques, music and musical ideas were able to be preserved and distributed to the people.
The root of “enlightenment” is light; its verbal prefix is “en-” and its verbal suffix is “-en”, and after it is a noun suffix “-ment”. So literally, “enlightenment” is such a movement that the bourgeois intellectuals wanted to shed their light of REASON upon the obscure, dark and unenlightened medieval age and feudality. Their purpose was to overthrow the domination of feudality and establish their own “Republic of Reason”, capitalism. There is a similarity between Enlightenment and the Renaissance, i.e. these bourgeois intellectuals were all against feudalism and the Church, but the difference is also obvious. During the Renaissance, the new-born bourgeoisie did not have such an ambition as to overthrow feudality, what they wanted was only just a cooperation with the kingships. But in the 18th century, the bourgeoisie were strong enough to act against feudality.
Enlightenment: capitalist economy developing and handicraft workshops growing fast, bourgeoisie getting stronger and reforms of feudal monarchy in Europe to
The Enlightenment
Enlightenment is a cultural and thought movement took place in Europe in a very large scale in 18th century. To a great extent, Enlightenment was the product of social progress and the advancement of science and technology. By the time of 18th century, the human beings had a better understanding of the nature, and a lot of great scientific discoveries had been made. Since the Renaissance, the man had an unprecedented certainty and confidence about himself and the nature. Man was believed to be powerful, just as Rene Descartes says, “I think therefore I am.” Man was thought as powerful is because he has the “REASON”. As a historical category, the term "Enlightenment" refers to a series of changes in European thought and letters. It is one of the few historical categories that was coined by the people who lived through the era (most historical categories, such as "Renaissance," "early modern," "Reformation," "Tokugawa Enlightenment," etc., are made up by historians after the fact). When the writers, philosophers and scientists of the eighteenth century referred to their activities as the "Enlightenment," they meant that they were breaking from the past and replacing the obscurity, darkness, and ignorance of European thought with the "light" of truth. However, it is hard to determine the beginning to the Enlightenment, just as we can’t really identify an end point either.

Hale Waihona Puke 6. Main areas Renaissance: literary Enlightenment: ideological and political 7. Spearheads Renaissance: the main point to the Catholic Church and the feudal theology Enlightenment: mainly to the feudal autocracy, but also point to the Catholic Church 8. Cores Renaissance: humanism Enlightenment: rationalism 9. Characters Renaissance: the first bourgeois emancipation movement in Europe, the New Culture Movement, movement of new ideas Enlightenment: the second bourgeois emancipation movement, the anti-feudal struggle in the ideological field