U8Chinese New Year

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Unit 8 Chinese New Year



1.听懂、会读、会说单词及词组: Hong Kong, Chinese New Year’s Eve, Chinese

New Year’s Day, the second day of Chinese New Year, red packets, lion dance, watch fireworks and firecrackers。

2. 在文本情境中了解英文电子邮件格式,理解香港的新年文化,并尝试运用be going to表达春节的计划和准备。

3. 情境渲染中引发对中国传统春节的热爱,并尝试用英语进行表达。



2.学生在情境中运用结构“… be going to …”来描述春节的相关活动。


Step1 Pre-reading

T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like playing games?

S: Yes.

T: I have some riddles for you. Let’s guess, OK?

S: OK.

T: First, it’s a rectangle. It’s made of red paper. It’s a good wish for children.

What is it?

S: It’s a card. / It’s a red packet.

T: Next, it’s a folk art in China. It’s a show about an animal. Tw o me act it and give us a show. What is it?

S:It’s a lio n dance.

T: Good. Now let’s listen and guess.

S: Firecrackers. / Fireworks.

T: Now read the words in the groups and think how to remember them?

S: Fire + crackers. / Fire + works.

T: Good points. This class, we learn Unit 8 Chinese New Year.

Read togeth er! We can also call it …

S: Spring Festival.

T: When is Chinese New Year?

S: It’s in January or February.

T: Two thousand and seventeen/ Twenty seventeen is the year of the rooster.

Step2 While-reading

1.Learn to write emails

T: Look, this is Anna. She’s Su Hai’s e-friend. (点击出现email飞向Su Hai)

T: Anna lives in...

S: Hong Kong.

T: It’s in the south of China. It’s a beautiful and big city. You can go travelling with your parents in winter holiday.

T: Su Hai wants to share her email with us. Let’s have a look. (出现电子邮件界面,熟悉电子邮件的地址等信息的输入和正文的格式。)

T: From? (Who wrote this email?)

S: Anna

T: So at the end of this email, we can see “Love Anna”

T: To?

S: Su Hai

T: So at the beginning of this email, we should write “Dear Su Hai”

T: What’s the subject?

S: Chinese New Year. (手指向板书课题,揭示课题)

T: Because Chinese New Year is coming. (点击出现课文中的句子,学生听并跟读It is going to be Chinese New Year next week. I’m very excited. 板书… is going to …)

2.Watch and say

What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?

T: Anna is very excited. So, what is Anna going to do a t Chinese New Year? Let’s watch the cartoon and try to answer.

S: Anna is going to buy some new clothes and food/ buy flowers / watch a lion dance / have a big dinner / watch fireworks / make cakes and tangyuan.

3.Skim and order

T: Well done, class. Anna is going to do many things. But what is she going to do first? Let’s skim and order the pictures on page 80.

Can you get the answers?

S: Yes! My answer is …

(T: Is he/she right?Do you agree with him/ her? What’ s your answer?)

4.Scan and find

T: Look! The pictures are in the right order now. How do you order the pictures? We order the pictures according to a timeline. (黑板上拉红线条) What’s the timeline? Please scan and find the words of different times. Who can?

S: Tomorrow/ Next week. (Maybe the time is before Chinese New Year.) (板书)S: On Chinese New Year’s Eve. (板书) 带读

S: On Chinese New Year’s Day (板书)

S: On the second day of Chinese New Year. (板书)


5.Read and learn

a.What are Anna and her family going to do before Chinese New Year?

T: Please read by yourselves. Then tell me.

S: Anna and her parents are going to buy some new clothes and food.

S: Anna and her parents are going to make some cakes and tangyuan.

T: Good job. Pay attention to these words. The word “tomorrow” and “then” can make the sentences more clearly. Now let’s follow the record.

T: Are you going to make any cakes before Chinese New Year?

S: No.

T: What are we going to make?

S: Make some tangyuan.

T: We are going to make some rice cakes and some steamed buns too.
