
专题2025中考备考初中英语阅读理解议论文真题精选专项训练AWhen considering the kind of experience that makes life better, most people first think that happiness depends on experiencing pleasure: good food, good jobs, all the comforts that money can buy. If we couldn't have these, we might as well sit in front of the television on a quiet evening.Pleasure is an important part of the quality of life, but by itself it doesn't bring happiness. When people think further about what makes a worthy life, they tend (倾向于) to move beyond pleasant memories and begin to remember other events, other experiences that overlap (有重叠) pleasurable ones but fall into a group with a separate name: enjoyment. Enjoyable events take place when people have not only satisfied a need or met some earlier expectation, but also achieved something unexpected.Enjoyment is characterized by a sense of curiosity, of achievement. Playing a tennis game that improves one's ability is enjoyable, as is reading a book that shows things in a new light, as is having a conversation that leads us to express ideas we didn't know we had. None of these experiences may be especially pleasurable when they are taking place, but when we think back on them afterwards, we would say, "That really was fun" and wish they would happen again. After an enjoyable event we know that we have changed, and grown.Experiences that give pleasure can also give enjoyment, but the two feelings are quite different. For example, everybody takes pleasure in eating. However, to enjoys food is more difficult—you have to pay enough attention to a meal, so as to sense and tell its various tastes. As this example suggests, we can experience pleasure without any psychic energy, while enjoyment happens only as a result of full attention. A person can feel pleasure without any effort, as long as certain parts in his brain are stimulated (刺激). But it's impossible to enjoy a tennis game or a book without full attention. It's for this reason that pleasure does not last long, nor does it make us grow. Growth requires full attention to goals that are new, that are relatively challenging.Without enjoyment, life will go on, and it can even be pleasant. But it depends heavily on luck and the external (外部的) environment. To achieve personal control over the quality of experience, however, we need to learn how to build enjoyment into what happens day in, day out.1.You will most probably experience enjoyment when you ________.A. buy expensive shoesB. order a delicious mealC. talk with friends for new ideasD. sit quietly in front of a television2.What do you know about pleasure and enjoyment from the passage?A. Enjoyment grows out of pleasure.B. Pleasure and enjoyment come hand in hand.C. Pleasurable experiences are part of enjoyable ones.D. Some experiences provide both pleasure and enjoyment.3.The words "psychic energy" in Paragraph 4 are closest in meaning to ________.A. attentionB. interestC. abilityD. knowledge4.The writer probably agrees that ________.A. feeling pleasure stops people from achieving growthB. feeling enjoyment comes with achieving growthC. a worthy life depends on luck and environmentD. pleasure is the key to a happy and worthy lifeBComputer scientist Mary has an idea for a new robot to help her work with children. How should it look? The robot should have arms to be able to lift things. And if it is going to communicate with people, it will also need a face. Scientists believe that giving a robot a face can make it seem more friendly. Humans would also like to pay more attention to robots with faces. But what kind?For Mary, she wants to make sure that her new robot doesn’t look too much like a human. She wants people to just treat it as a machine-person. If it looks more like a human than a machine, she thinks users might find it a bit creepy and feel afraid. Mary also believes that robot faces don't need to look a lot like ours. Her research shows that we can enjoy communicating with robots whether or not they look like humans, because our brains are able to look for faces. Just put two circles on top of a robot’s body, and we will see a face.Dave feels differently. He believes that although at first we might be afraid when seeing a robot with a lifelike face, we may soon get used to it. If robots are going to work closely with humans, they should look as much like us as possible. After all, faces are an important part of the way we communicate.To make his robots look as much like real people as possible, Dave invented a special skin (皮肤) for their faces. With this skin, robots can show human-like expressions and appear to be angry, sad, happy or surprised. Dave's robots are also programmed to copy expressions. How? Just imagine his robot is looking at you. The cameras in its eyes send pictures of your face to its central computer!5.Why do scientists think a robot needs a face?A. It will become more beautiful.B. It can do better in lifting things.C. It will pay more attention to children.D. It can better communicate with people.6.What does the underlined word "creepy" mean in paragraph 2?A. Uncomfortable to look at.B. Impossible to touch.C. Boring to talk to.D. Difficult to understand.7.Which of the following would Dave most probably agree with?A. People should treat robots as humans.B. Robots need to express their own feelings.C. Robots shouldn't look too much like humans.D. People can easily accept robots with a human face.8.What is the purpose of the passage?A. To explain the reasons why robots should have faces.B. To suggest what humans can do with robots with faces.C. To share ideas on what kind of faces robots should have.D. To show how scientists invent robots with different faces.CIs fake grass better than a living grass lawnWhat do you need to know ?• Fake grass is made from different types of plastics and used in gardens as well as sportsgrounds.• More and more people are using fake grass to replace living grass lawns (草坪) and cover other outdoor spaces.• One company selling fake grass has sold 50% more compared with last year.• Some people think fake grass is bad for wildlife and the environment ,and mustn't be sold. Environment protectors' opinion There has been a large rise in the number of fake lawns.Environment protectors say fake grass lawns destroy (破坏) LAST WEEK'S POLL (投票)Last week ,we asked if fake grass was betterthan a real lawn.Most readers said they preferred the natural kind of green space ,especially becauseit's much better for wildlife.wildlife habitats(栖息地) at a time when we should be trying to improve the environment,which is not friendly to animals,birds or insects like bees which are important to us.However,looking after a garden can be hard work,which not everybody is willing or able to do. Yes—fake grass makesgardening easyFake grass not onlylooks tidier,it's alsoeasier to care for,especially for peoplewho find gardeningdifficult or boring.Fake grass can be sweptand cleaned,but anatural lawn needsmowing (修剪),weeding (除草) andwatering,which takeseffort and isn't alwaysgood for theenvironment.A fake grass lawn looksfresh,bright andcolourful in a shady (背阴的) outdoor space.No—fake grass should be replacedwith real grassGardens bring all kinds of natureinto our lives.Birds can peck (啄食) through lawns for bugs andworms,and underground wildlifewill not be starved of food.Plastic grass also heats up morethan a natural lawn.In warmweather,it can be too hot for bare(光脚的) feet or paws to stand on.Also,there is now no easy way torecycle plastic lawns,so most willend up in rubbish dumps(堆).One of the best things aboutreal grass gardens is that it'srewarding (值得做的).You can'tplant flowers on a plasticlawn.Even a tiny real grass lawn—which provides food for birds and ahome for insects,plants and otherwildlife—is better than a fake,plastic one.9.What does the word "fake" mean in the passage?______A. Colourful.B. Unreal.C. Wild.D. Living.10.What do 11% of the readers in the poll probably think of fake grass?______A. It looks untidy and hard to care for.B. It makes gardening difficult or boring.C. It takes effort to mow.weed and water.D. It makes shady space bright.11.What do 89% of the readers in the poll probably think of fake grass?______A. Friendly to wildlife.B. Hot for bare feet in warm days.C. Rewarding.D. Easy to recycle.12.Which is mentioned in the passage?______A. Fake grass can be used indoors too.B. 50% more companies sold fake grass last year.C. Some people think fake grass mustn't be sold.D. Everybody is willing to use fake grass.13.Which is the main idea of the passage?______A. What is fake grass?B. Gardening is hard work.C. Fake grass is better than a living grass lawn.D. People have different opinions about fake grass.DIt is commonly believed that children are too young to fully appreciate (欣赏) the experience and knowledge of their elders,while many think that old people don't understand the young.But actually(事实上),both groups have a lot to learn from each other.James Smith runs the Smith's Care Home in my city.It is mainly an organization(机构) for serving the elderly.But not all of its visitors are old people.The home also includes a childcare center for pre-school kids.There is a playground in the care home,where the elderly can play with the kids.In this way,they can learn more about each other.and respect(尊重) and understand one another.I suppose this is quite an interesting idea.For one thing,we live in a world where there are more and more old people.The world is facing this problem and its population ages.It will be important for young people to be able to understand and care for the elderly in the coming years.Regretfully,my own grandparents weren't around when I was little,as they had already passed away.I never got to learn what the world was like through their eyes,or what kinds of problems they might have faced when they were my age.To me,their lives will always be a mystery— hard to understand or explain.However,I think I can still learn from other people of older generations(辈).I might find some of their ideas out of date,and they might believe that my generation's way of thinking is strange or incorrect.But we can still learn from each other anyway.14.What is special about the Smith's Care Home?______A. It is only a childcare center actually.B. The elderly look after kids carefully there.C. It accepts both the elderly and pre-school kids.15.In the writer's opinion (观点),what problem is the world facing?______A. There are more and more old people.B. The world's population is dropping rapidly.C. The world is short of care homes for old people.16.What does the underlined word "mystery" mean in Paragraph 4?______A. 笑话B. 悲剧C. 谜团17.How does the writer develop his/her idea in this text?______A. By giving examples.B. By listing numbers.C. By raising questions.18.What is the main purpose of the text?______A. To explain why the world's population ages.B. To encourage different generations to learn from each other.C. To show that older generations' ways of thinking are incorrect.E阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


初中英语阅读理解-议论文篇(1)(1)Do you wan t to livea happier,less stre ssful (有压力的) life? T ry laughin g for no r eason at a ll. That’s how thous ands of pe ople start their day at Laught er Clubs a round theworld — an d many doc tors now t hink thathaving a g ood laughmight be o ne of thebest waysto stay he althy.The first LaughterClub was s tarted inMumbai, In dia, in 1995 by Dr.Madan Kata ria. ―Y oun g children laugh abo ut 300 tim es a day.Adults lau gh between7 and 15times a da y,‖ says D r. Kataria. ―Everyon e’s natura lly good a t laughing—it’s th e universa l language. We wantpeople tofeel happy with thei r lives.‖There arenow more t han 500 La ughter Clu bs in Indi a and over 1,300 wor ldwide.Many doc tors are a lso intere sted in th e effects(效果) of la ughter onour health. Accordin g to a 5-y ear studyat the UCL A School o f Medicine in Califo rnia, with laughingthere is l ess stress in the bo dy. Laught er improve s our heal th against illness b y about 40%.So, what happ ens at a L aughter Cl ub? I went along tomy nearest club in S outh Londo n to findout. I was quite ner vous at th e beginnin g of the c lass, to b e honest —I wasn’tinterested in laughi ng with agroup of s trangers,and I wasworried ab out lookin g stupid.Our laught er teacher told us t o clap our hands and say ―ho h o ho, ha h a ha,‖ whi le looking at each o ther. Howe ver, our b odies can’t tell the differenc e betweenfake laugh ter and re al laughte r, so they still pro duce the s ame health y effects.Surpr isingly, i t works! A fter ten m inutes eve rybody inthe room w as laughin g for real—and som e people j ust couldn’t stop! A t the endof the cla ss I was s urprised b y how rela xed and co mfortableI felt. So if you’re under str ess, thenstart laug hing. Y oumight be v ery please d with the results!48. In wh ich countr y was thefirst Laug hter Clubstarted? A. Britai n. B. A merica. C. Austra lia. D. India.49. How didthe writer feel at t he beginni ng of theclass?A. Surprise d. B. P leased. C. Nervou s. D. S tressful.50. When d id the peo ple in the club begi n to laugh for real?A. Aftera few minu tes. B. After a f ew hours.C. Aft er a few s econds. D. Aftera few days.51. Whic h of the f ollowing i s true acc ording tothe passag e?A. Fa ke laughte r and real laughterare both g ood for he alth.B. 40% of th e people i n Laughter Clubs are good frie nds.C.Adults lau gh more of ten than c hildren in a day.D. Laughin g is the b est way to prevent i llness.(2)Nowada ys,a new m ethod is u sed to dec ide who ar e the topstudents i n school.T he best st udents are those who not onlyget high m arks,but a lso follow the rules and the b ehavior st andards(标准) for midd le schoolstudents.H ere are so me of thenew rulesand standa rds.T ell the tr uth.Have y ou ever co pied someo ne else’swork on an exam? Ifyou have,t hen don’tdo it agai n! That’snot someth ing an hon est studen t should d o.If you h ave played computergames fortwo hoursin your ro om. don’ttell yourparents yo u were doi ng homewor k.Lea rn to be l oving andcaring.Goo d students love anim als and ca re for oth er people.Learn to work t ogether wi th others.It would b e mole fun when more people wo rk togethe r.Did youquarrel wi th your te ammates wh en your ba sketball t eam lost?Only worki ng togethe r can make your team stronger.Be friendl y to the p eople youare with.T ry to thin k of other s,insteadof only yo urself.Be opento new ide as.Have yo u ever tho ught thatpeople cou ld lire on the moon? Perhaps y ou’ll disc over EarthⅡ someday.Don’t loo k down onnew ideas.Everyone’s ideas are important.Y ou shoul d welcomethem,becau se new ide as make li re betterfor everyo ne.Us e the Inte rnet caref ully.The I nternet ca n be veryuseful for your stud ies.Some w ebsites(网站) on the I nternet ar en’t for k ids,so mak e sure tovisit theweb pagesthat are g ood for yo u.Y ou can use the w eb for fun or homewo rk.Can’t y ou find an y good web sites forchildren?61.The new rules tel l kids ________.A.how they can study well B.what th ey shoulddo at scho olC.ho w they can get highmarks D.w hat is rig ht and wha t is wrong62.The ma in idea of the fourt h paragrap h is about ________.A.maki ng the tea m stronger B.be ing a good friend to othersC.working togetherwith other s D.quarr elling wit h others63.If someo ne says th at human b eings will discoverEarth Ⅱ so meday,what should yo u do?A.Laugh atit.B.W elcome it.C.Leave it a lone.D.R efuse it.64.Good we bsites for childrencan ________.A.h elp them w ith theirstudies B.do home work for t hemC.m ake life e asier D.be a wast e of time65.The pas sage mainl y tells us how to ________.A.do more at school B.care for other sC.use the Inter net D.be top stu dents(3)Just a Q uick Nap 只要打个盹儿Do y ou feel alittle sle epy afterlunch? Wel l, that’snormal. Yo ur body na turally sl ows down t hen. Whatshould you do aboutit? Don’treach fora coffee!Instead, t ake a nap.It’s goo d to havea daily na p. First o f all , yo u are more efficient(有效的)afte r napping. Y ou reme mber thing s better a nd make fe wer mistak es. Also,you can le arn things more easi ly after t aking a na p. A nap m ay increas e your sel f-confiden ce(自信)and make youmore activ e . It may even chee r you up.But, there are somesimple rul es you sho uld follow about tak ing a nap. First, ta ke a nap i n the midd le of day, about eig ht hours a fter you w ake up. Ne xt, a 20-m inute napis best. I f you slee p longer,you may fa ll into adeep sleep. After wa king froma deep sle ep, you wi ll feel wo rse. Also, you shoul d set an a larm clock. That way, you canfully rela x during y our nap. Y ou won’t h ave to kee p lookingat the clo ck so youdon’t over sleep.Now,the nexttime you f eel sleepy after lun ch , don’t get stres sed . Putyour headdown, clos e your eye s, and cat ch forty w inks.56.It is to get s leepy foryou at noo n.A. n ormal B. st range C. ama zing57. A fter takin g a nap, y ou may fee l more .A. stressedB. confiden t C. sleepy58. The pro per period(一段时间)of t ime for ta king a nap is .A. aslong as yo u like B. eight hou rs C.about twen ty minutes59. Whatcan help y ou have afully rela xing nap a ccording t o the pass age?A. A cup ofcoffee. B. A quick mea l. C. An alarm clo ck.60. Wh at is thetext mainl y about? A. Why a nd how totake a nap.B. Ru les to inc rease your self –con fidence. C. How t o make you r body slo w down.(4)Thereare many a dvantagesof becomin g a profes sional mus ician. The biggest a dvantage i s being ab le to do s omething y ou love. Y ou will ha ve the cha nce to tra vel to man y differen t places a nd meet alot of dif ferent peo ple. Thatwill openup your ey es.Howeve r, there a re also di sadvantage s of being a profess ional musi cian. Oneof the big gest disad vantages f or most mu sicians is that they don't alw ays have e nough mone y. Most of the time,you willbe looking for jobs. Sometimes you won't be able t o find a g ood job. A nother dis advantageis the pla ce you liv e in. If y ou want to be a musi cian, youusually ha ve to move to an are a that has a lot ofjobs, such as New Yo rk City. T he cost of living in these are as is usua lly very h igh. The t hird disad vantage is that youcan't have a stablefamily lif e. Differe nt jobs wi ll take amusician t o differen t places,so most mu sicians ar e unable t o have a r egular fam ily.61. T he advanta ges of bei ng a profe ssional mu sic ian inc lude all t he followi ng EXCEPT________.A. maki ng a lot o f money al l the timeB. tra veling tomany diffe rent place sC. me eting a lo t of diffe rent peopl e62. Whic h is NOTa disadvant age of bei ng a profe ssional mu sician? A. Not al ways havin g enough m oney.B. Being un able to ha ve a stabl e family l ife.C. Having th e chance t o meet man y differen t people.63. What d oes the un derlined w ord "stabl e" mean in Chinese?A. 幸福的B. 稳定的C. 健康的64. Which o f the foll owing is T RUE accord ing to the passage?A. Thebiggest ad vantage of being a m usician is being abl e to livein big cit ies.B. Most musi cians areunable tohave a reg ular famil y life bec ause theyenjoy trav eling.C. It's di fficult fo r some mus icians tofind a goo d job some times.65. The autho r mainly t ells us i n the pass age.A. becominga professi onal music ian can al so have pr oblemsB. why peo ple want t o become p rofessiona l musician sC. no t to becom e professi onal music ians(5)Every yea r severalthousand p eople arekilled and between o ne and two hundred t housand pe ople are i nured on t he roads i n Great Br itain.Thes e people a re killedor injured in road a ccidents.Thereare rulesto make th e roads sa fe,but peo ple do not always ob ey the rul es.They ar e careless.If everyb ody obeysthe rules,the roadswill be mu ch safer.H ow can wemake the r oads safer?Reme mber thisrule.In Gr eat Britai n traffickeeps to t he left.Ca rs and bus es and bik es must al l keep tothe left s ide of the road.In m ost othercountriestraffic ke eps to the right.Before c rossing th e road,sto p and look both ways.Look righ t,look lef t,look rig ht again.T hen,if you are surethat the r oad is cle ar,it is s afe to cro ss the roa d.If there are small children,or very ol d people,o r blind pe ople,waiti ng to cros s the road,it is a k ind act to help them cross the road in s afety.We must t each young childrento cross t he road sa fely.We mu st alwaysgive thema good exa mple.Small childrenmust not p lay in the street.56.In Brita in,traffic keeps tothe rightside of th e road,lik e most oth er countri es.57.The underline d sentence ―the road is clear‖means tha t ―there i s no car o r bus runn ing on the road andit is safe to crossthe road‖.58.We mak e the road s safer by obeying t he traffic rules.参考答案(1)48-51. DCAA(2)61-65.B CBAD(3)56-60 ABCCA(4)61-65ACBCA(5)56.F 57.T58.T 。

2. 互推法:在议论之后,总会再列举⼀些具体的例⼦来⽀持观点;或在⼀些例⼦之后,总要抒发⼀些议论。
3. 推理法:推理的结论⼀定是原⽂有这层意思,但没有明确表达的。

高中英语议论文带答案版1GOING TO UNIVERSITY is supposed to be a mind-broadening experience. That statement is probably made in comparison to training for work straight after school, which might not be so encouraging. But is it actually true? Jessika Golle of the University of Tubingen, in Germany, thought she would try to find out. Her result, however, is not quite what might be expected. As she reports in Psychological Science this week, she found that those who have been to university do indeed seem to leave with broader and more inquiring minds than those who have spent their immediate post-school years in vocational(职业的) training for work. However, it was not the case that university broadened minds. Rather, work seemed to narrow them.Dr. Golle came to this conclusion after she and a team of colleagues studied the early careers of 2,095 German youngsters. The team used two standardized tests to assess their volunteers. One was of personality traits, including openness, conscientiousness(认真) and so on. The other was of attitudes, such as realistic, investigative and enterprising. They administered both tests twice--- once towards the end of each volunteer’ time at school, and then again six years later. Of the original group, 382 were on the intermediate track, from which there was a choice between the academic and vocational routes, and it was on these that the researchers focused. University beckoned for 212 of them. The remaining 170 chose vocational training and a job.When it came to the second round of tests, Dr. Golle found that the personalities of those who had gone to university had not changed significantly. Those who had undergone vocational training and then got jobs were not that much changed in personality, either--- except in one crucial respect. They had become more conscientious.That sounds like a good thing, certainly compared with the common public image of undergraduates as a bunch of lazybones. But changes in attitude that the researchers recorded were rather worrying. In the university group, again, none were detectable. But those who had chosen the vocational route showed marked drops in interest in tasks that are investigative and enterprising in nature. And that might restrict their choice of careers.Some investigative and enterprising jobs, such as scientific research, are, indeed beyond the degreeless. But many, particularly in Germany, with its tradition of vocational training, are not. The researchers mention, for example, computer programmers and finance-sector workers as careers requiring these traits. If Dr. Golle is correct, and changes in attitude brought about by the very training Germany prides itself on are narrowing people’s choices, that is indeed a matter worthy of serious consideration.1.Which if the following can best replace “beckoned for” in paragraph 2?A. ExaminedB. AttractedC. OrganizedD. Recognized2.What can we learn from the research?A. The degreeless have not changed in personalities.B. Going to university is a mind-broadening experience.C. Working straight after school narrows people’s minds.D. College students pride themselves on their education.3. According to the last two paragraphs,____________.A. college students enjoy a very good public image.B. the undergraduates have changed significantly in attitudeC. the degreeless are much better at dealing with challenging tasks.D. people show less interest in investigative jobs due to vocational training.4.What is the author’s attitude towards the finding?A. ConcernedB. OptimisticC. UnclearD. Doubtful答案:B C D A2Every year, thousands of new high school graduates pack their bags, move to new cities, and sign papers accepting loans, the money borrowed from a bank or lenders etc, which they might not be able to pay back. Without proper education on personal finance, especially as it relates to paying for college, young adults are guided into improper loan plans that result in years of debt after graduation. In order to set students up to succeed financially, it is important to educate students and parents on their financial options before school in the fall. The best way to support families heading for college is to require that every high school student take a personal finance class before graduation. This will help smooth the transition into adulthood.The average student takes out at least one loan to cover the costs of their education each year. In 2014 the average student graduating from college carried a negative balance of about $20,000 in debt, which often spread over multiple lenders. Upon graduation, students rarely know exactly how much money they owe, and even though they are in the state of being unable to pay their debts, they cannot wipe out student loans. These students spend much of their adult lives paying off the gradual increasing debts.A personal finance course would teach students how to manage their income and expenditures, while helping to significantly reduce the amount of debt students carry into adulthood. By teaching students how to save money and live within their means, this course will provide the next generation with a foundation to progress financially. Students choosing to get a job straight out of high school would also benefit from finance education for these very reasons. With education on how to manage their finances, all young people will have the knowledge to make healthy decisions, leading them to improve good credit and purchase needed items like cars and homes with skill and confidence.While not every young person makes financial mistakes, those who do can face years of difficulty trying to get their finances back under control. Rather than help them through these hard times when they happen, we should try to prevent them from happening at all. Making the completion of personal finance coursework a requirement for graduation would ensure that young people are at least aware of the basics of preserving a financial stability.1.After graduation from college, many young people ________.A. struggle to support their familiesB. spend years paying off their debtsC. get through the hard times smoothlyD. are able to manage their own finances well2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?A. Ways to improve financial credits.B. Advantages of taking a finance course.C. Skills of balancing income and expenditures.D. Introduction to the education on personal finance.3.Having financial knowledge, high school students are probably able to ________.A. smooth their way for collegeB. get out of their financial trapC. free from the cost of their college educationD. avoid the risk of the future financial trouble4.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.A. inform and explainB. argue and persuadeC. analyze and evaluateD. discuss and examine答案:B B D B3According to official government figures, there are more than twice as many kangaroos as people in Australia, and many Australians consider them pests(有害动物). Landholding farmers say that the country’s estimated 50 million kangaroos damage their crops and compete with livestock for scarce resources. Australia’s insurance industry says that kangaroos are involved in more than 80 percent of the 20,000-plus vehicle-animal collisions reported each year. In the country’s underpopulated re gion, the common belief is that kangaroo numbers have swollen to “plague proportions.”In the absence of traditional hunters, the thinking goes, killing kangaroos is critical to balancing the ecology and boosting the rural economy. A government-sanctioned(政府认可的) industry, based on the commercial harvest of kangaroo meat and hides, exported $29 million in products in 2017 and supports about 4,000 jobs. Today meat, hides, and leather from kangaroos have been exported to 56 countries. Global brands such as Nike, Puma, and Adidas buy strong, supple “k-leather” to make athletic gear. And kangaroo meat is finding its way into more and more grocery stores.Advocates point out that low-fat, high-protein kangaroo meat comes from an animal more environmentally friendly than greenhouse gas-emitting sheep and cattle. John Kelly, former executive director of the Kangaroo Industry Association of Australia, says, “Harvesting our food and fibers from animals adapted to Australia’s fragile rangelands is extremely wise and sus tainable. Many ecologists will tell you that there is no more humane way of producing red meat.”Opponents(反对者) of the industry call the killing inhumane, unsustainable, and unnecessary. Population estimates are highly debatable, they say, but “plague proportions” are biologically implausible. Little kangaroos grow slowly, and many die, so kangaroo populations can expand by only 10 to 15 percent a year, and then only under the best of circumstances. Dwayne Bannon-Harrison, a member of the Yuin people of New South Wales, says the idea that kangaroos are destroying the country is laughable. “They’ve been walking this land a lot longer than people have,” he says. “How could something that’s been here for thousands of years be ‘destroying’ the country? I don’t understand the logic in that.”Can Australians’ conflicting attitudes toward kangaroos be reconciled(和解)? George Wilson says that if kangaroos were privately owned, then graziers(放牧人)—working independently or through wildlife conservancies—would protect the animals, treating them as possessions. They could feed them, lease them, breed them and charge hunter a fee for access. “If you want to conserve something,” Wilson says, “you have to give it a value. Animals that are considered pests don’t have value.”Privatization could also help reduce grazing pressures. If kangaroos were more valuable than cattle or sheep, farmers would keep less live-stock, which could be good for the environment. Under this scheme, landholders would work with the kangaroo industry on branding, marketing and quality control. The government’s role would be oversight and regulation.1.What can be learnt from the first three paragraphs?A. Kangaroo meat is healthier than other red meat.B. Global brands make small profits on kangaroos.C. Kangaroos are more friendly to the environment.D. Overpopulated kangaroos have become a financial burden.2.What does the underlined word “implausible” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Unreasonable.B. Immeasurable.C. Unquestionable.D. Unchangeable.3.Which of the following might be the benefit of privatization?A. The popularity of kangaroo hunting.B. The reduction in the number of kangaroos.C. The establishment of more conservation areas.D. The better management of the kangaroo industry.4.The passage is written to ________.A. argue against the killing of kangaroosB. stress the importance of protecting kangaroosC. present different opinions on the kangaroo industryD. provide a solution to the problem caused by kangaroos答案:C A D D4Bullying(霸凌) can take a variety of forms, from the verbal to the physical as well as indirect forms, such as being excluded from social groups. Bullying is clearly unpleasant, and can make the child experiencing it feel unworthy and depressed. In extreme cases it can even lead to suicide, though this is thankfully rare.Until recently, not much was known about the topic, and little help was available to teachers to deal with bullying. Perhaps as a consequence, schools would often deny the problem. …There i s no bullying at this school‟ has been a common answer if asked, almost certainly untrue. Fortunately more schools are now saying: “There is not much bullying here, but when it occurs we have a clear policy for dealing with it.” Three factors are involved in this change. First is an awareness of the severity of the problem. Second, a number of resources to help tackle bullying have become available in Britain. For example, the Scottish Council for Research in Education produced a package of materials, Action Against Bullying, circulated to all schools in England and Wales as well as in Scotland. In Ireland, Guidelines on Countering Bullying Behaviour in Post-Primary Schools was published, too. Third, there is evidence that these materials work, and that schools can achieve something.Evidence suggests that a key step is to develop a policy on bullying, saying clearly what bullying means, and giving explicit guidelines on what will be done if it occurs, what records will be kept, who will be informed and what punishments will be employed. The policy should be developed through consultation over a period of time. Pupils, parents and staff should feel they have been involved in the policy. Other actions can be taken to back up the policy. There are ways of dealing with the topic through the curriculum, using video, drama and literature. But curriculum work alone may only have short-term effects; it should be an addition to policy work. There are also ways of working with individual pupils, or in small groups. Work in the playground is important, too. One helpful step is to train lunchtime supervisors to distinguish bullying from playful fighting, and help them break up conflicts. Another possibility is to improve the playground environment, so that pupils are less likely to be led into bullying from boredom or frustration.With these developments, schools can expect that at least the most serious kinds of bullying can largely be prevented. The more effort is put in and the wider the whole school is involved, the more substantial the results are likely to be. The reduction in bullying and the consequent improvement in pupil happiness is surely a worthwhile objective.1.The writer thinks that the response …There is no bullying at this school‟ shows.A. bullying can be easily dealt withB. bullying doesn’t exist in the schoolC. the school knows nothing about bullyingD. the school lacks the knowledge and resources about bullying2.From paragraph 2, we can learn that.A. reasons for the increased rate of bullying are clearB. in the previous years, British government policy failedC. developments in dealing with bullying have led to a solutionD. there is no research into how common bullying is in British schools3.According to the passage, what is the most important part of reducing bullying?A. Develop a policy through consultation.B. Deal with the topic through the curriculum.C. Work with individual pupils or in small groups.D. Give detailed guidelines on the right things to do.4.Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?A. Bullying: what parents can doB. Bullying: are the schools to blame?C. Bullying: the link with academic failureD. Bullying: from no way out to prevention答案:D C A D5Hollywood’s theory that machines with evil(邪恶) minds will drive armies of killer robots is just silly. The real problem relates to the possibility that artificial intelligence(AI) may become extremely good at achieving something other than what we really want. In 1960 a well-known mathematician Norbert Wiener, who founded the field of cybernetics(控制论), put it this way: “If we use, to achieve our purposes, a mechanical agency with whose operation we cannot effectively interfere(干预), we had better be quite sure that the purpose which we really desire.”A machine with a specific purpose has another quality, one that we usually associate with living things: a wish to preserve its own existence. For the machine, this quality is not in-born, nor is it something introduced by humans; it is a logical consequence of the simple fact that the machine cannot achieve its original purpose if it is dead. So if we send out a robot with the single instruction of fetching coffee, it will have a strong desire to secure success by disabling its own off switch or even killing anyone who might interfere with its task. If we are not careful, then, we could face a kind of global chess match against very determined, super intelligent machines whose objectives conflict with our own, with the real world as the chessboard.The possibility of entering into and losing such a match should concentrating the minds of computer scientists. Some researchers argue that we can seal the machines inside a kind of firewall, using them to answer difficult questions but never allowing them to affect the real world. Unfortunately, that plan seems unlikely to work: we have yet to invent a firewall that is secure against ordinary humans, let alone super intelligent machines.Solving the safety problem well enough to move forward in AI seems to be possible but not easy. There are probably decades in which to plan for the arrival of super intelligent machines. But the problem should not be dismissed out of hand, as it has been by some AI researchers. Some argue that humans and machines can coexist as long as they work in teams—yet that is not possible unless machines share the goals of humans. Others say we can just “switch them off” as if super intelligent machines are too stupid to think of that possibility. Still others think that super intelligent AI will never happen. On September 11, 1933, famous physicist Ernest Rutherford stated, with confidence, “Anyone who expects a source of power in the transformation of these atoms is talking moonshine.” However, on September 12, 1933, physicist Leo Szilard invented the neutron-induced(中子诱导) nuclear chain reaction.1.Paragraph 1 mainly tells us that artificial intelligence may.A. run out of human controlB. satisfy human’s real desiresC. command armies of killer robotsD. work faster than a mathematician2.Machines with specific purposes are associated with living things partly because they might be able to.A. prevent themselves from being destroyed B achieve their original goals independentlyC. do anything successfully with given ordersD. beat humans in international chess matches3.According to some researchers, we can use firewalls to.A. help super intelligent machines work betterB. be secure against evil human beingsC. keep machines from being harmedD. avoid robots’ affecting the world4.What does the author think of the safety problem of super intelligent machines?A. It will disappear with the development of AIB. It will get worse with human interference.C. It will be solved but with difficultyD. It will stay for a decade.答案:A A D C6The Cost of Higher EducationIndividuals (个人) should pay for their higher education.A university education is of huge and direct benefit to the individual. Graduates earn more than non-graduates. Meanwhile, social mobility is ever more dependent on having a degree. However, only some people have it. So the individual, not the taxpayers, should pay for it. There are pressing calls on the resources (资源) of the government. Using taxpayers' money to help a small number of people to earn high incomes in the future is not one of them.Full government funding (资助) is not very good for universities. Adam Smith worked in a Scottish university whose teachers lived off student fees. He knew and looked down upon 18th-century Oxford, where the academics lived comfortably off the income received from the government. Guaranteed salaries, Smith argued, were the enemy of hard work; and when the academics were lazy and incompetent, the students were similarly lazy.If students have to pay for their education, they not only work harder, but also demand more from their teachers. And their teachers have to keep them satisfied. If that means taking teaching seriously, and giving less time to their own research interests, that is surely something to celebrate.Many people believe that higher education should be free because it is good for the economy (经济). Many graduates clearly do contribute to national wealth, but so do all the businesses that invest (投资) and create jobs. If you believe that the government should pay for higher education because graduates are economically productive, you should also believe that the government should pay part of business costs. Anyone promising to create jobs should receive a gift of capital from the government to invest. Therefore, it is the individual, not the government, who should pay for their university education.1.The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 2 refers toA. taxpayersB. pressing callsC. college graduatesD. government resources2.The author thinks that with full government fundingA. teachers are less satisfiedB. students are more demandingC. students will become more competentD. teachers will spend less time on teaching3.The author mentions businesses in Paragraph 5 in order toA. argue against free university educationB. call on them to finance students' studiesC. encourage graduates to go into businessD. show their contribution to higher education答案: B D A7Preparing Cities for Robot CarsThe possibility of self-driving robot cars has often seemed like a futurist’s dream, years away from materializing in the real world. Well, the future is apparently now. The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self-driving cars on public roads. The state also cleared the way for companies to sell or rent out self-driving cars, and for companies to operate driverless taxi services. California, it should be noted, isn’t leading the way here. Companies have been testing their vehicles in cities across the country. It’s hard to predict when driverless cars will be everywhere on our roads. But however long it takes, the technology has the potential to change our transportation systems and our cities, for better or for worse, depending on how the transformation is regulated.While much of the debate so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars(and rightfully so), policymakers also should be talking about how self-driving vehicles can help reduce traffic jams, cut emissions(排放) and offer more convenient, affordable mobility options. The arrival of driverless vehicles is a chance to make sure that those vehicles are environmentally friendly and more shared. Do we want to copy — or even worsen — the traffic of today with driverless cars? Imagine a future where most adults own individual self-driving vehicles. They tolerate long, slow journeys to and from work on packed highways because they can work, entertain themselves or sleep on the ride, which encourages urban spread. They take their driverless car to an appointment and set the empty vehicle to circle the building to avoid paying for parking. Instead of walking a few blocks to pick up a child or the dry cleaning, they send the self-driving minibus. The convenience even leads fewer people to take public transport — an unwelcome side effect researchers have already found in ride-hailing(叫车) services.A study from the University of California at Davis suggested that replacing petrol-powered private cars worldwide with electric, self-driving and shared systems could reduce carbon emissions from transportation 80% and cut the cost of transportation infrastructure(基础设施) and operations 40% by 2050. Fewer emissions and cheaper travel sound pretty appealing. The first commercially available driverless cars will almost certainly be fielded by ride-hailing services, considering the cost of self-driving technology as well as liability and maintenance issues(责任与维护问题). But driverless car ownership could increase as the prices drop and more people become comfortable with the technology.Policymakers should start thinking now about how to make sure the appearance of driverless vehicles doesn’t extend the worst aspects of the car-controlled transportation system we have today. The coming technological advancement presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people, and more affordably. The car of the future is coming. We just have to plan for it.1.According to the author, attention should be paid to how driverless cars can __________.A. help deal with transportation-related problemsB. provide better services to customersC. cause damage to our environmentD. make some people lose jobs2.As for driverless cars, what is the author’s major concern?A. Safety.B. Side effects.C. Affordability.D. Management.3. what does the under lined word “field” in paragraph 4 probably mean?A. employed.B. replaced.C. shared. D reduced4.What is the author’s attitude to the future of self-driving cars?A. Doubtful.B. Positive.C. Disapproving.D. Sympathetic.答案:A D A B8Why College Is Not HomeThe college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy(自主性) and the development of adult identity. However, now they are becoming an extended period of adolescence, during which many of today’s students and are not shouldered with adult responsibilities.For previous generations, college was decisive break from parental control; guidance and support needed help from people of the same age and from within. In the past two decades, however, continued connection with and dependence on family, thanks to cellphones, email and social media, have increased significantly. Some parents go so far as to help with coursework. Instead of promoting the idea of college as a passage from the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility,universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home.To prepare for increased autonomy and responsibility, college needs to be a time of exploration and experimentation. This process involves “trying on ” new ways of thinking about oneself both the intellectually(在思维方面) and personally. While we should provide “safe spaces” within colleges, we must also make it safe to express opinions and challenge majority views. Intellectual growth and flexibility are fostered on debate and questioning.Learning to deal with the social world is equally important. Because a college community(群体) differs from the family, many students will struggle to find a sense of belonging. If students rely on administrators to regulate their social behavior. and thinking pattern, they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity within a larger and complex community.Moreover, the tendency for universities to monitor and shape student behavior runs up against another characteristic of young adults: the response to being controlled by their elders. If acceptable social behavior. is too strictly defined(规定) and controlled, the insensitive or aggressive behavior. that administrators are seeking to minimize may actually be encouraged.It is not surprising that young people are likely to burst out, particularly when there are reasons to do so. Our generation once joined hands and stood firm at times of national emergency. What is lacking today is the conflict between adolescen t’s desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world. Therefore, there is the desire for their dorms to be replacement homes and not places to experience intellectual growth.Every college discussion about community values, social climate and behavior. should include recognition of the developmental importance of student autonomy and self-regulation, of the necessary tension between safety and self-discovery.1.What’s the author’s attitude toward continued parental guidance to college students?A. SympatheticB. DisapprovingC. SupportiveD. Neutral2.The underlined word “passage” in Paragraph 2 means ___________.A. changeB. choice C .text D. extension3.According to the author ,what role should college play?A.to develop a shared identity among studentsB.to define and regulate students’ social behaviourC. to provide a safe world without tension for studentsD. to foster students’ intellectual and personal development4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?答案:B A D C。
高考阅读体裁篇之议论文 (真题+各地名校试题)--备战2022年高考英语阅读理解专项突破(练习版)

专题五:高考阅读体裁篇备战2022年高考英语阅读理解专项突破考向3 议论文Passage 1 (2021·全国·高考真题)Who is a genius? This question has greatly interested humankind for centuries.Let's state clearly: Einstein was a genius. His face is almost the international symbol for genius. But we want to go beyond one man and explore the nature of genius itself. Why is it that some people are so much more intelligent or creative than the rest of us? And who are they?In the sciences and arts, those praised as geniuses were most often white men, of European origin. Perhaps this is not a surprise. It's said that history is written by the victors, and those victors set the standards for admission to the genius club. When contributions were made by geniuses outside the club—women, or people of a different color or belief—they were unacknowledged and rejected by others.A study recently published by Science found that as young as age six, girls are less likely than boys to say that members of their gender(性别)are “really, really smart.” Even worse, the stud y found that girls act on that belief: Around age six they start to avoid activities said to be for children who are “really, really smart.” Can our planet afford to have any great thinkers become discouraged and give up? It doesn't take a genius to know the answer: absolutely not.Here's the good news. In a wired world with constant global communication, we're all positioned to see flashes of genius wherever they appear. And the more we look, the more we will see that social factors(因素)like gender, race, and class do not determine the appearance of genius. As a writer says, future geniuses come from those with “intelligence, creativity, perseverance(毅力), and simple good fortune, who are able to change the world.”1.What does the author think of victors' standards for joining the genius club?A.They're unfair. B.They're conservative.C.They're objective. D.They're strict.2.What can we infer about girls from the study in Science?A.They think themselves smart.B.They look up to great thinkers.C.They see gender differences earlier than boys.D.They are likely to be influenced by social beliefs3.Why are more geniuses known to the public?A.Improved global communication.B.Less discrimination against women.C.Acceptance of victors' concepts.D.Changes in people's social positions.4.What is the best title for the text?A.Geniuses Think Alike B.Genius Takes Many FormsC.Genius and Intelligence D.Genius and LuckPassage 2 (2021·北京·北师大实验中学三模)In 1953, when visiting his daughter’s maths class, the Harvard psycholo gist B.F. Skinner found every pupil learning the same topic in the same way at the same speed. Later, he built his first “teaching machine”, which let children tackle questions at their own pace. Since then, education technology (edtech) has repeated the cycle of hype and flop (炒作和失败), even as computers have reshaped almost every other part of life.Softwares to “personalize” learning can help hundreds of millions of children stuck in miserable classes—but only if edtech supporters can resist the temptation to revive harmful ideas about how children learn. Alternatives have so far failed to teach so many children as efficiently as the conventional model of schooling, where classrooms, hierarchical year-groups, standardized curriculums and fixed timetables are still the typical pattern for most of the world’s nearly 1.5 billion schoolchildren. Under this pattern, too many do not reach their potential. That condition remained almost unchanged over the past 15 years, though billions have been spent on IT in schools during that period.What really matters then? The answer is how edtech is used. One way it can help is through tailor-made instruction. Reformers think edtech can put individual attention within reach of all pupils. The other way edtech can aid learning is by making schools more productive. In California schools, instead of textbooks, pupils have “playlists”, which they use to access online lessons and take tests. The software assesses children’s progress, lightening teachers’ marking load and allowing them to focus on other tasks. A study suggested that children inearly adopters of this model score better in tests than their peers at other schools.Such innovation is welcome. But making the best of edtech means getting several things right. First, “personalized learning” must fo llow the evidence on how children learn. It must not be an excuse to revive pseudoscientific ideas such as “learning styles”: the theory that each child has a particular way of taking in information. This theory gave rise to government-sponsored schemes like Brain Gym, which claimed that some pupils should stretch or bend while doing sums. A less consequential falsehood is that technology means children do not need to learn facts or learn from a teacher—instead they can just use Google. Some educationalists go further, arguing that facts get in the way of skills such as creativity. Actually, the opposite is true. According to studies, most effective ways of boosting learning nearly all relied on the craft of a teacher.Second, edtech must narrow, rather than widen, inequalities in education. Here there are grounds for optimism. Some of the pioneering schools are private ones in Silicon Valley. But many more are run by charter-school groups teaching mostly poor pupils, where laggards (成绩落后者) make the most progress relative to their peers in normal classes. A similar pattern can be observed outside America.Third, the potential for edtech will be realized only if teachers embrace it. They are right to ask for evidence that products work. But skepticism should not turn into irrational opposition. Given what edtech promises today, closed-mindedness has no place in the classroom.5.According to the passage, education technology can ________.A.decrease teachers’ working loadB.facilitate personalized learningC.help standardize curriculumsD.be loved by schoolchildren6.Which example best argues against the underlined sentence in Para. 4?A.The students who are better at memorization tend to be less creative.B.Schools with bans on phones have better results than high-tech ones.C.Shakespeare was trained in grammar but he penned many great plays.D.Lu Xun’s creativity was unlocked after he gave up studying medicine.7.The author believes that edtech functions well only when it is ________.A.at the service of teachingB.limited in use among pupilsC.aimed at narrowing the wealth gapD.in line with students’ learning styles8.What is the main purpose of the passage?A.To stress the importance of edtech.B.To introduce the application of edtech.C.To discuss how to get the best out of edtech.D.To appeal for more open-mindedness to edtech.Passage 3 (2021·浙江·台州市书生中学模拟预测)“When I think of England, I think of the queen taking her dogs for walk in the countryside,” says Carsten Haferkamp, a dog-owning German working in London. Data from Tractive, a firm that provides GPS tracking for pets, show that Britons walk their dogs more than their European neighbors do.The British love for dog-walking may have more to do with the walking than the dogs. Britons are big walkers –they came fifth in the world in a study in 2017, the highest in Europe. Dogs provide walkers with company and a purpose, so it may be that walking encourages dog-ownership.But Julien Dugnoille, an expert at Exeter University, suspects dog-walking has a deeper significance. Dogs, he suggests, are a useful aid to a socially awkward nation. “Britons tend to have a chat with strangers and exchange a few jokes and comments about the weather without putting themselves in danger.”A tradition among the British nobles of owning and training dogs also leads Dr Dugnoille to assume thatdog-walking is a way to keep ancient honor. “When people in the park say Max is very well-behaved,” says Dr Dugnoille, “that is a way to show their authority in the art of dog training compared to those dog owners who are not in control of their own dog.”But it’s not just about showing off, in his view. He believes walking with one’s best friend creates a time and space where dogs and humans meet as species and connect as individuals.Still, Britons should not congratulate themselves too much on their behavior towards their dog companions. According to Dr Carri Westgarth of Liverpool University, “People say that a dog needs a walk every day, but they will find re asons why their dog doesn’t need a walk. They’ll say: he’s got company indoors, he’s nervous or he doesn’t like the rain.”9.The queen is mentioned in paragraph 1 to show _______.A.the queen’s love for dogs B.a foreigner’s impression of EnglandC.the British devotion to walking dogs D.the importance of dog-walking for Europeans10.What does Dr Dugnoille most probably agree with?A.Britons see dogs as protectors from danger.B.Dog-walking is related to the British traditional culture.C.Britons prefer to walk rather than walk the dog.D.Dog-walking is a close link between the British and nature.11.Dr Westgarth’s comment on the British dog-walking suggests that_______.A.Britons are proud of dog-walking B.dogs are a good companion for BritonsC.he is doubtful of the British love for dogs D.weather is a popular topic among Britons12.What would be the best title for the text?A.Love Your Dog, Walk Your Dog B.How Do Britons Walk Their Dogs?C.Opinions on Dog-Walking in Britain D.Why Do Britons Love to Walk Dogs?Passage 4 (2021·上海普陀·一模)A few years ago, Charles Barkley got into a lot of trouble for making the observation that sports figures didn't need to be role models. Thousands of fans and professional journalists were cross at this attack on the fundamental principle that the person who jumps highest must aim highest and the person who handles the running back must also be able to deal with life's problems with grace as well.The problem is not that we look to these people for perfection when they take off their uniforms. It's that we expect anyone to be our representatives for perfection. That's stupid and it makes the rest of us down here lazy.I get the importance of having heroes, the people who inspire us to cultivate the best potential within us and nurture our better angels. I personally have many heroes, from my mother, Lucy, to my favorite law professor, Howard. But these are personal contacts, people who have-actually touched my hand and my heart, and who occupy a pedestal(基座)built of my own experiences and aspirations. To look at an athlete or an actress with high salary and demand that he or she match our dreams is not only a waste of time, but it's dangerous. The danger comes in how this type of hero worship dehumanizes both the object of affection and the person who blindly adores. That was Barkley's point, not that we should give public figures a pass for being faulty but that we shouldn't abandon our own moral compasses and look to them for true north.Recently on a television program I participated in, the discussion turned to Kathleen Kane. Someone suggested that the fact that the first female attorney general(首席检察官)in Pennsylvania was really messing things up could have unfortunate consequences for women seeking elected office. I offered the opinion that Kane was unquestionably criticized and that it was not hatred towards woman but incompetence at the root of the attacks. After the show aired, I had people emailing to tell me that I was either a traitor(叛徒)for publicly attacking a fellow female when we need to stand together behind this "role model", or a fool for not going a step further to say that this incompetent lawyer had made it harder for all women to move to the next level.How depressing! Why should the inferior performance of one woman lead to such diverse but passionate views in people? The answer is obvious: Kane has stopped being an attorney general but has instead become The First Female Attorney General. She can't just make a mistake and pay the normal consequences.If we stopped trying to live our lives through the accomplishments of public figures, many of whom look and sound like us, we'd learn how to recognize the heroic character of those we might actually know, and the heroic potential within ourselves. Or, perhaps, the honesty to accept our ordinary humanity.13.Many people were angry with Charles Barkley mainly because________.A.he broke fundamental principles in life B.he was not good enough to be a role modelC.he doubted the perfection of some sports figures D.he thought sports figures could have weaknesses 14.According to Barkley, why is it dangerous to take public figures as heroes?A.Because we may let go of our own moral standards.B.Because an athlete or actress cannot match our dreams.C.Because we blindly admire public figures for their faults.D.Because we shouldn't waste time imitating public figures.15.From the passage we can infer that Kathleen Kane was________.A.unfairly criticized due to being female B.the first female attorney general in the USC.less qualified than the public had expected D.a role model for women seeking elected office16.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A.Be Our Representatives for Perfection B.Exploration of Our Own Heroic PotentialC.Our Unrealistic Expectation of Public Figures D.Our Conventional Views of Female PoliticianPassage 5 (2021·重庆巴蜀中学二模)While the arts can' t stop the COVID-19 virus or the social unrest we see in the world today, they can give us insight into the choices we make when moving through crises and chaos. The arts invite everyone to think in new ways.We often experience works of art as something that's pleasing to our senses without a full understanding of the creative effort. Great art often shows us contradictions and crises, and we can learn a great deal from their resolutions(解决)). Through our understanding of art, we can gain a deeper understanding of how we might overcome our own challenges. In understanding extremes of contrast, we can see the beauty in art with themes that are not simply pleasing for their magnificent features or qualities.Beethoven offers a wonderful example of moving artfully through crises and chaos. He composed his Symphony No. 9 as his hearing loss became more and more pronounced. The opening of the symphony seems to come out of nowhere, from near silence in the opening to a full expression of what many consider to be the joy of freedom and universal brotherhood with Schiller’s Ode to joy(欢乐颂). Beethoven appears to have created a work of art that not only freed him from his personal struggles, but one that also speaks to the joy of living together in peace and harmony.Have a dialogue between the two opposing parts and you will find that they always start out fighting each other until we come to an appreciation of difference—a oneness of the two opposing forces. The arts offer many lessons that can help us gain the knowledge we need to move more confidently in today’ s competitive and uncertain environment. An openness to arts-based solutions will give you more control over your future. 17.What value does art have beyond pleasing people's senses?A.It brings people inner peace.B.It contributes to problem-solving.C.It reduces the possibility of crises.D.It deepens understanding of music.18.What can we learn about Beethoven's Symphony No. 9?A.It celebrates freedom and unity.B.It aims to show crises and chaos.C.It opens with Schiller's Ode to Joy.D.It is unfinished due to his hearing loss.19.What is the author's suggestion on dealing with conflicting forces?A.Leaving things as they are.B.Making a choice between them.C.Separating them from each other.D.Engaging them in a conversation.20.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.How COVID-19 changes artB.Essentials of Symphony No. 9C.Moving artfully through crisesD.Joy in the eyes of BeethovenPassage 6 (2021·辽宁·大连二十四中一模)Imagine possessing something that you loved so much. Imagine what it would feel like if you lost it. While that item may be something as simple as a toy, you would still feel very upset, but you could replace it with a new one. Now imagine losing something that you depend on for survival and cannot be replaced. That is what it would be like if we lost the natural environment around us.Firstly, I believe the environment should be protected because it supports human life. One of the largest examples is that we get all of our food and drinks from the environment. If the environment were to be destroyed beyond revival, then the human race would be over in months. Scientists have to find another planet with similar conditions to the Earth, and if it's found, we don’t have the technology to get to that planet in time.Secondly, I believe that the environment serves as an amazing educational tool for students. When I was in second grade, I had an absolute interest in animals. When we had a field trip to the Daggerwing Nature Center, I was very excited. When we got there, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. There was a bridge to get to the main building, and under the bridge was a small swamp (沼泽) with turtles, fish, and my personal favorite, alligators. I was so surprised that I almost ran into the tour guide. We walked into the building and saw various animals in their habitats. I was so inspired by this visit. Six years later, I have taken an animal behavior class for three weeks. Meeting by chance with the environment can inspire people, and if preserved, it will continue to inspire people.In conclusion, the environment is so valuable because it can't be replaced, keeps us alive, and serves as a great educational tool.21.The first paragraph leads to the theme of the text by________________.A.describing a process. B.presenting differences.C.analyzing causes. D.showing similarities.22.The underlined word “revival” in paragraph 2 refers to_________________.A.health. B.recovery.C.range. D.survival.23.What's the function of paragraph 3?A.To express the writer’s absolute interest in animals.B.To introduce the Daggerwing Nature Centers scenery.C.To show the environment can inspire and educate people.D.To prove the subject he has chosen is promising.24.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Why the Environment Is So Important?B.Which Planet Can Replace the Earth?C.How People Should Protect the Environment?D.What People Can Do to Stop Pollution?Passage 7 (2021·江苏·盐城中学模拟预测)On May 1, 1926, Ford Motor Company became one of the first American companies to adopt a five-day,40-hour week. It was something workers and labor unions had been calling for. However, the five-day workweek was to increase productivity. With more time and money, workers were expected to buy and use the products they were making. Manufacturers soon followed Ford’s lead, and the Monday-to-Friday workweek became standard practice.Since then, everything has changed but the hours. Many people worked longer, which severely influenced health and well-being, as well as the environment. Until the Second World War, it was common for one person in a family, usually the oldest male, to work full-time. Women gradually made up 42 percent of the world’s full-time workforce. Later, technology made lots of work unnecessary, with computers and robots doing many tasks previously performed by humans.Well into the 21st century, we continue to work the same long hours as 20th century laborers, using up more ofEarth’s supply to produce more goods that we must keep working to buy, use and replace in a seemingly endless cycle of hard work and consumption. It’s time to pause and consider be tter ways to live like shifting fromfossil-fueled lifestyles with which our consumer-based workweeks are connected.The UK New Economics Foundation argues that a standard 21-hour workweek would address a number of interconnected problems: overwork, unemployment, over-consumption, high carbon emissions, low well-being, and the lack of time to live sustainably, to care for each other, and simply to enjoy life. Economic systems that require constant growth on a finite (有限的) planet make no sense. It’s time for a change in our economic thinking. 25.Why did Henry Ford shorten the workweek?A.To increase efficiency.B.To cut workers’ salaries.C.To end conflicts with workers.D.To create more job opportunities.26.What happened in the workforce after World War II?A.The oldest male had to work longer.B.Technology let people work more flexibly.C.Job positions were created due to technology.D.Full-time vacancies were filled by more women.27.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A.Companies shouldn’t pro duce more than people can use.B.The 21st century has witnessed the longest working hours.C.The cycle of longer workweek and consumption should be changed.D.Longer workweek definitely leads to stronger consumption capability.28.Which would be possible if a 21-hour workweek should be adopted?A.Companies would be closed down.B.Economic growth would be stopped.C.Economic systems would break down.D.People would be encouraged to enjoy life.Passage 8 (2021·广东·汕头市潮阳实验学校一模)A simple piece of clotheslines hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans and their neighbors. On one side stand those who see clothes dryers as a waste of energy and a major polluter of the environment. As a result, they are turning to clotheslines as part of the "what-I-can- do environmentalism”But on the other side are people who are against drying clothes outside, arguing that clotheslines are unpleasant to look at. They have persuaded Homeowners Associations(HOAs) across the US to stop outdoor clotheslines, because clothesline drying also tends to lower home value in the neighborhood. This has led to a Right-to-Dry Movement that is calling for laws be passed to protect the choice to use clotheslines. So far, only three states have laws to protect clotheslines.Matt Reck, 37, is the kind of eco-friendly person who feeds his trees with bathwater and reuses water drops from his air conditioners to water plants. His family also uses a clothesline. But several days ago, the HOA in North Carolina told him that a dissatisfied neighbor had telephoned them about his clothesline. The Recks paid no attention to the warning and still dried their clothes on a line in the yard "Many people say they are environmentally friendly but they don't take matters in their own hands," says Reck. The local HOA has decided not to take any action, unless more neighbors complain.North Carolina lawmakers say that stopping clotheslines is not the right thing to do. But HOAs and housing businesses believe that clothesline drying reminds people of poor neighborhoods. They worry that if buyers think their future neighbors can" even afford dryers, housing prices will fall.Environmentalists say such worries are not necessary, and in view of global warming, that idea needs to change. As they say, "The clothesline is beautiful Hanging clothes outside should be encouraged. We all have to do at least something to slow down the process of global warming.29.Supporters of clothes dryers are trying to stop clothesline drying because .A.clothes dryers can save money B.clothes dryers are energy-savingC.clothesline drying reduces home value D.clothesline drying is not allowed in US30.Which of the following best describes Matt Reck?A.He is a warm-hearted man. B.He is an impolite neighbor.C.He is an inexperienced gardener. D.He is a man of social responsibility.31.Who are most likely to support clothesline drying?A.Housing businesses. B.Environmentalists.C.Homeowners Associations. D.Reck's dissatisfied neighbors.32.What could be the best title for the passage?A.Opposing Opinions on Clothesline Drying B.A Way to Save Energy and MoneyC.Different Varieties of Clotheslines D.A Lost Art to Be Discovered.Passage 9 (2021·湖南·长郡中学模拟预测)Last year, 138,000 San Francisco residents used Airbnb, a popular app designed to connect home renters and travelers. It’s a striking num ber for a city with a population of about 850,000, and it was enough for Airbnb to win a major victory in local elections, as San Francisco voters struck down a debatable rule that would have placed time restrictions and other regulations on short-term rental services.The company fiercely opposed the measure, Proposition F, with a nearly $10 million advertising campaign. It also contacted its San Franciscan users with messages urging them to vote against Proposition F.Most people think of Airbnb as a kind of couch-surfing app. The service works for one-night stays on road trips and longer stays in cities, and it often has more competitive pricing than hotels. It’s a textbook example of the “sharing economy”, but not everyone is a fan.The app has had unintended consequences in San Francisco. As the San Francisco Chronicle reported last year, a significant amount of renting on Airbnb is not in line with the company’s image: middle-class families putting up a spare room to help make ends meet. Some users have taken advantage of the service, using it to turn their multiple properties into vacation rentals or even full-time rentals. Backers of Proposition F argued that this trend takes spaces off the conventional, better-regulated housing market and contributes to rising costs.“The fact is, widespread abuse of short-term rentals is taking much needed housing off the market and harming our neighborhoods,” said ShareBetter SF, a group that supported Prop osition F. Hotel unions have protested the company’s practice s in San Francisco and other cities, saying that it creates an illegal hotel system.San Francisco is in the middle of a long-term, deeply rooted housing crisis that has seen the cost of living explode. Actually, explode is a generous term. The average monthly rent for an apartment is around $4, 000. Located on a narrow outcropping of land overlooking the bay, San Francisco simply doesn’t have enough space to accommodate the massive inflow of young, high-salaried tech employees flocking to Silicon Valley.As the Los Angeles Times reported, some San Francisco residents supported the measure simply because it seemed like a way to check a big corporation. Opponents of Proposition F countered that the housing crisis runs much deeper, and that passing the rule would have discouraged a popular service while doing little to solve thecity’s existing problems.33.The intention of Proposition F is to ________.A.place time limits in local election. B.set limits on short-term rental.C.strike down a controversial rule. D.urge users to vote against Airbnb.34.What is the negative consequence of Airbnb on San Francisco?A.It shrinks the living space of middle-class families.B.Users are taken advantage of by the service financially.C.It makes the house market more competitive.D.It indirectly leads to high house rental price.35.The housing crisis in San Francisco results from ________.A.explosion of the living cost B.its geographic characteristicsC.generosity of local enterprises D.inflow of migrant population36.The a uthor’s attitude toward Proposition F is ________.A.objective B.supportiveC.negative D.indifferentPassage 10 (2021·湖北·巴东一中一模)Growing up, we are constantly reminded that young people are heavily affected by technology. We are the “antisocial club”, t hose who prefer to text our friends in the same room rather than make eye contact with them. And even though never-ending studies reveal to us the extent of our social media addiction, we should at least consider that it’s not only our young people’s probl em any more.There’s the rise of the Instagram mums, who like to post an abundance of cute baby pictures, share their mom feelings along the way and show their wonderful lifestyles. They are the so-called “Facebook mum generation”, a growing group of parents that like to overshare.While all of this might be fine, and even a little humorous, new research suggests that parents’ technology addiction is negatively affecting their children’s behavior. According to the study, 40% of mothers and 32% of fathers have admitted having some sort of phone addiction. This has led to a significant fall in verbal interactions within families and even a decline in mothers’ encouraging their children.。

议论文——2024届高考英语高考阅读理解文体分类练学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Underwater travel is difficult and dangerous, but many people have to stay deep under the ocean. Thus, humans have come up with a few designs of vehicles to move around under the ocean. But what if there was a better way to travel?Hilary Bart-Smith, an engineer at the University of Virginia, thinks a vehicle that travels like a manta ray (魔鬼鱼) would be able to operate for long periods at sea. Manta rays which can grow up to 29 feet long are among the most efficient swimmers in the ocean. Different from animals and people pushing against water, manta rays swim by moving through the water with wing-like movements of their fins (鳍) . Efficiency means using less energy to move farther.Bart-Smith and other engineers at the University of Virginia had to find out what manta rays looked like on the inside to better understand how they move. They took X-rays to find out how a manta ray's fins are built. They found that a web of cartilage (软骨) stretches across each fin.Once the engineers knew how a manta ray's fin was constructed, they could build one of their own. They made a long row of metal struts with many hinges to imitate the manta ray's web of cartilage. The engineers put their design inside a flexible cover, shaped like a manta ray's fin. Then they tested it in the university swimming pool. They were happy to see that it swam just like a manta ray in the ocean.Engineers and scientists are still learning and experimenting with how to imitate these amazing animals. For now, engineers study their movements and learn from the most efficient swimmers in the ocean. Perhaps someday engineers will be able to build manta ray robots that are big enough to transport people.1.How do manta rays swim?A.By moving like birds.B.By swimming like humans.C.By swimming like other fishes.D.By pushing against water like animals. 2.What can we learn from the second and third paragraphs?A.Manta rays look like travel vehicles.B.Manta rays are the fastest swimmers.C.Manta rays can grow at least 29 feet long.D.Manta rays'fins consist of a web of cartilage.3.Why do the engineers study manta rays?A.To learn about their habits.B.To control manta ray robots.C.To protect marine creatures.D.To design undersea vehicles.4.What's the author's attitude towards the research?A.Supportive.B.Negative.C.Doubtful.D.Objective.People tend to pay less attention to tasks when working alongside a robot, according to research that found evidence of "social loafing", where team members work less hard if they think others will cover for them.Researchers at the Technical University of Berlin said people come to see robots as part of their team. Where they think a colleague or the technology performs particularly well, or where they think their own contribution would not be appreciated, people tend to take a more laid-back approach."Teamwork is a mixed blessing, "said Dietlind Helene Cymek (DHC) , the first author of the study. "Working together can motivate people to perform well but it can also lead to a loss of motivation because the individual contribution is not as visible. We were interested in whether we could also find such motivational effects when the team partner is a robot."The team tested their hypothesis by asking a group of workers to check the quality of a series of tasks. The workers were all asked to carry out checks for errors on circuit boards (电路板) . Half of them were told the tasks were also performed by a robot. While they did not work directly with the robot, named Panda, those people had seen it and were able to hear it operating.Their activity was monitored by the researchers, who blurred out the images of the boards the workers received, only showing them an image they could check once they actively opened it.Initially, they said they found no statistical difference in the time the two groups-those who were told they were working with a robot and those who were not-spent inspecting the circuit boards, or in the area they searched for errors.However, when the researchers investigated the participants' error rates, they found those knowing Panda's presence were catching fewer defects after they had seen the robot had successfully flagged many errors. They said this could reflect a "looking but not seeing" effect, where people engage less once they feel a colleague or resource is reliable.While participants who were asked to rate their own performance thought they werepaying an equivalent amount of attention, the researchers felt that subconsciously they had begun to assume Panda had picked up defects well.5.Why do people pay less attention to tasks when working with a robot?A.They see the robot as their colleague.B.They think the robot can cover all tasks.C.They believe their performance will be appreciated.D.They feel unvalued about their personal contribution.6.What does DHC mean by saying "Teamwork is a mixed blessing"?A.Teamwork is of great help for workers.B.Teamwork can improve work efficiency.C.Teamwork involves different kinds of weaknesses.D.Teamwork has both advantages and disadvantages.7.What did the workers need to do during the researchers' test?A.They need to blur out the images of the circuit boards.B.They need to check errors on circuit boards with robotsC.They need to see and hear how the robots were operating.D.They need to monitor the robots to check the quality of circuit boards.8.Which of the following can best describe the procedure of the study?A.Group→Instruct→Monitor→RateB.Question→Detect→Demonstrate→CollectC.Monitor→Group→Investigate→RateD.Monitor→Investigate→Reflect→InstructInterspecies was once a technical term used in science to describe how one species got along with another. Now it is a word of more consequence: it arouses the new connections between humans and non-humans that are being made possible by technology. In Ways of Being, James Bridle, a British artist and technology writer, explores what this means for understanding the non-human intelligence on Earth.Mr Bridle makes it clear that three kinds of minds are now interacting: humans, non-humans and machines. Using artificial intelligence (AI), machines in the future will have the capability to interpose(使介入) themselves as translators between humans and other biological life forms.It is true that profit is the main motive for advances in AI; as yet nature does not get muchof a look-in, and non-human intelligence goes unexplored outside zoology departments. Computing is as focused on humans as ever, even as climate change and biodiversity-loss suggest it should devote much greater attention to other species.The first step towards an interspecies future, Mr Bridle argues, is showing more appreciation for other forms of intelligence. To some extent, this is already happening. For example, through films and other initiatives many people now know that octopuses(章鱼) have advanced and strange intelligence. The next step, Mr Bridle declares, is recognizing that people live in a "more-than-human" world. Other forms of intelligence have developed from a common evolutionary base, and they overlap(重叠) in ways that science is just beginning to discover.Ways of Being would have benefited from sharper editing. Yet, in making clear the patience, imagination and humility required to better know and protect other forms of intelligence on Earth, he has made an admirable contribution to the dawning of the interspecies age. 9.Which of the following best illustrates the term "interspecies"?A.A wolf hunts a rabbit.B.A robot does housework.C.A lady walks her dog.D.A boy records a video for squirrels.10.What does AI lay emphasis on nowadays?A.Biodiversity.B.Other species.C.Humans.D.Climate change. 11.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A.The characteristics of species evolution.B.Expectations for the future development of AI.C.Suggestions on future exploration of interspecies.D. The importance of appreciation for other forms of intelligence.12.Which word best describes the author's attitude to Ways of Being?A.Skeptical.B.Favorable.C.Tolerant.D.Conservative.Steam trains paved the way for modern-day transportation, but just how much do you know about them?The roots of steam trains can be traced back to the 18th century when the Scottish engineer James Watt improved steam engine technology. Watt’s improvements significantly enhanced the efficiency of steam engines. This breakthrough paved the way for the application of steam power in various industries, marking the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. As the 19th century started, George Stephenson used the power of steam to power locomotives (火车头), telling the age of steam-powered transportation.Steam trains played a vital role in transforming the world into a connected network of nations. The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in the United States in 1869 marked a historic moment, as steam locomotives linked the East and West coasts, reducing travel time and expanding economic, opportunities.Similarly, the Orient Express in Europe became a symbol of luxury and international travel, carrying passengers from Paris to Istanbul in a quick way. The rhythmic sound of wheels on rails echoed (回响) through diverse landscapes, from the dry deserts of Australia to the snowy expanses of Siberia, as steam trains formed paths of connectivity across continents. During times of war, the role of steam trains extended to soldier transportation.While steam trains led the railway landscape for over a century, the mid-20th century witnessed the arrival of electric and diesel locomotives, claiming greater efficiency and lower operational costs, and signaling a transformative shift.As steam trains were not mainstream transportation, enthusiasts worldwide have preserved and restored steam locomotives, ensuring that these classic engine s continue to attract new generations with their nostalgic (怀旧的) charm, and that their stories continue to be told for ages to come.For Heritage railways, they dedicate to the restoration and operation of classic steam locomotives. From the Bluebell Railway in England to the Strasburg Rail Road in the United States, these living museums allow modern-day travelers to experience the magic of steam travel. Riding the polished carriages and hearing the distinctive whistle, visitors experience a sensory voyage, connecting with a time when steam trains were the heartbeat of progress and adventure.13.What marks the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?A. Rapid expansion of railways.B. Advance of steam locomotives.C. Great efficiency of transportation.D. The use of steam power in industries.14.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 4?A. Summarize the previous paragraphs.B. Add more facts to the role of steam trains.C. Share a historic moment.D. Introduce the Orient Express.15.How do Heritage railways react to the decline of steam trains?A. They welcome the arrival of electric engines.B. They insist on using steam trains.C. They offer a journey back in time.D. They prefer to improve steam engines.16.Where is the text probably taken from?A. A travel guide.B. A book review.C. A history paper.D. A newspaper report.Ancient builders across the world created structures that are still standing today, thousands of years later. Roman builders built thick concrete sea barriers against waves. Mayan builders created great sculptures, and Chinese builders constructed walls against foreign enemies.A growing number of scientists have been studying materials since a long time ago. They are breaking apart pieces of buildings and reading historical texts hoping to learn how they have stood for thousands of years. The research has turned up a surprising list of materials that were mixed into old buildings. They include tree bark, volcanic ash, rice and beer. These unexpected materials can have the ability to get stronger over time. Figuring out how to copy these features can have real impacts today. While some of our modern concrete has the strength to hold up very tall buildings and heavy structures, it cannot compete with the durability of these ancient materials.Many scientists have turned to the Romans. Starting around 200 BC, the Roman Empire was building concrete structures that have stood the test of time. Even in places where seawater has been hitting structures for ages, you will find concrete basically the way it was when it was poured 2,000 years ago. They think they have found an important reason why some Roman concrete has held up structures for thousands of years. That the ancient materials have an unusual power to restore themselves and “cure” cracks (裂缝) when they form is the most shocking for them. Exactly how is not yet clear, but scientists are starting to find the reasons.Today’s builders cannot just copy the ancient processes. Even though Roman concrete lasted a long time, it couldn’t hold up heavy buildings. Instead, researchers are trying to take some of th e ancient materials and add them into modern mixes. People don’t need to make things last quite as long as the Romans did. If we add 50 or 100 years to concrete’s lifespan, we’ll surely require less pulling down, less maintenance and less material in the l ong run. 17.What were the mentioned Roman and Chinese buildings both used for?A. Travel.B. Defence.C. Soldier training.D. Seawater control.18.Which word can best describe the ancient buildings?A. Long-lasting.B. Energy-efficient.C. Delicate.D. Flexible.19.What surprises the scientists most about the ancient building materials?A. Their large cracks.B. Their clear concrete.C. Their internal structures.D. Their self-repairing ability.20.What is the author’s attitude to the future concrete?A. Tolerant.B. Expectant.C. Suspicious.D. Indifferent.O'Brien and Samantha Kassirer from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University conducted two experiments to determine the levels of people's happiness when they gave away money or when they spent it on themselves.The first experiment involved 96 college students receiving $5 every day for five days. They had to spend the money on the same thing each day. Researchers randomly asked the participants to either spend the money on themselves or give it to someone else, like through a tip or an online donation to a charity. The participants ended each day by reflecting on their spending experience and their overall level of happiness. Regardless of how they spent the money, everyone started off with roughly the same level of self-reported happiness. Those who spent the money on themselves, however, experienced a decline in happiness over the five-day period. The people who gave the money to someone else maintained their happiness levels.The second experiment conducted online, involved 502 people playing 10 rounds of a word puzzle game. When the players won in a round, they received 5 cents. The participants could either keep the 5 cents or donate it to a charity. After each round, people rated the level of happiness they felt after winning a round. As with the first study, those who gave away the money reported a longer stretch of happiness than those who kept the money for themselves. As for why people who used the money for themselves aren't happy for so long, the researchers explain that focusing on an outcome—like getting paid—can diminish the experience. When people focus on an action—like giving to charity—they concentrate more on the act itself as a joyful event, explaining why happiness stays more consistent among those who spend the money on others. "If you want to sustain happiness over time, our new research shows that repeated giving, even in the same way to the same people, may make you continue to feel much fresher and more enjoyable," O'Brien said.So the next time you think about spending money on yourself, maybe give it to someone in need instead. Your happiness will thank you.21.What is the finding of the experiments?A.People get more happiness when giving money to others.B.Those who give money to others like to do it online.C.Your level of happiness can be influenced by many factors.D.Those who win rewards are willing to give money to a charity.22.According to O'Brien, what is the secret of maintaining happiness?A.Saving enough money.B.Trying something new.C.Keeping on giving.D.Balancing rest and work.23.Which of the following shows the correct structure of the whole text?A. B. C. D.24.What is the best title for the text?A.Money isn't the key to happinessB.It is better to give than to receiveC.Happiness depends upon ourselvesD.People spend their money differently参考答案1.答案:A解析:细节理解题。

2023年英语高考真题点对点练习—阅读理解议论文2023年高考真题Passage 1【2023年全国乙卷】If you want to tell the history of the whole world, a history that does not privilege one part of humanity, you cannot do it through texts alone, because only some of the world has ever had texts, while most of the world, for most of the time, has not. Writing is one of humanity’s later achievements, and until fairly recently even many literate (有文字的) societies recorded their concerns not only in writing but in things.Ideally a history would bring together texts and objects, and some chapters of this book are able to do just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. The clearest example of this between literate and non-literate history is perhaps the first conflict, at Botany Bay, between Captain Cook’s voyage and the Australian Aboriginals. From the English side, we have scientific reports and the captain’s record of that terrible day. From the Australian side, we have only a wooden shield (盾) dropped by a man in flight after his first experience of gunshot. If we want to reconstruct what was actually going on that day, the shield must be questioned and interpreted as deeply and strictly as the written reports.In addition to the problem of miscomprehension from both sides, there are victories accidentally or deliberately twisted, especially when only the victors know how to write. Those who are on the losing side often have only their things to tell their stories. The Caribbean Taino, the Australian Aboriginals, the African people of Benin and the Incas, all of whom appear in this book, can speak to us now of their past achievements most powerfully through the objects they made: a history told through things gives them back a voice. When we consider contact (联系) between literate and non-literate societies such as these, all our first-hand accounts are necessarily twisted, only one half of a dialogue. If we are to find the other half of that conversation, we have to read not just the texts, but the objects.12. What is the first paragraph mainly about?A. How past events should be presented.B. What humanity is concerned about.C. Whether facts speak louder than words.D. Why written language is reliable.13. What does the author indicate by mentioning Captain Cook in paragraph 2?A. His report was scientific.B. He represented the local people.C. He ruled over Botany Bay.D. His record was one-sided.14. What does the underlined word “conversation” in paragraph 3 refer to?A. Problem.B. History.C. Voice.D. Society.15. Which of the following books is the text most likely selected from?A. How Maps Tell Stories of the WorldB. A Short History of AustraliaC. A History of the World in 100 ObjectsD. How Art Works Tell Stories【答案】12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C【解析】【导语】本文是一篇议论文。

中考英语阅读理解议论文真题汇总(2023·四川眉山·统考中考真题)Do you like to travel alone? Or do you think it’s better to travel with friends? If you’re still deciding, please read on. I will explain the advantages of both ways.One of the great things about traveling alone is that you make the rules about where you go and what you eat. You’ll be surprised at what you discover about yourself without any influence.Traveling alone really shows you what you’re made of and helps you to discover inner strength (内心的力量) you didn’t know you had. Besides, it also gives you time to think, learn and grow. When your eyes are wide open, you’ll get a whole new outlook on the world.It’s easy to think that traveling alone is lonely. Although that may sometimes be true, you’re hardly ever alone. When you travel in a one-person team, this can provide a chance for you to enjoy the most interesting part of travel—communicating with the locals and meeting travelers from all corners of the world.In fact, traveling to know more about the world is not easy. There’s research to be done, flights to be booked and choices to be made, not to mention that things can—and often do—go wrong. One of the main advantages of traveling with friends is being able to share these things and support each other through the process, even if it’s just someone who will wait with your bag when you go to the bathroom.Just as your mother always says, it’s true that traveling with others can give you a sense of safety, especially if you’re new to travel. You know that if you get lost or have your wallet stolen, there’s someone to hold your hand when you try to explain your situation in a foreign police station.There’s no right or wrong way to travel. Whether you travel alone or team up with friends, it depends on you. 1.How does the writer introduce the topic of the passage in Paragraph 1?A.By telling a story.B.By giving examples.C.By asking questions.D.By describing a scene.2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.Traveling alone.B.Inner strength.C.Outside influence.D.Traveling with others.3.Traveling with friends has the following advantages EXCEPT ________.A.sharing a lot of things B.knowing yourself betterC.getting support easily D.having a sense of safety4.What’s the structure of the passage?(①=Paragraph 1 ①=Paragraph 2… )A.B.C.D.(2023·广东广州·统考中考真题)Computer scientist Mary has an idea for a new robot to help her work with children. How should it look? The robot should have arms to be able to lift things. And if it is going to communicate with people, it will also need a face. Scientists believe that giving a robot a face can make it seem more friendly. Humans would also like to pay more attention to robots with faces. But what kind?For Mary, she wants to make sure that her new robot doesn’t look too much like a human. She wants people to just treat it as a machine-person. If it looks more like a human than a machine, she thinks users might find it a bit creepy and feel afraid. Mary also believes that robot faces don’t need to look a lot like ours. Her research shows that we can enjoy communicating with robots whether or not they look like humans, because our brains are able to look for faces. Just put two circles on top of a robot’s body, and we will see a face.Dave feels differently. He believes that although at first we might be afraid when seeing a robot with a lifelike face, we may soon get used to it. If robots are going to work closely with humans, they should look as much like us as possible. After all, faces are an important part of the way we communicate.To make his robots look as much like real people as possible, Dave invented a special skin (皮肤) for their faces. With this skin, robots can show human-like expressions and appear to be angry, sad, happy or surprised. Dave’s robots are also programmed to copy expressions. How? Just imagine his robot is looking at you. The cameras in its eyes send pictures of your face to its central computer!5.Why do scientists think a robot needs a face?A.It will become more beautiful.B.It can do better in lifting things.C.It will pay more attention to children.D.It can better communicate with people.6.What does the underlined word “creepy” mean in paragraph 2?A.Uncomfortable to look at.B.Impossible to touch.C.Boring to talk to.D.Difficult to understand.7.Which of the following would Dave most probably agree with?A.People should treat robots as humans.B.Robots need to express their own feelings.C.Robots shouldn't look too much like humans.D.People can easily accept robots with a human face.8.What is the purpose of the passage?A.To explain the reasons why robots should have faces.B.To suggest what humans can do with robots with faces.C.To share ideas on what kind of faces robots should have.D.To show how scientists invent robots with different faces.(2023·湖南长沙·统考中考真题)It is commonly believed that children are too young to fully appreciate (欣赏) the experience and knowledge of their elders, while many think that old people don’t understand the young. But actually (事实上), both groups have a lot to learn from each other.James Smith runs the Smith’s Care Home in my city. It is mainly an organization (机构) for serving the elderly. But not all of its visitors are old people. The home also includes a childcare center for pre-school kids. There is a playground in the care home, where the elderly can play with the kids. In this way, they can learn more about each other, and respect (尊重) and understand one another.I suppose this is quite an interesting idea. For one thing, we live in a world where there are more and more old people. The world is facing this problem and its population ages. It will be important for young people to be able to understand and care for the elderly in the coming years.Regretfully, my own grandparents weren’t around when I was little, as they had already passed away. I never got to learn what the world was like through their eyes, or what kinds of problems they might have faced when they were my age. To me, their lives will always be a mystery — hard to understand or explain.However, I think I can still learn from other people of older generations (辈). I might find some of their ideas out of date, and they might believe that my generation’s way of thinking is strange or incorrect. But we can still learn from each other anyway.9.What is special about the Smith’s Care Home?A.It is only a childcare center actually.B.The elderly look after kids carefully there.C.It accepts both the elderly and pre-school kids.10.In the writer’s opinion (观点),what problem is the world facing?A.There are more and more old people.B.The world’s population is dropping rapidly.C.The world is short of care homes for old people.11.What does the underlined word “mystery” mean in Paragraph 4?A.笑话B.悲剧C.谜团12.How does the writer develop his/her idea in this text?A.By giving examples.B.By listing numbers.C.By raising questions.13.What is the main purpose of the text?A.To explain why the world’s population ages.B.To encourage different generations to learn from each other.C.To show that older generations’ ways of thinking are incorrect.(2023·浙江·统考中考真题)Roger Federer, a world-famous sports star, quit(放弃) the 2020 Olympic Games to deal with his knee problem. It was a hard decision because no one wanted to be a quitter. But finding the courage to let go can be good for you.Nothing is fun all the time. Sticking at something difficult teaches us important skills like perseverance(毅力). However, learning to let go when things aren’t right is important too. Maybe your heart isn’t in playing the piano any more, or you only play football because your friends do and you want to try a different sport instead. Making the decision to walk away can free up time and energy to spend on something you really enjoy. In fact, studies show that letting go of goals you can’t reach, or don’t really want, can build up your confidence and help you lead a happier and healthier life.But how can you know it’s time to stop and move on? Eric Bean is an expert in sports psychology(心理学) who helps athletes and teams understand their feelings. He says, “Quitting is never a matter of black and white.” He suggests thinking carefully about why you aren’t enjoying something any more. Is it because you’ve argued with a teammate or can’t get on with a new art teacher? Talk about this with a trusted adult or friend. That can help you decide whether you should stay and stick, or quit and move on.Quitting doesn’t have to mean totally giving up, though. For example, playing an instrument might be more fun if you take away the pressure of exams. If you do decide to give up an activity, Bean suggests picking up another where you can still enjoy things like teamwork, creativity, and exercise.14.The writer mentions “Roger Federer” in Paragraph 1 to show that ________.A.we should never give up B.we should get away from troubleC.it’s all right to stop and quit D.it’s difficult to win Olympic medals15.According to Paragraph 2, learning to let go is important because we can ________.A.learn about perseverance B.have enough money to spendC.live a busier and fuller life D.feel more confident in ourselves16.By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3, Eric Bean means that ________.A.it’s not good to stick at things we don’t likeB.we should think twice before quitting an activityC.we don’t have to take exams to show our true abilitiesD.it’s wiser to pick up a new hobby than to keep the old one17.Which could be the best title for the passage?A.Knowing When to Stop B.Working Hard to Move onC.Learning How to Grow up D.Starting Early to Make Changes(2022·四川绵阳·统考中考真题)Do you compare yourself to other people? Perhaps your best friend receives something you really want, or you’re not allowed to go to a concert but your brother or sister is. Even though comparisons are common and can sometimes be helpful, focusing(专注) on your own progress is important for your happiness.“We often compare ourselves to others who are doing better or not as well as ourselves.” says Dr. Jack. “But I suggest comparing yourself to your past self and your future self. This can make you feel proud of what you’ve achieved and excited about what you might do. Focusing on your own purposes is more worthwhile than always trying to come out on top.”Comparing yourself to those around you is natural and we often do it without realizing it. It can help us to be clear about our achievements and to form friendships with new people who have similar interests. However, it’s important to remember that nobody is perfect in real life. It’s also important to take note of how the comparison is making you feel. “If you begin to feel quite low, focus on your own strengths.” says Jack. In other words, you can ask yourself questions like “What can I do well in?”, which can help you trust yourself.Maybe here you are wondering “What if all my friends are better than me?”. Dr. White says that jealousy(妒忌) is not bad but focusing on bettering your own work can help you feel just as successful. He also mentions that learning to celebrate your friends’ success can not only help to cheer your friends up but also help you feel good. It will encourage you to build each other up.18.What does the writer tell us in Paragraph 1?A.We should compare with others.B.We should share things with brothers.C.We should enjoy concerts with sisters.D.We should focus on our own progress.19.Why should you compare yourself to your past self?A.To care about others.B.To change your purposes.C.To increase your excitement.D.To be proud of your achievements.20.What does the underlined phrase “your own strengths” probably mean in Paragraph 3?A.what you’re good at B.what you’ve understoodC.what you’re crazy about D.what you’ve experienced21.What does Dr. White suggest?A.Trusting your friends.B.Cheering on tiny success.C.Celebrating others’ success.D.Forming a deep friendship.22.What would be the best title for the passage?A.Plan Your Own Future B.Enjoy Your Own HappinessC.Run Your Own Race D.Follow Your Own Dream(2022·山东菏泽·中考真题)They say once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget. Most of us learnt when we were kids, and many still shoot off for a ride around the streets. In recent times, cycling has seen a rise in popularity, so the question is: what makes it so popular to people to ride their bikes once again?First, let’s look at the good for health. Cycling can improve your health and burn extra body fat. Exercising your legs helps to increase your strength. And cycling’s good isn’t just physical, but mental(精神的) as well. A long ride in the countryside could help you to clear your mind, or lower your worry. But it’s not only about your body and mind, there are also some good sides for your wallet’s(钱包) health.Cycling can be a great way to go to work or go around town. By cycling, you save money instead of driving a car or taking a bus. If you drive to work, sometimes finding somewhere to park can be a very difficult thing. However, finding somewhere to lock your bike can be much simpler. Then, on the bus, there are changes at stations and other passengers speaking loudly on their phones to deal with. Cyclists face neither of these problems. And if you’re worried about safety, there are special cycle ways in many big cities. Wearing high-visibility(高能见度) clothing is another way to improve your safety when cycling on the roads.Finally, cycling can also be good for the environment. It can help you to reduce your carbon footprint(碳足迹). Not giving gases out into the air is better for the planet and your own environment.So, whether people want to cycle for their health, going around town, their wallet, the environment, or a combination(结合) of all of them, the popularity of cycling is on the rise.23.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?A.To explain a reason.B.To raise a question.C.To give an example.24.What is the meaning of “wallet's health” in Paragraph 2?A.Cycling saves money.B.Cycling wastes money.C.Cycling keeps your wallet safe.25.Why is cycling good for the environment?A.It burns extra body fat.B.It is easy to lock a bicycle.C.It helps reduce carbon footprint.26.What is the passage mainly about?A.Cycling for physical health.B.Cycling for safety on the road.C.The growing popularity of cycling.(2022·湖南永州·统考中考真题)On August 30, 2021, the Chinese government announced that kids would not be allowed to play online games Mondays to Thursdays. On weekends and holidays, kids would be limited(限制) to an hour a day of online gaming. “Recently, many parents have reported that playing games crazily among some youths and children is seriously harming their normal study, life and health.” the Chinese government said online. This news got us thinking. Should the government be responsible for limiting how much time kids spend online? Here are some students’opinions.Esme McNeely, 11The government should not set screen-time limits. That decision should be up to parents. Some children need to use screens for homework. And during the COVID-19, one of the only ways to talk to friends was online. Government limits would not be fair to people who are careful with their screen time.Lucas Barone, 11The government should not limit screen time. A 2021 study from the University of Colorado Boulder says screen time might be less harmful to kids than people think. Some parents worry that children online too much won’t make friends. But the study reports that screen time can actually improve kids’friendships. In fact, screen time can be educational. I use websites to read and to learn math.Xiuhan Zhu, 9I think the government should take action and limit screen time for kids. Too much screen time can lead to tiredness and less social time. People who use smartphones are more likely to get into car accidents. Electrical products like computers can also be harmful for kids. If kids aren’t careful with the websites they use, criminals can get important information.Ning Li, 10Most people spend too much time on their phones and TVs. They hurt their eyes and waste their time. And watching a lot of TV or playing games can influence kids’ learning and social skills. If the government limited screen time, people would be encouraged to spend more time with their family. They might join a sports team in their neighborhood.27.When are kids allowed to play online games for an hour a day?A.On Mondays.B.On Wednesday.C.On weekends.28.Who is against screen-time limits?A.Esme McNeely.B.Xiuhan Zhu.C.Ning Li.29.What does the study from he University of Colorado Boulder show?A.Screen time might do no harm to kids.B.Screen time can improve kids’ friendships.C.Screen time won’t help kids make friends.30.What are Ning Li’s opinions about screen-time limits?A.Too much screen time can lead to tiredness.B.Criminals can get important information easily.C.People are encouraged to spend more time with their family.31.What is the article mainly about?A.Screen time can be educational.B.Screen time can lead to less social time.C.Whether the government should set screen-time limits.(2021·内蒙古呼和浩特·统考中考真题)It’s long been a scientific dream: to give people a special vaccine before birth to prevent them from getting terrible illnesses. Gene editing (基因编辑) is one way in which we could do this. But this method has also created some discussion.In an online video posted on Nov. 26, 2018, He Jiankui, a researcher at the Southern University of Science and Technology, said that he had helped to make the world’s first genetically edited babies.The babies are twin girls who were born in November. Their father had HIV. The twins’ genes were edited in order to prevent them from suffering from the HIV virus.He said he chose to do this because HIV is widespread in China. “I feel such a strong duty not only to be the first to do this, but also to set an example,” he told AP.But his actions caused many questions. Although gene editing may help to prevent disease, many people are wondering if it is safe and ethical to use it on humans.Some believe that gene editing could be useful to HIV patients. HIV is “a large and growing public health problem”, according to Harvard Medical School genetic professor George Church. Using gene editing for HIV is “a good idea”, Church told AP.However, others think that gene editing is still in its experimental periods and could result in terrible changes. “It could cause genetic problems later in life, including the development of cancer,” Julian Savulescu from the University of Oxford told BBC News.Others fear that people might use gene editing technology to make “designer (设计的) babies”. It would giveparents the ability to choose everything from their baby’s eye colour to their IQ.“You could find wealthy parents buying the latest ‘upgrades’ for their children, leading to even greater unfairness than we already live with,” Marcy Darnovsky, director of the San Francisco Center for Genetics told BBC News.32.What do we know about He Jiankui?A.He was the first person to edit genes.B.He made the twins suffer from HIV when he edited their genes.C.He made the world’s first genetically edited babies.D.He was the first person whose genes were edited.33.Who agreed that gene editing could be helpful to HIV patients?A.George Church.B.Julian Savulescu.C.Marcy Darnovsky.D.Chinese researchers.34.The underlined word “ethical” in the passage probably means “________”.A.合乎常情的B.道德的C.有价值的D.有效的35.According to the story, we know that gene editing ________.A.is supported by the writer B.is good for wealthy peopleC.causes some heated argument D.has been used widely in the UK36.What does “designer babies” mean in the passage?A.Parents can change their baby’s eye colour.B.Parents are able to choose their baby’s height.C.Parents can give their baby everything that he or she likes.D.Parents have a chance to prevent their baby from suffering from the virus.(2021·江苏泰州·统考中考真题)Just the other day, I was in a bookshop and found a book named How to make friends with foreigners. As a Canadian living in China for a year, I was curious to see what kind of advice a Chinese writer giving on this matter.One piece of advice really caught my attention and, I must say, made me feel quite angry. In the writer’s opinion, foreigners are an "opportunity (机会)" to improve your oral English; whenever you see a foreigner, American or English, you should practise speaking English with him or her. If the foreigner doesn’t want toanswer your questions, then he or she is a rude person who you wouldn’t want to spend time with anyway. I think this advice is not only incorrect, but also may harm the relationship between Chinese and foreigners in China.Like most other "Lao Wai" living in China, I know how lonely one can sometimes feel living in a culture different from our own familiar (熟悉的) ways. However, I simply accept as part of being here. So far my time in China has been rewarding. I have improved my Chinese language skills, learned about one of the fastest developing countries in the world today and made some very close Chinese friends.However, I have also met many Chinese people who consider me only as an "opportunity" to improve their oral English. I have had people following me from town to my flat to trouble me to teach them English. I have had complete strangers throwing articles or speeches in my face, insisting that I help them with the English translation.I have had people asking me non-stop questions for half an hour at the weekly English Corner ...Friendship for a lot of foreigners is about spending time with someone whose company (陪伴) they really enjoy. So if there is any advice to give on making and keeping friendships with foreigners, I would say that it is this: Treat foreigners as people, not opportunities. Expect to make friendships step by step, over a period of time, not in a rush. ________ If your only reason for becoming fiends with a foreigner is to improve your English, then you will probably find that you don’t have a foreign friend for long.37.Where is the writer of this passage from?A.America B.China C.Canada D.England38.Why is the writer of the passage interested in the book "H ow to make friends with foreigners"?A.Because he wants to have some more close Chinese Friends.B.Because he has greatly improved his Chinese language skills,C.Because no Chinese people would like to make friends with him.D.Because he wants to know about the Chinese writer’s advice on this topic.39.According to the writer of the book "How to make friends with foreigners", ________.A.his advice may make foreigners angryB.it is rude of you to ask a foreigner questionsC.you should choose a good foreigner to practise English withD.don’t waste time on a foreigner who doesn’t answer your questions40.In the fourth paragraph, the writer uses "I have had…" three times, because ________.A.he had no better sentences to express his ideas.B.he wanted to show how he hated to make friends with Chinese.C.he wanted to show how he hated to be treated as an “opportunity”.D.he met Chinese who wanted to make friends with him only three times.41.Which sentence may be the best to fill in the "________" in the last paragraph?A.True friendships stand (经得起) the test of time.B.Learn about different cultures to make real friends.C.Friends are about opportunities or personal advantages.D.There’s real friendship between people from different countries.(2020·浙江衢州·统考中考真题)On a June afternoon in 1752, the sky began to get dark over the city. As the storm broke, most people surely hurried inside, but not Benjamin Franklin. He decided it was the perfect time to fly a kite. Franklin had been waiting for a chance like this. He wanted to show the connection between lightning(闪电) and electricity, and to do so, he needed a storm.He walked into field, and flew a kite with a piece of rope tied to it. A key was tied to the rope. The lightning hit the kite, and electricity passed through the rope to the key. Franklin then touched the key with his finger and got an electric shock(电击). This, he said, proved(证明) the electrical nature of lightning.For many years, schools have taught the story of Franklin’s experiment. Millions of schoolchildren have been amazed by his courage and his scientific spirit of looking for the truth. However, new research suggests that the story may be fiction instead of fact. Although Franklin’s experiment took place, more than one scientist has questioned what really happened. It’s true that he did the experiment with the rope and the key. But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually touched the key, he would certainly have died from the electric shock.Scientists often question accepted ideas because they want to find out the facts. Some have even questioned the story about the apple that fell on Newton’s head. Many reports suggest that although the falling apple certainly provided ideas, there is nothing to show that the apple actually hit him on the head.In fact, fiction is often more interesting than the truth. People have been more encouraged by Franklin’s spirit than by the facts themselves. But in science, facts should be tested by experiments and research, and we should not always believe everything we read or hear even if it is a great story.42.Franklin did the experiment in order to prove ________.A.he was an excellent scientistB.flying a kite in the storm was safeC.he was not afraid of lightningD.lightning was a form of electricity43.The underlined word “fiction” probably means something ________.A.not trueB.quite differentC.not safeD.quite necessary44.Some scientists questioned whether Franklin ________ in the experiment.A.flew a kiteB.touched the keyC.was presentD.discovered electricity45.The purpose of the passage is to tell us ________.A.Franklin’s spirit is encouragingB.fiction is more interesting than the truthC.Franklin’s experiment is not realD.we shouldn’t always believe accepted ideas(2020·内蒙古鄂尔多斯·统考中考真题)When Chinese people talk about the mouse, they are likely it as greedy and dishonest. It mainly comes from a Chinese folk story about the cat and the mouse.One day, the mouse and the cat made an appointment to attend a competition held by the Jade Emperor. It would decide the zodiac animals. However, the mouse did not wake the cat up and at last won by riding on the ox’s back. So the mouse ranked first on the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, and because of that, people think the mouse betrayed his friend.Probably not! Human culture is funny. There are always different ways to look at the same thing.In another folk story, people treated the mouse as a great hero. It's said that the mouse created the world by taking a bite of heaven, bringing light to humans. It helped people survive by stealing firewood and grain seeds (种子). As a result, many people respect the mouse by offering food and praying for success.Since mice live together in societies and have many babies with a high survival rate, the also represent cooperation(合作)and reproduction. With all these qualities, it's believed that people born in the Year of the。

2023年中考英语短文阅读(议论文)专题练习(附答案)一、阅读理解阅读理解The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics has already come to an end, and Chinese athletes (运动员) have made great achievements. But how will the stadiums (场馆) be used after the Olympics?The designers have already considered that question in their designs (设计). The plan is to let the stadiums serve common people and increase their interest in winter sports. Just as one of the designers of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics said, " The stadiums can not only serve professional athletes in the games, but also serve the public after the games. "For example, the professional ice race lanes (车道) for athletes are 121 meters high and are not fit for amateurs. So the National Ski and Sleigh Center has kept a special lane for common sport-lovers. The height of the lane is about 40 meters. This can make sure they will stay safe.The National Ski Jumping Center in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province will continue being open to the public for skiing in winter and jogging in summer. In fact, people can make use of the stadiums all year round. On the top of the center, people can walk and enjoy the beautiful scenery. There is also a standard football field that can hold 6, 000 people. Even concerts and cultural fairs can be held there as well.Time will tell whether the stadiums can be really made good use of after, the Olympic Games. In China, 300 million people have already taken part in ice and snow sports because of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Hopefully, that number will continue to rise with plans like these. After all, snow and ice sports belong not only to talented professional athletes, but also to everyone interested in them.1.The underlined word " amateurs " in Paragraph 3 probably refers to people who ______.A.design the stadiums B.compete in the OlympicsC.do sports for enjoyment D.work for the Winter Olympics2.It can be learned from the passage that ______.A.the special ice race lane is 40 meters lowerB.the stadiums will be used two seasons a yearC.the football field in the center can hold 6, 000 peopleD.300 million people watched the Beijing Winter Olympics3.The passage mainly tells ______.A.why more Olympic stadiums will be builtB.how the Olympic stadiums will be made full use ofC.what will be done to prepare for the Olympic GamesD.how athletes are encouraged to make greater achievements阅读理解When Leon Martin asked for his parents' advice on how to become a UX designer(设计师), they both went silent. "In fact, I had no idea what he was talking about, "said Anne, his mother, "I didn't know whether he was talking about designing clothes, computer programs or a fancy brand of bike."Even when her 18-year-old son explained that it was something about "behind the scenes" online design, his mother was still a bit lost. "I felt like I had totally failed as a parent, "she said. "My job as a parent is to open doors so my children can achieve their potential(潜力), but how can I do that when I don't even understand what their dreams are?"▲ Research has found that more than 2/3 of parents in England are now facing the problem that, when their children express interest in new education and job choices, they may know nothing about them.More than 75% of parents felt it is almost impossible to offer their children good advice in such a fast-changing job market."Michele Rea did a survey of over 2,000 parents of secondary school students in England. She found that many parents were afraid their children would just stop talking about their career(职业)plans at home, simply because their mum and dad could hardly follow them. "We all know that parents' opinions and suggestions pay an important role in shaping and influencing their children's career dreams, "she said. "But we usually spend much on our own experiences. And things have changed so much since most of us were at school. "Bryony Mathew, writer of the Awesome Career Books, said the world was changing so rapidly that parents should not try to decide on certain careers for their children.4.What should a successful parent be able to do according to Anne?A.Become a great UX designer.B.Do an excellent job online.C.Develop their children's potential.D.Realize their children's dreams.5.Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 3?A.Anne is not alone.B.Anne has bad luck.C.This is very strange.D.This is very interesting.6.What did Michelle Rea's survey mainly show?A.Most of the parents in England were facing trouble in accepting new jobs.B.Parents feared that their children would refuse to share their career dreams.C.A lot of parents found it difficult to help their children with their education.D.Children's career future depended a lot on their parents' working experiences.7.What could be the best title for the passage?A. How can children make career choices?B.How can parents become career advisers?C.Should children take their parents' career advice?D.Should parents choose a career for their children?阅读理解①Have you ever shown your photos on your favorite social media (媒体)? Or have you expressed your feelings and emotions on your online page? If yes, do you know what you have posted on the social medias can cause problems you could not expect?②Cathy, who is going to be fifteen, posted online an invitation to her birthday party with her address in it. And guess what! 500 people came to the party, and some even broke the windows and plants, making a total mess of the house. The girl's birthday party turned into a nightmare (噩梦).③Many teenagers (青少年)think they know everything about social media, and that such a thing could never happen to them. Studies show that each year more than three million young people in the world get into trouble because of their online activities.④So do remember these if you really want to share something online.⑤Share with care! Not everyone will like what you write online. Think before you post anything. You never know who sees your texts, pictures or videos. Before clicking "post", you should ask yourself, "How will I feel if my family or teachers see this?" and "How might this post be bad for me in five or ten years from now?"⑥Be polite when you write! Imagine someone is unfriendly in real life. The same is true of online communication. No one likes it when you "shout" in your messages. If you feel angry or frustrated while you're writing a message, wait a bit. Read it again later and then send it.⑦Protect and respect!Never share your passwords with anyone. It's not wise to post your home or email address online. Don't say bad things about people. If you get messages like that or see them online, talk to your parents or your teachers.⑧ I'd say none of these things promises 100% online safety, but each will help you to be safer. 8.The writer starts to introduce the topic by __________.A.telling stories B.giving examplesC.asking questions D.sharing experiences9.The party turned into a nightmare because Cathy _________.A.made a total mess of the houseB.shared the photos of her house onlineC.invited hundreds of people to her partyD.posted an invitation with her address online10.The writer uses the mark "!" in the underlined sentences of Paragraphs 5~7 to ________ .A.draw the readers' attentionB.give orders that readers should followC.express the strong feelings of worryD.give the decisions that have been made11.What does the writer mean by saying the last sentence?A.You should spend much less time online.B.It's necessary to think before you act online.C.You have to make a promise before you go online.D.If you want to be safer online, do as the writer suggests.阅读理解Have you ever thought of what life is like for old people? Have you ever helped old people who live alone? Can they get help when they need it?Six students from Beijing 101 Middle School looked deeper at this question and wrote a proposal (提案) to the China Youth Model Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (全国青少年模拟政协活动). They advised to build more old people's service stations in the neighborhood. They also gave suggestions about how governments, neighborhoods and hospitals can work together to make this happen.An old people's service station is different from a nursing home. It offers things like daytime care, cooking, cleaning and friendship to old people who live in their own homes. The students surveyed more than 1, 100 people, about 90 percent of them said they would prefer using the stations' services to moving into a nursing home. However, there are not enough of these stations, and many are not run very well.The six students came up with a solution after reading more than 60 surveys, interviewing 108 people and visiting 25 different organizations. Their proposal beat out almost 100 others to win the Best Proposal award (奖项) in 2021."This experience helps me to better understand the importance of caring old people. Also I see the light and abilities in us, "said Xu Wanqing, one of the students."Taking part in the China Youth Model CPPCC has been good for students," agreed their teacher Li Jie. "They've developed a sense of caring old people, as well as gotten more confidence about themselves since they've seen how much they can do for others. "12.How many students wrote the proposal?A.6.B.25.C.100.D.108.13.What do most people prefer doing in the survey?A.Moving into a nursing home.B.Using the old people's stations' services.C.Living alone.D.Helping other old people.14.___________, the six students came up with the solution.① After reading more than 60 surveys.② After interviewing 108 people.③ After watching lots of news.④After visiting 25 different organizations.A.①②③B.②③④C.①②④D.①③④15.What does Li Jie think of his students after taking part in the activity?A.Become more and more confident.B.Better understand the importance of life.C.Develop a sense of protecting themselves.D.Open their eyes to the world.16.What's the purpose of this proposal?A.To offer cooking.B.To build a nursing home.C.To win an award.D.To care for old people in a better way.阅读理解A Pathway (路径) to Meaning in LifeWhen it comes to a meaningful life, we might think of love, happiness and health. A life filled with meaning is what most of us want for ourselves. Then, what makes a meaningful life?Many researchers agree that a meaningful life comes down to three factors (因素): having long-term goals, believing that one's life matters, and feeling that one's life fits together and "makes sense".But we believe there is more to consider. Sometimes life enables us to experience small moments of beauty. When people are open to appreciating (欣赏) such experiences, these moments may improve how they see their own life. We call this experiential appreciation (EA). EA is about the person feeling connected to events and being able to appreciate the value within the connection. It shows the discovery of and admiration for life's beauty.We recently set out to better understand EA in studies. We were interested in whether EA was also tied to general judgment of meaning in life. If so, it could be a factor for meaningfulness.In the first study, we had people rate (评估) their support for different methods of reducing stress. We found that people who managed stress by focusing on their appreciation for life's beauty also reported experiencing life as highly meaningful.In the next study, we asked people to rate the degree to which they agreed with various statements, such as "I appreciate the beauty of life" and "I appreciate little things in life," as well as other statements that related to the three factors and a general sense of meaning in life. Our results showed that the more people reported that they were "appreciating life" and its many experiences, the more they felt their life was valuable.In the following studies, we further looked at the connection between EA and meaningfulness. For example, we found that people who were asked to look back on the most meaningful event of the past week generally reported high EA in those moments.All the results proved our theory (假设) true. But putting it into practice can be difficult. Our fast-paced lifestyles fill the day with goals. We try to get the highest output both at work and in spare time. This focus on future outcomes makes it all too easy to miss what is happening right now. We should slow down and let life surprise us.17.You were most probably in the EA condition when _________.A.you made a travel plan for the coming holidayB.you hurried to serve the customers in the storeC.you practiced hard to become the best violinistD.you stopped to admire the roses by the roadside18.What can we learn from the studies mentioned in the passage?A.Thinking back to the past weakens our sense of meaning.B.Enjoying small things can influence our attitude toward life.C.Proper stress management is the key to living a satisfying life.D.Good judgment on beauty improves connections among people.19.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A.It is easier for results-driven people to achieve success.B.We often turn a blind eye to the present moment.C.A fast-paced lifestyle helps us reach our goals.D.Future life will bring us many more surprises.20.What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?A.To explain how to discover beauty in life.B.To discuss what the true meaning of life is.C.To introduce a new factor for a meaningful life.D.To compare different factors for meaningfulness.阅读理解In today's world, almost everyone knows that air pollution and water pollution are harmful to people's health. However, not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution, and that is harmful to human health, too.People who work and live in noisy conditions usually become deaf. Many workers who print newspapers and books become deaf. Quite a few people living near airports also become deaf.Recently it was discovered that many American children's hearing is as bad as 65-year-old people's, for these children like to listen to pop music and most pop music is noisy. Besides, noise produced by planes or machines will make people's life difficult and unpleasant, or even make people ill or drive them mad.Now the governments in many countries have made laws to control noise. In China, the government is trying to solve not only air and water pollution problems but also noise pollution problems.21.Everyone knows noise is a kind of pollution.22.If one works and lives in noisy conditions, he/she usually becomes deaf.23.Many American children have very bad hearing.24.Noise can make people live a difficult life but can't drive them mad.25.The Chinese government is trying to solve air, water and noise pollution problems.答案1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.B21.错误22.正确23.正确24.错误25.正确。
2025届高考英语专项复习 阅读理解议论文 2020-2024高考真题专练(原卷版+解析版)

阅读理解议论文考点1 人与自我型议论文【2021新课标I卷】Popularization has in some cases changed the original meaning of emotional (情感的) intelligence. Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person’s makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and “people skills.” Research has shown that emotional skills may contribute to some of these qualities, but most of them move far beyond skill-based emotional intelligence.We prefer to describe emotional intelligence as a specific set of skills that can be used for either good or bad purposes. The ability to accurately understand how others are feeling may be used by a doctor to find how best to help her patients, while a cheater might use it to control potential victims. Being emotionally intelligent does not necessarily make one a moral person.Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful. The most positive aspect of this popularization is a new and much needed emphasis (重视) on emotion by employers, educators and othersinterested in promoting social well-being. The popularization of emotional intelligence has helped both the public and researchers re-evaluate the functionality of emotions and how they serve people adaptively in everyday life.Although the continuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence is desirable, we hope that such attention will excite a greater interest in the scientific and scholarly study of emotion. It is our hope that in coming decades, advances in science will offer new perspectives (视角) from which to study how people manage their lives. Emotional intelligence, with its focus on both head and heart, may serve to point us in the right direction.32. What is a common misunderstanding of emotional intelligenceA. It can be measured by an IQ test.B. It helps to exercise a person's mind.C. It includes a set of emotional skills.D. It refers to a person’s positive qualities.33. Why does the author mention “doctor” and “cheater” in paragraph 2A. To explain a rule.B. To clarify a concept.C. To present a fact.D. To make a prediction.34. What is the author's attitude to the popularization of emotional intelligenceA. Favorable.B. Intolerant.C. Doubtful.D. Unclear.35. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning emotional intelligenceA. Its appeal to the public.B. Expectations for future studies.C. Its practical application.D. Scientists with new perspectives.【答案】322-35 DBAB【导读】本文是一篇议论文。

初中英语阅读理解-议论文篇(1)(1)Do you want to live a happier, less stressful (有压力的) life? Try laughing for no reason at all. That’s howthousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world — and many doctors now think that havinga good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy.The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria. “Young cly goodabout 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day,” says Dr. Kataria. “Everyone at laughing —it’s the universal language. We want people to feel happy with their lives.” There a than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.Many doctors are also interested in the effects (效果) of laughter on our health. According to a 5-year studyat the UCLA School of Medicine in California, with laughing there is less stress in the body. Laughter improvesour health against illness by about 40%.So, what happens at a Laughter Club? I went along to my nearest club in South London to find out. I wasquite nervous at the beginning of the class, to be honest —I wasn’t interested in laughing with a group ofstrangers, and I was worried about looking stupid. Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say hoho, ha ha ha,” while looking at each other. However, our bodies can’t tell the difference between fake la real laughter, so they still produce the same healthy effects.Surprisingly, it works! After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real — and some peoplejust couldn’t stop! At the end of the class I was surprised by how relaxed and comfortable I felt. So if youstress, then start laughing. You might be very pleased with the results!48. In which country was the first Laughter Club started?A. Britain.B. America.C. Australia.D. India.49. How did the writer feel at the beginning of the class?A. Surprised.B. Pleased.C. Nervous.D. Stressful.50. When did the people in the club begin to laugh for real?A. After a few minutes.B. After a few hours.C. After a few seconds.D. After a few days.51. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Fake laughter and real laughter are both good for health.B. 40% of the people in Laughter Clubs are good friends.C. Adults laugh more often than children in a day.D. Laughing is the best way to prevent illness.(2)Nowadays,a new method is used to decide who are the top students in school.The best students are those who notonly get high marks,but also follow the rules and the behavior standards(标准) for middle school students.Hereare some of the new rules and standards.again!Tell the truth.Have you ever copied someone else’s work on an exam? If you have,then don’t do it.If you have played computer games for two hours in your room.That’s not something an honest student should dodon’t tell your parents you were doing homework.Learn to be loving and caring.Good students love animals and care for other people.Learn to work together with others.It would be mole fun when more people work together.Did you quarrelwith your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger.Befriendly to the people you are with.Try to think of others,instead of only yourself.Be open to new ideas.Have you ever thought that people could lire on the moon? Perhaps you’ll d.You should welcome them,Earth Ⅱ someday.Don’t look down on new ideas.Everyone’s ideas are importantbecause new ideas make lire better for everyone.Use the Internet carefully.The Internet can be very useful for your studies.Some websites(网站) on the,so make sure to visit the web pages that are good for you.You can use the web for fun orInternet aren’t for kidshomework.Can’t you find any good websites for children?61.The new rules tell kids ________.A.how they can study well B.what they should do at schoolC.how they can get high marks D.what is right and what is wrong62.The main idea of the fourth paragraph is about ________.A.making the team stronger B.being a good friend to othersC.working together with others D.quarrelling with others63.If someone says that human beings will discover Earth Ⅱ someday,what should you do?A.Laugh at it.B.Welcome it.C.Leave it alone.D.Refuse it.64.Good websites for children can ________.A.help them with their studies B.do homework for themC.make life easier D.be a waste of time65.The passage mainly tells us how to ________.A.do more at school B.care for othersC.use the Internet D.be top students(3)Just a Quick Nap 只要打个盹儿Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well, that’s normal. Your body naturally slows down then. What shou you do about it? Don’t reach for a coffee! Instead, take a nap.It’s good to have a daily nap. First of all , you are more efficient(有效的)after napping . You rememberthings better and make fewer mistakes. Also, you can learn things more easily after taking a nap. A nap mayincrease your self-confidence(自信)and make you more active . It may even cheer you up. But, there are somesimple rules you should follow about taking a nap. First, take a nap in the middle of day, about eight hours afteryou wake up. Next, a 20-minute nap is best. If you sleep longer, you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking froma deep sleep, you will feel worse. Also, you should set an alarm clock. That way, you can fully relax during yournap. You won’t have to keep looking at the clock so you don’t oversleep.Now,the next time you feel sleepy after lunch , don’t get stressed . Put your head down, close your ey and catch forty winks.56. It is to get sleepy for you at noon.A. normalB. strangeC. amazing57. After taking a nap, you may feel more .A. stressedB. confidentC. sleepy58. The proper period(一段时间)of time for taking a nap is .A. as long as you likeB. eight hoursC. about twenty minutes59. What can help you have a fully relaxing nap according to the passage?A. A cup of coffee.B. A quick meal.C. An alarm clock.60. What is the text mainly about?A. Why and how to take a nap.B. Rules to increase your self –confidence.C. How to make your body slow down.(4)There are many advantages of becoming a professional musician. The biggest advantage is being able to do something you love. You will have the chance to travel to many different places and meet a lot of different people. That will open up your eyes.However, there are also disadvantages of being a professional musician. One of the biggest disadvantages for most musicians is that they don't always have enough money. Most of the time, you will be looking for jobs. Sometimes you won't be able to find a good job. Another disadvantage is the place you live in. If you want to be a musician, you usually have to move to an area that has a lot of jobs, such as New York City. The cost of living in these areas is usually very high. The third disadvantage is that you can't have a stable family life. Different jobs will take a musician to different places, so most musicians are unable to have a regular family.61. The advantages of being a professional musician include all the following EXCEPT ________.A. making a lot of money all the timeB. traveling to many different placesC. meeting a lot of different people62. Which is NOT a disadvantage of being a professional musician?A. Not always having enough money.B. Being unable to have a stable family life.C. Having the chance to meet many different people.63. What does the underlined word "stable" mean in Chinese?A. 幸福的B. 稳定的C. 健康的64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The biggest advantage of being a musician is being able to live in big cities.B. Most musicians are unable to have a regular family life because they enjoy traveling.C. It's difficult for some musicians to find a good job sometimes.65. The author mainly tells us in the passage.A. becoming a professional musician can also have problemsB. why people want to become professional musiciansC. not to become professional musicians(5)Every year several thousand people are killed and between one and two hundred thousand people are inured onthe roads in Great Britain.These people are killed or injured in road accidents.There are rules to make the roads safe,but people do not always obey the rules.They are careless.Ifeverybody obeys the rules,the roads will be much safer.How can we make the roads safer?Remember this rule.In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left.Cars and buses and bikes must all keep to theleft side of the road.In most other countries traffic keeps to the right.Before crossing the road,stop and look both ways.Look right,look left,look right again.Then,if you aresure that the road is clear,it is safe to cross the road.If there are small children,or very old people,or blindpeople,waiting to cross the road,it is a kind act to help them cross the road in safety.We must teach young children to cross the road safely.We must always give them a good example.Smallchildren must not play in the street.56.In Britain,traffic keeps to the right side of the road,like most other countries.57.The underlined sentence “the road is clear” means that “there is no car or bus running on the road and .to cross the road”58.We make the roads safer by obeying the traffic rules.参考答案(1)48-51. DCAA(2)61-65.BCBAD(3)56-60 ABCCA(4)61-65 ACBCA(5)56.F 57.T 58.T。

英语阅读对比式议论文作文1. In today's fast-paced society, technology plays a crucial role in our daily lives. From smartphones to social media platforms, we are constantly connected to the digital world. However, this excessive reliance on technology can have negative impacts on our mental and physical well-being.2. On the other hand, technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. With just a few clicks, we can connect with people from all over the world and stay informed about current events. This level of connectivity has opened up new opportunities for collaboration and learning.3. Despite the benefits of technology, it has also ledto a decrease in face-to-face interactions. People are more comfortable communicating through screens rather than in person, which can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, the constant exposure to screens can strain our eyes and disrupt our sleep patterns.4. However, technology has made our lives more convenient and efficient. Tasks that used to take hours can now be completed in a matter of minutes with the help of technology. From online shopping to virtual meetings, technology has streamlined many aspects of our daily routines.5. Nevertheless, the overuse of technology can lead toa sedentary lifestyle and contribute to health issues such as obesity and poor posture. Spending hours hunched over a screen can take a toll on our physical health, leading to a host of problems in the long run.6. Despite the drawbacks of technology, it has undeniably improved our quality of life in many ways. Whether it's through access to information, communication with others, or increased efficiency, technology has become an integral part of modern society. It is up to us to find a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of technology in order to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.。

初中英语阅读理解-议论文篇(3)(11)Each year,many Chinese people go abroad because of all kinds of reasons. They are becoming younger and younger year by year. Even some Chinese parents send their children to foreign countries when they are only in a middle school. They think their children can get a wider view, less academic(学业)competition or family honor. But life can be bad for young people there. At first, they have to face the culture differences and language problems. However, these are not always the most difficult things to overcome(克服).To best children, controlling(管理)themselves well is a big challenge when studying alone in strange country.Yu Yang,a 15-year-old student from Guangdong Province studies in a high school in Toronto, Canada.To his surprise,his teachers there seldom push students to study abroad.And usually there isn’t too much homework.Students have lots of free time to do the activities.Some of his friends spend their whole year’s money in the first two months of the new term. So they have to ask their parents for some more money.On the one hand, studying abroad can help students learn foreign languages quickly and en up their eyes, but on the other hand, some children may feel lonely, become bad,lose themselves,etc. Many problems may happen to them.These are different from their original thoughts.So parents should think them over before their children go abroad.Answer the questions according to the passage.81.Why do Chinese parents send their children abroad?82.What do the students have to face in foreign countries at first?83.Controlling themselves well is a big challenge,isn’t it?84.Do students in Canada have more free time than those in China?85.What’s the article mainly about?(12)In many western schools,sports day is a big event.Children take part in competitive(竞争性的) sports,trying to break school records and take the first place.Sports days,or sports meets,are usually held in the warmer seasons,either at the beginning or the end of the school year.They are also called field days.Primary school sports days are fun.They usually have activities such as the egg and the spoon race and the sackrace.Other events include the skipping race(跳绳)and the three-legged race.In middle and high schools,sports days include many of the common track and field events (田径项目).They are more serious and competitive than primary school ones.Students’ parents and other relatives also come to the school on sports days.They watch children play.Many schools in the West have“ mothers and fathers” race s for parents to take part in!Although sports days are exciting,they also have some problems.According to some reports in the US,sports days have become too competitive to be good for students.Some parents put too much pressure(压力) on the children.Som e schools don’t have“ mothers and fathers” races any more as there is much fighting and cheating.91.What do children try to do when they take part in sports meets?______________________________________________________92.When are sports days usually held in the school year?______________________________________________________93.What are primary school and middle school sports days like?______________________________________________________94.Who would come to the school to watch children play on sports days?______________________________________________________95.What does the writer think about sports day?(13)Are Sports Important?Sports are all around us.We watch and read sports news.There are also sports clubs,and even sports-only channels(频道) on TV.In many countries,players make millions of dollars every year.But why are sports so important? They’re only games,right?Our readers answer:Vlad(Ukraine乌克兰)Sports bring people together.In 2006,our team was able to play in the 2006World Cup for the first time.Everyone was happy.Rich and poor,old and young,men and women—everyone was in the streets together!Mike(USA)Sports bring people together,but they divide them too.Fans of different teams fight all the time—they shout and hit each other.And here’s another example:My brother plays high school baseball.Last week,his team played an important game.At the game,two parents fought about a call.Come on... baseball is only a game! Sports are so competitive(有竞争力的) these days.It’s all about winning.Then the game isn’t fun.Oba(South Africa)Right now,some of the world’s best soccer players are from African countries,and the 2010 World Cup games will be in South Africa.Yes,some players make a lot of money—maybe too much.But sporting events (like the World Cup) bring tourists and money to countries and people.And that is good for Africa.73.What does Mike think of a game when players and fans only think about winning?A.It’s important.B.It’s exciting.C.It’s no t fun.D.It’s not necessary.74.Why are sports important for Oba?A.Because sports are competitive these days.B.Because sports can make money for a country.C.Because sports can make players rich every year.D.Because sports can make people happy.75.What does the underlined word“call”mean?A.Decision.B.Telephone.C.Suggestion.D.Seat.76.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Sports are popular all over the world.B.Sp6rts divide people from different countries.C.People have different opinions about sports.D.Sports bring tourists and money to Africa.(14)(1)全世界越来越多的人正在参加一些危险的运动和活动。
2024年新高考英语一轮复习专题 19 阅读理解之议论文(含答案解析)

专题19 阅读理解(议论文)1.(2023年福建省泉州第五中学高考模拟试题)Technology seems to discourage slow reading. Reading on screens tires eyes easily. So online writing is more skimmable than print. The neuroscientist Mary Walt argued this “new norm” of skim reading is producing “an invisible, dramatic transformation” in how readers process words. And brains now favor rapid absorption of information, rather than skills developed by deeper reading, like critical analysis.We shouldn’t overplay this danger. All readers skim. Skimming is the skill we acquire as we learn to read more skillfully. And fears about declining attention spans have proved to be false alarms. “Some critics worry about attention span and see very short stories as signs of cultural decline, ” The American author Selvin wrote. “But nobody ever said poems were evidence of short attention spans. ”Yet the Internet has certainly changed the way we read. First, it means there’s more to read, because more people than ever are writing. And digital writing means rapid release and response. Once published, online articles start forming a comment string underneath. Such mode of writing and reading can be interactive and fun, but is probably lacking in profound reflection.Perhaps we should slow down. Reading is constantly promoted as a source of personal achievement. But this advocacy emphasizes “enthusiastic” or “eager” reading — neither suggest slow absorption. To a slow reader, a piece of writing can only be fully understood by immersing oneself in their slow comprehension of words. The slow reader is like a swimmer who stops counting the number of pool laps he’s done and just enjoys how his body feels and moves in water.The human need for this kind of deep reading is too determined for any new technology to destroy. We often assume technological change can’t be stopped, so older media are kicked out by newer, more virtual forms. In practice, older technologies can coexist with new ones. The Kindle hasn’t killed off printed books any more than cars killed off bicycles. We still want to enjoy slowly-formed ideas and carefully-chosen words. Even in a fast-moving age, there is time for slow reading.1.What is the author’s attitude towards Selvin’s opinion?A.Favorable.B.Critical.C.Doubtful.D.Objective.2.Which statement would the author probably agree with?A.Advocacy of passionate reading helps promote slow reading.B.Digital writing and reading tends to ignore careful reflection.C.We should be aware of the impact skimming has on the brain.D.The number of Internet readers declines due to technology.3.Why is “swimmer” mentioned in paragraph 4?A.To demonstrate how to immerse oneself in thought.B.To stress swimming differs from reading.C.To show slow reading is better than fast reading.D.To illustrate what slow reading is like.4.Which would be the best title for the passage?A.Slow Reading is Here to StayB.Technology Prevents Slow ReadingC.Reflections on Deep ReadingD.The Wonder of Deep Reading【答案】1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A【导语】这是一篇议论文。
2024年高一英语暑假培优提升好题精选之阅读理解说明文 议论文(原题版)

阅读理解说明文+议论文Passage 1(22-23高一下·江苏南京·期末)People with genetic syndromes (综合症) sometimes have telltale (泄露私密的) facial features, but using them to make a quick and cheap diagnosis can be tricky given there are hundreds of possible conditions they may have. A new neural network that analyzes photographs of faces can help doctors narrow down the possibilities.Yaron Gurovich at biotechnology firm FDNA in Boston and his team built a neural network to look at the gestalt — or overall impression — of faces and return a list of the 10 genetic syndromes a person is most likely to have.They trained the neural network, called DeepGestalt, on 17, 000 images correctly labelled to match more than 200 genetic syndromes. The team then asked the AI to identify potential genetic disorders from a further 502 photos of people with such conditions. It included the correct answer 91 per cent of the time.Gurovich and his team also tested the neural network’s ability to distinguish between the different genetic mutations (变异) that can lead to the same syndrome. They used photographs of people with Noonan syndrome, which can result from mutations in any one of five genes. DeepGestalt correctly identified the genetic source of the physical appearance 64 per cent of the time. It’s clearly not perfect, but it’s still much better than humans are at trying to do this.As the system makes its assessments, the facial regions that were most helpful in the determination are highlighted and made available for doctors to view. This helps them to understand the relationships between genetic make-up and physical appearance.The fact that the diagnosis is based on a simple photograph raises questions about privacy. If faces can reveal details about genetics, then employers and insurance providers could, in principle. secretly use such techniques to discriminate against people who have a high probability of having certain disorders. However, Gurovich says the tool will only be available for use by clinicians (临床医生). Clinically this technology can help narrow down the search space of diagnosis and then confirm through checking genetic markers. Besides, it could perhaps add means of finding other people with the disease and, in turn, help find new treatments or cures.1.What can we know about DeepGestalt?A.It can be trained to correctly label the images of people.B.It can correctly identify genetic mutations 91% of the time.C.It is built to look at faces and identify genetic disorders.D.It is much better than humans at trying to identify physical appearance.2.Why are certain facial regions highlighted in the assessment process?A.To help confirm the diagnosis.B.To help make the system more understandable.C.To help the system quickly recognize people .D.To help identify a condition and make a diagnosis. 3.What’s the best title of this text?A.Tricky facial features B.Faces let AI spot genetic disordersC.Facial features give you away to doctors D.DeepGestalt: a magic cure for genetic syndromes 4.What’s the author’s attitude towards the technology?A.Positive.B.Neutral.C.Indifferent.D.Critical.Passage 2(22-23高一下·浙江杭州·期末)“A beautiful field of flowers can be a rather noisy place. It’s just that we can’t hear the sounds.” Scientists at Tel Aviv University have conducted a six-year experiment, proving that plants make noise in certain stressful situations.Plants produce a high frequency (频率) clicking sound, and when short of water, or damaged, the clicks become far more regular. They also made different sounds, depending on whether they were thirsty or injured. “Each plant and each type of stress is related to a specific sound,” said Professor Lilach Hadany, who led the research study.Focusing particularly on tomatoes, wheat and corn, the plants were placed in a soundproof(隔音的)room and recorded by microphones. Some plants were starved of water, others cut, and a control group was left undamaged. The researchers used an algorithm (算法) to separate the noises, suecessfully telling the difference between the sounds depending on whether they were dry or cut. The algorithm did this in a greenhouse setting which included far more surrounding sounds, but it was still able to recognize the particular cries for help of the plants.On average, the human ear can hear sounds up to around 20kHz, while the sounds produced by plants are in the 40-80kHz region, far beyond our hearing. “The sounds made by plants can’t be heard by humans but can probably be heard by various animals, such as bats, mice and insects,” Hadany tells us. Though this has yet to be proven, it’s possible that these creatures use this information to choose which plants to eat.A study led by Reda Hassanien of China Agriculural University in Beijing years ago, also proved that plants reacted to sound waves, with some plants greatly increasing their yield. While evidence shows that plants can react to sounds, there’s no evidence today that they can actually hear them.5.What can we know from the six-year experiment?A.Plants of different types make the sound of the same frequeney.B.Plants produce more regular sound in certain stressful situations.C.Plants make sounds with a much lower frequency when stressed.D.Plants make the sound of the same frequeney whatever the situation.6.What is the algorithm used for in the research?A.To record the sounds.B.To control the sounds.C.To produce the sounds.D.To identify the sounds.7.What has been proven by scientists according to the passage?A.Plants can hear each other’s cry for help.B.Animals can hear the sounds made by plants.C.Plants can make sounds and respond to sound waves.D.Animals decide what to eat based on the sounds plants make.8.Which of the following is the best title of the text?A.Sounds That We Can’t HearB.Beautiful Songs from PlantsC.Plants React to Different Types of StressD.Plants Talk, Especially When StressedPassage 3(22-23高一下·安徽合肥·期末)Free Wi-Fi has become incredibly important to us: many stores and shopping malls offer it, restaurants use it to attract customers, and for libraries and coffee shops it is a must-have service.Even when people are traveling, they scan for free Wi-Fi, which, according to research released by London’s Amba Hotel on Dec 4, has become the most important standard for selecting a hotel.According to the survey, as many as 67 percent of travelers questioned said that free Wi-Fi would make them more likely to choose accommodation, above other things such as the hotel’s location and friendly staff. When rating a hotel that they’d already stayed in, six in ten travelers believed that unlimited Wi-Fi was the most important factor in their rating.“Today, people treat their smartphones, tablets and laptop s like clothes when they are about to travel to some places. They will never forget to pack it into the suitcase,” said the Daily Mail. “We rely on free Wi-Fi heavily when traveling—especially when it comes to checking social media, searching for travel tips, and accessing websites.”However, despite the opportunities that free Wi-Fi gives us, “our over-reliance on technology has come at a price, with travelers feeling unable to escape social media”, said Lonely Planet, the world’s largest travel guide brand.Anita Isalska, Lonely Planet editor and tech addict, was forced to unplug when she was stuck in an isolated camp in Greenland recently. “Adjusting to this slower pace, it began to dawn on me: somewhere, somehow, social media had changed into a reflex(条件反射),”she wrote. “I had believed I was capturing moments, but in reality my busy thumbs were preventing me from enjoying travel’s most profound pleasures. How fully can you appreciate a huge glacier or grassland of wildflowers when your brain is subconsciously selecting the right photo filter(滤镜), or the perfect six seconds to film?”In September, the brand released 10 predictions for the future of global travel. One of them was that true escapes will be highly valued in future, so remote hotels will start to make their lack of Internet into a feature. Would you like to have an unplugged holiday?9.Why do travelers attach importance to free Wi-Fi when selecting a hotel?A.They think hotels with free Wi-Fi are likely to provide better service.B.They believe hotels with free Wi-Fi usually have better locations.C.They hope to enjoy more profound pleasures while using free Wi-Fi.D.They depend on free Wi-Fi to check social media and access websites.10.What does the underlined word “unplug” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?A.Check social media.B.Disconnect from digital devices.C.Appreciate beautiful scenery.D.Cancel a travelling plan.11.What is the lesson Anita Isalska learned from the isolated camp she attended in Greenland recently?A.Travelers should adapt to a slower pace when checking social media.B.Travelers should take more photos and videos during their journeys.C.Addiction to social media has negatively affected the quality of travel.D.Beautiful scenery could be appreciated better if films are shot cautiously12.What is the author’s main purpose in writing this article?A.To argue against people’s over-reliance on Wi-Fi.B.To promote the growing importance of free Wi-Fi in daily lives.C.To predict what global travel will be like in the future.D.To protest against travelers’ standard when selecting a hotel.Passage 4(22-23高一下·河北保定·期末)Several days of unusual warm weather in northern Greenland have caused rapid melting(融化). “Temperatures have been running around -12.2 ℃-15.5 ℃. It is warmer than normal for this time of year,” scientists said. The amount of ice that melted in Greenland between July 15 and July 17 alone—6 billion tons of water per day—would be enough to fill 7.2 million Olympic-sized swimming pools, according to the report from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Put another way, it was enough to cover the whole state of West Virginia with a foot of water.For the scientists out on the ice sheet(冰盖), the warmth has been alarming. “It really makes me anxious,” said Kutalmis Saylam, a scientist who is now working in Greenland. “Yesterday, we could hang about in our T-shirts, which was not really expected. Since Greenland holds enough ice, sea level would rise by 7.5 meters around the world if ice all melted.”In 2020, scientists found that Greenland’s ice sheet had melted beyond the point of no return. “No efforts to prevent global warming can stop it from finally breaking into small parts,” said researchers.Aslak Grinsted, a climate scientist, said that they were trying to get flights into the camp so they can ship out the ice cores(冰芯) they had recently collected. But the warmth is destabilizing the landing site. “The weather we are seeing right now is too hot for the ski-equipped planes to land,” Grinsted said. “So we store the ice cores in large caves we have made into the snow to protect it from the heat of the summer.” Scientists made use of the abnormal warmth while they were waiting, playing volleyball in their shorts on an ice sheet at the top of the world.Grinsted referred to the temperatures as a heat wave, and noted that the possibility of temperatures getting this hot was clearly connected to global warming.13.How does the author support the topic of paragraph 1?A.By exploring reasons.B.By making comparisons.C.By designing the numbers.D.By doing some experiments.14.What did Kutalmis mean in paragraph 2?A.He disliked wearing a T-shirt.B.He worried about the warmth.C.He was deeply impressed by the ice.D.He was thirsty for enjoying the sea view.15.What does the underlined word “destabilizing“ mean in paragraph 4?A.Quitting.B.Improving.C.Sheltering.D.Destroying.16.What will the author probably do in the following paragraph?A.Recommend visiting Greenland.B.Describe how to ship out the ice core.C.Call on people to protect the environment.D.Plan to organize a sports meeting on ice.Passage 5(22-23高一下·福建福州·期末)Children may not be putting coins in piggy banks for much longer. With the move towards a cashless society, pocket money is moving digital.To reflect this trend, many mobile budgeting(预算) apps for children have sprung up worldwide:GoHenry, Osper, and Gimi, to name but a few. These apps offer a simple money management service for children, often for a monthly fee paid by the parents. Parents can add money to children’s accounts, set limits and monitor transactions(交易). Children can choose to save their money or spend it using a prepaid card.These apps aim to teach young children financial concepts(概念), such as budgeting, interest rates and income. For instance, the Swedish app Gimi—with 1.2 million users globally—has virtual savings jars where children can deposit money. Parents can pay children interest as they save. There is also a chores feature, where parents can pay children for completing household tasks. The account is attached to a prepaid card that is currently available in Sweden only, but is expected to be launched elsewhere in Europe in 2020.Haglund, CEO of Gimi, believes the app can teach children responsible spending habits. “You don’t become better at money management just because you have a degree in economics. It’s more about the attitude and the relationship you have with parents’ money when you’re 6 to 12 years old,” he says.But Catherine Winter, managing director of financial capability at The London Institute of Banking and Finance, warns that while digital tools can help there needs to be a more structured approach to financial education. The area should “have regular, dedicated, classroom time and ideally should be taught as a standalone subject,” she said. “Children would then have the right context and foundation to get the most out of both the apps and their money.”17.What does the underlined part “this trend” in paragraph 2 refer to?A.Pocket money moving digitalB.Putting coins in piggy banksC.Mobile budging apps springing up.D.Money management service being offered18.What do we know about the Swedish app Gimi?A.It pays children interest as they save.B.It can teach children concepts related to moneyC.It has 1. 2 million users all over Sweden.D.It is attached to a credit card available in Sweden only.19.What can we learn from Winter’s words?A.Digital tools can help a lot with spending habitsB.A regular classroom-based financial education is needed.C.Money management requires financial capability.D.Children can get the most out of their money with the apps20.What’s the passage mainly about?A.The importance of financial education.B.The trend towards a cashless society.C.The rise of the digital piggy bank.D.The popularity of money management appsPassage 6(22-23高一下·山东青岛·期末)The cultures of the East and the West are really different from each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two separate ones on the whole.The origin (起源) of the Eastern culture is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are developed by rivers — the Yellow River in China and the Hindu River in India. They helped the two cultures develop for centuries and form their own styles.When the two mother rivers gave birth to the Eastern culture, another famous culture was up on the Mesopotamian Plain — the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-known as the base of the European culture. Like the Chinese culture, the European culture also crossed waters. When the British settled down in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn’t have much difference from the European culture.At the same time, some other differences add to the cultural differences. Take the language system for example. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic (象形) language while the western languages are mostly based on the Latin system. Other causes like human race differences count as well. But what’s more, due to the far distance and the steep areas between the East and the west, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference from the other.The differences are everywhere. They are obvious and make people’s ways of thinking and their views of the world different. But different cultures make the world of 21st century more colorful. The cultural difference should not be the obstacle (障碍) to the civilization of human being. It ought to be the driving force of our going farther. 21.What is the text mainly about?A.The origin of cultures.B.Culture differences.C.Language systems.D.Colorful world.22.Why is the American culture similar to the European culture?A.Both of the two cultures have a very long history.B.They have the same mother rivers as the Chinese culture.C.The early settlers from Britain brought their culture to America.D.Both the British and the American live along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.23.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “interference” in paragraph4?A.difference B.influenceC.confidence D.environment24.Where is the passage most likely from?A.A diary.B.A magazine.C.A novel.D.A guidebook.Passage 7(22-23高一下·重庆·期末)Cookie is a hero! This pet parrot’s courage was celebrated in a news article after he saved his teenage owner when a fire broke out in their home in Wales. The bird flapped its wings and squawked(尖声高叫) to warn Ben Rees of the fire. He fled, Cookie died. There are many stories of animals keeping humans out of harm’s way. But the relationship between species hasn’t always sounded so friendly and selfless.From 1911 to 1986, canaries (金丝雀) were traditionally taken down British coal mines to alert workers to the presence of poisonous gases. If the animals got sick, humans knew to leave the area. Today sniffer dogs are used by the police and the military to locate drugs, landmines and even dead bodies.The gratitude to animals, which bring us companionship and even rescue us, contributed to making the modern concept of animal rights popular. The idea can be traced back to 19th century England. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) was created in 1824 and is still going strong today.Local groups in different countries have focused on issues on their own area. Spanish animal rights activists, for example, have engaged in a campaign to ban bullfighting. And the animals don’t have to be powerful bulls or cute birds, cats and dogs to avoid suffering. What about pythons (巨蟒) and iguanas (蜥蜴)? They have rights too, according to the group People for the Treatment of Animals.25.Cookie is mentioned to ________.A.show animals’ bravery B.provide the backgroundC.prove animals’ loyalty D.introduce a topic26.What makes the idea of animal rights popular?A.Animals’ selflessness.B.Animals’ companionship.C.Appreciation to animals.D.The relationship between species.27.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.All animals have rights definitely.B.Spanish animal rights activists are violent.C.It’s hard to say animals have rights.D.Only strong or lovely animals have rights.28.In which section can you read the passage in a magazine?A.Health.B.Finance.C.Opinions.D.Technology.Passage 8(22-23高一下·江苏徐州·期末)Today’s amazing newspaper headline!First family of four to walk to the South Pole wearing Mickey Mouse ears and clown’s shoes.No, not really. It isn’t true. I invented it. But I wouldn’t be surprised to see it one day soon. It seems that every week someone becomes ”the first” or “the youngest” or “the oldest” or even “the first married couple” to dosomething that doesn’t seem to be very useful to the rest of humanity.This year I’ve seen headlines saying “The youngest person to sail the Atlantic alone”, “The youngest Briton to climb Mount Everest”, and “The first people to fly around the world in a hot air balloon”. Why do they do it? Don’t they have better things to do with their time and money? And why should I be interested anyway?Human beings have already climbed the highest mountains, sailed across the oceans and flown around the world. People have already reached the most remote parts of our planet. Many of these things were done a long, long time ago. There just isn’t anything left to explore nowadays. I suppose there’s still a lot of the universe left, and the bottom of the oceans is still a bit of a mystery, but you need a lot of technology to explore areas like that. So, those people who feel the need for adventure can only do things that have been done before. So they have to try and do it in a new way, or be “the fastest” or “the youngest” or “the oldest” to do something that isn’t really new at all.What is so great about climbing Mount Everest these days anyway? It’s become a popular tourist trip. People pay thousands of dollars to be taken up the mountain by the local Sherpas, who lead the way and carry the bags. At any one time there are about a thousand people either climbing up or on their way back down. As a result, Everest is covered with rubbish and the Sherpas have to make special trips up the mountain to pick it up. The climbers are often inexperienced and when they get into trouble other people have to risk their lives to bring them down to safety. Helicopter crews have been killed trying to reach people who were stuck on the mountain.In January 2003 a helicopter carrying two British men crashed into the sea near Antarctica. I’m not quite sure what they were trying to be “the first” or “the youngest” to do. The Chilean navy picked them up after a nine-hour rescue mission that cost tens of thousands of pounds, all paid for by the Chilean and British taxpayers.Talking of taxpayers, many Australians are getting a bit fed up with record breakers. A lot of people trying to break sailing or rowing records get into trouble in the seas around Australia, so the Australian navy has to send ships to save them. There have been a lot of difficult, time-consuming rescue missions in recent years costing the Australian government millions of dollars. I suppose we can’t just leave them to drown, but personally, I think we should give the bill to the people who are rescued. Perhaps they would think twice about doing it if they had to pay for expensive insurance premiums (保费). Then I wouldn’t have to read about them in the newspapers either. 29.The writer invents the newspaper headline in paragraphs 1 & 2 to ________.A.persuade readers of a new trend B.entertain readers with his humorC.get readers interested in the topic D.remind readers of an important event30.By saying “It’s become a popular tourist trip”, the writer means ________.A.Mount Everest is now covered with a lot of rubbishB.climbing Mount Everest has already lost its true meaningC.it’s impossible to climb up Mountain Everest without helpD.people without experience may get in trouble or even danger31.Which is the reason why many Australians dislike the record breakers?A.They have to pay for the costs of rescuing the record breakers.B.The Australian navy was not something intended for rescue work.C.The record breakers should pay for their insurance premiums themselves.D.A great number of people try to break records in the seas around Australia.32.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A.It’s All Been Done Before B.Never Do Something NewC.You Are the Next Record Breaker D.Be Responsible for Your AdventuresPassage 9(22-23高一下·四川凉山·期末)More and more teenagers are becoming unwilling to exercise worldwide. Australia, a nation that prides itself on its outdoor culture, is doing particularly poorly. It is currently ranked (排名) 140th out of 146 countries for teenage exercise levels. The data shows that 85%of girls are physically inactive compared to 78% of boys. In Australia, less than 1 in 10 teenagers aged 12 to 18 are meeting the recommended levels of physical activity.The current guidelines and evidence show that teenagers should be doing at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. This should include muscle and bone strengthening activities on at least three days per week, meanwhile limiting recreational screen time to a maximum of 2 hours per day.Not being active can cause a range of health conditions leading to early adulthood and beyond. Adolescents may have decreased bone and cardio-metabolic (心脏代谢的) health which leaves them facing an increased risk of chronic disease (慢性病) in later life, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and decreased fitness. If you’re not moving enough you’re also at an increased risk of being overweight or obese, with data already showing that 29.8% of teenagers (14-17) are classified as overweight or obese.So how can we get teenagers to exercise more? Firstly, high schools should place more importance on lunchtime and allow 1-hour breaks that increase physical activity. We should also encourage teenagers to be activeon their lunch break. Parents and guardians also have an important role to play and should aim to devote 1 hour a day to moving more. This does not need to be 1 full hour and can be broken down into two 30-minute parts. The most important factor is to identify your teenager’s interests and needs surrounding their physical activity.Don’t be afraid to ask for help in finding a safe and fun exercise program. A qualified exercise physiologist or exercise scientist can help your child find a way to be more active that is suited to their needs, age of development, and interests.33.How does the writer show teenagers in Australia lack enough exercise in Paragraph 1?A.By analyzing reasons.B.By listing data.C.By making comparison.D.By giving examples.34.What does the author mainly intend to say with facts in Paragraph 3?A.A lack of exercise does lasting harm to health.B.Outdoor activities help build positive characters.C.Most chronic diseases come from getting overweight.D.Teenagers tend to take in more calories than they actually need.35.What is especially important when it comes to encouraging teenagers to exercise more?A.Parents’ full participation in exercising.B.Arranging a balanced diet for them.C.Taking their interests into consideration.D.Improvement in the school PE course.36.What may be the author’s writing purpose?A.To recommend fun exercise programs.B.To encourage physical activity in teenagers.C.To show the way to build a good living habit.D.To explain the reason for teenagers’ poor health.Passage 10(22-23高一下·河南洛阳·期末)I have spent my entire life either at the schoolhouse, on the way to the schoolhouse, or talking about what happens in the schoolhouse. Both my parents and my grandparents were educators. For the past 40 years I’ve done the same thing. Needless to say, over those years I’ve had a chance to look at education reform from a lot of aspects. And we know why kids drop out. We know why kids don’t learn. It’s either poverty, low attendance or negative peer influences. But one of the things that we never discuss or we barely discuss is the value—the importance of human connection and relationships.James Comer says that no significant learning can occur without a significant relationship and all learning is understanding relationships. Everyone has been affected by a teacher or an adult. I have looked at the best and I’ve looked at some of the worst.A colleague said to me once, “My duty isn’t to like the kids, but to teach a lesson. The kids should learn it. I should teach it. This is the case.” Well, I said to her, “You know, kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.”I have had classes that were so low that I cried. I wondered, how was I going to take this group in nine months from where they were to where they needed to be? And it was awfully hard. How did I raise the self-confidence of a child and his academic achievement at the same time?One year I came up with a bright idea. I told all my students, “You were chosen to be in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students. They put us all together so we could show everybody else how to do it.” And I gave them a saying: “I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I’ll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful , and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here.”Teaching and learning should bring joy. How powerful would our world be if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks, who were not afraid to think, and who had a champion! Every child deserves a champion. An adult who will never give up on them, and who understands the power of connection, insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.37.Why do kids drop out of school?A.They have a bad association with teachers.。

专题07 阅读理解之议论文(2022秋·广东肇庆·九年级校考期中)Scientists found that people who have fewer friends in real life are happier than those who have plenty of friends.Researchers from the University of Leeds, UK, studied data from two online surveys of nearly 1,500 people. Those who took part in the survey gave details (细节) about their ages, social interactions (社交活动), and how satisfied they were with their social lives. The researchers found that those who had a small number of close friends generally were happier than those who had a large number of superficial (表面的) friends.“Loneliness has less to do with the number of friends you have, and more to do with how you feel about your friends,” said Wandi Bruine, one of the researchers.Bruine found that older people had smaller social circles than young people, but the people in these circles were closer to them. Younger people, on the other hand, had bigger circles that were made up of “peripheral (次要的) others”—people who are not true friends, but just people they know. These socalled friends didn’t affect younger people’s happiness.The results of the study showed that the stereotypes (偏见) society had about old people being sad and lonely might not be right.“The research shows that older people’s smaller social circles didn’t have a bad effect on social satisfaction and happiness. In fact, older people had a better feeling of happiness than younger people,” said Brine.Based on these results, the study believes that people should pay more attention to the ties with close friends instead of increasing the number of friends.1.According to the study, people may be happier when they ________.A.have a lot of followers on social media B.are satisfied with their work and livesC.make friends with people who are older D.have a small circle of friends2.(新题型) The underlined word “affect” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.A.matter B.hurt C.influence D.discover3.What can we know from Paragraphs 4 and 5?A.Older people have closer friends than young people.B.Young people don’t need to make peripheral friends.C.Older people’s happiness has nothing to do with their friends.D.Both old and young people find it hard to make friends.4.According to the passage, Bruine thought the older people were ________.A.nervous B.happy C.lonely D.sad5.The passage mainly talks about ________.A.different types of friendsB.changes in people’s happiness levelsC.the relationship between happiness and the number of friendsD.interactions between old and young people(2022秋·广东佛山·九年级校考期中)Everyone lives in social groups from the day they were born. In the family, there are parents and relatives. In the school, there are teachers and classmates. At work, there are teammates and leaders.Often, some small things may lead to misunderstandings(误会). Then the relationship(关系) between each other may get worse and worse. However, if we can stand in others’ shoes, we may understand other people’s feelings, and then things will be solved. So how to treat and deal with the relationship correctly bees more important.In society, understanding other people can help us see and understand situations in a different way. Learning some basic skills can help us understand each other better. Understanding others is influenced(被影响) by feelings. This means that if a person is happy, he’ll be more willing to help and understand others. But if a person feels angry, he is less likely to want to understand other people.Listening is one of the best ways to understand others better. If someone is talking, listen carefully. This will make him or her feel good. He or she will be more likely to share the problems with you. Sometimes, we only care our individual opinions, so we think everything we say is correct. No matter what others say, we just refuse to listen. As a result, we won’t understand others.No matter what kind of roles we are in society, when having different opinions or meeting difficulties, we should keep calm to think about the situation we’re facing. Every small act can build good social connections and make us have a better understanding of each other.6.When a person feels ________, he will be more willing to help and understand others.A.B.C.D.7.Which is one of the best ways to understand others better?A.Talking loudly.B.municating less.C.Refusing directly.D.Listening carefully.8.What does the underlined word “individual” probably mean?A.Important.B.Personal.C.Interesting.D.Bad.9.What can you learn from the passage?A.People should care more about the important things in life.B.Small misunderstandings may not lead to worse relationship.C.We should keep calm when facing difficulties or having different opinions.D.If we stand in others’ shoes, things will bee worse.10.What is the best title for the passage?A.Ideas about understanding othersB.Differences between social groupsC.Ideas about municating with peopleD.Ideas about changing the situation you are facing(2022秋·广东广州·九年级广州市第二中学校考期中)Do you want to improve your physics and chemistry grades? Well, maybe you should first learn something about the struggles (斗争) of great scientists.The American Psychological Association (美国心理学会) did a study. More than 400 students in New York City took part in it. The students were divided into three groups. Group 1 read a typical textbook that describes the achievements of great Scientists. Group 2 read about those scientists personal struggles. For example, as a Jew, Einstein escaped from Nazi Germany to avoid being killed. Group 3 read about the scientists’ intellectual (智力的) struggles, such as Marie Curie’s tailed experiments. These stories about struggles also told students how the scientists dealt with these problems.The students took a science test before the study. After the sixweek study, they took another. Scientists found those in Groups 2 and 3 improved their science grades. Students in Group 1 didn’t see a grade increase. Some of them even had lower grades after the study.The study was led by Xiaodong Lin Siegler, a professor. According to Xiaodong, kids often think Einstein was born a genius. They believe they will never match him. Many of them fail to realize that any success requires a long journey. Along the way, there are many failures.Students who read the struggle stories were more likely to say great scientists were like themselves. The “greatminds” also had to solve problems to achieve success.Xiaodong says today’s science textbooks fail to bring science to life. As a result, students hardly consider science as part of their everyday lives. Instead, they just see a long list of facts that they have to remember. Xiaodong thinks textbooks should include more stories about how great scientists had to struggle to succeed. And they should pay more attention to how these scientists responded to the problems they met along the way. 11.According to the passage, we can improve our physics and chemistry grades by ________.A.reading the achievements of great scientists more carefullyB.listening more carefully to our physics and chemistry teachersC.learning about the difficulties that great scientists once experiencedD.spending more time remembering the lists of facts in our science textbooks12.Who took part in the study held by the American Psychological Association?A.Students who went to schools in New York City.B.Students who Studied in secondary school.C.Students who were interested in physics and chemistry.D.Students who were poor at physics and chemistry grades.13.According to the last paragraph, Xiaodong thinks that ________.A.Today’s science textbooks bring much science to lifeB.Students should study harder to bee a great scientist.C.Students only need to remember a long list of facts.D.It is meaningful to learn how scientists struggle to succeed.14.Where can we probably find this passage?A.A novel.B.A fashion magazine.C.A story book.D.An education website.(2022春·江苏南通·九年级校联考期中)A phenomenon known as “kuakuaqun” or “praise group” has taken Chinese social media by storm. The number of topics like this on Weibo has reached more than 23 million. Users can join a chat group on WeChat or QQ, where they are showered with varieties of generous praise and encouragement.Just imagine the scenes: You get an A in an exam and you want to get some praise. When you post it into a praise group, you are praised for not only your efforts but also being as clever as Albert Einstein. It’s 10 p.m. and you are the only person in the office. You receive a reply, “You are so hardworking! You’ll definitely get a higherposition! Praise to you!” Even if you go to a toilet and forget taking some tissue, someone points out that “you’re caring about trees and the environment! Good for you!”How would you feel?The appearance of “praise groups” provides an opportunity for ordinary people who cannot get positive feedback easily in their daily life to get fort from their hears. It also shows the life and social pressure of today’s young people. Moreover, the popularity of these chat groups is a reflection of Chinese culture which values modesty and humility—people often hide their true emotion of seeking and giving praise. As long as people’s praise doesn’t sound obviously untruthful, you’re likely to wele it. Sometimes, people enjoy praising others as well, just because here they can drop everything and have fun by giving lavish(夸张的) ments. However, some people are also willing to encourage and support others from their hearts.Some netizens(网民) shared their ideas, “I take it as a way of adjusting the mood. The praise group helps in adding our confidence. Some sincere praises can even be inspiring(鼓舞人心的). However, if you’re really in trouble, it is you who holds the final key.” Clearly, some dishonest praise es at a cost. Chen Kan, an professor in Fudan University’s psychology department warned that “The biggest risk is to continue to stress on the ‘false self’, which makes it harder to see the ‘true self’. In the end, people in the group will find that such unreasonable praise doesn’t help solve the real problem. Soon the whole group will be silent and dead.”Perhaps the praise groups are “a flash in the pan”, which might disappear sooner or later. No matter how you think of it, only when you can understand the pressure. criticism and praise correctly, will you face them bravely. Don’t lose yourself in others’ voices—that is what really matters.15.The writer mentions the examples in Paragraph 2 to show ________.A.who wants to join “praise groups”B.how people can join “praise groups”C.what people can get from “praise groups”D.when people need to join “praise groups”16.Why do people like to join “praise groups”?A.To hide real feelings of themselves.B.To ask for suggestions from others.C.To express the values of their own.D.To get fort and be encouraged.17.According to the passage, the writer may agree that ________.A.we should see ourselves correctly and positivelyB.praise group is effective for dealing with troublesC.we should speak highly of others to please each otherD.praise group is necessary for building selfconfidence18.Which is the best title for the passage?A.“Praise Group”: Is it worth giving it a try?B.“Praise Group”: Does it help to know yourself?C.“Praise Group”: Is it important to praise others?D.“Praise Group”: Does it change your personality?(2022春·安徽宿州·九年级统考期中)Everyone has dreams and goals for the future. But why do you still end up with nothing? What separates success people from the dreamers is their persistent(饮而不舍的)action. You will often find some of your lessons in school very hard. Try and keep trying, and you’ll be sure to successfully deal with any difficulty you meet with.This is the famous formula(公式)for success:Dream >Believe >AchieveMost people have what they want(Dream)and think they can realize their dreams(Believe). But they do nothing. When they get tired waiting and lose a lot, they get bored.I personally believe that if you really want to achieve your dreams and goals in life, you have to add one thing to your success formula:Dream >Believe >Act >AchieveFor me, act is the most important thing for success, and that’s to Take Persistent Action(Act). “I’ll try” creates wonders. Let’s remember that there will be difficulties in our life. We must face them bravely and solve them. Most successful people made their dreams e true because of their persistent action.Please remember: Action is the bridge that connects our dreams and goals to reality.19.What should you do when you find your lessons very hard?A.Ask people for help B.Try and keep tryingC.Get ready to create wonders D.Prepare for a harder one20.Why does the writer use the formula “Dream >Believe >Act >Achieve” ?A.To support his idea.B.To ask readers to explain it.C.To show what his goals are.D.To pare it with a bridge.21.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.Doing Something Valuable B.Studying Hard and Making ProgressC.Realizing Dreams with Persistent Action D.Separating Successful People from Dreams(2022春·四川自贡·九年级四川省荣县中学校校考期中)Modern technology has made it easier for mon people to rent things or services to (将……租给……) others. With an Internet connection and a mobile phone, we can find almost anything. It could be a new dress to wear on the weekend, or someone to clean our house. This is the sharing economy (共享经济), and it is now a $20 billionayear business. But some people are now asking: Just how good is it for society in general?Not long ago, when people went on vacation, they usually stayed in a hotel. Today they have the choice of staying in someone’s private house. They pay less, but what influence does this have on the hotel industry and the economy? Hotels receive fewer guests, but they still have to pay salaries (薪水) to their staff and taxes (税) to the government. Many people who rent out rooms do not. So the government gets less money, and some hotels might even close down.Then there are carsharing websites. Instead of using your own car for a long trip, you can get a ride with someone for a small amount of money. Some people argue this is better for the environment since fewer cars on the roads mean less pollution. But how many people choose to use these websites rather than taking the bus or the train? Public transportation is, after all, much kinder to the environment than cars.Many websites offer cooking services. Instead of going to a restaurant, you can use your mobile phone to order dishes from people in your neighborhood. There is even a website where you can buy leftovers (剩饭) that people haven’t eaten! This is sure to save you time and money. But is it risky? Can you trust the people cooking your food? Restaurants have to follow strict rules to make sure their food is safe to eat.There is no doubt that the sharing economy is growing. Some economists think it will be worth $335 billion by 2025. As new technology makes acmodation ( 住宿), transportation, and sharing food easier, the question of “Is it good for the economy, the environment, and people?” will remain.22.What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 1 refer to?A.Modern technology.B.A mobile phone.C.The sharing economy.23.What may happen if people choose to stay in private homes instead of hotels during their vacation?①People can save a little money.①The government gets more taxes.①Hotels might go out of business.A.①①B.①①C.①①24.Which of the following does the writer support most according to Paragraph 3?A.Driving your own car.B.Getting a ride with someone.C.Taking the bus or the train.25.What do the economists think the sharing economy will be like for the next few years?A.It will end.B.It will grow.C.It will bring the government trouble.(2022春·重庆沙坪坝·九年级重庆南开中学校考期中)Two months ago, Starbucks apologized (道歉) to the public for asking four local policemen eating food outside a Starbucks store to leave, which caused lots of discussions on the Internet.Reports show some people threw eggs to the store and some stopped the cleaning staff from cleaning up to express their dissatisfaction and anger with the pany.Such behavior should not happen, nor is it necessary. We don’t support any radical (激进的) action. And it is believed this is not what most Chinese people would like to see, nor does it stand for the general public opinion in China.In fact, the backlash (激烈反应) about Starbucks’ behavior happened for some reasons. Starbucks said that there was no “driving away the police”, and it was just a “misunderstanding” caused by the improper munication between the staff and the policemen. The way Starbucks apologized didn’t take the feelings of the Chinese public seriously.As an American pany that has been deeply developed in China for many years, Starbucks should have a full understanding of the basic values of Chinese society and respect them. People in China respect the hard work of the police and show their kindness to the police, but the Starbucks staff drove away the four policemen and asked them to find another place, plaining that they could have a negative influence on the store’s image. That is another reason why many people were still angry with what the pany did.________ It once apologized to the public for some other events such as selling food that went bad and not accepting coins from customers, but the result even added the oil to the fire. Starbucks should reflect on why this happens repeatedly.26.The reason why Starbucks apologized to the four policemen was that ________.A.the Starbucks staff failed to invite them to the storeB.the policemen punished the staff for their bad behaviorC.the Starbucks staff were influenced by the policemenD.the policemen were required to leave by the staff27.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?A.Many people weren’t pleased with Starbucks.B.Starbucks should fully understand Chinese basic values.C.The writer is for the radical behavior towards Starbucks.D.Starbucks once apologized to the public for some other events.28.Which sentence is the best to put in the “________”?A.Starbucks should care more about food safety as well.B.This is not the first time for Starbucks to light a fire.C.However, that does not mean Starbucks has no problems.D.So what action should Starbucks take to deal with the terrible situation?29.The structure of the passage may be ________.(①=Para.1①=Para.2①=Para.3①=Para.4①=Para.5①=Para.6)A.B.C.D.(2022春·山东烟台·九年级统考期中)①In July last year, China introduced the “double reduction(双减)” policy. It hopes to reduce students’ learning burden(负担). How do students feel about this new policy?①“Our homework is clearly less than before,” said 13yearold Shen Yuzhe from Beijing. “I have joined a group. The exercises are mainly from the textbook.”①According to Shen, teachers now teach at a much slower speed. “Our teachers are also giving us more chances to do experiments(实验) and learn from real life,” said Shen. “For example, we went to research ants in afield during a biology class. Some students now spend more time having fun when homework is finished early.”①For 13yearold Zhang Hangming from Tianjin, the best thing about “double reduction” is the increased time in afterschool activities. “We are not encouraged to buy workbooks anymore, I can learn all kinds of skills out of class,” said Zhang.①Both Shen and Zhang find there are fewer exams now. But they don’t think it’s necessarily a good thing. “This is a much better way to learn things than just hitting the books. Each exam shows my progress as well as my weak points,” Zhang said.①Shen also pointed out that when the burden is reduced, selfdiscipline bees the key. “Exams push me to study harder. But if you use all the free time to relax, you might fall behind your peers(同龄人),” he said.30.How do Shen and Zhang like having fewer exams?A.It has some disadvantages.B.It can certainly bring good results.C.It is good for their health and study.D.It will be weled by every student.31.What’s the purpose of the last paragraph?A.To encourage students to relax themselves in their free time.B.To express how happy Shen feels about the new policy.C.To tell students that they still need to spend certain time studying.D.To discuss how to solve the problems the new policy brings.32.What’s the passage mainly about?A.How to reduce students’ learning burden.B.What students do in their spare time.C.How to make students’ free time more colorful.D.Different ideas about the “double reduction” policy.(2022秋·河北石家庄·九年级统考期中)Michael Jordon is the greatest basketball player till now. Once he was making a television advertisement, all he needed to do was to miss a shot.For Michael, this was difficult. He had conditioned(定位) himself to succeed whenever he was throwing the ball. Every time he threw a basketball, it went in. Every time he tried to miss a shot, he couldn’t. It took him over 20 attempts(尝试) before he missed a shot.For Michael, success is a strong habit. It took him a lot of time to break it. Just like drinking, smoking and collecting things, success is also a habit. Once it is formed, it is difficult to break. Many people think that success is difficult to keep. They feel that it will be hard work and will need too much action and focus. The truth is that it is simply a habit and as easy to keep as any other habit.Spend some time making success a habit in your life. Once you have developed it, it is not something you want to change again.33.In the advertisement Michael Jordon needed to ________.A.miss a shot B.throw the basketball in C.keep his habit D.develop his skills34.The writer used the example of Michael Jordon to tell us ________.A.he is the best basketball player of all time B.he had worked very hard to be successfulC.success is a strong habit D.success is a habit that is not difficult to break35.If you want to succeed you must ________.A.miss the shot B.make success a habit C.keep throwing D.make an advertisement(2022秋·河北石家庄·九年级统考期中)All kids are good, but all kids can also be bad. Even the best kid can be bad sometimes. So, what should happen when a kid does something bad? Should parents just talk to the kid? Or, should they punish the kid?These used to be easy questions. In the past, young children and students were beaten when they did something bad. It was mon for parents to beat young children. They would hit the child with their hands. If a student talked in class or didn’t do his homework, his teacher would hit him on the hand.I’m shamed to say that I was often punished when I was a very young boy in primary school. I didn’t like it, and sometimes I didn’t think I deserved it. But, was I harmed by this punishment? No, not really. Did the punishment improve my behavior? Well, only for as long as my hand hurt.Beating children is not allowed in most countries, including China. Today, most children can only be punished with “words”. But, is talking to them enough? Or are there some other better forms of punishment?36.In the past, if a student didn’t do his homework, what should his teacher do?A.His teacher would hit him on the bum.B.His teacher would get him out of the classroom.C.His teacher would hit him on the hand.D.His teacher would ask his parents to beat him.37.Was the writer often punished when he was in primary school?A.Yes, he was.B.No, he wasn’t.C.Yes, he did.D.No, he didn’t.38.What is the main idea of the passage?A.It’s about how to educate the children.B.It is about how to behave well at school.C.It tells us how to get on well with classmates.D.It tells us that teenagers shouldn’t depend on parents.。
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(字数:266,生词量:3,难易度:B)If we want to deal with the association(社交) between boys and girls properly, here are some “dos and don’ts” for you to follow.Keep a normal and healthy state of mind. Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls. It is very nature for the boys and girls to make friends with each other. We should make as many friends as possible. We should keep touch with the other sex(性别) in public instead of in secret.Don’t be too nervous or too shy. If you are a shy person, you ca n also find a way out. First of all, you can make friends with the students who have the same interest and hobby as you. As both of you have much in common, you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others.Don’t fall into the ditch of early love. The boys and girls at a adolescence (青春期) are rich in feeling. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion, early love is a green apple that can’t be eaten. An apple won’t taste sweet until it is full ripe. Boys and girls at middle school are too young to carry the heavy duty of love. Do keep out of early love.( )71. The main idea of the passage is to _______.A. tell students to keep away from early loveB. give some advice on how to associate between boys and girlsC. tell students how to make friendsD. teach boys how to talk with girls( )72. We should keep touch with the other sex in following ways EXCEPT _______.A. with a good state of mindB. in real friendshipC. in publicD. in secret( )73. If you are a shy person, you can ________.A. find friends with the same interest and hobby firstB. only have a few friends of the same sexC. not make friends with the other sexD. not fall in love with other students easily( )74. What does the underlined word “ditch” mean?A. 波浪B. 泥潭C. 圈套D. 迷惑( )75. A person at adolescence is ________.A. complicated(复杂的)in feelingsB. good at making friends with each otherC. old enough to fall in loveD. easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love 【答案】BDABD(字数:264,生词量:1,难易度:B)“Three, Two, One, Start”, with the light on, the final test in the Shanghai area of the English Contest in East China began. Fortunately, during the first three parts, my scores were lower only than the first one. But in the last item----quick response(回答), things changed. I knew that if only I could answer one question correctly, I would have the chance to go to Nanjing for the final contest. So as soon as Miss Zhang, the hostess, gave the question “name three of the novels written by Charles Dickens”, I pressed the button at once. Though I know many of the novels written by him very well, such as Hard Times, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, Old Curiosity shop,David Copperfield, I was so nervous and unconfident at that time that I could only remember two of them. Ten points were taken away from me. At last I only got the third prize. But from this contest, I have learned a lot.I found that success in an English Contest depended on not only knowledge of English itself but also the confidence of yourself. If you don’t know a lot of knowledge, it’s impossible for you to succeed. But only knowledge is not eno ugh, you must be a confident person so that your mind will run quickly and you will get the correct answers faster than the others. So, you see, confidence and knowledge are two important things to lead you to succeed. Do you think so?( )61. Which area did the final test of the English Contest in East China begin?A.ShanghaiB. BeijingC.TianjingD. Hangzhou ( )62. What does the underlined word “unconfident” mean in Chinese?.A. 自信的B. 不自信的C. 自负的D. 骄傲的( )63. From the story, we know that________.A. I didn’t win the first prize in the English contestB. Miss Zeng was the hostess to give us the questionsC. It’s possible for you to succeed without knowledgeD. I got the chance to Nanjing for the final contest at last.( )64. What does the success in an English Contest depend on?A. Both knowledge of English and confidenceB. Not knowledge of English but confidenceC. Not confidence but knowledge of EnglishD. Neither knowledge of English nor confidence( )65.The best title of this passage will be_________.A. An English Contest in ShanghaiB. The Stories Written by Charles DickensC. Confidence is More Important Than Knowledge in an English ContestD. Confidence And Knowledge Are Important to Lead You to Succeed【答案】ABAAD。