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I. Listening Comprehension

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

21.Before ecotourism is conducted correctly, we had better not force our will ________ those local residents who wishes to live in a quiet and peaceful life.

A. for

B. to

C. on

D. of

22.Hepburn was so ________ by Givenchy’s work that she kept loyal to him over the years. Most of her casual wear was designed by Givenchy.

A. fascinated

B. fascinating

C. fascinate

D. fascination

23.Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation(创新) distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Just remember: ________ you start to think creatively, the whole world is going to be following.

A. Although

B. Where

C. Unless

D. Once

24.________ there are often many resources available on campus, like professors and advisors, youngsters find it most comfortable and convenient to turn to friends for help.

A. As

B. While

C. When

D. If

25.Shan Tianfang devoted his whole life to the seemingly ordinary act of telling stories. ________ the simple act created an extraordinary cultural legacy(遗产) that will doubtless live on.

A. Therefore

B. Moreover

C. Otherwise

D. However

26.Even though we have made much progress in preventing the air pollution in Beijing, yet much ________ before we can have the blue sky.

A. is remained to do

B. remains to be done

C. is remained to be done

D. remains to do

27.In China hundreds of different dialects(方言) are spoken; people in some villages ________ themselves understood by the people of the next town.

A. making trouble have

B. have making trouble

C. have trouble making

D. made

Section B

A. round off

B. in return

C. remove

D. interfere with

E. tackle

F. work out

G. compose

H. be obsessed with

I. contribute to

28.Heavy homework loads and increasing screen time on smart phones ________ worsening nearsightedness among urban students.

29.The two leaders from Korea agree that they don’t allow any other country to ________ their internal affairs.

30.The scene of the magnificent waterfall moved him to ________ a poem.

31.People involved in it think it’s a nightmare, but I’m sure things will ________ as planned.

32.When taking care of their children, parents offer the children the necessary security and _______they receive love and trust they desire.

33.The American government is at a loss to know how to ________ the problem of mass immigration.

34.President Xi together with foreign guests toured the exhibition hall to ________ the opening ceremony of the CIIE(进博会).

35.The surgeon is now engaged in operating on a patient who needs emergency surgery to ________ a blood clot(凝块) from his brain.

Section C

A. influential

B. complaints

C. rights

D. pursuit

E. involved

F. available

G. impact

H. thought

Many may associate Meghan Markle(梅根·马克尔) with the British royal family or the hit drama series Suits(《金装律师》). But the American actress has also made a name for herself in the activism(社会活动) world by getting __36__ in number of charitable projects. While she has been seen as a key figure in raising global attention to gender equality(性别平等) lately, her activist nature dates back to her elementary school days.

One day more than two decades ago, Markle was watching a TV program at school when a dish-washing liquid commercial appeared on the screen. What attracted her attention was its tagline(品牌宣言):
