
1. Describe a quiet place you found2. Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market3. Describe something you do to keep you concentrated4. Describe a favorite song of yours5. Describe a popular comic actor in your country二、具体题目分析:Describe a quiet place you foundYou should say:Where it isWhen you found itHow often you go thereWhat it is likeHow you felt about the placeWell, there are just a few places that I know to be quiet. The reason is because nowadays there is just so much activity going on outside that it’s hard to find a place that is quiet. Anyway, the place is the public library. This particular public library is located in the center of XX near a McDonald's. The library was constructed seven years ago. And when it was finished it was a fascinating achievement, like most of my peers, I paid a visit there the first day it opened. When talking about how often I go there I have to say that in recent years I’ve stopped going as often as I used to. When the library was new I probably showed up there once or twice a week. But, nowadays, I only get in there once or tw ice a month. But that’s because I’m busy with other things. When I go there I usually find a book that looks interesting. Then I take the book and sit myself down in a chair and begin reading. Well, finally I want to reveal the real reason I liked going there so much, the library has a rather cool feature where you are allowed to bring in your own books to read and if you are willing you can leave them there in a personal book shelf which you have to pay for of course. Actually, I have so many books at home already so this service was very appealing to me. I still pay the monthly subscription to store my books there to this day. It's very cheap only 5 yuan per month. Anyway, that's all about it.如上就是三立网课教育小编为大家带来的2018年5月5日雅思考试回忆版样卷答案及分析讲解:口语的相关资讯,掌握最新雅思资讯,敬请关注(三立在线教育雅思网)更多雅思考试资讯以及备考资料免费领!。

Passage One学科分类:社会题目:Two forces of urban growth内容回忆:首段:首先说城市增长有很多原因,比如经济增长、交通发展、科技进步。
(分类讨论)然后介绍manufact uring的发展对于城镇发展的促进作用:蒸汽机解放了产业对于流水的依赖性,早期的制造商人把工厂建造在城镇中心,主要有两个原因:1、城镇有丰富的劳动力,可以解决工厂劳动力来源;2、当时基本交通方式是以步行为主,所以要把工厂建立在人们步行可以达到的地方,这种布置促进了城镇中心化发展。
Commercial office可以在市中心,接近人群和各种服务,同时也可以控制生产中心。
词汇题:Respectively=particularlySufficient=enoughProximity=in short distancesThus=in this wayPassage Two学科分类:动物学题目:Storage strategies of squirrels内容回忆:首段:有很多动物有储藏策略,但是松鼠的储藏手段在所有动物中尤其突出。

2.Economic Decline in Europe during the Fourteenth Century14世纪欧洲经济的衰退。
3.Olmec culture在Mesopotamia area 发现了重要的ceremonial sites.东部high lands 有一些sacred precinct。
里面重要的art and architecture. Kunze axe的发现帮助确立了这是Olmec culture.一开始发现的时候,研究者就十分确定这属于Mesopotamia地区,但是因为既不属于埃及文明也不属于希腊文明,使得研究者困惑了很长时间其起源。
后来结合一系列其它文物的发现证明属于Olmec 文化。
而且我们今天所认为的Maya calendar 其实是Olmec人发明的。
Olmec culture存在一套表示文化的consistent code,例如Kunze axe 里面也运用的howling baby’s face 就一直沿用至今天,而期间没有发生太大的变化。

Writing独立写作:Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public,while other people prefer to wait. Which do you prefer?重复2014年的6月15日综合写作重复2014.03.01,及2014.9.21加场theories in explaining why some plants fold theirleaves at night.阅读1. Protection against coldness (decrease the surfaceexposed)2. Protection against infection (easy to be infected bynight rainstorm because the spread of fungi requires water)3. elimination of night time light(植物根据白天感应的光判断什么时候开花,为了保证正确地记录时间,需要抵制夜晚的光线,如月光)听力反驳1. 实验证明闭合不可御寒,并且植物内部不储存能量,变冷的时候会迅速感觉到。
温度达到冰点,植物马上就会suffer from the cold,那些合上和没合上叶子的植物都是如此2. Folding the leaves can’t completely block the waterwhen there are night rainstorm,而且the spread of fungi 只需要很少水,所以合上叶子无法阻止感染3. 有些植物不会接收到nighttime light,while still fold theirleaves atnight,例如有些植物在高大的树阴下,还是会闭合树叶。

Task 11.do you improve the education system of your country?Personally, quite a few measures could be taken to improve our education system. Firstly, everybody in China should attach less importance to the results of exams. Students from primary school, even from kindergarten suffer a lot from it. They have to spend extra time studying in order to get a higher score. It is a shame for them not to have any time to enjoy the only childhood they have. Besides, people could be educated in different ways. People are born differently. They are interested in different things. We should encourage them to chase their dreams instead of forcing them to do anything they dislike, or even hate. Furthermore, we could encourage them to be compassionate and independent.2.about an object, tool, or piece of equipment that you depend on in your daily life. Explain how it makes your life easier.I depend on my Smartphone in my daily life and it has made my life a lot easier because all the information and apps I need for work and social life are in my Smartphone. For example,I don’t use an alarm clock in the morning because there’s an app for that in my phone. Once I leave my apartment, I use the GPS in my phone to navigate the route with the least traffic to my offi ce. If I’m stuck in thetraffic,I can start checking for important emails from clients or colleagues in my car or even make some phone calls to get some problems solved before I,m actually in the office. After work, I use instant messengers on my phone to connect with friends. Without my Smartphone,everything in life would be time consuming and complicated.3.a high school is planning to organize an after-schoolactivity for its students, what kind of activity would you recommend and why?I strongly recommend that the high school should organize basketball matches for the students. The most important reason is that basketball matches will help students build up their stamina, which brings great benefits to their study and the activities will certainly encourage more students to take part in sports rather than spend all day long on their academic study, which leads to a poor health condition and low efficiency in study. Second, Basketball matches are able tohelp students learn cooperation and competition, which are essentialfor them when they get started to work.4.h one you will learn: play a piano, swim, and repair a car.I would say mypreference is to play my free time. The main reason is that I want to makeevery minute in my life count even in my free time. Time is so important andprecious that I don’t wanna waste any single minute and I believe if we makedecisions about the activities we like to do in advance, we can get startedright away when we have time off. Actually before every national day holiday Ialways make good plans for my vacation and I’m not only able to do what Ireally want to do but also get refreshed and have a good rest during theholidays.。


2018年5月12日托福口语真题解析口语一直是托福考生的短板,如果想提升口语能力,唯有多多练习,那么今天就和店铺一起来看看2018年5月12日托福口语真题解析吧!Task 1三选一:小企业领导最重要的品质(重复2017.9.17)oing and friendlyorganizedtivePersonally speaking,being well-organizedis the most beneficial for starting a business. First,being organized willcontribute to the efficiency of our work. As you can see,when we start ourbusiness, we will get tons of things to do,and sometimes we get messed upbecause we don’t make plans. Organizing things ahead of time will reduce thiskind of situation. Plus,being well-organized is the essential quality of beinga leader. You know, the difference between boss and employees is that bossesare calm and organized, which means that when employees are faced withproblems, bosses can figure out ways of solving it organizing the resourcessuch as the use of materials.Task2A/D父母要prevent from difficulties还是让孩子提前有life experienceTask3学校要翻新一个建筑,男生一半同意一半不同意。

2018年5月5日SAT真题回顾今天三立在线教育SAT网为大家带来的是2018年5月5日SAT真题回顾的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧!阅读部分Passage 1 小说类选自小说“The Mysterious Portrait”,作者Nicolai Gogol ,1835年原文重现:Young Tchartkoff was an artist of talent, which promised great things: his work gave evidence of observation, thought, and a strong inclination to approach nearer to nature."Look here, my friend," his professor said to him more than once, "you have talent; it will be a shame if you waste it: but you are impatient; you have but to be attracted by anything, to fall in love with it, you become engrossed with it, and all else goes for nothing, and you won't even look at it. See to it that you do not become a fashionable artist. At present your colouring begins to assert itself too loudly; and your drawing is at times quite weak; you are already striving after the fashionable style, because it strikes the eye at once. Have a care! Society already begins to have its attraction for you: I have seen you with a shiny hat, a foppish neckerchief. . . . It is seductive to paint fashionable little pictures and portraits for money; but talent is ruined, not developed, by that means. Be patient; think outevery piece of work, discard your foppishness; let others amass money, your own will not fail you."The professor was partly right. Our artist sometimes wanted to enjoy himself, to play the fop, in short, to give vent to his youthful impulses in some way or other; but he could control himself withal. At times he would forget everything, when he had once taken his brush in his hand, and could not tear himself from it except as from a delightful dream. His taste perceptibly developed. He did not as yet understand all the depths of Raphael, but he was attracted by Guido's broad and rapid handling, he paused before Titian's portraits, he delighted in the Flemish masters. The dark veil enshrouding the ancient pictures had not yet wholly passed away from before them; but he already saw something in them, though in private he did not agree with the professor that the secrets of the old masters are irremediably lost to us. It seemed to him that the nineteenth century had improved upon them considerably, that the delineation of nature was more clear, more vivid, more close. It sometimes vexed him when he saw how a strange artist, French or German, sometimes not even a painter by profession, but only a skilful dauber, produced, by the celerity of his brush and the vividness of his colouring, a universal commotion, and amassed in a twinkling a funded capital. This did not occur to him when fully occupied with his own work, for then he forgot food and drink and all the world. But when dire want arrived, when he had no money wherewith to buy brushes and colours, when his implacable landlord came ten times a day to demand the rent for his rooms, then did the luck of the wealthy artists recur to hishungry imagination; then did the thought which so often traverses Russian minds, to give up altogether, and go down hill, utterly to the bad, traverse his. And now he was almost in this frame of mind."Yes, it is all very well, to be patient, be patient!" he exclaimed, with vexation; "but there is an end to patience at last. Be patient! but what money have I to buy a dinner with tomorrow? No one will lend me any. If I did bring myself to sell all my pictures and sketches, they would not give me twenty kopeks for the whole of them. They are useful; I feel that not one of them has been undertaken in vain; I have learned something from each one. Yes, but of what use is it? Studies, sketches, all will be studies, trial-sketches to the end. And who will buy, not even knowing me by name? Who wants drawings from the antique, or the life class, or my unfinished love of a Psyche, or the interior of my room, or the portrait of Nikita, though it is better, to tell the truth, than the portraits by any of the fashionable artists? Why do I worry, and toil like a learner over the alphabet, when I might shine as brightly as the rest, and have money, too, like them?"文章共四段,讲述了年轻艺术家Tchartkoff的两难困境。

天文类Surface Fluids on Venus and Earth参考阅读:A fluid is a substance, such as a liquid or gas, in which the component particles (usually molecules) can move past one another. Fluids flow easily and conform to the shape of their containers. The geologic processes related to the movement of fluids on a planet’s surface can completely resurface a pla net many times. These processes derive their energy from the Sun and the gravitational forces of the planet itself. As these fluids interact with surface materials,they move particles about or react chemically with them to modify or produce materials. On a solid planet with a hydrosphere and an atmosphere, only a tiny fraction of the planetary mass flows as surface fluids. Yet the movements of these fluids can drastically alter a planet. Consider Venus and Earth, both terrestrial planets with atmosphere.Venus and Earth are commonly regarded as twin planets but not identical twins. They are about the same size, are composed of roughly the same mix of materials,and may have been comparably endowed at their beginning with carbon dioxide and water. However, the twins evolved differently, largely because of differences in their distance from the Sun. With a significant amount of internal heat, Venus may continue to be geologically active with volcanoes, rifting, and folding. However, it lacks any sign of a hydrologic system (water circulation and distribution):there are no streams,lakes,oceans,orglaciers. Space probes suggest that Venus may have started with as much water as Earth, but it was unable to keep its water in liquid form. Because Venus receives more heat from the Sun,water released from the interior evaporated and rose to the upper atmosphere where the Sun’s ultraviolet rays broke the molecules apart. Much of the freed hydrogen escaped into space,and Venus lost its water. Without water, Venus became less and less like Earth and kept an atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide acts as a blanket,creating an intense greenhouse effect and driving surface temperatures high enough to melt lead and to prohibit the formation of carbonate minerals. Volcanoes continually vented more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. On Earth,liquid water removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and combines it with calcium, from rock weathering,to form carbonate sedimentary rocks. Without liquid water to remove carbon from the atmosphere, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus remainshigh.Origin of the Solar SystemComets文化艺术类The Origins of WritingLive PerformanceThe Origins of TheaterThe Development of Printing地质类Early Theories of Continental DriftAttempts at Determining Earth’s AgeHow Soil is FormedEarth’s Energy CycleThermal Stratification环境类The Climate of JapanThe Role of the Ocean in Controlling Climate经济类Effects of the Commercial RevolutionSeventeenth-Century European Economic Growth考古类Environmental Impact of the AnasaziThe Collapse of the MaysThe Chaco Phenomenon科学类The Birth of PhotographyEarly American Printing Industry农业类Agricultural Society in Eighteenth- Century British America Water Management in Early Agriculture社会类Population Growth in Nineteenth-Century Europe Hunting and the Setting of Inner Eurasia生物类Extinctions at the End of the CretaceousThe Cambrian ExplosionThe Extinction of the DinosaursHow Animals in Rain Forests Make Themselves Heard Sociality in AnimalsDinosaurs and Parental CareHabitat SelectionTemperature Regulation in Marine OrganismsCell TheoryPoikilothermsForest SuccessionThe Role of DiapauseThe Identification of the Genetic MaterialHow Plants and Animals Arrived in the Hawaiian Islands Constraints on Natural Selection。

综合总论点:Male Deer’s antlers have some functions. There are three theories.阅读观点:There are three possible functions.1、Dissipate excess body heat2、Self-defense3、Communicate dominance to each other听力观点:It’s plausible but has some problems.1、deer的antlers在夏天之后很长一段时间,还会继续长,甚至一直长到冬天,而冬天不需要给身体降温;另外,在最冷的地方,deer的antlers反而更长。
2、为什么female deer没有antlers去保护自己,female保护和照顾孩子,更需要antlers;deer的主要捕食者是wolf,研究发现wolf主要是被deer踢(kick)。
3、在fight中,antlers更长的deer反而会walk away,而不是像阅读部分说的antlers的size越大,越有主导地位。
独立Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Some lessons for young students (5~8 years old)increase their interest to learn,including video games. But some people believe it will distract young students.Sample Answer :同意。

2018年5月12日托福写作考题回忆综合阅读:why plants fold their leaves during nighttime 我们都知道叶子白天会舒展是为了吸收光线,但关于为什么晚上会卷起来说法不一。
1. protection against cold 为了防止丧失热量。
2. protectionagainst injection 为了防止感染真菌。
3. eliminating from nighttime light 为了防止夜间光。
叶子白天通过collect sunlight 来trace seasons,来确定开花的best time,但如果夜间有moonlight 的干扰,会distort植物判断的accuracy听力:none of the assumptions is convincing enough1. 叶子是通过internal mechanism抗冻的,否则无论晚上它fold or not,一道晚上freezing cold叶子照样死翘翘。
2. 叶子卷起来还是会不能完全隔绝水,另外disease是通过fungal spore传播的,有一点点水就会spread water,能够感染,所以卷叶子并没有用。
3. 在一些完全没有月光的地方比如森林,植物的叶子也会在夜间卷起来,所以folding leaves一定有其他的原因。
独立When there is a new technological device is available,some people will buy it immediately,while others will wait until many others have adopted it. Which view do you agree more?解题思路:wait1. practical issue 购买需秉承实用性原则,而不是赶潮流2. blemish 新品可能会有设计缺陷,每次iphone发布会的论坛吐槽就是证明3. higher price 新品价格通常不是很美丽。

2.女生要注册一门课,但是人满了,助手让他在排在waiting list 上,已经list有7个人了,很紧张。
3.男生问艺术老师关于课堂上提到的chek in history,提到关于雕刻史,一位雕刻艺术家从来不用铜模,而是用蜡模,后来的展出的铜模作品是后来二次加工的。
4.书店买旧书,哲学的应该买新版5/学生去问老师关于assignment的comment,老师讲到叫做Little Dancer Aged Fourteen(十四岁的小舞女)的雕塑,并且提到作者德加Edgar Degas. 这个雕像本初是wax sculpture,在Edgar Degas去世后被翻制成了bronze,并暗示德加生前其实比较拒绝把它制成铜的。
Lecture1.星座的命名和划分2.达芬奇失败的作品极其复制3. brown dwarf是一个很难classify的celestial body,因为从orbit来讲,它像planet一样围着恒星转,但从composition来讲,它像star一样会有dust和gas组成。
关于brown dwarf的formation,有两个理论ejection theory和turbulence theory. 其中turbulence theory是low-mass star formation的一个new model,是由gravitational fragmentation形成的。

4.工业革命古罗马帝国的工业,开始说是农业是主要的,然后讲了陶器的生产,然后是raw material ,说是工业在罗马帝国时代不太发达,主要是upper上层阶级不支持,说是一直用animal和人力,不用更新后提供energy的设备。

托福试题2018及答案1. 阅读部分A. 阅读材料一1.1 问题一:文章主要讨论了什么?答案:文章主要讨论了气候变化对农业的影响。
1.2 问题二:作者对于气候变化的看法是什么?答案:作者认为气候变化是不可避免的,但可以通过科技和政策来缓解其影响。
B. 阅读材料二2.1 问题一:文章中提到的主要人物是谁?答案:文章中提到的主要人物是玛丽·居里。
2.2 问题二:玛丽·居里的主要贡献是什么?答案:玛丽·居里的主要贡献是发现了镭和钋两种元素。
2. 听力部分A. 听力材料一1.1 问题一:演讲者的主要观点是什么?答案:演讲者认为教育应该更注重培养学生的批判性思维能力。
1.2 问题二:演讲者提到了哪些教育方法?答案:演讲者提到了项目式学习和小组讨论等教育方法。
B. 听力材料二2.1 问题一:对话中两位学生讨论的主题是什么?答案:对话中两位学生讨论的主题是校园内新开的咖啡馆。
2.2 问题二:他们对咖啡馆的看法是什么?答案:他们认为咖啡馆的咖啡味道很好,但是价格有点贵。
3. 口语部分A. 口语任务一1.1 问题一:描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
B. 口语任务二2.1 问题一:讨论一下你认为科技对教育的影响。
4. 写作部分A. 写作任务一1.1 问题一:描述一个你认为重要的社会问题,并提出解决方案。
B. 写作任务二2.1 问题一:讨论一下你认为团队合作在工作和学习中的重要性。

Agree or disagree:physical exercise is important to older people than to younger people
20100131、20110731Physical exercise is more important for older people than for younger people.
20081212Sports and exercises are more important to elderly people than to young people.
从形式上可以参考2018.2.4(2016.5.29)it is better for older people to take risks and explore new things than young people.
Mystery Hill究竟是美国本土的还是欧洲人建的。
ngement, stone上的straight lines,writing ape methord和欧洲相似
1.可能有什么move了stone form their original location,ing style可能是accident3.美国人reshape jewelry时候也用的这种方式。

先来看一下之前的考试题目,考试后会立即更新!Passage One学科分类:历史题目:Mass production: method and impact内容回忆:爱迪生,卡耐基,洛克菲勒这些人的发明和公司促进了技术进步,导致了市场上供大于求。
第六段说但是,这同时也创造了更多别的工作岗位,还有低人力,便宜的产品Components=partRemarkable=impressiveConfined to=limited toRelentless=unceasingPassage Two学科分类:生活题目:Hawaii Bristletail本文第一段介绍了一下这个Bristletail,说它像shrimp。
第二段说某个德国科学家不同意这个观点,他发现美国有种生物和这个DNA很像,应该是Bristletail 的祖宗。
第三段说,其实有可能是从islands to continent的。
第四段说,小岛都是进化的终点,然后一些理论支持它Improbable=unlikelyDefinitive=finalNotion=ideaHarbor=containPassage Three学科分类:人类学题目:The social consequence of urbanization内容回忆:第一段说公园前3000年,人们由于一些原因开始聚居。

2018年5⽉19⽇托福听⼒真题整理 准备这⼏个⽉考托福的同学肯定对于这些天的雅思真题很关注吧!那么下⾯就和店铺⼀起来看看2018年5⽉19⽇托福听⼒真题整理。
Conversation 1.关于学⽣作业的选题,学⽣的 art history paper讨论, topic定了⼀个⽐较不出名的画家,他的画作很unique,第⼀画的东西不⼀样最有名的作品 old violin,第⼆别⼈都是 horizonta他是vertical。
⽼师告诉他是沙发有损坏要他描述怎么弄坏的,还要交罚款,建议他和他是有 split the bill。
Lecture 1.⽣物中的艾伦定律和伯格曼法则先说伯格曼法则寒冷条件下动物长得更⼤,可以储存更多能量,温暖条件下长得更⼩,好散热。
蛇这样的冷⾎动物为了保持体温,寒冷情况下长得⽐较⼩ 2.艺术_达达主义和表现主义。
这⾥给⼤家个听⼒艺术背景知识: 表现主义 Expressionism表现主义发源于20世纪初的德国,表现主义艺术家通过扭曲和抽象化的形象来表达内⼼的情感,所以造型可能会与现实相差很远,颜⾊也可以根据想要表现的情感随意选择,所以你会看到作家⽤⾼⼤弯曲的树⽊来表现环境的阴冷、诡异,或者⽤⾎盆⼤⼝来表现对象的凶恶、可怖。
⽐如爱德华·蒙克《呐喊》达达主义 Dadaism TPO34-1以戏剧这⼀艺术形式让学⽣感受了⼀下什么是“达达”,没有剧本,没有台词,演员都是临时的,表演都是即兴的,艺术欣赏变成了⼀种戏谑,和这个名字本⾝⼀样,这⼀主义追求的就是叛逆、虚⽆、⽆意义、破坏⼀切。
从light和氧⽓两⽅⾯解释,最后提到了 book mount 4.电磁波,电波和磁波的区别。
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5月6日托福口语真题回忆:Task 1You are required to be a volunteer in a school beatification day, which of the following would you like to choose.1 planting in campus flowers garden2 picking up garbage and collect the recyclable material3 paint natural and outside artsGive specific reasons to support your answer.Task2Do you agree or disagree that important business meetings should be held in person rather than use technology such as video conference call. Give specific reasons to support your answer.Task3class auditing。
男生 disappont:理由一有空间,可站可坐地上像他这样有兴趣的学生愿意这么做;理由二只准停课不准问问题其他老师也这么做。
Task4概念:Self-assembly 定义:It is a rare form of cooperation for insects to join to alarger body to face the challenge together. 昆虫连结身体客服困难提高存活率。
例子:火蚁水淹巢穴,一个爬上地面后容易冲走淹死,一群出来之后连在一起形成 raft 不易散开可以漂流不易进水。
Task5一个女生病了,但之前答应朋友去 art show 的 opening night 了。
好处一周之后可以去应援 another night,坏处这个开幕很重要。
Task6two drawbacks of extension of product lines。
1、挤占已有产品销量 lotion company 老用户爱新产品,影响以前产品销量。
2、不 consistent 影响名誉 snack bar company。
本来 natural organic 现在新产品加了 additive 大家就不买了。
5月6日托福阅读真题回忆:1. Industry during the Rome Empire 罗马帝国时期的工业2.海水酸化对海洋生物的影响 Ocean Acidification3.单细胞动物的眼睛4.古埃及商业的发展5.明治时期的税制6.动物灭绝主要原因是人类,而有的专家觉得是气候变化7.真菌的减少8.十四世纪欧洲经济衰退:Economic Decline in Europe During the Fourteenth Century 重复 2017.03.11,2015.11.08,2014.11.23,2014.04.27.2017.9.17 有几个理由:与东方经济交往的切断、种植手段欠缺食物短缺、天气影响收成等。
9.olmec civilization 讲解了奥尔梅克文明的建筑与艺术。
文章用大篇幅介绍了 olmec civilization 艺术的细节与特点。
2013.5.1110.Disturbed and fragment forest 本文主要讲的是热带雨林由于气温升高,湿度降低,土壤的变化对很多的物种的生存和栖息地的破坏和影响,其中有一种植物 Vine 能在此种环境下特殊生存,由于雨林遭到了破坏,风在此过程中加剧了对于栖息地的侵袭,(雨林具有降低风速的能力),但现在风能无所顾及的进入雨林,导致土壤更加干燥,甚至直接吧树木吹倒。
11.Long history of over-exploiting 本文主要描述的是过度开垦的原因不是自然气候变化,而人类是主要原因,文章通过例举一系列动物数字的灭绝,同时例举了毛利人以及欧洲人在捕杀动物的一些事实,充分论证人类是物种灭绝最主要的原因。
同时最后提到过度捕鱼现象,需要引起更多人的重视12.Hunter-gathered in southwest Asia 开头介绍了当地的土壤和环境不适合大量作物,但随着温度上升等原因,土壤的质量提升,可以种植大量的燕麦。
接着提到 Natufian 人群,有更强的种植和收割植物的能力,同时也学会了在农作物储存在有利位置,随着作物的充足,人口也大量激增,人口进行扩张,在此过程中也出现了阶级概念,然而有遇到了干旱问题,他们由原来的 hill zone 去了 high altitude 地区,因为对 cereal 非常熟悉,所以也能保证农作物生长。
词汇题obstruction / barrieralter / modifydramatically / surprisinglyestablishment / creationvariable / ability to changehasten / to speed upabundant / large amountdisguise / hiddenrevere / honorconfine / limitconsiderably / significantlysupplement / additional5月6日托福听力真题回忆:conversation1.一个女生要去日本 intership,问教授意见2.关于课上一个问题的讨论,学生对课上提到的关于 brain 的 experiment 有问题3.找室友,有个室友走了询问老师新室友分配的 policy,问室友能否指定4.学生找教授借 recorded video,然后目的在后半段才说5.教授答应了学生给推荐信,但是学生没收到,就去找教授,结果教授不在然后跟助手对话6.学生的 paper 缺资料,老师借她自己的收藏7.图书馆装修,学生来问情况,想要去二楼座位。
图书管理员表示该地区是给 Graduate student 开放的,让他去另一个地方,可那个地方太吵闹,所以学生去找教授要申请。
8. student and literature professor 学生先感谢了教授对他的作业的好评,之前写了个关于戏剧《waiting Tudor》的文章,老师说写的很好,注意到了成双成对的东西的运用。
今天学生来,是想问问老师关于他下一个作业 topic 的意见。
学生看过一个评论,说《waitingTudor》只是在 repeat,nothing happens。
学生很有感悟,这次想写《waiting Tudor》的 structure,但是老师说,你要慎用其他人的评论,而且不建议继续写这个话题,毕竟这个是 survey course,希望学生写 poem 或 short story。
9 student and building manager 学生本来在学校的 basement 排练莎士比亚的戏剧middle summer night’s dream。
现在搬出来在学校的草坪 rehearsal,但是有个关于Hammock 的道具(prop)找不到了。
Building manager 有点生气,觉得学生们搬出来没跟他提前说,最后Building manager 说道具可能被其他人捡到了,放到了 storage 的地方,说现在他们可以一起去找找。
Lecture1.ethic 一个人反对 ethic 的 principle 举例一个男的战争时期的选择是去打仗还是照顾年迈的老母亲2. federal government 很关注 transportation,所以地方政府可以通过增加土地使用去减少 drive。
但是这个很难做,而且不能 random 的选择在哪边建房子,建什么功能的建筑,最好提前想好。
比如加州的 Davis 准备建 superstore,政府比对了其他地方建之前和建之后的情况,这边有两个学生提出了自己的问题,男学生认真建 superstore 好处多,因为这个超市东西的种类多,人们可以集中一次大采购,减少开车频率,但是女学生不同意,觉得这种超市通常建在 outside of way 的地方,交通不方便,开车反而更远。
教授说政府发现这个地方的人其实本来就喜欢去隔壁的 superstore 去采购,那个地方很远。
然后学生就说,那这样是不是说明,建 superstore 更好。
教授说,不一定,还要看superstore 里的产品是怎么生产的,以及怎么运输的。
3. good bacteria 文章开头说你们可能知道 bad bacteria,但是也有很多细菌是很好的,good for health。
细菌可以产生维他命 K,而人体自己无法产生;可以杀死有害细菌。
但是我们会 kill good bacteria:1.洗手的时候用的抗菌皂,在洗掉有害细菌的同时,也会洗掉好的细菌,因为抗菌皂无法鉴别好坏细菌;2.antibiotic 会。
我们用 probiotic 帮助产生好细菌,比如有些牌子的酸奶就有,但是不是所有牌子的酸奶都有 probiotic。
4.美国的一位总统胡佛,上任后发布几个政策,对大萧条毫无用处,然后作者表示虽然他毛病多多但他也算是尽力了5.electronic music 的三个 breakthrough6.KT 行星撞地球导致恐龙灭绝理论的解释和之一7.stonehenge 用 wasps 治害虫8.Earth Atmosphere and the Ocean 文章主要探讨了地球水的来源。