Saia-Burgess PCD3.C200 控制器数据说明书
PCD3.C200Saia-Burgess Controls AG| 1Data Sheet31-682 ENG03 – Data Sheet – PCD3.C200PCD3.C200The PCD3.Mxxxx controllers can be expanded withPCD3.Cxxx components, making additional module sockets available. On the PCD3.Mxxx0, up to 15 PCD3.Cxxx module holders can be attached (PCD3.M3020/3120 cannot be expanded). This allows the user to attach a maximum of 64 I/O modules, or 1023 digital inputs/outputs.PCD3.C200 serves as a bus repeater and internally provides + 5 V and V + for a segment of I/O modules.Extension module holder for 4 I/O modulesDescriptionExample calculation for the current consumption of the internal +5V and +V (24V) bus of the I/O modules28.563.8125.813967.3100.53532.832.7Saia-Burgess Controls AG2 |31-682 ENG03 – Data Sheet – PCD3.C200Dimension DrawingPCD3.C200EarthSupply 24 VDCLED power okInternal supply of theLIO module carrier PCD3.C200+5VCLR 0V+V(16...24V)S u p p l y 24 V D CWhen planning PCD3 systems, it must be checked whether the two internal power supplies are not overloaded. This control is especially important when using analog, counting, and positioning and other special modules, as some of them consume a relatively large amount of power.❶ P ress lower part of housing ontomounting rail ❷ P ush up against the spring force upto the stop❸ H ook in over the upper edge of themounting rail and yield to the spring force⌧ F or safety, push the housing into themounting rail from top to bottom Check if the device is securly fixed.Dismounting from DIN railTo remove the housing, push upwards and pull out.Easy assembly of the moduleholders on DIN rail (1 × 35 mm)Saia-Burgess Controls AG| 331-682 ENG03 – Data Sheet – PCD3.C200PCD3 I/O modules are not hot-plug capable:• Carefully insert and remove the I/O modules after switching off the power supply (24V).The following aspects should be considered when planning PCD3 applications:• In keeping with lean automation, it is recommended to leave the first slot in the CPU basic module free for any subsequent expansions. This slot can accommodate simple I/O modules but also communication modules. • The total length of the I/O bus is limited by technical factors; the shorter, the better.The PCD3.C200 is used to extendthe I/O bus or for the internal power supply +5V and +V (24V) to a module segment.Please note the following rules:• Mandatory: I nsert a PCD3.C200 after the PCD3.M6893and after each cable (at the start of a row).• Use a maximum of five PCD3.K106/K116 cables. • Do not use more than six PCD3.C200s in a singleconfiguration, or the time delay will exceed the I/O access time.• If an application is mounted in a single row (max. 15 module holders), then after five PCD3.C100 a PCD3.C200 must be used to amplify the bus signal(unless the configuration ends with the fifth PCD3.C100). • If the application is mounted in multiple rows, therestricted length of cable means that only three module holders (1× PCD3.C200 and 2× PCD3.C100) may bemounted in one row.Insertion of I/O modulesTypesf PCD3.Axxx Digital output modulesf PCD3.Exxx D igital input modules f PCD3.Fxxx Communication modulesf PCD3.WxxxAnalogue input/output modulesOver 40 modules available with different functionalities ① Simple exchange of I/O modules31-682 ENG03 – Data Sheet – PCD3.C2004|Saia-Burgess Controls AG31-682 ENG03 – Data Sheet – PCD3.C200Saia-Burgess Controls AG|5Saia-Burgess Controls AGPCD3.C2006|Saia-Burgess Controls AGBahnhofstrasse 18 | 3280 Murten, SwitzerlandSubjects to change without notice. 31-682 ENG03 – 2020-07-17 – Datasheet – PCD3.C200Connecting plugPCD3.K010Extension cable 0.7 / 1.2 mPCD3.K106 / PCD3.K116Slot covers410475150 /410475020Screw terminal2-pole440549520。
目次1.型号1.1型号的说明1.2额定输入1.3型号铭牌的表示方法2各部位名称和功能3安装到控制屏3.1场地的选定3.2外形尺寸图3.3控制屏开孔图3.4CT(电流互感器)外形尺寸图3.5安装4.配线4.1端子配置图4.2配线例5.设定5.1设定流程图5.2主设定模式主设定1(SV1)主设定2(SV2)5.3基本参数设定模式自整定(AT)或自动复位(Auto Reset)设定OUT1比例带设定OUT2冷却侧比例带设定积分时间设定微分时间设定ARW设定OUT1比例周期设定OUT2冷却侧比例周期设定温度报警1(A1)设定温度报警2(A2)设定HB(加热器断线报警)设定LA(回路异常报警)时间设定LA(回路异常报警)动作幅度设定5.4辅助功能设定模式1设定值锁定选择(SV)主设定值上限设定(SV)主设定值下限设定传感器校正设定通信协议选择仪表编号设定通信速度选择奇偶校选择停止位选择5.5辅助功能设定模式2传感器选择刻度范围上限值设定刻度范围下限值设定小数点位置选择PV滤波时间常数设定(OUT1)输出上限设定(OUT1)输出下限设定(OUT1)输出ON/OFF动作间距设定(OUT2)冷却侧动作模式选择(OUT2)冷却侧输出上限设定(OUT2)冷却侧输出下限设定重叠区/死区设定(OUT2)冷却侧输出ON/OFF动作间距设定温度报警1(A1)动作方式选择温度报警2(A2)动作方式选择温度报警1(A1)常开/常闭选择温度报警2(A2)常开/常闭选择温度报警1(A1)动作间距设定温度报警2(A2)动作间距设定温度报警1(A1)动作延迟时间设定温度报警2(A2)动作延迟时间设定正/逆动作选择AT偏差设定SVTC偏置设定SV2显示选择输入异常时输出状态选择“OUT/OFF键”功能选择5.6控制输出“OFF”功能5.7自动/手动控制功能5.8输出操作量显示6.运行7.动作说明7.1 OUT1动作图7.2加热器断线报警动作图【特选功能:W】7.3 OUT1 ON/OFF动作图7.4 OUT2(加热/冷却控制)动作图【特选功能:D□】 7.5温度报警1,2(A1,A2)动作图7.6 SV1/SV2外部切换动作图8.控制动作说明8.1 PID说明8.2控制器的PID自整定8.3自动复位(余差校正)9.1标准规格9.2特选功能规格10.寻找和排除故障10.1显示部分10.2“键操作”部分 10.3控制输出部分11.显示符号一览表1.1型号的说明在下划线的上面,请依需求填入“型号”、“控制输出”、“输入”、“特选功能”等字符。
伺服驱动器CMMT-AS-C7 12-11A-P3-S1操作说明书
, HEIDENHAIN®, Hiperface®,是商标持有人在相关国家注册的1关于本文件1.1目标人群该文件面向安装及运行该产品的人员。
此外也面向受委托在安全相关系统内规划和应用该产品的人员(符合 EN61508 标准的安全手册)。
1.2适用文件产品的用户文档包含以下文件:1.3产品版本本文件基于以下版本:–R01 及以上版本的伺服驱动控制器 CMMT-AS-...-S1,请参阅产品标识1.4产品标签•请注意产品上的说明。
–只允许松开产品上的以下螺钉:–散热器上用于固定电源侧地线接地的螺丝–壳体正面屏蔽夹的固定螺丝–仅限在 IT 电网中使用时:用于连接内置电源滤波器和保护接地的螺丝–将产品安装到适合的控制柜中。
控制柜的防护等级必须至少为 IP54。
–只有当所有要求的保护措施都到位的时候 ( è EN60204-1),才可以运行本产品。
–关于剥线长度的信息 è 手动 装配 , 安装 。
SHOWA 补偿器金属软接头目 录科目目录 ................................................................................................ 金属软接头..................................................................................EXF 110 .......................................................................................... EXF 115 .......................................................................................... EXF 122 .......................................................................................... EXS 210 .......................................................................................... EXS 255 .......................................................................................... 补偿器.........................................................................................EXDZ .............................................................................................. EXFZ .............................................................................................. EXWZ ............................................................................................. 软管和软网的尺寸及性能................................................................... 有变位时软管长度计算...................................................................... 正确的安装方式................................................................................ 法兰连接尺寸................................................................................... 单位换算表...................................................................................... 资料 不锈钢耐腐蚀表........................................................................ 软管产品选型、安装及实用注意事项.................................................... 0102-06020304050607-1207091113151819222328页码具有优异耐弯曲性能的焊接组装法兰连接形式。
C 31-MIDAS Manual
11.1 安装模拟模块
11.2 重新组装MIDAS® 探测器
12 找出故障并诊断
14 内置的网络服务器
14.1 物理的网络组件
14.2 网络设置
14.3 运行网络浏览器
15 典型安装拓扑
15.1 常规安装
15.2 Modbus/TCP 安装
Honeywell Analytics
mda scientific
©2004 Honeywell Analytics
1 目录
2 概述
3 产品概述
3.1 主机架
3.1.1 显示器模块
3.1.2 泵模块
3.1.3 传感器暗盒腔
3.2 安装托架座
3.2.1 安装托架
8.2 设置、校准和测试模式
8.2.1 设置菜单‘ SEt’
8.2.2 设置报警 ‘ ALm’
8.2.3 设置故障 ‘ FLt’
8.2.4 设置校准间距 ‘ CAL’
8.2.5 设置日期和时间 ‘timE’
8.2.6 设置地址‘ nEt’
8.2.7 设置密码 ‘ PWd’
3.2.2 终端模块
3.3 传感器盒
3.3.1 偏致传感器盒
3.4 机壳
4 默认配置
5 安装
5.1 探测器的安装和定位
5.2 机械安装
5.3 样品和排气管道计算
【关键字】精品大量钻孔机说明书篇一:全自动中心钻孔机操作说明书使用及维护手册全自动圆锯打中心孔专用机HJ.A13027使用前请务必仔细阅读本手册错误操作十分危险操作人员必须熟知并遵守安全规则目录一、设备简介及适用范围 (14)二、结构与功能描述 (5)三、操作流程 (15)四、操作面板及触摸屏说明 (18)五、故障排除方式 (35)六、现场环境及工件要求 (38)附1、电气原理图安全注意事项? 始终遵守安全注意事项可以防止意外事故及潜在危险的发生。
? 在本使用手册中,安全等级分类如下:不正确的操作可能导致严重的人身伤害或死亡。
? 为了方便取阅使用说明书,请就近保存。
? 仔细阅读本说明书,使您的设备性能达到最佳化,并确保安全地使用。
1. 设备装卸、安装及接线? 装卸设备注意人生安全,勿以工作台来起吊设备,勿使设备受到撞击。
? 先安装设备,再进行接线,否则,你可能受到电击或其它伤害。
? 安装设备需注意调整每个承重脚均衡承重,并保证机身水平。
? 设备电源为三相AC380V 50Hz,电缆大于10mm×5。
? 2? 不正确的端子接线可能引起设备的损坏。
? 只有受过专业培训的人才可以对设备进行接线和检查。
2. 安全规则? 使用前先对设备各处进行详细地检查,清除异物,保证设备的正常运转; 检查是否满足生产工艺要求,确认无误后开始生产。
? 保养设备时应关断电源,以免意外伤害。
? 生产场地应有良好的通风。
3. 维护,检查与零件更换? 定期检查。
只有经过HONGJI 书面许可,才可以将本档交会第三者。
神钢控制器 DCL-33A系列说明书
为防止安装错误及防止事故发生,请将本说明书送至使用者手中, 谢谢!
●本控制器应按使用说明书规格范围内所指定的规范使用。如超越规范,将可能导致火灾或故障,请注意。 ●本控制器说明书内所记载的注意及警告事项,请严格遵守。若未遵守,可能导致重大伤害事故,请注意。 ●本使用说明书记载的内容,将有变更的可能。 ●本控制器是按配电盘内安装使用设计制作的。如不是这样,必须采取措施,使使用者接触不到电源端子或其他
传感器补偿设定 []
通信协议选择 *
通信仪表号设定 *
通信速度选择 *
SVTC 偏置设定 *
选择 [
:按住“ ”键,再按“ ”键。
(约 3 秒):按住“ ”键,再按 “ ”键约 3 秒。
(约 3 秒)
【辅助功能设定模式 2】
● 设定范围:SV 设定值下限设定值-SV 设定值上限设定值
出厂值 0℃
●在执行自整定(AT)后,经过 4 小时如无法结束时,将强制解除
神钢控制器 DCL-33A系列说明书
※ 1:“直流电流”及“直流电压”输入,其刻度范围及小数点的位置可以选择。 ※ 2:对“直流电流”输入,输入端之间必须接 50Ω(另售品)并联电阻。
5.1 设定流程图 PV/SV 显示方式
(约 3 秒)
【主设定模式】 主设定
+ 【基本参数设定模式】
OMRON 和泉电器 松下电工
终端板 PFP-M 固定板 BNL6P,BNL8 固定板 ATA 4806
● 安装顺序:
(1) 将 DCL-33A 的(1)部分卡挂在 DIN 轨座上部。(图 3-4-1)。 (2) 利用 DCL-33A 的(1 )部分支点,将 DCL-33A 的下部卡入轨座。
如发出 “咔”声,则 DCL-33A 完全固定在 DIN 轨座上(图 3-4-1)。
小数点位置选择 []
PV 滤波时间常数设
间距设定 [
● 导线压接端子的使用
• PID自整定(AT)的执行,请在试运行时实施。 • 为防止触电及发生调节仪故障,通电中请勿触及端子。 • 在实施端子锁紧或清洁作业时,必须在调节仪电源关闭的情况下执行。
通电期间作业,可能因触电而产生重大人身伤害。 • 在清洁时,请用柔软的干布。 • 应避免用硬物撞击和刮擦显示器。
控制方式制 PID 控制 PD 控制 ON/OFF 控制
加热/冷却 3
加热(反作用)动作 冷却(正作用)动作
报警 1
报警 2
K, J, R, B, N, PL- , Pt100, JPt100 S, E, T, C, 4 ~ 20mA, 0 ~ 20mA,
FC 系列数字显示调节仪 使用说明书
1 简介……………………………………………………………………………………………………………(1)
2 各部分名称和功能……………………………………………………………………………………………(2) 3 设定……………………………………………………………………………………………………………(3) 3.1 拔出内部组件 ………………………………………………………………………………………………(3) 3.2 开关设定 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………(4) 3.3 插入内部组件 ………………………………………………………………………………………………(5) 4 操作……………………………………………………………………………………………………………(6) 4.1 操作流程图………………………………………………………………………………………………….(6) 4.2 操作……………………………………………………………………………………………………………(8)
使 用 说 明 书低速离心机安徽中科中佳科学仪器有限公司※ 安装、使用产品前,请阅读此使用说明书! 医疗器械许可证编号: 皖食药监械生产许20150020 号 医疗器械生产备案号: 皖合食药监械生产备20150014号 产品技术要求编号:皖合械备20150107号 产品备案号: 皖合械备20150107号 适用机型:LC-4010 LC-4012 LC-4014 LC-4016 KDC-40 版本号:V2.016.11目录前言1.附录重要提示●严禁离心易燃、易爆、有剧烈化学反应及腐蚀性的化学品,否则会腐蚀腔体和转头等配件,严重时会导致机器损坏并危及人身安全!●离心机水平转头、吊杯正常使用寿命为三年,过期后应立即联系生产单位更换新转头,否则可能损坏机器并危及人身安全!●每次开机前,应认真检查转头的压紧螺母是否旋紧!●在使用离心机时,请务必使用单相三孔电源插座,并确保其可靠接地!●离心机工作时,应确保其工作电压在规定的范围内。
INSTRUCTION MANUALDIN RAIL MOUNTING TYPE INDICATING CONTROLLERDCL-33ANo.DCL31E8 2007.02PrefaceThank you for purchasing of our DIN rail mounting type indicating controller DCL-33A. This manual contains instructions for the mounting, functions, operations and notes when operating the DCL-33A. To prevent accidents arising from the misuse of this controller, please ensure the operator receives this manual.Notes• This instrument should be used in accordance with the specifications described in the manual. If it is not used according to the specifications, it may malfunction or cause fire. • Be sure to follow the warnings, cautions and notices. If they are not observed, serious injury or malfunction may occur. • The contents of this instruction manual are subject to change without notice. • Care has been taken to assure that the contents of this instruction manual are correct, but if there are any doubts, mistakes or questions, please inform our sales department. • This instrument is designed to be installed on a DIN rail within a control panel. If it is not, measures must be taken to ensure that the operator cannot touch power terminals or other high voltage sections. • Any unauthorized transfer or copying of this document, in part or in whole, is prohibited. • Shinko Technos CO., LTD. is not liable for any damage or secondary damage(s) incurred as a result of using this product, including any indirect damage. (Be sure to read these precautions before using our products.) The safety precautions are classified into categories: “Warning” and “Caution”. Depending on circumstances, procedures indicated by Caution may be linked to serious results, so be sure to follow the directions for usage.Safety precautionsWarning Caution WarningProcedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause death or serious injury, if not carried out properly. Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause superficial to medium injury or physical damage or may degrade or damage the product, if not carried out properly.• To prevent an electric shock or fire, only Shinko or other qualified service personnel may handle the inner assembly. • To prevent an electric shock, fire or damage to the instrument, parts replacement may only be undertaken by Shinko or other qualified service personnel.Safety precautions• To ensure safe and correct use, thoroughly read and understand this manual before using this instrument. • This instrument is intended to be used for industrial machinery, machine tools and measuring equipment. Verify correct usage after consulting the purpose of use with our agency or main office. (Never use this instrument for medical purposes with which human lives are involved.) • External protection devices such as protection equipment against excessive temperature rise, etc. must be installed, as malfunction of this product could result in serious damage to the system or injury to personnel. Also proper periodic maintenance is required. • This instrument must be used under the conditions and environment described in this manual. Shinko Technos Co., Ltd. does not accept liability for any injury, loss of life or damage occurring due to the instrument being used under conditions not otherwise stated in this manual. Caution with respect to Export Trade Control Ordinance To avoid this instrument from being used as a component in, or as being utilized in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction (i.e. military applications, military equipment, etc.), please investigate the end users and the final use of this instrument. In the case of resale, ensure that this instrument is not illegally exported. 11. Installation precautions CautionThis instrument is intended to be used under the following environmental conditions (IEC61010-1): Overvoltage category , Pollution degree 2 Ensure the mounting location corresponds to the following conditions: • A minimum of dust, and an absence of corrosive gases • No flammable, explosive gases • No mechanical vibrations or shocks • No exposure to direct sunlight, an ambient temperature of 0 to 50 (32 to 122 ) that does not change rapidly, and without icing • An ambient non-condensing humidity of 35 to 85%RH • No large capacity electromagnetic switches or cables through which large current is flowing. • No water, oil or chemicals or where the vapors of these substances can come into direct contact with the unit • Take note that ambient temperature of this unit must not exceed 50 (122 ) if mounted within the control panel. Otherwise the life of electronic components (especially electrolytic capacitors) may be shortened. Note: Avoid setting this instrument directly on or near flammable material even though the case of this instrument is made of flame-resistant resin.2. Wiring precautions Caution• Do not leave bits of wire in the instrument, because they could cause fire or malfunction. • Do not apply a commercial power source to the sensor which is connected to the input terminal nor allow the power source to come into contact with the sensor. • Insert the connecting cable into the designated connector securely. Not doing so could cause malfunction due to imperfect contact. • Connect the AC power to the designated terminal as is written in this instruction manual. Otherwise it may burn or damage the DCL-33A. • Use correct fitting ferrules with an insulation sleeve for the terminal screw when wiring the DCL-33A. • Tighten the terminal screw to within the specified torque. If excessive force is applied to the screw when tightening, the terminal screw or case may be damaged. • For a 24V AC/DC power source, do not confuse polarity when using direct current (DC). • This instrument does not have a built-in power switch, circuit breaker or fuse. It is necessary to install them near the controller. (Recommended fuse: Time-lag fuse, rated voltage 250V AC, rated current 2A)3. Running and maintenance precautions Caution• It is recommended that PID auto-tuning be performed on the trial run. • Do not touch live terminals. This may cause electric shock or problems in operation. • Turn the power supply to the instrument OFF when retightening the terminal or cleaning. Working or touching the terminal with the power switched ON may result in severe injury or death due to Electric Shock. • Use a soft, dry cloth when cleaning the instrument. (Alcohol based substances may tarnish or deface the unit.) • As the display section is vulnerable, do not strike or scratch it with a hard object or press hard on it. Characters used in this manual Indication Number, / -1 0 1 Indication Alphabet A B C Indication Alphabet N O P2 D Q3 E R4 F S5 G T 26 H U7 I V8 J W9 K X L Y M Z1. Model1.1 Model Series name: DCL-300 (W22.5 x H75 x D100mm) PID Selectable by keypad *1 R Relay contact: 1a OUT S Non-contact voltage (for SSR): 12+2 -0V DC (Control output) A DC current: 4 to 20mA DC Multi-range *2 Input M 100 to 240V AC (standard) Supply voltage 1 24V AC/DC *3 W (5A) CT rated current: 5A W (10A) CT rated current: 10A Heater burnout alarm Option W (20A) CT rated current: 20A W (50A) CT rated current: 50A C5 Serial communication EIA RS-485 *1: Alarm type (9 types and No alarm) and status Energized/Deenergized can be selected by keypad. *2: Thermocouple, RTD, DC current and DC voltage can be selected by keypad. *3: Standard supply voltage is 100 to 240V AC. Enter “1” after the input code only when ordering 24V AC/DC. 1.2 How to read the model label The model label is attached to the left side of the case. For Heater burnout alarm output, CT rated current value is written in the bracket ( ). DCL - 3 Control action Alarm 3 A3 A ,(1) (2)(1) Model, Supply voltage (Enter “1” only for 24V AC/DC), Option (e.g.) Relay contact output, Multi-range input (2) Serial number(Fig. 1.2-1)2. Name and functions of the sections(1) EVT indicator The red LED lights when Event output (Alarm, Loop break alarm or the Heater burnout alarm option) is ON. (2) OUT indicator The green LED lights when OUT (control output) is ON. For DC current output type, this flashes in 0.25 second cycles corresponding to the output MV (manipulated variable). (3) T/R indicator The yellow LED flashes during serial communication TX output (transmission). (4) AT (auto-tuning) indicator The yellow LED flashes while auto-tuning is being performed. (5) PV display: Indicates the PV (process variable) or setting characters (in each setting mode) with a Red LED. (6) SV display: Indicates the SV (desired value) or each set value (in each setting mode) with a Green LED. ): Increases the numeric value. (7) Increase key ( ): Decreases the numeric value. (8) Decrease key ( ):Switches the setting mode or registers set values. (9) Mode key ( ) key.] [Registers set values by pressing the Mode ( (10) Sub-mode key (unmarked) Brings up Auxiliary function setting mode 2 in combination with the Mode ((1) (2) (5) (6) (7) (8)(3) (4)(9) (10)) key.(Fig. 2-1)CautionWhen setting the specifications and functions of this controller, connect terminals 1 and 2 for power source first, then set them referring to “5. Setup” before performing “3. Mounting to the control panel” and “4. Wiring”. 33. Mounting to the control panel3.1 Site selection This instrument is intended to be used under the following environmental conditions (IEC61010-1): Overvoltage category , Pollution degree 2 Ensure the mounting location corresponds to the following conditions: • A minimum of dust, and an absence of corrosive gases • No flammable, explosive gases • Few mechanical vibrations or shocks • No exposure to direct sunlight, an ambient temperature of 0 to 50 (32 to 122 ) without rapid change, and without icing • An ambient non-condensing humidity of 35 to 85%RH • No large capacity electromagnetic switches or cables through which large current is flowing • No water, oil or chemicals or where the vapors of these substances can come into direct contact with the controller • Take note that ambient temperature of this unit must not exceed 50 (122 ) if mounted within the control panel. Otherwise the life of electronic components (especially electrolytic capacitors) may be shortened. 3.2 External dimensions (Unit: mm)DIN rail7597 22.5 100 4(Fig. 3.2-1)3.3 CT (Current transformer) external dimensions (Unit: mm)CTL-6S (for 20A) (Fig. 3.3-1) 3.4 Mounting to and removal from the DIN railCTL-12-S36-10L1U (for 50A)Caution• Mount the DIN rail horizontally. When the DIN rail is mounted vertically, be sure to use commercially available fastening plates at both ends of the DCL-33A series. However, if the DIN rail is mounted horizontally in a position susceptible to vibration or shock, the fastening plates must be used as well. • To remove this instrument, a flat blade screwdriver is required for pulling down the lever. Never turn the screwdriver when inserting it into the release lever. If excessive power is applied to the lever, it may break.4• Recommended fastening plateManufacturer Omron corporation IDEC corporation Matsushita electric works, LTD. End plate Fastening plate Fastening plate Model PFP-M BNL6 ATA4806Mounting to the DIN rail (Fig. 3.4-1) First, hook 1 of the DCL-33A on the upper side of the DIN rail. Second, making 1 part of the DCL-33A as a support, fit the lower part 2 of the DCL-33A to the DIN rail. DCL-33A will be completely fixed to DIN rail with a “Click” sound. Removal from the DIN rail (Fig. 3.4-2) 1 Insert a flat blade screwdriver into the release lever, and pull it down. 2 The lock to the DIN rail will be released, then remove the unit from the DIN rail. Be sure to hold onto the unit or it will drop to the ground.1Release lever22(Fig. 3.4-1) Mounting1(Fig. 3.4-2) Removal4. Wiring WarningTurn the power supplied to the instrument OFF before wiring or checking it. Working or touching the terminal with the power switched ON may result in severe injury or death due to Electric Shock.Caution• Do not leave bits of wire in the DCL-33A when wiring, because they could cause fire or malfunction. • Insert the connecting cable into the designated connector securely. Not doing so could cause malfunction due to imperfect contact. • Connect the AC power to the designated terminal as is written in this instruction manual. Otherwise it may burn and damage the DCL-33A. • Tighten the terminal screw with the specified torque. Excessive force could damage the terminal screw and deface the case. • Use a thermocouple and compensating lead wire that corresponds to the sensor input specification of this unit. • Use the 3-wire RTD that corresponds to the sensor input specification of this unit. • When using DC voltage and current inputs, be careful not to confuse polarity when wiring. • For a 24V AC/DC power source, do not confuse polarity when using direct current (DC). • Keep input wires (Thermocouple, RTD, etc.) away from power source and load wires when wiring. • Do not apply a commercial power source to the sensor connected to the input terminal nor allow the power source to come into contact with the sensor. • To prevent the unit from harmful effects of unexpected level noise, it is recommended that a surge absorber be installed between the electromagnetic switch coils. • This unit does not have a built-in power switch, circuit breaker or fuse. Therefore it is necessary to install them in the circuit near the external unit. (Recommended fuse: Time-lag fuse, Rated voltage 250V AC, Rated current 2A) 5When using ferrules, use the following ferrules and crimping pliers made by Phoenix Contact GMBH &CO.• Recommended ferrules and tightening torqueTerminal number 1 to 4 Terminal screw M2.6 Ferrules with insulation sleeve AI 0.25-8 YE AI 0.34-8 TQ AI 0.5-8 WH AI 0.75-8 GY AI 1.0-8 RD AI 1.5-8 BK AI 0.25-8 YE AI 0.34-8 TQ AI 0.5-8 WH Conductor cross sections 0.2 to 0.25mm2 0.25 to 0.34mm2 0.34 to 0.5mm2 0.5 to 0.75mm2 0.75 to 1.0mm2 1.0 to 1.5mm2 0.2 to 0.25mm2 0.25 to 0.34mm2 0.34 to 0.5mm2 Tightening torque 0.5 to 0.6N•m Crimping pliers CRIMPFOX ZA3 CRIMPFOX UD65 to 9M2.00.22 to 0.25N•m• Terminal arrangementBottom of the unit • MAIN OUTPUT: Control output • EVENT OUTPUT: Outputs when Alarm, Loop break alarm or Heater burnout alarm (option) is activated. • RS-485: Serial communication • TC : Thermocouple • RTD : Resistance temperature detector • DC : DC current or DC voltage For DC current input, 50 shunt resistor must be connected between input terminals.Communication C5 (RS-485)CT input (W)(Fig. 4-1)• Option: Heater burnout alarm This alarm is not available for detecting current under phase control. Use the current transformer (CT) provided, and pass a lead wire of the heater circuit into a hole of the CT. When wiring, keep the CT CT wire away from any AC source or load wires to avoid the external interference.CT input socket Power supplyHeater(Fig. 4-2)65. SetupThe sensor input character and temperature unit are indicated on the PV display for approx. 3 seconds after the power is turned on, and the input range high limit value is indicated on the SV display. (Table 5-1) (If any other value is set during the Scaling high limit setting, it is indicated on the SV display.) During this time all outputs and the LED indicators are in OFF status. After that, the control starts indicating PV (process variable) on the PV display, and SV (desired value) on the SV display. (Table 5-1) Input K J R S B E T N PLC (W/Re5-26) Pt100 JPt100 4 to 20mA DC 0 to 20mA DC 0 to 1V DC 0 to 5V DC 1 to 5V DC 0 to 10V DC Input range –200 to 1370 –320 to 2500 –199.9 to 400.0 –199.9 to 750.0 –200 to1000 –320 to1800 0 to 3200 0 to 1760 0 to 1760 0 to 3200 0 to 1820 0 to 3300 –200 to 800 –320 to 1500 –199.9 to 400.0 –199.9 to 750.0 –200 to 1300 –320 to 2300 0 to 1390 0 to 2500 0 to 2315 0 to 4200 –199.9 to 850.0 –199.9 to 999.9 –200 to 850 –300 to 1500 –199.9 to 500.0 –199.9 to 900.0 –300 to 900 –200 to 500 –1999 to 9999 *1, *2 –1999 to 9999 *1, *2 –1999 to 9999 *1 –1999 to 9999 *1 –1999 to 9999 *1 –1999 to 9999 *1 Resolution 1 ( ) 0.1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 0.1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 0.1 ( ) 1 ( ) 0.1 ( ) 1 ( ) 1 1 1 1 1 1*1: Input range and decimal point place can be changed. *2: 50 shunt resistor (sold separately) must be connected between the input terminals.75.1 Operation flowchart Outline of operation procedureSet Input type, Alarm (type, value, etc.) and SV (desired value), following the procedures below. Setting item numbers (1) to (8) are indicated on the flowchart. [Step 1 Operation before run] Turn the load circuit power OFF, and turn the power supply to the DCL-33A ON. [Step 2 Auxiliary function Set Input type and Alarm type, etc. in Auxiliary function setting mode 2. setting mode 2] (1) Input type: Select an input type. Refer to “Input type (character indication) and range” on page 10. (2) Alarm type: Select an alarm type. Refer to “Alarm type” on page 10. [If an alarm type except for “ ” is selected, items (3) to (6) will be indicated and they can be set if necessary.] Note: If an alarm type is changed, the alarm set value becomes 0 (0.0). Therefore it is necessary to set it again. (3) Alarm action Energized/Deenergized: Select Alarm action Energized or Deenergized. (4) Alarm HOLD function: Select either Alarm Not holding or Alarm Holding. (5) Alarm hysteresis: Set Alarm hysteresis. (6) Alarm action delayed timer: Set Alarm action delayed timer. [Step 3 Sub setting mode] (7) Alarm value: Set alarm action point in the Sub setting mode. [Step 4 Main setting mode] (8) SV: Set SV (Desired value) in the Main setting mode. [Step 5 Run] Turn the load circuit power ON. Control action starts so as to keep the control target at the SV (Desired value).Press the PV/SV display Press the key for approx. 3sec. Press key. Output MV (manipulated variable) indicationPress the (8) SV (Desired value) PV SV SVkey.Press the ATkey while holding down thekey.for approx. 3sec while holding down.[Main setting mode]PV[Sub setting mode]SV[Auxiliary function setting mode 1]Set value lockPV SVSelection• If AT is cancelled during the process, PID values revert to previous value. • Set the value with , keys. • ON/OFF action when set to 0 or 0.0Reverts to PV/SV display.PVOUT proportional bandSVSelection• Make a selection with , keys. • If Lock 1 or Lock 2 is selected, AT does not work. • Be sure to select Lock 3 when frequently changing set values via Serial communication.Set valueSensor correction Integral timePV SVExplanation of • ifkeySet value• Set the value with , keys. • Setting the value to 0 disables the function.PVSVSet value• Set the value with,keys.Communication protocolPV SV• Make a selection with,keys.: This means that is pressed, the setPVSelectionDerivative timeSVvalue is saved, and the controller proceeds to the next setting item. • If the key is pressed for approx. 3sec, the controller reverts to the PV/SV display mode from any mode.Set value• Set the value with , keys. • Setting the value to 0 disables the function.Instrument numberPV SVSet value• Set the value with,keys.ARWPV SVSet value, • Set the value with • Available for PID actionkeys. Communication speedPV SVSelection• Make a selection with,keys.OUT proportional cyclePV SVSet value• Set the value with , keys. • Not available for DC current output or if OUT is in ON/OFF actionParityPV SVSelection, keys. • Make a selection with is selected • Not available if during Communication protocol selectionManual resetPV SV• Set the value with , keys. • Available for P or PD action Stop bitPV SVSet valueSelection(7)PVAlarm valueSVSet value• Set the value with , keys. is selected • Not available if during Alarm type selection• Make a selection with , keys. is selected • Not available if during Communication protocol selectionReverts to the PV/SV display.Heater burnout alarm value PV SV . Set value • Set the value with , keys. • Setting the value to 0.0 disables the function.Loop break alarm timePV SVSet value, keys. • Set the value with • Setting the value to 0 disables the function.Setting items with dotted lines are optional, and they appear only when the options are added.Loop break alarm spanPV SVSet value, keys. • Set the value with • Setting the value to 0 disables the function.Reverts to the PV/SV display.85.2 Main setting mode Character Name, Description, Setting range Default value SV 0 • Sets the SV for control target. • Scaling low limit value to scaling high limit value (For DC input, the placement of the decimal point follows the selection) 5.3 Sub setting mode Character Name, Description, Setting range Default value AT setting • Performs PID auto-tuning. However, if PID auto-tuning does not finish after 4 hours, it will be automatically shut down. • : PID auto-tuning Cancel : PID auto-tuning Perform OUT proportional band setting 2.5% • Sets the proportional band. • The control action becomes ON/OFF when set to 0.0 • Setting range: 0.0 to 110.0% Integral time setting 200 seconds • Sets the integral time. • Setting the value to 0 disables this function. • Not available for ON/OFF action. • Setting range: 0 to 1000 seconds Derivative time setting 50 seconds • Sets the derivative time. • Setting the value to 0 disables this function. • Not available for ON/OFF action. • Setting range: 0 to 300 seconds ARW (Anti-reset windup) setting 50% • Sets anti-reset windup. • Available only for PID action. • Setting range: 0 to 100% OUT proportional cycle setting 30 seconds • Sets the proportional cycle value for the control output (OUT). or 3 seconds • Not available for ON/OFF action or DC current output. • Setting range: 1 to 120 seconds Manual reset setting 0.0 • Sets the reset value manually. • Available only for P and PD action. • Proportional band converted value (For DC input, the placement of the decimal point follows the selection) Alarm value setting 0 • Sets the action point for the alarm output. • Setting the value to 0 or 0.0 disables this function (excluding Process high and Process low alarms) When Loop break alarm and Heater burnout alarm are applied together, they utilize common output terminals. • Not available if No alarm action is selected during Alarm type selection. • See (Table 5.3-1) (p.11). (For DC input, the placement of the decimal point follows the selection.) Heater burnout alarm setting 0.0A . and • Sets the heater current value for Heater burnout alarm. XX.X • Setting the value to 0.0 disables this function. alternating • Upon returning to set limits, the alarm will stop. display When Alarm and Loop break alarm are applied together, they utilize common output terminals. • Available only when Heater burnout alarm is added. • Rated current 5A : 0.0 to 5.0A Rated current 10A: 0.0 to10.0A Rated current 20A: 0.0 to 20.0A Rated current 50A: 0.0 to 50.0A 9Input type (character indication) and range :K –200 to 1370 :K –320 to 2500 –199.9 to 400.0 –199.9 to 750.0 :J –200 to 1000 :J –320 to 1800 :R 0 to 1760 :R 0 to 3200 :S 0 to 1760 :S 0 to 3200 :B 0 to 1820 :B 0 to 3300 :E –200 to 800 :E –320 to 1500 :T –199.9 to 400.0 :T –199.9 to 750.0 :N –200 to 1300 :N –320 to 2300 : PL0 to 1390 : PL0 to 2500 : C(W/Re5-26) 0 to 2315 : C(W/Re5-26) 0 to 4200 : Pt100 –199.9 to 850.0 : Pt100 –199.9 to 999.9 : JPt100 –199.9 to 500.0 : JPt100 –199.9 to 900.0 : Pt100 –200 to 850 : Pt100 –300 to 1500 : JPt100 –200 to 500 : JPt100 –300 to 900 : 4 to 20mA DC –1999 to 9999 : 0 to 20mA DC –1999 to 9999 : 0 to 1V DC –1999 to 9999 : 0 to 5V DC –1999 to 9999 : 1 to 5V DC –1999 to 9999 : 0 to 10V DC –1999 to 9999Alarm type (High limit alarm): The alarm action is deviation setting from the SV. The alarm is activated if the input value reaches the high limit set value. (Low limit alarm): The alarm action is deviation setting from the SV. The alarm is activated if the input value goes under the low limit set value. (High/Low limits alarm): Combines High limit and Low limit alarm actions. When input value reaches high limit set value or goes under the low limit set value, the alarm is activated. (High/Low limit range alarm): When input value is between the high limit set value and low limit set value, the alarm is activated. (Process high alarm), (Process low alarm): Within the scale range of the controller, alarm action points can be set at random and if the input reaches the randomly set action point, the alarm is activated. (High limit alarm with standby), (Low limit alarm with standby), (High/Low limits alarm with standby): When the power to the controller is turned on, even if the input enters the alarm action range, the alarm is not activated. (If the controller is allowed to keep running, once the input exceeds the alarm action point, the standby function will be released.)Press the key for approx. 3sec while holding down the key. [Auxiliary function setting mode 2] (1) Input typePV SVSelection• Make a selection with • Default value:,keys.(6)Alarm action delayed timerPV SVSet value, keys. • Set the value with is selected during • Not available if Alarm type selectionScaling high limitPV SV• Set the value with,keys. Direct/Reverse controlPV SVSet valueSelection• Make a selection with • Default value:,keys.Scaling low limitPV SV• Set the value with,keys. AT biasPV SVSet valueSet value, keys. • Set the value with • Available for thermocouple, RTD inputDecimal point placePV SVSelection, keys. • Make a selection with • Available for DC current, DC voltage inputPVSVTC biasSV• Set the value with,keys.Set valuePV filter time constantPV SV• Set the value with,keys.Set valueOutput status selection when input abnormalPV SV• Make a selection with , keys. • Available only when input is DC current and DC voltage with DC current output SelectionOUT high limitPV SVSet value• Set the value with , keys. • Not available for ON/OFF actionController/ConverterPV SVSelection• Make a selection with , keys. • Available for DC current outputOUT low limitPV SVSet value, keys. • Set the value with • Not available for ON/OFF actionReverts to the PV/SV display.OUT ON/OFF action hysteresisPV SVSet value• Set the value with , keys. • Available for ON/OFF action(2)Alarm typePV SVSelection• Make a selection with • Default value:,keys.(3)Alarm action Energized/DeenergizedPV SVSelection• Make a selection with • Not available if Alarm type selection, keys. is selected during(4)Alarm HOLD functionPV SVSelection• Make a selection with • Not available if Alarm type selection, keys. is selected during(5)Alarm hysteresisPV SVSet value• Set the value with , keys. is selected during • Not available if Alarm type selection10Loop break alarm time setting 0 minutes• Sets the action time to assess the Loop break alarm.• Setting the value to 0 disables this function.• When Alarm and Heater burnout alarm are applied together, they utilize commonoutput terminals.• Setting range:0 to 200 minutesLoop break alarm span setting 0• Sets the action span to assess the Loop break alarm.• Setting the value to 0 disables this function.• When Alarm and Heater burnout alarm are applied together, they utilize commonoutput terminals.• Thermocouple, RTD input: 0 to 150() or 0.0 to 150.0()DC input: 0 to 1500 (The placement of the decimal point follows the selection) (Table 5.3-1)Alarm type Setting rangeHigh limit alarm –(Scaling span) to scaling spanLow limit alarm –(Scaling span) to scaling spanHigh/Low limits alarm 0 to scaling spanHigh/Low limit range alarm 0 to scaling spanProcess high alarm Scaling low limit value to scaling high limit valueProcess low alarm Scaling low limit value to scaling high limit valueHigh limit alarm with standby –(Scaling span) to scaling spanLow limit alarm with standby –(Scaling span) to scaling spanHigh/Low limits with standby 0 to scaling spanMinimumnegative value:–199.9 or –1999Maximumpositive value:999.9 or 99995.4 Auxiliary function setting mode 1Character Name,Description, Setting range Default value Set value lock selection Unlock• Locks set values to prevent setting errors.The setting item to be locked is dependent on the selection.• Auto-tuning cannot be carried out if Lock 1 or Lock 2 is selected.• Be sure to select Lock 3 when changing the set values frequently viacommunication function considering the life of non-volatile memory.• (Unlock): All set values can be changed.(Lock 1): None of set values can be changed.(Lock 2): Only main setting mode can be changed.(Lock 3): All set values except Input type and Controller/Converterfunction can be changed. However, changed values revert totheir previous values after power-off because they are notsaved in the non-volatile memory.Do not change any setting item in Auxiliary function settingmode 2. If any item in Auxiliary function setting mode 2 ischanged, it will affect other setting items such as the SVand Alarm value.Sensor correction setting 0.0• Sets the sensor correction value of the sensor.• Thermocouple and RTD input: –100.0 to 100.0()DC input: –1000 to 1000 (The placement of the decimal point follows the selection.)Communication protocol selection Shinko protocol• Selects communication protocol.• Available only when the C5 option is added.• : Shinko protocol, : Modbus ASCII mode, : Modbus RTU modeInstrument number setting 0• Sets an individual instrument number to each DCL-33A when connecting pluralDCL-33A units in serial communication.• Available only when the C5 option is added.• Setting range: 0 to 95Communication speed selection 9600bps• Selects the speed in accordance with the host computer.• Available only when the C5 option is added.• : 2400bps, : 4800bps, : 9600bps, : 19200bps。
(7) 窗口 说 明
窗口编号 内容 设 定值1(SV1)
*此窗 口设 置第 一个 设定值 *设 置 范围 :传 感器 下限~传 感器 上限 *出厂 值为0
AT自整 定 2-1
*此 窗口设 置仪 表自 整定 功能 *当 处 于自 整定 期间,仪 表AT指示 灯闪 亮
*自 整 定结 束后,P,I, D,A RW参 数自 动 存 储
附: 在 高 低 温 控 制中,左边的DCL测试高 温区温度,右边的DCL测试低温区温度 再 温 湿 度 控 制 中,左边的DCL测试温度,右边的DCL 测试湿度
DCL: 左边
通 信 协 议 :Modbus RTU协议 通信地址: 1
通 信 速 率 :9600bps 校验 选 择:Modbus RTU方式 停止位: 1
(5)D C L - 3 3 A操 作 流程图
P V/ SV显 示
控制输出关闭功能 按 键1秒钟
输出 手动 操作 按 键3秒 钟
[主 设置 方式] 2-1[子设置 方式]
设 定 值1(SV1) AT自 整 定
+ 3秒
+隐藏 键 3秒
-1[辅助 设置方 式1]
[辅传助感设器置选方择 式2 ]4
W(50A) C5
互 感 器 电 流 :50 A RS -485通 讯
(2) 输 入范 围(用 户在仪表 内自由选择)
- 2 0 0 ~ 1 3 7 0摄 氏 度
- 1 9 9 . 9~ 4 0 0. 0摄 氏 度
- 2 0 0 ~ 10 0 0摄 氏 度
深圳市迈卡特数控技术 CHC-400A激光切割高度控制器 说明书
CHC-400A 激光切割激光切割高度控制器高度控制器使用说明书使用说明书深圳迈卡特数控技术有限公司公司地址:深圳市宝安九区宝民一路白金酒店公寓519 公司电话:************* 传真:*************公司网址: Email :****************QQ :857950609目 录录一、 简介简介 (22)二、 技术指标技术指标……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 2三、 外形及安装外形及安装 (33)四、 操作面板及功能操作面板及功能 (55)五、 接口电路接口电路 (66)六、 调试调试 (7)七、 故障维护故障维护 (8)*使用调高器之使用调高器之前前,请仔细阅读说明书请仔细阅读说明书**一、简介CHC-400A 是专为激光切割设计的。
CHC-400A 电容式调高系统是一个闭环控制系统,它包括位置信号检测、信号处理变换、逻辑控制、电机驱动四个部分,CHC-400A可对割炬进行自动高度控制,适用于数控激光切割机床。
CHC-400A 的输出控制为直流永磁电机。
二、技术指标供电电压:AC24V±10%,50Hz~60Hz升降电机:DC24V 永磁直流电机输出控制方式:PWM无极调速输出电流:1A-4A工作温度:调高器-10∽60℃,高频同轴电缆:-10∽200℃精度:±0.05mm精度内的调节范围:距工件表面1mm — 10mm最大输出功率:60W高频电缆长度(HF-cable):500-800mm主体外形尺寸(长X 宽X 高):150mmX133mmX47mm断线保护功能:HF 高频电缆部分外观及安装三:外观及安装调高器外形视图:下面分别给出调高器的前视图、后视图及仰视图。
Cascade 单重双重调料托盘手机器 55E-FDS-871 产品说明书
Parts Manual cFor Technical Assistance call: 800-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-8207 To Order Parts call: 888-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-0234Single-Double Pallet Handler55E-FDS-871ModelSerial Number cascadeாcorporationPublicationsDecals55EPART NO. DESCRIPTION 214269 Parts Manual 213580 Operator’s Guide213372 Installation Instructions 679929 Tool Catalog673964 Literature Index Order FormCommon PartsREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION72210489Rod End Anchor s 84768303Capscrew, M10 x 35 s 94210140Bearing Retainer1012787375Capscrew, M8 x 20 GR 8.8111214631T-Bar – Lower121220009Retainer/Stop – RH 131220008Retainer/Stop – LH 1444730-1050Bearing Segment1514211689Capscrew, M12 x 30 GR 10.9161220143T-Bar – Upper171216838Valve Assembly v 181211456Manifold196768208Capscrew, M8 x 25204768795Capscrew, M8 x 30211675548Sideshift Cylinder q 222672018Upper Bearing 232208350Lower Bearing 241218208Spacer Block252767615Capscrew, M10 x 255See Frame Cylinder page for parts breakdown.v See Valve Assembly – Class III page for parts breakdown.s Included in Cylinder Rod Anchor Kit 213856.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION262209741Rod End s274684649Capscrew, M10 x 25282214633T-Bar – Lower 292212585Bearing Retainer 302212586Bearing Retainer 312672726Cotter Pin 321675550Washer 332206926Clevis Pin 347214053O-Ring3544730-1040Bearing Segment 361211371Anchor Bracket 371212741Valve Guard 382604511Fitting, 6-6 x 392601676Fitting, 6-6 x404210490Retainer Half Ring s 4138214487Capscrew, M12 x 40422215226Hanger434787383Lockwasher, M10444762900Capscrew, M6 x 25q See Sideshift Cylinder page for parts breakdown.x Included in Fitting Group 213099.Reference: SK-6373.55EREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION3017438 w Base Unit Group –Class III 11220017Baseplate Class – III 22214622Frame Cylinder 5314786-0468Bearing Segment – LH 42214629T-Bar –Upper 51212723Fork Stop614787-0468Bearing Segment – RHw Includes Inner Fork Control Group 225394.DIMENSION – AMINIMUM OTO FORK RANGE27.5 in.(700 mm)(FORK RANGE)NOTE:Position the outer forks tominimum width andmeasure A to determine minimum outer fork outside to outside (OTO) range.Frame CylinderREF QTY PART NO.PART NO.PART NO.DESCRIPTION214620214622214624Cylinder Assembly 11214621214623214625Cylinder/Shell 214157-8054157-8254157-880RodCommon PartsREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION31213783End Cap48768208Capscrew, M8 x 2551209809Bearing v61787375Capscrew, M8 x 2071212452Retainer 83643379O-Ring vv Included in Service Kit 210090.Reference: S-4643, S-4644.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION92210050Back-Up Ring v 101212477Seal v 111209808Seal v 122214053O-Ring v 131562131Wiper v 210090Service KitDIMENSION – AMINIMUM OTO FORK RANGE 26 in.27.5 in.31.9 in.(660 mm)(700 mm)(810 mm)55ENOTE:Position the outer forks tominimum width andmeasure A to determine minimum outer fork outside to outside (OTO) range.(FORK RANGE)CYLINDER ASSEMBLY PART NUMBERValveITA Class III55EREF QTY PART NO. DESCRIPTION216838 Valve Assembly1 1 219039 Check Valve2 1 –– Service Kit3 1 609234 Plug4 1 216839 Valve Body5 1 213535 Crossover Relief Valve6 1 682170 Service Kit7 1 219040 Flow Divider/Combiner8 1 –– Service KitSideshift CylinderITA Class III55EREF QTY PART NO. DESCRIPTION675548 Cylinder Assembly1 1 553857 Nuts 2 1 662452 Seal3 1 553501 Pistons 4 1 636851 Wipers 5 1 638247 Back-up Ring6 1 675550 Washer (orifice .085 in.)7 1 675549 Shell8 1 553449 Rods9 1 2785 O-Rings10 1 615128 Back-up Ring11 1 553500 Retainer12 1 553856 Retaining Ring13 1 7202 Snap Rings14 1 641835 Seal553861 Service Kits Included in Service Kit 553861.Common PartsREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION81220096Upper Hook – LH 91220095Upper Hook – RH 102213011Ball Joint114766646Capscrew, M10 x 20124212687Fork Stop138769574Capscrew, M16 x 351412769578Capscrew, M16 x 60154769577Capscrew, M16 x 50168769573Capscrew, M16 x 30172210587Spacer184214414Capscrew, M10 x 12Reference: SK-6373 and 6374. Common Parts Group 220285.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION1924501-0222Bearing Segment 202212979Bearing Retainer 211212682Bearing – RH 221213899Bearing – LH 234213364Key242213360Bearing Retainer 254212559Shim, .04 in. (1 mm)264213913Shim, .02 in. (.5 mm)274787375Capscrew, M8 x 20284797611Spacer 294797610Spacer55EREF QTY PART NO.PART NO.PART NO.PART NO.DESCRIPTION220119220122220123220120Arm Group 12220175220176220177220174Upper Arm Bar21220124220216220217220213Lower Arm Bar – RH 31220204220206220207220203Lower Arm Bar – LH 41220135220136220137220135Lower Hook – RH 51220138220139220140220138Lower Hook – LH 6210273-024310273-013310273-017810273-0243Bracket 72218895219979219979218895Gas SpringDIMENSION – AMAXIMUM ITI FORK RANGE28 in.28.5 in.31 in.32 in.(720 mm)(730 mm)(790 mm)(820 mm)NOTE:Position the inner forks tomaximum width and measure A to determine maximum inner fork inside to inside (ITI) range.(FORK RANGE)3 142SD0102.illBLWHTube Backrest/Fork Group55ESIZE (IN.)FORK GROUPREF 1REF 2REF 3REF 4L W H B PART NO.Outer Fork–RH Outer Fork–LH Inner Fork–RH Inner Fork–LH42.1 3.2 1.848212605212761212760212801212800cascadeᮋFor Technical Assistance call: 800-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-8207To Order Parts call: 888-227-2233, Fax: 888-329-023455EITA III REF QTYPART NO.DESCRIPTION212574Upper Hook Group ▲211175Bolt-On Lower Hook Group ●11218207Upper Hook - RH 21218206Upper Hook - LH 36678997Capscrew, M16 x 65427403Grease Fitting 52675969Lower Hook 64211179Washer74211128Capscrew, M16 x 30▲Includes items 1, 2 & 3.●Includes items 5, 6 & 7.Reference: SK-6373.Mounting Group ITA Class IIIDo you have questions you need answered right now? Call your nearest Cascade Parts Department. Visit us online at Cascade (UK) Ltd.15, Orgreave Crescent Dore House Industrial Estate HandsworthSheffield S13 9NQ EnglandTel: 742-697524FAX: 742-695121Cascade Scandinavia AB Box 124Hammarvägen 10567 23 Vaggeryd SwedenTel: 42-0-393-36950 FAX: 46-0-393-36959Cascade N.V. European Headquarters P.O. 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China 361026 Tel: 86-592-651-2500 FAX: 86-592-651-2571Cascade (Singapore) Trading Co.Four Seasons Park Autumn Block - Apt. 1802 12 Cuscaden Walk SingaporeTel: 65-834-1935FAX: 65-834-1936cᮊ Cascade Corporation 20028-2002。
FCR-13A-A M神港SHINKO神港温控器代理
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等成效可供挑选。●文件组号可由外部设定,可设定7种技术法度典范,编号后便当的移 用。通过进程面板可设定当地或长途控制编制,在按键上可发动键庇护成效,安定、靠 得住。●抗干扰性:对于外表常常操作在工矿企业中,考虑到电网电压及作业现象的鄙 俗,在外表的软、硬件规划上均采用了需求编制,大猛行进了外表的抗干扰性、不变性 ,使之对作业现象的恳求下降为零,存在更广泛的操作价值。●摹拟变换输出成效:可 将实际值、设定值、控制输出值中任一量摹拟变换为DC4~20mA或DC0~1V,传输到 其它设备,满意无法进行数字通讯的体系恳求。●手动/自动编制切换:外表存在手动成 效,可酬报调剂输出值。并在切换进程中完成安稳过渡,不发生扰动。●外形尺度:S48×48×110mm;R-48×96×110mm;D-96×96×110mm(W×H×D)●选型:· 控 制输出:+
FCR-13A-A M神港SHINKO神港温 控器代理
深圳温控器 相关阅读: /Controlproduct/view/id/363.shtml
FC简纯挚真智能可编程调剂仪●单组可编程7步自力PID控制●简略可程式控制成效。● 供应多种输入暗号记号与多成效挑选。●供应1组多种动作警报输出的规范装备●外表精 度0.2%●采样周期0.125秒●模糊控制,PID自整定●可通迅,4路自力报警●通过进程 ISO-9001认证及CE、UL等安规合用于热措置、流量、压力等控制。FC系列智能数显调 剂仪:●FC系列智能数显调剂仪是一种高精度,高报价的通用型单回路控制器,存在独 霸精练,自在输入,双四位显现,模糊抗干扰PID自整定,多组PID参数设定,7段可编 程以及RS485或RS232C串行通讯口,外表的精度等第为0.2级,采样周期125ms。●智 能输入:用户可在独霸面板上自在挑选热电偶、热电阻、直流电压、直流电流的输入类 型。输入量程可随意设定。●疾速呼应、行进前辈控制:外表的基赋功Controlproduct/view/id/363.shtml
名 称
备 注
目 次
2.2.1 标志和标牌的定义16
1.4 使用环境条件
图9 炉体二次母线系统
·当输入有小数点时,最小值为-199.9,最大值为 999.9。
| 符号 D
微分时间设定 ·设定微分时间。设定值为 0 时取消该功能。 ·设定范围:0~300 秒 ·出厂值:50 秒
| | 符号 C
| | 符号 C_B
| | 符号 A1
| | 符号 A2
| 方式键
| 符号 H□□.□, □ XX.X 交替显示
| 方式键
比例周期设定 ·设定控制输出(OUT1)比例周期。在开/关动作和电流输出时无效。 ·在继电器输出时,如果比例周期减少,继电器动作频率增加,则继电器 寿命缩短。 ·设定范围:0~120 秒 ·出厂值:继电器输出时为 30 秒;无触点电压输出时为 3 秒。
报警 2(A2)动作设定 ·设定报警 2 动作点。 ·设定值为 0 或 0.0 时取消该功能(过程上限和下限报警除外) ·未选择报警 2(A2)动作时无效。 ·设定范围:见表 3.4-1 ·出厂值:0℃
加热器断线报警设定 ·设定加热器断线报警的电流值。 ·当选择 W 特选功能时有效。 ·当主输出关断时,加热器电流值与上次主输出接通时相同。 ·设定值为 0.0 时取消该功能。 考虑到电压波动,推荐设定为加热器额定电流值的约 80%。 ·当报警输出时,自保持功能无效。 ·设定范围:W(5A):0.0~5.0A W(10A):0.0~10.0A
COMMUNICATION INSTRUCTION MANUALJCS, JCM, JCR, JCD-33A, C5No.JC3CE6 2005.04 To prevent accidents arising from the misuse of this controller, please ensure the operator receives this manual.WarningTurn the power supply to the instrument off before wiring or checking it.Working or touching the terminal with the power switched on may result in severe injury or death due to Electric Shock.1. System configurationRS-485 multi-drop connection communication (C5 option)(Fig. 1-1)(Fig. 1-2)Please use the IF-400 (sold separately) as a communication converter. 2. WiringWhen using communication converter IF-400 • 9-pin Dsub connector: Connection: (Communication speed: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps)Host computerConnection: (Communication speed: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps)Shield wireConnect only one side of the shield wire to the FG terminal so that current cannot flow to the shield wire.(If both sides of the shield wire are connected to the FG terminal, the circuit will be closed between the shield wire and the ground. As a result, current will run through the shield wire and this may cause noise.)Be sure to ground the FG terminal. Terminator (Terminal resistor)Do not connect terminator with the communication line because each JC -33A has built-in pull-up and pull-down resistors instead of a terminator.-33A• It is necessary to set the instrument number individually to the JC -33A when communicating byconnecting plural units in serial communication (C5 option).Select a communication speed of the JC -33A in accordance with that of the host computer. • For the instrument number setting and communication speed, refer to the instruction manual for JC -33A.4. Communication procedureCommunication starts with command transmission from the host computer (hereafter Master) and ends with the response of the JC -33A (hereafter Slave).• Response with datathe master sends the reading command, the slaveresponds with the corresponding set value or current • Acknowledgementthe master sends the setting command, the slaveresponds by sending the acknowledgement after theprocessing is terminated. • Negative acknowledgement the master sends non-existent command or value out of the setting range, the slave returns the negative • No responseaddress is set, or when there is a communication error(framing error or checksum error), or when LRC or CRCdiscrepancy is detected.Host computerCommunication timing of the RS-485 (C5 option)Slave sideWhen the slave starts transmission through RS-485 communication line, the slave is arranged so as to provide an idle status (mark status) transmission period of 1 or more characters before sending the response to ensure the synchronization on the receiving side.The slave is arranged so as to disconnect the transmitter from the communication line within a1 character transmission period after sending the response.Master side (Notice on programming)Set the program so that the master can disconnect the transmitter from the communication line withina 1 character transmission period after sending the command in preparation for reception of theresponse from the slave.To avoid the collision of transmissions between the master and the slave, send the next command after carefully checking that the master received the response.5. Shinko protocol5.1 Transmission modeShinko protocol is composed of ASCII codes.Hexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F), which is divided into high order (4-bit) and low order (4-bit) out of 8-bit binary data in command is transmitted as ASCII characters.Data format Start bit : 1 bitData bit : 7 bitsP arity : EvenS top bit : 1 bitError detection: Checksum5.2 Command configurationAll commands are composed of ASCII. The data (set value, decimal number) is represented withhexadecimal number, and ASCII code is used.The negative numbers are represented with 2's complement.(1) Setting command(2) Reading command(3) Response with data(5) Negative acknowledgementHeader: Control code to represent the beginning of the command or the response.ASCII codes are used.Setting command, Reading command : 02H fixedResponse with data, Acknowledgement : 06H fixedNegative acknowledgement : 15H fixed Number of charactersNumber ofcharactersNumber ofcharacters Number ofcharactersNumber ofcharactersAddress (Instrument number): Numbers by which the master discerns each slave. Instrument number 0 to 94 (00H to 5EH) and Global address 95 (7FH) The numbers (20H to 7EH) are used by giving 20H of bias, because 00H to 1FH are used for control code. 95 (7FH) is called Global address , which is used when the same command is sent to all the slaves connected. However, the response is not returned.Sub address : 20H fixedCommand type : Code to discern Setting command (50H) and Reading command (20H) Data item : Data classification of the command object Composed of hexadecimal 4 digits (Refer to the Communication command table) Data : The contents of data (set value) depend on the setting command Composed of hexadecimal 4 digits (Refer to the Communication command table) Checksum : 2-character data to detect communication errors Delimiter : Control code to represent the end of command 03H fixed Error code : Represents an error type. Composed of hexadecimal 1 digit. 1 (31H)-----Non-existent command 2 (32H)-----Not used 3 (33H)-----Setting outside the setting range 4 (34H)-----Status unable to set (e.g. AT is performing) 5 (35H)-----During setting mode by keypad operation5.3 Checksum calculationChecksum is used to detect receiving errors in the command or data.Set the program for the master side as well to calculate the checksum of the response data from the slaves so that the communication errors can be checked. The ASCII code (hexadecimal) corresponding to the characters which range from the address to that before the checksum is converted to binary notation, and the total value is calculated.The lower 2-digit of the total value are converted to 2’s complements, and then to hexadecimal figures, that is, ASCII code for the checksum. Refer to the following example procedure. Checksum calculation example Main set value: 600 (0258H)Address (instrument number): 0 (20H)• 1’s complement: Reverse each binary bit. 0 will become 1 and vice versa. • 2’s complement: Add 1 to 1’s complements.20H50H0010 00000101 00001101 11111+[1's complement][2's complement][Hexadecimal][ASCII]5.4 Contents of the commandNotes on the setting command and reading command• Possible to set the set value by setting command of the communication function even when the set value is locked.• Although the options are not applied, setting the items for the options is possible by the setting command. However, they will not function.• The memory can store up to 1,000,000 (one million) entries.If the number of settings exceeds the limit, the data will not be saved. So frequent transmission via communication is not recommended.• When connecting plural slaves, the address (instrument number) must not be duplicated.• When sending a command by Global address [95 (7FH)], the same command is sent to all the slaves connected. However, the response is not returned.• The instrument number and communication speed of the slave cannot be set by communication function.Setting command• The settable range is the same as that by key operation.For the communication command, refer to the communication command table of this manual. • All commands are composed of ASCII.• The data (set value, decimal) is converted to hexadecimal figures, and ASCII is used.A negative number is represented by 2's complement. When the data (set value) has a decimal point, a whole number without a decimal point is used. Reading command• All commands are composed of ASCII.• The data (set value, decimal) is converted to hexadecimal figures, and ASCII is used.A negative number is represented by 2's complement. When the data (set value) has a decimal point, the response is returned as a whole number without a decimal point.6. Modbus protocol6.1 Transmission modeThere are 2 transmission modes (ASCII and RTU) in Modbus protocol. 6.2 ASCII modeHexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F), which is divided into high order (4-bit) and low order (4-bit) out of 8-bit binary data in command is transmitted as ASCII characters. Data format Start bit : 1 bit Data bit : 7 bits P arity : Even/Odd/No parity (Selectable) S top bit : 1 bit/2 bits (Selectable) Error detection : LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) Data interval : 1 second or less (1) Message configurationASCII mode message is configured to start by [: (colon)(3AH)] and end by [CR (carriage return) (0DH) + LF (Line feed)(0AH)]. (See Fig. 6.2-1)(2) Slave addressSlave address is an individual instrument number on the slave side and is set within the range 00H to 5FH (0 to 95).The master identifies slaves by the slave address of the requested message.The slave informs the master which slave is responding to the master by placing its own address in the response message.[Slave address 00H (broadcast address) can identify all the slaves. However slaves do not respond.] (3) Function codeThe function code is the command code for the slave to undertake the following action types (T able 6.2-1). (Table 6.2-1) Function code Contents 03 (03H) Reading the set value and information from slaves 06 (06H) Setting to slavesFunction code is used to discern whether the response is normal (acknowledgement) or if any error (negative acknowledgement) is occurred when the slave returns the response message to the master. When acknowledgement is returned, the slave simply returns the original function code.When negative acknowledgement is returned, the MSB of the original function code is set as 1 for the response.Slave address FunctioncodeDataError check LRC Delimiter (CR)Header (:)Delimiter (LF)(For example, when the master sends request message setting 10H to function code by mistake, slave returns 90H by setting the MSB to 1, because the former is an illegal function.)For negative acknowledgement, exception code (Table 6.2-2) below is set to the data of response message and returned to the master in order to inform it that what kind of error has occurred. (Table 6.2-2)Exception code Contents1 (01H) Illegal function (Non-existent function)2 (02H) Illegal data address (Non-existent data address)3 (03H)Illegal data value (Value out of the setting range)17 (11H)Illegal setting (Unsettable status)18 (12H) Illegal setting (During setting mode by key operation, etc)(4) DataData depends on the function code.A request message from the master is composed of data item, number of data and setting data.A response message from the slave is composed of number of bytes, data and exception codein negative acknowledgement. Effective range of data is –32768 to 32767 (8000H to 7FFFH).(5) Error check of ASCII modeAfter calculating LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) from the slave address to the end of data, the calculated 8-bit data is converted to two ASCII characters and are appended to the end of message.Create a message in RTU mode.Add all the values from the slave address to the end of data. This is assumed as X.Make a complement for X (bit reverse). This is assumed as X.Add a value of 1 to X. This is assumed as X.Set X as an LRC to the end of the message.Convert the whole message to ASCII characters.Reading (Instrument number 1, SV)• A request message from the masterThe number of data means the data item to be read, and it is fixed as (30H 30H 30H 31H).• A response message from the slave in normal status (When SV=100)(Fig.6.2-3) The number of response bytes means the number of bytes of the data which has been read,and it is fixed as (30H 32H).• A response message from the slave in exception (error) status (When data item is mistaken)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (83H).The exception code (02H: Non-existent data address) is returned as contents of error.Setting (Instrument number 1, SV=100)• A request message from the master(Fig.6.2-5)• A response message from the slave in normal status(Fig.6.2-6)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeData itemError checkLRCDelimiterHeader(30H 31H)Number ofdata(3AH)1224422(30H 33H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(46H 41H)(0DH 0AH)Number ofcharactersSlaveaddressFunctioncodeNumber ofresponse bytesError checkLRCDelimiterHeader Data1222422(3AH)(30H 31H)(30H 33H)(30H 32H)(30H 30H 36H 34H)(39H 36H)(0DH 0AH)Number ofcharacters(0DH 0AH)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeExceptioncodeError checkLRCDelimiterHeader122222Number ofcharacters(3AH)(30H 31H)(38H 33H)(30H 32H)(37H 41H)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeData itemError checkLRCDelimiterHeader(30H 31H)Data(3AH)1224422Number ofcharacters(30H 36H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(30H 30H 36H 34H)(39H 34H)(0DH 0AH)SlaveaddressFunctioncodeData itemError checkLRCDelimiter Header Data1224422Number ofcharacters (3AH)(30H 31H)(30H 36H)(30H 30H 30H 31H)(30H 30H 36H 34H)(39H 34H)(0DH 0AH)• A response message from the slave in exception(error) status (When a value out of the setting range is set)(Fig. 6.2-7)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (86H). The exception code (03H: Value out of the setting range) is returned as contents of error.6.3 RTU mode8-bit binary data in command is transmitted as it is. Data format Start bit : 1 bit Data bit : 8 bits Parity : Even/Odd/No parity (Selectable) Stop bit : 1 bit/2 bits (Selectable) Error detection : CRC-16 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Data interval : 3.5 characters transmission time or less (1) Message configurationRTU mode is configured to start after idle time is processed for more than 3.5 character transmission and end after idle time is processed for more than 3.5 character transmission. (See Fig. 6.3-1) (Fig. 6.3-1) (2) Slave addressSlave address is an individual instrument number on the slave side and is set within the range 00H to 5FH (0 to 95).The master identifies slaves by the slave address of the requested message.The slave informs the master which slave is responding to the master by placing its own address in the response message.[Slave address 00H (broadcast address) can identify all the slaves. However slaves do not respond.] (3) Function codeThe function code is the command code for the slave to undertake the following action types (T able 6.3-1). (Table 6.3-1) Function code Contents 03 (03H) Reading the set value and information from slaves 06 (06H) Setting to slavesFunction code is used to discern whether the response is normal (acknowledgement) or if any error (negative acknowledgement) is occurred when the slave returns the response message to the master. When acknowledgement is returned, the slave simply returns the original function code.When negative acknowledgement is returned, the MSB of the original function code is set as 1 for the response.(For example, when the master sends request message setting 10H to function code by mistake, slave returns 90H by setting the MSB to 1, because the former is an illegal function.)For negative acknowledgement, exception code (Table 6.3-2) below is set to the data of response message and returned to the master in order to inform it that what kind of error has occurred. (Table 6.3-2)Exception code Contents 1 (01H) Illegal function (Non-existent function) 2 (02H) Illegal data address (Non-existent data address) 3 (03H) Illegal data value (Value out of the setting range) 17 (11H) Illegal setting (Unsettable status) 18 (12H) Illegal setting (During setting mode by keypad operation, etc) (4) DataData depends on the function code.A request message from the master side is composed of data item, number of data and setting data. A response message from the slave side is composed of number of bytes, data and exception code in negative acknowledgement. Effective range of data is –32768 to 32767 (8000H to 7FFFH). (5) Error check of RTU modeAfter calculating CRC-16 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) from the slave address to the end of data, the calculated 16-bit data is appended to the end of message in sequence from low order to high order.3.5 idle characters Slave address Function codeData Error check CRC 3.5 idlecharacters Slave addressFunction codeException codeError checkLRCDelimiterHeader2Number ofcharacters 22221(3AH)(30H 31H)(38H 36H)(30H 33H)(37H 36H)(0DH 0AH)How to calculate CRCIn the CRC system, the information is divided by the polynomial series. The remainder is added to the end of the information and transmitted. The generation of polynomial series is as follows.16 + X 15+ X 2 + 1)Initialize the CRC-16 data (assumed as X) (FFFFH).Calculate exclusive OR (XOR) with the 1st data and X. This is assumed as X.Shift X one bit to the right. This is assumed as X.When a carry is generated as a result of the shift, XOR is calculated by X ofand the fixeduntil shifting 8 times.up to the last data.Set X as CRC-16 to the end of message in sequence from low order to high order. RTU modeReading (Instrument number 1, SV) • Request message from the masterThe number of data means the data item to be read, and it is fixed as 0001H. • Response message from the slave in normal status (When SV=100)(Fig. 6.3-3)The number of response byte means number of bytes of the data which has been read, and it is fixed as 02H.• Response message from the slave in exception (error) status (When non-existent data item is sent)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (83H). The exception code (02H: Non-existent data address) is returned as contents of error. Setting (Instrument number 1, SV=100) • Request message from the master• Response message from the slave in normal status• Response message from the slave in exception (error) status (When a value out of the setting range is set)The function code MSB is set to 1 for the response message in exception (error) status (86H). The exception code (03H: Value out of the setting range) is returned as contents of error.3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Data itemError check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(03H)(0001H)Number of data (0001H)(D5CAH)11222Number of characters3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Number of response bytesError check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(03H)(02H)Data(0064H)(B9AFH)11122characters3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Exception code Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(83H)(02H)(C0F1H)1112Number of characters3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Data item Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(06H)(0001H)Data (0064H)(D9E1H)11222characters 3.5 idle charactersSlave address Function code Data item Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(06H)(0001H)Data(0064H)(D9E1H)112223.5 idle characters Slave address Function code Exception code Error check CRC 3.5 idle characters(01H)(86H)(03H)(0261H)1112characters7. Communication command tableWhen the data (set value) has a decimal point, remove the decimal point and represent it as a whole number, then express it in hexadecimal figures.Shinko command type ModbusfunctioncodeData item Data20H/50H 03H/06H 0001H: SV1 Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0002H: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 0003H: AT/Auto-reset setting 0000H: Cancel 0001H: Perform 20H/50H 03H/06H 0004H: OUT1 proportional band setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0005H: OUT2 proportional band setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0006H: Integral time setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0007H: Derivative time setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0008H: OUT1 proportional cycle setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0009H: OUT2 proportional cycle setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 000AH: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 000BH: A1 setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 000CH: A2 setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 000DH: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 000EH: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 000FH: HB (Heater burnout alarm)settingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0010H: LA (Loop break alarm) timesettingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0011H: LA (Loop break alarm) spansettingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0012H: Set value lock selection (*1) 0000H: Unlock 0001H: Lock 10002H: Lock 2 0003H: Lock 3 20H/50H 03H/06H 0013H: SV high limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0014H: SV low limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0015H: Sensor correction value setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0016H: Overlap/Dead band setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0017H: Not used20H/50H 03H/06H 0018H: Scaling high limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0019H: Scaling low limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 001AH: Decimal point place selection 0000H: XXXX (No decimal point)0001H: XXX.X (1 digit after decimalpoint)0002H: XX.XX (2 digits after decimalpoint)0003H: X.XXX (3 digits after decimalpoint)20H/50H 03H/06H 001BH: PV filter time constant setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 001CH: OUT1 high limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 001DH: OUT1 low limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 001EH: OUT1 ON/OFF actionhysteresis settingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 001FH: OUT2 action mode selection 0000H: Air cooling0001H: Oil cooling0002H: Water cooling20H/50H 03H/06H 0020H: OUT2 high limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0021H: OUT2 low limit setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0022H: OUT2 ON/OFF action hysteresissettingSet value20H/50H 03H/06H 0023H: A1 action selection (*2)0024H: A2 action selection (*2) 0000H: No alarm action0001H: High limit alarm0002H: Low limit alarm0003H: High/Low limits alarm 0004H: High/Low limit range alarm 0005H: Process high alarm0006H: Process low alarm0007H: High limit alarm with standby 0008H: Low limit alarm with standby 0009H: H/L limits alarm w/standby[–200 to 1370400.0[–200 to 1000176017601820800400.013001390[0 to 2315[–199.9 to 850.0[–199.9 to 500.08505002500750.0[–320 to 1800320033001500750.023002500[0 to 4200[–199.9 to 999.9[–199.9 to 900.0[–300 to 15009004 to 20mA DC[–1999 to 9999]20H/50H 03H/06H 0047H: AT bias setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 0048H: ARW (anti-reset windup) setting Set value20H/50H 03H/06H 006FH: Key Lock selection 0000H:Key enabled0001H: Key Lock50H 06H0070H:Key operation change flagclearing 0000H:No action 0001H: All clearing20H 03H 0080H: PV reading Present PV (input value)20H 03H 0081H: OUT1 MV reading Set value20H 03H 0082H: OUT2 MV reading Set value20H 03H 0083H: Not used20H 03H 0084H: Not used20H 03H 0085H: OUT status reading 0000 0000 0000 0000215to 2020 digit: OUT10: OFF 1: ON21 digit: OUT20: OFF 1: ON22digit: A1 output0: OFF 1: ON23 digit: A2 output0: OFF 1: ON24 digit: Not used (Always 0)25 digit: Not used (Always 0)26 digit: HB (Heater burnout alarm)output0: OFF 1: ON(When sensor burnout, 0: OFF)27 digit: LA (Loop break alarm)output0: OFF 1: ON28 digit: Overscale0: OFF 1: ON29 digit: Underscale0: OFF 1: ON210 digit: OUT/OFF selection0: OUT 1: OFF211 digit: AT/Auto-reset0: OFF 1: ON212 digit: OUT/OFF key functions election0: OUT/OFF 1: Auto/Manual213 digit: Not used (Always 0)214 digit: Auto/Manual control0: Automatic 1: Manual215 digit: Change in key operation0: No 1: Yes20H 03H 0086H: Not used20H 03H 0087H: Not used20H 03H 00A0H: Not used20H 03H 00A1H: Instrument information reading 0000 0000 0000 0000215to 2020 digit: Not used (Always 0)21 digit: Cooling action0: Not applied 1: Applied22 digit: A1 function0: Not applied 1: Applied23 digit: A2 function0: Not applied 1: Applied24 digit: Not used (Always 0)25 digit: Not used (Always 0)26 digit: HB (Heater burnout alarm)0: Not applied 1: Applied27 digit: LA (Loop break alarm)0: Not applied 1: Applied28 to 215 digit: Not used (Always 0)This is why the set value reverts to the one before Lock 3 when power is turned OFF.(*2) When alarm action type is changed, the alarm set value reverts to the default value and alarm output status is also initialized.NoticeWhen data setting is changed by front keypad operation, the data that is related to the changed item is also changed automatically as shown in Example 1 below.However, when the data setting is changed by communication function, the related data does not change as shown in Example 2 below. (Only the changed data is altered.) (Example 1) SV high limit: 1370SV: 1000When SV high limit is changed to 800 by the front keypad operation, both SV high limit and SV are changed to 800.(Example 2) SV high limit: 1370SV: 1000When SV high limit is changed to 800 by communication function, SV high limit is changed to 800, however, SV is maintained at the same temperature 1000.8. SpecificationsC able length : Maximum communication distance 1.2km Cable resistance: Within 50 (Terminator is not necessary or 120 or more on one side.)Communication line : EIA RS-485 Communication method : Half-duplexCommunication speed : 9600bps (2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps) Selectable by keypad Synchronous system : Start-stop synchronous Code form : ASCII, binary Error correction : Command request repeat system Error detection : Parity check, Checksum (LRC), CRC Data format Start bit : 1 Data bit : 7, 8Parity : Even, Odd, No parity Stop bit : 1, 29. TroubleshootingIf any malfunctions occur, refer to the following items after checking the power supply to the master and the slave.• Problem: Communication failureCheck the followingThe connection or wiring of communication cable is not secure.Burnout or imperfect contact on the communication cable and the connector. Communication speed of the slave does not coincide with that of the master.The data bit, parity and stop bit of the master do not accord with those of the slave. The instrument number of the slave does not coincide with that of the command. The instrument numbers are duplicated in multiple slaves.Make sure that the program is appropriate for the transmission timing.• Problem: Although communication is occurring, the response is 'NAK'.Check the followingCheck that a non-existent command code has not been sent.The setting command data exceeds the setting range of the slave.The controller cannot be set when functions such as AT are performing. The operation mode is under the front keypad operation setting mode.For further inquiries, please consult our agency or the shop where you purchased the unit.SHINKO TECHNOS CO.,LTD.OVERSEAS DIVISION::::Reg. Office Mail Address URL E-mail1-2-48, Ina, Minoo, Osaka, Japan P.O.Box 17, Minoo, Osaka, Japan http://www.shinko-technos.co.jp overseas@shinko-technos.co.jpTel :Fax:81-72-721-278181-72-724-1760。
Cimbria strada Coffee Machine说明书
U.S. installation guidelinestradaDimensions 2 group 3 groupHeight19"19"Width32"40"Depth27"27"Working Height°12"12"WeightsShipping Weight283 lbs335 lbsOperating Weight264.5 lbs328.4 lbsPowerVoltage/Phase/Cycle208-240 VAC 1Φ 60Hz208-240 VAC 1Φ 60HzWattage49006400Full Load Amp Draw2130Max. Dist. from Outlet*5'5'NEMA Plug and Outlet*6-30P; 6-30R6-50P; 6-50RWater Drainage External Pump§Water Flow Rate2GPM Max. Dist.*5'Dimensions12" × 12" × 12" Dynamic Water Pressure †45PSI Drain Slope*‡Min. 1/4" per foot Max. Dist. from Water Supply*4'Min. Pipe Size Diameter*3/8"Max. Dist. from Machine8'Water Connection*3/8" male comp.Counter Hole Diameter 2.75"Water Quality Contact us for a free water test kit. See water specifications.* suggested | † regulate as needed | ‡ This machine must be installed in accordance with the applicable federal, state and local plumbing codes° Height from the base of the machine to the group head | § Optional on strada ep when plumbedfront view1. 3/8" cold water supply2. water filter required (not provided), see water specifications below.3a. 3/8" compression cold water supply line suggested max. dist. from water supply 4'3b. 3/8" BSPP cold water supply linesuggested max. dist. from water supply 8'4. pump and motor (MP & EE configurations only)5. electrical supply to motor from machine6. 3/4" flexible drainline (min. 0.25"/1' slope)7. floor drain8. 110V, 15amp elec. supply to grinder 9. 208-240V single phase elec. supply to espresso machine (plug not provided)La Marzocco North American Headquarters | 1553 NW Ballard Way, Seattle, WA 98107t. 206.706.9104 f.206.706.9106|**********************|top view1. center line of the machine2. position of the power cord3. suggested diameter of counter hole: 2.75"4. position of the drain tube5.position of the water inlet hose 6.width of legs per modelmachine leg locationLa Marzocco recommends that your filtration system produces water with the following properties:T.D.S.90—150ppm Total Hardness 70—100 ppm Total Iron 0—0.02ppm Free Chlorine 0—0.05ppm Total Chlorine0—0.1ppmpH 6.5—8Alkalinity 40—80ppm Chloride 0—30ppm Line Pressure 45—80 PSI Flow Rate2 GPM or 8 LPM。