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2. 考试范围

期末考试考查教材全部内容,共十二单元, 即Unit1-Unit12。


《美国文化》(American Cultural Heritage) 范悦编著对外经济贸易大学出版社

3. 复习重点

复习内容以教材各单元Section II中的课文为主。在复习时,请同学们认真阅读、理解和掌握课文讲解部分, 即教材每单元Section II:Text所涉及的全部内容。



1. 单项选择题(40%)

这部分测试大家对教材十二个单元(Unit 1- Unit 12) 有关美国文化各相关主题基本知识点的掌握情况。关于这部分的复习,请大家认真阅读、理解和掌握Unit 1- Unit 12各单元Section II所涉及的全部内容。单项选择题共二十道,每单元一至三道题。题目按教材各单元的顺序依次排列,以方便同学们查找和复习相关内容。每道题的句子皆出自Section II的原文,所以请大家复习时要通读Section II的所有文章,注意上下文的意思,不要断章取义,否则答题时无法选出正确的答案。

2. 判断题(60%)

这部分考查大家对教材课文要点的理解情况。由于期中考试测试了同学们对教材前六单元(即Unit 1-Unit 6)课文的理解情况,请同学们准备期末考试判断题部分时,仅复习教材后六单元(即Unit 7- Unit 12)的课文。请大家仔细阅读教材后六单元Section II的所有文章。判断题共三十道, 按教材各单元的顺序依次排列,同学们可以通过每道题的关键词很快查找到其出现的相关单元。每道题都紧扣教材原文或在原文基础上略做改动,大家阅读原文后不难判断句子的对错。


由于期末作业题全部紧扣教材各单元Section II的原文,请大家复习时集中精力认真阅读和理解教材原文。如在理解各单元Section II的原文中有具体问题,请大家通过答疑信箱提问。




I. 单项选择题

1.Many political and social issues in the United States are ______and for which

there is no absolute right and wrong.

A. competitive

B. conflicting

C. competing

D. controversial

2.Countercultures are groups of people whose values reject the ______wisdom and

standards of behavior of the majority and provide alternatives to mainstream culture.

A. popular

B. mass

C. common

D. conventional

3.______ are broad cultural principles embodying ideas about what most people in a

society consider to be desirable.

A. Traditions

B. Beliefs

C. Values

D. Customs

4.Countercultures are groups of people whose values reject the conventional

wisdom and standards of behavior of the majority and provide alternatives to ______ culture.

A. traditional

B. mainstream

C. popular

D. mass

5.The United States ______ Alaska and Hawaii stretches across central North

America from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west, and from Canada on the north to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico on the south.

A. includes

B. including

C. excluding

D. excludes

6.Philadelphia is important in American history, because the Declaration of

Independence and the ______ of the United States were born here.

A. Articles of Confederation

B. Constitution

C. Congress

D. Senate

7.One group of Puritans, called the “Pilgrims,”crossed the Atlantic in the ship

__________ and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

A. Queen Mary

B. Queen Victoria

C. Mayflower

D. King George

8. In 1607 the London Company set up the first successful English colony at Jamestown in what is now southern ______.

A. Georgia

B. Massachusetts

C. Plymouth

D. Virginia

9.In the ______ period, the Puritans introduced two practices that still influence

American education: compulsory education for all children, and public taxation for schools.

A. colony

B. colonized

C. Colonial

D. colonist

10.On April 19, 1775, the British soldiers confronted the colonists at ________,
