1.《牛津英汉双解诗典》(编辑:Christopher Ricks)
警察第二天一早就把信交给了律师,他们一起赶到警察...【总页数】3页(P)【作者】刘敏【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G63【相关文献】1.化身的博士游走的灵魂——解析《化身博士》的双重人格主题 [J], 姜勇;徐卉2.文学伦理学视域下《化身博士》善恶关系的解读 [J], 吴业贤; 李碧芳3."化身博士"与约翰·亨特的故事 [J], 曹文华; 姜佳成; 杨晓霖4.胡忠录公路博士化身河湖卫士 [J], 江镕5.《化身博士》中“雾”意象及其象征意义探析 [J], 胡銮琼因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
他脑子里装了一些奇怪...【总页数】4页(P)【作者】刘敏【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G63【相关文献】1.化身的博士游走的灵魂——解析《化身博士》的双重人格主题 [J], 姜勇;徐卉2.杰基尔博士的沉沦与救赎——从文学伦理学视角解读《化身博士》 [J], 刘曼玲3.胡忠录公路博士化身河湖卫士 [J], 江镕4.扩展MIIS 2003的功能——通过插件简化身份管理 [J], DebraLittlejohnShinder;臧铁军5.《化身博士》中“雾”意象及其象征意义探析 [J], 胡銮琼因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1 The mysterious doorMr Utterson the lawyer was a quiet,serious man.Hewas shy with strangers and afraid of showing his feelings.Among friends,however,his eyes shone with kindnessand goodness.And,although this goodness never found itsway into his conversation,it showed itself in his way of life.He did not allow himself many enjoyable things in life.He ateand drank simply and,although he enjoyed the theatre,hehad not been to a play for twenty years.However,he wasgentler towards other men' s weaknesses,and was alwaysready to help rather than blame them.As a lawyer,he was often the last good person that evil-doers met on their way toprison,or worse.These people often carried with them memories of his politeness and fairness.Mr Utterson's best friend was a distant cousin calledRichard Enfield,who was well known as a fun-loving 'manabout town'.Nobody could understand why they werefriends,as they were different from each other in every way.They often tooklong walks together,however,marchingthrough the streets of London in companionable silence.One of these walks used to take them down a narrow sidestreet in a busy part of London.It was a clean,busy,friendlystreet with bright little shops and shiny doorknockers.Nearthe end of this street,however,stood a dark,mysterious,windowless building.The door had neither bell nor knockerand looked dusty and uncared for.Dirty children played fearlessly on the doorstep,and nobody ever opened the door todrive them away.One day,as Mr Enfield and his friend passed the building,Mr Enfield pointed to it.'Have you ever noticed that place?'he asked.'It remindsme of a very strange story.''Really?'said Mr Utterson.'Tell me.''Well,'began Enfield,'I was coming home about threeo'clock on a black winter morning,when suddenly I saw twopeople.The first was a short man who was walking along thestreet,and the second was a little girl who was running as fastas she could.Well,the two bumped into each other and thechild fell down.Then a terrible thing happened.The mancalmly walked all over the child's body with his heavy boots,and left her screaming on the ground.It was an inhuman thingto do.I ran after the man,caught him and fetched him back.There was already a small crowd around the screaming child.The man was perfectly cool,but he gave me a very evil look,which made me feel sick in my stomach.The child's familythen arrived,and also a doctor.The child had been sent tofetch the doctor for a sick neighbour,and was on her wayhome again.'“The child is more frightened than hurt,”said thedoctor—and that,you would think,was the end of the story.But,you see,I had taken a violent dislike to the short man.So had the child's family—that was only natural.But the doctor,who seemed a quiet,kindly man,was also looking at ourprisoner with murder in his eyes.'The doctor and I understood each other perfectly.Together we shouted at the man,and told him we would tell this story all over London so that his name would be hated.'He looked back at us with a proud,blach look.“Nameyour price,”he said.'We made him agree to a hundred pounds for the child' sfamily.With another black look,the man led us to that doorover there.He took out a key and let himself into thebuilding.Presently he came out and handed us ten pounds ingold and a cheque for ninety pounds from Coutts's Bank.Thename on the cheque was a well-known one.'“See here,”said the doctor doubtfully,“it isn't usual for aman to walk into an empty house at four in the morning andcome out with another man's cheque for nearly a hundredpounds.”'“Don't worry,”said the man with an ugly look,“I'll staywith you until the banks open,andchange the chequemyself.”'So we all went off,the doctor and the prisoner and myself,and spent the rest of the night at my house.In the morningwe went together to the bank.Sure enough,the cheque wasgood,and the money was passed to the child's family.' 'Well,well,'said Mr Utterson.'Yes,'said Enfield,'it's a strange story.My prisoner wasclearly a hard,cruel man.But the man whose name was onthe cheque was well known all over London for his kind andgenerous acts.Why would a man like that give his cheque to acriminal?''And you don't know if the writer of the cheque lives inthat building?'asked Mr Utterson.'I don't like to ask,'said his friend.'In my experience,it's not a good idea to ask too many questions,in case the answers are ugly,violent ones.But I've studied the place alittle.It doesn't seem like a house.There's no other door,and the only person who uses that door is the man I've just described to you.There are threewindows on the side of thehouse,which look down onto a small courtyard.The windowsare shut,but they're always clean.There's a chimney too,which is usually smoking.So somebody must live there.'The two men continued on their walk.Then Utterson brokethe silence.'Enfield,'he said,'you're right about not asking toomany questions.However,I want to ask the name of the manwho walked over the child.''Very well,' said Enfield.'He told us his name wasHyde.''What does he look like?''He's not easy to describe,although I remember him perfectly.He's a strange-looking man.He's short,but has astrong,heavy body.There's something wrong with his appearance,something ugly and unpleasing—no,somethinghateful.I disliked him at once.'Mr Utterson thought deeply.'Are you sure he used a key?'he asked.'What do you mean?'asked Enfield in surprise.'I know it must seem strange,'said his friend.'But yousee,if I don't ask you the name on the cheque,it's because Iknow it already…''Well,why didn't you tell me?'said his friend rathercrossly.'Anyway,he did have a key,and he still has it.Isaw him use it only a week ago.'Mr Utterson looked at him thoughtfully,but said nothingmore.1 一扇神秘的门律师厄特森先生是个不爱说话、一本正经的人。
书虫牛津英汉双语读物答案【篇一:书虫全套介绍】0本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年5月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5579-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:49元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 爱情与金钱 love or money?2. 苏格兰玛丽女王mary queen of scots3. 在月亮下面 under the moon4. 潘德尔的巫师 the witches of pendle5. 歌剧院的幽灵 the phantom of the opera6. 猴爪 the monkeys paw7. 象人 the elephant man8. 世界上最冷的地方 the coldest place on earth9. 阿拉丁和神灯 aladdin and the enchanted lamp10.别了,好莱坞先生 goodbye mr hollywood(2)最新版书虫1级(下)(适合初一、初二年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5580-0出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:51元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 小公主 a little princess2. 邦蒂号暴动mutiny on the bounty3. 奥米茄文件 the omega files short stories4. 谁谋杀了总统 the presidents murderer5. 福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子 sherlock holmes and the dukes son6. 白色死亡 withedeath7. 绿野仙踪 the wizard of oz8. 难忘米兰达 remember miranda9. 福尔摩斯与赛马 sherlockholmes and the sport of kings10. 汤姆索亚历险记the adventures of tom sawyer(3)最新版书虫2级(上)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套12本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年7月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5581-7出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:66.8元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册12本简介:1. 威廉莎士比亚 william shakespeare2. 格雷丝达林grace darling3. 钢琴之恋 piano4. 莫尔格街凶手案 the murders the rue morgue5. 鲁宾逊漂流记 the life and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe6. 爱丽丝漫游奇镜记alices adventures in wonderland7. 格林盖布尔斯的安妮 anne of green gables8. 五个孩子和沙精five childrenand it9. 风中奇缘pocahontas10. 长池村的故事tales from longpuddle11.欧亨利短篇小说集o.heys short stories12. 分享年 the year of sharing(4)最新版书虫2级(下)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套13本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5582-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:67.7元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册13本简介:1. 神秘女人-阿加莎克里斯蒂 agatha christie, womanof mystery2. 德拉库拉 dracula3. 亨利八世和他的六位妻子 hey viii and his six wives4. 哈克贝利费恩历险记 the adventures of huckleberry finn5. 阿利格拉之谜 the mytery of allegra6. 五镇故事 stories from the five towns7. 法兰克福的耳环 ear-rings from frankfurt8. 森林王子 the jungle book9. 新森林的孩子们 the children of the new forest10. 福尔摩斯探案故事 sherlock holmes short stories11. 一个国王的爱情故事 the love of a king12. 亡灵岛 dead mans island13. 坎特维尔幽灵 the canterville ghost(5)最新版书虫3级(上)(适合初三、高一年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:1998年1月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5583-1出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:62元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 弗兰肯斯坦frankenstein2. 野性的呼唤the call ofthe wild3. 秘密花园 the secret garden4. 曾达的囚徒 the prisoner of zenda5. 爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记 throughthe looking-glass and what alice found there【篇二:书虫分级】1.生存游戏2.侠盗罗宾汉3.白色巨石4.红酋长的赎金5.吸血鬼猎手6.逆戟鲸7.雾都疑案8.亚瑟王传奇9.亚瑟王朝里的美国人10.把钱拿出来!《书虫(1级上)》1.爱情与金钱2.苏格兰玛丽女王3.在月亮下面4.潘德尔的巫师5.歌剧院的幽灵6.猴爪7.象人8.世界上最冷的地方9.阿拉丁和神灯10.别了,好莱坞先生《书虫(1级下)》1.小公主2.邦蒂号暴动3.奥米茄文件4.谁谋杀了总统5.福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子6.白色死亡7.绿野仙踪8.难忘米兰达9.福尔摩斯与寨马《书虫(2级上)》3.钢琴之恋4.莫尔格街凶杀案5.鲁宾孙漂流记6.爱丽丝漫游奇境记8.五个孩子和沙精9.风中奇缘10.长池村的故事12.分享年《书虫(2级下)》2.德拉库拉3.亨利八世和他的六位妻子5.阿利格拉之谜6.五镇故事7.法兰克福的耳环8.森林王子9.新森林的孩子们10.福尔摩斯探案故事 11.一个国王的爱情故事12.亡灵岛13.坎特维尔幽灵《书虫(3级上)》1.弗兰肯斯坦2.野性的呼唤3.秘密花园4.曾达的囚徒5.爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记6.风雨河岸柳7.神秘及幻想故事8.铁路少年9.三个陌生人《书虫(3级下)》1.圣诞欢歌3.勃朗特一家的故事4.牙齿和爪子5.星际动物园6.诱拐7.公正8.化学秘密9.劫机!《书虫(4级上)》1.巴斯克维尔猎犬2.不平静的坟墓3.三怪客泛舟记4.三十九级台阶5.小妇人6.克兰福德7.华盛顿广场8.织工马南9.化身博士《书虫(4级下)》1.双城记2.格列佛游记3.金银岛4.黑骏马5.红字6.极限之旅7.吉姆老爷《书虫(5级)》2.远离尘嚣3.远大前程4.呼啸山庄5.园会6.理智与情感《书虫(6级)》2.雾都孤儿3.傲慢与偏见4.苔丝5.白衣女人《【篇三:英语阅读书目】《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》。
牛津书虫系列全50本The Oxford Bookworm 第一级:300生词量,适合小学、初一学生,共8本。
1、《爱情与金钱》Loveor Money by Romena Akinyemi 2、《苏格兰玛丽女王》Mary Queen of Scots by Tim Vicary 3、《在月亮下面》Under the Moon by Romena Akinyemi 4、《潘德尔的巫师》The Witches of Pendle by Rowena Akinyemi 5、《歌剧院的幽灵》The Phantom of the Opera by Jennifer Bassett 6、《猴爪》The Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs 7、《象人》The Elephant Man by Tim Vicary 8、《世界上最冷的地方》The Coldest Place On Earth by Tim Vicary 第二级:600生词量,适合初一学生,8本1、《威廉·莎士比亚》WilliamShakespeare by Jannifer Bassett 2、《一个国王的爱情故事》The Love of a King by Peter Dainty 3、《亡灵岛》《亡灵岛》Dead Man's Island by John Escott 4、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 5、《鲁宾孙漂流记》《鲁宾孙漂流记》Robinson Cruso by Daniel Defoe 6、《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll 7、《格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮》《格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮》Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery 8、《五个孩子和沙精》《五个孩子和沙精》Five Children and It by Edith Nesbit 第三级:1000生词量,适合初二学生,分上册7本,下册8本上册:上册:1、《弗兰肯斯坦》《弗兰肯斯坦》Frankenstein by Mary Shelley 2、《野性的呼唤》《野性的呼唤》The Call of the Wild by Jack London 3、《秘密花园》《秘密花园》The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett 4、《曾达的囚徒》《曾达的囚徒》The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope 5、《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll 6、《风语河岸柳》《风语河岸柳》The Wind in the Willow by Kenneth Grahame 7、《神秘幻想故事集》《神秘幻想故事集》Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe 下册:下册:1、《圣诞欢歌》《圣诞欢歌》A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 2、《多里安·格雷的画像》《多里安·格雷的画像》The PictureofDorianGrayby Oscar Wilde 3、《勃朗特一家的故事》《勃朗特一家的故事》The Bronte Story by Tim Vicary 4、《牙齿和爪子》《牙齿和爪子》Tooth And Claw by Saki 5、《星际动物园》《星际动物园》The Star Zoo by Harry Gilbert 6、《诱拐》《诱拐》Kidnapped byRobertStevenson 7、《公正》(暂缺)(暂缺)8、《化学秘密》《化学秘密》Chemical Secret by Tim Vicary 第四级:1500生词量,适合初三学生,分上册5本,下册6本上册:上册:1、《巴斯克维尔猎犬》《巴斯克维尔猎犬》The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle 2、《不平静的坟墓》《不平静的坟墓》The Unquiet Grave by M.R.James 3、《三怪客泛舟记》《三怪客泛舟记》Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K.Jerome 4、《三十九级台阶》《三十九级台阶》The Thirty Nine Steps by John Buchan 5、《小妇人》《小妇人》Little Women by Louisa May Alcott 下册:下册:1、《黑骏马》《黑骏马》Black Beauty by Anna Sewell 2、《织工马南》《织工马南》Silas Marner by George Eliot 3、《双城记》《双城记》A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens 4、《格列佛游记》《格列佛游记》Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift 5、《金银岛》《金银岛》Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson 6、《化身博士》《化身博士》Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson 本。
1 David meets his uncleIt was early in the month of June,1751,when I shut the door of our house behind me for the last time.All my life I had lived in the quiet little village of Essendean,in the Lowlands of Scotland,where my father had been the dominie,or schoolteacher.But now that he and my mother were both dead,I had to leave the house.The new dominie would soon arrive,and he would teach at the school and live in the dominie's house.So,although I was only seventeen,there was nowhere for me to live,and no reason for me to stay in Essendean.But my heart was beating with excitement as I walked down the road,because in my hand I carried the letter that my father had given me just before he died.‘Davie,’he had said,‘when I am dead,take this to the house of Shaws,near Cramond.That's where I came from,and that's where you must go.Put this letter into the hands of Ebenezer Balfour.’Balfour!The same name as my own!It was the first time I had heard of any ofour family outside Essendean.So I decided to walk to Cramond,hoping that perhaps this Mr Balfour,in his fine big house,would receive me kindly,and help me to become a rich man one day.With my plaid over my shoulder,I walked fast up the hill away from the village.What an adventure,to leave that sleepy place,where nothing ever happened,and go to a great,busy house,to be with rich and important people of my own name and blood!But when I reached the top of the hill,I turned a little sadly,to take my last look at the dominie's house,and Essendean churchyard,where my father and mother lay.My journey northwards took almost two days.By midday on the second day I could see the smoking chimneys of Edinburgh in front of me,and soon I arrived in Cramond.Now I began to ask people on the road for the house of Shaws.Their answers worried me a little.Some people seemed surprised,some afraid,and some angry,when I spoke the name of Ebenezer Balfour.I could not understand this,but it was too far to go back to Essendean that day,and I wanted to find the rest of the Balfour family very much So I continued on my way,and when I met a dark,wild-looking woman coming towards me,I asked her where the house of Shaws was She took me to the top of the next hill,and showed me a large building standing alone in the bottom of the next valley.Although the fields around were green,and the farmland was excellent,the house itself looked unfinished and empty.Part of its roof was missing.There was no road to it,and no smoke coming from any of its chimneys,nor was there any garden.‘That!’I cried.‘No,it can't be!’‘It is!’cried the woman angrily.‘That is the house of Shaws!Blood built it,blood stopped the building of if,and blood shall bring it down!Black is the heart of Ebenezer Balfour!Ye can tell him from me that I hope to see him die,and his house fall down around him!’The woman turned and disappeared.I stood where she left me,shaking like a leaf,and looking down at the house for a long time.But when it began to get dark,I noticed some smoke coming out of the chimney,and felt a little more hopeful.‘There must be a fire,and cooking,and people in the house,’I thought.So I walked up to the front door.The house seemed locked up and unwelcoming,but there was fire light shining through the kitchen window,and I could hear someone talking quietly to himself.Bravely,I lifted my hand and knocked loudly on the strong wooden door.The house was suddenly silent,and there was no reply.I knocked and knocked,and shouted as loudly as I could.Finally,the win dow opened,and a man holding a gun put his head out.‘What do ye want?’he asked.‘I've come here with a letter for Mr Ebenezer Balfour of Shaws.Is he here?’‘Who is it from?’asked the man with the gun.‘That's none of your business,’I replied,getting angry.‘Well,put the letter down by the door,and leave.’‘I will not!’I answered sharply.‘I'm going to give it to Mr Balfour himself.The letter introduces me to him.’‘Who are ye then?’was the next question.‘I'm not ashamed of my name.It's David Balfour.’The man almost dropped his gun.After a long while,he asked in a changed voice,‘Is your father dead?’I was too surprised to answer,but he continued,‘Aye,he must be dead,and that's why ye have come.Well,man,I'll let ye in,’and he disappeared from the window.Now the door was unlocked,and a voice from the darkness said,‘Go into the kitchen and touch nothing.’I obeyed,while the man locked the heavy door carefully again.I found myself in the emptiest kitchen that I had ever seen.There was a fire,but no other light.On the table was a bowl of porridge and a glass of water,in front of the only chair.Around the walls were several locked chests.There was no other furniture.The man who now appeared in the kitchen was small,mean-looking and white-faced,between fifty and sev enty years old,and wearing a dirty old nightshirt.The worst thing about him was that he could neither take his eyes away from me,nor look straight into my face.‘If ye're hungry,’he said,‘ye can eat that porridge.It's grand food,porridge!Let me see the letter!’‘It's for Mr Balfour,not you,’I replied.‘And who do ye think I am?Give me Alexander's letter!Ye may not like me or my house or my porridge,but I'm your born uncle,Davie,my man!’This was the end of all my hopes.I was too tired and miser able to speak,so I silently gave him the letter,and sat down to eat the porridge.‘Your father's been dead a long time?’he asked,giving me a quick look from his sharp eyes.‘Three weeks,sir,’I said.‘He was a secretive man,Alexander was.Perhaps he didn't talk much about me?Or about the house of Shaws?’‘I never knew he had a brother,sir,or ever heard the name of Shaws.’‘To think of that!’he replied.‘A strange man!’But he seemed very pleased,and began to look at me with more inter est.Soon he jumped up and said,‘We're going to get on well,Davie!What's mine is yours,man,and what's yours is mine.Blood's thicker than water,and there's only ye and me of the name of Balfour.Now I'll show ye to your bed.’He took me up some dark stairs and showed me into a room.I could not see anything.‘Can I have a light,sir?’I asked.‘No,ye can't.No lights in this house!I'm afraid of fires,ye see.Good night to ye,Davie,my man.’And before I had time to reply,he pulled the door shut and locked it from the outside.The room was very cold,but luckily I had my plaid with me,so I covered myself with it like a blanket,and soon fell asleep.The next day my uncle and I had a small bowl of porridge and a glass of water for breakfast,lunch and supper.He did not speak much to me,but was clearly thinking hard.I often noticed him looking at me,while pretending to do something different,and he never left me alone in the kitchen with the locked chests,in which,I supposed,he kept his money.I did not like the way he looked at me,andbegan to wonder if he was a little crazy,and perhaps dangerous.After supper he said suddenly,‘Davie,I've been thinking.I promised your father a bit of money for ye before ye were born.A promise is a promise—and so I'm going to give ye…forty pounds!’These last words seemed very painful to him.He added,in a kind of scream,‘Scots!’A Scottish pound was the same as an English shilling.I could see that his story was a lie,so I laughed at him,saying,‘Oh,think again,sir!English pounds,surely!’‘That's what I said,'replied my uncle quickly.‘Go outside for a moment,and I'll get the money for ye.’I was smiling as I went out,sure that he would give me nothing at all.It was a dark night,and I could hear wind in the hills.‘There may be thunder later,’I thought,not knowing how important the weather would be to me that night.But when my uncle called me in again,he counted thirty eight English pounds in gold into my hands.It clearly hurt him to do it,and he kept back the last two pounds,but I did not mind that.Surprised and pleased,I thanked him warmly.‘Now,’he said,looking cleverly at me,‘ye can give me something,Davie.I'm getting old now,and I need help.’‘Of course,sir,’I answered.‘What can I do?’‘Well,go outside and climb the stairs at the other end of the house,where the building isn't finished yet.Go up to the room at the top,and bring down the chest that ye'll find there.It's got valuable papers in it.’‘Can I have a light,sir?’I asked.‘No,’he said sharply.‘No lights in my house!’‘Very well,sir.Are the stairs good?’‘They're grand,’said he.‘The stairs are grand.Out I went into the night.As I was feeling my way along the outside wall,there was a sudden flash of lightning,then darkness again.I found the stairs and started climbing.I was about fifteen metres above the ground,when there was another flash of lightning.That was lucky for me,because it showed me that the steps were uneven,and that I could easilyfall to my death.‘These are the grand stairs!’I thought.‘Perhaps my uncle wants me to die!’Now I was very careful,and I felt each step with my hands before I put my foot on it.A few steps later my hand felt cold stone,and then nothing more.The stairs ended there,twenty metres above the ground.I felt cold with fear,when I thought of the danger that I had been in.Sending a stranger up those stairs in the dark was sending him straight to his death.Angrily,I turned and felt my way down.There was a crash of thunder,and suddenly the rain came down.At the bottom of the stairs I looked towards the kitchen,and could see,in the next flash of lightning,a figure standing still in the doorway,listening.When the thunder sounded again,louder than before,he ran back inside,and I followed as softly as I could.I found him sitting in the kitchen,drinking whisky straight from the bottle,and shaking with fear.Quietly I came up behind him,and,putting my hands sud denly on his shoulders,cried,‘Ah!’My uncle gave a kind of broken cry,and fell to the floor like a dead man.His face was a strange blue colour,and I began to think that he really was dead.At last his eyes opened,and he looked up and saw me.‘Oh man,are ye alive or a ghost?’he cried ‘Get me my medicine,Davie—it's for my heart.’I found the medicine bottle and gave him some.He soon began to look a little better.‘Why did you lie to me?’I asked angrily.‘Why did you give me money?And why did you try to kill me?Answer me!’‘I'll tell ye tomorrow,Davie,I promise.Help me to bed now,will ye?’He still looked very ill,so I could not refuse.But this time I locked his bedroom door,and went to sleep in front of the kitchen fire.When I woke up in the morning,I felt very pleased with myself.‘He thinks he's cleverer than me,but he isn't!’I thought.When I let my uncle out of his room,I asked him again for an explanation After a while,he said,‘Davie,I have some business with a ship's captain at Queensferry.Now,we could walk over there,and when I've done my business,we could visit the lawyer,Mr Rankeillor.He'll answer all your questions.He's an honest man,and he knew your father.What do ye say tothat?’I thought for a moment.I had never seen the sea,but had always wanted to!‘It's a grand idea,’I said.It was a morning's walk to Queensferry,Which was west of Edinburgh,but we did not say a word to each other on the way.Suddenly,at the top of a hill,we could see the Firth of Forth below us,blue and calm,with white sails on it.‘Ye see that public house?’asked my uncle.‘Captain Hoseason's there,to do business with me.There's the ship's boat on the beach,waiting to take him to the ship.And there's the ship itself!A grand ship!’I had to agree with him.The sailors were getting the ship ready for sailing,and I thought what an exciting adventure that would be—to sail away to a foreign country.We walked down the hill to the public house and met the captain there.He was a tall,dark,serious-looking man,who shook hands politely with me.Stupidly,I left these two men to their business,and ran down to the beach,to talk to the sailors and look at the boats.It was all new and very interest ing to me.As I was coming back,I met the owner of the public house.‘Good morning,’he said.‘Did ye come with Ebenezer?’‘I did,’I replied.‘He isn't well liked,I understand.’‘That's true,’he answered.‘Nobody speaks well of him.It all started with that story about Mr Alexander,his brother.’‘What story?’I asked.‘Oh,just that Ebenezer had killed him.Did ye never hear that?’‘And why would he kill my f—,I mean,Alexander?’‘To get the house,of course,the house of Shaws.’‘Aye,man?Was my—was Alexander older than Ebenezer?’‘Indeed he was!No other reason for killing him!’This was a great surprise to me!I had thought that my fa ther was the younger brother,and I now understood why my uncle had lied to me,and wanted to killme.The house of Shaws had belonged to my father,not my uncle,and now I had inherited it.The poor country boy who had walked from Essendean was the owner of a fine house and farmland!My head was full of the wonderful things that I could do in my life,as I looked,unseeing,at the sea.Just then my uncle and the captain came out of the public house.The captain smiled in a friendly way as he spoke to me.‘Sir,’he said,‘Mr Balfour has told me a lot about ye.I'm only sorry I haven't time to get to know ye better.But I'd like ye to come on to my ship for half an hour,before we sail,and have a drink with me.’Now,more than anything in the world,I wanted to see the inside of a ship,but I remembered that I had to be careful.‘My uncle and I have to see the lawyer,sir,’I replied,‘so I'm afraid we may not have enough time.’‘Aye,aye,’he answered,‘I know,but ye see,the ship's boat can put ye both down near Rankeillor's house,after ye've seen the ship,so ye won't lose any time.’Suddenly he said quietly in my ear,‘Watch out for the old man—he wants to hurt ye.Come and talk about it.’Putting his arm in mine,he said loudly,‘What can I bring ye back from my travels?A friend of Mr Balfour's is a friend of mine!’By this time we were on the beach,and he was helping my uncle and me into the boat.I thought that I had found a good friend and helper,and I was very excited as we came closer to the great ship,full of busy,noisy sailors.The captain and I were the first to climb up the ship's side,and at the top the captain immediately put his arm through mine and began to talk about the ship.‘But where is my uncle?’I asked suddenly.I pulled myself away from the captain's arm,and ran to the side of the ship.Sure enough,there was the boat returning to Queensferry,with my uncle sitting in it.I screamed,‘Help,help!Murder!’and my uncle slowly turned to look at me.I did not see any more.Already strong hands were pulling me away.Then something hit my head;I saw a great flash of fire,and fell to the ground.1 戴维见到了叔叔我最后一次关上身后我们家的那扇门时,那正是1751年6月的头几天。
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7、《绿野仙踪》 8、《难忘米兰达》 9、《福尔摩斯与赛马》 10、《汤姆·索亚历险记》
1880 年,在巴黎歌剧院发生了一件不可思议的事情:一个舞蹈演员在黑暗的走廊里遇见了 鬼。它穿越墙壁来到她的面前,它的脸上没有眼睛;一个舞台工人看见一个穿黑色晚礼服的 男人,但他却有一个死人般的头颅,黄色的面孔,并且没有鼻子;人们听到另一个房间里有 声音,而那个房间却是空的。
一个名叫盖斯顿·勒罗克斯的法国人最早创作了这个关于歌剧院的幽灵的故事。他的书很受 欢迎,1925 年它被拍成一部美国无声电影,由著名演员朗·钱尼扮演幽灵。从那以后,已经 出现了许多其他的电影和戏剧,以及最近由安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯创作的著名的英国音乐剧。
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《爱情与金钱》讲述了:你是一名不错的侦探,是吗?如果是的话,那你得比沃尔什探长先 找出凶手。沃尔什探长是名警探,他工作虽说慢了点,可十分细心。你是位“快手”吗?侦 探是干什么的呢?侦探就是寻找线索的人。而线索就是告诉你谁是凶手的重要但又细小的事 物。发现线索不容易,但本故事中有许多线索。有些线索有用——它们能帮助你,可有些线 索却不利——它们妨碍你找到凶手。你得仔细点读,否则你会错过线索。
1612 年,在兰开夏郡的潘德尔山附近住着一个名叫詹妮特‘迪瓦斯的小女孩。那时她刚 9 岁,因家里穷时常饿肚子,长得很瘦弱。她缺衣少鞋,有时一连几天吃不上饭。生活对于她 来说十分艰难。 詹妮特的外祖母老德姆代克是一个巫师。她的母亲伊丽莎白和她的姐姐艾 丽森也都是巫师。就连她可怜兮兮、傻头傻脑的哥哥詹姆斯也是巫师……不管怎样,村民们 是这样认为的。 本书以女主人公詹妮特的口吻来讲述她一家人的故事。
书虫牛津英汉双语读物答案【篇一:书虫全套介绍】0本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年5月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5579-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:49元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 爱情与金钱 love or money?2. 苏格兰玛丽女王mary queen of scots3. 在月亮下面 under the moon4. 潘德尔的巫师 the witches of pendle5. 歌剧院的幽灵 the phantom of the opera6. 猴爪 the monkeys paw7. 象人 the elephant man8. 世界上最冷的地方 the coldest place on earth9. 阿拉丁和神灯 aladdin and the enchanted lamp10.别了,好莱坞先生 goodbye mr hollywood(2)最新版书虫1级(下)(适合初一、初二年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5580-0出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:51元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 小公主 a little princess2. 邦蒂号暴动mutiny on the bounty3. 奥米茄文件 the omega files short stories4. 谁谋杀了总统 the presidents murderer5. 福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子 sherlock holmes and the dukes son6. 白色死亡 withedeath7. 绿野仙踪 the wizard of oz8. 难忘米兰达 remember miranda9. 福尔摩斯与赛马 sherlockholmes and the sport of kings10. 汤姆索亚历险记the adventures of tom sawyer(3)最新版书虫2级(上)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套12本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年7月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5581-7出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:66.8元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册12本简介:1. 威廉莎士比亚 william shakespeare2. 格雷丝达林grace darling3. 钢琴之恋 piano4. 莫尔格街凶手案 the murders the rue morgue5. 鲁宾逊漂流记 the life and strange surprising adventures of robinson crusoe6. 爱丽丝漫游奇镜记alices adventures in wonderland7. 格林盖布尔斯的安妮 anne of green gables8. 五个孩子和沙精five childrenand it9. 风中奇缘pocahontas10. 长池村的故事tales from longpuddle11.欧亨利短篇小说集o.heys short stories12. 分享年 the year of sharing(4)最新版书虫2级(下)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套13本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5582-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:67.7元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册13本简介:1. 神秘女人-阿加莎克里斯蒂 agatha christie, womanof mystery2. 德拉库拉 dracula3. 亨利八世和他的六位妻子 hey viii and his six wives4. 哈克贝利费恩历险记 the adventures of huckleberry finn5. 阿利格拉之谜 the mytery of allegra6. 五镇故事 stories from the five towns7. 法兰克福的耳环 ear-rings from frankfurt8. 森林王子 the jungle book9. 新森林的孩子们 the children of the new forest10. 福尔摩斯探案故事 sherlock holmes short stories11. 一个国王的爱情故事 the love of a king12. 亡灵岛 dead mans island13. 坎特维尔幽灵 the canterville ghost(5)最新版书虫3级(上)(适合初三、高一年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:1998年1月第1版isbn:978-7-5600-5583-1出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:62元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 弗兰肯斯坦frankenstein2. 野性的呼唤the call ofthe wild3. 秘密花园 the secret garden4. 曾达的囚徒 the prisoner of zenda5. 爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记 throughthe looking-glass and what alice found there【篇二:书虫分级】1.生存游戏2.侠盗罗宾汉3.白色巨石4.红酋长的赎金5.吸血鬼猎手6.逆戟鲸7.雾都疑案8.亚瑟王传奇9.亚瑟王朝里的美国人10.把钱拿出来!《书虫(1级上)》1.爱情与金钱2.苏格兰玛丽女王3.在月亮下面4.潘德尔的巫师5.歌剧院的幽灵6.猴爪7.象人8.世界上最冷的地方9.阿拉丁和神灯10.别了,好莱坞先生《书虫(1级下)》1.小公主2.邦蒂号暴动3.奥米茄文件4.谁谋杀了总统5.福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子6.白色死亡7.绿野仙踪8.难忘米兰达9.福尔摩斯与寨马《书虫(2级上)》3.钢琴之恋4.莫尔格街凶杀案5.鲁宾孙漂流记6.爱丽丝漫游奇境记8.五个孩子和沙精9.风中奇缘10.长池村的故事12.分享年《书虫(2级下)》2.德拉库拉3.亨利八世和他的六位妻子5.阿利格拉之谜6.五镇故事7.法兰克福的耳环8.森林王子9.新森林的孩子们10.福尔摩斯探案故事 11.一个国王的爱情故事12.亡灵岛13.坎特维尔幽灵《书虫(3级上)》1.弗兰肯斯坦2.野性的呼唤3.秘密花园4.曾达的囚徒5.爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记6.风雨河岸柳7.神秘及幻想故事8.铁路少年9.三个陌生人《书虫(3级下)》1.圣诞欢歌3.勃朗特一家的故事4.牙齿和爪子5.星际动物园6.诱拐7.公正8.化学秘密9.劫机!《书虫(4级上)》1.巴斯克维尔猎犬2.不平静的坟墓3.三怪客泛舟记4.三十九级台阶5.小妇人6.克兰福德7.华盛顿广场8.织工马南9.化身博士《书虫(4级下)》1.双城记2.格列佛游记3.金银岛4.黑骏马5.红字6.极限之旅7.吉姆老爷《书虫(5级)》2.远离尘嚣3.远大前程4.呼啸山庄5.园会6.理智与情感《书虫(6级)》2.雾都孤儿3.傲慢与偏见4.苔丝5.白衣女人《【篇三:英语阅读书目】《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》。
牛津书虫系列全50本 The Oxford Bookworm第一级:300生词量,适合小学、初一学生,共8本。
1、《爱情与金钱》《Loveor Money》 by Romena Akinyemi2、《苏格兰玛丽女王》《Mary Queen of Scots》 by Tim Vicary3、《在月亮下面》《Under the Moon 》by Romena Akinyemi4、《潘德尔的巫师》《The Witches of Pendle》 by Rowena Akinyemi5、《歌剧院的幽灵》《The Phantom of the Opera 》by Jennifer Bassett6、《猴爪》《The Monkey's Paw》 by W.W. Jacobs7、《象人》《The Elephant Man》 by Tim Vicary8、《世界上最冷的地方》《The Coldest Place On Earth》 by Tim Vicary第二级:600生词量,适合初一学生,8本1、《威廉·莎士比亚》《WilliamShakespeare》 by Jannifer Bassett2、《一个国王的爱情故事》《The Love of a King》 by Peter Dainty3、《亡灵岛》《Dead Man's Island》 by John Escott4、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》《The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn》 by Mark Twain5、《鲁宾孙漂流记》《Robinson Cruso》 by Daniel Defoe6、《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》《Alice's Adventures in Wonderland》 by Lewis Carroll7、《格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮》《Anne of Green Gables》 by LM Montgomery8、《五个孩子和沙精》《Five Children and It》 by Edith Nesbit第三级:1000生词量,适合初二学生,分上册7本,下册8本上册:1、《弗兰肯斯坦》《Frankenstein》 by Mary Shelley2、《野性的呼唤》《The Call of the Wild》 by Jack London3、《秘密花园》《The Secret Garden》 by Frances Hodgson Burnett4、《曾达的囚徒》《The Prisoner of Zenda》 by Anthony Hope5、《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》《Alice's Adventures in Wonderland》 by Lewis Carroll6、《风语河岸柳》《The Wind in the Willow》 by Kenneth Grahame7、《神秘幻想故事集》《Tales of Mystery and Imagination》 by Edgar Allan Poe 下册:1、《圣诞欢歌》《A Christmas Carol》 by Charles Dickens2、《多里安·格雷的画像》《The PictureofDorianGray》 by Oscar Wilde3、《勃朗特一家的故事》《The Bronte Story》 by Tim Vicary4、《牙齿和爪子》《Tooth And Claw》 by Saki5、《星际动物园》《The Star Zoo》 by Harry Gilbert6、《诱拐》《Kidnapped》 by Robert Stevenson7、《公正》《Justice》 by Tim Vicary8、《化学秘密》《Chemical Secret》 by Tim Vicary第四级:1500生词量,适合初三学生,分上册5本,下册6本上册:1、《巴斯克维尔猎犬》《The Hound of the Baskervilles》 by Arthur Conan Doyle2、《不平静的坟墓》《The Unquiet Grave》 by M.R.James3、《三怪客泛舟记》《Three Men in a Boat》 by Jerome K.Jerome4、《三十九级台阶》《The Thirty Nine Steps》 by John Buchan5、《小妇人》《Little Women》 by Louisa May Alcott下册:1、《黑骏马》《Black Beauty》 by Anna Sewell2、《织工马南》《Silas Marner》 by George Eliot3、《双城记》《A Tale of Two Cities》 by Charles Dickens4、《格列佛游记》《Gulliver's Travels》 by Jonathan Swift5、《金银岛》《Treasure Island》 by Robert Louis Stevenson6、《化身博士》《Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde》 by Robert Louis Stevenson第五级:2000生词量,适合高一学生,共4本。
(1)最新版书虫1级(上)(适合初一、初二年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年5月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5579-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:49元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 爱情与金钱Love or Money?2. 苏格兰玛丽女王Mary Queen of Scots3. 在月亮下面Under the Moon4. 潘德尔的巫师The Witches of Pendle5. 歌剧院的幽灵The Phantom of the Opera6. 猴爪The Monkey's Paw7. 象人The Elephant Man8. 世界上最冷的地方The Coldest Place on Earth9. 阿拉丁和神灯Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp10.别了,好莱坞先生Goodbye Mr Hollywood(2)最新版书虫1级(下)(适合初一、初二年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5580-0出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:51元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册10本简介:1. 小公主 A Little Princess2. 邦蒂号暴动Mutiny on the Bounty3. 奥米茄文件The Omega Files Short Stories4. 谁谋杀了总统The President's Murderer5. 福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子Sherlock Holmes and the Duke's Son6. 白色死亡Withe Death7. 绿野仙踪The Wizard of Oz8. 难忘米兰达Remember Miranda9. 福尔摩斯与赛马Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings10. 汤姆索亚历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(3)最新版书虫2级(上)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套12本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年7月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5581-7出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:66.8元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册12本简介:1. 威廉莎士比亚William Shakespeare2. 格雷丝达林Grace Darling3. 钢琴之恋Piano4. 莫尔格街凶手案The Murders the Rue Morgue5. 鲁宾逊漂流记The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe6. 爱丽丝漫游奇镜记Alice's Adventures in Wonderland7. 格林盖布尔斯的安妮Anne of Green Gables8. 五个孩子和沙精Five Children and It9. 风中奇缘Pocahontas10. 长池村的故事Tales from Longpuddle11.欧亨利短篇小说集O.Henry's Short Stories12. 分享年The Year of Sharing(4)最新版书虫2级(下)(适合初二、初三年级)(本套13本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2003年9月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5582-4出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:67.7元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册13本简介:1. 神秘女人-阿加莎克里斯蒂Agatha Christie, Woman of Mystery2. 德拉库拉Dracula3. 亨利八世和他的六位妻子Henry VIII and His Six Wives4. 哈克贝利费恩历险记The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn5. 阿利格拉之谜The Mytery of Allegra6. 五镇故事Stories from the Five Towns7. 法兰克福的耳环Ear-Rings from Frankfurt8. 森林王子The Jungle Book9. 新森林的孩子们The Children of the New Forest10. 福尔摩斯探案故事Sherlock Holmes Short Stories11. 一个国王的爱情故事The Love of a King12. 亡灵岛Dead Man's Island13. 坎特维尔幽灵The Canterville Ghost(5)最新版书虫3级(上)(适合初三、高一年级)(本套10本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:1998年1月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5583-1出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:62元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了!本册10本简介:1. 弗兰肯斯坦Frankenstein2. 野性的呼唤The Call of the Wild3. 秘密花园The Secret Garden4. 曾达的囚徒The Prisoner of Zenda5. 爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There6. 风语河岸柳The Wind in the Willows7. 神秘及幻想故事集Tales of Mystery and Imagination8. 铁路少年The Railway Children9. 三个陌生人The Three Strangers and Other Stories10. 伊桑弗罗姆Ethan Frome(6)最新版书虫3级(下)(适合初三、高一年级)(本套9本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:1998年8月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5584-8出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:53.1元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册9本简介:1. 圣诞欢歌 A Christmas Carol2. 多里安格雷的画像The Picture of Dorian Gray3. 勃朗特一家的故事The Bronte Story4. 牙齿和爪子Tooth and Claw5. 星际动物园The Star Zoo6. 诱拐Kidnapped7. 公正Justice8. 化学秘密Chemical Secret9. 劫机!Skyjack!(7)最新版书虫4级(上)(适合高一、高二年级)(本套9本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2001年5月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5585-5出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:68.1元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册9本简介:1. 巴斯克维尔猎犬The Hound of the Baskervilles2. 不平静的坟墓The Unquiet Grave3. 三怪客泛舟记Three Men in a Boat4. 三十九级台阶The Thirty-Nine Steps5. 小妇人Little Women6. 克兰福德Cranford7. 华盛顿广场Washington Square8. 织工马南Silas Marner9. 化身博士Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde(8)最新版书虫4级(下)(适合高一、高二年级)(本套8本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:1998年10月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5586-2出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:65.2元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册8本简介:1. 双城记 A Tale of Two Ctities2. 格列佛游记Gulliver's Travels3. 金银岛Treasure Island4. 黑骏马Black Beauty5. 红字Scarlet Letter6.极限之旅Desert Mountain Sea7.吉姆老爷Lord Jim8.洛娜杜恩Lorna Doone(9)最新版书虫5级(适合高二、高三年级)(本套6本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:1997年5月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5587-9出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:62.4元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册6本简介:1. 大卫科波菲尔David Copperfield2. 远离尘嚣Far from the Madding Crowd3. 远大前程Great Expectations4. 呼啸山庄Wuthering Heights5.园会The Garden Party and Other Stories6.理智与情感Sense and Sensibility(10)最新版书虫6级(适合高三、大学低年级)(本套5本)书虫牛津英汉双语读物版次:2006年7月第1版ISBN:978-7-5600-5588-6出版社:外语教学与研究出版社定价:63.5元它首先将给你自信即使你目前只有几百的词汇量也可以不太费劲地阅览世界名作了书虫还会用它细细的鸣叫声不停地提醒你要坚持不懈地读下去要广泛而丰富地读下去待到读完丛书系列中的最后一本,你也许会突然发现:你已经如蛹化蝶,振翅欲翔了! 本册5本简介:1. 简爱Jane Eyre2. 雾都孤儿Oliver Twist3. 傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice4. 苔丝Tess of the d'Urbervilles5. 白衣女人The Woman in White全套92本总定价:49+51+66.8+67.7+62+53.1+68.1+65.2+62.4+63.5=608.8元。
牛津书虫系列一级篇一:新初二暑假预习攻略(英语、数学、物理)新初二暑假预习攻略(英语、数学、物理)暑假战略:打翻身仗最佳时期! 坚持就是胜利!暑期推荐的牛津书虫系列读物(增加自己的英语阅读能力):象人(牛津英汉对照读物)猴爪(牛津英汉对照读物)/书虫奥米茄文件苏格兰玛丽女王谁谋杀了总统潘德尔的巫师绿野仙踪福尔摩斯与赛马(1级)(适合初1初2)难忘米兰达(1级)(适合初1、初2) 在月亮下面歌剧院的幽灵1级(适合初1、初2年级) 阿拉丁和神灯(1级适合初1/初2年级)五镇故事2级(适合初2初3) 五个孩子和沙精威廉·莎士比亚神秘女人:阿加莎·克里斯蒂哈克贝利·费恩历险记法兰克福的耳环:2级(适合初2、初3)坎特维尔幽灵(2级)(适合初2初3) 福尔摩斯探案故事鲁宾孙漂流记(2级)(适合初2初3年级)暑期推荐的语文课外读物作者:霍达作者:村上春树作者:大仲马作者:马里奥·普佐作者:乔斯坦·贾德作者:塞林格作者:陈忠实作者:卡达莱作者:黄仁宇作者:李泽厚作者:钱钟书作者:斯托夫人作者:阿来作者:亚历克·黑尔作者:心曼春曼作者:余华作者:余华作者:伏尼契作者:艾米莉·勃朗特作者:刘乐土热爱书籍吧!努力让自己成为一个学识渊博、眼光远大的人。
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
The Wind in the Willow by Kenneth Grahame
Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Far From The Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Tooth And Claw by Saki
The Star Zoo by Harry Gilbert
Kidnapped byRobertStevenson
The Unquiet Grave by M.R.James
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1 The mysterious doorMr Utterson the lawyer was a quiet,serious man.Hewas shy with strangers and afraid of showing his feelings.Among friends,however,his eyes shone with kindnessand goodness.And,although this goodness never found itsway into his conversation,it showed itself in his way of life.He did not allow himself many enjoyable things in life.He ateand drank simply and,although he enjoyed the theatre,hehad not been to a play for twenty years.However,he wasgentler towards other men' s weaknesses,and was alwaysready to help rather than blame them.As a lawyer,he was often the last good person that evil-doers met on their way toprison,or worse.These people often carried with them memories of his politeness and fairness.Mr Utterson's best friend was a distant cousin calledRichard Enfield,who was well known as a fun-loving 'manabout town'.Nobody could understand why they werefriends,as they were different from each other in every way.They often tooklong walks together,however,marchingthrough the streets of London in companionable silence.One of these walks used to take them down a narrow sidestreet in a busy part of London.It was a clean,busy,friendlystreet with bright little shops and shiny doorknockers.Nearthe end of this street,however,stood a dark,mysterious,windowless building.The door had neither bell nor knockerand looked dusty and uncared for.Dirty children played fearlessly on the doorstep,and nobody ever opened the door todrive them away.One day,as Mr Enfield and his friend passed the building,Mr Enfield pointed to it.'Have you ever noticed that place?'he asked.'It remindsme of a very strange story.''Really?'said Mr Utterson.'Tell me.''Well,'began Enfield,'I was coming home about threeo'clock on a black winter morning,when suddenly I saw twopeople.The first was a short man who was walking along thestreet,and the second was a little girl who was running as fastas she could.Well,the two bumped into each other and thechild fell down.Then a terrible thing happened.The mancalmly walked all over the child's body with his heavy boots,and left her screaming on the ground.It was an inhuman thingto do.I ran after the man,caught him and fetched him back.There was already a small crowd around the screaming child.The man was perfectly cool,but he gave me a very evil look,which made me feel sick in my stomach.The child's familythen arrived,and also a doctor.The child had been sent tofetch the doctor for a sick neighbour,and was on her wayhome again.'“The child is more frightened than hurt,”said thedoctor—and that,you would think,was the end of the story.But,you see,I had taken a violent dislike to the short man.So had the child's family—that was only natural.But the doctor,who seemed a quiet,kindly man,was also looking at ourprisoner with murder in his eyes.'The doctor and I understood each other perfectly.Together we shouted at the man,and told him we would tell this story all over London so that his name would be hated.'He looked back at us with a proud,blach look.“Nameyour price,”he said.'We made him agree to a hundred pounds for the child' sfamily.With another black look,the man led us to that doorover there.He took out a key and let himself into thebuilding.Presently he came out and handed us ten pounds ingold and a cheque for ninety pounds from Coutts's Bank.Thename on the cheque was a well-known one.'“See here,”said the doctor doubtfully,“it isn't usual for aman to walk into an empty house at four in the morning andcome out with another man's cheque for nearly a hundredpounds.”'“Don't worry,”said the man with an ugly look,“I'll staywith you until the banks open,andchange the chequemyself.”'So we all went off,the doctor and the prisoner and myself,and spent the rest of the night at my house.In the morningwe went together to the bank.Sure enough,the cheque wasgood,and the money was passed to the child's family.' 'Well,well,'said Mr Utterson.'Yes,'said Enfield,'it's a strange story.My prisoner wasclearly a hard,cruel man.But the man whose name was onthe cheque was well known all over London for his kind andgenerous acts.Why would a man like that give his cheque to acriminal?''And you don't know if the writer of the cheque lives inthat building?'asked Mr Utterson.'I don't like to ask,'said his friend.'In my experience,it's not a good idea to ask too many questions,in case the answers are ugly,violent ones.But I've studied the place alittle.It doesn't seem like a house.There's no other door,and the only person who uses that door is the man I've just described to you.There are threewindows on the side of thehouse,which look down onto a small courtyard.The windowsare shut,but they're always clean.There's a chimney too,which is usually smoking.So somebody must live there.'The two men continued on their walk.Then Utterson brokethe silence.'Enfield,'he said,'you're right about not asking toomany questions.However,I want to ask the name of the manwho walked over the child.''Very well,' said Enfield.'He told us his name wasHyde.''What does he look like?''He's not easy to describe,although I remember him perfectly.He's a strange-looking man.He's short,but has astrong,heavy body.There's something wrong with his appearance,something ugly and unpleasing—no,somethinghateful.I disliked him at once.'Mr Utterson thought deeply.'Are you sure he used a key?'he asked.'What do you mean?'asked Enfield in surprise.'I know it must seem strange,'said his friend.'But yousee,if I don't ask you the name on the cheque,it's because Iknow it already…''Well,why didn't you tell me?'said his friend rathercrossly.'Anyway,he did have a key,and he still has it.Isaw him use it only a week ago.'Mr Utterson looked at him thoughtfully,but said nothingmore.1 一扇神秘的门律师厄特森先生是个不爱说话、一本正经的人。