
各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理)生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 Veterinary Sciences生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学 Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing力学专业数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 高等代数与几何 Advanced Algebra and Geometry 常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation 数学物理方法 Methods in Mathematical Physics 计算方法 Numerical Methods 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics材料力学 Mechanics of Materials 弹性力学 Elasticity流体力学 Fluid Mechanics 力学实验 Experiments in Solid Mechanics机械制图 Machining Drawing 力学概论 Introduction to Mechanics气体力学 Gas Dynamics 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 弹性板理论 Theory of Elastic Plates 粘性流体力学 Viscous Fluid Flow弹性力学变分原理 Variational Principles inElasticity 有限元法 Finite Element Method 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity经典力学中的数学方法 Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics机器人动力学 Dynamics of Robots 自动控制原理 Principles of Automatic Control 优化计算与最化控制 Optimization and OptimalControl计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 概率与统计 Probability and Statistics专业英语 English for Mechanics 振动理论 Theory of Vibration程序设计方法(C和FORTRAN) Programming in C & FORTRAN水动力学 Hydrodynamics 计算机图象处理 Image Processing光测力学 Photo Mechanics 断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics高等动力学 Advanced Dynamics 摄动方法 Perturbation Methods机械设计与Auto CAD Machinery Designing and AutoCAD信息显示(可视化) Visualization微机原理 Principles of Personal Computer 复变函数 Complex Function企业管理专业管理学 Principles of Management 微观经济学 Microeconomics宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 产业经济学 Industrial Economics 财务管理 Financial Management项目评估 Projects Appraisal 战略管理 Strategic Management管理沟通 Management Negotiation 国际商务谈判 Negotiation on Business Affairs跨国公司专题研究 Special Researchof multinational corporation国际贸易 InternationalTrade 国际营销研究 International Marketing Research公司组织与管理 Organization and Managementof Corporate战略管理 Strategic Management 生产管理研究 Operation Management企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 组织行为学 Organizational Behavior运筹学 Operational Research 人力资源管理 Human Resource Management信息管理专业高等数学 Higher Mathematics 信息存储与检索 Information Retrieval andStorage数据库系统 Database 信息服务与用户 information Service and UserStudy 信息管理概论 Introduction to InformationManagement信息经济学 Information Economics 企业信息化工程 Enterprise Informationalization社会实践 Practical Work 信息分析与决策Information Analysis andPolicy Making 管理学原理 Principles of Management 信息政策与法规 Information Policy and Law信息组织 Information Organization 计算机网络 Computer Networks管理信息系统 Management Information System 线性代数 Linear Algebra决策分析 Policy Making 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics概率统计 Statistics and ProbabilityTheory 生产与运作管理 Production Management 电子商务 Electronic Commerce 信息系统安全与保密 Information System Security 政府信息化工程 Government Informationalization广告实务 Practice of Advertisement 多媒体技术 Multimedia操作系统 Operating System 信息科学基础 Foundations of InformationScience 经济信息管理 Economic Information Management 专业英语 Specialty English微机基础 Principles of Microcomputers 文献计量学 Bibliometrics电子出版技术 Electronic Publishing 广告概论 Introduction to Advertisement信息环境论 Information Environments 传播学原理 Principles of CommunicationTheory 知识产权法学 Law of Intelligence Property 组织行为学 Studies of Organization货币银行学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 管理信息系统 System of Management Information 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 运筹学 Operational Research策略管理 Strategic Management 保险学 Insurance银行会计 Bank Accounting 管理会计 Managerial Accounting运筹学 Operational Research 国际贸易 International Trade财务管理 Financial Management 国际金融 International Finance租赁与信托 Hiring and Affiancing 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment商业银行实务 Practice of Business Bank 国际结算 International Balance项目评估 Projects Appraisal 金融市场学 Financial Marketing人力资源管理 Human Resource Management财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinancialManagement物理专业热学 Thermodynamics 力学 Mechanics光学 Optics 电磁学 Electromagnetism计算概论 Computing Generality 普通物理实验 General Physics Laboratory固体磁性及应用基础 Magnetism of the Solid Stateand its Application衍射物理(固体结构分析) Diffraction Physics (Structureof Solid Analysis)科研实用软件 Utility Software for ScientificResearch计算机模拟方法 Computer Simulation Methods激光原理、技术与应用 The Principle, Techniqueand Application of Laser材料物理 Materials Physics 近代光学和光电子学 Modern Optics and Optoelectronics 现代固体物理 Modern Solid State Physics 粒子物理 Particle Physics物理宇宙学基础 Elements of Cosmology Physics 固体物理 Solid State Physics原子物理 Atomic Physics 量子力学 Quantum Mechanics理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 电动力学 Electrodynamics普通物理综合实验 Synthetical Experiments ofGeneral Physics市场营销学专业营销管理 Marketing Management 公共关系 Public Relationship国际贸易 International Trade 消费者行为 Consumer Behavior管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 营销调研 Marketing Research推销学 Sales Strategies 国际金融 International Finance营销预测与规划 Marketing Forecasting andPlanning销售渠道管理 ales Channels Management 管理学 Principles of Management国际市场营销 International Marketing 商业谈判 Business Negotiation广告管理 Advertising Management 营销案例分析 Case Studies of Marketing国际贸易实务 Practice of InternationalTrade 服务业营销 Service Industry Marketing企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 新产品开发 New Products Development财务学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment 财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance保险学 Insurance 财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinanceManagement 国际财务管理 International Financial Management 资产评估 Assets Appraisal项目评估 Projects Appraisal 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics财务管理 Financial Management 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 运筹学 Operational Research 策略管理 Strategic Management管理会计 Managerial Accounting 微观经济学 Microeconomics管理学 Principles of Management 微积分 Calculus统计学 Principles of Statistics会计专业会计学 Accounting Principles 成本会计 Cost Accounting管理会计 Managerial Accounting 审计学 Auditing Principles会计信息系统 Accounting Information Systems 投资学 Investment Principles财务管理 Financial Management 货币银行学 Money and Banking财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance国际会计 International Accounting 统计学 Principle of Stat财税法规与税务会计 Laws and Regulations of Financeand Taxes预算会计 Budget Accounting 会计研究方法 Accounting Research Methods 内部审计与政府审计 Internal Auditing and GovernmentAuditing会计审计实务 Accounting and Auditing Practice 经济计量学 Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任 Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities国际会计专题 International AccountingSpecial Subject 微观经济学 Microeconomics。

学位名称、专业名称及主要课程中英文对照各学院(原系)中英文对照生物技术学院 College of Biotechnology生命科学学院 College of Life Science资源环境学院 College of Environment and Natural Resources资源环境学院 College of Resources and Environment林学院 College of Forestry经济贸易学院 College of Economics and Trade经济管理学院 College of Economics Management工程技术学院 College of Polytechnics工程学院 College of Engineering农业工程系 Department of Agricultural Engineering理学院 College of Sciences信息学院 College of Information人文学院 College of Humanities公管管理学院 College of Public Management农学系 Department of Agronomy园艺系 Department of Horticulture蚕桑系 Department of Sericulture艺术设计学院 College of Art Design动物科学系 Department of Animal Science动物科学学院 College of Animal Science兽医学院 College of Veterinary Science食品科学系 Department of Food Science食品学院 College of Food艺术学院 College of Arts水利与土木工程学院 College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering各学位名称对照农学士 Agriculture工学士 Engineering理学士 Sciences哲学士 Philosophy经济学士 Economics管理学士 Management文学士 Arts各专业中英文名称对照工商管理 Business Administration金融学 Finance and Banking经济学 Economics会计学 Accounting农林经济管理 Agricultural/forest Economy Management社会工作 Social Work英语 English生物技术 Biotechnology机械设计及其自动化 Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their Automation 信息管理与信息系统 Information Management & Information Systems电子信息工程 Electronic and Information Engineering农业机械化及其自动化 Agricultural Mechanization And Its Automation农业电气化与自动化 Agricultural Electrification and Automation土木工程 Civil Engineering交通运输 Traffic and Transportation应用化学 Applied chemistry计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology植物保护 Plant Protection土地资源管理 Land Resources Management农业资源与环境 Agricultural Resources and Environment土地资源管理 Land Resources Management农学 Agronomy茶学 Tea Science食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering园艺 Horticulture木材科学与工程 Wood Science and Engineering森林资源保护与游憩 Forest Resources Conservation and Recreation林学 Forestry园林 Landscape Gardening动物科学 Animal Science动物医学 Veterinary Medicine蚕学 Sericulture法学 Law食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering服装设计与工程 Apparel Design and Engineering管理信息系统 Management Information Systems土壤与农业化学 Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry土地规划与利用 Land Planning and Utilization农业环境保护 Agricultural Environment Protection木材加工 Wood Processing经济林 Economic Forest农业经济与管理 Agricultural Economics and Management贸易经济 Trade Economics企业管理 Industrial Management国际金融 International Trade农业机械化 Agricultural Mechanization机械设计 Design and Manufacturing汽车运用工程 Mobile Application中国社会主义建设 Chinese Socialist Construction作物遗传育种 Plant Genetics and Breeding果树 Pomology动物营养与饲料加工 Animal Nutrition and Feed Processing畜牧 Animal Husbandry农业工程 Agricultural Engineering家具设计与室内装饰 Furniture Design and Room Decoration市场策划与营销 Market Planning and Marketing土地经济与房地产管理 Land Economics and Real Estate Management精细化工 Fine Chemistry财务管理与计算机 Financial Management and Computer经贸英语 Business English公共关系与秘书 Public Relation茶叶加工与贸易 Tea Processing And Trade花卉与庭园工程 Floriculture And Gardening丝绸与贸易 Silk And Trade养禽与禽病防治 Poultry Raising And Disease Control微生物发酵技术与贸易 Microorganism Fermentation And Trade各学院(原系)主要课程中英文对照生物技术学院(College of Biotechnology)生命科学学院(College of Life Science)化学除草原理与技术 Principles and application of weed chemistry control 种子生理 Seed physiology组织培养技术 Technology of tissue culture果蔬保鲜原理与技术 Techniques in preservation of fruit & vegetable植物学 Botany酶工程 Enzyme engineering植物显微技术 Botanical microtechnique细胞生物学 Cell biology农田杂草 Farmland weed普通生态学 General ecology药用植物资源利用 Resources and utilization of medicinal plant生物化学研究技术 Techniques in biochemistry researches分析与检测技术 Technology of test and analysis动物生物化学 Animal biochemistry基因工程 Genetic engineering文献查阅与综述方法 Document searching and reviewing植物生物化学 Plant biochemistry蛋白质工程 Protein engineering分子生物学 Molecular biology植物生物化学实验 Plant biochemistry experiment遗传(基因)工程导论 Introduction to genetic engineering辐照基础与应用 Basis and application of irradiation technology辐射生物学 Irradiational biology免疫学 Immunology同位素示踪原理及其应用技术 Isotopic tracer technique reason and appliance 同位素应用技术 Application of isotopes生物电子显微技术 Electron microscope and preparation of biological specimen 仪器分析 Instrumental analysis现代仪器分析与食品检测 Modern instrumental analysis and food inspection农业与温室气体(排放) Agriculture greenhouse effect gases电镜技术 Electron microscope technique植物生理学 Plant physiology生物物理学 Biophysics生态学 Ecology核素应用技术 The application of nuclide农业电子技术 The electronic technology of agriculture食品科学系 Department of Food Science食品学院 College of Food Science普通微生物学 General microbiology农业微生物学 Agricultural microbiology食品微生物学 Food microbiology环境微生物学 Environmental microbiology微生物学实验技术 Experimental technique in microbiology食品微生物学实验 Microbiological test of food发酵工艺学原理 Principles of fermentation technology微生物遗传育种 Microbial genetics and strain improvement食品生物化学 Biochemistry of food products食品添加济 Additives of food products食物酶学 Enzyme engineering of food食品分析 Food analysis食品营养学 Food nutriology食品工艺学 Food technology果蔬加工学 Processing of fruit and vegetable食品工厂设计 The design of food factory乳品学 Dairy science &technology蛋品学 Egg science & technology肉品学 Meat science & technology食品工程原理 Principles of food engineering农产品加工学 Agricultural products processing technology食品机械与设备 Food machinery and equipment食品包装学 Food packaging动物科学系 Department of Animal Science动物科学学院 College of Animal Science动物生理学 Animal physiology家畜行为学 Ethnology of domestic animals饲料卫生学 Feed hygienic配合饲料工艺学 Technology of formula feed单胃动物营养学 Nutrition of unistomach animals反刍动物营养学 Ruminant nutrition饲料检测技术 The technique of feed checking and analysis饲料生产学 Feed production饲料添加剂学 Feed addition家畜饲料学附饲料分析 Livestock feeding and feeds analysis饲料原料及加工贮藏 Feed ingredients and processing and storage动物饲养学 Animal feeding动物营养学基本原理 The basal principle of animal nutrition配合饲料技术 The technique of formular feed普通畜牧学 Animal husbandry淡水养鱼学 Culture of fresh-water fish动物学 Zoology家禽学 Poultry science珍禽学 Science of rare birds家畜育种学 Poultry breeding家禽孵化学 Poultry hatching家畜环境卫生学 Livestock environment hygiene牛生产学 Cattle production家兔生产学 Rabbit production猪生产学 Swine production畜牧家畜育种学 Animal breeding数量遗传学 Quantitative genetics动物遗传学 Animal genetics生物统计附试验设计 Biological statistics养犬与养猫 Canine and feline production家畜繁殖学 Animal reproduction动物遗传育种 Animal Genetics & Breeding动物生产学 Animal production动物医学系(Department of Veterinary Medicine )兽医学院(College of Veterinary Medicine)家畜解剖学 The anatomy of the domestic animals禽病学 Diseases of poultry家畜病理学 The pathology of the domestic animals动物组织学与胚胎学 Histology and embryology of the domestic animals 家畜解剖学及组织胚胎学家禽普通病学 General diseases of poultry中兽医学 Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine兽医临床诊断学 Clinical diagnosis of veterinarian家禽传染病学 Avian infectious diseases家禽内科学 Internal medicine of domestic animals家禽药理学 Poultry pharmacology兽医药理学 Veterinary pharmacology家畜寄生虫学 Parasitology of domestic animals家禽病理学 Pathology of poultry兽医产科学 Veterinary breeding家畜外科学 Veterinary surgery兽医应用免疫学 Veterinary applied immunology动物性食品卫生学 Animal food hygiene家畜传染病学 Infections disease of domestic animals兽医学 Veterinary medicine兽医药理学的毒理学 Veterinary pharmacy toxicology理学院(College of Science)计算机关系数据库 Relationship database计算机应用基础 Fundamentals of computer application计算机应用基础 Computer applicationC语言程序设计 Programming in C物理化学 Physical chemistry有机化学 Organic chemistry分析化学 Analytical chemistry普通化学 General chemistry化工仪表 Chemical engineering and meter化学实验 Experiment in general chemistry大学物理 College physics应用电子技术 The application of electronic technology 概率论 Probability theory线性代数 Linear algebra高等数学 Advanced mathematics必修课 The required courses选修课 Optional courses限选课 Limited optional courses实践课 Practical courses军训 Military training专业劳动 Work in specialty and for production教学实践 Practice in the course生产实习 Training for working毕业论文(设计) The thesis or designing for graduation 物化胶化 Physical colloid chemistry人文科学学院(College of Humanities)法律基础 Fundamentals of law社会主义人生实践 The socialist practice in one’s life 形势政策教育 The education of situation and policy马克思主义原理 The course on Marxist theories中国革命史 The history of Chinese revolution中国革命的理论与实践 The theory and practice of the Chinese revolution社会调查研究理论与方法 Theory and method on social investigation and research 中国社会主义建设China’s socialist construction国际贸易 International trade经济法学 Economic law中国社会主义市场经济概论An introduction to china’s socialist market eco nomy 政治经济学 Political economics西方经济学 Western economics行政管理学 Administration management应用写作 Practical writing思想教育 Ideological education自然科学方法论 The methodology of natural science逻辑学 Logic农业文献检索 Agricultural literature indexing专业英语 Special English体育 Physical training毛泽东思想概论 An introduction to Mao zedong thought邓小平理论概论 An introduction to Deng xiaoping theory教育学 Pedagogy思想道德修养 Thought & moral training教学法 Teaching method应用写作 Practical writing农业史 Agricultural history经济贸易学院(College of Economics and Trade)乡镇企业管理学院(College of Rural Enterprise Management)宏观经济学 Macroeconomics微观经济学 Microeconomics政治经济学 Political economics发展经济学 Development economics农业经济学 Agricultural economics外国农业经济 Foreign agricultural economics中国经济地理 Economy geography in China经济法学 The law of economics国际商法 International commercial law管理信息系统 Management information system农业会计学 Agricultural accounting消费经济学 Consumption economics电算化会计原理 Computer accounting成本会计 Cost accounting统计学原理 Principle of statistics商品流通统计 Accounting in commodity circulation金融统计 Financial statistics会计学原理 Principle of accounting商品流通企业会计 Business accounting in commodity circulation 财务会计学 Financial accounting审计学 Auditing银行会计 Bank accounting农业政策学 Agricultural policy管理学原理 Principle management企业学原理 Business management房地产经营管理 Administration and management of real estate 银行经营管理 Administration and management of bank商业企业经营管理 Business administration and management涉外企业管理 Foreign business management资源经济学 Resource economics农产品贸易学 Agricultural products trade国际贸易 International trade进出口贸易实务 Practice in import-Export trade市场营销学 Marketing国际市场营销学 International marketing财政学 Public finance国际金融 International finance证券投资 Investment on securities公共关系学 Public relations货币银行学 Economics of money and banking投资经济学 Economics of investment国际结算 International settlement银行信贷学 Bank credit财政金融 Public finance and monetary economics期货交易理论与实务 Theory and practices of futures土地经济学 Land economics乡镇企业经济管理The economic management of tow’s enterprise 经济计量学 Economical estimate审计学 audit农学系(Department of Agronomy)农学院(College of Agriculture)制茶学 Manufacture of tea作物育种学(各论) Crop breeding作物育种学(总论) Crop breeding (general discourse)种子学原理 Principles of seed science农业管理学 Agricultural management农产品综合利用 Comprehensive utilization of crop products耕作学 Cultivation science经济作物学 Industry crop science农业气象基础 Agrometeorology遗传学 Genetics茶树栽培学 Tea cultivation茶叶审评与检验 Tea tasting and inspection试验设计与统计分析 Experimental designs and statistical analyses农业生态学 Agroecology农业自然资源利用及农业区划 Utilization of agricultural resources and agricultural regionalization 茶树能种学 Tea plant breeding粮食作物学 Food crop science茶叶生物化学 Biochemistry of tea农业推广学 Agricultural popularization农业环境保护 Agricultural environmental protection作物栽培学与耕作学 Crop cultivation & geoponics蚕桑系(Department of Sericulture)艺术设计学院(College of Art Design)蚕桑综合利用 Silkworm-mulberry multipurpose utilization茧丝学 Cocoon silk science养蚕学 Seri cultural science蚕体解剖生理 Anatomy and physiology of silkworm桑树栽培及育种学 Mulberry cultivation & breeding桑树病虫害防治学蚕种学 Silkworm egg production家蚕遗传育种 Silkworm genetic of thremmatology遗传学 Genetics蚕病学 Silkworm pathology蚕桑学 Sericulture园艺系(Department of Horticulture)园艺学院(College of Horticulture)插花艺术 Art of floweral arrangement蔬菜育种学 Vegetable breeding花卉园艺学 Floriculture园艺商品学 Marketing of horticultural product园艺设施栽培 Horticultural facilities culture植物显微技术 Plant microtechnology园艺通论 General horticulture园艺昆虫学 Horticultural entomology园艺植物育种学 Plant breeding in horticulture果树生理学 Fruit tree physiology园艺研究法 Horticulture studies果树栽培学总论 Pomology园艺产品贮藏保鲜学 Techniques in preservation of horticultural products园艺植物病理学 The pest control of horticulture plant花卉保鲜学 Techniques in preservation of flowers & plants园艺植物生理学 Horticulture plant pathology蔬菜栽培学 Vegetable culture盆景艺术 Pruning采后生理 Post harvest physiology果树抗性育种专题 Special topic on fruit tree resistance园艺植物的生物技术 The biotechnique of horticultural plant园艺概论 An outline of horticulture蔬菜学 Olericulture果树学 Pomology工程技术学院(College of polytechnics)工程学院(College of Engineering)建筑电工 Architectural electrotechnics电工学 Electrotechnics工业电子学 Industrial electronics材料力学 Strength of materials建筑力学(结构力学部分) Mechanics of structure理论力学 Theoretical mechanics机械设计 Machinery design机械原理 Theory of machine and mechanism画法几何学 Drawing geometry机械制图 Engineering drawing工程制图 Engineering drawing园林工程制图 Landscape drawing建筑制图 Building drawing液压技术2 Hydraulic technique 2机械工程材料 Materials of mechanical engineering机床夹具设计原理 Theory of jig design for machine tool冷冲工艺及冷冲模设计 Punching technology and punch die design金属切削原理与刀具 Principle of l cutting and cutting tool金属工艺学 l technology机械制造工艺学 Manufactural technology of machinery金属工艺学 l technology液压技术1 Hydraulic technique 1汽车维修理论 Theory of automobile service汽车运输学 Transportation of automobile互换性与测量技术 Interchangeability and technical measurement汽车构造 Construction of automobile汽车运用工程 Automobile application engineering热工基础 Fundamental of thermo-technology食品干燥工艺与设备 Food drying technology and equipment食品包装机械 Food packaging machinery农业机械学 Agricultural machinery食品工程原理 Theory of food process engineering食品加工机械与设备 Foot processing machinery and equipments砼与砌体结构 Reinforce concrete建筑构造 Structure of building建筑材料 Constructional material建筑施工技术与施工组织 Technology and planning of building operation单层工业厂房排架结构设计 The design of single-factory building with d structure 高层建筑结构设计 Design of high rise building民用建筑设计原理 Design of civil architecture农业系统工程及管理工程 Systems engineering and management engineering资源环境学院(College of Resources and Environment)环境监测 Environmental monitoring土壤农业化学 Agrochemistry analysis生产布局学原理 Principle of productive distribution城镇建设用地管理 Management of land urban construction城市规划原理 Principle of urban planning资源经济学 Resources economics经济地理 Economic geography土地资源调查 Land resources survey地图绘编 Map establishment遥感技术基础 Fundamental of remote sensing technology土地信息系统 Land information system地籍管理 Land management土地规划学 Land planning science土地管理学 Land management土地经济学 Land economic房地产管理 Management of real estate房地产估价 Appraisement of real estate固体废物的处理与处置 Treatment & disposal wastes城市污泥的农业再循环与生态环境 The agricultural recycling of municipal sludge and the ecological environment 大气污染控制工程 Air pollution controlling engineering环境质量评价 Environmental quality assessment环境化学 Environmental chemistry水体污染控制工程 Water pollution controlling engineering环境生态 Environmental ecology土壤污染与防治 Soil pollution环境保护概论 Introduction of environmental protection农业环境保护概论 Introduction of agricultural environmental protection无土栽培原理与技术 Theories and techniques of soilless culture农业化学总论 Introduction of agrochemistry作物施肥原理 Principles of crop fertilization作物营养研究法 Methodology of plant nutrition土壤物理学 Soil physics土壤学 Pedology环境土壤学 Environmental pedology土壤化学 Soil chemistry土壤粘粒矿物 Mineral of soil clay fration土质学基础 Basis of geology土壤地理学 Soil geography区域土壤学 Regional pedology土壤资源调查 Soil resources survey茶树病虫害(病害部分) Tea disease and pest (disease section)植物检疫学 Quarantine for pests植物病毒学 Plant virology果树病理学 Fruit tree pathology果蔬病害 Fruit and vegetable diseases植物免疫学 Plant immunology普通昆虫学 General entomology真菌资源及利用 Fungal resources and their utilization除草剂毒理学 Toxicology of herbicides植物病害生物防治学 Biological prevention and control of plant diseases害虫生物防治 Biological control杀菌剂毒理学 Toxicology of fungicides植物病害流行学 Epidemiology of plant diseases农业螨类学 Agricultural acarology害虫综合防治 Integrated pest management生物统计学 Biometrics城市昆虫学 Civil entomology作物抗虫育种原理及应用 Principle and application of resistant plant breeding 植物病原细菌学 Plant bacteriology植物病理学 Plant pathology真菌分类学 Taxonomy of fungi植物线虫学 Plant nematology农业植物病理学 Agricultural phytopathology普通植物病理学 General phytopathology果蔬昆虫学 Fruit plant & vegetable entomology果蔬贮运病害 Fruit and vegetable diseases during storage食用真菌学 Edible fung林学院 College of Forestry数理统计 Mathematical statistics遗传学 Genetics树木育种学 Forest tree breeding树木育苗学 Tree seeds and nursery stock science自然保护区学 Science of nature reserve造林学 Silviculture林业技术经济学 Forestry technology economics森林经营学 Forest management林业经济管理学 Management of forestry economics林业政策与法规 Policies and laws of forestry会计学原理 Fundamentals of accounting树木病理学 Forest pathology测树学 Forest measuration测量学 Surveying森林生态学 Forest ecology森林土壤学 Forest soil science森林经理学 Forest management森林昆虫学 Forest entomology树木学 Dendrology机械设计基础 Fundamentals of mechanical design厂内运输 Equipment of transit in factory胶合板制造学 The manufacturing of plywood木材加工企业管理 Forest products management胶粘剂与涂料 Adhesive and paint木材学 Wood science木材干燥 Timber drying木制品生产工艺学 Tec manufacturing of wood products纤维板制造学 Fiberboard manufacturing technology刨花板制造学 The manufacturing of particleboard木材切削原理与刀具 The principles of wood cutting and tools木工机械 Wood machinery土壤学 Soil science经济林育种学 Economic forest breeding经济林昆虫学 Economic forest entomology经济林病理学 Economic forest pathology经济林栽培学 Economic forest culture园林设计 Parks and gardens design造型艺术 Plastic art城市绿地规划 City open spaces planning园林树木栽培养护学 Garden tree cultivation园林树木学 Ornamental dendrology园林专业绘画课 Painting of landscape architecture城市规划基础 Fundamentals of city planning城市园林绿化经济管理 Economic management of urban landscape gardening风景园林设计初步 Elementary landscape architecture design园林植物病理学 Ornamental plant pathology园林昆虫学 Ornamental plant entomology园林史 History of landscape architecture园林工程 Landscape architectural engineering土壤学 Soil science城市生态学 Urban ecology森林保护学 Forest protection(注:本资料素材和资料部分来自网络,仅供参考。

法学 Law Study英语 English日语 Japanese信息与计算科学 Information and Computation Science应用物理学 Applied Physics冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering金属材料工程 Metallic Materials Engineering无机非金属材料 Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials材料成型及控制工程 Material Formation and controlEngineering高分子材料与工程 Multimolecular Materials and Engineering工业设计 Industrial Disign建筑学 Architecture城市规划 City Planning艺术设计 Artistical Disign包装工程 Packaging Engineering机械设计制造及自动化Machine Disign,Manufacturing,and Automation热能与动力工程 Thermal and Power Engineering水利水电工程 WaterConservance and Electro-power Engineering测控技术与仪器 Technique and Instrumentation of Measurements电气工程及其自动化 Electric Engineering and its Automation自动化 Automation通信工程 Communication Engineering电子信息科学与技术 Sience and Technology of Electronic Information 计算机科学与技术 Computer Sience and Technology土木工程 Civil Engineering工程管理 Project Management给水排水工程 Water Supply and Sewage Engineering建筑环境与设备工程 Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering 过程装备与控制工程 Processing Units and Control Engineering环境工程 Environmental Engineering化学工程与工艺 Chemacal Engineering and Technology安全工程 Safty Engineering工商管理 Industrial and Commercial Management市场营销 Market Management and Sales会计学 Accounting旅游管理 Tourism Management信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and System金融学 Finance国际经济与贸易 International Economy and Trade食品科学与工程 Food Sience and Engineering生物工程 Biological Engineering纺织工程 Textile Engineering建筑环境与设备工程、Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering 过程装备与控制工程、Processing Units and Control Engineering现代家政学、 Modern Domestic Science运动训练科学系、 Sports Train Science食品营养与检测、 Food Nutrition and Detect国际新闻、 International News体育健康教育系 Sports Health Education哲学 Philosophy马克思主义哲学 Philosophy of Marxism中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy外国哲学 Foreign Philosophies逻辑学 Logic伦理学 Ethics美学 Aesthetics宗教学 Science of Religion科学技术哲学 Philosophy of Science and Technology经济学 Economics理论经济学 Theoretical Economics政治经济学 Political Economy经济思想史 History of Economic Thought经济史 History of Economic西方经济学 Western Economics世界经济 World Economics人口、资源与环境经济学 Population, Resources and Environmental Economics应用经济学 Applied Economics国民经济学 National Economics区域经济学 Regional Economics财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation)金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)产业经济学 Industrial Economics国际贸易学 International Trade劳动经济学 Labor Economics统计学 Statistics数量经济学 Quantitative Economics中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称国防经济学 National Defense Economics法学 Law法学 Science of Law法学理论 Jurisprudence法律史 Legal History宪法学与行政法学 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学 Criminal Jurisprudence民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law )诉讼法学 Science of Procedure Laws经济法学 Science of Economic Law环境与资源保护法学 Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)军事法学 Science of Military Law政治学 Political Science政治学理论 Political Theory中外政治制度 Chinese and Foreign Political Institution科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动 Scientific Socialism and InternationalCommunist Movement中*史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building) 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics国际政治学 International Politics国际关系学 International Relations外交学 Diplomacy社会学 Sociology社会学 Sociology人口学 Demography人类学 Anthropology民俗学(含中国民间文学) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)民族学 Ethnology民族学 Ethnology马克思主义民族理论与政策 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy 中国少数民族经济 Chinese Ethnic Economics中国少数民族史 Chinese Ethnic History中国少数民族艺术 Chinese Ethnic Art教育学 Education教育学 Education Science教育学原理 Educational Principle课程与教学论 Curriculum and Teaching Methodology教育史 History of Education比较教育学 Comparative Education学前教育学 Pre-school Education高等教育学 Higher Education成人教育学 Adult Education职业技术教育学 Vocational and Technical Education特殊教育学 Special Education教育技术学 Education Technology心理学 Psychology基础心理学 Basic Psychology发展与心理学 Developmental and Educational Psychology应用心理学 Applied Psychology体育学 Science of Physical Culture and Sports体育人文社会学 Humane and Sociological Science of Sports 运动人体科学 Human Movement Science体育教育训练学 Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training民族传统体育学 Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports文学 Literature中国语言文学 Chinese Literature文艺学 Theory of Literature and Art语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics汉语言文字学 Chinese Philology中国古典文献学 Study of Chinese Classical Text中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literature中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 中国少数民族语言文学 Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature and World Literature外国语言文学 Foreign Languages and Literatures英语语言文学 English Language and Literature俄语语言文学 Russian Language and Literature法语语言文学 French Language and Literature德语语言文学 German Language and Literature日语语言文学 Japanese Language and Literature印度语言文学 Indian Language and Literature西班牙语语言文学 Spanish Language and Literature阿拉伯语语言文学 Arabic Language and Literature欧洲语言文学 European Language and Literature亚非语言文学 Asian-African Language and Literature外国语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages新闻传播学 Journalism and Communication新闻学 Journalism传播学 Communication艺术学 Art艺术学 Art Theory音乐学 Music美术学 Fine Arts设计艺术学 Artistic Design戏剧戏曲学 Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera电影学 Film广播电视艺术学 Radio and television Art舞蹈学 Dance历史学 History历史学 History史学理论及史学史 Historical Theories and History of Historical Science考古学及博物馆学 Archaeology and Museology历史地理学 Historical Geography历史文献学(含敦煌学、古文字学) Studies of Historical Literature (includingPaleography and Studies of Dunhuang)专门史 History of Particular Subjects中国古代史 Ancient Chinese History中国近现代史 Modern and Contemporary Chinese History世界史 World History理学 Natural Science数学 Mathematics基础数学 Fundamental Mathematics计算数学 Computational Mathematics概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 应用数学 Applied mathematics运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics物理学 Physics理论物理 Theoretical Physics粒子物理与原子核物理 Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics原子与分子物理 Atomic and Molecular Physics等离子体物理 Plasma Physics凝聚态物理 Condensed Matter Physics声学 Acoustics光学 Optics无线电物理 Radio Physics化学 Chemistry无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry分析化学 Analytical Chemistry有机化学 Organic Chemistry物理化学(含化学物理) Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics)高分子化学与物理 Chemistry and Physics of Polymers天文学 Astronomy天体物理 Astrophysics天体测量与天体力学 Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics地理学 Geography自然地理学 Physical Geography人文地理学 Human Geography地图学与地理信息系统 Cartography and Geography Information System大气科学 Atmospheric Sciences气象学 Meteorology大气物理学与大气环境 Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment海洋科学 Marine Sciences物理海洋学 Physical Oceanography海洋化学 Marine Chemistry海洋生理学 Marine Biology海洋地质学 Marine Geology地球物理学 Geophysics固体地球物理学 Solid Earth Physics空间物理学 Space Physics地质学 Geology矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology地球化学 Geochemistry古生物学与地层学(含古人类学) Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including Paleoanthropology)构造地质学 Structural Geology第四纪地质学 Quaternary Geology生物学 Biology植物学 Botany动物学 Zoology生理学 Physiology水生生物学 Hydrobiology微生物学 Microbiology神经生物学 Neurobiology遗传学 Genetics发育生物学 Developmental Biology细胞生物学 Cell Biology生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 生物物理学 Biophysics生态学 Ecology系统科学 Systems Science系统理论 Systems Theory系统分析与集成 Systems Analysis and Integration科学技术史 History of Science and Technology工学 Engineering力学 Mechanics一般力学与力学基础 General and Fundamental Mechanics固体力学 Solid Mechanics流体力学 Fluid Mechanics工程力学 Engineering Mechanics机械工程 Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化 Mechanical Manufacture and Automation 机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering机械设计与理论 Mechanical Design and Theory车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering光学工程 Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术 Instrument Science and Technology精密仪器及机械 Precision Instrument and Machinery测试计量技术及仪器 Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学 Materials Physics and Chemistry材料学 Materialogy材料加工工程 Materials Processing Engineering冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金 Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金 Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics工程热物理 Engineering Thermophysics热能工程 Thermal Power Engineering动力机械及工程 Power Machinery and Engineering流体机械及工程 Fluid Machinery and Engineering制冷及低温工程 Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering化工过程机械 Chemical Process Equipment电气工程 Electrical Engineering电机与电器 Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化 Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术 High Voltage and Insulation Technology 电力电子与电力传动 Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and Technology物理电子学 Physical Electronics电路与系统 Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学 Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics电磁场与微波技术 Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology信息与通信工程 Information and Communication Engineering 通信与信息系统 Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理 Signal and Information Processing控制科学与工程 Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置 Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程 Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统 Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制 Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论 Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构 Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术 Computer Applied Technology建筑学 Architecture建筑历史与理论 Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论 Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计) Urban Planning and Design (including Landscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学 Building Technology Science土木工程 Civil Engineering岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering结构工程 Structural Engineering市政工程 Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程 Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源 Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学 Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程 Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程 Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程 Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering 测绘科学与技术 Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程 Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程 Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程 Chemical Engineering化学工艺 Chemical Technology生物化工 Biochemical Engineering应用化学 Applied Chemistry工业催化 Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程 Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探 Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration 地球探测与信息技术 Geodetection and Information Technology 地质工程 Geological Engineering矿业工程 Mineral Engineering采矿工程 Mining Engineering矿物加工工程 Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程 Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程 Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程 Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程 Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程 Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering 纺织科学与工程 Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程 Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计 Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程 Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程 Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程 The Light Industry Technology and Engineering 制浆造纸工程 Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程 Sugar Engineering发酵工程 Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程 Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程 Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程 Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制 Traffic Information Engineering & Control 交通运输规划与管理 Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程 Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程 Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造 Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure轮机工程 Marine Engine Engineering水声工程 Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术 Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计 Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程 Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程 Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程 Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering兵器科学与技术 Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程 Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering 兵器发射理论与技术 Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程 Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition Engineering军事化学与烟火技术 Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术 Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程 Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用 Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护 Radiation and Environmental Protection农业工程 Agricultural Engineering农业机械化工程 Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程 Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程 Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering农业电气化与自动化 Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程 Forestry Engineering森林工程 Forest Engineering木材科学与技术 Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程 Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程 Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学 Environmental Science环境工程 Environmental Engineering生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering食品科学 Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products农学 Agriculture作物学 Crop Science作物栽培学与耕作学 Crop Cultivation and Farming System作物遗传育种学 Crop Genetics and Breeding园艺学 Horticulture果树学 Pomology蔬菜学 Olericulture茶学 Tea Science农业资源利用学 Utilization Science of Agricultural Resources 土壤学 Soil Science植物营养学 Plant Nutrition植物保护学 Plant Protection植物病理学 Plant Pathology农业昆虫与害虫防治 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control 农药学 Pesticide Science畜牧学 Animal Science动物遗传育种与繁殖 Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction Science动物营养与饲料科学 Animal Nutrition and Feed Science草业科学 Practaculture Science特种经济动物饲养学(含蚕、蜂等) The Rearing of Special-type EconomicAnimals (including Silkworm, Honeybees, etc.)兽医学 Veterinary Medicine基础兽医学 Basic Veterinary Medicine预防兽医学 Preventive Veterinary Medicine临床兽医学 Clinical Veterinary Medicine林学 Forestry林木遗传育种学 Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding森林培育学 Silviculture森林保护学 Forest Protection森林经理学 Forest Management野生动植物保护与利用 Wildlife Conservation and Utilization 园林植物与观赏园艺 Ornamental Plants and Horticulture水土保持与荒漠化防治 Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating水产学 Fisheries Science水产养殖学 Aquaculture Science捕捞学 Fishing Science渔业资源学 Science of Fisheries Resources医学 Medicine基础医学 Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学 Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology 免疫学 Immunology病原生物学 Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学 Pathology and Pathophysiology法医学 Forensic Medicine放射医学 Radiation Medicine航空航天与航海医学 Aerospace and Nautical medicine临床医学 Clinical Medicine内科学(含心血管病学、血液病学、呼吸系病学、消化系病学、内分泌与代谢病学、肾脏病学、风湿病学、传染病学) Internal medicine (including Cardiology, Hematology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nephrology, Rheuma-tology, Infectious Diseases)儿科学 Pediatrics老年医学 Geriatrics神经病学 Neurology精神病与精神卫生学 Psychiatry and Mental Health皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology影像医学与核医学 Imaging and Nuclear Medicine临床检验诊断学 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics护理学 Nursing外科学(含普通外科学、骨外科学、泌尿外科学、胸心血管外科学、神经外科学、整形外科学、烧伤外科学、野战外科学) Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Surgery, Field Surgery)妇产科学 Obstetrics and Gynecology眼科学 Ophthalmic Specialty耳鼻咽喉科学 Otolaryngology肿瘤学 Oncology康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy 运动医学 Sports Medicine麻醉学 Anesthesiology急诊医学 Emergency Medicine口腔医学 Stomatology口腔基础医学 Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学 Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine 流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Health Statistics劳动卫生与环境卫生学 Occupational and Environmental Health 营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene儿少卫生与妇幼保健学 Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health 卫生毒理学 Hygiene Toxicology军事预防医学 Military Preventive Medicine中医学 Chinese Medicine中医基础理论 Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础 Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献 History and Literature of Chinese Medicine方剂学 Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学 Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学 Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学 Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学 Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学 Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学 Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学 Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学 Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学 Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学 Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学 Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine药学 Pharmaceutical Science药物化学 Medicinal Chemistry药剂学 Pharmaceutics生药学 Pharmacognosy药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学 Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy药理学 Pharmacology中药学 Science of Chinese Pharmacology军事学 Military Science军事思想学及军事历史学 Military Thought and Military History 军事思想学 Military Thought军事历史学 Military History战略学 Science of Strategy军事战略学 Military Strategy战争动员学 War Mobilization战役学 Science of Operations联合战役学 Joint Operation军种战役学(含第二炮兵战役学) Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Missile Force)战术学 Science of Tactics合同战术学 Combined-Arms Tactics兵种战术学 Branch Tactics军队指挥学 Science of Command作战指挥学 Combat Command军事运筹学 Military Operation Research军事通信学 Military Communication军事情报学 Military Intelligence密码学 Cryptography军事教育训练学(含军事体育学) Military Education and Training (including Military Physical Training)军制学 Science of Military System军事组织编制学 Military Organizational System军队管理学 Military Management军队政治工作学 Science of Military Political Work军事后勤学与军事装备学 Science of Military Logistics and Military Equipment军事后勤学 Military Logistics后方专业勤务 Rear Special Service军事装备学 Military Equipment管理学 Management Science管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering工商管理学 Science of Business Administration会计学 Accounting企业管理学(含财务管理、市场营销学、人力资源管理学) Corporate Management (including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)旅游管理学 Tourist Management技术经济及管理学 Technology Economy and Management农林经济管理学 Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management农业经济管理学 Agricultural Economics & Management林业经济管理学 Forestry Economics & Management公共管理学 Science of Public Management行政管理学 Administration Management社会医学与卫生事业管理学 Social Medicine and Health Management教育经济与管理学 Educational Economy and Management社会保障学 Social Security土地资源管理学 Land Resource Management图书馆、情报与档案学 Science of Library, Information and Archival图书馆学 Library Science情报学 Information Science档案学 Archival Science。

信息管理专业英语试题及答案一、写出以下单词的中文意思(每小题0.5分,共10分)1 algorithm 11 object-oriented2 optimization 12 subsystem3 transportation 13 analogous4 dissemination 14 authorization5 evaluate 15 collection6 reliability 16 database7 verification 17 distributing8 computerize 18 payment9 practical 19 warehouse10 manipulation 20 agility二、根据给出的中文意思,写出单词(每小题0.5分,共10分)1 n.组件,群件11 adj.分布式的2 n.反馈,反应12 n.构造,配置3 n.增殖,扩散13 vt.维持,维修4 n.扩散,传播14 vt.使标准化5 n.全球化,全球性15 n.识别,鉴定6 adj.多国的,跨国的16 adj.可接受的7 vt.分配,指派17 adj.兼容的8 adj.交互式的18 n.防火墙9 n.变化,转化,转换19 n.基本设施10 n.应用,应用程序20 vt.& vi.使同步三、根据给出的短语,写出中文意思(每小题1分,共10分)1 application program interface2 back up3 bar code4 base upon5 Business Intelligence6 c loud computing7 commercial service provider8 c ustomer churn9 customer relations management10 data independence四、根据给出的中文意思,写出短语(每小题1分,共10分)1 数据挖掘2 数据转换3 数据仓库4 脏数据,废数据5 外部存储设备6 遗传算法7 网格计算8 投资决策9 知识发现10 最小冗余五、写出以下缩略语的完整形式和中文意思(每小题1分,共10分)缩略语完整形式中文意思1 B2B2 B2C3 CRM4 DBMS5 ERP6 GIS7 HTTP8 IS9 SCM10 SQL六、把以下句子翻译为中文(每小题1.5分,共15分)1) Do you have any idea how to promote the sales of this product?2) Peter is confident of winning the post as the assistant to the managing director.3) There must be fair play whatever the competition is.4) She showed strong leadership during her first term in office.5) If you have any requirements, ask me.6) The managing director's only concern was how to improve the quality of their products.7) The cost of consumption articles is the first consideration, as far as most ordinary people are concerned.8) Appreciation of works of art is bound to be dominated by a particular kind of interest.9) We sought an answer to the question, but couldn't find one.10) The program was implemented with great efficiency and speed.七、把以下句子翻译为英文(每小题1.5分,共15分)1) 没有好的管理,生意是不可能做好的。

学位名称、专业名称及主要课程中英文对照各学院(原系)中英文对照生物技术学院College of Biotechnology生命科学学院College of Life Science资源环境学院College of Environment and Natural Resources资源环境学院College of Resources and Environment林学院College of Forestry经济贸易学院College of Economics and Trade经济管理学院College of Economics Management工程技术学院College of Polytechnics工程学院College of Engineering农业工程系Department of Agricultural Engineering理学院College of Sciences信息学院College of Information人文学院College of Humanities公管管理学院College of Public Management农学系Department of Agronomy园艺系Department of Horticulture蚕桑系Department of Sericulture艺术设计学院College of Art Design动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院College of Animal Science兽医学院College of Veterinary Science食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院College of Food艺术学院College of Arts水利与土木工程学院College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering各学位名称对照农学士Agriculture工学士Engineering理学士Sciences哲学士Philosophy经济学士Economics管理学士Management文学士Arts各专业中英文名称对照工商管理Business Administration金融学Finance and Banking经济学Economics会计学Accounting农林经济管理Agricultural/forest Economy Management社会工作Social Work英语English生物技术Biotechnology机械设计及其自动化Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their Automation 信息管理与信息系统Information Management & Information Systems电子信息工程Electronic and Information Engineering农业机械化及其自动化Agricultural Mechanization And Its Automation农业电气化与自动化Agricultural Electrification and Automation土木工程Civil Engineering交通运输Traffic and Transportation应用化学Applied chemistry计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology植物保护Plant Protection土地资源管理Land Resources Management农业资源与环境Agricultural Resources and Environment土地资源管理Land Resources Management农学Agronomy茶学Tea Science食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering园艺Horticulture木材科学与工程Wood Science and Engineering森林资源保护与游憩Forest Resources Conservation and Recreation林学Forestry园林Landscape Gardening动物科学Animal Science动物医学Veterinary Medicine蚕学Sericulture法学Law食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering服装设计与工程Apparel Design and Engineering管理信息系统Management Information Systems土壤与农业化学Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry土地规划与利用Land Planning and Utilization农业环境保护Agricultural Environment Protection木材加工Wood Processing经济林Economic Forest农业经济与管理Agricultural Economics and Management贸易经济Trade Economics企业管理Industrial Management国际金融International Trade农业机械化Agricultural Mechanization机械设计Design and Manufacturing汽车运用工程Mobile Application中国社会主义建设Chinese Socialist Construction作物遗传育种Plant Genetics and Breeding果树Pomology动物营养与饲料加工Animal Nutrition and Feed Processing畜牧Animal Husbandry农业工程Agricultural Engineering家具设计与室内装饰Furniture Design and Room Decoration市场策划与营销Market Planning and Marketing土地经济与房地产管理Land Economics and Real Estate Management 精细化工Fine Chemistry财务管理与计算机Financial Management and Computer经贸英语Business English公共关系与秘书Public Relation茶叶加工与贸易Tea Processing And Trade花卉与庭园工程Floriculture And Gardening丝绸与贸易Silk And Trade养禽与禽病防治Poultry Raising And Disease Control微生物发酵技术与贸易Microorganism Fermentation And Trade各学院(原系)主要课程中英文对照生物技术学院(College of Biotechnology)生命科学学院(College of Life Science)化学除草原理与技术Principles and application of weed chemistry control 种子生理Seed physiology组织培养技术Technology of tissue culture果蔬保鲜原理与技术Techniques in preservation of fruit & vegetable植物学Botany酶工程Enzyme engineering植物显微技术Botanical microtechnique细胞生物学Cell biology农田杂草Farmland weed普通生态学General ecology药用植物资源利用Resources and utilization of medicinal plant生物化学研究技术Techniques in biochemistry researches分析与检测技术Technology of test and analysis动物生物化学Animal biochemistry基因工程Genetic engineering文献查阅与综述方法Document searching and reviewing植物生物化学Plant biochemistry蛋白质工程Protein engineering分子生物学Molecular biology植物生物化学实验Plant biochemistry experiment遗传(基因)工程导论Introduction to genetic engineering辐照基础与应用Basis and application of irradiation technology辐射生物学Irradiational biology免疫学Immunology同位素示踪原理及其应用技术Isotopic tracer technique reason and appliance 同位素应用技术Application of isotopes生物电子显微技术Electron microscope and preparation of biological specimen 仪器分析Instrumental analysis现代仪器分析与食品检测Modern instrumental analysis and food inspection农业与温室气体(排放)Agriculture greenhouse effect gases电镜技术Electron microscope technique植物生理学Plant physiology生物物理学Biophysics生态学Ecology核素应用技术The application of nuclide农业电子技术The electronic technology of agriculture食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院College of Food Science普通微生物学General microbiology农业微生物学Agricultural microbiology食品微生物学Food microbiology环境微生物学Environmental microbiology微生物学实验技术Experimental technique in microbiology食品微生物学实验Microbiological test of food发酵工艺学原理Principles of fermentation technology微生物遗传育种Microbial genetics and strain improvement食品生物化学Biochemistry of food products食品添加济Additives of food products食物酶学Enzyme engineering of food食品分析Food analysis食品营养学Food nutriology食品工艺学Food technology果蔬加工学Processing of fruit and vegetable食品工厂设计The design of food factory乳品学Dairy science &technology蛋品学Egg science & technology肉品学Meat science & technology食品工程原理Principles of food engineering农产品加工学Agricultural products processing technology食品机械与设备Food machinery and equipment食品包装学Food packaging动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院College of Animal Science动物生理学Animal physiology家畜行为学Ethnology of domestic animals饲料卫生学Feed hygienic配合饲料工艺学Technology of formula feed单胃动物营养学Nutrition of unistomach animals反刍动物营养学Ruminant nutrition饲料检测技术The technique of feed checking and analysis饲料生产学Feed production饲料添加剂学Feed addition家畜饲料学附饲料分析Livestock feeding and feeds analysis饲料原料及加工贮藏Feed ingredients and processing and storage动物饲养学Animal feeding动物营养学基本原理The basal principle of animal nutrition配合饲料技术The technique of formular feed普通畜牧学Animal husbandry淡水养鱼学Culture of fresh-water fish动物学Zoology家禽学Poultry science珍禽学Science of rare birds家畜育种学Poultry breeding家禽孵化学Poultry hatching家畜环境卫生学Livestock environment hygiene牛生产学Cattle production家兔生产学Rabbit production猪生产学Swine production畜牧家畜育种学Animal breeding数量遗传学Quantitative genetics动物遗传学Animal genetics生物统计附试验设计Biological statistics养犬与养猫Canine and feline production家畜繁殖学Animal reproduction动物遗传育种Animal Genetics & Breeding动物生产学Animal production动物医学系(Department of Veterinary Medicine )兽医学院(College of Veterinary Medicine)家畜解剖学The anatomy of the domestic animals禽病学Diseases of poultry家畜病理学The pathology of the domestic animals动物组织学与胚胎学Histology and embryology of the domestic animals 家畜解剖学及组织胚胎学家禽普通病学General diseases of poultry中兽医学Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine兽医临床诊断学Clinical diagnosis of veterinarian家禽传染病学Avian infectious diseases家禽内科学Internal medicine of domestic animals家禽药理学Poultry pharmacology兽医药理学Veterinary pharmacology家畜寄生虫学Parasitology of domestic animals家禽病理学Pathology of poultry兽医产科学Veterinary breeding家畜外科学Veterinary surgery兽医应用免疫学Veterinary applied immunology动物性食品卫生学Animal food hygiene家畜传染病学Infections disease of domestic animals兽医学Veterinary medicine兽医药理学的毒理学Veterinary pharmacy toxicology理学院(College of Science)计算机关系数据库Relationship database计算机应用基础Fundamentals of computer application 计算机应用基础Computer applicationC语言程序设计Programming in C物理化学Physical chemistry有机化学Organic chemistry分析化学Analytical chemistry普通化学General chemistry化工仪表Chemical engineering and meter化学实验Experiment in general chemistry大学物理College physics应用电子技术The application of electronic technology概率论Probability theory线性代数Linear algebra高等数学Advanced mathematics必修课The required courses选修课Optional courses限选课Limited optional courses实践课Practical courses军训Military training专业劳动Work in specialty and for production教学实践Practice in the course生产实习Training for working毕业论文(设计)The thesis or designing for graduation 物化胶化Physical colloid chemistry人文科学学院(College of Humanities)法律基础Fundamentals of law社会主义人生实践The socialist practice in one’s life形势政策教育The education of situation and policy马克思主义原理The course on Marxist theories中国革命史The history of Chinese revolution中国革命的理论与实践The theory and practice of the Chinese revolution社会调查研究理论与方法Theory and method on social investigation and research 中国社会主义建设China’s socialist construction国际贸易International trade经济法学Economic law中国社会主义市场经济概论An introduction to china’s socialist market eco nomy政治经济学Political economics西方经济学Western economics行政管理学Administration management应用写作Practical writing思想教育Ideological education自然科学方法论The methodology of natural science逻辑学Logic农业文献检索Agricultural literature indexing专业英语Special English体育Physical training毛泽东思想概论An introduction to Mao zedong thought邓小平理论概论An introduction to Deng xiaoping theory教育学Pedagogy思想道德修养Thought & moral training教学法Teaching method应用写作Practical writing农业史Agricultural history经济贸易学院(College of Economics and Trade)乡镇企业管理学院(College of Rural Enterprise Management)宏观经济学Macroeconomics微观经济学Microeconomics政治经济学Political economics发展经济学Development economics农业经济学Agricultural economics外国农业经济Foreign agricultural economics中国经济地理Economy geography in China经济法学The law of economics国际商法International commercial law管理信息系统Management information system农业会计学Agricultural accounting消费经济学Consumption economics电算化会计原理Computer accounting成本会计Cost accounting统计学原理Principle of statistics商品流通统计Accounting in commodity circulation金融统计Financial statistics会计学原理Principle of accounting商品流通企业会计Business accounting in commodity circulation 财务会计学Financial accounting审计学Auditing银行会计Bank accounting农业政策学Agricultural policy管理学原理Principle management企业学原理Business management房地产经营管理Administration and management of real estate 银行经营管理Administration and management of bank商业企业经营管理Business administration and management涉外企业管理Foreign business management资源经济学Resource economics农产品贸易学Agricultural products trade国际贸易International trade进出口贸易实务Practice in import-Export trade市场营销学Marketing国际市场营销学International marketing财政学Public finance国际金融International finance证券投资Investment on securities公共关系学Public relations货币银行学Economics of money and banking投资经济学Economics of investment国际结算International settlement银行信贷学Bank credit财政金融Public finance and monetary economics期货交易理论与实务Theory and practices of futures土地经济学Land economics乡镇企业经济管理The economic management of tow’s enterprise 经济计量学Economical estimate审计学audit农学系(Department of Agronomy)农学院(College of Agriculture)制茶学Manufacture of tea作物育种学(各论)Crop breeding作物育种学(总论)Crop breeding (general discourse)种子学原理Principles of seed science农业管理学Agricultural management农产品综合利用Comprehensive utilization of crop products耕作学Cultivation science经济作物学Industry crop science农业气象基础Agrometeorology遗传学Genetics茶树栽培学Tea cultivation茶叶审评与检验Tea tasting and inspection试验设计与统计分析Experimental designs and statistical analyses农业生态学Agroecology农业自然资源利用及农业区划Utilization of agricultural resources and agricultural regionalization 茶树能种学Tea plant breeding粮食作物学Food crop science茶叶生物化学Biochemistry of tea农业推广学Agricultural popularization农业环境保护Agricultural environmental protection作物栽培学与耕作学Crop cultivation & geoponics蚕桑系(Department of Sericulture)艺术设计学院(College of Art Design)蚕桑综合利用Silkworm-mulberry multipurpose utilization茧丝学Cocoon silk science养蚕学Seri cultural science蚕体解剖生理Anatomy and physiology of silkworm桑树栽培及育种学Mulberry cultivation & breeding桑树病虫害防治学蚕种学Silkworm egg production家蚕遗传育种Silkworm genetic of thremmatology遗传学Genetics蚕病学Silkworm pathology蚕桑学Sericulture园艺系(Department of Horticulture)园艺学院(College of Horticulture)插花艺术Art of floweral arrangement蔬菜育种学Vegetable breeding花卉园艺学Floriculture园艺商品学Marketing of horticultural product园艺设施栽培Horticultural facilities culture植物显微技术Plant microtechnology园艺通论General horticulture园艺昆虫学Horticultural entomology园艺植物育种学Plant breeding in horticulture果树生理学Fruit tree physiology园艺研究法Horticulture studies果树栽培学总论Pomology园艺产品贮藏保鲜学Techniques in preservation of horticultural products园艺植物病理学The pest control of horticulture plant花卉保鲜学Techniques in preservation of flowers & plants园艺植物生理学Horticulture plant pathology蔬菜栽培学Vegetable culture盆景艺术Pruning采后生理Post harvest physiology果树抗性育种专题Special topic on fruit tree resistance园艺植物的生物技术The biotechnique of horticultural plant园艺概论An outline of horticulture蔬菜学Olericulture果树学Pomology工程技术学院(College of polytechnics)工程学院(College of Engineering)建筑电工Architectural electrotechnics电工学Electrotechnics工业电子学Industrial electronics材料力学Strength of materials建筑力学(结构力学部分)Mechanics of structure理论力学Theoretical mechanics机械设计Machinery design机械原理Theory of machine and mechanism画法几何学Drawing geometry机械制图Engineering drawing工程制图Engineering drawing园林工程制图Landscape drawing建筑制图Building drawing液压技术2 Hydraulic technique 2机械工程材料Materials of mechanical engineering机床夹具设计原理Theory of jig design for machine tool冷冲工艺及冷冲模设计Punching technology and punch die design金属切削原理与刀具Principle of l cutting and cutting tool金属工艺学l technology机械制造工艺学Manufactural technology of machinery金属工艺学l technology液压技术1 Hydraulic technique 1汽车维修理论Theory of automobile service汽车运输学Transportation of automobile互换性与测量技术Interchangeability and technical measurement汽车构造Construction of automobile汽车运用工程Automobile application engineering热工基础Fundamental of thermo-technology食品干燥工艺与设备Food drying technology and equipment食品包装机械Food packaging machinery农业机械学Agricultural machinery食品工程原理Theory of food process engineering食品加工机械与设备Foot processing machinery and equipments砼与砌体结构Reinforce concrete建筑构造Structure of building建筑材料Constructional material建筑施工技术与施工组织Technology and planning of building operation单层工业厂房排架结构设计The design of single-factory building with d structure 高层建筑结构设计Design of high rise building民用建筑设计原理Design of civil architecture农业系统工程及管理工程Systems engineering and management engineering资源环境学院(College of Resources and Environment)环境监测Environmental monitoring土壤农业化学Agrochemistry analysis生产布局学原理Principle of productive distribution城镇建设用地管理Management of land urban construction城市规划原理Principle of urban planning资源经济学Resources economics经济地理Economic geography土地资源调查Land resources survey地图绘编Map establishment遥感技术基础Fundamental of remote sensing technology土地信息系统Land information system地籍管理Land management土地规划学Land planning science土地管理学Land management土地经济学Land economic房地产管理Management of real estate房地产估价Appraisement of real estate固体废物的处理与处置Treatment & disposal wastes城市污泥的农业再循环与生态环境The agricultural recycling of municipal sludge and the ecological environment 大气污染控制工程Air pollution controlling engineering环境质量评价Environmental quality assessment环境化学Environmental chemistry水体污染控制工程Water pollution controlling engineering环境生态Environmental ecology土壤污染与防治Soil pollution环境保护概论Introduction of environmental protection农业环境保护概论Introduction of agricultural environmental protection无土栽培原理与技术Theories and techniques of soilless culture农业化学总论Introduction of agrochemistry作物施肥原理Principles of crop fertilization作物营养研究法Methodology of plant nutrition土壤物理学Soil physics土壤学Pedology环境土壤学Environmental pedology土壤化学Soil chemistry土壤粘粒矿物Mineral of soil clay fration土质学基础Basis of geology土壤地理学Soil geography区域土壤学Regional pedology土壤资源调查Soil resources survey茶树病虫害(病害部分) Tea disease and pest (disease section)植物检疫学Quarantine for pests植物病毒学Plant virology果树病理学Fruit tree pathology果蔬病害Fruit and vegetable diseases植物免疫学Plant immunology普通昆虫学General entomology真菌资源及利用Fungal resources and their utilization除草剂毒理学Toxicology of herbicides植物病害生物防治学Biological prevention and control of plant diseases害虫生物防治Biological control杀菌剂毒理学Toxicology of fungicides植物病害流行学Epidemiology of plant diseases农业螨类学Agricultural acarology害虫综合防治Integrated pest management生物统计学Biometrics城市昆虫学Civil entomology作物抗虫育种原理及应用Principle and application of resistant plant breeding 植物病原细菌学Plant bacteriology植物病理学Plant pathology真菌分类学Taxonomy of fungi植物线虫学Plant nematology农业植物病理学Agricultural phytopathology普通植物病理学General phytopathology果蔬昆虫学Fruit plant & vegetable entomology果蔬贮运病害Fruit and vegetable diseases during storage食用真菌学Edible fung林学院College of Forestry数理统计Mathematical statistics遗传学Genetics树木育种学Forest tree breeding树木育苗学Tree seeds and nursery stock science自然保护区学Science of nature reserve造林学Silviculture林业技术经济学Forestry technology economics森林经营学Forest management林业经济管理学Management of forestry economics林业政策与法规Policies and laws of forestry会计学原理Fundamentals of accounting树木病理学Forest pathology测树学Forest measuration测量学Surveying森林生态学Forest ecology森林土壤学Forest soil science森林经理学Forest management森林昆虫学Forest entomology树木学Dendrology机械设计基础Fundamentals of mechanical design厂内运输Equipment of transit in factory胶合板制造学The manufacturing of plywood木材加工企业管理Forest products management胶粘剂与涂料Adhesive and paint木材学Wood science木材干燥Timber drying木制品生产工艺学Tec manufacturing of wood products纤维板制造学Fiberboard manufacturing technology刨花板制造学The manufacturing of particleboard木材切削原理与刀具The principles of wood cutting and tools木工机械Wood machinery土壤学Soil science经济林育种学Economic forest breeding经济林昆虫学Economic forest entomology经济林病理学Economic forest pathology经济林栽培学Economic forest culture园林设计Parks and gardens design造型艺术Plastic art城市绿地规划City open spaces planning园林树木栽培养护学Garden tree cultivation园林树木学Ornamental dendrology园林专业绘画课Painting of landscape architecture城市规划基础Fundamentals of city planning城市园林绿化经济管理Economic management of urban landscape gardening 风景园林设计初步Elementary landscape architecture design园林植物病理学Ornamental plant pathology园林昆虫学Ornamental plant entomology园林史History of landscape architecture园林工程Landscape architectural engineering土壤学Soil science城市生态学Urban ecology森林保护学Forest protection。

“data base”这个词是在1960世纪初被使用的,然后被写作“data-base”,最近被写作“database”。

信息管理专业英语unit1-12单词以及句子翻译专业英语一、专业术语RFID射频识别IOT物联网Cloud Computing云计算ANN神经网络BI商业智能E-business /Web-business / e-commerce电子商务KM知识管理GIS地理信息系统PDA掌上电脑Bluetooth蓝牙技术CAD计算机辅助设计CMD计算机辅助制作branch manager部门经理binary format二进制格式USB(Universal Serial Bus)通用串行总线computer case计算机机箱temporary storage of information临时存储信息floppy disk软盘CD-ROM只读光盘textual源代码video card视频卡,显卡sound card音频卡,声卡DVD数字化视频光盘SISP战略信息系统计划Project Management项目管理Human Resources人力资源End-User Systems Development最终用户系统开发rolling business plans流动业务计划MIS(management information system)管理信息系统DB(database)数据库DBMS(database Management system)数据库管理系统DSS(decision support system)决策支持系统operational manager运营经理Senior manager 高级经理semi-structured decision半结构化决策ANS(Advanced Network&Service)高级网络及服务公司TPS(Transaction Processing systems)事务管理系统KWS(Knowledge Work Systems)只是工作系统GRASP绘制机器人技术应用软件包OAS(Office Automation Systems)办公自动化系统ESS(Executive Support Systems)经理支持系统EIS(Executive Information Systems)经理信息系统OLAP(on-line analytical processing)联机分析处理GIS(Group Information Systems)集群信息系统GDSS(Group Decision Support Systems)集群决策支持系统MIT(Management Information technology)管理信息技术RAD(rapid application development)快速应用开发Two-way communications 双工通讯client-server environment 客户服务环境Data warehouse 数据仓库logistics information systems 物流信息系统ERP(Enterprise resource planning)企业资源规划CRM(customer relationship Management)客户关系管理OOD(Object-Oriented design)面向对象设计OOP(Object0Oriented Programming)面向对象编程HLLs(High Level Languages)高级语言ADTs(Abstract Data Types)抽象数据类型Software Ics软件的组成单元machine code机器码op-code输出码EDI(Electronic Data interchange)电子数据交换SMEs(small and medium sized enterprises)中小企业B2B企业对企业电子商务B2C企业对用户电子商务CERT(Character Error Rate Tester)字符出错率测试器CIAS(Communication Link Analyzer System)通信链路分析系统IMS(Information Management System)管理信息系统NDMS(Netware Data Management System)网络数据管理系统二、翻译Unit 11. Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources.管理是组织目标通过计划、组织、领导、控制组织资源实现的有效方式。

水平有限,希望大家在浏览的同时帮忙校正,不甚感激……化学化工学院College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering化学工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technics材料化学Materials Chemistry高分子材料Multimolecular Materials环境工程Environmental Engineering化学Chemical应用化学Applied Chemical过程装备与控制工程Processing Units and Control Engineering新闻与传播学院College of Journalism and Communication新闻学Journalism广告学Advertising广播电视新闻学Radio and TV Journalism生命科学与技术学院College of Life Science and Technology生物工程Bioengineering生物技术Biotechnology生物科学Biological Science食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering数学与系统科学学院College of Mathematics and Systems Science数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics信息与计算科学Information and Computation Science资源与环境科学学院College of Resources and Environmental Science地理信息系统Geographic Information System资源环境与城乡规划管理Resources Environment and the Management of Urban and Rural Planning地理科学Geography生态学Ecology环境科学Environmental Science物理科学与技术学院College of Physical Science and Technology物理学Physics应用物理学Applied Physics信息科学与工程学院College of Information Science and Engineering电子信息科学与技术Sience and Technology of Electronic Information电子信息工程Electronic and Information Engineering通信工程Communication Engineering计算机科学与技术Computer Sience and Technology外国语学院College of Foreign Languages英语English俄语Russian日语Japanese人文学院College of Humanities文学Literature中国少数民族语言文学(维汉双语翻译)Chinese Minority Languages and Literatures (Uigur-Chinese Interpretation & Translation)中国少数民族语言文学(哈文学方向)Chinese Minority Linguistics & Literature (Kazakhstan Literature)中国少数民族语言文学(维文学方向)Chinese Minority Linguistics & Literature (Uigur Literature)中国少数民族语言文学(维现代文秘方向)Chinese Minority Linguistics & Literature (Uigur Modern Secretary)中国少数民族语言文学(维吾尔语言)Chinese Minority Linguistics & Literature(Uigur)汉语言文学(现代文秘方向)Chinese Linguistics & Literature (Modern Secretary)汉语言文学(文学方向)Chinese Linguistics & Literature (Literature)汉语言文学(影视文学方向)Chinese Linguistics & Literature (Television Literature)汉语言Chinese地质与勘察工程学院 College of Geosciences and Reconnaaissance Engineering资源勘察工程Resource Reconnaissance Engineering机械工程学院 College of Mechanical Engineering工业工程Industrial Engineering机械设计制造及其自动化 Mechanical Designing and Manufacturing Automation机械类Mechanical交通工程Traffic Engineering工业设计Industrial Designing电气工程学院College of Electrical Engineering电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and Automation电子信息工程Electronic Information Engineering热能与动力工程Heat Energy and Dynamical Engineering自动化Automation建筑工程学院College of Civil Engineering and Architecture工程管理Engineering Management城市规划Urban Planning建筑学Architecture土木工程(交通土建)Civil Engineering(Civil Traffic)建筑环境与设备工程 Architectural Environment Equipment Engineering土木工程(建筑工程方向)Civil Engineering(Architecture Engineering)艺术设计学院Colleage of Arts Design服装设计与工程(服装设计)Fashion Design and Engineering(Fashion Design) 艺术设计(装潢艺术设计)Arts Design (Decorative Painting Arts Design)艺术设计(电脑艺术设计)Arts Design (Computer Arts Design)软件学院College of Software计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology高等职业与技术学院College of Altitude V ocation and Technology汉语Chinese计算机网络技术Computer Network Technology旅游管理Tourism Management社区管理与服务Community Management and Services文秘Secretary英语English市场营销Marketing经济与管理学院College of Economic and Management工商管理Business Administration国际经济与贸易International economic and trade金融学Finance经济学Economics信息管理与信息系统Information Management and Information System市场营销Marketing法学院College of law法学Law Study政治与公共管理学院College of Politics and Public Management行政管理Administration公共管理Public Management社会工作Social Work社会学Sociology政治学Political Science旅游学院College of Tourism旅游管理Tourism Management。

信息管理专业英语第⼆版参考答案Unit 1【Ex1.】根据课⽂容,回答以下问题。
1.In human terms and in the broadest sense, information is anything that you are capable of perceiving.2.It includes written communications, spoken communications, photographs, art, music, and nearly anything that is perceptible.3.If we consider information in the sense of all stimuli as information, then we can’t really find organization in all cases. 4.No.5.Traditionally, in libraries, information was contained in books, periodicals, newspapers, and other types of recorded media. People access it through a library’s catalog and with the assistance of indexes, in the case of periodical and newspaper articles.6.Computerized “information systems”.7.The problem for most researchers is that they have yet to discover the organizing principles that are designed to help them find the information they need.8.For library materials, the organizing principle is a detailed subject classification system available for searching in an online “catalog”.9.The one thing common to all of these access systems is organization.10.No, it isn’t.【Ex2.】根据给出的汉语词义和规定的词类写出相应的英语单词。

信息管理与信息系统专业英语Information Management and Information Systems is a field that focuses on the use of technology and systems to manage and organize information. This includes the design, implementation, and management of information systems, databases, and other information resources. Students in this major learn about a variety of subjects including information technology, computer science, management, and organizational behavior. They also develop skillsin areas such as data analysis, programming, and project management. Graduates from this program can pursue careers as database administrators, IT consultants, systems analysts, and information managers in a variety of industries such as healthcare, finance, and government. This field is constantly evolving with the development of new technologies, making it an exciting and dynamic area of study.中文翻译:信息管理与信息系统是一个专注于利用技术和系统来管理和组织信息的领域。

法学 Law Study英语 English日语 Japanese信息与计算科学 Information and Computation Science应用物理学 Applied Physics冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering金属材料工程 Metallic Materials Engineering无机非金属材料 Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials材料成型及控制工程 Material Formation and controlEngineering高分子材料与工程 Multimolecular Materials and Engineering工业设计 Industrial Disign建筑学 Architecture城市规划 City Planning艺术设计 Artistical Disign包装工程 Packaging Engineering机械设计制造及自动化Machine Disign,Manufacturing,and Automation热能与动力工程 Thermal and Power Engineering水利水电工程 WaterConservance and Electro-power Engineering测控技术与仪器 Technique and Instrumentation of Measurements电气工程及其自动化 Electric Engineering and its Automation自动化 Automation通信工程 Communication Engineering电子信息科学与技术 Sience and Technology of Electronic Information 计算机科学与技术 Computer Sience and Technology土木工程 Civil Engineering工程管理 Project Management给水排水工程 Water Supply and Sewage Engineering建筑环境与设备工程 Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering 过程装备与控制工程 Processing Units and Control Engineering环境工程 Environmental Engineering化学工程与工艺 Chemacal Engineering and Technology安全工程 Safty Engineering工商管理 Industrial and Commercial Management市场营销 Market Management and Sales会计学 Accounting旅游管理 Tourism Management信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and System金融学 Finance国际经济与贸易 International Economy and Trade食品科学与工程 Food Sience and Engineering生物工程 Biological Engineering纺织工程 Textile Engineering建筑环境与设备工程、Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering 过程装备与控制工程、Processing Units and Control Engineering现代家政学、 Modern Domestic Science运动训练科学系、 Sports Train Science食品营养与检测、 Food Nutrition and Detect国际新闻、 International News体育健康教育系 Sports Health Education哲学 Philosophy马克思主义哲学 Philosophy of Marxism中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy外国哲学 Foreign Philosophies逻辑学 Logic伦理学 Ethics美学 Aesthetics宗教学 Science of Religion科学技术哲学 Philosophy of Science and Technology经济学 Economics理论经济学 Theoretical Economics政治经济学 Political Economy经济思想史 History of Economic Thought经济史 History of Economic西方经济学 Western Economics世界经济 World Economics人口、资源与环境经济学 Population, Resources and Environmental Economics应用经济学 Applied Economics国民经济学 National Economics区域经济学 Regional Economics财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation)金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)产业经济学 Industrial Economics国际贸易学 International Trade劳动经济学 Labor Economics统计学 Statistics数量经济学 Quantitative Economics中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称国防经济学 National Defense Economics法学 Law法学 Science of Law法学理论 Jurisprudence法律史 Legal History宪法学与行政法学 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学 Criminal Jurisprudence民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law )诉讼法学 Science of Procedure Laws经济法学 Science of Economic Law环境与资源保护法学 Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)军事法学 Science of Military Law政治学 Political Science政治学理论 Political Theory中外政治制度 Chinese and Foreign Political Institution科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动 Scientific Socialism and InternationalCommunist Movement中*史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building) 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics国际政治学 International Politics国际关系学 International Relations外交学 Diplomacy社会学 Sociology社会学 Sociology人口学 Demography人类学 Anthropology民俗学(含中国民间文学) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)民族学 Ethnology民族学 Ethnology马克思主义民族理论与政策 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy 中国少数民族经济 Chinese Ethnic Economics中国少数民族史 Chinese Ethnic History中国少数民族艺术 Chinese Ethnic Art教育学 Education教育学 Education Science教育学原理 Educational Principle课程与教学论 Curriculum and Teaching Methodology教育史 History of Education比较教育学 Comparative Education学前教育学 Pre-school Education高等教育学 Higher Education成人教育学 Adult Education职业技术教育学 Vocational and Technical Education特殊教育学 Special Education教育技术学 Education Technology心理学 Psychology基础心理学 Basic Psychology发展与心理学 Developmental and Educational Psychology应用心理学 Applied Psychology体育学 Science of Physical Culture and Sports体育人文社会学 Humane and Sociological Science of Sports 运动人体科学 Human Movement Science体育教育训练学 Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training民族传统体育学 Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports文学 Literature中国语言文学 Chinese Literature文艺学 Theory of Literature and Art语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics汉语言文字学 Chinese Philology中国古典文献学 Study of Chinese Classical Text中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literature中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 中国少数民族语言文学 Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature and World Literature外国语言文学 Foreign Languages and Literatures英语语言文学 English Language and Literature俄语语言文学 Russian Language and Literature法语语言文学 French Language and Literature德语语言文学 German Language and Literature日语语言文学 Japanese Language and Literature印度语言文学 Indian Language and Literature西班牙语语言文学 Spanish Language and Literature阿拉伯语语言文学 Arabic Language and Literature欧洲语言文学 European Language and Literature亚非语言文学 Asian-African Language and Literature外国语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages新闻传播学 Journalism and Communication新闻学 Journalism传播学 Communication艺术学 Art艺术学 Art Theory音乐学 Music美术学 Fine Arts设计艺术学 Artistic Design戏剧戏曲学 Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera电影学 Film广播电视艺术学 Radio and television Art舞蹈学 Dance历史学 History历史学 History史学理论及史学史 Historical Theories and History of Historical Science考古学及博物馆学 Archaeology and Museology历史地理学 Historical Geography历史文献学(含敦煌学、古文字学) Studies of Historical Literature (includingPaleography and Studies of Dunhuang)专门史 History of Particular Subjects中国古代史 Ancient Chinese History中国近现代史 Modern and Contemporary Chinese History世界史 World History理学 Natural Science数学 Mathematics基础数学 Fundamental Mathematics计算数学 Computational Mathematics概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 应用数学 Applied mathematics运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics物理学 Physics理论物理 Theoretical Physics粒子物理与原子核物理 Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics原子与分子物理 Atomic and Molecular Physics等离子体物理 Plasma Physics凝聚态物理 Condensed Matter Physics声学 Acoustics光学 Optics无线电物理 Radio Physics化学 Chemistry无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry分析化学 Analytical Chemistry有机化学 Organic Chemistry物理化学(含化学物理) Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics)高分子化学与物理 Chemistry and Physics of Polymers天文学 Astronomy天体物理 Astrophysics天体测量与天体力学 Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics地理学 Geography自然地理学 Physical Geography人文地理学 Human Geography地图学与地理信息系统 Cartography and Geography Information System大气科学 Atmospheric Sciences气象学 Meteorology大气物理学与大气环境 Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment海洋科学 Marine Sciences物理海洋学 Physical Oceanography海洋化学 Marine Chemistry海洋生理学 Marine Biology海洋地质学 Marine Geology地球物理学 Geophysics固体地球物理学 Solid Earth Physics空间物理学 Space Physics地质学 Geology矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology地球化学 Geochemistry古生物学与地层学(含古人类学) Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including Paleoanthropology)构造地质学 Structural Geology第四纪地质学 Quaternary Geology生物学 Biology植物学 Botany动物学 Zoology生理学 Physiology水生生物学 Hydrobiology微生物学 Microbiology神经生物学 Neurobiology遗传学 Genetics发育生物学 Developmental Biology细胞生物学 Cell Biology生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 生物物理学 Biophysics生态学 Ecology系统科学 Systems Science系统理论 Systems Theory系统分析与集成 Systems Analysis and Integration科学技术史 History of Science and Technology工学 Engineering力学 Mechanics一般力学与力学基础 General and Fundamental Mechanics固体力学 Solid Mechanics流体力学 Fluid Mechanics工程力学 Engineering Mechanics机械工程 Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化 Mechanical Manufacture and Automation 机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering机械设计与理论 Mechanical Design and Theory车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering光学工程 Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术 Instrument Science and Technology精密仪器及机械 Precision Instrument and Machinery测试计量技术及仪器 Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学 Materials Physics and Chemistry材料学 Materialogy材料加工工程 Materials Processing Engineering冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金 Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金 Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics工程热物理 Engineering Thermophysics热能工程 Thermal Power Engineering动力机械及工程 Power Machinery and Engineering流体机械及工程 Fluid Machinery and Engineering制冷及低温工程 Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering化工过程机械 Chemical Process Equipment电气工程 Electrical Engineering电机与电器 Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化 Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术 High Voltage and Insulation Technology 电力电子与电力传动 Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and Technology物理电子学 Physical Electronics电路与系统 Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学 Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics电磁场与微波技术 Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology信息与通信工程 Information and Communication Engineering 通信与信息系统 Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理 Signal and Information Processing控制科学与工程 Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置 Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程 Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统 Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制 Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论 Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构 Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术 Computer Applied Technology建筑学 Architecture建筑历史与理论 Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论 Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计) Urban Planning and Design (including Landscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学 Building Technology Science土木工程 Civil Engineering岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering结构工程 Structural Engineering市政工程 Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程 Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源 Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学 Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程 Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程 Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程 Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering 测绘科学与技术 Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程 Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程 Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程 Chemical Engineering化学工艺 Chemical Technology生物化工 Biochemical Engineering应用化学 Applied Chemistry工业催化 Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程 Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探 Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration 地球探测与信息技术 Geodetection and Information Technology 地质工程 Geological Engineering矿业工程 Mineral Engineering采矿工程 Mining Engineering矿物加工工程 Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程 Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程 Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程 Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程 Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程 Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering 纺织科学与工程 Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程 Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计 Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程 Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程 Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程 The Light Industry Technology and Engineering 制浆造纸工程 Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程 Sugar Engineering发酵工程 Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程 Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程 Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程 Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制 Traffic Information Engineering & Control 交通运输规划与管理 Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程 Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程 Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造 Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure轮机工程 Marine Engine Engineering水声工程 Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术 Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计 Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程 Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程 Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程 Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering兵器科学与技术 Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程 Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering 兵器发射理论与技术 Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程 Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition Engineering军事化学与烟火技术 Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术 Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程 Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用 Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护 Radiation and Environmental Protection农业工程 Agricultural Engineering农业机械化工程 Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程 Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程 Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering农业电气化与自动化 Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程 Forestry Engineering森林工程 Forest Engineering木材科学与技术 Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程 Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程 Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学 Environmental Science环境工程 Environmental Engineering生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering食品科学 Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products农学 Agriculture作物学 Crop Science作物栽培学与耕作学 Crop Cultivation and Farming System作物遗传育种学 Crop Genetics and Breeding园艺学 Horticulture果树学 Pomology蔬菜学 Olericulture茶学 Tea Science农业资源利用学 Utilization Science of Agricultural Resources 土壤学 Soil Science植物营养学 Plant Nutrition植物保护学 Plant Protection植物病理学 Plant Pathology农业昆虫与害虫防治 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control 农药学 Pesticide Science畜牧学 Animal Science动物遗传育种与繁殖 Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction Science动物营养与饲料科学 Animal Nutrition and Feed Science草业科学 Practaculture Science特种经济动物饲养学(含蚕、蜂等) The Rearing of Special-type EconomicAnimals (including Silkworm, Honeybees, etc.)兽医学 Veterinary Medicine基础兽医学 Basic Veterinary Medicine预防兽医学 Preventive Veterinary Medicine临床兽医学 Clinical Veterinary Medicine林学 Forestry林木遗传育种学 Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding森林培育学 Silviculture森林保护学 Forest Protection森林经理学 Forest Management野生动植物保护与利用 Wildlife Conservation and Utilization 园林植物与观赏园艺 Ornamental Plants and Horticulture水土保持与荒漠化防治 Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating水产学 Fisheries Science水产养殖学 Aquaculture Science捕捞学 Fishing Science渔业资源学 Science of Fisheries Resources医学 Medicine基础医学 Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学 Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology 免疫学 Immunology病原生物学 Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学 Pathology and Pathophysiology法医学 Forensic Medicine放射医学 Radiation Medicine航空航天与航海医学 Aerospace and Nautical medicine临床医学 Clinical Medicine内科学(含心血管病学、血液病学、呼吸系病学、消化系病学、内分泌与代谢病学、肾脏病学、风湿病学、传染病学) Internal medicine (including Cardiology, Hematology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nephrology, Rheuma-tology, Infectious Diseases)儿科学 Pediatrics老年医学 Geriatrics神经病学 Neurology精神病与精神卫生学 Psychiatry and Mental Health皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology影像医学与核医学 Imaging and Nuclear Medicine临床检验诊断学 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics护理学 Nursing外科学(含普通外科学、骨外科学、泌尿外科学、胸心血管外科学、神经外科学、整形外科学、烧伤外科学、野战外科学) Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Surgery, Field Surgery)妇产科学 Obstetrics and Gynecology眼科学 Ophthalmic Specialty耳鼻咽喉科学 Otolaryngology肿瘤学 Oncology康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy 运动医学 Sports Medicine麻醉学 Anesthesiology急诊医学 Emergency Medicine口腔医学 Stomatology口腔基础医学 Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学 Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine 流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Health Statistics劳动卫生与环境卫生学 Occupational and Environmental Health 营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene儿少卫生与妇幼保健学 Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health 卫生毒理学 Hygiene Toxicology军事预防医学 Military Preventive Medicine中医学 Chinese Medicine中医基础理论 Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础 Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献 History and Literature of Chinese Medicine方剂学 Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学 Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学 Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学 Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学 Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学 Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学 Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学 Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学 Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学 Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学 Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学 Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine药学 Pharmaceutical Science药物化学 Medicinal Chemistry药剂学 Pharmaceutics生药学 Pharmacognosy药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学 Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy药理学 Pharmacology中药学 Science of Chinese Pharmacology军事学 Military Science军事思想学及军事历史学 Military Thought and Military History 军事思想学 Military Thought军事历史学 Military History战略学 Science of Strategy军事战略学 Military Strategy战争动员学 War Mobilization战役学 Science of Operations联合战役学 Joint Operation军种战役学(含第二炮兵战役学) Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Missile Force)战术学 Science of Tactics合同战术学 Combined-Arms Tactics兵种战术学 Branch Tactics军队指挥学 Science of Command作战指挥学 Combat Command军事运筹学 Military Operation Research军事通信学 Military Communication军事情报学 Military Intelligence密码学 Cryptography军事教育训练学(含军事体育学) Military Education and Training (including Military Physical Training)军制学 Science of Military System军事组织编制学 Military Organizational System军队管理学 Military Management军队政治工作学 Science of Military Political Work军事后勤学与军事装备学 Science of Military Logistics and Military Equipment军事后勤学 Military Logistics后方专业勤务 Rear Special Service军事装备学 Military Equipment管理学 Management Science管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering工商管理学 Science of Business Administration会计学 Accounting企业管理学(含财务管理、市场营销学、人力资源管理学) Corporate Management (including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)旅游管理学 Tourist Management技术经济及管理学 Technology Economy and Management农林经济管理学 Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management农业经济管理学 Agricultural Economics & Management林业经济管理学 Forestry Economics & Management公共管理学 Science of Public Management行政管理学 Administration Management社会医学与卫生事业管理学 Social Medicine and Health Management教育经济与管理学 Educational Economy and Management社会保障学 Social Security土地资源管理学 Land Resource Management图书馆、情报与档案学 Science of Library, Information and Archival图书馆学 Library Science情报学 Information Science档案学 Archival Science(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。

广东商学院各院及其专业(中英文翻译)(GUANG DONG UNIVERSITY OF BUSINESS STUDIES)一、工商管理学院:The College of Business Administration1、物流管理:Logistics Management2、人力资源:Human Resources3、市场营销专业:Marketing Program4、工商管理专业:Business Administration Program二、会计学院: the College of Accounting1、审计学:Auditing2、会计学专业:Accounting Professional3、财务管理专业: Financial Management Major4、审计学(注册会计师)Auditing(Certified Public Accountant (CPA))三、财税学院:the College of Taxation1、财政学:Public Finance2、税务:Financial Affairs3、资产评估专业:MSc Property Appraisal and Management四、公共管理学院:School of Public Administration1、行政管理专业:General Administration Program2、劳动与社会保障:Labor and Social Security3、文化产业管理: Culture Industry Management4、公共事业管理(城市管理):City Management五、金融学院:College of Finance1、金融学:Finance2、国际金融:International Finance3、金融工程:Financial Engineering4、保险:Insurance5、投资学:Investment Principles六、经济贸易与统计学院:the College of Economic and Statistics1、经济学:Economics2、国际经济与贸易:International Economics And Trade3、统计学:Statistics4、国际商务:International Business七、法学院:The College of Law1、法学(国际法):The International Law2、法学(民商法):Civil and Commercial Law3、法学:Science of Law4、治安学:Science of Public Order八、旅游学院:College of Tourism1、酒店管理:Hotel Management2、旅游管理:Tourism Management3、会展经济与管理:Exhibition Economy and Management九、资源与环境学院:College of Resource and Environment1、土地资源管理:Land Resources Management2、资源环境与城乡规划管理:Resources-Environment and Urban-Rural Planning Management3、房地产经营管理:Administration and Management of Real Estate十、外国语学院:College of Foreign Language1、英语(国际商务管理):International Business Management2、英语(国际商务翻译):International Business English Translation3、日语(国际商务管理):nternational Business Management十一、人文与传播学院: College of Humanities and Communications1、汉语言文学:Chinese Language and Literature2、新闻学:Advocacy Journalism3、新闻学(编辑出版方向)News Editing4、社会工作:Social work5、社会学:Sociology6、播音与主持艺术:Techniques of Broadcasting and Anchoring7、广播电视编导:Radio and Television Editing and Directing十二、艺术学院:Academy of Fine Arts1、广告学(广告策划与经营管理方向):Advertisement2、艺术设计(广告设计方向):Art and Design(Advertising Design)3、艺术设计(玩具与游戏设计方向):Art and Design4、艺术设计(商业空间设计方向):Commercial Space Design5、艺术设计(展示设计):Display Design6、动画专业:Science of Animated Cartoon Program十三、信息学院:College of Information1、信息管理与信息系统:Information Management and Information System2、计算机科学与技术:Computer Science and Technology3、电子商务:Electronic Commerce4、软件工程:Software Engineering十四、数学与计算科学学院:Collegeof Mathematics and Computer Science1、信息与计算科学:Information and Computing Science2、数学与应用数学:Mathematics and Applied Mathematics十五、人文与传播学院:College of Humanities and Communications1、应用心理学: Applied Psychology2、商务文秘:Business secretary3、对外汉语:Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language。

各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理)生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 V eterinary Sciences生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学 Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing力学专业数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 高等代数与几何 Advanced Algebra and Geometry 常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation 数学物理方法 Methods in Mathematical Physics 计算方法 Numerical Methods 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics材料力学 Mechanics of Materials 弹性力学 Elasticity流体力学 Fluid Mechanics 力学实验 Experiments in Solid Mechanics机械制图 Machining Drawing 力学概论 Introduction to Mechanics气体力学 Gas Dynamics 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 弹性板理论 Theory of Elastic Plates 粘性流体力学 V iscous Fluid Flow弹性力学变分原理 V ariational Principles inElasticity 有限元法 Finite Element Method 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity经典力学中的数学方法 Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics机器人动力学 Dynamics of Robots 自动控制原理 Principles of Automatic Control 优化计算与最化控制 Optimization and OptimalControl计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 概率与统计 Probability and Statistics专业英语 English for Mechanics 振动理论 Theory of V ibration程序设计方法(C和FORTRAN) Programming in C & FORTRAN水动力学 Hydrodynamics 计算机图象处理 Image Processing光测力学 Photo Mechanics 断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics高等动力学 Advanced Dynamics 摄动方法 Perturbation Methods机械设计与Auto CAD Machinery Designing and AutoCAD信息显示(可视化) V isualization微机原理 Principles of Personal Computer 复变函数 Complex Function企业管理专业管理学 Principles of Management 微观经济学 Microeconomics宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 产业经济学 Industrial Economics 财务管理 Financial Management项目评估 Projects Appraisal 战略管理 Strategic Management管理沟通 Management Negotiation 国际商务谈判 Negotiation on Business Affairs跨国公司专题研究 Special Researchof multinational corporation国际贸易 InternationalTrade 国际营销研究 International Marketing Research公司组织与管理 Organization and Managementof Corporate战略管理 Strategic Management 生产管理研究 Operation Management企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 组织行为学 Organizational Behavior运筹学 Operational Research 人力资源管理 Human Resource Management信息管理专业高等数学 Higher Mathematics 信息存储与检索 Information Retrieval andStorage数据库系统 Database 信息服务与用户 information Service and UserStudy 信息管理概论 Introduction to InformationManagement信息经济学 Information Economics 企业信息化工程 Enterprise Informationalization社会实践 Practical Work 信息分析与决策Information Analysis andPolicy Making 管理学原理 Principles of Management 信息政策与法规 Information Policy and Law信息组织 Information Organization 计算机网络 Computer Networks管理信息系统 Management Information System 线性代数 Linear Algebra决策分析 Policy Making 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics概率统计 Statistics and ProbabilityTheory 生产与运作管理 Production Management 电子商务 Electronic Commerce 信息系统安全与保密 Information System Security 政府信息化工程 Government Informationalization广告实务 Practice of Advertisement 多媒体技术 Multimedia操作系统 Operating System 信息科学基础 Foundations of InformationScience 经济信息管理 Economic Information Management 专业英语 Specialty English微机基础 Principles of Microcomputers 文献计量学 Bibliometrics电子出版技术 Electronic Publishing 广告概论 Introduction to Advertisement信息环境论 Information Environments 传播学原理 Principles of CommunicationTheory 知识产权法学 Law of Intelligence Property 组织行为学 Studies of Organization货币银行学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 管理信息系统 System of Management Information 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 运筹学 Operational Research策略管理 Strategic Management 保险学 Insurance银行会计 Bank Accounting 管理会计 Managerial Accounting运筹学 Operational Research 国际贸易 International Trade财务管理 Financial Management 国际金融 International Finance租赁与信托 Hiring and Affiancing 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment商业银行实务 Practice of Business Bank 国际结算 International Balance项目评估 Projects Appraisal 金融市场学 Financial Marketing人力资源管理 Human Resource Management财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinancialManagement物理专业热学 Thermodynamics 力学 Mechanics光学 Optics 电磁学 Electromagnetism计算概论 Computing Generality 普通物理实验 General Physics Laboratory固体磁性及应用基础 Magnetism of the Solid Stateand its Application衍射物理(固体结构分析) Diffraction Physics (Structureof Solid Analysis)科研实用软件 Utility Software for ScientificResearch计算机模拟方法 Computer Simulation Methods激光原理、技术与应用 The Principle, Techniqueand Application of Laser材料物理 Materials Physics 近代光学和光电子学 Modern Optics and Optoelectronics 现代固体物理 Modern Solid State Physics 粒子物理 Particle Physics物理宇宙学基础 Elements of Cosmology Physics 固体物理 Solid State Physics原子物理 Atomic Physics 量子力学 Quantum Mechanics理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 电动力学 Electrodynamics普通物理综合实验 Synthetical Experiments ofGeneral Physics市场营销学专业营销管理 Marketing Management 公共关系 Public Relationship国际贸易 International Trade 消费者行为 Consumer Behavior管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 营销调研 Marketing Research推销学 Sales Strategies 国际金融 International Finance营销预测与规划 Marketing Forecasting andPlanning销售渠道管理 ales Channels Management 管理学 Principles of Management国际市场营销 International Marketing 商业谈判 Business Negotiation广告管理 Advertising Management 营销案例分析 Case Studies of Marketing国际贸易实务 Practice of InternationalTrade 服务业营销 Service Industry Marketing企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 新产品开发 New Products Development财务学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment 财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance保险学 Insurance 财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinanceManagement 国际财务管理 International Financial Management 资产评估 Assets Appraisal项目评估 Projects Appraisal 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics财务管理 Financial Management 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 运筹学 Operational Research 策略管理 Strategic Management管理会计 Managerial Accounting 微观经济学 Microeconomics管理学 Principles of Management 微积分 Calculus统计学 Principles of Statistics会计专业会计学 Accounting Principles 成本会计 Cost Accounting管理会计 Managerial Accounting 审计学 Auditing Principles会计信息系统 Accounting Information Systems 投资学 Investment Principles财务管理 Financial Management 货币银行学 Money and Banking财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance国际会计 International Accounting 统计学 Principle of Stat财税法规与税务会计 Laws and Regulations of Financeand Taxes预算会计 Budget Accounting 会计研究方法 Accounting Research Methods 内部审计与政府审计 Internal Auditing and GovernmentAuditing会计审计实务 Accounting and Auditing Practice 经济计量学 Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任 Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities国际会计专题 International AccountingSpecial Subject 微观经济学 Microeconomics。

电脑与信息技术英语翻译常用专业词汇AAAIMS(An Analytical Information Management System)分析信息管理系统Abacus 算盘Access security 存取安全Access time 存取时间Active 有源的Ada programming language Ada 程序设计语言Adapter 适配器Adapter card 转接卡Add-on 外接式附件Address 地址ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) 非对称数字客户线路After-image record 残留影像记录Algorithm 算法Alpha testing ɑ测试3Alteration switch 变换开关ALU(Arithmetic/Logic Unit)运算器Amplitude 幅度Analog data 模拟数据Analog cellular 模拟移动电话Analog signal 模拟信号Analysis block 分析块Animation 动画制作ANSL(American National Standards Label)美国国家标准标号Answerback memory 应答存储器Anti-noise coding 反噪声编码Antivirus software 反病毒软件APL(A Programming Language) APL 语言Application development cycle 应用开发周期Application program 应用程序4Application software 应用软件Arithmetic operation 算术运算ARP(Automatic Receive Program)自动同意程序Artificial network 仿真网络ASCII(American standard Code for Information Interchange)美国信息交换用标准代码Assembler 汇编程序Assembly language 汇编语言Asynchronous 异步的Asynchronous transmission 异步传输ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode) 异步传输模式ATM(Automated Teller Machine)自动出纳机Attribute 属性Auctions on the web 网上拍卖Audio board 声板5Audio file 声音文件Audio input device 声音输入装置Audio-player 播放Audit program 审查程序Auditing system 审查系统Authoring system 写作系统6BBackbone system 主干系统Backup file 备份文件Backward compatibility 反向兼容性Backward recovery 向后恢复Band printer 带式打印机Bandwidth 带宽Bandwidth limitation 带宽限制Bar code 条形码Bar-code reader 条形码读出器Basic exchange format 基本交换格式BASIC programming language BASIC 程序设计语言Batch processing 批处理Beeper 传呼机7Be ta testing β测试Binary digit 二进制数字Binary file 二进制文件Binary number system 二进制数字系统Binary system 二进制BIOS(Basic Input/Output System)基本输入/输出系统Bit 量,位Bit(binary digit)位,二进制位,比特Bit-mapped display screen 位映像显示器Block check 块检验Blocking software 封锁软件Bookmark 书签Bootleg version 盗版BPS(Business Professional System) 商业专用系统Bridge 网桥8Broadcast image 广播图象Browser 浏览程序Building blocks 组件Built-in function 内部功能Bus 总线Bus network 总线网络Bus slot 总线槽Business terminal equipment 商务终端设备Button 按扭Byte 字节,位组9CC programming language C 程序设计语言C++ programming language C++程序设计语言Cable length 电缆长度Cable modem 电缆调制解调器Cache memory 超高速缓冲存储器CAD(Computer-Aided Design) 计算机辅助设计CADD(Compute-Aided Design and Drafting) 计算机辅助设计与制图Call-back system 回叫系统CAM(Computer-Aided Manufacturing) 计算机辅助生产Capacity 容量Carrier wave 载波Cartridge tape 盒式磁带CASE(Computer-Aided Software Engineering) 计算机辅助软件工程10CBT(Computer-Based Training) 利用计算机的训练CCD(Charge Coupled Device)电荷藕合器件CD writer 刻录机CDC(Code-Directing Character) 代码引导字符CDP(Certified Data Processor)合格数据处理程序Cell 单元,细胞,信元Cell address 单元地址Cell pointer 单元指示器CEO(Chip Enable Output) 芯片启动输出CERT(Character Error Rate Tester) 字符出错率测试程序Chain printer 链式打印机Channel command 通道命令Character 字符Character-recognition 字符识别Chat room 聊天室11Check bit 校验位,检验位Child record 子记录Chip 芯片,晶片Circuit switching 电路转接,线路交换CIS(Communication Information System) 通信信息(情报)系统Clear entry 消除输入Click 点击Client 客户,委托程序,委托进程,客户机Client-server 客户服务器Clipboard 剪贴板Clouds 云Cluster 簇,束,线束,群集Coaxial tree network 同轴树状网络COBOL programming language COBOL 程序设计语言Coding 编码,编程序12Collision 冲突Color display screen 彩色显示屏Communication 通信Communication parties 传输单元Communications channel 通信信道Communications controller 通信操纵器Communications hardware 通信硬件Communications network 通信网络Communications satellites 通信卫星Communications server 通信服务器Communications service 通信业务Communications software 通信软件Communications technology 通信技术Compatibility 兼容性,一致性,互换性Compiler 编译程序13Component 分量,成分,元件,组件,部件Compression 压缩Computer 计算机Computer-based information system 计算机信息系统Computer crime 计算机犯罪Computer industry 计算机行业Computer literacy 计算机扫盲Computer online service 计算机联机服务Computer professional 计算机专业人员Computer programmer 计算机程序设计员Concentration 集中Concentrator 集中器,集线器Concurrent-use license 并行使用许可证Connection 连接Connectivity 连通性,连接性14Connectivity diagram 连通图表Contact 接触点Control structure 操纵结构Control unit 操纵器,操纵部件Controller card 操纵器插件Coprocessor 协同处理程序,协同处理机Copy command 复制命令Copyright 版权Copyright protection 版权保护Counterfeit software 盗版软件Courseware 课件CPU(Central Processing Unit) 中央处理机Cracker 黑客CRT(Cathode Ray Tube) 阴极射线管CTS(Clear To Send) 清除发送15Cursor 光标Cursor-movement key 光标移动键Custom software 客户软件Cut command 剪切命令Cyberculture 计算机文化,操纵论优化Cybernation 计算机操纵化16DDaisy chain 菊链DAT(Data Acquisition Test) 数据采集测试Data access method 数据存取法Data acquisition 数据采集Data compression 数据压缩Data dictionary 数据字典Data file 数据文件Data flow diagram 数据流程图Data integrity 数据完整性Data manipulation language 数据操纵语言Data mining 数据开采Data recovery 数据恢复Data redundancy 数据冗余Data storage hierarchy 数据存储层次17Data transmission 数据传输Data transmission factor 数据传输系数Data warehouse 数据仓库Database 数据库Database server 数据库服务器Database software 数据库软件DBA(Data Base Administrator) 数据库管理程序DBMS(Data Base Management System) 数据库管理系统Debugging 调试Decision making system 判定系统,决策系统Decision table 判定表Dedicated computer 专用计算机Default value 缺省值,系统设定值Delete 删除Democratic network 共同操纵网络18Design 设计Desk checking 桌面检验Desktop accessory 桌面附件Desktop publication system 桌面出版系统Developing information system 信息开发系统Dialog box 对话框Dial-up connection 拨号上网Dial-up Internet communication 拨号网间通信Digital 数码的Digital camera 数码照相机Digital cellular phone 数字移动电话Digital signal 数字信号Digital signal processor 数字信号处理器Digital signature 数字签名Digitized speech 数字化语音19DIMS(Data Information and Manufacturing system) 数据信息与制造系统Direct access storage 直接存取存储器,直接访问存储器Direct file organization 直接文件组织Direct implementation 直接实现Direct synchronous multiplexing 直接同步复用Directory 目录,号码表Disk 磁盘Disk drive 磁盘驱动器Diskette 软磁盘,软盘Display 显示Display screen 显示屏幕Disrupt 使混乱,破坏,分裂,瓦解Distance learning 远程学习Distributed database 分布式数据库Disturbance 干扰20DM(Data Memory) 数据存储器DNS(Domain Naming System) 域命名系统Document 文件,资料,文献,文卷Document file 资料文件Documentation 文件编制,资料,文档DOS(Disk Operating System) 磁盘操作系统Dot 点Dot-matrix printer 点阵打印机Download 下载Downsizing 规模缩小化Downward compatibility 向下兼容性Draft-quality 粗劣的印刷质量,草稿字体印刷质量DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory) 动态随机存取存储器Drawing program 绘图程序Driver 驱动器21Drum printer 鼓式打印机Drum scanner 鼓形扫描器DSS(Decision Support System) 决策支援系统DTP(Data Transmission Protocol) 数据传送协议Dumb terminal 哑终端,简易终端DVP(Data Validation Program) 数据验证程序Dynamic linking 动态链接22EEBCDIC(Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange) 扩充的二-十进制交换码E-cash 电子货币E-commerce 电子商务EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) 电子数据交换EEPROM(Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory) 电可擦只读存储器EIC(External Interface Control) 外部借口操纵EIS(External Interrupt Support) 外部中断支援Electroluminescent display 电致发光显示屏Electromagnetic spectrum 电磁光谱Electronic conference 电子会议Electronic image 电子图象Electronic network 电子网络23Electronic secretary 电子秘书Electronic ticketing machine 电子售票机Electronic tutor 电子教学装置Electrostatic plotter 静电绘图机Elementary field 基本字段ELF(Extensible Language Facility) 可扩充的语言功能E-mail 电子邮件Embedded computer 嵌入式计算机Emulation 仿真,仿效Encapsulation 封闭,封装,密封Encryption 加密,编密码End-to-end delay 端到端的时延End-to-end digital connectivity 端到端的数字连接End-user 终端用户ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) 电子数字积分24器与计算器Enter key 输入键EPL(Encoder Programming Language) 编码器程序设计语言EPROM(Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) 可擦可编程只读存储器EPSS(Error Processing Sub-system) 错误处理子系统Ergonomics 人类工程学Error correction 纠错法ESS(Electronic Switching System) 电子交换系统Evaluation system 评价系统Even parity 偶数奇偶校验Exchange service 交换业务Executable 可执行文件Execution cycle 执行周期Execution program 执行程序Expansion bus 扩展总线25Expansion card 扩充插件卡Expansion slot 扩展槽Expert system 专家系统External hard disk drive 外部硬盘驱动器External modem 外部调制解调器26FFAT(File Allocation Table) 文件分配表Fault freedom 容错性能Fault tolerant system 容错系统Fax 传真Fax machine 传真机FCB(File Control Block) 文件操纵块Feasibility study 可行性研究,可能性研究FEC(Forward Error Correction) 向前纠错Fiber-optic cable 光缆Field 字段,场,域Field protect 字段保护Fifth-generation programming language 第五代程序设计语言File 文件27File extension 文件扩充File management system 文件管理系统File name 文件名File server 文件服务程序File virus 文件病毒Filter 过滤,滤波Financial planning system 财务规划系统Find command 查找命令Finder 寻找程序,定位程序,录像器Fingerprint security system 指纹安全系统Firewall 防火墙Firmware 固件Fixed disk drive 固定磁盘驱动器Flatbed plotter 平板绘图仪Flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪28Flat-panel display 平面显示器Flat-panel technique 平面技术Flexible telecommunication networking 灵活的通信联网Floppy disk 软磁盘FLOPS(Floating-point Operations Per Second) 每秒浮点运算次数Flowchart 流程图Font 字型,字体Format selection 格式选择Formatting 格式化,格式编排Formula 公式FORTH programming language FORTH 程序设计语言Forward recovery 正向恢复Fourth-generation programming language 第四代程序设计语言Fragmenting 分割29Frame grabber 帧同意器,帧捕获器Free ware 免费软件Frequency 频率Front-end processor 前端处理机FTP(File Transfer Protocol)文件传送协议Full-duplex 全双工Function 功能,函数,作用Function key 功能键Fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑30GGame port 博弈端口Garbage 无用信息Gateway 关口,网间连接GDS(Group Display System) 群显示系统Genealogy 家谱学,系统GES(General Edit System) 通用逻辑系统GIS(Geographic Information System) 几何图形信息系统Global communication 全球通信GPS(Global Positioning System) 全球定位系统Grammar checker 语法检验程序Graphics 图形学,制图技术Graphics accelerator 图形加速器Graphics coprocessor 图形协同处理程序31Grid 网格,坐标网络Gross index 粗索引Groupware 群件GUI(Graphical User Interface) 图形用户接口32HHacker 黑客Half-duplex transmission 半双工传输Handheld scanner 手持式扫描仪Handshaking 信号交换,接续Hard disk 硬磁盘Hard return 硬回车Hard-copy terminal 硬拷贝终端Hardware 硬件Hardware compatibility 硬件兼容性HDTV(High Definition Television) 高分辨率电视Help menu 求助菜单,求助项目单Head-mounted display 头盔式显示器Hidden computer 隐式计算机33Hierarchical database 分级数据库Hierarchy 分级,分层,层次Hierarchy chart 分级图表High resolution 高分辨率High-level programming language 高级程序设计语言Hold 握住Home directory 主目录Home network 本地网络Home record 引导记录,起始记录Host 主机Host adaptation 主机习惯性Host computer 主计算机Host operating system 主操作系统Host-to-host 主机到主机HTML(Hyper text Markup Language) 超文本标记语言34Hybrid network 混合式网络Hyperlink 超级链接Hypertext 超文本35IIcon 图符Identification system 识别系统Image file 映像文件Imaging system 成像系统IML(Initial Micro-code Load) 初始微码装入Impact 影响,冲击Impact printer 击打式打印机Importing file 输入文件Incremental backup 增量备份法Indexed file organization 索引文件组织Inference engine 推理机Information 信息,情报Information capacity 信息容量36Information function 信息函数Information management 信息管理Information overload 信息超载Information system 信息系统Information technology 信息技术Information transmission system 信息传输系统Information unit 信息单位Information utility 有用程序,信息应用程序,信息公用设施Inheritance 继承Initialize 初始化Ink-jet plotter 喷墨绘图仪Ink-jet printer 喷墨印刷机Input control 输入操纵器Input device 输入设备Input hard ware 输入硬件37Inquiry and communication system 查询与通信系统Insert 插入Insertion point 插入点Install 安装,建立Instruction cycle 指令周期Integrated circuit 集成电路Integrated software package 组合软件包Intellectual property 知识产权Intelligent robot 智能机器人Intelligent terminal 智能终端Interactive presentation 交互式演示Inter activity 交互性Interface 接口Intermediate node 中间网点Internal bus 内部总线38Internal hard disk drive 内部硬盘驱动器Internal modem 内部调制解调器International standard interface 国际标准接口Internet 互联网,信息网络实体Interpreter 解释程序,翻译机,转换机ISAM(Indexed Sequential Access Method) 索引顺序存取法ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network) 综合服务数字网络Isolation 隔离,绝缘ISP(Internally Stored Program) 内部存储程序ISP(Internet Service Provider) 因特网服务提供商39JJAD(Joint Application Design) 联合应用程序设计Jerk 乱窜Jitter 抖动Job file 作业文件Job management 作业管理程序Junk mail 垃圾邮件Justification range 调整范围40KKey field 关键字字段Key search 关键字查找Keyboard 键盘Keyboard console 键盘操纵台Kilobyte 千字节Knowledge base 知识库Knowledge engineer 知识工程师Knowledge engineering 知识工程Knowledge system 知识系统41LLanguage translator 语言翻译程序Large-scale integrated circuit 大规模集成电路Laser 激光,激光器Laser communication 激光通信系统Laser printer 激光打印机Latency 延迟,执行时间Latent image 潜像Law 法律Layer 分层LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶显示器LEO(Low Earth Orbit) 近地轨道License 许可证Light pen 光笔Line printer 行式打印机42Line terminal multiplexer 终端复用器Linear 线性的,一次的Link 连接,连线,链接Linkage instruction 连接命令LISP programming language LISP 程序设计语言Live conversation 实际的对话Load 装入,加载Load server 加载服务器Local-area network 局域网Logic bomb 逻辑炸弹(病毒)Logic error 逻辑错误Logical operation 逻辑操作LOGO programming language LOGO 程序设计语言Look through 搜寻43Loop 循环,回路,环路Loss less 无损耗Lossy 有损耗的,有缺失的44MMAC(Memory access Controller) 存储器存取操纵器Machine cycle 机器周期Machine language 机器语言Macintosh (苹果公司生产的一种型号的)计算机Macro 宏,宏指令,宏定Macro virus 宏病毒Magnetic tape 磁带Magneto optical disk 磁光盘Mail server 邮件服务器Mailing list 邮件列表Main memory 主存储器Mainframe computer 主计算机Maintenance 保护,维修MAN(Maintenance Alert Network) 保护警报网45Manager 管理程序,管理人员Manipulate 操纵,操纵Manipulation 操纵,操纵,处理,操作Manual function 手动功能,人工功能Manufacturing support system 制造支持系统Marker 标记符Marketing model 市场销售模型Mark-recognition device 标记识别装置Master file 主文件Mathematic characterization of continuous image 连续图象的数学表征MDA(Multi-Dimensional Analysis) 多维分析MDT(Modified Data Tag) 修改过的数据标志Meeting software 会议软件Mega 兆Memory cycle 存储周期46Mega byte 兆字节Megahertz 兆赫Member record 成员记录Memory 经历存储,存储器Memory expansion card 存储器扩充卡Memory module 存储模块Menu bar 菜单条Menu-driven program generator 菜单驱动程序生成程序MED(Micro-Electronic Device) 微电子器件Meta-data 元数据MICR(Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) 磁性墨水字符识别Microcomputer 微型计算机Micro controller 微操纵器Microprocessor 微处理器Microwave 微波47Middleware communication model 媒件通信模型MIDI(Music Instrument Digital Interface) 乐器数字接口Miniaturization 小型化MIPS(Million Instructions Per Second) 每秒百万条指令Mirror 镜像MIS(Management Information System) 信息管理系统MMX technology MMX 技术Model 模型,机样,型号Modem 调制解调器Module design 模块设计Monitor 监视器,监督Monitor mode 监控方式Monochrome display 单色显示Mouse 鼠标Mouse pointer 鼠标指示器48Moving pictures 活动图象MPP(Massively Parallel Processor) 巨型并行处理器Multifunction device 多功能装置Multimedia 多媒体Multimedia environment 多媒体环境Multipartite virus 复合性病毒Multiplexer 多路转接器Multiplexing 多路转换Multipoint line 多点线路Multi-port 多端口Multiprocessing 多重处理Multiprogramming 多道程序设计(操纵)Multitasking 多任务Multi-user platform 多用户平台49NNarrow band services 窄带业务Nationwide network 全国范围的网络Natural language 自然语言Natural language processing 自然语言处理NC language processor NC 语言处理器Necessary bandwidth 必要带宽Net ware 网件Network 网络Network adapter 网络适配器Network computer 网络计算机Network database 网络数据库Network facilities resources 网络设备资源Network harms 网络损害50Network information resources 网络信息资源Network interface card (NIC) 网络接口卡Network piracy 网络盗版Network server 网络服务程序,网络服务器Networked hypertext protocol 网络超文本协议Neural network 神经网络Node 节点,网点Non-interacting control system 非交互式操纵系统Non-procedural language 非过程语言Non-volatile chain 非易失链NOS(Network Operating System) 网络操作系统Null set 空集Numeric key 数字键51OOAS(Office Automation System) 办公自动化系统Object 目标,对象,结果,物体Object code 目标代码OCR(Optical Character Recognition) 光符识别Odd parity 奇数奇偶校Off-line equipment 脱机设备Off-line storage 脱机存储器Off-the-shelf software 现成的软件OLE(Object Linking and Embedding) 对象的链接与嵌入OMR(Optical Mark Recognition) 光标记识别Onboard 板载的One-level code 一级代码One-to-many 一对多的52Online processing 联机处理Online storage 联机存储器OODBS(Object Oriented Data Base System) 面向目标的数据库系统OOO(Out Of Order) 发生故障,次序混乱Open network 开放式网络Operating environment 操作环境,运行环境Operating system 操作系统Operation control 操作操纵Operator 运算符,操作员Optical card 光卡Optical disk 光盘Optical Ethernet 光以太网Optimization 优化Optoelectronic receiver 光电子接收机Organization 机构,组织,结构,体系53Organization chart 组织图,结构图OS/360(Operating System/360) 360 型操作系统OSI(Open System Interconnection) 开放系统互连Output 输出Owner record 主记录,自由记录54PPackage 分组Packaged software 封装式软件包Packet 包,数据包,分组报文Packet switching 包交换Pager 页面调度程序Painting 涂色Parallel data transmission 并行数据传输Parallel implementation 并行执行Parallel port 并行端口Parallel processing 并行处理Parent record 母记录Parity bit 奇偶校验位Parity scheme 奇偶校验方案55PASCAL programming language PASCAL 程序设计语言Passive 无源的Passive network 无源网络Password 口令Path 路径PBX(Private Branch Exchange) 专用交换分机,用户交换机PC(Personal Computer) 个人计算机PC application software 个人计算机应用软件PC host operating system 个人计算机主机操作系统PCI(peripheral Component Interconnect)外围部件互连PCMCIA(Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) 个人电脑内存储卡国际协会PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) 个人数字助理PDL(Picture Description Language) 画面描述语言Peak 峰值56Peer-to-peer 层间,层到层PEM(Processing Element Memory) 处理单元存储器Perception system 感知系统Peripheral device 外围设备Personal finance software 个人财务软件Personal identification code 个人识别代码PERT chart editing PERT 图编辑PGP(Programmable Graphics Processor) 可编辑图形处理机Phonetic keyboard 语音键盘Photo-digital store 光数字存储器Photolithographic mask layer 光刻掩蔽层Physical storage 物理存储器PIM(Processor Interface Module) 处理程序接口模块PIN(Personal Identification Number) 个人识别号码Pixel store 像素存储器57PL/1 programming language PL/1 程序设计语言Platform position computer 平台位置计算机Plotter 绘图仪Plug and play system 即插即用系统Plug-in card 插件Pointing device 指示装置Point-of-sale terminal 销售点终端Point-to-point line 点对点线路,专用线Polymorphism 多形性,多机组合形势Pop-up menu 弹出选项单Port 端口,进出口Portable operating system 可移植操作系统Portable terminal 便携式终端POST(Power-on Self Test) 通电自检Power supply 电源,供电58PPP(Parallel Pattern Processor) 并行模式处理程序Precision 精确度Preliminary design 初步设计Presentation layer 表示层Presentation graphic 表示图形Presentation software 显示软件Preventive maintenance 预防性保护Previewing 预检,预览Primary storage 主存储器Print server 打印服务程序Printer 打印机Printing document 打印文档Privacy 保密性Procedural error 过程错误Procedural language 过程型语言59Procedure 过程,程序,步骤Process 处理,进程Process model 过程模型Processing 处理,加工Processing hardware 处理硬件Processor 处理程序,处理机Production language compiler 产生式语言编译程序Productivity 生产率Productivity tool 生产率工具Professional programmer 专业程序设计员Program 程序,计划,规划,方案Program file 程序文件Program flowchart 程序流程图Program independence 程序独立性Programmer 程序设计人员,编程器60Programming 程序设计,编程Programming language 程序设计语言Programming procedure 程序设计过程Project management software 工程项目管理,计划管理Project management software 工程项目管理软件PROLOG programming language PROLOG 程序设计语言Proprietary software 专有软件Proprietary system 专用系统Protocol 协议Prototype 样机,原型Prototyping 原型开发,样机研究Pseudo-code 伪代码Public communication carriers 公共通信载体Public domain 公用域Pull-down menu 下拉菜单61Pulse code modulation 脉冲码调制62QQBE(Query By Example) 仿效实例询问QIC(Quality Insurance Chain) 质量保证链Query 询问,查询Query facility 询问功能软件Query language 询问语言Query-and-reporting processor 询问与报告处理程序Quiet code 静止代码QWERTY keyboard QWERTY 键盘63RRAD(Rapid Access Device) 快速存取设备RAM(Random Access Memory) 随机存取存储器,内存Random access storage 随机存取存储器Random file organization 随机文件结构Raster graphics 光栅图形Reading 读,读取Real-time processing 实时处理Reasoning 推理,推论,推导Recalculation 重算Receiving entity 接收实体Receiving system 接收系统Record 记录Reference mark 参考标记64Reference model 参考模型Reference software 参考软件Refresh rate 更新率,刷新率Refreshable program 可刷新程序Regenerate 再生Register 寄存器Relational database 关系数据库Relational model 关系模型Release 释放Reliable 可靠的Reliability 可靠性Remote-control 遥控Remote device 远程设备Remote terminal 远程终端Removable hard disk 可移动硬盘65Repeater 中继器Repeater spacing 中继距离Replace command 替换命令Report generator 报告生成程序Resistor 电阻器Resolution 分辨率Retrieval performance 检索性能Return key 返回键RFI(Read Frequency Input) 读频率输入RGB monitor 红、绿、蓝显示器RIB(Resource Information Block) 资源信息块Ring network 环形网络RISC microprocessor RISC 微处理机Robot 机器人,自动仪Robotics 机器人学,机器人技术66Rollback 重新运行,重算ROM BIOS (Read-Only Basic Input/Output System) 只读存储器基本输入/输出系统Root record 根记录Router 发送程序,路由确定程序,路由器Row 行RPG(Report Program Generator) 报表程序生成程序RPS(Random Pattern Search) 随机模式搜索RS(Record Separator) 记录分隔符Run 运行Rupture 裂断,破裂67SSampling rate 取样率SAR(Source Address Register) 源地址寄存器Satellite 卫星,人造地球卫星Save 存储,储存Save area 储存区Scan 扫描Scanning device 扫描设备,扫描装置Scheduling software 调度软件Screen 屏幕Scrolling 卷动,滚动Scrubbing 除掉,刷去SCSI(Small Computer System Interface) 小型计算机系统接口SDL(System Development Language) 系统开发语言68Search 检索,查找Search command 查找命令Search engine 查找机Searching tool 搜寻工具Second-generation programming language 第二代程序设计语言Secondary application 辅助应用程序Secondary storage 辅助存储器,二级存储器Secondary storage sub system 辅助存储子系统Section overhead 段开销Sector 扇区,分段Security 安全性,保密性,安全措施Security system 安全系统Seek time 查找时间,定位时间Selection control 选择操纵Semiconductor 半导体69Semiconductor memory 半导体存储器Semi-structured information 半结构化问题Sender 发送器Sensor 传感器Sequence control 顺序操纵Sequential file organization 顺序文件组织Sequential storage 顺序存储器Serial 串行的Serial data transmission 串行数据传输Serial port 串行端口Serial processing 串行处理Server 服务器Service-independent network 与业务无关的网络Session layer 会话层Shared database 共享数据库70Sharing resource 共享资源SHELL software system SHELL 软件系统Shrink-wrapped multiprocessing operating system 精缩围绕多处理操作系统Silicon 硅SIMM(Single in-line Memory Module) 单列直插式存储模块Simplex transmission 单项传输Simulation programming language 模拟程序设计语言Simulator 模拟程序,模拟器Single user 用户Smalltalk programming language Smalltalk 程序设计语言Smart card 智能卡,收费卡Softcopy 软拷贝Software 软件,软设备Software engineer 软件工程师Software engineering 软件工程71Software license 软件许可证Software package 软件包,程序包Software piracy 软件非法翻印,软件侵犯版权Software suite 软件套件Software tool 软件工具Solid error 固定错误Sorting database 分类数据库Sound 声音Sound card 声卡Sound output 声音输出Source code 源代码Source date entry 源数据录入Source program file 源程序文件SPA(Signal Processing Auxiliary) 信号处理辅助设备Speech recognition system 语音识别系统72Speech synthesis 语音合成Speed 速度Speed up 加速Spelling checker 拼法检验程序Split 分发,分散Spreadsheet 电子数据表SQL(Structured Query Language) 结构化查询语言Squeeze 压缩Standardized port 标准化的端口Star network 星形网络STM(Short Term Memory) 短期存储器Storage 存储,存储器Storage hardware 存储硬件Strategic decision 战略性决策Streaming audio 流式音频73Streaming video 流式视频Stress 应力Structure chart 结构图Structured information 结构化信息Structured programming 结构化程序设计Structured walkthrough 结构化普查Subprogram 辅程序,子程序Supercomputer 巨型计算机Superconductor 超导体Supervisor 管理程序,主管人SVDF(Segmented Virtual Display File) 分段虚拟显示文件Swapping 交互,调动Switch 打开,开关,交换机Switching technique 交换技术Synchronous DXC 同步数字交叉连接74Synchronous transmission 同步传输Synchronous transmission system 同步传输系统Syntax 语法,句法Syntax error 语法错误System 系统,体制,装置System analysis 系统分析System analyst 系统分析员System clock 系统时钟System design 系统设计System development 系统开发System engineer 系统工程师System flowchart 系统流程图System implementation 系统实现方法System maintenance 系统保护System recovery 系统恢复75System software 系统软件System testing 系统测试System unit 系统单元76TTabulating machine 制机表Target variable 目标变量Task management 任务管理程序TCT(Terminal Control Table) 终端操纵表Telecommunication 远程通信,电信Teleconference 电信会议Telemedicine 电视医疗Telephone network 电话网Telephony 电话学Telex network 用户电报网Tel net 电信网,远程通信网络Terminal 终端Terminal address 终端地址77Terminal emulation 终端仿真Test 测试,检验Test equipment 测试设备Text 正文,文本Text segment 正文段Textual messages 文本信息Thesaurus 主题词表,同义词汇Third-generation programming language 第三腮程序设计语言Through-mode fashion 贯穿方式Time slicing 时间分片Time-sharing 分时,时间分配Tong-haul telecommunication system 长途通信系统Top-down program design 自顶向下程序设计Top management 主管,主控Touch screen 触屏78TPI(Target Position Indicator) 目标位置指示器TPS(Transaction Processing System) 事务处理系统TPT(Time Priority Table) 时间优先表Track 磁道,轨道,声道Trackball 跟踪球Traffic segregation 流量隔离Transaction 事项,事务处理,交易Transaction file 细目文件,事项文件Transient error 瞬时错误Transmission 传输,发送,传送Transmission unit 传输单元Translate 转换Tributary signals 支路信号Trojan horse 特洛伊木马True color 真彩色79Tuple 元组,字节组Turing test 图灵测试Twisted-pair wire 绞合线Typeface 字样80UUndo command 作废命令Unexpected halt 意外停机Unicode 单一代码UNIVAC(Universal Automatic Computer) 通用自动计算机Universal access 统一的接入Universal product code 通用产品代码Universally 普遍地,通用地UNIX operating system UNIX 操作系统Unprotected field 非保护字段Unstructured file 非结构文件Unstructured information 非结构信息UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply) 不间断供电电源Upward compatibility 向上兼容性81URL(User Requirements Language) 用户要求语言USE(User System Evaluator) 用户系统评价程序User 用户,使用者User interface 用户接口Utility control console 有用操纵台Utility program 有用程序Utility unit 有用设备82VValue 值,算式Variable format 可变格式Varying bandwidth 可变宽带Vector graphics 向量图Version 文本,版本Very-high-level programming language 超高级程序设计语言Video compression 视频压缩Video computer system 可视计算机系统Video conference 视频会议Video file 可见文件Video memory 视频存储器Video scan 视频扫描Virtual classroom 虚拟教室83Virtual container 虚容器Virtual memory 虚拟机存储器Virtual office 虚拟办公室Virus 病毒Visual 图象的Visual programming 直观程序设计VLSI(Very-large-scale Integration) 超大规模集成电路Voice encoding techniques 语音编码技术Voice mail 声音邮件Voice output device 声音输出装置Voice recognition system 声音识别系统Volatile file 易变文件Volatile memory 易失性存储器VR(Virtual Reality) 虚拟现实VRAM(Video Random Access Memory) 视频随机存取存储器84VRM(Virtual Resource Manager) 虚拟资源管理程序VSAM(Virtual Sequential Access Method) 虚拟顺序存取法85WWait state 等待状态WAN(Wide Area Network) 广域网络Web browser 网页浏览器Web business 网上商务Web site 网站Wideband subscriber loop system 宽带用户环路系统Window mode 窗口方式Windows operating system Windows 操作系统Wired communication 有线通信Wireless communication 无线通信。

其它-专业英语-IT专业英语词汇精选(F2)FM Facility Management 设备管理FM Fast Memory 快速存储器FM Fault Management 故障管理FM Feedback Mechanism 反馈机构FM File Management 文件管理FM fine magic 好戏法〖网语〗FM Flash Memory 瞬间存储器,快闪存储器,快擦型存储器(1980年日本东芝公司发明)FM Forms Management 窗体管理FM Frequency Meter 频率计FM Frequency Modulation 调频FM Function Manager 功能管理器fm Micronesia 密克罗尼西亚(域名).fm FileMaker Pro的电子表格文件格式〖后缀〗.fm1 Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x的电子表格文件格式〖后缀〗.fm3 Harvard Graphics 3.0的设备驱动器文件格式〖后缀〗.fm3 Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x的电子表格文件格式〖后缀〗FM / FDM Frequency Modulation / Frequency Division Multiplex 调频 / 频率分开多路复用FM / FDMA Frequency Modulation / Frequency Division Multiple Access 调频 / 频率分开多路访问FM / TDMA Frequency Modulation / Time Division Multiple Access 调频 / 时间分开多路访问FMA Failure Mode Analysis 故障模式分析.fmb WordPerfect for Win文件管理器按钮棒形图文件格式〖后缀〗FMC Fixed Message Cycle 固定讯号周期FMC Flexible Manufacture Cell 灵活制造单元FMC Force Majeure Clause 不可抗力条款FMC Full duplex Multiple line Control station 全双工多线路控制站FMCH FirMware CHannel 固件通道FMCW Frequency Modulated Carrier Wave 调频载波FMCW Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave 调频等幅波FMD Function Management Data 功能管理数据FMDEM Frequency Modulation DEModulator 频率调制解调器FMDM Frequency Modulation Deviation Meter 调频测偏计FME Frequency – Measuring Equipment 测频装置,频率计FMEA Fault Modes and Effect Analysis 故障模式与结果分析FMF File Microprogram Flags register 文件微程序标志(寄存器).fmf IBM LinkWay的字体图标文件格式〖后缀〗FMFB Frequency Modulation with Feed Back 反馈调频FMFF Frequency Modulation Feed Forward 调频前馈FMG Frequency Modulation Generator 频率调制发生器FMI Fast Multimedia Inc. 快速多媒体公司(美国,出品视频捕获卡)FMIC Frequency Monitoring and Interference Control 频率监听与干扰控制器FMID Function Modification IDentifier 功能修改标识符FMIS Finance Management Information System 金融管理信息系统.fmk Fortran PowerStation的文件编写格式〖后缀〗FML File Manipulation Language 文件操作语言FML Floating MuLtiply 浮点乘法FMLI Form and Menu Language Interpreter 表单菜单语言解释程序〖UNIX〗FMLP Fuzzy Multilayered Perception 模糊多层感知器FMM Flat Memory Model 平面内存模型FMM Modified Frequency Modulation 改进的频率调制.fmo dBase IV的编译文件格式〖后缀〗FMP Flow Management Protocol 流程管理协议FMPD Frequency – Modulation Predistortion 调频预失真FM-PM Frequency Modulation – Phase Modulation 调频-调相FMPP Flexible MultiPipeline Processor 多流水线软处理器FMR Facility Management Reporting 设施管理报告FMR Frequency Modulated Radar 调频雷达FMR Frequency Modulated Receiver 调频接收机FMS Facsimile Mail System 传真邮件系统FMS Fiber Management System 光纤管理系统FMS File Management System 文件管理系统FMS Financial Management System 财务管理系统FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统FMS Fly Management System 飞行管理系统FMS FM Screening 散乱抖动〖打印机〗FMS Fortran Monitor System 公式翻译程序监视系统FMS Frequency Measuring Station 测频站FMS Frequency Modulation Synthesis 调频合成〖声卡〗.fmt FOXBASE的屏幕格式文件〖后缀〗.fmt Sprint的样式表文件格式〖后缀〗FMT Frequency Modulated Transmitter 调频发射机FMU File Memory Unit 文件存储单元FMV Full – Motion Video 全动视频,满帧速率电视FMV 富士通微机系列〖品牌〗FMVFT Frequency Modulated Voice Frequency Telegraph 调频音频电报FN Feedback Network 反馈网络FN Frame Number 帧编号FN Function Network 功能网络.fn3 Harvard Graphics 3.0的字体文件格式〖后缀〗FNA Free Network Address 网络空址FNA Fujitsu Network Architecture 富士通网络体系结构FNAE Free Network Address Element 网络空址要素FNB File Name Block 文件名称块FNB Flexible Network Bus 灵活性网络总线FNC Federal Networking Council 联邦网络化委员会(美国)FNI Firefly Networks Inc. “萤火虫”网络公司(美国,协作过滤技术的领导者,出品联机服务系统)FNP Front end Network Processor 前端网络处理器FNPA Foreign Numbering Plan Area 国外编号规划区FNR Fast Network Reconfiguration 快速网络重配置FNS Failure Notification Sheet 故障通知单FNS Federated Naming Service 联合命名服务FNS Feedback Node Set 反馈节点集FNS File Nesting Store 文件嵌套存储FNS Functional Nomenclature Signal 功能命名原则信号FNT FoNT 字体.fnt Bazier(贝氏)类型的字体文件格式〖后缀〗.fnx Exact的不活动字体文件格式〖后缀〗FO Fade Out 淡出,渐逝fo Faroe Island 法罗群岛(域名)FO Fiber Optic 光纤FO Frame Offset 帧偏移量.fo1 Borland Turbo C的字体文件格式〖后缀〗.fo2 Borland Turbo C的字体文件格式〖后缀〗FOA Fiber Optic Amplifier 光纤放大器FOAF Friend Of A Friend 朋友的朋友FOB Fiber Optics Bundle 光纤束FOBS Fiber Optic BoreScope 光纤管道镜FOC Fiber Optic Cable 光缆FOC Fiber Optic Communication 光纤通信FOC Fiber Optic Coupler 光纤耦合器FOCA Font Object Content Architecture 字体对象内容体系结构FOCC Forward Control Channel 前方控制通道FOCH FOrward CHannel 前方通道FOCIS Fiber Optics Communication and Information Society 光纤通信和信息协会FOCIS Financial On – line Customer Information System 金融联机用户信息系统FOCS Fiber Optic Communication System 光纤通讯系统focus 焦点网(首家由美国公司EnReach在中国投资经营的中文网站,1999,9)〖域名〗FOCUS Federation On Computing in the United State 美国计算联盟(国际信息处理联合会属下)FOCUS Fiber Optic Connection Universal System 光纤连接通用系统FOD Fax On Demand 传真求用系统FOD Formulas for Object Definition 对象定义公式FOD Function Operational Design 功能操作设计FODL Fiber Optic Delay Line 光纤延迟线FOG Fiber Optic Gyroscopes 光纤陀螺仪FOG Frequency Offset Generator 频率偏移发生器FOG-M Fiber Optic Guided Missile 光纤制导导弹FOG-V Fiber Optic Guided Vehicle 光纤制导运载工具FOI Fiber Optic Isolator 光纤隔离器FOIA Freedom Of Information Act 信息自由法案FOIL File – Oriented Interpretive Language 面向文件的解释语言,Foil 语言FOIRL Fiber Optic Inter Repeater Link 光纤的转发器间连接,中继器间的光纤链路FOIS Fiber Optic Interferometric Sensor 光纤干涉仪传感器FOL Fiber Optic Laser 光纤激光器.fol 1st Reader的保存信息文件夹格式〖后缀〗FOLAN Fiber Optic Local Area Network 光纤局域网FOM Fiber Optic Modem 光纤调制解调器FOMA Fiber Optic Medium Attachment 光纤媒体附加FOMDI Fiber Optic Medium Dependent Interface 光纤媒体从属接口FON Fiber Optic Net 光纤网.fon 字体文件格式〖后缀〗,电话簿文件格式〖后缀〗.fon Telix的拨号工商名录文件格式〖后缀〗.fon ProComm Plus的呼叫全程记录文件格式〖后缀〗FOOPS Functional Object – Oriented Programming System 面向功能对象的编程系统FOPEN File OPEN 文件打开FOPMA Fiber Optic Physical Medium Attachment 光纤物理媒体附加FOPT Fiber Optic Photo Transfer 光纤照片传送.for FORTRAN语言的源码文件格式〖后缀〗.for WindowBase的表单文件格式〖后缀〗FOREX FOReign EXchange 外汇FORM Fault Occurrence and Repair Models 故障发生和修理模型FORMAC Fiber Optic Ring Media Access Controller 光纤环媒体访问控制器FORMAL Formula manipulation Language 公式处理语言,Formal 语言format DOS外部命令:格式化软硬盘FORMAT FORtran Matrix Abstraction Technique Fortran语言矩阵提取技术FormatC “格式化C盘”:〖Word宏病毒〗FORMS Fiber Optic Reflect Memory System 光纤反射存储系统FORR Fiber Optic Ring Resonator 光纤环形共振器FORTRAN Formula Transformation 公式转换FORTRAN Formula Translation 公式翻译程序FORTRAN Formula Translator 公式翻译程序语言,Fortran 语言(微软于1977年开始发售)FOS File Organization System 文件组织系统FOS Follow – On Support 接续支持FOS FORTRAN Operating System FORTRAN操作系统FOS Function Operational Specification 功能操作说明FOSDIC Film Optical Scanning Device for Input to Computers 用于计算机输入的胶片光学扫描装置FOSI Formatting Output Specification Instance 格式化输出规格实例FOT Fiber Optics cathode ray Tube 光纤阴极射线管FOT Forward Transfer 向前传送FOT Frequency of Optimum Traffic 最佳通信量频率FOT Frequency of Optimum Transmission 最佳传输频率.fot True Type 的字库文件格式〖后缀〗FOTC Fiber Optic Trunk Cable 干线光缆,长途光缆FOTLAN Fiber Optic Tactical Local Area Network 光纤战术局域网FOTM Fiber Optic Test Method 光纤测试方法FOTN Fiber Optic Transmission Network 光纤传输网络FOTP Fiber Optic Test Procedure 光纤测试规程FOTS Fiber Optic Transmission System 光纤传输系统FOTSLH Fiber Optic Transmission System for Long Haul 远程光纤传输系统Founder 方正电脑,北大方正four 11 “411”:因特网的著名寻人网点,1998年并入雅虎〖域名〗Four Phase 四象限公司(美国,1969年推出第一个商用微处理器)FOV Field Of View 视图域.fox FOXBASE的伪编译程序文件〖后缀〗FOX Interactive 福克斯电影公司的多媒体部,专出影视剧软件(世界著名娱乐光盘制造商)FoxWeb “狐网”(数据程序交互使用工具)〖软件名〗FP Fabry – Pero Laser 法布里-泊罗激光器FP File Protect 文件保护FP Floating Point 浮点FP Function Processor 函数处理器FP Functional Programming 函数式编程语言.fp FoxPro的配置文件格式〖后缀〗FPA Failure Probability Analysis 故障概率分析FPA Fixed Point Arithmetic 定点算法FPA Flat Plane Antenna 平面天线FPA Floating-Point Accelerator 浮点加速器FPA Floating Point Arithmetic 浮点算法FPC File Parity Checks 文件奇偶校验FPC Fixed Point Calculation 定点计算FPC Fixed Program Computer 固定程序计算机FPC Forward Propagation Circuit 前推式传播线路FPC Full duplex Point to point Control station 全双工点到点控制站FPC Functional Processor Cluster 发挥作用的处理器簇.fpc FoxPro的目录文件格式〖后缀〗FPD Flat Panel Display 平面显示器FPD Full – Page Display 全页显示FPDS Federal Procurement Data System 联邦政府采购数据系统FPF Facility Parameter Field 设备参数域FPFU Fuji Photo Film USA Inc. 富士胶卷美国公司(出品数字相机)FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array 现场可编程门阵列FPIN Foreign Personal Identification Number 外来个人识别号码FPIS Forward Propagation by Ionospheric Scatter 电离层散射的向前传播FPL Floyd Evans Production Language 弗洛伊德·伊万斯的生成语言FPL Foxbord Programming Language Foxbord的程序设计语言FPL Frequency Phase Lock 频率锁相FPLA Field Programmable Logic Array 现场可编程逻辑阵列FPLMTS Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System 未来的公众陆地移动远程通信系统(第三代)FPLS Field – Programmable Logic Sequencer 域可编程逻辑音序器FPM Fast Packets Multiplexing 快速信息包多路传输FPM Fast Page Memory 高速页面存储器FPM Fast Page Mode 快页模式,快速页面模式〖奔腾主板〗FPM Fixed – Program Machine 固定程序计算机FPMA Fixed Preassigned Multiple Access 固定预分配多路存取FPML Financial Product Marker Language 金融产品标记语言FPM RAM Fast Page Mode RAM 快页模式随机存取存储器,快速页面模式随机访问存储器FPN Fixed – Pattern Noise 固定样式噪音FPN Fuzzy Petri Nets 模糊佩特里网FPNW File and Print Services For NetWare 用于“网器”的文件打印服务(微软的)FPO Federal Post Office 联邦邮局(德国)FPO For Position Only 只用于定位FPODA Fixed Priority Oriented Demand Assignment 面向固定优先权的请求分配〖多媒体〗FPOP Floating Point Operations Per Second 每秒浮点运算次数F-port Fiber Port 光纤端口FPP Fixed Path Protocol 固定路径协议FPP Floating Point Package 浮点软件包FPP Floating Point Process(or) 浮点处理(器)FPPA Fiber Patch Panel Assembly 光纤接插板装配FPR Fixed Point Representation 定点表示法FPR Fixed Program Receive 固定节目接受FPR Floating Point Register 浮点寄存器FPS Fast Packet Switching 通信包快速转接,快速数据分组交换FPS File / Print Server 文件 / 打印服务器FPS First Person Shooting Game 第一人称视角游戏〖游戏用语〗FPS Fixed Program Send 固定节目发送FPS Floating Point System, inc. 浮点系统公司(美国)FPS Focus Projection and Scanning (deflection system) 聚焦投影与扫描(偏转系统)FPS Fortran Processing System Fortram语言处理系统FPS Frames Per Second 每秒帧数.fpt FoxPro的备注字段文件格式〖后缀〗FPU Floating Point Unit 浮点单元〖处理器〗.fpw FloorPLAN plus for Windows的绘图文件格式〖后缀〗FQ Fair Queuing 公平排队FQ File Qualifier 文件限定词FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name 正式域名,完全符合标准的域名FQL File Qualifier Length 文件限定词长度FQL Formal Query Language 正式查询语言FR Facility Request 设备请求FR Failure Rate 故障率FR Failure Record 故障记录FR Family of Requirement 必要条件系列FR Fault Recognition 故障识别FR Fault Report 故障报告FR Fault – Resilient 故障后可恢复原状的FR Fill Rate (像素)充填率〖显卡测试〗FR Forced Release 被迫发布FR Forms Registry 表单注册集FR Frame Relay 帧中继,帆分段传输,图文框接力传送(快速分组交换技术)fr France 法国(域名)FR Frequency Range 频率范围FR Frequency Relay 频率替续器FR Frequency Response 频率响应FR Full Rate 全速率FR Function Reference 函数指南FR Function Register 功能寄存器.fr3 dBase IV的重命名dBASE III+文件格式〖后缀〗FRA Failure Rate Average 平均故障率FRA Federal Radio Act 联邦无线电法案FRA File Relative Address 文件相对地址FRA Fixed Radio Access 固定无线接入FRAC Fixed Reservation Access Control 确定预约存取控制FRAC Fractionators Reflux Analog Computer 分馏回流模拟计算机FRAC Frame Relay Access Concentrator 帧中继接入集中器FRAD Frame Relay Access Device 帧中继访问设备,帧中继接入装置FRAD Frame Relay Assembler / Disassembler 帧中继汇编程序 / 反汇编程序FRAM Ferromagnetic RAM 铁磁随机存储器FRAM Functional Requirements Allocation Matrix 功能性需求分配矩阵FRAP Frame Relay Access Probe 帧中继接入探测器FRBS Federal Reserve Bank System 联邦储备银行系统(美国)FRBS Frame Relay Bearer Service 帧中继运载服务FRC Fault Reporting Center 故障报告中心FRC Federal Radio Commission 联邦无线电委员会(美国)FRC Final Routing Center 终极路由选择中心FRC Forward Read Continuous 连续向前读出FRC Functional Redundancy Checking 功能冗余检查FRCMS Frame Relay Congestion Management Scheme 帧中继拥塞管理方案FRD Failure Rate Data 故障率数据FRD Formulas for Relation Definition 关系定义公式FRD Functional Requirements Document 功能要求文件FRDS Failure Resistant Disk Systems 耐故障磁盘系统FRE Fast Routing Engine 快速路由选择引擎FRE Frame Relay Engine 帧中继引擎FRE Frame Relay Exchange 帧中继交换FRED Figure – Reader Electronic Device 图形阅读器电子器件FRED Figure Reading Electronic Device 电子读数器FREE First Ready First Execute 先就绪先执行Freeserve 免费服务公司(英国的网络公司)FREETECH 富基科技(台湾)FREQ-MULT FREQuency MULTiplier 频率倍增器,倍频器FRESA Frame Relay End – System Address 帧中继端系统地址FRESCAN FREquency SCANning 频率扫描FRESCANNAR FREquency SCANNing radAR 频率扫描雷达FRF Frame Relay Forum 帧中继论坛FRF Frame Repetition Frequency 帧重复频率.frf FontMonger的字体文件格式〖后缀〗FR-FR Frame Relay – to – Frame Relay 从帧中继到帧中继.frg dBase IV的未编译报告文件格式〖后缀〗FRI Finite Impulse Response 有限脉冲应答FRICC Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee 联邦调研因特网协调委员会FRIF Frame Relay Information Field 帧中继信息域FRIL Fuzzy Relational Inference Language 模糊关系推论语言FRINGE File and Report INformation processing GEnerator 文件与报表信息处理生成器FRICC Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee 联邦科研因特网协调委员会(美国)FRJ Facility ReJect 设备拒绝FRL Frame Representation Language 帧表示语言FRL Function Reference Listings 函数参照表FRM File Request Management 文件请求管理FRM Film Reading Machine 胶片阅读机FRM FRequency Meter 频率计.frm FOXBASE的报表文件格式〖后缀〗.frm dBase IV、Clipper 5和dBFast的报告文件格式〖后缀〗.frm 命令形式的文本文件格式〖后缀〗FRMR FRaMe Reject 帧拒绝.fro dBase IV的编译报告文件格式〖后缀〗FROM Fusible Read Only Memory 可熔断只读存储器.frp PerForm PRO Plus和FormFlow的表单文件格式〖后缀〗FRPI Flux Reversal Per Inch 磁通反转量 / 每英寸FRR Functional Recovery Routines 功能恢复例程FRS Fast Retrieval Storage 快速检索存储体FRS Forward Ready Signal 前方就绪信号FRS Frame Relay Services 帧中继业务FRS Frame Relay Switch 帧中继转换FRS Frame Relay Switcher 帧中继转换器FRS Fundamental Reference System 基本引用系统.frs WordPerfect的屏幕字体资源文件格式〖后缀〗FRSN Frame Relay Switch Node 帧中继转换节点FRT Failure Rate Test 故障率测试.frt FoxPro的报表文件格式〖后缀〗FRTF Fixed Radio Transmission Facility 固定式无线电播送设备FRU Field-Replaceable Unit 域可替换单元.frx FoxPro的报表文件格式〖后缀〗FS FacSimile 传真FS Factor of Safety 安全系数FS False Signal 错误信号FS Fast Select 快选Fs Femto second 飞秒,毫微微秒FS Field Separator 字段分隔符FS Field Strength 场强FS Figure Switch 数字开关FS File Separator 文件分隔符FS File Services 文件服务功能FS File Structure 文件结构FS Final Selector 最终选择器FS Finity State 有限态FS Fixed Station 固定台FS Fixed Subscriber 固定用户FS Floating Sign 浮点符号,浮标FS Follow Shot 随拍,移动拍摄FS Frame Scan 帧扫描FS Frame Status 帧状态FS Frame Store 帧存储FS Frame Switching 帧交换技术〖网络〗FS Frame Synchro 帧同步FS FreeSpace 《自由空间》〖游戏名〗FS Frequency Shift 频移FS Frequency Standard 频率标准FS Frequency Synthesizer 频率合成器FS Full Shot 全景镜头FS Full Status 完整状态FS Function Selection 功能选择FS Functional Symbol 功能符号FSA Frequency Stability Analyzer 频率稳定性分析仪FSAA Full Scene Anti – Aliasing 全景抗锯齿失真(加速芯片的功能)FSB File Cache Buffers 文件高速缓冲存储器缓冲区FSB Forward Space Block 正向间隔块FSB Front Side Bus 前端总线〖芯片组〗FSC Fault Simulation Comparator 故障模拟比较器FSC Fault Symptom Code 故障征兆代码FSC File Security Control 文件安全控制FSC Fixed Size Character 定长字符FSC Frequency Shift Converter 移频转换器FSC Fujitsu Software Corp. 富士通软件公司(日本,出品网络联组件)FSCB File System Control Block 文件系统控制块FSCS Frequency Shift Communication System 频移通信系统FSCS Fundamental Studies in Computer Science 计算机科学基础研究FSD Federal System Division (IBM) 联邦系统分部(属IBM公司)FSD Fixed Shroud Duplex 固定屏板双工操作FSD Full Scale Deflection 满度偏转,满刻度偏差FSDD Fibers with Slowly Decreasing Dispersion 缓降色散光纤FSDS Fairchild Software Development System 以童软件开发系统FSDS File – System Descriptor Set 文件系统描述符集FSE Fractionally Spaced Equalizer 微弱间隔均衡器FSEC Federal Software Exchange Center 联邦软件交易中心(美国)FSF Fixed Sequence Format 固定顺序格式FSF Forward Space File 正向间隔文件FSF Free Software Foundation 自由软件基金会FSG Federated Systems Group 联合系统组FSI Fairchild Semiconductor Inc. “以童”半导体公司(英特尔和AMD的前身)FSI Fault Symptom Index 故障征兆索引FSI Field – Sequential Illumination 场续照明〖投影仪〗FSI Fore Systems Inc. 前部设备系统公司(美国,出品网络适配器)FSI Frequency Subset Indicator 频率子集指示器FSI Funk Software Inc. “臭臭”软件公司(美国,出品网管工具)FSIOP File Server Input / Output Processor 文件服务器输入输出处理器FSIP Federal Security Infrastructure Program 联邦信息安全基础设施计划FSK Frequency – Shift Keying 频移键控FSKNRZ Frequency – Shift Keying, No Return to Zero 频移键控,不归零FSK TP Frequency – Shift Keying TelePrinter 频移键控电传打字机FSL Fast ethernet interSwitch Link 快速以太网互换开关链路FSL Finite State Language 有限状态语言FSL Font Selection Logic 字体选择逻辑FSL Formal Semantic Language 形式语义语言FSL Fujitsu System programming Language 富士通系统程序设计语言(为电子交换系统研制).fsl Paradox for Windows的表单文件格式〖后缀〗FSLT Fiber Optic Subscriber Line Terminal 光纤用户线路终端FSM Fast Screen Machine 快速筛选机FSM Field Strength Meter 场强计FSM Fine Striped Memory 细纹存储器,微带存储器FSM Finite State Machine 有限状态机FSM Folded Sideband Modulation 折叠边带调制FSM Forward Set – up Message 前方安装讯息FSM Frequency Shift Modulation 频移调制.fsm Farandoyle的音乐样本文件格式〖后缀〗FSN File Sequence Number 文件序号FSN Forward Sequence Number 正向序号FSN Frequency Subset Number 频率子集编号〖寻呼机〗FSN Full Services Network 全方位服务网络,综合信息网络〖因特网〗FSN Function Service Network 功能服务网络FSO Frequency Sweep Oscillator 扫频振荡器FSP File Services Processing 文件服务处理FSP File Service Protocol 文件服务协议FSP Fleet Scheduling Program 快速调度程序FSP Frequency Shift Pulse 频移脉冲FSP Full – Screen Processing 全屏处理FSP Functional, Security And Performance 功能安全和性能FSPG Fluorescent Security Photo Graphics 荧光防护照片制图FSR Feedback Shift Register 反馈移位寄存器FSR Forward Space Record 正向间隔记录FSR Frequency Shift Receiver 移频接收机FSS First Floor Software 基础软件FSS Fixed Satellite Services 固定卫星业务FSS Fixed Signal Services 固定信号服务FSS Flying Spot Scanner 飞点扫描仪FSS Fragment Free Switching 不分段切换FSS Frames Services 帧服务FSS Full – Screen Scaling 全屏幕缩放FST Facilities Solution Team 设备疑难解答组FST Field STart 字段开始FST File Status Table 文件状态表FST Frequency Shift Transmission 移频传输FST Full STore 存满,存储器满.fst dBFast的可链接程序文件格式〖后缀〗FSTC Finance Service Technology Committee 金融服务技术委员会FSTS Functional Standard Test Specification 功能标准测试规范FSU Facsimile Switching Unit 传真转接器FSU Final Signal Unit 最终信号单元FSVFT Frequency Shift Voice Frequency Telegraph 移频音频电报FSW Frame synchronization Word 帧同步字.fsx Lotus 1-2-3的数据文件格式〖后缀〗FT Fault Tolerance 容错FT Foreign Transaction 外来事务处理FT Fourier Transform 傅里叶变换FT Fractional T1 部分T1线路(提供T1线路部分带宽的数字电话服务)〖视频会议〗FT Frame Transfer 帧传送FT Frederick Terman 弗雷德里克·特曼(硅谷之父)FT Functional Test 功能测试FTA Fast Turn Around 快速周转FTA Fault Tree Analysis 故障树状分析FTA Floptical Technology Association 软盘技术协会FTAM File Telecommunication Access Method 文件远程通信访问方法FTAM File Transfer Access and management 文件传送存取与管理〖国际标准〗FTAM File Transfer And Access Method 文件传送和存取法〖国际标准〗FTAMS File Transfer Access and management Services 文件传送存取和管理服务FTBF Frequency Tuned Bandpass Filter 频率调谐带通滤波器FTC Fast Time Constant 快速时间常数(电路)FTC Fast Time Control 快速时间控制FTC Fault – Tolerant Computer 容错计算机FTC Fault Tolerant Computer 容错计算机FTC Frequency Time Control 频率时间控制FTC Frontier Technologies Corp. 边疆技术公司(美国,出品网络群件)FTC Fuji Telecasting Company Ltd. 富士电视广播公司(日本)FTC The Federal Trade Committee 联邦贸易委员会(美国)FTDS Failure Tolerant Disk Systems 容错磁盘系统FTE Frequency Translation Equipment 频率转换设备FTE Functional Test Equipment 功能测试设备FTF Fast Transversal Filter 快速横向滤波器FTG FighT Game 格斗游戏FTG File Tag Gate register 文件标记门(寄存器)FTI File Tag In register 文件输入标志(寄存器)FTI Fixed Time Interval 固定时间间隔FTL Fast Transient Loader 快速瞬态装入程序FTL Fiber in The Loop 循环光纤FTLAN Fault Tolerant Local Area Network 容错局域网FTM Fiber Termination Module 光纤端接组件FTM File Transfer Manager 文件传送管理器FTM File Transfer Mode 文件传送模式FTM Frequency Time Modulation 频率时间调制.ftm Micrografx的字体文件格式〖后缀〗FTMC Frequency and Time Measurement Counter 频率时间测量计数器FTO File Tag Out register 文件输出标志寄存器FTOP Frequency TOP 最高频率FTP Field Test Procedures 域测试规程FTP (The basic Internet File Transfer Protocol) 因特网基本文件传送协议(网络主机间传送文件的服务协议),档案传送通讯协定(台湾用语)〖因特网〗FTP Foil Twisted – Pair 箔双绞线.ftp FTP Software PC/TCP的配置文件格式〖后缀〗FTPD File Transfer Protocol Daemon 文件传送协议驻留程序〖因特网〗FTPI Flux Transitions Per Inch 磁通转变次数 / 每英寸FTPSVR File Transfer Protocol for Server 服务器文件传送协议FTR Fast Token Ring 快速令牌环FTR File Transfer Requests 文件传送请求FTR Filestore Transfer Routine 文件存储传送例程FTR Full Text Retrieval 全文检索FTR Functional Test Report 功能测试报告FTR Functional Test Request 功能测试请求FTS Fast Track Selector 快速磁道选择器FTS Federal Telecommunication System 联邦远程通信系统(美国)FTS Field Test Support 域测试支持FTS Forward – Transfer Signal 向前传送的信号FTS Frame Transfer System 帧传送系统FTS Free Time System 自由时间系统FTS FutureTech System Inc. 未来技术系统公司(美国,出品笔记本电脑)FTSC Federal Telecommunications Standards Committee 联邦远程通信标准委员会(美国)FTSP Federal Telecommunications Standards Program 联邦远程通信标准计划FTTB Fiber To The Building 光纤到建筑物FTTC Fiber To The Curb 光纤到路边FTTC Fiber To The Customer 光纤到用户FTTH Fiber To The Home 光纤到家FTTO Fiber To The Office 光纤到办公室FTTS Fiber To The Subscriber 光纤到用户FU Fetch Unit 引入单元FU Field Unit 字段单元,信息组单元FU Flight Unlimited 《无限飞行》〖游戏名〗FU Follow – Up 随动FU Functional Unit 功能部件FUA Follow – Up Amplifier 随动放大器FUA frequently used acronyms 常用缩略语〖网语〗Fujitsu 富士通株士会社〖厂标〗FUM Full User Move 用户整体迁移FUN Frye Utilities for Networks 弗赖伊网络实用工具〖软件名〗FUN FUNction 功能,函数,操作FUNI Frame User – to – Network Interface 帧用户到网络接口FUNI Frame – Based User – to Network Interface 基于帧的用户到网络接口FUR Fast Update Request 快速更新请求FV Formula Visualizer 公式可视表述器FV Future Vision 美国“前景”公司(世界著名娱乐光盘制造商)FVC Forward Voice Channel 前推式语音通道FVC Frequency to Voltage Converter 频率-电压转换器FW Fast Write 快写技术〖显卡〗FW Fire Wire “火线”,即IEEE1394(高速外部总线标准)FW FirmWare 固件FW First Word 首字FW Forward Wave 前向波FW Frame Window 框架窗口〖编程〗FW Full Wave 全波.fw FrameWork的数据库文件格式〖后缀〗.fw2 Framework II的数据库文件格式〖后缀〗.fw3 Framework III的数据库文件格式〖后缀〗FWA File Working Area 文件工作区FWA First Word Address 首字地址FWA Fixed Wireless Access 固定无线访问FWA Forward Wave Amplifier 前向波放大器FWA Full – Wave Amplifier 全波放大器FWAC Four Wire Automatic Converter 四线自动转换器FWBA Full – Wave Balanced Amplifier 全波平衡放大器FWCFA Forward Wave Cross Field Amplifier 前向波交叉场放大器FWD Free World Dialup 全球免费拨通,全球免费呼叫FWH Fire Ware Hub 火器集线器〖主板〗FWH Firm Ware Hub 固件集线器,固件中心〖芯片组〗FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum 一半最大值的充足带宽FWIW for what its worth 为其所值〖网语〗FWL Fixed Word Length 固定字长FWM Four – Wave Mixing 四波混合FWR Full – Wave Rectifier 全波整流器FWSE Frequency – Weighted Squared Error 频率加权平方误差FWT Fast Walsh Transform 快速沃尔什变换FWT Fast Wavelet Transform algorithm 快速子波变换算法FWTS Federal Wireless Telecommunications Services 联邦无线远程通信业务.fx FastLynx的在线线导文件格式〖后缀〗FXBIN decimal to FIXed BINary translation 十进制到固定二进制转换FXC Foreign eXchange Circuit 外来交换机线路,国际交换电路.fxd FAXit的电话号码簿文件格式〖后缀〗FXO Foreign eXchange Office 国际交换局.fxp FoxPro的编译文件格式〖后缀〗FXS Foreign eXchange Service 国际交换业务,外汇兑换业务.fxs WinFax的传真传送图形文件格式〖后缀〗FXT Fixed Time Call 定时呼叫FYA for your amusement 供您消遣〖网语〗FYI for your information 仅供参考〖网语〗FYI 福杨主板〖代号〗。

法学 Law Study英语 English日语 Japanese信息与计算科学 Information and Computation Science应用物理学 Applied Physics冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering金属材料工程 Metallic Materials Engineering无机非金属材料 Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials材料成型及控制工程 Material Formation and controlEngineering高分子材料与工程 Multimolecular Materials and Engineering工业设计 Industrial Disign建筑学 Architecture城市规划 City Planning艺术设计 Artistical Disign包装工程 Packaging Engineering机械设计制造及自动化Machine Disign,Manufacturing,and Automation热能与动力工程 Thermal and Power Engineering水利水电工程 WaterConservance and Electro-power Engineering测控技术与仪器 Technique and Instrumentation of Measurements电气工程及其自动化 Electric Engineering and its Automation自动化 Automation通信工程 Communication Engineering电子信息科学与技术 Sience and Technology of Electronic Information 计算机科学与技术 Computer Sience and Technology土木工程 Civil Engineering工程管理 Project Management给水排水工程 Water Supply and Sewage Engineering建筑环境与设备工程 Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering 过程装备与控制工程 Processing Units and Control Engineering环境工程 Environmental Engineering化学工程与工艺 Chemacal Engineering and Technology安全工程 Safty Engineering工商管理 Industrial and Commercial Management市场营销 Market Management and Sales会计学 Accounting旅游管理 Tourism Management信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and System金融学 Finance国际经济与贸易 International Economy and Trade食品科学与工程 Food Sience and Engineering生物工程 Biological Engineering纺织工程 Textile Engineering建筑环境与设备工程、Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering 过程装备与控制工程、Processing Units and Control Engineering现代家政学、 Modern Domestic Science运动训练科学系、 Sports Train Science食品营养与检测、 Food Nutrition and Detect国际新闻、 International News体育健康教育系 Sports Health Education哲学 Philosophy马克思主义哲学 Philosophy of Marxism中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy外国哲学 Foreign Philosophies逻辑学 Logic伦理学 Ethics美学 Aesthetics宗教学 Science of Religion科学技术哲学 Philosophy of Science and Technology经济学 Economics理论经济学 Theoretical Economics政治经济学 Political Economy经济思想史 History of Economic Thought经济史 History of Economic西方经济学 Western Economics世界经济 World Economics人口、资源与环境经济学 Population, Resources and Environmental Economics应用经济学 Applied Economics国民经济学 National Economics区域经济学 Regional Economics财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation)金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance)产业经济学 Industrial Economics国际贸易学 International Trade劳动经济学 Labor Economics统计学 Statistics数量经济学 Quantitative Economics中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称国防经济学 National Defense Economics法学 Law法学 Science of Law法学理论 Jurisprudence法律史 Legal History宪法学与行政法学 Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学 Criminal Jurisprudence民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law )诉讼法学 Science of Procedure Laws经济法学 Science of Economic Law环境与资源保护法学 Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law)军事法学 Science of Military Law政治学 Political Science政治学理论 Political Theory中外政治制度 Chinese and Foreign Political Institution科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动 Scientific Socialism and InternationalCommunist Movement中*史(含党的学说与党的建设) History of the Communist Party of China(including the Doctrine of China Party and Party Building) 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 Education of Marxist Theory and Education in Ideology and Politics国际政治学 International Politics国际关系学 International Relations外交学 Diplomacy社会学 Sociology社会学 Sociology人口学 Demography人类学 Anthropology民俗学(含中国民间文学) Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)民族学 Ethnology民族学 Ethnology马克思主义民族理论与政策 Marxist Ethnic Theory and Policy 中国少数民族经济 Chinese Ethnic Economics中国少数民族史 Chinese Ethnic History中国少数民族艺术 Chinese Ethnic Art教育学 Education教育学 Education Science教育学原理 Educational Principle课程与教学论 Curriculum and Teaching Methodology教育史 History of Education比较教育学 Comparative Education学前教育学 Pre-school Education高等教育学 Higher Education成人教育学 Adult Education职业技术教育学 Vocational and Technical Education特殊教育学 Special Education教育技术学 Education Technology心理学 Psychology基础心理学 Basic Psychology发展与心理学 Developmental and Educational Psychology应用心理学 Applied Psychology体育学 Science of Physical Culture and Sports体育人文社会学 Humane and Sociological Science of Sports 运动人体科学 Human Movement Science体育教育训练学 Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training民族传统体育学 Science of Ethnic Traditional Sports文学 Literature中国语言文学 Chinese Literature文艺学 Theory of Literature and Art语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics汉语言文字学 Chinese Philology中国古典文献学 Study of Chinese Classical Text中国古代文学 Ancient Chinese Literature中国现当代文学 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature 中国少数民族语言文学 Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature and World Literature外国语言文学 Foreign Languages and Literatures英语语言文学 English Language and Literature俄语语言文学 Russian Language and Literature法语语言文学 French Language and Literature德语语言文学 German Language and Literature日语语言文学 Japanese Language and Literature印度语言文学 Indian Language and Literature西班牙语语言文学 Spanish Language and Literature阿拉伯语语言文学 Arabic Language and Literature欧洲语言文学 European Language and Literature亚非语言文学 Asian-African Language and Literature外国语言学及应用语言学 Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages新闻传播学 Journalism and Communication新闻学 Journalism传播学 Communication艺术学 Art艺术学 Art Theory音乐学 Music美术学 Fine Arts设计艺术学 Artistic Design戏剧戏曲学 Theater and Chinese Traditional Opera电影学 Film广播电视艺术学 Radio and television Art舞蹈学 Dance历史学 History历史学 History史学理论及史学史 Historical Theories and History of Historical Science考古学及博物馆学 Archaeology and Museology历史地理学 Historical Geography历史文献学(含敦煌学、古文字学) Studies of Historical Literature (includingPaleography and Studies of Dunhuang)专门史 History of Particular Subjects中国古代史 Ancient Chinese History中国近现代史 Modern and Contemporary Chinese History世界史 World History理学 Natural Science数学 Mathematics基础数学 Fundamental Mathematics计算数学 Computational Mathematics概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 应用数学 Applied mathematics运筹学与控制论 Operational Research and Cybernetics物理学 Physics理论物理 Theoretical Physics粒子物理与原子核物理 Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics原子与分子物理 Atomic and Molecular Physics等离子体物理 Plasma Physics凝聚态物理 Condensed Matter Physics声学 Acoustics光学 Optics无线电物理 Radio Physics化学 Chemistry无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry分析化学 Analytical Chemistry有机化学 Organic Chemistry物理化学(含化学物理) Physical Chemistry (including Chemical Physics)高分子化学与物理 Chemistry and Physics of Polymers天文学 Astronomy天体物理 Astrophysics天体测量与天体力学 Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics地理学 Geography自然地理学 Physical Geography人文地理学 Human Geography地图学与地理信息系统 Cartography and Geography Information System大气科学 Atmospheric Sciences气象学 Meteorology大气物理学与大气环境 Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment海洋科学 Marine Sciences物理海洋学 Physical Oceanography海洋化学 Marine Chemistry海洋生理学 Marine Biology海洋地质学 Marine Geology地球物理学 Geophysics固体地球物理学 Solid Earth Physics空间物理学 Space Physics地质学 Geology矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 Mineralogy, Petrology, Mineral Deposit Geology地球化学 Geochemistry古生物学与地层学(含古人类学) Paleontology and Stratigraphy (including Paleoanthropology)构造地质学 Structural Geology第四纪地质学 Quaternary Geology生物学 Biology植物学 Botany动物学 Zoology生理学 Physiology水生生物学 Hydrobiology微生物学 Microbiology神经生物学 Neurobiology遗传学 Genetics发育生物学 Developmental Biology细胞生物学 Cell Biology生物化学与分子生物学 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 生物物理学 Biophysics生态学 Ecology系统科学 Systems Science系统理论 Systems Theory系统分析与集成 Systems Analysis and Integration科学技术史 History of Science and Technology工学 Engineering力学 Mechanics一般力学与力学基础 General and Fundamental Mechanics固体力学 Solid Mechanics流体力学 Fluid Mechanics工程力学 Engineering Mechanics机械工程 Mechanical Engineering机械制造及其自动化 Mechanical Manufacture and Automation 机械电子工程 Mechatronic Engineering机械设计与理论 Mechanical Design and Theory车辆工程 Vehicle Engineering光学工程 Optical Engineering仪器科学与技术 Instrument Science and Technology精密仪器及机械 Precision Instrument and Machinery测试计量技术及仪器 Measuring and Testing Technologies and Instruments材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering材料物理与化学 Materials Physics and Chemistry材料学 Materialogy材料加工工程 Materials Processing Engineering冶金工程 Metallurgical Engineering冶金物理化学 Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy钢铁冶金 Ferrous Metallurgy有色金属冶金 Non-ferrous Metallurgy动力工程及工程热物理 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics工程热物理 Engineering Thermophysics热能工程 Thermal Power Engineering动力机械及工程 Power Machinery and Engineering流体机械及工程 Fluid Machinery and Engineering制冷及低温工程 Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering化工过程机械 Chemical Process Equipment电气工程 Electrical Engineering电机与电器 Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化 Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术 High Voltage and Insulation Technology 电力电子与电力传动 Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and Technology物理电子学 Physical Electronics电路与系统 Circuits and Systems微电子学与固体电子学 Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics电磁场与微波技术 Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology信息与通信工程 Information and Communication Engineering 通信与信息系统 Communication and Information Systems信号与信息处理 Signal and Information Processing控制科学与工程 Control Science and Engineering控制理论与控制工程 Control Theory and Control Engineering检测技术与自动化装置 Detection Technology and Automatic Equipment系统工程 Systems Engineering模式识别与智能系统 Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems导航、制导与控制 Navigation, Guidance and Control计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology计算机软件与理论 Computer Software and Theory计算机系统结构 Computer Systems Organization计算机应用技术 Computer Applied Technology建筑学 Architecture建筑历史与理论 Architectural History and Theory建筑设计及其理论 Architectural Design and Theory城市规划与设计(含风景园林规划与设计) Urban Planning and Design (including Landscape Planning and Design)建筑技术科学 Building Technology Science土木工程 Civil Engineering岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering结构工程 Structural Engineering市政工程 Municipal Engineering供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering防灾减灾工程及防护工程 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering桥梁与隧道工程 Bridge and Tunnel Engineering水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering水文学及水资源 Hydrology and Water Resources水力学及河流动力学 Hydraulics and River Dynamics水工结构工程 Hydraulic Structure Engineering水利水电工程 Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering港口、海岸及近海工程 Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering 测绘科学与技术 Surveying and Mapping大地测量学与测量工程 Geodesy and Survey Engineering摄影测量与遥感 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing地图制图学与地理信息工程 Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering化学工程与技术 Chemical Engineering and Technology化学工程 Chemical Engineering化学工艺 Chemical Technology生物化工 Biochemical Engineering应用化学 Applied Chemistry工业催化 Industrial Catalysis地质资源与地质工程 Geological Resources and Geological Engineering矿产普查与勘探 Mineral Resource Prospecting and Exploration 地球探测与信息技术 Geodetection and Information Technology 地质工程 Geological Engineering矿业工程 Mineral Engineering采矿工程 Mining Engineering矿物加工工程 Mineral Processing Engineering安全技术及工程 Safety Technology and Engineering石油与天然气工程 Oil and Natural Gas Engineering油气井工程 Oil-Gas Well Engineering油气田开发工程 Oil-Gas Field Development Engineering油气储运工程 Oil-Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering 纺织科学与工程 Textile Science and Engineering纺织工程 Textile Engineering纺织材料与纺织品设计 Textile Material and Textiles Design纺织化学与染整工程 Textile Chemistry and Dyeing and Finishing Engineering服装设计与工程 Clothing Design and Engineering轻工技术与工程 The Light Industry Technology and Engineering 制浆造纸工程 Pulp and Paper Engineering制糖工程 Sugar Engineering发酵工程 Fermentation Engineering皮革化学与工程 Leather Chemistry and Engineering交通运输工程 Communication and Transportation Engineering道路与铁道工程 Highway and Railway Engineering交通信息工程及控制 Traffic Information Engineering & Control 交通运输规划与管理 Transportation Planning and Management载运工具运用工程 Vehicle Operation Engineering船舶与海洋工程 Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering船舶与海洋结构物设计制造 Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure轮机工程 Marine Engine Engineering水声工程 Underwater Acoustics Engineering航空宇航科学与技术 Aeronautical and Astronautical Science and Technology飞行器设计 Flight Vehicle Design航空宇航推进理论与工程 Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering航空宇航器制造工程 Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle人机与环境工程 Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering兵器科学与技术 Armament Science and Technology武器系统与运用工程 Weapon Systems and Utilization Engineering 兵器发射理论与技术 Armament Launch Theory and Technology火炮、自动武器与弹药工程 Artillery, Automatic Gun and Ammunition Engineering军事化学与烟火技术 Military Chemistry and Pyrotechnics核科学与技术 Nuclear Science and Technology核能科学与工程 Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering核燃料循环与材料 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials核技术及应用 Nuclear Technology and Applications辐射防护及环境保护 Radiation and Environmental Protection农业工程 Agricultural Engineering农业机械化工程 Agricultural Mechanization Engineering农业水土工程 Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering农业生物环境与能源工程 Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy Engineering农业电气化与自动化 Agricultural Electrification and Automation林业工程 Forestry Engineering森林工程 Forest Engineering木材科学与技术 Wood Science and Technology林产化学加工工程 Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products环境科学与工程 Environmental Science and Engineering环境科学 Environmental Science环境工程 Environmental Engineering生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering食品科学 Food Science粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering农产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products水产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products农学 Agriculture作物学 Crop Science作物栽培学与耕作学 Crop Cultivation and Farming System作物遗传育种学 Crop Genetics and Breeding园艺学 Horticulture果树学 Pomology蔬菜学 Olericulture茶学 Tea Science农业资源利用学 Utilization Science of Agricultural Resources 土壤学 Soil Science植物营养学 Plant Nutrition植物保护学 Plant Protection植物病理学 Plant Pathology农业昆虫与害虫防治 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control 农药学 Pesticide Science畜牧学 Animal Science动物遗传育种与繁殖 Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction Science动物营养与饲料科学 Animal Nutrition and Feed Science草业科学 Practaculture Science特种经济动物饲养学(含蚕、蜂等) The Rearing of Special-type EconomicAnimals (including Silkworm, Honeybees, etc.)兽医学 Veterinary Medicine基础兽医学 Basic Veterinary Medicine预防兽医学 Preventive Veterinary Medicine临床兽医学 Clinical Veterinary Medicine林学 Forestry林木遗传育种学 Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding森林培育学 Silviculture森林保护学 Forest Protection森林经理学 Forest Management野生动植物保护与利用 Wildlife Conservation and Utilization 园林植物与观赏园艺 Ornamental Plants and Horticulture水土保持与荒漠化防治 Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Combating水产学 Fisheries Science水产养殖学 Aquaculture Science捕捞学 Fishing Science渔业资源学 Science of Fisheries Resources医学 Medicine基础医学 Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学 Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology 免疫学 Immunology病原生物学 Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学 Pathology and Pathophysiology法医学 Forensic Medicine放射医学 Radiation Medicine航空航天与航海医学 Aerospace and Nautical medicine临床医学 Clinical Medicine内科学(含心血管病学、血液病学、呼吸系病学、消化系病学、内分泌与代谢病学、肾脏病学、风湿病学、传染病学) Internal medicine (including Cardiology, Hematology, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nephrology, Rheuma-tology, Infectious Diseases)儿科学 Pediatrics老年医学 Geriatrics神经病学 Neurology精神病与精神卫生学 Psychiatry and Mental Health皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology影像医学与核医学 Imaging and Nuclear Medicine临床检验诊断学 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics护理学 Nursing外科学(含普通外科学、骨外科学、泌尿外科学、胸心血管外科学、神经外科学、整形外科学、烧伤外科学、野战外科学) Surgery (General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Burn Surgery, Field Surgery)妇产科学 Obstetrics and Gynecology眼科学 Ophthalmic Specialty耳鼻咽喉科学 Otolaryngology肿瘤学 Oncology康复医学与理疗学 Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy 运动医学 Sports Medicine麻醉学 Anesthesiology急诊医学 Emergency Medicine口腔医学 Stomatology口腔基础医学 Basic Science of Stomatology口腔临床医学 Clinical Science of Stomatology公共卫生与预防医学 Public Health and Preventive Medicine 流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Health Statistics劳动卫生与环境卫生学 Occupational and Environmental Health 营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Hygiene儿少卫生与妇幼保健学 Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health 卫生毒理学 Hygiene Toxicology军事预防医学 Military Preventive Medicine中医学 Chinese Medicine中医基础理论 Basic Theories of Chinese Medicine中医临床基础 Clinical Foundation of Chinese Medicine中医医史文献 History and Literature of Chinese Medicine方剂学 Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学 Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine中医内科学 Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学 Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学 Orthopedics of Chinese Medicine中医妇科学 Gynecology of Chinese Medicine中医儿科学 Pediatrics of Chinese Medicine中医五官科学 Ophthalmology and Otolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学 Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina of Chinese medicine民族医学 Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学 Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学 Basic Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学 Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine药学 Pharmaceutical Science药物化学 Medicinal Chemistry药剂学 Pharmaceutics生药学 Pharmacognosy药物分析学 Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学 Microbial and Biochemical Pharmacy药理学 Pharmacology中药学 Science of Chinese Pharmacology军事学 Military Science军事思想学及军事历史学 Military Thought and Military History 军事思想学 Military Thought军事历史学 Military History战略学 Science of Strategy军事战略学 Military Strategy战争动员学 War Mobilization战役学 Science of Operations联合战役学 Joint Operation军种战役学(含第二炮兵战役学) Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Missile Force)战术学 Science of Tactics合同战术学 Combined-Arms Tactics兵种战术学 Branch Tactics军队指挥学 Science of Command作战指挥学 Combat Command军事运筹学 Military Operation Research军事通信学 Military Communication军事情报学 Military Intelligence密码学 Cryptography军事教育训练学(含军事体育学) Military Education and Training (including Military Physical Training)军制学 Science of Military System军事组织编制学 Military Organizational System军队管理学 Military Management军队政治工作学 Science of Military Political Work军事后勤学与军事装备学 Science of Military Logistics and Military Equipment军事后勤学 Military Logistics后方专业勤务 Rear Special Service军事装备学 Military Equipment管理学 Management Science管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering工商管理学 Science of Business Administration会计学 Accounting企业管理学(含财务管理、市场营销学、人力资源管理学) Corporate Management (including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)旅游管理学 Tourist Management技术经济及管理学 Technology Economy and Management农林经济管理学 Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management农业经济管理学 Agricultural Economics & Management林业经济管理学 Forestry Economics & Management公共管理学 Science of Public Management行政管理学 Administration Management社会医学与卫生事业管理学 Social Medicine and Health Management教育经济与管理学 Educational Economy and Management社会保障学 Social Security土地资源管理学 Land Resource Management图书馆、情报与档案学 Science of Library, Information and Archival图书馆学 Library Science情报学 Information Science档案学 Archival Science欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

院系专业名称英语翻译各学院(原系)中英文对照生物技术学院College of Biotechnology生命科学学院College of Life Science资源环境学院College of Environment and Natural Resources资源环境学院College of Resources and Environment林学院College of Forestry经济贸易学院College of Economics and Trade经济管理学院College of Economics Management工程技术学院College of Polytechnics工程学院College of Engineering农业工程系Department of Agricultural Engineering理学院College of Sciences信息学院College of Information人文学院College of Humanities公管管理学院College of Public Management农学系Department of Agronomy园艺系Department of Horticulture蚕桑系Department of Sericulture艺术设计学院College of Art Design动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院College of Animal Science兽医学院College of Veterinary Science食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院College of Food艺术学院College of Arts水利与土木工程学院College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering各学位名称对照农学士Agriculture工学士Engineering理学士Sciences哲学士Philosophy经济学士Economics管理学士Management文学士Arts各专业中英文名称对照工商管理Business Administration金融学Finance and Banking经济学Economics会计学Accounting农林经济管理Agricultural/forest Economy Management社会工作Social Work英语English生物技术Biotechnology机械设计及其自动化Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their Automation 信息管理与信息系统Information Management & Information Systems电子信息工程Electronic and Information Engineering农业机械化及其自动化Agricultural Mechanization And Its Automation农业电气化与自动化Agricultural Electrification and Automation土木工程Civil Engineering交通运输Traffic and Transportation应用化学Applied chemistry计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology植物保护Plant Protection土地资源管理Land Resources Management农业资源与环境Agricultural Resources and Environment土地资源管理Land Resources Management农学Agronomy茶学Tea Science食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering园艺Horticulture木材科学与工程Wood Science and Engineering森林资源保护与游憩Forest Resources Conservation and Recreation林学Forestry园林Landscape Gardening动物科学Animal Science动物医学Veterinary Medicine蚕学Sericulture法学Law食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering服装设计与工程Apparel Design and Engineering管理信息系统Management Information Systems土壤与农业化学Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry土地规划与利用Land Planning and Utilization农业环境保护Agricultural Environment Protection木材加工Wood Processing经济林Economic Forest农业经济与管理Agricultural Economics and Management贸易经济Trade Economics企业管理Industrial Management国际金融International Trade农业机械化Agricultural Mechanization机械设计Design and Manufacturing汽车运用工程Mobile Application中国社会主义建设Chinese Socialist Construction作物遗传育种Plant Genetics and Breeding果树Pomology动物营养与饲料加工Animal Nutrition and Feed Processing畜牧Animal Husbandry农业工程Agricultural Engineering家具设计与室内装饰Furniture Design and Room Decoration市场策划与营销Market Planning and Marketing土地经济与房地产管理Land Economics and Real Estate Management 精细化工Fine Chemistry财务管理与计算机Financial Management and Computer经贸英语Business English公共关系与秘书Public Relation茶叶加工与贸易Tea Processing And Trade花卉与庭园工程Floriculture And Gardening丝绸与贸易Silk And Trade养禽与禽病防治Poultry Raising And Disease Control微生物发酵技术与贸易Microorganism Fermentation And Trade各学院(原系)主要课程中英文对照生物技术学院(College of Biotechnology)生命科学学院(College of Life Science)化学除草原理与技术Principles and application of weed chemistry control 种子生理Seed physiology组织培养技术Technology of tissue culture果蔬保鲜原理与技术Techniques in preservation of fruit & vegetable植物学Botany酶工程Enzyme engineering植物显微技术Botanical microtechnique细胞生物学Cell biology农田杂草Farmland weed普通生态学General ecology药用植物资源利用Resources and utilization of medicinal plant生物化学研究技术Techniques in biochemistry researches分析与检测技术Technology of test and analysis动物生物化学Animal biochemistry基因工程Genetic engineering文献查阅与综述方法Document searching and reviewing植物生物化学Plant biochemistry蛋白质工程Protein engineering分子生物学Molecular biology植物生物化学实验Plant biochemistry experiment遗传(基因)工程导论Introduction to genetic engineering辐照基础与应用Basis and application of irradiation technology辐射生物学Irradiational biology免疫学Immunology同位素示踪原理及其应用技术Isotopic tracer technique reason and appliance 同位素应用技术Application of isotopes生物电子显微技术Electron microscope and preparation of biological specimen 仪器分析Instrumental analysis现代仪器分析与食品检测Modern instrumental analysis and food inspection农业与温室气体(排放)Agriculture greenhouse effect gases电镜技术Electron microscope technique植物生理学Plant physiology生物物理学Biophysics生态学Ecology核素应用技术The application of nuclide农业电子技术The electronic technology of agriculture食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院College of Food Science普通微生物学General microbiology农业微生物学Agricultural microbiology食品微生物学Food microbiology环境微生物学Environmental microbiology微生物学实验技术Experimental technique in microbiology食品微生物学实验Microbiological test of food发酵工艺学原理Principles of fermentation technology微生物遗传育种Microbial genetics and strain improvement食品生物化学Biochemistry of food products食品添加济Additives of food products食物酶学Enzyme engineering of food食品分析Food analysis食品营养学Food nutriology食品工艺学Food technology果蔬加工学Processing of fruit and vegetable食品工厂设计The design of food factory乳品学Dairy science &technology蛋品学Egg science & technology肉品学Meat science & technology食品工程原理Principles of food engineering农产品加工学Agricultural products processing technology食品机械与设备Food machinery and equipment食品包装学Food packaging动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院College of Animal Science动物生理学Animal physiology家畜行为学Ethnology of domestic animals饲料卫生学Feed hygienic配合饲料工艺学Technology of formula feed单胃动物营养学Nutrition of unistomach animals反刍动物营养学Ruminant nutrition饲料检测技术The technique of feed checking and analysis饲料生产学Feed production饲料添加剂学Feed addition家畜饲料学附饲料分析Livestock feeding and feeds analysis饲料原料及加工贮藏Feed ingredients and processing and storage动物饲养学Animal feeding动物营养学基本原理The basal principle of animal nutrition配合饲料技术The technique of formular feed普通畜牧学Animal husbandry淡水养鱼学Culture of fresh-water fish动物学Zoology家禽学Poultry science珍禽学Science of rare birds家畜育种学Poultry breeding家禽孵化学Poultry hatching家畜环境卫生学Livestock environment hygiene牛生产学Cattle production家兔生产学Rabbit production猪生产学Swine production畜牧家畜育种学Animal breeding数量遗传学Quantitative genetics动物遗传学Animal genetics生物统计附试验设计Biological statistics养犬与养猫Canine and feline production家畜繁殖学Animal reproduction动物遗传育种Animal Genetics & Breeding动物生产学Animal production动物医学系(Department of Veterinary Medicine )兽医学院(College of Veterinary Medicine)家畜解剖学The anatomy of the domestic animals禽病学Diseases of poultry家畜病理学The pathology of the domestic animals动物组织学与胚胎学Histology and embryology of the domestic animals 家畜解剖学及组织胚胎学家禽普通病学General diseases of poultry中兽医学Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine兽医临床诊断学Clinical diagnosis of veterinarian家禽传染病学Avian infectious diseases家禽内科学Internal medicine of domestic animals家禽药理学Poultry pharmacology兽医药理学Veterinary pharmacology家畜寄生虫学Parasitology of domestic animals家禽病理学Pathology of poultry兽医产科学Veterinary breeding家畜外科学Veterinary surgery兽医应用免疫学Veterinary applied immunology动物性食品卫生学Animal food hygiene家畜传染病学Infections disease of domestic animals兽医学Veterinary medicine兽医药理学的毒理学Veterinary pharmacy toxicology理学院(College of Science)计算机关系数据库Relationship database计算机应用基础Fundamentals of computer application 计算机应用基础Computer applicationC语言程序设计Programming in C物理化学Physical chemistry有机化学Organic chemistry分析化学Analytical chemistry普通化学General chemistry化工仪表Chemical engineering and meter化学实验Experiment in general chemistry大学物理College physics应用电子技术The application of electronic technology概率论Probability theory线性代数Linear algebra高等数学Advanced mathematics必修课The required courses选修课Optional courses限选课Limited optional courses实践课Practical courses军训Military training专业劳动Work in specialty and for production教学实践Practice in the course生产实习Training for working毕业论文(设计)The thesis or designing for graduation 物化胶化Physical colloid chemistry人文科学学院(College of Humanities)法律基础Fundamentals of law社会主义人生实践The socialist practice in one’s life形势政策教育The education of situation and policy马克思主义原理The course on Marxist theories中国革命史The history of Chinese revolution中国革命的理论与实践The theory and practice of the Chinese revolution社会调查研究理论与方法Theory and method on social investigation and research 中国社会主义建设China’s socialist construction国际贸易International trade经济法学Economic law中国社会主义市场经济概论An introduction to china’s socialist market economy政治经济学Political economics西方经济学Western economics行政管理学Administration management应用写作Practical writing思想教育Ideological education自然科学方法论The methodology of natural science逻辑学Logic农业文献检索Agricultural literature indexing专业英语Special English体育Physical training毛泽东思想概论An introduction to Mao zedong thought邓小平理论概论An introduction to Deng xiaoping theory教育学Pedagogy思想道德修养Thought & moral training教学法Teaching method应用写作Practical writing农业史Agricultural history经济贸易学院(College of Economics and Trade)乡镇企业管理学院(College of Rural Enterprise Management)宏观经济学Macroeconomics微观经济学Microeconomics政治经济学Political economics发展经济学Development economics农业经济学Agricultural economics外国农业经济Foreign agricultural economics中国经济地理Economy geography in China经济法学The law of economics国际商法International commercial law管理信息系统Management information system农业会计学Agricultural accounting消费经济学Consumption economics电算化会计原理Computer accounting成本会计Cost accounting统计学原理Principle of statistics商品流通统计Accounting in commodity circulation金融统计Financial statistics会计学原理Principle of accounting商品流通企业会计Business accounting in commodity circulation财务会计学Financial accounting审计学Auditing银行会计Bank accounting农业政策学Agricultural policy管理学原理Principle management企业学原理Business management房地产经营管理Administration and management of real estate银行经营管理Administration and management of bank商业企业经营管理Business administration and management涉外企业管理Foreign business management资源经济学Resource economics农产品贸易学Agricultural products trade国际贸易International trade进出口贸易实务Practice in import-Export trade市场营销学Marketing国际市场营销学International marketing财政学Public finance国际金融International finance证券投资Investment on securities公共关系学Public relations货币银行学Economics of money and banking投资经济学Economics of investment国际结算International settlement银行信贷学Bank credit财政金融Public finance and monetary economics期货交易理论与实务Theory and practices of futures土地经济学Land economics乡镇企业经济管理The economic management of tow’s enterprise 经济计量学Economical estimate审计学audit农学系(Department of Agronomy)农学院(College of Agriculture)制茶学Manufacture of tea作物育种学(各论)Crop breeding作物育种学(总论)Crop breeding (general discourse)种子学原理Principles of seed science农业管理学Agricultural management农产品综合利用Comprehensive utilization of crop products耕作学Cultivation science经济作物学Industry crop science农业气象基础Agrometeorology遗传学Genetics茶树栽培学Tea cultivation茶叶审评与检验Tea tasting and inspection试验设计与统计分析Experimental designs and statistical analyses农业生态学Agroecology农业自然资源利用及农业区划Utilization of agricultural resources and agricultural regionalization 茶树能种学Tea plant breeding粮食作物学Food crop science茶叶生物化学Biochemistry of tea农业推广学Agricultural popularization农业环境保护Agricultural environmental protection作物栽培学与耕作学Crop cultivation & geoponics蚕桑系(Department of Sericulture)艺术设计学院(College of Art Design)蚕桑综合利用Silkworm-mulberry multipurpose utilization茧丝学Cocoon silk science养蚕学Seri cultural science蚕体解剖生理Anatomy and physiology of silkworm桑树栽培及育种学Mulberry cultivation & breeding桑树病虫害防治学蚕种学Silkworm egg production家蚕遗传育种Silkworm genetic of thremmatology遗传学Genetics蚕病学Silkworm pathology蚕桑学Sericulture园艺系(Department of Horticulture)园艺学院(College of Horticulture)插花艺术Art of floweral arrangement蔬菜育种学Vegetable breeding花卉园艺学Floriculture园艺商品学Marketing of horticultural product园艺设施栽培Horticultural facilities culture植物显微技术Plant microtechnology园艺通论General horticulture园艺昆虫学Horticultural entomology园艺植物育种学Plant breeding in horticulture果树生理学Fruit tree physiology园艺研究法Horticulture studies果树栽培学总论Pomology园艺产品贮藏保鲜学Techniques in preservation of horticultural products园艺植物病理学The pest control of horticulture plant花卉保鲜学Techniques in preservation of flowers & plants园艺植物生理学Horticulture plant pathology蔬菜栽培学Vegetable culture盆景艺术Pruning采后生理Post harvest physiology果树抗性育种专题Special topic on fruit tree resistance园艺植物的生物技术The biotechnique of horticultural plant园艺概论An outline of horticulture蔬菜学Olericulture果树学Pomology工程技术学院(College of polytechnics)工程学院(College of Engineering)建筑电工Architectural electrotechnics电工学Electrotechnics工业电子学Industrial electronics材料力学Strength of materials建筑力学(结构力学部分)Mechanics of structure理论力学Theoretical mechanics机械设计Machinery design机械原理Theory of machine and mechanism画法几何学Drawing geometry机械制图Engineering drawing工程制图Engineering drawing园林工程制图Landscape drawing建筑制图Building drawing液压技术2 Hydraulic technique 2机械工程材料Materials of mechanical engineering机床夹具设计原理Theory of jig design for machine tool冷冲工艺及冷冲模设计Punching technology and punch die design金属切削原理与刀具Principle of l cutting and cutting tool金属工艺学l technology机械制造工艺学Manufactural technology of machinery金属工艺学l technology液压技术1 Hydraulic technique 1汽车维修理论Theory of automobile service汽车运输学Transportation of automobile互换性与测量技术Interchangeability and technical measurement汽车构造Construction of automobile汽车运用工程Automobile application engineering热工基础Fundamental of thermo-technology食品干燥工艺与设备Food drying technology and equipment食品包装机械Food packaging machinery农业机械学Agricultural machinery食品工程原理Theory of food process engineering食品加工机械与设备Foot processing machinery and equipments砼与砌体结构Reinforce concrete建筑构造Structure of building建筑材料Constructional material建筑施工技术与施工组织Technology and planning of building operation单层工业厂房排架结构设计The design of single-factory building with d structure 高层建筑结构设计Design of high rise building民用建筑设计原理Design of civil architecture农业系统工程及管理工程Systems engineering and management engineering资源环境学院(College of Resources and Environment)环境监测Environmental monitoring土壤农业化学Agrochemistry analysis生产布局学原理Principle of productive distribution城镇建设用地管理Management of land urban construction城市规划原理Principle of urban planning资源经济学Resources economics经济地理Economic geography土地资源调查Land resources survey地图绘编Map establishment遥感技术基础Fundamental of remote sensing technology土地信息系统Land information system地籍管理Land management土地规划学Land planning science土地管理学Land management土地经济学Land economic房地产管理Management of real estate房地产估价Appraisement of real estate固体废物的处理与处置Treatment & disposal wastes城市污泥的农业再循环与生态环境The agricultural recycling of municipal sludge and the ecological environment 大气污染控制工程Air pollution controlling engineering环境质量评价Environmental quality assessment环境化学Environmental chemistry水体污染控制工程Water pollution controlling engineering环境生态Environmental ecology土壤污染与防治Soil pollution环境保护概论Introduction of environmental protection农业环境保护概论Introduction of agricultural environmental protection无土栽培原理与技术Theories and techniques of soilless culture农业化学总论Introduction of agrochemistry作物施肥原理Principles of crop fertilization作物营养研究法Methodology of plant nutrition土壤物理学Soil physics土壤学Pedology环境土壤学Environmental pedology土壤化学Soil chemistry土壤粘粒矿物Mineral of soil clay fration土质学基础Basis of geology土壤地理学Soil geography区域土壤学Regional pedology土壤资源调查Soil resources survey茶树病虫害(病害部分) Tea disease and pest (disease section)植物检疫学Quarantine for pests植物病毒学Plant virology果树病理学Fruit tree pathology果蔬病害Fruit and vegetable diseases植物免疫学Plant immunology普通昆虫学General entomology真菌资源及利用Fungal resources and their utilization除草剂毒理学Toxicology of herbicides植物病害生物防治学Biological prevention and control of plant diseases害虫生物防治Biological control杀菌剂毒理学Toxicology of fungicides植物病害流行学Epidemiology of plant diseases农业螨类学Agricultural acarology害虫综合防治Integrated pest management生物统计学Biometrics城市昆虫学Civil entomology作物抗虫育种原理及应用Principle and application of resistant plant breeding 植物病原细菌学Plant bacteriology植物病理学Plant pathology真菌分类学Taxonomy of fungi植物线虫学Plant nematology农业植物病理学Agricultural phytopathology普通植物病理学General phytopathology果蔬昆虫学Fruit plant & vegetable entomology果蔬贮运病害Fruit and vegetable diseases during storage食用真菌学Edible fung林学院College of Forestry数理统计Mathematical statistics遗传学Genetics树木育种学Forest tree breeding树木育苗学Tree seeds and nursery stock science自然保护区学Science of nature reserve造林学Silviculture林业技术经济学Forestry technology economics森林经营学Forest management林业经济管理学Management of forestry economics林业政策与法规Policies and laws of forestry会计学原理Fundamentals of accounting树木病理学Forest pathology测树学Forest measuration测量学Surveying森林生态学Forest ecology森林土壤学Forest soil science森林经理学Forest management森林昆虫学Forest entomology树木学Dendrology机械设计基础Fundamentals of mechanical design厂内运输Equipment of transit in factory胶合板制造学The manufacturing of plywood木材加工企业管理Forest products management胶粘剂与涂料Adhesive and paint木材学Wood science木材干燥Timber drying木制品生产工艺学Tec manufacturing of wood products纤维板制造学Fiberboard manufacturing technology刨花板制造学The manufacturing of particleboard木材切削原理与刀具The principles of wood cutting and tools木工机械Wood machinery土壤学Soil science经济林育种学Economic forest breeding经济林昆虫学Economic forest entomology经济林病理学Economic forest pathology经济林栽培学Economic forest culture园林设计Parks and gardens design造型艺术Plastic art城市绿地规划City open spaces planning园林树木栽培养护学Garden tree cultivation园林树木学Ornamental dendrology园林专业绘画课Painting of landscape architecture城市规划基础Fundamentals of city planning城市园林绿化经济管理Economic management of urban landscape gardening 风景园林设计初步Elementary landscape architecture design园林植物病理学Ornamental plant pathology园林昆虫学Ornamental plant entomology园林史History of landscape architecture园林工程Landscape architectural engineering土壤学Soil science城市生态学Urban ecology森林保护学Forest protection。

1. informationInformation, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system. Conceptually, information is the message (utterance or expression) being conveyed. This concept has numerous other meanings in different contexts.[1] Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, representation, and especially entropy.(信息,在其最受限制的技术意义上,是一个序列的符号,可以被解释为一个消息。
专业英语 信息资源管理

专业英语信息资源管理English:Information Resource Management (IRM) is a critical aspect of modern business operations, involving the strategic and efficient management of information resources within an organization. This encompasses the planning, development, implementation, and maintenance of various information systems and technologies to support the organization's information needs. The goal of IRM is to ensure that information resources are effectively utilized, secured, and aligned with the overall business strategy. This involves the careful management of data, knowledge, and technology assets to enhance organizational performance. IRM professionals are responsible for analyzing the organization's information needs, identifying technological solutions, and implementing strategies to optimize the use of information resources. Additionally, they play a crucial role in ensuring compliance with data governance and security standards, as well as facilitating communication and collaboration across different departments within the organization.中文翻译:信息资源管理(IRM)是现代企业运营的关键方面,涉及组织内信息资源的战略和有效管理。

1A vulnerability is a weakness that a person can eXploit to accomplish something that is not authorized or intended as legitimate use of a network or system.一个漏洞是一个软弱,一个人要有所成就,能利用未被授权或打算作为合法使用网络或系统。
When a vulnerability is exploited to compromise the security of systems or information on those systems,the result is a security incident,Vulnerabilities may be caused by engineering or design errors,or faulty implementation.当一个漏洞是利用妥协的安全系统或信息在这些系统中,其结果是一个安全漏洞事件,可能是由于工程或设计错误,或错误的实现。
Why the Internet Is Vulnerable(为什么互联网是脆弱)2Many early network protocols that now form part of the Internet infrastructure were designe without security in mind.许多早期的网络协议,现在互联网基础设施的组成部分是不安全的理念,设计。
Without a fundamentally secwre infrastructure,network defense becomes more diffcult.没有从根本上安全的基础设施、网络防御变得更加困难。
Furthermore, the Internet is an extremely dynamic environment, in terms of both topology and emerging technology。
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1 A vulnerability is a weakness that a person can eXploit to accomplish something that is not authorized or intended as legitimate use of a network or system.一个漏洞是一个软弱,一个人要有所成就,能利用未被授权或打算作为合法使用网络或系统。
When a vulnerability is exploited to compromise the security of systems or information on those systems,the result is a security incident,Vulnerabilities may be caused by engineering or design errors,or faulty implementation.当一个漏洞是利用妥协的安全系统或信息在这些系统中,其结果是一个安全漏洞事件,可能是由于工程或设计错误,或错误的实现。
Why the Internet Is Vulnerable(为什么互联网是脆弱)2 Many early network protocols that now form part of the Internet infrastructure were designe without security in mind.许多早期的网络协议,现在互联网基础设施的组成部分是不安全的理念,设计。
Without a fundamentally secwre infrastructure,network defense becomes more diffcult.没有从根本上安全的基础设施、网络防御变得更加困难。
Furthermore, the Internet is an extremely dynamic environment, in terms of both topology and emerging technology。
and may be hard to detect or trace。
An attacker does not have to be phsically present to carry out the attack.由于互联网的营销公开和原设计的协议、网络攻击通常是快速,简单,便宜,而且可能很难检测或跟踪一个攻击者不必一股脑的礼物进行攻击。
In fact,many attacks can be launched readily from anywhere in the word, and the location of the attacker can easily be hidden.事实上,许多攻击可以启动容易从任何地方在词的位置,攻击者可以很容易的被隐藏。
Nor is it always necessary to“break in”to a site (gain privileges on it ) to compromise confidentiality,integrity,or availability of its information on service.”网站(获得特权)妥协的保密性,完整性或可用性的信息服务。
It is common for sites to be unaware of the risks or unconcerned about the amount of trust they place in the Intemet.这是常见的网站不知道或不关心的风险量的信任他们的地方在因特网。
They may not be aware of what can happen to their information and systems.他们可能还不知道会发生什么,他们的信息和系统。
They may believe that their site will not be a target or that precautions they have taken are sufficient.他们可能认为,他们的网站将不是一个目标,或者他们已经采取足够的预防措施。
Because the technology is constantly changing and intruders are constantly developing new tools and techniques,solutions do not remain effective indefinitely.因为技术是不断变化的,不断发展新的入侵者是工具和技术,解决方案不能无限期地保持有效。
5 Since much of the traffic on the Internet is not encrypted,confidentiality and integrity are diffcult to achieve.因为大部分的交通网络是不加密的,保密性和完整性都难实现。
This situation undermines not only annlications (such as financial applications that arenetwork-based ) but also more fundamental mechanisms such as authentication andnon-repudiation.这种情况不仅annlications破坏(如金融应用程序,这些应用程序是基于网络的),但也更根本的机制,比如身份验证和不可抵赖性。
As a result, sites may be affected by a security compromise at another site over which they have no control .因此,网站可能会受到安全妥协在另一个网站而失去控制。
An example of this is a packet sniffer that is installed at one site but allows the intruder to gather information about other domains (possibly in other counties).一个例子是一个数据包嗅探器,安装在一个站点上但允许入侵者收集信息关于其他域(可能在其他国家)。
6 Another factor that contributes to the vulnerability of the Internet is the rapid growth and use of the netword,accompanied by rapid deployment of network services involving complex applications. 另一个因素导致的脆弱性是互联网快速发展和使用网络,伴随着快速部署的网络服务涉及复杂的应用程序。
Often,these services are not designed, configured,or maintained securely.通常,这些服务不是设计、配置或维护安全。
In the rush to yet new products to market developers do not adequately ensure that they do not repeat previous mistakes or introduce new vulnerabilities在急于然而新产品市场开发人员不充分确保他们不重复以前的错误或引入新的漏洞7Compounding the problem, operating system security is rarely a purchase criterion.让问题更加复杂的是,操作系统安全是很少购买标准。
Commercial operating system vendors often report that sales are driven by customer demand for performance,price,easy of use,maintenance,and support.商业操作系统供应商经常报告,销售是由客户要求的性能、价格、容易使用、维护和支持。
As a result ,off-the-shelf operating systems are shipped in an easy-to-use but insecure configuration that allow sits to use the system soon after installation.因此,现成的操作系统是在一个易于使用的但不安全的运来配置,允许坐使用系统安装后不久。
These host/sites are often not fully configured from a security perspective before connecting.这些主机/网站常常没有完全配置之前从安全角度连接。
This lack of secure configuration makes them vulnerable to attacks,which sometimes occur within minutes of connection.这种缺乏安全的配置使他们容易受到攻击,这有时发生后几分钟内连接。
8Finally, the explosive growth of the Intemet has expanded the need for well-trained and experienced people to engineer and manage the network in a secure manner.最后,爆炸性增长的互联网已扩大需要训练有素、经验丰富的人,工程师和管理网络安全的方式。
Because the need for network security experts far exceeds the supply,inexperienced people are called upon secure systems,opening windows of opportunity for the intruder community.因为需要网络安全专家供不应求,没有经验的人呼吁安全的系统,开放的机会窗口为入侵者社区。