U4TA Climate Change Vocabulary1.Conservation of forest 森林保护2.Biodiversity conservation 生物多样性保护3.Sustainable development 可持续发展4.Greenhouse gas emission 温室气体排放5.United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 联合国气候变化框架公约6.Earth Summit 地球峰会7.Kyoto Protocol 京都议定书8.Carbon trading 碳交易9.Carbon credit 碳信用10.Carbon footprints 碳足迹11.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 气候变化政府间委员会12.Poverty Eradication 消除贫困13.Principle of common but differentiated responsibilities 共同但有区别的责任原则14.Developed countries 发达国家15.Developing countries 发展中国家16.Least developed countries 最不发达国家17.Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) 国家自主贡献18.BRICS 金砖五国19.Fossil fuels 化石燃料20.Global warming 全球变暖21.Solar panel 太阳能电池板22.Human-induced warming 人为变暖23.Signatory 签约国24.Conference of the Parties 缔约方会议25.Political will 政治意愿26.Low emission 低排放27.Climate finance 气候融资28.Withdrawal 退出。
环境保护单词一、解答以下是一些与环境保护相关的单词:“sustainable(可持续的)”、“ecosystem(生态系统)”、“pollution(污染)”、“conservation(保护;保存)”、“recycle(回收利用)”、“deforestation(森林砍伐)”、“biodiversity (生物多样性)”。
二、中文翻译并英语解释1. sustainable- 中文翻译:可持续的。
- 英语解释:Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. For example, sustainable development means development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.2. ecosystem- 中文翻译:生态系统。
- 英语解释:A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. For instance, a forest ecosystem includes trees, animals, insects, and the soil, water, and air in the forest.3. pollution- 中文翻译:污染。
- 英语解释:The presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.For example, air pollution is caused by emissions from factories and vehicles.4. conservation- 中文翻译:保护;保存。
试行阶段:pilot stage 石油泄漏:oil spill 肥料:fertilizer 杀虫剂:pesticide 污染物:pollutant 惰性气体:inert gas 烟雾:smog 臭氧层:ozone layer 有机体:organism 《大气污染防治法》:Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law《水污染防治法》:Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law《环境影响评价法》:Environmental Impact Assessment Law固体废物: solid waste 环境教育:environment education联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会):United Nations Conference on Environment and Development环发大会首脑会议:Summit Session of UNCED联合国环境规划署:United Nations Environment Programs国际生物多样性日:International Biodiversity Day世界水日:World Water Day 世界气象日:World Meteorological Day 世界海洋日:World Oceans Day 中国21世纪议程:China’s Agenda 21 人与生物圈方案:Man and Biosphere program中国生物多样性保护行动计划:China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan 生物多样性公约Convention on Biological Diversity 中国跨世界绿色工程规划:China Tran-Century Green Project Plan防治荒漠化国际公约::Convention to Combat Desertification气候变化框架公约:United nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 污染者负担的政策:the-polluters-pay policy国家环境保护总局:State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA)限期治理:undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time坚持环境保护基本国策:adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection强化环境管理的政策:policy of tightening up environmental management 工业固体废物:industrial solid wastes环境执法检查:environmental management law enforcement inspection 生态示范区:eco-demonstration region ;environmental-friendly region 国家级生态示范区(珠海):Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region (Zhuhai) 集中处理厂:centralized treatment plant国家级园林城市:Nationally Designated Garden City白色污染:white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics ) 放射性废料积存:accumulation of radioactive waste 可降解一次性塑料袋:throwaway biodegradable plastic bags有机污染物:organic pollutants 三废综合利用:multipurpose use of three types of wastes ( waste water, waste gas,solid waste)城市垃圾无害化处理率:decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场:refuse landfill 垃圾焚烧厂:refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林:protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率:deforestation rate 水土流失:water and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化:soil alkalization 造林工程:afforestation project生态农业:environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区:water resource conservation海水淡化:sea water desalinization 森林覆盖率:forest coverage rate 绿化面积:afforested areas; greening space防风林:wind break 防沙林:wind breaks 速生林:sand breaks 降低资源消耗率:slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源:develop renewable resources环保产品:environment-friendly products自然保护区:nature reserve area 野生动植物:wild fauna and flora 保护生存环境:conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物:endangered wildlife 温饱型农业:subsistence agriculture 珍稀濒危物种繁殖基地:rare and endangered species breeding center美化环境:landscaping design for environmental purposes环境恶化:environmental degradation 烟尘排放:soot emissions空气污染浓度:air pollution concentration酸雨、越境环境污染:acid rain and transboundary air pollution工业粉尘排放:industrial dust discharge 温室效应:greenhouse effect矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气):fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) 清洁能源:clean energy 汽车尾气排放:motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器:exhaust purifier 天然气汽车:gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车:cell-driven vehicles; battery cars 无铅汽油:lead-free gasoline 小排量汽车:small-displacement (engine) vehicles工业废水处理率:treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水处理率:treatment rate of domestic sewage。
面临的环境保护问题及污染问题英文词汇:废水:waste/polluted water废气:waste/polluted gas废渣:residue 工业固体废物:industrial solid wastes白色污染:white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)有机污染物:organic pollutants森林砍伐率:rate of deforestation水土流失:water and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化:soil alkalization濒危野生动物:endangered wildlife环境恶化:environmental degradation城市化失控:uncontrolled urbanization温室效应:greenhouse effect全球变暖:global warming环保问题拯救措施及污染治理相关英语口译词汇:中国环保基本政策:the basic policies of China's environmental protection预防为主、防治结合的政策:policy of of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control治理环境污染:curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control可降解一次性塑料袋:throwaway bio-degradable plastics bags垃圾填埋场:refuse landfill垃圾焚化场:refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林:protest forests from overexploitation水土保持:conservation of water and soil水资源保护区:water resource conservation zone造林工程:afforestation project珍稀濒危物种繁育基地:rare and endangered species breeding center绿化祖国:turn the country green全民义务植树日:National Tree-Planting Day森林覆盖率:forest coverage防风林:wind breaks防沙林:sand breaks速生林:fast-growing trees降低资源消耗率:slow down the rate of resource degrad ation开发可再生资源:develop renewable resources环保产品:environment-friendly products自然保护区:nature reserve世界环境日World Environment Day (June 5th)环境千年—行动起来吧!(2000)The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999)Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It! 为了地球上的生命—拯救我们的海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas! 为了地球上的生命(1997)For Life on Earth 我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996)Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home 国际生物多样性日International Biodiversity Day (29 December) 世界水日World Water Day (22 March) 世界气象日World Meteorological Day(23 March) 世界海洋日World Oceans Day (8 June ) 国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 生态示范区eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region 国家级生态示范区(珠海)Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region 国家级园林城市Nationally Designated Garden City 对水质和空气质量的影响impact on the quality of the water and the air 治理环境污染curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control 海藻mostly in polluted waters) 工业固体废物industrial solid wastes 白色污染white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics) 可降解一次性塑料袋throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags 放射性废料积存accumulation of radioactive waste 有机污染物organic pollutants 氰化物、砷、汞排放cyanide, arsenic, mercury discharged 铅、镉、六价铬lead, cadmium, sexivalent chromium环境影响状报告书Environmentalimpactstatement 环境健康影响评价Environmentalhealthimpactassessment 数字图象处理技术Digitalimageprocessingtechniques 按回收成本为基础Costrecoverybasis 文献目录信息系统Bibliographicinformationsystem 干旱地区生态系统Aridlandecosystems 污染防治激励措施Antipollutionincentives 飞机发动机排放物Aircraftengineemissions 空气-水相互作用Air-waterinteraction 气溶胶,气雾剂Aerosols 生物体的意外释放Accidentalreleaseoforganisms 未被监视的图象分类Unsupervisedimageclassification 有毒物质的协同效应Synergisticeffectsoftoxicsubstances 半干旱地区生态系统Semi-aridlandecosystems 从废料中提取的燃料Refusederivedfuels 模型制作,模型设计Modelling 湖沼学,淡水生物学Limnology 地理信息系统实验室GISlaboratory 人类住区的环境方面Environmentalaspectsofhumansettlements 生物多样性和保护区Biologicaldiversityandprotectedareas 在人体组织中的积累Accumulationinbodytissues 国际性重要的失态系统Internationallyimportantecosystems 与健康有关的生物技术Health-relatedbiotechnologies 光盘只读存储查询服务CD-ROMsearchservice 危险废物运输的事先通告Priornotificationforhazardouswastetransport 地理信息系统的数字技术GISdigitaltechniques 地理信息系统的数字系统GISdigitalsystems 地理信息系统的数字格式GISdigitalformats 生物技术的社会-经济影响Socio-economicimpactofbiotechnologies 人类住区的社会-经济方面Socio-economicaspectsofhumansettlements 已定价值的生态系统组成部分valuedecosystemcomponents 温带生态系统和寒带生态系统Temperateecosystemsandcoldzoneecosystems 代谢作用,新陈代谢作用Metabolism 环境资源与相关英语行业英语大气ATMOSPHERE 世界环境日World Environment Day (June 5th each year)世界环境日主题World Environment Day Themes环境千年-行动起来吧!(2000)The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999)Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!为了地球上的生命-拯救我们的海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas!为了地球上的生命(1997)For Life on Earth我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996)Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home国际生物多样性日International Biodiversity Day (29 December)世界水日World Water Day (22 March)世界气象日World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日World Oceans Day (8 June )联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会)United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)环发大会首脑会议Summit Session of UNCED联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP)2000年全球环境展望报告GEO-2000; Global Environmental Outlook 2000入选“全球500佳奖” be elected to the rank of Global 500 Roll of Honor 联合国人类居住中心UN Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS)改善人类居住环境最佳范例奖Best Practices in Human Settlements Improvement人与生物圈方案Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme (UNESCO)中国21世纪议程China’s Agenda 21中国生物多样性保护行动计划China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan中国跨世纪绿色工程规划China Trans-Century Green Project Plan国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)中国环保基本方针China’s guiding principles for environmental protection坚持环境保护基本国策adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection 推行可持续发展战略pursue the strategy of sustainable development贯彻经济建设、城乡建设、环境建设同步规划、同步实施、同步发展(三同步)的方针carry out a strategy of synchronized planning, implementation and development in terms of economic and urban and rural development and environmental protection (the “three synchronizes” principle)促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection中国环保基本政策the basic policies of China’s environmental protection预防为主、防治结合的政策policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control污染者负担的政策“the-polluters-pay” policy强化环境管理的政策policy of tightening up environmental management一控双达标政策policy of “One Order, Two Goals”: “一控”:12种工业污染物的排放量控制在国家规定的排放总量The total discharge of 12 industrial pollutants in China by the end of 2000 shall not exceed the total amount mandated by the central government.; “双达标”:1. 到2000年底,全国所有的工业污染源要达到国家或地方规定的污染物排放标准The discharge of industrial pollutants should meet both national and local standards by the end of 2000. 2. 到2000年底,47个重点城市的空气和地面水达到国家规定的环境质量标准 2. Air and surface water quality in all urban districts in 47 major cities should meet related national standards by the end of 2000.对新项目实行环境影响评估conduct environmental impact assessments (EIA) on start-up projects提高全民环保意识raise environmental awareness amongst the general public查处违反环保法规案件investigate and punish acts of violating laws and regulations on environmental protection环保执法检查environmental protection law enforcement inspection限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time中国已加入的国际公约international conventions into which China has accessed 控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer生物多样性公约Convention on Biological Diversity防治荒漠化国际公约Convention to Combat Desertification气候变化框架公约United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change生态示范区eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region国家级生态示范区(珠海)Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region国家级园林城市Nationally Designated Garden City对水质和空气质量的影响impact on the quality of the water and the air治理环境污染curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control 海藻mostly in polluted waters)工业固体废物industrial solid wastes白色污染white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)可降解一次性塑料袋throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags放射性废料积存accumulation of radioactive waste有机污染物organic pollutants 氰化物、砷、汞排放cyanide, arsenic, mercury discharged 铅、镉、六价铬lead, cadmium, sexivalent chromium城市垃圾无害化处理率decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场refuse landfill垃圾焚化厂refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率rate of deforestation水土流失water and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化soil alkalization农药残留pesticide residue水土保持conservation of water and soil生态农业environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区water resource conservation zone海水淡化sea water desalinization 保护珊瑚礁、红树林和渔业资源protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing resource 绿化祖国turn the country green全民义务植树日National Tree-Planting Day造林工程afforestation project 绿化面积afforested areas; greening space森林覆盖率forest coverage防风林wind breaks (防沙林sand breaks)速生林fast-growing trees 降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源develop renewable resources环保产品environment-friendly products自然保护区nature reserve野生动植物wild fauna and flora保护生存环境conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物endangered wildlife珍稀濒危物种繁育基地rare and endangered species breeding center自然生态系统natural ecosystems防止沙漠化(治沙、抗沙)desertification环境负荷carrying capacity of environment三废综合利用multipurpose use of three types of wastes先天与后天,遗传与环境nature-nurture美化环境landscaping design for environmental purposes防止沿海地带不可逆转恶化protect coastal zones from irreversible degradation环境恶化environmental degradation城市化失控uncontrolled urbanization温饱型农业subsistence agriculture 贫困的恶性循环vicious cycle of poverty大气监测系统atmospheric monitoring system空气污染浓度air pollution concentration酸雨、越境空气污染acid rain and transboundary air pollution二氧化硫排放sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions悬浮颗粒物suspended particles 工业粉尘排放industrial dust discharged烟尘排放soot emissions二氧化氮nitrate dioxide (NO2)矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas清洁能源clean energy汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器exhaust purifier无铅汽油lead-free gasoline天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车cell-driven vehicles; battery cars氯氟烃CFCs 温室效应greenhouse effect厄尔尼诺南徊ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation)噪音noise (分贝db; decibel)化学需氧量(衡量水污染程度的一个指标)COD;chemical oxygen demand生物需氧量BOD; biological oxygen demand工业废水处理率treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水处理率treatment rate of domestic sewage集中处理厂centralized treatment plant红潮red tide (rapid propagation of sea alg。
与环境保护有关得词汇environmental protection 环境保护environmentally-friendly 环保得preserve v、保护,保存污染得环保英语词汇:Pollute= contaminate, 污染(动词)pollutant 污染物Pollution=contamination 污染(名词)垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill垃圾场)dump倾倒,recycle 回收plastic bags塑料袋, drinking cans饮料罐biodegradable packaging 可降解包装throwaway 可丢弃得disposable 可丢弃得discourage v、不鼓励燃料得环保英语词汇:non-renewable 不可再生得fossil fuels矿石燃料: natural gas, coal, petroleum limited/finite natural resources 有限得自然资源alternative energy替代能源replace=substitute v、取代(wind power, hydropower水电solar (lunar) power太阳能nuclear power核能radioactivity n、辐射性use up, deplete, exhaust v、用光,耗尽conserve v、节省,节约consume less v、少消耗危害动物得环保英语词汇:poaching非法打猎,盗猎damage natural habitat 破坏自然栖息地rare breed稀有物种endangered species濒危物种extinct adj、灭绝 (die out, disappear动词) animal rights activist动物权益保护者natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区protect wild life保护野生动物disastrous灾难性得, devastation破坏have disastrous effect on…对……有灾难性得影响危害植物得环保英语词汇:vegetation植被deforestation森林消失landslide山体滑坡危害环境得环保英语词汇:carbon dioxide二氧化碳acid rain酸雨(erode腐蚀)greenhouse effect温室效应 (worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化)global warming全球变暖ecological system=ecosystem生态系统green belt绿化带, sand storm沙尘暴, (filter v、过滤)arouse people's awareness/consciousness of environmental protection 提高公众得环保意识全球环保类热门话题英语词汇:21世纪议程:Agenda 21世界环境日(6月5日):World Environment Day (June 5th each year)世界环境日主题:World Environment Day Themes冰川消融,后果堪忧!(2007年)Melting Ice–a Hot Topic!莫使旱地变荒漠!(2006年)Deserts and Desertification–Don't Desert Drylands!营造绿色城市,呵护地球家园!(2005年)Green Cities –Plan for the Planet! 海洋存亡,匹夫有责!(2004年)Wanted! Seas and Oceans – Dead or Alive! 水——二十亿人生命之所系!(2003年)Water - Two Billion People are Dying for It!让地球充满生机!(2002年)Give Earth a Chance!世间万物,生命之网!(2001年)Connect with the World Wide Web of life!环境千年-行动起来吧!(2000年)The Environment Millennium - Time to Act! 拯救地球就就是拯救未来!(1999年)Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It! 为了地球上得生命-拯救我们得海洋!(1998年) For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas!为了地球上得生命!(1997)For Life on Earth我们得地球、居住地、家园:(1996)Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home国际生物多样性日(12月29日):International Biodiversity Day (29 December) 世界水日(3月22日):World Water Day (22 March)世界气象日(3月23日):World Meteorological Day (23 March)世界海洋日(6月8日):World Oceans Day (8 June)植树节(3月12日):Arbor Day (12 March)环保问题拯救措施及污染治理相关英语口译词汇:中国环保基本政策:the basic policies of China's environmental protection 预防为主、防治结合得政策:policy of of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control治理环境污染:curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control防止过度利用森林:protest forests from overexploitation水土保持:conservation of water and soil水资源保护区:water resource conservation zone造林工程:afforestation project珍稀濒危物种繁育基地:rare and endangered species breeding center绿化祖国:turn the country green全民义务植树日:National Tree-Planting Day森林覆盖率:forest coverage降低资源消耗率:slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源:develop renewable resources环保产品:environment-friendly products节能 energy saving多种树:plant more trees节约用水:save on water保护环境:protect the environment减少污染:reduce pollution垃圾:rubbish白色污染:white pollution二氧化碳:carbon dioxide臭氧层:ozonosphere臭氧层空洞:ozone hole21世纪议程 Agenda 21 (the international plan of action adopted by governments in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil(巴西里约), - provides the global consensus on the road map towards sustainable development)世界环境日 World Environment Day (June 5th each year)世界环境日主题 World Environment Day Themes环境千年-行动起来吧!(2000) The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!拯救地球就就是拯救未来!(1999) Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It! 为了地球上得生命-拯救我们得海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas! 为了地球上得生命(1997) For Life on Earth我们得地球、居住地、家园(1996) Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home国际生物多样性日 International Biodiversity Day (29 December)世界水日 World Water Day (22 March)世界气象日 World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日 World Oceans Day (8 June )联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)环发大会首脑会议 Summit Session of UNCED联合国环境规划署 United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP)2000年全球环境展望报告 GEO-2000; Global Environmental Outlook 2000入选“全球500佳奖” be elected to the rank of Global 500 Roll of Honor 联合国人类居住中心 UN Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS)改善人类居住环境最佳范例奖 Best Practices in Human Settlements Improvement人与生物圈方案 Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme (UNESCO)中国21世纪议程China’s Agenda 21中国生物多样性保护行动计划 China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan中国跨世纪绿色工程规划 China Trans-Century Green Project Plan国家环境保护总局 State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 中国环保基本方针China’s guiding principles for environmental protection坚持环境保护基本国策 adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection推行可持续发展战略 pursue the strategy of sustainable development贯彻经济建设、城乡建设、环境建设同步规划、同步实施、同步发展(三同步)得方针 carry out a strategy of synchronized planning, implementation and development in terms of economic and urban and rural development and environmental protection (the “three synchronizes” principle)促进经济体制与经济增长方式得转变 promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth实现经济效益、社会效益与环境效益得统一 bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection中国环保基本政策the basic policies of China’s environmental protection 预防为主、防治结合得政策 policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control污染者负担得政策“the-polluters-pay” policy强化环境管理得政策 policy of tightening up environmental management 一控双达标政策policy of “One Order, Two Goals”:对新项目实行环境影响评估 conduct environmental impact assessments (EIA) onstart-up projects提高全民环保意识 raise environmental awareness amongst the general public查处违反环保法规案件 investigate and punish acts of violating laws and regulations on environmental protection环保执法检查 environmental protection law enforcement inspection限期治理 undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time中国已加入得国际公约 international conventions into which China has accessed控制危险废物越境转移及其处置得巴塞尔公约 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal 关于消耗臭氧层物质得蒙特利尔议定书 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer生物多样性公约 Convention on Biological Diversity防治荒漠化国际公约 Convention to bat Desertification气候变化框架公约 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 生态示范区 eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region国家级生态示范区(珠海) Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region 国家级园林城市 Nationally Designated Garden City对水质与空气质量得影响 impact on the quality of the water and the air 治理环境污染 curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control白色污染 white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)可降解一次性塑料袋 throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率 rate of deforestation水土流失 water and soil erosion土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization农药残留 pesticide residue水土保持 conservation of water and soil生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone海水淡化 sea water desalinization绿化祖国 turn the country green全民义务植树日 National Tree-Planting Day造林工程 afforestation project绿化面积 afforested areas; greening space森林覆盖率 forest coverage防风林 wind breaks (防沙林 sand breaks)速生林 fast-growing trees降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源 develop renewable resources环保产品 environment-friendly products自然保护区 nature reserve野生动植物 wild fauna and flora保护生存环境 conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物 endangered wildlife珍稀濒危物种繁育基地 rare and endangered species breeding center自然生态系统 natural ecosystems防止沙漠化(治沙、抗沙) desertification环境负荷 carrying capacity of environment三废综合利用 multipurpose use of three types of wastes先天与后天,遗传与环境 nature-nurture环境恶化 environmental degradation城市化失控 uncontrolled urbanization温饱型农业 subsistence agriculture酸雨、越境空气污染 acid rain and transboundary air pollution悬浮颗粒物 suspended particles矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气) fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas 清洁能源 clean energy汽车尾气排放 motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器 exhaust purifier无铅汽油 lead-free gasoline天然气汽车 gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车 cell-driven vehicles; battery cars温室效应 greenhouse effect联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)环发大会首脑会议Summit Session of UNCED联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP)国际生物多样性日International Biodiversity Day (29 December)世界水日World Water Day (22 March)世界气象日World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日World Oceans Day (8 June )人与生物圈方案Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme (UNESCO)中国21世纪议程China's Agenda 21中国生物多样性保护行动计划China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan中国跨世纪绿色工程规划China Trans-Century Green Project Plan生物多样性公约Convention on Biological Diversity防治荒漠化国际公约Convention to bat Desertification气候变化框架公约United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)坚持环境保护基本国策adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection 污染者负担得政策"the-polluters-pay" policy强化环境管理得政策policy of tightening up environmental management环保执法检查environmental protection law enforcement inspection限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time生态示范区eco-demonstration region; environment-friendly region国家级生态示范区(珠海) Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region国家级园林城市Nationally Designated Garden City工业固体废物industrial solid wastes白色污染white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)可降解一次性塑料袋throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags放射性废料积存accumulation of radioactive waste有机污染物organic pollutants三废综合利用multipurpose use of three types of wastes(waste water, waste gas, solid waste)城市垃圾无害化处理率decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场refuse landfill垃圾焚化厂refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率deforestation rate水土流失water and soil erosion土壤盐碱化soil alkalization生态农业environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区water resource conservation zone海水淡化sea water desalinization造林工程afforestation project绿化面积afforested areas; greening space森林覆盖率forest coverage防风林wind breaks防沙林sand breaks速生林fast-growing trees降低资源消耗率slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源develop renewable resources环保产品environment-friendly products自然保护区nature reserve野生动植物wild fauna and flora保护生存环境conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物endangered wildlife珍稀濒危物种繁育基地rare and endangered species breeding center 美化环境landscaping design for environmental purposes环境恶化environmental degradation温饱型农业subsistence agriculture空气污染浓度air pollution concentration酸雨、越境空气污染acid rain and transboundary air pollution工业粉尘排放industrial dust discharge烟尘排放soot emissions矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气) fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas清洁能源clean energy汽车尾气排放motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器exhaust purifier无铅汽油lead-free gasoline天然气汽车gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车cell-driven vehicles; battery cars小排量汽车small-displacement (engine) vehicles温室效应greenhouse effect工业废水处理率treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水处理率treatment rate of domestic sewage集中处理厂centralized treatment plant。
环境保护专业术语中英互译环境保护专业术语中英互译Environmental pollution 环境污染 Global warming 全球变暖Environmental destruction环境破坏 Environmental risk 环境风险Persistent organic pollutants 持久性有机污染物 Global warming全球变暖Acid precipitation 酸性降水 Volatile organic chemicals 挥发性有机化学品Renewable resources 可再生资源Sustainable development 可持续发展 Fabric filters 织物过滤器On-site monitoring 现场监测 Receiving water body贮水池On-site monitoring 现场监测 Resource reuse 资源再利用Eutrophication 富营养化 Aerobic composting 好氧堆肥Nonrenewable resources 不可再生资源Nitrification 硝化作用Cyclone precipitator 旋风除尘器Persistent organic pollutants(POPs) 持久性有机污染物Chlorohydrocarbon 氯化碳氢化合物Greenhouse effect 温室效应Volatile organic chemicals(VOC)挥发性有机化学品Fabric filters 织物过滤器Biodegradation 生物降解Eutrophication 富营养化Hazardous waste 危险废物Sanitary landfill 卫生填埋Sustainable development 可持续发展Powder activated carbon 活性炭粉末环境问题 environmental problem 水处理 water treatment 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide 一次污染物primary pollutant生物多样性 biological diversity 生活垃圾domestic waste 空气污染air pollution 可生化降解污染物biodegradable pollutant氮氧化物nitrogen oxides 化学需氧量(COD) chemical oxygen demandBOD Biochemical oxygen demand 颗粒物(PM) particulate matter一级处理primary treatment 二级处理secondary treatment资源回收 resource recovery 面源污染non-point source pollution二氧化硫 sulfur dioxide 臭氧层 ozone layer总悬浮固体(TSS) total suspended solid环境影响评价(EIA) environmental impact assessment声压级 sound pressure level 去除率 removal rateTP total phosphorus 光化学烟雾photochemical smog颗粒物(PM)- Particulate Matter环境影响评价(EIA)- environmental impact assessment背景噪声 background noise有害废物hazardous waste 二次污染物secondary pollutant。
1. Environmental protection: 环境保护
2. Pollution: 污染
3. Air pollution: 空气污染
4. Water pollution: 水污染
5. Soil pollution: 土壤污染
6. Garbage disposal: 垃圾处理
7. Recycling: 回收利用
8. Renewable resources: 可再生资源
9. Non-renewable resources: 不可再生资源
10. Sustainable development: 可持续发展
11. Greenhouse effect: 温室效应
12. Climate change: 气候变化
13. Global warming: 全球变暖
14. Biodiversity: 生物多样性
15. Endangered species: 濒危物种
16. Deforestation: 森林砍伐
17. Desertification: 沙漠化
18. Environmental education: 环境教育
19. Environmental policy: 环保政策
20. Environmental organization: 环保组织
环境保护英语词汇大全共同保护环境的专业术语Environmental Protection Glossary:A Comprehensive List of Professional Terminologies for Environmental ConservationIntroduction:In our ever-changing world, environmental protection has become an increasingly important issue. To effectively communicate and understand the subject, it is crucial to familiarize ourselves with the extensive vocabulary associated with environmental conservation. This glossary aims to provide a comprehensive list of professional terminologies related to environmental protection, thereby enhancing our knowledge and awareness in this field.1. Climate Change Terminology:1.1 Global Warming - The long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.1.2 Greenhouse Effect - The trapping of heat energy by certain gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in Earth's atmosphere, leading to an increase in global temperatures.1.3 Renewable Energy - Energy derived from sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar power, wind energy, and hydropower.1.4 Carbon Footprint - The total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by an individual, organization, or product, measured in units of carbon dioxide equivalents.1.5 Mitigation - The efforts to reduce or prevent the emission of greenhouse gases and minimize the impact of climate change.2. Pollution Control Terminology:2.1 Air Pollution - The presence of harmful substances in the atmosphere, resulting from emissions from industries, vehicles, and other human activities.2.2 Water Pollution - The contamination of water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans, by pollutants such as toxins, chemicals, and microorganisms.2.3 Soil Degradation - The deterioration of soil quality due to factors like erosion, pollution, or depletion of nutrients, adversely affecting plant growth and agricultural productivity.2.4 Waste Management - The systematic handling, disposal, and recycling of solid, liquid, and hazardous waste materials to minimize environmental harm.2.5 Noise Pollution - The excessive or annoying noise that disturbs the environment and causes adverse effects on human health and wellbeing.3. Biodiversity Conservation Terminology:3.1 Endangered Species - Species that are at risk of extinction due to factors like habitat loss, poaching, or climate change.3.2 Habitat Restoration - The process of rejuvenating or recreating a natural habitat to support the recovery of native species and ecological balance.3.3 Ecological Footprint - The measure of human demand on Earth's ecosystems, including the resources consumed and waste produced by an individual or population.3.4 Conservation Biology - The scientific study of preserving and restoring biodiversity, focusing on the protection and management of species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity.3.5 Ecosystem Services - The benefits provided by ecosystems to humans, such as clean air and water, pollination, and climate regulation.4. Sustainable Development Terminology:4.1 Circular Economy - An economic system that aims to minimize waste and promote resource efficiency, through strategies like recycling, reuse, and the use of renewable resources.4.2 Ecotourism - Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of local communities, and provides educational experiences to visitors.4.3 Green Building - The design and construction of environmentally friendly buildings, incorporating energy-efficient features, sustainable materials, and waste reduction measures.4.4 Organic Farming - Agriculture practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity conservation, and the elimination of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.4.5 Sustainable Consumption - The commitment to using resources efficiently and responsibly, considering the social, economic, and environmental impacts of goods and services.Conclusion:This glossary serves as a valuable resource for understanding and discussing environmental protection more effectively. By familiarizing ourselves with the professional terminologies related to climate change, pollution control, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development, we can engage in informed discussions, make sustainable choices, and actively contribute to the preservation of our environment. Let us join forces to protect our planet for future generations!。
Nationally Designated Garden City
impact on the quality of the water and the air
curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control
The total discharge of 12 industrial pollutants in China by the end of 2000 shall not exceed the total amount mandated by the central government.;
“双达标”: 1. 到2000年底,全国所有的工业污染源要达到国家或地方规定的污染物排放标准
Best Practices in Human Settlements Improvement
Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme (UNESCO)
China’s Agenda 21
China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan
China Trans-Century Green Project Plan
State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)
China’s guiding principles for environmental protection
试行阶段:pilot stage 石油泄漏:oil spill 肥料:fertilizer 杀虫剂:pesticide 污染物:pollutant 惰性气体:inert gas 烟雾:smog 臭氧层:ozone layer 有机体:organism 《大气污染防治法》:Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law《水污染防治法》:Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law《环境影响评价法》:Environmental Impact Assessment Law固体废物: solid waste 环境教育:environment education联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会):United Nations Conference on Environment and Development环发大会首脑会议:Summit Session of UNCED联合国环境规划署:United Nations Environment Programs国际生物多样性日:International Biodiversity Day世界水日:World Water Day 世界气象日:World Meteorological Day 世界海洋日:World Oceans Day 中国21世纪议程:China’s Agenda 21 人与生物圈方案:Man and Biosphere program中国生物多样性保护行动计划:China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan 生物多样性公约Convention on Biological Diversity 中国跨世界绿色工程规划:China Tran-Century Green Project Plan防治荒漠化国际公约::Convention to Combat Desertification气候变化框架公约:United nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 污染者负担的政策:the-polluters-pay policy国家环境保护总局:State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA)限期治理:undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time坚持环境保护基本国策:adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection强化环境管理的政策:policy of tightening up environmental management 工业固体废物:industrial solid wastes环境执法检查:environmental management law enforcement inspection 生态示范区:eco-demonstration region ;environmental-friendly region 国家级生态示范区(珠海):Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region (Zhuhai) 集中处理厂:centralized treatment plant国家级园林城市:Nationally Designated Garden City白色污染:white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics ) 放射性废料积存:accumulation of radioactive waste 可降解一次性塑料袋:throwaway biodegradable plastic bags有机污染物:organic pollutants 三废综合利用:multipurpose use of three types of wastes ( waste water, waste gas,solid waste)城市垃圾无害化处理率:decontamination rate of urban refuse垃圾填埋场:refuse landfill 垃圾焚烧厂:refuse incinerator防止过度利用森林:protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率:deforestation rate 水土流失:water and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化:soil alkalization 造林工程:afforestation project生态农业:environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture水资源保护区:water resource conservation海水淡化:sea water desalinization 森林覆盖率:forest coverage rate 绿化面积:afforested areas; greening space防风林:wind break 防沙林:wind breaks 速生林:sand breaks 降低资源消耗率:slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源:develop renewable resources环保产品:environment-friendly products自然保护区:nature reserve area 野生动植物:wild fauna and flora 保护生存环境:conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物:endangered wildlife 温饱型农业:subsistence agriculture 珍稀濒危物种繁殖基地:rare and endangered species breeding center 美化环境:landscaping design for environmental purposes环境恶化:environmental degradation 烟尘排放:soot emissions空气污染浓度:air pollution concentration酸雨、越境环境污染:acid rain and transboundary air pollution工业粉尘排放:industrial dust discharge 温室效应:greenhouse effect 矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气):fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) 清洁能源:clean energy 汽车尾气排放:motor vehicle exhaust尾气净化器:exhaust purifier 天然气汽车:gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车:cell-driven vehicles; battery cars 无铅汽油:lead-free gasoline 小排量汽车:small-displacement (engine) vehicles工业废水处理率:treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水处理率:treatment rate of domestic sewage。
Chapter 1 ----环境保护一.汉英词语1.采取积极措施,尽力控制增长take positive measures and control the growth2.倡导能源独立promote energy independence3.单位GDP能耗energy consumption per unit of GDP4.氮氧化物nitric oxide5.低碳经济low carbon economy6.“地球第三极”the “Third pole of the Earth”7.地热geothermy8.地势高峻,地理特殊high altitude,unique geographical features9.典型森林生态系统typical forest ecosystems10. 独特的自然生态和地理环境unique natural ecology and geographical environment11. 多年的承诺期 a multi-year commitment period12. 二恶英dioxin13. 二氧化硫sulfur dioxide14. 发挥不可替代的作用play an irreplaceable role15. 防灾备灾prevent and get prepared for natural disasters16. 风电wind power17. 复杂多样的地形地貌the complex and varied terrains and landforms18. 改良草地improved grassland19. “共同但有区别的责任“原则the principle of “ common but differentiated responsibilities”20.《关于加快造林绿化步伐的意见》the :Opinions on Acceleration of Afforestation”21. 国际环境管理体系international environment governance system22. 国际责任与义务international responsibilities and obligations23. 国家环保总局the National Environmental Protection Agency ( NEPA)24. 和谐发展,清洁发展,可 a world of harmonious, clean and sustainable development持续发展的世界25. 化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand ( COD)26. 环保汽车clean cars27. 环保政策environmental policy28. 环境管理系统转型transform environmental management system29. 环境荷尔蒙environmental hormones30. 环境治理与可持续发展国际会议the Meeting on International Governance for SustainableDevelopment31. 环境主管部门environment agencies32. 荒漠化土地面积desertified land33. 恢复森林植被restore vegetation34. 加大资金和技术支持render more financial and technological support35. 减排指标emission reduction targets36. 建设资源节约型社会build a conservation-minded society37. “江河源“the “ source of rivers”38. 将环保列为基本国策take environmental protection as a basic national policy39. 节能减排energy conservation and emission reduction40. 节约能源conserve energy41. < 京都议定书》the Kyoto Protocol42. 可再生能源renewable energy43. < 空气清洁条例》Clean Air Act ( CAA)44. 跨界环境问题trans-boundary environmental concern45. 跨世纪绿色投资计划Trans-Century Green Investing Project46. 联合国环境管理小组the UN Environment Management Group (EMG)47. 联合国环境署United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)48. 联合国环境署基金the UN Environment Fund49. 联合国环境与发展大会the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development50. < 联合国气候变化框架公约》the United Nations Framework Convention on ClimateChange51. 硫氧化物sulfur oxide52. 绿色经济green economy53. 绿色走廊green belts54. 美国环境保护署US Environmental Protection Agency ( US EPA)55. 能源替代energy substitutes56. 能源效率energy efficiency57. 能源转换政策energy conversion policy58. 浓度concentration59. 排放限量emission limitations60. 排污权贸易emission trading61. 气候变化国际合作international cooperation in climate change62. 气候变化问题高级别会议high- level event on climate change63. “启动器“和“调节区”the ‘starter“and “ regulating area”64. 签订协议备忘录sign a memorandum of agreement65. 青藏高原Qinghai-Tibet Plateau66.清洁发展机制Clean Development Mechanism67.清洁能源clean energy68. 全球环境部长论坛the Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GMEF)69. 全球环境基金Global Environment Facility (GEF)70. 燃料排放量fossil fuel emissions71. 人工造林,封山育林building man-made forests and sealing off mountains areas tofacilitate afforestation72. 人均能源密度比per capita energy intensity ratio73. 人为温室气体anthropogenic greenhouse gases74. “生态源“the “ecological source”75. 生物能源bio-based energy76. 生物沼气biogas77. 石油勘探oil exploration78. “世界屋脊““ Roof of the World”79. 世界最大的排放国the world’s leading emitters80.酸雨acid-rain81. 碳补偿carbon offset82. 碳关税carbon tariff83. 碳排放税carbon taxes84. 碳吸收carbon sequestration85.提供有益,务实的建议come up with useful and practical recommendations86. 天然灌木植被natural bush vegetation87. 推广太阳能popularize solar energy88. 退耕还林,退牧还草return farmland to forests and animal breeding grounds to pastures89. 退化,沙化和碱化草地degradation, desertification and alkalinization of grassland90. 温室气体排放greenhouse gas emission91. 污染控制pollution control92. <西藏自治区造林绿化规划》the “Forestation Plan of the Tibet Autonomous Region”93. 限额采伐“felling by quota “policy94.野生动植物资源,水资源rich wildlife, water and mineral resources和矿产资源丰富95.宜林荒山荒地barren mountains and wasteland suitable for afforestation96. 引领全球应对的努力galvanize global efforts into addressing97. 应对气候变化国家方案the national program on addressing climate change98.原始森林primitive forest99. 灾害性天气事件disastrous weather events100. 增加碳浓度raise carbon concentration101. 植树造林afforestation efforts102. 主要瓶颈major bottleneck103. 自觉行动conscious action104. 自然保护区natural reserves105. 自然生态系统the ecosystem106. 总排放量Total Emission Control (TEC)107.总体污染物控制total emission control二.汉英常用表达句1.退耕地造林。
试行阶段:pilot stage 石油泄漏:oil spill 肥料:fertilizer杀虫剂:pesticide 污染物:pollutant 惰性气体:inert gas烟雾:smog 臭氧层:ozone layer 有机体:organism 《大气污染防治法》:Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law 《水污染防治法》:Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law 《环境影响评价法》:Environmental Impact Assessment Law固体废物: solid waste 环境教育:environment education 联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会):United Nations Conference on Environment and Development环发大会首脑会议:Summit Session of UNCED联合国环境规划署:United Nations Environment Programs国际生物多样性日:International Biodiversity Day世界水日:World Water Day 世界气象日:World Meteorological Day世界海洋日:World Oceans Day 中国21世纪议程:China’s Agenda 21人与生物圈方案:Man and Biosphere program中国生物多样性保护行动计划:China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan 生物多样性公约Convention on Biological Diversity中国跨世界绿色工程规划:China Tran-Century Green Project Plan 防治荒漠化国际公约::Convention to Combat Desertification气候变化框架公约:United nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 污染者负担的政策:the-polluters-pay policy 国家环境保护总局:State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA)限期治理:undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time坚持环境保护基本国策:adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection强化环境管理的政策:policy of tightening up environmental management 工业固体废物:industrial solid wastes环境执法检查:environmental management law enforcement inspection生态示范区: eco-demonstration region ;environmental-friendly region国家级生态示范区(珠海):Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region (Zhuhai) 集中处理厂:centralized treatment plant国家级园林城市:Nationally Designated Garden City白色污染:white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics ) 放射性废料积存:accumulation of radioactive waste可降解一次性塑料袋:throwaway biodegradable plastic bags有机污染物:organic pollutants 三废综合利用:multipurpose use of three types of wastes ( waste water, waste gas,solid waste)城市垃圾无害化处理率:decontamination rate of urban refuse 垃圾填埋场:refuse landfill 垃圾焚烧厂:refuse incinerator 防止过度利用森林:protect forests from overexploitation森林砍伐率:deforestation rate 水土流失:water and soil erosion土壤盐碱化:soil alkalization 造林工程:afforestation project生态农业:environment-friendly agriculture; eco-agriculture 水资源保护区:water resource conservation海水淡化:sea water desalinization 森林覆盖率:forest coverage rate绿化面积:afforested areas; greening space防风林:wind break 防沙林:wind breaks 速生林:sand breaks 降低资源消耗率:slow down the rate of resource degradation开发可再生资源:develop renewable resources环保产品:environment-friendly products自然保护区:nature reserve area 野生动植物:wild fauna and flora保护生存环境:conserve natural habitats濒危野生动物:endangered wildlife 温饱型农业:subsistence agriculture珍稀濒危物种繁殖基地:rare and endangered species breeding center美化环境:landscaping design for environmental purposes环境恶化:environmental degradation 烟尘排放:soot emissions 空气污染浓度:air pollution concentration酸雨、越境环境污染:acid rain and transboundary air pollution 工业粉尘排放:industrial dust discharge 温室效应:greenhouse effect矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气):fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas)清洁能源:clean energy 汽车尾气排放:motor vehicle exhaust 尾气净化器:exhaust purifier 天然气汽车:gas-fueled vehicles电动汽车:cell-driven vehicles; battery cars 无铅汽油:lead-free gasoline小排量汽车:small-displacement (engine) vehicles工业废水处理率:treatment rate of industrial effluents城市污水处理率:treatment rate of domestic sewage。