智能交通系统中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Traffic Assignment Forecast Model Research in ITS IntroductionThe intelligent transportation system (ITS) develops rapidly along with the city sustainable development, the digital city construction and the development of transportation. One of the main functions of the ITS is to improve transportation environment and alleviate the transportation jam, the most effective method to gain the aim is to forecast the traffic volume of the local network and the important nodes exactly with GIS function of path analysis and correlation mathematic methods, and this will lead a better planning of the traffic network. Traffic assignment forecast is an important phase of traffic volume forecast. It will assign the forecasted traffic to every way in the traffic sector. If the traffic volume of certain road is too big, which would bring on traffic jam, planners must consider the adoption of new roads or improving existing roads to alleviate the traffic congestion situation. This study attempts to present an improved traffic assignment forecast model, MPCC, based on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of classic traffic assignment forecast models, and test the validity of the improved model in practice.1 Analysis of classic models1.1 Shortcut traffic assignmentShortcut traffic assignment is a static traffic assignment method. In this method, the traffic load impact in the vehicles’ travel is not considered, and the traffic impedance (travel time) is a constant. The traffic volume of every origination-destination couple will be assigned to the shortcut between the origination and destination, while the traffic volume of other roads in this sector is null. This assignment method has the advantage of simple calculation; however, uneven distribution of the traffic volume is its obvious shortcoming. Using this assignment method, the assignment traffic volume will be concentrated on the shortcut, which isobviously not realistic. However, shortcut traffic assignment is the basis of all theother traffic assignment methods.1.2 Multi-ways probability assignmentIn reality, travelers always want to choose the shortcut to the destination, whichis called the shortcut factor; however, as the complexity of the traffic network, thepath chosen may not necessarily be the shortcut, which is called the random factor.Although every traveler hopes to follow the shortcut, there are some whose choice isnot the shortcut in fact. The shorter the path is, the greater the probability of beingchosen is; the longer the path is, the smaller the probability of being chosen is.Therefore, the multi-ways probability assignment model is guided by the LOGIT model:∑---=n j ii i F F p 1)exp()exp(θθ (1)Where i p is the probability of the path section i; i F is the travel time of thepath section i; θ is the transport decision parameter, which is calculated by the followprinciple: firstly, calculate the i p with different θ (from 0 to 1), then find the θwhich makes i p the most proximate to the actual i p .The shortcut factor and the random factor is considered in multi-ways probabilityassignment, therefore, the assignment result is more reasonable, but the relationshipbetween traffic impedance and traffic load and road capacity is not considered in thismethod, which leads to the assignment result is imprecise in more crowded trafficnetwork. We attempt to improve the accuracy through integrating the several elements above in one model-MPCC.2 Multi-ways probability and capacity constraint model2.1 Rational path aggregateIn order to make the improved model more reasonable in the application, theconcept of rational path aggregate has been proposed. The rational path aggregate,which is the foundation of MPCC model, constrains the calculation scope. Rationalpath aggregate refers to the aggregate of paths between starts and ends of the trafficsector, defined by inner nodes ascertained by the following rules: the distancebetween the next inner node and the start can not be shorter than the distance betweenthe current one and the start; at the same time, the distance between the next innernode and the end can not be longer than the distance between the current one and theend. The multi-ways probability assignment model will be only used in the rationalpath aggregate to assign the forecast traffic volume, and this will greatly enhance theapplicability of this model.2.2 Model assumption1) Traffic impedance is not a constant. It is decided by the vehicle characteristicand the current traffic situation.2) The traffic impedance which travelers estimate is random and imprecise.3) Every traveler chooses the path from respective rational path aggregate.Based on the assumptions above, we can use the MPCC model to assign thetraffic volume in the sector of origination-destination couples.2.3 Calculation of path traffic impedanceActually, travelers have different understanding to path traffic impedance, butgenerally, the travel cost, which is mainly made up of forecast travel time, travellength and forecast travel outlay, is considered the traffic impedance. Eq. (2) displaysthis relationship. a a a a F L T C γβα++= (2)Where a C is the traffic impedance of the path section a; a T is the forecast traveltime of the path section a; a L is the travel length of the path section a; a F is theforecast travel outlay of the path section a; α, β, γ are the weight value of that threeelements which impact the traffic impedance. For a certain path section, there aredifferent α, β and γ value for different vehicles. We can get the weighted average of α,β and γ of each path section from the statistic percent of each type of vehicle in thepath section.2.4 Chosen probability in MPCCActually, travelers always want to follow the best path (broad sense shortcut), butbecause of the impact of random factor, travelers just can choose the path which is ofthe smallest traffic impedance they estimate by themselves. It is the key point ofMPCC. According to the random utility theory of economics, if traffic impedance is considered as the negativeutility, the chosen probability rs p of origination-destinationpoints couple (r, s) should follow LOGIT model:∑---=n j jrs rs bC bC p 1)exp()exp( (3) where rs p is the chosen probability of the pathsection (r, s);rs C is the traffic impedance of the path sect-ion (r, s); j C is the trafficimpedance of each path section in the forecast traffic sector; b reflects the travelers’cognition to the traffic impedance of paths in the traffic sector, which has reverseratio to its deviation. If b → ∞ , the deviation of understanding extent of trafficimpedance approaches to 0. In this case, all the travelers will follow the path whichis of the smallest traffic impedance, which equals to the assignment results withShortcut Traffic Assignment. Contrarily, if b → 0, travelers ’ understanding error approaches infinity. In this case, the paths travelers choose are scattered. There is anobjection that b is of dimension in Eq.(3). Because the deviation of b should beknown before, it is difficult to determine the value of b. Therefore, Eq.(3) is improvedas follows:∑---=n j OD j OD rsrs C bC C bC p 1)exp()exp(,∑-=n j j OD C n C 11(4) Where OD C is the average of the traffic impedance of all the as-signed paths; bwhich is of no dimension, just has relationship to the rational path aggregate, ratherthan the traffic impedance. According to actual observation, the range of b which is anexperience value is generally between 3.00 to 4.00. For the more crowded cityinternal roads, b is normally between 3.00 and Flow of MPCCMPCC model combines the idea of multi-ways probability assignment anditerative capacity constraint traffic assignment.Firstly, we can get the geometric information of the road network and OD trafficvolume from related data. Then we determine the rational path aggregate with themethod which is explained in Section 2.1.Secondly, we can calculate the traffic impedance of each path section with Eq.(2),Fig.1 Flowchart of MPCC which is expatiated in Section 2.3.Thirdly, on the foundation of the traffic impedance of each path section, we cancalculate the respective forecast traffic volume of every path section with improvedLOGIT model (Eq.(4)) in Section 2.4, which is the key point of MPCC.Fourthly, through the calculation processabove, we can get the chosen probability andforecast traffic volume of each path section, but itis not the end. We must recalculate the trafficimpedance again in the new traffic volumesituation. As is shown in Fig.1, because of theconsideration of the relationship between trafficimpedance and traffic load, the traffic impedanceand forecast assignment traffic volume of everypath will be continually amended. Using therelationship model between average speed andtraffic volume, we can calculate the travel timeand the traffic impedance of certain path sect-ionunder different traffic volume situation. For theroads with different technical levels, therelationship models between average speeds totraffic volume are as follows: 1) Highway: 1082.049.179AN V = (5) 2) Level 1 Roads: 11433.084.155AN V = (6) 3) Level 2 Roads: V = (7) 4) Level 3 Roads: V = (8) 5) Level 4 Roads: 0988.05.70A N V =(9) Where V is the average speed of the path section; A N is the traffic volume of thepath section.At the end, we can repeat assigning traffic volume of path sections with themethod in previous step, which is the idea of iterative capacity constraint assignment,until the traffic volume of every path section is stable.译文智能交通交通量分配预测模型介绍随着城市的可持续化发展、数字化城市的建设以及交通运输业的发展,智能交通系统(ITS)的发展越来越快。
营运管理 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 对整个行业中营运资金管理的研究
An Analysis of Working Capital Management Results Across IndustriesGreg Filbeck. Schweser Study ProgramThomas M. Krueger. University of Wisconsin-La Crosse AbstractFirms are able to reduce financing costs and/or increase the funds available for expansion by minimizing the amount of funds tied up in current assets. We provide insights into the performance of surveyed firms across key components of working capital management by using the CFO magazine’s annual Working Capital Management Survey. We discover that significant differences exist between industries in working capital measures across time. In addition. we discover that these measures for working capital change significantly within industries across time.IntroductionThe importance of efficient working capital management is indisputable. Working capital is the difference between resources in cash or readily convertible into cash (Current Assets) and organizational commitments for which cash will soon be required (Current Liabilities). The objective of working capital management is to maintain the optimum balance of each of the working capital components. Business viability relies on the ability to effectively manage receivables. inventory. and payables. Firms are able to reduce financing costs and/or increase the funds available for expansion by minimizing the amount of funds tied up in current assets. Much managerial effort is expended in bringing non-optimal levels of current assets and liabilities back toward optimal levels. An optimal level would be one in which a balance is achieved between risk and efficiency.A recent example of business attempting to maximize working capital management is the recurrent attention being given to the application of Six Sigma® methodology. Six Sigma® methodologies help companies measure and ensure quality in all areas of the enterprise. When used to identify and rectify discrepancies. inefficiencies and erroneous transactions in the financial supply chain. Six Sigma® reduces Days Sales Outstanding (DSO). accelerates the payment cycle. improves customer satisfaction and reduces the necessary amount and cost of working capital needs. There appear to be many success stories. including Jennifer Towne’s (2002) r eport of a 15 percent decrease in days that sales are outstanding. resulting in an increased cash flow of approximately $2 million at Thibodaux Regional Medical Center. Furthermore. bad debts declined from $3.4 million to $600.000. However. Waxer’s (2003) study of multiple firms employing Six Sigma® finds that it is really a “get rich slow” technique with a rate of return hovering in the 1.2 – 4.5 percent range.Even in a business using Six Sigma® methodology. an “optimal” level of working capital management needs to be identified.Even in a business using Six Sigma® methodology. an “optimal” level of working capital management needs to be identified. Industry factors may impact firm credit policy. inventory management. and bill-paying activities. Some firms may be better suited to minimize receivables and inventory. while others maximize payables. Another aspect of “optimal” is the extent to which poor financial results can be tied to sub-optimal performance. Fortunately. these issues are testable with data published by CFO magazine. which claims to be the source of “tools and information for the financial executive.” and are the subject of this research.In addition to providing mean and variance values for the working capital measures and the overall metric. two issues will be addressed in this research. One research question is. “are firms within a particular industry clustered together at consistent levels of working capital measures?” For instance. are firms in one industry able to quickly transfer sales into cash. while firms from another industry tend to have high sales levels for the particular level of inventory . The other research question is. “does working capital management performance for firms within a given industry change from year-to-year?”The following section presents a brief literature review. Next. the research method is described. including some information about the annual Working Capital Management Survey published by CFO magazine. Findings are then presented and conclusions are drawn.Related LiteratureThe importance of working capital management is not new to the finance literature. Over twenty years ago. Largay and Stickney (1980) reported that the then-recent bankruptcy of W.T. Grant. a nationwide chain of department stores. should have been anticipated because the corporation had been running a deficit cash flow from operations for eight of the last ten years of its corporate life. As part of a study of the Fortune 500’s financial management practices. Gilbert and Reichert (1995) find that accounts receivable management models are used in 59 percent of these firms to improve working capital projects. while inventory management models were used in 60 percent of the companies. More recently. Farragher. Kleiman and Sahu (1999) find that 55 percent of firms in the S&P Industrial index complete some form of a cash flow assessment. but did not present insights regarding accounts receivable and inventory management. or the variations of any current asset accounts or liability accounts across industries. Thus. mixed evidence exists concerning the use of working capital management techniques.Theoretical determination of optimal trade credit limits are the subject of many articles over the years (e.g.. Schwartz 1974; Scherr 1996). with scant attention paid to actual accounts receivable management. Across a limitedsample. Weinraub and Visscher (1998) observe a tendency of firms with low levels of current ratios to also have low levels of current liabilities. Simultaneously investigating accounts receivable and payable issues. Hill. Sartoris. and Ferguson (1984) find differences in the way payment dates are defined. Payees define the date of payment as the date payment is received. while payors view payment as the postmark date. Additional WCM insight across firms. industries. and time can add to this body of research.Maness and Zietlow (2002. 51. 496) presents two models of value creation that incorporate effective short-term financial management activities. However. these models are generic models and do not consider unique firm or industry influences. Maness and Zietlow discuss industry influences in a short paragraph that includes the observation that. “An industry a company is located in may have more influence on that company’s fortun es than overall GNP” (2002. 507). In fact. a careful review of this 627-page textbook finds only sporadic information on actual firm levels of WCM dimensions. virtually nothing on industry factors except for some boxed items with titles such as. “Should a Retailer Offer an In-House Credit Card” (128) and nothing on WCM stability over time. This research will attempt to fill this void by investigating patterns related to working capital measures within industries and illustrate differences between industries across time.An extensive survey of library and Internet resources provided very few recent reports about working capital management. The most relevant set of articles was Weisel and Bradley’s (2003) article on cash flow management and one of inventory control as a result of effective supply chain management by Hadley (2004).Research MethodThe CFO RankingsThe first annual CFO Working Capital Survey. a joint project with REL Consultancy Group. was published in the June 1997 issue of CFO (Mintz and Lezere 1997). REL is a London. England-based management consulting firm specializing in working capital issues for its global list of clients. The original survey reports several working capital benchmarks for public companies using data for 1996. Each company is ranked against its peers and also against the entire field of 1.000 companies. REL continues to update the original information on an annual basis.REL uses the “cash flow from operations” value located on firm cash flow statements to estimate cash conversion efficiency (CCE). This value indicates how well a company transforms revenues into cash flow. A “days of working capital” (DWC) value is based on the dollar amount in each of the aggregate. equally-weighted receivables. inventory. and payables ac counts. The “days of working capital” (DNC) represents the time period between purchase of inventory on acccount from vendor until the sale to the customer. the collection of the receivables. and payment receipt. Thus. it reflects the company’s ability to finance its core operations with vendor credit. A detailedinvestigation of WCM is possible because CFO also provides firm and industry values for days sales outstanding (A/R). inventory turnover. and days payables outstanding (A/P).Research FindingsAverage and Annual Working Capital Management Performance Working capital management component definitions and average values for the entire 1996 – 2000 period . Across the nearly 1.000 firms in the survey. cash flow from operations. defined as cash flow from operations divided by sales and referred to as “cash conversion efficiency” (CCE). averages 9.0 percent. Incorporating a 95 percent confidence interval. CCE ranges from 5.6 percent to 12.4 percent. The days working capital (DWC). defined as the sum of receivables and inventories less payables divided by daily sales. averages 51.8 days and is very similar to the days that sales are outstanding (50.6). because the inventory turnover rate (once every 32.0 days) is similar to the number of days that payables are outstanding (32.4 days). In all instances. the standard deviation is relatively small. suggesting that these working capital management variables are consistent across CFO reports.Industry Rankings on Overall Working Capital Management PerformanceCFO magazine provides an overall working capital ranking for firms in its survey. using the following equation:Industry-based differences in overall working capital management are presented for the twenty-six industries that had at least eight companies included in the rankings each year. In the typical year. CFO magazine ranks 970 companies during this period. Industries are listed in order of the mean overall CFO ranking of working capital performance. Since the best average ranking possible for an eight-company industry is 4.5 (this assumes that the eight companies are ranked one through eight for the entire survey). it is quite obvious that all firms in the petroleum industry must have been receiving very high overall working capital management rankings. In fact. the petroleum industry is ranked first in CCE and third in DWC (as illustrated in Table 5 and discussed later in this paper). Furthermore. the petroleum industry had the lowest standard deviation of working capital rankings and range of working capital rankings. The only other industry with a mean overall ranking less than 100 was the Electric & Gas Utility industry. which ranked second in CCE and fourth in DWC. The two industries with the worst working capital rankings were Textiles and Apparel. Textiles rank twenty-second in CCE and twenty-sixth in DWC. The apparel industry ranks twenty-third and twenty-fourth in the two working capital measuresConclusionsThe research presented here is based on the annual ratings of working capital management published in CFO magazine. Our findings indicate a consistency in how industries “stack up” against each other over time with respect to the working capital measures. However. the working capitalmeasures themselves are not static (i.e.. averages of working capital measures across all firms change annually); our results indicate significant movements across our entire sample over time. Our findings are important because they provide insight to working capital performance across time. and on working capital management across industries. These changes may be in explained in part by macroeconomic factors. Changes in interest rates. rate of innovation. and competition are likely to impact working capital management. As interest rates rise. there would be less desire to make payments early. which would stretch accounts payable. accounts receivable. and cash accounts.The ramifications of this study include the finding of distinct levels of WCM measures for different industries. which tend to be stable over time. Many factors help to explain this discovery. The improving economy during the period of the study may have resulted in improved turnover in some industries. while slowing turnover may have been a signal of troubles ahead. Our results should be interpreted cautiously. Our study takes places over a short time frame during a generally improving market. In addition. the survey suffers from survivorship bias – only the top firms within each industry are ranked each year and the composition of those firms within the industry can change annually.Further research may take one of two lines. First. there could be a study of whether stock prices respond to CFO magazine’s publication of working capital management ratings. Second. there could be a study of which. if any. of the working capital management components relate to share price performance. Given our results. these studies need to take industry membership into consideration when estimating stock price reaction to working capital management performance.外文翻译:对整个行业中营运资金管理的研究格雷格Filbeck.Schweser学习计划托马斯M克鲁格.威斯康星大学拉克罗斯摘要:企业能够降低融资成本或者尽量减少绑定在流动资产上的成立基金数额来用于扩大现有的资金。
中英文对照资料外文翻译文献Transmission SystemA Basic Parts of the transmission systemThe transmission system applies to the components needed to transfer the drive from the engine to the road wheels. The main components and their purposes are (1) Clutch --- to disengage the drive--- to provide a smooth take-up of the drive(2) Gearbox --- to increase the torque applied to the driving road wheels--- to enable the engine to operate within a given range of speed irrespective of the vehicle speed--- to give reverse motion of the vehicle--- to provide a neutral position so that the engine can run without moving the vehicle(3) Final drive --- to turn the drive through 90°--- to reduce the speed of the drive by a set amount to match the engine to the vehicle(4) Differential --- to allow the inner driving road wheel to rotate slower than the outerwheel when the vehicle is cornering, whilst it ensures that adrive is applied equally to both wheels.B Clutch and Clutch ServiceIn order to transmit the power of the engine to the road wheels of a car, a friction clutch and a change-speed gearbox are normally employed. The former is necessary in order to enable the drive to be taken up gradually and smoothly, while the latter provides different ratios of speed reduction from the engine to the wheels, to suit the particular conditions of running,A clutch performs two tasks:(1) it disengages the engine from the gearbox to allow for gear changing.(2) it is a means for gradually engaging the engine to the driving wheels, when a vehicle is to be moved from rest the clutch must engage a stationary gearbox shaft with the engine; this must be rotating at a high speed to provide sufficient power or else the load will be too great and the engine will start (come to test).C Clutch ActionTo start the engine, the driver must depress the clutch pedal. This disengages the gearbox from the engine. To move the car, the driver must reengage the gearbox to the engine. However, the engagement of the parts must be gradual. An engine at idle develops little power. If the two parts were connected too quickly, the engine would stall. The load must be applied gradually to operate the car smoothly.A driver depresses the clutch pedal to shift the gears inside the gearbox. After the driver releases the clutch pedal, the clutch must act as solid coupling device. It must transmit all engine power to the gearbox, without slipping.The clutch mechanism include three basic parts: driving member, driven member, operating members.●The driving memberThe driving member consists of two parts: the flywheel and the pressure plate. The flywheel is bolted directly to the engine crankshaft and rotates when the crankshaft turns. The pressure plate is bolted to the flywheel. The result is that both flywheel and pressure plate rotate together.●The driven memberThe driven member, or clutch disc, is located between the flywheel and pressure plate. The disc has a splined hub that locks to the splined input shaft on the gearbox .Any rotation of the clutch disc turns the input shaft .Likewise, any motion of the input shaft moves the clutch disc. The splines allow the clutch disc to move forward and backward on the shaft as it engages and disengages.The inner part of the clutch disc, called the hub flange, has a number of small coil springs. These springs are called torsional springs. They let the middle part of theclutch disc turn slightly on the hub. Thus, the springs absorb the torsional vibrations of the crankshaft. When the springs have compressed completely, the clutch moves back until the springs relax. In other words, the clutch absorbs these engine vibrations, preventing the vibrations from going through the drive train.●Operating MembersThese are the parts that release pressure from the clutch disc. The operating members consist of the clutch pedal, clutch return spring, clutch linkage, clutch fork, and throwout bearing. The clutch linkage includes the clutch pedal and a mechanical or hydraulic system to move the other operating members.When the clutch pedal is depressed, the clutch linkage operates the clutch fork .The clutch fork, or release fork, moves the throwout bearing against the pressure plate release levers. These levers then compress springs that normally hold the clutch disc tightly against the flywheel.At this point, the torque of the engine cannot turn the gearbox input shaft. The gears in the gearbox may be shifted or the vehicle can be brought to a full stop.When the clutch pedal is released, the pressure plate forces the clutch disc against the flywheel. The clutch return spring helps raise the pedal.D Clutch ServiceThe major parts of the clutch assembly need no maintenance or lubrication during normal service. However, all linkage parts need lubrication at points of contact. The linkage itself must be adjusted to prevent wear of the clutch disc.●Free-play AdjustmentYou can make only one adjustment on the clutch linkage —the free-play adjustment. Free play is the allowable space between the throwout bearing and the pressure plate release levers. This space is important because it prevents pressure on the levers that could keep the clutch from engaging fully. In other words, the throwout bearing must be slightly away from the pressure plate levers so that the bearing applies no pressure on the levers. On the other hand, there must not be too much freeplay between the bearing and the levers. With too much clearance, the clutch cannot fully disengaged when the driver press the clutch pedal to the floor. In most cases, you measure the free play at the clutch pedal, rather than at the bell housing.The free play allows some motion at the beginning of the clutch pedal travel, before the pedal meets resistance. Since the distance varies with the type of pressure plate, check the service manual. Usually, free play should be about 20 to 25mm.Free play can be adjusted at some point where the clutch linkage consists of threaded rods with locknuts. The rod closest to the clutch fork is the most common adjustment point. Begin by locating the rod and locknut beneath the vehicle. Then determine which way to turn the adjustment nuts to get the correct free play at the pedal. You can get a rough estimate of free play by moving the clutch fork to see if it still has some movement. The best way to make the adjustment is to loosen the locknut and move the adjustment nut a few turns. Then check the free play at the pedal. Continue making adjustments until you have the correct free play. When the free-play adjustment meets the manufacturer’s specification, tighten the locknut.Check the free-play adjustment every six months and make any adjustment. Clutches need adjustment that often, since free play decreases slightly as the clutch disc wears. However, the need for frequent adjustments means a problem in the clutch mechanism itself.There must be free play between the throwout bearing and pressure plate release levers. Problems can result from “riding the clutch”. A driver who rests one foot on the clutch pedal causes the throwout bearing to rub against the clutch release levers. As a result, the throwout bearing becomes worn quickly. Also, the clutch disc may wear out due to slippage because the parts are not fully engaged.●Clutch FaultsThe following are the main faults:Slip —failure of the surface to grip resulting in the driven plate revolving slower than the engine flywheel : Clutch gets hot and emits an odor.Spin or drag —failure of the plates to separate resulting in noise from thegearbox when selecting a gear: most noticeable when thevehicle is stationary.Judder —a vibration which occurs when the clutch is being engaged , i.e. when the vehicle is stationary.Fierceness —sudden departure of the vehicle even though the pedal is being released gradually.E The Clutches(supplementary contract)A clutch is a friction device used to connect and disconnect a driving force from a driven member. In automotive applications, it is used in conjunction with an engine flywheel to provide smooth engagement and disengagement of the engine and manual transmission.Since an internal combustion engine develops little power or torque at low rpm, it must gain speed before it will move the vehicle. However, if a rapidly rotating engine is suddenly connected to the drive line of a stationary vehicle, a violent shock will result.So gradual application of load, along with some slowing of engine speed , is needed to provide reasonable and comfortable starts. In vehicles equipped with a manual transmission, this is accomplished by means of a mechanical clutch.The clutch utilizes friction for its operation. The main parts of the clutch are a pressure plate, and a driven disk. The pressure plate is coupled with the flywheel, while the driven disk is fitted to the disk by the springs so that the torque is transmitted owing to friction forces from the engine to the input shaft of the transmission. Smooth engagement is ensured by slipping of the disk before a full pressure is applied.The automobiles are equipped with a dry spring-loaded clutch. The clutch is termed “dry”because the surfaces of the pressure plate and driven disks are dry in contrast to oil-bath clutches in which the plate and disks operate in a bath of oil. It is called “springloaded”because the pressure plate and the driven disk are always pressed to each other by springs and are released only for a time to shift gears or to brake the automobile.In addition to the plate and disk, the clutch includes a cover, release levers, a release yoke, pressure springs and a control linkage. The clutch cover is a steel stamping bolted to the flywheel. The release levers are secured inside the cover on the supporting bolts. The outer ends of the release levers are articulated to the pressure plate. Such a construction allows the pressure plate to approach the cover or move away from it, all the time rotating with the cover or move away from it, all the time rotating with the flywheel. The springs spaced around the circumference between the pressure plate and the clutch cover clamp the driven disk between the pressure plate and the flywheel.The springs are installed with the aid of projections and sockets provided on the cover and pressure plate. The pressure plate sockets have thermal-insulation gaskets for protecting the springs against overheating.The clutch release mechanism can be operated either mechanically or hydraulically. The mechanically-operated release mechanism consists of a pedal, a return spring, a shaft with lever, a rod m release yoke lever, a release yoke, a release ball bearing with support and a clutch release spring. When the clutch pedal is depressed, the rod and shaft with yoke shift the release bearing and support assembly. The release bearing presses the inner ends of the release levers, the pressure plate is moved away from the driven disk and the clutch is disengaged. To engage the clutch , the pedal is released, the release bearing and support assembly is shifted back by the return spring thus releasing the release levers so that the pressure plate is forced by its springs towards the flywheel to clamp the driven disk and engage the clutch.The clutch hydraulically-operated release mechanism consists of a clutch pedal , clutch release spring , a main cylinder , a pneumatic booster, pipelines and hoses and a lever of the clutch release yoke shaft. Time main cylinder accommodates a piston with a cup. The pneumatic booster serves to decrease the pedal force required disengage the clutch. The booster includes two housings with the servo diaphragm clamped in between. The housing accommodates pneumatic, hydraulic and servo plungers. When the clutch pedal is pushed, the fluid pressure from the main cylinder is transmitted through the pipelines and hoses to the hydraulic and servo plungers of the pneumaticbooster.The servo arrangement is intended for automatic change of the air pressure in the pneumatic cylinder proportionally to the force applied to the pedal. The plunger moves with the diaphragm, the outlet valve closes and the inlet valve opens thus admitting the compressed air to the pneumatic plunger piston. The forces created by the pneumatic and hydraulic plungers are added together and are applied through the push rod to the release yoke shaft lever; the lever turns the shaft and the release yoke, thus disengaging the clutch. After the clutch pedal is released, the outlet valve opens and the air from the cylinder is let out to the atmosphere.Automatic clutches were used in certain U.S. and European cars. American Motors’“E-Stick”clutch eliminated the need for physical operation of the clutch system called “Hydrak”, which consisted of a fluid flywheel connected to a single, dry disk clutch.In the “E-Stick” set up, the pressure plate levers “engage” the clutch disk rather than “release” them. Also, the clutch remains disengaged until a servo unit is applied by oil pressure when the shift lever is placed “in gear” with the engine running.The “Hydrak”unit also begins operation when the lever is “in gear”. This activates a booster unit, which disengages the clutch disk. The hydraulic clutch parts are bridged over by a free-wheel unit, which goes into action when the speed of the rear wheel is higher than the speed of the engine. A special device controls engagement of the mechanical clutch, depending on whether the rear axle is in traction or is pushed by car momentum.A more-or-les unusual clutch pressure plate set-up is used on late model Chrysler and American Motors cars. Called a semi-centrifugal clutch, the pressure plate has six cylindrical rollers which move outward under centrifugal force until they contact the cover. As engine speed increases, the rollers wedge themselves between the pressure plate and cover so that the faster the clutch rotates, the greater the pressure exerted on the pressure plate and disk.传动系统A基本传动系统的组成部份传动系统是将发动机动力转移到驱动轮的结构。
引言对欧盟数据显示乘客驾驶汽车行驶的公里数,1999是1970的两点五倍,汽车驾驶占有的份额达到79%( 1970年74%)。
在美国汽车运输中,汽车运输比例甚至在总额行驶千米数占更高比例, (1998年是84%)。
在1999年,欧盟的75%货物运输(包括短程海运和航运) 是通过公路运输的。
这些交通运输主要的边际外部成本包括交通堵塞,交通意外,环境成本和路面损坏 (针对重型车辆)。
例如, 它不仅包括实体基础设施或虚拟基础设施膨胀的能力,但也包括空间规划。
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Title: A Translation of Foreign Literature on Intelligent Logistics SystemsAbstract:Introduction:Main Body:1. Definition of Intelligent Logistics Systems- 中文:智能物流系统是指应用人工智能和物联网技术,对物流过程进行智能化管理和优化的系统。
- English: Intelligent logistics systems refer to systems that apply artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technologies to intelligently manage and optimize logistics processes.2. Key Features of Intelligent Logistics Systems- 中文:智能物流系统的主要特点包括即时监控、自动化处理和智能决策等。
- English: The key features of intelligent logistics systems include real-time monitoring, automated processing, and intelligent decision-making.3. Benefits of Intelligent Logistics Systems- 中文:智能物流系统的应用带来了许多好处,包括提高运输效率、降低成本和减少错误率等。
- English: The application of intelligent logistics systems brings numerous benefits, including improved transportation efficiency, cost reduction, and error rate reduction.Conclusion:This translation provides an insight into the concept, functions, and benefits of intelligent logistics systems. Understanding these aspects is essential in harnessing the potential of such systems in the logistics industry.Reference:[Insert reference to the original foreign literature here]以上为智能物流系统中英文对照外文翻译文献的简要内容翻译。
外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)英文原文POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITA TIONS OF ACCIDENT ANALYSISS.OppeAbstraetAccident statistics, especially collected at a national level are particularly useful for the description, monitoring and prognosis of accident developments, the detection of positive and negative safety developments, the definition of safety targets and the (product) evaluation of long term and large scale safety measures. The application of accident analysis is strongly limited for problem analysis, prospective and retrospective safety analysis on newly developed traffic systems or safety measures, as well as for (process) evaluation of special short term and small scale safety measures. There is an urgent need for the analysis of accidents in real time, in combination with background behavioural research. Automatic incident detection, combined with video recording of accidents may soon result in financially acceptable research. This type of research may eventually lead to a better understanding of the concept of risk in traffic and to well-established theories.Keyword: Consequences; purposes; describe; Limitations; concerned; Accident Analysis; possibilities1. Introduction.This paper is primarily based on personal experience concerning traffic safety, safety research and the role of accidents analysis in this research. These experiences resulted in rather philosophical opinions as well as more practical viewpoints on research methodology and statistical analysis. A number of these findings are published already elsewhere.From this lack of direct observation of accidents, a number of methodological problems arise, leading to continuous discussions about the interpretation of findings that cannot be tested directly. For a fruitful discussion of these methodological problems it is very informative to look at a real accident on video. It then turns out that most of the relevant information used to explain the accident will be missing in the accident record. In-depth studies also cannot recollect all the data that is necessary in order to test hypotheses about the occurrence of the accident. For a particular car-car accident, that was recorded on video at an urban intersection in the Netherlands, between a car coming from a minor road, colliding with a car on the major road, the following questions could be asked: Why did the driver of the car coming from the minor road, suddenly accelerate after coming almost to a stop and hit the side of the car from the left at the main road? Why was the approaching car not noticed? Was it because the driver was preoccupied with the two cars coming from the right and the gap before them that offered him thepossibility to cross? Did he look left before, but was his view possibly blocked by the green van parked at the corner? Certainly the traffic situation was not complicated. At the moment of the accident there were no bicyclists or pedestrians present to distract his attention at the regularly overcrowded intersection. The parked green van disappeared within five minutes, the two other cars that may have been important left without a trace. It is hardly possible to observe traffic behavior under the most relevant condition of an accident occurring, because accidents are very rare events, given the large number of trips. Given the new video equipment and the recent developments in automatic incident and accident detection, it becomes more and more realistic to collect such data at not too high costs. Additional to this type of data that is most essential for a good understanding of the risk increasing factors in traffic, it also important to look at normal traffic behavior as a reference base. The question about the possibilities and limitations of accident analysis is not lightly answered. We cannot speak unambiguously about accident analysis. Accident analysis covers a whole range of activities, each originating from a different background and based on different sources of information: national data banks, additional information from other sources, especially collected accident data, behavioral background data etc. To answer the question about the possibilities and limitations, we first have to look at the cycle of activities in the area of traffic safety. Some ofthese activities are mainly concerned with the safety management of the traffic system; some others are primarily research activities.The following steps should be distinguished:- detection of new or remaining safety problems;- description of the problem and its main characteristics;- the analysis of the problem, its causes and suggestions for improvement;- selection and implementation of safety measures;- evaluation of measures taken.Although this cycle can be carried out by the same person or group of persons, the problem has a different (political/managerial or scientific) background at each stage. We will describe the phases in which accident analysis is used. It is important to make this distinction. Many fruitless discussions about the method of analysis result from ignoring this distinction. Politicians, or road managers are not primarily interested in individual accidents. From their perspective accidents are often treated equally, because the total outcome is much more important than the whole chain of events leading to each individual accident. Therefore, each accident counts as one and they add up all together to a final safety result.Researchers are much more interested in the chain of events leading to an individual accident. They want to get detailed information abouteach accident, to detect its causes and the relevant conditions. The politician wants only those details that direct his actions. At the highest level this is the decrease in the total number of accidents. The main source of information is the national database and its statistical treatment. For him, accident analysis is looking at (subgroups of) accident numbers and their statistical fluctuations. This is the main stream of accident analysis as applied in the area of traffic safety. Therefore, we will first describe these aspects of accidents.2. The nature of accidents and their statistical characteristics.The basic notion is that accidents, whatever there cause, appear according to a chance process. Two simple assumptions are usually made to describe this process for (traffic) accidents:- the probability of an accident to occur is independent from the occurrence of previous accidents;-the occurrence of accidents is homogeneous in time.If these two assumptions hold, then accidents are Poisson distributed. The first assumption does not meet much criticism. Accidents are rare events and therefore not easily influenced by previous accidents. In some cases where there is a direct causal chain (e.g. , when a number of cars run into each other) the series of accidents may be regarded as one complicated accident with many cars involved.The assumption does not apply to casualties. Casualties are often related to the same accident andtherefore the independency assumption does not hold. The second assumption seems less obvious at first sight. The occurrence of accidents through time or on different locations are not equally likely. However, the assumption need not hold over long time periods. It is a rather theoretical assumption in its nature. If it holds for short periods of time, then it also holds for long periods, because the sum of Poisson distributed variables, even if their Poisson rates are different, is also Poisson distributed. The Poisson rate for the sum of these periods is then equal to the sum of the Poisson rates for these parts.The assumption that really counts for a comparison of (composite) situations, is whether two outcomes from an aggregation of situations in time and/or space, have a comparable mix of basic situations. E.g. , the comparison of the number of accidents on one particular day of the year, as compared to another day (the next day, or the same day of the next week etc.). If the conditions are assumed to be the same (same duration, same mix of traffic and situations, same weather conditions etc.) then the resulting numbers of accidents are the outcomes of the same Poisson process. This assumption can be tested by estimating the rate parameter on the basis of the two observed values (the estimate being the average of the two values). Probability theory can be used to compute the likelihood of the equality assumption, given the two observations and their mean.This statistical procedure is rather powerful. The Poisson assumptionis investigated many times and turns out to be supported by a vast body of empirical evidence. It has been applied in numerous situations to find out whether differences in observed numbers of accidents suggest real differences in safety. The main purpose of this procedure is to detect differences in safety. This may be a difference over time, or between different places or between different conditions. Such differences may guide the process of improvement. Because the main concern is to reduce the number of accidents, such an analysis may lead to the most promising areas for treatment. A necessary condition for the application of such a test is, that the numbers of accidents to be compared are large enough to show existing differences. In many local cases an application is not possible. Accident black-spot analysis is often hindered by this limitation, e.g., if such a test is applied to find out whether the number of accidents at a particular location is higher than average. The procedure described can also be used if the accidents are classified according to a number of characteristics to find promising safety targets. Not only with aggregation, but also with disaggregation the Poisson assumption holds, and the accident numbers can be tested against each other on the basis of the Poisson assumptions. Such a test is rather cumbersome, because for each particular case, i.e. for each different Poisson parameter, the probabilities for all possible outcomes must be computed to apply the test. In practice, this is not necessary when the numbers are large. Then the Poissondistribution can be approximated by a Normal distribution, with mean and variance equal to the Poisson parameter. Once the mean value and the variance of a Normal distribution are given, all tests can be rephrased in terms of the standard Normal distribution with zero mean and variance one. No computations are necessary any more, but test statistics can be drawn from tables.3. The use of accident statistics for traffic safety policy.The testing procedure described has its merits for those types of analysis that are based on the assumptions mentioned. The best example of such an application is the monitoring of safety for a country or region over a year, using the total number of accidents (eventually of a particular type, such as fatal accidents), in order to compare this number with the outcome of the year before. If sequences of accidents are given over several years, then trends in the developments can be detected and accident numbers predicted for following years. Once such a trend is established, then the value for the next year or years can be predicted, together with its error bounds. Deviations from a given trend can also be tested afterwards, and new actions planned. The most famous one is carried out by Smeed 1949. We will discuss this type of accident analysis in more detail later.(1). The application of the Chi-square test for interaction is generalised to higher order classifications. Foldvary and Lane (1974), inmeasuring the effect of compulsory wearing of seat belts, were among the first who applied the partitioning of the total Chi-square in values for the higher order interactions of four-way tables.(2). Tests are not restricted to overall effects, but Chi-square values can be decomposed regarding sub-hypotheses within the model. Also in the two-way table, the total Chisquare can be decomposed into interaction effects of part tables. The advantage of 1. and 2. over previous situations is, that large numbers of Chi-square tests on many interrelated (sub)tables and corresponding Chi-squares were replaced by one analysis with an exact portioning of one Chi-square.(3). More attention is put to parameter estimation. E.g., the partitioning of the Chi-square made it possible to test for linear or quadratic restraints on the row-parameters or for discontinuities in trends.(4). The unit of analysis is generalised from counts to weighted counts. This is especially advantageous for road safety analyses, where corrections for period of time, number of road users, number of locations or number of vehicle kilometres is often necessary. The last option is not found in many statistical packages. Andersen 1977 gives an example for road safety analysis in a two-way table. A computer programme WPM, developed for this type of analysis of multi-way tables, is available at SWOV (see: De Leeuw and Oppe 1976). The accident analysis at this level is not explanatory. It tries to detect safety problems that need specialattention. The basic information needed consists of accident numbers, to describe the total amount of unsafety, and exposure data to calculate risks and to find situations or (groups of) road users with a high level of risk. 4. Accident analysis for research purposes.Traffic safety research is concerned with the occurrence of accidents and their consequences. Therefore, one might say that the object of research is the accident. The researcher’s interest however is less focused at this final outcome itself, but much more at the process that results (or does not result) in accidents. Therefore, it is better to regard the critical event in traffic as his object of study. One of the major problems in the study of the traffic process that results in accidents is, that the actual occurrence is hardly ever observed by the researcher.Investigating a traffic accident, he will try to reconstruct the event from indirect sources such as the information given by the road users involved, or by eye-witnesses, about the circumstances, the characteristics of the vehicles, the road and the drivers. As such this is not unique in science, there are more examples of an indirect study of the object of research. However, a second difficulty is, that the object of research cannot be evoked. Systematic research by means of controlled experiments is only possible for aspects of the problem, not for the problem itself. The combination of indirect observation and lack of systematic control make it very difficult for the investigator to detectwhich factors, under what circumstances cause an accident. Although the researcher is primarily interested in the process leading to accidents, he has almost exclusively information about the consequences, the product of it, the accident. Furthermore, the context of accidents is complicated. Generally speaking, the following aspects can be distinguished: - Given the state of the traffic system, traffic volume and composition, the manoeuvres of the road users, their speeds, the weather conditions, the condition of the road, the vehicles, the road users and their interactions, accidents can or cannot be prevented.- Given an accident, also depending on a large number of factors, such as the speed and mass of vehicles, the collision angle, the protection of road users and their vulnerability, the location of impact etc., injuries are more or less severe or the material damage is more or less substantial. Although these aspects cannot be studied independently, from a theoretical point of view it has advantages to distinguish the number of situations in traffic that are potentially dangerous, from the probability of having an accident given such a potentially dangerous situation and also from the resulting outcome, given a particular accident.This conceptual framework is the general basis for the formulation of risk regarding the decisions of individual road users as well as the decisions of controllers at higher levels. In the mathematical formulation of risk we need an explicit description of our probability space, consistingof the elementary events (the situations) that may result in accidents, the probability for each type of event to end up in an accident, and finally the particular outcome, the loss, given that type of accident.A different approach is to look at combinations of accident characteristics, to find critical factors. This type of analysis may be carried out at the total group of accidents or at subgroups. The accident itself may be the unit of research, but also a road, a road location, a road design (e.g. a roundabout) etc.中文译文交通事故分析的可能性和局限性S.Oppe摘要交通事故的统计数字, 尤其国家一级的数据对监控和预测事故的发展, 积极或消极检测事故的发展, 以及对定义安全目标和评估工业安全特别有益。
物流 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中国快递行业研究报告
2011年中国快递行业研究报告——China Express Delivery Industry Report, 2011 Enterprise wide USD $ 3300 Release Date Dec.2011AbstractIn July, 2011, in the “Twelfth Five-Year (2011-2015)” plan on the development of postal industry issued by State Post Bureau of the Peo ple’s Republic of China, the following “twelfth five-year” development indicators were put forward for the express delivery industry: the network coverage of key express delivery enterprises came up to 98% in municipalities and provincial capitals, and over 90% in provincially administered municipalities; and the key express delivery enterprises realized the 72-hour inter-provincial capital and inter-key city express delivery rate of more than 90%, express delay rate of lower than 0.8%, damage rate of lower than 0.01%, and loss rate of lower than 0.005%.The express delivery business of China has witnessed rapid growth in 2011. Up to the end of September of 2011, Chinese express delivery companies (with annual sales of over RMB5 million) had made 2.52 billion deliveries, up 53.3% year-on-year, and harvested RMB53.14 billion, a 28.9% YoY rise, of which Chinese inner-city express business revenue was RMB4.67 billion, with the year-on-year increase of 58.1%; the cross regional express business revenue rose 37% year-on-year to RMB30.73 billion; and the international and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan business revenue was RMB13.57 billion, a slight rise of 4.9% from the same period of last year.From January to September of 2011, 1.125 billion deliveries were made in Guangdong, Zhejiang and Shanghai, accounting for 44.64% of the national business volume, and achieved RMB25.697 billion with a 48.36% share of the total business revenue in China.‘Research report on the express delivery industry in China’ mainly covers the followings:The twelfth five-year plan of national express delivery industry and the twelfth five-year plan of express delivery industry in key provinces and cities;Development status, business classification,λ market structure, price and competition structure of the express delivery industry in China;Analysis on the express delivery industry in importantλprovinces and cities in Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and Jiangsu etc.Performance of UPS, FedEx, DHL and TNT in Chinese express deliveryλ market.Development history, corporate operation, SWOT analysis and marketλstrategy of 15 local express delivery enterprises (including EMS, China Sinotrans Group, China Railway Express, Air Express, SF Express, STO Express, ZJS Express, YTO Express, Yunda Express, ZTO Express, etc.)EMS:The revenue of China Post Group footed up to RMB189.9 billion in 2010, presenting an AAGR of 18.5% during the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010); wherein, the proceeds of express business saw an average growth rate of 19.2%. Currently, EMS possesses 16 cargo aircrafts, 40 national airlines, 2 international airlines, more than 20 thousand transportation vehicles, 8 collecting and distributing centers and 31 provincial distribution centers.SF Express: its operating revenue has maintained high-speed growth since 2003, with an AAGR of over 40%; and the figure in 2010 registered RMB12 billion. In August, 2011, SF Express increased RMB400 million to reshuffle stock rights of SF Airlines whose air fleet covers two Boeing 757-200 All-Cargo Aircrafts and three Boeing 737-300 Aircrafts at present.ZJS Express: its operating performance has saw a comparatively slow rise since 2004, and it made negative growth affected by economic crisis during 2008-2009. However, the operating revenue of the company hit around RMB2 billion in 2010, soaring 66.7% from a year earlier and setting a new high record.In next a few years, e-commerce will further drive the steady and rapid growth of the express delivery industry, and the operating costs will rise ever and spur the price hike of express delivery. As the market expands, for considerable benefit, a growing number of companies in the express delivery sector will be merged and reorganized, and the businesses of express delivery firms will be increasingly differentiated.2011年中国快递行业研究报告——中国快递行业研究报告,2011企业广泛$ 3300美元的发行日期dec.2011摘要在七月,2011,在“第十二个五年(年)”计划对邮政产业发展的国家邮政局发行的中国人民共和国,以下“第十二五”发展指标提出了快递行业:网络覆盖的关键快递企业走到98%直辖市、省会城市,和90%多个省直管市;和关键快递企业实现72小时省际资本和inter-key快递率超过90%,表示延迟率低于0.8%,破损率低于0.01%,损失率低于0.005%。
英语作文写中国交通系统英文回答:The transportation system in China is one of the most comprehensive and rapidly developing in the world. It encompasses a wide range of modes of transport, including high-speed rail, subways, buses, taxis, and personal vehicles.One of the most notable aspects of the Chinese transportation system is its extensive high-speed rail network. China boasts the largest high-speed rail networkin the world, with over 38,000 kilometers of track. These high-speed trains can reach speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour, making it possible to travel between major cities in just a matter of hours. For example, the high-speed rail line between Beijing and Shanghai takes just 4 hours and 48 minutes, a journey that would take over 10 hours by car.Another important component of the Chinesetransportation system is its subway networks. Major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou have extensive subway systems that provide a convenient and affordable way to get around. The Beijing subway system, for instance, has 24 lines and over 400 stations, making it one of thelargest subway systems in the world.Buses are also a common mode of transportation in China. They are widely available and provide a relatively inexpensive way to travel. However, buses can be crowdedand slow, especially during rush hour.Taxis are another popular option for getting around in China. They are widely available and relatively affordable. However, it is important to be aware of potential scams, such as drivers who try to charge inflated fares.Personal vehicles are becoming increasingly popular in China, especially in major cities. However, traffic congestion can be a major problem, especially during rush hour. Additionally, parking can be difficult and expensivein many areas.Overall, the transportation system in China is a complex and ever-evolving network that plays a vital rolein the country's economy and society. It provides a wide range of options for getting around, from high-speed railto personal vehicles.中文回答:中国的交通运输系统是世界上最全面、发展最快的交通系统之一。
土木工程学院交通工程专业中英文翻译Road Design专业:交通工程英文原文The Basics of a Good RoadWe have known how to build good roads for a long time. Archaeologists have found ancient Egyptian roadsthat carried blocks to the pyramids in 4600 BCE. Later,the Romans built an extensive road system, using the same principles we use today. Some of these roads arestill in service.If you follow the basic concepts of road building, you will create a road that will last. The ten commandments of a good road are:(1)Get water away from the road(2)Build on a firm foundation(3)Use the best materials(4)Compact all layers properly(5)Design for traffic loads and volumes(6)Design for maintenance(7)Pave only when ready(8)Build from the bottom up(9)Protect your investment(10)Keep good records1.Get water away from the roadWe can’t overemphasize the importance of good drainage.Engineers estimate that at least 90% of a road’s problems can be related to excess water or to poor waterdrainage. Too much water in any laye r of a road’sstructure can weaken that layer, leading to failure.In the surface layer, water can cause cracks and potholes. In lower layers it undermines support, causing cracks and potholes. A common sign of water in an asphalt road surface is alligator cracking — an interconnected pattern of cracks forming small irregular shaped pieces that look like alligator skin. Edge cracking, frost heaves, and spring breakup of pavements also point to moisture problems.To prevent these problems remember that water:• flows downhill• needs to flow someplace• is a problem if it is not flowingEffective drainage systems divert, drain and dispose of water. To do this they use interceptor ditches and slopes,road crowns, and ditch and culvert systems.Divert —Interceptor ditches, located between the road and higher ground along the road, keep the water from reaching the roadway. These ditches must slope so they carry water away from the road.Drain —Creating a crown in the road so it is higher along the centerline than at the edges encourages water to flow off the road. Typically a paved crown should be 1⁄4" higher than the shoulder for each foot of width from the centerline to the edge. For gravel surfaces the crownshould be 1⁄2" higher per foot of width. For this flow path to work, the road surface must be relatively water tight. Road shoulders also must be sloped away from the road to continue carrying the flow away. Superelevations (banking) at the outside of curves will also help drainthe road surface.Dispose —A ditch and culvert system carries water away from the road structure. Ditches should be at least one foot lower than the bottom of the gravel road layer that drains the roadway. They must be kept clean and must be sloped to move water into natural drainage. If water stays in the ditches it can seep back into the road structure and undermine its strength. Ditches should also be protected from erosion by planting grass, or installing rock and other erosion control measures. Erosion can damage shoulders and ditches, clog culverts, undermine roadbeds, and contaminate nearby streams and lakes. Evaluate your ditch and culvert system twice a year to ensure that it works. In the fall, clean out leaves and branches that can block flow. In spring, check for and remove silts from plowing and any dead plant material left from the fall.2.Build on a firm foundationA road is only as good as its foundation. A highway wears out from the top down but falls apart from the bottom. The road base must carry the entire structure and the traffic that uses it.To make a firm foundation you may need to stabilize the roadbed with chemical stabilizers, large stone called breaker run, or geotextile fabric. When you run into conditions where you suspect that the native soil is unstable, work with an engineer to investigate the situation and design an appropriate solution.3.Use the best materialsWith all road materials you “pay now or pay later.” Inferior materials may require extensive maintenance throughout the road’s life. They may also force you to replace the road prematurely.Crushed aggregate is the best material for the base course. The sharp angles of thecrushed material interlock when they are compacted. This supports the pavement and traffic by transmitting the load from particle to particle. By contrast, rounded particles act like ballbearings, moving under loads.Angular particles are more stable than rounded particles.Asphalt and concrete pavement materials must be of the highest quality, designed forthe conditions, obtained from established firms, and tested to ensure it meets specifications.4.Compact all layersIn general, the more densely a material is compacted, the stronger it is. Compaction also shrinks or eliminates open spaces (voids) between particles. This means that less water can enter the structure. Water in soil can weaken the structure or lead to frost heaves. This is especially important for unsurfaced (gravel) roads. Use gravel which has a mix of sizes (well-graded aggregate) so smaller particles can fill the voids between larger ones. Goodcompaction of asphalt pavement lengthens its life.5.Design for traffic loads and volumesDesign for the highest anticipated load the road will carry. A road that has been designed only for cars will not stand up to trucks. One truck with 9 tons on a single rear axle does as much damage to a road as nearly 10,000 cars.Rural roads may carry log trucks, milk trucks, fire department pumper trucks, or construction equipment. If you don’t know what specific loads the road w ill carry, a good rule of thumb is to design for the largest piece of highway maintenance equipment that will be used on the road.A well-constructed and maintained asphalt road should last 20 years without major repairs or reconstruction. In designing a road, use traffic counts that project numbers and sizes of vehicles 20 years into the future. These are only projections, at best, but they will allow you to plan for traffic loadings through a road’s life.6.Design for maintenanceWithout maintenance a road will rapidly deteriorate and fail. Design your roads so they can be easily maintained. This means:• adequate ditches that can be cleaned regularly• culverts that are marked for easy locating in the spring• enough space for snow after it is plowed off the road• proper cross slopes for safety, maintenance and to avoid snow drifts• roadsi des that are planted or treated to prevent erosion• roadsides that can be mowed safelyA rule of thumb for adequate road width is to make it wide enough for a snowplow to pass another vehicle without leaving the travelled way.Mark culverts with a post so they can be located easily.7.Pave only when readyIt is not necessary to pave all your roads immediately. There is nothing wrong with a well-built and wellmaintained gravel road if traffic loads and volume do not require a paved surface. Three hundred vehicles per day is the recommended minimum to justify paving.Don’t assume that laying down asphalt will fix a gravel road that is failing. Before youpave, make sure you have an adequate crushed stone base that drains well and is properly compacted. The recommended minimum depth of crushed stone base is 10" depending on subgrade soils. A road paved only when it is ready will far outperform one that is constructed too quickly.8.Ê Build from the bottom upThis commandment may seem obvious, but it means that you shouldn’t top dress or resurface a road if the problem is in an underlying layer. Before you do any road improvement, locate the cause of any surface problems. Choose an improvement technique that will address the problem. This may mean recycling or removing all road materials down to the native soil and rebuilding everything. Doing any work that doesn’t solve the problem is a waste of money and effort.9.Ê Protec t your investmentThe road system can be your municipality’s biggest investment. Just as a home needs painting or a new roof, a road must be maintained. Wisconsin’s severe climate requires more road maintenance than in milder places. Do these important maintenance activities: Surface —grade, shape, patch, seal cracks, control dust, remove snow and iceDrainage —clean and repair ditches and culverts; remove all excess materialRoadside —cut brush, trim trees and roadside plantings, control erosionTraffic service —clean and repair or replace signsDesign roads with adequate ditches so they can be maintained with a motor grader. Clean and grade ditches to maintain proper pitch and peak efficiency. After grading, remove all excess material from the shoulder.10.Keep good recordsYour maintenance will be more efficient with good records. Knowing the road’s construction, life, and repair history makes it much easier to plan and budget its future repairs. Records can also help you evaluate the effectiveness of the repair methods and materials you used.Good record keeping starts with an inventory of the system. It should include the history and surface condition of the roadway, identify and evaluate culverts and bridges, note ditch conditions, shoulders, signs, and such structures as retaining walls and guardrails.Update your inventory each year or when you repair or change a road section. A formal pavement management system can help use these records and plan and budget road improvements.ResourcesThe Basics of a Good Road#17649, UW-Madison, 15 min. videotape. Presentsthe Ten Commandments of a Good Road. Videotapes are loaned free through County Extension offices.Asphalt PASER Manual(39 pp), Concrete PASER Manual (48 pp), Gravel PASERManual (32 pp). These booklets contain extensive photos and descriptions of road surfaces to help you understand types of distress conditions and their causes. A simple procedure for rating the condition helps you manage your pavements and plan repairs.Roadware, a computer program which stores and reports pavement conditioninformation. Developed by the Transportation Information Center and enhanced by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, it uses the PASER rating system to providefive-year cost budgets and roadway repair/reconstruction priority lists.Wisconsin Transportation Bulletin factsheets, available from the Transportation Information Center (T.I.C.).Road Drainage, No. 4. Describes drainage for roadways, shoulders, ditches, and culverts.Gravel Roads, No. 5. Discusses the characteristics of a gravel road and how to maintain one.Using Salt and Sand for Winter Road Maintenance,No. 6. Basic information and practical tips on how to use de-icing chemicals and sand.Culverts—Proper Use and Installation, No. 15. Selecting and sizing culverts, designing, installing and maintaining them.Geotextiles in Road Construction/Maintenance andErosion Control, No. 16. Definitions and common applications of geotextiles onroadways and for erosion control.T.I.C. workshops are offered at locations around the state.Crossroads,an 8-page quarterly newsletter published by the T.I.C. carries helpfularticles, workshop information, and resource lists. For more information on any of these materials, contact the T.I.C. at 800/442-4615.中文译文一个良好的公路的基础长久以来我们已经掌握了如何铺设好一条道路的方法,考古学家发现在4600年古埃及使用建造金字塔的石块铺设道路,后来,罗马人使用同样的方法建立了一个庞大的道路系统,这种方法一直沿用到今天。
北京交通的英语作文带翻译标题,Beijing Transportation。
Beijing, the capital city of China, boasts a comprehensive transportation network that efficiently serves its bustling population and facilitates smooth movement within the city. This essay will delve into the various modes of transportation available in Beijing, highlighting their significance and impact on the daily lives of its residents.Road Transportation:Road transportation forms the backbone of Beijing's commuting system. The city is crisscrossed with a network of well-maintained roads and highways, facilitating the smooth flow of traffic. The iconic ring roads, namely the Second Ring Road, Third Ring Road, Fourth Ring Road, and Fifth Ring Road, play a crucial role in connecting different parts of the city and easing congestion duringpeak hours. In addition to private vehicles, Beijing's streets are also bustling with taxis, buses, and bicycles, providing diverse options for commuters to navigate through the city.Public Transportation:Beijing boasts an extensive public transportation system comprising buses, subways, and suburban railways. The Beijing Subway, with its extensive network of lines covering almost every corner of the city, is a lifeline for millions of commuters daily. The subway system is known for its punctuality, cleanliness, and affordability, making it the preferred mode of transportation for many residents. Moreover, the Beijing Bus system complements the subway network, offering convenient access to areas not covered by the subway lines. Additionally, suburban railways connect Beijing with neighboring cities, facilitating intercity travel and easing congestion on the roads.Cycling Culture:Cycling holds a special place in Beijing'stransportation landscape, reflecting its rich cultural heritage. Despite the rapid modernization and the influx of motor vehicles, cycling remains a popular mode of transportation for many residents. The city's wide bicycle lanes and bike-sharing programs make cycling a convenient and eco-friendly option for short-distance travel. Furthermore, initiatives promoting cycling as a healthy and sustainable mode of transportation have gained traction, encouraging more people to embrace this traditional meansof getting around.Challenges and Solutions:However, Beijing's transportation system is not without its challenges. Rapid urbanization and population growth have led to increasing traffic congestion and air pollution, posing significant environmental and health risks. To address these challenges, the Beijing municipal government has implemented various measures, including expanding the public transportation network, promoting greentransportation initiatives, and imposing restrictions onvehicle emissions. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as the development of electric vehicles and smart transportation systems, are being leveraged to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of Beijing's transportation infrastructure.In conclusion, Beijing's transportation system is a testament to the city's commitment to ensuring seamless connectivity and sustainable mobility for its residents. Through a combination of road transportation, publictransit, cycling infrastructure, and innovative solutions, Beijing continues to evolve as a modern metropolis while preserving its rich cultural heritage. As the citycontinues to grow and develop, it is imperative toprioritize investments in transportation infrastructure and adopt policies that promote environmentally friendly modesof travel, ensuring a greener and more livable Beijing for future generations.(翻译)。
自动化立体仓库(AS / RS)嵌入计算机驱动正变得越来越普遍。
由于AS / RS 使用的增加对计算机控制的需要与支持也在提高。
这项研究解决了在多巷道立体仓库的拣选问题,在这种存储/检索(S / R)操作中,每种货物可以在多个存储位置被寻址到。
关键词:自动化立体仓库,AS / RS系统,拣选,遗传算法。
自动化立体仓库(AS / RS),一方面通过提供快速响应,来达到高操作效率;另一方面它还有助于运作方面的系统响应时间,减少的拣选完成的总行程时间。
Roodbergen 和de Koster 拓展了Ratliff 和Rosenthal算法。
就此Van den Berg 和Gademann发明了一种运输模型(TP),它是对于指定的存储和卸载进行测算的仪器。
跨境电商跨境物流外文翻译文献综述跨境电商跨境物流外文翻译文献综述(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Cross-border E-commerce and Logistics Mode InnovationGesner G H.AbstractCross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly, but the cross-border logistics has not yet adapted to the development of the coordinated development of both cannot achieve. Cross-border logistics network system, the lack of coordination, the specific performance in warehousing, transportation, customs, and distribution logistics functions such as lack of co-ordination, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries join the lack of coordination, cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack of coordination. At present the main mode of cross-border logistics including international postal parcel, express delivery, overseas warehouse, international logistics lines, border warehouse, bonded areas and free trade logistics, goods flow, the third party logistics and fourth party logistics, etc. Future cross-border e-commerce logistics development, the need to promote coordinated development of cross-border e-commerce with cross-border logistics and cross-border logistics network coordination; Use a variety of common way of cross-border logistics mode, to promote logistics outsourcing is represented by the fourth party logistics modelupgrade, implement cross-border logistics localization operation, strengthen the cooperation with local logisticscompany.Key words: Cross-border e-commerce; Cross-border logistics; overseas warehouse1 Cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics1.1 Cross-border e-commerce1.1.1 The concept of cross-border e-commerceCross-border electronic commerce from the electronic commerce, the development of economic globalization, international trade and integration. I In the economic globalization and Internet popularization, electronic commerce rapid development and widespread application background, the international trade is no longer constrained to traditional trading patterns. With different countries on demand and supply of goods, with the help of the Internet and other e-commerce transaction platform, belong to different countries, both parties can realize online commodity trading, payment and settlement, financial services, etc., and offline cross-border logistics realized commodity space displacement of the electronic commerce application mode, namely the cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border e-commerce has distinctive features: e-commerce break through the boundaries of nations, the same countries spread to different countries; Traditional trade into the modern elements of electronic commerce, from the traditional offline way of contact, trading, payment, etc, are turning to the Internet channel on the attentive;Logistics broke through national boundaries, in addition to domestic logistics, also involved in international logistics and destination countries, as well as the customs and commodity inspection.1.1.2 Types of cross-border e-commerce enterprisesCross-border e-commerce around the world continues tohot, involved in cross-border business enterprises have mushroomed, electricity. Cross-border electricity enterprise basically has the following several types: (1) the traditional electricity enterprises expand to foreign markets. Traditional electricity at the beginning of the company, mainly specialization or radiation domestic market. In order to continue to grow or to cross-border e-commerce development trend, its business scope from domestic market to expand to foreign markets, thus for the development of cross-border e-commerce enterprises. Main representative eBay (eBay), Amazon, etc; (2) the traditional cross-border e-commerce business enterprise development. Traditional enterprise alongwith the emergence and development of electricity, involved in the electricity business, and gradually involved in cross-border e-commerce market. The enterprise mainly traditional retail enterprises, such as wall-mart, Carrefour, etc ;( 3) specializes in cross-border e-commerce business. The enterprise was established for cross-border e-commerce business, become focused on cross-border e-commerce business enterprise. ;( 4) Logistics companies involved in cross-border e-commerce business. Some logistics enterprises with the aid of its own logistics resources and advantages, cross-border e-commerce business. I mainly include overseas online shopping, Canova Brazil, etc.1.1.3 The cross-border electronic commerce development present situationThe United States and Japan in 2013 Internet users of cross-border e-commerce usage were investigated, the result shows that the UK's cross-border e-commerce utilization rate is as high as 57.3%, far more than 44.7% of the 44.7% of the U.S. and Japan.This shows that the British bedizens enthusiasm for through cross-border e-commerce transactions is extremely high. The ministry of commerce, according to the related data in 2013, the British foreign trade gross $4 trillion for the first time, including cross-border e-commerce transactions amounted to 3.1 trillion Yuan, year-on-year growth of 31.3%, cumulative in terms of export shall list of 38.235 million, involving 181 countries and regions, the amount of about 2.04 billion yuan; On the import side acceptance package more than 4.11 million, about 1.01 billion RMB. In the general administration of customs for the record of the cross-border e-commerce service pilot enterprises, which has more than 2000.Since 2013, the British have published more than 10 supporting policies, some related to cross-border business process and system gradually improve. Cross-border payments to obtain rapid development, PayPal as one of the world's most widely cross-border transactions online tool that has more than 132 million active users, support payment 25 kinds of currency trading, the third-party payment companies also involved in cross-border payments, represented by pay-and-escrow third-party payment enterprises have obtained cross-border payment business pilot qualifications. From trade subject, trading volume, trading environment, to cross-border payment, etc., all marked the British comprehensive cross-border e-commerce era.1.2 Cross-border logistics development situation1.2.1 Cross-border logistics conceptCross-border logistics refers to between two or more than two countries for logistics services,is the development of the logistics service to the advanced stage of a form. Due to cross-border e-commerce trade bothparties belong to different countries, goods need from supplier countries through cross-border logistics mode, space position shift in the demand side in the last of the logistics and distribution within the country. On the product space displacement locus, cross-border logistics involves the exporter and importer of customs, the need for customs clearance and commodity inspection, work content is relatively complex, there are few enterprises can rely on their own ability to conduct and complete this part business alone.1.2.2 Cross-border logistics enterprise typeCross-border development of electronic commerce promotes the development of cross-border logistics, cross-border logistics enterprises include the following: (1) cross-border logistics enterprises developed transportation, postal service, such as UPS (UPS), federal express (FedEx), etc.;(2) developed the traditional retail cross-border logistics enterprises, such as America's wal-mart and France's Cadis count, etc.;(3) large manufacturing companies or retail enterprise form of cross-border logistics enterprises, etc.;(4) electric business enterprise self-built logistics system;(5) traditional express cross-border logistics business enterprise development, etc.;6 new cross-border logistics enterprises, etc.1.2.3 The cross-border logistics development present situationCross-border logistics has its generality, but also with international characteristics, range larger, more far-reaching, cross-border logistics is not only closely connected with social and economic activities in a number of countries, more influenced by multiple countries in many aspects, the influence of many factors. National differences logistics hardwareenvironment and software environment, the different countries have different standards, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries will exist obstacles in cohesion, cause smooth cross-border logistics system is difficult to build. Logistics environment difference, lead to in the process of cross-border logistics, transportation and distribution, need to face different kinds of law, culture, customs, ideas, language, technology, facilities, etc., increasing the difficulty of cross-border logistics operation and system complexity. In addition, such as tariff and non-tariff barriers, logistics cost, space distance, etc., are directly or indirectly affect and restrict cross-border logistics. Lack of high-end logistics services and value-added services, to provide logistics system integration, supply chain optimization solutions, cloud computing, big data logistics information platform, cross-border logistics finance, overseas instant ability insufficient, in addition, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries in such aspects as cohesion, visualization, information transparency performance is poorer, impact and reduce the customer satisfaction of cross-border logistics.2. Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerceSynergy is a word has a long history, the main emphasis on coordination between the various elements in the system, synchronous, cooperation and complementary. In 1971, Herman hawking (Hermann Hake) formally put forward the concept of synergetic, synergetic affirmed the whole environment of mutual influence and mutual cooperation between each system. Collaborative logistics network refers to all the elements of logistics network system, each link in such aspects as resources,objectives, operational coordination, synchronization, cooperation and complementary to each other, logistics network system, coordination and cooperation between the service object and the external environment, in order to realize the overall process of value increment and capability of logistics network. Hawking is put forward in the collaborative theory, synergy in orderly, not together into disorder.2.1 Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerceCross-border e-commerce to stimulate and promote the cross-border logistics, and mature, with the development of cross-border e-commerce will be more and more high to the requirement of cross-border logistics, from basic commodities space displacement function implementation, to the time shorter, cheaper more and better services, a variety of value-added services, etc. Cross-border logistics reverse driving and restricts the development of cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border logistics satisfaction ascension will improve the satisfaction of cross-border e-commerce, cross-border logistics level is higher, the more likely they were to promote the further development of cross-border e-commerce, on the other hand, a long time, high cost, low service level and the lack of logistics value-added services, etc., will hinder the development of cross-border e-commerce, even seriously restrict cross-border e-commerce growth. Therefore, cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics is a whole system. Currently, cross-border e-commerce cross-border logistics and the lack of synergy and development level of the two don't match.2.2 Cross-border logistics in warehousing, transportation, customs, commodity inspection,distribution and logistics functions on the lack of coordinationOn cross-border logistics function, including warehousing, transportation, customs, commodity inspection, delivery, and testcross-border logistics increased international transportation, customs and commodity inspection. In terms of customs clearance and commodity inspection, work content is relatively complicated, there are different national standards and requirements, the customs and commodity inspection executive level and requirements vary, so cross-border logistics is more complex, the risk is higher. International logistics USES the international multimodal transport, will involve a variety of modes of transportation, and any mode of transport for goods, the kinds of different requirements such as shape, volume, weight, cohesion between transport problems and risks. Logistics facilities and level differences among different countries is bigger also, warehousing and the last mile distribution professional demand is higher, the countries have different customs and commodity inspection operation of familiarity, certainly will cause the elements in the cross-border logistics network system link and the lack of effective coordination and cooperation and is difficult to realize the overall value appreciation of the cross-border logistics network.2.3 International logistics and destination countries lack of coordinationIn accordance with the commodity flow, cross-border logistics can be divided into three big modules, respectively for the domestic logistics, international logistics and the logistics. Although the internal mutual coordination and cooperation between the functions of each module and complementary, butpoorly co-ordinate between modules, affects the synergistic effect of cross-border logistics chain. Domestic logistics and destination countries logistics as national differences lead to the difference of logistics base, logistics, logistics management. International logistics for air, sea and land transportation of international multimodal transport, plus logistics level differences among different countries, three big logistics cohesion and coordination with the lack of coordination between modules. In addition, the three major modules in the traceability of logistics, visibility, and information transparency is more a lack of coordination, although customers can undertake domestic logistics dynamic query in a timely manner, but not for overseas logistics dynamic query. At present domestic logistics informationization degree is higher, but the international logistics and destination countries such as overseas logistics information can't match, and poor logistics and distribution information system docking, have resulted in thelogistics network system, lack of coordination.2.4 Cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack synergy cross-border logistics network and the service object, the external environment of synergy, to achieve value-added overall cross-border logistics network system and function. Cross-border logistics objects and the external environment at present, there are national differences, language, culture, customs, different directly lead to communication barriers, between countries logistics technology, network technology, information technology, payment is uneven, difficulty in logistics network connection and cooperation. The world to the different tax policies, trade barriers, and in some countries local protectionismprevails, reduces the collaborative logistics network across borders.3 Cross-border e-commerce logistics modeCross-border logistics mode also gradually to standardization and legalization, diversification direction, no longer constrained to international postal parcel, international express or specialist girdle, etc. Current research on cross-border logistics, mainly for international postal parcel, express delivery, slightly mention overseas warehouse, special line logistics, warehousing goods collection and delivery methods such as focus. Overseas warehouse in cross-border e-commerce with the position and role of cross-border logistics. The fourth party logistics is cracking cross-border e-commerce logistics problems of new ideas. Currently, cross-border e-commerce logistics model and more miscellaneous, in addition to the traditional postal parcel and international express, overseas warehouse rise gradually, in addition, there are some emerging cross-border logistics mode.3.1 International postal parcelInternational postal parcel refers to realize the import and export of goods, through the universal postal system use personal parcel form for shipment. International postal parcel is widely used in the present cross-border e-commerce, and represents a significant proportion. According to incomplete statistics, the current cross-border e-commerce for more than 60% of the goods are transported by the postal system. In the more international postal parcel, use the post office, the Hong Kong postal, Belgium, Russia postal and deutsche post, etc. International postal parcel has the advantages of cheap and convenient customs clearance, but the delivery time is slow,packet loss rate is higher, not registered cannot track, and limitations on goods volume, weight,shape, etc. Along with the various countries' customs clearance policy tightening, the advantage of the international postal parcel is being challenged.3.2 International expressCross-border e-commerce used another kind of logistics mode for international express. Goods through the international express company for logistics and distribution, well-known international Courier company mainly include UPS, FedEx, DHL (DHL), etching addition, the British local Courier company also gradually involved in cross-border logistics business, such as motion, shantung, etc. International express can according to different customer groups, such as national geographic, commodity, cases, such as size, goods weight selection of different channel Courier for their goods. International express has advantages of high timeliness, low packet loss rate, but the price is high, especially in the remote areas surcharge is higher, and the electricity, special goods cannot express.3.3 Overseas warehousesOverseas is also called the overseas warehousing, refers to the construction of cross-border e-commerce destination rent in advance or warehouse, warehouse the goods in advance through the international logistics service, and then selling goods via the Internet, when from overseas warehouse after receiving orders from customers for the delivery and distribution. Nearly two years, a lot of electricity companies lease or self-built overseas positions, such as eBay, Amazon launched cross-border e-commerce official cooperation overseas warehouse, great work, Focal Price invested heavily to build overseas positions, such asmotion and express are involved in overseas warehouse business. Overseas cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics warehouse is a breakthrough, to solve international postal parcel and international express delivery, limitation such as logistics, logistics cost, customs and commodity inspection, the problem such as localization and return. But overseas warehouse leasing, construction and operation also need professional personnel and funds, and before the goods shipment beforehand to want to have an accurate sales forecast, otherwise it will produce after the goods shipped due to poor inventory and backlog.3.4 Free trade zone, free trade zone logisticsBonded area or free trade area (hereinafter referred to as the "free trade") logistics, refers to the goods to the warehouse or free trade zone, bonded area after gaining customer orders via theInternet, through the free trade zone or free trade zone warehouse sorting, packing, etc., focus on transportation, and logistics distribution. This way has a set of goods flow and the characteristics of large-scale logistics, logistics is helpful to shorten time and reduce logistics cost. Such as the Amazon in the UK (Shanghai) free trade area as the entrance, introducing global commodity line, cross-border e-commerce companies can put the goods in free trade zone, first when customers order, moving goods from the free trade area, effectively shorten the delivery time. Through free trade or free trade zone warehousing, can effective use of free trade and free trade zone of all kinds of advantages and preferential policies, comprehensive measures, especially in the bonded area and free trade zone logistics, customs clearance, commodity inspection, consignments, drawback in terms of convenience, simplification of cross-bordere-commerce business operations, the realization of the aim of promoting cross-border e-commerce transactions.4 conclusionsFound in the perspective of coordination, cross-border e-commerce cross-border logistics and the lack of coordination, lack of co-ordination, cross-border logistics network system embodied in warehousing, transportation, customs, shipping logistics functions such as the lack of co-ordination, domestic logistics, international logistics and lack of coordination on destination country logistics cohesion, cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack of coordination. Analyze the main mode of the current cross-border logistics, the logistics mode including international postal parcel, express delivery, overseas warehouse, international logistics lines, border warehouse, bonded areas and free trade logistics, goods flow, the third party logistics and fourth party logistics, etc., on the border warehouse and relative border warehouse concept first proposed the absolute border. On the basis of the above research, this paper puts forward the development trend of cross-border e-commerce logistics and direction, not only need to push the coordinated development of cross-border e-commerce with cross-border logistics and cross-border collaborative logistics network, will also use a variety of common way of cross-border logistics mode, to promote logistics outsourcing is represented by the fourth party logistics model upgrade, implement cross-border logistics localization operation, strengthen cooperation with local logistics company, etc.译文:跨境电子商务与物流模式创新Gesner G H.摘要跨境电子商务发展迅速,但跨境物流尚未适应其发展,二者无法实现协同发展。
英语原文Intelligent Traffic Light Controlby Marco Wiering The topic I picked for our community project was traffic lights. In a community, people need stop signs and traffic lights to slow down drivers from going too fast. If there were no traffic lights or stop signs, people’s lives would be in danger from drivers going too fast.The urban traffic trends towards the saturation, the rate of increase of the road of big city far lags behind rate of increase of the car.The urban passenger traffic has already become the main part of city traffic day by day and it has used about 80% of the area of road of center district. With the increase of population and industry activity, people's traffic is more and more frequent, which is unavoidable. What means of transportation people adopt produces pressure completely different to city traffic. According to calculating, if it is 1 to adopt the area of road that the public transport needs, bike needs 5-7, car needs 15-25, even to walk is 3 times more than to take public transits. So only by building road can't solve the city traffic problem finally yet. Every large city of the world increases the traffic policy to the first place of the question.For example,according to calculating, when the automobile owning amount of Shanghai reaches 800,000 (outside cars count separately ), if it distributes still as now for example: center district accounts for great proportion, even when several loop-lines and arterial highways have been built up , the traffic cannot be improved more than before and the situation might be even worse. So the traffic policy Shanghai must adopt , or called traffic strategy is that have priority to develop public passenger traffic of city, narrow the scope of using of the bicycle progressively , control the scale of growth of the car traffic in the center district, limit the development of the motorcycle strictly.There are more municipals project under construction in big city. the influence on the traffic is greater.Municipal infrastructure construction is originally a good thing of alleviating the traffic, but in the course of constructing, it unavoidably influence the local traffic. Some road sections are blocked, some change into an one-way lane, thus the vehicle can only take a devious route . The construction makes the road very narrow, forming the bottleneck, which seriously influence the car flow.When having stop signs and traffic lights, people have a tendency to drive slower andlook out for people walking in the middle of streets. To put a traffic light or a stop sign in a community, it takes a lot of work and planning from the community and the city to put one in. It is not cheap to do it either. The community first needs to take a petition around to everyone in the community and have them sign so they can take it to the board when the next city council meeting is. A couple residents will present it to the board, and they will decide weather or not to put it in or not. If not put in a lot of residents might be mad and bad things could happened to that part of the city.When the planning of putting traffic lights and stop signs, you should look at the subdivision plan and figure out where all the buildings and schools are for the protection of students walking and riding home from school. In our plan that we have made, we will need traffic lights next to the school, so people will look out for the students going home. We will need a stop sign next to the park incase kids run out in the street. This will help the protection of the kids having fun. Will need a traffic light separating the mall and the store. This will be the busiest part of the town with people going to the mall and the store. And finally there will need to be a stop sign at the end of the streets so people don’t drive too fast and get in a big accident. If this is down everyone will be safe driving, walking, or riding their bikes.In putting in a traffic light, it takes a lot of planning and money to complete it. A traffic light cost around $40,000 to $125,000 and sometimes more depending on the location. If a business goes in and a traffic light needs to go in, the business or businesses will have to pay some money to pay for it to make sure everyone is safe going from and to that business. Also if there is too many accidents in one particular place in a city, a traffic light will go in to safe people from getting a severe accident and ending their life and maybe someone else’s.The reason I picked this part of our community development report was that traffic is a very important part of a city. If not for traffic lights and stop signs, people’s lives would be in danger every time they walked out their doors. People will be driving extremely fast and people will be hit just trying to have fun with their friends. So having traffic lights and stop signs this will prevent all this from happening.Traffic in a city is very much affected by traffic light controllers. When waiting for a traffic light, the driver looses time and the car uses fuel. Hence, reducing waiting times before traffic lights can save our European society billions of Euros annually. To make traffic light controllers more intelligent, we exploit the emergence of novel technologies such as communication networks and sensor networks, as well as the use of more sophisticated algorithms for setting traffic lights. Intelligent traffic light control does not only mean thattraffic lights are set in order to minimize waiting times of road users, but also that road users receive information about how to drive through a city in order to minimize their waiting times. This means that we are coping with a complex multi-agent system, where communication and coordination play essential roles. Our research has led to a novel system in which traffic light controllers and the behaviour of car drivers are optimized using machine-learning methods.Our idea of setting a traffic light is as follows. Suppose there are a number of cars with their destination address standing before a crossing. All cars communicate to the traffic light their specific place in the queue and their destination address. Now the traffic light has to decide which option (ie, which lanes are to be put on green) is optimal to minimize the long-term average waiting time until all cars have arrived at their destination address. The learning traffic light controllers solve this problem by estimating how long it would take for a car to arrive at its destination address (for which the car may need to pass many different traffic lights) when currently the light would be put on green, and how long it would take if the light would be put on red. The difference between the waiting time for red and the waiting time for green is the gain for the car. Now the traffic light controllers set the lights in such a way to maximize the average gain of all cars standing before the crossing. To estimate the waiting times, we use 'reinforcement learning' which keeps track of the waiting times of individual cars and uses a smart way to compute the long term average waiting times using dynamic programming algorithms. One nice feature is that the system is very fair; it never lets one car wait for a very long time, since then its gain of setting its own light to green becomes very large, and the optimal decision of the traffic light will set his light to green. Furthermore, since we estimate waiting times before traffic lights until the destination of the road user has been reached, the road user can use this information to choose to which next traffic light to go, thereby improving its driving behaviour through a city. Note that we solve the traffic light control problem by using a distributed multi-agent system, where cooperation and coordination are done by communication, learning, and voting mechanisms. To allow for green waves during extremely busy situations, we combine our algorithm with a special bucket algorithm which propagates gains from one traffic light to the next one, inducing stronger voting on the next traffic controller option.We have implemented the 'Green Light District', a traffic simulator in Java in which infrastructures can be edited easily by using the mouse, and different levels of road usage can be simulated. A large number of fixed and learning traffic light controllers have already been tested in the simulator and the resulting average waiting times of cars have been plotted and compared. The results indicate that the learning controllers can reduce average waiting timeswith at least 10% in semi-busy traffic situations, and even much more when high congestion of the traffic occurs.We are currently studying the behaviour of the learning traffic light controllers on many different infrastructures in our simulator. We are also planning to cooperate with other institutes and companies in the Netherlands to apply our system to real world traffic situations. For this, modern technologies such as communicating networks can be brought to use on a very large scale, making the necessary communication between road users and traffic lights possible.中文翻译:智能交通信号灯控制马克·威宁我所选择的社区项目主题是交通灯。
仓储物流外文文献翻译中英文原文及译文2023-2023原文1:The Current Trends in Warehouse Management and LogisticsWarehouse management is an essential component of any supply chain and plays a crucial role in the overall efficiency and effectiveness of logistics operations. With the rapid advancement of technology and changing customer demands, the field of warehouse management and logistics has seen several trends emerge in recent years.One significant trend is the increasing adoption of automation and robotics in warehouse operations. Automated systems such as conveyor belts, robotic pickers, and driverless vehicles have revolutionized the way warehouses function. These technologies not only improve accuracy and speed but also reduce labor costs and increase safety.Another trend is the implementation of real-time tracking and visibility systems. Through the use of RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags and GPS (global positioning system) technology, warehouse managers can monitor the movement of goods throughout the entire supply chain. This level of visibility enables better inventory management, reduces stockouts, and improves customer satisfaction.Additionally, there is a growing focus on sustainability in warehouse management and logistics. Many companies are implementing environmentally friendly practices such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and alternativetransportation methods. These initiatives not only contribute to reducing carbon emissions but also result in cost savings and improved brand image.Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become integral parts of warehouse management. AI-powered systems can analyze large volumes of data to optimize inventory levels, forecast demand accurately, and improve operational efficiency. Machine learning algorithms can also identify patterns and anomalies, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.In conclusion, warehouse management and logistics are continuously evolving fields, driven by technological advancements and changing market demands. The trends discussed in this article highlight the importance of adopting innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, visibility, sustainability, and overall performance in warehouse operations.译文1:仓储物流管理的当前趋势仓储物流管理是任何供应链的重要组成部分,并在物流运营的整体效率和效力中发挥着至关重要的作用。
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例如,travel-to-work 行为在阿克拉(加纳)主要由知觉服务品质、商业通勤车以及员工的个人情况决定,而不是通过访问,等待时间或车载。
附件2:外文原文Transport systemAbstractTransport systems offer substantially different services in city-suburb areas; this usually leads to different assumptions about user behavior in transport mode choice. In this paper a simulation model is proposed to assess the effect of transport service policies on mode choice. The transport modes considered are public transport, including light rail transit (LRT) and bus, together with the private auto.In the three step traveler behaviour simulation model, the concept of generalised transport costs is used. Various transit incentives are proposed and their impacts on residents travel choice and suburban residential community form are quantified, using data on a typical city-suburb corridor in Beijing, China.The simulation results show that: the fare reduction and capacity increase of public transport integrated with private car disincentives is necessary to improve system efficiency and suburb community attractiveness, particularly for those low income people; without highway pricing, medium income residents will be encouraged to shift to private car while more high income persons might leave the suburb because of road congestion; public transport improvement can attract more short and medium distance travelers, but the car users are not sensitive to travel distance.Keywords: generalised cost, public transport, congestion pricing, transport service, BeijingFrom the middle of 1990s, metropolitans in China have been experiencing suburbanization, and the spatial structures of these cities are shaped, in large measure, by the advances of transportation. Many suburban towns were development only for residential areas because of the population explosion and renovation in central cities. Most of the residents in these new development towns are employed in the central city or near industrial parks. For example, more than 80% residents of Hui long guan suburban community in Beijing have jobs in central city or developed CBD areas. And almost half of the residents in Wangjing community are employed in CBD in Chaoyang District. These areas present new challenges for transport policy makers and urban planning designers to plan and operate efficient transportation systems.In many cases the edge towns are connected to the central city or industrial parks by high-speed highways and urban rails. Compared to traditional urban areas, the suburban towns exhibit more stable transport mode use, more reliance on public transport and private automobile, less use of non-motorized modes (bicycle, walking). Home to work distances have a stronger bearing on people’s transport mode to work than anysingle factor. Such characteristics can deeply influence the population suburbanization, and restrict some people from immigrating to the suburb.This paper analyses how the transport service policy, mainly fare and service quality, will impact the overall transport system performance and urban spatial structure, using the North-west area of Beijing as a test case. The paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly reviews some of the recent literatures on transport mode choice, and compares these studies with the city-suburban corrid or cases, especially the current conditions in China. Section III discusses the concept of generalised transport costs, and establishes the new concepts including budget barrier, monetized generalised cost and shift cost. Section IV presents the traveler behaviour simulation model of transport mode choice between public transport and driving. Attention is then turned to the Chinese experience of transport service policy and city-suburban travel mode choice in section V, with special reference to the case of North-west area which is a rapidly suburbanized region served by light rail and highway in Beijing. Major findings of the research and the policy implications are concluded and discussed in section Ⅵ.A substantial body of research exists on transport mode and individual travel mode choice. In general, there are three common approaches to identify this issue. The first part of researches focuses on determining the characteristics of each mode which influence the choice decision. The results change with the adopted empirical case condition, studied person and travel purpose, etc. For example, travel-to-work behavior in Accra (Ghana) is influenced mainly by perceived service quality of the commercial commuter vehicles as well as employees' personal circumstances rather than by access, waiting or in-vehicle times (Abane, 1993). For trips made to visit friends and relatives in Britain, the economic reasons largely explain mode choice, and qualitative reasons for using private transport are often secondary (Cohen and Harris, 1998). Vredin Johansson et el. used a sample of Swedish commuters to prove that both attitudes towards flexibility and comfort influencing the individual's choice of mode (Vredin Johansson, Heldt et al., 2006).Based on an experimental field study and statistical analysis conducted in Frankfurt Main, Germany, four classes of individuals were identifed. One class allocates a low importance to both monetary and time considerations, the second allocates high importance to money and low importance to time, the third allocates high importance to both, and the fourth allocates a low importance to money and a high importance to time (Davidov, Yang-Hansen etal., 2006). And Limtanakool etel. employed data from the 1998 Netherlands National Travel Survey to confirm the spatial configuration of land use and transport infrastructure has a significant impact on mode choice processes for medium and long distance trips for all purposes: commute, business, and leisure trips Generalised transport costs is a concept frequently used forassessing and explaining travel behaviour. The generalised costs of travel include the travel time, excess time, money cost, parking charge, and the discomfort and lesser connivance. However, this concept is diverse in different literatures for varying research purposes. For example, the generalised costs of cycling are the following: travel time, physical needs, comfort, traffic safety, risk of bicycle theft, costs of parking bicycles and maintenance costs, personal security. And the concept of monetized generalised cost isusually calculated by converting travel time into monetary cost, and adding the cost of the fare charged In this study, for simulating the commuter’s travel behaviour, three transport costs related concepts are adopted in order. The first can be defined as budget barrier, including the fare or toll charged together with parking cost which all means cash payment in the trip. The second one is monetized generalized cost including fare, parking and time cost. Users are assumed to minimize individual monetized generalized trip cost and divide themselves among the travel modes that are differentiated in travel time and fare cost. The monetized generalized costs of public transport is computed as a function of the access time to the station, the waiting time which is calculated based on the line’s headway, in-vehicle travel time, and the fare. The monetized generalized cost of driving includes travel time, toll, car operation cost and parking charge in work place. The third concept is identified as mode shift cost which means discomfort cost caused by congestion. It is assumed that if the passengers in vehicle have far exceeded the capacity, the new coming passenger will shift to other affordable transport mode.The city-suburb highway is usually used not only by private auto, but the bus. Using the previous experience,road pricing can greatly increase users’ surplus in the area where the cost of public transport can be significantly reduced by decreasing congestion because of the long travel distances involved, Particularly, if a substantial portion of users are captive to public transport. The results of scenario 2 show that more high income travelers have to abandon the plan of migrating to suburb mainly owing to the serious congestion on the condition of free use. Another deeply influenced group is medium income travelers who shift from public transport modes to car driving.Bus fare reduction and bus lines increase make many medium income residents shift to bus transport, meanwhile the car users shift to light rail, particularly those who travel for short distances. Furthermore, the research finds that an integrated policy of improved public transport service and some private car disincentives is beneficial to improve system efficiency and suburb community attractiveness.The integration consists of light rail and bus fare reduction, service quality improvement and highway toll imposition. It should be pointed out that light rail has been designed to increase transit rider ship by making public transport more attractive to users and, thus, to reduce road congestion. According to the simulation result, the light rail and bus fare reduction and capacity increase makes this mode more attractive to those low and medium income travelers who are captive to bus mode before. The final outcome is that more people can migrant to the suburb, from low to high income classes. Of course, the public transport service improvement requires government subsidization, which is a worldwide phenomenon. The economic travel distance of each mode is almost not affected by different transport service policies. Bus is used more by short distance traveler, while the medium and long distance commuters prefer to light rail. On the contrary, car users are not sensitive to the travel distance, as shown in figure 3-4. The result indicates that those low income citizens are restricted from migrating to economic houses in suburb towns on account of existing transport service policies, including relatively high fare of public transport and highway, limited light rail capacity and bus lines. Of course, all transport modes have been affected to some degree by the numbers of persons working at home.Urban transportation is a major realm of government po1icy throughout the world. The transport policies also will affect the urban form deeply, especially during suburbanization. In Beijing, many economic apartments have been constructed in suburb for those low income citizens. There are two major problems before the policy makers. First, from the past experience, a large number of the permanent residents in the suburban communities are medium or even high income people. And many of the house owners still reside in central city and go to their suburban house only for holiday. In addition, the residents continually complain at the transport congestion and relative high toll of highway, particularly at peak time. The results of simulation in this study explain these phenomena and try to give some policy implications.。