湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高二下学期期中考试 数学文试题 Word版含答案
武汉外国语学校2013—2014学年度下学期期中考试高二数学(文科)试题考试时间:2014年4月25日上午10:00-12:00 命题人:赵亮 满分:150分一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。
1. 已知i 是虚数单位,a ∈R .若复数2i 2ia a +-的虚部为1,则a = ( )A .14B .1C .2 D.2±2. 函数f (x )=x 2-2ln x 的单调递减区间是( )A .(0,1]B .[1,+∞)C .(-∞,-1]∪(0,1]D .[-1,0)∪(0,1]3. 已知某生产厂家的年利润y (单位:万元)与年产量x (单位:万件)的函数关系式为y =-13x 3+81x -234,则使该生产厂家获取最大年利润的年产量为 ( )A .13万件B .11万件C .9万件D .7万件4. 已知x >0,由不等式x +1x ≥2x ·1x =2,x +4x 2=x 2+x 2+4x 2≥33x 2·x 2·4x 2=3,…,我们可以得出推广结论:x +ax n ≥n +1(n ∈N *),则a = ( )A .2nB .n2C .3nD .n n5. 已知x ,y 之间的数据如表所示,则回归直线过点( ) A .(0,0)B .(2,1.8)C .(3,2.5)D .(4,3.2)6.观察下列各图形:其中两个变量x 、y 具有相关关系的图是 ( ) A .①②B .①④C .③④D .②③7. 设)(x f 在),0(+∞上是单调递增函数,当*N n ∈时,*)(N n f ∈,且12)]([+=n n f f ,则( )A .(4)6f =B .(4)4f =C .(4)5f =D .(4)7f = 8. 函数f (x )的定义域为开区间(a ,b ),导函数'()f x 在(a ,b )内的图象如图所示,则函数f (x ) 在开区间(a ,b )内有极小值点 ( )A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个9. 已知函数∈-=a x x a x f (sin )(R),则下列错误..的是( )A .若11a -≤≤,则()f x 在R 上单调递减B .若()f x 在R 上单调递减,则11a -≤≤C .若1a =,则()f x 在R 上只有1个零点D .若()f x 在R 上只有1个零点,则1a =10. 已知a 为常数,函数()(ln )f x x x ax =-有两个极值点x x 12、,且x x <12,则( ) A .(),()f x f x >>-12102B. (),()f x f x <<-12102C. (),()f x f x ><-12102 D. (),()f x f x <>-12102二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题5分,共35分.把答案填在题中横线上。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2014-2015学年高二上学期期中考试英语试考试时间:2014年11月21日下午10:00-12:00 满分:150分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。
1.How did the man come back home?A. By air.B. By train.C. By car.2.What does the woman imply about the man?A. He should work harder.B. He can pass the exam.C. He will fail the exam.3.What does the man suggest doing?A. Taking a walk.B. Finishing the report.C. Going to the library.4.When should the woman hand in the paper?A. Before WednesdayB. On WednesdayC. On Nov.1st5.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. Age.B. Friends.C. Clothes.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
湖北省武汉中学等重点中学2013-2014学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 扫描版含答案
2013-2014高一期中英语试题答案一.听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分)1-5 CBACC 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 BACBA 16-20 CBBCA二.多项选择(每小题1分,满分10分)21-25 BADCB 26-30 DCABA三.完形填空(每小题1分,满分20分)31-35 ACCBB 36-40 DBABA 41-45 ACBDD 46-50 DADAB四.阅读理解(每小题2分,满分40分)51-54 DBAD 55-58 CDBA 59-62 CBCC 63-66 BDAB 67-70 CBAD五.完成句子(每小题2分,满分20分)71. getting away with72. How the two trains had crashed73. must have been scolded74. (should) be put off75. found myself carried out76. four times as thick77. never heard a better78. can’t have you wasting79. whether this problem can be solved80. It remains possible六.书面表达A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the students and teaching worthwhile for a teacher.When I first learned English, I was extremely lucky to have a teacher who aroused my great interest in leaning the new language. She was very patient and smiled a lot. She was so friendly that she never criticized us. Even if someone made a mistake, she would say “Never mind”to him or her and then correct it. All of us loved and respected her very much. We were eager to learn and willing to work hard. We enjoyed her class and listened earnestly in her class. What’s more, we achieved high grades and gained great interest in English.In conclusion, a good teacher-student relationship can be mentally beneficial. The students gain knowledge eagerly and enjoyable and the teacher gains satisfaction from his job.。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高二下学期期中考试 历史试题 Word版含答案
武汉外国语学校2013—2014学年度下学期期中考试高二历史试卷考试时间:2014年4月24日下午4:00—5:30 命题人:胡志刚满分:100分第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共48分)本卷共24小题,每小题2分,共48分。
”从李贽“童心说”的观点出发,下列各项不被李贽承认为“古今至文”的是A.传奇、杂剧B.《西厢记》 C.经、史、子、集D.《水浒传》6.法国史学家丹纳在其《艺术哲学》中说:“艺术家创造的才能是与民族的活跃的精力为比例的。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高一下学期期中考试 语文试题
”,据此回答1—2题 1、这段文字描述的现象发生时间可能是 A .夏季 B .冬季C .初春D .深秋2、导致“天雨新晴,北风寒彻”是由于 A .暖锋过境B .冷锋过境C .准静止锋过境D .热带海洋气团影响下图1为“我国北方某地9月27日影响其大气状况的天气系统示意图”,根据图中提供的相关信息,完成3—4题。
3. 下列关于图中相关地理事物的描述,正确的是 A.从整体来看,其属于北半球的反气旋 B.图中曲线①代表暖锋 C.图中曲线②代表冷锋D.从整体来看,其属于北半球的锋面气旋天气系统4. 图1中标注的A 、B 、C 、D 四地,最容易出现阴雨天气的是A.A 、D 两地 图1B.A 、C 两地C.B 、C 两地D.B 、D 两地树木伐倒后,在树干断面上可以看到有许多同心圆环,植物学上称之为年轮。
5. 该地近几十年气候的变化是 A .寒冷—— 温暖——寒冷交替变化 B .温暖—— 寒冷——温暖交替变化 C .暖干——暖湿——暖干交替变化 D .湿冷——干冷——湿冷交替变化6. 在M 时期,该地最可能出现的自然现象是 A .雪线上升B .暖冬频繁C .海平面下降D .河流水灾常年发生图3是“三种陆地水相互转化关系示意图”。
7.甲代表的水体是A.雨水 B.地下水 C.冰川水 D.海洋水8.如果鄱阳湖出现面积缩小的现象,由此导致的箭头a 、b 流量的变化趋势是A.a 、b 都变小 B.a 、b 都不变 C.a 在丰水期变大 D.b 在枯水期变大图39. 根据图4等温线的分布状况,判断该洋流性质是图4A. 甲是南半球寒流、乙是北半球暖流 B .甲是南半球暖流、乙是北半球寒流 C .甲是北半球暖流、乙是南半球寒流 D .甲是北半球寒流、乙是南半球暖流10.在下列世界著名大渔场中,属于寒暖流交汇而形成的渔场一共有 ①北海渔场 ②秘鲁渔场 ③纽芬兰渔场 ④北海道渔场 A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个11.目前人类比较容易利用的淡水资源是 A .河流水、湖泊水、地下水 B .地下水、河流水、冰川 C .雨水、河流水、湖泊水D .河流水、淡水湖泊水、浅层地下水12.衡量一个国家或一个地区水资源丰歉程度的指标是 A .多年的平均降水量 B .多年平均蒸发量C .多年降水量与径流量之和D .多年平均径流总量13.古老文明的诞生与当时的自然环境,特别是河流有着密不可分的关系,原因有 ①河流提供水源②河流冲积作用形成肥沃土壤③河流方便运输④河流有利于发展水产养殖A.①②③④ B.①② C.①②③ D.①②④图5是“岩石风化深度与气候关系示意图”,读图5完成14~15题。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高二下学期期中考试 语文试题 Word版含答案
武汉外国语学校2013—2014学年度下学期期中考试高二语文试题考试时间:2014年4月23日上午9:00-11:30命题人:邓文辉满分:150分一、语文基础知识(共15分,共5小题,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确..的一组是A.熟稔.(rěn)央浼.(měi)付梓.(zǐ)怏怏.不乐(yāng)B.糍.粑(chí)逋.慢(bū)岑.寂(chén)不落言筌.(quán)C.窸窣.(sū)诨.名(hún)蕴藉.(jiè)逸兴遄.飞(chuán)D.优渥.(wò)氽.水(tǔn) 簪笏.(hù)门衰祚.薄(zuò)2.下列各组词语中,没有..错别字的一组是A.疏朗洗炼玩索轻鸢剪掠B.怂恿寒砧赉发穷边涯际C.蓬蒿尺牍殒首套语滥调D.箭镞啰嗦希冀淄铢必较3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当...的一组是()“木叶”之与“树叶”,是一字之差,“木”与“树”在概念上原是的,然而到了艺术形象的领域,这里的差别就几乎是。
湖北省武汉市外国语学校2013-2014学年高一下学期期末考试化学试题考试时间:2014年7月1日下午4:00-5:30满分:100分可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 Mg:24 P:31 K:39 S:32 Cl:35.5 Ca:40 Cu:64 Ba:137 Zn:65 Al:27 Ag:108第Ⅰ卷(选择题)一.选择题(本题共16小题,每小题3分,共48分。
每小题只有一个....选项符合题意,请将正确答案填在答卷的表格中)1.1molCH3COOH分别与1molC2H518OH和1molC2H516OH发生酯化反应,两者生成水的质量()A.前者大B.后者大C.相等 D.不能判断2.A、B、C三种醇同足量的金属钠完全反应,在相同条件下产生相同体积的氢气,消耗这三种醇的物质的量之比为3∶6∶2,则A、B、C三种醇分子里羟基数之比是()A. 3∶2∶1B. 2∶6∶3C. 3∶1∶2D. 2∶1∶33.氧氟沙星是常用抗菌药,其结构简式如下图所示。
下列对氧氟沙星叙述错误的是()A.能发生加成、取代反应B.能发生还原、酯化反应C.分子内共有19个氢原子D.分子内共平面的碳原子多于6个4.关于生活中的有机物,下列说法不正确...的是()A.葡萄糖可以发生氧化反应、银镜反应和水解反应B.工业上利用油脂在碱性条件下的水解反应制取肥皂和甘油C.食用植物油的主要成分是高级不饱和脂肪酸甘油酯,是人体的营养物质D.皮肤接触浓硝酸变黄是蛋白质的颜色反应5.一定量的乙醇在氧气不足的情况下燃烧,得到CO、CO2和水的总质量为27.6 g,若其中水的质量为10.8 g,则CO的质量是()A. 1.4 gB. 2.2 gC. 4.4 gD. 在2.2 g和4.4 g之间6.用式量为43的烷基取代甲苯苯环上的一个氢原子,所得芳香烃产物的数目为()A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 67.酒后驾车是引发交通事故的重要原因。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高一下学期期中考试 生物试题
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高一下学期期中考试 生物试题 满分:90分一、选择题(每小题只有一个最佳答案,请将答案填在答题卡中。
)1. 完成染色质和染色体两种形态相互转变的时期是在细胞有丝分裂的 ( )A .间期和前期B .前期和中期C .后期和末期D .前期和末期2. 哺乳动物肌肉细胞之间进行物质交换的环境是( )A .血液B .组织液C .体液D .细胞内液3. 生活中存在以下现象:(1)婴幼儿经常尿床,但随着年龄的增长,这种现象会明显减少;(2)由于惊恐而出现无意识的排尿,以上现象说明( )A .婴幼儿在夜间产生的尿液较白天多B .婴幼儿排尿反射的传入神经兴奋只到达脊髓C .无意识排尿不属于神经反射活动D .脊髓的生理活动依赖于大脑皮层的功能状态4. 研究发现,胰岛素必须与细胞膜上的胰岛素受体结合,才能调节血糖平衡。
如果人体组织细胞膜缺乏该受体,则可能导致( )A. 细胞减缓摄取血糖,血糖水平过高 B .细胞减缓摄取血糖,血糖水平过低 C .细胞加速摄取血糖,血糖水平过高 D .细胞加速摄取血糖,血糖水平过低5. 下列各组分泌腺或者细胞产生的分泌物,均直接排放到内环境的是( )A. 唾液腺、垂体、肠腺B. 肾上腺、甲状腺、胰岛C. 睾丸、汗腺、皮脂腺D. 卵巢、胃腺、肝脏6. 对于染色体和DNA 分子的关系叙述中,正确的是( )①DNA 分子数目加倍时,染色体数目一定加倍 ②染色体数目减半时,DNA 分子数目一定减半 ③染色体数目加倍时,DNA 分子数目一定加倍 ④染色体复制完成时,DNA 分子复制一定完成A .①③B .②③C .②④D .①④7. 高等动物随着胚胎发育,仅有少数细胞依然具有分化成其他细胞类型和构建组织器官的能力,这类细胞称为干细胞,如造血干细胞。
下图中最能完整显示正常机体内干细胞基本特征的是( )A. B.C. D.8. 右图表示基因突变鼠和正常鼠运动对血糖浓度的影响。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高一下学期期中考试化学试卷(带解析)1.下列比较或归纳正确的是A.稳定性:NH3<PH3<ASH3B.离子半径:Cl->S2->Al3+C.酸性:HClO4>H2SO4>H3PO4D.碱性:Be(OH)2>Mg(OH)2>Al(OH)3【答案】C【解析】试题分析:A、气态氢化物的稳定性与主体元素的非金属性有关,非金属性越强,气态氢化物的稳定性越强,非金属性N>P>As,所以稳定性NH3>PH3>ASH3,错误;B、Cl-与 S2-核外电子层排布相同,核内质子数越多离子半径越小,故S2 > Cl-,错误;C、元素的高价含氧酸酸性与元素的非金属性有关,非金属性越强,高价含氧酸的酸性越强,正确;D、元素的金属性越强,金属氧化物的水化物的碱性越强,即Mg(OH)2 > Be(OH)2,错误。
3.氢氧燃料电池已用于航天飞机.以30%KOH溶液为电解质的这种电池在使用时的电极反应如下:2H2+4OH--4e-═4H2O O2+2H2O+4e-═4OH-下列说法错误的是A.氢气在负极发生氧化反应 B.供电时的总反应为:2H2+O2═2H2O C.产物为无污染的水,属于环境友好电池 D.燃料电池的能量转化率能达到100%【答案】D【解析】试题分析:任何电池的转化率都不会到100%。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高一下学期期中考试 历史试题
”下列选项中,哪一个与此段史实不符合A.曲辕犁 B.代田法 C. 耦犁 D. 耧车3.晚唐诗人聂夷中《咏田家》“二月卖新丝,五月粜新谷。
医得眼前疮,剜却心头肉”中蕴含的信息是①农民生活艰辛②农民深受高利贷的剥削③农副产品进入流通领域④农业和家庭手工业紧密结合A. ①③④B. ①②③④C. ②③④D.①②④4.明朝中后期,瓷器的生产多采用“官搭民烧”的办法;在制瓷中心景德镇有“形器走天下”之说。
这充分说明了A. 民营手工业超过官营手工业B. 重农抑商政策的松动C. 景德镇出现了资本主义萌芽D. 景德镇瓷器天下无双5.“中秋节前,诸店皆卖新酒,贵家结饰台榭,民家争占酒楼玩月,笙歌远闻千里,嬉戏连坐至晓”。
材料描绘的是哪个朝代的场景A.汉朝 B.隋朝C宋朝D唐朝6.下表是明代三个时期江苏吴江县市镇数量的变化情况。
对该变化趋势的原因分析最为准确的是A. 经济中心地位使吴江县集市增多B. 政府经济政策调整促进了市镇发展C. 资本主义萌芽促进江南城市发展D. 工商业的发展促进了城镇的繁荣7.“初,方国珍踞温、台、处,张士诚踞宁、杭、绍、嘉、苏、松、泰,诸军皆在海上,方、张既降灭,诸贼豪强悉航海,纤岛倭入寇”“禁滨海民不得私入海,时方国珍余党多入海剽掠故也。
1. What does the woman enjoy doing?A. Chatting on line.B. Shopping on line.C. Reading on line.2. How long is the Memorial Hall open every day?A. 9 hours.B. 10 hours.C. 11 hours.3. What’s the man’s identity?A. A professor.B. A student.C. A clerk.4. What does the man mean?A. He enjoys reading ads in newspapers.B. He prefers living far away from his school.C. He hasn’t found a suitable flat to rent.5. Where is the man going?A. To the shop.B. To the airport.C. To the restaurant.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高二下学期期中考试 生物试题 Word版含答案
用CO2浓度测定仪测得了该玻璃罩内CO2浓度的变化情况,绘制成如下图所示的曲线,下列有关说法正确的是:A.H点CO2浓度最低,说明此时植物积累有机物最多B .BC段较AB段CO2浓度增加减慢,是因为低温使植物细胞呼吸加快C.FG段CO2浓度下降不明显,是因为高温使酶活性降低D.CO2浓度下降从DE段开始,说明植物进行光合作用是从D点开始的6.对下列相关数学模型的叙述正确的是:A.图2中的温度在b时酶分子结构没有改变,只是活性较低B.图1中在b、d段时用x射线照射可诱发基因突变,在a、c段时用秋水仙素处理能抑制纺锤体的形成C.图3中bc段和de段的变化都会引起C3含量下降D.图4中造成cd段下降的原因在有丝分裂和减数分裂中是相同的7.下图为人体内体温与水平衡调节的示意图,有关叙述正确的是:①当受到寒冷刺激时,a 、b 、c 激素的分泌均会增加②c 激素分泌增多,可促进骨骼肌与内脏代谢活动增强,产热量增加 ③下丘脑是体温调节中枢④下丘脑具有渗透压感受器功能,同时能合成、释放e 激素⑤寒冷刺激使下丘脑分泌促甲状腺激素释放激素,通过促进甲状腺的活动来调节体温 A.①②③B.①②④C.②④⑤D.③④⑤8.艾滋病毒属于RNA 病毒,具有逆转录酶,如果它决定某性状的一段RNA 含碱基A=19%,C=26%,G=32%,则通过逆转录过程形成的双链DNA 含碱基A 的比例为:A . 19%B . 21%C . 23%D . 42%9.a 和b 属于同一动物体内的两个细胞,通过对其核内DNA 分子含量的测定,发现a 细胞中DNA 含量是b 细胞的两倍,合理的解释是:A .a 是正常体细胞,b 是处于减数第一次分裂结束时的细胞B .a 是处于有丝分裂后期的细胞,b 是处于有丝分裂前期的细胞C .a 是处于有丝分裂前期的细胞,b 是处于减数第一次分裂后期的细胞D .a 处于有丝分裂中心体移向两极时,b 处于次级性母细胞中染色体移向两极时10.生物组织细胞中某些成分的鉴定和结构的观察,需要选取适当的实验材料、试剂和仪器,下列材料、仪器(试剂)与成分鉴定和结构观察正确匹配的是: A.西瓜汁----斐林试剂----检测生物组织中的糖类 B.嫩绿的菠菜叶----层析液----提取光合色素C.口腔上皮细胞----健那绿染液----观察DNA 在细胞中的分布D.新鲜菠菜叶----高倍显微镜----观察叶绿体11.某人因外伤导致下丘脑受损,那么会导致:①细胞外液渗透压发生变化 ②体温发生变化 ③甲状腺激素分泌量发生变化 A .①③ B .②③ C .①②③D .①②12.下列物质,在血浆中都能找到的有:A .甲状腺激素、氧、尿素、血浆蛋白B .氨基酸、麦芽糖、二氧化碳、钠离子C .蛋白酶、钙离子、脂肪、葡萄糖D .呼吸酶、脂肪酸、载体、胆固醇13.右图为果蝇体内某个细胞的示意图,下列相关叙述正确的是: A .图中的染色体1、2、5、7可组成一个染色体组 B .在细胞分裂过程中等位基因D 、d 不一定发生分离 C .图中7和8表示性染色体,其上的基因都可以控制性别 D .该细胞一个染色体组含有5条染色体14.下列说法正确的是:A .用赤霉素处理大麦种子,可以诱导大麦种子产生α—淀粉酶并使其活性提高B .土壤中的动物活动能力弱,身体微小,因此可以用样方法调查丰富度C .人类活动可以影响种群数量,也可以影响群落演替D .植物都是通过激素进行生命活动的调节15.下列关于生物进化的叙述正确的是:A .盲鱼眼睛退化是黑暗诱导基因突变的结果B .种群是生物进化的基本单位,也是自然选择的对象C .不同物种之间、生物与环境之间的共同进化导致生物的多样性D .迁入、迁出不会造成种群基因频率的改变16.下列关于免疫的说法中不正确的是:A .B 细胞、T 细胞受到刺激后都能进行分裂分化 B .T 细胞受刺激后可释放淋巴因子促进B 细胞的增殖C .吞噬细胞既能参与非特异性免疫也能参与特异性免疫D .免疫活性物质都是由免疫细胞分泌的17.下列过程发生在人体内环境中的是:A .血浆蛋白的合成B .抗原、抗体特异性结合C .食物中淀粉的消化D .葡萄糖的氧化分解18.下列关于神经兴奋的叙述,错误的是: A .兴奋部位膜两侧的电位为内正外负B .神经细胞兴奋时膜内电流方向与兴奋传导方向一致C .兴奋在反射弧中以神经冲动的形式传递D .神经纤维上兴奋传导的基础是细胞膜内外K +、Na +分布不均匀二、填空题:(包括4道大题,共39分。
武汉外国语学校2014— 2015 学年度上学期期中考试高一英语试题考试时间: 2014 年 11 月 21 日上午 7:30-9:30满分:150分第一部分:听力(共三节,满分30 分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. What does the woman enjoy doing?A. Chatting on line.B. Shopping on line.C. Reading on line.2. How long is the Memorial Hall open every day?A. 9 hours.B. 10 hours.C. 11 hours.3. What ’ s the man’ s identity?A. A professor.B. A student.C. A clerk.4. What does the man mean?A. He enjoys reading ads in newspapers.B. He prefers living far away from his school.C. He hasn’ t found a suitable flat to rent.5. Where is the man going?A. To the shop.B. To the airport.C. To the restaurant.第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解At the start of the 20th century, an American engineer named John Elfreth Watkins made predictions about life today. His predictions about slowing population growth, mobile phones and increasing height were close to the mark. But he was wrong in one prediction: that everybody would walk 10 miles a day.Today, in Australia, most children on average fall 2, 000 steps short of the physical activity they need to avoid being overweight. In the early 1970s, 40 per cent of children walked to school, while in 2010, it was as low as 15 percent.The decline is not because we have all become lazy. Families are pressed for time, many with both parents working to pay for their house, often working hours not of their choosing, living in car-dependent neighborhoods with limited public transport.The other side of the coin is equally a deprivation: for health and well-being, as well as lost opportunities (机会) for children to get to know their local surroundings. And for parents there are lost opportunities to walk and talk with their young scholar about their day.Most parents will have eagerly asked their child about their day, only to meet with a “good”, quickly followed by “I’m hungry”. This is also my experience as a mother. But somewhere over the daily walk more about my son’s day comes out. I hear him making sense of friendship and its limits. This is the unexpected and rare parental opportunity to hear more.Many primary schools support walking school-bus routes (路线), with days of regular,parent-accompanied walks. Doing just one of these a few times a week is better than nothing. It can be tough to begin and takes a little planning-running shoes by the front door, lunches made the night before, umbrellas on rainy days and hats on hot ones-but it's certainly worth trying.1.Why does the author mention Watkins' predictions in the first paragraph?A.To make comparisons.B.To introduce the topic.C.To support her argument.D.To provide examples.2.What has caused the decrease in Australian children’s physical activity?A.Plain laziness.B.Health problems.C.Lack of time.D.Security concerns.3.Why does the author find walking with her son worthwhile?A.She can get relaxed after work.B.She can keep physically fit.C.She can help with her son's study.D.She can know her son better.There is an old Chinese proverb that states “One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade,” and this is how it should be with mothers and daughters. The relationship between a mother and a daughter is sometimes confusing. The relationship can be similar to friendship. However, the mother and daughter relationship has unique characteristics that distinguish it from a friendship. These characteristics include a hierarchy (等级) of responsibilities and unconditional love, which preclude mothers and daughters from being best friends.Marina, 27 years old, said, “I love spending time with my mom, but I wouldn’t consider her my best friend. Best friends don’t pay for your wedding. Best friends don’t remind you how they carried you in their body and gave you life! Best friend: don’t tell you how wise they are because they have been alive at least 20 years longer than you.” This doesn’t mean that the mother and daughter relationship can’t be very close and satisfying.While some adult relationships are still troubled, many find them to be extremely rewarding. This generation of mothers and adult daughters has a lot in common, which increases the likelihood of shared companionship. Mothers and daughters have always shared the common experience of being homemakers, responsible for maintaining and passing on family values and traditions. Today contemporary mothers and daughters also share the experience of the workforce and technology, which may bring them even closer together.Best friends may or may not continue to be best friends, but for better or worse, the mother and daughter relationship is permanent, even if for some unfortunate reason they aren’t speaking. The mother and child relationship is closer than any other. There is not an equal relationship. Daughters should not feel responsible for their mother’s emotional well-being. It isn’t that they don’t care deeply about their mothers. It’s just that they shouldn’t be burdened with their mother’s well-being.The mother and daughter relationship is a relationship that is not replaceable by any other. Mothers never stop being mothers, which includes frequently wanting to protect their daughters and often feeling responsible for their happiness. Mothers always “trump (胜过)” friends.4.What does the underlined word “preclude” in paragraph 1 probably mean?A.differ B.prevent C.benefit D.change 5.What do we know from the text?A.The mother and daughter relationship can be replaced by a best friend.B.A mother’s love brings her and her daughter a close friendship.C.The mother and daughter relationship goes beyond best friends’ friendship.D.Marina has a troubled relationship with her mother.6.How does the author mainly prove his statements?A.By listing data.B.By giving explanations.C.By quoting sayings.D.By giving examples.7.What is the best title for the text?A.How to Be a Good Mother and Daughter?B.Who Is a Mother’s Best Friend?C.Mothers or Friends?D.Can a Mother Be a Daughter’s Best Friend?Skin: The Body’s CanvasIf you could take off your skin and lay it flat, it would cover an area of about 1.9 square meters. Skin is, by far, the body’s largest organ. Covering almost the entire body, skin protects us from a variety of external forces. For example, it protects us from extremes of temperature, damaging sunlight, harmful chemicals, and dangerous infections. Skin is also packed with nerves, which keeps the brain in touch with the outside world. The health of our skin and its ability to perform its protective functions are crucial to our well-being. However, the appearance of our skin is equally - if not more - important to many people on this planet.Take skin color, for example. Your genes determine your skin’s color, but for centuries, humans have tried to lighten or darken their skin in an attempt to be more attractive. In the 1800s, white skin was desirable for many Europeans. Skin this color meant that its owner was a member of the upper class and did not have to work in the sun. Among darker-skinned people in some parts of the world, products used to lighten skin are still popular today. During the 20th century, attitudes toward light skin shifted in the opposite direction in other cultures, as cities grew and work moved indoors. Tanned skin began to indicate leisure time and health. In many places today, tanning on the beach or in a salon remains popular, even though people are more aware of the dangers of UV rays.Identity and StatusJust as people have altered their skin’s color to denote wealth and beauty, so too have cultures around the globe marked their skin to indicate cultural identity or community status. Tattooing, for example, has been carried out for thousands of years. Leaders in places including ancient Egypt, Britain, and Peru wore tattoos to mark their status, or their bravery. Today, among the Maori people of New Zealand as well as in cultures in Samoa, Tahiti, and Borneo, full-facial tattoos are still used to identify the wearer as a member of a certain family. These tattoos can also symbolize the person’s achievements in life.In Japan, tattooing has been practiced for thousands of years, but was outlawed in the 19th century. Although there are no laws against it today, tattoos are still strongly associated with criminals -particularly the yakuza, or the Japanese mafia, who are known for their full-body tattoos. The complex design of a yakuza member’s tattoo usually includes symbols of character traits that the wearer wants to have. The process of getting a full-body tattoo is both slow and painful and can take two years or more to complete.In some cultures, scarring -a marking caused by cutting or burning the skin -is practiced, usually among people who have darker skin on which a tattoo would be difficult to see. For many men in West Africa, for instance, scarring is a rite of passage -an act that symbolizes that a male has matured from a child into an adult. In Australia, among some native peoples, cuts are made on the skin of both men and women when they reach age 16 or 17. Without these, they were traditionally not permitted to trade, sing ceremonial songs, or participate in other activities.Not all skin markings are permanent, though. In countries such as Morocco and India, women decorate their skin with colorful henna designs for celebrations such as weddings and important religious holidays. The henna coloring, which comes from a plant, fades and disappears over time.In recent years in many industrialized nations, tattooing, henna(散沫花染料) body art, and, to a lesser degree, scarring have been gaining in popularity. What makes these practices appealing to those living in modern cities? According to photographer Chris Rainier, whose book Ancient Marks examines body markings around the globe, people are looking for a connection with the traditional world. “There is a whole sector of modern society - people in search of identity, people in search of meaning,” says Rainier. “Hence, there has been a huge explosion of tattooing and body marking.” Rainier reasons that it’s “mankind wanting identity,wanting a sense of place and a sense of culture within their community.”8.What is the main idea of paragraph1 ?A.Skin covers about 20 square feet.B.Skin can be damaged by sunlight’s ultraviolet rays.C.Skin is a very important part of the body.D.Skin contains many nerve cells.9.What is the purpose of paragraph 2?A.To tell why skin color was socially important in the 1800sB.To explain changing attitudes towards skin colorC.To make the connection between dark skin and working outdoorsD.To explain why indoor tanning salons are popular10.In paragraph 5, what is a rite of passage?A.a ceremony when children get tattoosB.a time when women sing ceremonial songsC.a special holiday on the full moonD.an event marking an important transition in life11.Which statement would Chris Rainier mostly likely agree with?A.People who get tattoos are seeking identity and tradition.B.Employers are not supportive of workers with body art.C.People looking for identity should wear ethnic clothing.D.In industrialized nations, fewer people have body markingsThe World’s Favorite DrugIt’s 1:45 a.m., and 21-year-old Thomas Murphy is burning the midnight oil, studying for an important engineering exam he has at 2:00 in the afternoon later today. To stay awake and alert, he’s had two cups of coffee in the last three hours and is now downing a popular energy drink —one that has two to three times the amount of caffeine as a similar sized can of soda. Many students like Murphy, as well as marathon runners, airline pilots, and long-distance travelers, owe their energy to one of humankind’s oldest stimulants(刺激物): caffeine.The power to counter physical fatigue and increase alertness is part of the reason caffeine ranks as the world’s most popular mood-altering drug. It is found not only in sodas, energy drinks, coffee, and tea, but in diet pills, pain relievers (like aspirin), and chocolate bars.Many societies around the world have also created entire rituals around the use of caffeine. For example, there’s the cafe culture of France, the tea ceremony in Japan, and the morning cup of coffee or tea that marks the start of the day in many cultures.Caffeine is present in many of the foods and drinks we consume, but is it good for us? Charles Czeisler, a scientist and sleep expert at Harvard Medical School, believes that caffeine causes us to lose sleep, which he says is unhealthy. “Without adequate sleep—the typical eight hours—the human body will not function at its best, physically, mentally, or emotionally.” Too often, Czeisler says, we consume caffeine to stay awake, which later makes it impossible for us to get the rest we need.Health risks have also been tied to caffeine consumption. Over the years, studies have attributed higher rates of certain types of cancer and bone disease to caffeine consumption. To date, however, there is no proof that caffeine actually causes these diseases.A number of scientists, including Roland Griffiths—a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in the United States—believe that regular caffeine use causes physical dependence. Heavy caffeine users, Griffiths says, exhibit similar behaviors. For example, their moods fluctuate from high to low, they get mild to severe headaches, or they feel tired or sad when they can’t have a caffeinated drink. To minimize or stop these feelings, users must consume caffeine - a behavior Griffiths says is characteristic of drug addiction.Despite these concerns, the general opinion in the scientific community is that caffeine is not dangerous when consumed in moderation. This means having one or two small cups of coffee (about 300 milligrams of caffeine) per day, for example. Furthermore, a lot of current research contradicts long-held negative beliefs about caffeine, and suggests that it may, in fact, have health benefits. For instance, studies have shown that caffeine can help ease muscle pain. Because it is a stimulant, caffeine can also help improve one’s mood. Research has also shown that some caffeinated drinks—specifically certain teas—have disease-fighting chemicals that can help the body fight a number of illnesses, including certain types of cancer.In addition, as a type of mental stimulant, caffeine increases alertness, memory, and reaction speed. Because it fights fatigue, it facilitates performance on tasks like driving, flying, and solving simple math problems. And while it is true that caffeine can increase blood pressure, the effect is usually temporary and therefore not likely to cause heart trouble. This is especially true if caffeine is consumed in moderation. Moreover, despite its nearlyuniversal use, caffeine has rarely been abused. “With caffeine, overuse tends to stop itself,” says Jack Bergman, a specialist at Harvard Medical School. If you consume too much, “you get ... uncomfortable, and you don’t want to continue.”Caffeine’s behavioral effects are real, but most often mild. Getting that burst of energy, of course, is why many of the world’s most popular drinks contain caffeine. Whether it’s a student drinking coffee before class or a businessperson enjoying tea with lunch, humankind’s favorite stimulant is at work everyday all over the world.12.What is the main idea of paragraph 1?A.Engineering students must study all night before their exams.B.Caffeine is a stimulant that helps people be alert and energetic.C.Energy drinks give marathon runners an advantage in races.D.Airline pilots drink a lot of coffee to stay awake on long flights.13.What is the purpose of paragraph 5?A.to describe mood fluctuationsB.to explain people’s feelings when they can’t have caffeineC.to present results of recent medical researchD.to claim that caffeine is addictive14.In the third sentence of paragraph 6, what does it refer to?A.muscle painB.stimulantsC.caffeineD.general opinion15.According to the passage, which is the best summary of the general medical opinion about caffeine and health?A.Certain teas may protect a person from cancer.B.If consumed in moderation, caffeine is not dangerous.C.Caffeine in pain pills can relieve sore muscles.D.People who drink a lot of coffee tend to have mood swings.二、七选五Nothing stays the same for long: things and people change.I grew up on a small farm, where a flock of sheep wandered around the surrounding mountains. My father was not highly educated, but he was smart. He was a man made of leather and chewing tobacco who rarely tried to talk with my brother or me. He was quiet and distant, I might say. 16One day I came home and his car was already there. 17 In fact, when he came home, he went to the barn (谷仓) to labour even more. I still remember hiding around the corner and stealing a look at my father lying bitterly on the bed that day. Multiple myeloma, I learned, is a type of blood cancer. 18 For the last year of my father’s life, his entire day consisted of rising from his bed and walking to his chair to sit and think alone.He was predictably in that chair on his own when I came in. 19 He told me about his life, his heartbreaks and his loves. It was as if a pipe had burst, his inner self rushing out to me in a great flood. He had been speaking for maybe an hour or more when I realized that he was doing more than telling. He was asking to be understood in a way that he had never done before.20 I realize, though, that if he hadn’t, I might never have come to know him and love him.A.My father never missed work.B.I did not like him very much.C.He was skillful at any farm work.D.He became better after some special treatment.E.I’m certainly not glad that my father got sick.F.As the disease develops, the person who has it shrinks.G.What followed still moves me these decades later三、完形填空schools.When he was called up for 25 , “my first thought was, what about my kids?” says Kohut. “The last thing these students need is a 26 in their teaching.”When on duty, Kohut’s days began in the morning with teaching his elementary class remotely, 27 the lesson mere minutes before his Guard shift started at 10 am. Later in the day, during his break, he would go 28 to teach his middle school students from the back of a Humvee.Music has always been a driving force in Kohut’s life. He was a(n) 29 saxophone player throughout high school, studied music in college, and ultimately earned his doctorate in music composition.“What I really wanted was to 30 .” Says Kohut. “My mom, a single mother, was a music teacher. She was such a good role model.”Kohut’s 31 duty has caught the attention of parents at Canterbury Woods Elementary.“I just wanted to share how 32 I am with Dr. Kohut this week,” Susi Brittain wrote in an e-mail to Leipzig. “what he did seems so 33 the expectations of a teacher in these circumstances.”Kohut insists he is not doing anything extraordinary. But during the long and sometimes stressful hours of standing guard, Kohut said his teaching time offers 34 .“It brings about unity and 35 ,” he says. “And that’s what the world needs right now.”21.A.napping B.talking C.eating D.cooking 22.A.front B.seat C.back D.end 23.A.what B.how C.when D.where 24.A.taught B.learned C.played D.exercised 25.A.rights B.obligation C.army D.duty 26.A.disruption B.burden C.disturbance D.turbulence 27.A.interrupting B.finishing C.starting D.inserting 28.A.inside B.outside C.online D.offline 29.A.enthusiastic B.basic C.standard D.usual 30.A.study B.teach C.show D.perform 31.A.daily B.common C.double D.single32.A.interested B.connected C.concerned D.impressed 33.A.beyond B.within C.against D.below 34.A.gratitude B.money C.comfort D.ease 35.A.appreciation B.peace C.music D.teamwork四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高二下学期期中考试 地理试题 Word版含答案
武汉外国语学校2013—2014学年度下学期期中考试高二地理试题考试时间:2014年4月25日上午8:00—9:30 命题人:赵磊 满分:100分一、选择题。
(每小题2分,共25分)1. 随着北极地区的冰层不断融化,“西北航线”有望未来实现通航。
此航线与a 、b 、c 、d 海峡中有关的是A .aB .bC .cD .d2. 关于abcd 海峡作为两大洲洲界的说法完全正确的是A .只有a 是两大洲的洲界线B .只有ab 是两大洲的洲界线C .只有abc 是两大洲的洲界线D .abcd 都是两大洲的洲界线读右图,回答3,4小题。
3. 下列选项中,图中各等值线数值相互关系表述正确的是A. a>b>c>dB. k>j>i>dC. a=k<b=jD. h>g>f4. 影响甲、乙两地年太阳辐射差异的主要因素是A. 洋流、大气环流B.地形、洋流C. 纬度、海陆位置D.纬度、地形读世界四个地区的湖泊分布示意图,阴影部分表示湖泊,回答5~7题。
5. 四个湖泊与其成因类型组合正确的是A .甲——火山口湖B .乙——冰蚀湖C .丙——堰塞湖D .丁——河成湖6. 下列关于甲湖泊和与其相连的河流关系,叙述正确的是A .当地夏季时①河段的水可能流入甲湖泊B .当地夏季时②河段的水可能流入甲湖泊C .当地冬季时甲湖泊的水可能流入①河段D .当地冬季时甲湖泊的水可能流人③河段7. 关于乙湖泊所在附近地区叙述,正确的是A .主要农产品是小麦和玉米B .有该国著名宇航研究中心C .是该国的传统工业区D .季风气候显著下图为赤道上六大板块的分布示意图,且①板块主要位于经度10ºE ~60ºE 之间。
8. ⑥板块是:A .亚欧板块B .太平洋板块C .南极洲板块D .美洲板块9. 根据板块构造理论,②、③两大板块碰撞而形成的山脉是A .喜马拉雅山脉B .安第斯山脉C .落基山脉D .阿尔卑斯山脉下图是世界某区域降水量分布图(单位:mm )。
1.Where will the woman go first?A.To the beach.B.To the bank.C.To the bathroom.2.What does the woman mean?A.The man forgot to do his hair.B.The man forgot to put on a tie.C.The man is wearing clothes that don‟t match.3.How does the woman probably feel?A.Annoyed and unconcerned.B.Hungry and impatient.C.Surprised and excited.4.Why was the woman worried?A.The man lost his phone.B.The man would be back very late.C.The man didn‟t answer the phone.5.Who did the woman want to call?A.JamesB.DrakeC.Daniel.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
1. What are they talking about?A. Driving in England.B. How do drive a car.C. Whether to have the right to drive a car in England.2. Does Jane know Davie Brown?A. She doesn’t know him.B. She know something about him.C. She knows him very well.3. What’s the man’s job?A. Shop assistant.B. plumber.C. Repairman.4. How does the man think the woman plays the violin?A. Worse than he.B. Better than he.C. As well as he.5. What does the woman mean?A. She prefers to stay at home.B. She has to study at home.C. She’s taking an exam on that day.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2013-2014学年高一下学期期中考试 政治试题
1. 十二届全国人民代表大会第二次会议于2014年3月5日在北京召开。
这说明我国A.民主具有真实性B.社会主义民主具有全民性C.民主具有广泛性D.我国人民享有广泛的民主权利2. 今年全国人大在开会时呈现出一种新风气,两会节俭、务实的会风,会期缩短、交通管理便民、利民。
我国国家政权的本质是A.人民民主具有真实性B.人民当家作主C.人民民主专政的社会主义国家D.民主与专政的统一3. 对“人民当家作主”应当这样理解A.人民群众直接行使管理国家和社会事务的权利B.国家的一切权力属于人民,人民选举自己的代表行使国家权力C.人民当家作主就是人民管理一切国家事务D.人民是国家的主人,国家权力由人民直接行使4. 目前,我国举行一次全国性的乡级人大代表的直接选举,至少需要433万人的人力投入,3亿元以上的财力支出。
这表明①选举方式的选择与我国国情密切相关②我们进行直接选举的条件还不具备③我国可能长期采用直接选举和间接选举相结合的选举方式④直接选举的成本过大,得不偿失A.①③B.①②C.③④D.②④5. 我国在人大代表的选举中采用普遍的差额选举,下列对差额选举的认识正确的是①差额选举有利于每个选民表达自己的意愿②差额选举为选民提供了选择的余地③差额选举实行竞选,有助于选民了解候选人④差额选举一定会发生贿选行为A.①②B.②③C.③④D.②④民主是一种国家制度,据此回答6—7题。
湖北省武汉外国语学校2018-2019年高一下学期期中考试 英语 含答案
湖北省武汉外国语学校2018-2019年高一下学期期中考试英语考试时间:2019年4月26日满分:140分Part I Listening (total 20 marks; 1 mark for each question. All the passages are read twice) Section A (5 marks)Listen to five people talking about science and technology. Match the speakers with the statements. There is one statement you do not need.Speaker 1 _____Speaker 2 _____Speaker 3 _____Speaker 4 _____Speaker 5 _____A This person believes space programmes have a positive effect.B This person talks about the speed of technological change.C This person thinks scientists should focus on more serious issues.D This person believes we still have a lot of research to do about our planet.E This person thinks that more countries should be involved in space exploration.F This person says technology has made our lives more flexible.Section B (12marks)Listen to four dialogues and choose the correct answer to each question. Each dialogue will be played twice.Listen to dialogue 6 and answer question 6 to 8.6. Where are they?A. Up in the mountains.B. Right at the campsite.C. In a zoo.7. When did the conversation take place?A. Around dawn.B. About dusk.C. 12 am.8. What are they doing?A. Hiking.B. Racing.C. Running.Listen to dialogue 7 and answer question 8 to 11.9. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. coach and his trainee.B. reporter and student.C. teacher and student.10. What does the man want?A. information on a VIP.B. join the team.C. talk about a reality show.11. What can you infer from the last sentence?A. The woman doesn’t believe what the man said.B. The man is wild.C. The woman is pleasantly surprised at the man’s imagination.Listen to dialogue 8 and answer question 12 to 14.12. What probably is Jack going to do?A.To take a bus to a museum.B.To go and find aunt Maria.C.To go cycling.13. What can we infer from the conversation?A: Jack finds something old and wants to know what it is.B: The conversation takes place in a museum.C: Jack is too far away from the museum.14. Which word can describe Jack from the conversation?A. curious.B. afraid.C. annoyed.Listen to dialogue 9 and answer question 15 to 17.15. What are the two speakers talking about?A Helping to raise money for charity.B. Washing some cars.C. Finding things to do for themselves.16. What do we know from the conversation?A. The son loves eating bakery.B. Washing cars is easy to do.C. Mr. Dent is their friend.17. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. colleagues.B. neighbors.C. husband and wife.Section C (3 marks)Listen to a monologue and answer question 18-20.18. What is this passage about?A Three friends playing with swords made from tree branches.B. Children fighting and chasing each other in front of a church.C. Three brothers’ happy playing time in front of their house.19: What is the weather like according to the passage?A. Cold since it’s an afternoon in March.B. Cool but warm enough in the sun.C. Chilly since the boys didn’t go bare-foot.20: Which of the statement is true according to the passage?A: The boys go bare-foot to the church.B: The branches they got for the sword are from their own backyard.C: The boys’ clothes are homemade.Part II Use of Vocabulary and Grammar (total 45 marks)Section A:Multiple Choice (15 marks)21. Common ___________ of diabetes are weight loss and fatigue.A. diagnosisB. prescriptionC. symbolsD. symptoms22. California has introduced tough new standards for harmful _________from vehicles.A. emissionsB. permissionC. transmissionD. admissions23. Karen looks greatly curvaceous in that velvet dress. She’s got a thin _____.A. wristB. hipC. thighD. waist24. Some people believe that with joint efforts we can ________ all the diseases from the world and lifeexpectancy will become limitless.A. executeB. exaggerateC. erectD. eradicate25. He struggled through a few games but a ________knee indicated his problems were not over.A. swollenB. swellC. swearD. swearing26. The program will _________your passwords each time you begin to type them.A. autographB. autocompleteC. automobileD. automatic27. ______________, an English engineer and computer scientist, is best known as the inventor of theWorld Wide Web.A. Henry WolfsonB. Timothy Berners LeeC. Auguste BartholdiD. Stuart Page28. What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he ________better.A. need have doneB. must have doneC. can have doneD. might have done29. On 15 April 2019, shortly before 18:40 CEST(Central European Summer Time), a fire broke out in___________, causing considerable damage to the building.A. the Statue of LibertyB. Notre-Dame CathedralC. the Summer PalaceD. the Eiffel Tower30. _________, which is ideal for people who suffer from frequent headaches, memory failures, anxiety,backache, and loss of concentration, is a practice to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.A. MeditationB. CoasteeringC. Street danceD. Chinese martial arts31. Which one of the items are NOT included in the Westinghouse Time Capsule?A. a tape measureB. newsreelC. an alarm clockD. a memory stick32. We saw a new play at the theatre, ______________ we had supper at a restaurant.A. after whichB. which afterC. then whichD. and that after33. This time next year, we _________ on a beach somewhere in Brazil.A. will lieB. will have layC. will be lyingD. will be laying34. My dad still doesn’t have a driving license. He _____________ his driving test seven times!A. has failedB. failedC. had failedD. fails35. Vertical farms have the potential to reduce or eliminate the need to create additional farmland, for it isestimated that by the year 2050, the world's population __________ by 3 billion and close to 80% will live in urban areas.A. will be increasingB. will increaseC. will have increasedD. has increasedSection B:Complete the passage with appropriate words or the correct form of the words in brackets. (20 marks)A Capsule Fails the Test of TimeThe US state of Oklahoma, the 48th state in the Union, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2007. In a year full of official __36___(celebrate), one event in June attracted spectators and media from all around the world. On 15 June 2007, thousands of people gathered in Tulsa to watch the unearthing of a time capsule that had been buried half a century earlier. There was a feeling of ___37__(excite) in the air. As well as __38__(wait) to see the time capsule, the crowd was also waiting to find out who had won a competition which ___39__(launch)when the capsule was buried 50 years earlier.The time capsule was a large concrete box. People said it was strong ___40__ to survive a nuclear strike. It had to be large and strong, because it contained a car: a brand new 1957 Plymouth Belvedere. Inside the car __41__(be) lots of everyday items from the 1950s. For example, there was a can of petrol and a case of beer in the boot. In the glove box was a handbag __42__(contain) a lipstick and other small items considered ___43__(essence) for a ‘typical’ woman in the 1950s.Before the capsule was buried, officials ran a competition. Entrants had to guess what the population of Tulsa would be in 2007. The organizers recorded all the guesses and saved __44_ on a roll of microfilm. The microfilm was placed in the Plymouth Belvedere. The organizers’ idea was that __45_ the time capsule was opened in 2007, the winner would be announced – and he or she (or his or her heirs) would win the entire contents of the time capsule, plus the contents of the savings account.Section C:Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in brackets. (10 marks)46. We know each other a little better,so we get along fine. (now that)___________________________________________get along fine.47. There was a hard layer of rock beneath the soil. The rescue operations progressed slowly. (If)_______________________________________________________quickly.48. As soon as they arrived in England, the tourists were taken to the Buckingham Palace by train. (On)___________________________________________________by train.49. Mr. Smith is a famous geneticist. I have learned a lot from him. (whom)Mr. Smith, ___________________________________________.50. We are hoping that everyone can pass the exam.(fingers)____________________________________ everyone can pass the exam.Reading comprehension.Total 30 marks; 1.5 mark for each question. (For passage D, pick out 5 choices out of 7)AA degree in what?How many people in the world have a university degree in enigmatology? Well, not many. As a matter of fact, the number of enigmatology graduates in the whole world is just one: a man whose job it is to design puzzles for newspapers and magazines. American Will Shortz is an author and crossword editor. He has worked on over a hundred books, and he owns the world’s largest collection of puzzle books and magazines. The oldest title in his collection was published in 1545! And because his work is also his hobby, he has always been interested in learning as much as possible about the subject.Obviously, because he is the only enigmatologist in the world, there were no university professors who could teach him an established course of studies. He did not go to lectures and classes like his fellow students. Shortz designed his own research programme, which the university accepted, and he completed his course and received his bachelor’s degree from Indiana University in 1974.So the question remains, what exactly is enigmatology? It is the study of puzzles: their types, their history, and their popularity. It’s a mixture of history, maths, logic and cultural studies.There were some people who criticized the university for offering a course in such a strange subject, and they were also critical of Shortz, c laiming that he had taken advantage of Indiana University’s flexibility. But Shortz has his fans too, such as the former US president Bill Clinton. He sent Shortz a personal note on his 50th birthday because he loves the New York Times crossword, which Shortz edits. Shortz has also been a guest on several television shows, including an episode of the famous cartoon The Simpsons, and the comedy series How I Met Your Mother, where he played himself.51.Which of the statement is true according to the text?A. Shortz’s occupation is to write puzzles for university graduates.B. Shortz has worked on all the titles in his collection.C. Shortz did original research and graduated from an American university.D. Bill Clinton sent Shortz a note on his birthday bec ause they’re friends.52. What is the author’s attitude towards Shortz?A.Indifferent B Neutral C praising D CriticizingBDifferences inside our bodiesDid you know that people who live in different parts of China have different habits and preferences? For example, people from southern China prefer to eat vegetables, while people from north China like to eat meat. But what causes these differences?According to a new study published in the journal Cell in October, gene variations might be responsible for these differences, Xinhua reported.In the study, researchers from Chinese genome-sequencing (基因组测序) firm BGI collected genetic information from 141,431 Chinese women. The women came from 31 provinces and comprised 36 ethnic minority groups.The researchers found that there are six gene frequencies that are different among people from both northern and southern China. They found that natural selection has played an important role in the ways that people living in different regions of China have evolved, affecting their food preferences, immunities to illness and physical traits, the New York Times reported.The researchers reported that a variation of the gene FADS2 is more commonly found in northern people than it is in southern people. It helps people metabolize (新陈代谢) fatty acids (脂肪酸), which suggests a diet that is rich in meat. According to Xinhua, this is due to climate differences. Northern China is at a higher latitude, which means it’s cold and dry throughout the whole year. This weathe r is difficult to grow vegetables in. Therefore, northerners tend to eat more meat.The study also found differences in the immune systems of both groups. Most people in southern China carry the gene CR1, which protects against malaria. This is because malaria was once quite common in southern China. In order to survive, the genes of people in the south evolved to fight against this disease. However, people in the south are also more vulnerable to certain blood-borne illnesses, asthey lack the genes to stop them.Genes can also cause physical differences between northerners and southerners. Most northerners have the ABCC11 gene, which causes dry earwax (耳屎), l ess body odor and fewer sweat secretions (分泌), The New York Times reported. These physical differences are also more beneficial to living in cold environments. Southerners are less likely to have this gene, as it did not evolve in their population.53. What’s this passage mainly about?A. A study of the genes of Chinese minority groups.B. Habits of people from different regions of China.C. Differences in the genes of people from different parts of China.D. Physical differences between northerners and southerners.54. A variation of the gene FADS2 can help our body ______.A. store fatB. digest meatC. fight diseaseD. control sweat55. The underlined word “comprised” is closest in meaning to ______.A. consisted ofB. compared toC. completedD. started with56. According to the passage, most northerners in China______.a. tend to have less disease like malariab. have less body odorc. catch blood-borne illnesses easilyd. sweat less frequentlyA. abB. bcC. bdD. cdCCould the Futuristic Traveling Tube Become a Reality?It sounds like something straight out of a science fiction movie or a silly cartoon: a futuristic traveling tube that can quickly shoot people wherever they want to go, inside a tiny pod. But this may be just around the corner for people looking for a faster, easier, and cheaper-than-ever way to travel. South African-American inventor and billionaire Elon Musk, who, in the past, has worked on both private space flight and electric cars, recently announced he has been working on the design of this traveling tube, which could forever change the way we travel the world.In an interview, Musk described the new tube as a fifth kind of transportation. “We have planes, trains, automobiles, and boats,” he explained. “What if there was a fifth mode? I have a name for it, [it’s] called the Hyperloop.”The Hyperloop would have the power to cut back on travel time between major cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, which is what inspired Musk to design the Hyperloop in the first place. Musk stated in an interview that he actually came up with the idea for the Hyperloop while thinking about the train that takes people between Los Angeles and San Francisco—it is known for being one of the slowest in the country.“This system I have in mind...can never crash, is immune to weather, it goes three or four tim es faster than the bullet train…it goes an average speed of twice what an aircraft would do,” explained Musk.“You would go from downtown L. A. to downtown San Francisco in under 30 minutes,” he added. “It would cost you much less than an air ticket [and less] than any other mode of transport.”People using the Hyperloop would shoot around in pods, which are each just over six-and-a-half feet across, and the pods would travel through tubes located either above ground or under water, though Musk has not yet released his final design drawings.Additionally, Musk believes the Hyperloop could be completely powered by the sun—making it more environmentally friendly than cars, airplanes, or train systems. Someday it could possibly move people between the East and West Coasts of the United States in less than an hour, which is faster than any other mode of transportation that exists. Eventually, the Hyperloop would be able to move people around the world.57. What does this passage describe?A. A traveling tube that could help people get around in the future.B.The costs of building traveling tubes around the world.C.The damage that cars, planes, and trains do to the environment.D.The reasons that people are looking for a cheaper-than-ever way to travel.58. If built, the Hyperloop would be faster than any other type of transportation. Why?A.People using the Hyperloop would travel in pods that are about six-and-a-half feet across.B.The Hyperloop is being designed to travel at twice the speed of an airplane.C.Right now people can fly, drive, or take a train to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco.D.Inventors in other countries are working on technology similar to the Hyperloop.59. Why might people want to use the Hyperloop instead of other kinds of transportation?A.People with motion sickness might not be able to handle the Hyperloop.B.People are tired of using the same four kinds of transportation over and over.C.The Hyperloop could take people to places where planes and trains do not go.D.People would not have to pay as much to use the Hyperloop.60. What is this passage mainly about?A.Science fiction movies and cartoons featuring futuristic traveling tubes with tiny pods.B.The interest that inventor Elon Musk has in private space flight and electric cars.C.Why the train between Los Angeles and San Francisco is one of the slowest in the country.D. A tube that could make travel in the future easier, faster, and cheaper.DTribute can go to anythingSince 1927, Time has chosen to profile a person or group and feature them on its front page.61. Here are three of the Time’magazine’s more unconventional choices:“The Computer”, 1982At the start of the 1980s, home computing was just starting to take off, with companies like Sinclair and Apple releasing consumer-focused machines to the masses. 62– they were mainly only useful for word processing or extremely basic gaming – at the time they were new, exciting and exotic.“This sweetheart here, this little baby, looks like any ordinary machine, isn’t that so? 63 Comes with new words too: RAM and ROM,” wrote Time.“You”, 2006In the age when sites like YouTube and Facebook were in their new and had not developed very much, Time named those who created and uploaded “user-generated content” onto such websites as its choice of the year.64 ,with a writer for The Atlantic later remarking: “Is anyone out there not sick of people ironically listing ‘Time Person of the Year, 2006’ in Twitter bios – a reference to the gimmicky(巧妙手法的) selection of ‘You’ that year? Didn’t think so.”“Endangered Earth”, 1989During a period of heightened awareness of global warming and climate change, 65 This led to an environmental action plan being later published after Time invited a team of environmental experts and policymakers to an environmental conference it organized.A. A. This created chaosB. A mess of screws and buttons, a whole heap of plastic.C.While the PCs of the early ’80s were primitive compared to today’sD.The decision drew mainly confused and negative feedback from the public and mediaE.Ti me featured Earth as its “Planet of the Year”.F.Other than people, objects have made it to front page too.G.But it’s not always people that make the front cover.Cloze TestAbbey Ahern, 34, who lives in Oklahoma, was devastated when she was 66 at her 19-week scan that her daughter had the 67 illness anencephaly (先天无脑畸形) which meant she would not live beyond a few 68 .According to the National Institutes of Health, the defect means the baby has an 69 brain and incomplete skull.Approximately one in 10,000 babies in the US are born with anencephaly, most of which result 70 miscarriage.(流产).As a result, Abbey and her pilot husband Robert, also 34, decided to have a 71 birth in the next few hours so that they could spend time with their daughter and 72 her organs - making Annie the first infant73 donor in the state.74 they asked the doctor for the gender of their unborn child and decided to name her 75 the spot. They named her easily: Annie, which means, "grace."Abbey said: ‘76 a terminally-ill baby to 77 was by far the most difficult thing I have ever done... For us, even in the midst of our terrible 78 we were able to see so much 79.’The family spent just 14 hours and 58 minutes with Annie before she 80 away.Her 81 were not viable for transplant 82 her oxygen levels were too low - which Abbey said was 'disappointing' - but they were able to donate her heart valves(瓣膜) an d some of her organs could be used for 83.She said: 'Annie's story is one of 84. I think it shows people that in the midst of 85, there can be beauty.66. A. told B. learned C. said D. heard67. A. dead B. early C. terminal D. weak68. A. days B. hours C. years D. months69. A. healthy B. unfit C. ill D. underdeveloped70. A. in B. to C. for D. from71. A. dead B. new C. live D. usual72. A. donate B. give C. present D. remove73. A. baby B. small C. fresh D. newborn74. A. Afterwards B. Since C. From that time on D. Finally75. A. on B. in C. for D. at76. A. holding B. carrying C. taking D. bringing77. A. due B. term C. birth D. live78. A. sadness B. heart-broken C. heartbreak D. silence79. A. humanity B. light C. truth D. beauty80. A. went B. flew C. crossed D. passed81. A. heart B. organs C. body D. eyes82. A. while B. so C. because D. thus83. A. research B. learning C. hospitals D. transplant84. A. miracle B. persistency C. faith D. hope85. A. tragedy B. obstacle C. hardship D. forgivenessWRITING (25marks)Imagine you are burying a time capsule for the people who will open it 1000 years from now. You are going to write a letter to your future friends. Include the following information in about 120 words:1. When and why you are burying the time capsule2. An explanation of your choice of items:Choose at least one item for each category A-C below:A Culture (music, literature, etc.)B TechnologyC Home life3. One or two problems the world is facing todayDear future friends,My name is Li Hua.Yours,Li Hua答案听力参考答案1-5 DCABF 6-10 ABABA. 11-15 ABAAA 16-20 ACABC听力录音材料:Transcript 1 Why are we spending billions on trying to get people to Mars? There are still plenty of places on Earth that we haven’t explored: the bottom of the oceans, for example. Why don’t we invest in looking for natural resources there, or for ways to start a colony under the sea? These possibilities are just as exciting as anything we might do in space.2 I think people have forgotten what’s really important. Scientists used to make discoveries that made our lives safer or healthier, and our work easier and more productive. These days it’s all about new forms of entertainment, new ways of wasting time … I’m thinking of things like digital TV, smartphones, computer games. We were perfectly happy without these, and we’ll stil l be happy if we stop making them one day.3 I think the potential of space is really exciting. It’s not just about visiting new places; space exploration can help us change our ideas. Scientists can carry out experiments in space that would impossible on Earth. The modern space projects promote co-operation between nations, too –think about the International Space Station, for example. Russia, Europe, Japan and the United States are all building it together. Just thirty years ago it would have been impossible. Would I say yes if anyone asked me to go into space? Definitely!4 Technology develops so fast, it’s difficult to keep up. By the time you buy a new smartphone or an mp3 player, it’s already out of date. I love that! I spend a lot of my free time o n the Internet looking for news about new gadgets. It’s just a shame I don’t have the money to buy everything I like.5 I think technology is changing relationships between people. Social-networking sites make it easier to maintain friendships that you do n’t have the time for in real life, mobile phones mean we can go anywhere and still keep in touch with people who are important to us, and Wi-Fi hotspots allow us to work and communicate from almost anywhere. We aren’t tied to one way of doing things any m ore. I think it’s brilliant, and I can’t imagine living without it now第六材料6.-8M: Are we going to see another mountain lion today, mom?W: Probably not Sam, because we’ll be back before nightfall, and that’s when they wander around the land.M: Oh mom. Can we hike the harder trails to see bigger animals like bear or a deer?W: I’m afraid not Sam, look at the sun, it’s red and low on the horizon. How about an easier one so we could get back to the camp before it sets?M: I guess you are right.第七段材料9-11M: It is him, isn’t it? Your coach?W: That’s our coach, sure, and he is great, so what?M: But what …I mean, how…does he ever talk about, you know… Cool?W: He is cool and great---why are you asking those questions? Wait, we got nothing to say to newspaper so just leave our school OK?M: Aha, I got a big one! So he is Captain Cool himself the one on TV for the reality show right?W: Go away! You have such wild imagination!第八段材料12-14M: Mom, what is a curator?W: Someone who looks after the museum, Jack. Like your aunt Maria, she looks after the artifacts from Egypt.M: What is an artifact?W: It’s just a fancy word for an old object. Look what you have there in your hand! An old object!M: Yes, mom, it is an artifact I guess. Can I take it to Aunt Maria to take a look?W: Sure! The museum is still open till 5 pm. You have an hour. Bike it there!第九段材料15-17W: What about a bake-sale?M: He’d end up eating more than he sold. You know our son.W: pop-corn sale?M: I don’t know. What about washing cars? I bet pl enty of people would pay five dollars or more to have their car washed. I know I would.W: That’s a great idea. I would too if my car was dirty.M: I’m sure Mr. Dent next door would pay you to wash his car---if it was for charity.第十段材料18-20Enrique Esparza was having a great time. He and his best friends, Josue and Martin, were playing with long branches pulled from the tree in the neighbor’s yard. These branches make terrific swords. Theyclacked loudly when knocked together. Enrique had shaved the bark from the end of his sword so he could get a firmer grip. Now he was battling Martin, blocking his friend’s every move and thrusting forward when he had the chance.The three friends chased each other up and down the dirt lane in front of the house, swords waving in the air. Their homemade shirts and pants protected them, mostly, from the coolness of the March afternoon, but out in the sun, the boys felt warm. Enrique ran barefoot since, like most children, he only wore shoes when he went to school or to church, or when it was too cold for bare food.英语运用参考答案21-25 DADDA26-30 BBDBA31-35 DACAC36. celebrations37. excitement38. waiting39. had been launched40. enough41. were42. containing, which/that contained43. essential44. them45. when46. Now that we know each other a little better, we47. If there hadn’t been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil, the rescue operations would have progressed48. On arriving in England, the tourists were taken to the Buckingham Palace49. from whom I have learned a lot, is a famous geneticist.50. We’re keeping our fingers crossed (that)。
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例:How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.15.C. £ 9.18.答案:B1. What does the woman think of the book?A. It’s too long.B. It’s attractive.C. It’s hard to understand.2. What is the man trying to do?A. To make an apology.B. To make a decision.C. To make a suggestion.3. What does the woman suggest?A. Leaving early for the airport.B. Checking the flight schedule the next morning.C. Listening to the weather forecast the next morning.4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Boss and secretary.C. Husband and wife.5. Why is the man moving to London?A. He has got a job there.B. He runs a company there.C. He prefers to live in a big city.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. How long will it take the man to ride a 10-mile distance?A. About half an hour.B. About an hour.C. About two hours.7. How does the woman go to work?A. By train.B. On foot.C. By bike.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
8. How old was probably the man when he got his PhD?A. 18.B. 26.C. 28.9. When did the man begin his research on the cancer drug?A. When he got a job in a medical lab.B. When he worked at a medical company.C. When he was in the process of getting his PhD degree.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13. What do we know about the woman?A. She is smart.B. She is actually very young.C. She is familiar with the young man.14. Why does the woman refuse to give a bottle of Scotch to the man?A. She is too frightened to do so.B. She knows the man is younger than 21.C. She intends to find out more about the man.15. What will the woman tell the police about the man?A. The man’s appearance.B. The man’s name and address.C. The man’s drive experiences.16. What is the possible ending of the story?A. The police arrive in no time.B. The young man gives up robbing the woman.C. The woman fights against the man and wins at last.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. Which of the following hobbies is NOT mentioned?A. Collecting coins.B. Collecting stamps.C. Collecting phones.18. How much is the man’s coin collection worth?A. $215.B. $250.C. $275.19. What does the speaker’s youngest brother collect?A. Matchboxes.B. Stamps.C. Model airplanes.20. What do most people want to get from their hobbies?A. Inspiration.B. Pleasure.C. Money.第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
例:To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to knowtheir _____ and weaknesses.A. strengthsB. benefitsC. techniquesD. values答案:A21. In _______ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children,which definitely doesn't work now.A. historicB. remoteC. traditionalD. initial22. Sorry, she went out with her friends for singing Karaoke yesterday. My daughter's fault ofbeing unable to ________ anything prevents her making progress.A. persist onB. insist onC. resist onD. stick to23. I'll have to _______ if there's suitable container space available for shipment next monthfor Europe.A. requestB. inquireC. acquireD. require24. Milk is especially ________ to temperature changes, so put it on a shelf as close to thebottom as it will fit.A. sensitiveB. positiveC. sentimentalD. sensible25. You should have locked your gold necklace away at the hotel’s safety box. If you had readyour key card carefully, you would have realized that we _______ warned you to do so.A. especiallyB. constantlyC. speciallyD. extensively26. For all the contemporary problems cars bring, no one can deny the convenience cars bringus and ignore the ________ we make to solve these problems.A. actB. behaviourC. doingsD. effort27. Why does the _______ of sheets wake us up on some nights, but we sleep through the soundof our alarm clocks going off on others?A. rumbleB. rustleC. splashD. whisper28. He started by telling her that her staff member Gabe Zimmerman died, which caused herto ______ and cry in a wave of emotion.A. moanB. snuffleC. muffleD. creak29. People can see objects because they _____ the light that strikes them, reflecting some ofit back to the eye.A. thumpB. drenchC. scatterD. gasp30. In this post, we will take at broad look at the problem ________ to figure out what can bedone.A. in vainB. in responseC. in relationD. in attempt第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。