
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
tb_EmpInfoMenthod tbEmp = new tb_EmpInfoMenthod();
if (txtID.Text == "")
private void menuEmployee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmEmpInfo empinfo = new frmEmpInfo();
namespace CHEXC
public partial class frmEmpInfo : Form
public frmEmpInfo()
frmReole.Owner = this;
private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void menuDepotFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//库存查询 frmKcG源自odFind kcfrmFind = new frmKcGoodFind();
public static int intFalg = 0;//控件方法状态
int G_Int_status; //保存工具栏按钮操作状态

一下为主要代码:登录窗体:u sing……na mespa ce CH EXC{publi c par tialclass frmL ogin: For m { publ ic fr mLogi n() { Init ializ eComp onent(); } pri vatevoidbtnOK_Clic k(obj ect s ender, Eve ntArg s e) { tb_EmpIn foMen thodtbEmp = ne w tb_EmpIn foMen thod();if (t xtID.Text== ""){ Mes sageB ox.Sh ow("用户名不能为空!"); ret urn; } if (txtPw d.Tex t =="") {M essag eBox.Show("密码不能为空!"); re turn; } if(tbEm p.tb_EmpIn foFin d(txt ID.Te xt, t xtPwd.Text, 2)== 1) { frmM ain f rm =new f rmMai n(txt ID.Te xt); frm.Show();t his.H ide();} el se{ Me ssage Box.S how("登录失败!"); } } priv ate v oid b tnCan cel_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {Appli catio n.Exi t(); } pr ivate void frmL ogin_FormC losin g(obj ect s ender, For mClos ingEv entAr gs e){ Ap plica tion.Exit(); } priv ate v oid t xtID_TextC hange d(obj ect s ender, Eve ntArg s e) { } pr ivate void txtP wd_Te xtCha nged(objec t sen der,Event Argse) { } priv ate v oid f rmLog in_Lo ad(ob jectsende r, Ev entAr gs e){}}}主窗体:u sing……na mespa ce CH EXC{publi c par tialclass frmM ain : Form{publi c frm Main(){I nitia lizeC ompon ent();}publi c frm Main(strin g str Name){ In itial izeCo mpone nt(); Se ndNam eValu e = s trNam e; } publ ic st ringSendN ameVa lue; pr ivate void menu Goods In_Cl ick(o bject send er, E ventA rgs e) {//进贷信息 fr mJhGo odsIn fo jh GOOD= new frmJ hGood sInfo(); jhGO OD.Ow ner = this;j hGOOD.Show Dialo g(); } pr ivate void menu Emplo yee_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {//员工信息f rmEmp Infoempin fo =new f rmEmp Info();empin fo.Ow ner = this;e mpinf o.Sho wDial og();}p rivat e voi d men uComp any_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {//供应商信息frmCo mpany InfofrmCo mp =new f rmCom panyI nfo();f rmCom p.Own er =this; fr mComp.Show Dialo g(); } pr ivate void menu Find_Click(obje ct se nder, Even tArgs e) { //商品信息查查询 fr mFind Goodfindg ood = newfrmFi ndGoo d(); fin dgood.Owne r = t his; fin dgood.Show Dialo g(); } pr ivate void menu Depot Alarm_Clic k(obj ect s ender, Eve ntArg s e) { //库存警报 frmK cGood s kcG ood = newfrmKc Goods(); kcGo od.Ow ner = this;k cGood.Show Dialo g(); } pr ivate void menu Depot Find_Click(obje ct se nder, Even tArgs e) { //库存查询frmKc GoodF ind k cfrmF ind = newfrmKc GoodF ind();k cfrmF ind.O wner= thi s;kcfrm Find.ShowD ialog(); } pri vatevoidmenuS ellGo ods_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {//商品销售信息 frmS ellGo ods f rmSel l = n ew fr mSell Goods(); frmS ell.O wner= thi s;frmSe ll.Sh owDia log();}priva te vo id me nuSel lFind_Clic k(obj ect s ender, Eve ntArg s e) { //退货信息 frmT hGood sInfo frmT h = n ew fr mThGo odsIn fo(); fr mTh.O wner= thi s;frmTh.Show Dialo g(); } pr ivate void数据备份HTool Strip MenuI tem_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {//数据备份f rmDat aBack frmB ack = newfrmDa taBac k(); frm Back.Owner = th is; frmB ack.S howDi alog(); } priv ate v oid 数据还原IT oolSt ripMe nuIte m_Cli ck(ob jectsende r, Ev entAr gs e){ //数据还源 frm DataR eolefrmRe ole = newfrmDa taReo le(); fr mReol e.Own er =this; fr mReol e.Sho wDial og();}p rivat e voi d frm Main_Load(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {timer2.Ena bled= tru e;this.statu sUser.Text = "系统操作员:" +Se ndNam eValu e; } priv ate v oid t imer2_Tick(obje ct se nder, Even tArgs e) { this.stat usTim e.Tex t = "当前时间:" + D ateTi me.No w.ToS tring(); } pri vatevoidfrmMa in_Fo rmClo sing(objec t sen der,FormC losin gEven tArgs e) { Appl icati on.Ex it();}}}员工基本信息窗体:U sing……nam espac e CHE XC{p ublic part ial c lassfrmEm pInfo : Fo rm { pub lic f rmEmp Info(){I nitia lizeC ompon ent();}tb_Em pInfo EmpC lass= new tb_E mpInf o(); tb_EmpI nfoMe nthod tbMe nthod = ne w tb_EmpIn foMen thod(); publ ic st aticint i ntFal g = 0;//控件方法状态 in t G_I nt_st atus; //保存工具栏按钮操作状态p ublic intgetPa n() { intintFa lg1 = 0; if (intFa lg != 3) {i f (tx tEmpN ame.T ext == "") {M essag eBox.Show("员工姓名不能为空!", "提示");txtEm pName.Focu s();retur n int Falg1; } if (txtEm pLogi nName.Text == ""){ Mess ageBo x.Sho w("登录名称不能为空!","提示"); ret urn i ntFal g1;} if (int Falg!= 2) {i f (tx tEmpL oginP wd.Te xt == ""){ Mess ageBo x.Sho w("登录密码不能为空!","提示"); retu rn in tFalg1; } }i f (in tFalg == 2) {EmpCl ass.i ntEmp Id =this.dataG ridVi ew1[0,thi s.dat aGrid View1.Curr entCe ll.Ro wInde x].Va lue.T oStri ng(); }else { Em pClas EmpId = tb Menth od.tb_EmpI nfoID();}} el se{ if (txt EmpNa me.Te xt == "") { Me ssage Box.S how("请在下面选择要删除的记录","提示"); ret urn i ntFal g1;} el se{ EmpC lass.intEm pId = GridV iew1[0,th is.da taGri dView1.Cur rentC ell.R owInd ex].V alue.ToStr ing(); Emp Class.intE mpId= thi s.dat aGrid View1[0, t his.d ataGr idVie w1.Cu rrent Cell.RowIn dex].Value.ToSt ring(); } } Emp Class.strE mpNam e = t xtEmp Name.Text; Em pClas s.str EmpLo ginNa me =txtEm pLogi nName.Text;E mpCla rEmpL oginP wd =txtEm pLogi nPwd.Text; Em pClas EmpSe x = c omboB ox2.T ext; Emp Class.daEm pBirt hday= daE mpBir thday.Valu e;EmpCl ass.s trEmp Dept= cmb EmpDe pt.Te xt; EmpC lass.strEm pPost = cm bEmpP ost.T ext; Emp Class.strE mpPho ne =txtEm pPhon e.Tex t;EmpCl ass.s trEmp Phone M = t xtEmp Phone M.Tex t;EmpCl ass.s trEmp Addre ss =txtEm pAddr ess.T ext; if(intFa lg!=3){ Em pClas EmpFa lg =0;}else { Emp Class.intE mpFal g = 1;} in tFalg1 = 1;r eturn intF alg1;}/// <s ummar y> ///控制控件状态/// </summ ary> pr ivate void Cont rolSt atus(){t his.t oolSa ve.En abled = !t his.t oolSa ve.En abled;t his.t oolAd d.Ena bled= !th olAdd.Enab led; thi s.too lCanc el.En abled = !t his.t oolCa ncel.Enabl ed; this.tool Amend.Enab led = !thi s.too lAmen d.Ena bled; th olDel ete.E nable d = !this.toolD elete.Enab led; } /// <su mmary>/// 将控件恢复到原始状态 /// </s ummar y> priv ate v oid C learC ontro ls() { txt EmpAd dress.Text = "";t xtEmp Login Name.Text= ""; tx tEmpL oginP wd.Te xt =""; txtE mpNam e.Tex t = "";txtEm pPhon e.Tex t = "";txtEm pPhon eM.Te xt =""; cmbE mpDep t.Sel ected Index = 0; cm bEmpP ost.S elect edInd ex =0;combo Box2.Selec tedIn dex = 0; this.daEm pBirt hday.Value = Da teTim e.Now;}priva te vo id fr mEmpI nfo_L oad(o bject send er, E ventA rgs e) {t bMent hod.t b_Emp InfoF ind("",5,d ataGr idVie w1); } pr ivate void tool Add_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {Clear Contr ols();//清空控件内容 Con trolS tatus();//控件控年状态i ntFal g = 1;//添加标}priva te vo id to olAme nd_Cl ick(o bject send er, E ventA rgs e){C ontro lStat us(); in tFalg = 2;//修改标记}priva te vo id to olref esh_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {Clear Contr ols();//刷新 Co ntrol Statu s(); } //查询 priv ate v oid t xtOK_Click(obje ct se nder, Even tArgs e) { stri ng P_Str_s elect condi tion= thi s.cbx Condi tion.Text; //I tems[this.cbxCo nditi on.Se lecte dInde x].To Strin g(); if(P_St r_sel ectco nditi on == null){ Mes sageB ox.Sh ow("请选择查询条件!"); ret urn; } if (this.txtKe yWord.Text == ""){ Me ssage Box.S how("输入查询条件!"); ret urn; } swit ch (P_Str_selec tcond ition){ cas e "员工姓名":tbMen thod.tb_Em pInfo Find(txtKe yWord.Text,1,da taGri dView1); b reak; cas e "员工性别":tbMen thod.tb_Em pInfo Find(txtKe yWord.Text, 2,dataG ridVi ew1); brea k;c ase "所属部门": tbM entho d.tb_EmpIn foFin d(txt KeyWo rd.Te xt, 3, dat aGrid View1); br eak; case "员工职位":t bMent hod.t b_Emp InfoF ind(t xtKey Word.Text, 4, d ataGr idVie w1);break; de fault: bre ak; } } priv ate v oid t oolCa ncel_Click(obje ct se nder, Even tArgs e) { Clea rCont rols();}priva te vo id to olSav e_Cli ck(ob jectsende r, Ev entAr gs e){ if (get Pan() == 1){ if(intF alg == 1) { if (tbM entho d.tb_EmpIn foFin d(txt EmpLo ginNa me.Te xt,"",1) == 1){ Mess ageBo x.Sho w("登录名称已被占用!!"); txtE mpLog inNam e.Tex t = ""; txt EmpLo ginNa me.Fo cus(); retu rn;} if(tbMe nthod.tb_E mpInf oAdd(EmpCl ass)== 1) { Mes sageB ox.Sh ow("添加成功"); intF alg = 0; tb Menth od.tb_EmpI nfoFi nd("", 5,dataG ridVi ew1);Clear Contr ols(); Cont rolSt atus(); }else{ Mess ageBo x.Sho w("添加成失败"); intF alg = 0; //tbMen thod.tb_Em pInfo Find("2",d ataGr idVie w1);C learC ontro ls();Contr olSta tus(); }} if (int Falg== 2) {i f (tb Menth od.tb_EmpI nfoUp date(EmpCl ass)==1){Messa geBox.Show("修改成功");i ntFal g = 0; tbMe nthod.tb_E mpInf oFind("",5, da taGri dView1); Cl earCo ntrol s();C ontro lStat us(); } el se {M essag eBox.Show("修改成失败"); //tb Menth od.tb_EmpI nfoFi nd("2",dat aGrid View1); Cle arCon trols(); Co ntrol Statu s();} } if (intFa lg == 3){ if(tbMe nthod.tb_E mpInf oDele te(Em pClas s) == 1){Messa geBox.Show("删除成功");i ntFal g = 0; tbMe nthod.tb_E mpInf oFind("",5, da taGri dView1); Cl earCo ntrol s();C ontro lStat us(); } el se {M essag eBox.Show("删除失败"); in tFalg = 0;Clear Contr ols(); Cont rolSt atus(); } }}//en d}priva te vo id Fi llCon trols() {try {S qlDat aRead er sq ldr = tbMe nthod.tb_E mpInf oFind( GridV iew1[0, th is.da taGri dView1.Cur rentC ell.R owInd ex].V alue.ToStr ing(),1); sqld r.Rea d(); if (sqldr.HasR ows) { tx tEmpL oginN ame.T ext = sqld r[2].ToStr ing(); txt EmpNa me.Te xt =sqldr[1].T oStri ng(); comb oBox2.Text =sql dr[4].ToSt ring(); da EmpBi rthda y.Val ue =Conve rt.To DateT ime(s qldr[5].To Strin g()); cmbE mpDep t.Tex t =sq ldr[6].ToS tring();c mbEmp Post.Text= sql dr[7].ToSt ring(); tx tEmpP hone.Text= sql dr[8].ToSt ring(); tx tEmpP honeM.Text = sq ldr[9].ToS tring();t xtEmp Addre ss.Te xt =sqldr[10].ToStr ing(); } } catc h(Exc eptio n ee){ Mes sageB ox.Sh ow(ee.ToSt ring()); } } priv ate v oid d ataGr idVie w1_Ce llCli ck(ob jectsende r,Da taGri dView CellE ventA rgs e){i f (in tFalg == 2 || i ntFal g ==3){ Fi llCon trols(); } }priva te vo id to olExi t_Cli ck(ob jectsende r, Ev entAr gs e){ th is.Cl ose();}priva te vo id to olDel ete_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {Contr olSta tus();//控件控年状态 int Falg= 3;//删除标记}p rivat e voi d too lStri p1_It emCli cked(objec t sen der,ToolS tripI temCl icked Event Argse) { } priv ate v oid t xtEmp Addre ss_Te xtCha nged(objec t sen der,Event Argse) { } }}供应商信息窗体:names paceCHEXC{ pub lic p artia l cla ss fr mComp anyIn fo :Form{p ublic frmC ompan yInfo() {Initi alize Compo nent(); } publ ic fr mComp anyIn fo(in t int Resul t) {Initi alize Compo nent();intRe turn= int Resul t; } publ ic st aticint i ntRet urn = 0; tb_Compa ny Co mpany = ne w tb_Compa ny();t b_Com panyM entho d Com panyM entho d = n ew tb_Comp anyMe nthod(); tb_JhGoo dsInf oMent hod j hgood = ne w tb_JhGoo dsInf oMent hod();publi c sta tic i nt in tFalg =0; pr ivate void Cont rolSt atus(){t his.t oolSa ve.En abled = !t his.t oolSa ve.En abled;t his.t oolAd d.Ena bled= !th olAdd.Enab led; thi s.too lCanc el.En abled = !t his.t oolCa ncel.Enabl ed; this.tool Amend.Enab led = !thi s.too lAmen d.Ena bled; th olref esh.E nable d = !this.toolr efesh.Enab led; } /// <su mmary>/// 将控件恢复到原始状态 /// </s ummar y> priv ate v oid C learC ontro ls() { txt Compa nyDir ector.Text = "";t xtCom panyA ddres s.Tex t = "";txtCo mpany Fax.T ext = ""; txt Compa nyNam e.Tex t = "";txtCo mpany Phone.Text = "";t xtCom panyR emark.Text = ""; } ///控制控件状态 ///</sum mary>p ublic intGetCo unt(){ in t int Reslu lt =0;if (i ntFal g ==1 ||intFa lg == 2) {i f (tx tComp anyNa me.Te xt == "") { Me ssage Box.S how("供应商名称不能为空!", "提示");retur n int Reslu lt;} if (txt Compa nyPho ne.Te xt == "") { Me ssage Box.S how("联系电话不能为空!", "提示");r eturn intR eslul t;} if(txtC ompan yDire ctor.Text== "") {Messa geBox.Show("地址不能为空!", "提示");r eturn intR eslul t;} if(intF alg != 2) { Co mpany.intC ompan yID = Comp anyMe nthod.tb_C ustom erID();} els e {Compa tComp anyID = th is.da taGri dView1[0,this.dataG ridVi ew1.C urren tCell.RowI ndex].Valu e.ToS tring();} Co mpany.intE mpFal g = 0; Co mpany.strC ompan yAddr ess = txtC ompan yAddr ess.T ext; Comp any.s trCom panyD irect or =txtCo mpany Direc tor.T ext; Comp any.s trCom panyF ax =txtCo mpany Fax.T ext; Comp any.s trCom panyN ame = txtC ompan yName.Text; Co mpany.strC ompan yPhon e = t xtCom panyP hone.Text; Com pany.strCo mpany Remar k = t xtCom panyR emark.Text; Co mpany.daRe DateT ime = Date Time.Now; } if (intFa lg == 3) {i f (tx tComp anyNa me.Te xt == "") { Me ssage Box.S how("供应商名称不能为空!请选择要删除的的记录", "提示");retur n int Reslu lt;} Co mpany.intE mpFal g =1; Com pany.intCo mpany ID =this.dataG ridVi ew1[0,thi s.dat aGrid View1.Curr entCe ll.Ro wInde x].Va lue.T oStri ng(); } int Reslu lt=1; re turnintRe slult; } priv ate v oid f rmCom panyI nfo_L oad(o bject send er, E ventA rgs e){C ompan yMent hod.t b_Com panyF ind("", 3, data GridV iew1);}priva te vo id tx tAddr ess_T extCh anged(obje ct se nder, Even tArgs e) { } pri vatevoidtoolE xit_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {this.Close(); } pri vatevoidtoolS ave_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {if (G etCou nt()== 1) { if (intFa lg == 1){ if(Comp anyMe nthod.tb_C ompan yMent hodAd d(Com pany) == 1) { if (int Retur n ==1) { frm GonYi ngSha ng fr mCop= (frm GonYi ngSha ng)th is.Ow ner; jh good.fillt Prod(frmCo p.tre eView1,frm Cop.i mageL ist1);Clear Contr ols();Contr olSta tus();intFa lg =0; this.Clos e(); }M essag eBox.Show("添加成功"); in tFalg = 0;Compa nyMen thod.tb_Co mpany Find("", 3, dat aGrid View1); Cle arCon trols(); Co ntrol Statu s();} els e { Me ssage Box.S how("添加失败"); int Falg= 0;C ompan yMent hod.t b_Com panyF ind("", 3, data GridV iew1); Clea rCont rols(); Con trolS tatus();} }if (i ntFal g ==2){ if (Compa nyMen thod.tb_Co mpany Menth odUpD ate(C ompan y) == 1) {Messa geBox.Show("修改成功");i ntFal g = 0; Comp anyMe nthod.tb_C ompan yFind("",3, da taGri dView1); Cl earCo ntrol s();C ontro lStat us(); } el se {M essag eBox.Show("修改失败"); in tFalg = 0;Compa nyMen thod.tb_Co mpany Find("", 3, dat aGrid View1); Cle arCon trols(); Co ntrol Statu s();} } if (intFa lg ==3){ if (Compa nyMen thod.tb_Co mpany Menth odDel ete(C ompan y) == 1) {Messa geBox.Show("删除成功");i ntFal g = 0; Comp anyMe nthod.tb_C ompan yFind("",3, da taGri dView1); Cl earCo ntrol s();C ontro lStat us(); } el se {M essag eBox.Show("删除失败"); in tFalg = 0;Compa nyMen thod.tb_Co mpany Find("", 3, dat aGrid View1); Cle arCon trols(); Co ntrol Statu s();} } }//}p rivat e voi d Fil lCont rols(){t ry{ Sq lData Reade r sql dr =Compa nyMen thod.tb_Co mpany Find(this.dataG ridVi ew1[0,thi s.dat aGrid View1.Curr entCe ll.Ro wInde x].Va lue.T oStri ng()); sq ldr.R ead(); if (sql dr.Ha sRows) {txtCo mpany Name.Text= sql dr[1].ToSt ring(); tx tComp anyDi recto r.Tex t = s qldr[2].To Strin g();txtCo mpany Phone.Text = sq ldr[3].ToS tring();t xtCom panyF ax.Te xt =sqldr[4].T oStri ng(); txtC ompan yAddr ess.T ext = sqld r[5].ToStr ing(); txt Compa nyRem ark.T ext = sqld r[6].ToStr ing(); } } catc h (Ex cepti on ee){ Mes sageB ox.Sh ow(ee.ToSt ring()); } } pri vatevoidtoolC ancel_Clic k(obj ect s ender, Eve ntArg s e) { Clea rCont rols();C ontro lStat us(); in tFalg = 0;}p rivat e voi d too lAdd_Click(obje ct se nder, Even tArgs e) { Cont rolSt atus();Clear Contr ols();i ntFal g = 1;//添加标记 } priv ate v oid t oolAm end_C lick(objec t sen der,Event Argse) {Contr olSta tus();C learC ontro ls(); in tFalg = 2;//修改加标记 } priv ate v oid t oolDe lete_Click(obje ct se nder, Even tArgs e) { } pri vatevoidtxtOK_Clic k(obj ect s ender, Eve ntArg s e) { str ing P_Str_cmdtx t = S tring.Empt y;strin g P_S tr_se lectc ondit ion = this.cbxC ondit ion.T ext; if(P_St r_sel ectco nditi on == null){ Mes sageB ox.Sh ow("请选择查询条件!"); ret urn; } if (this.txtKe yWord.Text == ""){ Me ssage Box.S how("输入查询条件!"); ret urn; } swit ch (P_Str_selec tcond ition){ cas e "供应商名称": Comp anyMe nthod.tb_C ompan yFind(txtK eyWor d.Tex t,1,d ataGr idVie w1);break; ca se "负责人姓名": Com panyM entho d.tb_Compa nyFin d(txt KeyWo rd.Te xt, 2, dat aGrid View1); br eak; defa ult:break;}}p rivat e voi d dat aGrid View1_Cell Click(obje ct se nder, Data GridV iewCe llEve ntArg s e) { if(intF alg == 2 || int Falg== 3) { Fill Contr ols();}}p rivat e voi d too lrefe sh_Cl ick(o bject send er, E ventA rgs e){C ontro lStat us(); in tFalg = 3;//修改加标记 } }}商品进货窗体:n amesp ace C HEXC{ publ ic pa rtial clas s frm JhGoo dsInf o : F orm { pu blicfrmJh Goods Info(){I nitia lizeC ompon ent();}publi c frm JhGoo dsInf o(int intC do) { Init ializ eComp onent(); } tb_JhGoo dsInf o jhG ood=n ew tb_JhGo odsIn fo();t b_JhG oodsI nfoMe nthod jhMe nthod=newtb_Jh Goods InfoM entho d(); pu blicstati c int intF alg = 0; pri vatevoidContr olSta tus(){ th olSav e.Ena bled= !th olSav e.Ena bled; th olAdd.Enab led = !thi s.too lAdd.Enabl ed; this.tool Cance l.Ena bled= !th olCan cel.E nable d;this.toolA mend.Enabl ed =!this.tool Amend.Enab led; thi s.tol lDele te.En abled = !t his.t ollDe lete.Enabl ed; } pub lic v oid C learC ontor l() { txtG oodsN um.Te xt =""; txtG oodsR emark.Text = "";t xtGoo dsSel lPric e.Tex t = "";txtJh CompN ame.T ext = ""; txt Goods NoPri ce.Te xt =""; txtG oodsN eedPr ice.T ext = ""; txt Goods Name.Text= ""; tx tGood sJhPr ice.T ext = ""; txt Goods ID.Te xt =""; txtE mpId.Text= ""; cm bDepo tName.Text = "";}publi c int getI ntCou nt() { int intR eslut = 0; if (int Falg== 1) { if (txtGo odsID.Text == ""){ Mess ageBo x.Sho w("商品编号不能为空!"); retu rn in tResl ut;} if (txt Goods Name.Text== "") {Messa geBox.Show("商品名称不能为空!");retur n int Reslu t;} if(txtJ hComp Name.Text== "") {Messa geBox.Show("供应商名称不能为空!"); retu rn in tResl ut;} if (txt EmpId.Text == ""){ Mess ageBo x.Sho w("进货人姓名不能为空!"); ret urn i ntRes lut; }i f (tx tGood sNum.Text== "") {Messa geBox.Show("数量不能为空!"); re turnintRe slut; }if (t xtGoo dsNam e.Tex t ==""){ Mes sageB ox.Sh ow("进货单价不能为空!"); ret urn i ntRes lut; }}i f (in tFalg == 2){ if(txtG oodsI D.Tex t ==""){ Mes sageB ox.Sh ow("商品编号不能为空!,选择要修改记录","提示");retur n int Reslu t;} } if(intF alg == 3) {if (t xtGoo dsID.Text== "") {Messa geBox.Show("商品编号不能为空!,选择要删除记录", "提示"); r eturn intR eslut; } } jhGo rGood sID = txtG oodsI D.Tex t;jhGoo d.str EmpId = tx tEmpI d.Tex t;jhGoo d.str JhCom pName = tx tGood sName.Text;j hGood.strD epotN ame = cmbD epotN ame.T ext; jhG ood.s trGoo dsNum = Co nvert.ToIn t32(t xtGoo dsNum.Text);jhGoo d.str Goods Name= txt Goods Name.Text; jh Good.strGo odsUn it =cmbGo odsUn it.Te xt; jhGo Goods JhPri ce =txtGo odsJh Price.Text;j hGood.deGo odsNe edPri ce =txtGo odsNe edPri ce.Te xt; jhGo Goods NoPri ce =txtGo odsNo Price.Text;j hGood.deGo odsSe llPri ce =txtGo odsSe llPri ce.Te xt; jhGo rGood sRema rk =txtGo odsRe mark.Text; jh Good.DaGoo dTime = da teTim ePick er1.V alue; if (int Falg!= 3) { jhGo od.Fa lg =0;}e lse {j hGood.Falg = 1; } int Reslu t = 1;r eturn intR eslut;}priva te vo id fr mJhGo odsIn fo_Lo ad(ob jectsende r, Ev entAr gs e){ jh Menth od.tb_JhGo odsIn foFin d("", 5, d ataGr idVie w1);。

附录2新华书店进销存管理系统部分程序源代码1 、主程序MAIN.PRG 程序代码毕业设计PUBLIC nkfgl,nxsgl,ncggl,nkcgl,nxtglSTORE .f. TO nkfgl,nxsgl,ncggl,nkcgl,nxtglPUBLIC nname,ndepartmentSTORE "" TO nname,ndepartmentDo Form loginfRead EventsDo Form mainRead EventsQuit2 、主表单MAIN.SCX 代码2.1 表单Init 过程程序代码do mmenu.mpr with this,.T. bel2.caption = nname bel4.caption = ndepartment3 、系统登入表单LOGINF.SCX 代码3.1 表单登入按钮Click 事件程序代码SELECT user GO TOP *检查用户名和密码是否输入If empty(thisform.text1.value) thenbel3.caption = " 请输入用户名"returnelseif empty(thisform.text2.value) then bel3.caption =" 请输入密码" returnendifendif* 操作USER 表,查询满足条件记录locate for name = alltrim(thisform.text1.value) if !found()bel3.caption=" 用户不存在" returnelseif user.password != alltrim(thisform.text2.value) thenbel3.caption=" 密码错误" return endifendifnname = ndepartment = user.department nkfgl = user.kfgl nxsgl = user.xsgl ncggl = user.cggl nkcgl = user.kcgl nxtgl = user.xtgl thisform.release clear events4 、系统管理表单XTGLF.SCX 代码4.1 表单Init 过程程序代码4.2 表单自定义过程 DIS_RECORD 程序代PUBLIC newcommand STORE .f. TO newcommand ifreccount("user") = 0 thisform.text1.value = "" thisform.text2.value = "" bo1.value = "" thisform.check1.value = 0 thisform.check2.value = 0 thisform.check3.value = 0 thisform.check4.value=thisform.check5.value = 0 else thisform.text1.value = 程序代thisform.text1.enabled = .f. thisform.text2.enabled = .f. thisform.text3.enabled = .f. bo1.enabled = .f. thisform.check1.enabled = .f. thisform.check2.enabled = .f. thisform.check3.enabled = .f. thisform.check4.enabled = .f. thisform.check5.enabled = .f. bel5.visible = .f. thisform.text3.visible = .f. mand10.enabled = .f. mand11.enabled = .f. thisform.dis_recordthisform.dis_reccommand thisform.text2.value = user.password bo1.value = user.department if user.kfgl thenthisform.check1.value = 1 elsethisform.check1.value = 0 endif if user.xsgl then thisform.check2.value = 1 elsethisform.check2.value = 0 endif if user.cggl then thisform.check3.value = 1 elsethisform.check3.value = 0 endif if user.kcgl then thisform.check4.value = 1 elsethisform.check4.value = 0 endif if user.xtgl then thisform.check5.value = 1 else thisform.check5.value = 0 endif endifthisform.refresh4.3表单自定义过程 DIS_RECCOMMAND private nstore 0 to nn = reccount("user") if n=1 .or. n=0 then mand1.enabled = .f.mand2.enabled = .f.mand3.enabled = .f.mand4.enabled = .f.elseif recno("user")=1 then mand1.enabled = .f.mand2.enabled = .f. mand3.enabled = .t.mand4.enabled = .t. elseif recno("user")=n thenmand1.enabled = .t.mand2.enabled = .t.mand3.enabled = .f. mand4.enabled = .f. elsemand1.enabled = .t.mand2.enabled = .t.mand3.enabled = .t. mand4.enabled = .t.endifendifendifthisform.refresh4.4 表单保存按钮Click 事件程序代码if empty(thisform.text1.value) then=messagebox(" 请输入用户名",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.text1.setfocus thisform.refreshreturnendifif empty(thisform.text2.value) then=messagebox(" 请输入密码",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.text2.setfocus thisform.refreshreturn endifif .not.(alltrim(thisform.text2.value) == alltrim(thisform.text3.value)) then =messagebox(" 密码重复错误,请重新输入",0+48+0," 出错")thisform.text2.value = ""thisform.text3.value = ""thisform.text2.setfocusthisform.refreshreturnendifif empty(bo1.value) then=messagebox(" 请选择所属部门",0+48+0," 出错")bo1.setfocusthisform.refreshreturnendifif thisform.check1.value=0.and.thisform.check2.value=0.and.thisform.check3.value=0.and.thisform.check4.value=0.and.thisform.check5.value=0 then=messagebox(" 至少选择一个用户权限",0+48+0," 出错")thisform.check1.setfocusthisform.refreshreturnendifif eck5.value=1 thenmesbox=messagebox(" 此用户将具有全部权限, 请确认",4+48+0," 警告")if mesbox=7 thenthisform.check1.setfocusthisform.refreshreturnendifendif *用户权限处理PRIVATE nname,npassword,ndepartment,nkf,nxs,ncg,nkc,nxt nname =alltrim(thisform.text1.value)npassword = alltrim(thisform.text2.value)ndepartment = alltrim(bo1.value)if thisform.check1.value = 1 thennkf = .t.elsenkf = .f.endif&& if thisform.check2.value = 1 thennxs = .t.elsenxs = .f.endifif thisform.check3.value = 1 thenncg = .t.elsencg = .f.endifif thisform.check4.value = 1 thennkc = .t.elsenkc = .f.endifif thisform.check5.value = 1 thennxt = .t.elsenxt = .f.endif*判断是新记录保存还是修改记录If newcommand thennewcommand = .t. 是新记录保存locate for =alltrim(thisform.text1.value)into valuespassword=if found() then =messagebox(" 用户已经存在 ",0+48+0," 出错 ")thisform.text1.setfocus thisform.refresh return endif* 数据表 user 保存记录 insertuser(name,password,department,kfgl,xsgl,cggl,kcgl,xtgl) (nname,npassword,ndepartment,nkf,nxs,ncg,nkc,nxt) =messagebox(" 保存完毕 ",0+48+0," 提示 ") elseupdate user setnpassword,department=ndepartment,kfgl=nkf,xsgl=nxs,cggl=ncg, kcgl=nkc,xtgl=nxt where name= nname=messagebox(" 修改完成 ",0+48+0," 提示 ") endif*表单初始化 thisform.text1.enabled = .f. thisform.text2.enabled = .f. thisform.text3.enabled = .f. bo1.enabled = .f. thisform.check1.enabled = .f. thisform.check2.enabled = .f. thisform.check3.enabled = .f. thisform.check4.enabled = .f. thisform.check5.enabled = .f.mand1.enabled = .t. mand2.enabled = .t. mand3.enabled = .t. mand4.enabled = .t. mand5.enabled = .t. mand6.enabled = .t. mand7.enabled = .t. mand8.enabled = .t. mand9.enabled = .t. mand10.enabled =.f. mand11.enabled =.f. mand12.enabled = .t. bel5.visible = .f. thisform.text3.visible = .f. thisform.dis_reccommand thisform.dis_record newcommand = .f. thisform.refreshwindow4.5表单浏览按钮 Click 事件程序代码DEFINE WINDOW browsewin FROM 1,1 TO 30,80 noFLOAT CLOSEnominimize nogrow nozoom systembrow fields name,department,kfgl,xsgl,cggl,kcgl browsewin noappend nomodify nodeleterelease window browsewin5、 图书管理表单 TSGL.SCX 代码5.1自定义过程 AUTO_BOOKID 程序代码select book set order to bookid go bottomprivate autoid1,autoid2,autoid3,autoid4autoid1 = alltrim(str(val(substr(alltrim(book.bookid),2,6))+1,6,0)) autoid2 = len(autoid1) if autoid2 != 6 thenfor n = autoid2 to 5autoid1 = "0" + autoid1 endforendif autoid4 = "B" + alltrim(autoid1) thisform.text1.value = autoid45.2新建按钮 Click 事件程序代码thisform.text2.enabled = .t. thisform.text3.enabled = .t. thisform.text4.enabled = .t. thisform.text5.enabled = .t. thisform.text6.enabled = .t. bo1.enabled = .t. thisform.text7.enabled = .t. thisform.text8.enabled = .t. mand1.enabled = .f. mand2.enabled = .f. mand3.enabled = .f. mand4.enabled = .f. mand5.enabled = .f. mand6.enabled = .f. mand7.enabled=.f.mand8.enabled=.f.mand9.enabled = .f. mand10.enabled =.t. mand11.enabled =.t. mand12.enabled = .t.thisform.text2.value = ""thisform.text3.value = ""thisform.text4.value = "" thisform.text5.value = "" thisform.text6.value = "" bo1.value = "" thisform.text7.value = 0thisform.text8.value = 0thisform.auto_bookidthisform.text2.setfocusthisform.newcommand = .t.thisform.refresh5.3 删除按钮Click 事件程序代码if reccount("book")=1 then =messagebox(" 只有一条记录,不能删除",0+16+0,"出错")return elsenbookid = alltrim(thisform.text1.value)nbookname = alltrim(thisform.text2.value)mesbox=messagebox(" 是否删除"+nbookid+" 号图书",4+48+0," 警告") if mesbox=7 thenreturnelseuse book EXCLUSIVEdelete from book where bookid=nbookid pack=messagebox(nbookid+" 图书已经删除",0+48+0," 提示") endif endif thisform.dis_recordthisform.dis_reccommand thisform.grid1.recordsource = "book" thisform.refresh 5.4 保存按钮Click 事件程序代码if empty(thisform.text2.value)=messagebox(" 请输入书名",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.text2.setfocus thisform.refreshreturn endif if empty(thisform.text3.value)=messagebox(" 请输入书号",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.text3.setfocus thisform.refreshreturn endif if empty(thisform.text4.value)=messagebox(" 请输入出版社",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.text4.setfocus thisform.refreshreturn endif if empty(thisform.text5.value)=messagebox(" 请输入作者信息",0+48+0," 出错")thisform.text5.setfocusthisform.refreshreturn endif if empty(bo1.value)=messagebox(" 请选择图书类型",0+48+0," 出错")bo1.setfocusthisform.refreshreturn endif if thisform.text7.value = 0=messagebox(" 请输入价格",0+48+0," 出错") bo1.setfocus thisform.refreshthenbook values setwherereturn endifPRIVATE nbookid,nbookname,nbookno,nbookphouse,nbookwriter,nbookc d,nbookclass,nbookprice,nbookdiscountnbookid = alltrim(thisform.text1.value) nbookname = alltrim(thisform.text2.value) nbookno = alltrim(thisform.text3.value) nbookphouse = alltrim(thisform.text4.value) nbookwriter = alltrim(thisform.text5.value) nbookcd = alltrim(thisform.text6.value) nbookclass = alltrim(bo1.value) nbookprice = thisform.text7.value nbookdiscount = thisform.text8.value*判断是新记录保存还是修改记录 If thisform.newcommand && newcommand = .t. 是新记录保存* 数据表 book 保存记录 insert into(bookid,bookname,bookno,bookphouse,bookwriter,bookcd,bookcl ass,bookprice,bookdiscount)(nbookid,nbookname,nbookno,nbookphouse,nbookwriter,nbookc d,nbookclass,nbookprice,nbookdiscount)=messagebox(" 保存完毕 ",0+48+0," 提示 ") else update bookbookname=nbookname,bookno=nbookno,bookphouse=nbookpho use,bookwriter=nbookwriter,bookcd=nbookcd,bookclass=nbookcl ass,bookprice=nbookprice,bookdiscount=nbookdiscount bookid=nbookid=messagebox(" 修改完成 ",0+48+0," 提示 ") endifnoFLOATfieldsnoappend *表单初始化 thisform.text2.enabled = .f. thisform.text3.enabled = .f.thisform.text4.enabled = .f. thisform.text5.enabled = .f. thisform.text6.enabled = .f. bo1.enabled = .f. thisform.text7.enabled = .f. thisform.text8.enabled = .f.mand5.enabled = .t. mand6.enabled = .t. mand7.enabled = .t. mand8.enabled =.t. mand9.enabled=.t.mand10.enabled=.f.mand11.enabled =.f. mand12.enabled = .t. thisform.dis_recordthisform.dis_reccommand thisform.newcommand = .f. thisform.refresh5.5浏览按钮 Click 事件程序代码DEFINE WINDOW browsewin FROM 1,1 TO 30,160 CLOSE nominimize nogrow nozoom system browbookid,bookname,bookno,bookphouse,bookwriter,bookcd,bookclass,bookprice,bookdiscount window browsewin nomodify nodelete release window browsewin6、 会员输入表单 KFGL_HYSR.SCX 程序代码 6.1自定义过程 AUTO_VIPID 程序代码select vipset order to vipid go bottomprivate autoid1,autoid2,autoid3,autoid4autoid1 = alltrim(str(val(substr(alltrim(vip.vipid),2,6))+1,6,0)) autoid2 = len(autoid1) if autoid2 != 6 thenfor n = autoid2 to 5 autoid1 = "0" + autoid1 endforendif autoid4 = "V" + alltrim(autoid1) thisform.text1.value = autoid46.2 保存按钮Click 事件程序代码*输入数据校验if empty(thisform.text2.value)=messagebox(" 请输入会员姓名",0+16+0," 出错") thisform.text2.setfocus returnendifif thisform.optiongroup1.value = 0=messagebox(" 请选择会员性别",0+16+0," 出错")thisform.optiongroup1.option1.setfocusreturnelse private nvipsex store "" to nvipsex if thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1vipvaluesstore " 男 " to nvipsex elsestor " 女 " to nvipsex endif endifif empty(thisform.text4.value)=messagebox(" 请输入会员联系地址 ",0+16+0," 出错 ") thisform.text4.setfocus return endifif empty(thisform.text5.value)=messagebox(" 请输入会员联系电话 ",0+16+0," 出错 ") thisform.text5.setfocus return endifif empty(thisform.text6.value)=messagebox(" 请输入邮政编码 ",0+16+0," 出错 ") thisform.text6.setfocus return endif *保存数据private nvipid,nvipname,nvipadd,nvipphone,nvipcode nvipid =alltrim(thisform.text1.value) nvipname = alltrim(thisform.text2.value) nvipadd = alltrim(thisform.text4.value) nvipphone = alltrim(thisform.text5.value) nvipcode = alltrim(thisform.text6.value) insert into(vipid,vipname,vipsex,vipadd,vipphone,vipcode,vipsum,vipdiscou nt) (nvipid,nvipname,nvipsex,nvipadd,nvipphone,nvipcode,0,0)=messagebox(" 保存成功 ",0+48+0," 提示 ") nmesbox=messagebox(" 是否打印会员卡? ",4+32+0," 会员卡打印 ") if nmesbox = 6会员编号 "select vip.vipid,vip.vipname,vip.vipsex,vip.vipadd,vip.vipphone,vip.vipco de from vip where vip.vipid = nvipid into cursor vipcardselect vipcardreport form vipcard.frx to print use in vipcard endifthisform.auto_vipid mand2.click6.3清除按钮 Click 事件程序代码thisform.text2.value = "" thisform.optiongroup1.value = 0 thisform.text4.value = "" thisform.text5.value = "" thisform.text6.value = "" thisform.text1.setfocus thisform.refresh7、 会员查询表单 KFGL_HYCX.SCX 程序代码7.1表单自定义过程 DIS_GRID 程序代码thisform.grid1.readonly = .t.thisform.grid1.columncount = 8 thisform.grid1.column1.header1.caption = " thisform.grid1.column1.width = 80 thisform.grid1.column1.movable = .f. thisform.grid1.column1.resizable = .f.会员姓名" thisform.grid1.column2.header1.caption = " thisform.grid1.column2.width = 80 thisform.grid1.column2.movable = .f.thisform.grid1.column2.resizable = .f.thisform.grid1.column3.header1.caption = "thisform.grid1.column3.width = 80 thisform.grid1.column3.movable = .f. thisform.grid1.column3.resizable = .f. thisform.grid1.column4.header1.caption = " thisform.grid1.column4.width = 250 thisform.grid1.column4.movable = .f. thisform.grid1.column4.resizable = .f. thisform.grid1.column5.header1.caption = " thisform.grid1.column5.width = 80 thisform.grid1.column5.movable = .f. thisform.grid1.column5.resizable = .f. 会员性别"联系地址"联系电话"thisform.grid1.column6.header1.caption = " thisform.grid1.column6.width = 80 thisform.grid1.column6.movable = .f. thisform.grid1.column6.resizable = .f. thisform.grid1.column7.header1.caption = " thisform.grid1.column7.width = 80 thisform.grid1.column7.movable = .f. thisform.grid1.column7.resizable = .f. 邮政编码"累计购书金额"thisform.grid1.column8.header1.caption = " thisform.grid1.column8.width = 80 thisform.grid1.column8.movable = .f. thisform.grid1.column8.resizable = .f. 会员优惠折扣"thisform.refreshcursor.or.7.2表单 Init 过程程序代码thisform.dis_grid public ncombo1,ncombo2,ntext1,chsql,cxsql store "" to ncombo1,ncombo2,ntext1,chsql,cxsqlthisform.optiongroup1.value = 0 thisform.optiongroup1.enabled = .f. thisform.grid1.recordsource = Null selectvip.vipid,vip.vipname,vip.vipsex,vip.vipadd,vip.vipphone,vip.vipco de,vip.vipsum,vip.vipdiscount from vip into hycx_temptable order by vip.vipidthisform.grid1.recordsource = "hycx_temptable" thisform.dis_grid thisform.refresh7.3表单添加条件按钮 Click 事件程序代码if empty(bo1.value) empty(bo2.value) .or. empty(thisform.text1.value) =messagebox(" 请输入条件 ",0+48+0," 出错 ") bo1.setfocusreturn endifif thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1 chsql = " AND " endifif thisform.optiongroup1.value = 2 chsql = " OR " endifchsql = chsql + ncombo1 + ncombo2 + ntext1 thisform.edit1.value = thisform.edit1.value + chsql if .not.empty(thisform.edit1.value)thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1thisform.optiongroup1.enabled = .t. endif bo1.value = "" bo2.value = "" thisform.text1.value = "" chsql = ""bo1.setfocus thisform.refresh7.4 表单条件查询按钮Click 事件程序代码if empty(thisform.edit1.value) =messagebox(" 请输入查询条件",0+16+0," 出错") mand1.setfocusthisform.refreshreturnendifcxsql = alltrim(thisform.edit1.value)thisform.grid1.recordsource = Nullselectvip.vipid,vip.vipname,vip.vipsex,vip.vipadd,vip.vipphone,vip.vipco de,vip.vipsum,vip.vipdiscount from vip where &cxsql into cursor hycx_temptable order by vip.vipid thisform.grid1.recordsource = "hycx_temptable"thisform.optiongroup1.value = 0 thisform.optiongroup1.enabled = .f. bo1.value = "" bo2.value = ""thisform.text1.value = "" thisform.edit1.value = "" store "" to ncombo1,ncombo2,ntext1,chsql,cxsqlthisform.refresh8 、会员修改表单KFGL_HYXG.SCX 程序代码8.1 表单Init 过程程序代码LPARAMETERS nPar1select vip set order to vipid locate for vip.vipid = nPar1thisform.text1.value = vip.vipid thisform.text2.value = vip.vipname if vip.vipsex = " 男"thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1 elsethisform.optiongroup1.value = 2 endif thisform.text4.value =vip.vipaddthisform.text5.value = vip.vipphonethisform.text6.value = vip.vipcode thisform.refresh*输入数据校验if empty(thisform.text2.value)=messagebox(" 请输入会员姓名",0+48+0," 出错")thisform.text2.setfocusreturnendifif thisform.optiongroup1.value = 0 =messagebox(" 请选择会员性别",0+48+0,"出错") thisform.optiongroup1.option1.setfocus returnelse private nvipsex store "" to nvipsex if thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1store " 男" to nvipsex elsestor " 女" to nvipsexendifendifif empty(thisform.text4.value) =messagebox(" 请输入会员联系地址",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.text4.setfocus returnendifif empty(thisform.text5.value) =messagebox(" 请输入会员联系电话",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.text5.setfocus returnendifif empty(thisform.text6.value) =messagebox(" 请输入邮政编码",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.text6.setfocus returnendif*修改数据private nvipid,nvipname,nvipadd,nvipphone,nvipcode nvipid =alltrim(thisform.text1.value) nvipname = alltrim(thisform.text2.value) nvipadd =alltrim(thisform.text4.value) nvipphone = alltrim(thisform.text5.value) nvipcode =alltrim(thisform.text6.value)update vip set vip.vipname = nvipname, vip.vipsex = nvipsex, vip.vipadd = nvipadd,vip.vipphone = nvipphone, vip.vipcode = nvipcode where vip.vipid = nvipid=messagebox(" 修改已完成",0+48+0," 提示")thisform.release8.3 删除按钮Click 事件程序代码nvipid = alltrim(thisform.text1.value)mesbox=messagebox(" 是否删除" + nvipid + " 号会员",4+48+0," 警告") if mesbox=7 thenreturnelseuse vip EXCLUSIVEdelete from vip where vip.vipid = nvipidpack=messagebox(" 会员" + nvipid + " 已经删除",0+48+0," 提示") endif thisform.release9 、会员卡打印表单KFGL_HYDY.SCX 程序代码9.1 打印按钮Click 事件程序代码if empty(thisform.text1.value)=messagebox(" 请输入会员编号",0+16+0," 出错") thisform.text1.setfocus returnelsenvipid = thisform.text1.valueendifnmesbox=messagebox(" 是否打印会员卡?",4+32+0," 会员卡打印") if nmesbox = 6select vip.vipid,vip.vipname,vip.vipsex,vip.vipadd,vip.vipphone,vip.vipco de from vip where vip.vipid = nvipid into cursor vipcardselect vipcardreport form vipcard.frx to printuse in vipcardendif9.2 输入框Text1 的Valid 事件程序代码this.value = alltrim(this.value) if .not.empty(this.value)select vipgo toplocate for vip.vipid = this.value if found()thisform.text2.value = vip.vipname thisform.text3.value = vip.vipsexthisform.text4.value = vip.vipaddthisform.text5.value = vip.vipphone thisform.text6.value = vip.vipcodeelse=messagebox(" 会员编号不存在",0+16+0," 出错") thisform.text1.value = ""thisform.text2.value = ""thisform.text3.value = ""thisform.text4.value = ""thisform.text5.value = ""thisform.text6.value = "" endif endif thisform.refresh10 、采购员管理表单KFGL_CGY.SCX 程序代码10.1 表单自定义过程AUTO_BUYERID 程序代码select buyerset order to buyeridgo bottomprivate autoid1,autoid2,autoid3,autoid4 autoid1alltrim(str(val(substr(alltrim(buyer.buyerid),4,2))+1,2,0)) autoid2 = len(autoid1) if autoid2 =1autoid1 = "0" + autoid1 endif autoid4 = "BUY" + alltrim(autoid1) thisform.text1.value = autoid410.2 表单表单保存按钮Click 程序代码privatenbuyerid,nbuyername,nbuyersex,nbuyerbirthday,nbuyeradd,nb uyerphoneif empty(thisform.text2.value)=messagebox(" 请输入采购员姓名",0+48+0," 出错")thisform.text2.setfocusthisform.refreshreturn endif if thisform.optiongroup1.value = 0 =messagebox(" 请选择采购员性别",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.optiongroup1.option1.setfocus thisform.refresh returnendifif thisform.text3.value = {} =messagebox(" 请输入出生年月",0+48+0," 出错") thisform.text3.setfocus thisform.refresh returnendifif empty(thisform.text4.value) then =messagebox(" 请输入家庭住址",0+48+0,"出错") thisform.text4.setfocus thisform.refresh returnendifif empty(thisform.text5.value) then =messagebox(" 请输入联系电话",0+48+0,"出错") thisform.text5.setfocus thisform.refresh returnendifnbuyerid = alltrim(thisform.text1.value) nbuyername = alltrim(thisform.text2.value) if thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1nbuyersex = " 男"elsenbuyersex = " 女"endifnbuyerbirthday = dtoc(thisform.text3.value)是新记录into values setnbuyeradd = alltrim(thisform.text4.value)nbuyerphone = alltrim(thisform.text5.value)*判断是新记录保存还是修改记录 If thisform.newcommand = .t. && newcommand = .t.存* 数据表 buyer 保存记录insertbuyer(buyerid,buyername,buyersex,buyerbirthday,buyeradd,buyerphone)(nbuyerid,nbuyername,nbuyersex,nbuyerbirthday,nbuyeradd,nbuyerphone)=messagebox(" 保存完毕 ",0+48+0," 提示 ")elseupdate buyerbuyername=nbuyername,buyersex=nbuyersex,buyerbirthday=nbuyerbirthday,buyeradd=nbuyeradd,buyerphone=nbuyerphone wherebuyerid=nbuyerid=messagebox(" 修改完成 ",0+48+0," 提示 ") endif*表单初始化thisform.text1.enabled = .f.thisform.text2.enabled = .f.thisform.optiongroup1.enabled = .f.thisform.text3.enabled = .f.thisform.text4.enabled = .f.thisform.text5.enabled = .f.mand1.enabled = .t.mand2.enabled = .t.mand3.enabled = .t.mand4.enabled = .t.mand5.enabled = .t.mand6.enabled = .t.mand7.enabled = .t.mand8.enabled = .t.mand9.enabled = .t.采购员 已经删mand10.enabled =.f. mand11.enabled =.f.mand12.enabled = .t. thisform.dis_record thisform.dis_reccommand thisform.newcommand = .f.thisform.refresh10.3 表单删除按钮 Click 程序代码if reccount("buyer")=1 then=messagebox(" 只有一条记录 ,不能删除 ",0+16+0," 出错") return elsenbuyerid = alltrim(thisform.text1.value) nbuyername =alltrim(thisform.text2.value) mesbox=messagebox(" 是 否 删 除"+nbuyerid+" 号 "+nbuyername,4+48+0," 警告 ")if mesbox=7 then returnelseuse buyer EXCLUSIVEdelete from buyer where buyer.buyerid=nbuyerid pack=messagebox(nbuyerid+" 号采购员 "+nbuyername+"",0+48+0," 提示 ")endif endif thisform.dis_recordthisform.dis_reccommand thisform.refreshnoFLOAT fields 10.4 表单浏览按钮 Click 程序代码DEFINE WINDOW browsewin FROM 1,1 TO 30,120 CLOSEnominimize nogrow nozoom system select buyerset order to buyeridbrowbuyerid,buyername,buyersex,buyerbirthday,buyeradd,buyerpho ne window browsewin noappend nomodify nodelete release window browsewin 10.5 表单自定义过程 DIS_RECORD 程序代码select buyer set order to buyeridif reccount("buyer") = 0 thisform.text1.value = "" thisform.text2.value = ""thisform.optiongroup1.value = 0 thisform.text3.value = {} thisform.text4.value = "" thisform.text5.value = ""elsethisform.text1.value = buyer.buyerid thisform.text2.value = buyer.buyername if buyer.buyersex = " 男 " thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1 elsethisform.optiongroup1.value = 2 endifthisform.text3.value = buyer.buyerbirthday thisform.text4.value =buyer.buyeradd thisform.text5.value = buyer.buyerphone endif.and.thisform.refresh11 、 采购员信息查找表单 KFGL_CGY_CZ.SCX 程序代码 11.1 表单查找按钮 Click 事件程序代码if thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1 empty(thisform.text1.value)=messagebox(" 请输入采购员编号 ",0+16+0," 出错 ")thisform.text1.setfocus return endif if thisform.optiongroup1.value = 2 empty(thisform.text2.value) =messagebox(" 请输入采购员姓名 ",0+16+0," 出错 ")thisform.text2.setfocusreturn endif if thisform.optiongroup1.value = 0=messagebox(" 请选择条件 ",0+16+0," 出错 ")thisform.optiongroup1.option1.setfocusreturn endifselect buyerset order to buyeridgo topif thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1locate for buyerid == alltrim(thisform.text1.value)if .not.found()=messagebox(" 没有附和条件记录 ",0+16+0," 出错 ")thisform.text1.setfocusreturnendif elselocate for buyername = alltrim(thisform.text2.value)if .not.found()=messagebox(" 没有附和条件记录 ",0+16+0," 出错 ")thisform.text2.setfocusreturnendifendifcggl_cgy.dis_recordcggl_cgy.dis_reccommand cggl_cgy.refresh thisform.release。

<%'创建表单 form1,采用隐式传递,提交目标网页 AddCustomer.asp 并返回一个 action 值%>
memo = Trim(Request.Form("memo"))
If customer_id = "" Or name = "" Then '如果客户编号或客户名称为空,则提示’客户编号或客户名
Response.Write "<Script>alert('客户编号或客户名称不能为空!');</Script>"
customer_id%> name%> city%>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td align="right"><font color="ff0000">**</font>客户姓名:</td>
<td height="25"> <input type="text" name="name">
End If

package com.lzw;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;import ng.reflect.Constructor;import .*;import java.util.*;import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.event.*;import com.lzw.iframe.*;public class MenuBar extends JMenuBar {/*** (进货管理)菜单*/private JMenu jinhuo_Menu = null;/*** (进货单)菜单项,位于(进货管理)菜单内*/private JMenuItem jinhuoItem = null;/*** (进货退货)菜单项,位于(进货管理)菜单内 */private JMenuItem jinhuo_tuihuoItem = null;/*** (销售管理)菜单*/private JMenu xiaoshou_Menu = null;/*** (库存管理)菜单*/private JMenu kucun_Menu = null;/*** (信息查询)菜单*/private JMenu xinxi_chaxunMenu = null;/*** (基本资料)菜单*/private JMenu jiben_ziliaoMenu = null;/*** (系统维护)菜单*/private JMenu xitong_weihuMenu = null;/*** (窗口)菜单*/private JMenu chuang_kouMenu = null;/*** (帮助)菜单*/private JMenu bang_zhuMenu = null;/*** (关于)菜单项,位于(帮助)菜单内*/private JMenuItem guanyu_Item = null;/*** (联系技术支持)菜单项,位于(帮助)菜单内 */private JMenuItem bugItem = null;/*** (访问技术网站)菜单项,位于(帮助)菜单内 */private JMenuItem fangwen_wangzhanItem = null; /*** (销售单)菜单项,位于(销售管理)菜单内 */private JMenuItem xiaoshou_danItem = null;/*** (销售退货)菜单项,位于(销售管理)菜单内 */private JMenuItem xiaoshou_tuihuoItem = null;/*** (库存盘点)菜单项,位于(库存管理)菜单内 */private JMenuItem kucun_pandianItem = null;/*** (价格调整)菜单项,位于(库存管理)菜单内 */private JMenuItem jiage_tiaozhengItem = null;/*** (销售查询)菜单项,位于(信息查询)菜单内*/private JMenuItem xiaoshou_chaxunItem = null;/*** (商品查询)菜单项,位于(信息查询)菜单内*/private JMenuItem shangpin_chaxunItem = null;/*** (销售排行)菜单项,位于(信息查询)菜单内*/private JMenuItem xiaoshou_paihangItem = null;/*** (商品管理)菜单项,位于(基本资料)菜单内*/private JMenuItem shangpin_guanliItem = null;/*** (客户管理)菜单项,位于(基本资料)菜单内*/private JMenuItem kehu_guanliItem = null;/*** (供应商管理)菜单项,位于(基本资料)菜单内*/private JMenuItem gys_guanliItem = null;/*** (经手人设置)菜单项,位于(基本资料)菜单内*/private JMenuItem jsr_guanliItem = null;/*** (密码修改)菜单项,位于(系统维护)菜单内*/private JMenuItem mima_xiugaiItem = null;/*** (数据库备份与恢复)菜单项,位于(系统维护)菜单内 */private JMenuItem shuju_beifenItem = null;/*** (退出)菜单项,位于(系统维护)菜单内*/private JMenuItem exitItem = null;/*** (窗口平铺)菜单项,位于(窗口)菜单内*/private JMenuItem pingpuItem = null;/*** 容纳内部窗体的桌面面板*/private JDesktopPane desktopPanel = null;/*** 内部窗体的集合*/private Map<JMenuItem, JInternalFrame> iFrames = null; /*** 内部窗体的位置坐标*/private int nextFrameX, nextFrameY;/*** (全部关闭)菜单项,位于(窗口)菜单内*/private JMenuItem closeAllItem = null;/*** (全部最小化)菜单项,位于(窗口)菜单内*/private JMenuItem allIconItem = null;/*** (全部还原)菜单项,位于(窗口)菜单内*/private JMenuItem allResumeItem = null;/*** 状态栏的内部窗体提示标签*/private JLabel stateLabel = null;/*** 默认的构造方法**/private MenuBar() {}public MenuBar(JDesktopPane desktopPanel, JLabel label) {super();iFrames = new HashMap<JMenuItem, JInternalFrame>();this.desktopPanel = desktopPanel;this.stateLabel = label;initialize();}/*** 初始化菜单栏界面的方法**/private void initialize() {this.setSize(new Dimension(600, 24));add(getJinhuo_Menu());add(getXiaoshou_Menu());add(getKucun_Menu());add(getXinxi_chaxunMenu());add(getJiben_ziliaoMenu());add(getXitong_weihuMenu());add(getChuang_kouMenu());add(getBang_zhuMenu());}/*** 初始化进货管理菜单的方法** @return javax.swing.JMenu*/public JMenu getJinhuo_Menu() {if (jinhuo_Menu == null) {jinhuo_Menu = new JMenu();jinhuo_Menu.setText("进货管理(J)");jinhuo_Menu.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_J);jinhuo_Menu.add(getJinhuoItem());jinhuo_Menu.add(getJinhuo_tuihuoItem());}return jinhuo_Menu;}/*** 初始化(进货单)菜单项的方法该方法定义菜单项打开进货单窗口,并使窗口处于被选择状态** @return javax.swing.JMenuItem*/public JMenuItem getJinhuoItem() {if (jinhuoItem == null) {jinhuoItem = new JMenuItem();jinhuoItem.setText("进货单");jinhuoItem.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/res/icon/jinhuodan.png")));jinhuoItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {createIFrame(jinhuoItem, JinHuoDan_IFrame.class);}});}return jinhuoItem;}/*** 初始化(进货退货)菜单项的方法,该方法定义菜单项打开(进货退货)窗体,并使窗体处于已选择状态。

參止头埒秦皇岛分校NorthEastern University At QinHuangDaoC语言课程设计综合性程序设计报告之源程序设计题目:电脑公司进销存管理系统专业:冶金工程学号:8090507姓名:刘欢成绩: ________________设计时间: 2010年11月03日二•开题说明1•问题概要该系统用于处理某电脑公司的设备买入,卖出,仓储等设备账目。
功能模块四•源程序#i nclude <stdio.h>#i nclude <stdlib.h>#i nclude vconi o.h>#in clude <dos.h>#i nclude <stri ng.h>#define LEN sizeof(struct object)#defi ne FORMAT1 "\t%-8d%-11s%-9.2f%-6d%-4d\n"#defi ne DATA1 (p1+i)->nu m,(p1+i)->n ame,(p1+i)->i nprice,(p1+i)->i ny ear,(p1+i)->i nmonth#defi ne FORMAT2 "\t%-8d%-11s%-9.2f%-9.2f%-7.2f%-6d%-4d%-6d%-4d\n"#defi ne DATA2 (p1+i)->nu m,(p1+i)->n ame,(p1+i)->inprice,(p1+i)->outprice,(p1+i)->profit,(p1+i)- >iny ear,(p1+i)->inmonth,(p1+i)->outyear,(p1+i)->outm onthvoid in();void show();void modify();void sell();void menu();void mon thearn();struct object{int nu m,i ny ear,i nmon th,outyear,outmo nth;char n ame[10];float in price,outprice,profit;} obj[100];struct object *p1=obj;mai n(){int n;menu();while( n)switch( n){case 1: in( );break;case 2:sell();break;case 3:modify();break;case 4:show();break;case 5:m on thear n( );break;default:break;}getch();menu();sca nf("%d",&n);}}void menu ()// 菜单{system("cls");prin tf("\n\n\n\n\n\n");*************** 菜单************** \n");prin tf("\t\t 0.退出\n ”);printf("\t\t 1.进货操作\n");printf("\t\t 2.售货操作\n");prin tf("\t\t 3•修改信息\n");prin tf("\t\t 4.账目清单\n");prin tf("\t\t 5月利润查询\n");printf("\t\t********************************\n")・}void in() //进货操作{int i,m=0;char ch[2];FILE *p;if( (p=fope n( "data","a+"))==NULL){printf("打不开文件!\n"); //打开文件retur n;}while(!feof(p)){if(fread(&obj[m] ,L EN,1,p)==1)m++; //将数据读入内存}fclose(p);if(m==0)printf("无记录!\n");printf("请确认是否进货?( y/n)");sea nf("%s",ch);while(strcmp(ch,"y")==0||strcmp(ch,"y")==0){printf("请输入设备编号:");sca nf("%d", &obj[m]. nu m);for(i=0;i<m;i++)if((p1+i)->num==obj[m]. num){printf("此号已存在,按任意键继续!");getch();fclose(p);return;}printf("设备名称:");sca nf("%s",obj[m]. name);printf("进价:");sca nf("%f",&obj[m].i nprice);printf("进货年、月:");sea nf("%d%d",&obj[m].i nyear,&obj[m].i nmon th);obj[m].outprice=0;obj[m].outyear=0;(p1+m)->outm on th=0;fope n( "data","w"); //打开文件用以向磁盘导入数据for(i=0;i<=m;i++)fwrite(&obj[i],LEN,1,p);if(fwrite(&obj[m] ,L EN,1,p)!=1){printf("无法保存!");getch();}else{printf("%s 保存成功!\n",obj[m].name);m++;}printf("继续?( y/n)");sca nf("%s",ch);}fclose(p);printf("保存完毕!\n");printf("进价:");}void sell() //售货操作{FILE *p;int snu m,i,j,m=0;char ch[2];if((p二fope n("data","rb"))==NULL){prin tf("无法打开文件! \n"); retur n;}while(!feof(p))if(fread(&obj[m] ,L EN,1,p)==1) m++;fclose(p);if(m==0){printf("无记录! \n"); return;} sca nf("%d", &sn um);//打开文件//读入printf("请输入编号:");for(i=0;i<m;i++)if(snum==(p1+i)->num)break;if(i<m) // 判断1{printf("查得此物品,确认出售? ( y/n) ”);sca nf("%s",ch);if(strcmp(ch,"y")==O||strcmp(ch,"Y")==0) //判断2 {printf("请输入售价:");sca nf("%f",&(p1+i)->outprice);(p1+i)->profit=((p1+i)->outprice-(p1+i)->i nprice);printf("\n请输入售出年、月:");sca nf("%d%d",&(p1+i)->outyear,&(p1+i)->outmo nth);if((p=fope n("data","wb+"))==NULL){printf("打不开文件! \n ”);return;}for(j=0;j<m;j++)if(fwrite(&obj[j],LEN,1,p)!=1) printf("无法保存! \n”); getch();}printf("售货成功!"); fclose(p);retur n;}elsereturn; //判断2}elseprintf("无此物品!");return; 〃判断1}void modify() // 修改信息FILE *p;int i,j,m=O,s num;if((p二fope n( "data","rb"))==NULL) {printf("打不开文件!\n”);return;}while(!feof(p))if(fread(&obj[m] ,L EN,1,p)==1)m++;if(m==0){printf("无记录! \n");fclose(p);return;}printf("请输入欲修改信息的货物编号:");sca nf("%d",&sn um);for(i=0;i<m;i++)if(snum==(p1+i)->num)break;if(i<m){prin tf("找到此货物! \n");printf("\n 名称:”);sea nf("%s",(p1+i)-> name);printf("\n 进价:");sea nf("%f",&(p1+i)->i npriee);printf("\n 进货年、月:");sea nf("%d%d",&(p1+i)->i nyear,&(p1+i)->i nmon th); if((p=fope n("data","wb+"))==NULL){printf("打不开文件! \n");return;}for(j=0;j<m;j++)if(fwrite(&obj[j],LEN,1,p)!=1){printf("无法保存!");getch();}fclose(p);}else return;printf("无此货物!");printf("\t 编号 名称 进价进货时间\t\n"); void show() //账目清单 {FILE *p; int i,m=0;if((p 二fope n( "data","rb"))==NULL)printf("打不开!"); while(!feof(p))if(fread(&obj[m] ,L EN,1,p)==1)m++;fclose(p);printf("已售\n\t 编号 名称进价 售价 利润间出售时间\t\n");for(i=0;i<m;i++) {if((p1+i)->profit!=0)printf(FORMAT2,DA TA2);}printf("仓储 \n"); for(i=0;i<m;i++)进货时{if((p1+i)->profit==0)prin tf(F0RMAT1,DATA1);}} void mon thearn()〃月利润{FILE *p;int m=0,s=0,a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0,y,z;float sum1=0,sum2=0,sum3=0,sum4=0;if((p=fope n( "data","rb"))==NULL){printf("打不开文件! \n");retur n;} //打开文件while(!feof(p))if(fread(&obj[m] ,L EN,1,p)==1)m++;fclose(p); //将数据读入内存printf("请输入欲查询的年份、月份:");sea nf("%d%d", &y,& z);for(s=0;s<m;s++){if((strcmp(obj[s].name,"zhuji")==0)&&(y==obj[s].outyear)&&( z==obj[s].outm on th)) {a++;sum1+=obj[s].profit;}if((strcmp(obj[s]. name,"xianshiqi")==0)&&(y==obj[s].outyear)&&( z==obj[s].outm on th)){b++;sum2+=obj[s].profit;}if((strcmp(obj[s]. name,"jianpan ”)==0)&&(y==obj[s].outyear)&&( z==obj[s].outmo nth))c++;sum3+=obj[s].profit;if((strcmp(obj[s].name,"shubiao")==0)&&(y==obj[s].outyear)&&( z==obj[s].outmo nth)) {d++;sum4+=obj[s].profit;}}printf("本月共售出\n");printf("\t 主机%d 台,总利润%7.2f 元\n",a,sum1);printf("\t 显示器%d 台,总利润%7.2f 元\n",b,sum2);printf("\t 键盘%d 台,总利润%7.2f 元\n",c,sum3);printf("\t 鼠标%d 台,总利润%7.2f 元\n",d,sum4);。

package;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Font;import java.awt.Graphics;import java.awt.Toolkit;import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;import java.awt.event.MouseListener;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import;import;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;import javax.swing.JFrame;public class MyChessFrame extends JFrame implements MouseListener { public MyChessFrame() {this.setTitle;this.setSize(1000, 700);this.setResizable(false) ;this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);int width = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width;int height = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height;/*System.out.println;System.out.println;*/this.setLocation((width - 200)/2, (height-100)/2);this.addMouseListener(this);this.setVisible(true);}public void paint(Graphics g) {/*g.drawString;*//*g.drawOval(20, 40, 40, 40);*//*g.fillOval(20, 40, 40, 40);*//*g.drawLine(20, 40, 80, 40);*//* g.drawRect(20, 40, 40, 20);g.fillRect(80, 40, 40, 20);*/BufferedImage image = null;try {image = File);} catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}g.drawImage(image,0,0,this);g.drawOval(20, 40, 40, 40);g.setColor(Color.BLUE);g.fillRect(80, 40, 40, 20);g.setFont(new Font;g.drawString;}public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}public void mousePressed(MouseEvent arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}}package;import;public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {/*MyChessFrame mf = new MyChessFrame();*///JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mf,;/*int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog;if (result == 0 ) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog;}if (result == 1) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog;}if (result == 2) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog;}*//*String username = JOptionPane.showInputDialog;if (username != null) {System.out.println(username );JOptionPane.showMessageDialog"+username );} else {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog;}*/FiveChessFrame ff = new FiveChessFrame();}}package;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.Font;import java.awt.Graphics;import java.awt.Toolkit;import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;import java.awt.event.MouseListener;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import;import;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class FiveChessFrame extends JFrame implements MouseListener, Runnable {int width = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width;int height = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height;BufferedImage bgImage = null;int x = 0;int y = 0;int[][] allChess = new int[19][19];boolean isBlack = true;boolean canPlay = true;String message =;int maxTime = 0;Thread t = new Thread(this);int blackTime = 0;int whiteTime = 0;String blackMessage =;String whiteMessage =;public FiveChessFrame() {this.setTitle;this.setSize(500, 500);this.setLocation((width - 500) / 2, (height - 500) / 2);this.setResizable(false);this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);this.addMouseListener(this);this.setVisible(true);t.start();t.suspend();this.repaint();String imagePath = "" ;try {imagePath=System.getProperty("user.dir")+"/bin/image/background.jpg" ;bgImage = File(imagePath.replaceAll("\\\\", "/")));} catch (IOException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}}public void paint(Graphics g) {BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(500, 500,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);Graphics g2 = bi.createGraphics();g2.setColor(Color.BLACK);g2.drawImage(bgImage, 1, 20, this);g2.setFont(new;g2.drawString;g2.setFont(new Font;g2.drawString;g2.drawString;for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {g2.drawLine(10, 70 + 20 * i, 370, 70 + 20 * i);g2.drawLine(10 + 20 * i, 70, 10 + 20 * i, 430);}g2.fillOval(68, 128, 4, 4);g2.fillOval(308, 128, 4, 4);g2.fillOval(308, 368, 4, 4);g2.fillOval(68, 368, 4, 4);g2.fillOval(308, 248, 4, 4);g2.fillOval(188, 128, 4, 4);g2.fillOval(68, 248, 4, 4);g2.fillOval(188, 368, 4, 4);g2.fillOval(188, 248, 4, 4);for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < 19; j++) {if (allChess[i][j] == 1) {int tempX = i * 20 + 10;int tempY = j * 20 + 70;g2.fillOval(tempX - 7, tempY - 7, 14, 14);}if (allChess[i][j] == 2) {int tempX = i * 20 + 10;int tempY = j * 20 + 70;g2.setColor(Color.WHITE);g2.fillOval(tempX - 7, tempY - 7, 14, 14);g2.setColor(Color.BLACK);g2.drawOval(tempX - 7, tempY - 7, 14, 14);}}}g.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, this);}public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub}public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub*System.out.println("X:"+e.getX());System.out.println("Y:"+e.getY());if (canPlay == true) {x = e.getX();y = e.getY();if (x >= 10 && x <= 370 && y >= 70 && y <= 430) {x = (x - 10) / 20;y = (y - 70) / 20;if (allChess[x][y] == 0) {if (isBlack == true) {allChess[x][y] = 1;isBlack = false;message =;} else {allChess[x][y] = 2;isBlack = true;message =;}boolean winFlag = this.checkWin();if (winFlag == true) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "+ (allChess[x][y] == 1 ?canPlay = false;}} else {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog}this.repaint();}}/* System.out.println(e.getX() + " -- " + e.getY()); */if (e.getX() >= 400 && e.getX() <= 470 && e.getY() >= 70&& e.getY() <= 100) {int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,;if (result == 0) {for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < 19; j++) {allChess[i][j] = 0;}}message =;isBlack = true;blackTime = maxTime;whiteTime = maxTime;if (maxTime > 0) {blackMessage = maxTime / 3600 + ":"+ (maxTime / 60 - maxTime / 3600 * 60) + ":"+ (maxTime - maxTime / 60 * 60);whiteMessage = maxTime / 3600 + ":"+ (maxTime / 60 - maxTime / 3600 * 60) + ":"+ (maxTime - maxTime / 60 * 60);t.resume();} else {blackMessage =;whiteMessage =;}this.canPlay = true;this.repaint();}}if (e.getX() >= 400 && e.getX() <= 470 && e.getY() >= 120&& e.getY() <= 150) {String input = JOptionPanetry {maxTime = Integer.parseInt(input) * 60;if (maxTime < 0) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,;}if (maxTime == 0) {intresult=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,if (result == 0) {for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < 19; j++) {allChess[i][j] = 0;}}message =;isBlack = true;blackTime = maxTime;whiteTime = maxTime;package pm;public class SwitchTest {//>=90 A// 80~89 B// 70~79 C// 60~69 D// <60 Epublic static void main(String[] args) {int s=87;switch(s/10){case 10 :System.out.println("A");break;case 9 :System.out.println("A");break;case 8 :System.out.println("B");break;case 7 :System.out.println("c");break;case 6 :System.out.println("D");break;default :System.out.println("E");break;}}}package pm;public class SwitchTest{public static void main(String[] args){for(int i=1;i<=9;i++){for(int j=1;j<=i;j++){System.out.print(j+"*"+i+"="+(i*j)+"\t");}System.out.println();}}}package pm;import java.util.Scanner;public class SwitchTest {public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner sc=new Scanner(;while (true) {System.out.println;String s =;if ("c".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {System.out.println;double db = sc.nextDouble();double db2 = (db * 9 / 5) + 32;System.out.println(" + db2 + "F");} else if ("f".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {System.out.println;double db = sc.nextDouble();double db2 = (db - 32) * 5 / 9;System.out.println(+ Math.round(db2) + "C");}else if("exit".equalsIgnoreCase(s)){break;}}}}package pm;import java.util.Scanner;public class SwitchTest{public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner sc=new Scanner(;boolean flag=true;while (flag) {System.out.println;String str = sc.nextLine().trim();if (str.endsWith("c") || str.endsWith("C")) {String st = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1);double db = Double.parseDouble(st);//[0,2)//2 double db=Double.valueOf(st).doubleValue();double db2 = (db * 9 / 5) + 32;System.out.println;} else if (str.endsWith("f") || str.endsWith("F")) {String st = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1);double db = Double.parseDouble(st);//[0,2)//2 double db=Double.valueOf(st).doubleValue();double db2 = (db - 32) * 5 / 9;System.out.println(+ Math.round(db2) + "C");}else if("exit".equalsIgnoreCase(str)){flag=false;}}}}package pm;public class SwitchTest {public static void main(String[] args) {int a=1,b=2,c=3,d=0;d=a>b?a:b;d=a>b?(a>c?a:c):(b>c?b:c);System.out.println;}}package one;import java.awt.BorderLayout;import java.awt.GridLayout;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import javax.swing.JButton;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JPanel;import javax.swing.JTextField;public class Jsq implements ActionListener {private JFrame frame;private JButton[] bus;private JTextField jtx;private JButton bu;private char[] strs;private String d_one = "";private String operator;public static void main(String[] args) {new Jsq();}public Jsq() {frame = new JFrame;jtx = new JTextField(14);bus = new JButton[16];strs = "789/456*123-0.+=".toCharArray();for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {bus[i] = new JButton(strs[i] + "");bus[i].addActionListener(this);}bu = new JButton("C");bu.addActionListener(this);init();}/* GUI */public void init() {JPanel jp1 = new JPanel();jp1.add(jtx);jp1.add(bu);frame.add(jp1, BorderLayout.NORTH);JPanel jp2 = new JPanel();jp2.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 4));for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {jp2.add(bus[i]);}frame.add(jp2, BorderLayout.CENTER);frame.pack();frame.setLocation(300, 400);frame.setVisible(true);frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);}public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {String conn = arg0.getActionCommand();if ("C".equals(conn)) {d_one = "";operator = "";jtx.setText("");return;}if(".".equals(conn)){return;}if (("+-*/".indexOf(conn)) != -1) {if("".equals(d_one) && "".equals(jtx.getText())) return;d_one = jtx.getText();operator = conn;jtx.setText("");return;}if ("=".equals(conn)) {if("".equals(d_one) && "".equals(jtx.getText())) return;double db = 0;if ("+".equals(operator)) {db = Double.parseDouble(d_one)+ Double.parseDouble(jtx.getText());jtx.setText(db + "");}if ("-".equals(operator)) {db = Double.parseDouble(d_one)- Double.parseDouble(jtx.getText());jtx.setText(db + "");}if ("*".equals(operator)) {db = Double.parseDouble(d_one)* Double.parseDouble(jtx.getText());jtx.setText(db + "");}if ("/".equals(operator)) {db = Double.parseDouble(d_one)/ Double.parseDouble(jtx.getText());jtx.setText(db + "");}d_one = db + "";return;}jtx.setText(jtx.getText() + conn);}}package pm;public class SwitchTest{public static void main(String[] args){int n=5;for(int i=0;i<=n;i++){for(int j=0;j<n-i;j++){System.out.print(" ");}for(int k=0;k<2*i-1;k++){System.out.print("*");}System.out.println();}}}package pm;import java.util.Scanner;public class SwitchTest{public static void main(String[] args){String name=null;Scanner sca=new Scanner (;char firstChar;do{System.out.println("please input your name");name=sca.nextLine();firstChar=name.charAt(0);}while(!(firstChar>='a' && firstChar<='z' ||firstChar>='A' && firstChar<='Z'));System.out.println("OK! your name is:"+name);}}package pm;import javax.swing.JFrame;import javax.swing.JLabel;import javax.swing.JPanel;public class SwitchTest {private JFrame frame;private JLabel jl1;private JLabel jl2;private JLabel jl3;/* */public static void main(String[] args) {new SwitchTest().getTime();}private void getTime(){long time=1*3600;long hour =0 ;long minute =0 ;long seconds=0;while(time>=0){hour=time/3600;minute=(time-hour*3600)/60;seconds=time-hour*3600-minute*60;jl1.setText(hour+"时");jl2.setText(minute+"分");jl3.setText(seconds+"秒");try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}time--;}}/* GUI */public SwitchTest(){frame = new JFrame;jl1 = new JLabel();jl2 = new JLabel();jl3 = new JLabel();init();}/* */private void init(){JPanel jp=new JPanel();jp.add(jl1);jp.add(jl2);jp.add(jl3);frame.add(jp);frame.setVisible(true);frame.setLocation(300,400);frame.setSize(300, 200);frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);}}public class Sjx{public static void main(String[] args){int SIZE=19;for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++){if(i<10){System.out.print(" "+i);}else{System.out.print(" "+(char)(i+'a'-10));}}System.out.println();// System.out.print(i<10?(char)(i+'0'):(char)(i+'a'-10));for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++){if(i<10){System.out.print(i+" ");//}else{System.out.print((char)(i+'a'-10)+" ");}for(int j=0;j<SIZE;j++){System.out.print("*"+" ");}System.out.println();}}}package day04;public class ArrayTest {public static void main(String[] args){char[][] arr=new char[4][7];String s="";for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){for(int j=0;j<arr[i].length;j++){arr[i][j]=s.charAt(i*7+j);}}for(int i=0;i<arr[0].length;i++){for(int j=0;j<arr.length;j++){System.out.print(arr[arr.length-j-1][i]+" ");}System.out.println();}}}package day02;public class Fangk{public static void main(String[] args){for(int i=1000;i<=9999;i++){int q=i/1000;int b=i/100%10;int s=i/10%10;int g=i%10;if(q>b && s>g && q+g==b+s && b%2!=0){System.out.println("The Min Number is:"+i);break;}}loop1: for(int q=1;q<=9;q++){loop2: for(int b=0;b<=9;b++){if(b%2==0){continue loop2;}for(int s=0;s<=9;s++){for(int g=0;g<=9;g++){if(q>b && s>g && q+g==b+s){System.out.println("The Min Number is:"+(q*1000+b*100+s*10+g));break loop1;}}}}package day02;public class Fangk{public static void main(String[] args){int num=14;boolean flag=true;for(int i=2;i<=num/2;i++){if(num%i==0){flag=false;break;}}if(flag){System.out.println(num+" is a prime number!");}else{System.out.println(num+" is not a prime number!");}}}package day04;import java.util.Scanner;public class A1{public static void main(String[] args){int n;Scanner sca=new Scanner(;System.out.println("please input a number:");n=sca.nextInt();if(isPrimeNumber(n)){System.out.println(n+"is a prime number!");}else{System.out.println(n+"is not a prime number!");}}public static boolean isPrimeNumber(int n){for(int i=2;i<=n/2;i++){if(n%i==0){return false;}}return true;}}package day02;public class Daoxu{public static void main(String[] args){int olddata=3758;int newdata=0;while(olddata!=0){for(int i=0;i<4;i++){newdata=newdata*10+olddata%10;olddata=olddata/10;}System.out.println("newdata="+newdata);}}}package day04;import java.util.Scanner;public class ArrayTest {public static void main(String[] args){int n;Scanner s=new Scanner(;System.out.println("please input a number:");n=s.nextInt();for(int i=31;i>=0;i--){if((n&(1<<i))!=0){System.out.print("1");}else{System.out.print("0");}if((32-i)%8==0){System.out.print(" ");}}}}package day02;public class Fangk {public static void main(String[] args){int m=5,n=6;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){System.out.print("* ");}System.out.println();for(int i=0;i<m-2;i++){System.out.print("* ");for(int j=0;j<n-2;j++){System.out.print(" ");}System.out.print("*");System.out.println();}for(int i=0;i<n;i++){System.out.print("* ");}}}package day02;import java.util.Scanner;public class Csz {public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner s = new Scanner(;int num = (int) (Math.random() * 1000);int m=0;for(int i=9;i>=0;i--){System.out.println("please input your number! ");m=s.nextInt();if(m>num){System.out.println("Too large!");}else if(m<num){System.out.println("Too small!");}else{System.out.println("You are right!");break;}if(i>0){System.out.println;}}if( m!=num){System.out.println;}}}17.HotelManagerpackage hotel;import java.util.Scanner;public class HotelManager {private static String[][] rooms;public static void main(String[] args) {rooms = new String[10][12];String comm;for (int i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < rooms[0].length; j++) {rooms[i][j] = "EMPTY";}}while (true) {System.out.println;Scanner sca = new Scanner(;System.gc();comm =;if ("search".equalsIgnoreCase(comm)) {search();} else if ("in".equalsIgnoreCase(comm)) {int roomNo = sca.nextInt();String name =;in(roomNo, name);} else if ("out".equalsIgnoreCase(comm)) {int roomNo = sca.nextInt();out(roomNo);} else if ("exit".equalsIgnoreCase(comm)) {System.out.println;break;} else {System.out.println;}}}private static void out(int roomNo) {if("EMPTY".equals(rooms[(roomNo/100)-1][(roomNo%100)-1])){System.out.println;return;}rooms[(roomNo/100)-1][(roomNo%100)-1]="EMPTY";System.out.println;}private static void in(int roomNo, String name) {if(!"EMPTY".equals(rooms[(roomNo/100)-1][(roomNo%100)-1])){System.out.println;return;}rooms[(roomNo/100)-1][(roomNo%100)-1]=name;System.out.println;}private static void search() {for (int i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < rooms[0].length; j++) {if (j + 1 < 10) {System.out.print(i + 1 + "0" + (j + 1) + "");} else {System.out.print(i + 1 + "" + (j + 1) + " ");}}System.out.println();for (int j = 0; j < rooms[0].length; j++) {System.out.print(rooms[i][j] + " ");}System.out.println();}}}18.StudentManagerpackage day05.student_manager;import java.util.Scanner;public class StudentManager {static int[][] scores=new int[6][5];static String[]students={"zhangsan","lisi","wangwu","zhaoliu","qianqi","liuba"};static String[] courses={"corejava","jdbc","servlet","jsp","ejb"};public static void main(String[] args) {for(int i=0;i<scores.length;i++){for(int j=0;j<scores[i].length;j++){scores[i][j]=(int)(Math.random()*100);}}Scanner s=new Scanner(;String comm;while(true){System.out.println;;if(comm.equals("AVG")){String;avg(para);}else if(comm.equals("SORT")){String;sort(course);}else if(comm.equals("GET")){String;String;get(student,course);}else if(comm.equals("EXIT")){break;}else{System.out.println;}}}//main() end!public static void avg(String para){int sIndex=-1;int cIndex=-1;for(int i=0;i<students.length;i++){if(students[i].equals(para)){sIndex=i;}}if(sIndex==-1){for(int i=0;i<courses.length;i++){if(courses[i].equals(para)){cIndex=i;}}}if(sIndex==-1 && cIndex==-1){System.out.println;return;}double avg=0.0;if(sIndex!=-1){for(int i=0;i<scores[sIndex].length;i++){avg+=scores[sIndex][i];}avg/=scores[sIndex].length;System.out.println(+para++avg);}else{for(int i=0;i<scores.length;i++){avg+=scores[i][cIndex];}avg/=scores.length;System.out.println(+para+ +avg);}}public static void sort(String course){int[] courseScore=new int[scores.length];if(course.equals("sum"))courseScorefor(int i=0;i<scores.length;i++){int studentSum=0;for(int j=0;j<scores[i].length;j++){studentSum+=scores[i][j];}courseScore[i]=studentSum;}}elseint cIndex=-1;for(int i=0;i<courses.length;i++)if(courses[i].equals(course)){cIndex=i;}}if(cIndex!=-1)// scores* courseScore!for(int i=0;i<scores.length;i++){courseScore[i]=scores[i][cIndex];}}else{System.out.println;return;}}String[] studentCopy=new String[students.length];System.arraycopy(students, 0, studentCopy, 0, students.length);for(int i=0;i<courseScore.length-1;i++){for(int j=i+1;j<courseScore.length;j++){if(courseScore[i]<courseScore[j]){int temp=courseScore[i];courseScore[i]=courseScore[j];courseScore[j]=temp;String stemp=studentCopy[i];studentCopy[i]=studentCopy[j];studentCopy[j]=stemp;}}}int order=1;System.out.println;for(int i=0;i<courseScore.length;i++){if(i!=0 && courseScore[i]==courseScore[i-1]){order--;}else{order=i+1;}System.out.print(order+"\t");System.out.print(studentCopy[i]+"\t");System.out.println(courseScore[i]);order++;}}public static void get(String student,String course){int sIndex=-1;int cIndex=-1;for(int i=0;i<students.length;i++){if(students[i].equals(student)){sIndex=i;}}if(sIndex==-1){System.out.println(+student);return;}if(course.equals("sum")){int studentSum=0;for(int j=0;j<scores[sIndex].length;j++){studentSum+=scores[sIndex][j];}System.out.println(student+studentSum);return;}for(int i=0;i<courses.length;i++){if(courses[i].equals(course)){cIndex=i;}}if(cIndex==-1){System.out.println(+course);return;}System.out.println(student+course+scores[sIndex][cIndex]);}}19.Fivepackage hotel;import java.util.Scanner;public class Five {private static String[][] five=new String[17][17];static{drawFive();}public static void main(String[] args) {while(true){System.out.println;Point p1=pleaseIn();if(!five[Integer.parseInt(p1.getX())][Integer.parseInt(p1.getY())].equal s("*")){System.out.println;}runPoint(p1,"white");gameover(p1);System.out.println;Point p2=pleaseIn();if(!five[Integer.parseInt(p2.getX())][Integer.parseInt(p2.getY())].equal s("*")){System.out.println;}runPoint(p2,"black");gameover(p2);}} private static void runPoint(Point p,String str){// px pyint x=Integer.parseInt(p.getX()),y=Integer.parseInt(p.getY());if(str.equals("white")){five[x][y]="@";}else{five[x][y]="O";}outFive();}private static Point pleaseIn(){Scanner sc=new Scanner(;Point p=new Point(,;String px=p.getX();String py=p.getY();// px pyint x=0,y=0;for(int i=1;i<five.length;i++){if(five[i][0].equals(px)){x=i;}if(five[0][i].equals(py)){y=i;}}return new Point(x+"",y+"");}* @param ppublic static void gameover(Point p) {int x=Integer.parseInt(p.getX()),y=Integer.parseInt(p.getY());int c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, c4 = 0;boolean l1 = true, l2 = true, l3 = true, l4 = true, l5 = true, l6 = true, l7 = true, l8 = true;for (int i = 1; i <5 ; i++) {if (y - i >= 1&& five[x][y - i].equals(five[x][y])&& l1) {c1++;} else {l1 = false;}if (y + i <= 16&& five[x][y + i].equals(five[x][y])&& l2) {c1++;} else {l2 = false;}if (x - i >= 1&& five[x - i][y].equals(five[x][y])&& l3) {c2++;} else {l3 = false;}if (x + i <= 16&& five[x + i][y].equals(five[x][y])&& l4) {c2++;} else {l4 = false;}if (x - i >= 1 && y - i >= 1&& five[x - i][y - i].equals(five[x][y])&& l5) {c3++;} else {l5 = false;}if (x + i <= 16 && y + i <= 16&& five[x + i][y + i].equals(five[x][y])&& l6) {c3++;} else {l6 = false;}if (x - i >= 1 && y + i <= 16&& five[x - i][y + i].equals(five[x][y])&& l7) {c4++;} else {l7 = false;}if (x + i <= 16 && y - i >= 1&& five[x + i][y - i].equals(five[x][y])&& l8) {c4++;} else {l8 = false;}}if (c1 >= 4 || c2 >= 4 || c3 >= 4 || c4 >= 4) {if (five[x][y].equals("1")) {System.out.println;System.exit(0);} else {System.out.println;System.exit(0);}}}。

销售管理系统相关代码以下是一个简单的销售管理系统的代码示例:```pythonclass Product:def __init__(self, name, price, quantity): = nameself.price = priceself.quantity = quantitydef get_total_price(self):return self.price * self.quantityclass SalesManager:def __init__(self):self.products = []def add_product(self, product):self.products.append(product)def remove_product(self, product):self.products.remove(product)def calculate_total_revenue(self):total_revenue = 0for product in self.products:total_revenue += product.get_total_price() return total_revenue# 示例用法if __name__ == "__main__":manager = SalesManager()# 添加产品product1 = Product("iPhone", 999, 2)manager.add_product(product1)product2 = Product("iPad", 599, 3)manager.add_product(product2)# 计算总收入total_revenue = manager.calculate_total_revenue()print("总收入:", total_revenue)# 移除产品manager.remove_product(product1)# 重新计算总收入total_revenue = manager.calculate_total_revenue()print("调整后总收入:", total_revenue)```上述代码包括两个类:`Product`和`SalesManager`。
基于Java Swing 和MySQL的企业进销存管理系统(含源文件)

系统采用Java Swing技术,以MySQL作为后台数据库管理系,使用Eclipse 集成环境工具进行开发,界面简洁美观、性能满足要求、功能完善,经测试,本系统的设计是正确的。
关键词:信息化管理;进销存管理系统;Java Swing;Mysql;ABSTRACTWith the advent of the information age, living in a variety of information tends to digital, clear, information management systems used in various industries came into being. Inventory management system is an important part of the promotion of enterprise development is a core part of the management of commercial enterprises, is an enterprise the ability to obtain the key to effective, timely sales if you can do a reasonable purchase, minimum inventory levels, reduce the backlog. , then the business will be able to achieve the best efficiency. In modern society, the majority of enterprises, especially SMEs, to achieve information management is a priority. Only information management, to improve the efficiency and management level of enterprises. Market economy is rapidly changing, highly competitive, enterprise management of inventory management system to purchase, inventory, sales, and many other areas has become a trend and inevitable.This system is a basic inventory management systems, and use of information technology means the introduction of advanced management methods to the practice of the enterprise, to provide effective and easy way for enterprise management reform. Management system for enterprise purchasing, inventory, sales and other commercial activities, as well as suppliers and customers and other basic information.In this paper, the inventory management system analysis and design as a starting point, details the various steps of the development of the system: system analysis, system design, system coding and system testing. System analysis has used data flow diagrams, the functional block diagram of the system required by the system data and functional modules. In system design and system implementation part of the show in detail the system's database design and implementation, as well as the various functional modules of the system required database tables, table fields, and menu design. System to achieve a strong distribution inventory management, including basic information, procurement, purchasing, selling and inventory management.The system uses the Java Swing technology, MySQL as a backend database manager system, using the Eclipse integrated development of environmental tools, the interface is simple and beautiful performance to meet the requirements, fully functionalhas been tested the design of this system is correct.Keywords:information management; inventory management system; Java Swing; MySQL;目录第一章前言 (1)1.1 系统开发背景 (1)1.2 系统开发目的与意义 (1)1.3 企业进销存系统的发展现状 (2)第二章系统分析 (4)2.1 系统开发的目标 (4)2.2 可行性分析 (4)2.2.1 可行性研究的前提 (5)2.2.2 经济可行性 (5)2.2.3 技术可行性 (5)2.2.4 社会可行性 (6)2.2.5 操作可行性 (6)2.3 需求分析 (6)2.3.1 系统的功能需求 (6)2.3.2 数据字典设计 (7)2.3.3 系统的性能需求 (10)2.3.4 出错处理需求 (10)2.3.5 约束需求 (10)2.3.6 开发环境 (11)第三章总体设计 (12)3.1 系统功能结构设计 (12)3.2 数据库设计 (13)3.2.1 概念结构设计 (13)3.2.2 逻辑结构设计 (20)3.2.3 数据表设计 (21)第四章详细设计 (30)4.1界面设计 (30)4.1.1 界面概述 (30)4.1.2 主界面设计 (30)4.2 功能模块设计 (31)4.2.1 系统登录模块设计 (31)4.2.2 供应商基本信息管理模块设计 (32)4.2.3 入库信息查询模块设计 (33)4.2.4 用户管理模块设计 (34)4.2.5 经手人管理模块设计 (35)4.2.6 订购商品信息管理模块设计 (36)4.2.7 采购入库管理模块设计 (37)4.2.8 库存调拨模块设计 (38)4.2.9 销售退货管理模块设计 (38)4.2.10 其他模块设计 (39)第五章系统实现 (40)5.1 公共类设计 (40)5.1.1 SaveUserInfo公共类 (40)5.1.2 OnlyNumber公共类 (40)5.1.3 DaoConn公共类 (41)5.2软件实现 (41)5.2.1 用户登录模块 (41)5.2.2 供应商基本信息管理模块 (43)5.2.3 入库信息查询模块 (47)5.2.4 用户信息管理模块设计 (48)5.2.5 经手人管理模块设计 (53)5.2.6 订购商品信息管理模块 (55)5.2.7 采购入库管理模块 (57)5.2.8 销售出库管理模块 (59)5.3 开发常见问题与解决 (61)5.3.1 不显示系统登录窗体 (61)5.3.2运行程序时找不到数据库驱动 (61)5.3.3运行程序时用户名或密码不正确 (62)5.3.4运行程序时找不到数据库 (62)5.4 系统测试 (62)5.4.1测试目标 (62)5.4.2测试方法 (63)5.4.3测试方案 (63)5.4.4 测试用例 (63)5.4.5 测试运行 (67)5.4.6 测试结论 (72)总结 (73)附录A 系统使用说明书 (74)参考文献 (76)致谢 (77)第一章前言1.1 系统开发背景计算机技术作为现代科学技术的基础和核心,已经而且将继续对人类文明社会的进步与发展产生深刻影响。
产品进销存管理系统 代码

scanf("%s %d %d,%d,%d %d %d,%d,%d",&(q->pname),&(q->totalquantity),&((q->goodsdate).year),&((q->goodsdate).month),&((q->goodsdate).day),&(q->salesquantity),&((q->salestime).year),&((q->salestime).month),&((q->salestime).day));
typedef struct date{
int year;
int month;
int day;
}date; //日期
typedef struct productlnode{
char pname[30]; //产品名称
int totalquantity; //产品总量
plinklist p;

图2 顶层数据流图图3 0层数据流图库存文件图4 一层数据流图(a)图4 一层数据流图(b)2.数据字典(1)数据流条目库存管理要求=[产品的入库单|产品的出厂单]产品的进货单=进货日期+单据编号+进货商+附加说明+品名+计量单位+单价+数量+金额产品的销售单=销售日期+单据编号+客户+附加说明+品名+计量单位+单价+数量+金额查询要求=[产品的进货情况|产品的销售情况|统计要求]产品的进货情况=进货日期+单据编号+进货商+附加说明+品名+计量单位+单价+数量+金额产品的销售情况=销售日期+单据编号+客户+附加说明+品名+计量单位+单价+数量+金额统计表={产品的库存情况}(2)文件条目文件名:进货文件组成:{进货日期+单据编号+进货商+附加说明+品名+计量单位+单价+数量+金额}组织:按产品的单据编号及品名的递增顺序排列文件名:销售文件组成:{销售日期+单据编号+客户+附加说明+品名+计量单位+单价+数量+金额}组织:按产品的单据编号及品名的递增顺序排列文件名:库存文件组成:{品名+计量单位+数量}组织:按产品的品名的递增顺序排列3.小说明小说明只描述最底层的基本加工。

首先,我们需要导入必要的库和模块,包括openpyxl(用于读写Excel文件)和datetime(用于处理日期和时间):pythonCopy codeimport openpyxlfrom openpyxl import Workbookfrom openpyxl import load_workbookfrom datetime import datetime我们还需要定义一些常量,如Excel文件名和工作表名称等:pythonCopy codeFILE_NAME = 'inventory.xlsx'SHEET_NAME = 'Inventory'接下来,我们需要编写一些辅助函数,用于读取和写入Excel表格中的数据。
以下是一些示例函数:pythonCopy codedef load_inventory():"""Load inventory data from Excel file"""wb = load_workbook(FILE_NAME)sheet = wb[SHEET_NAME]inventory = {}for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, values_only=True):name, quantity, price = rowinventory[name] = {'quantity': quantity, 'price': price}return inventorydef save_inventory(inventory):"""Save inventory data to Excel file"""wb = Workbook()sheet = wb.activesheet.title = SHEET_NAME# Add header rowsheet['A1'] = 'Name'sheet['B1'] = 'Quantity'sheet['C1'] = 'Price'# Add inventory datafor i, (name, data) in enumerate(inventory.items(), start=2):sheet.cell(row=i, column=1, value=name)sheet.cell(row=i, column=2, value=data['quantity'])sheet.cell(row=i, column=3, value=data['price']) record_sale(name, quantity):"""Record a sale in the sales log"""wb = load_workbook(FILE_NAME)sheet = wb.create_sheet(title='Sales', index=1)sheet['A1'] = 'Date'sheet['B1'] = 'Name'sheet['C1'] = 'Quantity'sheet['D1'] = 'Price'sheet['E1'] = 'Total'inventory = load_inventory()data = inventory[name]price = data['price']total = quantity * pricerow = (, name, quantity, price, total)sheet.append(row)data['quantity'] -= quantitysave_inventory(inventory)最后,我们需要编写一个简单的命令行界面,以便用户可以使用这些函数来管理库存和销售记录。

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using S.Model;namespace S.DAL{public class AdminServer{public static Admin GetAdminByName(string name){string sql = string.Format("select * from admin where name='{0}'",name);Admin a = null;DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "admin");foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows){a = new Admin();a.Id = (int)row["id"]; = (string)row["name"];a.Pass = (string)row["pass"];}return a;}///<summary>///添加///</summary>///<param name="login"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(string login){string sql = string.Format("insert into Admin values('{0}','{0}')", login);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///删除///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Del(int id){string sql = "delete from Admin where id=" + id;return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///获取所有用户信息///</summary>///<returns></returns>public static DataTable Get(){string sql = "select * from admin";return Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "admin");}///<summary>///修改密码///</summary>///<param name="pass"></param>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool EditPass(string pass, int id){string sql = string.Format("update Admin set pass='{0}' where id={1}", pass, id);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using S.Model;namespace S.DAL{public class ChuServer{///<summary>///装箱///</summary>///<param name="row"></param>///<returns></returns>static Chu Get(DataRow row){Chu c = new Chu();c.Buy = (string)row["buy"];c.Id = (int)row["id"];c.Num = (int)row["num"];c.People = PeopleServer.GetByID((int)row["people_ID"]);c.Price = (double)row["price"];c.Thing = ThingServer.GetByID((int)row["thing_ID"]);c.Intime = (DateTime)row["intime"];return c;}///<summary>///获取所有出库记录///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<param name="chuType"></param>///<returns></returns>public static List<Chu> Get(string key,int chuType,int startindex,int pagesize){string sql = string.Format("select * from chu_View where chutype={0} {1} order by id desc",chuType,key);List<Chu> cs = new List<Chu>();DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, startindex, pagesize, "chu");foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)cs.Add(Get(row));return cs;}///<summary>///查询出库的数量///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<param name="chuType"></param>///<returns></returns>public static int GetCount(string key, int chuType){string sql = string.Format("select count(*) from chu_View where chutype={0} {1}'", chuType, key);return Convert.ToInt32(Web.DBHelper.GetScalar(sql));}///<summary>///添加出库记录///</summary>///<param name="c"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(Chu c){string sql = string.Format("insert into chuvalues('{0}',{1},{2},{3},{4},'{5}',{6})", c.Buy, c.People.Id, c.Thing.Id, c.Num, c.Price, DateTime.Now,c.ChuType);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using S.Model;using Web;namespace S.DAL{public class ExitServer{///<summary>///添加退货入库记录///<param name="e"></param>///<param name="thingID"></param>///<param name="peopeleID"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(Exit e){string sql = string.Format("insert [Exit]values({0},{1},getdate(),'{2}',{3})",e.Thing.Id, e.Num, e.Because, e.People.Id);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///封装///</summary>///<param name="row"></param>///<returns></returns>static Exit Get(DataRow row){Exit e = new Exit();e.Because = (string)row["Because"];e.Id = (int)row["ID"];e.InTime = (DateTime)row["InTIme"];e.Num = (int)row["Num"];e.People = PeopleServer.GetByID((int)row["People_ID"]);e.Thing = ThingServer.GetByID((int)row["Thing_ID"]);return e;}///<summary>///获取所有退款入库记录///<param name="startindex"></param>///<param name="pagesize"></param>///<param name="key"></param>///<returns></returns>public static List<Exit> Get(int startindex, int pagesize, string key){string sql = string.Format("select * from Exit_View where name like '%{0}%' order by id desc", key);DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, startindex, pagesize, "Exit");List<Exit> e = new List<Exit>();foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)e.Add(Get(row));return e;}///<summary>///获取所有退款入库的数量///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<returns></returns>public static int GetCount(string key){string sql = string.Format("select count(*) from Exit_View where name like '%{0}%'", key);return Convert.ToInt32(Web.DBHelper.GetScalar(sql));}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using S.Model;namespace S.DAL{public class JinServer{///<summary>///添加进货///</summary>///<param name="j"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(Jin j){string sql = string.Format("insert into jinvalues({0},{1},{2},{3},'{4}',{5},'{6}')", j.Mfg.Id, j.People.Id, j.Thing.Id, j.Num,DateTime.Now,j.Price,j.CaiGou);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///封装///</summary>///<param name="row"></param>///<returns></returns>static Jin Get(DataRow row){Jin j = new Jin();j.Id = (int)row["id"];j.Mfg = MFGServer.GetByID((int)row["mfg_ID"]);j.Num = (int)row["num"];j.People = PeopleServer.GetByID((int)row["people_ID"]);j.Thing = ThingServer.GetByID((int)row["thing_ID"]);j.Intime = (DateTime)row["intime"];j.Price = (double)row["price"];j.CaiGou = (string)row["CaiGou"];return j;}///<summary>///获取所有进货记录///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<param name="startindex"></param>///<param name="pagesize"></param>///<returns></returns>public static List<Jin> Get(string key,int startindex,int pagesize){string sql = string.Format("select * from jin_View {0} order by id desc",key);List<Jin> js = new List<Jin>();DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "jin");foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)js.Add(Get(row));return js;}///<summary>///获取数量///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<returns></returns>public static int GetCount(string key){string sql = string.Format("select count(*) from jin_View {0}", key);return Convert.ToInt32(Web.DBHelper.GetScalar(sql));}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using S.Model;namespace S.DAL{public class MFGServer{///<summary>///封装///</summary>///<param name="row"></param>///<returns></returns>static MFG Get(DataRow row){MFG m = new MFG();m.Address = (string)row["address"];m.Id = (int)row["id"]; = (string)row["name"];m.People = (string)row["people"];m.Tel = (string)row["tel"];return m;}///<summary>///获取所有厂商///</summary>///<returns></returns>public static List<MFG> Get(){string sql = "select * from MFG";List<MFG> ms = new List<MFG>();DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "mfg");foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)ms.Add(Get(row));return ms;}///<summary>///获取明细///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static MFG GetByID(int id){string sql = string.Format("select * from MFG where id={0}",id);DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "mfg");if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)return Get(dt.Rows[0]);return null;}///<summary>///修改///</summary>///<param name="m"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Edit(MFG m){string sql = string.Format("update mfg setaddress='{0}',name='{1}',people='{2}',tel='{3}' where id={4}",m.Address,,m.People,m.Tel,m.Id);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///添加厂商///</summary>///<param name="m"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(MFG m){string sql = string.Format("insert into mfgvalues('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}')", , m.People, m.Tel, m.Address);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///删除厂商///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Del(int id){string sql = string.Format("delete from mfg where id={0}",id);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using S.Model;namespace S.DAL{public class PeopleServer{///<summary>///封装///</summary>///<param name="row"></param>///<returns></returns>static People Get(DataRow row){People p = new People();p.Address = (string)row["address"]; p.Age = (int)row["age"];p.Id = (int)row["id"];p.Tel = (string)row["tel"]; = (string)row["name"];return p;}///<summary>///获取所有人员///</summary>///<returns></returns>public static List<People> Get(){string sql = "select * from people";List<People> ps = new List<People>();DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "people");foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)ps.Add(Get(row));return ps;}///<summary>///添加人员///</summary>///<param name="p"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(People p){string sql = string.Format("insert into peoplevalues('{0}',{1},'{2}','{3}')", , p.Age, p.Tel, p.Address);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///修改人员信息///</summary>///<param name="p"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Edit(People p){string sql = string.Format("update people setname='{0}',age={1},tel='{2}',address='{3}' where id={4}", , p.Age, p.Tel,p.Address, p.Id);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///删除人员///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Del(int id){string sql = string.Format("delete from people where id={0}",id);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///获取明细///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static People GetByID(int id){string sql = string.Format("select * from people where id={0}",id);DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "people");if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)return Get(dt.Rows[0]);return null;}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using S.Model;using System.Data;namespace S.DAL{public class StockServer{///<summary>///添加库存物品///</summary>///<param name="thingID"></param>///<param name="wearhouseID"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(int thingID, int wearhouseID){string sql = string.Format("insert Stocks values({0},{1},0)", thingID, wearhouseID);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///修改库存数量///</summary>///<param name="thingID"></param>///<param name="wareHouseID"></param>///<param name="num"></param>///<param name="str"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool EditNum(int thingID, int wareHouseID, int num, string str) {string sql = string.Format("update Stocks set Num=Num{0}{1} whereThing_ID={2} and WareHouse_ID={3}", str, num, thingID, wareHouseID);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///修改库存数量///</summary>///<param name="thingID"></param>///<param name="wareHouseID"></param>///<param name="num"></param>///<param name="str"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool EditNum(int thingID, int wareHouseID, int num){string sql = string.Format("update Stocks set Num={0} where Thing_ID={1} and WareHouse_ID={2}", num, thingID, wareHouseID);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///封装///</summary>///<param name="row"></param>///<returns></returns>static Stocks Get(DataRow row){Stocks s = new Stocks();s.Num = (int)row["Num"];s.Thing = ThingServer.GetByID((int)row["Thing_ID"]);s.Ware = WareHouseServer.GetByID((int)row["WareHouse_ID"]);return s;}///<summary>///获取所有获存///</summary>///<param name="wareHouseID">仓库编号</param>///<param name="key">and开</param>///<returns></returns>public static List<Stocks> Get(int wareHouseID, string key){string sql = string.Format("select * from Stock_View where WareHouse_ID={0} {1}", wareHouseID, key);DataTable dt=Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql,"Stocks");List<Stocks> ss=new List<Stocks> ();foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)ss.Add(Get(row));return ss;}///<summary>///获取数量///</summary>///<param name="wareHouseID"></param>///<param name="thingID"></param>///<returns></returns>public static Stocks Get(int wareHouseID, int thingID){string sql = string.Format("select * from Stocks where WareHouse_ID={0} and Thing_ID={1}", wareHouseID, thingID);DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "Stocks");if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)return Get(dt.Rows[0]);return null;}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using S.Model;namespace S.DAL{public class ThingServer{///<summary>///封装///</summary>///<param name="row"></param>///<returns></returns>static Thing Get(DataRow row){Thing t = new Thing();t.Id = (int)row["id"]; = (string)row["name"];t.Type = ThingTypeServer.GetByID((int)row["ThingType_ID"]); t.GuiGe = (string)row["GuiGe"];return t;}///<summary>///获取所有物品///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<returns></returns>public static List<Thing> Get(string key){string sql = string.Format("select * from thing where name like '%{0}%' order by id desc",key);List<Thing> ts = new List<Thing>();DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "thing");foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)ts.Add(Get(row));return ts;}///<summary>///获取所有物品///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<returns></returns>public static List<Thing> GetByType(int type){string sql = string.Format("select * from thing where thingType_ID={0} order by id desc", type);List<Thing> ts = new List<Thing>();DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "thing");foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)ts.Add(Get(row));return ts;}///<summary>///添加商品信息///</summary>///<param name="t"></param>///<param name="thingID"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(Thing t, int thingtype){string sql = string.Format("insert into thing values('{0}','{1}',{2}); select @@identity", t.GuiGe, , thingtype);int id=Convert.ToInt32( Web.DBHelper.GetScalar(sql));if (id > 0){List<WareHouse> whs = WareHouseServer.Get();foreach (WareHouse w in whs)StockServer.Add(id, w.Id);return true;}return false;}///<summary>///修改商品信息///</summary>///<param name="t"></param>///<param name="thingID"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Edit(Thing t, int thingtype){string sql = string.Format("update thing setname='{0}',ThingType_ID={1},guige='{2}' where id={3}", , thingtype, t.GuiGe, t.Id);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///删除商品信息///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Del(int id){string sql = string.Format("delete from Thing where id={0}", id);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///获取商品明细///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static Thing GetByID(int id){string sql = string.Format("select * from thing where id={0}",id);DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "thing");if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)return Get(dt.Rows[0]);return null;}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using S.Model;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;namespace S.DAL{public class ThingTypeServer{static ThingType Get(DataRow row){ThingType t = new ThingType();t.Id = (int)row["id"];t.Type = (string)row["type"];return t;}///<summary>///获取所有类别///</summary>///<returns></returns>public static List<ThingType> Get(){string sql = "select * from thingtype";List<ThingType> ts = new List<ThingType>();DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "thingtype");foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)ts.Add(Get(row));return ts;}///<summary>///获取类别祥细///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static ThingType GetByID(int id){string sql = string.Format("select * from thingtype where id={0}",id);DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "thingtype");if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)return Get(dt.Rows[0]);return null;}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using S.Model;namespace S.DAL{public class WareHouseServer{///<summary>///添加仓库///</summary>///<param name="wh"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(WareHouse wh){string sql = string.Format("insert WareHouse values('{0}',{1}); select @@identity", wh.Text, wh.Type);int id = Convert.ToInt32(Web.DBHelper.GetScalar(sql));if (id > 0){List<Thing> ts = ThingServer.Get(string.Empty);foreach (Thing t in ts)StockServer.Add(t.Id, id);return true;}return false;}///<summary>///修改仓库信息///</summary>///<param name="wh"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Edit(WareHouse wh){string sql = string.Format("update WareHouse set text='{0}',type={1} where id={2}",wh.Text, wh.Type, wh.Id);return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}///<summary>///封装///</summary>///<param name="row"></param>///<returns></returns>static WareHouse Get(DataRow row){WareHouse wh = new WareHouse();wh.Id = (int)row["ID"];wh.Text = (string)row["Text"];wh.Type = (int)row["Type"];return wh;}///<summary>///查询所有仓库信息///</summary>///<returns></returns>public static List<WareHouse> Get(){string sql = "select * from WareHouse";List<WareHouse> wh = new List<WareHouse>();DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "WareHouse");foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)wh.Add(Get(row));return wh;}///<summary>///查看仓库祥细信息///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static WareHouse GetByID(int id){string sql = "select * from WareHouse where id=" + id;DataTable dt = Web.DBHelper.GetTable(sql, "WareHouse");if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)return Get(dt.Rows[0]);return null;}///<summary>///删除仓库信息///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Del(int id){string sql = "delete from WareHouse where id=" + id;return Web.DBHelper.ExecuteSql(sql);}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using S.DAL;using S.Model;using System.Data;namespace S.BLL{public class AdminMananger{public static Admin GetAdminByName(string name){return AdminServer.GetAdminByName(name);}///<summary>///添加///</summary>///<param name="login"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(string login) {return AdminServer.Add(login); }///<summary>///删除///</summary>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Del(int id){return AdminServer.Del(id);}///<summary>///回去所有用户信息///</summary>///<returns></returns>public static DataTable Get(){return AdminServer.Get();}///<summary>///修改密码///</summary>///<param name="pass"></param>///<param name="id"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool EditPass(string pass, int id){return AdminServer.EditPass(pass, id);}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using S.Model;using S.DAL;namespace S.BLL{public class ChuMananger{///<summary>///获取所有出库记录///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<param name="chuType"></param>///<returns></returns>public static List<Chu> Get(string key, int chuType, int startindex, int pagesize){return ChuServer.Get(key, chuType, startindex, pagesize);}///<summary>///查询出库的数量///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<param name="chuType"></param>///<returns></returns>public static int GetCount(string key, int chuType) {return ChuServer.GetCount(key, chuType);}///<summary>///添加出库记录///</summary>///<param name="c"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(Chu c){return ChuServer.Add(c);}}}using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using S.Model;using S.DAL;namespace S.BLL{public class ExitManager{///<summary>///添加退货入库记录///</summary>///<param name="e"></param>///<param name="thingID"></param>///<param name="peopeleID"></param>///<returns></returns>public static bool Add(Exit e){return ExitServer.Add(e);}///<summary>///获取所有退款入库记录///</summary>///<param name="startindex"></param>///<param name="pagesize"></param>///<param name="key"></param>///<returns></returns>public static List<Exit> Get(int startindex, int pagesize, string key) {return ExitServer.Get(startindex, pagesize, key);}///<summary>///获取所有退款入库的数量///</summary>///<param name="key"></param>///<returns></returns>public static int GetCount(string key){return ExitServer.GetCount(key);}}}using System;。
产品进销存管理系统 代码

scanf("%s %d %d,%d,%d %d %d,%d,%d",&(q->pname),&(q->totalquantity),&((q->goodsdate).year),&((q->goodsdate).month),&((q->goodsdate).day),&(q->salesquantity),&((q->salestime).year),&((q->salestime).month),&((q->salestime).day));
plinklist p;

package com.lzw.login;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.sql.SQLException;import javax.swing.*;import com.lzw.MainFrame;import com.lzw.dao.Dao;public class LoginDialog extends JFrame {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;private LoginPanel loginPanel = null;private JLabel jLabel = null;private JTextField userField = null;private JLabel jLabel1 = null;private JPasswordField passwordField = null;private JButton loginButton = null;private JButton exitButton = null;private static String userStr;private MainFrame mainFrame;/*** @param owner*/public LoginDialog() {try {UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());mainFrame = new MainFrame();initialize();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}/*** 初始化 loginPanel 登录面板的方法** @return com.lzw.login.LoginPanel*/private LoginPanel getLoginPanel() {jLabel1 = new JLabel();jLabel1.setBounds(new Rectangle(86, 71, 55, 18));jLabel1.setText("密码:");jLabel = new JLabel();jLabel.setText("用户名:");jLabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(85, 41, 56, 18));loginPanel = new LoginPanel();loginPanel.setLayout(null);loginPanel.setBackground(new Color(0xD8DDC7));loginPanel.add(jLabel, null);loginPanel.add(getUserField(), null);loginPanel.add(jLabel1, null);loginPanel.add(getPasswordField(), null);loginPanel.add(getLoginButton(), null);loginPanel.add(getExitButton(), null);}return loginPanel;}/*** This method initializes userField** @return javax.swing.JTextField*/private JTextField getUserField() {userField = new JTextField();userField.setBounds(new Rectangle(142, 39, 127, 22));}return userField;}/*** This method initializes passwordField** @return javax.swing.JPasswordField*/private JPasswordField getPasswordField() {if (passwordField == null) {passwordField = new JPasswordField();passwordField.setBounds(new Rectangle(143, 69, 125, 22));passwordField.addKeyListener(new java.awt.event.KeyAdapter() {public void keyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e) {if(e.getKeyChar()=='\n')loginButton.doClick();}});}return passwordField;}/*** This method initializes loginButton** @return javax.swing.JButton*/private JButton getLoginButton() {if (loginButton == null) {loginButton = new JButton();loginButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(109, 114, 48, 20));loginButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/res/loginButton.jpg")));loginButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {try {userStr = userField.getText();String passStr = new String(passwordField.getPassword());if (!Dao.checkLogin(userStr, passStr)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(LoginDialog.this,"用户名与密码无法登录", "登录失败",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);return;}} catch (Exception e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);mainFrame.setVisible(true);mainFrame.getCzyStateLabel().setText(userStr);setVisible(false);}});}return loginButton;}/*** This method initializes exitButton** @return javax.swing.JButton*/private JButton getExitButton() {if (exitButton == null) {exitButton = new JButton();exitButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(181, 114, 48, 20));exitButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/res/exitButton.jpg")));exitButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {System.exit(0);}});}return exitButton;}/*** 界面初始化方法** @return void*/private void initialize() {Dimension size = getToolkit().getScreenSize();setLocation((size.width - 296) / 2, (size.height - 188) / 2);setSize(296, 188);this.setTitle("系统登录");setContentPane(getLoginPanel());}public String getUserStr() {return userStr;}} // @jve:decl-index=0:visual-constraint="10,10"。

进销存管理系统采用.NET技术和大型数据库SQL Server 2005开发,主要是处理商业企业商品的采购、库存和销售各个环节的活动,具有良好的人机界面;考虑到系统的使用对象可能较多,权限管理良好;数据查询方便,支持多条件查询;系统支持良好的数据备份和还原操作,有效保护数据,减少意外损失;在相应的权限下,可方便地删除数据;数据计算自动完成,尽量减少人工干预;报表分析商品进货、商品销售情况;强大的报表打印功能;报表基本信息查询时,可根据查询条件动态显示查询结果。
关键词:进销存管理系统;.NET开发环境;C#语言;SQL Server 2005;报表IIIIIAbstractPurchase Sales Inventory Management System solves the business enterprises for procurement of goods, warehousing, transportation, distribution, circulation and processing of a series of operational procedures to deal with the issue of data, providing a wide range of data analysis to help operators of all reasonable measures to adjust the operation aspects of the operation of the rhythm and flow of goods throughout the tracking process management, and the corresponding flow of the entire record of the money management and paper management information statistics. Purchase Sales Inventory Management System is therefore a comprehensive application, standardized business processes and improve enterprise management level, improve the transparency of capital flows to accelerate the pace of commodity cash flow, and improve the operation of the enterprise level, thereby enhance the economic efficiency of enterprises.Purchase Sales Inventory Management system applies .NET technologies and SQL Server 2005 database on large-scale development of commercial enterprises to deal primarily with the procurement of goods, inventory, and marketing activities, has a good human-machine interface; taking into account the target system may be more , it has good rights management; query data to facilitate and support the multi-criteria query; the system supports good data backup and restore operations, the effective protection of data, loss of reduction of accidents; in the appropriate authority, can easily delete data; data auto-complete, as far as possible reduce human intervention; Statement Analysis purchase of goods, merchandise sales; powerful printing statements; statements of basic informationIVmay be based on dynamic query search results.Key words:Purchase Sales Inventory Management System; .NET development environment;C# programming language; SQL Server 2005; Crystal Reports目录1 前言 (7)1.1 系统的现状以及研究意义 (7)1.2 国内外文献综述 (8)1.3 系统的基本内容综述 (10)2 系统分析 (10)2.1 需求分析 (11)2.2 可行性分析 (11)2.3 开发工具选择 (11)2.3.1 Visual 平台简介 (12)2.3.2 C#语言简介 (13)2.3.3 SQL Server 2005简介 (14)2.4 管理信息系统逻辑模型设计 (15)2.4.1 数据流程图 (15)2.4.2 数据字典 (17)V3 系统设计 (22)3.1 项目规划 (22)3.2 系统功能结构 (22)3.3 设计目标 (23)3.4 开发及运行环境 (24)3.5 数据库设计 (24)3.5.1 数据表概要说明 (24)3.5.2 数据库E-R图分析 (25)3.5.3主要数据表的结构 (28)3.6 新系统的主要功能模块设计 (35)3.6.1 系统登录设计 (35)3.6.2 系统主窗体设计 (37)3.6.3 基本档案管理窗体设计 (39)3.6.4 进货管理窗体设计 (41)3.6.5 销售管理窗体设计 (43)3.6.6库存管理窗体设计 (45)3.6.7报表窗体设计 (47)3.7系统的(硬件)系统结构与处理方式设计 (54)3.7.1系统处理方式 (54)3.7.2系统硬件配置 (54)3.7.3软件配置 (54)3.8系统的处理流程设计 (54)3.8.1系统业务流程分析 (54)3.8.2新系统结构搭建 (56)4 结束语 (56)参考文献 (57)致谢 (58)VI河南科技大学本科毕业设计1 前言1.1 系统的现状以及研究意义随着经济全球化的发展和我国融入世界经济的步伐加快,全球采购、全球生产和全球销售的发展模式要求加快发展现代物流业,优化资源配置,提高市场响应速度和产品供给时效,降低企业物流成本,增强国民经济的竞争力。

package com。
lzw;import java.awt。
*;import java.util.Date;import javax.swing.*;import javax。
BevelBorder;import com。
lzw.login.LoginDialog;public class MainFrame extends JFrame {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;private JPanel frameContentPane = null;private MenuBar frameMenuBar = null;private ToolBar toolBar = null;private DesktopPanel desktopPane = null;private JPanel statePanel = null;private JLabel stateLabel = null;private JLabel nameLabel = null;private JLabel nowDateLabel = null;private JSeparator jSeparator1 = null;private static JLabel czyStateLabel = null;private JSeparator jSeparator2 = null;/*** This method initializes jJToolBarBar** @return javax。
JToolBar*/private ToolBar getJJToolBarBar() {if (toolBar == null) {toolBar = new ToolBar(getFrameMenuBar());toolBar。