《英语新闻阅读与写作》(双语讲义教案)-1 news format 新闻格式
![《英语新闻阅读与写作》(双语讲义教案)-1 news format 新闻格式](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d6963c57f90f76c661371ae2.png)
Course OutlineIntroductionThis course is offered as a subject Journalism for second year or third year, and also available as an elective to other students. Although the content is the same, Journalism students must complete an additional assessment task.Subject DescriptionThe purposes of this subject are to develop news reading and writing skills for the print media, and help to understand the difference between English news and Chinese news.Students will be introduced to a range of core themes, including identifying story ideas, news writing style, selecting and reporting the news, writing according to a traditional inverted pyramid approach, and writing specialized types of stories.Assessment is built around the development of fundamental reading and writing skills, including the ability to convey often complex information in a concise way, the ability to analyze news written by different news agency. Students will be expected to submit a range of stories and other writing tasks for assessment.Learning OutcomesOn successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:1.Understand the basic principles of news writing.2.Identify story angles in news events/issues.3.Be able to research stories and conduct interviews that add significa ntly to a story’sdevelopment4. Write news stories that will appeal to a broad readership.AttributesIn meeting these objectives, students will develop skills relevant to the following: 1. A commitment to continued and independent learning, intellectual development, critical analysis and creativity.2. Self-confidence combined with oral and written skills of a high level.3. A capacity for, and understanding of, teamwork.4. An ability to analyze issues logically, as well as to evaluate different options andviewpoints and to implement decisions.5. An appreciation and valuing of cultural and intellectual diversity and the ability to function in a multicultural or global environment.Chapter 1:Format and StyleOverviewNews reporter have developed a very different format and writing style so as to express all kinds of information to the reader clearly and accurately. These rules are so important and basically used that students in this field should master it before they begin their reporter careers.In this chapter, we will learn:1. Start your news story with the news format, though it can finely vary between one newspaper and another;2. Use special editing-symbols listed here to correct all the errors after you finished the news story;3. Double check the accuracy of every fact reported in the news stories you write, make sure that there are no more name, number, place and other spelling mistakes;4. Avoid sexual and other stereotypes in your news stories.ContentⅠFormat And StyleAlthough most newsrooms no longer contain typewriters, students must still learn the traditional news story format and copy-editing symbols, for a number of reasons:1. Newspapers that have not installed the electronic equipment continue to use the traditional format and copy-editing symbols and to employ some typesetters.2. Reporters and editors may have to handle some typewritten copy from free-lance writers, public relations agencies and a variety of other sources.3. The traditional format and copy-editing symbols are still used by some magazines, book publishers and advertising agencies.ⅡNews Story FormatReporters have developed a unique format for their stories, and each story you write should follow the guideline suggested here.1. Type each news story on separate 8 by 11-inch sheets of paper2. Type your name, the date and a slug line in the upper left-hand corner of the first page.Example:Slug line can help reporters identify and keep track of stories that are being prepared for publication. It also provides a quick summary of each story’s topic.A. Slug line should not exceed two or three words and should be as specific as possible, but not vague slug line.Example:Mayor’s Speech (good)School FireSpeech (vague,might be confused with each other) FireB. Avoid jokes, sarcasm and statements of opinion that would cause embarrassment if the slug line were accidentally published, as sometimes happens.Example:A reporter in California was asked to write about a party given by several prominent women. He slugged it “Old Biddies”Example:A writer at the Boston Globe wrote the slug line to criticize a speed given by President Carter,so the lead editorial published the next morning bore the headline, “ Mush from the Wimp. ”3. Begin each story one-third to one-half of the way down the first page. The space at the first page provides room for your byline, a headline and special instructions to your paper’s typesetters.4. Newspapers place a dateline at the beginning of the first line of each news story to indicate the story’s geographical source.A. Dateline includes the name of the city, printed entirely in capital letters and followed by a comma, the abbreviation for the state in upper/lower case and a dash.Example:LEXINGTON, Ky.----PORTLAND, Ore.----B. Some major cities such as Boston, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles, are used alone, without their state.SHANGHAI ---C. Local news do not add the name of the state, use only name of other cities,5. Type on only one side of each pages, keep your paper neat, uniform and easy to read.A. Do not leave any extra space between paragraphs.B. Avoid starting a sentence or paragraph at the bottom of one page and finishing it at the top of the next page.6. If a story is continued on a second page, write the word “more” at the bottom of the first page and circle it to indicate that the word is not the part of the story and should not be set in type.7. Begin the second page about one inch from the top of the page, with your last name, the page number and the slug line in the upper left-hand corner.8. Below the last line of every news story, in the center of the page, place one of these “end marks”:-12-# # #-0-ⅢCopy-Editing SymbolsIf you make a mistake while typing a story, or if you want to edit a story after typing it, use the copy-editing symbols is faster and easier than retyping the story.ⅣAccuracy of Facts and SpellingDouble check the accuracy of every fact reported in all the news stories you write. Errors will damage a newspaper’s reputation and may seriously harm people mentioned in the stories.You will also be penalized for errors in diction, grammar and style.1. Be especially careful to check the spelling of people’s name.A. When you’re finished with the story, check the spelling of every name.B. Check against your notes, but that’s not enough. Check against written source s, which include business cards, legal documents, phone books, web sites or public record database.C. If you find a conflict, check again with the source.D. Check the title, too.2. Check every number. Double-check each number, too. Again, your notes are not enough. Check documents, reports, databases, web sites.3. Check the quotes.A. Double check the quotes against your notes and/or recordings. Check word for word. If the quote has a “not” in it, be sure that it made it into your story.B.Ask, if you’re not sure. If you can’t make out something in your notes that you think was important, call the character back.You can say, “I thought this was what you said, but I just wanted to be sure.” She may confirm, correct or elaborate. And she might tell you a couple things she thought of after the interview, stimulated in thought or memory by your questions.4. Check technical matters. If you’re writing about technical matters, such as scientific or legal matters, you probably have simplified for the reader. Run your description past an expert to make sure you haven’t misunderstood or confuse d something important.ⅤAvoid Sexual and Other StereotypesIn the past, news stories seemed to emphasize women’s domestic and sexual role as wives, mothers, cooks, seamstresses, housekeeper and sex objects. During the 1960s and 1970s, woman began to complain that such stereotypes are false and demeaning---that women are human beings, not primarily housewives and sex objects.There is a typical document about sexist.Also, journalists are trying to avoid sexist title and comments. Many big news agencies have developed their notebook to help avoid this in details, such as The Press Associated, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. All they mentioned:1. Avoid using “man” as a generic nounThe Engl ish language tends to use “man” as a generic noun. It is as if men represent the whole human race.2. Avoid using “he” as a generic pronounUnless the gender of the subject is known and is relevant to the context, avoid using “he” as a generic pronoun.3. Avoid associating men and women with certain professionsI t’s common to associate men and women with certain professions. Try to use gender-neutral terms to name these professions.4. Avoid gender stereotyping, avoid seeing women as possessionsA. Do not assume conventional kind of gender relations.B. Alternate the word order in phrases that include both sexes so that neither women nor men always go first, to avoid giving the impression that women are after-thoughts.C. Identify women as individuals, persons in their own right, rather than assomeone’s wife, mother, grandmother or widow, unless it is appropriate given the specific context.D. Avoid seeing women as possessions by naming them in reference to their husbands or fathers.ⅥCopy Preparation Checklist1. Have you started typing one-third to one-half of the way down the first page and one inch from the top of all following pages?2. Do you have the slug line (no more than two or three words) that specially describes your story’s content?3. Is the story typed and double-spaced, with only one story on a page?4. Is each paragraph indented and marked?5. Have you used a pencil and the proper copy-editing symbols to correct all your errors?6. Have you made certain that no words are divided and hyphenated at the end of a line, and that no sentences or paragraphs are continued on another page?7. If the story continued on a second page, have you typed and circled “more” at the bottom of the first page; type your name, page number and slug line at the top of the second page; and typed “-30-,””###” or “-0-” at the end of the story?8. If the story originated outside your community, have you add the proper dateline?9. Have you used the city directory to verify the spelling of all names used in the story and checked and drawn a box around those names every time they are used?10. Have you be careful to avoid sexual and other stereotypes?Suggested Reading:1. Resources to help ensure accuracy“How to cur e the corrections plague,” a discussion among newsroom trainers: /list/acc.aspGregg McLachlan’s “L-E-A-R-N from your mistakes”:/train/res/report/learn.aspGregg McLachlan’s “Get to the source of attribution”:/train/res/report/attr.aspChip Scanlan ’s “Getting it Right: A Passion for Accuracy”:/column.asp?id=52&aid=179392. Resources to help avoid gender sensitive wordsAfter the 1995 Beijing Conference, UNESCO published its Guidelines onGender-neutral Language. The following is a selection of language tips from the document.The entire handbook can be downloaded from UNESCO’s Women and Gender Equality site: /women/index_en.htmAssignmentsSection 1: TITLES ---replace these titles with words that include both men and women.1. Businessman2. Congressman3. Craftsman4. Fatherland5. Founding fathers6. Mailman7. Man 8. Mankind9. Man-sized 10. Salesman11. Statesman 12. WorkmanSection 2: NOUNS AND PRONOUNS ---rewrite the following sentences, avoiding the use of male nouns and pronouns.1. A reporter is expected to protect his sources.2. A good athlete often jogs to build his endurance.3.Normally, every auto mechanic buys his own tools.4.No one knows which of the nation’s congressmen leaked the details to his wife andfriends.5.If a patient is clearly dying of cancer, doctors may give him enough drugs to easethe pain, and perhaps even enough to hasten his death.Section 3: STEREOTYPES---rewrite the following sentences, avoiding sexist language and comments.1. A California man and his wife attended the reunion.2.The bus driver, a woman, was blamed for the accident.3.While the girls were playing tennis, their husbands were playing golf.4.She is 56 years old and a petite grandmother but still plays tennis five days a week.5.While her husband works, Walerie Dawkins raises their children and dabbles inpolitics.6.Mrs. John Favata said she often discusses the stock market with other girls in herneighborhood.7.Mike Deacosta, his wife and their two children---Mark and Amy---served as thehosts.8.Councilman Alice Cycler, the attractive wife of a lawyer and mother of eight girls, isfighting to improve the city’s parks.Section 4:Develop a terminology for your language.。
海南师范大学新闻传播系 曾庆江
把我们知道的告知媒体 让媒体告知更多的人
方法三:“人”字当头。 问题:不少硬新闻,或者是事件领引始终,或 者是“符号”贯穿始终,或者是数字结构全篇, 让受众觉得距离自己比较远。 对策:强化个体的人,淡化作为符号化的人。 操作:微观视角入手。
方法四:语言通俗化 问题:一些专业性比较强的事件性新闻,因为 涉及到相关的专业名词、术语等而导致深奥难 懂,远离大众。 对策:语言通俗化和形象化。 操作:从“直译”到“意译”。
简洁明了,能够揭示新闻的最本质性变动。 多用实体性词汇,少用描述性的词句。 最好能够在标题中揭示几个新闻要素。
大上海的小理发师 武警外地救人,客人千里谢恩(原) 海南武警广州救人,北京客人海口谢恩(改) 两高公布食品安全案件司法解释 金牌焊工贾向东:用心在钢铁上“绣花” “岳阳”舰在三亚加入战斗序列 海口琼州大桥明起加固维修 交通管制4个月
方法一:从现象到本质。 问题:目前不少软新闻过于琐碎化,停留在现 象的描述上,缺少大气的人文关怀。 对策:对现象进行深入的剖析,进而达到对本 质的揭示。主题的适当提炼。 操作:记者不能停留在新闻表层,而是应当揭 示本质。
英 语中有许多缩略词经常 出现在新 闻 的标 题中 ,都能起到文字 紧凑 、内容
突 出的作用 。
4 .引 用 或 套 用 名 言 , 典 故 谚 语 和
从 上 面 的句 法分 析 可 以看 出 ,这 用 的词 汇 ,借 以夸 张 、渲 染 气氛 而 且
u — f 0 t r s c ry n r u c e 2 OC (n e n to a y i 0 t o_c n ml hat rbu . a r i gag o p )I I t r a in lOlmp C
C m te o mie) t
中 ,经常使用一些在 日常 口语 中不 常用 的非常正规的词语来叙述描写事 件 ,这 些词语 大多精悍 ,形神并茂 ,节奏铿锵
现 “ 第三方声音 ” ,如律师 、 专家 、学
作为 区域性纸媒 ,一方面我们的采 者 ”应更有成就感 。
者等 ,他们与事 件无 关 ,站在公共 立场 访对象 已经习惯 了报喜不 报忧的惯性思 力 ,也体 现出媒体 的客观公 正性 。
说话 ,以理服人 ,因此可大大增强说 服 维 ;同时 ,我们的媒体人 总难 免受到各 意 的一 点 ,那就是如今 “ 报料人 ”越来 种社会关 系的掣肘 。 日久 天长 , “ 多栽 越职业化 和普及化 ,有些报料人 是怀有
在 上述 两个例 子 中 ,例 1 略 了不 省
通过 用逗号代 替a d n 可以使标 题 的
英语新 闻的标题 ,突出体现 了英语 定 冠 词 a 、定 冠 词 t e 数 词 后 的 名 词 语 言更 简洁。 h和
后 ,立即登 门采访 ,并深人调查 。4 l 纠纷 时 ,媒体人应该 站在一个合适 的位 究舆论监督的策略陛,采写负面消息时, 月 8
第二章措辞Ⅰ. 词的类型据语体风格,常用的词(规范英语词汇)可分为三类:正式的、一般的、非正式的。
1. 正式词汇(又称作学术性的词、文雅的词或“大”词)(1)适用文体正式文体,如学术性或理论性著作、政治和法律文件,以及正式的演讲或报告。
下面这段文章中包含一些体现正式文体的词汇:There is nothing new in the recognition, within a given language, of a distinction between common usage and uses of the language for more restricted purposes and often enough, perhaps characteristically, more elevated purposes. The monolithic nature of English is not questioned when literary essayists like Emerson contrast poetry and common speech. The latter is recognized in America to be the proper subject for the investigation of linguists who, however, now show some incipient inclination to investigate poetry, too, and other noncasual utterances in a given language.—C. F. Voegelin 正式的或学术性的词汇有:recognition, characteristically, elevated, monolithic,investigation, incipient, inclination, noncasual, utterances等。
[Your Company/Institution Logo][Date]FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact Information:[Name][Title][Company/Institution][Phone Number][Email Address]Title:[Short, attention-grabbing headline]Subheading:[Additional details or context]Introduction:[One to two paragraphs summarizing the news, including the who, what, when, where, and why of the event or announcement.]Body:[This section should be structured into paragraphs, each addressing a different aspect of the news. Here's a suggested structure:]- Background Information: Provide context and history related to the news.- Key Details: Outline the main points, facts, or data associated with the event or announcement.- Quotes: Include statements from key individuals involved, such as company executives, experts, or participants.- Impact or Importance: Explain the significance of the news and its potential effects.- Next Steps: Mention any upcoming actions or developments that readers should be aware of.Conclusion:[Summarize the main points of the news release and reiterate the key message.]Additional Information:[Provide any additional relevant details, such as URLs, contact names, or additional quotes.]---News Release Sample[Your Company/Institution Logo][Date]FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact Information:Jane SmithMarketing ManagerTech Innovations Inc.(555) 123-4567******************************Title:Tech Innovations Announces Groundbreaking AI Software for Business AnalyticsSubheading:The new software is set to revolutionize data analysis and decision-making processes across industries.Introduction:Tech Innovations Inc., a leader in advanced technology solutions, is proud to announce the launch of its latest product, "IntelliAnalytics Pro," an innovative AI-driven software designed to streamline data analysis and improve decision-making for businesses of all sizes.Body:Background Information:In recent years, the demand for efficient and accurate data analysis tools has surged, as companies seek to leverage big data to gain a competitive edge. Tech Innovations has been at the forefront of this trend, developing cutting-edge technologies that empower businesses to make informed decisions.Key Details:IntelliAnalytics Pro utilizes state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to process vast amounts of data, identifying patterns and insights that are often overlooked by traditional analysis methods. The software is user-friendly, allowing non-technical users to easily interpret complex data sets.Quotes:"IntelliAnalytics Pro is a game-changer for businesses looking to unlock the full potential of their data," said John Doe, CEO of Tech Innovations. "Our team has worked tirelessly to create a tool that is both powerful and accessible, helping companies to make data-driven decisions with confidence."Impact or Importance:The introduction of IntelliAnalytics Pro is expected to have a significant impact on various industries, including finance, healthcare, and retail. By providing actionable insights, the software aims toenhance operational efficiency, increase revenue, and improve customer satisfaction.Next Steps:Tech Innovations will be showcasing IntelliAnalytics Pro at the upcoming Tech Expo in New York City. For more information on how to schedule a demo or learn more about the software, please visit our website at .Conclusion:Tech Innovations is committed to driving innovation in technology and providing solutions that help businesses thrive. With the launch of IntelliAnalytics Pro, we are excited to offer a tool that will transform the way businesses approach data analysis and decision-making.Additional Information:For further details on IntelliAnalytics Pro, please contact Jane Smithat(555)****************************************.Formediainquiries, please reach out to our media relations team at*************************.---[End of News Release]。
英语写作手册中文版第三版1、I have seldom seen my father()pleased with my progress as he is now. [单选题] *A. so(正确答案)B. veryC. tooD. rather2、Ships can carry more goods than _____ means of transport. [单选题] *A. the otherB. anotherC. any other(正确答案)D. any3、( ) My mother told me _____ in bed. [单选题] *A. not readB. not readingC. don’t readD. not to read(正确答案)4、He was born in Canada, but he has made China his _______. [单选题] *A. familyB. addressC. houseD. home(正确答案)5、Our school is beautiful. How about _______? [单选题] *A. theirs(正确答案)B. theirC. theyD. them6、The black coal there shows a sharp()white snow. [单选题] *A. contract withB. content withC. contact toD. contrast to(正确答案)7、—______ is the concert ticket?—It’s only 160 yuan.()[单选题] *A. How manyB How much(正确答案)C. How oftenD. How long8、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_____. [单选题] *A.in advanceB.in vainC.in return(正确答案)D.in turn9、I think ______ time with my friends is fun for me.()[单选题] *A. spendB. spendC. spending(正确答案)D. spent10、Her ()for writing was that she wished women to get the right to higher education. [单选题] *A. motivation(正确答案)B. motivateC. effectD. concentration11、Since the war their country has taken many important steps to improve its economic situation. [单选题] *A. 制定B. 提出C. 讨论D. 采取(正确答案)12、--Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel tired in class.--I won’t, Mum. [单选题] *A. call upB. wake upC. stay up(正确答案)D. get up13、Many people believe that _________one has, _______ one is, but actually it is not true. [单选题] *A. the more money ; the happier(正确答案)B. the more money ; the more happyC. the less money ; the happierD. the less money ; the more happy14、The car _______ after forty minutes driving, so he didn’t have the interview on time. [单选题] *A. broke down(正确答案)B. broke inC. broke outD. broke up15、21.Design a travel guide for Shanghai! ________ the competition and be the winner! [单选题] *A.JoinB.AttendC.EnterD.Take part in (正确答案)16、_____ of the land in this area _____ covered with forest. [单选题] *A. Two-fifth; isB. Two fifth; areC. Two fifths; is(正确答案)D. Two fifths; are17、4.—Let's fly a kite when you are ________ at the weekend.—Good idea. [单选题] *A.warmB.kindC.smallD.free(正确答案)18、—______ is it from your home to the bookstore?—About 15 kilometers.()[单选题] *A. How far(正确答案)B. How muchC. How longD. How many19、If you want to _______, you’d better eat more healthy food and do more exercise. [单选题] *A. keep fatB. keep calmC. keep healthy(正确答案)D. keep on20、_______ travelers come to visit our city every year. [单选题] *A. Hundred ofB. Hundreds of(正确答案)C. Five HundredsD. Five hundred?of21、8.—Will she have a picnic next week?—________. And she is ready. [单选题] * A.Yes, she doesB.No, she doesn'tC.Yes, she will(正确答案)D.No, she won't22、I _______ no idea of where the zoo is. [单选题] *A. thinkB. getC. have(正确答案)D. take23、I arrived _____ the city _____ 9:00 am _______ April [单选题] *A. at, in, atB. to, on, atC. in, or, atD. in, at, on(正确答案)24、—Where ______ you ______ for your last winter holiday?—Paris. We had a great time. ()[单选题] *A. did; go(正确答案)B. do; goC. are; goingD. can; go25、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, ____? [单选题] *A. do youB. don’t youC. will you(正确答案)D. won’t you26、In order to find the missing child, villagers _______ all they can over the past five hours. [单选题] *A. didB. doC. had doneD. have been doing(正确答案)27、My home is about _______ away from the school. [单选题] *A. three hundred metreB. three hundreds metresC. three hundred metres(正确答案)D. three hundreds metre28、Chinese people spend _____ money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. [单选题] *A. more than twiceB. as twice muchC. twice as much(正确答案)D. twice more than29、The people’s Republic of China _______ on October 1, 1 [单选题] *A. foundB. was founded(正确答案)C. is foundedD. was found30、The blue shirt looks _______ better on you than the red one. [单选题] *A. quiteB. moreC. much(正确答案)D. most。
以下有几种新闻的格式:新闻的要素“五个w”和“一个h“五个w”:who(何人)、what(何事) when(何时)、where(何地) why(何故)“一个h”:how(如何)新闻的分类:消息、通讯、评论等标题:高度概括,抓人眼球结语:一般指消息的最后一句或一段话,是消息的结尾,它依内容的需要,可有可无写作要律:具有新闻价值、正确的格式、动人的标题。
News Reporting in English 英语新闻写作技巧
![News Reporting in English 英语新闻写作技巧](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/25c11012c5da50e2524d7fa6.png)
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Hot water heater Mass rally Accidentally stumbled Grand total Personal friendship Invited guests
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Water heater Rally Stumble Total Friendship Guests
A Practical Guide for International News Reporting in English
第一部分 语言与文风
• • • • 第一讲 现代新闻英语浅论 第二讲 准确,准确,再准确 第三讲 设想读者对中国一无所知 第四讲 英语新闻报道中的文化趋同 和文化干扰 • 第五讲 英语新闻文风的沿革与演变
• A baby with brown eyes • The howitzer went off with a boom. • A man with a white beard • A brown-eyed baby • The howitzer boomed.
• A white-bearded man
– ---20世纪30年代美国某通讯社一实习生的消息导语
• 许多男孩和女孩过早开始工作, 工作时间过长, 熬夜时间太多,而且在危险的和其他不理想的条 件下干活。 • What problem do you think are there in the above message?
• 轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩船似海市蜃楼, 两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼连成一片水晶宫。是仙境? 是梦境?仰视彩鸽飞翔,低眸漂灯流霓;焰火怒放, 火树银花;灯舞回旋,千姿百态;气垫船腾起一片 春潮,射击手点破漫天彩球,跳伞健儿绽放空中花 蕾,枪鸭勇士谱写水上凯歌。还有雀鸟争鸣,花卉 盆景竟艳。书画、工艺展览铺出琳琅满目的画 廊……啊,(某某城市)是不夜城,龙舟会是群英 会。
善用新闻背景解释 提升对外英语传播有效性杜国东【内容摘要】对外英语报道中,新闻背景的恰当应用是提升传播有效性的重要方法,对增加报道内容的可读性,提高受众兴趣,向世界传播中华文化等方面都具有重要作用。
1 郭光华:《新闻写作》,北京:中国传媒大学出版社,2006年,第190页。
2 施大鹏:《新闻写作浅论》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,1997年,第69页。
3 张健:《新时代对外宣传与翻译研究》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2022年,第54页。
中英文新闻导语语篇结构差异分析于 航(武警哈尔滨指挥学校文化教研室 哈尔滨 150070) 摘 要:本文以实例比较中英文新闻导语在要素选择、结构安排、内容和角度选取等方面的差异,初步分析了造成这些差异的原因,并指出了解这些差异有助于英语新闻的写作、翻译和阅读。
关键词:语篇结构 导语 中文新闻 英语新闻 一、引言“每种语言都有其独特的语篇组织原则”(Conno r,1996:5)。
D an tas2w h itney和Grabe(Conno r,1996)分析了大量葡语和英语社论文本,得出了英语比葡语社论语气更正式但结构更松散的结论。
T irkkonen2Condit和L ief I nder2Ko istinen(Conno r,1996)比较了芬兰语、英语和德语社论,发现芬兰语社论比英语和德语社论更习惯于提出自己的观点,以谋求读者的认同,而不是就某一问题的不同观点展开争论;德语社论较英语社论更多在开头提出论点。
H ati m (1997)比较了阿拉伯语与英语报纸处理引语的不同方式,发现阿拉伯语新闻比英语新闻更倾向于使用间接引语。
本文欲从美籍语言顾问、新闻学教授Judy Po lum baum对译稿导语的处理入手,以实例分析、比较中英文新闻导语写法的差异。
3.2.1 采访目的
3.2.2 采访要求
3.2.3 采访步骤
2.新闻价值标准 如何衡量新闻的重要性? ①改变现状的程度;②受事件影响的人数;③事件的及时程度;④事件结果的意义; ⑤事件中新闻价值的多样性
新闻价值标准一 ①重要性;②显著性;③时效性:各种媒体的时效性【杂志(周刊、月刊)、报纸(每天)、电 视、广播(时段)、网络(实时)】;④接近性(关联性);⑤趣味性(冲突性) 新闻价值标准二 ①进步;②冲突与灾难:战争、谋杀、袭击、伤害等暴力事件;政治、经济、社会、科技(没 有暴力色彩的冲突);③显著性:姓名能产生新闻,显赫的姓名能产生重大新闻。 ④新奇性;⑤及时性;⑥人情味;⑦性
采访应当记录的内容:采访对象叙述出来的事实信息;记者在现场观察中捕捉到的事实信息;记者访问和观察 中产生的感想和写作灵感;
3.2 撰写采访提纲 3.2.1采访目的 3.2.2采访要求 3.2.3采访步骤 3.2.4采访方法:专访、随机 3.2.5采访时间 3.2.6采访对象 3.2.7采访问题 3.2.8 相关背景收集
人类需要永恒的故事 记者的职业尊严来自记者采写的具有普遍人性价值的永恒故事,一种超越现实政治偏见、超越现实 政治斗争、超越个人的意识形态,超越国家界限、跨越时空的关于英雄的故事、母亲的故事、父子 情、兄弟情、朋友情的故事,关于男女伟大爱情的故事。(李希光:人类更需要永恒的故事) 永恒的故事不是关注名人和高管,而是挖掘有关普通人、底层社会的感人故事。 在一个物欲横流的世界里,永恒的故事对每一个人都有人格重新塑造的意义。
精选范文:One day Jack bought two expensive dictionaries in a bookstore,but he forgot to take them with him.Half an hour later,he went back to look for them.He told the manager all about it.The manager asked him who had served him.Jack pointed to the lady behind the counter.But when the manager asked the lady,Miss Rose,if she had served Jack,she said she couldn't remember.She remembered that the man she had served was wearing a hat.Then the manager asked Jack if he was wearing a hat when he was served.Then the manager asked Jack if he had a hat and asked him to put it on.Miss Rose looked at him carefully and recognized him.She gave the two dictionaries to Jack.There was a man in the State of Qi who was haunted by the fear that one day the sky might fall and the earth collapse(倒塌),and hewould have no place to settle.So worried was he that he could not eat and sleep in peace.Someone,anxious that the man would be worried to death,went to reassure him about this.He said to the man:“The sky is only an air mass and there's air everywhere.You move about all day long in the air,inhaling and exhaling,bending and stretching your limbs----why do you have to worry about the sky's falling,when it's never likely to happen?”“It's true that the sky is a congregation of air,”the manrejoined,“but how about the sun,the moon and the stars,Theywill surely fall,won't they?”“The sun,the m oon and the stars are merely such bodies in the congregated air as happen to shine,”the persuader replied.“Evenif they did fall,they would hit nothing.”“Then suppose the earth collapses.What should I do?”“The earth is merely amassed dust and rocks filli ng up the space everywhere.There is no spot that has not such masses.And youmove about on the earth everyday,stepping on it and walking on it.Why worry that it might collapse?”The man was gladly relieved,and so was the successful persuader.White Dolphins(海豚)Fuzhou-Fishermen in East China's Fujian Province recently observed shoals of whitedolphins in the East China Sea.Early last month,Lin Guoqing,a local aquatics expert,observed white dolphins feeding on large yellow croakers,weighing an estimated 500 kilograms.One or two of the dolphins,white or grey,have been spotted at various times in the area over the past 10 years,according to a local fisherman.But this is the first time shoals of the animals were observed.Local fishermen believe the lack of food in the deep make the hungry dolphins attack the yellow croakers raised by the fishermen.Jiang Zhiheng,a blind and poor college student who was helped by the Shanghai programme“aiding poor students through theInternet,”now uses his income to help poor school children,including Xiao Lijuan.The first of its kind in China.The programme has aided 150 poor primary and middle school students over the past month since it began operation.练习:一位名叫苗利华的妇女,去年从福州丝绸厂下岗了,现在在省妇女再就业中心的帮助下,找到了新工作。
众所 周 知 ,对 外 宣传 主 要 是 以新 闻报道 为依 托 的 。
对外 新 闻报 道 ,主要 是 通 过报 纸 、周 期 性 较 短 的刊 物 、 电 台 、电视 台 、 网络 等新 闻传 播 媒 介 向 国外进 行 宣 传 ,从 而 达 到 展 示 形 象 、 吸 引 外 商 投 资、加快经济发展 、促进改革 开放 之 目的。那 么 ,对 外新 闻 报道都有那些要求呢?如何 才 能写好 对 外宣 传报 道 呢?
2.不 要 过 于 直 白 。在 对 外 宣 传 报 道 中 ,话 不 能 说 得 太 直 ,道理 也不 要讲 得 过 于简 单 ,否则 会 降 低可 信 度 。外 商 到 我 国来 投 资 ,最 关 心 的一 个
浅谈 寸夕卜新闻报 的写作
口刘 军
问题 是 能否 依法 取 得 利润 。在 这方 面 ,一 些外 籍 商人 及 科研 人员 在我 国工作 多 年 ,有 一些 成 功 的 经 验 ,感 受 和 体 会 较 深 。我 们 可 以 “借 船 出海 ” “借 口讲话 ”,请 他们 接 受 采访 或发 表署 名 文章 ,让他 们 “现 身 说 法 ”,会 收 到 更 理 想 的宣 传 效果 。
3.增 强 针 对 性 。对 外 新 闻 报 道 ,从 题 材 的 选 择 、角 度 的 确 定 、 背 景 细 节 的 运 用 到 结 构 的 安 排 ,要 更 具 有 针 对 性 , 因 为 针 对 性 决 定 着 对 外 宣传 的成效 。那 么 ,海 外 有 以 下 八 个 方 面 :我 国 的政 局 、 制度 、 大 事 、 人 民 、 市 场 、 与 世 界 面 临 的 共 同 问 题 、 同 西 方 的 国 际 舆 论 斗 争 及 具 有 民 族 特 色 的 东 西 。 由 此 可见 ,国 外 受 众 所 关 注 的 问 题 涵 盖 我 国 政 治 、 经 济 、文 化 、社 会
汉英新闻编译New Writing in English Based on Information in Chinese新闻:新近发生的事实的报道(时效性,客观性)对外新闻:中国新闻机构发布的以国外读者为对象的有关中国的新闻特点:①明确的针对性和目的性②采用西方读者的思维方式和写作方法③国家主导汉英新闻编译:按照既定的编辑方针,以中文稿件(信息)为基础,集英语新闻写作、翻译、编辑于一体翻译:信、达、简、雅写作:西方新闻写作模式(“倒金字塔”、直接引语、段落句子短、一段一个意群)编辑:确定主题①、事实取舍→符合外交政策和对外宣传方针导语②、选取材料③(支持主题,避免重复)提供背景介绍、解释或起过渡性作用的字词句段④选题:按新闻报道规律:有关、有用、有趣(冲击力、冲突性、显要度、时效性)按党的宣传方针:有利于国家的正面形象、有利于营造良好的国际舆论环境按外国读者的需要:我国政治、经济大局,环境、灾祸、民族宗教问题……选材:强有力的支持主题导语分类:直接披露新闻人物延后披露新闻人物总结性多成分第二人称导语编译:遵循主题;包含新闻要素;SVO结构;“今天”相关;言简意赅;提供来源主体编译:引语:新闻中记述的人的言论分类:直接引语——引号内的忠实于讲话人语言和思想的话现场感、真实性间接引语——没有引号,新闻人物所讲的主要意思节省文字和篇幅部分引语——直接引语+间接引语用词:said(可反复使用),added,went on,continued头衔:党政双重身份使用行政职务;优先采用技术专家的言论再考虑行政职务高者的言论背景和解释:涉及新闻中why和how的问题新闻标题:对新闻内容与中心思想富有特色的浓缩和概括特点:①新闻的重要组成部分②标题表达编辑的方针主张与政治倾向③用语凝练,言简意赅,涵义深邃英文标题:①简短,明显的政治宣传②一行,有时两行(主题+副题;引题+主题),注重虚词(系助动词、连接词、冠词)的省略③现在式表过去,不定式表将来,动名词表进行编译原则:主动语态、用词准确简单语义丰富、SVO结构避免重复、符合主题、慎重缩写、注意标点(英文标题单引号,中文标题双引号)优秀编译稿件的八项标准1.标题简短,一语中的,能提示全文,启示读者,吸引受众2.导语言简意赅(<30words)提示全文,有实质内容,有新闻来源,引人入胜3.“倒金字塔”体例。
1 2
对某些群体或国家存在偏见或歧视,导致报道 有失公正。
未能提供足够的信息来源和背景,使读者难以 做出独立判断。
对不同国家和地区的报道采取不同的标准和态 度,影响公正性。
只提供部分信息,未能 全面反映事件全貌。
忽视历史背景和其他相 关因素,导致报道缺乏 深度和广度。
通过培训,提升新闻从业人员的写作能力,使其能够更 加清晰、准确、生动地表达新闻事件,增强新闻的可读 性和吸引力。
建立严格的客观性标准,要求新闻从业人员在报道中保持中立、 客观的态度,避免主观臆断和偏见。
强调公正性原则,确保对外报道不受任何政治、经济或社会势力 的影响,保持独立性和公正性。
建立事实核查机制,对报道中的信息进行严格核实,确保报道的真 实性和准确性。
在报道中增加背景信息,帮助读者更好地理解新闻事件的历史、 文化和社会背景。
在报道中呈现多方观点,包括政府、反对派、专家学者、普通民 众等不同群体的观点,以便读者能够全面了解事件的多方面情况 。
目 录
• 对外报道新闻的基本原则 • 对外报道新闻的写作技巧 • 对外报道新闻的常见问题 • 对外报道新闻的改进方法
报道应基于事实,不夸大、不缩小、不歪曲事实 ,不带有任何主观色彩。
以下有几种新闻的格式:新闻的要素“五个w”和“一个h“五个w”:who(何人)、what(何事) when(何时)、where(何地) why(何故)“一个h”:how(如何)新闻的分类:消息、通讯、评论等标题:高度概括,抓人眼球结语:一般指消息的最后一句或一段话,是消息的结尾,它依内容的需要,可有可无写作要律:具有新闻价值、正确的格式、动人的标题。
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A Practical Guide forInternational News Reporting in English and Chinese英语对外新闻报道、中文新闻写作指导手册本系列讲座以英文对外新闻报道的原则与规范为主要内容,辅之以中文新闻写作的艺术和技巧。
这个严格体现在如下几个方面:第一、时间观念每周上课时间为周六下午2:30—5:30 (课间休息20分钟)上课地点:4331培训教室第二、学习、工作态度严谨的学术精神一丝不苟的求学精神灵活的学习方法广采博取,多学多记,包括文学、语言学、哲学、社会学、心理学、史学、经济学、法学、自然科学以及宗教、艺术等各个门类的知识充实自己。