国际货代英语完整讲义 Unit 6 Documentary Credit
国际商贸英语Unit 6 Letter of Credit

International Business English
Language skilEnglish
In this section, you are supposed to understand the items on SWIFT L/C and mail L/C. Based on the knowledge and understanding of the L/Cs, you are supposed to check the L/Cs against the sales contract for any discrepancies that may exist.
International Business English
3 The circulation of letter of credit
1) After the seller and the buyer agreed on the settlement of a deal by letter of credit, the buyer sends an application for its bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller that specifies the documents needed for payment. The buyer is the applicant of the L/C and the seller is the beneficiary of the L/C. 2) The buyer’s bank evaluates the buyer’s credit standing and then decides whether to issue the L/C at the buyer’s request. As a general practice, the buyer pays a deposit for the establishment of the L/C. The bank which opens the L/C is called issuing bank.

Unit 1 International trade 国际贸易❖Exchange交换_Capital 资金_goods 货物_Services服务❖Borders国界❖Territories 领土❖Significant share重要的部分_国内生产总值gross domestic product GDP❖Increasing international trade 增长的国际贸易is crucial to the continuance of globalization是持续全球化的关键❖Major source of economic revenue经济收入的主要来源❖International Trade国际贸易❖More costly更昂贵❖ A border国界involve增加additional cost附加成本_Tariffs关税_Time costs时间成本◆Border delays and costs国界延迟和成本◆Difference不同◆Language语言◆Legal system法律体系◆Culture文化❖Risks in international trade 国际贸易的风险◆Multilateral trade 多边贸易_Economic risks经济风险_Political risks政治风险◆外汇短缺◆政党❖Economic risks经济风险_Insolvency of the buyer买方破产_The failure of the buyer to pay the amount due with six months after the due date应付款日6个月内买方没有付款_Non acceptance没有承兑_The risk of exchange rate汇率风险❖Political risks政治风险_Cancellation or non renewal of export or import licences取消或不补充进出口许可证_War risk 战争险_Risk of expropriation征收or confiscation没收of importer’s company 进口方公司_Risk of inposition强迫接受of an import ban进口禁令after the shipment of the goods货物装上船_Transfer risk货币兑换风险_Imposition of exchange control货币管控的强迫接受_Foreign currency shortage外币短缺_Influence of political parties政党影响❖WTO国际贸易组织的职能◆Uruguay Round乌拉圭回合◆Multilateral trade多边贸易❖Basic Functions 国际贸易组织的基本职能1. 实施、管理、运行WTO协议和附件2. 多边贸易协商的论坛3. 为解决争端提供公断4. 为成员国检查贸易政策和实务❖Additional Functions 国际贸易组织的附加职能_Cooperate with◆国际货币基金组织IMF◆世界银行The world bank❖国际贸易步骤_Market research市场调研❖Barriers壁垒_Import duties进口关税_Import licenses进口许可证_Export licenses出口许可证_Import quotas进口配额_Tariff关税_Subsidies补助_Non-tariff barrier非关税壁垒❖Domestic Trade国内贸易❖Factors of production生产要素more mobile within a country_Capital资金_Labor劳动力_Substitute代替: Goods and services❖Labor intensive goods 劳动密集型货物❖The united states is Importing goods produced with chinese labor 进口中国劳动力生产的货物Instead of importing china labor 代替进口中国的劳动力❖影响国际贸易的因素_Industrialization工业化_Advanced transportation先进的运输_Globalization全球化_Multinational corporations跨国公司_Outsourcing外包_ Inquiries 询盘 _ Quotations /offer 报价 _ Order 下订单 _ Customs clearance 清关 _ Negotiation of export documents…受益人在信用证下议付出口单证 _ Redemption of documents under L/C 信用证下赎单 _ Lodging and setting claims 提出索赔➢ Seller:shipper 卖方,发货人 _ Booking,Custom clearance,inland transport,documentation,loading/unloading,warehousing ➢ Carrier:liner shipping company:sea transport 承运人 ➢ Buyer:consignee 卖方,收货人 ➢Freight Forwarder 国际货运代理人◆ 商务部◆ 佣金,代理费,服务费 ◆ 只对代理范围的事宜负责◆ 不签发提单,无需对全程运输的货损货差负责➢Freight forwarder 国际货运代理人◆ Commission agent佣金代理人,委托代理人_ On behalf of 代表 Exporter/importer 进出口商 ❖ Freight forwarding 国际货运代理行业Identify the formalities 了解相关的程序 Carriage of goods by sea 海上货物运输 Transport geography 运输地理 Trade route 贸易路线 Transshipment point 转运地点 ➢Routine Task 例行业务:_ Loading/unloading of goods 装卸货物 _ Storage of goods 储存货物 _ Arrange Local transport 内陆运输_ Obtaining payment for his customer 为客户代收款_ 不可以:海上运输ocean transport 、签发提单 Issue B/L 、收取运费get tariff ❖ Which enlarge the scope of services ?_ The expansion of international trade 国际贸易的扩展_ The development of different modes of transport 不同运输方式的发展 ❖ Routine and basic tasks 例行任务 _ Book of space 订舱 _ Customs clearance 清关❖ A comprehensive package of services 一揽子服务_ Covering the total transportation and distribution process 覆盖了全部运输和配送过程❖ Consignor 发货人 _ Seller _ Exporter_ Beneficiary of L/C 信用证受益人 _ Person sending goods❖ The Freight Forwarder may provide theservices _ Directly 直接_ Or through sub-contracts 通过分包商 _ Or other agencies 代理❖ On behalf of consignor 代表发货人 _ Choose the route➢NVOCC Non Vessel Ocean Common Carrier 无船承运人◆ 交通部 ◆ 收取运费差价 ◆ 要对全程运输负责 ◆ 签发自己的提单❖ Consignee 收货人 _ Buyer _ Importer_ Applicant of L/C 信用证的开证申请人 _ Person receiving goods◆ FIATA单证◆ Forwarder’s certificate of Receipt货代收货证明 ◆ Forwarder’s certificate of Transport货代运输证明_ County of export 出口国 _ Country of import 进口国 _ Country of transit 过境国_ Book space 订舱◆ F 组:buyer ;buyer 委托seller 订舱 ◆ C组:seller_ Take delivery of goods 提货 _ Issue document 签发单证 ❖ If any 只要有 _ Pack◆Route, the mode of transport, the nature of the goods_ Foreign exchange transaction 外汇交易 _ Note goods damage or losses 标注货损货差 _ Pursuing claims 索赔❖ On behalf of consignee 代表收货人 _ Take delivery of the goods 提货_ Arrange customs clearance, pay duties, fees and charges to the customs 海关and public authorities 公共权力机构 _ Arrange transit 、warehouding 安排转运仓储_ Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee 将清关后的货物交给收货人 _ Help consignee pursuing claims 帮助收货人索赔Unit 3 Incoterm 2000❖ International Commercial Terms 国际贸易术语解释通则 _ In line with international trade practice 和国际贸易实践相符合 ❖ ICC 国际商会International Chamber of CommerceINCOTERMS2000 :13个Trade terms 贸易术语 UCP600:跟单信用证统一规则ICC 目标:Facilitate the flow of International Trade 促进国际贸易流动 ❖ CMI 国际海事委员会海牙规则, 维斯比规则 ❖ IMO 国际海事组织 国际海运危险货物规则Clear the goods for Export 出口清关❖ 规定at which point the risk of loss and damage passes from seller to buyer 买卖双方风险/责任转移点 ❖ Which party pays for specific activites ❖ Party :Seller/Buyer❖ Seller delivers the goods 卖家完成交货,买家责任开始➢ FOB◆ Board 船/Deck 甲板 ◆ Rail 船舷/Tackle 钩 …named port of shipment 指定装货港◆ Delivers 完成交货◆ Ship’s rail 船舷◆ The seller clear the goods for export 卖方出口清关 ◆ Sea or inland waterway transport 海运或内河水运上海出口到神户 FOB SHANGHAI CIF/CFR KOBE西安出口到底特律FCA XIANCIP/CPT DETROIT 杭州—上海—长滩—匹兹堡FOB shanghaiFCA hangzhouCIF CFR LONGBEACH CPT CIP 匹兹堡 ➢ FCA◆ 责任风险划分点:seller delivers goods to the carrier nominated by the Buyer 货交承运人 ◆Chosen place of delivery 交货的地点 _ Seller’s premises 卖方所在地:the seller is responsible for loading 卖方负责装货❖ If necessary 如果有 _ Warehouse _ transshipment➢ CFR _ Seller pays Cost+Freight _ Sellers delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail 当货物越过船舷时,卖方完成交货◆ Ship’s rail at the port of loading 装货港的船舷_ 双方风险责任划分点,货损货差的风险转移点 ◆ Seller clear the goods for export ◆ Sea and inland waterway transport ➢ CIF _ Seller pays Cost+Insurance+Freight◆ 风险划分:Ship’s rail at the port of loading 装货港的船舷 ◆ The seller _ procure insurance 投保 _ Contract for insurance 签订保险合同_ Pay the insurance premium 支付保险费 ◆ Against the buyer’s risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage_ Any other place 其它地点:the seller is not responsible for unloading 卖方无需卸货 ◆交货对象 _ Carrier nominated by the buyer 承运人由买方指定 _ The buyer nominates a person 买方指定的人 ➢ CPT◆ CPT has much in common with the term CFR _ The major difference is that: mode of transfer ◆ Named place of destination ◆Carrier nominated by seller风险划分点:To the carrier nominated by seller 货交承运人If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across ship’s rail, the CPT term is preferred ➢CIP风险划分点:Seller delivers goods to the carrier nominated by the Seller SELLER procure insurance Against buyer’s risk 卖家买保险,为买家的风险。
外贸英语函电教程Unit 6 Letter of Credit

have not received the relevant L/C up to now.
Best regards, Tony Wang
Order: 4 1 3 2
Activity 2 Urging the establishment of L/C
III. Write an email to urge the establishment of L/C based on the following information. 1. The present date: Aug. 4th, 2015 2. 2. PO No.: 345 3. Terms of payment: by irrevocable L/C at sight to be established 30 days before the month of shipment 4. The date of shipment: September, 2015
Activity 2 Urging the establishment of L/C
I. Suppose a friend borrowed 1,000 Yuan from you in January and promised to repay you in June, but it is September now and you haven't got the money back. Text a message to your friend to ask him to repay you the money. Talk with your partner about the major contents of your message.

International trade:国际贸易GDP (gross domestic product) 国民生产总值,国内生产总值Industrialization 工业化Globalization 全球化Multinational corporation:跨国公司Factors of production 生产要素Labor-intensive goods 劳动密集型产品International finance 国际金融Exchange rate: 外汇汇率Transfer risk: 转让风险Exchange controls: 外汇管制WTO (world trade organization): 世界贸易组织Uruguay Round: 乌拉圭回合Multilateral trade:多边贸易The International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织The World Bank 世界银行Outsourcing 外包Trade barrier 贸易壁垒Import duties: 进口税Import/export license:进口/出口许可证Import quota:进口配额Tariff: 关税Non-tariff barrier: 非关税壁垒Market research 市场调研Offer:发盘Shipping space: 舱位Customs clearance:报关,清关Loading: 装货Shipping advice:装运通知Redemption of documents:赎单Delivery of goods 交货Freight forwarder 货运代理人Commission agent:委托代理人Modes of transport:运输方式A comprehensive package of services:全面的一揽子服务Consignor:发货人Consignee: 收货人Carrier:承运人Forwarders’ Certificate of Receipt: 代理人收货证明书Forwarders' Certificate of Transport:代理人运输证书L/C (letter of credit):信用证Foreign exchange transaction:外汇交易Freight:运费Bills of lading: 提单13个贸易术语(略)Trade terms 贸易术语,贸易条款ICC ( International Chamber of Commerce) 国际商会Incoterms(International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms)国际贸易术语解释通则International Trade practices 国际贸易实践,国际贸易惯例Inspection 检验Inland waterway transport 内河运输Multimodal transport 多式联运UCP 《跟单信用证统一惯例》Banking industry 银行业Transport industry 运输业Insurance industry 保险业Trader: 交易者Tender:提交Issuing bank:开证银行Confirming bank:保兑银行Nominated bank: 指定银行Advising bank: 通知银行Examination of documents:单证审核Commercial invoice:商业发票Transshipment:转船运输Terms of contract 合同条款Terms of shipment 装运条款Time for shipment 装运时间Partial shipment 分批装运Break the contract 违约Expiration date 有效期Presentation of documents 交单Applicant:申请人Beneficiary: 受益人Negotiating bank:议付行Documentary draft: 跟单汇票SWIFT:环球银行间金融电讯协会Notification:通知Documentary Credit:跟单信用证Clean Credit:光票信用证Irrevocable Documentary Credit:不可撤销跟单信用证Term of validity: 有效期Confirmed Credit:保兑信用证Unconfirmed Credit: 不保兑信用证Guarantee:保证,担保Sight Credit:即期信用证Time Credit:远期信用证Sight payment credit:即期付款信用证Sight negotiation credit: 即期议付信用证Deferred payment credit:延期付款信用证Acceptance credit: 承兑信用证Sight payment credit:即期付款信用证Anticipatory credit:预支信用证Revolving credit: 循环信用证Transferable credit: 可转让信用证Back—to-back credit:背对背信用证Transshipment point: 转运地Inland center:内陆中心Conference lines:班轮公会运输Non-conference lines: 非班轮公会运输Non—vessel operating common carriers (NVOCC)无船承运人Tramp service: 不定期船运输Shipping conference 班轮公会Ports of call: 挂靠港Loyalty arrangements: 忠诚协议Shipper 托运人Independent carriers: 独立承运人Bills of lading: 提单Sea waybills: 海运单Manifests: 货物舱单Shipping notes: 托运单Delivery orders:提货单Mate’s receipts:大副收据Document of title: 物权凭证Endorsement:背书Port authorities: 港务局Charter party 租船合同Voyage chartering 航次租船Shipowner 船东Single voyage 单程航次Discharging ports 卸货港Bale and grain capacity 包装和散装容积GENCON “金康”格式Time chartering 定期租船Charterer 承租人(租船人)NYPE “纽约土产”格式BALTIME “波尔的姆”格式Bareboat chartering 光船租船BARECON “贝尔康”格式BIMCO 波罗的海国际航运协会Marine Bills of Lading 海运提单Consignment of goods 货物托运Destination 目的地Document of title 物权凭证Port of destination 目的港Order bills of lading 指示提单Straight bills of lading 记名提单Shipped bills of lading 已装船提单Shipped in apparent good order and condition 已装船外表状况明显良好Received for shipment bills of lading 收货代运提单Direct bills of lading 直达提单Through bills of lading 联运提单Clean bills of lading 清洁提单Foul/unclean/dirty/claused bills of lading 不清洁提单Clean on board 清洁已装船Insufficient packing 包装不良Port agent 港口代理Notify party 通知方Arrival Notice 到货通知Ocean freight rates 海运运费率Tramp rates 不定期船运费率Liner freight rates 班轮运费率Liner operator 班轮营运人Fixed cost 固定成本Variable cost 可变成本Stores 物料费Administrative cost 管理成本Interest 利息Depreciation 折旧Stowage factor 积载因数Cost of service 服务成本Break bulk cargo 件杂货Open market rate 公开市场费率Adjustment factors 调整因素Currency adjustment factor (CAF)货币贬值调整因素;货币贬值附加费Port congestion surcharge 港口拥挤附加费Commodity Box Rates (BAF)分货种包箱费率Freight All Kinds (FAK) Rates 均一运费费率;不分货种运费费率Lump sum rate 整笔运费费率Average utilization 平均使用率Insurable interest 保险利益(原则)Utmost good faith 最大诚信(原则)Proximate cause 近因(原则)Indemnity 最大赔偿原则The assured/insured 被保险人The insurer/underwriter 保险人Subject matter insured 保险标的Amount insured 保险金额Insured against 投保Insurance premium 保险费Consideration 对价Bulk shipment 整批装运Insurance policy 保险单Insurance certificate 保险凭证Endorsement 批单Original 正本Insurance coverage 保险险别,保险范围PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses 中国人民保险公司海上货物运输保险条款Free of Particular Average (FPA)平安险Particular average 单独海损Constructive total loss 推定全损Natural calamities 自然灾害General average 共同海损Salvage charges 救助费用Port of distress 避难港With Particular Average (WA/WPA) 水渍险All Risks 一切险External causes 外部因素General additional risks 一般附加险Special additional risks 特别附加险Exclusions 除外责任Intentional act or fault 故意行为或过失Ordinary loss 自然损耗Inherent vice 固有缺陷Institute Cargo Clause 协会货物保险Land conveyance 内陆运输General average sacrifice 共同海损牺牲Import—export trade 进出口贸易Arrival 到港Departure 离港Entry Inwards 进口报关单Import Manifest 进口舱单,进口载货清单Load line 载重线Entry Outwards 出口报关单Port clearance 结关单Export Manifest 出口舱单,出口载货清单Bill of Entry 报关单Customs Declaration 报关Inward Permit 进口许可证Visual inspection 肉眼检查Chemical test 化学检验Banker's note 银行发票Shipping Bill 装运单Export Declaration 出口报关单Outward Export Permit 出口许可证Packing list 包装单Controlled goods 受管制货物Inspection certificate 检验证书Health certificate for live animal 活动物健康检疫证书Rail transport 铁路运输。
Unit 6 Documentary credit

Unit 6 Documentary credit一、信用证的定义英文定义:A letter of credit ( L/C, or credit ) is the written pr omise of a bank to act at the request and on the instruction of the a pplicant and to undertake payment to the beneficiary in the amount sp ecified in the credit, provide that the beneficiary complies with the terms and conditions of the credit.注释:written: 书面的,成文的 promise: 约定,保证 at the request of : 应(某人)的请求 on the instruction of: 凭(某人)的指示 applicant: 申请人 beneficiary: 受益人 specify: 指定,详列,规定 provide ( that ):假若,规定… comply with: 依从,服从,遵从 terms and conditions: 条款中文意思:信用证是指银行应申请人的要求和其指示开立的承诺在受益人履行信用证条款后按信用证规定的金额付款给受益人的书面保证文件。
转自轻松二、信用证的有关各方当事人(考试重点)英文原文:There are many parties involved in the L/C operation. T hey are the applicant, issuing bank, advising bank, beneficiary, nego tiating bank, and so on.注释:operation: 操作,运作 negotiating bank: 议付银行中文意思:信用证操作过程中涉及到许多当事人(方),他们是申请人,开证银行,通知银行,受益人,议付银行等。
英文版 国际贸易实务第四课 第六章 国际货物运输

A ship without crew and ship’s master
The character is responsible for crewing, provisioning and fuelling, maintaining and even paying different taxes or duties within a period of time, usually a number of years
Chapter Six International Cargo Transport
Instructed by Johnson
The different modes of transport, esp. ocean transport.
The nature of liner transport.
Page 5
6.1.1 Ocean Transport 海洋运输 Types of Shipping Services
1) Liner Transport(班轮运输) A passenger or cargo vessel that operates over a regular route according to an advertised time-table. Features
General considerations on cargo transport. The various kinds of B/L. The contents of the transport clause.
Page 2
1.1 What Is International Trade?
calculated per cubic meter on measurement of the cargo

2009年货运代理英语辅导资料(1)加入收藏【大中小】 [ 2009-7-30 ]Scope of Freight Forwarding ServicesOriginally, a freight forwarder (货运代理人) was a commission agent (委托代理人) performing on behalf of (代表…) the exporter/importer routine tasks suchas loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, arranging local transport,obtaining payment for his customer, etc…However, the expansion of international trade and the development ofdifferent modes of transport over the years that followed enlarged the scope ofhis services. Today, a freight forwarder plays an important role ininternational trade and transport. The services that a freight forwarder rendersmay often range from routine and basic tasks such as the booking of space orcustoms clearance (清关) to a comprehensive package of services covering theChoose the route, mode of transport and a suitable carrier. 句子中的:carrier(承运人) 来自动词carry(运送,携带). 它的名词是carriage(运输,运输费).关于这个carriage 还可以解释运输费的情况, 还想再言几句:carriage 运输费:例如: carriage paid to ... (CPT, 运费付至…)carriage and Insurance Paid To ... (CIP, 运费、保险费付至…)carriage free (运费免付)carriage paid (运费已付)carriage forward (运费到付)freight 运输费(租用船只或飞机的费用, 尤其指水路运费:例如: freight prepaid (运费已付)freight collect (运费到付)句子:Take delivery of the goods and issue relevant documents such as theForwarders’ Certificate of Receipt, the Forwarders’ Certificate of Transport,etc.句中:12.1 比较说明下列句词:(1) take delivery of the goods and ... (即上句)(2) ... and deliver the goods to the carrier.deliver (及物动词vt.):原意是"递送, 交付(信件、包裹、货物等)至收件处、收件人或购货人等".上句(2)的意思当然就解释为"货交承运人"了.我们也就不难理解贸易术语中的D组术语:delivered duty unpaid (DDU, 未完税交货)delivered duty paid (DDP, 完税后交货) 的意思了delivery (名词n.)例如: delivery note (交货单)delivery receipt (送货单)delivery order (提货单, 它的缩写是D/O)take delivery of = receive (词组phr. 解释"收到,接收")值得注意的是: deliver(y) 和take delivery of 意思正好向左.(1) Study the provisions of the letter of credit and ...(provision = regulation, 稍侧重于clause)(2) ... and all Government regulations ...(regulation = provision,稍侧重于rule)be applicable tbe applicable to = be able to have an effect on sth. (适用于...)transit:transit 原意是"通过、运送、搬运"等意思.贸易上的解释见下例: transit trade = entrepot trade 转口贸易,过境贸易transit country 过境国,中转国.transit operations 运输过程goods delayed in transit: 运输中延误的货物(注意介词的搭配)句子: Arrange warehousing of the goods, if necessary.句中:例如: bonded warehouse 保税仓库warehousing = storage "仓库储存","仓储费"例如: warehousing and storage activities 仓储作业2009年货运代理英语辅导资料(2)加入收藏【大中小】[ 2009-7-30 ]16. 句子:Draw the consignor’s attention to the need for insurance and arrange for the insurance of goods, if required by the consignor.句中:draw sb’s attention t 引起某人的注意, 相当于提醒货物代理人要提醒发货人注意是否需要货物保险(意译)的这半句有:A freight forwarder reminds the consignor to attend to the need for insurance ...17. 句子:Transport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance, related documentation formalities and deliver the goods to the carrier.句中:句子: Pay fees and other charges including freight.句中:(1) fee (手续费):含义中有"为获得做某事的许可或为得到某种认可而支付的费用"例如: registration fee (注册费、登记费)membership fee (会费)(2) charge ("因服务而索取的"费用,与free of charge 相对)含义中有"购买某种服务时按规定价目所支付的费用"例如: collection charge (托收费)delivery charge (递送费)additional charge = surcharge (附加费)fumigation charge (熏蒸费)charges prepaid / charges forward (费用预付/费用到付)(3) expense (花费,耗费,开销)含义中有"当被认为有大量花费时",这个词不仅仅用在金钱上,还用在时间或精力的花费上:例如: medical expense (医药费)living expense (生活费)注意: 会计领域中使用这个词时,通常情况下以复数形式出现的机会较多.注意是通常情况:例如: operating expenses (营业费用,经营费用)travelling expenses (差旅费)selling expense (销售费用,没有"s")income taxes expense (所得税费用,没有"s")(4) -age (费,资)-age 是表示抽象名词的后缀.没有"费、资"的说法,但是下列这些词有"费、资"的解释:例如: postage (邮资) carriage (运费) storage (仓库费)2009年货运代理英语辅导资料(3)加入收藏【大中小】[ 2009-7-30 ]句子: Arrange for transshipment en route if necessary.句中: transshipment:(1) 前缀"trans-" = to a changed state (转变、转移、转换)例如: transport, transplant (移植)(2) transhipment 的拼法是否正确呢? 严格地来说,并不正规.例如: transshipment additional (转船附加费)transshipment charge (转船费用)port of transshipment (中转港)19.2 en route:en route = on the way (在途中)这是一个单词,外来语,并非是两个单词或词组, 后通常接"for、to、from"例如: These containers were en route from shanghai to Los angeles.句子:Monitor the movement of goods all the way to the consignee through contacts with the carrier and the forwarders’agents abroad.我们这样看就简单多了:Monitor the movement of goods through contacts with the carrier.句子的其他部分再一点一点添加上去,句意就完整了.21. 我们把两句句子连在一起看:(1) Note damages or losses, if any, to the goods.(2) Assist the consignor in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrierfor loss of the goods or for damage to them.damage:damage = harm or injury that causes loss of value (有"失去价值"的含义)例如: damage by fire (火损)damage by water (水损)damage certificate (残损证明书)damage to the goods (注意介词搭配)damaged goods (损坏了的货物)goods damaged in transit (...中受损的货物)loss: loss 这个词,词义很单纯, 解释"丧失,灭失",只是在字形上要把它和下列单词区分清楚:lose (动词)lost ( lose 的过去式, 过去分词, 或其他解释的形容词)loss (名词, 注意它的用法: loss of the goods)2009年货运代理英语辅导资料(4)加入收藏【大中小】 [ 2009-7-30 ]make/pursue a claim against sb for sth (就...向...提出赔偿):一提到 claim, 保险和法律的味道比较浓, pursue 还有 seek 的意思:(1) 保险领域的"索赔": claim clause (索赔条款)notice of claim (索赔通知)(2) 法律领域的(根据权利所提出的)"要求":claim for damage (要求损害赔偿)The forwarders, on behalf of the consignee (importer), would:Monitor the movement of good on behalf of the consignee when the consignee controls freight (支付运费), that is, the cargo.Receive and check all relevant documents relating to the movement of the goods.Take delivery of the goods from the carrier and, if necessary, pay the freight cost (支付运费).Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities.Arrange transit warehousing, if necessary.Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee.Assist the consignee, if necessary, in pursuing claims, if any, againstthe carrier for the loss of the goods or any damage to them.Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution.句子:Monitor the movement of good on behalf of the consignee when the consignee controls freight, that is, the cargo.句中:关于"货物"的词有这么一些,请辨析清楚:(1) cargo = goods (尤其是指船、飞机、车辆所载的)货物,运输行业的用语. 例如: sepcial cargoes (特殊货物)project cargoes (工程货物)container cargo (集装箱货物)general cargo (杂货、普通货物)(2) goods 这个词与 passengers 相对应例如: the shipment of goods (货物运输)passenger transport (客运)(3) commodity (生活必需品,在经济领域中解释的商品)例如: household commodity (家庭用品)commodity inspection (商品检验)name of commodity = commodity name (品名)(4) merchandise (销售、贸易领域中所指的商品、货物)(5) article (它不象前面四个词那样的解释,即不是指商品或货物的总称,它的解释常常是"物品、物件、制品"等单件商品)例如: a bamboo article (竹器)three articles of luggage (三件行李)handmade articles (手工制品)句子:Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities.句中:duty (税,税收)customs duty (海关税)excise duties (消费税)stamp duties (印花税)duty-free goods (免税商品)authority 和 association(1) authority 作为名词,而且以复数的形式出现时:例如: the health authorities 解释"当局、权威机构"实际上,以译成"机构、机关、管理局、委员会"等比较合理(2) association 解释"社团、协会、学会、联盟"等例如: China International Freight Forwarders Association(CIFA) International Federation of Feight Forwarders Association(FIATA)货代英语辅导:如何读懂海运提单加入收藏【大中小】[ 2009-8-7 ]1.提单的正面条款(1)托运人(SHIPPER),一般为信用证中的受益人。

国际货运代理专业英语常用词组Unit 1 Scope of Freight Forwarding Services1. a freight forwarder货运代理人2. a commission agent 收取佣金的代理商3.on behalf of sb. 代表某人利益4.loading and unloading of goods 货物的装卸5.perform routine tasks 行使日常职责6.storage of goods 货物的仓储7.modes of transport 运输方式8.enlarge the scope of services 扩大服务范围9.to render services 提供服务10.range from ……to 范围从…到…11. a comprehensive package of services 全面的一揽子服务12.the booking of shipping space订舱位13.customs clearance 清关14.transportation and distribution process 运输及分配/物流过程15.consignor/consignee 发货人/收货人16.attend to the procedural and documentary formalities。
办理程式化及单证类手续17.undertake to process the movement of goods 承担货物运输18.the various stages involved 所涉及的各阶段19.contractor/subcontractor 承包商及分包商20.to utilize the services of overseas agents 利用海外代理的服务21. a suitable carrier 合适的承运人22.issue relevant documents 开具相关票据23.Forwarders’Certificate of Receipt/Transport 货运代理收货证/运输证24.(be)applicable to sth. 运用/应用于……25.draw/call/invite one’s attention to 提请某人注意26.arrange for transshipment on route 安排途中转运27.attend to foreign exchange transaction 安排外汇交易28.assist sb. in pursuing claim against sb. for sth. 协助某人就某事向某人进行索赔。

Quantity CIF London
Coffee cups 3 000
US$50.00 per 100
Tea cups 2 000
US$50.00per 100
Teapots 1 000
US$5.00 each
Packing: In wooden cases, 40 pieces packed in one case Shipment: Prompt shipment from Tianjin Payment: By Irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight Please note that the porcelain wares should be of the same quality as that used in the sample. We expect to find a good market for these goods and hope to place further and larger orders with you in the near future.
• On viewing the samples and pricelist you sent
us on June 1, we have the pleasure in placing with
you the following trial order best attention.
• 如果卖方的报价(offer)无条件地被买方接受, 或者买卖双方经过贸易条款磋商达成一致,由 买方发出订单;或买方根据卖方报价直接发出 订单,再由卖方对订单进行函电确认以后,交 易就进入了定购货物阶段。这时可由卖方寄发 销售合同或者销售确认书,也可由买方在订购 货物时直接把购货合同或者购货确认寄给卖方。 购货合同和购货确认书是买卖双方在通过交易 磋商达成交易后,是由买方出具并寄给双方加 以确认的列明达成交易条件的书面证明,经买 卖双方签署的确认书,是法律上有效的文件, 对买卖双方具有同等的约束力

General cargo rates 普通运价 Minimum charges 最低运价
Valuable cargo 贵重货物 指定商品运价 special commodity rates
保险费 insurance costs 计费重量 chargeable weight
Freight charges 货物运费 合并运输服务 consolidation services
陆桥运输 land bridge 知识产权 intellectual property
货物运输 cargo transportation 统一费用 flat rate Inherent vice 固有缺陷
包运合同 contract of afreightment 租船合同 charter party
Foul bill of lading 不清洁提单 Negotiable document 可转让单据
Straight bills of lading 记名提单 Through bills of lading 联运提单
Complimentary close 结尾敬语 Official title 官衔 Inside address 封内地址,收信人地址
Letterhead 信头,发信人地址 Diplomacy 外交手腕 事由 subject line 格式 format/style
简洁 conciseness 回信地址 return adress 称呼 salutation Target audience 目标企业
货运价格 freight rate Logistics 物流 合并运输 groupage transport

国际货运代理英语常用词组或词汇Unit 1 Scope of Freight Forwarding Servicesfreight forwarder 货运代理/货物代理人foreign exchange 外汇/外国汇票bills of lading 提单commission agent 委托代理人letter of credit 信用证customs clearance 清关special cargoes 特殊货物project cargoes 工程货物heavy crane 重吊customs terminal 海关站trade contract 贸易合同general cargo 杂货transit operations 运输过程Unit 2 Incoterms 2000-Six Major Trade Termsinland waterway transport 内河运输clear the goods for export 办理货物出口清关手续insurance policy 保险单insurance premium 保险费charges 费用port 港口point 点premise 所在地collection vehicle 提货的车辆be in conformity with 与---相符formalities 手续packing costs 包装费用transfer of risks 风险转移in accordance with 根据no obligation 无义务mode of transport 运输方式exchange control 外汇管制2007-9-11 05:07 梦梦心艺Unit 3 Terms of Shipment in the Contract for the International Sale ofGoodsports of call 挂靠港/停靠港expiry date 有效期presentation of documents 交单partial shipments 分批装运shipping documents 装运单据/运输单据liner transport 班轮运输shipping by chartering 租船运输sailing schedule 船期表liner freight tariff 班轮运价表weight ton 重量吨measurement ton 尺码吨direct additional 直航附加费transshipment additional 转船附加费port additional 港口附加费port congestion surcharge 港口拥挤附加费alteration of destination additional 变更卸货港附加费deviation surcharge 绕航附加费optional additional 选卸附加费bunker surcharge 燃油附加费additional for excess of liability 超额责任附加费dispatch money 速遣费shipping space 舱位2007-9-11 05:07 梦梦心艺Unit 4 International Cargo Transportation Insuranceinsurance broker 保险经纪人in transit 运输中Particular Average 单独海损general average 共同海损partial loss 部分损失stranded vessel 搁浅船Free of Particular Average(FPA) 平安险(单独海损不赔)With Average/With Particular Average(WA/WPA) 水渍险All Risks(AR) 一切险War and Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions 战争、罢工、暴动和民变(风险)bulk cargo 散货deductible franchise 绝对免赔额general cargo 杂货/普通货物inherent vice 内在缺陷/固有缺陷insurance fund 保险基金insurance company 保险公司insurance contract 保险合同insurance clauses 保险条款insurance period 保险期限insurance agent 保险代理人actual total loss 实际全损constructive total loss 推定全损force majeure 不可抗力full insurance 足额保险general average contribution 共同海损分摊marine insurance 海上保险notice of claim 索赔通知partial loss 部分损失perils of the sea 海上风险rate of premium 保险费率returns of premium 保险退费validity of policy 保险单的有效期valued policy 定值保险单voyage policy 航次保险单war risk 战争险wear and tear 自然磨损2007-9-11 05:07 梦梦心艺Unit 5 The Practice of International Ocean cargo Transportationinternational trade 国际贸易carriage of goods by sea 海上货物运输pattern of international trade 国际贸易方式shipping market 航运市场non-conference lines 非班轮公会航线non-vessel operating common carrier(NVOCC) 无营运船公共承运人tramp service 不定期船运输conference lines 班轮公会航线scheduled service 定期航运common carrier 公共承运人shipping conference 班轮公会freight rate 运费率supply and demand 供求bill of lading, B/L 提单sea waybill 海运单shipping note 托运单/装货通知单delivery order 提货单mate's receipts 大副收据/收货单contract of carriage 货物运输合同receipt for goods 货物收据document of title 物权凭证port authorities 港务局/港口主管机关shipping space 舱位liner service 班轮运输sailing schedule 船期表cargo seawothiness 适货shipowner 船舶所有人/船东ship operator 船舶经营人merchant ship 商船passenger ship 客船general cargo ship 杂货船oil tanker 油船container ship 集装箱船multipurpose cargo vessel 多用途船roll on/roll off ship or ro/ro ship 滚装船freight manifest 运费清单shipping order 装货单loading list or cargo list 装货清单dangerous cargo list 危险品清单damage cargo list 货物残损单cargo tracer 货物查询单actual carrier 实际承运人voyage charter 航次租船bareboat charter 光船租船cancelling date 解约日multimodal transportation 多式联运stowage plan 积载图notice of readiness 准备就绪通知书2007-9-11 05:08 梦梦心艺Unit 6 Chartering Shipping or Tramp Shippingen route 在途中port dues 港口费canal tolls 运河通行费light dues 灯标费harbour dues 港务费forwarding agent 货运代理人long term contract 长期合同external capital 外部投资。
国际货代英语 (16)[6页]
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4. WordsBiblioteka and Expressionsbill of exchange汇票 drawer出票人 drawee受票人 payer付款人 payee收款人 bearer持票人 honor付款 dishonor拒付
banker's draft银行汇票 commercial draft商业汇票 documentary draft跟单汇票 clean draft光票 sight draft即期汇票 time draft/term draft /usance bill 远期汇票 negotiable instrument可转让 票据
Text 6 Bill of Exchange
1.The Function of Bill of Exchange
According to the Bills of Exchange Act,a bill of exchange is “an unconditional order in writing,addressed by one party (drawer)to another (drawee),signed by the person giving it,requiring the party to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer”.
2.The Form of Bill of Exchange
3.The Contents of Bill of Exchange
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国际货运代理专业英语 Unit 6 Documentary Credit英文定义:A letter of credit ( L/C, or credit ) is the written promise of a bank to act at the request and on the instruction of the applicant and to undertake payment to the beneficiary in the amount specified in the credit, provide that the beneficiary complies with the terms and conditions of the credit.注释:written: 书面的,成文的 promise: 约定,保证 at the request of : 应(某人)的请求 on the instruction of: 凭(某人)的指示 applicant: 申请人 beneficiary: 受益人 specify: 指定,详列,规定 provide ( that ): 假若,规定… comply with: 依从,服从,遵从 terms and conditions: 条款中文意思:信用证是指银行应申请人的要求和其指示开立的承诺在受益人履行信用证条款后按信用证规定的金额付款给受益人的书面保证文件。
二、信用证的有关各方当事人(考试重点)外语学习网英文原文:There are many parties involved in the L/C operation. They are the applicant, issuing bank, advising bank, beneficiary, negotiating bank, and so on.注释:operation: 操作,运作 negotiating bank: 议付银行中文意思:信用证操作过程中涉及到许多当事人(方),他们是申请人,开证银行,通知银行,受益人,议付银行等1、applicant(申请人)英文定义:An applicant is the party that applies to a bank for opening a letter of credit. An applicant may also be called “opener” or “accountee”. It is usually the buyer or importer in a contract.注释:apply to: 向…申请或要求 open a letter of credit: 开立信用证 opener: 申请开证人 accountee: 开证申请人中文意思:申请人是指向银行申请开立信用证的一方。
2、issuing bank (开证行)英文定义:An issuing bank refers to the bank that issues a letter of credit at the request of the applicant, and is responsible for payment of the proceeds under an L/C if the terms and conditions of the credit are complied with.注释:refer to: 指的是 be responsible for: 对…负有责任,对…负责 proceeds: 货款,收益中文意思:开证行应申请人要求开立信用证的银行,并在信用证条款履行后负责支付信用证项下的款项。
3、advising bank (通知行)英文原文:An advising bank is usually a bank in the seller’s country. Of course, it may also be in a third country. Upon instructions and entrustment of the issuing bank, the advising bank advises the beneficiary of the L/C.注释:of course: 当然 third country: 第三国家 entrustment: 委托中文意思:通知行通常是卖方所在国银行,也可在第三国家。
4、beneficiary (受益人)英文定义:A beneficiary refers to the party in whose favor an L/C is opened and which should comply with the terms and conditions of the credit in order to receive the proceeds. It usually refers to the seller, the exporter.注释:in sb. favor:对某人有利,以某人为受益人中文意思:受益人是指信用证受益一方,需按信用证条款履行义务以获得付款。
5、negotiating bank 议付银行英文原文:A negotiating bank is the bank that negotiates the beneficiary’s draft(s). It may be the advising bank or another bank authorized to negotiate the documents. If there is no specific stipulation in the L/C, the exporter may present the documentary draft to any bank that is able to do the negotiation.注释:draft: 汇票,付款通知单 be authorized to: 有权做…,被允许 stipulation: [不可数]规定; [可数]条款, 条件 documentary draft: 跟单汇票中文意思:议付行是对受益人汇票进行议付的银行。
英文原文:An L/C can be opened by mail, by cable, or by SWIFT. Although there are no uniform forms covering an L/C, their contents are basically the same.注释:cable: 电报 SWIFT ( Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) :环球银行间金融电讯协会 uniform form: 统一格式中文意思:信用证可以通过邮件,电报以及SWIFT格式开立。
英文原文:They include all the important terms and conditions of the sales contract signed by the two parties: documents req uired, the banker’s undertaking clauses, and any special conditions in the L/C.注释:documents required: 单证要求 banker: 银行 clause: 条款中文意思:这些基本内容包括所有买卖方双方签署的合同中的重要条款:单证要求,银行保证条款,以及其他信用证的特别规定。
四、跟单信用证的基本程续(考试重点)三个基本步骤:1、issuance of the L/C 信用证开立英文原文:The process of a buyer applying for and opening a documentary credit at the issuing bank, and the issuing bank’s notification of the L/C to the seller through the advising bank. 信用证开立是买方向开证行申请开立信用证,通过通知行向卖方发出开证行开证通知。
注释:process: 过程,程序 notification: 通知,通知书2、Amendment to the L/C if necessary 如需对信用证进行修改英文原文:The process whereby the terms and conditions of a documentary credit may be modified after the credit has been issued. 在信用证开立后如需对跟单信用证的条款进行更改需进行信用证的修改。
注释:amendment: 修正, 改正, 修订 whereby: 因此,为何,由此 modify: 变更,修改3、utilization and settlement 使用和支付英文原文:The process whereby the seller ships the goods, transfers the documents from the seller to the buyer through banks, and transfers the proceeds from the buyerto the seller through banks in different ways (the settlement). 这一过程是卖方装运货物,将单证通过因银行转让给买方,并且再由买方通过银行向卖方通过各种途径付款。
1. Documentary Credits vs. Clean Credits 跟单信用证与光票信用证英文原文:If shipping documents are required, these credits are called documentary credits. If shipping documents are not required and only drafts are required, they are called clean credits.注释:documentary credit: 跟单信用证 clean credit: 光票信用证中文意思:如果信用证附带有装运单据,则称为跟单信用证。