
奥巴马在2016白宫记者协会晚宴的演讲英文全文|附段子解析"奥巴马最后以致敬篮球运动员科比的方式扔掉麦克风,并说'Obama,out', 大步流星的走下舞台,令人唏嘘。
"美国时间上周六晚间,美国总统奥巴马在他最后一次的白宫记者协会的晚宴上,又一次段子手上身,不但狂黑各大媒体,对Hillary、Trump,Ted Cruz等正激烈竞争总统宝座的候选人们也毫不留情。
CARAOL: Mr.President. The podium is yours.THE PRESIDENT: You can’t say it, but you know it’s tr-ue.开场音乐是Anna Kendrick的“When I’m Gone”,这句话是在玩这个梗,因为奥巴马即将卸任(be gone)。
Good evening, everybody. It is an honor to be here at my last —and perhaps the last —White House Correspondents’ Dinner.You all look great. The end of the Republic has never looked better.I do apologize — I know I was a little late tonight. I was running on C.P.T. —which stands for “jokes that white people should not make.” It’s a tip for you, Jeff.1, C.P.T是指Colored People's Time,吐槽黑人被说迟到。
2,反击纽约市长Bill de Blasio此前关于C.P.T的玩笑。
Bill de Blasio之前在另一个场合迟到,于是开了一个玩笑I am running on CP Time.结果全场陷入尴尬。

Round One: Achieving Prosperity第一轮:实现繁荣主持人说:The question is about putting more money into the Americans’pockets.问题是:如何让美国人的钱包鼓起来?首先发言的是希拉里:First we have to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.首先,我们要建立一个能为所有人服务的经济体,而非一个只为最富有那群人服务的。
That means we need more jobs, good jobs with rising incomes.这意味着跟多的工作岗位,那种有着更高收入的好工作。
I want us to invest in you. I want us to invest in your future.我眼中的投资对象是你们,是你们的未来。
That means jobs in infrastructure and in mass manufacturing, in innovation and technology, clean renewable energy and in small businesses bec ause most of the jobs will come from small business.而这意味着基础设施建设和大型制造业里的岗位、创新和科技领域的岗位、清洁可再生能源领域的岗位,以及小企业里的岗位,因为这些工作大部分会来自小企业。
We also have to make the economy fairer. That starts with raising the national minimum wage and also guarantee finely equal pay for women’s work.我们还得让经济环境更加公平。

美国总统奥巴马的演讲稿集(中英文对照) 奥巴马连任胜选的中英文演讲词奥巴马连任胜选的中英文演讲词Thank you. Thankyou. Thank you so much.谢谢,非常感谢各位。
Tonight more than200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its owndestiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward. It movesforward because of you. It moves forward because you reaffirmed thespirit that has triumphed over war and depression, the spirit thathas lifted this country from the depths of despair to the sofhope. The belief that while each of us will pursue our ownindivual dreams, we are an American family and we rise or falltogether as one nation and as one people.今晚,是在一个曾经的殖民地在赢得自己主权200多年之后,我们来到这里,不断前行,这主要是因为你们坚信这个国家能够实现永恒的希望,实现移民的梦想。
Tonight in thiselection, you, the American people, remind us while our road hasbeen hard, while our journey has been long, we have pickedourselves up, we have fought our way back, and we know in ourhearts that the united states of America the best is yet tocome.今晚,在选举的过程当中,你们——美国的人民,让我们记得我们的道路是非常艰辛的,我们的道路是漫长的,我们重新站了起来,我们也从内心知道,美国还没有迎来最好的时代。

美国总统大选第一场辩论中英翻译LEHRER: Gentlemen, at this very moment tonight, where do you stand on the financial recovery plan?First response to you, Senator Obama. You have two minutes.主持:先生们,在今晚此刻,你们所支持的金融复兴的计划如何?首先是议员奥巴马,你有两分钟演说时间。
OBAMA: Well, thank you very much, Jim, and thanks to the commission and the University of Mississippi, "Ole Miss," for hosting us tonight. I can't think of a more important time for us to talk about the future of the country.奥巴马:谢谢,JIM,也感谢密西西比大学为我们今晚举办的辩会,我想这是我们谈谈关于美国的将来的最好时机了。
You know, we are at a defining moment in our history. Our nation is involved in two wars, and we are going through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.你知道,我们正处于历史的决定性的时刻。
And although we've heard a lot about Wall Street, those of you on Main Street I think have been struggling for a while, and you recognize that this could have an impact on all sectors of the economy.尽管我们听到很多关于华尔街的,我一直苦苦地沉思,而你也意识到了,这可能影响到经济的所有部门。

希拉里竞选美国总统演讲稿(带翻译).doc2016年希拉里竞选美国总统演讲稿(带翻译)2016年希拉里竞选美国总统演讲稿(带翻译)希拉里竞选美国总统演讲稿篇1I m getting ready for a lot of things. A lot of things.It s spring, so we re starting to get the gardens ready and my tomatoes are legendary here in my own neighborhood.My daughter is about to start kindergarten next year, and so we re moving just so she can belong to a better school.My brother and I are starting our first business. After five years of raising my children, I am now going back to work.Every day we re trying to get more and more ready and more prepared. Baby boy, coming your way.Right now I m applying for jobs. It s a look into what the real world will look like after college. I m gettingmarried this summer to someone I really care about.I m gonna be in the play and I m gonna be in a fish costume. From little tiny fishes.I m getting ready to retire soon. Retirement means reinventing yourself in many ways.Well we ve been doing a lot of home renovations. But, most importantly, we justwant to teach our dog to quit eating the trash.And so we have high hopes for 2015 that s going to happen.I ve started a newcareer recently. This is a fifth generation company which means a lot to me. This country was founded on hard work and it really feels good to be a part of that.I m getting ready to do something, too. I m running for president.Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times but the deckis still stacked in favor of those at the top.Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion. So, you can do more than just get by, you can get ahead. And stay ahead! Because when families are strong, America is strong. So, I m hitting the road to earn your vote. Because it s your time, and I hope you ll join me on this journey.我已准备好做很多事。

Hilary:“The kind of plan that Donald is put forward would trickle down economy all over again. And that would be the most extreme version.”
“That is not how we grow the economy. ”
“I think we come out of it with somewhat different perspectives. I understand that. You know Donald was very fortunate in his life and that’s all to his benefit. He started his business with 14 million dollar borrowed from his father. And he really believes that the more you help wealthy people, the better off will be. I don’t buy that.”

美国总统大选胜选的英文演讲稿Dear fellow Americans,Today marks a historic day in our nation's history. I am honored and humbled to stand before you as your newly elected President of the United States.First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to all of you who have placed your trust in me and supported me throughout this incredible journey. This victory would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of my campaign team and the countless volunteers who worked day and night to ensure that our message was heard loud and clear.We ran a campaign focused on the issues that matter most to the American people - creating jobs, strengthening our economy, improving healthcare, and ensuring that our nation remains safe and secure. We listened to your concerns and offered practical solutions to some of our most pressing challenges. And today, we stand here with a renewed sense of hope and optimism for the future of our great nation.I want to extend my gratitude to my opponent in this election, who ran a hard-fought campaign and offered his own vision for the future of our nation. While we may have differed on some important issues, I have the utmost respect for his dedication to public service, and I look forward to working with him and all of our elected officials to move our country forward.But today is not about politics. It is about coming together asAmericans, united in our shared values and our common goals. As I take on the challenges of the presidency, I pledge to work tirelessly on behalf of all Americans, regardless of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation.Together, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and for future generations. We can build a nation where every child has the opportunity to succeed, where hard work is rewarded, and where our freedoms and liberties are protected. We can continue to be a beacon of hope and opportunity for people around the world.This will not be an easy journey, and there will be many obstacles along the way. But I have faith in the American people, and I know that together we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.So let us come together as one nation, united by our love for this great country and our shared determination to make it even greater. Thank you, and may God bless the United States of America.。

Good evening. Thank you.One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared his candidacy. In his own way, and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider. And he prevailed against afield of 16 very talented competitors.For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people’schampion, and tonight he’s the people’s nominee.Like many of my following millennial, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat. More than party affiliation, I vote on based on what I believe is right, for my family and for my country. Sometimes it’s a tough choice. That is not the case this time. As the proud daughter of your nominee, I am here to tell you that this is the moment and Donald Trump is the person to make America great again.Real change, the kind we have not seen in decades is only going to come from outside the system. Andit’s only going to come from a man who’s spent his entire life doing what others said could not be done. My father is a fighter. When the primaries got tough and they were tough, he did what any great leader does. He dug deeper,worked harder, got better and became stronger.I have seen him fight for his family. I have seen him fight for his employees. I have seen him fight for his company. And now, I am seeing him fight for our country. It’s been the story of his life and more recently the spirit of his campaign. It’s also a prelude to reaching the goal that unites us all. When this party and better still this country knows what it is like to win again.If it’s possible to be famous and yet not really well done, that describes the father who raised me.In the same office in Trump T ower, where we now work together, I remember playing on the floor by my father’s desk, constructing miniature buildings with Legos and Erector sets, while he did the same with concrete steel and glass.One of my father’s greatest talents is the ability to see potential in people, before they see it in themselves. It was like that for us to growing up. He taught us that potential vanishes into nothing without effort.And like him, we each had responsibility to work, not just for ourselves but for the betterment of the world around us. Over the years, on too many occasions to count, I saw my father tear stories out of the newspaper about people whom he had never met,who were facing some injustice or hardship. He’d write a note to his assistant, in a signature black felt tip pen, and request that the person be found and invited to Trump T ower to meet with him. He would talk to them and then draw upon his extensive network to find them a job or get them a break.And they would leave his office, as people so often do after having been with Donald Trump, feeling that life could be great again.Throughout my entire life,I have witnessed his empathy and generosity towards other, especially those who are suffering. It is just his way of being in your corner when you’re down. My father not only has the strength and ability necessary to be our next President, but also thekindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader that this country needs.I’ve learned a lot about the world from walking construction jobs by his side. When run properly,construction sites are true meritocracies. Competence in the building trades is easy to spot and incompetence is impossible to hide.These sites are also incredible melting pots, gathering people from all walks of life and uniting them to work towards a single mission. There have always been men of all background and capacities on my father’s job sites. And long before it was common place, you also saw women.My father values talent.He recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. He is color blind and gender neutral. He hires the best person for the job, period.Words and promises, no matter visionary they sound will only get you so far. In our business, you're not a builder, unless you’ve got a building to show for it, or in my father’s case, city skylines. Most people strive their entire lives to achieve great success in a single industry.My father has succeeded in many on the highest level and on a global scale. One of the reasons he has thrived as an entrepreneur is because he listens to everyone. Billionaire executives don’t usually ask the people doing the work for their opinion of the work. My father is an exception.TRUMP: On every one of his projects, you’ll see him talking to the super, the painter, the engineers, the electricians, he’ll ask them for their feedback, if they think something should be done differently, or could be done better. When Donald Trump is in charge,all that counts is ability, effort and excellence.This has long been the philosophy at the Trump Organization. At my father’s company, there are more female than male executives. Women are paid equally for the work that we do and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out. Women represent 46 percent of the total U.S. labor force, and 40 percent of American households have female primary breadwinners.In 2014, women made 83 cents for every dollar made by a man. Single women without children earn 94 cents for each dollar earned by a man, whereas married mothers made only 77 cents. As researchers have noted,gender is no longer the factor creating the greatest wage discrepancy in this country, motherhood is.As President, my father will change the labor laws that were put into place at a time when women were not a significant portion of the workforce. And he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all.。

president obamas second inaugural address 奥巴马连任就职演讲全文here is the full text of president barack obamas second inaugural address on jan.21, 2013, as prepared for delivery: 2013年1月21日,美国总统奥巴马宣誓就职,开始第二任期。
vice president biden, mr. chief justice, members of the united states congress,distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: 副总统拜登、首席大法官先生、国会议员、各位嘉宾、公民们:each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduringstrength of our constitution. we affirm the promise of our democracy. we recall thatwhat binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of ourfaith or the origins of our names. what makes us exceptional what makes us americanis our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a declaration made more than two centuriesago:每一次我们聚在一起见证总统就职,我们都在见证美国宪法的持久力量。

美国总统大选特普朗胜选演讲I’ve just received a call from secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us.On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very ,very hard-fought campaign.I mean she fought very hard. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.I mean that very sincerely. Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together, to all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me .For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family.我刚从克林顿国务卿那儿接到一个电话。

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans:议长先生、副总统先生、各位国会议员和美国同胞们:Tonight marks the eighth year I've come here to report on the State of the Union. And for this final one, I'm going to try to make it shorter. I know some of you are antsy to get back to Iowa.今晚是我在这里做国情咨文的第八个年头,也是最后一次。
I also understand that because it's an election season, expectations for what we'll achieve this year are low. Still, Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the constructive approach you and the other leaders took at the end of last year to pass a budget and make tax cuts permanent for working families. So I hope we can work together this year on bipartisan priorities like criminal justice reform, and helping people who are battling prescription drug abuse. We just might surprise the cynics again.我也理解此时正当大选之季,因此公众对我们今年成就的期望并不高。

布什在华盛顿连任美国总统英语演讲稿三篇Speech 1:Ladies and gentlemen,It is with great honor and humility that I stand before you today to accept the responsibility and privilege of serving as the President of the United States for a second term. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the American people for their unwavering support and trust in my leadership.Over the past four years, we have faced numerous challenges as a nation. From the devastating terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, to the economic recession that followed, we have endured and persevered. Together, we have strengthened our national security, revived our economy, and advanced the values that make America great.In the face of adversity, we have remained united. We have shown the world that we will not be intimidated by those who seek to harm us. We have taken bold actions to dismantle terrorist networks, protect our borders, and promote peace and stability around the globe. Our military has acted with courage and resolve, and I am proud to be their Commander-in-Chief.We have also made significant progress in revitalizing our economy. Through tax cuts and deregulation, we have stimulated growth and created jobs. We have invested in education and innovation, ensuring that our workforce remains competitive in the global market. And we have supported small businesses and entrepreneurs, the backbone of our economy.But our work is far from over. As we move forward, we must continue to prioritize the safety and security of our citizens. We must remain vigilant against the threats that still exist and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of global terrorism. We must also continue to foster economic growth and opportunity for all Americans, leaving no one behind.I am committed to working across party lines and reaching out to our allies and partners around the world. Together, we can build a safer and more prosperous future for all. We must remember that we are stronger when we stand united, and that our differences should be a source of strength, not division.In conclusion, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support and confidence in my leadership. It is a privilege to serve as your President, and I will continue to work tirelessly to make America the greatest nation on earth. May God bless you all, and may God bless the United States of America.Speech 2:My fellow Americans,Today, I stand before you to accept the honor and responsibility of serving as the President of the United States for a second term. I am humbled by your trust and grateful for your unwavering support. Together, we have accomplished great things, and I am confident that we will achieve even more in the years to come.In the face of adversity and uncertainty, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to freedom, democracy, and the values that define us as a nation. We have confronted and defeated terrorist organizations that threaten our way of life. We havestrengthened our alliances and forged new partnerships to promote peace and prosperity around the world.At home, we have revitalized our economy and created millions of new jobs. We have cut taxes for hardworking Americans and reduced the burden of regulations on businesses. We have invested in education, healthcare, and infrastructure, ensuring that every American has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.But our work is not done. We must continue to address the challenges that lie ahead. We must confront the threats of climate change and work towards a sustainable future. We must bridge the divides that separate us and strive for a more inclusive and equitable society. And we must continue to defend the rights and freedoms that define us as a nation.As we move forward, let us remember the power of unity and the strength of our diversity. Let us come together as one nation, indivisible and unstoppable. Let us build a future that is worthy of our children and grandchildren, a future where every American has the opportunity to achieve their dreams.I am honored to serve as your President, and I pledge to work tirelessly on your behalf. Together, we will write the next chapter of our great nation’s history, and we will ensure that the American dream remains within reach for all who seek it.May God bless you all, and may God bless the United States of America.Speech 3:Good evening, my fellow Americans,Today, I stand before you as the President of the United States, honored and humbled to accept your trust and support for a second term. I want to thank each and every one of you for the faith you have placed in me and the opportunity to continue serving this great nation.Over the past four years, we have faced numerous challenges, both at home and abroad. We have witnessed the horrors of terrorism and the devastation of natural disasters. We have grappled with economic uncertainty and the struggles of everyday Americans. But through it all, we have remained resilient, united, and determined to overcome.To those who seek to harm us, let me be clear: we will not waver in our commitment to protect the American people and defend our way of life. We will continue to work tirelessly to dismantle terrorist networks and keep our homeland safe. We will support our brave men and women in uniform, who sacrifice so much to keep us free. And we will stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies, promoting peace and stability around the world.At home, we have made great strides in revitalizing our economy. We have created jobs, reduced taxes, and removed burdensome regulations that stifle growth. We have invested in infrastructure, healthcare, and education to ensure that every American has the opportunity to succeed. And we have championed the values that make our nation great – freedom, liberty, and justice for all.But our work is far from over. We must continue to address the pressing issues facing our nation. We must confront the realities of climate change and work towards a sustainable future. We must bridge the divides that separate us and find common ground. Andwe must ensure that every American, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.As we move forward, let us remember that we are all Americans, bound together by a common purpose and shared values. Let us tap into the strength and resilience that has carried us through difficult times in the past. Let us stand together, united in our pursuit of a brighter future for ourselves, our children, and generations to come. Thank you again for your trust and support. It is a privilege to serve as your President, and I am committed to working tirelessly on your behalf. May God bless you all, and may God bless the United States of America.。

美国总统布什就职演讲稿中英文版(4)美国总统布什在清华大学的演讲稿Vice President Hu,thank you very much for your kind and generous remarks. Thank you for welcoming me and my wife , laura, here.非常感谢胡锦涛同志热情洋溢的欢迎致词,非常感谢您再这里接待我和我的夫人劳拉。
I see she is keeping pretty good company with the Secretary of State, Collin Powell.我发现她和国务卿科林。
It is good to see you, Mr. Secretary.很高兴看到你国务卿先生。
And I see my National Security Adviser, Ms.Codoleezza Rice, who once was the provost of Stanford University, so she is comfortable on the university campuses such as this.我也看到了我的国家安全顾问康多莉萨.赖斯女士,她曾经是斯坦福大学的校长,因此她回到校园是再合适不过了。
Thank you for being here ,Codin.谢谢你能来,康迪。
I am so grateful for the hospitality and honored for the reception at one of China’s and the world’s great universities.非常感谢各位对我的热情接待,很荣幸能够来到中国,甚至是世界最伟大的学府之一。
The standards and the reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. So congratulations.清华大学的治学标准和声望闻名于世,我也知道能考入这所大学本身就是一个很大的成就,祝贺你们。

二、回顾过去工作1. 消防设备维护与检查在过去的一段时间里,我们高度重视消防设备的维护与检查工作。
2. 安全演练和逃生计划制定我们组织了多次安全演练活动,并制定了详细可行的逃生计划。
三、问题分析经过综合分析,我们发现目前仍存在以下问题需要解决:1. 整体意识不够强烈:虽然我们已经采取了一系列措施,但仍需将消防安全的重要性进一步普及和宣传,增加员工对消防工作的认识。
2. 巡检制度不健全:目前巡检制度存在漏洞,有时无法及时发现隐患。
3. 应急救援准备不足:虽然我们已经制定了逃生计划,但在实际操作中发现,员工对于如何正确使用灭火器、撤离路线等方面的知识了解还不够充分。
四、下一步工作计划鉴于以上问题,我们明确了下一步的工作方向:1. 制定消防安全宣传计划我们将组织开展针对员工的消防安全知识培训和宣传活动,通过海报、公告等形式加强宣传力度,并适时邀请专家进行讲座指导。
2. 健全巡检制度和工作流程我们拟定修改巡检制度,将其细化到每个角落,明确责任人,并采取无规律巡检、突击巡检等多种方式,以确保隐患能够及时发现和处理。
3. 加强应急救援培训针对员工对于应急救援知识的欠缺情况,我们将加大培训力度。



remarks of president barack obama inaugural address 奥巴马总统就职演说jan 20, 2009 my fellow citizens: 我的同胞们:i stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you havebestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. i thank president bushfor his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shownthroughout this transition.我今天站在这里,以谦卑的心情面对着在我面前的使命,对于你们赋予我的信任心存感激,也不敢遗忘开国先贤们所作的牺牲。
forty-four americans have now taken the presidential oath. the words have beenspoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. yet, everyso often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. at these moments,america has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in highoffice, but because we the people have remained faithful to the ideals of ourforbearers, and true to our founding documents.到现在已经有44位美国人进行了总统就职宣誓。
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英文演讲原文:Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business, complicated. Thank you very much.I've just received a call from secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign.I mean she fought very hard. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.I mean that very sincerely. Now it is timefor America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together, to all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. As I've said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for theirfamily.It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.Working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream. I've spent my entire life in business, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world.That is now what I want to do for ourcountry. Tremendous potential. I've gotten to know our country so well. Tremendous potential. It is going to be a beautiful thing. Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal, and I'vegotten to know so many over this 18-month journey.The time I've spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors.Our veterans are incredible people. We willembark upon a project of national growth and renewal. I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. It is going to happen. We have a great economic plan. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. At the same time we will get along with all other nations, willing to get along with us. We will be. We will have great relationships. We expect to have great, great relationships. No dream is too big, no challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.America will no longer settle for anything less than the best. We must reclaim our country's destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that. We're going to dream of things for our country, and beautiful things and successful things once again.I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America's interests first, we will deal fairly witheveryone, with everyone.All people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility, partnership, not conflict. And now I would like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight a very, very historic victory.First I want to thank my parents, who I know are looking down on me right now. Great people. I've learned so much from them. They were wonderful in every regard. They are truly great parents. I also want to thank my sisters, Marianne and Elizabeth who are here with us tonight. Where are they? They're here someplace. They're very shy actually.And my brother Robert, my great friend.Where is Robert? Where is Robert?My brother Robert, and they should be on this stage but that's okay. They're great.And also my late brother Fred, great guy.Fantastic guy.Fantastic family. I was very lucky.Great brothers, sisters, great, unbelievable parents. To Melania and Don and Ivanka and Eric and Tiffany and Barron, I love you and I thank you, and especially for putting up with all ofthose hours. This was tough.This was tough. This political stuff is nasty and it is tough. So I want to thank my family very much. Really fantastic. Thank you all. Thank you all. Lara, unbelievablejob.Unbelievable. Vanessa, thank you. Thank you very much. What a great group.You've all given me such incredible support, and I will tell you that we have a large group of people. You know, they kept saying we have a small staff. Not so small. Look at all of the people that we have. Look at all of these people.And Kellyanne and Chris and Rudy and Steve and David. We have got tremendously talented people up here, and I want to tell you it's been very, very special.I want to give a very special thanks to our former mayor, Rudy Giuliani. He's unbelievable. Unbelievable. He traveled with us and he went through meetings, and Rudy never changes. Where is Rudy.Whereis he?[Chanting "Rudy"]Gov. Chris Christie, folks, wasunbelievable. Thank you, Chris. The first man, first senator, first major,major politician — let me tell you, he is highly respected in Washington because he is as smart as you get, senator Jeff sessions. Where is Jeff? Agreatman.Another great man, very tough competitor. He was not easy. He was not easy. Who is that? Is that the mayor that showed up? Is that Rudy?Up here. Really a friend to me, but I'lltell you, I got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those Democrats, Dr. Ben Carson. Where'sbeen? Where is Ben? By the way, Mike Huckabee is here someplace, and he is fantastic. Mike and his familiar bring Sarah, thank you very much. Gen. Mike Flynn. Where is Mike? And Gen. Kellogg. We have over 200 generals and admirals that have endorsed our campaign and there are special people. We have 22 congressional medal of honor people. A very special person who, believe me, Iread reports that I wasn't getting along with him. I never had a bad second with him. He's an unbelievable star. He is -- that's right, how did you possibly guess? Let me tell you about Reince. I've said Reince. I know it. I know it. Look at all of those people over there. I knowit, Reince is a superstar. I said, they can't call you a superstar, Reince, unless we win it. Like secretariat. He would not have that bust at the track at Belmont.Reince is really a star and he is the hardest working guy and in a certain way I did this. Reince, come up here. Get over here, Reince.Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. It's about time you did this right. My god. Nah, come here. Say something.[ReincePriebus: Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united States, Donald Trump! Thank you. It's been anhonor. God bless. Thank God.]Amazing guy. Our partnership with the RNC was so important to the success and what we've done, so I also have to say,I've gotten to know some incredible people.The Secret Service people. They're tough and they're smart and they're sharp and I don't want to mess around with them, I can tell you. And when I want to go and wave to a big group of people and they rip me down and put me back down in the seat, but they are fantastic people so I want to thank the Secret Service.And law enforcement in New York City, they're here tonight. These are spectacular people, sometimes underappreciated unfortunately, we appreciate them. So it's been what they call an historic event, but to be really historic, we have to do a great job and I promise you that I will not let you down. We will do a great job. We will do a great job. I look very much forward to being your president and hopefully at the end of two years or three years or four years or maybe even eight years you will say so many of you worked so hard for us, you will say that — you will say that—that was something that you were —really were— very proud to do and I can — thank you very much—and I can only say that while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning. We're going to get to work immediately for the American people and we're going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president. You will be so proud. Again, it's my honor.It's an amazing evening. It's been an amazing two-year period and I love this country. Thank you.Thank you very much. Thank you to Mike PenceHillary Clinton’s concession speech 2016CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you.(APPLAUSE)Thank you all very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.(APPLAUSE)Very rowdy group. Thank you, my friends. Thank you. Thank you, thank you so very much for being here and I love you all, too.谢谢你们的欢呼和掌声!感谢你们,我的朋友们!谢谢!非常感谢你们与我一同在此!我也爱你们!Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for and I’m sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country.我已于昨晚祝贺唐纳德·特朗普成功当选总统,并且主动提出与他共事,一同为这个国家服务。