

Similarities and differences between Chinese and western heroism

A hero is the eternal topic of human.Its definition will be different with the change of nationality, culture, time, personal differences.Every culture could shape unique hero.Heroism is the fundamental and abundant source of force which will push continuously the historic progress, social development, and abundance of humanity. It is a kind of reflect about specific cultural pursuit .To a certain extent; it influences the development of human society. This paper will analyze the similarities and differences between Chinese and western heroism by guan you and Achilles characters' comparison and discuss the reason causing the difference.

Essence of hero is that when human face death, nature, society and various alien force that oppresses and distorts man,resulting in producing a positive and intense willing of life which has the courage to break through and fight the retreat.Because of this, hero worship associated with human society comes into being and throughout human society .We can say heroism in promoting the development of human society has indelible influence. But heroism is not abstract and rootless exist,It needs to inoculate in specific realities,different cultural background and value system will portray a different type of hero.This paper will analyze similarities and differences between Chinese and western heroism by the comparison of the two heroes.

Although Guan you and Achilles belong to different eras, the road of achievement has some similarities, the faith of building business is one of them. In the last years, the Han dynasty chaos on the one hand, the yellow turban insurrectionary uprising. on the other hand,Dong zhuo mutinies. We can even say guan yu lives in a troubled time.But it is so-called "a hero is known in the time”, and such turbulent days give guan you an opportunity to achieve his career. When the yellow turban insurrectionary uprising, Guan yu adheres the belief of serving our country and building great career and became brothers with lie bee. Since then, guan you with his loyalty, follows Liu bee for war, grabs you jin and pang de, water floods seven armies. All without exception shows his belief of building a solid career.

Similarly, Achilles' road of hero and his belief of building a solid career are closely linked.In Homer epic poems, we can clearly realize Achilles is an individualism supreme hero. Because of the hero's honor, he participated in the Trojan war (although he had predicted his death).But in order to get the honor,he must establish great exploits. He is ever victorious, especially in the Trojan war, he kills the captain of Troy, Hector,and becomes the greatest hero in Greek history. Thus, a hero'sachievement needs a firm belief to support.

Historically, we can say guan yu is model of the loyalty and brave. People admire his extraordinarily brave, but also they are shocked and moved. by the unbending spirit altogether.For example, from the thing that guan yu fails in Madison to see,guan yu loses the jingzhou for carelessness. Lv meng make its pieces, and sent soldiers heavily to surround them. Liu feng listens to the gossip,and refuse to send troops to rescue, causing guan yu into despair. Dongwu sent ZhuGeJin to persuade, but guanyu refuses to take the bait and says:”if the city is broken,I would just die. The Jade can be broken,but this does not change its white. The bamboo can be consumed,but it does not destroy its section. Although My body is dead,The reputation can

circulate down.It shows that Guan yu's the heroism of paying attention to the great-hearted.

Although Achilles' temperament of hero more displays in its personal honor, the same heroism still deserve our respect. In the Trojan war,when Agamemnon claims to rob his beloved female slave, he angrily says: I don't want to let people despise and stay here for you to increase wealth. He publicly rebukes Agamemnon that harms others to benefit oneself and refuse to fight. Obviously, he's not for finance and slaves but for his heroical honor.But the unbending heroism also still let us appreciates.

Since the six dynasties began,Guanyu was worshiped by different generations of people constantly.After the three kingdoms, Guan yu was modeled into a supreme god who melts Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. But the guan yu is really not god,he is only a legendary hero. The hero's most prominent character is "justice" and "brave".The brave is needless to say,fight lvbu,kill huaxioang and attend a banquet with a single-tool. All without exception shows that he is heroic and invincible. As for the righteousness, the author spends an amount of ink crafting elaborately.Here,there are two critical plots,The one is guan yo u?d surrender, another is that Gunny releases cacao in hearing way. But surrendering cacao does forget its resource, he is a righteous man in the world. Although from the overall situation freeing coo is inappropriate, It highlights guan you?s "righteousness". In addition, guan yu has obvious flaws of character.He is self-willed and he keeps the tail from wagging the dog.He is absent without leave,and he forces Macao to fight.In addition,he underestimates the enemy so that he losts the jingzhou and so on. In conclusion, we can see that guan yu?s extreme contradictions of inherent character, but also because of this, it just lets us know a true hero. Achilles? image does not like other deities who are shaped the abstraction of the sacredness, but it specifically reflects its image of the contradictions and complex. Achilles is a complete and rich "man". His character is complex, emotional and he loves his mother, respects for the elderly, and protects the weak. When Hector?s old father with a gift appeals to allow him to take back the corpse of his son,he gentlely loosens his hands which cuddle his knees and tears with the old father together and soothe the old man to accept his own misfortune. Achilles? tears not only have the sympathy for the old,but also have the memories for his father and friends. Later, Achilles put Hector?s corpse return his father, and announce that stop siege in twelve days.This makes Hector be buried in whole ritual.He consoles his enemies sincerely and openly and encourage them to be strong enough and endure misery and sadness. This practice is not for the enemy's mercy, but for himself and big sympathy for the whole human. His good nature was showed by this situation and this also appears the characters of demi-gods to have more human characteristics.

Collectivism hero view was formed during the period of savage to civilization in human society step by step ,and finally became spiritual values with collective consciousness. It belongs to the value judgment in ideology. It establishes Specific figures those who has the Lofty, solemn and stirring, defiant and enterprising character as example in social groups. The purpose into promote this social groups for the most perfect, the most noble, most represent overall interests ambitious targets in a particular period, And to call, encouraging and incentive social all men mimic the character, in order to achieve or complete the cause the ultimate goal.

Confucian culture spread far in China, which has been quietly affect the generations of Chinese people for thousands of years. Confucianism, which profound thoughts of moderation is its essence, The doctrine of the mean key lies in the "rite" and "benevolence", Namely,

behave properly and make belief firmly in all things. It has three principles,

firstly ,self-supervision and self-taught, secondly, loyalty and tolerance, thirdly, the most sincere and the most love. Since the Han dynasty, Confucian, becoming the national orthodox ideology and people's behavior model, has been using by many rulers and flourished in every dynasty. Therefore, in this ideological and cultural background, people's psychological was affected naturedly, but psychological dominate behavior. So, the hero who created by the particular cultural environment, also get the recognition by people. Intensive reading of The Three Kingdoms , we can find that the characters of all shows that the Confucian plot thoughts of moderation. For example, emperor Ding of Jin asks in analects,” Emperor command minister,and minister serve emperor, What?s t he story? Confucius says,? Emperor command minister with manners, minister serve emperor with honest.? Remembering Libel three attend to thatched hut with honest completely, Kong Ming …give one's all till one's heart stops beating? as return, He seized Penghu seven times and released seven times in Southern barren land, and went out to battle from I mountain six times. He knew he cannot do but do, just what is called? A gentleman is ready to die for his bosom friends.?

Moreover, from the geographical environment Angle, The birthplace of Oriental culture is China's Yellow River basin, where land is fertile and terrain is flat. The climate is very well, Suitable for developing agricultural production, So agricultural technology advanced and developed. Agricultural production process is complicated, need to cooperate, emphasizing harmony, and evolved the "collective heroism” which emphasize the collective wisdom.

Hunting in Fustian for example, Cao coo controls the political situation using emperor governors, He feared everybody defied him, so during the hunting he Grabbed limelight from the emperor Xian in order to test whether ministers were faithful to him. While everyone were grinding their teeth, GuanYu pulled out his sword and want to kill cao cao, but Liu Bei blocked his action.GuanYu asked LiuBei,? Cao cao was bullying the emperor, I want to kill him for the kingdom, why did elder brother stop me ??LiuBei said,” Glass house should not throw stones. Cao cao and the emperor's too close, he is surrounded by a lot of help.If you delay the proper business,and hurt the emperor just because a great anger,we are also guilty.? thus it can be seen, Liu Bei who can recognize the situation for the big picture, waiting for an opportunity for another meaningful plan,is a wiseman. This is typical of collectivism hero view.

Personal heroism means a person who are divorced from the masses, believed personal power very much and to perform certain social mission using heroism thought and behavior. Seeing individualism for the principle, it exaggerated or discomfort local emphasis on individual in social life and the role of historical activities, denying people's power and wisdom. It shows that undeserved reputation, self-righteousness, prided himself on all as the characteristic.

First of all, from geographical factors speaking, western culture originated in ancient Greece, where is located in the European Balkan and the Aegean Sea areas.The land area is narrow, the mountain is numerous, Mediterranean climate is given priority to all type of climate, so it is not suitable for developing agricultural production and the productivity is not high.the people in this area live on hunting . these industry can very good outstanding personal power. Those people who are brave and strong will capture more prey whith individual effort, So personal heroism was born.

Moreover, from the cultural aspects look, ancient Greek culture mainly comes from the

Greek myth, But the Greek mythology lack of a unified of moral criteria.instead, They use "perfect" rather than the "quality" as the evaluation standard of things. Therefore, westerners are rarely prim, this helps their character especially creative development.But also because of this, They are too pursuit of material interests and sensory stimulation without the ethical bondage,thus personal desires will unlimited expansion,Agamemnon invaded other countries without scruple in the work of Troy reflected that very well.

Illustrated by the example of the battle between the Greece and the 沙斯里. Both sides did not launch the large-scale killing between army like what China did. Achilles and巴古力斯to battle on behalf of the two countries. Win or lose to set the country with personal success or failure.Eventually Achilles prevailed, 沙斯里fell at feet. This is typical of personal

attention-seeking behavior.

As is already mentioned, guan yu takes part in the army because of his loyalty for country, and the belief of building great career.He participate in the war for years with liubei,meanwhile, though they are busy running about and depending on others for living and frustration. He always abides by the oath of Serving my country and making the people stable,and he never forgets the oath. For example,when he heard the track of liubei,he resolutely loses the print and runs to the han. Such behavior is in country's sense of honor.We can say that Guan yu's great-hearted has an influence on his later great career and reputation.

Guan yu is called "the saint", and he is the chief of five admirals, so his valorous degree needs not to say.Owning to his wonderful litrary grace and warlike exploits,the later generations becomes more respectful for him. With the flooding seven army as an example, after liubei is named queen,he orders Guan yu to attack the xiangyang and fancheng.Caocao lets the yujin be a marshal and pangde be a pioneer,both of them lead seven armies to attack enemies. Pangde is good at war,Guanyu is almosy defeated by him.Yujin envies panged and withdraws the troops by blowing gongs.Guanyu comes back to the camp and look at the book of war and position of enemes at night.He takes advantages of the freshet in xiang jiang river,flooding the seven armies by switching off and catching the yujin and pangde.We can say that flooding the seven armies is the best reflects of wonderful library grace and warlike exploits.

The two points display chiefly “Surrender Cao "and" release Cao ", with the surrendering cao as an example, although Guan yu surrenders Cao cao,he appoints three things with caoao before surrendering him:he only surrenders han emperor, not surrender caocao; Settle Two sister-in-law; If he knows the track of liu, immediately he will find him.From that we can see although guan yu is in the camp,his mind is in the https://www.360docs.net/doc/3b13412766.html,ter,in order to retain guan yu,caocao fetes guan yu every three or five days,gives him gold and silver and beautiful girls,again give him elite houses and great title. But even if such treatment,caocao can not still retain guanyu.When he knows the track of liubei,he abandons everything,pass five obstacles and kill six militaries.From this,we can see that his heroism of loyalty and great-hearted.

Before freeing caocao in hua rong way,guanyu had made the pledge. As a seasoned veteran, he knows that consequences of defying pledge,but caocao says:”Do you remember passing five obstacles”,this makes guanyu think his previous grace. For example, caocao gives a robe on the bridge, messengers send messages, ZhangLiao sends the instruction and so on.If caocao is not tolerant,guanyu is difficult to pass through so many hurdles.Thinking about

it,guanyu lets them go. Generations of people not only blame him,but also they praise guanyu

that he pays attention to the great-hearted and repay grace. People take the release of caocao as a good thing.

Losing jingzhou due to carelessness is a vivid portraiture.Though he builds so many merits, and becomes the famous general, he also becomes arrogant and defiant. Because of this,he forgets zhugeliang's words that the strategy of rejecting caocao in the north and uniting sunquan in the east.It makes himself into the danger which are threatened from both quarters.He readily believes luxun's words which is false and adulate and underestimates the power of dongwu.He rashly takes away so many defenders in jingzhou so that lvmeng and luxun gets an opportunity.Until the end, he also don't listen to the opinions of others, and reject Wingfu's correct advice. When he sallies, he does not listen to the WangFu's warning of "having the ambush in the way",and say: "although there is the ambush,I am not afraid!" Eventually he was captured and Killed by enemies.So we can say that he was pushed the ending of tragedy by the self-important character and become a failing hero.

Though Achilles is a hero,he also has weaknesses. For example,when Agamemnon wants to occupy the beautiful captive who was captured by Achilles,he publicly rebukes Agamemnon who harms others to benefit oneself and refuses to fight. The behaviour which he blames Agamemnon is correct,but but stubborn war is inappropriate behavior.Becouse as the chief commander, his lead role for troops and morale boost can not be replaced by others. In the Greek army, it really can't find the general who can oppose Hector.So if he does not lead soldiers to charge forward,the soldiers will be like a group of soulless stragglers.while his truce also brings a lot of inevitable losses, eventually led to sacrifice of Patoroklos.At this time,he only thinks of his personal interests, his reputation and women,and forgets the life of the other innocent soldier is also important,Becouse of the momentary anger, his wayward truce leads the disastrous defeat of Greek military.

As the main character of epic work in the theme of war,they must reflect then national spirit. Epic characters often show the full power of the nation by their own personality,and the major heroic image is just live and real. Personality of Achilles is the character of typical national spirit.He wants to cry and cry,wants to smile and smile,wants to murder and murder,wants to sleep and sleep.He is a undisguised person and his body and soul are bare. Even he is cruel,but he also is somewhat frank and cherubic. He is bold,unrestrained and restless.He loves adventures and advocates of force. He obviously shows the Greek pursuit for freedom and heroism of advocating force.

Although Achilles is a mythical figure, but the author has given his complex and

multi-layered humanity. He is the greatest hero in Greek army and he is courageous and fearless.He is the soul of the Greek army and he plays a pivotal role for the later victory of the war.But he also exists many weaknesses. For example, after he kills Hector,he makes his corpse to nail the chariot and drive it to parade.He ignores the sadness in the Trojan,it shows that his measures is very cruel.This accords with the characteristic of leaders in the tribe which is transiting from Slave society to the primitive society.Afterwards he again attacks Troy and he ignores Apollo's dissuasion and talk wildly to Apollo, eventually he was shot by arrows from hiding. Above we can see Achilles is also a cruel, capricious and obstinate person.

To sum up,we can see that the Chinese heroical culture is collectivistic by analyzing guan you and Achilles characters' comparison and it is the hope of the whole nation. Many times, this also is a kind of symbolic spiritual symbol,they looks like the sacred heroes who beyond the

average persons.while the heroical culture in the Western reflects the personal volitive freedom, it often expresses to establish individual merit and the achievement of personal status in the history. The Western heroes usually are "superman" who can save mankind and nations,they reflects a kind of visual concrete.

After learning about one month, I finally complete the paper.From contacting the topic of paper to the realization of the system, every step is a kind of new attempt and challenge. During this time, I learn a lot of knowledge and there is also a lot of feeling. In order to write the paper, I look through many relevant information and literature. This makes my mind gradually form a clear framework and let the work constantly enrich. Although the paper has many shortcomings, the process of writing makes me get more benefits. I hope that this experience can make me to continue the progress in the subsequent work and study.


美国个人英雄主义的价值分析 【摘要】随着经济全球化的不断加快,中国与世界其他国家之间的联系越来越紧密。尤其是作为世界上最为发达的国家——美国,中国与其在经济,政治,文化等不同领域的合作与交流越来越频繁。虽然两国之间在各方面都取得了一定的成果,但由于地域文化的限制,我们对美国的价值体系仍不免陌生。因此,本文着重于研究一种典型而又普遍的美国人的价值观——个人英雄主义价值观。 本文主要通过查阅书籍资料,进行分析整合,以求对美国个人英雄主义价值观的发源以及原因,发展与深化,在各个领域的渗透以及它与中国传统的集体主义价值观的比较等方面有一个较为明确的认识,以期中国人能够对美国文化,价值观有一个更好的理解,这样我们可以增强相互之间的信任与友谊,消除不必要的偏见与误会,更好促进中美的跨文化交往,更好地为建设和谐世界做贡献。 【关键词】美国个人英雄主义牛仔文化自由个人 An Analysis on Value of Individualistic Heroism in USA 【Abstract】With the rapidly accelerating globalization, china has tighter and tighter relationship with other countries especially with America, the most developed nation in the whole world. They have cooperation and communication in the field of economy, politics along with culture. Although two countries have made great achievements in many aspects, we are still very unfamiliar with each other’s value system. Therefore, it is necessary for us to get familiar with the individualistic heroism---one of the most representative values in America. This paper aims to analyze its formation, development in various aspects and the comparison with china’s collectivism in order to let Chinese have a good understanding on American culture and its values, which, in a sense, can enhance mutual trust and friendship, eliminate prejudice and misunderstanding, and facilitate the proceedings of the cross-cultural communication between China and America and then promote the construction of a harmonious world. . 【Key Words】individualistic heroism cowboy culture freedom individualism


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英语原创毕业论文参考选题(200个) 一、论文说明 本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业本科论文3000起,具体可以联系qq 805990749。下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经写好原创。 二、原创论文参考题目 1、(英语毕业论文)《红字》中女权主义意识探析(开题报告+论文) 2、(英语毕业论文)多媒体技术在早期英语教育中的应用 3、(英语毕业论文)从文化差异角度谈国际商务谈判中的语言技巧 4、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯?思特里克兰德的追寻自我 5、(英语毕业论文)一个女性的悲剧—从人性角度浅析苔丝的悲剧 6、(英语毕业论文)网络流行语翻译评析——“神马都是浮云”个案分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 7、(英语毕业论文)论格列佛人物形象在《格列佛游记》中所起的讽刺效果(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译) 8、(英语毕业论文)《老人与海》的象征意义分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 9、(英语毕业论文)Study on Translation of Long Sentences in Literature Works 10、(英语毕业论文)Feminist Consciousness Shown on Scarlett O'Hara Impacts upon Today's Female 11、(英语毕业论文)跨文化视角视阈下英语电影片名的翻译研究 12、(英语毕业论文)The Loss and Gain in Classical Chinese Poetry Translation 13、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯?思特里克兰德的追寻自我 14、(英语毕业论文)英语专业本科毕业论文摘要的体裁分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译) 15、(英语毕业论文)论双性同体理论下的《达洛卫夫人》(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译) 16、(英语毕业论文)从《狼图腾》和《野性的呼唤》中狼的意象比较中西方生态意识(开题报告+论文) 17、(英语毕业论文)问题类型对TEM阅读成绩影响的实证研究(开题报告+论文+


中西方文化差异的根源 不同文化之间的差异是由于各自民族的文化历史背景、审美心理的不同而产生的,是在社会的发展、历史的沉淀中约定俗成的,是一种永久性的文化现象。我们应了解不同地域、不同民族的文化背景知识以及社会风俗习惯。在信息技术飞速发展的今天,人们居住的世界变得越来越小,不同文化背景的人交流越来越多。了解不同文化差异,提高文化适应性,对于现代人来说具有十分重要的意义。学习了解中西方文化的差异,有利于我们实现从感性到理性质的飞跃,排除东方思维负迁移的影响,进而使我们的跨文化交际更有效,更顺畅。 一、中西文化差异表现 (一)思维模式的异同。中国人喜欢站在生命的更高处思考问题,跳出现实,重视对生命的思考,在对人和人之间,人和自然界之间,人的精神和肉体之间的关系都有深刻的思考。西方人偏重于逻辑思维或者理性思维;中国人属于抽象思维或者感性思维。而西方人更注重于从物质世界入手,去探索和求证问题的本源。 (二)对待个人利益与集体利益、国家利益的异同。中国人更看重集体利益,包括家族利益、国家利益,主张控制自己的欲望,反对极端个人主义和英雄主义,往往把个人利益和集体利益,国家利益联系在一起,富于爱国和献身精神。而西方人更重视个体利益,追求人权,崇尚自由,认为如果连个体利益都无法保障,更谈何集体利益,正是这样的思想认识,最终推动了西方民主政治的发展。 (三)民主观念的异同。中国人注重精神的自由,把自由、民主看成是君主权贵的赏赐。所以我们的人民总在渴望青天,希望能有好官的出现为民谋利。而西方的民主政治认为,政出于民,一切的政权只是人民授予,让政府来行使的一种公权力。 (四)科学观的异同。中国人更相信先人的经验和权威,相信古人甚至超过


收稿日期:2008-09-08 作者简介:齐瑾,女,勃海大学大学外语教学部讲师。研究方向:公共英语教学。 从好莱坞电影看美国的个人英雄主义价值观 齐 瑾 (渤海大学外语教研部,辽宁 锦州121000) 摘 要:电影是现代文明和生活的重要组成部分,好莱坞电影的种种银幕形象影响了世界电影的发展,电影中所强烈透露出的个人英雄主义形象深刻地反映了美国人的个人价值观。一方面这种价值观崇尚个人和独立,追求正义和尊严;另外一方面这种追求里面又隐含着个人与社会秩序、暴力之间的矛盾,这种美国式个人英雄主义价值观在电影中得到充分反映。 关键词:好莱坞电影;个人英雄主义;价值观;使命感中图分类号:J90 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9507(2009)01-0022-02 个人主义可以说是美国文化的重要部分,他们崇尚个人的存在和发展以及自由空间。而英雄主义来说其实是源于我们对于自身的生存环境,人文理念的忧虑和畏惧,这是发自内心深处的对于未知世界和生存危机的感应,所以期待那些拥有绝对好的品质,过人的能力,于是总是能在最危险的关头给予最有利的支持和保护。只是个人理想和英雄品质完美重合的人在现实中不存在,所以就需要虚构一个完美的形象给予自己心灵的抚慰,而美国人正是把这种模式根深蒂固地反映在他们缔造的电影王国好莱坞上。下面我们就谈谈好莱坞式的美国电影塑造的各种英雄形象。 一、追求自由是英雄的理想 在美国电影中银幕上英雄都是孤独的:他们傲立独行,伸张正义,化解一场又一场的危机,到最后却只有一个孤独的身影。《蜘蛛侠》的出现抓住了全球人们内心中最深层的渴望———渴望一旦有灾难时,英雄就会出现在自己的身边。这是美国人心中的英雄,也是世界上多数人心中的英雄渴望。《空军一号》是一部意义重大的影片,比总统更像总统的麦克·马歇尔将个人英雄主义发挥到了一种极致。再一次将美国个人英雄主义的思想作了一次应证,而这个思想的基础就是西方自由主义价值观。身为总统,麦克·马歇尔在面临属下及家人性命受到胁迫,国际和平受到威胁,美国的大国形象受到极大考验的三重困境时,只身在一架飞机上成功地解决掉了一帮恐怖主义军人,挽救了国家和自己的幸福。这是美国个人英雄主义作品少有的十全十美的形象,作为一国之主和一家之主,他拥有了国家和个人的双重幸福,完美得让人无法企盼。从这部影片我们可以看到美国人追求个人的自由和幸福,同时也希望在政治上 与现实中将这种自由的梦想和谐统一起来。 二、领导更需要英雄 基辛格曾经这样说过:“美国人特别欣赏那种一马当先带领车队的牛仔,那种单枪匹马进入村庄或城镇的牛仔。他可能甚至连一把手枪都没有,因为他进去不是为了交火的”。基辛格博士的话将美国文化中对个人主义的推崇表达得淋漓尽致,在电影中也得到了发挥。好莱坞电影不光见证了美国的发展和历史的进程,又延续了美国人心中的“英雄”梦想史,所有的影片无不看到“拯救”的主题。也正是这样一个具备了世界终极关怀和人文教化的英雄,让美国电影经久不衰。《飞越疯人院》塑造的是一个反常规的银幕英雄,没有激烈的火药与生死搏斗,更多的是贴近现实的生活英雄。导演把作为正常人的墨菲放入医院这个特殊地,即一个病态的环境中去。墨菲在这个环境中陪大家打篮球、看电视,最后鼓励病人参与民主投票,这是墨菲在引导病人为自己的民主和自由斗争,而不是单纯的尔虞我诈。墨菲得到了病人的支持和厚爱,树立了自己的威信,也威胁了代表病态势力的护士长的权威。所谓一山不容二虎,更何况是代表黑白两个世界的领导争斗。墨菲在最后被护士长陷害致白痴,跟随墨菲的酋长不忍心让病人看到他们心中的英雄被毁灭,为了维护英雄的尊严和形象帮他结束了生命。这是美国文化追求民主、自由和个人空间的表现。影片的英雄价值在于不以成败论英雄,而是一个真正的深入民心的领导式人物的言传身教影响、唤醒周边的人,引导他们为自由民主而战的独立意识和信念。 三、英雄需要勇气 英雄的勇气来自恢弘的厮杀场面,而是以良知去做崇 · 22·  第11卷第1期2009年2月 安顺学院学报 JOURNAL OF ANSHUN UNIVERSIT Y Vol .11 No .1Feb .2009


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 《乱世佳人》主人公斯嘉丽形象浅析 2 在英语教学中发展学生的自主学习能力 3 《梁山伯与祝英台》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之东西方爱情比较 4 Translation Strategies about Vacant Words in Dreams of the Red Mansion 5 中国英语与中式英语的对比研究——从英汉民族思维差异的角度 6 中美广告创意的文化差异性研究 7 从《徳伯家的苔丝》看哈代的贞操观和道德观 8 《傲慢与偏见》中人物对白之语用学分析 9 对《远离尘嚣》中三个男主人公命运的分析 10 论色彩在《红字》中的运用与艺术效果 11 从目的论角度分析英语电影片名的翻译( ) 12 《身着狮皮》中的话语、移民与身份 13 论《觉醒》中艾德娜女性意识的觉醒 14 钱钟书翻译研究 15 A Feminist Narratological Analysis of the Tess of the D’Urbervilles 16 中西方饮料的跨文化差异 17 浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用 18 从文化差异角度研究英文新闻标题翻译的策略 19 中美两国女性在家庭和社会中地位的比较 20 An Analysis of American and Chinese Culture in Kung Fu Panda 21 广告的翻译原则和方法 22 Women and Art: A Historical Review of Women’s Role in Western Art 23 归化和异化在政治文本英译里的运用:以十七大报告翻译为例 24 国际商务合同的用词特点及翻译 25 英语国家姓氏文化研究 26 模糊语言在商务英语沟通中的语用功能 27 高中生英语学习成败归因现状调查及对策 28 年代美国梦在《了不起的盖茨比》中的折射 29 文学翻译中的对等 30 An Analysis of Marguerite’s Tragedy in The Lady of the Camellias 31 运用“第三空间”解析《女勇士》中的文化现象 32 《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义 33 形合与意合对比研究及翻译策略 34 汉英称赞语的对比研究 35 双重人格——《化身博士》的启示 36 On Translation of Culture-Loaded Words in Subtitle of Ashes of Time Redux 37 Analysis of the Factors that Influence News Listening Comprehension 38 On Symbolism in Fitzgerald’s “Winter Dreams”(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 39 A Comparison between Chinese and American Family Education 40 Feminism in Eileen Chang's works 41 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中双关语的研究 42 一项有关影响中国学生英语听力理解的因素的调查研究



The comparison between Chinese and Western festivals 中西方节日文化的差异比较 Abstract: the process of comparing the Chinese and Western festivals and studying Western histories and cultures can help people promote the communication and understanding of different cultures. With the further development of society and inter-cultures, globalization will affect many aspects of life in all countries. And western festivals are becoming more and more popular in China. We should respect them and select the essence. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. In modern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a seemingly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects such a consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect and carry forward Chinese tradition. Key words: Traditional festivals; Chinese and Western cultures; difference; globalization Introduction: “A holiday of a nation represents a glorious culture and concentrated customs of a nation.” To understand a nation's


西方式的英雄主义 对于我来说《勇敢的心》是一部烂片,内容与历史事实相去甚远,几乎充满了好莱坞英雄主义影片的所有糟粕。叙事起伏,故事的完整度,甚至是主人公的表演都远远达不到一部奥斯卡获奖影片该有的水准。但他又有电影最重要的一点——动人!它成功地触发了观众某种思考,以及让人在感动中汲取到摄人心魄的力量。 电影《勇敢的心》最无法忽视的必须提及的两个要素就是“性”和“暴力”。正是因为这两点被英雄大片滥用的二要素让不少牙尖嘴利的影片人把这部片戏作“一滴精液撑起的世界”。但“性”与“暴力”恰恰是美国文化甚至是西方文化最重要的两个方面。人们经常诟病的好莱坞电影的色情和暴力。即使严厉冷酷的基督教也未能完全驯服骨子里狂暴热烈的西方人,他们总是在试图挣脱这条精神上的锁链,恢复作为一个蛮族人那种酷烈粗放的个性,那种对于荣誉与胜利的崇拜,那种试图与天公试比高的狂妄,那种不可抑制的对于肉体的欲望。《勇敢的心》就是这样一部典型的美国式或者该说是西方式的英雄主义电影。 电影出现最多的画面就是战争,无论是单枪匹马还是集团作战。这些血腥暴力的画面都让人热血沸腾。电影中男人的神经和肌肉都是处于一种紧张的状态,无论是罗马雕塑中张力十足的筋肉,还是典型的西方艺术作品中那种几乎崩断神经的对于灵魂与头脑的拷打,这种文化总是在追求一种极致的目标,无论肉体,精神,他们都要诉求最彻底的答案,甚至不惜毁灭。这是一种像斗兽场一样的精神,竟然我们相遇在此,不打架我们还能做什么呢!杀了他,获得胜利自由,你就是英雄!这种恢弘与荣誉,血腥与杀戮,自由与奴役的结合,还有那种戏剧性的狂欢就是西方人的个性所在。人生当作一个悲剧,这是东西方都具有的观念,但是正如哈姆雷特所说的,究竟是挺身反抗还是默然忍受,两种文明选择了不同的道路,这是两种文化的分水岭。西方人自由的天性和思辩逻辑不允许他们逃避到一种冥想与半死亡的生存状态中去,而是力图以一种西西弗斯的精神去不断的抗争,去责问天意,他们个性中具有黑格尔说的坚硬的理智,不许逃避,不许自欺,要勇敢的直面惨淡的人生。用生命换取自由手段在西方人看来,生命就是注定的悲剧,人都是要死的,所以何必要畏惧死亡呢,与其坐以待毙,不如挺身反抗,反正都是死,所以要光荣的死去。这是一个战斗的民族具有的价值观。他们蔑视那种明哲保身和龟缩式的老人的智慧,因为他们是战士,是强盗,不是隐逸山林的智者和守着老婆孩子三十亩地的农夫。就像电影里华莱士的那一段台词“战斗,你可能会死;逃跑,至少能苟且偷生,年复一年,直到寿终正寝。你们!愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换一个机会,仅有的一个机会!那就是回到战场,告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!” 这部影片体现了西方文化中性与暴力,人性的复杂与阴暗,乱伦的暗示这是他们欲望几乎不可抑制的集中体现。而作为英雄式电影的典型,这部电影正是反映了西方人心中对英雄的要求。在他们心中英雄追求的正是生命的悲剧意识所显示的美和酷烈,胜利固然值得称颂,但是失败的战士永远是他们永恒的英雄。

中西方英雄主义的异同 以功夫熊猫为例

辅修学位毕业论文( 2013届) 从电影《功夫熊猫》看 中西方英雄主义 外国语学院 英语语言文学 12010240802 2011级 刘玉琢 题目 学 院 专 业 年 级 学生姓名 学生学号

指导教师 文莉 2013年5月

Analyze Chinese and western heroism from the film Kong fu Panda A Thesis Submitted to the difference of the heroism in china and western country Ningxia University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Second bachelor of English by Liuyuzhuo School of Economics and Management Ningxia University May, 2013

Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms. WenLi, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible. I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the teachers in School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis. I should finally to express my gratitude to my parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.


American heroism in movies From to ,from to ,these movies reflect the obvious heroism .Take it as a example, is a typical one. The wife of protagonist works at a Japanese company,being visited to participate in the Christmas party of The 30th floor. Yet a group of gangsters are playing in 600 million money of the company. They blockaded the building ,leaving these guests as hostages. Mike succeed Iin escaping luckily, circling round prisoners individually to put to flight they finally,and extricate his wife. Hero is a rich concept of cultural meaning, as the embodiment of human ideals, not only with the common human culture, but also because it has obviously special characteristics as being the product of specific history. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (4th edition), it says that: heroism is brave and noble conduct. In Webster’s New World Dictionary (3rd college edition), it reads that: heroism is the qualities and actions of a hero or heroine, bravery, nobility, valor, etc. And also, as Thomas Carlyle explained in his book On Heroes, Hero-ship, and the Heroic in History, heroism in history was greatness of spirit, which was created by the heroes, who not only create the values by which other men live and gain their only true freedom b ut also satisfy mankind’s deep need for veneration of heroes. The heroism of America roots in the Puritanism of America. Puritans was the name given in the 16th century to the more extreme Protestants(新教徒,基督教徒)within the Church of England who thought the English Reformation (英国宗教改革)had not gone far enough in reforming the doctrines and structure of the church. They wanted to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic influence. In the 17th century many Puritans emigrated to the New World, where they sought to found a holy Commonwealth in New England. Puritanism remained the dominant cultural force in that area into the 19th century.


Second English papers Each nation has its own characteristic festivals that reflect the culture of itself、In China, as our country and western countries become increasingly closer, more and more chinese accept western culture、 However, some western festivals sometimes even more popular than traditional festivals, foreign cultural’s influence should not be underestimated、The main The main group of celebrating western festivals is youth group which takes students as the main force、People celebrate festivals such as Valentine's day, mother's day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day、In fact, because of the Chinese way of thinking, western holidays in China is just popular for Christmas and Valentine's day, not all western holidays attract people's attention、According to a survey of Central China Normal University, many college students know the existence of western festivals, but little of them know about their cultural connotations、In addition to Christmas, respondents who know other western festivals’meaning are less than 10%、Referring to the way to celebrating, in General, during the Festival, people send gifts such as flowers and greeting cards、They sing with friends, and bless or send


浅谈中西方英雄形象的差异及形成原因 引言 英雄原来指品质优秀,武勇超群,无私忘我而令人敬佩的人,而这样的人往往是我们从小到大被要求学习的对象,只不过东西方对英雄的定义和理解不同,在我成长的过程中,在我脑海中被定义为英雄的大都是黄继光、邱少云、龙梅、玉荣、古代的诸葛亮、项羽、等等,而对于西方公认的神话中的阿喀琉斯、普罗米修斯、还有银幕里的蜘蛛侠、蝙蝠侠却是知之甚少,这即是东西方英雄文化差异的一个缩影,从中能够看出东西方文化对于“英雄”这个名词理解上的差异,为了说明存在可比性,本文大都选用神话、历史、及文学作品中塑造的英雄形象来横向比对。 一侠之大者,为国为民 在中国,英雄形象有很多,但个人英雄从未盛行。中国人崇尚谦虚,谨慎,即使有能力也不会四处宣扬,直接地体现了中国人内敛的性格。在中国,想要成为英雄,最重要的一条是成为烈士,只有死了,别人才会承认你是真正的英雄。在近代,我们有狼牙山五壮士、刘胡兰、董存瑞、邱少云,更夸张的还有救火英雄赖宁。也许你会说毛泽东,朱德有着丰功伟绩,可是你从未见过别人称他们为英雄。

再谈谈远的,如岳飞,如关羽,都是死后人们才将他们英雄人物,这其中在文化,心理的原因是非常重要的。中国有一句古话叫做“盖棺定论”,说的就是这个道理。除了这一点,要想成为中国人心目中的英雄是比较困难的,因此中国英雄的含金量比较高,因为在中国传统观念的影响下,英雄的标准是很难达到的,传统的儒家思想认为:达则兼济天下,穷则独善其身。英雄自然是儒家认为的“达人”,那么兼济天下,为了苍生,为了黎民百姓做事的人,才是英雄,这就从出发点上为中国式英雄打下了抛却个人荣辱得失,一心为国为民的烙印。因此中国的英雄人物总是非常无私,非常壮烈,其结局一般是死了了事。以致于人们对英雄人物的命运没有了悬念,产生了英雄人物结局必然悲惨的看法。这让人觉得做英雄很难。因为照这样的结局,大概没有多少人肯出来做英雄,也没有几个英雄的亲属支持自己的亲人做英雄。虽然这样,但是中华民族几千年来英雄人物辈出,因为在我们的骨子里、我们的民族精神里,有这么一种无畏的精神支撑着英雄们,“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”,“死得其所,快哉快哉”“我以我血荐轩辕”都是这种精神的写照,正所谓“侠之大者,为国为民”。 二个人英雄享乐主义 个人英雄主义始终在西方盛行,在社会的各个方面,英雄主


古希腊人的英雄主义 作者:朱孝远 来源:《视野》2003年第11期 当我们大家想起希腊的时候会想起什么?想起雅典娜。还想起什么?奥林匹克运动会。还想起什么?古代有很多哲学家,亚里士多德、苏格拉底、柏拉图等等。还有什么?还有那么多伟大的雕刻。所以我们一下子就觉得和希腊非常近。为什么要讲希腊呢?因为希腊是西方文明的源头。当我们讲到一个源和流的时候,我们总是觉得源头是非常清澈的。而西方人他们一追溯古代的文明就追溯到希腊那里去了。 我先要来谈一个文化现象,这个文化现象叫“言必称希腊”。为什么要“言必称希腊”?首先,希腊文明一定是比较优秀的。天下的东西,只要做到极端的优秀,就能完成三个超越。比方说齐白石画的虾、梅兰芳的京剧、古希腊的雕塑、贝多芬的音乐,这样一些东西能完成什么超越呢?首先是时间上的超越,过去的人喜欢,现在的人也喜欢;其次是空间上的超越,中国人喜欢,外国人也喜欢;然后,还有一个大题材和小题材的超越。你看荷兰梵·高的向日葵、齐白石的虾,你说这到底是小题材,还是大题材?还有陈寅恪先生的《柳如是别传》是大题材还是小题材?什么东西达到了极端优秀,实际上就完成了这种超越。古代的希腊文化就是因为优秀,出了那么多哲学家,那么多艺术家,那么多科学家,所以它达到了一种超凡入圣的境界。 “言必称希腊”的另一个理由是,古代跟现代构成一种反差。现代人很喜欢看古代的东西,而不喜欢看现代的东西,古和今、古代和现代构成一种反差。古代很遥远,它体现出人类的一种真性情、真血性,没有修饰成分。为什么人类学家都要去研究原始社会?他认为那个时代的人没有修饰,现代的人比较喜欢修饰。 这样它又带来了第三个“言必称希腊”的理由:希腊的文化刺激。希腊的文化非常刺激,刺激就是把事情做绝,不做绝不刺激。有一个哲学家一辈子住在木桶里,刺激不刺激?刺激。还有一个人叫苏格拉底,为真理而死,刺激吧?刺激。古代希腊的那些人不回避什么,他们称自己处于“英雄时代”。哪有一个民族说自己是“英雄时代”的?他们就不回避,英雄就是英雄。这个说法比较刺激。所以古代那些人,他们就是不做假谦虚,好就好,坏就坏,这就和现在构成了一种不同。希腊人对西方人带来一种影响,他们喜欢把什么事情放在高峰和刀锋上体验,就是放在生与死的境界上去加以体验。比如战争吧,古代希腊的三部史书,都是描写战争的,一部是有“历史之父”之称的希罗多德写的《历史》,讲希腊和波斯人的战争;第二部是《荷马史诗》,讲的是特洛伊战争;还有一部是《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》,修昔底德写的,也是谈战争。为什么都谈战争?因为战争把一切浓缩了,使好的更好,坏的更坏,这就是刀锋体验。 希腊人还有一个好处就是他们很纯洁、很纯情,他们是自然主义者。你到希腊看,希腊靠海,有一个海叫爱琴海,多好听。爱琴海边的人白天喜欢体育锻炼,喜欢游泳,晚上睡觉是很晚的。那里的人感情是很热烈的,他们待人非常好,很重感情。这种自然主义还使得希腊人很


Comparison of Heroism Features in American and Chinese Movies ——In cases of Iron Man and Hero Introduction Hero worship exists in almost every culture. Corresponding to the hero worship, heroism represents the pursuit of particular social culture ,and to a certain extent,it affects the development of the society. Different cultural definitions of heroism, definitely, vary from one another.About American hero films, audiences are very familiar with Iron Man,Spider Man ,Bat Man and so on. Chinese films also has a lot of films, such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ,Hero. These shaped heros all hold the same characteristics of great spirit, courage and keen insight. However, virtually, different heroic images of the films of Chinese and American embody the views on the diversified definitions of hero and two kinds of culture. Comparison of Heroism Features in American and Chinese Movies Heroism Features in American American movies show a unique attractive personality in all characters of hero. Owing to desire of freedom, which origins from western sense of liberal values,Ameracan stress individuals and personal values. For example, in Iron Man , Tony Stark in front of all the members of congress with a victory gesture says “Because I’m your nuclear deterrent. It’s woking. We’re safe. Ameracan is


Individual Heroism in American Science Fiction Films 美国科幻片中的个人英雄主义 Introduction 前言 Chapter 1: Individual heroism in America 第一章:美国个人英雄主义 1.1 The Origin of Individual Heroism in America 1.1 美国个人英雄主义的起源 1.2 The Prevalence of Individual Heroism in America 1.2 个人英雄主义在美国的盛行 1.3 The Characteristics of Individual Heroism in America 1.3 美国个人英雄主义的特点 Chapter 2: American National Conditions and Individual Heroism 第二章:美国个人英雄主义与美国国情 2.1 American National Conditions 2.1 美国国情 2.2 Double-edged Individual Heroism in American Development 2.2 个人英雄主义在美国发展的利与弊 2.2.1 The Advantages of Individual Heroism in America 2.2.1 个人英雄主义在美国发展的优势 2.2.2 The Disadvantages of Individual Heroism in America 2.2.2 个人英雄主义在美国发展的劣势


如何用英语介绍传统节日 【写作任务】 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请你给他写一封电子邮件介绍这一节日。 注意:1. 词数120左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:阴历的lunar 春联red couplets 鞭炮firecrackers 压岁钱gift money Dear John, __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 一、审题定调 本写作要求介绍中国的春节,属于说明文。介绍节日时,要注意介绍该节日的特色活动或描述该节日的主要特征。人称常用第三人称,时态以一般现在时为主。 二、谋篇布局 本写作可分为三部分。 第一部分:引出正文; 第二部分:详细介绍春节的地位及春节前、春节期间人们的活动; 第三部分:表达愿望(希望John来中国感受春节文化)。 三、组织语言 第一部分:引出正文。 第二部分:介绍春节的地位,春节前、春节期间人们的活动。

普通范文 Dear John, I'm very glad to tell you something about Chinese Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the first day in Chinese lunar year and it's the most important festival in China. Before the festival comes, all the families clean their houses, put red couplets on their doors to pray for blessings and prepare various delicious foods. On New Year's Eve, family members get together to have a big meal and set off firecrackers. During the New Year, people say “Happy New Year” to each other. And children are very happy to get some gift money from their parents, grandparents and so on. I hope you can come to celebrate this special festival next year if possible. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 高级范文 Dear John, It's my pleasure to introduce you to Chinese Spring Festival. As the most significant Chinese traditional festival, the Spring Festival is the first day in Chinese lunar year and it marks the beginning of the New Year. With the festival approaching, all the families clean their houses, put red couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes and prepare various delicacies. On New Year's Eve, people get together with their families to have a family reunion dinner and set off firecrackers. During the New Year, people say “Happy New Year” to each other. And what makes children very happy is getting some gift money from their parents and grandparents. I am expecting your coming to enjoy such a joyful festival next year if possible. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【话题拓展】 Nowadays, many Chinese young people celebrate ... ... Festival, or ..., on the ... day of the ... lunar month, is a traditional festival full of love in China. The date of the festival is decided by the Chinese lunar calendar. ... was first celebrated in ... ... falls on ... The tradition dates / tracks back to ... The traditions originated in / from ... It is a custom which they thought would bring good luck. Chinese people have been celebrating this festival since ... It's the signal for the celebrations to begin. Everybody is part of the celebrations. Everybody has a good time. People forget their everyday problems and enjoy themselves eating and drinking.
