智慧树知到 《医学英语词汇学(山东联盟)》章节测试答案





选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、多选题:科学时期(50年代末60年代初-70年代)的英语语言测试的理论基础有哪些?选项:A: 结构主义语言学B: 行为主义心理学C: 心理测量学D: 认知主义心理学答案: 【结构主义语言学; 行为主义心理学; 心理测量学】3、判断题:倾向测试和诊断测试都可以对学生将来的学习情况进行测试和评估。

A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、判断题:分离式测试是指把语言分成语音、词汇、语法等要素,再从这些要素中分出语言点,针对这些语言点设计试题,一道试题往往只测一个语言项目。


选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、单选题:_______的主要用途是对考生进行甄别、分类和选拔。

选项:A: 标准参照考试B: 主观型考试C: 客观型考试D:常模参照考试答案: 【常模参照考试】6、判断题:客观性考试容易出题,主观性测试容易猜题。

A:对B:错答案: 【错】7、多选题:以下哪些因素会影响测试的信度?选项:A:题量B:题目性质C:题目区分度D: 成绩分布答案: 【题量 ;题目性质 ;题目区分度; 成绩分布】第二章单元测试1、判断题:命制试题需要对与测试对象教育水平相当的同族语者进行试测。

选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、判断题:考试大纲中的二级标题中的语言知识和语言运用,明确了高考试卷的考核目标与要求,对考试语音、词汇、语法基础知识的掌握程度都在附录中做了明确的规定;选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、单选题:以下哪一项,不属于考试大纲的作用?选项:A: 帮助考生把握考试内涵B: 帮助考生明确考试方向C: 帮助教师明确教学内容D: 对考试范围、考试题型与能力要求进行规定答案: 【帮助教师明确教学内容】4、多选题:以下属于多项选择题的编写原则有选项:A: 每题只能有一个正确答案B: 每题只能有一个测试重点C: 干扰项应有一定的迷惑性,并防止出现语法错误D: 试题的各个选项的长度可以有长有短E: 只有作为答案的选择才是适当的答案: 【每题只能有一个正确答案; 每题只能有一个测试重点;干扰项应有一定的迷惑性,并防止出现语法错误; 只有作为答案的选择才是适当的】5、判断题:在命制试卷的步骤中,编写规范是最重要,也是最难的一步。



英美文学知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新山东第一医科大学第一章测试1.The spirit of Renaissance is ultimately expressed by the intellectualmovement called ().参考答案:humanism2.The word “Renaissance” means ().参考答案:revival3.() is not among the four great tragedies created by William Shakespeare.参考答案:The Merchant of Venice4.The Hamlet is the best work of William Shakespeare. ()参考答案:错5.Hamlet is a typical conservative prince. ()参考答案:错1.()Satan is the most well-developed character in Paradise Lost参考答案:Satan2.Paradise Lost is a long epic in () books.参考答案:123.Paradise Lost is an orthodox poem. ()参考答案:错4.Paradise Lost is widely regarded as the greatest epic poem in English.()参考答案:对5.() gains entrance into the Garden of Eden, where he finds Adam and Eveand becomes jealous of them.参考答案:Satan1.Shelley recognized ()as “the most perfect of my products.”参考答案:Prometheus Unbound2.The writing of Prometheus Unbound was inspired by ()’s PrometheusBound.参考答案:Aeschylus3.Percy Bysshe Shelley was in Italy when he heard the news of the PeterlooMassacre. He immediately responded by writing The Mask of Anarchy. ()参考答案:对4.Shelley, Byron and Keats are regarded as the three great poets of therevolutionary romanticism in England. ()参考答案:对5.Prometheus Unbound is a five-act lyrical drama, a closet drama. ()参考答案:错1.Victorian Period is the Age of prosperity and progress. It is the richest andmost powerful age of Britain. During this period British society had become the 1st urban and industrial one in the world. ()参考答案:对2.Who coined the expression “survival of the fittest”?()。

2021知到答案 英语语音(山东联盟) 最新智慧树满分章节测试答案

2021知到答案 英语语音(山东联盟) 最新智慧树满分章节测试答案

第一章单元测试1、多选题:We should learn how to use the movable articulators such as _______________ all of which are very active in the active in the articulation of speech sounds.选项:A:the soft palateB:the tongueC:the lipsD:the vocal cords答案: 【the soft palate;the tongue;the lips;the vocal cords】2、多选题:A language consists of three important elements, namely _________________ .选项:A:pronunciationB:grammarC:vocabularyD:listening答案: 【pronunciation;grammar;vocabulary】3、多选题:The field of phonetics is traditionally divided into three subdisciplines:____________________ phonetics.选项:A:acousticB:auditoryC:articulatoryD:phonology答案: 【acoustic;auditory;articulatory】4、多选题:The vocal tract is formed by ________________ .选项:A:larynxB:mouthC:noseD:pharynx答案: 【mouth;nose;pharynx】5、判断题:Because British people tend to pronounce post-vocalic r sound, RP is rhotic.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】6、判断题:If phonetics deals with the physical reality of speech sounds, then phonology, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with how we interpret and systematize sounds. 选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】7、判断题:The back rounded /ɔ/ is heard in British English in word such as not. In GA, this vowel sound is replaced with /a:/ .选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】8、判断题:GA speakers use a great deal of weak forms to pronounce the unstressed syllables, while RP speakers tend to pronounce both stressed and unstressed syllables very clearly.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】9、判断题:When we pronounce vowels and voiced consonants the vocal cords are kept apart and do not vibrate.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】10、判断题:Suprasegment features are features of speech which generally apply to groups of segments, or phonemes.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】11、多选题:We should learn how to use the movable articulators such as _______________ all of which are very active in the active in the articulation of speech sounds.选项:A:the lipsB:the soft palateC:the vocal cordsD:the tongue答案: 【the lips;the soft palate;the vocal cords;the tongue】12、多选题:A language consists of three important elements, namely _________________ .选项:A:listeningB:pronunciationC:vocabularyD:grammar答案: 【pronunciation;vocabulary;grammar】13、多选题:The field of phonetics is traditionally divided into three subdisciplines:____________________ phonetics.选项:A:auditoryB:articulatoryC:acousticD:phonology答案: 【auditory;articulatory;acoustic】14、多选题:The vocal tract is formed by ________________ .选项:A:pharynxB:larynxC:mouthD:nose答案: 【pharynx;mouth;nose】15、多选题:We should learn how to use the movable articulators such as _______________ all of which are very active in the active in the articulation of speech sounds.选项:A:the lipsB:the tongueC:the vocal cordsD:the soft palate答案: 【the lips;the tongue;the vocal cords;the soft palate】16、多选题:A language consists of three important elements, namely _________________ .选项:A:vocabularyB:listeningC:grammarD:pronunciation答案: 【vocabulary;grammar;pronunciation】17、多选题:The field of phonetics is traditionally divided into three subdisciplines:____________________ phonetics.选项:A:phonologyB:acousticC:articulatoryD:auditory答案: 【acoustic;articulatory;auditory】18、多选题:The vocal tract is formed by ________________ .选项:A:noseB:pharynxC:mouthD:larynx答案: 【nose;pharynx;mouth】19、多选题:We should learn how to use the movable articulators such as _______________ all of which are very active in the active in the articulation of speech sounds.选项:A:the tongueB:the lipsC:the vocal cordsD:the soft palate答案: 【the tongue;the lips;the vocal cords;the soft palate】20、多选题:We should learn how to use the movable articulators such as _______________ all of which are very active in the active in the articulation of speech sounds.选项:A:the vocal cordsB:the soft palateC:the lipsD:the tongue答案: 【the vocal cords;the soft palate;the lips;the tongue】21、多选题:A language consists of three important elements, namely _________________ .选项:A:listeningB:grammarC:pronunciationD:vocabulary答案: 【grammar;pronunciation;vocabulary】第二章单元测试1、判断题:All consonants are voiced, while vowels can be voiced or voiceless.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、判断题:Schwa is a reduced vowel in stressed syllables, especially if syllabic consonants are not used.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、判断题:In terms of syllable structure, vowels form the nucleus of the syllable. The consonants, on the other hand, occupy the onset or coda position.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、判断题:When a diphthong is pronounced, the first vowel sound is shorter, lower and weaker than the second one.选项:B:错答案: 【错】5、判断题:There are five vowels in the alphabets, which represent all vowel sounds in English language.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】6、判断题:All the speech sounds in the language can be classified into 4 groups: vowels, monophthongs, diphthongs and consonants.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】7、单选题:According to the distinctive feature theory, /ɔ/ and /a:/ differ from each other by __________ .选项:A:tongue heightB:tongue positionC:lengthD:lip posture答案: 【lip posture】8、单选题:The distinction between primary and secondary cardinal vowels is based on the_______ position.选项:A:vocal cordsB:lipsC:soft palateD:tongue答案: 【lips】9、多选题:Closing diphthongs end with a glide toward _______ or _______ .选项:A:/ə/B:/ɔ/D:/u/答案: 【/i/;/u/ 】10、多选题:The description of vowels relates to ________________ .选项:A:lip postureB:lengthC:tongue heightD:tongue position答案: 【lip posture ;length;tongue height;tongue position】11、多选题:Closing diphthongs end with a glide toward _______ or _______ . 选项:A:/ɔ/B:/u/C:/ə/D:/i/答案: 【/u/ ;/i/】12、多选题:The description of vowels relates to ________________ .选项:A:lip postureB:tongue positionC:lengthD:tongue height答案: 【lip posture ;tongue position;length;tongue height】13、多选题:The description of vowels relates to ________________ .选项:A:lengthB:tongue heightC:tongue positionD:lip posture答案: 【length;tongue height;tongue position;lip posture 】14、多选题:The description of vowels relates to ________________ .选项:A:tongue positionB:lip postureC:tongue heightD:length答案: 【tongue position;lip posture ;tongue height;length】第三章单元测试1、单选题:In which word the letter b is not silent?选项:A:debtB:doubtC:doubleD:lamb答案: 【double】2、多选题:English consonants can be classified in three ways, they are ( ).选项:A:by the manner of articulationB:by voicingC:by the loudness of soundD:by the place of articulation答案: 【by the manner of articulation;by voicing;by the place of articulation】3、判断题:[k] and [g] are pronounced by blocking the breath-stream with the back of the tongue and soft palate, building up the pressure, and suddenly releasing it.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、判断题:The consonants [f],[v],[t] ,[d] are fricatives.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】According to the features of consonants, [s] can be described as ( ).选项:A:voicelessB:dentalC:fricativeD:aspirated答案: 【voiceless;fricative;aspirated】6、单选题:An affricate is a combination of a plosive and a ( ).选项:A:lateralB:nasalC:approximantD:fricative答案: 【fricative】7、判断题:When pronouncing [ts], the tongue first sticks to the gums, blocks the airflow, and then raises.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】8、单选题:Which word does not contain the sound /m/?选项:A:summerB:lambC:someD:kind答案: 【kind】9、判断题:There is no difference between English consonant /l/ and Chinese consonant /l/. 选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】Which of the following phonemes are approximant?选项:A:/w/B:/l/C:/r/D:/j/答案: 【/w/;/r/;/j/】11、多选题:English consonants can be classified in three ways, they are ( ).选项:A:by voicingB:by the loudness of soundC:by the manner of articulationD:by the place of articulation答案: 【by voicing;by the manner of articulation;by the place of articulation】12、多选题:English consonants can be classified in three ways, they are ( ).选项:A:by the manner of articulationB:by the place of articulationC:by voicingD:by the loudness of sound答案: 【by the manner of articulation;by the place of articulation;by voicing】13、多选题:According to the features of consonants, [s] can be described as ( ).选项:A:aspiratedB:fricativeC:dentalD:voiceless答案: 【aspirated;fricative;voiceless】14、多选题:Which of the following phonemes are approximant?选项:A:/l/C:/w/D:/r/答案: 【/j/;/w/;/r/】15、多选题:English consonants can be classified in three ways, they are ( ).选项:A:by voicingB:by the place of articulationC:by the loudness of soundD:by the manner of articulation答案: 【by voicing;by the place of articulation;by the manner of articulation】16、多选题:Which of the following phonemes are approximant?选项:A:/l/B:/r/C:/w/D:/j/答案: 【/r/;/w/;/j/】第四章单元测试1、判断题:A syllable contains one and only one consonant.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、判断题:Secondary stress is more prominent than primary stress.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】3、判断题:Primary stress is often conveyed by changes in length, loudness, and pitch.选项:B:对答案: 【对】4、判断题:A rhythm group contains more than one stressed syllable, together with unstressed syllables clustering about it or none.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、判断题:The notion of rhythm comes from the unstressed syllables. Word and sentence stress combine to create the rhythm of an English utterance.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】6、单选题:Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: I am reading a very interesting novel?选项:A:readingB:reading, very, interesting, novelC:very, interestingD:I, am, reading, novel答案: 【reading, very, interesting, novel】7、单选题:Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: Twenty is enough?选项:A:is, enoughB:Twenty, is, enoughC:Twenty, enoughD:Twenty答案: 【Twenty, enough】8、单选题:Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: The book that I have just read is hers?选项:A:book, justB:book, readC:book, have, read, hersD:book, just, read, hers答案: 【book, just, read, hers】9、单选题:Which words are usually stressed in the following sentence: Who was that on the phone?选项:A:phoneB:who, was, that, phoneC:who, that, phoneD:who, was答案: 【who, that, phone】10、多选题:Which of the following words have their stress on the second syllable?选项:A:AmericaB:introductionC:historicalD:sentence答案: 【America;historical】11、多选题:Which of the following words have their stress on the second syllable?选项:A:sentenceB:introductionC:historicalD:America答案: 【historical;America】第五章单元测试1、判断题:Progressive assimilation refers to the sounds assimilated are affected by the pronunciation of the preceding sounds.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、判断题:When /n/ is followed by /p/, /b/ or /m/, it becomes /ŋ/.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】3、判断题:It is a cluster of consonants. It could be two or three consonants.( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、判断题:Gifts is initial consonant cluster. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、单选题:Pronunciation is really about().选项:A:throatB:lipsC:tongueD:all of the above答案: 【all of the above】6、单选题:She sells seashells by the seashore. is ( ) in English.选项:A:none of the aboveB:sayingC:tongue twisterD:folk song答案: 【tongue twister】7、单选题:In the phrase “give me” which sound can be elided?( )选项:A:/v/B:/g/C:/i/D:/m/答案: 【/v/】8、单选题:Squeezing letters is the phenomenon of ( )选项:A:liasionB:incomplete explosionC:elisionD:consonant cluster答案: 【consonant cluster】9、单选题:Squeezing words is the phenomenon of ( )选项:A:elisionB:incomplete explosionC:liasionD:consonant clusters答案: 【elision】10、多选题:Consonant clusters has_________.选项:A:first clusterB:final clusterC:initial clusterD:medial cluster答案: 【final cluster;initial cluster;medial cluster】11、多选题:Consonant clusters has_________.选项:A:medial clusterB:final clusterC:initial clusterD:first cluster答案: 【medial cluster;final cluster;initial cluster】12、多选题:Consonant clusters has_________.选项:A:first clusterB:medial clusterC:initial clusterD:final cluster答案: 【medial cluster;initial cluster;final cluster】第六章单元测试1、单选题:What is the purpose of the speaker by saying “could you give me the book”?选项:A:This is a question asking for information.B:It is a polite request.C:It sounds li ke a command; the answer “yes” is expected.D:It is attracting attention.答案: 【It is a polite request.】2、单选题:Choose the standard intonation for the following sentences: 1. Can you try it out?2. When will you be ready?3. Come to the blackboard.4. Did he see his friend?选项:A:rising, falling, rising, risingB:falling, falling, rising, fallingC:falling, rising, falling, risingD:rising, falling, falling, rising答案: 【rising, falling, falling, rising 】3、单选题:Which part carries maximal prominence in an intonation unit?A:headB:pre-headC:tailD:nucleus答案: 【nucleus 】4、单选题:Which type of intonation is not the typical types of English intonation?选项:A:falling-rising intonationB:rising-falling intonationC:falling intonationD:rising intonation答案: 【rising-falling intonation】5、单选题:The nucleus of the following sentence "I am WRIting a LETter to him." is . 选项:A:ter to himB:WRIting aC:LETD:I am答案: 【LET】6、判断题:A nucleus is the first fully stressed syllable in an intonation unit.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】7、判断题:The focusing function of intonation is to show what information in an utterance is new and what is already know.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】8、判断题:A special question with falling intonation asks for information, while a special question with rising intonation usually signals more interest on the part of the选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】9、判断题:In the sentence “The man works very hard, /doesn’t he?”, the speaker is sure that the man works very hard, and expects you to agree.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】10、判断题:The sentence “I have to buy bananas, apples, lemons and pears” should be spoken in rising intonation.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】。



基础医学英语知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新潍坊医学院绪论单元测试1.Medical English is very important to the university students. ()参考答案:对第一章测试1.The skin is the first defense line of the human body. ()参考答案:对2.White blood cells are the second defense line of the human body. ()参考答案:错3.Macrophages can eat the bacteria only. ()参考答案:错4.Antigens can be identified by T cells at first. ()参考答案:错5.Antibodies can destroy the foreign bodies. ()参考答案:错6.The external threats to the human body include living things and ____.参考答案:null7.Dendritic cells have many ____.参考答案:null8.Antibodies include IgM, IgA, IgG, IgD and ____.参考答案:null9.Helper T cells can bind to the dendritic cells and ____.参考答案:null10.The complement system can be activated by combination of antibody and____.参考答案:null第二章测试1.Bones are made up of two types of tissue — compact bone and cancellous orspongy bone.()参考答案:对2.Bone marrow is found in almost all bones where compact bone is present.()参考答案:错3.Involuntary muscles are the muscles that can be controlled consciously.()参考答案:错4.Saddle joint permits movement back and forth and from side to side, andallows rotation.()参考答案:错5.Bone remodeling is the replacement of old bone tissue by new bone tissue.()参考答案:对6.____ bone is the solid, hard, outside part of the bone. It looks like ivory and isextremely strong.参考答案:null7.Bone marrow is found in almost all bones where ____ bone is present.参考答案:null8.Cardiac muscle is an ____ type of muscle and its rhythmic, powerfulcontractions force blood out of the heart as it beats.参考答案:null9.Condyloid joint permits movement ____ rotation, such as in the jaw or fingerjoints.参考答案:null10.The fibrocarti'laginous callus is converted into a bony callus of ____ bone.参考答案:null第三章测试1.The left and right halves of the heart are connected from each other. ()参考答案:错2.The valves of the heart keep blood flowing in the correct direction,preventing the backward flow of blood. ()参考答案:对3.Veins can be categorized into four main types: pulmonary, systemic,superficial, and deep veins. ()参考答案:对4.Blood is a constantly circulating fluid. It can provide the body with nutrition,oxygen, and waste removal. ()参考答案:对5.The pulmonary circulation carries oxygenated blood from the heart to all thetissues in the body except the lungs and returns deoxygenated blood carrying waste products ()参考答案:错6.The heart has four valves. These valves include the ____, tricuspid valve, ____and aortic valve.参考答案:null7.One complete heartbeat is made up of two phases: ____ and ____.参考答案:null8.____ are the blood vessels that deliver oxygen-rich blood from the heart to thetissues of the body.参考答案:null9.There are five types of white blood cells— neutrophils, lymphocytes, ____,eosinophils, and ____.参考答案:null10.There are two different systems of circulation: ____ and ____.参考答案:null第四章测试1.Oxygen in the air moves from the lungs through blood vessels to the heart,which pumps the oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body.()参考答案:对2.The lungs are protected by the rib cage, which is made up of 12 ribs.()参考答案:错3.The primary function of the trachea is to transport air to and from the lungs.()参考答案:对4.The secondary bronchi link the trachea to the left and right lungs.()参考答案:错5.Respiration is the most basic and necessary activity performed by the bodiesof living organisms to survive in this world.()参考答案:对6.The first phase of respiration begins with breathing in, or ____.参考答案:null7.The ____ blood cells attack any disease-causing organisms that escape thehairs, cilia, and mucus of the nasal passages and pharynx.参考答案:null8.At the end of each bronchiole is a special area that leads into clumps of teenytiny air sacs called ____.参考答案:null9.The ____ supplied by one segmental bronchus defines the anatomical limits ofa bronchopulmonary segment.参考答案:null10.____ segments have the apex of the pyramid in the hilum whence they receivea tertiary bronchus, and appropriate blood vessels.参考答案:null第五章测试1.The taste receptor cells send information to the gustatory areas of the brainvia the seventh, ninth and tenth cranial nerves.()参考答案:对2.As food reaches the end of the esophagus, it enters the stomach through thepyloric sphincter. ()参考答案:错3.The ileum is the last and shortest part of the small intestine. ()参考答案:错4.External anal sphincter, is controlled by involuntary muscles. ()参考答案:错5.The liver is the largest gland in the body. ()参考答案:对6.There are four groups of tonsils. They are ____, ____, ____, ____参考答案:null7.The stomach produces digestive juices called ____.参考答案:null8.The small intestine is divided into three parts, ____, ____and ____.参考答案:null9.The large intestine is made up of five main parts: ____, ____, ____, the anal canaland the anus.参考答案:null10.Bile contains bile salts and ____, which emulsify large lipid globules into tinylipid droplets.参考答案:null第六章测试1.The only difference between the female and male urinary system is thelength of the urethra. ()参考答案:对2.The primary organs of the urinary system are the ureters. ()参考答案:错3.Blood flows into the kidneys through the renal vein and exits through therenal artery. ()参考答案:错4.The filtrate absorbed in the glomerulus flows through the renal tubule,where nutrients and water are reabsorbed into capillaries. ()参考答案:对5.The location of bladder is different between in men and in women. ()参考答案:对6.The organs of the urinary system include the ____, renal pelvis, ureters,bladder and ____.参考答案:null7.The kidneys have three basic mechanisms for separating the variouscomponents of the blood: ____, ____, and secretion.参考答案:null8.The kidneys are two ____ organs, each about the size of a fist.参考答案:null9.____ filters water and small solutes out of the bloodstream.参考答案:null10.Like the stomach, the human bladder is a ____ organ that expands andcontracts when emptying.参考答案:null第七章测试1.The fallopian tube is the female reproductive organ that provides a place tosupport a developing human. ( )参考答案:错2.Menstrual Cycle is a monthly series of hormone-controlled changes thatprepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. ( )参考答案:对3.The vagina is the female reproductive organ that produces eggs and thehormones estrogen and progesterone. ( )参考答案:错4.Testosterone produced by the testes cause bodily changes during malepuberty. ()参考答案:对5.Implantation is a process in which sperm-laden semen leaves the male body.( )参考答案:错6.The egg's path begins in the ____参考答案:null7.The female external reproductive organs include____,____, ____,____,structures associated with____null8.____ is responsible for the maturation of sperm.参考答案:null9. A major male sex organ that produces and stores sperm is called the ____.参考答案:null10.The tiny male cell that unites with the female ovum to form a fertilized egg orzygote is called the ____.参考答案:null第八章测试1.Sympathetic is when your heart rate and blood pressure increases, alongwith respiratory rate and your pupils dilates and causes sweating, associated with flight or fight response. ( )参考答案:对2.Parasympathetic increase heart rate and respiration rate and sweating. ( )错3.Brain stem is in charge of involuntary actions such as breathing and heartbeat. ( )参考答案:对4.The vermis of the cerebellum connects the hemispheres of it together. ( )参考答案:对5.Both the brain and spinal cord are surrounded by three layers of protectivecovering called meninges. ( )参考答案:对6.Specialized cells that carry impulses are called ____.参考答案:null7.____ of cerebral cortex regulates voluntary muscle , muscle movements, basicintelligence, personality.参考答案:null8.____ and ____ are the two divisions of the nervous system.参考答案:null9.The brain consists of three major divisions____ , ____, and ____.参考答案:null10.The brainstem is divided into three sections in humans: ____ , ____, and ____.参考答案:null第九章测试1.The adrenal gland are on top of the kidneys.()参考答案:对2.In females, gonadotropins target the uterus, while in males, gonadotropinstarget the testes. ()参考答案:错3.TSH stimulates release of thyroid hormones. ()参考答案:对4.To produce thyroid hormones, the thyroid gland needs iodine. ()参考答案:错5.There are four tiny parathyroid glands that are attached to the thyroid glandon each side. ()参考答案:对6.The hypothalamus releases various kinds of hormones to control the ____gland.参考答案:null7.The hormone ____, released by the pituitary, activates milk production inwomen who are breastfeeding.参考答案:null8.During childhood, an abnormal overproduction of growth hormone canresult in ____.参考答案:null9.PTH regulates the level of ____ in the blood with the help of calcitonin.参考答案:null10.Each adrenal gland has two layers, the outer layer is ____ and an inner layer is____.参考答案:null第十章测试1.Homeostasis requires the organs to be able to detect changes in theenvironment and to control them.()参考答案:对2.Positive feedback is good for you and negative feedback is bad for you.()参考答案:错3.Your blood sugar levels are carefully regulated by a positive feedback loop.()参考答案:错4.The relationship between potassium intake from diet and excretiondetermines external balance.()参考答案:对5.Sodium accounts for 5 to 10 percent of the concentration of the extracellularfluid.()参考答案:错6.Homeostasis in living organisms involves expending energy in order tomaintain a position in a dynamic.,____.参考答案:null7.There are two types of feedback mechanisms, ____ feedback and ____ feedback.参考答案:null8.Blood sugar levels is a ____ feedback loop, that keeps those levels steady.参考答案:null9.Glucose molecules can also be linked together into a long chain called ____stored within cells.参考答案:null10.The total body water is distributed into two fluid parts, the extracellularfluid(____)and the intracellular fluid(____).参考答案:null。



智慧树知到《临床技能学(山东联盟)》章节题答案第一章1、用来衡量心界增大与否及增大程度常用的垂直线为:A.胸骨线B.腋中线C.锁骨中线D.胸骨旁线E.腋前线答案: 锁骨中线2、在检查确定腋前、中、后三线时被检查者姿势应是:A.上臂自然下垂B.上臂外展与躯干成90度角C.双上臂交叉于胸前D.上臂外展与躯干成45度角E.上臂前伸答案: 上臂外展与躯干成90度角3、双侧肺下界在锁骨中线、腋中线、肩胛线分别至哪些肋间?A.7、9、11B.6、8、10C. 5、7、9D.10、12、12E.右为6、8、10,左为5、7、9答案: 6、8、104、呼气性呼吸困难常见于:A.肺炎B.支气管哮喘C.胸膜炎D.气管阻塞E.肋骨骨折答案: 支气管哮喘5、正常成人静息状态下呼吸频率为:A.20次/分B.18-20次/分C.12-20次/分D. <20次/分E.16-18次/分答案: 16-18次/分第二章1、胸腔穿刺进针时应注意?A.在肋间进针,垂直于皮肤B.沿肋骨上缘垂直于皮肤进针C.沿肋骨下缘,垂直于皮肤进针D.在皮下潜行一段距离后,再垂直于皮肤进针E.与皮肤呈30度角进针答案: 沿肋骨上缘垂直于皮肤进针2、为预防腰椎穿刺后头痛,腰椎穿刺后应嘱患者平卧多久?A.3小时B.1小时C.5小时D.2小时E.6小时答案: 6小时3、临床上首选的骨髓穿刺部位是?A.髂前上棘穿刺点B.髂后上棘穿刺点C.胸骨穿刺点D.腰椎棘突穿刺点E.胫骨前答案: 髂后上棘穿刺点4、患者行腹腔穿刺术时出现腹膜反应,不包括以下哪项临床表现?A.头晕B.心悸C.面色苍白D.气促E.双下肢麻木答案: 双下肢麻木5、穿隔离衣的正确顺序为?A.扣领扣-穿袖子-穿袖子-系腰带B.穿袖子-扣领扣-系袖带-系腰带C.穿袖子-扣领扣-系腰带-系袖带D.穿袖子-系袖带-系腰带-扣领扣E.扣领扣-系腰带-穿袖子-穿袖子答案: 穿袖子-扣领扣-系袖带-系腰带第三章1、下列哪一项描述是错误的?A.穿手术衣前必须进行外科洗手B.穿好手术衣后双手可交叉放于腋下C.未戴手套的手不能接触手套外面D.无接触戴手套时,双手不伸出手术衣袖口E.脱下手术衣时,应使衣里外翻,避免手臂及衣裤被手术衣外面所污染答案:B2、铺巾时,若铺巾滑落A.可继续使用B.消毒后再使用C.换面使用D.重新置换无菌铺巾E.30分钟后再使用答案:D3、以下皮肤缝合的要点中,哪一项是错误的?A.切口两侧组织应按层次严密正确对合B.针距、边距两侧应一致C.不留死腔D.缝合线结扎得愈紧愈好E.手腕用力,垂直进、出针,顺针的弧度拔针答案:D4、以下打结方法的描述中,正确的是?A.大血管使用粗线结扎更可靠B.结扎血管时,首先应让助手松开止血钳C.第一个结方向应和第二个结一致并重叠D.打结时以右手为主要力量进行E.深部打结应用一手指按压线结近处,两指靠拢,徐徐拉紧答案:E5、腹壁脓肿换药时,正确的伤口消毒方法是?A.从伤口中央向周围消毒B.从伤口外周向中央消毒C.从伤口左侧向右侧消毒D.从伤口上方向下方消毒E.其余选项都是答案:B第四章1、四部触诊检查时哪项是错误的?A.孕妇应该排空膀胱B.孕妇要平卧C.孕妇双腿略屈曲,使腹肌放松D.对有宫缩的孕妇禁止进行四部触诊E.检查者立于孕妇右侧答案:D2、关于诊断性刮宫的适应证,以下哪项是错误的?A.异常子宫出血或阴道排液B.功能失调性子宫出血C.不孕症D.各种流产后宫腔残留E.怀疑输卵管病变答案:E3、正确的头围测量方法是?A.枕后到额部中央绕头一周B.枕后沿耳边到眉间绕头一周C.枕后结节到眉弓上2cm绕头一周D.枕后结节到眉间绕头一周E.枕后结节到眉弓上缘处绕头一周答案:E4、头皮静脉穿刺不常选用的静脉是?A.额前正中静脉B.枕后静脉C.耳后静脉D.眶上静脉E.颞浅静脉答案:B5、新生儿复苏过程中,下列哪一项是最重要和最有效的措施?A.心脏除颤B.扩容C.建立有效通气D.使用肾上腺素E.胸外按压答案:C第五章1、左腕部离断伤伤者的急救包扎处理过程中,正确的是?A.迅速清理左腕伤口断端游离骨片,防止包扎中进一步损伤神经、血管B.大量敷料覆盖肢体断端,采取回返加压包扎及宽胶布固定C.离断左手置于低温生理盐水中保存D.左上肢设置止血带,迅速止血E.立即给予止血药物止血答案:C2、气管插管暴露声门时,成人用弯形喉镜镜片前端放置的最佳位置是?A.舌体B.会厌谷C.声门上D.舌根E.其他选项均不正确答案:B3、一下哪种情况不适合做气管内插管?A.呼吸、心搏停止B.异物卡喉C.吉兰-巴雷综合征D.抢救新生儿窒息E.全身麻醉者答案:B4、怀疑心脏骤停时,医务人员检查脉搏的时间不应超过?A.5秒B.10秒C.15秒D.20秒E.30秒答案:B5、下列哪项不属于患者“有反应”?A.手指活动B.呻吟C.瞳孔缩小D.睁眼E.咳嗽答案:C第六章1、错误的肌肉注射操作是?A.正确选择注射部位B.取合适体位,使肌肉放松C.常规消毒皮肤D.垂直进针E.注射刺激性较强的药物,针头应该全部刺入答案:E2、下列情况不适合置入胃管的是?A.幽门梗阻B.急性胰腺炎C.中毒洗胃D.食管梗阻E.肠梗阻答案:D3、成人插胃管时,测量长度的正确方法是?A.从鼻尖至耳垂再至剑突B.从鼻尖到剑突C.从耳垂至右手指尖D.从眉心至耳垂再至剑突E.从眉心至剑突答案:A4、穿刺出血的常见原因不包括哪项?A.按压不充分B.反复穿刺C.刺穿血管壁D.静脉穿刺后局部按压3~5分钟E.患者凝血机制差答案:D5、为女患者导尿时,导尿管插入的深度是?A.1~2cmB.4~6cmC.7~10cmD.18~20cmE.20~22cm答案:B11。



第一章1.My family_______on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.答案:got by2.They develop the specialized skills, knowledge, and positive attitudes neededto participate______sports and physical activities.答案:in3.According to the university president in Passage 1, what did the parentsremind their children to do before they left for college?答案:To work hardand achieve the best they could4.The topic sentence, sometimes called a general statement, presents the topicor the main idea of the paragraph, and it always appears at the beginning of a paragraph.答案:错5.“Education passes from generation to generation”译为“教育代代相传”。

答案:对第二章1.In passage 2, the father warns his child not to be upset by low grades. Theyare only letters and are not important.答案:对2.The statement “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everythinghe learned in school” means that the details you have learned or the facts you have remembered are not important. What is really important is the fact that you have learned how to learn and that you have developed a way of thinking and a sense of responsibility.答案:对3.Previewing is about how accurate your prediction is or how correct youranswer is.答案:错4.Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while animal behaviordepends mainly upon ______.答案:instinct5.I'd like to sign _____for volunteer (志愿的) work with an environmentalorganization. I hear it is a great way to connect with the community.答案:up 第三章1.The phrase “make attempts” means 尝试。



智慧树知到《行为医学(山东联盟)》章节测试答案绪论1、行为医学的理论与技术可以在以下部门工作中得到应用()A.医院B.康复与预防机构^心理门诊D.其他选项都是答案:其他选项都是2、行为医学的研究对象包括()A.健康人B.环境的作用C.有行为问题的人0.心理现象E.动物行为医学答案:健康人,有行为问题的人,动物行为医学3、行为医学与社会医学的关系,不正确的描述是()A.社会医学是把社会因素抽象出来,对它与健康的关系进行研究B.社会医学不重视行为的影响C.行为医学也重视社会因素的作用D.行为医学是把社会因素作为影响个体行为或群体行为的因素来看答案:社会医学不重视行为的影响 4、行为医学主要关注与健康、疾病相关的行为。

A.对B.错答案:对5、什么是行为医学()A.治病救人的行为8.研究行为医学中疾病与健康的知识与技术的一门多学科领域C.治疗方法论的完善的行为D.其他选项都对答案:研究行为医学中疾病与健康的知识与技术的一门多学科领域AA- * 第一早1、已形成的条件反射,如果经常得不到相应的无条件刺激的强化,就会逐渐减弱或消失的现象,称为()A.自然恢复作用B.泛化作用C.辨别作用D.消退作用答案:消退作用2、小明生病了却不愿意吃药,妈妈对他说只要乖乖吃药就可以吃零食,妈妈的这种行为属于()A.正强化B.负强化C.正惩罚D.负惩罚答案:正强化3、沃尔普用什么方法使产生恐惧和拒食反应的猫逐步消除恐惧回到正常就食状态的?()A.系统脱敏法B.冲击疗法C.强化疗法D.放松疗法答案:系统脱敏法4、经典条件反射理论是谁提出的()A.PavlovB.SkinnerC.WastonD.Bandura答案:Pavlov5、下列属于马斯洛的需要层次理论的是()A.生理需要B.安全需要C.归属和爱的需要D.尊重的需要E.自我实现的需要答案:生理需要,安全需要,归属和爱的需要,尊重的需要,自我实现的需要AA- 一 * 第一早1、攻击行为的心理学解释大致可归为()A.环境论B.基因论C.本能论D.习得论答案:本能论,习得论2、“此地无银三百两”的故事属于()心理防御机制A.投射B.反向形成C.压抑D.退行答案:反向形成3、容貌平凡的女子特别爱说“自古红颜多薄命,“红颜是祸水”,属于()心理防御机制A.投射B.合理化C.反向形成D.幽默答案:合理化4、影响人类摄食行为的因素有()A.文化因素B.家庭因素C.4理因素D.社会因素E.行为因素答案:文化因素,心理因素,社会因素5、惩罚一定是抑制儿童攻击行为的有效手段。

Communicative English 山东联盟-共享资源智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年

Communicative English 山东联盟-共享资源智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年

Communicative English Pronunciation(山东联盟-共享资源)智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下曲阜师范大学曲阜师范大学绪论单元测试1.Phoneme is the small _______ unit in the _____ system of a language.答案:sound;contrastive2.What you will learn in this course?答案:stress;connect speech;consonants;vowels;intonation3. 1. EFL means English as a foreign language.2. ESL means Englis as a second language.3. Stress includes word stress and sentence stress.答案:对第一章测试1.null答案:null2.Vowels are sounds in which there is ( ) ( ) to the flow of air as it passes fromthe ( ) to the lips.答案:obstruction;pharynx;No3.Which word has a schwa sound?_____答案:wood4.All rounded English vowels are back vowels.答案:对5.null答案:null第二章测试1.Which sounds are consonant?答案:h;b;w;j2.Active articulator is the target of articulation.答案:错3.Plosives are sounds produced with the air ______ _______ at some point in themouth by the lips or _______ or tongue back and then released with aslight _______.答案:tongue tip;explosion;stop;completely4. A nasal consonant is produced when the soft palate---the fleshy part of thepalate near the back---is lowered, allowing air to escape freely through themouse.答案:错5.How many voiceless consonant sounds in English?答案:9第三章测试1.null答案:null2. A syllable is typically made up of a syllable nucleus (most often a vowel) withoptional initial and final margins (typically, consonants).答案:错3.The structure of tone unit for " I' ll back. " is _____.答案:Head Nucleur4. A rhythm unit is formed by a ______ syllable, together with _______ syllables.答案:stress;stressed5.The falling-rising intonation shows _______________________.答案:warning;disagreement;implication;contrast6.How many types of English intonation? What are they?答案:null7.When we will use strong form of English function words?答案:When they are cited or quoted;Elision of vowels and consonants;When they occur at the end of a sentence.。



智慧树知到《拓展英语词汇(山东联盟)》章节测试答案第1章单元测试1、My computer has an audio output. And I need an audio cable to send the _ files to you.答案:audio2、I’m deeply impressed by the great musical effect of this theatre. Even if you sit in the farthest seat, the music is still . 答案:audible3、The _ in the downtown area is really poor today. I hope you are careful when you drive after class.答案:climax4、It is evident that we have to do something to improve the hazy weather. Otherwise the sea might become . 答案:It is modern.5、I can not _ a life without beautiful scenery around me. I want to see the sea, the sand and the sun every day.答案:第一空:and I can understand German as well.6、The company Goldman Sachs made a _ (预言) about national economies. The experts there predicted that the Chinese economy would be the largest one in the world by the year 2050.答案:prediction7、The experts must have used big data to make the national economies predictable. Without the help of big data, the ranking would be___ ( 不能预言的).答案:unpredictable8、I like Hamlet’s _ (独白):“To be or not to be. That is the question.”答案:is, am9、Environmental pollution has been a big concern for many countries. I think governments should put environmental issues high on the _ (议事日程).答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。



医学英语(山东联盟)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新滨州医学院第一章测试1.The etymology of medical terms refers to the origins of medical terms.参考答案:对2.Most of the medical terms originated from Latin.参考答案:错3.In many cases of modern medicine, Latin and Greek words are used to createnew terms.参考答案:对4.Tooth's roots in Greek and Latin are “odont(o)”, “dent(o)”.参考答案:对5.Stomach's roots in Greek and Latin are“proct(o)”,“rect(o)”.参考答案:错6.What is combining form in Latin for stomach?参考答案:proct(o)-7.The combing form of Rectum in Greek is_____.参考答案:proct(o)8.The suffix “-plasty” in medical terms means______.参考答案:surgical repair9.The prefix“endo-” means_____.参考答案:within10.Which of the following suffix means abnormal condition?参考答案:-osis第二章测试1.People with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are meticulousperfectionists.参考答案:错2.Who is a behaviorist?参考答案:B. F. Skinner3.Cosmetic surgery training is completed through a post-graduate residencyprogram.参考答案:错4.Which makeup tricks can you adopt to make your eyes look bigger?参考答案:Strategic eyeliner5.Empathy is to __________参考答案:share another person’s sadness.6.If your friend is in trouble, which expression conveys empathy?参考答案:I can see how upsetting this is to you. What can I do for you?7.When a doctor communicates with a patient, the positive way is to look intohis /her eyes.参考答案:错8.When a doctor attempts to deliver bad news to the patient try to ____.参考答案:Soften your tone.;Pause briefly.9.The three different types of cloning include .参考答案:Molecular cloning;Organism cloning;Therapeutic cloning10.Molecular cloning focuses on making identical copies of DNA molecules inchromosomes.参考答案:对第三章测试1.In TCM, the understanding of the human body is based on the holisticunderstanding of the universe as described in Daoism.参考答案:对2.The function of yin and yang is guided by the law of unity of the opposites.参考答案:对an transplant does not remove and replace an entire organ, but ratheronly a portion.参考答案:错4.Solid transplantable organs include: heart, lungs, liver, pancreas andintestines.参考答案:对5.The goal for maximum benefit criteria is to maximize the number ofsuccessful transplants.参考答案:对6.In China, when a person dies, the hospital must comply with their writtenwishes regardless of what their family may want.参考答案:错7.Precision medicine is attempting to customize treatments on the basis of aperson's gene tic's or environment.参考答案:对8.Based on the understanding of paragraph 6 of the text, why is it difficult tostore patients' genome data?参考答案:data will also pose a computational challenge.9.Coronary heart disease is closely linked to .参考答案:a diet that is high in unhealthy fats10.Kwashiorkor is mainly caused by inadequate protein intake.参考答案:对第四章测试1.Why does the author say "The human body is a remarkably complex andefficient machine"?____参考答案:It is amazing how well each system functions and coordinates with other systems to enable humans to live and reproduce.2.What can we know about the bones according to the passage?_____参考答案:Bones are united by joints and held together by ligaments.3.Which of the following is True about the heart?____参考答案:There are four chambers which are made up of several layers of smooth muscles.4.Different types of anaesthesia cannot be used in combination at any time.参考答案:错5.When anaesthesia awareness occasion during a surgery, the patient may feelpain or may not feel it.参考答案:对6.Anesthesia awareness only happens with ________.参考答案:general anesthesia7. Prostate cancer is often slowly growing. There may be no symptoms at first,even for years.参考答案:对8.What may be more appropriate for older men where the cancer is notcausing much in symptoms?参考答案:Watchful waiting9.what is uterus?参考答案:子宫10.what is induced abortion?参考答案:引产第五章测试1.Just like a conductor who controls and directs the different musicians in anorchestra, the endocrine system controls and directs other systems in our body, telling them what should be done at what time.参考答案:对2.What are the functions of the thyroid gland?参考答案:Bone growth ;Stimulate cellular metabolism ;Development of the brain and nervous system3.The tip of the heart at the lower edge is called the _______.参考答案:apex4.Which is NOT cardiovascular disease?参考答案:Lupus erythematosus.5.Cortex makes the hormones that control our growth, metabolism, water andmineral balance, sexual maturity, and how we respond to stress.参考答案:对6.The hindbrain consists of the following parts,which are参考答案:Medulla; Pons;Cerebellumrynx is not only the organ of respiratory system but also that of digestivesystem.参考答案:错8.Pharynx contains a pair of vocal cords, which vibrate to make sounds.参考答案:错9.What is the meaning of medical term “Eupnea”?参考答案:normal breathing10.Which of the following combining forms mean lung or of lung?参考答案:pulmon/o第六章测试1. A wide use of passive voice in results section of a research article is for thepurpose of being objective.参考答案:对2.Researchers should present representative data rather than endlesslyrepetitive data in your manuscript.参考答案:对3.Medical record, also known as case history, history and physical notes, healthrecord, and medical chart, is used to describe the systematic documentation of a patient’s medical history and care, time to time within one particularhealth care provider’s ju risdiction.参考答案:对4.Titles have two functions: to identify the main topic or the main point of thearticle and to attract readers.参考答案:对5.If we intend to emphasize the information of other researcher's study in thecitation, the reporting verb tense we usually use is present tense.参考答案:对6.It is not necessary to point out the limitations of your study in the part ofdiscussion of academic writing.参考答案:错7.The structure of discussion is a trapezoid, which means the information indiscussion is from being specific to being general.参考答案:对8.The structure of introduction is a trapezoid, which means the information inintroduction is from being specific to being general.参考答案:错9.The purpose of an abstract is to help your reader understand the paper andget at your main points quickly.参考答案:对10. A summary is to rewrite the original piece.参考答案: 错。

大学英语(山东联盟) 智慧树知到网课章节测试答案

大学英语(山东联盟) 智慧树知到网课章节测试答案

1、选择题: After a _physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.选项:A:compromisedB:comprehensiveC:composedD:compiled答案: 【comprehensive】2、选择题:Sam __ the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.选项:A:instilledB:importedC:impactedD:inherited答案: 【inherited】3、选择题: A bee that has found honey is able to __ to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.选项:A:transmitB:transferC:transformD:transport答案: 【transmit】4、选择题:Some people believe that the earth can _ enough food to support at least twice its present population.选项:A:resortB:submitC:yieldD:emerge答案: 【yield】5、选择题:In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks__________.选项:A:in advanceB:on impulseC:in frontD:on purpose答案: 【in advance】1、选择题:Thanks to the __ of air transport, everyone is free to go anywhere at any time.选项:A:efficiencyB:effectiveC:affectionD:reflection答案: 【efficiency】2、选择题:The wedding ceremony of my sister was a very _ experience for our family.选项:A:confidentB:ridiculousC:emotionalD:romantic答案: 【emotional】3、选择题:The local government is pressed to find new places to __ waste选项:A:curbB:donateC:polishD:dump答案: 【dump】4、选择题:Jennifer couldn’t ___ her tears when she saw the sick children at a new blood cancer center in Virginia.选项:A:keep backB:keep up withC:strip offD:throw away答案: 【keep back】5、选择题:Mary was a careful speaker; every word seemed to have been ____ before it was allowed to escape through her lips.选项:A:polishedB:preparedC:advancedD:achieved答案: 【polished】1、选择题:If a company decreases health benefits for its employees, they should increase salaries to ___ the workers.选项:A:competeB:compensateC:compareD:connect答案: 【compensate】2、选择题:Some of your suggestions have been _, but others have been turned down as they are not workable.选项:A:adaptedB:adeptC:adjustedD:adopted答案: 【adopted】3、选择题:I find it very difficult to ____ the fact that two of our best students failed the exam.选项:A:stand outB:set upC:account forD:add to答案: 【account for】4、选择题:We have sent our union _ to look into the case and see who is responsible.选项:A:representativeB:characteristicC:characterD:massive答案: 【representative】5、选择题:The key to an effective presentation is to state your points clearly and ___ each of your points at the end of your presentation.选项:A:modernizeB:summarizeC:characterizeD:specialize答案: 【summariza】1、选择题:Fortunately, the accident didn’t_____many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.选项:A:involveB: concernC:damageD: harm答案: 【involve】2、选择题:She()her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work.选项:A:claimedB: fulfilledC:changedD:accepted答案: 【claimed】3、选择题:The duties to provide services for children in need are not to the local social services department.选项:A:foundB:advocatedC:resistedD: confined答案: 【confined】4、选择题:This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any_____.选项:A:conditionB:circumstanceC:guidanceD:part答案: 【circumstance】5、选择题: My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions,____to questions in class, or talk with other children.选项:A:respondB: judgeC: improveD:appear答案: 【respond】1、选择题:We all admitted that the trip was worthwhile after we saw a ____ palace and a fantastic museum.选项:A:significantB:flexibleC:indispensableD:magnificent答案: 【magnificent】2、选择题:Shops try to meet the DIY fashion by offering consumers parts and hardware which they can ____ at home.选项:A:assembleB:collectC:processD:operate答案: 【assemble】3、选择题:According to the terms of your ____, you must give three months’ notice if you intend to leave this company.选项:A:issueB:manualC:contractD:record答案: 【contract】4、选择题:The local government has been providing ___ support to them, without which they couldn’t have been so successful.选项:A:controversialB:essentialC:substantialD:potential答案: 【substantial】1、选择题:The difficult curriculum, and fierce competition have a serious on students’ physical and ment al health.选项:A:done … harmB: taken … tollC:caused … damageD:had … effect答案: 【taken … toll】2、选择题:Animal fats and sugar to a weight problem and can be afactor in heart disease.选项:A:yieldB:causeC:contributeD:amount答案: 【contribute】3、选择题:Thousands of miles apart, we met with quarrels, and sometimes even a cold war, but we still to love.选项:A:hold onB:keep onC:count onD:get on答案: 【hold on】4、选择题:Encourage your child to reach a(n) between what he wants and what you want.选项:A:harmonyB: agreementC:balanceD:compromise答案: 【compromise】5、选择题:Competition in the financial market has profits.选项:A:erodedB: increasedC:boostedD:corrupt答案: 【eroded】1、选择题:Nowadays all governments try their best to serve their people and fight against ____.选项:A:corruptionB:enemiesC:environmentD:efficiency答案: 【corruption】2、选择题:Some students in our universiy have been _ for cheating on their final exams.选项:B:failedC:expelledD:tested答案: 【expelled】3、选择题:We can use special machines to detect ____money.选项:A:falseB:wrongC:badD:fake答案: 【fake】4、选择题:It’s ___to break into people’s house to take pictures.选项:A:impoliteB:illegalC:allowedD:punished答案: 【illegal】5、选择题:Punishments for__________ which is a form of intellectual dishonesty differ from country to country.选项:B:copyC:plagiarismD:absence答案: 【plagiarism】1、选择题:The bulletin board has become the children’s favorite, on which they often display their creative drawings.选项:A:magnetB:magneticC:magneticallyD:magnetize答案: 【magnetic】2、选择题:If students don’t study their lessons as they were told, will show up quickly when they take an exam.选项:A:deficiencyB:deficitC:deficienciesD:defect答案: 【deficiencies】3、选择题: A firefighter tried to get into the burning house, but he was forced to by the intense heat.选项:A:retreatB:retreatingC:retreatedD:being retreated答案: 【retreat】4、选择题:He carried the cup across the room, walking carefully for fear of the tea.选项:A:spillB:spilledC:spillingD:being spilled答案: 【spilling】5、选择题: With this method, you can produce really designs with the simplest machines.选项:A:elaboratelyB:elaborateC:elaborationD:elaborating答案: 【elaborate】1、选择题:I think I got serious about this only recently when I ___ one of my former students, fresh from an excursion to Europe.选项:A:ran intoB:ran forC:ran toD:ran in答案: 【ran into】2、选择题:Perhaps language should be ____ as a road map and valuable possession.选项:A:looked forB:looked upC:looked atD:looked upon答案: 【looked upon】3、选择题:In short, participation in sports is extremely ___ for college students not only physically but also emotionally and socially.选项:A:competentB:beneficialC:preciseD:allergic答案: 【beneficial】4、选择题:The mayor decided to ___his speech in order to leave enough time for his audience to raise questions.选项:A:condenseB:condemnC:composeD:conclude答案: 【condense】1、选择题: In our class, most discussions and activities take place in assigned small groups. These groups provide a supportive and safeenvironment that learning.选项:A:promotesB:encouragesC:enlightensD:inspires答案: 【promotes】2、选择题:It is the development strategy of the company toits overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market.选项:A:makeB:accelerateC: openD:boost答案: 【错】3、选择题: There is a real need to academic achievement in schools and help with the development of a student’s overall character.选项:A: enlargeB:boostC:explodeD:make答案: 【boost】4、选择题:Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from, reason and language.选项:A:representB: simplifyC:clarifyD:analysis答案: 【analysis】5、选择题:Being a single parent, there is no way for her to ____the time and energy she has devoted to her children for the past 10 years.选项:A:detectB:plusC:calculateD: take答案: 【calculate】1、选择题: It is _ for every family to make earthquake emergency plans and know how to leave the area during the chaos following anearthquake.选项:A:sensibleB:sensitiveC:sensationalD:sentimental答案: 【sensible】2、选择题:People who were born _ to the 60s or 70s in the last century tended to become financially independent earlier.选项:A:seniorB:juniorC:priorD:inferior答案: 【prior】3、选择题:Horror and doubt _ his troubled thoughts.选项:A:attractB:concentrateC:distractD:appeal答案: 【distract】4、选择题:Economists are interested in all the factors that can help to _ the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand in the market.选项:A:labelB:predictC:witnessD:restore答案: 【predict】5、选择题:The committee agreed that his papers ___ a wider circulation because of their essential and fundamental interest to a larger audience.选项:A:proceedB:grantC:lodgeD:deserve答案: 【deserve】1、选择题:We are too young to tie the _.选项:A:cuteB:marriageC:knotD:bond答案: 【knot】2、选择题:She was not _to his personality, but she was scared.选项:A:staleB:disgustC:likeD:immune答案: 【immune】3、选择题:His “bad boy” image was just too _to resist.选项:A:temptingB:ambitiousC:romanticD:charm答案: 【tempting】4、选择题:I really loved him but was _about our chances for success.选项:A:weirdB:boringC:disapproveD:pessimistic答案: 【pessimistic】5、选择题:Sam is always a perfect gentleman and ___a lot of credit for that.选项:A:bloomB:weaveC:deservesD:confess答案: 【deserves】1、选择题:Many drivers think that most passengers are very pleasant, although occasionally they can be .选项:A:nastilyB:nastyC:friendlyD:warm答案: 【nasty】2、选择题:Sales of the new drug will be until more tests are completed. 选项:A:suspendedB:continuingC:suspendD:suspension答案: 【suspended】3、选择题:Our union leaders want to a good working relationship between the government and labor unions.选项:A:cementingB:cementC:weakenD:impair答案: 【cement】4、选择题:On television, we can see many demonstrations against the ever-growing between the “super rich” and the “struggling middle class”.选项:A:crackB:separationC:blankD:gap答案: 【gap】5、选择题:The soldiers were in need of food and medical supplies. Otherwise, they could only resist for two days.选项:A:urgentB:urgencyC:urgentlyD:emergency答案: 【urgently】1、选择题:Although personally we believe this to be of only secondary importance, its potential role in _ innovative acts cannot be ignored. 选项:A:motivateB:motivatingC:to motivateD:motivated答案: 【motivating】2、选择题:Western nations have older and shrinking populations since they entered the 21st century and their ____ birth rates have also posed problems.选项:A:floatingB:fluctuatingC:flowingD:drifting答案: 【fluctuating】3、选择题:To illustrate my point of view, I would like to __ from a source that many of us find more authoritative than the words of a businessman.选项:A:quoteB:quotationC:referD:reference答案: 【quote】4、选择题:These people living in this area are still ____ their traditions which give their life meaning and help them in answering manyquestions.选项:A:attached toB:revolving aroundC:coming in handyD:clinging to答案: 【clinging to】1、选择题:A gentle fog was beginning to ___ the valley, thus making it more mysterious.选项:A:coverB:climbC:flowD:veil答案: 【veil】2、选择题:The two countries failed to agree on everything but finally came to a(n) _.选项:A:accommodationC:endD:result答案: 【accommodation】3、选择题:As a reader, you should know how to make ___ in the choice of books.选项:A:chooseB:discriminationC:selectD:difference答案: 【discrimination】4、选择题:In general, everyone is not ____ to admit his dullness.选项:A:disposedB:rightC:decideD:forced答案: 【disposed】5、选择题:An out-of-court settlement was the largest ___ he made.选项:A:ideaC:mindD:concession答案: 【concession】1、选择题:She was an excellent teacher, whose __courses on women’s writing were very popular among the students.选项:A:functionalB:optionalC:eternalD:external答案: 【optional】2、选择题:When I opened the album, I carefully examined every photograph in __ detail by wearing my reading glasses so as not to miss anything.选项:A:minuteB:roughC:infiniteD:finite答案: 【minute】3、选择题:Smoking is campared to self-poisening and self-destroying, thus making the ___ effects of smoking cigarettes trully alarming.选项:A:beneficialB:advantageousC:favorableD:evil答案: 【evil】4、选择题:It will be up to the doctor’s judgement whether or not the organ can be successfully ___ to the child who has been waiting for it. 选项:A:transferredB:transmittedC:transplantedD:transported答案: 【transplanted】5、选择题:Teachers can no longer use their past experiences to prepare students for their career;____, our young people need to rely on themselves.选项:A:henceB:although C:nevertheless D:despite答案: 【hence】。



第一章1.So far nobody has claimed the money ____ in the library.答案:discovered2.Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one___ first is the library.答案:to be repaired3.That is the only way we can imagine ___ the overuse of water is students'bathrooms.答案:to reduce4. A great number of students ___ said they were forced to practice the piano.答案:questioned5.Now that we've dicussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions____?答案:taken6.The players ____ from the whole chountry are expected to bring us honor inthis summer game.答案:selected7.On receiving a phone call from his wife _____ she had a fall, Mr Gordonimmediately rushed home from his office.答案:saying8.The island, ____ to the mainland by a bridge is easy to go to.答案:joined9.The rare fish, ____ from the cooking pot, has been returned to the sea.答案:saved10.Mrs.White showed her students some old maps ____ from the library.答案:borrowed第二章1.Science fiction is a genre of fiction. ()答案:对2.The whole generation were brought up to be _____ of material things, so thatthey had great difficulty settling down to a market economy.答案:scornful 3.____ a mobile phone can you ring ___ you want to talk with anywhere.答案:Using;whoever4.Little know about verbs, Franz his head.答案:did he; dare not lift5.No sooner ____ his talk than he ___ by the workers.答案:had he finished; wassurrounded6.Homophonic Puns mean that the pronunciation is the same.答案:对7.She is not fond of cooking, _____I.答案:nor am8.Many a time ____ swimming alone.答案:didi the boy go9.The doctor told Charlie to breathe deeply and ____.答案:Charlie did so10.Her arms ___ around his neck in gratitude.答案:tightened第三章1.What really ___ is that a teacher should be responsible for his students.答案:matters2.The late arrivals for musical were ___ to their seats.答案:hurried3.This company is a ___ of a British firm that provides texile materials.答案:copartner4.Ten minutes later the taxi __ in front of the Grand Theatre, where we hadarranged to meet.答案:pulled up5.Till now, I still remember vividly how my mother used to train me to possessacceptable table ___.答案:manners6.The author does not think that a simple "thank you" really matters.答案:错7.That we don't have the time or energy is only an excuse for not writingthank-you note.答案:对第四章1.Mentally ____ youngsters used to hang round this area and caused a lot oftrouble.答案:disturbed2.There still exist strong disagreements ____ whether social stability should bemaintained at the expense of public health.答案:as to3.Politicians are good at ____ public opinion through the press.答案:influencing4.Special shipping and _____ charges may apply.答案:handling5.One day David told the author the truth, and he believed David without anydoubts.答案:错6.The author was a happy boy with nothing to worried about before his friendDavid suffered from AIDS.答案:对第五章1.Everyone admires his spirit of doing boldly what’s( ).答案:righteous2.Let’s go to the movies,( )?答案:shall we3.Britain's negotiators had( )that the treaty which resulted was a significantchange indirection.答案:ensured4.Don’t engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life.答案:对5.Integrity means you do what you do because it’s right and just fashionable orpolitically correct.答案:错第六章1.House prices are likely to ()towards the end of this year.答案:rise2.Will you be able to finish it( )?答案:in time3.He is ( )and reliable.答案:respectable4.In the US,the number of parents choosing to have only one child is increasingin many parts of the world.答案:对5.For some parents, particularly those with busy careers, the pressures ofdevoting time and energy to a second child can seem easy.答案:错第七章1.Some poverty-______ African countries received the biggest loans from theWorld Bank last year.答案:stricken2.His aim was to promote human race relations where all people have ______opportunities.答案:equal3.He said he bought the house here because he loved the ______ of the sea.答案:smell4.He saw the police cars ______ around the corner.答案:screech5.We make a big ______ decision, which will lead to the change of our country'shistory.答案:fateful第八章1.The novelist became popular for ______ a unique view of life by usingeveryday language.答案:creating2.______ your child will grow up and lead her own independent life.答案:Eventually3.As part of the normal ______ process, gradual loss of hearing ability can bedifficult to deal with.答案:aging4.There has been a ______ interest in the functions of the Internet in distanceeducation.答案:continuing5.This 1998 incident is a timely ______ of the threat that a market economy mayface.答案:reminder。



第一章1.How to start reading a novel according the video?答案:Guessing the meaningof words from context.;Try to read regularly.;Pay much more attention to the beginning of a novel.;Read what interests you according to your level.2.It's a fact that most 5 to 7 year old children use about 90% of their nativegrammar rules correctly.答案:对3.What are the purpose of reading comprehension according to the video ?答案:Looking for the key idea in a sentence, which is of crucial importance tocomprehension of the whole passage.;Grasp the main idea of a paragraphwhich is the point of the passage, minus all the details.;The reader must beable to translate the written words into meaningful language.4.Learning to write an essay is a skill you will use throughout your life. Such as:答案:write marketing materials;write company memos;write business letters 5.The Hamburger Essay Outline includes introduction, body and ______.答案:conclusion6.What can be included in your conclusion?答案:Restatement of the thesisstatement.;Rephrasing of the main subtopics.;The concluding statement.第二章1.According the video, what are the milestones of adulthood? They referto_______.答案:job stability;starting a family;home ownership;becomingfinancially independent2.According to the video, a Millennial is a person born between early 1980sand early 2000s.答案:对3.How to identify the major details?答案:Focus on the major details.;Learn toread for the main idea.;Separate the major detail from the minor details.4.There are two levels of supporting details: major details and minor details.答案:对5. A particular writing method will be introduced in today's show. That is howto write an advantage / disadvantage essay. In this kind of essay, theadvantages or ______ should be listed and expounded upon.答案:disadvantages6.The outline of writing an advantage / disadvantage essay falls in one of thesethree formats. The formats include ______.答案:advantages only;advantagesand disadvantages;disadvantages only第三章1.The odyssey years is between ______.答案:adolescence and adulthood2.To succeed through the odyssey years, young people are advised to ______.答案:use their weak ties;get some identity capital;pick their family3.The odyssey years is a period of time that has no significance.答案:错4.______ is a figurative technique that directly compares one thing to another byusing the signal words as or like.答案:Simile5.Which of the following information is not likely to be included in theintroduction part of a comparison or contrast essay?答案:organization of the comparison or contrast to support your ideas6.The two subjects being compared or contrasted must be from the samecategory.答案:对第四章1.Today's topic is to talk about the 1960s, we will mainly focus our attention onthe events in ______.答案:America2."The Sixties", as they are known in both ____ and ______, is a term used byhistorians, journalists, and other objective academics.答案:scholarship;popular culture3._______ is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlookthat emphasizes the moral worth of the individual.答案:Individualism4.What does “pull someone’s leg” mean?答案:开玩笑5. A narrative is a ______ containing specific elements that work together tocreate interest for not only the author but also the reader.答案:story6.The elements of narrative writing include the plot, the characters, the setting,the climax, and the ending.答案:对第五章1.The greatest significance of managing your money lies in how much you’llearn.答案:错2.Which of the following can be identified as inference questions?答案:Basedon the passage, we can assume that …;The passage implies that…;The author suggests that …;It can be inferred from the passage that…3.In addition to the transitions each time you move from one point to anotherwhile still on the same subject, use a strong transition when you switch from one subject to another.答案:对4.Which of the following statement is NOT true according to this lecture?答案:There’s no need for you to consider whether the points for comparison or contrast can support the purpose of your writing or not.5.The ______ pattern is to examine one subject thoroughly and then examine theother, covering the same points for both subjects and in the same order.答案:subject-by-subject6.In the subject-by-subject pattern, “subject” refers to ______ .答案:the items orpeople to be compared or contrasted第六章1.According to the video, how to live happily with less?答案:Be aware of whatyou want;Limit the amount of information you take in2.Some choice is undoubtedly better than none, but more is not always betterthan less.答案:对3.What can the skill “reading between the lines” do for us?答案:It can enhancethe pure joy of reading.;It can boost the development of our meta-cognitiveskills.;It gives us a deeper understanding of our reading.;It can help us gobeyond the surface details to see deeper meanings that the details imply orsuggest.4.There are two kinds of formats for date. In America, people often use month,date, year format in a letter. While British people like to use date month year format in their writing.答案:对5.Displaying too many goods can actually overwhelm consumers and makethem ______ shopping.答案:stop6.Practical writing is a tool for people to convey information, deal with affairsand exchange feelings.答案:对第七章1.Traditionally ______ are supposed to support the family financially.答案:men2.In contemporary society, women both take active roles in commerce andchild-rearing.答案:对3.Argumentative essay is a writing mode that requires critical thinking andanalytical skills.答案:对4.The components that an argumentative essay must contain include______ .答案:strong evidence;a compelling topic;persuasive language;a balancedassessment5.When you structure an argumentative essay, first you may begin byintroducing the debate topic.答案:对6.At the beginning of the essay, you need to make a strong sentence that peoplewill remember.答案:错第八章1.The ______ of plants and animals have largely influenced the history of bothman and human species.答案:domestication2.Shan Hai Jing is a Chinese classic text describing mountains, regions withinand beyond the seas, and mythic animals. It is largely a fabulous geographical and cultural account of pre-Qin China as well as a collection of Chinesemythology.答案:对3.According to the video, the modern development characterized by______ ,______ and ______also affected the relationship with animals.答案:scientific discoveries;industries revolution;technological changes4.Throughout Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, heels were an indicatorof wealth and status for both men and women.答案:对5.Someone's Achilles’ heel is his weakness that causes problems for them,especially because it gives other people a chance to attack or criticize them.答案:对6.Knot is a uncountable noun which means a join by tying together two piecesof string, rope, cloth etc.答案:错。

智慧树知到 《医学英语词汇学(山东联盟)》章节测试答案

智慧树知到 《医学英语词汇学(山东联盟)》章节测试答案

智慧树知到《医学英语词汇学(山东联盟)》章节测试答案第1章单元测试1、The symbol of medicine is called __.答案:climax2、The first bone of the spine is known as __. 答案:Atlas3、The heel cord, i.e. the largest and strongest tendon in the human body, is called . 答案:Achilles tendon4、A 18-year-old man has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and always believes that he is better than others. This man may be diagnosed with having a(n) . 答案:Narcissistic personality disorder5、A senior woman always repeats statements and questions over and over, not realizing that she has asked the question before. She tends to forget conversations, appointments or events. This woman may be diagnosed with _.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。

6、A boy always feels tired. Blood test shows that he is not iron deficient, but his MCV(平均红细胞体积)is very low. The name of this condition derives from the Greek Thalassa sea. What may be the possible diagnosis of him?答案:Mediterranean anemia7、In the brain, there is a region involved in memory forming, organizing, and storing, which is called the _ because it has a shape of a seahorse.答案:错8、A newborn baby is with reddish purple marks on the face, which is caused by a localized area of abnormal blood vessels. This condition is called __.答案:Port-wine stain第2章单元测试1、Which of the following word parts is a combining form?答案:ot/o-2、Which of the following words is spelled correctly ?答案:gastroenteritis3、The correct pronunciation of “pt” in the word “gastroptosis” and “ptosis” is . 答案:climax4、Words ending with are stressed on the next to last syllable.答案:-oma5、The word “rhinoplasty” is pronounced___. 答案:[‘rainəu,plæsti]第3章单元测试1、fibrous adhesion答案:纤维性粘连2、afferent neurons答案:传入神经元3、回顾性研究答案:a prospective study4、小脑下静脉答案:inferior veins of cerebellum5、glaucoma答案:青光眼第4章单元测试1、Cardiopathy means . 答案:可以随时亲吻2、The suffix “-centesis” in the word arthrocentesis means _. 答案:softening3、The suffix “-malacia” in the word chondromalacia means __.答案:softening4、Downward displacement of the stomach is termed _. 答案:第一空:0.4;2064.8;8;1794.35、Which of the following physicians specializes in treating patients with diseases of the liver?答案:hepatologist6、_ means surgical repair of an organ.答案:17、A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called _. 答案:√8、Which of the following suffixes does not mean “pertaining to”?答案:-our9、The suffix “-megaly” in the word hepatosplenomegaly means . 答案:softening10、The instrument for viewing is -scope whereas the instrument for cutting is___. 答案:-tome第5章单元测试1、Surgical reconstruction or cosmetic alteration of the nose is termed______.答案:rhinoplasty2、A faster than normal respiratory rate of breathing is termed . 答案:tachypnea3、Hemoptysis is a term describing______. 答案:coughing up blood from the lungs4、A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes is termed_______, which is a sign that oxygen in the blood is dangerously diminished (as in carbon monoxide poisoning).答案:cyanosis5、_is an instrument for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs.答案:错误6、A special procedure to examine the blood vessels of the lungs by X-ray is called答案:pulmonary angiography 第6章单元测试1、aorta答案:aort/o2、heart答案:cardi/o3、artery [5B:tEri]答案:n. 动脉, 要道4、The antonym of vein is ( ). 答案:artery5、blood vessle答案:angi/o6、atrium答案:atri/o7、blood vessle答案:angi/o8、valve答案:valvul/o9、inflammation答案:-itis10、incision答案:-tomy第7章单元测试1、medullar oblongata答案:延髓2、somatic nervous system答案:躯体神经系统3、脑皮层运动区答案:cerebral motor cortex4、顶叶答案:occipital lobe5、基底神经节答案:the basal ganglia第8章单元测试1、An enzyme that digests starch into disaccharides and it is usually secreted by salivary glands and by the pancreas is _ 答案:amylase2、The term gastrectomy refers to the excision or removal of _ 答案:climax3、Which of the following word parts indicates the first part of a small intestine?答案:duoden/o4、gastroenteritis is an inflammation on _(parts of the body).答案:bottom stomach & small intestines5、Gastrojejunostomy describes a procedure that____答案:surgically creates an artificial opening between the stomach and jejunum第9章单元测试1、_ is a hormone secreted by the thymus that can stimulate the immunological activity of lymphoid tissue.答案:第一空:传动轴第二空:转轴第三空:心轴第四空:转轴2、The term “phagocytosis” means_______答案:the process by which a cell, such as a white blood cell, ingests microorganisms, other cells, and foreign particles3、The movement of a microorganism or cell in response to a chemical stimulus is termed . 答案:chemotaxis4、The word part “-phylaxis” denotes_____. 答案:protection5、Grafts used for transplantation from a different species are ____.答案:heterografts第10章单元测试1、Inflammation of joints is termed as . 答案:lines and rows, circle2、A sheet or band of fibrous tissue which lies deep to the skin or forms an investment for muscles and various organs of the body is . 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。




A:遗传病B:基因病C:分子病D:染色体病E:先天性代谢病答案: 遗传病2、所有疾病的发生都与基因直接或间接相关。

A:对B:错答案: 对3、.蚕豆病的发生。


答案: 基本上由遗传因素决定发病4、遗传病具有遗传性,但并不是所有的遗传病都遗传。

A:对B:错答案: 对5、基因一定是垂直传递的。

A:对B:错答案: 对第二章1、下列有关TATA盒的叙述哪个是正确的。

A:它位于第一个结构基因处B:它和RNA聚合酶结合;C:它编码阻遏蛋白D:它和反密码子结合答案: 它和RNA聚合酶结合;2、乳糖操纵子是大肠杆菌DNA的一个特定区段,由调节基因I 、调控区及其所控制的一组功能上相关的结构基因Z、Y、A组成。

A:对B:错答案: 对3、β珠蛋白位于号染色体上A:22B:11C:16D:14E:6答案: 114、同类碱基之间发生替换的突变为。

A:移码突变B:动态突变C:片段突变D:转换E:颠换答案: 转换5、属于动态突变的疾病有。

A:脆性X综合征B:镰状细胞贫血C:半乳糖血症D:Huntington舞蹈症E:β地中海贫血答案: 脆性X综合征,Huntington舞蹈症第三章1、关于人类X染色体不正确的说法是。

A:X染色体属于C组B:X染色体是亚中着丝粒染色体C:X染色体从形态上大于Y染色体D:在性别决定上X染色体比Y染色体重要E:正常女性的两条X染色体中有一条在胚胎发育早期可发生随机失活答案:D2、经检测发现,某个体的细胞核中有2个X染色质,表明该个体一个体细胞中有_ 条X 染色体。




第一章1.As the gender barriers ________, the number of women working as lawyers,doctors, or bankers began to increase significantly from the mid-20thcentury.答案:crumbled2.With the data collected each year, the owner of the shop can _____ customertrends and how things like weather and economic indicators affect salesperformance.答案:discern3.His supervisor pushes and motivates him in such a positive manner that he isnot only able to reach but to _______ his personal goals. 答案:surpass4.He is a man with a(n) ______ business sense. He has built his initial investmentinto a substantial and even excessively large fortune.答案:shrewd5.The ______ of nuclear radiation directly into electricity was an excitingpossibility that was being vigorously explored in many laboratories in the1950s.答案:conversion6.I was not only shocked but also disgusted that the report tried to _______ thescientific facts in such a manner that even some highly-educated people were fooled.答案:distort7.Sixty-two and blessed with his mother's skin, the fisherman had withstood alifetime of exposure to the sun and looked as ______ as a man in his forties.答案:radiant8.French educator Louis Braille invented a simple but _______ code which hashad an impact on the lives of generations of people who are blind. 答案:ingenious9.The senators didn't expect us to ask such tough questions, and when wefinally did, they got ______ and didn't know what to say.答案:stumped10.This newly established university supports the ______ that a more diversehigher education system is desirable since it would enhance opportunitiesfor lifelong learning.答案:proposition第二章1.We need to improve the quality of education so that our children will notleave school _______ in literary and reasoning skills. 答案:deficient2.In a society governed by the rule of law, every citizen is subject to possible______ if he violates the law.答案:prosecution3.The pay gap between average workers and top corporate officers has led topublic ______ as executives receive large packages despite falling share prices.答案:outrage4.The delicious meal ________ our hunger and made us feel warm again afterhaving walked in the snow all day.答案:appeased5.The military insists on ________ in many areas, for example, dress and haircut,with the primary objective of promoting group unity.答案:conformity6.My daughter used to play with the dog by taking a(n) _______ of its hair andthen spending a long time rubbing, combing and twisting it. 答案:strand7.When she left for the party, she took great care to make her necklace andshoes _______ her dress.答案:complement8.It was necessary to provide living places for _______ immigrants passingthrough the area on their way to more permanent dwellings.答案:transient 9.They had just moved in, so they needed to buy a number of kitchen _______,including a microwave oven, a toaster, and a coffee maker.答案:appliances 10.She wanted a beautiful and elegant _______ to attend the wedding of a friend,but couldn't find anything satisfactory in the nearby shops.答案:outfit第三章1.The curtains changed the atmosphere of the house completely and made itinto a place of _________ beauty.答案:exquisite2.As the sun ________ the clouds, we enjoyed our afternoon of playing cards inthe forest under the clear sky and observing the most spectacular view I have ever seen in my life.答案:dispersed3.The big company ________ their operations last year and opened severalregional offices in the country to meet the needs of the market.答案:decentralized4.It is not easy to ________ a trend of growth from the available facts since theyare quite scarce and not that convincing.答案:deduce5.Formerly found only in large industrial applications, microwave ovens nowhave become a standard ________ of most modern kitchens.答案:fixture6.He calls on the public to save in everyday life and believes that ________ is thekey to battling a culture that rewards mindless consumption. 答案:frugality 7.He is suitable for the position as he is young enough to understand what theteenagers think but old enough to ________ their programs.答案:administrate 8.When asked about her whereabouts at 9 o'clock that night, she gave a rather______ response, which caught the detective's attention.答案:disjointed9._______ the stalled economy and sticking to promises to bring the deficit downnext year is proving to be the principal test for the new president.答案:Reviving10. A considerable period of time has to _______ before the effects of such securitymeasures as closed-circuit television cameras and cell-phone monitoringbecome evident in reducing crimes.答案:elapse第四章1.I will conduct a top-to-bottom review of the state departments, agencies, andcommissions, and seek to _______ or to eliminate them where appropriate. 答案:consolidate2.To a 10-year-old girl, you need to offer understanding about her wishes andhelp her ______ between fantasy and reality. 答案:differentiate3.When we heard about the _______ suffering of the children and adults, ourprimary instinct, like millions of others, was to shed tears.答案:dreadful4.It was when we started living together that we found, to our sadness andsurprise, that we were ________.答案:incompatible5.It was _______ that he had taken a $50,000 bribe before the project wastransferred to another company.答案:alleged6.The budget proposal has been described as "______" and "inappropriate" bypeople objecting to it.答案:bizarre7.It seems that what people believe and what researchers have found outabout the ______ between wealth and happiness are more different thanoverlapping.答案:correlation8.Current expenditure in this museum is ______ in comparison with the hugeamount which foreign museums of similar standing spend.答案:negligible 9.The air and rivers in this area are getting cleaner, and attempts to preserveanimal species and their______ have been mainly successful. 答案:habitats 10.If you can provide rational and ______ debates from an unbiased point of view,maybe we will all learn something.答案:intelligible第五章1.Although he was not a legal expert, he knew it would not be proper to _______anything to mislead the public.答案:fabricate2.He does not work full time there, but he has been the ______ head of theorganization's scholarship program for five years.答案:nominal3.As Mark walked the sites on that initial trip of the migrants, he found someimportant _____ clues - dated bus tickets, shopping receipts and calendars.答案:temporal4.In urban planning, it is important to take into consideration the ______influence between the transportation network and other facilities, forexample shopping centers and medical centers. 答案:reciprocal5.The label "Smart Choices" on the front of food packages usually______products that meet criteria for lower fat, sugar and sodium (钠)content.答案:denotes6.The public high school graduation rates in New Mexico and Arizona havebeen increasing for three _______ years, thanks to an online program thathelps students earn missing credits.答案:consecutively7.In the accident at the air show last week, a pilot and 10 _______ were killedwhen a fighter plane crashed into the crowd.答案:spectators8.The mother was not sure where the boys went, but she did hear them _______something about going out for a movie with friends. 答案:muttering9.This newly released portrait of Planet Earth is actually a ______ of severalpictures taken earlier this month by a new research satellite. 答案:composite 10.You shouldn't feel insulted. We can assure you he meant to be friendly andthere was nothing impolite or _______ in his words.答案:malicious第六章1.When I first came to this city, everything was ______ to me. It took me a longtime to adjust myself to the new environment. 答案:alien2.Something growing in her brain caused damage to her ______ nerve, anddoctors thought she would never see again.答案:optic3.The front side of the house has a(n) ________ arrangement of windows anddoors, with the main door in the center, a side door and two windows oneach side.答案:symmetrical4.He cleaned the old machine and _______ the moving parts with a little mineraloil, hoping that it could work again.答案:lubricated5.We could tell it was a crisp winter night because, overhead, between theshadows of the buildings, a multitude of stars were _______.答案:twinkling 6.During his work on child protection, he often acts as a ______ between parentsand children, making the parents know what they can do and what theycannot do.答案:mediator7.Due to safety concerns, the commander ordered his troops to leave their _____in the mountains and return to their bases in the nearby village.答案:outposts8.It's exciting to travel to a foreign place, no matter whether you're ______ thewilds of Africa or just making a weekend trip to the countryside.答案:traversing9.In the 1970s, a number of countries passed laws to protect women's rights,announcing that they would _______ women through education and work.答案:emancipate10.The basic idea of ______reasoning 1s that if something is true of a class ofthings in general, this truth applies to all members of that class.答案:deductive。



大学英语(二)(山东联盟)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新潍坊学院第一章测试1.How to start reading a novel according the video?参考答案:Try to read regularly.;Read what interests you according to yourlevel. ;Pay much more attention to the beginning of a novel.;Guessingthe meaning of words from context.2.It's a fact that most 5 to 7 year old children use about 90% of their nativegrammar rules correctly.参考答案:对3.What are the purpose of reading comprehension according to the video ?参考答案:Grasp the main idea of a paragraph which is the point of the passage,minus all the details. ;The reader must be able to translate the writtenwords into meaningful language.;Looking for the key idea in a sentence, which is of crucial importance to comprehension of the whole passage.4.Learning to write an essay is a skill you will use throughout your life. Such as:参考答案:write marketing materials ;write business letters;write companymemos5.The Hamburger Essay Outline includes introduction, body and ______.参考答案:conclusion6.What can be included in your conclusion?参考答案:The concluding statement.;Restatement of the thesisstatement.;Rephrasing of the main subtopics.第二章测试1.According the video, what are the milestones of adulthood? They referto_______.参考答案:starting a family;job stability;home ownership;becoming financially independent2.According to the video, a Millennial is a person born between early 1980sand early 2000s.参考答案:对3.How to identify the major details?参考答案:Separate the major detail from the minor details. ;Focus on the major details. ;Learn to read for the main idea.4.There are two levels of supporting details: major details and minor details.参考答案:对5. A particular writing method will be introduced in today's show. That is howto write an advantage / disadvantage essay. In this kind of essay, theadvantages or ______ should be listed and expounded upon.参考答案:disadvantages6.The outline of writing an advantage / disadvantage essay falls in one of thesethree formats. The formats include ______.参考答案:advantages only ;advantages and disadvantages ;disadvantages only第三章测试1.The odyssey years is between ______.参考答案:adolescence and adulthood2.To succeed through the odyssey years, young people are advised to ______.参考答案:pick their family;get some identity capital;use their weak ties3.The odyssey years is a period of time that has no significance.参考答案:错4.______ is a figurative technique that directly compares one thing to another byusing the signal words as or like.参考答案:Simile5.Which of the following information is not likely to be included in theintroduction part of a comparison or contrast essay?参考答案:organization of the comparison or contrast to support your ideas6.The two subjects being compared or contrasted must be from the samecategory.参考答案:对第四章测试1.Today's topic is to talk about the 1960s, we will mainly focus our attention onthe events in ______.参考答案:America2."The Sixties", as they are known in both ____ and ______, is a term used byhistorians, journalists, and other objective academics.参考答案:scholarship;popular culture3._______ is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlookthat emphasizes the moral worth of the individual.参考答案:Individualism4.What does “pull someone’s leg” mean?参考答案:开玩笑5. A narrative is a ______ containing specific elements that work together tocreate interest for not only the author but also the reader.参考答案:story6.The elements of narrative writing include the plot, the characters, the setting,the climax, and the ending.参考答案:对第五章测试1.The greatest significance of managing your money lies in how much you’llearn.参考答案:错2.Which of the following can be identified as inference questions?参考答案:It can be inferred from the passage that…;The passage impliesthat…;Based on the passage, we can assume that …;The author suggests that …3.In addition to the transitions each time you move from one point to anotherwhile still on the same subject, use a strong transition when you switch from one subject to another.参考答案:对4.Which of the following statement is NOT true according to this lecture?参考答案:There’s no need for you to consider whether the points for comparison or contrast can support the purpose of your writing or not.5.The ______ pattern is to examine one subject thoroughly and then examine theother, covering the same points for both subjects and in the same order.参考答案:subject-by-subject6.In the subject-by-subject pattern, “subject” refers to ______ .参考答案:the items or people to be compared or contrasted第六章测试1.According to the video, how to live happily with less?参考答案:Be aware of what you want; Limit the amount of information you take in 2.Some choice is undoubtedly better than none, but more is not always betterthan less.参考答案:对3.What can the skill “reading between the lines” do for us?参考答案:It can boost the development of our meta-cognitive skills.;It can help us go beyond the surface details to see deeper meanings that the details imply or suggest.;It can enhance the pure joy of reading.;It gives us a deeper understanding of our reading.4.There are two kinds of formats for date. In America, people often use month,date, year format in a letter. While British people like to use date month year format in their writing.参考答案:对5.Displaying too many goods can actually overwhelm consumers and makethem ______ shopping.参考答案:stop6.Practical writing is a tool for people to convey information, deal with affairsand exchange feelings.参考答案:对第七章测试1.Traditionally ______ are supposed to support the family financially.参考答案:men2.In contemporary society, women both take active roles in commerce andchild-rearing.参考答案:对3.Argumentative essay is a writing mode that requires critical thinking andanalytical skills.参考答案:对4.The components that an argumentative essay must contain include______ .参考答案:a balanced assessment;strong evidence;a compelling topic;persuasivelanguage5.When you structure an argumentative essay, first you may begin byintroducing the debate topic.参考答案:对6.At the beginning of the essay, you need to make a strong sentence that peoplewill remember.参考答案:错第八章测试1.The ______ of plants and animals have largely influenced the history of bothman and human species.参考答案:domestication2.Shan Hai Jing is a Chinese classic text describing mountains, regions withinand beyond the seas, and mythic animals. It is largely a fabulous geographical and cultural account of pre-Qin China as well as a collection of Chinesemythology.参考答案:对3.According to the video, the modern development characterized by______ ,______ and ______also affected the relationship with animals.参考答案:industries revolution;scientific discoveries;technological changes4.Throughout Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, heels were an indicatorof wealth and status for both men and women.参考答案:对5.Someone's Achilles’ heel is his weakness that causes problems for them,especially because it gives other people a chance to attack or criticize them.参考答案:对6.Knot is a uncountable noun which means a join by tying together two piecesof string, rope, cloth etc.参考答案:错。



中英名作悦读与词汇解密(山东联盟)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新青岛大学第一章测试1.“The boundles scenery is at the perilous peak.” is from Libai’s poem.参考答案:错2.One should acquire necessary surviving skills before taking an adventuretravel.参考答案:对3.Captain Cook’s Diary and Treasure Island are both adventure fictions.参考答案:对4.The movie Cast Away is exactly the same story with Robinson Crusoe.参考答案:错5.The Travels of Xu Xiake is a fictional adventure story by the Chinese writerXu Xiake.参考答案:错6.Her fans were ______ when she appeared on stage dressed in nothingbutfeathers.参考答案:thunderstruck7. At 19, when I began studying astrophysics(天体物理学), it did not botherme__________ to be the only woman in the classroom.参考答案:in the least8.The president’s remarks appear to signal that there will be no _________ fromhis position.参考答案:retreat9.The youths used spray paint to _________ buildings during the riots.参考答案:deface10.Butterflies are __________ in the garden.参考答案:fluttering第二章测试1.Cyber celebrity is the film star who has become famous by means of theInternet.参考答案:错2. Russell believed that the good life is inspired by curiosity and guided by love.参考答案:错3.Feng Zikai took the view that the great man is one who has not lost thechildlike heart.参考答案:对4.“At fifteen I set my heart ”is from The Analects written by Hanyu.参考答案:错5.Russell believed that sense of duty is useful in personal relations.参考答案:错6.Bertrand Russell was so ________ (吸引,专心致志) in mathematics from anearly age, finding the experience of learning Euclidean geometry at the age of11 “as dazzling as first love”.参考答案:absorbed7. The_______ (极度痛苦) of not knowing the truth was unbearable to me.参考答案:anguish8. Yet the events of 1973 still_______(产生反响) , in Chile and in the rest of LatinAmerica.参考答案:reverberate9. He is among the most thoughtful, careful and _______(勤勉、认真的) publicservants we have ever known.参考答案:conscientious10. The diet of the _______(富裕的) has not changed much over the decades.参考答案:affluent第三章测试1.British P.M. Theresa May prepared a very special present for ChinesePresident Xi.参考答案:对2.Blue Planet II reminded us of environmental protection.参考答案:对3.Emily Bronte and Jane Austen were good at depicting rural areas of England.参考答案:对4.The Daffadils is one of the most famous poems of William Wordsworth.参考答案:对5.Lin Huiyin is a prestigious essayist as well as an architect.参考答案:对6.Everything she writes demonstrates the depths of her _________ (感性).参考答案:sensibility7.There was a rainbow, but the sky was still so bright that it was scarcely_________ (看得见的).参考答案:perceptible8.I found her a rather _______ (冷漠的), distant, somewhat cold person.参考答案:austere9.That little girl was weeping and her mother came over to _______ (安慰) her.参考答案:console10.My favorite time of the day is _______ (暮色), the time when the daylight hasalmost gone but when it is not completely dark.参考答案:twilight第四章测试1.Chinese people celebrate Qixi Festival on the 7th day of the 7th lunar monthof Chinese calendar.参考答案:对2.With his gold tipped arrows, Cupid, the god of love, inspired the passion oflove and provided all nature of life and power of reproduction.参考答案:对3.“Auld Lang Syne” is an old Scottish tune that people usually sing onValentine’s Day.参考答案:错4.Will iam Butler Yeats composed the poem “When You Are Old”, in which onecan find the fulfillment of love.参考答案:对5.“A Red, Red Rose” and “Shang Ye (《上邪》)” reveal the passionate lovebetween young couples.参考答案:对6.If a person’s behavior is (平心静气的),it is calm and reasonable, so thatthey do not get angry or lose temper easily.参考答案:temperate7.He’s always (炫耀) about his prowess as a cricketer.参考答案:bragging8.The job prospects for those graduating in engineering are far less (美好的,乐观的) now than they used to be.参考答案:rosy9. (激情) for life, sometimes it is easy to find, needed only a little catalyst(催化剂) for it .参考答案:Passion10.Life is (永恒的), love is immortal, and death is a horizon. And a horizonis only the limit of our sight.参考答案:eternal第五章测试1.“Classic” means “something of very high quality (高质量的、经典的)”, and“classical” means “traditional (传统的、古典的)”.参考答案:对2.Emily Bronte was the gateway for Elizabeth (the teacher ) to reading moreand more classics of English Literature.参考答案:错3.Charlotte Bronte is the author of Jane Eyre, and she is called “The Queen ofCrime”.参考答案:错4.Agatha Christie wrote about 100 detective novels.参考答案:错5.J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series are composed of 9 books.参考答案:错6.They said they were not sure about his decision to _____(退出)fromuniversity studies to play poker.参考答案:withdraw7.She married an American despite strong_____(反对)from her family andfriends.参考答案:opposition8.By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by_____(反思), which isnoblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.参考答案:refelction9. The great part of our happiness or misery depends on our_____(性情), noton the circumstance.参考答案:disposition10. He will _____ (夸夸其谈) and storm about his love for you.参考答案:rant第六章测试1.Mencius’mother moved home three times to find neighborhood mostfavorable to Mencius’education.参考答案:对2.Family education is not important in modern society.参考答案:错3.Students of Open University need not quit their jobs since they can learn intheir spare time.参考答案:对4.The education concepts between Chinese and the western people are alwaysthe same.参考答案:错5.V. S. Naipaul was one of the Nobel Prize winners for chemistry.参考答案:错6.Do not get married too soon. It will _____ (阻碍) you.参考答案:handicap7.I know I haven’t been of much use to you; so painful is this thing that I rathernot_____ (细想) it.参考答案:dwell on8.Your letter _____ (逗乐) me. Your handwriting amused me.参考答案:amused9.The elderly _____ (感激) the care and attention they received.参考答案:appreciated10.You look quite tired. Why not take a _____ (两周) off from work?参考答案:fortnight第七章测试1.The English song Childhood is sung by Luo Dayou.参考答案:错2.Dragon in the western culture is a threatening evil animal instead of a symbolof good luck.参考答案:对3.American parents don’t push their children to go ahead.参考答案:错4.On Children is a poem written by Kahlil Gibran.参考答案:对5.In the poem, On Children, children are compared to bow, and parents toarchers.参考答案:错6.Charlotte’s novels bear some _____ (自传) features.参考答案:autobiographic7.The Academy _______(排除) women from its classes.参考答案:excluded8.There was a ______ (少许) of sadness in her voice.参考答案:tinge9.Teacher use praises and rewards to ________(强化) children's positive behaves.参考答案:reinforce10.In the play the author makes the _______(恶棍) commitsuicide.参考答案:villain第八章测试1.Mona Lisa, the world-renowned oil painting, is exhibited at the LouvreMuseum in Paris.参考答案:对2.“Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again; The moon is bright ordim and she may wax or wane. There has been nothing perfect since theolden days.” These lines are from Prelude to Water Melody(《水调歌头》).参考答案:对3.Wang Wei once coined a phrase: "The quality of Shu Shi’s poems can besummed as, the poems hold a painting within them. In observing hispaintings you can see that, within the painting there is poetry."参考答案:错4.John Keats is an American Romantic poet and he has once been to the BritishMuseum.参考答案:错5.The Analects was written by Mencius, the great influential philosopher, whosaid of the Shao Music, “For three months he did not know the taste of meat”.参考答案:错6. Some of the greatest minds in human history are touched and inspired by_____ (古典的) music.参考答案:classical7.George W. Bush delivered a touching _____(悼词)at George H. W. Bush’sfuneral.参考答案:eulogy8.Browsing through digital collections at the New York Public Library, he foundan e-book for_____ (新手) chess player.参考答案:novice9.The Greenwich (格林威治) _____ (交响乐) Orchestra will present severalcelebrated pianists in a performance of Chopin’s piano pieces (钢琴作品).参考答案:Symphony10.Parents of either sex should beware of _____(强加) their own tastes on theirchildren.参考答案:imposing第九章测试1.The formal translation of the Belt and Road is the Silk Road Economic Beltand the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road.参考答案:对2.“Swirling Dance” and “Jumping Dance” were two popular dance forms of thediverse people at Tang dynasty.参考答案:对3.In June 2019, UNESCO designated the Chang’an-Tianshan corridor of the SilkRoad as a World Heritage Site.参考答案:错4.Christopher Columbus’s exploration of the world was followed by Marco Polo.参考答案:错5.When it comes to different civilizations, we should hold an open attitude.参考答案:对6.Fortunately creating ____________(联想) can help you really absorb, not justmemorize, new words.参考答案:associations7.These people are very __________ (精明老练) observers of the foreign policyscene.参考答案:sophisticated8.They __________ (努力) to achieve the goal.参考答案:endeavor9.He is going to live by the coast ____________(为了) his health.参考答案:for the sake of10.People had very few ___________ (消遣) to choose from.参考答案:amusements。



第一章1.“Prior to his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter”, “addressed”means _______.答案:致函,写信给….2.I'm afraid it goes against the usual commercial practice not to allow acommission. “practice”means______.答案:惯例,通常做法3.He has been asked to account for his conduct, “ account for “means______ .答案:解释,说明4.The future of this company is ________:many of its talented employees areflowing into more profitable net-based businesses.答案:at stake5.After the revolution, the climate of the country remained tense, “climate”means_______.答案:思潮,氛围6.It was clear that the lazy student would never______ his professor’sexpectation.答案:live up to7.I’m afraid they won’t _______ of your going there.答案:approve8.It _____ that he was George’s father.答案:turned out9.Estimates _______ anywhere from 600,000 to 3 million.答案:range10._______ the results are inconclusive.答案:So far第二章1.同位语从句属于名词性从句。

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智慧树知到《医学英语词汇学(山东联盟)》章节测试答案第1章单元测试1、The symbol of medicine is called __.答案:climax2、The first bone of the spine is known as __. 答案:Atlas3、The heel cord, i.e. the largest and strongest tendon in the human body, is called . 答案:Achilles tendon4、A 18-year-old man has an exaggerated sense of self-importance and always believes that he is better than others. This man may be diagnosed with having a(n) . 答案:Narcissistic personality disorder5、A senior woman always repeats statements and questions over and over, not realizing that she has asked the question before. She tends to forget conversations, appointments or events. This woman may be diagnosed with _.答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。

6、A boy always feels tired. Blood test shows that he is not iron deficient, but his MCV(平均红细胞体积)is very low. The name of this condition derives from the Greek Thalassa sea. What may be the possible diagnosis of him?答案:Mediterranean anemia7、In the brain, there is a region involved in memory forming, organizing, and storing, which is called the _ because it has a shape of a seahorse.答案:错8、A newborn baby is with reddish purple marks on the face, which is caused by a localized area of abnormal blood vessels. This condition is called __.答案:Port-wine stain第2章单元测试1、Which of the following word parts is a combining form?答案:ot/o-2、Which of the following words is spelled correctly ?答案:gastroenteritis3、The correct pronunciation of “pt” in the word “gastroptosis” and “ptosis” is . 答案:climax4、Words ending with are stressed on the next to last syllable.答案:-oma5、The word “rhinoplasty” is pronounced___. 答案:[‘rainəu,plæsti]第3章单元测试1、fibrous adhesion答案:纤维性粘连2、afferent neurons答案:传入神经元3、回顾性研究答案:a prospective study4、小脑下静脉答案:inferior veins of cerebellum5、glaucoma答案:青光眼第4章单元测试1、Cardiopathy means . 答案:可以随时亲吻2、The suffix “-centesis” in the word arthrocentesis means _. 答案:softening3、The suffix “-malacia” in the word chondromalacia means __.答案:softening4、Downward displacement of the stomach is termed _. 答案:第一空:0.4;2064.8;8;1794.35、Which of the following physicians specializes in treating patients with diseases of the liver?答案:hepatologist6、_ means surgical repair of an organ.答案:17、A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called _. 答案:√8、Which of the following suffixes does not mean “pertaining to”?答案:-our9、The suffix “-megaly” in the word hepatosplenomegaly means . 答案:softening10、The instrument for viewing is -scope whereas the instrument for cutting is___. 答案:-tome第5章单元测试1、Surgical reconstruction or cosmetic alteration of the nose is termed______.答案:rhinoplasty2、A faster than normal respiratory rate of breathing is termed . 答案:tachypnea3、Hemoptysis is a term describing______. 答案:coughing up blood from the lungs4、A bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes is termed_______, which is a sign that oxygen in the blood is dangerously diminished (as in carbon monoxide poisoning).答案:cyanosis5、_is an instrument for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs.答案:错误6、A special procedure to examine the blood vessels of the lungs by X-ray is called答案:pulmonary angiography 第6章单元测试1、aorta答案:aort/o2、heart答案:cardi/o3、artery [5B:tEri]答案:n. 动脉, 要道4、The antonym of vein is ( ). 答案:artery5、blood vessle答案:angi/o6、atrium答案:atri/o7、blood vessle答案:angi/o8、valve答案:valvul/o9、inflammation答案:-itis10、incision答案:-tomy第7章单元测试1、medullar oblongata答案:延髓2、somatic nervous system答案:躯体神经系统3、脑皮层运动区答案:cerebral motor cortex4、顶叶答案:occipital lobe5、基底神经节答案:the basal ganglia第8章单元测试1、An enzyme that digests starch into disaccharides and it is usually secreted by salivary glands and by the pancreas is _ 答案:amylase2、The term gastrectomy refers to the excision or removal of _ 答案:climax3、Which of the following word parts indicates the first part of a small intestine?答案:duoden/o4、gastroenteritis is an inflammation on _(parts of the body).答案:bottom stomach & small intestines5、Gastrojejunostomy describes a procedure that____答案:surgically creates an artificial opening between the stomach and jejunum第9章单元测试1、_ is a hormone secreted by the thymus that can stimulate the immunological activity of lymphoid tissue.答案:第一空:传动轴第二空:转轴第三空:心轴第四空:转轴2、The term “phagocytosis” means_______答案:the process by which a cell, such as a white blood cell, ingests microorganisms, other cells, and foreign particles3、The movement of a microorganism or cell in response to a chemical stimulus is termed . 答案:chemotaxis4、The word part “-phylaxis” denotes_____. 答案:protection5、Grafts used for transplantation from a different species are ____.答案:heterografts第10章单元测试1、Inflammation of joints is termed as . 答案:lines and rows, circle2、A sheet or band of fibrous tissue which lies deep to the skin or forms an investment for muscles and various organs of the body is . 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。
