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1、During a sale, the price of a book is reduced(减少)by 25%. The sale price is then further(进一步地)reduced by 40%. The cost of the book as a percentage(百分率) of the original(原来的)price is()

2、a/b is a fraction(分数). If 2 is added to the numerator (分子), the value of the fraction is 1/2. If 3 is added to the denominator(分母), the fraction has a value of 1/3. The value of the sum a2 + b2 is ( )

3、The "floor" of a fraction is defined(下定义)to be the largest integer(整数)which is not greater than that fraction. For example(例如), floor(10/3) =3. Evaluate (求…的值) floor(floor(1000/7)/(floor(71/2)).

4、If I climb a staircase(楼梯)2 steps at a time, one step is left over. Climbing 3 steps at a time gives 2 steps left over, while climbing 4 at a time gives 3 left over. How many steps are there if there are fewer(较少的)than 20?

5、How many animals do I have if all but(除…以外)two are dogs, all but two are cats and all but two are hamsters (仓鼠)?

6、A box contains(容纳包含)24 identical(完全相同的)cubes. How many cubes can be placed in another box each of whose dimensions(规模大小)is double that of the original (原来的)box?

7、A mouse takes 12 sec. to run once around a circular track (围绕一个圆形跑道), while another mouse takes 16 sec. The two mice leave the starting line at the same time and end their race 1 minute 40 seconds later. How many times after the start do the two mice find themselves simultaneously (同时)at the starting line?

8、If n is an integer and 2n is a multiple(倍数)of 3, then 5n must be a multiple of()

9、Claude has in his hand 15 coins (either pennies一分币, nickels五分币 or dimes一角币) worth(价值)79 cents in total. How many dimes does he have?

10、What is the 100th term in the sequence(序列) 0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, ... ?

11、On an exam with n questions, Marie correctly(正确地)

1of the rest. If her answered 15 of the first 20 but just


total score(总分)was 50%, what was n?

12、A set of 10 numbers has sum 100. Each number of the set is increased(增加)by 20, then multiplied(乘)by 20 then decreased by 20. What is the sum of the numbers in the new set?

13、Suppose(假设)M is a two-digit number(两位数)and that N is obtained(得到)by reversing(颠倒)the digits of M. If M + N = 132, how many different values can M have?

14、Of the integers 1 to 1000 inclusive(包含的), how many are multiples of 3 but not multiples of 5?

15、Find the value of this product of 98 numbers:

16、The digit in the ones place(个位)of a two-digit number is two more than three times the digit in the tens place. If the digits are reversed(颠倒), the new number is two less than three times the original number. Find the original number.

17、If we multiply(乘)the integers 111, 112, 113, ... up to 119 together, what would the last digit of the product (乘积)be?
