经典台词 成为简奥斯丁
18.跟人家怨恨不解,的确是*格上的未完,继续阅读 >第2篇:《成为简·奥斯汀》经典台词盘点未完,继续阅读 >第3篇:经典的语录推荐“我最大的目标就是没有目标”我可以接受批评,但不是中伤;我可以接受意见,但不是为难。
简奥斯丁的经典句子1. “没有思想和想象力的人是一本打开了的书,却从来没有读过。
”2. “男人应当逃离女人的阴谋,女人应当嘲笑男人的无知。
”3. “爱情固然美好,但如果没有幸福,它就什么也不是。
”4. “未来是一張空白的底片,你可以在上面创造任何你想要的画面。
”5. “一个占有了自由的人,对于一个母亲的时钟会是如此耐心。
”6. “真爱永远不会通告我门,它突然出现,像块石头掉在湖水中。
”7. “一个聪明的女人知道,她会让一个男人感到自己无比温柔、英勇和聪明。
”8. “并非是所有的幸福或者悲伤在两个年轻的人身上发生。
”9. “人类的欲望永远无法满足,但我们仍然要努力爱人。
”10. “对于一个女人来说,没有什么比发现一个可以信赖的朋友更加令人欣慰的了。
”11. “任何一个聪明人在遇到一个朋友或者未来伴侣时,都应当怀着想要多了解对方的心态。
”12. “真实的友情是如此的稀缺,即使它偶尔出现,也不可轻而易举地得到。
”13. “如果一个人没有怀才不遇的感觉,那他一定是一个没有天才的人。
”14. “生活中的每一个逐渐疏远的朋友,都会抹去我们生活的一部分。
”15. “真正的珍宝是世界上最罕见的东西,因此我们应当更加小心地保护和珍惜。
”16. “人艰不拆,别试了。
”17. “在世事无常的时候,你也会逐渐明白自己究竟在寻找什么。
”18. “坚持是成功的关键,即使你在很多次失败之后。
”19. “人之所以有面包、有爱、有欢乐,就是为了让我们感受到生活的真美。
”20. “人生就像一场马拉松比赛,每一个起跑线都是新的生活起点。
”21. “有时候我们必须战胜自己的恐惧,勇敢地追求自己的梦想。
”22. “只有那些真正有勇气的人,才能够发现自己真正的潜力。
”23. “一个人的价值不是通过他的外貌来衡量的,而是通过他的内心。
”24. “我们可以选择成为生活的被动者,或者成为生活的主动者,这是我们自己的选择。
”25. “不要害怕面对挑战,因为它们能够让我们成长和变得更加强大。
1. 'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.' (普天之下,莫非王土,率土之滨,莫非王臣)这是小说开篇的名言,以幽默的方式揭示了当时社会对于婚姻和财富的重视。
2. 'Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.'(傲慢与自大是两回事)这是班内特夫人对达西先生的评价。
3. 'I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.'(如果他没有羞辱我,我也可以容忍他的傲慢)这是伊丽莎白对达西先生的评价。
4. 'I am determined that only the deepest love will induce me into matrimony.' (我决心只有最深的爱才能促使我结婚)这是伊丽莎白对于婚姻的态度。
傲慢与偏见简奥斯汀的智慧经典语录简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)是英国文学史上最重要的小说家之一,她的作品《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)被誉为经典之作。
1. “傲慢和偏见往往彼此共生。
”这句话道出了小说中两位主要角色达西先生(Mr. Darcy)和伊丽莎白·班纳特(Elizabeth Bennet)之间的关系。
2. “爱情是最美丽的事物,但要实现美满的婚姻,并不仅仅依赖爱情。
3. “千金只为千金,超凡脱俗的美才值得追求。
4. “人们总是爱以其己之努力,评价他人。
5. “真正的朋友不会基于地位或财富来选择。
1. 'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.'(一个事实被普遍认为是,富有的单身男人必然需要一位妻子。
2. 'Pride, prejudice, and misunderstanding... all combine to make a man who was once everything to me, a stranger.'(傲慢、偏见和误会...这些都使得曾经对我来说无比重要的人变成了一个陌生人。
3. 'Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain.'(虚荣和傲慢是不同的,尽管这两个词经常被用作同义词。
Words expressions:1, The boundaries of propriety were vigorously assaulted, as was only right, but not quite breached, as was also right.2, that girl needs a husband. Who’s good enough? Nobody. I blame you for that.3, being too much the model of perfection.4, I've shared your bed for 32 years and perfection is something I have not encountered.5, The utmost of a woman's character is expressed in the duties of daughter, sister and, eventually, wife and mother. It is secured by soft attraction, virtuous love and quiet in the early morning. If a woman happens to have a particular superiority, for example, a profound mind, it is best kept a profound secret. Humour is liked more, but wit? No. It is the most treacherous talent of them all.6, Then you presume to be French?7, Wisley is indispensable to my happiness.8, Enough to marry on, in a modest way.9, a ball is an indispensable blessing to the juvenile part of the neighbourhood.10, Everything agreeable in the way of talking and sitting down togetherall managed with the utmost decorum.11,His small fortune will not buy me.12, Doghouse, debts, but one must cut some sort of a figure even in the militia.13, I humbly beg your pardon, sir.14, - Why are you here in London, sir? - To learn the law.- Which has no other end but what? - The preservation of the rights of property. - Against? - The mob.15, I have shown restraint.16, If you aspire to inherit my property, you must prove yourself more worthy.17, - Uncle, they live in the country. - Deep in the country.18, - Bravo, Jane. - W ell done, Jane.19, What rules of conduct apply in this rural situation?20, What value is there in an introduction when you cannot even remember my name?21, May I have the pleasure of this next dance?22, This, by the way, is called a country dance, after the French, contredanse. Not because it is exhibited at an uncouth rural assembly with glutinous pies, execrable Madeira and truly anarchic dancing.23, "...insolent, arrogant, impudent, "insufferable, impertinent of men."24 Flawed.天啊25,But I have the intense pleasure of observing it so closely.,26,Five shillings on the gent.(gentleman)Who will take it?27, - Y ou spend money like water.挥金如土28,I am a lawyer. Justice plays no part in the law.29,green tea 绿茶brown tea 红茶30,Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.31,And the handsome young men must have something to live on as well as the plain.32, This is unbearable. My father is pressing for an early ordination,33, I cannot believe I am obliged to have this conversation.34, your health seems robust.35,He has a daughter upon whom fortune has smiled.36, irony is the bringing together of contradictory truths to make out of the contradiction a new truth w ith a laugh or a smile, and I confess that a truth must come with one or the other, or I account it as false and a denial of the very nature of humanity itself.37, It is my considered opinion that irony is insult with a smiling face.38, My uncle has refused to give his consent.39, The sentence of this court is that you be taken to the place whence you came and thence to a place of execution, and that you be there hanged by the neck until you are dead. May the Lord have mercy on your soul.40, They both make triumphant, happy endings.41, In a long, slow degradation of guilt and regret and blame.。
Becoming Jane 成为简·奥斯汀旁白:Jane Austin是一个乡村牧师的女儿,她热爱写作,思想独立,虽然家境贫穷那个,但备受父母疼爱。
Tom Lefory家境贫寒,受其舅舅——城里著名律师供养。
场景一Jane内心独白:I know Wesley’s heart! But my heart is telling me that I fell in love with Tom.What should I do?旁白:Lady Cresham为了满足其侄子的愿望,试图说服Jane。
Lady Cresham: Well,you have the usual accomplishments. Your person is agreeable. But when a young woman such as yourself receives the addresses from a gentleman such as my nephew, it is her duty to accept at once. Miss Austin, you father is in grave financial difficulties. But all is not lost. He has a daughter upon whom fortunes has smiled.Jane内心独白(迷乱冲出花园):should I marry to … Just for my family?姨妈姑姐:It’s a good chance for Jane.Tom出场(没想到怎么出比较好)Tom冲出花园截住迷茫中的JaneJane:Tom?Tom:I have learned of Mr wisley’s marriage proposal. My congratulations.Jane: Is there and alternative for a well-educated young woman of small fortune?Tom: How can you have him? Even with his thousands and his houses, how can you, of all people, dispose of yourself without affection?Jane: How can I dispose of myself with it? You’re leaving tomorrow, Tom.Tom: I have no money, no property. I am entirely dependent upon that bizarre old lunatic, my uncle. I cannot yet offer marriage. But you must know what I feel. Jane, I’m yours. Gah, I’m yours, heart and soul.Jane: let me decide that.Tom: What will we do?Jane: what we must.场景二旁白:T和J决定去见舅舅征求其同意。
《成为简•奥斯汀》精彩对白(英语学习)《成为简奥斯汀》精彩对白1. You and your kind are a canker on the body social.你和你的同伙是社会的毒瘤。
2. I was born rich, certainly, but I remain rich by virtue of exceptional conduct. I have shown restraint.我出身富贵,但是我能一直这样富贵,是因为我的高尚品行。
3. If you aspire to inherit my property, you must prove yourself more worthy.如果你想要继承我的财产,那么你必须证明你的价值。
4. His addresses were offered in a manner violent enough to be flattering.他的求爱炽热而近乎谄媚。
5. Her taste was refined, her sentiments noble, her person lovely, her figure elegant.她拥有高雅的品味,高尚的情操,可爱的性格还有曼妙的身躯。
6. He does, with his preening, prancing, Irish-cum-Bond-Street airs.当然,你看他油头粉面、昂首阔步的样子,还混合着爱尔兰和伦敦邦德街的装腔作势。
7. I would regard it as a mark of extreme favour if you would stoop to honour me with this next dance.如果您愿意与我共舞下一支曲子。
精彩对白欣赏:1. - I have been told there is much to see upon a walk, but all I’ve detected so far is a general tendency to green above and brown below.- Yes, well, others have detected more. It is celebrated. There’s even a book about Selborne Wood.- Oh. A novel, perhaps- Novels Being poor, insipid things, read by mere women, even, God forbid, written by mere women- I see, we are talking of your reading.- As if the writing of women did not display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour and the best-chosen language imaginable- Was I deficient in rapture- In consciousness.- It was... It was accomplished.- It was ironic.2. –Her heart is stirred.- It’s a summer squall.- Mr. Lefroy will soon be gone. And Mr. Wisley will still be waiting, I hope.- The man’s a booby.- Oh, he will grow out of that. And she could fix him with very little trouble. You could persuade her.- To sacrifice her happiness Jane should have not the man who offers the best price, but the man she wants.- Oh, Mr. Austen. Must we have this conversation day in and day out We’ll end up in the gutter if we carry on like this.3. - Lying to tradesmen, mending, scratching, scraping. Endlessly making do!- I understand that our circumstances are difficult, ma’am.- There is no money for you.- Surely something could be done.- What we can put by must go to your brothers. You will have nothing, unless you marry.- Well, then. I will have nothing. For I will not marry without affection, like my mother!- And now I have to dig my own damn potatoes!- Would you rather be a poor old maid Ridiculous, despised, the butt of jokes The legitimate sport of any village lout with a stone and an impudent tongue Affection is desirable. Money is absolutely indispensable.- I could live by my...- Your what- I could live by my...- Pen Let’s knock that notion on the head once and for all.精彩片段对白:Jane: George, George. Mr. Wisley is... He is an honorable man. You’ll always have a place with me.Tom: Miss Austen.Jane: Mr. Lefroy.Tom: Sir.Jane: I believe I must congratulate you, Mr. Lefroy. And you’ve come to visit an old friend at such a time. How considerate.Tom: I’ve come to offer an explanation, belatedly, for my conduct. Icannot think how to describe it.Jane: Tell me about your lady, Mr. Lefroy. For where does she comeTom: She’s from County Wexford.Jane: Your own country, excellent. What was it that won her, your manner, smiles, and pleasing address No, no, not at all. No had I really experienced that emotion, I should, at present, detest the very sight of him. And you are mistaken. I’ve even impartial towards the gloriously endowed Miss Wexford...Tom: I cannot do this. And so you would marry Wisley Please If there is a shred of truth or justice inside of you, you cannot marry him.Jane: Oh, no Mr. Lefroy. Justice, by your own admission, you know little of truth even less.Tom: Jane, I have tried. I have tried and I cannot live this lie. Can you Jane, can you What value will there be in life if we are not together Run away with me.Jane: An elopementTom: That is exactly what I propose. We’ll post to London, by Friday be in Scotland, and man and wife.Jane: Leave everythingTom: Everything. It is the only way we can be together.Cassandra: You’ll lose everything, family, place. For what A lifetime of drudgery on a pittance A child every year and no means to lighten the load How will you write, JaneJane: I don’t know. But happiness is within my grasp and I cannot help myself.Cassandra: There is no sense in this.Jane: If you could have your Robert back, even like this, would you do it Please conceal my departure as long as possible.Cassandra: Wait. Here. Take these. Now go, quickly.Tom: Come. If we hurry, we can still make the morning coach. You are sure。
(完整word)经典台词 成为简奥斯丁
![(完整word)经典台词 成为简奥斯丁](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e1ec873d4d8d15abf234e0a.png)
《成为简奥斯丁》Becoming a woman。
Becoming a legend。
—Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable。
—Nothing destroys like poverty。
—How can you have him? Even with his thousands and his houses, how can you, of all people, dispose of yourself without affection? How can I dispose of myself with it? You are leaving tomorrow.—你怎么能接受他的求婚?就算他有万贯家财,你怎么能和其他人一样和不爱的人结婚?有了爱又怎么样?你明天就要走了。
—I have no money, no property, I am entirely dependent upon that bizarre old lunatic, my uncle。
I cannot yet offer marriage, but you must know what I feel. Jane, I’m yours. Gah, I’m yours,I’m yours,heart and soul. Much good that is。
Let me decide that.-我既没钱,又没房产,完全仰赖我那个古怪的疯子舅舅,我还不能像你求婚,但我要你明白我的心意.简,我是你的,我是你的,是你的,全心全意,也许不值一提。
-What value will there be in life if we are not together? Run away with me.-如果我们不能在一起,生活还有什么意义?跟我私奔吧。
导读: 简奥斯丁名言
一英文介绍(1)Today,I'll introduce a film named Becoming Jane,It's a romantic love story about Jane Austin.Jane Austin was an was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction,earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature. Her work concludes Emma ,Sense and sensibility,and the most wellknown one --Pride and Prejudice.The year is 1795 , The young Jane Austen is a 20-year-old and emerging writer who already sees a world beyond class , pride and prejudice, and dreams of doing what was then nearly unthinkable - marrying for love.Differently, her parents want a wealthy husband to assure their daughter's future social standing. They are eyeing Mr. Wisley, nephew to the local aristocrat Lady Gresham.But when Jane meets the roguish Tom Lefroy, who is a promising lawyer with a bad reputation,The Tom – later the inspiration for Pride and Prejudice's Mr. Darcy .After a bad first impression upon meeting him, Jane cannot stand the arrogant Irishman.They argue in the wood,hang in the Fair,discuss books,play cricket and dance at ball .The two get to know each other gradually, and eventually they fall in love.However,the couple, is faced with a terrible dilemma. They areagainst by Lefroy's mean uncle and Wisley's rich aunt.If they attempt to marry, they will risk everything that matters - family, friends and fortune.They're forced to separate.Twenty years later Jane met Tom after a gathering. Tom introduces his eldest daughter who is a huge fan of Jane's book. As she starts to ask Jane to read aloud he quickly stops her by call her name, Jane. Astonished that he named his eldest after her, Jane agrees and reads aloud. The last scene shows Tom's daughter sitting by Jane as she reads Pride and Prejudice, while Tom is to the side staring at Jane as he used to, showing he still loves her.英文介绍(2)Becoming a woman,becoming a legend"A woman especially if she has the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as shecan." ――Jane Aus tenThe movie, Becoming Jane, fabricates a character, the hero Tom Lefroy, to show us audience Jane Austen’s romance. It ever or never happened in Jane’s life. Nevertheless undoubtedly, the movie is a successful one. We are all moved by Jane’s sense and s ensibility. Jane completes a legend by her lifetime of becoming a great woman.There are many commentaries on the film――Her own life is her greatest inspiration.Between Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice was a life worth writing about.No one can ignore Jane’s achievement. Six immortal works about romance leave us a deep impression on the importance of being together with our true love. Relatively, few people know Austen’s own romances. She never get married. I think many people would like to consider that Jane uses her life to memorize a love and explain her understanding about love. She insists. She believes a marriage without love will never be happy, and a love without money will never be real.According to the movie, the great novel, Pride and Prejudice, is based on Jane’s love story with Tom Lefroy. The arrogant and handsome hero in the fiction insinuates Tom who is just a practical lawyer. But Darcy is rich, independent, owning authority andposition, while Tom relies on his uncle and has little money. At the same time, the beautiful, clever and a little extreme Elizabeth just insinuates Jane herself. Obviously, there is an insurmountable distance between the novel and the reality. In the Pride and Prejudice, Darcy and Elizabeth get together eventually. Yet Jane and Tom Lefroy can only be friends, not lovers. In my mind, Jane is trying to give herself and Tom a happy ending in her novel which will never come true in reality.What will we do when our dream is so different from the reality? To surrender or to surmount? Maybe there can be a few people protect their love to go through their life, like Jane Austen, and never betray their love. However, the courage is not owned by everyone. Too much affection and emotion need to be called to our mind and pondered over. A Jane will live our heart, bringing us an opportunity to share the legend.*(3)影评成为简奥斯汀影评非常喜欢简奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》,据说一个动人充满情感的小说故事总有着与作者相似的经历,一个真真切切体会过那份情感的人才会把那份内心如此动人地表现出来。
Tom:- Of course you do. But of what? The scenes? Characters?
how characters genuinely think, how events actually occur. A
The prose?
novel should somehow reveal the true source of our actions.
difficulty,virtue to reward. Bad characters come to bad ends.
Jane: I have read your book. I have read your book and
Jane: Exactly. But in life, bad characters often thrive.
Take yourself. And a novel must show how the world truly is,
Jane: No, all good.
Tom: The morality?
简:在我看来,先生,正是主人公剧烈的情感,给他以及和他有关 的全部人带来了麻烦。
Becoming Jane《成为简·奥斯汀(2007)》完整中英文对照剧本
![Becoming Jane《成为简·奥斯汀(2007)》完整中英文对照剧本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/929892d531b765ce04081430.png)
"界线...""Boundaries of...""礼节的界线""Propriety...""遭遇严峻挑战...""Vigorously assaulted...""界线遭遇...""propriety were...""礼节的界线"The boundaries of propriety遭遇严峻挑战"were vigorously assaulted."礼节的界线"The boundaries of propriety遭遇严峻挑战似乎唯此才是正确的were vigorously assaulted, as was only right, 但又未被真正打破似乎也没有什么问题" but not quite breached, as was also right." "然而"Nevertheless,她并不觉得满意"she was not pleased."-怎么了 -是简- What is it? - Jane.简Jane!成为简·奥斯汀老天呐Oh, dear me.那丫头需要一位丈夫That girl needs a husband.有谁优秀到能配得上她呢没有人And who's good enough? Nobody.这点我要怪你I blame you for that.谁叫我是个完美典范呢Being too much the model of perfection.我和你同床共枕32年I've shared your bed for 32 years从来没在你身上经历过什么完美and perfection is something I have not encountered. 目前没有而已Yet.不别这样奥斯汀先生今天是礼拜日No. Stop it. Mr.Austen, it's Sunday!停下不要今天是...Stop, no, it's...女子品质的最高境界是通过The utmost of a woman's character is expressed履行身为女儿姐妹in the duties of daughter, sister最终成为妻子和母亲的职责来实现的and, eventually, wife and mother.为达到这一境界需要温柔的魅力It is secured by soft attraction,德行端庄的爱意以及清晨时分保持宁静virtuous love and quiet in the early morning.如果一位女子恰好拥有特别的才能If a woman happens to have a particular superiority, 例如深刻的智慧for example, a profound mind,那它最好被深深地隐藏it is best kept a profound secret.幽默更加讨喜但才智呢并不会Humour is liked more, but wit? No.它是所有才能之中最为危险的It is the most treacherous talent of them all.乔治老伙计你知道你得留下Now, George, old fellow, you know you have to stay. -珍妮 -乔治乔治- Jenny! - George, George.快跟上简我们要迟到了Hurry along, Jane! We'll be late!当夫人召唤时我们必须遵从When Her Ladyship calls, we must obey.快跟上简Come along, Jane.格雷夏姆夫人请允许我介绍我的外甥女Lady Gresham, may I introduce my niece费利德伯爵夫人Comtesse De Feuillide以及卡珊德拉的未婚夫福沃先生and Mr Fowle, Cassandra's fiancé.伯爵夫人Comtesse?-那想必你是法国人 -我丈夫是法国人- Then you presume to be French? - By marriage.伯爵先生没来致以问候吗Monsieur le Comte is not here to pay his respects? 他因故无法前来夫人A prior engagement, ma'am,伯爵先生此前Monsieur Ie Comte was obliged被送上了断头台已经亡故了to pay his respects to Madame le Guillotine.我看到您的外甥这次也在啊I see your nephew is with us again.韦斯利先生Mr Wisley.只有韦斯利在我身边我才会快乐Wisley is indispensable to my happiness.请坐吧Well, do sit down.福沃先生和卡珊德拉最近刚订婚Mr Fowle and Cassandra are only recently engaged. 你们什么时候成婚呢When shall you marry?-暂时不会夫人 -为什么不呢- Not for some time, Your Ladyship. - Why not?我也有事在身I'm also engaged要以牧师身份追随克雷文大人to go to the West Indies with Lord Craven's前往西印度群岛对抗法国的远征队expedition against the French, as chaplain.克雷文许诺你什么好处了What has Craven offered you?我在归来后有望能有一片教区I've hopes of a parish on my return.那值多少钱How much is it worth?足够办一场婚礼朴素的婚礼Enough to marry on, in a modest way.韦斯利先生你知道贝辛斯托克集♥会♥恢复了吗Mr Wisley, did you know the Basingstoke assemblies resume?我相信很快了Very soon, I believe.简很喜欢舞会Jane does enjoy a ball.韦斯利受不了舞会Wisley can't abide them.但是先生But, sir,舞会对本地的年轻人来说a ball is an indispensable blessing可是一项不可或缺的恩赐to the juvenile part of the neighbourhood.坐在一起聊天一切都非常宜人Everything agreeable in the way of talking and sitting down together 一切都遵循最高的礼仪all managed with the utmost decorum.友好亲切的男士是无法拒绝的An amiable man could not object.那我改变想法了Then I find I'm converted.我就像一匹繁殖用的母马被展示Displayed like a brood mare.韦斯利先生Mr Wisley-是一位非常适合结婚的年轻绅士 -母亲- is a highly eligible young gentleman. - Oh, Mother!你知道我们的处境简You know our situation, Jane.他还是格雷夏姆夫人最宠爱的外甥和继承人And he is Lady Gresham's favourite nephew and heir.终有一天他会继承这个庄园One day, he shall inherit this.风景无限好Excellent prospects!他的小小财富可收买♥♥不了我His small fortune will not buy me.什么能俘获你呢表妹What will buy you, cousin?要更小心些才行啊勒弗罗伊先生More wary in the world, Mr Lefroy.你可以晚点再给我钱You can pay me for that later.好啊好啊Huzzah! Huzzah!加油勒弗罗伊先生Come on, Mr Lefroy.快啊快打他Come on, man, hit him!勒弗罗伊Lefroy!-能和您喝杯酒吗先生 -夫人- Glass of wine with you, sir? - Madam.将自我展现到极致啊勒弗罗伊Displaying to advantage, I see, Lefroy.就像剑一样奥斯汀Like the sword, Austen.你还有多久就要回乡下去How long before you have to get back to the sticks?一天后A day.这么快So soon?遭人嫌恶身背债务Doghouse, debts,但就算在民兵队里也要保持形象but one must cut some sort of a figure even in the militia. 尤其是很惨地出身于牧师家庭时我的朋友Especially when condemned to a parsonage, my friend. 是啊Yes.不过这位苦着脸的小处♥男♥是谁Still, who is this sour-faced little virgin?不好意思夫人Your pardon, ma'am.汤姆·勒弗罗伊先生Mr Tom Lefroy,请允许我介绍约翰·沃伦先生may I present Mr John Warren?他将和我一起去汉普郡Joining me in Hampshire,我父亲安排我们都从事神职my father is preparing us both for holy orders.我知道你造访过汉普郡勒弗罗伊先生I understand you've visited Hampshire, Mr Lefroy.去年的事Last year.当时待了很久吗Long visit, was it?非常久沃伦先生差不多有三小时呢Very long, Mr Warren. Almost three hours.奥斯汀先生你太英俊了吻一下吻一下Mr.Austen, you're devilishly handsome. A kiss, a kiss.汤姆我们应该去哪呢沃克斯豪尔花♥园♥ So, Tom, where should we go? Vauxhall Gardens?去过了Been there.勒弗罗伊在怀特俱乐部有一个大溪求爱盛会Lefroy, there's a Tahitian Love Fest on at White's.见识过了Seen it.-康乐福俱乐部呢 -康乐福俱乐部玩过了- Crockford's? - Crockford's? Done that.或者说是我被玩了Or did it do me?大溪地求爱盛会是什么Wh-wh-what is a Tahitian Love Fest?沃伦Warren!我诚惶诚恐请求您的原谅先生I humbly beg your pardon, sir.偷窃一头猪绝对是非常恶劣的罪行Theft of one pig is a crime, heinous to be sure,但偷窃两头猪but two pigs...偷窃两头猪是对私人财产Two pigs is a violent assault神圣不可侵犯的严重践踏on the very sanctity of private property itself.不好意思Excuse me.你和你的同类You and your kind是全社会的祸患are a canker on the body social.祸患要被清除And cankers are cut out.终生流放Transportation for life.下一个Next.你为什么来伦敦先生Why are you here in London, sir?为了学习法律To learn the law.这条路只能通向什么终点Which has no other end but what?维护财产权利The preservation of the rights of property.-免遭什么的侵害呢 -暴民- Against? - The mob.因此秩序将得到维持Therefore, order is kept...因为我们拥有...because we have...-一支常备军 -是良好的礼节先生- A standing army? - Good manners, sir.以及审慎你知道这个词吗And prudence. Do you know that word?-审慎 -我知道- Prudence? - Yes.想想我自己Consider myself.当然我出身富贵I was born rich, certainly,但我凭借杰出的品行守住了富贵but I remain rich by virtue of exceptional conduct. 我表现出了克制I have shown restraint.你母亲我的妹妹Your mother, my sister,成了穷♥人♥ 是因为她没有...became poor because she did not...她嫁给我父亲是因为她爱他She married my father because she loved him.是的因此你才有这么多兄弟姐妹Yes, and that's why you have so many brothers and sisters远在...back there in...利默里克Limerick.如果你希望的话If you hope,我说的是"希望"...I say hope...如果你渴望继承我的财产If you aspire to inherit my property,你必须证明自己更有价值you must prove yourself more worthy.但我们看到的是什么呢是肆意放荡But what do we find? We find dissipation不知节制到能满足霍屯督吹牛大王的想象wild enough to glut the imaginings of a Hottentot braggadocio. 交了一帮放纵的朋友赌博Wild companions, gambling,在圣詹姆斯教堂区四处游荡running around St James's就像不顾一切的贵族青年like a neck-or-nothing young blood of the fancy.-这样能成什么律师 -典型的那种- What kind of lawyer will that make? - Typical.幽默是吗Humour?你将会需要这种幽默Well, you're going to need that因为我要给你一个教训because I'm teaching you a lesson.我要送你去你父亲那边的亲戚勒弗罗伊家生活I'm sending you to stay with your other relations, the Lefroys. 舅舅他们住在乡下Uncle, they live in the country.穷乡僻壤Deep in the country.简Jane?你能帮下我吗Can you?谢谢Thank you.我觉得你们是英格兰最漂亮的姐妹I think you two quite the prettiest sisters in England.福沃先生会为你着魔的Mr Fowle will be enchanted.圣多明各远在万里之外San Domingo is half a world away.他会忘了我的He'll forget me.不可能Impossible.看看你今晚要给他留下的美好回忆Look at the memory you're giving him tonight.卡珊Cassie.他每看你一眼都会激动到心跳停止His heart will stop at the very sight of you否则他就不配活着or he doesn't deserve to live.是的我意识到了这句话里包含的矛盾之处And, yes, I'm aware of the contradiction embodied in that sentence. 是吗Is it?简Jane!亨利Henry!你看起来棒极了You look wonderful.你好约翰很高兴见到你Well, hello, John. It's very good to see you.很高兴见到你Nice to see you.约翰Oh, John!乔治George!别烦你兄弟了Leave your brother alone.简简你听说了吗Jane! Jane? Have you heard?我父亲的侄子要来和我们家生活My father's nephew is staying with us.他从伦敦来From London.-他是一位... -杰出的年轻律师- He is a... - A brilliant young lawyer.-露西别这样 -拥有名望- Lucy, please. - With a reputation.迟到的名望吗For lateness?脱帽乔治脱帽父亲要开始了Hat off, George. Hat off, Father's ready.-谢谢约翰 -请坐- Thank you, John. - Please.一个家族总是迈着大小不一的步伐前进The family is always moving in great ways and small. 首先说说小步伐Firstly, the small.亨利带着学位从牛津回来了Henry is back from Oxford with his degree.-谢天谢地 -好样的- Thank goodness. - Well done.还有我们的朋友约翰我的新学徒And our friend John, my new student.然后说说大步伐Then the great.卡珊德拉将要抛下我们Cassandra, who is forsaking us去海岸追随她哥哥爱德华和他的家人for her brother Edward and his family at the coast与此同时罗伯特将远行至西印度群岛whilst Robert voyages to the West Indies追随克雷文大人的远征队with Lord Craven's expedition.然后他们可以携手踏上And then, together, they can embark人生中最伟大和最庄重的旅程on that most great and most serious journey of life.奥斯汀小姐我得知Miss Austen, I understand你会赏脸为我们朗读一段文章you will be favouring us with a reading?-来吧简 -来吧- Do, Jane. - Do.-拜托了简小姐 -来吧简- Oh, please, Miss Jane. - Oh, yes. Jane.拜托来一段吧简Do. Please, Jane."来自一位年轻小姐"Advice from a young lady对她挚爱的姐姐卡珊德拉订婚的建议"on the engagement of her beloved sister Cassandra""对象是福沃""To a Fowle.""他求爱的方式太过激♥情♥暴♥力♥ "His addresses were offered in a manner violent enough谄媚又让人欢喜to be flattering.礼节的界线The boundaries of propriety遭遇严峻挑战似乎唯此才是正确的were vigorously assaulted, as was only right,但又未被真正打破似乎也没有什么问题But not quite breached, as was also right.然而她..."Nevertheless, she was..."请允许我介绍And may I introduce我年轻的侄子汤玛斯·勒弗罗伊先生my young nephew Mr Thomas Lefroy?非常欢迎他And he's more than welcome.加入我们先生加入我们Join us, sir, join us.绿色天鹅绒外套无比时髦Green velvet coat. Vastly fashionable.你会发现这个无比好笑You'll find this vastly amusing."他的求爱方式..."His addresses were...礼节的界线遭遇严峻挑战"The boundaries of propriety were vigorously assaulted,似乎唯此才是正确的"as was only right,却又未完全地突破似乎也没有什么问题but not quite breached, as was also right.然而她并不觉得满意"Nevertheless, she was not pleased.她拥有高雅的品味高尚的情感"Her taste was refined, her sentiments noble,可爱的个性和翩翩的体态"her person lovely, her figure elegant."老天啊正反面全都写满了Good God, there's writing on both sides of those pages.-安静 -可恶- Shh. - Damn it, man."就在昨天"'It was only yesterday我拒绝了格兰姆大人和他的六百万I repelled Lord Graham and his six million,这笔钱够我花一年了"'which would have lasted me almost a twelve month,毕竟现在的经济...""'with economies...'"比印度所有的宝石更加珍贵的"A treasure greater than all the jewels in India,是一颗令人敬慕的心"an adoring heart."'老天啊God!"那么女士我该期望获得怎样的回报呢""'And pray, madam, what am I to expect in return?'"期望"'Expect?你需要偶尔来讨我的欢心"Well, you may expect to have me pleased from time to time."' 我是这样的吗Is this who I am?"以及你那温柔甜蜜纯真善良"And a sweet, gentle, pleading, innocent,细腻的具有同情心的忠贞的"Delicate, sympathetic, loyal,纯朴的令人敬慕的女人心"untutored, adoring female heart."结束了The end.-太棒了简 -真不错简- Bravo, Jane. - Well done, Jane.太棒了Bravo.真不错Well done.她的谈吐真不错She speaks so well.我觉得太迷人了Well, excessively charming, I thought.是挺有才华Well, accomplished enough, perhaps,不过见过世面后but a metropolitan mind may be就不会这么矫揉造作自我陶醉了less susceptible to extended, juvenile self-regard. 谢谢你我们都很骄傲Well, thank you. We're both very proud.♪在轻快的梦中♪♪In airy dreams♪♪看不到爱♪♪...absent love to see♪♪亲爱的只要想到你就让我欢喜♪♪Dear you, oh, to think on thee♪悠着点小子Careful there, old fellow.枪很不错勒弗罗伊先生Fine piece, Mr Lefroy.汤姆你以前玩过枪吧Handled a gun before, have you, Tom?汤姆Tom!老天啊Jesus!汤姆Tom.叔叔Uncle?出去转转吧Why not try a walk?这附近的田园风光很不错相当不错There's some very fine country round about. Very fine. 去走走A walk.小姐Miss!小姐小姐Miss! Miss!小姐小姐我...Miss! Miss, I...小姐Miss?小姐Miss?小姐贵姓Miss...我姓奥斯汀Austen.我是勒弗罗伊先生Mr Lefroy.我知道但我现在独自一人Yes, I know, but I am alone.-除了有我在 -没错- Except for me. - Exactly.等等Oh, come!在这乡下还有什么举止规范的要求吗What rules of conduct apply in this rural situation?我们经介绍已经认识过了不是吗We have been introduced, have we not?你连我的名字都记不住What value is there in an introduction那介绍还有意义吗when you cannot even remember my name?是啊有我在场时很少有人能不睡着Indeed, can barely stay awake in my presence.女士Madam.你这种地位尊贵的绅士一定觉得These scruples must seem very provincial这种顾忌是乡野愚昧之风to a gentleman with such elevated airs,但这些规矩不是我定的but I do not devise these rules.我仅仅是被迫去遵守而已I am merely obliged to obey them.有人告诉我说在这里散步可以欣赏到很多风景I have been told there is much to see upon a walk但到目前为止我只看到了but all I've detected so far上面的绿叶和下面的枯叶is a general tendency to green above and brown below. 其他人看到了更多东西这里很有名Yes, well, others have detected more. It is celebrated. 甚至还有本介绍塞尔伯恩森林的书呢There's even a book about Selborne Wood.是本小说吗A novel, perhaps?小说Novels?出身贫寒枯燥乏味仅仅是女人的读物Being poor, insipid things, read by mere women,甚至是女人写的even, God forbid, written by mere women?明白了我们是在谈论你朗读的作品I see, we're talking of your reading.就好像女人的作品As if the writing of women没有展现出思想最强大的力量did not display the greatest powers of mind,人类的学识knowledge of human nature,智慧和幽默最为生动的流露the liveliest effusions of wit and humour和最精雕细琢的遣词造句and the best-chosen language imaginable?-我当时没有表现出欣赏吗 -实在看不出来- Was I deficient in rapture? - In consciousness.那作品...It was...那作品字字珠玉It was accomplished.那是在反讽It was ironic.-你确定我没有冒犯到你吗 -完全没有- And you're sure I've not offended you? - Not at all. 各位老爷们女士们先生们My lords, ladies and gentlemen,《大维齐尔的飞翔》曲子开始了the Grand Vizier's Flight.-能赏个脸跟我跳支舞吗 -太客气了表哥- May I have the honour? - How kind, cousin.-奥斯汀小姐 -韦斯利先生- Miss Austen. - Mr Wisley.下一曲能请你赏脸跟我一起跳吗May I have the pleasure of this next dance?-我们迟到太久了 -小心点- Oh, no, we're so late. - Take care.谢谢你汤姆Oh, thank you, Tom.-快点 -露西- Hurry. - Lucy.我很羞愧I am mortified.我练过了但就是学不会I practised, but it won't stick.他们是多么可爱的一对啊What a lovely pair they make.妹妹你来了Ah, Sister.你觉得勒弗罗伊先生怎么样What do you make of Mr Lefroy?他能出席是我们的荣幸We're honoured by his presence.你这样认为吗You think?是的瞧他打扮得如此精致昂首阔步He does, with his preening, prancing,带着爱尔兰和伦敦邦德街混合的浪荡作风Irish-cum-Bond-Street airs.简Jane.我认为他就是觉得自己高人一等Well, I call it very high indeed,明明在场的男士那么少他还拒绝跳舞refusing to dance when there are so few gentleman.-亨利你的朋友们都这么令人讨厌吗 -简- Henry, are all your friends so disagreeable? - Jane.他到底是从爱尔兰哪里来的Where exactly in Ireland does he come from, anyway? 我来自利默里克奥斯汀小姐Limerick, Miss Austen.如果下一支舞你能屈尊赏脸I would regard it as a mark of extreme favour我将视其为无上的荣耀if you would stoop to honour me with this next dance. 作为第一个和我跳舞的人女士Being the first to dance with me, madam,我觉得我有必要告诉你I feel it only fair to inform you我对汉普郡人热情程度的评价完全基于你的表现that you carry the standard for Hampshire hospitality. 那你在这里的名声就得看我怎么说了Then your country reputation depends on my report. 顺便说一下这叫乡村舞This, by the way, is called a country dance,是根据法语词「队列舞」取名的after the French, contredanse.不是因为它是在粗俗的乡村舞会上跳的Not because it is exhibited at an uncouth rural assembly 伴着黏糊糊的馅饼with glutinous pies,糟糕的葡萄酒execrable Madeira和没有任何规矩的舞蹈and truly anarchic dancing.你对大家的评判充满恶意女士You judge the company severely, madam.我只是说出了你的想法I was describing what you'd be thinking.请让我自己想不需要你代劳Allow me to think for myself.那就让我也自己想先生Gives me leave to do the same, sir,肯定会有不同的结论and come to a different conclusion.你能给一个女人这种权利吗Will you give so much to a woman?那得看是什么样的女人It must depend on the woman以及她对我的看法是怎样的and what she thinks of me.但你是个很难取悦的人But you are above being pleased.我觉得你你姓什么来着And I think that you, miss, what was it?-奥斯汀你姓... -勒弗罗伊- Austen. Mr...? - Lefroy.奥斯汀小姐我觉得你I think that you, Miss Austen,自认为高人一等consider yourself a cut above the company.我吗Me?就是你小姐You, ma'am,内心里是这样的secretly.你和那位绅士针锋相对了几次简How many times did you stand up with that gentleman, Jane? -两次吗 -说两次有点少了- Was it twice? - Twice would have been partial.-说三次就是... -穷凶极恶了- Thrice would have been absolutely... - Flagrant.简小心点露西说得没错Careful, Jane, Lucy is right.勒弗罗伊先生名声在外Mr Lefroy does have a reputation.他大概是最令人厌恶的...Presumably as the most disagreeable..."无礼的傲慢的无♥耻♥的"...insolent, arrogant, impudent,令人无法忍♥受的自大的男人" "insufferable, impertinent of men."太多形容词了Too many adjectives.她想说什么啊What is she trying to say?准备好先生们别落下On your toes, gentlemen. No singles.投手这边投手这边Bowler's end, bowler's end.再来继续跑Again! Run for more.在看板球时我会觉得自己是个真正的法国人I never feel more French than when I watch cricket.-出局 -没有出局- Out. - Not out.-没有吗 -没有- No? - No.他出局了吗Is he out?我开始怀疑你在和我哥哥调情了表姐I begin to suspect you're flirting with my brother, cousin. 调情是女人的常用手段要经常练习Flirting is a woman's trade. One must keep in practice. 你出局了You're gone.投得好汤姆Well played, Tom.就靠你了We're depending on you.轮到沃伦先生了Oh, it's Mr Warren's...turn.祝你好运Best of luck!约翰·沃伦John Warren!祝你好运沃伦先生Good luck, Mr Warren.约翰一直都打得不太好John never was very good, though.悠着点Easy!跑啊沃伦快跑Run, Warren, run!快跑啊跑啊Quickly, hurry! Run!真精彩Jolly good show!看好了Watch.你出局了You're out.你出局了沃伦先生You're gone, Mr Warren.太厉害了汤姆太厉害了Prodigious, Tom, prodigious.谢谢你沃伦走好Thank you, Warren. On your way.又是这样汤姆Same again, Tom.好样的沃伦先生Well done, Mr Warren.打得不好简直太糟糕了Bad ball. It's a terrible wicket.希望你没有特别失望奥斯汀小姐I hope you're not too disappointed, Miss Austen. 要再跑四个来回才能赢韦斯利Four more to win, Wisley.-下一个是谁 -快点啊- Who's next? - Come on!-她不能... -简- She can't... - Jane!你要干什么啊What on earth are you going to do?-忍♥不住了 -她可以的- Irrepressible. - She can.就位Move in!手下留情汤姆Go easy, Tom.温柔点勒弗罗伊Be gentle, Lefroy!跑啊简快跑Run, Jane, run!-快跑 -跑啊- Move! - Run!跑四个来回就赢了Only four more to win.投手这边快跑笨蛋Bowler's end! Move yourself, you lout!-最后一次 -快点- One more! - Quickly!跑跑跑Go, go, go!没出局Not out.运气不好啊勒弗罗伊Bad luck, Lefroy.看到了吗See?她真不错She was so good.我猜你之前玩过吧You've played this game before, I collect?没办法啊毕竟她是被哥哥们带大的No choice, you see. She was raised by brothers. 该去游泳了Time for a swim, I think.打得不错亨利Well played, Henry.我觉得这都归功于费利德伯爵夫人I dedicate our victory to La Comtesse de Feuillide. 山后有条不错的河Now, there's a decent bit of river over the hill.小心点Careful!快点我们走Come on, let's go!等等这次别想赢我勒弗罗伊Not this time, Lefroy.你觉得不会吗You think not?别叫孩子Down, boy.-父亲你看到汤姆了吗 -没有露西- Father, have you seen Tom? - No, Lucy, I've not.简直痴迷了Besotted.对15岁的孩子来说再自然不过了Natural enough at 15.无论年纪多大爱与理智都是对立的Love and sense are enemies at any age.-勒弗罗伊夫人我能去你的图书室吗 -当然- Mrs. Lefroy, may I explore your library? - Of course. 露西愿意明天就嫁给他Lucy would marry him tomorrow,他肯定会是个糟糕透顶的丈夫and what a terrible husband he would make.你是指他的名声吧I suppose you mean his reputation.丰富的经历可以让男人有魅力Experience can recommend a man.奥斯汀小姐Miss Austen.勒弗罗伊先生Mr Lefroy.你在看书啊And reading.是的Yes.我在看你在之前森林里提到的书I've been looking through your book of the wood.怀特先生的《自然史》Mr. White's NaturaI History.你觉得如何How do you like it?我看不下去太令人心烦了I cannot get on. It is too disturbing.Disturbing?比如这一段观察性的描述Take this observation."五月里一个晴好的早晨那些雨燕"Swifts on a fine morning in May,时而往这边飞时而往那边飞"flying this way, that way,在高空愉快地飞翔着"sailing around at a great height perfectly happily.然后..."Then...然后一只跳到了另一只的背上"Then one leaps onto the back of another,紧紧抓着"grasps tightly,它们忘记了继续飞"and forgetting to fly, they both sink双双垂死般地下坠down and down in a great, dying fall,一阵阵地坠落直到雌鸟发出了...""fathom after fathom, until the female utters..."什么Yes?"雌鸟发出了响亮而尖锐的"...the female utters a loud, piercing cry愉悦的叫声"of ecstasy."这种行为在汉普郡的自然史上是司空见惯的吗Is this conduct commonplace in the natural history of Hampshire? 你的无知可以理解Your ignorance is understandable因为你缺少...怎么说呢since you lack... What shall we call it?情史The history?礼节对我的要求是女子无知便是德Propriety commands me to ignorance.那让你和你的作品被紧紧束缚Condemns you to it and your writing成就再大也仅限于女性的世界to the status of female accomplishment.如果你希望践行小说的艺术If you wish to practise the art of fiction,能与男性作家平起平坐to be the equal of a masculine author,丰富的经历是至关重要的experience is vital.我明白了I see.但你有什么资格提出这种建议And what qualifies you to offer this advice?我更了解这个世界I know more of the world.我看是比我了解得多A great deal more, I gather.那让我足以知道你的眼界Enough to know that your horizons must be...一定会因为一位非凡的年轻人而拓宽widened by an extraordinary young man.是一位非常危险的年轻人By a very dangerous young man,毫无疑问他用软性堕落影响了很多年轻...one who has, no doubt, infected the hearts of many a young... -年轻女性 -看看这本书吧- Young woman with the soft corruption... - Read this你就会明白了and you will understand.《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》作者亨利.菲尔丁"当哲学家听说美德的堡垒"When the philosopher heard that the fortress of virtue已被征服had already been subdued,他开始认真探索自己的欲望"he began to give a large scope to his desires.他不是那种因为美味佳肴"His appetite was not of that squeamish kind被别人品尝过which cannot feed on a dainty-而感到反胃..." -"而感到反胃的人"- "because another..." - "Another has tasted it."-他不打算品尝这美味佳肴 -什么亲爱的- He's not tasting this dainty. - What, dear?"她的脸蛋也不太漂亮"...nor had her face much appearance of beauty.但她的衣服从上至下被撕开""But her clothes being torn from all the upper part of her body..." "她的乳♥房♥♥非常坚挺颜色非常白皙"her breasts, which were well formed and extremely white,吸引着她的解救者的目光"attracted the eyes of her deliverer,一瞬间他们静静地站着"and for a few moments they stood silent...""...凝视着彼此""...and gazing at each other."我看了你推荐给我的书I have read your book.我看了那本书但并不赞同I have read your book and disapprove.毫不意外Of course you do.你不赞同什么But of what?场景人物还是文笔The scenes? Characters? The prose?不是这些都挺好No, all good.道德和礼节吗The morality?有缺陷Flawed.当然是了Well, of course, it is.但为什么呢But why?恶有恶报善有善报Vice leads to difficulty, virtue to reward.坏人没有好下场Bad characters come to bad ends.没错但在现实生活中Exactly. But in life,坏人通常都春风得意比如说你bad characters often thrive. Take yourself.而小说必须要表现真实的世界And a novel must show how the world truly is,人物究竟是怎么想的事情到底是怎么发生的how characters genuinely think, how events actually occur. 小说应该以某种方式A novel should somehow揭示我们行为的根源reveal the true source of our actions.那男主角的感受呢What of my hero's feelings?在我看来先生Well, it seems to me, sir, that男主角强烈的感受your hero's very vigorous feelings为他和身边的所有人caused him and everyone connected with him都带来了很多麻烦a great deal of trouble.如果这本书让你觉得烦扰...If the book has troubled you...但孤儿必须面对麻烦Oh, but an orphan must know trouble.什么样的麻烦What sort of trouble?各种各样的麻烦All sorts of trouble.拉弗顿集市太有趣了Laverton Fair. Vastly entertaining.真是个好主意简Monstrous good idea, Jane.是啊奥斯汀小姐Yes, Miss Austen,不是你平常会接触到的人群吧not exactly your usual society, I'd say.有点想象力吧勒弗罗伊先生Show a little imagination, Mr Lefroy.这里的麻烦够多了Trouble here enough.还有自♥由♥And freedom,。
英语学习资料:《成为简•奥斯汀》精彩对白《成为简•奥斯汀》精彩对白1. You and your kind are a canker on the body social.2. I was born rich, certainly, but I remain rich by virtue of exceptional conduct. I have shown restraint.我出身富贵,但是我能一直这样富贵,是因为我的高尚品行。
3. If you aspire to inherit my property, you must prove yourself more worthy.如果你想要继承我的财产,那么你必须证明你的价值。
4. His addresses were offered in a manner violent enough to be flattering.他的求爱炽热而近乎谄媚。
5. Her taste was refined, her sentiments noble, her person lovely, her figure elegant.她拥有高雅的品味,高尚的情操,可爱的性格还有曼妙的身躯。
6. He does, with his preening, prancing, Irish-cum-Bond-Street airs.当然,你看他油头粉面、昂首阔步的样子,还混合着爱尔兰和伦敦邦德街的装腔作势。
7. I would regard it as a mark of extreme favour if you would stoop to honour me with this next dance.如果您愿意与我共舞下一支曲子。
精彩对白欣赏:1. - I have been told there is much to see upon a walk, but all I’ve detected so far is a general tendency to green above and brown below.- Yes, well, others have detected more. It is celebrated. There’s even a book about Selborne Wood.- Oh. A novel, perhaps?- Novels? Being poor, insipid things, read by mere women, even, God forbid, written by mere women?- I see, we are talking of your reading.- As if the writing of women did not display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour and the best-chosen language imaginable?- Was I deficient in rapture?- In consciousness.- It was... It was acplished.- It was ironic.2. –Her heart is stirred.- It’s a summer squall.- Mr. Lefroy will soon be gone. And Mr. Wisley will still be waiting, I hope.- The man’s a booby.- Oh, he will grow out of that. And she could fix him with very little trouble. You could persuade her.- To sacrifice her happiness? Jane should have not the man who offers the best price, but the man she wants.- Oh, Mr. Austen. Must we have this conversation day in and day out? We’ll end up in the gutter if we carry on like th is.3. - Lying to trade *** en, mending, scratching, scraping. Endlessly making do!- I understand that our circumstances are difficult, ma’am.- There is no money for you.- Surely something could be done.- What we can put by must go to your brothers. You will have nothing, unless you marry.- Well, then. I will have nothing. For I will not marry without affection, like my mother!- And now I have to dig my own damn potatoes!- Would you rather be a poor old maid? Ridiculous, despised, the butt of jokes? The legitimate sport of any village lout with a stone and an impudent tongue? Affection is desirable. Money is absolutely indispensable.- I could live by my...- Your what?- I could live by my...- Pen? Let’s knock that notion on the head once and for all.精彩片段对白:Jane: Gee, Gee. Mr. Wisley is... He is an honorable man. You’ll always have a place with me.Tom: Miss Austen.Jane: Mr. Lefroy.Tom: Sir.Jane: I believe I must congratulate you, Mr. Lefroy. And you’ve e to visit an old friend at such a tim e. How considerate.Tom: I’ve e to offer an explanation, belatedly, for my conduct. I cannot think how to describe it.Jane: Tell me about your lady, Mr. Lefroy. For where does she e?Tom: She’s from County Wexford.Jane: Your own country, excellent. What was it that won her, your manner, *** iles, and pleasing address? No, no, not at all. No had I really experienced that emotion, I should, at present, detest the very sight of him. And you are mistaken. I’ve even impartialtowards the gloriously endowed Miss Wexford...Tom: I cannot do this. And so you would marry Wisley? Please? If there is a shred of truth or justice inside of you, you cannot marry him.Jane: Oh, no Mr. Lefroy. Justice, by your own admission, you know little of truth even less.Tom: Jane, I have tried. I have tried and I cannot live this lie. Can you? Jane, can you? What value will there be in life if we are not together? Run away with me.Jane: An elopement?Tom: That is exactly what I propose. We’ll post to London, by Friday be in Scotland, and man and wife.Jane: Leave everything?Tom: Everything. It is the only way we can be together.Cassandra: You’ll lose everything, family, place. For what? A lifetime of drudgery on a pittance? A child every year and no means to lighten the load? How will you write, Jane?Jane: I don’t know. But happiness is within my grasp and I cannot help myself.Cassandra: There is no sense in this.Jane: If you could have your Robert back, even like this, would you do it? Please conceal my departure as long as possible.Cassandra: Wait. Here. Take these. Now go, quickly.Tom: Come. If we hurry, we can still make the morning coach. You are sure?。
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《成为简奥斯丁》Becoming a woman. Becoming a legend. —Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable.—爱情
—Nothing destroys like poverty.—没有什么比贫穷更能摧毁意志的了。
—How can you have him? Even with his thousands and his houses, how can you, of all people, dispose of yourself without affection? How can I dispose of myself with it? You are leaving tomorrow.—
—I have no money, no property, I am entirely dependent upon that bizarre old lunatic, my uncle. I cannot yet offer marriage, but you must know what I feel. Jane, I'm yours. Gah, I'm yours, I'm yours, heart and soul. Much good that is. Let me decide that.—我既没钱,又没房产,完全仰赖我那个古怪的疯子舅舅,我还不能像你求婚,但我要你明白我的心意。
—What value will there be in life if we are not together? Run away with me.—如果我们不能在一起,生活还有什么意义?跟我私奔吧。
—No! No, Jane. I will never give you up. Don't speak or think. Just love me, do you love me? Yes. But if our love destroys your family, it will destroy itself. In a long, slow degradation of guilt and regret and blame. Truth, made from contradiction. But it must come with a smile. Or else I shall count it as false and shall have had no love at all. Please. Good bye.—别!别,简,我永远不放弃你。