商法 英文版 课件contract chinese1

Sole proprietor Partner Company
Premises Employees
Machinery and other plant
Raw material Sell what they have made--customers
2.Main principles
2.1Equal standing Article 3: The parties to a contract shall have legally equal status. No party may impose its will on the other party. 2.2Voluntarily Article 4: The parties shall have the rights to voluntarily conclude a contract in accordance with the law. No unit or individual may illegally interfere.
• A contract is an agreement between 2 or more parties which is enforceable by law. Model: • 2 parties : may be extended to 3 parties…etc. • Relationship of the parties: rights & duties • Context : different needs & environment requires different adaptation of the model • Enforceable by law

•Informal: No special form is required.
(3)valid,void, ) voidable contracts
有效合同、 有效合同、无效 合同、 合同、可撤销合同
•Valid: with legal effect •Void: without legal effect
Legal Sources
• United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods/1988,1,1 , , 【CISG】 】
联合国国际货物 销售(买卖 买卖)合同公约 销售 买卖 合同公约
• Principles of International Commercial Contracts 1994/2004 【PICC】 】
Section 2 Offer
a. relevant concepts
(1) offer )
a definite proposal by one party to enter into a contract with other party.
•Offeror 要约方/要约人 要约方 要约人 •Offeree 受要约方/受要约人 受要约方 受要约人
国际商事合同通则 (2004/1994) )
• The objective of the UNIDROIT Principles is to establish a balanced set of rules designed for use throughout the world irrespective of the legal traditions and the economic and political conditions of the countries in which they are to be applied.

国际商法详解合同法英文International Commercial Law: A Comprehensive Guide to Contract LawIntroductionIn today's globalized world, international trade plays a crucial role in the economic development of nations. International commercial law, specifically contract law, forms the backbone of these transactions. This article will provide a detailed analysis of contract law in the context of international trade, focusing on key principles, common clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms.I. Definition and Formation of ContractsA contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that creates obligations enforceable by law. The formation of a contract requires certain essential elements: offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to create legal relations, and certainty of terms. These elements may vary in different jurisdictions, and it is vital for parties engaged in international trade to be familiar with the specific requirements of the relevant legal system.II. Key Principles of Contract InterpretationInterpreting contractual provisions is essential for understanding the rights and obligations of the parties involved. International commercial contracts often contain terms and conditions drafted in English, making itnecessary to interpret these provisions accurately. The following principles aid in the interpretation process:1. Literal Rule: The courts prioritize the plain and ordinary meaning of the contract's words and clauses. This approach assumes that parties intend their words to be interpreted according to their usual and natural meaning.2. Context Rule: Contractual provisions must be interpreted in light of the entire agreement. This principle ensures that each clause is read in relation to other clauses, promoting consistency and coherence within the contract.3. Contra Proferentem Rule: When contractual terms are ambiguous or unclear, any ambiguity is interpreted against the party who drafted the clause. This rule encourages parties to draft clear and unambiguous terms, avoiding potential disputes.III. Common Clauses in International Contracts1. Choice of Law Clause: This clause determines the governing law of the contract. Parties may choose a specific national law or opt for international conventions such as the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).2. Force Majeure Clause: This clause addresses unforeseen events or circumstances that may prevent the performance of contractual obligations. Force majeure events typically include acts of God, war, natural disasters, or government interventions.3. Arbitration Clause: Parties often include an arbitration clause to outline the procedure for resolving disputes. Arbitration provides a neutralforum and offers advantages such as confidentiality, flexibility, and the ability to enforce awards in multiple jurisdictions.IV. Dispute Resolution MechanismsResolving disputes arising from international contracts can be complex, given the involvement of multiple jurisdictions. The following mechanisms are commonly used:1. Litigation: Parties may opt for litigation in national courts if their contract contains a choice of forum clause. Each party presents its case before a judge or jury, and the court issues a binding decision.2. Arbitration: As mentioned earlier, arbitration provides an alternative to litigation. Parties select an arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators who hear the case and issue a binding decision called an arbitral award.3. Mediation: Mediation involves a neutral third party assisting the parties in reaching a mutually agreeable settlement. The mediator does not issue a decision but facilitates communication and negotiation between the parties.ConclusionContract law is the cornerstone of international commercial transactions, ensuring stability and certainty in business relationships. Understanding the key principles of contract formation, interpretation, and dispute resolution is vital for businesses engaged in international trade. By incorporating well-drafted contractual clauses and selecting an appropriate dispute resolution mechanism, parties can mitigate risks and safeguard their interests effectively.。

当事人应当遵守承诺并诚 实信守合同条款。
1 契约解释规则
2 合同条款的约束力
3 无效合同及其应对方法
应用国际商法合同法的一些注 意事项
趋向国际标准化和融合,以适应全球 化经济发展的需求。
国际商法业交 易的发展和合作。
产品责任和合同风 险
厂商应承担产品质量责任, 当事人应注意并防范合同风 险。
合同缺陷和违约责 任
当事人应履行合同义务,当 合同发生缺陷或违约时,应 承担相应的责任。
争端解决方式和国 际商事仲裁
当事人可通过商事仲裁解决 争端,提高效率和便利性。
投资合同案例分析 国际贸易合同案例分析 国际合同中金融争议案例分析
《国际商法合同法》PPT 课件
# 国际商法合同法PPT课件
国际商法合同法是指规范跨国商业交易合同的法律制度。它包括合同的概念 和内容,适用范围和重要性。
当事人在尊重法律框架内 享有自由订立合同的权利。
当事人在合同订立和履行 中应本着诚实守信的原则。

大陆法各国的法院组织虽然各有特点,但都 有一些共同之处.主要表现在: 法院的层次基本相同;各国除普通法院以外, 都有一些专门法院与普通法院同时并存. 各国法院基本上都分为三级,即第一审法院、 上诉法院和最高法院.
在美国,反共产党、反共产主义和社会主 义,是不需要任何理由的,反本身就是理 由。马克思主义归根到底就是一句话:反 对资本奴役劳动,最终要消灭资本,解放 劳动,未来要让劳动者自由联合,自己为 自己劳动。所以,共产党传承马克思,美 国则是最崇拜资本、最强大的资本主义国 家,谁有资本、谁的资本大,谁就有权利, 谁可以说了算,没有资本就没有发言权。
1)上议院的判决是具有约束力的先例,对全国各级审判机关 都有约束力, 一切审判机关都必须遵循,但上议院可不受其先例的约束. (2)上诉法院的判决可构成对下级法院有约束力的先例,而 且对上诉法院本
身也有约束力. (3)高级法院的每一个庭的判决对一切低级法院有约束力, 对高等法院的其
条约又分双边条约和多边条பைடு நூலகம்(又称公约)
国际惯例,是指国际经济法主体重复类似的行为而上升为 对其具有拘束力的规范. 法律上的惯例与习惯是有本质的不同的,前者一旦被当事 人加以采用,便对该当事人具有法律拘束力,后者只是一种 习惯的行为.从这个意义上说,虽然国际惯例没有普遍的约 束力,无法与国际公约的效力相比,但在某些具体的当事人 之间却有像国际公约一样的强制力.有些国际惯例已经被 某些国家纳入其国内的成文法,从而具有了法律的普遍约 束力.还有些国家的国内法规定,国际惯例的适用无须当事 人明示表示同意.由此可见,目前国际惯例与国际公约在强 制力上的这种区别已经被渐渐淡化了,采用国际惯例已经 成为国际上的一种趋势.我国对国际商事活动中的国际惯 例,历来给予高度的重视,并严格予以遵守.
第1章 国际商法概述 《国际商法》PPT课件

在现代大陆法系国家的商法中, 最具有代表性、影响力最大的是 法国和德国的商事法。1807年的 《法国商法典》和1900年的《德 国商法典》曾是许多大陆法系国 家仿效的对象,大陆法系亦是以 此为基础建立起来的。
• (1)法国商事法。 • (2)德国商事法。
1.3 西方两大商法体系
1.3.3 英美法系中的商法体系
1)英国商事法 英国是传统的判例法国家,没有像大陆法那种形式意义上的商法,但在英国存在实质上的商法。可以毫不夸张 地说,大陆法系现代商法中的各项基本制度在英国法中均有类同的法律概括,这不仅表现在有关公司法、票据 法、保险法、破产法等特别法中,而且表现在对商人资格、商业组织、商事合伙、商事代理等一系列的基本规 定和定义概括中。 英国的商人法像大陆法系一样,也起源于中世纪的商人习惯法。
1.2.1 国际条约
国际条约或公约是国际商法的最 主要渊源,是国际法主体之间以 国际法为准则,为确立其相互权 利、义务而缔结的书面协议。
1.2.3 国内商事法
国际商法的主体主要是各国的自然人和法 人,国家只有在特殊情况下才会成为国际 商法的主体,这个特点决定了各国的国内 商事法也是国际商事行为的法律依据。
1.3 西方两大商法体系
1.3.2 大陆法系中的商法体系
在对待商法的态度上,大陆法系 国家有两种做法:有些大陆法系 国家把民法和商法分别编成独立 的法典,即民法典和商法典。
• (1)民商合一。 • (2)民商分立。 • (3)民法与商法的适用原则。 • (4)我国民法与商法的关系。

Delivery and Payment
Methods and considerations for delivery and payment in global trade
Part 4 International Arbitration
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Exploring the role and benefits of international arbitration in resolving business disputes
Advantages and Disadvantages
Байду номын сангаас
Considering the pros and cons of choosing arbitration over litigation
Role of International Organizations
Examining the influence of international organizations in promoting and facilitating arbitration
Part 5 Intellectual Property Law
Topic Overview of IP Law Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights Protection in International Business
Dispute Resolution
An introduction to the basic concepts and principles of intellectual property law
国际商法课件( English )(1)

▪ 3. The meaning of “commerand, during the communication of the countries, people formed some trade practice and customs which were commonly obeyed. By the end of 19th C and at the beginning of 20th C international business law appears.
Chapter One Introduction to International Business Law
▪ I. Definition of International Business Law ▪ II. Sources of International Business Law ▪ III. History of International Business Law ▪ IV. Characteristics and Principles of
▪ (2) the parties have their nationalities from different countries;
▪ (3) the commercial activities are performed in a State or District outside the Country or Countries of one or more parties;
国际商法英文版 ppt课件

Case Study:
1. Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany 欧共体委员会诉联邦德国案
2. China’s refusal to accept the doctrine of restrictive sovereign immunity 中国拒绝接受国家主权有限豁免原则案
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall PP1T-课2 件
International Law
Historically, dealt with the rules and norms regulating the relationships between states (countries)
International Business Law Textbook
Ray August, Don Mayer, Michael Bixby. “International Business Law
——Text, Cases and Readings” 6th Edition Pearson
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall PPT课件
7. L’Oreal v. eBay 欧莱雅诉eBay案 8. The Natural Gas Case天然气案 9. Great China Metal Industries Co. Ltd. V.
Malaysian International Shipping Corp. 中国金 属工业有限公司诉马来西亚国际航运公司案

© 2009 Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall
Schools of Thought Defining The Basis of International Law (IL)
Cosmopolitans argue that IL is based upon universal human rights. Positivists say that IL is based on the sovereign equality of all states and state consent to IL through treaties or custom. Hobbesians claim that states will make agreements and abide by IL only when it suits their self-interests.
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
What is International Law?
Historically, dealt with the rules and norms regulating the relationships between states (countries) This law between nations is called public international law With growth of relationships between persons and corporations in different states, private international law developed to govern their conduct
Chapter 1国际商务合同的基础知识《国际商务合同双语》PPT课件

Guide Case Selling Water for China
• 2. The Scene
• These negotiations concerned an urban water supply system providing potable water to around one million people. Through an agent in the province, the China subsidiary PAQ had secured a contract to construct a water treatment plant for the system.
Guide Case Selling Water for China
• 2. The Scene
• Some time after the completion and commissioning of the plant, PAQ learned from the same agent that the municipality was short of funds for some urgent development projects. One of its options was to privatize the municipality’s water supply facilities.
Basic Knowledge of International
Business Contracts 国际商务合同的基础知识
Guide Case Selling Water for China
• 1. Case Story • Overview:Acqua International(AQ)is a Europe⁃based
国际商法课件( English )

(3) Part III contains the substantive rules for the sales contract (obligations and rights of the parties); (4) Part IV contains the final clauses of the Convention concerning such matters as how and when it comes into force, the reservations and declarations that are permitted and the application of the Convention to international sales where both States concerned have the same or similar law on the subject.
4. Sales of Goods Under the CISG
(1) Goods The CISG applies only to a sale of goods. First, it excludes international consumer sales of “goods bought for personal, family or household use.”
3. Applicability(适用范围) of the CISG
(1) Direct application. Through Article 1(1) (a), the CISG applies when both parties to the contract of sale have their places of business in different states that are both contracting states.

What shall I do, and how shall I behave, as a company, so as to comply with those regulations in order to do business more successfully without any such ramifications? ------------------------------------------------ NOW, these are the legal risks and business risks we will primarily deal with throughout this course.
mechanics of, covered by, IBL;
In this course, I will walk you through the
I will deal particularly with some important aspects of IBL, such as international trade law, and how to identify and prevent business as well as legal risks.
Scenario 1:
You decide to do business or invest in Country A that is on the list of trade embargo imposed by Country B, a country that exerts strict control over export & import, especially of technologies subject to the regulation of, like,
国际商法教学课件-第一章国际合同法 精品推荐

1、当事人之间须以要约和承诺的方式达成协议 要约: 1)要约的定义 2)要约的有效要件 3)要约的拘束力 4)要约的消灭 承诺: 1)承诺的定义 2)承诺的有效要件 3)承诺生效的时间概念:94个 重点问题: 1、合同的概念、特征及其分类 2、合同有效成立的要件 3、合同的履行 4、合同的让与 5、合同的权利与义务终止 案例分析
基本知识 重点问题与重点规则 案例分析与制度规则比较
关于国际合同与国际合同法基本知识的概念 1.合同法(Contract Law) 2.合同(Contract) 3.要式合同 4.不要式合同 5.签字蜡封合同(Deed Contract Under Seal) 6.简式合同(Simple Contract) 7.登记合同 8.双务合同 9.单务合同 10.明示合同
2、 3、
2、当事人须有订立合同的能力 1)自然人订立合同的能力: 2) 法人 的行为能力: 3、合同必须合意且真实 1)错误 :中国法、法国法、德国法、英 国法、美国法 2)诈欺 :中国法、法国法、德国法、英 美法 3)胁迫:中国法、法国法、德国法、英 美法 4)不正当影响:英美法系
11.暗示合同 12.有效合同 13无效合同 14.可撤销合同 15.违法合同 16.不可强制履行的合同 17.有偿合同 18.无偿合同 19.诺成合同 20.要物合同 21.有名合同 22.无名合同
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Common Law (Judge-made Law)
reference books International Business Law and its Environment, Richard
Schaffer, 6th ed. (chapter 4) Contract Law, Ewan Mckenrick, 6th ed. 2006. (chapter 5,
Common law is a system of law used in England, all of the states of the United States (except Louisiana) and other former British possessions such as Australia, Canada (except Quebec), India, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand and Hong Kong.
International Business Law
Course Description Content Part 1 Contract Law 1 Formation of Contract 2 Enforceability of Contract 3 Performance of Contract 4 Breach of Contract Part 2 Corporate Law 1 Introduction of Commercial Organizations 2 Formation of corporation and Personality of corporation 3 Corporate Governance and Corporate Structure 4 Shareholders’ meeting ( membership and control) 5 Board of Directors and Officers 6 Supervisory board (监事会) and Auditors
regulates various affairs of international business transaction and international commercial organizations, and includes usually: contract law, sales law, company law, negotiable instrument law, marine law, insurance law, etc.
b. legal systems: common law v. civil law
(普通法法系 与民法法系)
Also known as Anglo-American law system v. RomanoGermanic (or Continental law) legal system (英美法法系 与大陆法系)
13,14,15,16,17) Essentials of Contemporary Business Law, Henry Cheeseman
《国际商法》 沈四பைடு நூலகம்等著,对外经济贸易大学出版社
Unit 1 Understanding some legal terms
a. International Business Law (国际商法)
In most jurisdictions the civil law is codified in the form of a civil codes, but in some, like Scotland it remains uncodified. Most codes follow the tradition of Code Napoléon in some fashion. Notably, the German code was developed from Roman law with reference to German legal tradition.
c. case law v. statuary law (判例法 与 制定
d. Civil cases and Criminal cases (民事案件
Civil cases may include suits for breach of contract (违约)or tort (侵权) cases, such as suits for personal injuries. Typically, they involve a request for damages of the wrongdoer. Criminal cases involve a representative of government attempting to prove the wrong committed against society and seeking to have the wrongdoer punished by the court system.
Civil Law System (Continental law system)
The civil law system is the general typology of legal systems found in most countries. It is an alternative to common law system and has its roots in Roman Law. It is employed by almost every country that was not a colony of the British Empire.