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As they stepped out of the door, Mimi’s mother popped out of the store and said hello to Robert.
Then she put a package wrapped in white paper into Mimi’s hand.
D.She wondered many times whether Robert would like the yellow sweater.
36.A.Afterwards B.Therefore C.However D.Meanwhile
37.A.tired B.weak C.poor D.slow
38.A.already B.still C.only D.once
39.A.took B.threw C.sent D.put
40.A.impossible B.difficult C.stressful D.hopeless
“Sorry, butIpromised Sally,”her mother said,“Well, have fun, you two.”
“Oh well, Robert, let’s go,”she said.
Her first date ever, her first date with Robert Rovere, and she was stuck with a large, smelly, messy package of cheese! She tried to forget it.“HereIam,”she said to herself,“going to a dance with Robert Rovere.”She glanced up at him.
“That cheese smells,”he said.
She held the cheese in the hand farthest from him, but the smell seemed to be crawling up her arm.
They turned onto Montcalm Street. Mimi didn’t know the house number, but she thought she’d recognize the housebecauseshe’d passed there once before.“Oh, here it is.”She rang the bell but nobody answered. Then she noticed that the name under the bell wasn’t Thompson. She had come to the wrong house. Oh, how embarrassing, she thought. She dropped the cheese into her coat pocket and rejoined Robert.
A.She could hardly believe she had taken such a long time to get ready.
B.She kept Robert waiting for a long time until she was ready.
C.She spent a long time making herself look nicer.
Mimi danced with all her heart. Robert’s eyes were closed, probably trying to forget her and her smell, she thought.

56.What particular point suggests that Mimi was nervous about her date?
53,Ilearned the power of acceptance from my father.
SometimesI54what other thingsIcould learn from him ifIhad listened more carefully whenIwas a boy. For now, though,Iam grateful for this one55.
Iwas also49by his words. After that, whenIbegan to feel irritated(愤怒的)at someone,I50remember his words and become51. If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others, thenIshould be52to give up my small irritations. In this
“Limburger cheese for Sally Thompson, Mimi. We got a case of imported Limburger in today.Ipromised Sally you’d deliver it tonight.”
“Tonight!”Mimi echoed, staring down at the cheese.“Why not tomorrow?”
49.A.touched B.astonished C.attracted D.warned
50.A.should B.could C.would D.might
51.A.quiet B.calm C.relaxed D.happy
52.A.ready B.likely C.free D.able
53.A.case B.form C.method D.way
46! What didIgain?”Ithought and thought, butIcould not think of anything to say.47,
heansweredhis own question:“I48the love of my family.”Ilooked at my sisters, and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.
40. One night,Iwent to visit him with my sisters, we started41about life, andItold them about one of my42.Isaid that we must always give things up43we grow-our youth, our beauty, our friends-but it always44that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father45up. He said,“But, Peter.Igave up
When they arrived at the dance, the place was full of people and there was no room to hang their coats. Mimi wanted to wash her hands, butRobertled her straight onto the dance floor. Mimi noticed that Robert smelled sweet, like lily of the valley. She smelled of Limburger cheese.
Learning to Accept
Ilearned how to accept life as it is from my father.36, he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was37and ill.
41.A.worrying B.caring C.talking D.asking
42.A.decisions B.experience C.ambitions D.beliefs
43.A.as B.since C.before D.till
44.A.suggests B.promises C.seems D.requires
45.A.spoke B.turned C.summed D.opened
46.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything
47.A.surprisingly B.Immediately C.Naturally D.Certainly
48.A.had B.accepted C.gained D.enjoyed
54.A.doubt B.wonder C.know D.guess
55.A.award B.gift C.lesson D.word
“We’re going,”Mimi called out to her mother in the family’s grocery store next to her house. This was her first date, and Robert Rovere had just arrived to take her to a dance. She could hardly believe it was happening. During the long wait she had wondered again and again what to wear, finally putting on her favourite blouse. Now at last Robert was here. He looked beautiful to her. His hair was neatly combed and he wore a yellow sweater she hadn’t seen before. Mimi felt wonderful.
My father was38astrong man who loved being active, but a terribleillness39
all that away. Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all Hale Waihona Puke Baiduay. Even talking is
“Wrong house,”she said.“Iwas sure she lived there.”
“What do we do now?”Robertasked.
Mimi bit her lip. She couldn’t bring the cheese home again now. It would just have to go to the dance with her.“Let’s go,”she said. She was so miserable she couldn’t think of anything else to say, and she and Robert walked the rest of the way in a silence as thick as the bad smell of the cheese.