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专题04 任务型阅读【名师导航】2024中考英语二轮专题复习题型技巧解读学案---学生版

专题05 任务型阅读命题特点阅读匹配的文章一般为200—250词左右,设空位置一般为三种:段首、段尾和段中。
其主要考查:1. 学生能理解故事情节和事件发展顺序。
2. 学生能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系。
2. 得分技巧(1)抓住过渡词,看住上下句。
1. 如果问题设在段首(1)通常是段落的主题句。
2. 如果问题设在段尾(1)空白前的一句或两句是重点语句,重点阅读以锁定关键词。
注意在选项中查找表示结果结论,总结等的信号词,如:Therefore,as a result,thus,hence,in short,to sum up,to conclude,in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。

英语中考专题复习--Task-based reading南海中学陈国金Learning aims★To learn the steps and skills to finish a task-based reading.★To improve the abilities of Locating(信息查找), Transforming(信息转换)and Concluding (信息概括)in the task-based reading.Step1:Lead inLook back on the first mock examination.Step2:Analyze the result of a surveryon the students’ score and introduce the skills of task-based reading : 信息查找Locating, 信息转换Transforming,信息概括Concluding Task 1: 信息查找Locating,(中考链接)Starting a book club is easy—all you need is to love reading. Here’s how to get yours off to a flying start.When you set up your book club, the first thing is to get members for your club. They could be friends, family, or those you know through various activities, but they should all love to read. A small group of seven to ten people is usually an ideal size for a book club. Too many makeTask 2: 信息转换TransformingOnce you have a group, agree on how often you want to meet—usually clubs meet monthly. Pick a date and stick with it. That way, members can easily plan for it. Send out emails a week before the meeting to give people a written reminder. Set meeting time length. An hour is a good start. Two hours usually does the trick.(2016中考)Finish the exercises of transforming2..He worked so hard that he succeeded in the development of hybrid rice.4.It's very important to dream, so hold on your dreams , one day they may just be realized.Task 3: 信息概括ConcludingBlood donation, also called blood banking, is a wonderful thing to do. It is an easy and direct way to contribute to social work and help the community. It helps to save lives and helps those who are in need of blood due to bad condition or the heavy loss of blood during operations or in accidents...............Finally, be proud of yourself because you have done a great thing in helping to save someone’sStep3: Have a try . Finish the task-based reading from 2017中考Task1:Scan the passage and the table . Analyze the structure of the passage and table.Task2:Complete the table with the help of the three skills learned .Many people do not know what to do in face of a decision, big or small. Most decisions aren’t life-changers. But often, the decision isn’t between this or that; it’s between acting or not. If this challenges you, here are some tips.Jog or ride a bike to nowhere. Just start moving in hopes of leaving the familiar. Walk down every street or path you can find until you lose your way. Then, see where you end up. Remember what it felt like to wonder where you were going? Try to lose yourself more often. It’ll make you better at making a decision.Sit outside without any technology for an hour. Let yourself get bored. Can you hear the birds singing? The wind blowing? Yourself breathing? Try to do this once a week, then every other day, then every day. One of the reasons we find it hard to make better decisions is that we keep getting attracted to new things. A break from the noise will lead you to the decision you need to make. Do something that scares you. People who have trouble making decisions fear mistakes. Tell someone you love them. Laugh out loud in a public place. Give a speech to a stranger. And when you do this, remember how you feel When you’re sacred by a risky situation the next time, tell yourself that you didn’t lie. And try to trust the process in the future.Some of these things may seem silly, but the more you do them, the more you’ll control yourself. It doesn’t matter where you’re going. Just go. Once you start moving, you can always change direction.Going for a jStep4: Challenge yourselfDesign part of the task-based readingFour types of friends you need in your lifeDo you know that people will die early if they have no friends during their lifetime? The survey shows if you want to live longer and more happily, you need to have some friends who can share your sadness and happiness or can be helpful when you are in trouble.The following four types of friends are just what you need to keep the doctor away.1.A Loyal Best Friend Everyone needs a friend who will support you in different situations. This kind of friend knows all of your deepest and darkest secrets, but still loves you all the same.2.A Friendly Neighbor These days, a lot of people don’t know their own neighbors. It’s a shame, because some neighbors can be the most helpful people. If you forget to lock the front door when you are on holiday, you can call your neighbors to lock it for you. So it’s wonderful to have nice and helpful neighbors.3.A Workmate You’ll find it much easier to chat with someone than eating lunch alone every day. Your workmate doesn’t have to be your best friend. If you two get along well with each other, you can always start going out with them outside of the office.4.A Friend From a Different Culture If everyone had a friend from a different culture, the world would be a much better place. Remember that don’t be friends with someone just because they’re from a different culture. Instead, keep your mind open, and if you meet someone from other places, try to learn about their customs, values, and traditions.If you have such kinds of friends, you will surely live longer and more happily.。

Task-based readingLearning objectives:At the end of this period, you will be able to1. get familiar with the proper steps to deal with task-based reading.2. consolidate the knowledge of some useful expressions and sentence structures.3. improve your skills of doing task-based reading practice.Exercise One: Rewrite the following sentences.(Different forms of a word)The only answer to the problem is international cooperation.→Solving the problem requires all the governments to 1._____________.Thus, it is difficult to catch criminals of cybercrime.→Thus, to catch criminals of cybercrime is of great 2.____________ .(Phrase →Word)Governments and private business must work together to stop this widespread problem.→Governments and private business must 3.______________ to stop this widespread problem.In addition, most countries don’t have arrangements for dealing with suspects from other countries.→ 4.__________, most countries don’t have arrangements for dealing with suspects from other countries.(Word →Phrase)Thus, it is difficult to catch criminals of cybercrime.→ 5._______ this way, to catch criminals of cybercrime is of great difficulty.Considering how bad the situation has become, many people wonder why little is known about this. →Taking into 6.__________________ how bad the situation has become, many people wonder why little is known about this.(Based on the meaning of the original sentence or the context)Cybercrime refers to any criminal offence related to the Internet.→Any criminal offence related to the Internet7.___________ to cybercrime.The Council lists crimes related to a lack of proper Internet security.→ A lack of proper Internet security 8. __________________ to this type of crimes.Although there are an increasing number of such cases against people, crime against large companies is a bigger problem.→9. ____________ an increasing number of such cases against people, crime against large companies is a bigger problem.→Crime against large companies is the 10._________________problem.No institution can provide better education than life itself.→Life provides the 11. __________education for us.A survey conducted in 2010 showed many companies and agencies had their security systems broken into in the previous year.→12. ___________________ to a survey conducted in 2010, many companies and agencies had their security systems broken into in the previous year.→ A survey conducted in 2010 showed many companies and agencies had their security systems broken into in 13. _______________.Only about 10% of solar energy is actually used.→A(n) 14. ________________ amount of solar energy is actually used.(Based on certain grammar points, including some sentence patterns)As the Internet expands, the opportunities for crime expand as well.→With the Internet 15. _______________ in recent years, the opportunities for crime expand as well.The Council mentions websites which contain offensive information.→The Council mentions websites 16. _________________ there is offensive information.Cybercrime is so new that many governments have not yet passed laws against it, and there are many holes in their legal systems.→Cybercrime is so new that many governments have not yet passed laws against it, there17. ______ many holes in their legal systems.Governments must join forces to keep up with the advances in technology used by the criminals.→Governments may fall behind the advanced technology used by the criminals 18._____________ they join forces.(Conclusive words)People are enthusiastic, positive and concerned about the blood drive.→19. _________________________ towards the blood drive.Unlike a letter you send through the mail, e-mail is NOT private→20. ________________________ of e-mail.请归纳一些常用的概括性词,并想一想它们的正确运用:介绍______________________________________________________________________________主题______________________________________________________________________________原因______________________________________________________________________________ 结果______________________________________________________________________________ 目的______________________________________________________________________________ 方法______________________________________________________________________________ 建议______________________________________________________________________________ 态度______________________________________________________________________________ 观点______________________________________________________________________________ 异同______________________________________________________________________________ 优劣______________________________________________________________________________ 种类______________________________________________________________________________ 特点______________________________________________________________________________ 结论______________________________________________________________________________Exercise Two :Task-based reading .请阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。
平凡的世界(阅读任务四 体会小说主题)教学设计-【中职专用】高一语文(高教版2023基础模块上册)

示例:1978 年 11 月,安徽小岗村实行包产到户;12 月,中共中央十一届三中全会决定把全党的工作重点转移到经济建设上来。
②抓住影响中国历史进程的重大事件,如 1978 年安徽小岗村等地实行包产到户等。
明确:1968 年,路遥以群众代表身份进入延川县革命委员会,并担任副主任职务。
1969 年,路遥回乡务农,在农村一小学教过一年书。
1972 年秋天,路遥被调到延川县文艺宣传队当创作员。
1973 年,路遥被推选到延安大学中文系读书。
1976 年 8 月,路遥被分配到陕西省作家协会主办的文学刊物《延河》担任编辑。
1982 年,路遥发表中篇小说《人生》,轰动全国。
1984 年,路遥开始筹备创作《平凡的世界》。
1985 年秋天,路遥来到铜川的陈家山煤矿为创作寻找素材。
1988 年,路遥完成百万字的长篇巨著《平凡的世界》。

教案:初中任务型阅读教学课程目标:1. 提高学生的阅读理解能力,使他们能够快速准确地获取文章中的信息。
2. 培养学生的批判性思维能力,使他们能够对文章内容进行评价和分析。
3. 提升学生的综合语言运用能力,使他们能够将所学知识运用到实际情境中。
教学内容:1. 阅读理解:通过阅读不同类型的文章,培养学生快速准确地获取文章中的关键信息的能力。
2. 批判性思维:引导学生对文章内容进行评价和分析,培养他们的批判性思维能力。
3. 综合语言运用:通过任务型阅读活动,将所学知识运用到实际情境中,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。
教学步骤:1. 导入:教师通过向学生介绍本节课的教学目标和内容,引起学生的兴趣和注意力。
2. 阅读理解:教师为学生提供一篇阅读材料,要求学生在规定时间内阅读并回答相关问题。
3. 批判性思维:教师引导学生对文章内容进行评价和分析,提出自己的观点和看法。
4. 综合语言运用:教师为学生提供一项任务,要求学生将所学知识运用到实际情境中。
5. 总结与反馈:教师对学生的阅读理解、批判性思维和综合语言运用能力进行评价和反馈,总结本节课的学习成果。
教学评价:1. 学生的阅读理解能力:通过阅读理解题目的正确率来评估学生的阅读理解能力。
2. 学生的批判性思维能力:通过学生对文章内容的评价和分析来评估他们的批判性思维能力。
3. 学生的综合语言运用能力:通过学生在任务型阅读活动中的表现来评估他们的综合语言运用能力。
教学资源:1. 阅读材料:教师可以选择一些适合初中生阅读的文章,包括故事、新闻、说明文等不同类型的文章。
2. 任务型阅读活动:教师可以设计一些任务型阅读活动,如辩论、角色扮演等,以提高学生的综合语言运用能力。
教学建议:1. 针对不同类型的文章,教师可以采用不同的阅读策略,如快速阅读、细致阅读等,以提高学生的阅读效率。

How Self-Acceptance Leads to Happiness Within Finding acceptance is a natural desire of most people. When we are young, it is important to us to be accepted by others. To do this, we will often adopt the views and interests of the others rather than develop our own.Over time, however, we have the opportunity to learn to accept ourselves. People who have done this are confident in their true abilities; they do not feel the need to impress other people. They are concerned with whether their actions produce worthwhile results rather than with how they are seen by others.Less confident people constantly agree with everything others suggest, for fear of having their own ideas rejected. Defensive people are also usually unconfident; in an attempt to hide their unconfidence, they blame others.Confident people do not give up when faced with a difficult situation; they say "I can" rather than "I can't." Knowing that each day is an opportunity to use their talents to acquire good health, good friendships, and great happiness, they always put their best foot forward. Gradually they can appreciate the differences between themselves and otherpeople.Recognizing the details that we cannot change about ourselves helps us grow personally, so why waste energy complaining about being short? Instead of focusing on personal characteristics we are not satisfied with, we ought to focus more on what we are good at.Such expressions as "Love yourself" and "Be true to your own self" are about self-acceptance, as well as honesty and morality. We should consider them to be good advice, and treat them as signposts showing the way to happiness within.【参考答案】任务型读写76 acceptance 77 confident 78 likely 79 opportunities / chances80 Tips / Advice / Suggestions / Opinions / Views 81 worthwhile82 nor / neither83 appreciation 84 strength(s) / advantage(s)85 happiness【2012浙江省宁波市八校联考】下面材料是某购物网上提供的一些跟睡眠有关的新产品的介绍。

练案[4] 复习任务群一专题一论述类文本阅读分点突破四归纳、比较与评价探究文本内容一、专项练习阅读下面的文字,完成第1题。

⑶信息概况的常用词:话/标题topic/ title 介绍introduction原因cause /reason 目的purpose方法way/method 观点idea/ thought/opion优劣(dis)advantage 建议advice/suggestion影响/结influence/result4.任务型阅读解题步骤建议:一览、二读、三明辨,四求稳妥,再查看。
Exercise 1Finish the exercises of searching1.First, company should take the responsibility!负责)for their retired(退休的)workers. 1% of profits(利润)should be left for this purpose.★should give 1% of profits to their workers, but this may cause a commercial disadvantage.2.Some psychologists (心'理学家)think that your taste in music is related to(有联系的)your personality.3.While travellingBe sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle. Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. For example, you can put it in heavy towels. If you need to keep cold food cold, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge. Pease remember: If you travel with food, keep hot food hot and cold food cold.Exercise 2Finish the exercises of transformingl.It's reported that exercise is important to people's health2.He worked so hard that he succeeded in the development of hybrid rice.3.The old lady was so tired that she couldn,t go any further2014年南京中考任务型阅读Mayme Clayton collected books, magazines and letters written by AfricanAmericans. Her son, Avery Clayton, thought her collection was important.Unlike most books, these were rare and hard to find. They were written bywriters who helped shape African American culture.One book in the collection was written by Phillis Wheatley. Wheatley wasa slave who wrote poetry. She was the first African American to publish (出版)a book. Wheatley herself signed (签名)the book in the Claytons' collection. No one else owns a copy signed by Phillis Wheatley.By the time she passed aw ay at age 83, Mrs. Clayton had more than 30,000 books by or about black people. Her collection also includes papers about slaves, photographs, movies, sheet music, and personal letters by black leaders and artists. It is one of the biggest personal collections of African American history and culture in the United States.Avery Clayton's dream was to create a museum for his mother's treasures. Scholars say that Mrs. Clayton's collection is very important. Without her work, part of African American heritage (遗产)would have been lost. 66We didn't know these things existed,says Sara Hadron of California's Huntington Library.The collections new home is likely to be in Culver City, California. Part of Avery Clayton's dream is to share the cultural riches his mother collected with others. He especially wants kids to have a chance to see the collection. " At present African -American culture is being explained by pop culture/5 he says, " It's important to offer a more complete picture."Mayme Clayton and Her CollectionPersonal information •She liked _1 books, magazines and letters written by AfricanAmericans.•She 2_ when she was 83years old.Her collection•Compared with other books, the books she collected couldn'tbe found 3 .•The only copy written and 4 by Phillis Wheatley was inher collection.•She had a large collection , _5_ books, paper, photographsand other things by black leaders and artists.•Her collections is of great 6 to African American historyand culture.Her 7 dream • A 8 for the treasure would be created.•He hopes to 9 the culture riches collected by his mother withmore people, especially 10 .One of the most famous child stars in the history of filmsin the United States was the great Shirley Temple. Born onApril 23, 1928 in Santa Monica, California, Temple wasencouraged by her mother to develop her interest in singing,acting, and dancing. She enrolled young Shirley into a danceschool at the age of 3.Her first acting experience came while she was still in the dancing school at a very young age. She appeared in a series of short films where child actors were used to play adults. Temple gained valuable acting experience. A Fox Film songwriter^ s attention was very attracted by the young star, and he introduced her to studio executives. She was signed to do herfirst film in 1933 at the age of 5. The film Stand Up and Cheer was a big success, and Temple' s career began.Her career is one of the most remarkable in Hollywood history. She played lots of successful roles as a child actress. She was very mature (成熟的),and talented for someone so young, but by 1942, her films began to flop. Her career was seemingly over by her teen years, and she announced her retirement (退休)in 1950. This did not stop Temple though, as she began a second career as a public servant. In 1967, she was noticed by U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, he offered her a diplomatic (夕卜交的)position, and she accepted. On February 10, 2014, Shirley Temple passed away at home.Shirley Temple—From Child Star to DiplomatTime EventsIn 1928 Shirley Temple was 56 in California.In 57 Temple' s mother enrolled her into a dance school to make her 58 in singing, acting, and dancing.At a very young age Shirley Temple appeared in a series of short films and gained valuable acting 59 .In 1933 >Shirley Temple 60 a songwriter^ s attention.>Shirley Temple played the role in the film Stand Up and Cheer —and her acting career began.Before 1942 Shirley Temple was so mature and talented that she 62 many roles successfully in lots of films.In 1950 Shirley Temple announced that her acting career was 63 .In 1967 Henry Kissinger noticed Temple and 64 her with a diplomatic position.In 2014Shirley Temple 65 at home.。

任务型阅读复习教案设计Teaching contentsTask-based Reading is a form of test. It makes up about 10% in every test. How to get a good grade? Students need to master the ways in which they can deal with these questions.Teaching objectives1. To learn how to finish this type of test in a good way and improve the students’ abilities.2. To encourage students to be confident in their daily lives. Key pointsExplain the meaning of task-based reading and the importance of it. Let them know this exercise is made up of all kinds of questions. So, we must know the type of every question. Then we should pay attention to the tense and the voice and the forms of every person, and so on. In the end ,we should try to answer these questions in the given sentences. Difficult pointsTry to answer the question in three ways. Students should put these ways into practice. Or they can’t get good grades.Teaching Methods1. Communicative teaching method2. Audio-visual teaching method3. Task-based” teachin g methodAs we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students' abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I'll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method,“Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I'll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the passage. Teaching proceduresStep1 Lead-inAs we know, this type of test is very important. But some students can’t finish it very well, we should know how to deal with this question.Step2 ExplanationMake some examples and let students find the reason why they are wrong.If there are some difficulties, the teacher can give them some help.The teacher can ask some students to answer these questions. And tell them how to correct them in order that students can finish them very well in the next time.Step3 Do some exercisesThe teacher can ask students to do exercise on page80 to them whether they master this way or not. Ask some of them to write their answers on the blackboard.Step4 Check their answersIf it is necessary, the teacher can give some advice on how to finish in the correct way.Step 5 ConclusionAt the end of the class, we can draw the conclusion of this lesson, and speak highly of students to do well in the next exam. We should believe ourselves.Step6 HomeworkFinish the exercise on page109.任务型阅读复习说课材料长治县四中平会珍内容分析:任务型阅读理解题主要是考查学生根据所提供的材料综合运用所学的语言知识,从中获取文字信息的能力。

Mirrior,Mirror,on the “1.Every day the bad Queen asks her mirror:And every day,the mirror ”'s the most beautiful of all?wall,whoSo theThe Princess!”.”...“You are!until one day it says,“replies,Queen is so angry that she decides to kill the princess who has skin ast expect the girl to find not one but seven white as snow.She doesn' tiny men.2.Finally,the man gets to a lonely island.Luckily,he gets sometools,food and drinks,knives and guns from the broken ship he山洞ter he finds a cave() to live in.But one day,he finds somelarge footprints in the sand.Is there anyone else on the land?Who is running towards his cave?3.Without parents,the girl is taken to a boarding school.Though she has a hard time there,she gets education and later becomes a teacher.However,she gets so bored with her life that she is thirsty for the outside world.So she sends an ad for a job.Will she get a reply?Will she get everything she fights for—freedom,fairness and true love?4.When the young man meets his long-lost uncle,he finds a magic lamp that changes his life.Inside is a genie (精灵) with the power to make wishes come true.But can even the genie help the young manwin the beautiful young girl?And is his long-lost uncle all he seems...?5.Here is the boy who is like you in some ways.He thinks school life is boring and looks forward to something exciting.One day,he enters acave with his friend.They walked deeper and deeper into the cave.Unluckily,their candle is put out and they get lost in the dark.Can they get out of the cave?What other exciting things will theyexperience?:答案与解析项。

You will have more knowledge and your brain will store more ______________and resources.You will make your brain power better. This shouldn’t come as a shock, but studies suggest reading makes you smart. Unlike watching television, which requires no thought process, reading is an active learning experience that will keep your mind sharp._______makes you smart and learn actively.信息转换题1.解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。
2.常见的转换方式:词性part of speechYou would be wise to cut off all electronics at least an hour before bed, and replace that with a good book, which is a much better choice.You’d better ___________ a good book to read before going to bed.常见的词性转换:n.-----adj.luck--- danger--- health--- medicine---education--- sun--- energy --- care---v.----n.develop—achieve--- pollute--- decide---choose--- suggest--- invent--- mean---visit--- lose---adj.----adv.careful—happy--- healthy--- easy-- good---adj.---n.careless--- happy--- ill--- true--- different---词形form of the word(动词时态、语态、非谓语动词、名词单复数、形容词、副词的比较等级等)I firmly believe that if it wasn’t for books, I wouldn’t have achieved in my life; nor would I have the knowledge, imagination or creativity.Books can give you much knowledge, imagination and creativity that you can _______ in your life.In classes, your teachers will talk about topic that you are studying. The information they provide will be important for you to know when you take tests. So you must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.The information that is _________by the teachers about studying topics is useful for your tests, so it is necessary for you to learn to take good notes.常见的词形转换(1) 近义词和反义词转换(2) 名词单数和复数转换(3) 动词的形式转换(大小写、单复数、时态、动名词等)(4) 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级转换(5) 基数词和序数词的转换句式sentence structure"I was not well educated, and that's why I can only find low-paid jobs here," he adds.He didn’t ______ a good education when he was young.Luo Yong, who has worked hard for 9 years as a worker in Nanchang, Jiangxi's capital city, finally managed to find a seat for his son at a well-known primary school in the city.1.He has been a worker in Nanchang ______ nine years ago.2. He found his son a seat at a famous primary school in Nanchang ____________ .常见的句型转换1. it’s + adj. of sb to do … = so … that ….\ …enough to do …2. it’s + adj. 比较级than … = it’s adj. 最高级of \in ….do\does adv.比较级than ….= do\does adv. 最高级…3. 主动语态变被动语态4. It takes\took …to do= 人spend \spent doing5. If 与unless 句型6. Because与so although 与but 句型常见的句型转换1.It is clever of him to work out the difficult problem.= He is so clever that he can work out the problem.= He is clever enough to work out the problem.2. Jack is the tallest boy in his grade.= Jack is taller than any other boy in his grade.= Jack is taller than the other boys in his grade.3.Nancy likes Chinese best.= Nancy likes Chinese better than other subjects.4. The cat ate the fish just now.= The fish was eaten by the cat just now.5. Julie spent ¥100 on the T-shirt.= Julie paid ¥100 for the T-shirt.=The T-shirt cost Judie ¥100.6. Mike got up late, so he didn’t catch the early bus.= Mike didn’t catch the early bus because he got up late.1. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable.The Internet can make our lives interesting and make us ______our lives.2. He spent more than 27 years writing his dictionary. = It ______ him over 27 years to write it.3. It is very important to learn English.= It is _____ _______ ______ to learn English.4. The development of science has made a difference to our life.The development of science ____ _____ ___ ___our life.1. Pukou District of Nanjing has changed a lot over the years.Great changes ____ ______ ______ in Pukou District over the years.2. Young people like pop music. Pop music _____ ______ by young people.3. If you keep reading, your English will be better and better._____ ______, and you will be better and better at English.4. He worked so hard that he succeeded. It was _____________ of him to succeed.5. Her son is very young, and he can’t dress himself.Her son is ______young _______ dress himself. / Her son isn’t ______ _______ to dress himself.6. I don’t think that he does better than his brother.I think that he _____ _______ ______ his brother.I don’t think that he does ______ ______ ______ his brother.考题链接:1. In some countries, lunchtime often means soup time! (16 南京中考)In some countries soup time ________ for lunchtime. and happy.2. Korean children mix together many dishes and flavors at meals. (16 南京中考)Many dishes and flavors are________ together at meals in hot and spicy tastes.3. The fourth to seventh results will be safe and trusted websites that are not written for adults.They provide expert content, but are harder for kids to understand.(16 常州中考)Websites are safe and famous, written for adults, and they are not ________ for kids to understand.4. It takes children the whole summer vacation to learn without playing (16 泰州中考)Children spend the whole summer vacation ________without playing.5.Because clothing has strong social meanings, people are very careful in choosing what to wear.(16 无锡中考)Because clothing has strong social meanings, people have to choose what to wear ____________.6.Today although more and more young people like wearing Western clothes, especially in big cities in Africa, traditional African dress is still quite valuable. (16 无锡中考)Though Western clothes are popular with young people in some areas, traditional clothes are still of great ____________.实战演练(A)Good morning, boys and girls. Today I’ll talk ab out going online.We know that there are too many Net bars(网吧)around us. The Internet makes our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer. We can learn English and read some newspapers and magazines to know more information around us. It can make us clever in playing computer games. Also when we send e-mails to our friends, they can get them at once. It can help us keep in touch with people from all over the world.But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the Net bars all day and all night. It takes them too much time to chat online so they do worse in their lessons and they don’t studywell any more. I think we mustn’t get online when i t is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. I think we should get online with our teachers or parents.At the same time, if we have lots of free time, we can do some activities after school. We usually have activities from 4:50 to 5:50 in the afternoon. We can play basketball or football. We also have some interest groups in school, such as drawing, singing and dancing. We can go to the English corner on Monday afternoon. I hope we can spend more time on our subjects or on such activities that we can learn a lot from and less time on the Internet.That’s all! Thank you.(B)Everyone has feelings. They will feel stressed, worried, frightened sometimes. The following ways will be of great value to you. Try them, please.1. Get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk to someone, such as a parent, other relative, a teacher. And don’t forget your friends. They might be worried about the same test or have had similar problem.2. Keep calm. It’s easy to let your feelings go wild when you’re sad. Notice your feelings and think about why you feel that way. Then, find a way to calm down and to express them. Do breathing exercises, listen to music or go for a walk or a bike ride, or do whatever helps you be in a better mood.3. Don’t be angry with yourself. Remember that there are always people to help you . Don’t be too angry with yourself all the time even if you’ve done something wrong. Be kind to you rself and ask for the helping hand that you need and get you through the tough situation you’re facing.4. Try to solve the problem. After you’re calm and you have support from adults and friends, it’s time to get down to business. You need to imagine what the problem is. Even if you can’t solve all of it, maybe you can begin by solving a piece of it.5. Be confident—most stress is temporary (短暂的). It may not seem like it when you’re in the middle of a stressful situation, but stress does go away, often when you think about the problem and start working on solving it.阅读以上信息,用恰当的词完成下面的短文,没空一词。

部编版五下语文期末冲刺专项复习之四阅读专项教学设计一. 教材分析部编版五下语文教材,以培养学生语文素养为核心,以提高学生的阅读能力为主要目标。
二. 学情分析五年级的学生在阅读方面已有一定的基础,能独立阅读短文,理解文章大意。
三. 教学目标1.提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:提高学生的阅读理解能力,培养学生独立阅读的习惯。
五. 教学方法1.情境教学法:通过设置有趣的情境,激发学生的阅读兴趣。
六. 教学准备1.精选阅读材料:根据教学目标和学生学情,挑选适合的阅读文章。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用PPT展示有趣的图片或故事,引发学生对阅读的兴趣,然后引入本节课的主题。
2021高考语文统考二轮复习学案:复习任务群4 任务4归纳概括题——具备“意识”落实“步骤”

复习任务群二 学案4

旦日不可不蚤自来谢项王_谢__罪___ ③谢 哙拜谢,起,立而饮之_道__谢__
夫赵强而燕弱,而君幸于赵王__宠__幸__ 财物无所取,妇女无所幸__宠__幸___ ④幸 今事有急,故幸来告良__幸__亏__ 缦立远视,而望幸焉封__建__时__代__皇__帝__到__某__处__ 幸勿为过_希__望___
译文范:增__屡__次__向__项__王__使__眼__色__,__举__起__所__佩__玉__玦__多__次__给__项__王__示__意__。__(_要__颜__色__:__数__,__目_ ,
1.名词作状语有什么规律、特点? (1)下列句中加颜色的词应怎样解释?它们的用法有何共同规律、特颜色? ①而相如廷叱之:_在__朝__廷__上___ ②赵王于是遂遣相如奉璧西入秦:__向__西___ ③间至赵矣:_抄__小__路__ ④吾得兄事之:_像__对__待__兄__长__一__样__ ⑤(项伯)常以身翼蔽沛公:__像__鸟__张__开__翅__膀__一__样____ ⑥项伯乃夜驰之沛公军:__在__夜__里__ ⑦(樊哙)头发上指:_向__上___
上述词的活用属名词作状语。它的活用有一个特颜色:该名词用在动词或形容 词前如果不构成主谓关系,那么,它一定作状语,或者说,只要是处于主谓之 间的名词一般都作状语。如“天高地迥”,这是主谓关系。而“人皆得以隶使 之”,该句主谓关系为“人使之”,而“隶”(奴隶)这个名词处在其中,只能 作状语,“像奴隶一样”。 名词作状语的规律可以用一个公式表示: 名词+动词或形容词(不构成主谓关系)=状语+动词或形容词

(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
Watching a sporting event with family and friends under the sun is a great experience in summer. 71 In the United States, heat exposure led to 8,000 deaths between 1979 and 2003. Luckily, a little prevention can go a long way towards making sure of an enjoyable day.Know the dangerHeat-related illnesses do not require record-breaking temperatures to occur. 72 The body’s temperature can rea ch 106 or 107 degrees Fahrenheit on a 90-degree day, creating a potentially deadly situation. Factors such as age, weight or a medical condition can influence people. Drink plenty of water73 Sweating is your body’s key way to keep cool, so drink water to stay well hydrated(含水的) before you feel thirsty. A cool beer may sound perfect on a hot day, but drink responsibly. Alcohol stops the body’s cooling system and causes you to go to the bathroom frequently.74Wear light-colored and loosely fitting clothing, so air can go around your body and help keep you cool. A hat is a must to help you keep cool, since your head contains many blood vessels(血管), and sun block(防晒乳)is always a good idea.Take actionWhat should you do if you are suffering from the heat while watching your favorite event?Get up and go. It is a simple piece of advice, but could make the difference between a quick recovery and something more severe that requires medical attention. The ideal thing is to move yourself from the posit ion you’re in to an area that is a little cooler. 75A. Dress for the occasionB. Weather-related causesC. In hot weather, it is essential to stay hydrated.D. You may miss a little of the action, but it beats missing a lot.E. But when you add sun exposure to the crowds, the results can be deadly.F. It is also important to take advantage of services the equipment provides.G. Temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit can be dangerous. 【参考答案】71-75 EGCAD【2013界广东省深圳市一模】信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Kids with special needs refer to any kid who might need extra help because of a medical, emotional, or learning problem. For example, kids who can not walk need wheelchairs. They not only need equipment that helps them get around, but they might need to have ramps (坡道) or elevators available. ____71____Kids with an illness would have special needs, too. ____72____ Kids with sight problems might need Braille books to read. Kids with hearing problems might need hearing aids.____73____ It might be harder to do normal things—like learning to read or just getting around the school. The good news is that parents, doctors, nurses, teachers, and others can help. The goal is to help kids be as independent as possible.Other kids also can be a big help. How? By being a friend. Kids who use a wheelchair or have lots of health problems want friends just as you do. But meeting people and making friends can be difficult. ____74____ Be sure to tell a teacher if you see someone being bullied (欺辱)or teased.____75____ Being friendly to kids with special needs is one of the best ways to be helpful. As you get to know them, they may help youunderstand what it's like to be in their shoes. And you'll be helping fill a very special need, one that everybody has—the need for good mends.A. Some kids might laugh at or make fun of them.B. It is good manners to offer help to kids with special needs.C. Life can be challenging for a kid with special needs.D. They also might need to get a special bus to school.E. They might need medicine or other help as they go about their daily activities.F. Also, try to be helpful it you know someone with special needs.G. Someone could have trouble with anxiety, but you wouldn't know it unless told about it.【参考答案】(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)【语篇解读】本文是一篇关于有特殊需要的孩子的文章。
【试题解析】根据前面的句式they need…可判断下面的句型“They also might need…”故选D。
46. Ray and three of his friends would like to spend a whole weekenddriving around in nice scenery and enjoying some local food.47 Phil and Adam want to go on a comfortable trip which takes them quickly to an interestingcity. Then they want to enjoy at least two days of sightseeing.48. Mike, Kathy and their three children don’t have much money, butthey want a special day out this Saturday. They must be backhome by 9 p.m.49. Kirsten is a Dutch student who is studying in Scotland. Shedoesn’t drive, but wants a day trip to see some beautiful sceneryand spend a little time by the sea.50. Clare and Robert want to enjoy some good food, but would alsolike to give their two young children a day to remember. Theydon’t mind if they spend a lot of money.【参考答案】信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)46-50 C E D F A(六)------(2013·宝坻区模拟)Some recent surveys show that the health conditions of many white collar employees and office workers are rather critical. Death cases among white collar employees and office workers are increasing year by year and these cases are generally believed to have been caused by overwork and spend little time taking rest or doing exercise.If their offices are within the distance of half an hour's walk, some office workers now choose to go to work on foot. Ms. Wang, who works in a foreign enterprise in Beijing, has been walking to her office for more than six months now.“I usually have a tight work schedule and can't find time to do exercise. So I choose to walk to work.”As she said, if the office is not far from home, most women would like to go to work on foot. Walking is good for their health and can help them to keep_good_figures as well.Apart from walking to office, one can also find time to do exercise when one is at work. The simple way is to abandon the lift. Mr.Yang who works in the Passenger Service Department at Beijing Airlines, is one of such men who frequently climb stairs to his office. “I only use the lift whenever I am with my colleagues or my boss. Otherwise, I would climb stairs instead of taking the lift.”In addition, some office workers try to find time to go to gym at the end of a day. Ms. Sunny works in a law firm. She goes to the gym several times a week when she has the time.“I go to the gym every weekend. During the weekdays, I will also go there whenever I have the time.” Ms Sunny and her husband both have a gym membership card for a whole year. The cards cost them a lot of money. However, they think it is worth it.1.What is the best title of the passage? (No more than 10 words.)_______________________________________________________答案:Office Workers Try to Keep Healthy2.How many ways that office workers keep healthy are mentioned in the passage and what are they? (No more than 15 words.)_______________________________________________________答案:Three. They are walking to office, abandoning the lift and going to a gym.3.Please explain the underlined phrase “keep good figures” in English.(No more than 5words.)_______________________________________________________答案:keep slim/be in good shape4.Why are death cases among white collar employees and office workers increasing year by year? (No more than 15 words.)_______________________________________________________答案:Because they overwork for a long time./Because they are too busy to have time for a rest.5.As a student, which is the best way of keeping fit? (No more than 20 words.)_______________________________________________________答案:I think that students can do exercise during the break.(2013·江西省重点中学盟校第二次联考)[1]He skips classes and talks back to teachers but he's still smart and talented—this is the type 24yearold Jaki Tan played in the movie Mark ofYouth(全城高考), and it has won him raging popularity among teenagers. The movie tells the story of four Senior 3 students in the days leading up to the College Entrance Examination. Tan starred as Qin Peng, who is mischievous but outstanding at music and writing.[2]“Tan brings alive this type of student who seems to exist in every class,and he makes the character so lovely,” said his fan. Just like how his big screen character works harder on the basketball court than in the classroom, the 2010 Happy Boys fourthplace winner was not a typical good student. But when it came to music, he had passion and fresh ideas.[3]After finishing his Senior 1 year in Shenzhen, Tan went to study in Canada. At 15, he picked up the gu itar by accident when a friend invited him to learn the instrument with him. His friend ________ halfway, but Tan persisted. Throughout high school, he wrote folk songs inspired by his life experiences and performed them for students from around the world. In one song, Tan thanked his school for all the things he didn't like about it, such as required uniforms, rules against skipping classes and how teachers made him write letters to his family about his mistakes. “Growth comes wi th conflicts,” he once said in an interview with Hunan TV.[4]“For his listeners, Tan's lyrics and melodies always bring them back to their happy memories of hot summers and carefree youth,” Happy 8 commented. As a student at University of Toronto, Tan often performed his songs in bars or on busy streets. While many people might be too shy to perform in the street, Tan believes that exp erience helped build up his confidence. “Don't be afraid of losing face. It's always better to lose face while you are learning than to lose face for life by not improving yourself,” he told Sohu Entertainment, calling this his personal motto.1.What's the main idea of this passage? (no more than 6 words)_______________________________________________________答案:Growth comes with conflicts. / Jaki Tan, a music talent. / Thegrowth/experience of Jaki Tan.(Key words: growth /experience /talent /Jaki Tan)2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)His friend ________ halfway, but Tan persisted._______________________________________________________答案:gave up3.In Jaki Tan's opinion, what does he benefit from performing in the street?(no more than 4 words)_______________________________________________________答案:Building up his confidence.4.List at least two things that Jaki Tan hated when he was in high school. (no more than 16 words)_______________________________________________________答案:Required uniforms; rules against skipping classes; teachers' making him write letters to his family about his mistakes. (选择其中两项) 5.What does the word “them” (Line 2, Paragraph 4 ) probably refer to? (no more than 2 words)_______________________________________________________答案:His listeners.(八)-----(2013·皖南八校第三次联考)Do you love traveling? If the answer is yes, then have you ever thought about why? You may maintain that traveling can help you expand your scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. It will provide more chances for you to enjoy food and try on clothes that you otherwise cannot possibly have. A famous English author Francis Bacon (1561-1626) makes a point when he says that, “Travel, i n the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.”Evidence of leisure travel can be traced (追溯) as far back as ancient Babylon. This year, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council, the 1 billionth tourist will cross an international boundary before the end of this month. That means that one in seven people on the planet traveled this year, something that would not have been possible a few decades ago. Around 20 years ago on ly the rich could travel.While the US and France remain the two largest destinations for world travel, experts say much of the explosive growth in tourism has been to countries like Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and the Ivory Coast, which weren't even on the world tourism map a decade ago. The top five destinations in theworld, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, are Paris, London, New York, the Mediterranean, Turkey.Several factors have led to the boom in world travel. The prosperity (富裕) of people in Asia is one factor. People in Asian developing countries have lifted their incomes above middl eclass levels in the past few years. And a lot of them have used their new wealth to travel. In addition, travel costs have been reduced thanks to the rapid development of transportation, and competition between airlines to give customers the best prices.1.geography 2.food(s) 3.Dating 4.decades 5.reach6.destinations7.explosively/quickly/rapidly/fast8.resulting 9.richer/wealthier10.spent。