商务英语翻译 2

录,是涉外商务运作过程中使用的各种函件的总称, 是商家、厂家与客户之间用于联系业务、沟通商情、 咨询答复的主要途径和工具。 从法律上讲,这些书面记录是买卖双方权利、义务的 规定和解决争端的法律依据。因此商务信函特别强调 准确性和规范性,其翻译也同样强调准确性和规范性。
建立业务关系函(Establishment of Business Relations)
All offers and sales are subject to the terms and
conditions printed on the reverse side hereof. 译文:所有报盘和销售均应以本报价单背面所印的条 件为准。 Hereof= of the offer letter. 使用复合词、缩略词、前后缀和由动词和形容词转换 而来的名词来实现其规范性。 Your price is unacceptable to us. We consider your offer practicable. We are compelled to express our surprise and disappointment at finding the goods. Contained in your last shipment not up to the agreed standard.
1. 折扣 discount 2. 报盘 offer 3. 违反合同 breach the contract 4. FOB 离岸价free on board 5. 平仓费trimming charges 6. 保险单insurance policy 7. 险别coverage 8. 保险费premium 9. 保险人underwriter 10. 开证establishment 11. 还盘counter-offer 12. 递盘bid 13. 不可撤销信用证irrevocable Letter of Credit 14. 附加费 surcharges 15. 形式发票 proforma invoice
-商务信函的翻译 共17页

• The enclosed fee schedule quotes a fixed price for handling different types of tax returns as well as quarterly consultations billed on an hourly basis.(运用各种修饰成分使句子信息丰富 而完整) 随附的费用安排表示一份有关处理各种纳 税申报单和以小时计费的季度咨询的固定 报价。
As these goods are not suited to the needs of our customers and we have difficulty to find market for them, we regret that we have no choice but to send them back to you for replacement.
• We are happy to inform you that the swimsuits which you ordered have been shipped on SS Everspring due to sail from Keelung on May 13 and due to arrive in New York on July 1, 2009. 谨此通知,贵方所订购的游泳衣已经由长春 轮装船,预计于5月13日驶离基隆,于2009年 7月1日到达纽约。(以“装船、驶离、到达” 等术语使表达简洁规范)
international trade.
2 chapter 4 商务信函汉英翻译课堂用关键词正式有礼貌

Saturday, January 26, 2013
English College
11.兹答复贵方8月6日询盘,并报盘如下。 作为对你们8月6日询盘的答复,我们很高兴地为你 们作如下报盘。 In August, we are pleased to offer you the following.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
English College
10.现确讣已向贵方电发实盘,10月10日前复到有效。 我们确讣已经以电报的方式给你们发出了一项实盘,该 实盘成立的条件就是你们的答复在10月10日之前到达 我们这里。
We confirm having cabled you a firm offer subject to your reply reaching us by October 10.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
English College
商务信函用语 日常用语 中译文
in accordance with /as per
in advance of / prior to inform / advise duplicate dispatch
Chinese-English Translation For International Business
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
English College
Contents of Lecture Two
Saturday, January 26, 2013

6) 该货于 11 月 10 日由“东风”轮运出, 41 天后抵达鹿特丹港。 The good shall be shipped per M.V. "Dong Feng" on November 10 and are due to arrive at Rotterdam after 140 days. (M.V.= motor vessel)
4.2.1限定责任 合同中要明确规定双方的责任。为英 译出双方责任的权限与范围,常常使用 连词和介词的固定结构。 The use of and/or
例1:如果上述货物对船舶和(或)船 上其它货物造成任何损害,托运人应负 全责。 The shipper shall be liable for all damage caused by such goods to the ship and/or cargo on board.
投资某项工程应为invest in a project, 在被动语态中不能漏去前置词in。应译为: The Haikou Power Station Project invested in(在某些情况下可用 financed or funded) by the Hongkont Co., Ltd. was highly appraised for its construction speed and quality.
例 1:本合同自买方和建造方签署之 日生效。 This Contract shall come into force from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder.
4.2、慎重处理合同的关键细目 比如:金钱、时间、数量等。为了避免 出差错,在英译合同时,常常使用一些 常常使用一些 有限定作用的结构来界定细目所指定的 确切范围。 确切范围。

• 非真实条件句、虚拟语气、情态动词 • Eg. Should there be any question, please do not hesitate to let us know.
• P175 sample letter
17.4 商务信函的翻译要点
• 17.4.1 原则:准确规范、功能对等 • YOU-ATTITUDE • 17.4.2 注意事项:不求虚饰,但求简洁严 谨流畅,必要时可摘译
Melissa & Doug Drink and Wet Annie Doll
• Product Description Our Melissa & Doug Drink and Wet Annie Doll is a must have for your little one! Little mommies will love cuddling with this posable baby doll, perfect for bath-time play. Annie has open-andclose eyes, can "drink" from her bottle, and can sit on her very own potty chair. She also comes with a pacifier and a pink-trimmed, self-stick diaper. Dressed in a charming, gingham and flowered sundress, underpants, and matching bonnet, Annie will be a lovable addition to anyone's doll family!

• Please kindly let us know whether you would like additional brochures or any of the materials that were handed out at the exhibition.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
English College
Saturday, October 20, 2018
English College
Seven “C”
1、Courtesy 礼貌 2、Consideration 体谅 3、Completeness 完整 4、Clarity 清楚 5、Conciseness 简洁 6、Concreteness 具体 7、Correctness 正确
Saturday, October 20, 2018
English College
Full Blocked Style(完全齐头式)
Saturday, October 20, 2018
English College
7 Essential Parts
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 信头 (Heading/The letter head),即寄信人的地址 日期(Date) 信内地址(Inside address),即收信人的地址 称呼(Salutation) 正文(The Body) 结束语/函尾套语(Complimentary close) 发信人姓名(Signature )
Saturday, October 20, 2018
English College

John Wanamaker 68 Fifth Street Philadelphia 11 U.S.A
美国费城第十一邮区第五大街68号 约翰· 华纳麦克先生
2、遵循“忠实,通顺”的翻译标准 首先,应当准确、忠实地再现原文信函的思想内容及风格特 征。准确达意、简洁明了是英文商务信函的基本特征,因此, 合格的译文也理应具备这些特征; 其次,由于商业信函与商业贸易业务往来有关,必然牵涉到 很多的商务术语,因而在翻译时尽量按照译文习惯使用的术 语来进行表达。例如: “I have the honor to notify you that we have commenced a business as commission agents for British goods.” 原译为: “我很荣幸地告知你我们已经开始了一项业务,来作为英国 货物的代理”。这句的翻译绝对忠实于原文,但却不能够达 到通顺的要求,让人读起来感到特别生硬,须调整语序译为: “我们已经开始了经营代销英国货物的业务,特此通告。”
三、在内容表达上要言简意赅,能够传达足够 信息且能够做到机智的表达。
商务信函通常是直接简练,开门见山,忌过分 修饰。一般根据写信者所要表达的中心思想分 段。正文每段的文字不会过长,尤其是开头和 结尾,更常以简短为宜。 例 1: “By this letter we would ask you to consider our proposal.”就不如”Please consider our proposal.” 简洁。

翻译商务信函时,应当保留原文的篇章结构, 需要注意的是中文信函的署名即写信人签名, 通常写在结尾后另起一行(或空一、二行) 的偏右下方位置。以单位名义发出的商业信 函,署名时可写单位名称或单位内具体部门 名称,也可同时署写信人的姓名。为郑重起 见,重要的商业信函也可加盖公章。
Task I 请翻译以下外贸函电中常用的英语词汇。 长期订单 standing orders 竞争价格 competitive price 信用交易/赊账买卖 deal on credit 装箱单 packing list 估计到达时间 ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival)
1)Your claim should be supported by sufficient evidence. 你方索赔须有充分的证据。( ) 翻译正确。“claim”在此为“索赔”之意, 而非“声称、断言”。
6.我们希望此批订货质量与以前供 应的完全一样。 We want the goods to be of exactly the same quality as that of those you previously supplied us.
1、对比以下几组句子,判断每组里哪一句更符 合商务信函的用词规范,并说明原因。 1)We are happy to tell you that your order No. 57 has been sent according to your instruction. 2)We are pleased to advice you that your order No. 57 has been dispatched in accordance with your instruction.

商务信函翻译练习1. First EnquiryDear Sirs,The Overseas Trading Co., Ltd., Manchester inform us that you are exporters of hand-made gloves in a variety of artificial leathers. Would you please send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colours and prices, and also samples of different qualities of material used.We are one of the largest department stores here and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned.When replying, terms of payment and discounts you allow on purchase ofYours faithfully,贵公司:据曼彻斯特海外贸易有限公司告知,贵公司出口多种人造皮革手套,请寄包括尺码、颜色和价格在内的各类产品详细资料,以及所用各质量的材料样品于我公司。
此致敬礼2. Specific EnquiryDear Sirs,We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of March 11 enquiring about the possibility of selling your Men’s Shirts, Tiantan Brand in our markets.In reply, we wish to inform you that we are well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles. There is always a ready market here for men’s shirts, pr ovided they are of good quality and competitive in price. Therefore, it will be appreciated if you will let us have your best firm offer, preferably by fax, and rush us samples by airmail. If your shirts agree with the taste of our market, we feel confident of placing a trial order with you.Please give this enquiry your prompt attention.Yours faithfully,贵公司:我方已收到贵公司于三月十一日寄来的信函,询问我地市场能否销售贵公司天坛牌男士衬衫,现答复如下:望贵公司知晓,我公司与纺织品主要经销商有良好往来,如贵公司的衬衫质量优良,价格具有竞争性,则定能有很好地市场。

一 商务信函的正确格式
• 信头(letterhead),即寄信人的地址 • 案号 (reference),文档号, • 日期 (date) • 封内地址 (inside address),受函人地址 • 主办人 (attention line) • 称呼 (salutation) • 事由栏 (subject) • 信的正文 (body of letter) • 信尾敬语 (complimentary close) • 签名 (signature) • 姓名缩写、附件及副本
从中国驻美国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,贵公司是信誉卓 著的轻工产品进口商,我公司系国有单位,以经营轻 工产品为主,现寄去商品目录和价目表,用以向贵公 司毛遂自荐。
We learned your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to your country. The high reputation, which you are enjoying as a light industrial products importer, has made us eager to enter into business relations with you. Accordingly, we, as a state-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial products, now introduce ourselves to you by sending you our catalogs and price-lists.

4.we’dliketoinformyouthatyoucountersamplewillbesenttoyou byDhLbytheendofthismonth.pleaseconfirmitAsApsothatw ecanstartmassproduction.兹通知贵方,我方回样将于本月末用特快专递寄给贵方,请尽快予以确认,以便我方开始批量生产。
1.welearnthroughthecommercialcounselor’sofficeofourembassyinyourcountrythatyouareintereste dinchinesemadetoyanimals.enclosedareourillustratedc atalogueandpricelistforyourstudy.2.wearewillingtoenterintobusinessrelationswithyourf irmonthebasisofequalityandmutualbenefit,andtoexchan gewhatonehaswithwhatoneneeds.3.sincewespecializeintheexportofchineseartsandcraft s,wewouldbepleasedtotradewithyouinthisline.4.ourcompanyiscontactingyouinhopesofimportinghighte chnologydataprocessorsatcompetitiveprices.5.wehavealongexperienceintheimportandexporttradeand awideknowledgeofcommoditiesaswellasofthebestsources ofsupplyofthesematerials.我们随信附上有关目前主要销售产品的带图解说明目录。
商务英语翻译Unit 6 商务信函

Section I
• In the business world, letters are used to handle routine matters, to establish credit, to adjust complaints, etc. A letter is often the evidence of an arrangement or a contract, therefore, it must be written with care. • A business letter, by definition, is a letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties.
Translation Tips
• Dear Sirs/ Gentlemen可直译为“先生”,但在中文外贸 信函中,使用的是介于文言文与口语之间的半文言文体 与之相对应。在翻译时,把开头的“先生”婉译为“敬 启者”为最佳。 We look forward to hearing from yห้องสมุดไป่ตู้u. 商务信函套语句 式,这里若直译为“我们带着急切盼望您的答复。”显 然拖沓而且生硬,采取婉译方式,译为“敬候佳音或盼 复”, 则简洁明了。 在中文外贸信函中,使用的是介于文言文与口语之间的 半文言文体与之相对应。如Yours faithfully 汉译为“谨 上”即可。 avail oneself of 利用。此句直译应为“我们利用这次宝 贵的机会”,而在商务信函中应注意语言的简洁原则, 故可译为“借此机会”
商务英语翻译 第五章 商务信函翻译

泳池清洁剂是一种对泳池和泳水具有广谱杀菌、消 毒功能的清洁剂,使用本产品有助于保持泳池水清 澈透明,抑制细菌或青苔聚集。
Bathing pool cleanser HR-114
It can be used as wide-spectrum antibacterial disinfectant to be applied to bathing pool, it helps keep water clear, inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent accumulation of lichen.
buyer of Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we take this opportunity to express our wish to establish direct relations with you at an early date. In order to give you a general idea of the various kinds of Cotton Piece Goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list. Quotations and sample books will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry. We look forward to your favorable reply.

1117 The High Road Austin TX 78703 6 June 2006
MR. David Patricks ……Road, Yiwu Zhejiang Province. China (PRC)
We are a professional bamboo products manufacture with 14 years experiences in China, offering over 1,500 various kinds of bamboo products and monthly output up to 5 millions pieces. We are the best manufacturer that you can trust in China. The details for the product (as the attached photo) you inquired as following :FOB XXX,Min.Order:2,000,Price:USD1.80/pc,Delie very Time:30 days after the receipt of send you a smaple with catalog together.
(三) 要注意每句句子的长短
“We would like to know whether you would allow us to extend the time of shipment for twenty days, and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so, kindly give us your reply by cable without delay.”
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖ 9. 提请卖方注意:我方定单拖欠至今未履行。 ❖ We would like to draw the seller’s attention that our order had been outstanding for a considerable a
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
商务信函的分类:Types of Business Letter
❖ 1.建立业务关系函 ❖ Set new business relationship ❖ 2.询盘函 ❖ Make an inquiry ❖ 3.报盘函 ❖ Make an offer ❖ 4.还盘函 ❖ Make a counter-offer ❖ 5.接受函 ❖ Acceptance
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖6 Parts that can be omitted
❖ 1. 文档号(Reference),如:Our ref: WFX/SQ, Your ref: JS201/SD707
❖ 2.主办人(Attention), 如:Attention: The Sales Manager
❖4. 兹回复贵方2010年6月7日来函,特随函奉上我 方最新报价。
❖In reply to your enquiry of June 7, 2010, I respectfully offer my latest quotation herewith.
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English CollegCourtesy 礼貌 ❖ 2、Consideration 体谅 ❖ 3、Completeness 完整 ❖ 4、Clarity 清楚 ❖ 5、Conciseness 简洁 ❖ 6、Concreteness 具体 ❖ 7、Correctness 正确
mount of time. ❖ 10. 如能速报你方产品最低价,我方将不胜感激。 ❖ We shall be obliged /grateful/thankful if you will quote
us the rock-bottom prices for your products at your ea rliest convenience.
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖ 10.鉴于你方违约造成我方不应有的损失,我方很遗憾 的撤销此约,并保留对我方损失的索赔权。
❖ In view of the fact that your violation of the contract has caused us undeserved losses, we regret to say that we have canceled the contract , and we reserve the right to claim damages.
acknowledge receipt of your letter/ We admit receipt of your letter ❖ 表示通知对方时: ❖ 特此奉告We are pleased to inform you… ❖ 特此函告Notice is hereby given that…
Thursday, April 01, 2021
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖ 11.我们将为贵方货物投盗窃和提货不着险。 ❖ We shall cover Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery
(TPND) on your order.
❖ 12.由于舱位严重不足,我们无法在10月11日之前发 货。
建设银行龙卡的广告语: 衣食住行,有龙则灵。 Your everyday life is very busy,
Our Long Card can make it easy.
翻译广告语时要有很强的“翻译意识” ,即脑子里要为外国读者着想。所以对 含有汉语拼音的词要做认真的处理。即 : LongCard 就不能写成long card。更 不能翻译成“Dragon Card”同时把“ 龙” Long 变成斜体,以便与英语中的 long 一词相区别。
商务英语翻译大二上 学期chapter商务信函
Chapter 4 商务信函的汉英翻译
Chinese –English Translation of Business letter
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
Contents of Lecture Two
❖ It would be appreciated /we shall appreciate it if
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖ 贵公司2006年8月28日的来信和附来的轴承报价单 及另函寄来的样品,均已收到。
❖ p51 ❖ 如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,不胜感激。 ❖ P47 ❖ 恳请寄给我方贵方价格单和产品目录。 ❖ 兹回复贵方2013年3月7日来函,特随函奉上我方
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
Full Blocked Style(完全齐头式)
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖7 Essential Parts
❖ 1. 信头 (Heading/The letter head),即寄信人的地址 ❖ 2. 日期(Date) ❖ 3. 信内地址(Inside address),即收信人的地址 ❖ 4. 称呼(Salutation) ❖ 5. 正文(The Body) ❖ 6. 结束语/函尾套语(Complimentary close) ❖ 7. 发信人姓名(Signature )
English College
❖ 回复对方的来信时用:
❖ 兹回复贵方(某日)来函In reply to your letter of (+ 日期)/ Regarding your letter of (+日期)/ Referring to your letter of (+日期)
❖ 希望对方回复时用:
最新报价。 ❖ 提请买方注意:我方货款拖欠至今未履行。
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖ 兹答复贵方8月6日询盘,并报盘如下。
❖ 作为对你们8月6日询盘的答复,我们很高兴地为你 们作如下报盘。
❖ In reply to your inquiry of 6th August, we are pleased to offer you the following.
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
If you leave “Managing Money” alone,Money will manage to leave you alone
English College
❖5.敬请优先考虑上述请求。 ❖Your priority to the consideration of the above
request will be appreciated. ❖6.恳请寄给我方贵方价格单和产品目录。 ❖ Please kindly send us your price list and
❖ Due to a serious shortage of shipping space, we cannot deliver these goods until October 11.
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
❖ 收到对方来函时用: ❖ 贵函敬悉/贵函收悉 ❖ We are in receipt of your letter/ We
Only fine medicinal herbs Make fine herbal medicines.
Applying “Dabao” morning and night Makes your skincare a real delight.
❖ 3.事由(Subject) ❖ 4.附件(Enclosure) ❖ 5.副本/抄送(CC.,即Carbon Copy) ❖ 6.附言/又及事项(P.S.,即Postscript)
Thursday, April 01, 2021
English College
Thursday, April 01, 2021
❖ 6.付款函
❖ Payment
❖ (1)汇付(Remittance),包括信汇(Mail Transfer, M/T ),电汇(Telegraphic Transfer, T/T)和票汇(Demand Draft);(2)托收(Collection )(3)信用证(L/C)
❖ 7.装运通知函 ❖ Shipment ❖ 8. 索赔函 ❖ Claim ❖ 9. 保险函 ❖ Insurance