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Ø Indicate how far any observation is from the mean.
Ø Example:
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Percentage Distribution of Deposits
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• Mode众数 - the value that occurs most often.
Population Mean Sample Mean
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Proportions and Top Box Scores
• Proportion
Ø The percentage of elements that meet some criterion.
• Top Box Scores
Ø Proportion of respondents who chose the most
Frequency Distributions频数分布
• Frequency Distribution频数分布
Ø A set of data organized by summarizing the number
of times a particular value of a variable occurs.一组数 据通过将每个取值发生的次数来组织起来
• Probability概率
Ø The long-run relative frequency with which an event
will occur.某个事件从长期来看发生的相对频率
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Measures of Dispersion离散趋势
• The Range极差(范围)
Ø The distance between the smallest and the largest
values of a frequency distribution.
• Deviation Scores离散值
Measures of Dispersion (cont’d)离散的测量
• Why Use the Standard Deviation?
Ø Variance方差
v A measure of variability or dispersion. v Its square root is the standard deviation.
Chapter 13 Determination of Sample Size: A Review of Statistical Theory
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Measures of Central Tendency集中趋势测量
• Mean均值 - the arithmetic average.
• Median中数 - the midpoint; the value below which half the values in a distribution fall.
positive choice in a multiple choice question.
v The portion that would highly recommend a business to a
friend, or the portion expressing the highest likelihood of doing business again.
Sales Levels for Two Products with Identical Average Sales
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Low Dispersion versus High Dispersion
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Frequency Distribution of Deposits
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Probability Distribution of Deposits
Leabharlann Baidu
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• Percentage Distribution百分比分布
Ø A frequency distribution organized into a table (or
graph) that summarizes percentage values associated with particular values of a variable.
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What does Statistics Mean?
• Descriptive statistics描述统计
Ø Number of people人数 Ø Trends in employment就业趋势 Ø Data数据
• Inferential statistics推断统计
Ø Make an inference about a
Basic Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
• Descriptive Statistics描述统计
Ø Describe characteristics of populations or samples
population from a sample. Ø 根据一个样本对一个总体进行 推断
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• Population Parameters总体参数
Ø Variables in a population or measured characteristics
of the population.总体中的变量 Ø 除非普查,否则总体参数永远不可确知,只能推断
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• Inferential Statistics推断统计
Ø Make inferences about whole populations from a
sample data.样本中的变量
• Sample Statistics样本统计量
Ø Variables in a sample or measures computed from
After studying this chapter, you should be able to
1. Use descriptive statistics indicating central tendency and dispersion to make inferences about a population 2. Distinguish among population, sample, and sampling distributions 3. Explain the central-limit theorem 4. Use confidence intervals to express population estimates 5. Understand the major issues in specifying sample size
Number of Sales Calls per Day by Salesperson
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