一、航运与港口服务业服务效率的评估方法评估航运与港口服务业的服务效率可以通过以下几种方法进行:1. 数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)数据包络分析是一种常用的评估航运与港口服务业效率的方法。
2. 关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicators,KPIs)关键绩效指标也是一种常用的评估航运与港口服务业效率的方法。
3. 服务质量评估除了评估效率,评估航运与港口服务业的服务质量也是非常重要的。
二、航运与港口服务业服务效率的改进措施根据航运与港口服务业的评估结果,可以采取以下一些改进措施来提升服务效率:1. 投资于先进技术与设备航运公司和港口可以考虑投资于先进的技术和设备,以提高货物处理速度和效率。
毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译外文出处:The ABCs of Supply Chain (用外文写)Management附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
该模块连结着供应链的作业与营运目标,主要包括需求/供给规划(Demand/Supply Planning)与规划基础建设(infrastructure)两项活动,对所有采购运筹流程、制造运筹流程与配送运筹流程进行规划与控制。
二是360 度评估法。
企业绩效管理外文翻译文献综述企业绩效管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Can Performance Management Foster Intelligent Behavior?Bjarte BogsnesThe world has changed, not just in increasingly fast-changing and unpredictable ways, but also the competence and expectations of people in our organizations. Unfortunately, too few seem to understand or accept that these developments call for radically new and different ways of leading and managing. Traditional management practices do not make usthe agile organizations we need to be.The problem starts with the label, "Performance Management" implying, "If I don't manage you, there will be no performance."We need a new mindset, one that is less about managing performance and more about creating conditions for great performance to occur. We need self-regulating models, requiring less management, but more leadership from everyone.Think about traffic, where we want good performance and a safe good flow. Traffic authorities have different ways of making this happen. The traffic light is a popular choice, but those managing the process (programmers) are not in the situation; information used in their process is not fresh, which is clear as you wait in front of that red light.The roundabout is a very different alternative. Those managing are the drivers themselves. The information used isreal time, coming from own observations. While that information is also available in front of the traffic light, drivers do not have the authority to act on it. By the way, the "zipper" or "every second car through" is not a rule, but a guiding principle.The roundabout normally is more efficient than the traffic light, because of two significant differences in the decision-making process, information and authority. A third element is also required for the roundabout to be more efficient: while the traffic light is a simple-rulesbased system, the roundabout is values-based. A value-set based on, "Me first, I don't care about the rest," is not a big a problem in front of the red light, but is a serious problem in a roundabout. Here, a positive common purpose of wanting a safe and good flow is critical. Drivers must be more considerate, open about own intentions while trying to understand the intentions of peers. Instead of managing performance, traffic authorities have created conditions for self-managed performance to occur.What would the implications be for the loathed performance review? The principles and practices described at Return Path are sensible and interesting. I like the concept of horizontal commitments toward peers, instead of vertical commitments to higher management. At the same time, we need to broaden our definition of performance. In traditional performance, a commitment is too often about "hitting the number." This is too narrow. We need to ask questions such as, how are we doing compared to peers? How are we using KPIs to reflect on performance, or using hindsight and management assessment to verify results? Did we really move toward our longer-term ambitions? How sustainable are the results? Last but not least, there has to be room for values if performance systems are tofoster intelligent behavior; we need to ask, how where those results achieved?At Statoil our integrated performance management approach links ambitions to actions. Our targets reflect a broad set of ambitions,including people, health, safety, environment, operations and financial performance. Read more about our management model and how we apply a holistic and values-based approach to this broader performance agenda.The words of Dee Hock, former GEO of Visa, should guide the design of our management processes, including our performance reviews: "Simple, clear purpose and principles give rise to complex, intelligent behavior. Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple, stupid behavior."While researching my book. Talent Economics, I interviewed employees about what really motivates today's workforce. I discovered a disconnect between the performance support my interviewees wanted versus how managers recounted their contribution to these conversations.Over the last 20 years, the employee mindset has evolved faster than has the art and science of management. Nowhere is this starker than in the area of performance management practices, particularly the annual review. In both the developed and developing world, employees report that this end-of-year activity breeds stress, anxiety and mistrust. How ironic that a process aimed at improving organizational performance, is itself underperforming!It's time to "reboot" our performance management operating system, installing two specific system updates: l. The "Democracy" update. As much as we try to make theperformance appraisal a two way dialogue, we cannot run away from the fact that at its core, the conversation today is often a top-down review. My research shows that many 21st century employees are rejecting conversations that are one-way: in hot job markets today, managers must realize "who is appraising whom." With other offers readily available, many employees enter a performance dialogue privately considering if their manager is worth another year of their career. The performance management conversation now reflects a company's Employee Value Proposition, much as we learn in the lead Perspective.The Democracy update means that managers only gain the right to give feedback when they first genuinely seek the same on their own performance as leaders. Not just through 360-degree reviews, but also through authentic conversations asking, "How am I performing as your manager? " and "How can I help you succeed?" Only then can the conversation shift to, "How you can improve?"and "This is what you should focus on."2. The Success module. Greater employee autonomy and empowerment also changes the meaning of management. We have gone from a "supervisor of task and outcomes" to an "enabler of performance, innovative thinking and collective success." To make this shift, we must give up the judge's robes for the coach's uniform. If employees don't succeed, managers are on the hook, too.This is particularly relevant when coaching a team to success. People bring different skills to a team and how well they work together really matters. If team reviews work better to achieve a goal, so be it. The Return Path story illustrates how review processes can be designed and executed around what matters most, and where everyone dons the uniforms of player and coach.What if, instead of making the heart of a performance conversation the evaluation, it became a vehicle to improve success of the individual, the team and the business? What if performance feedback was paired with dialogue about transforming the business, the product or customer experience? This genuinely reboots and upgrades performance management to focus on individual and organizational success.It is indeed time to upgrade performance management practices: we can no longer manage a 21st century employee using 20th century mindsets.People & Strategy. 2013, V ol. 36 Issue 2, p12-13. 2p.译文:绩效管理能促进自我管理行为吗?Bjarte Bogsnes世界随着时间的推移而变化莫测,连那些与时变化而不可预测的通道也随之改变,与此同时组织人员的能力和期望也顺应时代潮流。
港口年度考核量化测评标准Port annual assessment quantification evaluation criteria play a vital role in measuring the overall performance and efficiency of ports. 港口年度考核的量化测评标准对于衡量港口的整体表现和效率起着至关重要的作用。
It provides a framework for assessing key performance indicators, such as throughput capacity, operational efficiency, safety measures, environmental compliance, and customer satisfaction. 这为评估关键绩效指标,如吞吐能力、运营效率、安全措施、环境合规和客户满意度提供了一个框架。
One of the main challenges in setting up quantification evaluation criteria for port assessments is determining the appropriate metrics to measure success. 制定港口评估的量化测评标准面临的主要挑战之一是确定衡量成功的适当指标。
These metrics should be aligned with the overall goals and objectives of the port, reflecting its performance efficiency and effectiveness. 这些指标应与港口的整体目标和目标保持一致,反映其绩效效率和有效性。
The criteria should be realistic, measurable, and relevant to the specific needs and challenges faced by the port. 标准应当是现实的、可度量的,并且与港口面临的具体需求和挑战相关。
供应链下的多级存货管理外文文献1、IntroductionIn today's globalized and interconnected business environment, supply chain management has become an essential component of enterprise success. One of the key elements of supply chain management is inventory management, which involves the effective management of inventory levels across multiple tiers of the supply chain. This article examines the concept of multi-level inventory management within the context of supply chain management and explores relevant literature from foreign sources.2、Supply Chain Management and Inventory ManagementSupply chain management involves the integration and coordination of various activities across all levels of a supply chain, from suppliers to manufacturers, distributors, and consumers. Inventory management, specifically, refers to the effective management of inventory levels in order to meet demand while minimizing costs and risks. It involves theidentification of demand patterns, the determination of appropriate inventory levels, and the implementation of policies and procedures to ensure that inventory is rotated and utilized effectively.3、Multi-Level Inventory Management in the Supply ChainMulti-level inventory management refers to the management of inventory across multiple tiers or levels within a supply chain. It involves the coordination and synchronization of inventory levels across different stages of the supply chain to ensure efficient flow of goods and materials. By managing inventory at multiple levels simultaneously, enterprises can optimize overall inventory levels while ensuring that each tier of the supply chain is able to meet demand.4、Foreign Literature Review on Multi-Level Inventory ManagementA review of foreign literature on multi-level inventory management reveals a growing body of research on this topic. Studies have focused on various aspects of multi-levelinventory management, including demand forecasting, inventory policies, and supply chain coordination. Notably, research has shown that multi-level inventory management can significantly improve overall supply chain performance by reducing costs and increasing efficiency.5、ConclusionThe concept of multi-level inventory management within the context of supply chain management has gained significant attention in recent years. A review of foreign literature suggests that effective multi-level inventory management can lead to significant improvements in overall supply chain performance by optimizing inventory levels across different stages of the supply chain. Enterprises that adopt multi-level inventory management strategies can expect to achieve cost savings, increased efficiency, and a more robust supply chain overall.6、Recommendations for Future ResearchDespite the growing body of research on multi-level inventorymanagement, there are still several areas that require further exploration. Future research could focus on developing more advanced demand forecasting techniques to improve accuracy and reduce demand uncertnty. Additionally, studies could investigate novel inventory policies and strategies that can further optimize inventory levels across different tiers of the supply chn. Finally, research could also examine the role of technology in supporting multi-level inventory management, including the use of artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and other emerging technologies.供应链管理外文翻译供应链管理是一种全面的管理方法,旨在优化供应链的运作,提高效率和竞争力。
10.社会经济影响 港口的社会经济影响有诸多研究,但衡量方法尚无定 论,尤其是对间接影响、诱发影响的边界难以准确界定。我 们参考的研究将社会经济影响限定在直接就业和直接增加 值,最大程度地避免了对社会、经济影响的夸大。
表 11 物流类指标
( 3) 可 追 踪 性 。 指标体系出现了港口采用的具体系统和 设备,但对其他港口适用性差。货主及货代等主体希望实现 对船舶、集装箱信息的即时监控,从而掌控全程物流以及应 对突发事件。伴随大数据、移动信息技术的创新和应用,这 项指标能够实现。
( 2) 港 口 成 本 。 港口成本也包含总量和单位指标,并依 据 港 口 运 作 特 点 包 含 人 力 成 本 、物 流 成 本 、疏 浚 成 本 等 细 分项。出现频率相近,但有些项目过于细致,在借鉴时应当 注意。
( 3) 利 润 及 回 报 。 利润指标主要选取了毛利润和税后净 利润。回报类指标实质反映了盈利效率。随着我国港口行业 市场化程度进一步提高,对港口企业利润及回报的重视将 逐渐超过对量的追求。
( 5) 服 务 响 应 。 指标注重对客户需求快速响应,最高频 指标反应时间需要港口信息系统、客服系统的配合,需设计 相应定性指标。
表 7 物流类指标
9.企业管理 ( 1) 全球布局。 全球布局是为了衡量港口企业的国际化 战略实施效果。我国港口目前在这方面所做相对较少,但作 为未来发展方向之一应予以密切关注。 ( 2) 管 理 制 度 。 管理制度侧重于企业内部流程及管理制 度的建立和完善,定性指标较多,在具体考核时更宜作为企 业内部的考核指标。 ( 3) 人 力 资 源 。 人力资源管理是企业管理的重要方面, 但较难量化,因此多采取定性指标,其中员工培训受到最多 关注。 ( 4) 信 息 系 统 。 围绕企业通过信息系统提升生产调度能 力、经营管理水平等方面设立指标,由于不同港口企业特点 各异,应依据具体情况分析。以信息系统为核心的现代港口 企业管理制度的重要性越发凸显。 ( 5) 风 险 管 理 。 目前对港口企业风险管理的指标以定性 为主,尽管重要却较难衡量。 ( 6) 社 会 责 任 。 社会责任均采用定性指标,通过减少对 所在社群、城市乃至区域的不良影响或积极履行社会责任 而实现。
物流外包_外文翻译稿加原稿译文题目: 物流外包—确保一个组织竞争优势的一种手段外文题目: Logistics Outsourcing—A Means Of Assuring TheCompetitive Advantage For An Organization 出处: VADYBA MANAGEMENT 2007 m Nr 2 15 29作者: Loretta Parashkevova 译文:摘要物流方式表明将交付供应链中的独立单位整合成一个统一的系统的目标,完成结果所需的时间和资源的损失降到最小的材料和信息流动的直接管理。
如Liu 采用借助随机边界函数分析(SFA)建立了港口企业效率评价模型,杨静蕾等人采用层次分析法(AHP)。
杨华龙,Tongzon、Min 等人引入数据包络分析(DEA)模型并加以改进。
刘彩芳(2011)运用DEA-AHP 分析法研究港口物流绩效评价。
其中DEA 方法用线性规划来判断评估指标对应的点是否有效,同时又可获得其他许多有用的信息,以便管理者从中判断做出正确决策。
1.数据包络分析法DEA1978年Chames 和W.W.Coope 等人创建数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA),并给出了第一个模型(CCR)。
中文4400字本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:A logistics and supply chain management approach to port performance measurement出处:MARIT. POL. MGMT作者:Khalid Bichou and Richard Gray原文:A logistics and supply chain management approach toport performance measurementBy Khalid Bichou and Richard GrayMARIT. POL. MGMT2004VOL. 31, NO. 1, 47–67ABSTRACTAlthough there is widespread recognition of the potential of ports as logistics centres, widely accepted performance measurements for such centres have yet to be developed. The essence of logistics and supply chain management is an integrative approach to the interaction of different processes and functions within a firm extended to a network of organizations for the purpose of cost reduction and customer satisfaction. The logistics approach often adopts a cost trade-off analysis between functions, processes and even supply chains. This approach could be beneficial to port efficiency by directing port strategy towards relevant value-added logistics activities. This paper seeks to show that through conceptualizing ports from a logistics and supply chain management approach, it is possible to suggest a relevant framework of port performance. A proposed framework is tested in a survey of port managers and other international experts.IntroductionMeasures of port efficiency or performance indicators use a diverse range of techniques for assessment and analysis, but although many analytical tools and instruments exist, a problem arises when one tries to apply them to a range of ports and terminals. Ports are very dissimilar and even within a single port the current or potential activities can be broad in scope and nature, so that the choice of an appropriate tool of analysis is difficult. Organizational dissimilarity constitutes a serious limitation to enquiry, not only concerning what to measure but also how to measure. Furthermore, the concept of efficiency is vague and proves difficult to apply in a typical port organization extending across production, trading and service industries.Ports have an important role to play in the integration of all three types of channel. There are many organizations occupied (or potentially occupied) with logistics and supply chain integration within and around ports, mainly in the role of logistics channel facilitators (ocean carriers, land-based carriers, port operators, freight forwarders, port agents, etc.), but also as public institutions such as Customs authorities. This paper seeks to adopt an approach that incorporates within a valid framework of analysis existing measures of port performance and efficiency, the association of ports with logistics and supply chain management, and appropriate measures of logistics and supply chain management efficiency.Background literaturePort performance and efficiencyUNCTAD suggests two categories of port performance indicators: macro performance indicators quantifying aggregate port impacts on economic activity,and micro performance indicators evaluating input/output ratio measurements of port operations. In this paper, we focus on the micro level. Various references, particularly UNCTAD monographs, provide a range of port indicators by ratio type and category of operation. There are many ways of measuring port efficiency or productivity, although reducible to three broad categories: physical indicators, factor productivity indicators, and economic and financial indicators. Physical indicators generally refer to time measures and are mainly concerned with the ship (e.g. ship turnaround time, ship waiting time, berth occupancy rate, working time at berth).Sometimes, coordination with land modes of transport is measured, e.g. cargo dwell time or the time elapsed between cargo being unloaded from a ship until it leaves the port.Factor productivity indicators also tend to focus on the maritime side of the port,for example to measure both labour and capital required to load or unload goods from a ship. Similarly, economic and financial indicators are usually related to the sea access; for example, operating surplus or total income and expenditure related to gross registered tonnes (GRT) or net registered tonnes (NRT), or charge per twenty foot equivalent unit (TEU). Port impacts on the economy are sometimes measured to assess the economic and social impacts of a seaport on its respective hinterland or foreland. The results may be provided in port statistics, e.g. the port of Rotterdam or by research institutes such as ISEMAR in France.Many ports, particularly those in urban areas, have inadequate land-side connections. Land-side efficiency also needs to be addressed when ways are sought to expand port capacity. Port capacity is difficult to measure or even to define. It is, nevertheless, likely to be easier for a port to make better use of existing capacity rather than subsidize new transport infrastructure. A logistics and supply chain approach may achieve better use of port capacity.Port activities are usually measured by cargo output or through production functions. In the first case, the assessment of efficiency is based either on the contribution of a single factor productivity to port throughput such as output per worker or output per wharf, or on the measurement of total cargo handling productivity, where performance evaluation equates port operations to the production function. Much empirical research falls under this category and seeks to compare actual output to optimum output using the frontier method.Review of port literature relevant to logistics and supply chain management.In the port and shipping literature, few authors have addressed the issue of logistics and supply chain management within ports and across their network of organizations, and many published works adopt a fragmented approach to port operations.Although current literature recognizes the role of ports as integral components of distribution systems, many studies disaggregate total port operations and focus on single or a few elements of port activity. Literature on port logistics has only developed over the last two decades or so, for exampleby UNCTAD through a series of monographs on port management and operations, or the World Bank’s‘Port Reform Tool Kit’describing recent trends in port management and suggesting a framework for port reform and development. UNCTAD defines ‘third generation’ports as those offering value-added services (e.g. warehousing, packaging) in addition to cargo handling, and ‘fourth generation’ports as those that are separated geographically but with common operators or administration, such as by global multi-port companies [42]. In an effort to assess the logistics potential of ports, Harding and Juhel distinguish between general logistics services (GLS) and value-added activities or logistics (VAL), with the latter being a common feature of containerised and general cargo. They highlight the increasing role of ports as ‘distriparks’or dedicated areas for both GLS and VAL. They also point out the future of inland logistics centres or dry ports (e.g. inland container depots) for logistics operations that do not need to be carried out in the seaport area.Much of the literature advocating the future of ports as logistics centres highlights their nodal role in the changing patterns of maritime and intermodal transport (e.g. hub and spoke systems), but overlooks logistics integration of the various activities performed within the port organization itself. Most published articles address separately different aspects of port management (cost-analysis, marketing, strategic planning, etc.) without incorporating them into an integrated logistics framework of customer service, total costs or trade-off analysis. For instance, the question of the total cost that a cargo bears throughout different port operations up to the final customer or user does not appear to have been discussed in the academic literature. The same applies to competitive benchmarking between the management of seaports and that of other entities with similar operational features, e.g. airports or regional distribution centres.For some, this fragmented approach is mainly due to the complex organizational structure and management of ports, although recent port privatization schemes may have made it relatively easier to apply an integrative logistics approach to port operations. Fleming and Baird consider that the lack of a ‘competitive community spirit’among different port actors (e.g. customs authorities) is largely behind the difficulty of managing activities from a logistics perspective. The complex organizational structure of ports has always been a central issue in most aspects of port management, and probably constitutes themajor obstacle to the development of a comprehensive conceptual framework of port logistics management.Supply chain management extends the principle of logistics integration to all companies in the supply chain through strategic partnerships and cooperation arrangements. Some regard the next challenge of supply chain management is to manage ‘pliant flows’so as to ensure that all parts of the chain ‘oscillate together’in an holistic fashion. In similar vein, others stress the need for ‘agile’supply chains in order to survive in a rapidly changing global environment. Paixao and Marlow advocate the application of ‘agility’to the port environment, proposing that ports should be proactive rather than reactive along supply chains in a modern globalized world economy.Review of relevant logistics and supply chain measurementsMany techniques of logistics measurement adopt ratio instruments of financial reporting and productive efficiency. For instance, logistics performance is assessed through productivity and utilization measurement, or by applying the DEA model to international channel productivity. Most of the available logistics measurements correspond to a firm’s internal functions and processes. For example, a report by the European Logistics Association arranges logistics performance measurements into eight groups, but does not organize them into an integrative and comprehensive framework. Measurement techniques that have gained recognition from logistics professionals include activity-based costing (ABC) and total cost analysis (TCA). The former proposes an evaluation of the costs of a firm’s activities based on the actual resources and time consumed to perform them, whereas the latter proposes a trade-off analysis among different internal functions to minimize the total cost, while at the same time maintaining customer satisfaction.The use of TCA is extended to external logistics performance by integrating various flows and processes in the supply chain.In the area of supply chain management, the academic literature has been less successful in providing valid tools for performance measurement, and most performance measurements have been initiated by practitioners or consultants rather than through academic research. Exceptions include Kaplan and Norton who combine several dimensions of performance measurement. They provide a linear cause-and-effect model claimed to serve both measurement and management objectives. The Supply-Chain Operations Reference(SCOR) initiative undertaken by the Supply-Chain Council (SCC) attempts to integrate process reengineering, benchmarking, and process measurements into a cross-functional framework. Holmberg’s model proposes a conceptual framework of performance analysis throughout a systems approach to supply chain measurement. Process benchmarking is a technique that proposes the collaboration of all members in the supply chain for the purpose of process comparison and performance analysis. Institutions at the trade channel level can play a valuable and neutral role in benchmarking. Any valid performance model, within a logistics and supply chain management context, should integrate different measures of internal activities and link them to measurement activities of other entities in the supply chain.Towards a logistics and supply chain approach for portsFrom the above discussion, it appears that there may be a methodological difficulty in linking supply chain performance measurements to ports. Traditional port management is often typified by institutional fragmentation and conflict with other members of the logistics channel, whereas the supply chain management philosophy advocates process integration and partnership. A systemic approach to port performance is required. The systems approach should allow a neutral and objective perception of a problem’s definition and investigation, and particularly helps in overcoming the obstacles of channel identification and conflicting standpoints. However, despite successive attempts to apply the systems approach to operational problems in shipping and ports, very few would claim to apply the concept of systems thinking to the whole port organization.MethodologyAction researchThe methodology adopted for this study works within the action research paradigm. Action research is a process suitable where change is the main research subject, and the researcher participates in the change process. It requires a close relationship and collaboration between practitioners and researchers, made possible in the research described in this paper when one of the authors undertook a short-term appointment with the World Bank. Action research is most suitable for technique development or theory building, but isless suitable for hypothesis testing. Its advantage over traditional survey approaches is that the latter tend to be past-oriented or ‘snapshots’, whereas action research is a forward-looking process with implications beyond the immediate project. Action research is undertaken by using an appropriate intervention technique analogous to experimentation. The technique used in this approach is to present port managers and other experts with a model of port performance for examination and assessment by them, leading to an improved model. This technique is supported by a questionnaire of port managers focusing on performance indicators.Exploratory investigation into feasibility of port performance model As an exploratory investigation, individuals with different types of expertise related to ports were approached to comment on the relevance and feasibility of the proposed model, shown in figure 3 with covering notes (see appendix). The participants consisted of three panels of experts, namely:Analysis and resultsQuestionnaire responses and analysisThe questionnaire investigated current techniques of port performance measurement. The 45 respondent ports confirmed the regular use of combined indicators for both internal and external performance evaluation. As shown in table 2, financial measures are the most commonly used, closely followed by throughput measures for internal performance, whereas productivity and economic-impact indicators become more prominent for external comparison with other ports.Most ports were not satisfied with the current indicators (see table 3).However, when asked about logistics techniques for performance measurement and management over half of the ports replied that they use them very seldom or never (see table 4).Although responses may reflect a lack of interest in logistics operations and management, an alternative explanation may be the difficulty in understanding or applying logistics concepts and measurement techniques.Comments by expert panels on model validityFigure 3 and the appendix present a model applying logistics and supply chainmanagement concepts to port performance measurement. The model was sent to and discussed with different participants to assess its validity and feasibility within the context of port operations and management. Responses varied in many aspects, although all considered the model valid as a ‘first initiative’that looks at port efficiency from the perspective of logistics and supply chain management. The following sections present and analyse the responses by each of the three expert panels.ConclusionsThe research aims at conceptualizing the port system from the perspective of logistics and supply chain management, and suggesting a valid framework of efficiency measurement capable of reflecting the logistics scope of port operations and complementing, if not replacing, the conventional methods for port performance measurement and management biased towards sea access. By adopting a structured approach and methodology and involving a range of interest groups, the authors tried to ensure a valid and reliable inquiry given the time and cost constraints.The results show a common interest in logistics and supply chain management concepts across the various panels of experts. Respondents from the port group showed a lack of familiarity with logistics and supply chain management concepts, especially those related to logistics integration, benchmarking and channel design, although there is common recognition of ports as key logistics and distribution centres.译文:用港口物流及供应链管理方法来评价港口绩效Khalid Bichou and Richard Gray摘要尽管港口作为物流中心潜在能力已被广泛的认同,但还没有一个被大家广泛接受的性能测量标准出现。
1) A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involvedin supplying components needed for manufacturing.一个供应链仅包括直接参与提供所需的元件制造业的组织。
Answer: FALSE2) A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request. Answer: TRUE供应链由所有各方,直接或间接参与,满足客户要求。
3) A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or supply web.Answer: TRUE供应链可以更准确地描述为供应网络。
4) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated. TRUE每一个供应链的目的是生成的整体价值最大化。
5) The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for the manufacturing component of the supply chain. Answer: FALSE每一个供应链的目标是最大化为供应链的制造组件生成价值。
6) Every supply chain must include all 5 stages. Answer: FALSE每个供应链必须包括所有 5 个阶段。
7) The cycle view of a supply chain holds that the processes in a supply chain are divided into a series of activities performed at the interface between successive stages. Answer: TRUE供应链周期认为供应链流程分为一系列的活动上演在连续阶段之间的接口。
2. 管理者的能力培养。
本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:An Analysis of the Efficiency and Competitiveness of Vietnamese Port System出处Department of Maritime Business作者:Vinh Van Thai and Devinder Grewal原文:An Analysis of the efficiency and Competitiveness ofVietnamese Port Systemby Vinh Van Thai and Devinder GrewalABSTRACTPorts, as one of the important links between different modes of transport within the logistics chain, have special essence since their efficiency and competitiveness will certainly have an impact on the chain, and hence the national and regional economy. Vietnam, as a developing country gradually integrating into the regional and global economy, is rationalizing its economic sectors, including transportation. In this environment, ports play a vital role for the purpose of achieving comparative advantages in the international market. However, the Vietnamese port system is burdened with out dated work practices, low efficiency and poor competitiveness compared to other ports in the region. This paper identifies some of the problems in the Vietnamese port system and proposes strategies to address them.Keywords: Vietnam, port, efficiency, competitiveness, analysisINTRODUCTIONThe paper is organized in four main sections. The first part sets the general background and overview on port geography in Vietnam. The second section addresses the issues ofefficiency and competitiveness of the Vietnamese port system. The third part proposes some development strategies based on previous discussions, followed by the last section that sums up the paper.General back groundVietnam is located in the Indochina peninsula in South East Asia and shares the borders with China in the North, Laos and Cambodia in the West and has her East coast facing the South China Sea. The country is situated within the tropical zone and has a tropical monsoon climate. As Vietnam is a narrow and long country stretching from the south of China down to the Gulf of Thailand, the seasons also vary from the north to the south of the country. In the north, there are visibly four seasons; however, the southern part of the country experiences only two seasons all year round, namely the tropical dry and the tropical wet. As far as tidal regimes are concerned, ports in the north see mainly the diurnal tidal regime while in the central region there is a combination of semi-diurnal, irregular semi-diurnal and irregular diurnal regimes. In the south, the tidal regimes in existence are semi-diurnal and irregular semi-diurnal.Brief overview on port geography in VietnamVietnam has more than 3,000kilometres of coast line stretching from north to south of the country. The Vietnamese port system consists of both ports along the coast line and the ones located on rivers. According to Vietnam Maritime Bureau (VINAMARINE, 2003), there are currently more than 90 ports which can receive vessels on international voyages and several dozen of other ports for internal trade. The Vietnam Port Association (VPA),which now has 40 members all of whom are capable of serving vessels on international voyages, has the annual cargo through put of more than 80% of the country‟s total.Analysis of the Vietnamese Port SystemIn this part of the study the efficiency and competitiveness of the Vietnamese port system will be analysed and discussed. The main issues involving port institutional and administrative regimes, as well as port operation and management will be covered to reveal the contemporary problems as far as efficiency and competitiveness are concerned. Where necessary, comparison will be conducted between the Vietnamese ports and some others in the ASEAN and ESCAP region to further illustrate the analysis and discussion.Institutional and administrative issuesFrom a holistic point of view, the institutional and administrative issues of a port system are very important to provide initial information about its efficiency and competitiveness. In this section, different categories of port management body as well as the role of port authorities in Vietnam will be analysed and discussed.Port management body in VietnamThe port management system in Vietnam is very diversified. Examples include:VINAMARINE, which is under direct control and management of the Ministry of Transport, manages three ports – Nghe Tinh Port,Qui Nhon Port and Nha Trang Port.VINALINES (Vietnam National Ship ping Lines), which is also under direct control and management of the Ministry of Transport ,is the state-owned company responsible for shipping activities in Vietnam. It man ages: Hai Phong Port and Quang Ninh Port in the north, Da Nang Port in the central, Sai Gon Port and Can Tho Port in the south.Local governments, such as cities and provinces, also take part in port management. For instance, Ben Nghe Port is directly under super vision and management of Department of Transport and Public Works of Ho Chi Minh City.Some state-owned corporations, which are under control of provinces and cities, also manage ports. This is the case of Hon Khoi Port managed by a salt company under control of People‟s Committee of Khanh Hoa province.The participation of private sector in port management in Vietnam is still very limited. Nationally, there are only two ports tha t have the private sector‟s participation so far: Ba Ria Serece in Phu My (Vung Tau province) as the joint-venture between Norway, French and Vietnamese partners; VICT as the joint-venture between NOL of Singapore, Mitsui & Co. of Japan and Southern Waterborne Trans port Company of Vietnam. These ports are under direct control and management of both Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Planning and Investment.The role of Port AuthorityThe definition of term …port authority‟ and its functions in Vietnam is very different from other countries in the world. In 1977, a port authority was defined as …State, Municipal,public or private body, which is largely responsible for the tasks of construction, administration and sometimes the operation of port facilities and, in certain circumstances, for security‟ (World Bank Port Reform Toolkit, 2001). This definition is sufficiently broad to accommodate the various port management models existing in the world. It also indicates that the port authority plays an important strategic role with wide responsibilities. In most cases, the port authority is the landowner and it can work out general guide lines for strategic development of owned ports and terminals.Port operation and managementIn parallel with institutional and administrative issues identified above, various operational and management problems at selected key ports can also been identified.Pricing policyThe practice of maritime dues and fees at ports in Vietnam is also as diversified as the port administration and management system. Current framework of fees and dues are regulated by different government agencies as follows:The Ministry of Finance regulates rates for tonnage fee, aids-to-navigation (ATN) fee, wharf age and documentary fee.The Government‟s Pricing Committee regulates rates for pilot age, tug service, mooring and unmooring, wharf age (elaborated from rates regulated by Ministry of Finance), opening and closing hatches, cleaning of hatches, rubbish collection, water supply, tallying, cargo handling charge, cargo storage charge and equipment hire/leasing.Tariff analysisThe following tables indicate a comparative analysis between two cases of 3,000 TEU class ship and 1,100 TEU class ship visiting ports in the ESCAP region. Port tariff is compared in terms of both nominal exchange rate and purchasing power parity.ProductivityIn order to further examine the efficiency of current Vietnamese ports, it is necessary that some key performance indicators are analysed. The following records indicate current handling productivity in normal working conditions:It can be clearly seen from the above that handling productivity at key Vietnamese ports, with the exception of VICT, is still relatively low compared with other ASEAN ports in theregion which can reach about 25 boxes per unit crane per networking hour. This can be partly explained by the absence of specialized handling equipment like ship-to-shore gantry cranes at some ports, skills of crane drivers, as well as internal management problems. Hand ling productivity at the quay is very important since it directly relates to the vessel‟s turnaround time in ports, meaning the economic justification for ship operators. However, ports also have a responsibility to en sure efficiency in their landside operations to sustain any benefits of efficiency in quayside operations.Administrative proceduresVietnamese ports are known for their cumber some administrative procedures for ships using their services. Before the Prime Minister‟s Decree No.55/2002/QD-TTg dated 23/04/2002 on reform of administrative procedures at sea ports came into effect on 01/07/2002 with experimental application at Sai Gon Port, the ship‟s agent needed to gather more than 30 types of documents for a ship to visit Vietnamese ports. Moreover, it was also time-consuming since he had to arrange himself to pick up all related agencies such as port authority, customs, immigration, medical officer etc for the same ship and take them onboard. In practice, it took about half day to gather all necessary related agencies, and about the same amount of time to bring them onboard and finish the job. This lengthened the ships‟ waiting time.The reform of administrative procedures at seaports stipulated that the port authority is the agency to coordinate with all other related agencies, and the ship‟s agent only needs to submit necessary documents to the port authority. As a result of these reforms, in Ho Chi Minh City area, the number of vessel calls has increased by 30% after one year of implementation. However, such a reform has to be extended to all other ports.Equipment and facilitiesFacilities and equipment make up the “hard ware” of any ports and terminals. Al though they cannot provide an actual judgment as productivity and utilization indicators they are still important factors to evaluate the suit ability and capacity of ports and terminals in response to customers‟ requirements. The following table provides a summary of facilities and equipment at selected key ports.Vietnam is still at the preliminary stage of containerisation compared with otherASEAN ports in the region, and the average share of containerised cargo at ports is still modest (about 30%). The ratio of containerised cargo through Vietnamese ports in 1995 was merely 18.7%, yet it has increased to 25.8% in 2000 and 28.2% in 2001 (AEAN, 2002). If we compare this tendency with current investment in specialized handling equipment for container operation at ports, there appears non-equivalence between growing demand and current capacity. As can be seen from Table12, there are only eight ship-to-shore gantry cranes and 21 RTGs for yard handling at the moment in Vietnam, nationwide. Equipment for handling break-bulk and general cargo is out-of-date and delivers low productivity; some of them, such as KIROV cranes at Hai Phong Port, have been in operation for decades.Software: IT and EDI applicationToday, IT and EDI in shipping and port operation and management are vital and make up the “soft-ware” or the “Information structure” of any port or terminal. The advantages of such soft ware are to eliminate human error, save time, simplify procedural documents and to enhance overall efficiency by the accurate relay of information and data. Moreover, IT and EDI also bring about the tangible advantage of laying the foundation for ecommerce and business in ports and terminals. The application of IT and EDI in ports and terminals can be broadly identified at two levels:Internal management system: this means all related departments and sections within a port are linked with each other. Information and data from all users and clients of the port enters a gate and is relayed to relevant areas for further processing/planning. The system allows all operational activities to be planned from one source of information.Links with users and clients, such as customs, shipping lines, forwarders, shippers, consignees, and external logistics providers .In this sense, multiple entry and errors are, as much as possible, eliminated since all documents are transmitted electronically, and each user is able to access information as needed. This includes pre-arrival information like cargo manifests, crew lists, etc to be submitted to the port and customs.Hinterland connectionThe port‟s hinter land is defined as the area behind the port in which total logistics cost for the shipment coming to/from it is the minimum compared with other rival ports. This area is also shaped by customer bases which are attracted by the efficiency of the ports‟services. The means of connection of a port to its hinter land include road (high way), rail way and Inland Water -way (IW). Since a port can be connected with its hinter land by road, rail or in land water way, the total logistics cost of the shipment is influenced by the following factors:The road condition and any hindrances (toll stations, traffic congestion status) that will affect the shipment‟s transit time and costsWhether the high way, rail way and IW to the port are linked with the regional or national traffic networks.The competition levels between modes of transport.Regulatory requirements on the modes of transport(environmental, operational, societal, etc)Coordination of activitiesOne of the main indicators used to evaluate the flexibility and reliability of a port is the coordination of related activities, such as tug operations, pilotage, cargo operations, banking, logistics and emergency services. The business process flows of these activities must be linked with a normal day‟s operations. From this, respective ac tivity with non-coordinated time can be identified, and this can partly reflect the flexibility and reliability of a port.Ports in Ho Chi Minh City area con tribute about 75% of the national container through put annually, and they are competing fiercely to gain more market share. This high level of competition has led these ports to develop similar business and work procedures, relative to the time taken for each procedure. They are grouped as one in the following comparison table.Human resource developmentHuman resource is a crucial as set of any company. This is, ironically, also the issue on which efficiency and competitiveness of port operation and management depend. Over staffing is one of the elements of this issue.With the exception of Phu My Port and VICT, which are in the private sector, all other Vietnamese ports are state-owned enterprises (SOE). Being SOEs, their main goals were traditionally to perform the …political duties‟ for the country. Ports are traditionally seen as large employers. Regardless of their economic objectives, ports in Vietnam have beenoperating for a long time under this situation. This is understand able since, in the past, the economic mechanism was centrally planned and controlled by the government and state-owned port enterprises did not function properly as economic entities in which they can decide strategies on their own.Some Suggested StrategiesThe following strategies are suggested for enhancing management effectiveness and operational efficiencies in the port system in Vietnam:Port institutional reform and administration improvementPorts are clearly classified according to their functions. The classification should take into account specific criteria, for instance, functions, types of cargo handled and the size of their service area.In this sense, ports can be initially grouped as gate way ports of the country (for example, Hai Phong for the North, Da Nang for the Central and Sai Gon for the South). Other ports of the country can then be classified further as regional ports, i.e. Qui Nhon for the Southern Central and High land region.Improvement of port operation and managementHandling productivity and utilization of facilities should be further improved to, at least, the same as regional standards. In this respect, Key Performance Indicators should be established for all ports. Such a system will help to control and evaluate performance from both quantifiable and non-quantifiable perspectives.All ports should further improve their function-time reliability for all port-related activities, for operating on a round-the-clock basis.Port and terminal‟s tariff should be further restructured and re-institutionalised for the unification and creation of more incentives to attract more vessels besides the objective of competitiveness. The tariffs should be consolidated and simplified.The experimental application of reform on administrative procedures at Vietnamese ports should be wholly applied to the remaining ports of the country to simplify documentary procedures for vessels entering and exiting Vietnamese ports and waters.IT and EDI should be intensively applied in port operation and management, especially the Port Information Centre to facilitate advantageous transactions between the port and por t‟s users and clients. The port itself should lead in gathering all parties concerned toestablish such a system based on their specific requirements and al location of authorisation. In this respect ,capacity-building to support such systems should be studied and developed first within the country, otherwise the costs will exceed benefits.Maritime supporting se vices should be examined and promoted as an inevitable part of marketing strategies to enhance the competitiveness of the port system.The ports‟ hinter land connections should also be developed in line with port development. Holistic human resource development plays a very important role in the functioning of ports. As the speed of automation of cargo handling process is increasing in Vietnam, together with development of new technology and know-how in port operations and management, port staff need relevant skills and knowledge to do their work. Training of staff and motivation incentives are there –fore critical for Vietnamese ports.ConclusionEfficiency and competitiveness are indispensable characteristics of any port system. At the same time, ports need to be competitive to attract clients to use their services. The above analysis and discussion with regards to Vietnamese port system has revealed some basic problems as far as efficiency and competitiveness are concerned. In order to achieve comparative advantage in the international market, the port system of Vietnam should note these issues and works out strategies to improve. The development strategies proposed in this paper are an indication for a more comprehensive and long-term planning by the government.译文:越南港口效率和竞争力体系的分析Vinh V an Thai and Devinder Grewal摘要港口,作为一个重要的物流链环节之一,在不同的物流运输方式中都起到重要的作用,它有着特殊的本质,因为国家和区域经济的效率和竞争力必将会对物流链产生影响。
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中文4400字本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:A logistics and supply chain management approach to port performance measurement出处:MARIT. POL. MGMT作者:Khalid Bichou and Richard Gray原文:A logistics and supply chain management approach toport performance measurementBy Khalid Bichou and Richard GrayMARIT. POL. MGMT2004VOL. 31, NO. 1, 47–67ABSTRACTAlthough there is widespread recognition of the potential of ports as logistics centres, widely accepted performance measurements for such centres have yet to be developed. The essence of logistics and supply chain management is an integrative approach to the interaction of different processes and functions within a firm extended to a network of organizations for the purpose of cost reduction and customer satisfaction. The logistics approach often adopts a cost trade-off analysis between functions, processes and even supply chains. This approach could be beneficial to port efficiency by directing port strategy towards relevant value-added logistics activities. This paper seeks to show that through conceptualizing ports from a logistics and supply chain management approach, it is possible to suggest a relevant framework of port performance. A proposed framework is tested in a survey of port managers and other international experts.IntroductionMeasures of port efficiency or performance indicators use a diverse range of techniques for assessment and analysis, but although many analytical tools and instruments exist, a problem arises when one tries to apply them to a range of ports and terminals. Ports are very dissimilar and even within a single port the current or potential activities can be broad in scope and nature, so that the choice of an appropriate tool of analysis is difficult. Organizational dissimilarity constitutes a serious limitation to enquiry, not only concerning what to measure but also how to measure. Furthermore, the concept of efficiency is vague and proves difficult to apply in a typical port organization extending across production, trading and service industries.Ports have an important role to play in the integration of all three types of channel. There are many organizations occupied (or potentially occupied) with logistics and supply chain integration within and around ports, mainly in the role of logistics channel facilitators (ocean carriers, land-based carriers, port operators, freight forwarders, port agents, etc.), but also as public institutions such as Customs authorities. This paper seeks to adopt an approach that incorporates within a valid framework of analysis existing measures of port performance and efficiency, the association of ports with logistics and supply chain management, and appropriate measures of logistics and supply chain management efficiency.Background literaturePort performance and efficiencyUNCTAD suggests two categories of port performance indicators: macro performance indicators quantifying aggregate port impacts on economic activity,and micro performance indicators evaluating input/output ratio measurements of port operations. In this paper, we focus on the micro level. Various references, particularly UNCTAD monographs, provide a range of port indicators by ratio type and category of operation. There are many ways of measuring port efficiency or productivity, although reducible to three broad categories: physical indicators, factor productivity indicators, and economic and financial indicators. Physical indicators generally refer to time measures and are mainly concerned with the ship (e.g. ship turnaround time, ship waiting time, berth occupancy rate, working time at berth).Sometimes, coordination with land modes of transport is measured, e.g. cargo dwell time or the time elapsed between cargo being unloaded from a ship until it leaves the port.Factor productivity indicators also tend to focus on the maritime side of the port,for example to measure both labour and capital required to load or unload goods from a ship. Similarly, economic and financial indicators are usually related to the sea access; for example, operating surplus or total income and expenditure related to gross registered tonnes (GRT) or net registered tonnes (NRT), or charge per twenty foot equivalent unit (TEU). Port impacts on the economy are sometimes measured to assess the economic and social impacts of a seaport on its respective hinterland or foreland. The results may be provided in port statistics, e.g. the port of Rotterdam or by research institutes such as ISEMAR in France.Many ports, particularly those in urban areas, have inadequate land-side connections. Land-side efficiency also needs to be addressed when ways are sought to expand port capacity. Port capacity is difficult to measure or even to define. It is, nevertheless, likely to be easier for a port to make better use of existing capacity rather than subsidize new transport infrastructure. A logistics and supply chain approach may achieve better use of port capacity.Port activities are usually measured by cargo output or through production functions. In the first case, the assessment of efficiency is based either on the contribution of a single factor productivity to port throughput such as output per worker or output per wharf, or on the measurement of total cargo handling productivity, where performance evaluation equates port operations to the production function. Much empirical research falls under this category and seeks to compare actual output to optimum output using the frontier method.Review of port literature relevant to logistics and supply chain management.In the port and shipping literature, few authors have addressed the issue of logistics and supply chain management within ports and across their network of organizations, and many published works adopt a fragmented approach to port operations.Although current literature recognizes the role of ports as integral components of distribution systems, many studies disaggregate total port operations and focus on single or a few elements of port activity. Literature on port logistics has only developed over the last two decades or so, for exampleby UNCTAD through a series of monographs on port management and operations, or the World Bank’s‘Port Reform Tool Kit’describing recent trends in port management and suggesting a framework for port reform and development. UNCTAD defines ‘third generation’ports as those offering value-added services (e.g. warehousing, packaging) in addition to cargo handling, and ‘fourth generation’ports as those that are separated geographically but with common operators or administration, such as by global multi-port companies [42]. In an effort to assess the logistics potential of ports, Harding and Juhel distinguish between general logistics services (GLS) and value-added activities or logistics (VAL), with the latter being a common feature of containerised and general cargo. They highlight the increasing role of ports as ‘distriparks’or dedicated areas for both GLS and VAL. They also point out the future of inland logistics centres or dry ports (e.g. inland container depots) for logistics operations that do not need to be carried out in the seaport area.Much of the literature advocating the future of ports as logistics centres highlights their nodal role in the changing patterns of maritime and intermodal transport (e.g. hub and spoke systems), but overlooks logistics integration of the various activities performed within the port organization itself. Most published articles address separately different aspects of port management (cost-analysis, marketing, strategic planning, etc.) without incorporating them into an integrated logistics framework of customer service, total costs or trade-off analysis. For instance, the question of the total cost that a cargo bears throughout different port operations up to the final customer or user does not appear to have been discussed in the academic literature. The same applies to competitive benchmarking between the management of seaports and that of other entities with similar operational features, e.g. airports or regional distribution centres.For some, this fragmented approach is mainly due to the complex organizational structure and management of ports, although recent port privatization schemes may have made it relatively easier to apply an integrative logistics approach to port operations. Fleming and Baird consider that the lack of a ‘competitive community spirit’among different port actors (e.g. customs authorities) is largely behind the difficulty of managing activities from a logistics perspective. The complex organizational structure of ports has always been a central issue in most aspects of port management, and probably constitutes themajor obstacle to the development of a comprehensive conceptual framework of port logistics management.Supply chain management extends the principle of logistics integration to all companies in the supply chain through strategic partnerships and cooperation arrangements. Some regard the next challenge of supply chain management is to manage ‘pliant flows’so as to ensure that all parts of the chain ‘oscillate together’in an holistic fashion. In similar vein, others stress the need for ‘agile’supply chains in order to survive in a rapidly changing global environment. Paixao and Marlow advocate the application of ‘agility’to the port environment, proposing that ports should be proactive rather than reactive along supply chains in a modern globalized world economy.Review of relevant logistics and supply chain measurementsMany techniques of logistics measurement adopt ratio instruments of financial reporting and productive efficiency. For instance, logistics performance is assessed through productivity and utilization measurement, or by applying the DEA model to international channel productivity. Most of the available logistics measurements correspond to a firm’s internal functions and processes. For example, a report by the European Logistics Association arranges logistics performance measurements into eight groups, but does not organize them into an integrative and comprehensive framework. Measurement techniques that have gained recognition from logistics professionals include activity-based costing (ABC) and total cost analysis (TCA). The former proposes an evaluation of the costs of a firm’s activities based on the actual resources and time consumed to perform them, whereas the latter proposes a trade-off analysis among different internal functions to minimize the total cost, while at the same time maintaining customer satisfaction.The use of TCA is extended to external logistics performance by integrating various flows and processes in the supply chain.In the area of supply chain management, the academic literature has been less successful in providing valid tools for performance measurement, and most performance measurements have been initiated by practitioners or consultants rather than through academic research. Exceptions include Kaplan and Norton who combine several dimensions of performance measurement. They provide a linear cause-and-effect model claimed to serve both measurement and management objectives. The Supply-Chain Operations Reference(SCOR) initiative undertaken by the Supply-Chain Council (SCC) attempts to integrate process reengineering, benchmarking, and process measurements into a cross-functional framework. Holmberg’s model proposes a conceptual framework of performance analysis throughout a systems approach to supply chain measurement. Process benchmarking is a technique that proposes the collaboration of all members in the supply chain for the purpose of process comparison and performance analysis. Institutions at the trade channel level can play a valuable and neutral role in benchmarking. Any valid performance model, within a logistics and supply chain management context, should integrate different measures of internal activities and link them to measurement activities of other entities in the supply chain.Towards a logistics and supply chain approach for portsFrom the above discussion, it appears that there may be a methodological difficulty in linking supply chain performance measurements to ports. Traditional port management is often typified by institutional fragmentation and conflict with other members of the logistics channel, whereas the supply chain management philosophy advocates process integration and partnership. A systemic approach to port performance is required. The systems approach should allow a neutral and objective perception of a problem’s definition and investigation, and particularly helps in overcoming the obstacles of channel identification and conflicting standpoints. However, despite successive attempts to apply the systems approach to operational problems in shipping and ports, very few would claim to apply the concept of systems thinking to the whole port organization.MethodologyAction researchThe methodology adopted for this study works within the action research paradigm. Action research is a process suitable where change is the main research subject, and the researcher participates in the change process. It requires a close relationship and collaboration between practitioners and researchers, made possible in the research described in this paper when one of the authors undertook a short-term appointment with the World Bank. Action research is most suitable for technique development or theory building, but isless suitable for hypothesis testing. Its advantage over traditional survey approaches is that the latter tend to be past-oriented or ‘snapshots’, whereas action research is a forward-looking process with implications beyond the immediate project. Action research is undertaken by using an appropriate intervention technique analogous to experimentation. The technique used in this approach is to present port managers and other experts with a model of port performance for examination and assessment by them, leading to an improved model. This technique is supported by a questionnaire of port managers focusing on performance indicators.Exploratory investigation into feasibility of port performance model As an exploratory investigation, individuals with different types of expertise related to ports were approached to comment on the relevance and feasibility of the proposed model, shown in figure 3 with covering notes (see appendix). The participants consisted of three panels of experts, namely:Analysis and resultsQuestionnaire responses and analysisThe questionnaire investigated current techniques of port performance measurement. The 45 respondent ports confirmed the regular use of combined indicators for both internal and external performance evaluation. As shown in table 2, financial measures are the most commonly used, closely followed by throughput measures for internal performance, whereas productivity and economic-impact indicators become more prominent for external comparison with other ports.Most ports were not satisfied with the current indicators (see table 3).However, when asked about logistics techniques for performance measurement and management over half of the ports replied that they use them very seldom or never (see table 4).Although responses may reflect a lack of interest in logistics operations and management, an alternative explanation may be the difficulty in understanding or applying logistics concepts and measurement techniques.Comments by expert panels on model validityFigure 3 and the appendix present a model applying logistics and supply chainmanagement concepts to port performance measurement. The model was sent to and discussed with different participants to assess its validity and feasibility within the context of port operations and management. Responses varied in many aspects, although all considered the model valid as a ‘first initiative’that looks at port efficiency from the perspective of logistics and supply chain management. The following sections present and analyse the responses by each of the three expert panels.ConclusionsThe research aims at conceptualizing the port system from the perspective of logistics and supply chain management, and suggesting a valid framework of efficiency measurement capable of reflecting the logistics scope of port operations and complementing, if not replacing, the conventional methods for port performance measurement and management biased towards sea access. By adopting a structured approach and methodology and involving a range of interest groups, the authors tried to ensure a valid and reliable inquiry given the time and cost constraints.The results show a common interest in logistics and supply chain management concepts across the various panels of experts. Respondents from the port group showed a lack of familiarity with logistics and supply chain management concepts, especially those related to logistics integration, benchmarking and channel design, although there is common recognition of ports as key logistics and distribution centres.译文:用港口物流及供应链管理方法来评价港口绩效Khalid Bichou and Richard Gray摘要尽管港口作为物流中心潜在能力已被广泛的认同,但还没有一个被大家广泛接受的性能测量标准出现。