
关于出国学生的社会调查1.您的年龄:2.您出国的时间:3 您的外国名字:4 您留学的国家:5 您所在的学校:6 您所学的专业和年级:7.您留学的性质是?A.中学就出国,在外国直升大学 B . 高三毕业后放弃本国大学考取外国大学C. 上本国大学中途退学自费留学D. 读研/读博E 其他----8(1)您出国学习的原因是?(多选)A.父母的意愿 B 在本国上不了名校C.喜欢国外的教育制度 D 学习先进的知识技能E.拿个外国文凭、提高竞争力; F 满足虚荣心G.为移民创造条件H 异国情结I.为爱情远渡重洋J 体验生活(2)您留学的原因是?(多选)A.父母的意愿 B 在本国上不了名校C.喜欢国外的教育制度 D 学习先进的知识技能E.拿个外国文凭、提高竞争力; F 满足虚荣心G.为移民创造条件H 异国情结I.为爱情远渡重洋J 体验生活9在出国之前,你对国外教育了解多少?A.有非常深入的了解 B 了解不少C.了解很少 D 一点都不了解10.在出国之前,您对外国教育的认识主要来自哪里?A.专业指导人士 B. 已经在国外或有过国外学习或生活经历的亲戚或朋友讲述C.电视、网络、报纸杂志 D 外国电影或小说11.在国外,语言在多大程度上影响了或影响过你?(多选)A.影响学习(课堂听讲和课外学习)B。
觉得失望,没有期待中好13.会有思乡之情吗?A.非常强烈 B 有时会C。
不会14.您对外国饮食的适应性如何?A.非常适应外国饮食 B 不习惯,但是将就C.还是吃着中国食物 D 没什么特别的感觉15您的culture shock 程度如何?A.觉得差异很大,有些方面难以理解 B 更欣赏他们的作风C.没什么感觉,每个人都有自己的思想和习惯 D 可以融入,甚至在改变16.您在国外学习有压力吗?A.很大B较大C有点D没有17.学习的压力主要来自哪方面?(可多选)A.功课难 B 任务多C语言造成的困难D平时不学习,临时抱佛脚很辛苦18.会有经济问题吗?A.经常B有时会C 不差钱经济问题主要来自哪方面?A.购买奢侈品B 游玩超支C生活学习必要开支D本来就不够怎么解决经济问题?A向朋友先借着B找兼职C节衣缩食D向家里要.19。

留学生调查问卷国别(nation ality):班级(class)学汉语年性别(gender): 年龄(age)第一题请将正确的答案的序号写在横线上。
(choose one of the four choice s that best comple tes the following senten ces.and then mark the corres ondin g letter on the line.)(嘱咐,属于较高级的词汇,可以换个1、医生嘱咐你,你可别忘了。
)B吃季节刨日子C 刨日子吃季节D吃日子刨季节7、中国人习惯吃筷子,西方人。

交流生兴趣调查问卷亲爱的朋友:你好!欢迎来到叉叉大学!你最想了解中国的什么?你对哪些事情最感兴趣?告诉我们,我们会根据你的需求和兴趣为你量身打造一个精彩的“叉叉·中国行”!你所有的个人信息我们都将为你保密,请放心地如实填写,谢谢你的合作!姓名:________性别:男□女□年龄:________专业:________国籍:________1. 你对此次交流有什么期望?2. 你最想了解中国哪方面的文化?请您选出6个你最感兴趣的方面,在相应的空格内画勾。
汉语书法中国画陶瓷中国菜中医武术戏曲建筑哲学、宗教信仰文学历史服饰传统节日茶、酒手工艺民俗习惯人际关系政治教育经济地理民族其他1.﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍2. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍3. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍更多﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍Survey of the exchange students` interests in Chinese cultureDear friends:Hello! Welcome to 叉叉University! We are 叉叉in叉叉. What do you want to know about China? Which part of Chinese culture are you most interested in? Tell us, so that you can enjoy this visit according to your own preferences! We`ll do our best to supply your demand!Y our personal information is confidential. Thank you for your cooperation!Name: ________Gender: Male □ Female□Age: ________Major: ________Nationality: ________1. What`s your expectation of this visit to China?﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍2. Which part of Chinese culture are you most interested in?Chose〝TOP 6〞, fill in the blank with a “√”.Chinese Calligraghy TraditionalChinesepaiting china CookingcultureTraditionalChinesemadicine(TCM)MartialartTheatricalartChinesearchitecturePhilosophy and religion ChineseliteratureChinesehistoryRaiment TraditionalholidaysTeaandwineHandicraft FolkcostumInterpersonalrelationshipPolitics Economy Education Geograghy NationalitiesThe others:1. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍2. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍3. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍More ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍。

感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别:()男()女2. 您的年龄:()18-25岁()26-35岁()36-45岁()46岁以上3. 您的国籍:()中国()其他国家4. 您目前就读的院校:_____________________5. 您目前在读的专业:_____________________二、留学经历6. 您选择留学的初衷是什么?()提高外语水平()学习专业知识()拓宽国际视野()追求更高学历()其他:()7. 您在留学期间遇到过哪些困难?()语言交流障碍()文化差异()生活适应问题()学术压力()其他:()8. 您认为我国在留学生教育方面有哪些优势?()优质的教育资源()丰富的学术氛围()独特的文化底蕴()良好的就业前景()其他:()9. 您认为我国在留学生教育方面有哪些不足?()语言教学水平()课程设置()校园文化()生活服务()其他:()三、未来规划10. 您计划在毕业后留在我国发展吗?()是()否11. 如果留在我国发展,您希望在哪个领域就业?()教育行业()金融行业()科技行业()文化产业()其他:()12. 您认为我国留学生就业政策有哪些需要改进的地方?()简化签证手续()提高留学生就业竞争力()加强就业指导服务()优化留学生就业市场()其他:()四、其他意见与建议13. 您对我国留学生教育有哪些意见和建议?_____________________14. 您对我国留学生服务工作有哪些意见和建议?_____________________感谢您抽出宝贵时间参与本次问卷调查!您的意见对我们至关重要,我们将认真研究并改进相关工作。

All questions below are multiple-choice. Tick the suitable answer and write down your answer in English or Chinese.1、以前是否来过中国?如果来过中国,都去过哪里?请写下你去过的城市。
Have you ever been to China? If yes, where have you been?是Yes□城市City________________否 No□2、以前是否来过XX?Have you ever been to XX?是Yes□否 No□3、为什么选择来XX读书?Why do you choose XX?听同学或朋友介绍过□Recommendations from friends or classmates以前来过XX,喜欢XX□I’ve been to XX before, I like this city.XX很有名□XX is a famous city其它原因Reason_____________Others□4、来XX,你有什么期待?What expectations do you have in XX努力提高汉语水平□Try to improve Chinese多认识新的朋友□Know more friends了解中国文化□去名胜古迹游览□Know the Chinese cultureTravel to famous places in XX其他____________Others5、你是否有留学海外经历?如果是,请填写学校的名字,学习的专业和时间。
Do you have oversea education background?是Yes□学校School____________专业Major____________周期Duration____________否 No□6、你的汉语水平怎么样?How about your Chinese level?可以简单和中国人交流□I can have daily conversations with Chinese可以看懂汉语文章□I can read Chinese articles可以看懂带有拼音的汉语文章□I just read Chinese articles with “Pinyin”大概能听懂汉语□I just know the main idea ofChinese能听懂汉语,但无法表达□I can understand Chinese but I cannot say完全不会汉语□I don’t know Chinese7、你认为你的汉语水平应该进哪个等级的班级学习?Which class you will choose according to your Chinese level 初级班Basic Class□中级班 Intermediate Class□高级班Advanced Class□8、你是否会其他语言Can you speak other languages英语 English □日语 Japanese □其他others____________9、你是否需要学校开设相关课程,以便你通过汉语等级考试Do you need XX to set classes to help you pass HSK exam是Yes□否 No□10、来到XX大学以后,你是否希望选择专业课,如果是,请写下你希望选择的专业课Do you want to choose professional class in XX,if yes, what classyou want to have是Yes□___________否 No□11、来XX大学读书以后,是否有旅行计划?Do you have any travel plans here?是Yes □否 No □如果有旅行计划,最想去的城市是哪里(没有则不填写)If you have, which city would you like?北京Beijing□云南Yunnan□上海Shanghai□成都Chengdu□重庆Chongqing□其他others_____________12、休闲时间,你会安排自己做什么In your leisure time, what will you do睡觉Sleep □去KTV唱歌 Go to KTV □运动 Sports□看电视 Watching TV □旅游 Travel □去酒吧 Go to Pub □宅在宿舍Staying in the dorm□其他Others___________13、饮食方面,你有什么忌口吗Are you allergic to some food?是 Yes□忌口的食物Dislike Food_________否 No□14、来到XX大学,你会喜欢参加一些社团活动吗,如果“是”,请写下你感兴趣的社团活动,如“滑冰”“书法”“话剧”等Do you want to take part in some associations, if yes, please write down the activities you are interested in, for example, skating,calligraphy or drama.是 Yes□Interested activities_________ 否 No□15、如果学校举办一些汉语相关的比赛,你会积极参加吗?If our university holds some Chinese-relevant competitions, would you like to join in?是 Yes□否 No□16、你最期待上什么课程?请写下来。


留学生汉语学习情况调查表(双语)Questionnaire of Chinese Learning ofInternational Students in Three GorgesUniversity留学生汉语学习情况调查表为了更好地了解留学生汉语学习情况,帮助留学生朋友学好汉语,特设本调查问卷,请认真做答。
谢谢您的配合!In order to better understand the Chinese study situation of international students, help our international friends study Chinese well, this survey has been organized. Please respond to the questions heartedly. Thanks for your cooperation.1.你来自哪个国家?________________Which country are you from?2.你的专业是?________________What’s your major?3.你说得最多的一句汉语是?What Chinese sentence(phrase) do you speak most often?_____________________________________________4.你的汉语水平是?(没有参加HSK考试选F-L) ()What’s your Chinese level? ( F-L choices are for those without HSK test) A.HSK1 B.HSK2 C.HSK3 D.HSK4 E.HSK5F.一点都不会说G.会说一点儿H.简单的沟通没问题L.非常好F. Cannot speak even a little G. Can speak a littleH. Can easily communicate L. Very Good5.汉语学习对你的专业学习有帮助吗?()Is speaking Chinese helpful to your field of studies (Major)?A.有一点帮助B.有很大帮助C.没有帮助A. A little bit helpfulB. Very helpfulC. Not Helpful6.汉语学习中,你遇到的最大困难是什么? ()What’s your greatest Challenge when learning Chinese?A.声调B.汉字C.语法D.其他________________A. TonesB. Chinese CharactersC. GrammarD. Enter Others______7.你最喜欢的汉语上课方法是?()What’s your best method of learning Chinese in Class?A.多讲文化B.多讲故事C.多做游戏A. Teaching more of CultureB.More of StoriesC. More of Class GamesD.多比赛E.以上都不喜欢,直接讲汉语知识D. More class competitionsE. Non of the above, prefer a Direct learning of Chinese course.8.汉语学习中,你最喜欢的事是?()What do you like most when learning Chinese?A.抄汉字B.读生词C.读课文D.听汉语歌A. Fewer Chinese CharactersB. Study of New wordsC. Study TextD. Listen Chinese Songs9.你最希望一天中什么时候上汉语课?()Which Period of the day do like best to have Chinese Class?A.早上8点—10点B.早上10点—12点C.下午14点—16点A. 8am—10am B. 10am—12pm C. 2pm—4pmD.下午16点—18点E.晚上19点—21点D. 4pm—6pmE.7pm—9pm10.学汉语对你未来的工作有帮助吗?()Is Studying Chinese helpful to your future work(job)?A.没有帮助B.有一定帮助C.帮助非常大A. Not HelpfulB. Surely helpfulC. Very Helpful11.你有多少个中国朋友?()How many Chinese friends have you?A.1-3个B.4-10个C.10个以上D.没有E.没有但是希望能够有A. 1-3 B.4-10 C. More than 10 D. Don’t Have any E. Don’t have but wish to have12.你的中国朋友给了你哪些方面的帮助和影响?(多选)()What are the types of help and influence given to you by your Chinese friends(You can select multiple answers)A.体验中国食物B.认识和使用交通工具C.介绍校园情况D. 生活上的一些建议E.其他(补充)________________A. Introduce Chinese Food to meB. Know and use communicationtools C. Introduce the school residence D. Advise on some life situationsE. Others(state it ) ___________________13.你参加过璀璨汉语社团的活动吗? ()Have you ever taken part in Colorful Chinese Club activities?A.参加过B.没参加过C.不知道这个社团D. 听说过,想参加A. Participated B. Never participated C. Don’t know ab out this clubD. Heard about it , will like to take part14.你在社团里最大的收获是什么?()What did you benefit the most from the Club?A.交到了朋友B.练习了汉语C.学到了生活技巧D.其他(补充)________________A. Made friendsB. Practice ChineseC. Learned new skillsD. Others(State)______________15.你参加过国际语伴活动吗?()Have you Evered attended Language partner Club activities ?A.参加过B.没参加过C.不知道这个社团D. 听说过,想参加A. Attended B. Never attended C. Don’t know about this club D. Heard about this club ,will like to take part16.你与你的语伴朋友遇到的最大的困难是?What was the greatest challenge met by your language partner and you?A.我没有语伴朋友B.他/她大部分时太忙C.我大部分时太忙D.爱好不同,感觉我们不太适合做朋友A. I don’t have a language partnerB. He/She is most at times occupiedC. I am most at times occupiedD. Our Hobbies are d eferent, feels like we don’t really match as friends17.语伴(或中国朋友)教你的汉语,你印象最深的是哪一句?What was the Chinese sentence your language partner(Chinese Friend) thought you which you understood most deeply?18.你愿意帮助你的语伴(或中国朋友)学习你们国家的语言吗?()Do you agree to help your Language partner(Chinese friend) to learnYour national language ?A.愿意B.不愿意A. AgreeB. Don’t agree19.你对语伴有什么要求?()What do you have as criterial( conditions) for a language partner_____________________________________________20.你参加过三峡大学汉语桥比赛吗?()Have you Evered attended Chinese Bridge competition organized by CTGU?A.参加过B.没参加过C.不知道这个社团D. 听说过,想参加A. AttendedB. Never AttendedC. Don’t know about this clubD. Heard about it , Wish to Attend21.你希望学校举行更多的汉语类比赛吗?()Do you wish the school to organize many more Chinese relatedcompetitions ?A.不希望B.都可以C.希望A. Don’t wishB. Any how okC. Wish22.关于学校内举行汉语类的比赛,你有什么建议吗?Which advise do you have concerning the organization of Chinese competitions by the university_____________________________________________23.你会选择汉语国际教育专业作为你的第二学位吗?()Would you Like to choose the major of ‘’Teaching Chinese to non-Native Speakers “as your second Major(Minor)A.不会,太难了B.不喜欢C.可以试试D. 会选择A.Cannot, Very difficultB. Don’t LikeC. Can tryD. Will choose24) 你觉得这个调查设计了怎么样?你有没有其它事情关于三峡大学留学生学习汉语的情况想说一下,你希望能够进步?-________________________________What do you think about this survey? Would you like to add some other things not mentioned in this survey concerning Chinese language learning in CTGU which you would like to be improved? ______________。

感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 性别:(1)男(2)女2. 年龄:(1)18-20岁(2)21-23岁(3)24-26岁(4)27岁以上3. 国籍:(1)中国(2)其他国家4. 来华留学时间:(1)1年以内(2)1-2年(3)2-3年(4)3年以上二、生活状况5. 您目前居住的城市:____________________6. 您目前居住的住宿类型:(1)学校宿舍(2)校外租房(3)家庭住宿(4)其他7. 您认为住宿条件对您的生活影响较大吗?(1)是(2)否8. 您在饮食方面遇到的最大困难是什么?(1)口味不习惯(2)价格昂贵(3)食物选择有限(4)其他9. 您在交通方面遇到的最大困难是什么?(1)交通费用高昂(2)交通不便(3)不熟悉交通路线(4)其他三、学习状况10. 您目前就读的专业是什么?____________________11. 您认为目前的学习压力如何?(1)很大(2)较大(3)一般(4)较小(5)无压力12. 您在语言学习方面遇到的最大困难是什么?(1)发音不准确(2)词汇量不足(3)语法知识薄弱(4)其他13. 您在学习方法上有哪些改进措施?____________________四、心理状况14. 您在留学过程中是否感到孤独?(1)是(2)否15. 您在留学过程中是否遇到过心理压力?(1)是(2)否16. 您认为心理压力的主要来源是什么?(1)学业压力(2)生活压力(3)人际关系(4)其他17. 您是否有寻求心理咨询的经历?(1)是(2)否五、其他18. 您认为我国留学生活有哪些优点?____________________19. 您认为我国留学生活有哪些不足之处?____________________20. 您对留学生活的建议和期望是什么?____________________感谢您参与本次调查!祝您在留学期间生活愉快、学习进步![问卷结束]。

一、基本信息1. 您的姓名:(请填写您的全名)2. 您的性别:()A. 男B. 女C. 其他3. 您的年龄:()A. 18岁以下B. 18-25岁C. 26-35岁D. 36-45岁E. 46岁以上4. 您的国籍:(请填写您的国家或地区)5. 您在我国的留学城市:(请填写您目前所在的城市)二、汉语学习情况6. 您学习汉语的动机是什么?(可多选)A. 了解中国文化B. 为工作需要C. 兴趣爱好D. 考取汉语水平证书E. 其他(请说明:__________)7. 您开始学习汉语的时间是:()A. 1年以内B. 1-3年C. 3-5年D. 5年以上8. 您目前每周学习汉语的时间大约是多少?()A. 1-5小时B. 6-10小时C. 11-20小时D. 20小时以上9. 您目前使用的汉语学习教材或资源有哪些?(可多选)A. 书籍B. 在线课程C. 网络平台D. 语言学校E. 其他(请说明:__________)10. 您认为目前学习汉语的主要困难有哪些?(可多选)A. 语音发音B. 词汇量不足C. 语法理解D. 文化差异E. 其他(请说明:__________)三、汉语教学与学习环境11. 您目前主要在哪种环境下学习汉语?()A. 语言学校B. 网络课程C. 自学D. 其他(请说明:__________)12. 您对目前的学习环境是否满意?()A. 非常满意B. 满意C. 一般D. 不满意E. 非常不满意13. 您认为目前汉语教学存在哪些问题?(可多选)A. 教学内容过于理论化B. 教学方法单一C. 教师水平参差不齐D. 缺乏实际应用场景E. 其他(请说明:__________)14. 您认为如何改进汉语教学?(请提出您的建议:__________)四、文化交流与生活适应15. 您在日常生活中与中国人交流的频率如何?()A. 经常B. 偶尔C. 很少D. 几乎没有16. 您认为自己在文化交流方面存在哪些困难?(可多选)A. 语言沟通障碍B. 文化差异C. 社交圈子小D. 其他(请说明:__________)17. 您认为如何更好地融入当地社会?(请提出您的建议:__________)五、未来规划与建议18. 您计划在汉语水平上达到什么程度?()A. 初级B. 中级C. 高级D. 专家19. 您计划在哪个领域运用汉语?(可多选)A. 教育B. 研究C. 工作交流D. 旅游E. 其他(请说明:__________)20. 您对我国汉语教学有什么建议或意见?(请提出您的建议:__________)。

Q1:姓名(your Chinese name): ____________Q2:国籍(nation): ____________Q3:年龄(age): ____________Q4:职业(profession): ____________Q5:性别(sex):○ A.男(male)○ B.女(female)Q6:来中国多长时间了?(How long have you been in China ?)○ 6个月以下(six months) ○ 6个月~1年(6 months -1 year) ○ 2~3年(2years-3years) ○ 3年以上(More than 3 years)Q7:来中国之前学过汉语吗?学过的话,多长时间?(Have you ever studied Chinese before you came to China?How long do you learn Chinese? )○没有学过(never learned) ○ 6个月(six months) ○ 1~2年(1 years -2 years )○ 2~3年(2years-3years ) ○ 3~4年(3years-4years) ○ 6个月以下(Less than 6 months )Q8:您为什么学汉语?(可多选)Why do you learn Chinese? (multiple-choice)□对汉语和中国文化感兴趣(Interested in Chinese and Chinese culture) □商务需要(For business)□生活交际(For daily communication ) 其他原因(Other reasons )Q9:每天下课后学习汉语的时间多长?(How long do you take to learn Chinese after class every day? )○完全不学(Totally not learning ) ○半个小时-1个小时(Half an hour - an hour )○ 1-2小时(1-2 hours ) ○ 2小时以上(More than 2 hours )Q10:完成课本上的作业以外,您还喜欢怎么学汉语?(可多选)(In addition to completing the textbook assignments,how do you love to learn Chinese ?(Multiple choices)□请辅导老师(Have a teacher or counselor) □看中国电视、电影(Watch Chinese TV and movies)□和中国朋友聊天(Chat with Chinese friends )□用软件自学(use software to learn )□其他(other reasons)Q11:您喜欢的上课方式是什么?(可多选)(What is your love class?(Multiple choices)□老师讲,学生听(Listen to the teacher)□分小组讨论(group discussion )□老师和学生互相问答自己上台发表(The teacher and the students are on the stage to express their own questions and answers )□自己上台发表(Speak on the stage )□其他(other reasons)Q12:在中国生活,最难的是什么?(可多选)(What is the most difficult in your Chinese life(multiple choices)?□听懂中国人说话(To understand what the Chinese speak)□用汉语和中国人交谈(Talk with Chinese in Chinese ) □阅读中文文章(Read Chinese articles)□用汉语写作(Writing in Chinese ) □其他(other reasons)Q13:汉语课上,最难学的是什么?(可多选)(What is the most difficult to learnin Chinese class ?) (multiple choices)□语法(grammar)□发音(pronunciation) 汉字(Chinese character)□词汇(vocabulary) 听力(listening ) □口语(spoken language)Q14:结业后有什么打算?(可多选)What will you do after graduation? (multiple-choice)□继续学习汉语,做中文研究(Continue to learn Chinese and do Chinese Research)□当汉语老师或翻译(To be a Chinese teacher or translator )□进公司,做和中国有关的贸易工作(To enter the company and do the work of trade with China )□不想做和汉语有关的事(Don't want to do something about Chinese. )□其他(other)Q15:您为什么来中国?(可多选)(Why did you come to Chinese (multiple choices)?□父母的意愿(Parents' wishes )□觉得在中国可以更好地学习汉语(Feel that in China can better learn Chinese )□喜欢中国的文化(Like Chinese culture )□其他(other)Q16:您认为在中国的生活怎样?(What do you think of life in China? )○非常棒(Excellent )○还好(not bad) ○一般(So-so ) ○不好(not good )Q17:您认为您的中文水平怎样?(What do you think of your Chinese? )○很好(very good) ○较好(preferable) ○一般(So-so) ○差(not good)Q18:您所在的国家是否有汉语教学机构?(Are there any Chinese language educational organization in your country?)○是(Yes) ○没有(None )Q20:请用几个词来形容您对中国的印象(Please use a few words to describe your impression of China,you can also answer in English.)Q21:您采用何种方式学习汉语?(How do you learn Chinese in China?)○高校学位课程(By degree course in colleges or universities)○参加汉语学习班(By Chinese classes)○网络在线学习(By online learning system)○私人教师授课(By private teachers)○自学(By studying independently)○其它(Others)Q22:您觉得学习汉语在你们的国家很重要吗?(Do you think it’s important to learn Chinese in your country?)○非常重要(A lot)○比较重要(A sort of)○一般(Nothing special)○不太重要(Not really)○不重要(Not at all)Q23:您的年龄是?(How old are you?)○ 18岁以下(Younger than age 18)○ 18岁---22岁(18 years old----22years old)○ 22岁---30岁(22 years old----30years old)○ 30岁以上(Above 30 years old)____________Q21:您认为在课堂上哪些地方需要改进的吗?(Where do you think you need to improve in the classroom?You also can answer in English)Q25:您的家人支持您来中国学习汉语吗?(Do your parents support you coming to China to learn Chinese?)○非常支持(A lot)○比较支持(Sort of)○一般(Nothing special)○不太支持(Not really)○反对(Not at all)___________Q22:您想对您的中国老师说(You want to say to your Chinese teacher ,you also can answer in English):____________Q26:您愿意一直学习汉语吗?(Are you willing to learn Chinese after you graduate from our school?)○愿意(Yes)○也许(Perhaps)○不愿意(No)○不知道(No idea)Q27:您觉得汉语在您的生活中用处大吗?(Do you think that Chinese is useful?)○非常重要(A lot)○比较重要(Sort of)○一般(Nothing special)○不太重要(Not really)○不重要(Not at all)Q28:学习汉语的时候您学得最好的是?(Which part is your best part when learning Chinese language?)○听(Listening)○说(Speaking)○读(Reading)○写(Writing)○都一样(All the same)Q29:学习汉语的时候您学得最好的是?(Which part is your best part when learning Chinese language?)○刚开始学习(Just start to learn and know nothing about it)○简单交流(Capable of simple listening and speaking)○听说很好,读写一般(Good at reading and writing)○读写很好,听说一般(Good at reading and writing)Q30:对于汉字,您怎么看?(What are you opinions on learning Chinese Characters?)○非常喜欢,想要学(Very interested and want to learn)○想了解,但不想学(Want to be capable of understanding but don’t want to learn)○不感兴趣也不想学(not interested and don’t want to learn)○太难了,不想学(too tough and don’t want to learn)Q31:使用汉语口语交际时,你的注意力集中在(Which do you focus on when you communicate with others in Chinese?)○词语使用是否准确(Whether the words are correct)○语法是否正确(Whether the grammar is correct)○发音是否正确(Whether the pronunciation is correct)○交际双方能否进行有效的互动和沟通(Whether they can communicate effectively)Q32:您是否会参加HSK考试?(Are you going to have the HSK?)○会(Yes)○不会(No)○还在考虑(Considering)○参加过了(I have been)。

Very hard
4、How about the architectural style of china
Compare to yours, which one do you like better
The same
5、Which of the following Chinese celebrities have you ever heard(You could
Chinese ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱulture in Your Eyes
1、How long have you been in China
Less than six months
Six months to one year
One year to five years
More than five years
Spring festival
Mid-autunm festival
Thank you for your cooperation!
arts and crafts
8、Do you know which river is known as the "Mother River" in China
Yellow River
Yangtze River
Wei River
Make related laws

留学生入学汉语水平调查问卷Standard Questionaire on Participant’s Chinese Level 个人信息(Personal Information)1.学习汉语的目的? Why do you choose to study Chinese?A.能够表达意思与人交流 Communicate with Chinese people.B.获得签证。
Acquire passportC.其他。
Other2.是否打算参加HSK考试? Do you plan to attend the HSK Test(the official Chinese language proficiency test) ?不打算 NO 打算YES 没决定 NOT DECIDED3.以前学过汉语吗? Have you ever learned Chinese before?没学过 NO. (if you choose "NO" , please stop here.)学过 YES. _______个月 Months4.汉语水平自我评价 Self-assessment on your Chinese level:初级Beginner 中级 Intermediate 高级 Advanced5.以哪种方式学习的汉语?Where did you study Chinese?自学 Self-learning培训班 Training class其他 other6.可以完成以下内容吗?Can you fulfill the following tasks in Chinese?(Multiple choice)A 掌握简单的汉语日常表达Mastering simple Chinese expressionsB能够独立地进行汉语交流indenpentely carring out exchanges in ChineseC.能够阅读和书写汉语文章Can read and write Chinese materials7.对于学习汉语有哪些想法?Do you have any ideas on Chinese learning?。

感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别:()男()女2. 您的年龄:()18岁以下()18-25岁()26-35岁()36-45岁()46岁以上3. 您的学历:()高中及以下()大专()本科()硕士()博士及以上4. 您所在的城市:____________________二、留学意向5. 您是否有出国留学的意向?()有()没有()不确定6. 如果有出国留学的意向,您计划在什么时间段出国?()1年内()1-2年内()2-3年内()3年以上7. 您希望通过留学达到哪些目的?()提升学术水平()拓宽国际视野()学习先进技术()提升语言能力()积累工作经验()其他(请说明):____________________8. 您对留学的期望回报是什么?()获得更高学位()获得国际认可的工作机会()结识来自不同国家的朋友()了解不同文化()提高自身竞争力()其他(请说明):____________________三、留学国家及专业选择9. 您倾向于选择哪个国家的留学?()美国()英国()加拿大()澳大利亚()德国()法国()日本()韩国()其他(请说明):____________________ 10. 您对留学专业的选择有何要求?()与本科专业相关()与个人兴趣相关()有就业前景()学费较低()其他(请说明):____________________ 11. 您最感兴趣的留学专业是什么?____________________四、留学资金及申请准备12. 您的留学预算是多少?()10万元以下()10-20万元()20-30万元()30万元以上13. 您打算如何筹集留学资金?()家庭支持()奖学金()个人储蓄()贷款()其他(请说明):____________________14. 您目前对留学申请的准备工作了解多少?()非常了解()比较了解()一般()不太了解()完全不了解15. 您认为在留学申请过程中最需要关注哪些方面?()申请流程()申请材料()签证政策()奖学金申请()其他(请说明):____________________五、其他16. 您对留学服务机构的期望是什么?()提供全面的留学咨询()协助申请流程()提供语言培训()提供就业指导()其他(请说明):____________________ 17. 您对本次调查问卷有何建议或意见?____________________感谢您参与本次调查!祝您生活愉快![问卷结束]。

感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别:()男()女2. 您的年级:()大一()大二()大三()大四()研究生3. 您所在的国家/地区:()中国()其他国家/地区4. 您所在的城市:__________________________二、学习生活5. 您每天的学习时间大约是多少?()4小时以下()4-6小时()6-8小时()8小时以上6. 您认为影响学习效果的主要因素有哪些?(可多选)()课程设置()教师教学质量()学习氛围()个人学习方法()其他(请注明):__________________________ 7. 您每周参加课外活动的时间大约是多少?()1小时以下()1-3小时()3-5小时()5小时以上8. 您参加课外活动的主要目的是什么?(可多选)()丰富课余生活()提高个人能力()拓展人际关系()准备考研/出国()其他(请注明):__________________________三、兴趣爱好9. 您最喜欢的休闲方式是?()看电影/电视剧()听音乐()阅读()运动()旅游()其他(请注明):__________________________10. 您每周阅读书籍的时间大约是多少?()1小时以下()1-3小时()3-5小时()5小时以上11. 您认为哪些兴趣爱好对个人成长最有帮助?(可多选)()艺术()体育()科技()文学()其他(请注明):__________________________四、未来职业规划12. 您目前的职业规划是什么?()明确有目标()暂时没有明确目标()对职业规划感到迷茫13. 您认为哪些因素会影响您的职业选择?(可多选)()专业背景()兴趣爱好()薪资待遇()工作地点()其他(请注明):__________________________14. 您希望未来从事哪个行业?__________________________15. 您认为中外大学生在职业发展方面有哪些差异?__________________________感谢您参与本次调查!祝您生活愉快,学业有成!问卷填写说明:1. 请根据您的实际情况填写;2. 对于多选题,请您在括号内选择所有符合您情况的选项;3. 如有其他意见或建议,请填写在相应问题后的空白处。
调查问卷— 中英文结合版

在华留学生的文化适应及媒体使用情况调查问卷Media Uses and Cultural Adaptation of InternationalStudents in China – Questionnaire您好,我叫__________,是东北财经大学的学生。
Hello, I am ___________, from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. I beg you please help me to fill in a questionnaire in order to finish a task for one of my courses. We are interested in your feelings about living in China as well as how you use media here. The data will be used for academic purposes only. Your help means a lot to me. And I really appreciate that. Thank you very much.1. 请问您来自哪个国? Which country are you from?______________________ 在中国呆了多久了?How long have you been in China?_________Year __________Month2. 请问您来到中国之后看报纸吗?Do you read newspapers in China? (If no, please go to Q 7)(1)YES (2)NO3. 看报纸的时候,您更喜欢看有关哪一方面的信息?When reading newspapers, what kind of information do you like to read?(1)News about China中国本地的消息(2)News about my Motherland关于您自己国家的消息(3)News about both China and my Motherland中国和自己国家的新闻我都看4. Through which way do you read newspapers?(1)在学校图书馆阅读纸质报纸I read newspapers in the library for free(2)自己花钱订阅纸质报纸I read newspapers which I subscribe to (by that I mean, I have to pay certain amount of money)(3)通过网络阅读电子报纸I read the online version of newspapers through internet 5. 您经常阅读哪几份报纸(多个)What newspapers do you usually read (please mention more than three)________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6. 平均来讲,您每天看报的时间大概是〔如果不是每天都看,就询问每周看报时间〕On average, how much time do you spend in reading newspapers everyday? (If the respondents don’t read newspapers everyday, please ask her/him to indicate the average time spent in reading newspapers per week.)(1)时间Time for reading newspaper________________(2)拒绝回答Refuse to answer7.请问您来到中国之后看电视吗?(如果受访者回答不看,请你跳过8-12题,直接问13题) Do you watch TV in China? (If no, please go to Q 13)(1)看YES (2)不看NO8. 看电视新闻的时候, 请按照您喜欢的程度排列下面的三类消息For TV news, how would you rank the following items of your preference?(1)中国本地的消息(2)世界各地的消息(3)与自己国家有关的消息(1)News about China(2)International news(3)News about my Motherland 排列顺序Ranking order________________________________________________9.看电视剧或者是娱乐节目的时候,请按照您喜欢的程度排列How would you rank the following TV drama or entertainment programs, according to your preference?(1)中国大陆拍摄的Programs produced in Mainland China(2)中国港澳台拍摄的Programs produced in Hong Kong, Taiwan or Macao (3)欧美等其他国家拍摄的Programs produced in Europe or America(4)自己国家拍摄的Programs produced in my Motherland排列顺序Ranking order_________________________________________________10. 您看电视的方式是Through which way do you watch TV?(1)家里或宿舍里安装了有线电视 I have subscribed to the cable in my dorm or at home(2)通过网络观看电视I watched TV mainly through the internet(3)其他方式Others11. 您最经常收看的电视频道是__________?What are your favorite Television channels?(1) 中央电视台/ CCTV (2)凤凰卫视/Phoenix Satellite TV(3) Discover (4) CNN (5) BBC(6)其他Others ______________________________________________12. 平均来讲,您每天看电视的时间大概是〔如果不是每天都看,就询问每看周电视时间〕On average, how much time do you spent watching TV everyday? (If the respondent doesn’t watch TV everyday, please ask her/him to indicate the average time spent watching TV per week.)(1) 时间Time spent watching TV_____________________(2) 拒绝回答Refuse to answer13. 如果有时间听广播,比较而言,我多数是会听自己母语节目而不是中文节目Comparatively speaking, I’d prefer programs in my Mother tongue to Chinese programs when I listen to the radio.(1)非常同意Strongly Agree (2)同意Agree (3)保持中立Neutral (4)不同意Disagree (5)非常不同意Strongly disagree14. 请问您来中国之后是否使用网络,(如果受访者回答不用,请你跳过15-18题,直接问19题) Do you use the Internet in China? (If the respondents say no, please go to Q19)(1)用YES (2)不用NO15.如果您使用网络,请按照使用频率的高低排列以下四项活动If you use the Internet, please rank the following activities in order of your preference. (1)和我的家人、朋友保持联系,例如发电子邮件、上网聊天等Contacting my family members or friends in my Motherland, such as sending email or chatting.(2了解中国大陆发生的事情Keeping abreast of what is happening in China(3了解与自己国家有关的信息Keeping abreast of what is happening in my Motherland(4)查找有关学习、研究的资料Surfing the web for study and research purpose. (5)其他用途Other activities____________________________________ 排列顺序Ranking order________________________________________16.请问您经常浏览的网页或网站是(请至少给出3个,例如)What are your favorite websites? (Please mention more than three, thanks)_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 17.请问您使用的主要的社交网络工具是What are your favorite SNSs?(1) facebook (2) Twitter (3) Linkedin (4) Skyrock (5) Xing (6) Badoo (7) V Kongtakte (8) Odnoklassniki (9) LiveJournal (10) Cyworld(11) Mixi (12) renren (13) QQ (14)wechat (15)其他Others______________ 18.平均来讲,您每天上网的时间大概是On average, how much time do you spendusing the Internet everyday?(1)时间Time spent using Internet__________________________(2)拒绝回答Refuse to answer ______________________________19. 问您来中国之后是否使用手机(如果受访者回答不用,请你跳过20-21题,直接问22题) Do you use the Mobile Phone in China (If the respondents say no, please go to Q22)(1)用YES (2)不用NO20.如果您使用手机,请按照使用频率的高低排列以下活动If you use Mobile phone, please rank the following activities in order of your preference.(1)和在国内的我的家人、朋友保持联系,例如打电话、手机上网聊天等Contacting family members or friends in my Motherland, such as making phone calls or chatting(2)和我在中国新认识的朋友、同学保持联系,例如打电话、手机上网聊天等Contacting my classmates or friends which I met in China, such as sending email or chatting.(3)手机上网看与自己国家有关的新闻Reading news about my motherland (4)手机上网看与中国有关的新闻Reading news about China(5)查找有关学习、研究的资料Surfing the web for study and research purpose (6)听歌、看视频等休闲娱乐活动Listening to music or watching videos, for entertaining purpose(7)其他用途other activities _____________________________________ 排列顺序ranking order___________________________________________21.平均来讲,您每天使用手机的时间大概是On average, how much time do youspend using the Mobile phone everyday?(1)时间Time spent using Internet__________________________(2)拒绝回答Refuse to answer ______________________________22.如果您要了解中国大陆发生的事情,请按照您使用频率的高低排列以下媒体Please rank the following media in terms of frequency of use to learn about what is happening in China(1)报纸Newspapers (2)电视TV (3)广播Radio (4)电脑网络Internet by using computer (5)手机网络Internet by using mobile phone排列顺序ranking order:____________________________________________23.如果您要了解与自己国家有关的信息,请按照使用频率的高低排列以下媒体Please rank the following media in terms of frequency of use to learn about what is happening in your Motherland(1)报纸Newspapers (2)电视TV (3)广播Radio(4)电脑网络Internet by using computer(5)手机网络Internet by using mobile phone排列顺序ranking order:____________________________________________24.当初您决定出国留学的时候,中国是否是您的首选In making your decision togo abroad, was China your first choice?(1)是的YES (2)不是NO (3)不知道I don't know25.您来中国留学的方式是Which of the following is appropriate for you?(1)中国政府奖学金I study in China on Chinese Government Scholarship(2)自己国家政府奖学金I study in China on Scholarship provided by my motherland(3)通过留学中介了解中国,公费留学I study in China with the help of the Overseas-study Service Agency, subsidized by my government(4)通过留学中介了解中国,自费留学I study in China with the help of the Overseas-study Service Agency, self-supported(5)亲戚朋友推荐我来中国,自费I study in China recommended by my relatives or friends, self-supported(6)其他(请写下受访者的答案)Others _________________________________ (7)拒绝回答Refuse to answer26.在来中国之前,您对中国这个国家的了解程度How much did you know aboutChina before coming here?(1)非常了解very much (2)了解较多quite a lot(3)有所了解some (4)了解很少a bit (5)很不了解None27.到了中国之后,您觉得这里的情况是否与你相象的情形想吻合Now that youare in China, do you think China matches your original expectation of it(1)完全吻合Absolutely the same (2)基本一致almost the same(3)差不太多50% same (4)差别挺大Some differences(5)完全不一样totally different下面我们想就您在中国的感受问几个问题。

本调查大约要占用您5分钟时间,非常感谢您的支持与参与!个人基本信息国籍:_________________性别: A.男 B.女年龄: _________________学历: A.本科B.研究生C.博士D.其他_________________来中国多长时间: _________________一.您认为您的中文水平怎样?1.听:A.很好B.较好C.一般D.差2.说:A.很好B.较好C.一般D.差3.读:A.很好B.较好C.一般D.差4.写:A.很好B.较好C.一般D.差二.您来中国后中国朋友多少:A.1-2个 B.3-5个 C.6-10个D.10个以上三.您知道以下哪些节日:A.春节 B.端午节 C.中秋节 D.清明节四.您对中国新闻的关注程度:A.非常关心 B.比较关心 C.偶尔关心 D.不怎么关心五.您以前有没有学过中国的历史:A.精通 B.系统学习过 C.学过一点 D.从未学过六.您通过哪些途径了解中国历史:A.书籍 B.电视电影 C.网络D.学校课程E.平时交流 F其他_________________七.您认为中国的科技实力如何:A.非常强 B.比较强 C.一般 D.不行,和发达国家差距很大八.您认为中国的经济发展处于怎样的阶段:A.快速上升 B.平稳发展 C.缓慢发展 D.没什么感觉九.您认为中国公民的素质如何:A.非常好 B.比较好 C.一般 D.低,和其他国家差距很大十.请用几个词来形容您对中国的印象:________________________ 十一.1.您来中国前后对中国印象的差距大吗:A.非常大 B.较大 C.不大 D.没什么感觉2.差距的原因__________________________________十二.您觉得下列事物哪些最能代表中国:A.龙 B.中国结 C.瓷器D.长城 E.戏曲F.其他_________________十三.您认为中国哪些地方需要改进(可从政治、经济、文化等方面来谈)__________________________________问卷结束,谢谢!组员:涂雅琼,群宗,李芳芳,燕雅婷,聂学利,吴妮。

感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 性别:()男()女2. 年龄:()18-25岁()26-35岁()36-45岁()46岁以上3. 国籍:_________________________4. 来华留学时间:()1年以下()1-3年()3-5年()5年以上二、学习体验5. 您所在的留学专业是什么?_________________________6. 您对目前的学习课程设置满意吗?()非常满意()比较满意()一般()不太满意()非常不满意7. 您认为学校的教学质量如何?()非常好()比较好()一般()不太好()非常不好8. 您在学习过程中遇到过哪些困难?(可多选)()语言障碍()学术压力()文化差异()生活适应()其他_________________________9. 您认为学校在帮助学生解决困难方面做得如何?()非常好()比较好()一般()不太好()非常不好三、生活体验10. 您对所在城市的整体生活环境满意吗?()非常满意()比较满意()一般()不太满意()非常不满意11. 您认为所在城市的生活成本如何?()非常高()比较高()一般()比较低()非常低12. 您对所在城市的交通、医疗、安全等方面满意吗?()非常满意()比较满意()一般()不太满意()非常不满意13. 您认为所在城市的文化氛围如何?()非常浓厚()比较浓厚()一般()比较淡薄()非常淡薄四、交流与互动14. 您认为学校组织的各类活动丰富吗?()非常丰富()比较丰富()一般()比较少()非常少15. 您参加过哪些校园活动?(可多选)()学术讲座()文化体验()社团活动()志愿者活动()其他_________________________16. 您认为学校在促进中外学生交流方面做得如何?()非常好()比较好()一般()不太好()非常不好五、其他建议17. 您对学校有哪些改进建议?_________________________18. 您对所在城市有哪些改进建议?_________________________19. 您对我国有哪些改进建议?_________________________再次感谢您参与本次调查!祝您在留学生活中一切顺利!【调查问卷结束】注:本问卷仅供参考,如有不足之处,敬请谅解。

学生喜好调查问卷英语作文In an effort to better understand the interests and preferences of our student body, a comprehensive survey was conducted. The survey aimed to capture a wide range of interests, from academic subjects to extracurricular activities, in order to gain a deeper understanding of what makes our students tick. With over 500 respondents, the survey provided valuable insights into the diverseinterests and hobbies of our students.A significant majority of students expressed a strong interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) subjects. This is particularly noteworthy given the increasing importance of these fields in today's world. Additionally, many students expressed a keen interest in the Arts, with a significant number indicating a preference for visual arts, music, and drama.When it came to extracurricular activities, sports emerged as a clear winner. A wide range of sports, from team sports like soccer and basketball to individual sports like swimming and tennis, were popular among students. Thisis perhaps unsurprising given the health and fitness trends that have been gaining popularity in recent years.In terms of hobbies, reading and gaming were the most popular choices. Many students enjoyed reading books, magazines, and newspapers, while others preferred playing video games or board games. These hobbies not only provided entertainment but also served as a means of relaxation and stress relief.The survey also revealed some interesting trends in student preferences. For instance, there was a noticeable increase in the number of students interested in environmental conservation and sustainability. This could be attributed to the growing awareness about environmental issues and the need to protect our planet.Overall, the survey provided a valuable snapshot of student preferences and interests. It highlighted the diversity of interests and hobbies among our students and the need to cater to their varying needs and interests. By understanding what makes our students tick, we can create a more engaging and inclusive learning environment that fosters their growth and development.**学生喜好:一项调查分析**为了更好地了解我们学生群体的兴趣和偏好,我们进行了一项全面的调查。
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1. 你对此次交流有什么期望?
2. 你最想了解中国哪方面的文化?
2. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍
3. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍
Survey of the exchange students` interests in Chinese culture
Dear friends:
Hello! Welcome to 叉叉University! We are 叉叉in叉叉. What do you want to know about China? Which part of Chinese culture are you most interested in? Tell us, so that you can enjoy this visit according to your own preferences! We`ll do our best to supply your demand!
Y our personal information is confidential. Thank you for your cooperation!
Name: ________Gender: Male □ Female□
Age: ________Major: ________Nationality: ________
1. What`s your expectation of this visit to China?
﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍2. Which part of Chinese culture are you most interested in?
Chose〝TOP 6〞, fill in the blank with a “√”.
Chinese Calligraghy Traditional
paiting china Cooking
Philosophy and religion Chinese
Raiment Traditional
Handicraft Folk
Politics Economy Education Geograghy Nationalities
The others:
1. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍
2. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍
3. ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍More ﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍。