人教版 必修四 Unit_2高考必考单词串讲

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合理拆分 生熟联想 形成脑图 长久不忘
Unit Two
Task1 (1)
1.darkened skin from spending too much time in the sun sunburnt 2.need for food hunger 3.make something or somebody free of rid …of 4.become larger in size, number or amount expand
他们得和各样的困难作斗争。 get ______ away ______ (3)She struggled _________ ______ ______ to from her attacker. 她挣扎着想摆脱那个袭击她的人。 long __________ struggle , the old woman (4)______ After ______ a ______ gained control of her business. 经过长期努力,这位老妇人在业务上已能应付自如。
• 留心表达,着眼写作
统计指出本市人口十年内已增为两倍。 Statistics show ______ that the population of this has doubled in ten years. city ____ • Statistics show the winter in 2012 is the second warmest in Xiamen • Statistics show that nine out of ten die of the disease.
struggle on/along (虽艰难仍)继续做某事
with a struggle 费劲地
struggle ______ for their lives [即学即练](1)They had to _________ against ______ weather and wild animals. 为了生存他们必须与天气和野兽抗争。 (2)They had to _________ struggle ____________ with / against all kinds of
Task 2 (1)
Use one sentence to describe Dr Yuan’s appearance, life or contribution by using the words or phrases.
Task 2 (2) complete theBiblioteka Baidupassage about Dr Yuan
2. sunburnt (晒黑的,晒伤的)
3〃struggle vt. 搏斗;斗争;努力;挣扎

struggle with/against 与……搏斗/斗争 struggle for sth./to do sth. 努力/争取…… struggle through 奋力通过 struggle to one„s feet 挣扎着站起来
5. make information and ideas known to many people circulate
Task 1 (2)
6. live a…life
7. prefer to
lead a …life
would rather
thanks to 8. because of 9. try extremely hard to achieve something struggle 10. send things to foreign countries for sale export
Dr Yuan _______ leads 1 a simple life. He _____ would 2 ______ rather work on the farm than have a rest. He has struggled ________ for five decades to search for a 3 way to increase rice harvest without _____________ the area of fields. Thanks _______ to expanding 4 5 the discovery of super hybrid rice, his dream hunger of ridding ______ China of _______ is realized . Now, 6 7 he has another dream---to _______his rice so export 8 that it can be grown all over the world.
n.统计,统计资料,统计数字 1. statistics 统计学, Statistics are ____ facts which are obtained from analysing information expressed in numbers. Statistics is ___ a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information that is expressed in numbers. 提示考点—主谓一致 collect [take] statistics • 统计, 统计数字用作复 进行统计 • 统计学用作单
6. output产量,输出
• put out伸出;出版;扑灭;生产
单词链接记忆 speak out说出来 ~~~~~~~outspoken 直言的,坦诚的 come out 结果是出现~~~~~~outcome结果,结局 stand out 站出去~~~~~~~~outstanding突出的,杰出的 let out让……出去~~~~~~~~outlet 出口,出路