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What time is it?
知识目标:能够听懂、会说有关询问和回答现在几点了的功能句:What time is it?
It’s …
1.Greeting: Ten little Indian boys
First I will draw something. Look and guess. It has a big round face and two hands. One is long but one is short. You can see 12 numbers on its face. What’s this? Foll ow me ,it’s a clock. Today let’s learn Unit 4 Lesson 2 板书课题今天我们的学习内容是询问时间和回答
拿钟表What can the cl ock show us?学生答时间学习time 一词(板书)Look at this clock. It has two hands, one is hour hand, the other is minute hand. 将表调至1点---12点问What time is it? 找12名学生回答
(将分针依次指向2、4、6、8、10)when the minute hand points at 2\4\6…What does it mean? 根据学生回答在黑板上的时钟的相应位置写出对应的分钟数(10、20、30…)师指数字生读
1)There are many beautiful clocks. Do you want to see them? Let’s have a l ook. (课件8)Are they beautiful? Now I want to know the time on the clock, what shoul d I ask? 生答“几点了?”板书What time is it?领读指名读(当一生不会时,让其他生告诉)和同桌练三遍竖排开火车读(one by one)
2)(课件9)Look at this cl ock, what time is it? You can only say the number, 生答数字Yes. It’s three. 板书领读指名读(一生不会他生告诉)和同桌练三遍横排开火车师问生答生问师答生问生答同桌练习汇报现在你会问时间了吗?那回答呢?用It’s +数字Now look at the cl ock ,ask and answer the time. (课件10—20)
3)现在老师想考考你们,课件21 what time is it?你会回答吗?谁来试试?great!还是用It’s 开头,先说时再说分,10点10分就是It’s ten ten. 谁能再说一遍怎么回答几点几分的时间?谁再说?(练习课件22—24)
(课件25)Look at these cl ocks. Ask and answer the time with your partner.听老师要求每人都要问一次回答一次汇报给听的学生提要求(听听他们的发音准确吗?哪个词不准?他们说的是哪个表上的时间?)
Guessing game:课件26出示6个钟表,教师拿表拨其中一个时间并提问,让学生猜,待学生明白后,让生拨时间生猜
Quick eye:比眼力(课件27-32)
6. Sum up
Game:Monkey monkey what time is it?