
1.下列关于种群数量特征的叙述,正确的是( )A.种群密度是最基本的种群数量特征,是指种群在单位面积或单位体积中的个体数B.出生率、死亡率、迁入率和迁出率不是决定种群密度变化的决定因素C.年龄组成为稳定型的,出生率大于死亡率D.处于稳定状态的生态系统各种生物的种群密度不会发生变化2.下列为种群数量特征的两个概念图,有关分析错误的是( )A.图1中预测种群数量未来变化趋势的主要依据是bB.图1中的c为种群最基本的数量特征C.图2中的丁与图1中的a表示的含义相同D.图2中丙为性别比例,主要通过影响出生率来间接影响种群密度3.下列关于种群密度调查的叙述,不合理的是( )A.草地中跳蝻的种群密度一般不采用样方法进行调查B.用标志重捕法调查某种动物的种群密度时,要保证标记物不能影响标记动物的正常生活C.用样方法调查植物的种群密度时,常用的取样方法有五点取样法和等距取样法D.与单子叶植物相比,样方法更适用于调查双子叶植物的种群密度4.科学工作者为了检测和预报某草原(2hm2)鼠害的发生情况,采用标志重捕法对田鼠种群数量进行调查,第一次捕捉了50只,标记之后放回,一段时间后,第二次捕捉了20只,其中被标记的个体有5只。
下列分析正确的是( )A.标记方法要适宜,颜色要鲜艳便于科学工作者能准确辨认B.田鼠种群的出生率等于死亡率时,是防治鼠害的最佳时期C.如果被标记的个体产生记忆导致第二次不易捕捉,则测定结果会偏大D.该地区田鼠的种群密度为200只/hm25.下列关于种群的说法,正确的是( )A.种群的年龄结构是指种群中各年龄期个体的数量,包括增长型、稳定型、衰退型B.种群K值的大小主要取决于出生率与死亡率的相对大小C.调查种群密度时可以采用样方法、标记重捕法、逐个计数法等估算法D.若种群的出生率大于死亡率、迁入率大于迁出率,种群数量可能呈“S”形增长6.如图表示不同条件下某种细菌种群数量变化模型。

(一)天津市2013-2014学年高二寒假作业(1)语文Word版含答案第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共36分)一、基础知识(15分,每小题3分)1. 下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是( )A. 遒劲./劲.敌擂.鼓/打擂.台巷.道/大街小巷.B。
抱负惦记梳妆唇枪舌箭再所不惜3.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()对于我们来说,问题不在于尽可能地多读和多知道, 在于自由地选择我们个人闲暇时能完全沉溺其中的杰作,人类所思、所求的广阔和丰盈,从而在自己与整个人类之间,建立起的生动联系,使自己的心脏随着人类心脏的跳动而跳动。
A.而且领略息息相通 B.而且领受休戚与共C.而领受休戚与共D.而领略息息相通4.下列各句中,加点成语使用恰当的一项( ),让教师成为A。

太原市第二实验中学校2022-2023学年高二年级寒假作业英语(一)高二英语备课组一.用括号内单词的正确形式填空1. The president said it was a great opportunity to teach kids about the ________ (elect).2. I don't have anything ________ (suit) to wear for the coming of age party.3. He opened his lunch box and poured in the hot water, and then the delicious smell ______(instant) filled the air.4. ________ (library) are trained experts who can match the right book to the right teen, whether he or she is a struggling reader, an English language learner, or disabled.5. In ________(conclude), I would like to thank everyone who helped me to adapt to new school life.6. When you face a difficulty, just stand back and look ________(objective)at the problem at first.7. It would be crazy to spend so much money on expensive ________(item)such as world-famous brand bags and perfumes.8. You should be aware that how you manage your _______ (financial) can make a big impact on your future life.9. Taking time to ________ ( investment) in yourself can be one of the most profitable decisions you'll ever make.10. Though Anne is from one of the most remote ________(district) of the south of Scotland, she never gives up pursuing her dance dream.二.用方框内短语的适当形式填空1. You've got to ________________ yourself, or you'll never succeed.2. Johnny's friendliness was ________________ his brother's rude behaviour.3. Every week I ________________ a few pounds for a new smartphone.4. We want to ensure that help is ________________ for all children suffering from mental illness.5. Some people who live in the undeveloped regions of the world even ________________ clean water.6. After the disaster, we ________________ by donating money and they felt grateful for that.7. He tried to stay ________________ his emotions. However, it's easier said than done.8. Try to be in ________________, instead of focusing so much on what the future may bring.9. ________________ a credit card means you've reached your credit limit and no longer have additional credit to use that card.10.Have you decided to move the family to Alaska for a new job? Don't I _______ _______ ______ on the matter?I am a college student now!三.阅读理解AJust over a year ago, my iPhone was picked. My first thought was to replace it. But I stopped myself and asked a question: Does owning a smartphone make my life better, or worse? I decided to try living for a time without a smartphone. So I bought an old, $30 flip phone and began my post-smartphone life.One day after I made the switch, my wife, daughter and I were in Washington visiting a museum. By afternoon, I started acting like a true addict. I used my wife's smartphone to check Gmail. The initial rush of seeing so many unread emails was spoiled ( 破坏) by a work-related message. For the next half-hour or so, I walked around thinking about that message instead of being present at the museum. I was physically there, but my mind was focused on work.The most immediate advantage of not owning a smartphone, I quickly learned, is the ability to immerse( 沉浸) yourself in social situations. Without a smartphone to look at, you don't have much of a choice but to be present, and other people — whether it's a colleague ( 同事) or a stranger on social media — can't enter your life easily at inconvenient times. So I made my short-term experiment permanent.Do I miss Google Maps? Kind of, but I've also discovered that not having it makes driving safer. I now check a map before I leave the house and write down basic directions. This keeps me focused on the road rather than the phone. If I get lost, it's nice to ask people for directions. What about Uber and Lyft? Not having them has encouraged me to ride my bike more, which has been great for my health and saved me hundreds of dollars. On the subject of money: My phone bill is now down to $30 a month. I have no data plan, no expensive phone to make payments on, no apps to buy.1. Why did the author buy the old phone?A. To save money.B. To reduce the risk of losing it.C. To break his smartphone addiction.D. To experience a smartphone-free life.2. What happened to the author at the museum that afternoon?A. He couldn't help accessing the Internet.B. He couldn't send his work-related email.C. He was urged to handle work immediately.D. He was prevented from destroying a work of art.3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. The disadvantages of Google Maps.B. The functions of three different apps.C. The benefits of not using a smartphone.D. The difficulties of not having a smartphone.BWhen you think of a national park, you generally picture fresh air and wild animals, right? Well, now you're going to have to add tea shops and something called “the Underground” to your definition (定义), because London, England has signed up to be the first “National Park City.”London was founded by the Romans around 2, 000 years ago and people have continually lived there since then. In all that time, however, nobody had the idea to replace all the parks with big box stores or high buildings, which means London already has a much lower urban density (密度) than most of the world's cities. Nowadays about a third of the city is green space.In July 2019, London announced its willingness to become the world's first National Park City. Now the city is moving toward the goal of achieving 50% green space by the year 2050 by connecting and increasing public parks, greening unused parking lots and the private yards of existing and new houses, and fixing some green roofs on existing buildings.“Encouraged by the aims and values of our rural (乡村的) national parks, the London National Park City is basically about making life better in the capital through both small everyday things and long - term thinking,”Daniel Raven-Ellison, who began the movement to make London a National Park City six years ago, said. “We've been doing that in London for centuries, which is why London is so green.” It's about going further to make the city greener, healthier and wilder; making the city richer in wildlife.London will have a much easier job achieving this type of green transformation ( 转变 ) than more densely-urbanized cities like Paris and New York, which have 10% and 27% green space, respectively. But that doesn't mean it's not possible — the National Park City Foundation hopes to include 25 more cities in addition to London by the year 2025. Glasgow, Scotland and Newcastle upon Tyne in northeast England are both considering becoming National Park Cities.4. What makes London more likely to become a National Park City than other cities?A. Its smaller population.B. Its locals' requirements.C. Its government's strict law.D. Its wider area of green space.5. What does Daniel try to talk about in the fourth paragraph?A. The values of newly-founded parks.B. The importance of his movement.C. The influence of green space on cities.D. The preparation for setting up a movement.6. What would be the best title for the text?A. London is leading the world in park constructionB. London becomes the world's first National Park CityC. London is listed as the world's most-visited cityD. London has built the world's first underground parkCWhen someone asks me what I do first thing in the morning I feel ashamed. Then, I have to shamefully admit that I turn my alarm off on my phone and scroll (滚屏) through WeChat. Before I've even had the chance to brush my teeth or wash my face I'm already right away attracted by whatever people are doing online. And I know it needs to change.But the last time I was asked this question was about two months ago and have I changed my ways? Not even a little bit. We all know how unproductive social media can be. So why is it so easy to get addicted to (沉溺于) a huge mass of pretty pictures, and funny behavior and ideas? And why is it so hard to change? Lisa Lewis, a doctor in Brookline tells me the answer is simple. “It's because the point of these apps is to keep you looking,” she says. “They want you to buy, and get you to follow and like. Their only purpose is to win your attention.”She says you must have a purpose when it comes to using any social media apps. “Don't just go on and scroll,” she explains. “Just like you wouldn't walk up to the refrigera tor and stare at what's inside for no reason, don't do the same with social media.” If social media is reducing your productivity and overall health, Lewis offers these steps:First, set a goal whenever you use a social media app. If you use WeChat to get inspiration to exercise, do that and then get off it. Next, you can use a timer. These days you can set a timer for how many hours a day youspend on social media. Set it and stick to it. And finally, you can create a prize to strengthen the behavior. When you set that timer and stick to it, positively strengthen the behavior with anything from tasty food to things you've been eyeing on Amazon.7. What can we say about the author according to Paragraph 1?A. She is shy about answering others' questions online.B. She cares little about other people's life.C. She works busily early in the morning.D. She is a heavy user of social media.8. Why is it difficult to beat the addiction mentioned in Paragraph 2 according to Lewis?A. The apps are aimed at attracting users.B. Social media are a good way to kill time.C. People want to communicate with friends.D. Online information is key to most people's life.9. Why does Lewis mention the refrigerator?A. To show how attractive social media could be.B. To discuss why social media reduce productivity.C. To explain one should use social media when necessary.D. To prove some content of social media is useful.10. What does the underlined part “the behavior” refer to?A. Drawing inspiration from social media.B. Using social media according to a timer.C. Trying to save money when shopping online.D. Learning to pay no attention to things you badly want.DWhen is a kid not a kid anymore? If you asked my 12-year-old daughter, the magical age would be 13, when you can no longer be considered a “child.” If you asked my 15-year-old niece, the age would be 16, when she will be able to drive a car and get an after-school job. According to the U. S. government, a child officially becomes an adult when they turn 18. That's when they can vote. But even though an 18-year-old starts paying taxes, the government does not consider that person mature enough to buy a beer. Still, even a kid who can buy a beer is not old enough to rent a car.Scientists have learned from a new study that when kids are around 18, their prefrontal cortex, which helps control impulses ( 冲动), solve problems, and organize behavior, is only halfway developed. That's not to say that kids in their late teens and early 20s can't take on these tasks, but it means that it's harder for them to do so — at least until around age 25 or so when this area of the brain fully develops.“What we're really saying is that to have a definition (定义) of when you move from childhood to adulthood looks absurd,” Peter Jones from the University of Cambridge said. “It's a much more nuanced (微妙的) change that takes place over thirty years.”This isn't a news flash for parents who have watched their teens take crazy risks while seeming unable to get their lives together until they're older. But this information throws new light on the way kids without as much support are treated. In the foster (寄养的) care system, once a child turns 18, he can no longer receivestate-backed support. And many people think this is too early for a teen to be on his own, especially a teen who has experienced a painful childhood. Because of this, some foster care advocates (提倡者) think it makes more sense for 25 to be the new legal age of adulthood.11. What does the author want to show us in Paragraph 1?A. Different age groups have different needs.B. Becoming an adult means you can do a lot of things.C. People have different opinions on becoming an adult.D. Children need to learn basic life skills to become an adult.12. What might be the purpose of the study?A. To explain why teenagers are at risk.B. To suggest a way of helping teenagers develop.C. To explore the characteristics of different age groups.D. To discover when the human brain is fully developed.13. What does the underlined word “absurd” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Impossible.B. Invaluable.C. Unreasonable.D. Uninteresting.14. What influence may the study have?A. It may inspire teens to be independent.B. It may allow a 20-year-old to get government support.C. It may drive the government to protect the foster care system.D. It may encourage parents to stop supporting their children at college.四.七选五The age of majority is the age that children become adults by law. This means that they are legally in control of their own actions and decisions. 1. ________ When used this way, the word “majority” means having the necessary number of years to be considered an adult. The opposite is “minority”, which means bein g a minor or child.2. ________ The law in a given place may never actually use the words “age of majority”. The age of majority is a legally fixed age and idea of adulthood which is different in different places. It may not match the actual maturity of a person's body or mind. The age of majority is 18 in most places.3. ________ Once a person reaches the age of majority, there are some things they can do that they could not do before. These may include voting, buying or drinking alcohol and driving cars on public roads. The ages when these things can be done are different.4. ________Even after a person reaches the age of majority, they cannot do whatever they want to immediately. 5.________ For example, the youngest a person is allowed to purchase alcohol is 21 in all U. S. states even though the age of majority is 18 in most states. The age of majority in the Republic of Ireland is 18, but a person must be over 21 years old to stand for election.五.完形填空You could say young Moziah Bridges has a gift for fashion, but it's more than that. He was born in Tennessee on November 13, 2001. When he was very young, he traded bow ties for candies in the school playground. However, Moziah's 1 fashion sense led him to home in on (集中精力于) his gift for 2 , and he started his own company at the age of 9. What he loved most were bow ties. But the 3 was that he felt that none of his bow ties attracted young people. Thus, the next step for Moziah was to 4 ties that are suitable for the young. He asked his grandmother to teach him how to sew ( 缝纫) and worked 5 to improve. As a result, Mo's Bowswas given to the world. The colorful, handmade ties quickly achieved 6 on major networks. When discussing his creativity and inspiration, Moziah said that designing a colorful bow tie was just part of his 7 of making the world a fun and happier place.The Mo's Bows website is sweet and it has started to sell other products, such as pocket squares and T-shirts. There's even a guide suggesting how to 8 tie a Mo's Bow, which is certainly something that men of all ages can 9 .Moziah is also best known for having 10 on the NBC reality TV series “Shark Tank” at the age of 11, increasing the 11 and popularity of his products and he has earned over $165,000 from his business. The designer owes (把……归功于) all of his 12 to h is grandmother, because, as Moziah says, “She13 me to be the best.”Recently, Moziah sold his Go Mo bow tie and 14 $1, 600 to give to Glenview Summer Camp. That money was enough to 15 the camp costs for 10 kids, and this is an activity Moziah hopes to make a tradition. Moziah's next plan is to help more people in need. This young man certainly has big things ahead!1. A. doubtful B. terrible C. strange D. strong2. A. staying up B. dressing up C. cleaning up D. cheering up3. A. reason B. worry C. problem D. plan4. A. predict B. collect C. accept D. create5. A. tirelessly B. carelessly C. helplessly D. hopelessly6. A. independence B. balance C. popularity D. protection7. A. story B. research C. dream D. training8. A. necessarily B. properly C. frequently D. completely9. A. get through B. work out C. throw away D. learn from10. A. appeared B. served C. grown D. checked11. A. flow B. quality C. costs D. sales12. A. politeness B. survival C. success D. gift13. A. follows B. considers C. advises D. pushes14. A. borrowed B. raised C. lost D. demanded15. A. reduce B. change C. cover D. increase六.语法填空The relationship between children and their parents is the most important one in a child's life, 1. ________ often lasts well into adulthood. This relationship changes 2. ________ (great) as teenagers need increased independence from their family. With increased independence comes the possibility of increased risk, and teens need parents to help them rise to the challenges that adolescence presents. Though some 3. ________ (argument) between teenagers and their parents are normal, teenagers still depend on parents to provide support and help.Just as close parent-child relationships are connected with the 4. ________ (health) development of teenagers, positive parenting behaviors are connected with increased parent-child closeness. Parenting a teenager differs 5.________ parenting a younger child. As children grow, parenting changes from making decisions for younger children to helping teenagers make decisions on 6. ________ (they) own. Parents can provide needed support 7.________ (help) their teenagers understand how their choices can influence their health and well-being. Although friends become more important in the lives of teenagers, 8. ________ (influence) their dressing styles, certain behaviors and social life, parents still play 9. ________ important role. They help shape their educational plans, social values and world view.Developing a positive and strong parent-teenager relationship 10. ________ (do) good to teenagers. Positive parent-child relationships contribute to higher levels of self-esteem (自尊), happiness and kindness, and also reduce their physical and mental pains.七.翻译句子1. 明年的这个时候,你正坐在办公室里和你的同事一起工作。

高二生物寒假作业(一)一、选择题1、下列各项中属于相对性状的是 ( )A.玉米的黄粒和圆粒B.家鸡长腿和毛腿C.绵羊的白毛和黑毛D.豌豆的高茎和豆荚的绿色2、孟德尔在豌豆的杂交实验中,发现问题和验证假说所采用的实验方法分别是( )A.杂交和自交;测交B.自交;杂交和测交C.测交;自交和杂交D.杂交和测交;自交3、孟德尔对遗传定律的探索经过了()A.分析—假设—实验—验证B.假设—实验—结论—验证C.实验—分析—假设—讨论D.实验—假设—验证—结论4、已知豌豆的高茎(D)对矮茎(d)为显性,在某杂交试验中,后代有50%的矮茎,则其亲本的遗传因子组成是A.DD×dd B.DD×Dd C.Dd×Dd D.Dd×dd5、一对正常夫妇,生了一个白化病(a)的儿子,再生一个正常孩子的可能性是()A.0 B.1/2 C.1/4 D.3/46、已知水稻高秆(T)对矮秆(t)为显性,抗病(R)对感病(r)为显性,这两对基因在非同源染色体上。
根据以上实验结果,判断下列叙述错误的是( )A.以上后代群体的表现型有4种B.以上后代群体的基因型有9种C.以上两株亲本可以分别通过不同杂交组合获得D.以上两株表现型相同的亲本,基因型不相同7、有一对表现正常的夫妇,男方的父亲是白化病患者(白化病为隐性基因控制),女方的弟弟也是白化病患者,但女方双亲表现正常。
这对夫妇生出白化病的孩子的概率是( ) A.1/2 B.2/3 C.1/4 D.1/68、鼠的黄色和黑色是一对相对性状,按基因的分离定律遗传。

高二数学假期作业(一)12.05.30一、 选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分)1、掷一枚质地均匀的骰子12次,设出现点数是3的次数为X ,则X 的均值和方差分别是A .2和5B .2和35C .4和38D .621和12、已知自由落体运动的速率gt v =,则落体运动从0=t 到0t t =所经过的路程为A .320gtB .20gtC .22gt D .62gt3、由一组样本数据11(,)x y ,22(,)x y , ,(,)n n x y 得到回归直线方程ˆy bx a =+,那么下列说法中不正确的是( )A.直线ˆy bx a =+必经过点(,)x yB.直线ˆybx a =+至少经过点11(,)x y ,22(,)x y , ,(,)n n x y 中的一个点 C.直线ˆybx a =+的斜率为1221niii ni i x ynx yX nx==-⋅-∑∑D.直线ˆybx a =+的纵截距为y bx - 4、正方体1AC 中,直线1BC 与平面1A BD 所成角的余弦值为( )A.42 B. 32 C. 33 D. 235、函数)0,4(2cos π在点x y =处的切线方程是 ( )A .024=++πy xB .024=+-πy xC .024=--πy xD .024=-+πy x6.设某种动物由出生算起活到20岁的概率为0.6,活到25岁的概率为0.3,现有一只20岁的这种动物,它能活到25岁的概率是 A .0.32B .0.4C .0.5D .0.187、已知)32,2,2(=+b a,)0,2,0(=-b a,则><b a,cos 等于 ( )A.36B .66 C.31 D.618、设5nx -(的展开式的各项系数之和为M , 二项式系数之和为N ,若 240M N -=,则展开式中3x 的系数为 A .-150B .150C .-500D .5009、函数y =x 2co sx 的导数为( ) A . y ′=2x co sx -x 2s i nxB . y ′=2x co sx +x 2s i nx C. y ′=x 2cosx -2xsinxD. y ′=xcosx -x 2sinx10.甲、乙两人投篮,投中的概率分别为0.6,0.7,每人各投2次,两人投中次数相等的概率为( )A . 0.2484B . 0.25C . 0.90D . 0.392411. 从8名志愿者中选6名分配到3个不同的奥运场馆参加接待工作,每个场馆至少分配一名志愿者的种数为( ) A .540B . 30240C .17640D .1512012.一袋中装有大小相同,编号分别为12345678,,,,,,,的八个球,从中有放回...地每次取一个球,共取3次,则取得三个球的编号和不小于...21的概率为 A .132B .332C .564D .5128二、填空题:(本大题共4个小题,每小题4分,共16分) 13、曲线x y e =在0x =处的切线方程是 .14、已知A (1,0,3),B (1,2,1),B (0,2,1),则平面ABC 的一个单位法向量为__________________。
2019-2020年高二暑假作业(一)英语 含答案

2019-2020年高二暑假作业(一)英语含答案一、单项填空1. Every year in China, ______ day is set aside to honor and show respect to ______ elders.A./; the B.the; the C.a; / D.a; the2. At the class meeting the students discussed three different _______ to the study of English.A. meansB. approachesC. methodsD. ways3.What a(an) _____ it is that they were born in the same year and on the same day!A. coincidenceB. accidentC. incidentD. confidence4. He just couldn’t fall asleep with so many worries _______ his mind.A. to fillB. being filledC. filledD. filling5、 She was busy texting on her cellphone ____ she was startled by cars honking and drivers shouting at her.A. whenB. whileC. as ifD. if only6. Every four years, many athletes from different countries _____ the Olympic Games.A. take part inB. participate inC. joinD. both A and B7. If law and order as well as rules and regulations ______, neither the citizen nor his property is safe.A. are not observedB. is not observedC. were not observedD. was not observed8. --- How about your new book?--- It won’t be long before it ______.A. publishB. come outC. give outD. take out9. In my opinion,all that Mr. White ________ good for the students in his class. He is very strict with them.A.does does do B.does does does C.does do do D.do does do10. ---How did you _____ the old valuable house?---It used to be _____my uncle. He left it to me in his will.A. take possession of ; in possession ofB. take the possession of ; in the possession ofC. take possession of ; in the possession ofD. take the possession of; in possession of11. ---Please sit down and have a break. You have been working for three hours.---No, thank you. _____.A. I am not a little tiredB. I am not in the least tiredC. You go ahead pleaseD. I’ll stop and rest together with you12. ---Do you think Mr. Smith’s advice is of great help to you?---Well, it all depends._____, he gave me some chances to try.A. OtherwiseB. SomehowC. ThereforeD. Anyhow13. _____ the task ahead of time, they decided to go to Phuket Island(普吉岛) for a holiday.A. Having accomplishedB. accomplishingC. To have accomplishedD. To accomplish14. The reason ______ Tom came to attend the meeting was ______ he was an expert in this field.A. why; thatB. why; whetherC. that; whyD. why; because15. Tom likes playing the violin and is good at English. _______ his sister.A. It is the same withB. So isC. It is so withD. So does二、完形填空It’s a question anyone might ask in the future: Should your household robot be cool? Or practical?For Sony Corporation, robots ought to be entertaining. The company’s 51 robot, SDR—4X, can sing and dance. But for automaker Honda Motor Co. Ltd, such 52 should perform useful tasks for their 53 masters.“It is in the end a machine, a 54 ” said Masato Hirose, Honda’s chief engineer. Sony’s chief researcher Toshi Doi said robots performing such tasks as 55 for ill or disabled people would not necessarily need a human 56 . “The attractiveness of the SDR—4X is its 57 ”, he said. “It has feelings. It has instincts (直觉).”Drawing from its 58 of 60,000 words, an SDX—4X robot 59 last week that it can ask a 60 in a high voice: “please 61 still for a minute while I memorize your face.” It also 62 off its ability to walk on uneven (高低不平的) floors, and come to its owner when it’s 63 .While Honda’s robot is 64 used mainly for entertainment, it is 65 that one day it will be a useful companion. So its robots have been 66 to be 120cm tall—more than twice the height of the SDR—4X. Hirose said 120cm is the 67 a robot that moves around a home should be.“If you are going to have something that can move with 68 in a human surroundings, then it is better to 69 the robot like a human,” he said.Hirose said that he hopes the robot will be 70 enough so that he can buy one for himself and let it get him a beer.16. A. earliest B. latest C. coolest D. largest17. A. matters B. people C. machines D. inventions18. A. human B. own C. creative D. modern19. A. tool B. robot C. toy D. slave20. A. looking B. working C. leaving D. caring21. A. appearance B. character C. job D. ability22. A. purpose B. appearance C. personality D. material23. A. storage B. use C. project D. creation24. A. said B. announced C. showed D. imagined25. A. friend B. partner C. servant D. guest26. A. hold B. lie C. take D. make27. A. left B. showed C. put D. dropped28. A. tired B. called C. controlled D. made29. A. also B. still C. again D. even30. A. planned B. hoped C. reported D. described31. A. expected B. raised C. proved D. designed32. A. cheapest B. dearest C. smallest D. biggest33. A. ease B. care C. difficulty D. foot34. A. buy B. use C. invest D. design35. A. useful B. smart C. cheap D. low三、阅读理解ASuperman, Spider-Man, Batman and Iron Man …There is no shortage of superheroes. You find them in comic books, on the TV and the big screen.In a survey of fans by the sci-fi and fantasy website, , Batman, 70 years old this year, was voted Britain’s favorite superhero.Unlike many crime-fighting superheroes Batman has no special powers. He can't fly like Superman or shoot a sticky web like Spider-Man.Bruce Wayne is born to a wealthy Gotham City business family. However, when his parents are murdered his life changes completely.Wayne feels anger at their deaths and guilty that he did not prevent them. He travels around the world learning how to fight. Upon returning to Gotham, he creates a disguise to enable him to fight crime without being recognized.A childhood fear of bats leads him to choose to dress as one. His idea is that through the bat persona, he can prove to himself that he has overcome his childhood fears.Wayne is the CEO of the company he inherits from his father. He seems to live the lifestyle of a millionaire playboy. But this is a ruse (计策). He works hard at the image to allow himself the freedom he needs to do his work as a crime fighter. “Bruce Wayne, playboy” is the disguise; Batman is the real person.“Wayne is not a born superhero. Instead, he is a real, complex person,”said Dace Golder, editor of the website. "He is the most realistic of all the superheroes.I am particularly interested in the emotional process by which a boy becomes a hero. His superhero qualities come from within.”36. What is the article mainly about?A. What makes a superhero.B. How to overcome childhood fears.C. How Bruce Wayne develops into a superhero.D. Why superheroes enjoy great popularity in Britain.37. Batman differs from other superheroes in that .A. he doesn't have any special powersB. he had an unhappy childhoodC. he was not a born superheroD. he does his best to fight crime38. Bruce Wayne decides to dress like a bat because of .A. his curiosity about batsB. his unusual travel experiencesC. his parents' sudden deathD. his childhood fear of bats39. Why does Wayne live like a playboy?A. He prefers the lifestyle of a playboy.B. He needs to disguise his crime fighting activities.C. He loves freedom more than anything else.D. He doesn't know how to run a company.40. Which of the following statements is true about Batman?A. The turning point of his life is due to his parents' sudden deathB. He has special powersC. Batman is a born superheroD. He actually lives the lifestyle of a millionaire playboy四、阅读表达Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life. How can you gain the most from them, and ensure you do not waste this wonderful opportunity to learn.〔1〕Be positive about school! Don't say things are difficult or boring. Be interested in school-life and your school subjects. Join in lots of activities. Be quick to put your hand up. Go round the school with a big smile.〔2〕Expect to work. School is not a holiday camp. If you are not working, you are not learning, and you are wasting your time at school. Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.(3〕Keep fit. If you do not eat a good breakfast, you will be thinking about food in class. If you go to bed late and do not have enough sleep, you will be sleepy in class. Play some sports to keep your body strong.〔4〕__________________________. Do not say you will do things tomorrow. If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front. You cannot finish a race if you rest all the time.〔5〕Don't be too disappointed if things sometimes go badly. Everyone fails some tests, loses some matches and has bad days. Friends are not always perfect, and they sometimes say and do unpleasant things. Don't let small problems seem very big and important.〔6〕Talk about problems—sometimes they are only the result of misunderstanding. Don't be too embarrassed to ask for help. You are young. No one thinks you can do everything!〔7〕Plan your time. Don't waste life lying in bed on Saturday morning. Go and play a sport, learn the piano, work on a project, read a book, practise English, or help someone with problems. There are always a lot of things to do.〔8〕Set targets. If your last grade was a D, work for a C. Try to make progress bit by bit. Think of small targets: "I will speak in class four times this week", "I will finish my project on Wednesday" or "I will get two more marks this week".Follow my advice, and have a happy school-life!1. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words)___________________________________________________________________________ ___2. Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?You are making your time of little use unless you are learning hard.___________________________________________________________________________ ____3. Fill in the blank in Item 4 with proper words. (no more than 10 words)___________________________________________________________________________ ____4. Why do you think the writer thinks it is good to put up your hand in class? (no more than 20 words)___________________________________________________________________________ ____5. Which advice do you think is most important? Why?___________________________________________________________________________ ____2013高二英语暑假作业(一)参考答案一、单项选择1-5 CBAAA 6-10 DBBAC 11-15 BDAAA二、完形填空16-20 BCAAD 21-25 ACACD 26-30 ABBAB 31-35DCADC三、阅读理解36-40 CADBA四、阅读表达1. Ways/Steps to Have a Good/Happy School Life or Tips on Living/Having a Good/Happy School Life or How to Have/Live a Good / Happy School Life2. If you are not working, you are not learning, and you are wasting your time at school.3. Do today's work today. /Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.4. Because it means that you are enjoying school and learning more.5. The answers may vary.。

高二物理寒假作业(一)一、选择题1.如图所示,是两个共点力的合力F 跟它的两个分力之间的夹角θ的关系图象,则这两个力的大小分别是( )A .1 N 和4 NB .2 N 和3 NC .1 N 和5 ND .2 N 和4 N2.关于人造卫星所受的向心力F 、线速度v 、角速度ω、周期T 与轨道半径r 的关系,下列说法中正确的是( )A .由F =221rm m G 可知,向心力与r ²成反比 B .由F =m r 2v 可知,v ²与r 成正比 C .由F =mω²r 可知,ω²与r 成反比 D .由F =mr T 224 可知,T 2与r 成反比 3.下列几种情况下力F 都对物体做了功①水平推力F 推着质量为m 的物体在光滑水平面上前进了s ②水平推力F 推着质量为2m 的物体在粗糙水平面上前进了s ③沿倾角为θ的光滑斜面的推力F 将质量为m的物体向上推了s 。
下列说法中正确的是( )A.③做功最多B.②做功最多C.做功都相等D.不能确定4.质量为m 的物体,在距地面h 高处以g 31的加速度由静止竖直下落到地面,下列说法中正确的是( ) A.物体重力势能减少mgh 31 B.物体的机械能减少mgh 32 C.物体的动能增加mgh D.重力做功mgh5.如图所示,O 点为等量异种点电荷M ,N 连线的中点,A ,B 是M ,N 连线的中垂线上的两点,OA <OB ,用E A ,E B ,φA ,φB 分别表示A ,B 两点的场强和电势,则( )A.E A一定大于E B,φA一定大于φBB.E A一定大于E B,φA一定等于φBC.E A一定小于E B,φA一定大于φBD.E A一定小于E B,φA一定等于φB6.英国物理学家法拉第引入了“电场”和“磁场”的概念,并用画电场线和磁感线的方法来描述电场和磁场,为经典电磁学理论的建立奠定了基础。

2021年高二下学期高考假期作业数学(一)试题含答案1. 已知集合A ={x ||x -1|<2},B =⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧⎭⎪⎬⎪⎫x ⎪⎪⎪x -b x +2<0,若A ∩B ≠∅,则实数b 的取值范围是________.2. 设M ={a |a =(2,0)+m (0,1),m ∈R }和N ={b |b =(1,1)+n (1,-1),n ∈R }都是元素为向量的集合,则M ∩N =________.3. 设集合A =(x ,y )⎪⎪⎪m 2≤(x -2)2+y 2≤m 2,x ,y ∈R ,B ={(x ,y )|2m ≤x +y ≤2m +1,x ,y ∈R },若A ∩B ≠∅,则实数m 的取值范围为_____.4. 给出下列命题:p :函数f (x )=sin 4x -cos 4x 的最小正周期是π;q :∃x ∈R ,使得log 2(x +1)<0;r :已知向量a =(λ,1),b =(-1,λ2),c =(-1,1),则(a +b )∥c 的充要条件是λ=-1.其中所有的真命题是________.5. 使得关于x 的方程ax 2+2x +1=0至少有一个负实根的充要条件的a 的取值范围是________.6.若命题“∃x ∈R ,有x 2-mx -m <0”是假命题,则实数m 的取值范围是________.7. 设f (2x -1)=2x -1,则f (x )的定义域是________.8. 设f (x )=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ |x -1|-2,|x |≤1,11+x 2,|x |>1,则f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫12等于________. 9. 设函数f (x )=-x 2-2x +15,集合A ={x |y =f (x )},B ={y |y =f (x )},则A ∩B =________.10.若一系列函数的解析式相同,值域相同但定义域不同,则称这些函数为“孪生函数”,那么函数解析式为y =2x 2+1,值域为{3,19}的“孪生函数”共有________个.11. f (x )的定义域为R ,f (-1)=2,对任意x ∈R ,f ′ (x )>2,则f (x )>2x +4的解集为________.12. 已知f (x )是定义在(-1,1)上的奇函数,且f (x )在(-1,1)上是减函数,则不等式f (1-x )+f (1-x 2)<0的解集为________.13. 设f (x )是定义在R 上的增函数,且对于任意的x 都有f (1-x )+f (1+x )=0恒成立.如果实数m 、n 满足不等式组⎩⎨⎧m >3,f (m 2-6m +23)+f (n 2-8n )<0,那么m 2+n 2的取值范围是________.14. .已知定义在R 上的函数y =f (x )满足条件f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫x +32=-f (x ),且函数y =f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫x -34为奇函数,给出以下四个命题:①函数f (x )是周期函数;②函数f (x )的图象关于点⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-34,0对称;③函数f (x )为R 上的偶函数;④函数f (x )为R 上的单调函数.其中真命题的序号为________(写出所有真命题的序号).15. (1)已知f (x )是R 上的奇函数,且当x >0时,f (x )=x 2-x -1,求f (x )的解析式;(2)设a >0,f (x )=e x a +a e x 是R 上的偶函数,求实数a 的值;(3)已知奇函数f (x )的定义域为,且在区间内递减,求满足f (1-m )+f (1-m 2)<0的实数m 的取值范围.16. 设二次函数f (x )=ax 2+bx +c (a ≠0)在区间上的最大值、最小值分别是M ,m ,集合A ={x |f (x )=x }.(1)若A ={1,2},且f (0)=2,求M 和m 的值;(2)若A ={1},且a ≥1,记g (a )=M +m ,求g (a )的最小值.17. 设函数f(x)=ka x-a-x(a>0且a≠1)是奇函数.(1)求k的值;(2)若f(1)>0,解关于x的不等式f(x2+2x)+f(x-4)>0;(3)若f(1)=32,且g(x)=a2x+a-2x-2mf(x)在18. 已知函数f(x)=|x-a|-a2ln x,a∈R.(1)求函数f(x)的单调区间;(2)若函数f(x)有两个零点x1,x2(x1<x2),求证:1<x1<a<x2<a2.19. 为了在夏季降温和冬季供暖时减少能源损耗,房屋的房顶和外墙需要建造隔热层.某幢建筑物要建造可使用20年的隔热层,每厘米厚的隔热层建造成本为6万元.该建筑物每年的能源消耗费用C(单位:万元)与隔热层厚度x(单位:cm)满足关系:C(x)=k3x+5(0≤x≤10),若不建隔热层,每年能源消耗费用为8万元.设f(x)为隔热层建造费用与20年的能源消耗费用之和.(1)求k的值及f(x)的表达式;(2)隔热层修建多厚时,总费用f(x)达到最小,并求最小值.20. 制订投资计划时,不仅要考虑可能获得的盈利,而且要考虑可能出现的亏损.某投资人打算投资甲、乙两个项目,根据预测,甲、乙项目可能的最大盈利率分别为100%和50%,可能的最大亏损率分别为30%和10%.若投资人计划投资金额不超过10万元,要求确保可能的资金亏损不超过1.8万元,问投资人对甲、乙两个项目各投资多少万元,才能使可能的盈利最大?作业一答案1.(-1,+∞)2. {(2,0)}3. ⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤12,2+2 4. p 、q 5. (-∞,1] 6. -4≤m ≤0 7. (-1,+∞) 8. 413 9. 10. 911. (-1,+∞) 12. (0,1) 13. (13,49) 14. ①③15. 解 (1)∵f (x )是定义在R 上的奇函数,∴f (0)=0,当x <0时,-x >0,由已知f (-x )=(-x )2-(-x )-1=x 2+x -1=-f (x ).∴f (x )=-x 2-x +1.∴f (x )=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ x 2-x -1,x >0,0,x =0,-x 2-x +1,x <0.(2)∵f (x )是R 上的偶函数,∴f (-x )=f (x )在R 上恒成立.即e -x a +a e -x =e x a +a e x , (a 2-1)(e 2x -1)=0,对任意的x 恒成立,∴⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a 2-1=0,a >0,解得a =1. (3)∵f (x )的定义域为,∴有⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧-2≤1-m ≤2,-2≤1-m 2≤2,解得-1≤m ≤ 3.① 又f (x )为奇函数,且在上递减,∴在上递减,∴f (1-m )<-f (1-m 2)=f (m 2-1)⇒1-m >m 2-1,即-2<m <1.②综合①②,可知-1≤m <1.16. 解 (1)由f (0)=2可知c =2.又A ={1,2},故1,2是方程ax 2+(b -1)x +2=0的两实根.所以⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧1+2=1-b a ,2=2a .解得a =1,b =-2. 所以f (x )=x 2-2x +2=(x -1) 2+1,x ∈. 当x =1时,f (x )min =f (1)=1,即m =1.当x =-2时,f (x )max =f (-2)=10,即M =10.(2)由题意知,方程ax 2+(b -1)x +c =0有两相等实根x =1.所以⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ 1+1=1-b a ,1=c a ,即⎩⎨⎧b =1-2a ,c =a . 所以f (x )=ax 2+(1-2a )x +a ,x ∈,其对称轴方程为x =2a -12a =1-12a .又a ≥1,故1-12a ∈⎣⎢⎡⎭⎪⎫12,1. 所以M =f (-2)=9a -2.m =f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫2a -12a =1-14a . g (a )=M +m =9a -14a -1.又g (a )在区间(2)因为f (1)>0,所以a -1a >0,∴a >1,∴f (x )=a x -a -x 是R 上的单调增函数.于是由f (x 2+2x )>-f (x -4)=f (4-x ),得x 2+2x >4-x ,即x 2+3x -4>0,解得x <-4或x >1.(3)因为f (1)=32,所以a -1a =32,解得a =2(a >0),所以g (x )=22x +2-2x -2m (2x-2-x )=(2x -2-x )2-2m (2x -2-x )+2.设t =f (x )=2x -2-x ,则由x ≥1,得t ≥f (1)=32,g (x )=t 2-2mt +2=(t -m )2+2-m 2.若m≥32,则当t=m时,y min=2-m2=-2,解得m=2.若m<32,则当t=32时,y min=174-3m=-2,解得m=2512(舍去).综上得m=2.18. (1)解由题意,函数的定义域为(0,+∞),当a≤0时,f(x)=|x-a|-a2ln x=x-a-a2ln x,f′(x)=1-a2x>0,函数f(x)的单调递增区间为(0,+∞).当a>0时,f(x)=|x-a|-a2ln x=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x-a-a2ln x,x≥a,a-x-a2ln x,0<x<a,若x≥a,f′(x)=1-a2x=2x-a2x>0,此时函数f(x)单调递增,若0<x<a,f′(x)=-1-a2x<0,此时函数f(x)单调递减,综上,当a≤0时,函数f(x)的单调递增区间为(0,+∞);当a>0时,函数f(x)的单调递减区间为(0,a);单调递增区间为(a,+∞).(2)证明由(1)知,当a≤0时,函数f(x)单调递增,至多只有一个零点,不合题意;则必有a>0,此时函数f(x)的单调递减区间为(0,a);单调递增区间为(a,+∞),由题意,必须f(a)=-a2ln a<0,解得a>1.由f(1)=a-1-a2ln 1=a-1>0,f(a)<0,得x1∈(1,a).而f(a2)=a2-a-a ln a=a(a-1-ln a),下面证明:a>1时,a-1-ln a>0.设g(x)=x-1-ln x,x>1,则g′(x)=1-1x=x-1x>0,∴g(x)在x>1时递增,则g(x)>g(1)=0,∴f(a 2)=a 2-a -a ln a =a (a -1-ln a )>0,又f (a )<0,∴x 2∈(a ,a 2),综上,1<x 1<a <x 2<a 2.19. 解 (1)设隔热层厚度为x cm ,由题设,每年能源消耗费用为C (x )=k 3x +5,再由C (0)=8,得k =40,因此C (x )=403x +5. 而建造费用为C 1(x )=6x .最后得隔热层建造费用与20年的能源消耗费用之和为f (x )=20C (x )+C 1(x )=20×403x +5+6x =8003x +5+6x (0≤x ≤10). (2)f (x )=2⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤4003x +5+(3x +5)-10≥2×2400-10=70(当且仅当4003x +5=3x +5,即x =5时,“=”成立),所以当x =5时,f (x )min =f (5)=70.故隔热层修建5 cm 厚时,总费用达到最小值70万元.20. 解 设投资人分别用x 万元、y 万元投资甲、乙两个项目,由题意知⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ x +y ≤10,0.3x +0.1y ≤1.8,x ≥0,y ≥0,目标函数z =x +0.5y .上述不等式组表示的平面区域如图所示,阴影部分(含边界)即为可行域.将z =x +0.5y 变形为y =-2x +2z ,这是斜率为-2、随z 变化的一组平行线,当直线y =-2x +2z 经过可行域内的点M 时,直线y =-2x +2z 在y 轴上的截距2z 最大,z 也最大.这里M 点是直线x +y =10和0.3x +0. 1y =1.8的交点.解方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x +y =10,0.3x +0.1y =1.8,得x =4,y =6,此时z =4+0.5×6=7(万元).∵7>0,∴当x =4,y =6时,z 取得最大值,所以投资人用4万元投资甲项目、6万元投资乙项目,才能在确保亏损不超过1.8万元的前提下,使可能的盈利最大. 20085 4E75 乵8WM 38753 9761 靡27591 6BC7 毇136351 8DFF 跿:25274 62BA 抺r^20893 519D 冝n。

高二语文假期作业(一)一、夯实基础1.下列各句中,加点词语使用恰当的一句是 ( )A.尽管没有刘德华的酷,没有比尔•盖茨的富,但我们并不自惭形秽,因为我们拥有更宝贵的青春。
2.下列句子中,没有语病的一句是 ( )A.第二航站楼交付使用后,设备可达到国际领先水平,旅客过安检通道的时间,将从目前的10分钟缩短至1分钟,缩短了10倍。


图l示意我国某大城市2009年城区地价等值线,读图回答1 -2题。
1.中心商务区最有可能分布的区域是A. ①B.②C.③D.④2.与其他区域相比,近年来④地地价涨幅较大的主要原因是A. 高附加值产业集聚B.原有基础设施完善C. 外来人口迁入D.逆城市化发展2010年是我国的“扩大开放年”,也是我国中西部地区承接东南部沿海地区产业转移的机遇期。
结合下表,回答3-5题:目前珠三角某市与粤北某市投资要素对比表3.有关珠三角向粤北地区转移产业所具有的特点,叙述正确的是( )A.劳动力需求量大B.生产规模大C.技术含量高D.环境污染较轻4.结合珠三角的做法分析,对于东南部企业来说,产业转移可以( )①摆脱企业成本不断上升的“瓶颈”②集中资金进行产业升级③占有中西部蓬勃发展的市场A.①②B.①③C.②③D.①②③5.中西部在承接东南部产业转移时( )①要警惕高耗能、高污染产业转移②要鼓励引进高耗能、高耗水的产业③要降低“进门”产业的选择标准④走可持续发展的道路A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①④道路密度指一定区域内,道路网的总里程与该区域面积的比值。
6.甲处不可能出现的地理事物是( )A.十字路口B.绿地C.卫星城D.商业区7.提高大城市中心区行车速度的有效方法是( )①合理规划城市道路网络②兴建卫星城,分散城市职能③积极发展公用交通和轨道交通④禁止外地机动车辆入城⑤发展立体交通⑥实行单双日行车制⑦控制汽车行业的快速发展A.①②③④⑤⑥B.①③⑤⑥C.①②③⑤⑥D.①②③④⑤⑥⑦如图示意某国2008年人口结构,读图回答8-9题。
8.图中信息反映出该国A. 为发展中国家B. 人口出生率高C. 人口增长模式为传统型D. 中老年人口性别比失调9. 该国0-4岁的人口数明显多于5-9岁,其影响因素最有可能是A.年龄结构B.性别结构C.生态环境D.移民政策读“香港农业土地利用变化图”,回答10-11题:10.1955年,香港农业生产的最主要地域类型属于( )A.商品谷物农业B.季风水田农业C.种植园农业D.乳畜业11.1975年至1998年,香港地区弃耕地比重大幅上升的原因有( )①城市不断发展,土地买卖日益兴旺②政府限制农业的发展③全球变暖,不利于香港农业发展④农民进入市区寻找高收入工作A.①②B.①④C.②③D.③④(原创)L湖原是新疆最大的淡水湖,近年来已演变成微咸水湖。

第1天 月 日 星期学习导航:1. 理解不等式关系及其在数轴上的表示,能用作差法比较两个数(式)的大小,在比较两数的大小时,能应用配方法,分解因式法,分类讨论法等数学方法;2. 理解并掌握不等式的性质及证明过程,能利用不等式的性质证明一些比较简单的不等式;3. 能利用不等式的性质求某些变量或代数式的范围.能用不等式的性质解决 一些实际问题. 1. 已知,,,R c b a ∈下面推理正确的是( ) A 22bm am b a 〉⇒〉 B b a c b c a 〉⇒〉 C b a ab b a 110,33〈⇒〉〉 D ba ab b a 110,22〈⇒〉〉 2.若,0log log 44〈〈b a 则( )A 10〈〈〈b aB 10〈〈〈a bC 1〉〉b aD 1〉〉a b 3.下列大小关系正确的是( ) A 3.044.03log 34.0〈〈 B 4.03.0433log 4.0〈〈 C 4.033.0434.0log 〈〈 D 〈〈 4.现给出下列三个不等式(1) a a 212〉+; (2) )23(222--〉+b a b a ;(3)22222)())((bd ac d c b a +〉++其中恒成立的不等式共有( )个A 0 B 1 C 2 D 35已知方程02=++b ax x 的两根为21,x x ,命题2,1:x x p 都大于2,命题,4:21〉+x x q 则命题p 和命题q 的关系是( )A q p ⇒ B q p ⇐Cq p ⇔Dq p ≠〉6.若对任意的,R x ∈不等式ax x ≥恒成立,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A1〈-a B1≤a C1〈a D1≥a7.若),lg(lg ,lg ,)(lg ,10122x c b a x x x ===〈〈则c b a ,,的大小顺序是_________________8.若βα,满足22πβαπ〈〈〈-,则βα-2的取值范围是________________9.在(1)若b a 〉,则b a 11〈;(2)若22bc ac 〉,则b a 〉;(3)若0,0〈〈〈〈d c b a ,则bd ac 〉;(4)若b a 〈,则xa xb a b ++〈,这四个命题中,正确的命题序号是_________________10.已知,0≠ab 比较)1)(1(+-++b a b a 与1)(22+-b a 的大小11.设0〉a 且,0,1〉≠t a 比较ta log 21与21log +t a 的大小12.已知,6024,3420〈〈〈〈b a 求abb a b a ,,-+的范围13.已知b a ,满足,30,42≤-≤≤+≤b a b a 求ab 的范围14若实数c b a ,,,满足: 44;64322+-=-+-=+a a c b a a c b 试确定c b a ,,大小关系15现有甲乙两家旅行社对家庭旅游提出优惠方案。



高二数学国庆假期作业(一)班级 姓名 学号______一、填空题:(本大题共14小题,每题5分,共70分) 1、不等式2280x x --≤的解集为 . 2、在ABC ∆中,::1:1:4,A B C =则::a b c = .3、等差数列{}n a 中,55,10a ==5前5项和S ,则其公差d = .4、已知扇形的周长为6cm ,圆心角为1弧度,则该扇形的面积为 2cm .5、若平面α内的两条直线,a b 都与平面β平行,则平面α与平面β的位置关系________.6、已知O 为原点,P 为直线2450x y --=上的点,min OP = .7、设x ,y 满足约束条件⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥≥≥+-≤--0,002063y x y x y x ,则目标函数2z x y =+的最大值为 .8、对于直线m 、n 和平面α,下面命题中的真命题是__________. ①如果m ⊂α,n ⊄α,m 、n 是异面直线,那么n ∥α; ②如果m ⊂α,n ⊄α,m 、n 是异面直线,那么n 与α相交; ③如果m ⊂α,n ∥α,m 、n 共面,那么m ∥n ; ④如果m ∥α,n ∥α,m 、n 共面,那么m ∥n .9、经过一点和一直线垂直的直线有 条;经过一点和一平面垂直的直线 有 条;经过平面外一点和平面平行的直线有 条.10、若直线20mx y +-=与以()()1,432A B -和,为端点的线段AB 无.公共点,则m 的取值范围 为____ _____.11、已知圆C 方程为:()()22319x y -++=,则圆C 关于直线10x y -+=对称的圆的标准方程为 .12、设等差数列{}n a 的公差为负数,若1231231580a a a a a a ++==,,则8910a a a ++= .13、数列{n a }中,120002nn a ⎛⎫=⋅ ⎪⎝⎭,*N n ∈,则}{n a 的前 项乘积..最大. 14、下列四个正方体图形中,A 、B 为正方体的两个顶点,M 、N 、P 分别为其所在棱的中点,能得出//AB MNP 平面的图形的序号是 .二、解答题:(本大题共90分)15、ABC ∆中,设内角A B C 、、的对边分别为a b c 、、,22)4cos()4cos(=-++ππC C (1)求角C 的大小;(2)若32=c 且B A sin 2sin =,求ABC ∆的面积16、已知平面四边形EFGH 的四个顶点分别在空间四边形ABCD 的四条边上,求证:若直线EH 与FG 相交,则它们的交点必在直线BD 上。

高二物理寒假作业1 姓名 学号一、选择题( )1.如图所示,是一个小灯泡的电流强度随小灯泡两端电压变化的关系图,则根据小灯泡的伏安特性曲线可判定下列说法中正确的是A .小灯泡的电阻随着所加电压的增加而减小B .小灯泡灯丝的电阻率随着灯丝温度的升高而减小C .欧姆定律对小灯泡不适用D .如果把三个这种相同的灯泡串联后,接到电压恒为2V 的电源上,则流过每个小灯泡的电流为0.4A( )2.一个电池组的电动势为E ,内阻为r ,用它给一电阻为R 的直流电动机供电,当电动机正常工作时,通过电动机的电流为I ,电动机两端的电压为U ,经时间tA .电源在内外电路做的功为(I 2r +IU )tB .电池消耗的化学能为IEtC .电动机输出的机械能为IEt -I 2(R +r )tD .电池组的效率为U -Ir E( )3.压敏电阻的阻值随所受压力的增大而减小,有位同学设计了利用压敏电阻判断升降机运动状态的装置,其工作原理图如图所示,将压敏电阻固定在升降机底板上,其上放置一个物块,在升降机运动过程的某一段时间内,发现电流表的示数I 不变,且I 大于升降机静止时电流表的示数0I ,在这段时间内A .升降机可能匀速上升B .升降机一定在匀减速上升C .升降机一定处于失重状态D .通过压敏电阻的电流一定比电梯静止时大( )4.如图所示的电路中,A 为理想电流表,V 1和V 2为理想电压表,R 1为定值电阻,R 2为可变电阻,电池E 内阻不可忽略,则下列说法中正确的是A .R 2不变时,V 2的读数与A 读数之比等于R 1B .R 2不变时,V 1的读数与A 读数之比等于R 1C .R 2改变时,V 1读数的变化量的绝对值大于V 2读数的变化量的绝对值D .R 2改变时,V 1读数的变化量的绝对值小于V 2读数的变化量的绝对值( )5.如图所示,直线A 为电源a 的路端电压与电流的关系图象;直线B 为电源b 的路端电压与电流的关系图象;直线C 为一个电阻R 的两端电压与电流关系的图象。
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图l示意我国某大城市2009年城区地价等值线,读图回答1 -2题。
1.中心商务区最有可能分布的区域是A. ①B.②C.③D.④2.与其他区域相比,近年来④地地价涨幅较大的主要原因是A. 高附加值产业集聚B.原有基础设施完善C. 外来人口迁入D.逆城市化发展2010年是我国的“扩大开放年”,也是我国中西部地区承接东南部沿海地区产业转移的机遇期。
结合下表,回答3-5题:目前珠三角某市与粤北某市投资要素对比表投资地区招商门槛土地价格平均工资水平环保门槛珠三角某市 5 000万元30万元左右 1 500元左右禁引污染企业粤北某市<5 000万元2万元左右500元左右免征排污费3.有关珠三角向粤北地区转移产业所具有的特点,叙述正确的是( )A.劳动力需求量大B.生产规模大C.技术含量高D.环境污染较轻4.结合珠三角的做法分析,对于东南部企业来说,产业转移可以( )①摆脱企业成本不断上升的“瓶颈”②集中资金进行产业升级③占有中西部蓬勃发展的市场A.①②B.①③C.②③D.①②③5.中西部在承接东南部产业转移时( )①要警惕高耗能、高污染产业转移②要鼓励引进高耗能、高耗水的产业③要降低“进门”产业的选择标准④走可持续发展的道路A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①④道路密度指一定区域内,道路网的总里程与该区域面积的比值。
6.甲处不可能出现的地理事物是( )A.十字路口B.绿地C.卫星城D.商业区7.提高大城市中心区行车速度的有效方法是( )①合理规划城市道路网络②兴建卫星城,分散城市职能③积极发展公用交通和轨道交通④禁止外地机动车辆入城⑤发展立体交通⑥实行单双日行车制⑦控制汽车行业的快速发展A.①②③④⑤⑥B.①③⑤⑥C.①②③⑤⑥D.①②③④⑤⑥⑦如图示意某国2008年人口结构,读图回答8-9题。
8.图中信息反映出该国A. 为发展中国家B. 人口出生率高C. 人口增长模式为传统型D. 中老年人口性别比失调9. 该国0-4岁的人口数明显多于5-9岁,其影响因素最有可能是A.年龄结构B.性别结构C.生态环境D.移民政策读“香港农业土地利用变化图”,回答10-11题:10.1955年,香港农业生产的最主要地域类型属于( )A.商品谷物农业B.季风水田农业C.种植园农业D.乳畜业11.1975年至1998年,香港地区弃耕地比重大幅上升的原因有( )①城市不断发展,土地买卖日益兴旺②政府限制农业的发展③全球变暖,不利于香港农业发展④农民进入市区寻找高收入工作A.①②B.①④C.②③D.③④(原创)L湖原是新疆最大的淡水湖,近年来已演变成微咸水湖。
12.关于图中河湖描述错误的是A.甲河是L湖重要补给水源B.甲河春季输入L湖泥沙减少C. 乙河对L湖具有排盐作用D.乙河流量变化深受L湖影响13.造成L湖东、西两岸芦苇分布差异影响的因素主要包括:①湖水盐度②主导风向③沿岸坡度④土壤肥力A. ①③④B. ①②③C. ②③④ D.①②④读“四国轮廓图”,回答14-16题:14.四个国家都有回归线穿过,其中没有沙漠分布的是( )A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁15.有关四个国家自然地理特征的叙述,不正确的是( )A.甲国地势西高东低,高原面积广阔B.乙国以热带季风气候为主,旱雨季分明C.丙国河流较少,但中部地区地下水丰富D.丁国有世界最长的河流流经16.有关四个国家经济特征的叙述,正确的是( )A.甲国是世界最大的咖啡和天然橡胶生产国B.乙国工业集中分布在东南沿海地区C.丙国是工矿业和农牧业发达的国家D.丁国最主要的经济支柱是长绒棉的生产和出口图示意某大洲局部区域等值线分布,读图回答17-18题。
17. 图中虚线表示的是A. ≥lOT积温(0C)B. 一月海平面气压(hPa)C. 年日照时数(h)D. 年降水量(mm)18.影响图中虚线向南凸的主要因素是A. 洋流因素B.地形因素C. 纬度位置D.大气环流我国某校地理兴趣小组对教学大楼四周日照情况进行观测。
19.该日接受日照时间最长的地点是A.甲B.乙C.丙D. 丁20.该日当地的昼长约为A. 3小时B. 15小时C. 9小时D. 18小时第II卷(非选择题)21-22必做,23-24选做一题,满分40分21.固态降水率是指固态降水(雪、雹等)量占全年降水总量的百分比。
不合理的电子废弃物处置方式会引起哪些主要危害?大连海湾高级中学暑假作业高二地理(一)答案一选择题1----5 BAADD 6—10 BCDAB 11---15 BBAAA 16---20 CCBDC二综合题21北部高于南部,原因是北部纬度较南部高,(冬半年)气温较低;中部(山地)大于东西两侧(低地),原因是中部(山地)地势较高,(冬半年)气温较低;西(北)部沿海空间变化较大,东(南)部沿海坡度较小,原因是西(北)部坡度较大,(冬半年)气温的空间变化较明显;东(南)部沿海坡度较小,(冬半年)气温的空间变化较小。
理由:山东交通发达,无需花巨资修运河(2分);开挖运河,可能加剧盐碱化,对地下水造成破坏(2分);运河污染可能影响两湾沿线旅游资源(2分)23 渤海湾、莱州湾沿岸(或西南沿海)。
2013海南省高考压轴卷地理参考答案及解析:1.B2.A 解析本题组在等地价等值线的基础上考查商业区的相关特点及影响城市地租水平的因素。
3.A4.D5.D 解析:本题组主要考查产业转移的相关知识。
第3题,通过珠三角某市与粤北某市投资要素对比表,可以看- 9 - 出珠三角地区,招商门槛和环保门槛高,会将生产规模小和环境污染重的产业转移到粤北地区;土地价格和平均工资高,会将占有土地多、劳动力需求量大、技术含量相对较低的产业转移到粤北地区。
6.B7.C 解析: 第6题,道路密度反映交通通达度,进一步说明城市功能区的布局。
8.D 9.A 解析据图判断该国低龄人口比重低说明出生率较低老龄化严重标准为大于60岁以上人口超10%或大于65岁以上人口超过7%可推断该国人口增长模式为现代型属发达国家的可能性较大故第8小题选D。
10.B 11.B 解析: 第10题,香港属于亚洲季风气候区,主要的农业地域类型是季风水田农业。