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Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)

Ⅴ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)

26. All the employees are encouraged to express ______ freely at the meeting.

A. they

B. their

C. themselves

D. them

27. The book you bought is this year’s bestseller and it has been published ____ different languages.

A. for

B. in

C. with

D. from

28. Two exchange students from China organized a presentation introducing Chinese culture in

London, ___ a lot of people came.

A. but

B. neither

C. and

D. or

29. After underground Line 10 and 11 were built, public transportation in Shanghai is getting

much ___.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

30. Too _____ information is offered on the Internet and sometimes it’s hard to find out what you

really want.

A. a few

B. a little

C. many

D. much

31. The sports meeting had to be ____ because of the bad weather.

A. put off

B. put on

C. put up

D. put away

32. Lin has just received offers from two of her dream universities and _____ of them promise to

give her scholarship(奖学金)during her study.

A. all

B. either

C. neither

D. both

33. We all know that Ba Jin is one of the ____ Chinese writers.

A. good

B. better

C. well

D. best

34. ____ interesting experiences the astronaut has told us!

A. How

B. What

C. Very

D. What an

35. A: Our class won the basketball match yesterday.

B: ______.

A. I am sorry.

B. How bad!

C. Congratulations!

D. What a shame!

36. A: Would you mind turning down the music a little bit?

B: _____.

A. Of course not.

B. That’s good.

C. I don’t agree.

D. It’s hard to say.

37. If it ___ fine tomorrow, we will have _____.

A. will be…an out

B. will be…an outing

C. is… an outing

D. is… a outing

38. The doctor asked us ___ a lot of things before going to bed.

A. don’t eat

B. not eat

C. to not eat

D. not to eat

39. I would rather ____ there by bus.

A. to go

B. go

C. going

D. to going

40. Yesterday I ___ my primary school teacher, Miss Chen.

A. hear from

B. heard from

C. heard a letter from

D. don’t hear from

41. It is important to ____ in class.

A. take notes

B. take note

C. taking note

D. taking a note

42. I really have no idea ____.

A. what is Peter talking about

B. what is June’s nationality

C. when we will have a class meeting

D. when will we have a class meeting

43. She danced so ____ that she was asked to dance for the king.

A. wonder

B. wonderful

C. wonderfully

D. wondering

44. Actually, we can do the work with ___ people and ____ money.

A. less…fewer

B. a little…a few

C. a fewer…a little

D. fewer…less

45. A: I have lost my ball pen.

B: When ___?

A. have you lost it

B. did you lose it

C. will you lose it

D. are you losing it

Ⅵ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used one.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每单词限填一词,每单词或词组只能填一次)

had different ideas about their use. They were thought to be harmful to people’s health, and even to cause them to ___46___.

In Sweden, King Gustaf the Third decided to find out whether or not this was ___47___. Therefore, he had to make such a dangerous experiment(实验)on live persons. It happened that there were ___48___ brothers in prison at that time. Being twins, they were almost like in every way. Both of them had been sentenced to death. The King decided to let them live on. One of them agreed to drink several cups of tea each day, and the other, several cups of coffee every day.

Both brothers lived many years without problems of any kind. At last, the man who had drunk tea every day died at the age of 83, the other died a few years later. Because of the interesting experiment, Sweden is today one of the countries in the world where a great quantity of tea and coffee are ___49___.


The train started moving. It was packed with people of all ages. Most of them were working men and women and young school boys and girls. Near the window sat an old man ___50___ his son, who looked about fifteen years old.

As the train moved, the son was filled with joy because he was very excited at the scenery(风景)outside. He said in a high voice, “See Dad, the green trees and the scenery are very beautiful!” It made ___51___ people feel very strange. Everyone started talking in a low voice about the old man’s son. Suddenly, it started raining. Raindrops fell on the travelers through the opened window. Seeing the rain, the old man’s son said ___52___, “See Dad, how beautiful the rain is!” Hearing these words, a young lady became angry with the man, as the raindrops were dropping on her new clothes. She couldn’t help shouting at the noisy son and his father.

“Can’t you see it is raining? You! Old man! If your son is not feeling well, get him to a mental
