




































现代语言学考试复习要点1. Definition of languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary(随意的) vocal symbols used for human communication..2. microlinguistics and macrolinguisticsmicrolinguistics: is concerned with the study of language or languages per se, not concern other field of study such as sociology, psychology, literature, computer science, etc.Macrolinguistics:is concerned with the study of language which involves other discipline (interdisciplinary) sociolinguistics: Psycholinguistics: Applied linguistics:3 langue and parole(语言和言语) 由Swiss linguist F. de Saussure 提出的Langue r efers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.(conventions and rules; abstract; relatively stable;)Parole refers to the realization of a langue in actual use.(the concrete use of the conventions and rules; concrete, refers to the naturally occurring language events; varies from person to person, situation to situation)区别的目的:parole is simple a mass of linguistic facts, too variedand confusing for systematic investigation and what linguistsshould do is to abstract langue from parole(发现规律)。

现代语言学 复习要点

现代语言学 复习要点






### 调值语音学中通常使用调值来表示声音的高低的。


### 音系音系是指一种语言中所有音位(包括所有音素)的总体,包括其音位的数量、种类和分布等方面。



### 句子结构句子结构是指句子内不同成分的组成方式。


### 语法关系语法关系是指句子中不同成分之间的关系,如主语与谓语之间的关系、宾语与谓语之间的关系等。



### 语义关系语义关系是指单词、短语、句子等之间的意义相互联系。


### 语篇意义语篇意义是指句子及其上下文所构成的整体意义。




### 语用礼貌语用礼貌是指在言语交际过程中对他人尊重、友好的表达方式。


### 上下文依存言语交际过程中,具体表达的含义通常需要依赖于上下文信息。




二、各章节学习要点Chapter 1 Introduction (绪论)is linguisticsDefinition (语言学的定义)Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.Linguistics studies not any particular language, ., English, Chinese, Arabic, and Latin, but in language in general.The Scope of linguistics (语言学的研究范畴)—4The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics(普通语言学).This deals with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study, in contrast to those branches of study which relate linguistics tothe research of other areas.Main branches of linguistics 语言学的主要分支:1)phonetics(语音学)2)phonology (音系学)3)morphology (形态学) 4)syntax (句法学) 5)semantics (语义学) 6)pragmatics (语用学)The study of all these aspects of language forms the core of linguistics.Findings in linguistic studies can often be applie3d to the solution of such practical problems as the recovery of speech ability. The study of such applications is generally known as applied linguistics.Macrolinguistics 宏观语言学:1) Psycholingusitcs (心理语言学);2) Sociolinguistics (社会语言学);3) Anthropological linguistics (人类语言学);4) Computational linguistics (计算语言学) Some important distinctions in linguistics —71.3.1 Prescriptive vs. descriptive (规定性和描述性)Modern linguistics, ., linguistic study carried out in this century is mostly descriptive.1.3.2 Synchronic vs. diachronic (共时性和历时性)In modern linguistics, synchronic study seems to enjoy priority over diachronic study.1.3.3 Speech and writing (口头语和书面语)Speech and writing are the two major media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written.1.3.4 Langue and parole (语言和言语)The distinction between langue and parole was made by the Swiss linguist F. de Saussure in the early 20th century.1.3.5 Competence and performance (语言能力和语言运用)Similar to Saussure’s dis tinction between langue and parole is the distinction between competence and performance, which was proposed by the American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s.While Saussure’s distinction and Chomsky’s are verysimilar, they differ at least in that Saussure took a sociological view of language and his notion of langue is a matter of social conventions, and Chomsky looks at language from a psychological point of view and to him competence is a property of the mind of each individual.2. What is languageDefinitions of languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(语言是人类在交际中使用的一套任意的声音符号系统。



第一章绪论1/ What is linguistics?什么是语言学?Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general.2/ The scope of linguistics语言学的研究范畴The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics. (普通语言学)The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics. (语音学) The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (音系学) The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology. (形态学) The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax. (句法学)The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学)The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. (语用学) The study of language with reference to society is called socio-linguistics. (社会语言学)The study of language with reference to the working of mind is called psycho-linguistics. (心理语言学)The study of applications (as the recovery of speech ability) is generally known as applied linguistics. (应用语言学)But in a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second language. Other related branchesinclude anthropologicallinguistics, (人类语言学) neurological linguistics,(神经语言学) mathematicallinguistics, (数字语言学)and computational linguistics.(计算机语言学)3/ Some important distinctionsin linguistics语言学研究中的几对基本概念Prescriptive and descriptive描写与规定If a linguistic studydescribes and analyzes thelanguage people actually use,it is said to be descriptive, if itaims to lay down rules to tellpeople what they should sayand what they should not say,it is said to be prescriptive.Modern linguistics differsfrom traditional grammar.Traditional grammar isprescriptive while modernlinguistics is descriptive.The task of linguists issupposed to describe thelanguage people actually use,whether it i s “correct” or not.Synchronic and diachronic共时和历时The description of alanguage at some point intime is a synchronic study; thedescription of a language as itchanges through time isa diachronic study. In modernlinguistics, synchronic study ismore important.Speech and writing口头语与书面语Speech and writing are thetwo major media ofcommunication.Modern linguistics regardsthe spoken form of languageas primary, but not the writtenform.Reasons:●1. Speech precedes writing;●2. There are still manylanguages that have only thespoken form;●3. In terms of function, thespoken language is used for awider range of purposes thanthe written, and carries alarger load of communicationthan the written.Langue and parole [pə'rəul]语言和言语The Swiss linguist F. deSaussure made the distinctionbetween langue and paroleearly 20th century.Langue refers to theabstract linguistic systemshared by all the members ofa speech community,and parole refers to therealization of langue in actualuse.Saussure made thedistinction in order to singleout one aspect of language forserious study. He believeswhat linguists should do is toabstract langue from parole, todiscover the regularitiesgoverning the actual use oflanguage and make them thesubjects of study of linguistics.语言能力和语言运用Competence andperformanceProposed by Americanlinguist N. Chomsky in the late1950’s.He defines competence asthe ideal user’s knowledge ofthe rules of his language,and performance the actualrealization of this knowledgein linguistic communication.He believes the task of thelinguists is to discover andspecify the language rules.4/ What is language?语言的定义Language is a system ofarbitrary vocal symbols usedfor human communication.Sapir,Edward uses “ideas”“emotions” and “desires” in hisdefinition.Hall, like Sapir, treatslanguage as a purely humaninstitution.Chomsky’s definition isquite different, it focus on thepurely structural properties oflanguages and to suggest thatthese properties can beinvestigated from amathematically precise pointof view.5/ Design features语言的甄别性特征Design features refer to thedefining properties of humanlanguage that distinguish itfrom any animal system ofcommunication.American linguist CharlesHockett specified twelvedesign features.1) Arbitrariness任意性(和约定俗成性)It means that there is nological connection betweenmeanings and sounds.For instance, there is nonecessary relationshipbetween the word dog and theanimal it refers to. The factthat different sounds are usedto refer to the same object indifferent languages and thatthe same sound may be usedto refer to different objects isanother good example.Although language isarbitrary by nature, it is notentirely arbitrary. Some words,such as the words created inthe imitation of sounds bysounds are motivated in acertain degree. The arbitrarynature of language makes itpossible for language to havean unlimited source ofexpressions.2) Productivity能产性Language is productive orcreative in that it makespossible the construction andinterpretation of an infinitelylarge number of sentences,including those that they havenever said or heard before.3) Duality结构二重性It means that language is asystem, which consists of twosets of structure, or two levels,one of sounds at the lowerlevel and the other ofmeanings at the higher level.At the lower or the basic level,there is the structure ofindividual and meaninglesssounds, which can be groupedinto meaningful units at thehigher level. This duality ofstructure or double articulationof language enables its usersto talk about anything withintheir knowledge.4) Displacement语言的移位性(突破时空性)It means that language canbe used to talk about whathappened in the past, what ishappening now, or what willhappen in the future.Language can also be used totalk about our real wordexperiences or theexperiences in our imaginaryworld. In other words,language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.5) Cultural transmission文化传播性While we are born with the ability to acquire language, the details of any language are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned anew.********************************** Chapter 2 Phonology 音系学1.The phonic medium of language语言的声音媒介Speech and writing are the two media used by natural languages as vehicles for communication.Of the two media of language, speech is more basic than writing. Speech is prior to writing. The writing system of any language is always “invented” by its users to record speech when the need arises.For linguists, the study of sounds is of greater importance than that of writing.The limited ranges of sounds which are meaningful in human communication and are of interest to linguistic studies are the phonic medium of language (语言的声音媒介) .The individual sounds within this range are the speech sounds (语音).2.What is phonetics?什么是语音学?Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language;It is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.语音学研究的对象是语言的声音媒介,即人类语言中使用的全部语音。



2. Pragmatics and semantics 语用学和语义学
Pragmatics and semantics are both linguistic studies of meaning, but they are different. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning, the context of use is considered. If it is not considered, the study is restricted to the area of traditional semantics; if it is considered, the study is being carried out in the area of pragmatics.
Chapter 7 Historical Linguistics 历史语言学
1. The purpose and significance of the historical study of language
The historical study of language is of great importance to our understanding of human languages and human linguistic competence.



最新语言学基础知识常考点1. 语言与其要素- 语言的定义:语言是人类交流和表达思想的工具,通过语言可以传递信息、表达感情和展示文化。

- 语言的要素:语音、语法、词汇、语义和语用是语言的基本要素。

2. 语音学- 语音学的研究对象:语音学研究的是语言中声音的产生、传播和感知。

- 国际音标:国际音标是一种标记语音的符号系统,用于记录各种语音音素。

- 语音特征:音调、音长、音位和音素是语音学中常考的重点。

3. 语法学- 语法学的定义:语法学是研究语言的句子结构、词类和句类等方面的学科。

- 句子的成分:句子由主语、谓语、宾语和其他修饰成分组成。

- 句类的分类:陈述句、疑问句、感叹句和祈使句是常见的句类。

4. 词汇学- 词汇学的研究内容:词的构成、词义和词的使用是词汇学的主要研究内容。

- 词类:名词、动词、形容词和副词是常见的词类。

- 词汇资源:词典、同义词、反义词和词根是扩展词汇资源的重要工具。

5. 语义学- 语义学的定义:语义学研究的是词、短语和句子的意义。

- 词义的关系:近义词、反义词和义原关系是词义上常考的要点。

- 上下文与语义:词义可以根据上下文的不同产生细微的变化。

6. 语用学- 语用学的研究内容:语用学研究的是语言在实际交际中的使用规律。

- 言语行为:陈述、疑问、命令和请求等是常见的言语行为类型。

- 礼貌原则:在交际过程中,遵循礼貌原则可以提高交际效果。


> 请注意:以上内容为总结和概述,更详细、准确的语言学知识需要参考相关教材和权威资料。

现代语言学 复习要点

现代语言学 复习要点

Chapter 1 Introduction 绪论1 什么是语言学 what is linguistics?1.1 定义 definitionLinguistics is generally defined as scientific study of language.1.2 语言学的研究范畴 the scope of linguisticsa. The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics. 把语言作为一个整体而进行的全面的语言学研究一般称为普通语言学。

b. The study of sounds used in linguistic communication led to the establishment of a branch of lingu istics called phonetics. 语音学phoneticsHow speech sounds are produced and classified.c. how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication.how sounds form systems and function to convey meaning. phonology 音位学/ 音系学phonology交际中语音的组合规律及传达意义的方式d. The study of the way in which these symbols are arranged to form words has constituted the bran ch of study calledmorphology. 形态学morphologyhow morphemes are combined to form words.这些符号通过排列组合而成构成语词,对于这种排列组合方式的研究构成了语言学研究的另一个分支,如对形态学的研究。



语言学知识复习总结-------重要概念梳理第一节语言的本质一、语言的普遍特征(Design Features)1. 任意性Arbitrariness: shu 和tree 都能表示“树”这一概念;同样的声音,各国不同的表达方式2.双层结构Duality:语言是由声音结构和意义结构组成(the structure of sounds and meaning)3.多产性Productive:语言可以理解并创造无限数量的新句子,是由双层结构造成的结果(Understand and create unlimited number with sentences)4.移位性Displacement: 可以表达许多不在场的东西,如过去的经历、将来可能发生的事情,或者表达根本不存在的东西等5.文化传播性Cultural Transmission: 语言需要后天在特定的文化环境中掌握二、语言的功能(Functions of Language)1.传达信息功能Informative: 最主要功能The main function2.人际功能Interpersonal: 人类在社会中建立并维持各自地位的功能establish and maintain their identity3.行事功能Per formative: 现实应用--判刑、咒语、为船命名等Judge, naming, and curses4.表情功能Emotive: 表达强烈情感的语言,如感叹词(句)exclamatory expressions5.寒暄功能Phatic: 应酬话phatic language,比如“吃了没?”“天气真好啊!”等等6.元语言功能Metalingual: 用语言来谈论、改变语言本身,如book可以指现实中的书,也可以用“book”这个词来表达作为语言单位的“书”三、语言学的分支1.核心语言学Core linguistic●语音学Phonetics: 关注语音的产生、传播和接收过程,着重考察人类语言中的单音。



第一章绪论1/ What is linguistics?什么是语言学?Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general.2/ The scope of linguistics语言学的研究范畴The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics. (普通语言学)The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics. (语音学) The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (音系学)The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology. (形态学) The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax. (句法学)The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学)The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. (语用学) The study of language with reference to society is called socio-linguistics. (社会语言学)The study of language with reference to the working of mind is called psycho-linguistics. (心理语言学)The study of applications (as the recovery of speech ability) is generally known as applied linguistics. (应用语言学)But in a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second language.Other related branches include anthropological linguistics, (人类语言学) neurological linguistics,(神经语言学) mathematicallinguistics, (数字语言学)and computational linguistics.(计算机语言学)3/ Some important distinctionsin linguistics语言学研究中的几对基本概念Prescriptive and descriptive描写与规定If a linguistic studydescribes and analyzes thelanguage people actually use,it is said to be descriptive, if itaims to lay down rules to tellpeople what they should sayand what they should not say,it is said to be prescriptive.Modern linguistics differsfrom traditional grammar.Traditional grammar isprescriptive while modernlinguistics is descriptive.The task of linguists issupposed to describe thelanguage people actually use,whether it i s “correct” or not.Synchronic and diachronic共时和历时The description of alanguage at some point intime is a synchronic study; thedescription of a language as itchanges through time isa diachronic study. In modernlinguistics, synchronic study ismore important.Speech and writing口头语与书面语Speech and writing are thetwo major media ofcommunication.Modern linguistics regardsthe spoken form of languageas primary, but not the writtenform.Reasons:●1. Speech precedes writing;●2. There are still manylanguages that have only thespoken form;●3. In terms of function, thespoken language is used for awider range of purposes thanthe written, and carries alarger load of communicationthan the written.Langue and parole [pə'rəul]语言和言语The Swiss linguist F. deSaussure made the distinctionbetween langue and paroleearly 20th century.Langue refers to theabstract linguistic systemshared by all the members ofa speech community,and parole refers to therealization of langue in actualuse.Saussure made thedistinction in order to singleout one aspect of language forserious study. He believeswhat linguists should do is toabstract langue from parole, todiscover the regularitiesgoverning the actual use oflanguage and make them thesubjects of study of linguistics.语言能力和语言运用Competence andperformanceProposed by Americanlinguist N. Chomsky in the late1950’s.He defines competence asthe ideal user’s knowledge ofthe rules of his language,and performance the actualrealization of this knowledgein linguistic communication.He believes the task of thelinguists is to discover andspecify the language rules.4/ What is language?语言的定义Language is a system ofarbitrary vocal symbols usedfor human communication.Sapir,Edward uses “ideas”“emotions” and “desires” in hisdefinition.Hall, like Sapir, treatslanguage as a purely humaninstitution.Chomsky’s definition isquite different, it focus on thepurely structural properties oflanguages and to suggest thatthese properties can beinvestigated from amathematically precise pointof view.5/ Design features语言的甄别性特征Design features refer to thedefining properties of humanlanguage that distinguish itfrom any animal system ofcommunication.American linguist CharlesHockett specified twelvedesign features.1) Arbitrariness任意性(和约定俗成性)It means that there is nological connection betweenmeanings and sounds.For instance, there is nonecessary relationshipbetween the word dog and theanimal it refers to. The factthat different sounds are usedto refer to the same object indifferent languages and thatthe same sound may be usedto refer to different objects isanother good example.Although language isarbitrary by nature, it is notentirely arbitrary. Some words,such as the words created inthe imitation of sounds bysounds are motivated in acertain degree. The arbitrarynature of language makes itpossible for language to havean unlimited source ofexpressions.2) Productivity能产性Language is productive orcreative in that it makespossible the construction andinterpretation of an infinitelylarge number of sentences,including those that they havenever said or heard before.3) Duality结构二重性It means that language is asystem, which consists of twosets of structure, or two levels,one of sounds at the lowerlevel and the other ofmeanings at the higher level.At the lower or the basic level,there is the structure ofindividual and meaninglesssounds, which can be groupedinto meaningful units at thehigher level. This duality ofstructure or double articulationof language enables its usersto talk about anything withintheir knowledge.4) Displacement语言的移位性(突破时空性)It means that language canbe used to talk about whathappened in the past, what ishappening now, or what willhappen in the future.Language can also be used totalk about our real wordexperiences or theexperiences in our imaginaryworld. In other words,language can be used to referto contexts removed from theimmediate situations of thespeaker.5) Cultural transmission文化传播性While we are born with theability to acquire language, thedetails of any language arenot genetically transmitted,but instead have to be taughtand learned anew.**********************************Chapter 2Phonology 音系学1.The phonic medium oflanguage语言的声音媒介Speech and writing are the two media used by natural languages as vehicles for communication.Of the two media of language, speech is more basic than writing. Speech is prior to writing. The writing system of any language is always “invented” by its users to record speech when the need arises.For linguists, the study of sounds is of greater importance than that of writing.The limited ranges of sounds which are meaningful in human communication and are of interest to linguistic studies are the phonic medium of language (语言的声音媒介) .The individual sounds within this range are the speech sounds (语音).2.What is phonetics?什么是语音学?Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language;It is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.语音学研究的对象是语言的声音媒介,即人类语言中使用的全部语音。



















功能句子观旨在研究话语中新(未知)、旧 (已知)信息的分布问题。






































现代语言学复习资料教材购买:第一章绪论?. , .. (普通语言学), , . (语音学). (音系学). (形态学). (句法学). (语义学). (语用学). (社会语言学). (心理语言学)( ) . (应用语言学), , ., (人类语言学) , (神经语言学) , (数字语言学) . (计算机语言学), , , ..., “” .; . , ., .:. ;. ;. , , .[ə'ə]. ., .. , .语言能力和语言运用. ’.’ , . .?.“”“”“” ., , ., .甄别性特征..)., . ., . , . .), .), , , . , , . . ), , . . , .), , .**********************************音系学., . . “” ., .(语言的声音媒介) .(语音).. ?;’ .(发音语音学), ’ . .(听觉语音学),’ . .(声学语音学), . ..咽腔口腔鼻腔语音解剖图发音器官图–. (字母符号) , (宽式音标). (变音符号), (窄式音标). 音的比较[][]音的比较在元音前,叫清晰音,在宽式音标中不作标示,写作:[][][][],在窄式音标中加变音符号[])发音方式分塞音或爆破音: [] [] [] [] [] []擦音:[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []塞擦音:[][][] [][] [] [][] [])[] [] [] [][] [][] [][] [] [] [] [] [] [][][][][][] [] [][])前元音:[:] [] [] [] []中元音:[[:] [[] []后元音:[:] [] [:] [] [:])闭元音:[:] [] [:] []半闭元音:[] [[:]开元音:[] []半开元音:[[] [:] [] [] [:])不圆唇元音:[:] [] [] [] [] [[:] [[] [] [:] 圆唇元音:[:] [] [:] [])长元音[:] [[:][:] [:] [:]短元音[] [] [] [] [[] [] [] []音系学., ;, . ., ,. . .定能区分意义。




二、各章节学习要点Chapter 1 Introduction (绪论)is linguisticsDefinition (语言学的定义)Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.Linguistics studies not any particular language, ., English, Chinese, Arabic, and Latin, but in language in general.The Scope of linguistics (语言学的研究范畴)—4The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics(普通语言学).This deals with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study, in contrast to those branches of study which relate linguistics tothe research of other areas.Main branches of linguistics 语言学的主要分支:1)phonetics(语音学) 2)phonology (音系学) 3)morphology (形态学) 4)syntax (句法学) 5)semantics (语义学) 6)pragmatics (语用学)The study of all these aspects of language forms the core of linguistics.Findings in linguistic studies can often be applie3d to the solution of such practical problems as the recovery of speech ability. The study of such applications is generally known as applied linguistics.Macrolinguistics 宏观语言学:1) Psycholingusitcs (心理语言学);2) Sociolinguistics (社会语言学);3) Anthropological linguistics (人类语言学);4) Computational linguistics (计算语言学)Some important distinctions in linguistics —71.3.1 Prescriptive vs. descriptive (规定性和描述性)Modern linguistics, ., linguistic study carried out in this century is mostly descriptive.1.3.2 Synchronic vs. diachronic (共时性和历时性)In modern linguistics, synchronic study seems to enjoy priority over diachronic study.1.3.3 Speech and writing (口头语和书面语)Speech and writing are the two major media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written.1.3.4 Langue and parole (语言和言语)The distinction between langue and parole was made by the Swiss linguist F. de Saussure in the early 20th century.1.3.5 Competence and performance (语言能力和语言运用)Similar to Saussure’s distinction between langue and parole is the distinction between competence and performance, which was proposed by the American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s.While Saussure’s distinction and Chomsky’s are very similar, they differ at least in that Saussure took a sociological view of language and his notion of langue is a matter of social conventions, and Chomsky looks at language from a psychological point of view and to him competence is a property of the mind of each individual.2. What is languageDefinitions of languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(语言是人类在交际中使用的一套任意的声音符号系统。


u 语言系统的二层性:
语言系统分为音系和语法两个层面,在这两个层面上都有最小单位和小单位组成大 单位的多级组织结构。音系层的最小单位大大少于语法层,低层级单位少于高层级 单位。
u 客观现实、心理现实
现实现象分为客观现实和心理现实,客观现实是外在于人的客观存在,通过人的感 官感知并在人脑中综合处理转化为心理现实。
层级性:语素-词-短语-句子:低层级单位比高层级单位少,高层级单位由低层级单位按 规则组合而成 二层性:音系层+语法层 二层性的符号用较少数目的成分单位可构成很多符号形式 音系层的最小单位数远远低于符号层的最小单位数
任意性、传授性(后天习得)、单位的明晰性、能产性(组合和替换)、结构的二层性(音 系+语法)、不受时地环境的限制
音质音位是时间维向上线性切分的最小音系单位,如果不限于线性切分,音位还可 以进一步分析为一个或几个发音特征的区分,例如辅音音位...
u 音峰、音谷 u 复元音
是在一个音节里的音值前后不一致的元音,发音时嘴唇和舌头从一个元音的位置过 渡到另一个元音的位置,如普通话语音中的ɑi,ei,ɑo,ou,uɑi,uei 等
第一章 导言+语言的功能 u 语言学
u 语言
人类最重要的交际工具,是人们进行沟通的主要表达方式。 思维工具、交际工具、社会属性 作用、分类、用文字记录
u 语言交际 u 思维(特点)
认识现实世界时动脑筋的过程,也指动脑筋时进行比较、分析、综合以认识现实的 能力,概念属于哲学、逻辑学、心理学等范畴,其形式、过程、生理机制都与语言 密切相关,以语言为载体和动因,具有一定的生理基础。 普遍性、特殊性、和语言相关性、有生理基础




每个分支的研究对象是什么?Linguistics mainly involves the following branches:General linguistics, which is the study of language as a whole and which deals with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study Phonetics, which studies the sounds that are used in linguistic communicationPhonology, which studies how sounds are put together and used in communicationMorphology, which studies the way in which morphemes are arranged to form wordsSyntax, which studies how morphemes and words are combined to form sentencesSemantics, which is the study of meaning in language.Pragmatics, which is the study of meaning not in isolation, but in context of useSociolinguistics, which is the study of language with reference to societyPsycholinguistics, which is the study of language with reference to the workings of mind.Applied linguistics, which is concerned about the application of linguistic findings in linguistic studies; In a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second languages.Other related branches are anthropological linguistics, neurological linguistics, mathematical linguistics, andcomputational linguistics.2、现代语言学与传统语法有什么区别?Traditional grammar is prescriptive; it is based on "high "(religious, literary) written language . It sets models for language users to follow. But Modern linguistics is descriptive; its investigations are based on authentic, and mainly spoken language data. It is supposed to be scientific and objective and the task of linguists is supposed to describe the language people actually use, whether it is "correct" or not.3、什么叫共时研究?什么叫历时研究?The description of a language at some point in time is a Synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study. A synchronic study of language describes a language as it is at some particular point in rime, while a diachronic study of language is a historical study; it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.4、人类语言的甄别性特征是什么?1) Arbitrariness 。

现代语言学教程 整理笔记.

现代语言学教程 整理笔记.

现代语言学教程整理笔记第一章绪论1/ What is linguistics?什么是语言学?Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general.2/ The scope of linguistics语言学的研究范畴The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics. (普通语言学)The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics. (语音学)The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (音系学)The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology. (形态学)The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax. (句法学)The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学)The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. (语用学)The study of language with reference to society is called socio-linguistics. (社会语言学)The study of language with reference to the working of mind is called psycho-linguistics. (心理语言学)The study of applications (as the recovery of speech ability) is generally known as applied linguistics. (应用语言学)But in a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second language.Other related branches include anthropological linguistics, (人类语言学)neurological linguistics, (神经语言学)mathematical linguistics, (数字语言学)and computational linguistics. (计算机语言学)3/ Some important distinctions in linguistics语言学研究中的几对基本概念Prescriptive and descriptive 规定与描写If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive, if it aims to lay down rules to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive.Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar. Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive. The task of linguists is supposed to describe the language people actually use, whether it is “correct” or not.Synchronic and diachronic 共时和历时The description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study. In modern linguistics, synchronic study is more important.Speech and writing 口头语与书面语Speech and writing are the two major media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken form of language as primary, but not the written form. Reasons are: 1. Speech precedes writing; 2. There are still many languages that have only the spoken form; 3. In terms of function, the spoken language is used for a wider range of purposes than the written, and carries a larger load of communication than the written.Langue and parole 语言和言语The Swiss linguist F. de Saussure made the distinction between langue and parole early 20th century.Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use. Saussure made the distinction in order to single out one aspect of language for serious study. He believes what linguists should do is to abstract langue from parole, to discover the regularities governing the actual use of language and make them the subjects of study of linguistics.Competence and performance 语言能力和语言运用Proposed by American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s.He defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. He believes the task of the linguists is to discover and specify the language rules.4/ What is language?语言的定义Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Sapir uses “ideas”“emotions” and “desires” in his definition. Hall, like Sapir, treats language as a purely human institution. Chomsky’s definition is quite different, it focus on the purely structural properties of languages and to suggest that these properties can be investigated from a mathematically precise point of view.5/ Design features语言的甄别性特征Design features refer to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. American linguist Charles Hockett specified twelve design features, five of which will be discussed here.Arbitrariness 语言的随意性Arbitrariness means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. It is not entirely arbitrary.Example: different sounds are used to refer to the same object in different languages. Productivity 语言的创造性Language is productive in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. This is why they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences, including sentences they have never heard before.Duality 语言的二重性The duality nature of language means that language is a system, which consists of two sets of structure, or two levels, one of sounds and the other of meaning.Displacement 语言的移位性Displacement means that language can be used to refer to things which are present or not present, real or imagined matters in the past, present, or future, or in far-away places.Cultural transmission 语言的文化传递性While human capacity for language has a genetic basis, i.e., we were born with the ability to acquire language, the details of any language are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned anew. This indicates that language is culturally transmitted. It is passed down from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct.Chapter 2 Phonology 音系学1.The phonic medium of language语言的声音媒介Speech and writing are the two media used by natural languages as vehicles for communication. Of the two media of language, speech is more basic than writing. Speech is prior to writing. The writing system of any language is always “invented” by its users to record speech when the need arises.For linguists, the study of sounds is of greater importance than that of writing.The limited ranges of sounds which are meaningful in human communication and are of interest to linguistic studies are the phonic medium of language (语言的声音媒介) . The individual sounds within this range are the speech sounds (语音). 2.What is phonetics?什么是语音学?Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language;It is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.语音学研究的对象是语言的声音媒介,即人类语言中使用的全部语音。





下面是大二语言学概论必背的知识点:1. 语言的定义:- 语言是人类特有的交流工具,它通过声音、符号等方式来传递信息和意义。

2. 语言的要素:- 语音:语言中声音的组合和运用,如音位、音节、音调等。

- 语法:语言的结构和规则,包括词汇、句法、语义等。

- 语义:语言的意义和表达方式,包括词义、句义、上下文等。

3. 语言的层次:- 声音层面:语言的音系和音变规律。

- 词汇层面:语言的词汇系统和词义分析。

- 句法层面:语言的句法结构和语序规律。

- 语义层面:语言的意义和语用规则。

4. 语音学:- 研究语音及其运用的学科,包括音素、音位、音节、音变等内容。

5. 语法学:- 研究语言的结构和规则的学科,包括词法、句法、语义等内容。

6. 语义学:- 研究语言的意义和表达方式的学科,包括词义、句义、语境等内容。

7. 语用学:- 研究语言在交际中使用和理解的学科,包括言语行为、话语分析等内容。

8. 语言的分类:- 语言根据地理、历史、语系等因素可分为不同类型的语言,如汉语、英语、法语等。

9. 语言间关系:- 不同语言之间存在影响和联系,如同源词、语言接触等现象。

10. 语言的演变与变异:- 语言是动态的,会随时间和社会环境发生变化,如语音变化、词汇演变等。

11. 语言习得与使用:- 语言习得是指儿童在特定环境中学会和运用语言的过程,语言使用是指社会成员在交际中使用语言的能力。

12. 语言普遍性与个体差异:- 语言普遍性指语言现象在不同语言中普遍存在,而个体差异指不同个体在语言能力和使用上的差异。



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Chapter 1 Introduction 绪论1 什么是语言学 what is linguistics?1.1 定义 definitionLinguistics is generally defined as scientific study of language.1.2 语言学的研究范畴 the scope of linguisticsa. The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics. 把语言作为一个整体而进行的全面的语言学研究一般称为普通语言学。

b. The study of sounds used in linguistic communication led to the establishment of a branch of lingu istics called phonetics. 语音学phoneticsHow speech sounds are produced and classified.c. how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication.how sounds form systems and function to convey meaning. phonology 音位学/ 音系学phonology交际中语音的组合规律及传达意义的方式d. The study of the way in which these symbols are arranged to form words has constituted the bran ch of study calledmorphology. 形态学morphologyhow morphemes are combined to form words.这些符号通过排列组合而成构成语词,对于这种排列组合方式的研究构成了语言学研究的另一个分支,如对形态学的研究。

e. The combination of these words to form permissible sentences in languages is governed by rules. The study of these rulesconstitutes a major branch of linguistic studies, syntax. 句法学syntaxhow morphemes and words are combined to form sentences.f. The study of meaning. semantics 语义学 (in abstraction) semanticsg. the study of meaning is conducted in context of use. pragmatics语用学pragmaticsh. the study of language with reference to society. sociolinguistics. 社会语言学sociolinguisticsi. the study of language with reference to the workings of the mind. psycholinguistics 心理语言学psycholinguisticsj. the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning. applied lingui stics 应用语言学applied linguistics1.3 语言学研究中的一些基本概念 some important distinctions in linguistics.1.3.1 规定性和描述性 prescriptive vs. descriptiveif a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use;如果一种语言学的研究是对人们实际使用中的语言进行的描述和分析——描述性的descriptiveif it aims at to lay down rules for “correct” behaviour to tell people what they should say and what they should not say 如果某种研究的目的是在对所谓“正确的”行为制定一些规则——规定性的prescriptive现代语言学通常是描述性的,与“语法”的语言研究是大相径庭的1.3.2 共时性和历时性 synchronic vs. diachronicthe description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study;the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.现代语言学中,共时性研究比历时性研究更受人青睐。

1.3.3 口头语和书面语 speech and writingSpeech and writing are two major media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken la nguage as primary, not the written.In the past, traditional grammarians tended to overemphasize the importance of the written word, partly because of its permanence.1.3.4 语言和言语 langue and parole (both from French words)瑞士语言学家F. de索绪尔langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the member of a speech community. 语言,某一特定的语言社区中的所有成员所共有的那种抽象的语言系统;parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use. 言语,在语言实际应用中的具体体现。


1.3.5 语言能力和语言运用 competence and performance 美国语言学家-乔姆斯基(和语言,言语类似的概念)competence, the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language 能力是一个理想的语言使用者所具有的有关其所使用语言规则的知识;performance, the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. 运用则指这种知识在语言交际过程中的实际运用。

Langue and parole索绪尔对语言的研究采取的是社会学的观点,语言是社会习惯的产物;Competence and performance 乔姆斯基则从心理学的角度来审视语言现象,能力是每个说话者个体的心里特征。

2 什么是语言? what is language?2.1 语言的定义 definitions of languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是用于人类交际目的一套任意的有声符号系统。

有以下四个特征:(1) language is a system (2) language is arbitrary (3) language is vocal (4) language is human specific2.2 语言的甄别性特征 design features甄别性特征(识别性特征)—人类语言和其他动物的交际系统区别开来的那些特征,其中五种:a. 语言的任意性(武断性)arbitrarinessb. 语言的创造性 productivityc. 语言的双重性 dualityd. 语言的位移性 displacemente. 语言的文化传递性 cultural transmissionChapter 2 Phonology音系学1 语言的声音媒介 the phonic medium of language口语和书面语是语言作为交际工具所使用的两大主要媒介和物质手段;口语比书面语更为基本;对于语言学家而言,对声音的研究远远比对书面语的研究重要得多,只关注人类器官发出的声音。

2 语音学 phonetics2.1 什么是语音学 what is phoneticsphonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language; 对语言声音媒介的研究;主要研究对象是世界上所有的语言中出现过的一切声音从三个角度来审视语音现象:(1) 发音语音学 articulatory phonetics(from the speaker’s point of view)how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds(2) 听觉语音学 auditory phonetics(from the hearer’s point of view)how the sounds are perceived by the hearer(3) 声学语音学 acoustic phoneticsIt studies the way sounds travel by looking at the sound waves, the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another以上三个分支里,建立历史最长,发展最完善的就是发音语音学。
