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Very tranquil and picturesque 宁静且如画一般Very meaningful 很有意义

About having fun 就是为了好玩An indispensable part of my life

Very relaxing and fun 很放松有趣


Very interesting and useful 很有趣、有用Patient and responsible 耐心且有责任感

An important survival skill 一个重要的生存技能

A useful means of entertainment 有用的娱乐方式I like swimming very much.I find it very relaxing and fun

One of my favorite pastimes 我最喜欢的消遣方式之一I love listening to music which is one of my favorite A form of relaxation 一种放松方式pastimes

A waste of time 浪费时间I ’m fond of reading.I think it is a form of relaxation

The most dependable mood-booster 最靠谱的振奋方式My favorite teacher is MrQian.He is patient and Very tasty 好吃的很responsible

Fairly peaceful 非常平静I come from a small city called** which is very tranquil and Cozy and comfortable 温馨且舒服picturesque

Pretty handy 很方便I don ’t like watching TV. For me, itaiswaste of time Extremely useful 极为有用I ’m obsessed with eating snacks. They arveery tasty


Add a lot of spice to my life 为生活增添色彩Strengthen the bond with my close friends

Improve my physical well being 改善身体状况


Replenish myself from the pressure and stresses of work Make my body strong and active

and life



Get rid of the bad mood 摆脱糟糕的心情I like swimming very much which can make my body Give us a new perspective about life strong and active

给我们新的视角去看待生活I love sports which helpsimprove my physical well being. Promote my creativity and imagination Reading is important because it is one of the best ways to

提升我的创新力和想象力add a lot of spice to my life.

Make me look more charming (gorgeous) I ‘m fond of dancing . It is a perfect way ofmaking me look 使我变得更加迷人more charming.

Save me a lot of precious time 节省我大量的宝贵时间

Show your personality 展示你的个性

探索词搭(眼睛)Have a fantastic view of nature scenes 欣赏自然美景之壮丽

See the world through refreshed eyes 用新的眼光看世界

Surf the web /Browse the internet to get the latest information 浏览网页获取最新信息Watch some interesting TV programs 看一些有趣的电视节目

探索词搭(耳朵)Put on some folk music 放一些民俗音乐

Get away from the hustle and bustle of city life 远离喧嚣都市生活

探索词搭(鼻子)Breathe the fresh and clean air 呼吸新鲜干净的空气

探索词搭(嘴巴)Try some new restaurants 尝试一些新的餐厅

Have some good chats 愉快地聊天

Sample the local food 品尝当地食物

探索词搭(手脚)Curl up on the sofa 蜷缩在沙发上

Go for a walk 散步

Improve my hands-on ability 提高动手能力

Catch frogs in the pond 在池塘中抓青蛙

Do some window shopping 只看不买的购物

探索词搭(头脑)Learn pottery making through community education


Settle down with reading my favorite novel 专心读自己喜欢的小说

Assist all ages with learning and development 帮助各个年龄层学习和发展

Broaden our horizon with history knowledge 用历史知识开阔视野

Follow the flow of others 随大流

Spread knowledge to/impart knowledge upon the students


Gain better understanding of the cultural and natural heritage of the city


Increase our knowledge and make us more aware of the world around us


探索词搭(心灵)Feel healthy and energized 感到精神焕发

Feel mentally refreshed 感到焕然一新

Enjoy the feeling of being in the water 喜欢在水里面呆着的感觉

Take comfort in snacks 享受零食

探索词搭(美丽)keep me in a good shape 保持好的体型

Follow the fashion 跟随时尚

探索词搭(金钱)The living cost is much lower 生活成本较低

探索词搭(环境)Escape from the crowds 逃离拥挤之地

探索词搭(效率)Accomplish more with less effort 事半功倍

Implement/practice good time management 执行好的时间管理

Make the most of my time 充分利用我的时间

Work more efficiently 工作更加有效率

Access my messages anywhere online 到哪儿都能在网上收到我的信息
