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外研版七年级英语(下)期末考试模拟试题(一)Class: Name: No. Marks:



( )16.What does Ann often do in the evening?

A. She watches TV.

B. She does her homework.

C. She washes her clothes.

D. She does her housework.


( )17.How does Mike come to school every day?

A. By car.

B. By boat.

C. By bus.

D. By bike.


( )18.What time does Tom get up in the morning?

A. At half past three.

B. At half past five.

C. At half past six.

D. At four.


( )19.Where’s the ball?

A. It’s under the desk.

B. It’s near the door.

C. It’s under the window.

D. It’s behind the door.


( )20.What does Miss White like?

A. She likes the Chinese people.

B. She likes Chinese food.

C. She likes Chinese fruit.

D. She likes the Chinese people and the food.


( )21. Who answers the telephone?

A. Bob.

B. Alice.

C. Sue.


( )22. Why doesn’t Linda go to school?

A. She feels better.

B. She gets up late.

C. She is ill.


( )23. What does the man mean?

A. He doesn’t like to go because of the weather.

B. He has another idea to go to play.

C. He’d like to go with them.


( )24. Why doesn’t their mother buy the tickets?

A. She is too busy.

B. She is too happy.

C. She is not at home.


( )25. What season does Jim like best?

A. Winter.

B. Autumn.

C. Summer.

听短文,根据短文内容完成第26至30小题,短文读两遍。(共5小题,共5分)( )26. How old is Mary going to be?

A. Twelve.

B. Eleven.

C. Thirteen.

D. Fourteen.

( )27. Who’s going to give a party for Mary?

A. Mrs. White.

B. Mrs. Green.

C. Her friends.

D. Mr. Green.

( )28. How many girls are going to come to the party?

A. Twelve.

B. A lot of girls.

C. Twenty.

D. Thirty.

( )29. What’s Mrs. Green buying for the party?

A. Presents.

B. Fruit.

C. Food.

D. Birthday cakes.

( )30. What time is the party going to start?

A. 3:15.

B. 4:15.

C. 4:45.

D. 4:00.



31. There was a rain today.

32. They bought many new last week.

33. She the questions with a smile.

34. I want to be a football .

35. The boy often the door.

二、语音知识:在下面每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个划线部分读音不同的选项。(5分)( )36. A. party B. hard C. warm D. car

( )37. A. today B. may C. says D. say

( )38. A. three B. thick C. thin D. the

( )39. A. present B. song C. sunny D. summer

( )40. A. August B. laugh C. autumn D. caught


( )41. I usually leave____________________ home ______________ school very early.

A. to, for

B. for, to

C.X, for

( )42. I didn’t go to bed____________________ I finished my homework last night.

A. if

B. because

C. until

( )43. Look! He is writing very_______.

A. good

B. well

C. fine

( )44. The children are playing_______ in the park. They feel ______when the sun is shining.

A. happily, happy

B. happy, happily

C. happily, happily

( )45. Tom looks____________ when I see him. He looks at me_____________.

A. sad, sad

B. sadly, sadly

C. sad, sadly

( )46. When is _______________ Day?

A. Teacher

B. Teacher’s

C. Teachers’

( )47. Are you _________________ the radio?

A. hearing

B. listening

C. listening to

( )48. They are talking ____________________ the telephone.

A. in

B. at

C. on

( )49. The girl was five ______________________ .

A. X

B. years

C. year old

( )50. ___________________was your vacation?”“It’s great.”

A. What

B. How

C. When

( )51. He and his uncle _______________away from the city two years ago.

A. was

B. are

C. were

( )52. Do you enjoy __________________ story books?

A. seeing

B. reading

C. to read
