
其中,HP-RTM(High-Pressure Resin Transfer Molding,高压树脂转移成型)是一种常用的CFRP成型工艺。
3.采用树酯成型树脂(Resin Transfer Molding,RTM)前驱体。

10、CIRTM,Co-Injection RTM。

其中,HP-RTM (高压快速反应注射成型)是一种常用的CFRP复合材料成型工艺,它可以实现高质量、高效率的制造,并具有良好的孔隙控制能力。

02 HP-RTM工艺研究进展 RTM工艺优点
RTM工艺主要有三个优点: 第一,可制造高质量、高精度、低孔隙率、高纤维含量的构件; 第二,无需胶衣也可制备内外表面光滑的制品,生产效率相对高; 第三,闭模操作,污染小。
RTM工艺用树脂要满足以下几个要求: 第一,室温或工作温度下具有低粘度(200-600mPa.s)及一定的贮存期; 第二,树脂对增强材料具有良好的浸润性、匹配性及粘附性; 第三,树脂体系不含溶剂,固化时无低分子物析出;固化时发热量少; 第四,树脂从凝胶化、固化到脱模时间短,收缩率低以保证制品尺寸准确; 第五,树脂在固化温度下具有良好的反应性,且后处理温度低。
公司于2014年5月份开始和东 华大学合作,主要开发汽车复 合材料领域的相关产品,同时 依托东华的复合材料技术,对 惠柏进行技术支持和培训
公司于2015年6月开始和北航 签署产学研协议,主要开发 T800高韧性预浸料树脂及其他 新工艺产品。
01 公司介绍 惠柏新材优势
02 HP-RTM工艺研究进展 HP-RTM工艺简介及优点
为了解决目前RTM工艺方面存在的生产效率低、产品精度不高、孔隙率高等不足,高压树脂传递模塑工艺 (High Pressure Resin Transfer Molding)应运而生。HP-RTM工艺技术是近年来推出的一种应对大批量生产高 性能热固性复合材料零件的新型RTM工艺技术。它采用预成型件、钢模,真空辅助排气,高压混合注射和 在高压下完成树脂对纤维的浸渍和固化的工艺,实现低成本、短周期(大批量)、高质量生产。
02 HP-RTM工艺研究进展 实际案例

HP-RTM工艺之我见原创2016-04-13 bamstone(刘伟)福财笑有近几年来,HP-RTM工艺炒得火热,朋友圈和业内网站,隔三差五就会冒出来一个相关的信息来。

Reinforce Plastics网站消息称,陶氏汽车系统(Dow Automotive System)近日完成对旗下VORAFORCE 5300环氧树脂系统的性能提升,改进方向主要针对复合材料行业HP-RTM工艺(高压树脂传递模塑成型工艺)。
陶氏方面宣称,借助改进后的环氧树脂系统,HP-RTM工艺或湿法模压工艺(wet compression)的成型时间可控制在60秒之内,满足碳纤维复合材料规模量产的技术需求。
”陶氏化学全球战略市场经理Peter Cate表示说,“汽车零部件商因此可以实现轻量化汽车部件的规模量产。
HP-RTM Technology

Process description HP-RTMSource: Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbHWith injection method under high pressure up to approx. 100bar Preparing injection mold 注射模准备Finished part 成品Part demolding 制件脱模Resin injection 注入树脂Close tool 闭模Insert reinforcing material 放入增强材料Producepreform 制件预成型Dryreinforcing fiber 干燥增强纤维高压树脂传递模塑工艺描述采用高达100bar 压力下的注射手段闭模Process description HP-RTMWith injection method under high pressureDry fiber productsPreformP r e f o m p l a c e me n t 放置预成制件RTM press 传递模塑压机Cured RTM Component 传递模塑成品C om ponen t A C om pone nt BRTM Equipment传递模塑设备泵混和头干燥纤维制品预成型采用高压下注射手段高压树脂传递模塑工艺描述02 | 2010 –page 1RTM process overview树脂传递模塑工艺流程Source: BMW AGSource: Krauss MaffeiRTM mixing headRTM 混合头Release agent coating 涂覆脱模剂Unroll Cutting 开卷切割Part removal 取件Cleaning lower tool 清理下模Placing inserts 放置添加物2. Press process 压制过程1.Upstream process 上游工艺过程3. Downstream process 下游工艺过程Place inserts 放置添加物Stitching 缝纫Laying Packaging 平铺Cuttingpreform 切割预成型Preforming 预成型RTM process 树脂传递模塑工艺Cleaning upper tool 清理上模Loading form 放置预成型件Resin injection 注入树脂Raw material storage 原材料存储IMC process 模内喷涂工艺Parts storage 制件存储Measuring parts 制件测量Outline trimming 外廓修边MillingStamping 磨、冲Water jet Cutting 水切割Cleaning 清洁Pretreatingsurface 表面预处理Bonding 粘接Verifying 校验02 | 2010 –page 2RTM-equipment 树脂传递模塑工艺设备Molds 模具Automation 自动化Mixing head 混合头Presses 压机Tank storage存储罐Line control 生产线控制Mold Heating 模具加热Dosing Facility 喂料装置Form cleaning 模具清理Preform press 预成型压机Daily Dose 日常喂料Preform Production 预成型Post processing后加工DIEFFENBACHERKrauss Maffei高压树脂传递模塑应用实例高压树脂传递模塑应用实例02 | 2010 –page 1Process overview, classification and process partnersF iber-R einforced P lastics FRPC ompression M olding Technology CMS heet M olding C ompoundSMC Direct Strand Molding CompoundD-SMCLong Fiber T hermoplastics D irect processLFT-D E-LFT-D Tailored LFT-D G lass M at Reinforced T hermoplasticGMTH igh P ressureR esin T ransfer M olding HP-RTMC o -o p e r a t i o n p a r t n er工艺纵览、分类及合作伙伴纤维增强复合材料FRP模压成型技术CM 长纤维增强热塑塑料高压树脂传递模塑。

HP-RTM树脂体系固化反应动力学及流变行为研究刘钟铃;袁悦;张莉;何鹏【摘要】HP-RTM(高压树脂传递模塑)工艺是近些年针对汽车行业兴起的碳纤维复合材料快速成型工艺,较传统的成型工艺在保证制品力学性能的前提下,其复合材料部件生产周期可缩短至10 min以内,大幅缩短了复合材料部件制造周期,成为汽车领域复合材料成型的首选工艺之一.针对HP-RTM工艺用快速固化环氧树脂体系(RX-1),采用DSC(差示扫描量热仪)和流变仪研究了其固化反应热行为和流变行为,并根据经典动力学模型Kissinger法研究RX-1树脂体系固化反应动力学,计算了反应活化能Ea.研究结果表明:RX-1树脂体系在120℃、60 s内其黏度已突增到1.76×106 Pa·s,完全实现凝胶化,该体系在一定的工艺温度下能实现在2 min内完成固化,利用Kissinger法求得RX-1树脂固化过程表观活化能Ea为54.88 kJ/mol.研究成果为HP-RTM成型工艺参数设定与优化提供了技术基础和理论依据.【期刊名称】《高科技纤维与应用》【年(卷),期】2019(044)003【总页数】5页(P32-36)【关键词】碳纤维复合材料;环氧树脂;HP-RTM;快速固化;反应动力学【作者】刘钟铃;袁悦;张莉;何鹏【作者单位】康得复合材料有限责任公司,河北廊坊065000;康得复合材料有限责任公司,河北廊坊065000;康得复合材料有限责任公司,河北廊坊065000;康得复合材料有限责任公司,河北廊坊065000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ342+.740 前言能源短缺及环境污染问题已成为制约我国汽车产业可持续发展的突出问题。
为应对气候变化改善环境,世界多个国家和地区已经出台相应政策限制汽车燃油消耗量,我国也已颁布《节能与新能源汽车产业发展规划(2012-2020年)》,要求到2020年乘用车平均燃料消耗量降至5L/100 km,节能型乘用车燃料消耗量降至4.5 L/100 km以下[2]。

HP-RTM是英文High Pressure Resin Transfer Molding的简写,全称是高压树脂传递模塑成型工艺,简称HP-RTM成型工艺。
上述介绍中关键词介绍:▪高压压力:这里的高压是相对于传统RTM(Resin Transfer Molding)工艺而言,HP-RTM 把注胶压力提升到80bar。
以上流程可以通过一个简单的工艺流程图来体现:前面提到HP-RTM成型工艺是相对于传统RTM工艺而言进行优化后的成型工艺,在不同的优化方向上,也相应开发出了其它的以RTM工艺为基础,进一步提高生产效率和制品性能的工艺,比如现在HRC拥有的HP-CRTM(High Pressure Compression Resin Transfer Molding)成型工艺.HP-CRTM成型工艺是在HP-RTM工艺技术中的树脂注胶前,将模具上移0.5~1mm,增大密封模腔间隙,模具可以有更宽的浇道,降低树脂流动阻力,注胶结束后再将模具在高压下完全闭合,树脂体系随闭合压力流动充模,成型压力相对较低,这样既保证纤维不乱纹,又保证了较高的注射速度。

适用于汽车规模化生产的连续纤维织物(毡、布、带)增强复合材料最新成型工艺综述成型工艺的名称HP-RTM高压-树脂传递模塑T-RTM热塑性塑料-树脂传递模塑gap impregnation technology间隙浸渍技术(RTM 的拓展)该工艺的简明示意图构件典型的应用产品与.零件BMWi3全车车身骨架构件大众公司某型轿车中立柱轿车引擎盖应用实绩i3的车身包括Life 和Drive 两个模块,它之所以这么轻,是因为车身选择了创新的碳纤维材质:先由纤维丝纺成纱线,再织成布料,之后将织成的布料放入模具,加入树脂硬化后才诞生, 在宝马i3之前,从未有企业在一款车上大量使用碳纤维。
2011年1月德国夫琅霍夫学院在10th ACCE 正式发布HP-RTM 技术在K 2010展会中,恩格尔和克劳斯玛菲这两家公司都第一次在两个复杂的成型单元中证明了这项技术2014.03发表于德国《Kunststoffe 》杂志.2012.06发表于德国《Kunststoffe 》杂志 2014.03研发人 C.Hopmann 教授获得德国国家塑料工业大奖主要研发、应用的公司(IKV) at RWTH AachenUniversity、应用的基体树脂及粘度 环氧树脂epoxy 或聚氨酯树脂PUR 1.0PaS 类似于10倍的机油粘度 己内酰胺或CBT0.01PaS 犹如血水一样的粘度热固/热塑树脂均可基体树脂和装备供应厂家、.制品的纤维含量可达到 % 707575固化或聚合成型的类型 反应注射成型.原位聚合 反应注射成型 反应注射加压浸渍成型快速成型的周期5分,最快的有2分 60秒~120秒 2分~5分成型时的工艺条件模温120℃树脂注射压力40bar 锁模力3600t!压机成型温度 120~150℃ 模具加压压力大于25bar制品表观质量 钢模 A 级表面 可同步实施模内涂漆,达到A 级表面选择优秀的纤维和树脂,直接在钢模内制成A 级表面简要工艺流程T-RTM 类同,仅是基体树脂改変。

➢ 树脂快速充满模腔。 ➢ 改善了树脂浸渍增强材料的质量。 ➢ 加速树脂反应性系统可以获得短的固化周期。 ➢ 对空气的排除和产品的孔隙减少具有重大意义。 ➢ 产品具有卓越的表面性能和质量。 ➢ 产品的厚度和三维形状尺寸偏差低。 ➢ 具有高的工艺稳定性和重复性。 ➢ 使用内脱模剂和自清洁系统。
日本“人与车科技展2014”展出使用“ Loctite MAX3” 的碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料的成形品(汽车的车顶)。
新型基体树脂“Loctite MAX3”耐热性与环氧树脂相同125℃, 比环氧基 体树脂成形时间短。延展率和韧性超过了环氧树脂、拉伸弹性模量和 拉伸强度与环氧树脂同等。Loctite MAX3树脂在高温下的粘度较低, 树脂注入工序中,更容易渗入到纤维材料中。缩短向成形模具注入树 脂到脱模的时间(脱模时间)。车顶材料以高压RTM 工艺成形时,脱 模时间为5.5分钟,为环氧树脂的1/5左右
早期设计复杂的模具注射阀,代替人 工插入模具自动化稍微提高
先进的轻型树脂传递模塑工艺LRTM,首 次应用是于1970年,德国。真空密封环境 中进行,挥发性有机化合物零排放量
➢ 注射压力在10-60bar,工艺周期大约6分钟。
➢ 德国加工机械领域的专家迪芬巴赫公司(Dieffenbacher)和克 劳斯玛菲公司(KraussMaffei)共同开发了高压树脂传递模塑 成型工艺 (HP-RTM)的自动化生产线。包括预成型加工、压 制过程以及修整工艺。相比于传统的RTM工艺,HP-RTM工艺 减少了树脂注射次数,提 高了预制件的浸渍质量,并缩短了成 型周期。
克劳斯玛菲RIM-star HP-RTM 产品壳体

百思而为 成就通达
2. 未取得任何技术上的突破,“外行 式”暴力型解决方案,纯粹拿钱砸,“以资 源改变原理”,“霸王硬上弓”,毫无美感 (科学和艺术应该是相通的)。
百思而为 成就通达
The material is one-third as dense as metal titanium but stronger,[9] and consists of chopped carbon fiber tows that are sandwiched between two layers of filmed resin.[10] It uses about 500,000 intertwined turbostratic fibers per square inch.[5] The structure of the high strength carbon fibers is described as turbostratic, that is the fibers contain intertwined and folded sheets of carbon atoms aligned with the length of the fiber, and the intertwining improved the fiber strength.

LCM常见工艺类型介绍LCM (Liquid Composite Molding)是指液体复合成型工艺,是一种常见的复合材料加工工艺。
LCM具有如下几种常见的工艺类型:1. RTM(Resin Transfer Molding):RTM是LCM的一种常见工艺类型。
2. SRIM(Structural Reaction Injection Molding):SRIM也是LCM的一种类型。
3. VARTM(Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding):VARTM是一种通过负压实施树脂注入的LCM工艺。
4. LRI(Liquid Resin Infusion):LRI是一种注液法的LCM工艺。
继续介绍LCM常见工艺类型:5. HP-RTM(High-Pressure Resin Transfer Molding):HP-RTM是一种高压树脂注塑成型工艺。

HIGHER TG RECYCLABLE HIGH PRESSURE RESIN TRANSFERMOLDING (HP-RTM) EPOXY PROPERTIES AND HOW THEYCOMPARE TO A COMMERCIAL SYSTEMS. Pastine1*, G. Meirson2**, R. Banatao1, S. Kosinski1, M. Nasrullah1, V. Ugresic2,F. Henning31Connora Technologies Inc., 1488 Zephyr Avenue, Hayward, CA USA 94544*Phone: +1 (415) 315-9524 Email:**********************2Fraunhofer Project Centre, 2544 Advanced Ave, London, Ontario, Canada N6M 0E1**Phone: +1 (519) 661-2111 Email:***************3Department of Polymer Engineering, Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT, GermanyAbstractImplementation of composites in automotive manufacturing is driven by cost reduction. High Pressure Resin Transfer Molding (HP-RTM) allows part manufacturing cycle time to be on the order of minutes. Thermoset materials used in HP-RTM are not recyclable, which leads to artificially high production costs due to the lack of a suitable means to reincorporate waste in the value chain. Connora has developed a series of new epoxy curing agents called Recyclamines®. Use of these curing agents enables manufacturing of recyclable thermoset products. In the present work, Connora’s higher Tg curing agents were coupled with Hexion’s commercial epoxy resin to produce epoxy/carbon plaques. Mechanical properties of the resulting plaques were compared with epoxy/carbon plaques produced using Hexion’s commercial epoxy resin and curing agent. Mechanical properties of both systems were found to be similar at room temperature conditions.BackgroundApplication of composite materials in various technologies in the automotive industry has recently been on the rise. One such application is HP-RTM, which delivers two or more components (e.g., resin and curing agent) from separate tanks to the mixing head where they are mixed and injected into the mold under high pressure to create a thermoset. The mold usually contains a fiber fabric or a preform made from a fiber fabric. As the liquid thermoset material is injected into the mold and infused into the fiber fabric, a matrix develops resulting from the reaction between resin and curing agent. Efficient mixing and fast injection enables the use of elevated temperature molds, facilitating part production times in mere minutes. Short cycle times in conjunction with elevated physical performance makes HP-RTM-produced parts particularly attractive for the automotive industry. One major disadvantage of HP-RTM is sustainability, however, as neither the thermoset materials nor the carbon fiber reinforcement are reusable.Connora Technologies has pioneered the development of recyclable, amine-based curing agents for epoxy resin to facilitate the creation of recyclable thermoset products and composites. Connora’s recyclable amine technology has a cleavage point in the center of the molecule, which under a specific set of conditions, breaks all cross-links in the epoxy matrix. Thus, cleavage of this bond effectively converts the epoxy thermoset matrix into a thermoplastic material. Figure 1 displays this reaction scheme. Replacement of recyclable amines for conventional amine curing agents allows for the recycling and/or repurposing of both matrix and the fiber fabric in post-manufacturing waste and end-of-life streams.Figure 1: Schematic representation of recyclable epoxy technology Previous research on the subject of HP-RTM manufacturing [1] focused on reuse of the fabric by reimpregnation with resin after the original resin matrix had been recycled. The new composite manufactured from recycled fabric had very similar properties to the initial composite manufactured from a virgin carbon fabric. In this research, panels (900x550 mm2) were manufactured using Hexion commercial resin in combination with Connora’s newly developed higher Tg hardener system. Mechanical properties of the resulting panels were tested and compared with properties of panels manufactured with Hexion’s commercial Resin and Hardener system.MaterialsHexion’s Epikote 6000 resin with either Connora’s Recyclamine 3182 or Recyclamine 3382 were loaded into the HP-RTM machine and injected into the mold. SGL supplied the unidirectional and multidirectional carbon fiber preforms placed in the mold. SGL preforms were also injected with Hexion’s Epikote 6150 resin and Hexion’s Epikure 6150 hardener. Moldingwas assisted by Hexion’s Heloxy 112 internal mold release.EquipmentThe trial was performed by Fraunhofer Project Center (FPC) in London, Ontario. Krauss Maffei Rimstar 8/4/8 HP-RTM and Dieffenbacher CompresPlus 2500 ton servohydraulic press were used in the trial. Both are represented in Figure 2. A rectangular 900x550 mm2 mold was installed in the press. This mold was specifically designed to address the needs of the automotive industry by sizing it appropriately for real automotive parts. The mold is equipped with a center gate injection port, pressure sensors and two vacuum ports located at the horizontal edges. The mold design allows for part production of varying thickness. A thickness of 2.0 mm for unidirectional parts and 2.2 mm for multidirectional parts (±45o orientation) were selected for the current trial.Figure 2: FPC equipment- press and HP-RTMPanel ManufacturingThe HP-RTM apparatus operates in the following manner: 1) Resin components are first loaded into separate tanks; 2) The components are then delivered by pumps to the mix head, which mixes the materials and injects the mixture into the mold; 3) Prior to injection, vacuum ports are opened and a vacuum is generated inside the mold, the ports are closed one second before injection ; 4) During injection the press applies a force on the mold called “injection force” and after injection, it applies another force called “curing force.” The HP-RTM’s and Press’s settings are presented in Table 1.Table 1 – Trial process parameters that held constantAnalyzing MethodsTensile tests were conducted on MTS load frame, model C45.105E. The testing displacement rate was set to 2 mm/min. The strain data was recorded using video extensometer. Tensile testing in 0◦ was performed according to DIN EN 2561 standard, wherein the load frame is equipped with 100 kN load cell, model MTS LPS.105. Tensile testing in 90◦ was performed according to DIN EN 2597, wherein the testing displacement rate is set to 2 mm/min. Flexural tests were performed using the 3-point bending method according to ASTM D7264/D7264M-07 standard, using a 10 kN load cell model MTS LPS.104 for the measurements. A 2 mm/min displacement rate was chosen for the tests. Compression tests were performed according to ASTM D3410/D3410M-03 standards with a displacement rate of 1.5 mm/min. The strain data was recorded using video extensometer. The frame was equipped with 100 kN load cell for the tests. The interlaminar shear strength (ILLS) tests were performed using the EN ISO 14130 standard. The displacement rate was set to 2 mm/min and the load measurements were taken using a 10 kN load cell. Tensile and compression tests were performed on the UD panels. Flexure and ILSS tests were performed on the multidirectional panels (±45o tests).Results and DiscussionsConnora’s Recyclamine hardeners in combination with Hexion’s Epikote 6000 resin were easy to process. A typical manufactured panel is shown in Figure 6. The measured gel times of Hexion’s Epikote 6000/Recyclamine 3382 and Hexion’s Epikote 6000/Recyclamine 3182 were quite fast at 140 o C and 130 o C, and are summarized in Table 2. Hexion’s Epikote 6150/Epikure 6150 commercial system gel time at 140 o C was taken from the material’s TDS.Figure 6: Panel manufactured at a trial using Hexion’s Epikote 6000/Recyclamine 3182 systemTable 2: Gel time on hot press at 140o CTypically, a commercial HP-RTM system can be de-molded with a sufficient Tg at a cycle time three times the recorded gel time. Similarly, this guideline roughly applied to the Connora epoxy resin systems. Composites were fabricated at press temperatures of 120, 130, and 140 o C, with cure cycles ranging from 90 sec to 5 min. Table 3 provides the demold Tg and % cure measured for select panels using the Epikote 6000/Recyclamine 3182 system containing 1 PHR IMR. Tg and % cure values of the Recycalmine 3382 systems were found to be similar to 3182 system. As a reference, the Hexion control system yielded a demold Tg of 118 o C at 120 o C for 5 minutes.Table 3: Tg Values and % cure of Recycalbe Carbon composites at different cure intervalsFor a comparison of mechanical properties, composite panels were selected with the respective cure conditions as show in Table 4.Table 4: Cure conditions evaluated in the studySamples were cut from produced panels with water jet and tested in a variety of tests: tension, flexure, compression and ILSS. Each test was performed on five samples from each panel. The comparison of mechanical properties from Hexion’s commercial 6150 system, Connora’s R ecyclamine 3182/Hexion’s 6000 Epikote resin system and Connora’s Recyclamine 3382/Hexion’s 6000 Epikote resin system obtained by mechanical tests is shown in Figures 7-10.Figure 7 compares tensile properties of the composites prepared with each system. Properties were compared in both 0o and 90o orientation, where 90o orientation properties primarily represent those of the matrix, and 0o orientation primarily those of the fiber. While the strength properties are higher for the Recyclamine systems, modulus is higher for the Hexion 6150 commercial system in both directions. However, both systems exhibit similar tensile properties once standard deviation is accounted for.Figure 7: Tensile properties comparison between composites produced from three different systems in both0o and 90o orientations.Figure 8 compares compression properties for composites produced using Conn ora’s Recyclamines and Hexion’s 6150 system. Results indicate compression properties of each composite compare similarly to tension properties shown in Figure 7. Namely, Hexion’s 6150 system exhibits a better modulus while Connora’s Recyclamines produce composites with higher strength. As is the case with tensile properties, all three systems perform similarly once standard deviation is accounted for..Figure 8: Compression properties comparison between composites produced from three different systemsin both 0o and 90o orientations.Figure 9 compares flexural properties of composites prepared with the three different resin systems using a preform with ±45o fiber orientation. The properties were measured and compared at both room and elevated temperature (80o C). Results in Figure 9 indicate the three systems exhibit similar flexural properties at room temperature. However, at elevated temperature the flexural properties of Hexion’s 6150 system drop less than Connora’s Recyclamine systems. This phenomenon is a result of the Hexion 6150 system’s10-15°C h igher Tg than Connora’s Recyclamine systems.Figure 9: flexural properties comparison between composites produced from three different systems in ±45o panels at room and at elevated temperature (80o C)Figure 10 compares the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of the three systems in samples with ±45o fiber orientation. Figure 10 shows room temperature ILSS properties are identical among the three composites. Once temperature is elevated to 80o C the ILSS properties of all drop significantly. At 80 o C, the Hexion system showed significantly higher ILSS properties than Connora’s Recyclamine, also explained by the higher Tg of Hexion’s commercial system.Figure 10: ILSS properties comparison between composites produced from three different systems in ±45opanels at room and at elevated temperature (80o C)A common misconception about recyclable epoxy technology is that its chemical resistance is inferior to that of conventional non-recyclable epoxy. This misconception was refuted by an additional test in which samples were subjected to preconditioning before testing. Five 90o tensile samples from each group were submerged in gasoline, 1% sulfuric acid and 5% acetic acid for a week. A visual comparison of samples before and after conditioning is displayed in Table 5. After conditioning, the samples were tested and the resulting properties compared with those obtained from as molded samples without preconditioning. Figure 11 reveals that all three systems respond similarly to preconditioning. All three precondition solutions reduce thecomposite s’ modulus and increase their strength. This result is explained by solvent absorption softening the composite.Table 5 shows sulfuric acid treatment exposed the stitches in composites manufactured from all three systems by acid-etching the exterior epoxy layer. Acetic acid treatment exposed the stitches on the composite manufactured with Hexion’s 6150 system but did not expose the stitching of composites manufactured with Recyclamine systems. Gasoline pretreatment did not aesthetically alter the samples. Figure 11 shows all three pretreatments exhibit reduced the modulus of composites produced from each of the three different systems and increased their strength. All three tested systems reacted similarly to the pretreatments.Table 5: Effect of gasoline and acids on compositesGlass Transition TemperatureSystem As Produced Gasoline Sulfuric Acid Acetic Acid Epikote 6150/Epikure 6150Epikote 6000/Recyclamine 3382Epikote 6000/Recyclamine 3182Figure 11: Effect of solvents conditioning on different systems propertiesSummary and Next StepsConnora’s Recyclamine curing agents were easy to process in HP-RTM technology and the resulting composites exhibited comparable mechanical properties to Hexion’s commercial resin system when tested at room temperature. At elevated temperature, Hexion’s commercial system exhibited better results than Connora’s Recyclamine systems presumably due to the slightly higher Tg of the Hexion system. Connora’s Recyclamine system responded well to preconditioning with gasoline, sulfuric acid and acetic acid. All results presented in this study are averages and standard deviations of five samples for each test which. While five is the minimum number of tests to assess statistical significance, more tests are recommended for enhanced statistical analysis.AcknowledgementsSteve Greydanus of Hexion was kind enough to donate all the Hexion materials used in the trial and also provided guidance toward efficient HPRTM processing. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, through an SBIR Phase II Grant: Award #1632433Bibliography1. Pastine, S.J. (2016) Recylable High Pressure Resin Transfer (HP-RTM) Molding Epoxy Systemsand Their Composite Properties, ACCE 2016. Novi, Michigan. Conference proceedings.。
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Composites–Co-molding of local reinforcements foroptimized force transmission and locallyincreased mechanical performance–Local reinforcement with fabrics, non-wovens and component specific pre-forms–Optimization of crash worthiness of LFTparts and injection molded parts by theintegration of high strength fiber structures–Utilization of glass, aramid and carbonfibers etc. for efficient light weight design ICT TrägerTailored LFTdemonstrationpartTailored Structures for Efficient Lightweight ConstructionComposites at a GlanceMaterial and Process Development for:–Long fiber reinforced thermoplastics,e.g. LFT direct process (LFT-D/ILC)–Advanced LFT – use of engineeringthermoplastics as matrix polymerin the LFT-D/ILC process–Tailored LFT – co-molding of LFT withlocal continuous fiber reinforcement(Tailored Fiber Placement)–Processing of thermoset composites andprocess development for thermoset materialse.g. SMC–Development of natural fiber reinforcedcomposites in combination with biopolymers–Plastic-metal-hybrid – compression moldedlong fiber reinforced parts with metal insertsfor joining of metal and polymer components–Component and process simulation forLFT-parts and structures–Cast-Polyamide – in-situ-polymerizationfor the production of fiber reinforced highperformance partsStructural compositedoor-moduleSchematic layout of the LFT-D process with In-Line-Com-pounding (LFT-D/ILC)Twin screw mixing extruder with fiber direct incorporationDirect Process forLong Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics (LFT)LFT Direct Process (LFT-D)Production of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic parts with fiber direct incorporation: Direct incorporation of reinforcement fibers into the polymer resin melt and succeeding molding of the component parts–Development of component-specific material compositions and properties –Adjustable fiber content and free choice of reinforcement typeAdvantages–Reduced production costs by the elimination of semi-finished products and logistical effort –Increased production flexibility –LFT-strand with variable thickness for optimized mold fillLFT-D with In-Line Compounding (LFT-D/ILC)–Versatility regarding material composition –Just-in-time production–In-line compounding of polymers and additives–Use of engineering polymers –significant increase of propertiesThis process and material development was awarded with theJEC Award 2002Our partner Dieffenbacher GmbH & Co. KG was awarded for the development of processing equipment with theAVK-TV Innovationspreis 2001Tailored LFT – Co-Molding of LFT and Continuous Fiber ReinforcementsMaterial–Long fiber reinforced and continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastics (Tailored LFT)–In-Line-Compounding of LFT material in the LFT-D/ILC process–Local reinforcement of LFT-parts with fabrics and pultruded profilesFront-end carrier BMW E46 made of Tailored LFTResearch Topics–Mold fill analysis for compression molding of LFT and SMC–Investigation of rheological material data for LFT-D and SMC materials–Structural analysis with finite element simulation of co-molded LFT parts and SMC structures–Available Software: Catia V5, Ansys,Express, Moldflow, Marc, Coda and othersProcess Simulation ofLong Fiber Reinforced MaterialsTailored LFT Process–Co-molding of woven fabric and LFT in one single compression molding step–Completely automated production process:Transfer and positioning of LFT andreinforcements are automated with cycle times of 35 seconds per componentPrototype Part–Front-end carrier of BMW E46(3 series) made of Tailored LFT–Weight reduction of 30 % compared to original steel construction, approximately 10 % weight reduction compared to a plastic-metal-hybrid solutionThis project was funded by the german federal ministry of research and education and supervised by PTJ Jülich (Project number: 03N3069)Our Offer–Material and process development –Technology and equipment development –CAD, FEM–CharacterizationEquipment –Schmidt & Heinzmann SMC equipment –BMC Z-blade compounder–Fjellman and Dieffenbacher press –Reaktometer and Plastometer –Diffractometer–Process data acquisition–Wide range of characterization methodsMain Research –Class-A SMC–CF and Tailored SMC–Low density and foaming of SMC –Optimization of reproducibility,quality and emissions–Natural fibers and polymers –Recycling technologies –In-line data acquisition–Structural and process simulation –Nano technologyLong Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting Composites (SMC/BMC)Schmidt &Heintzmann SMC lineFjellmann SMC pressPart manufactured in low density SMCThermoplastic-RTM-Process (T-RTM)Development Topics–Thermoplastic composites with continuous fibre reinforcement–Tailored Fiber Placement technology (TFP),as positioning and stitch bonding of rovings and textile layers–Reduction of cycle time and costs –Process development for large scale productionProcess–Activated anionic polymerization to cast polyamide 6 with different textile fiber structures–T-RTM-process (Thermoplast-Resin Transfer Molding), developed at Fraunhofer ICTReinforcements–Organic and inorganic fibers(carbon, aramide, glass and others)–Textile structures like non-woven, woven or knitted fabrics, mats or combinations of these reinforcementsProcess AdvantagesSuitable for series production:–One-step-process with short cycle time –Low energy consumption from monomer to a finished component–Large, thick-walled and stress-freecomponents, also with varied thickness and embedded metallic inserts–Excellent single fiber impregnation by a low-viscosity melt also in thick structuresTwo or three component reaction injection molding machine,maximum melttemperature 200 °CSchematic layout ofthe T-RTM-processOur Offer Press Center for Production of Prototypes and Small Batch Series–Hydraulic high speed press withclosing force of 6.300 kN and active servo-controlled parallel motion system –SMC line–Press with closing force of 3.000 kN with heatable press table (up to 400 °C)–Dieffenbacher LFT-D extrusion line with in-line compounding (LFT-D/ILC)–Single screw plasticizing unit for long fiber reinforced thermosets and thermoplastics –High temperature RTM injection equipment for thermoset and thermoplastic reactive systems–Pivotable press for molding of liquid and reactive systemsOther Processing Equipment–2K injection molding machine with closing force of 1.100 kN and injection molding machines with closing forces of 600 kN and 350 kN–Twin screw extrusion lines with 27 mm diameter and 40 mm diameter –Different comminution devices for plastics and fiber reinforced materials –IR heating system (Heating area 1500 mm x 900 mm)–Automated clamping and transfer system for production of fabric reinforced sandwich structures and thermoforming respectively –Facilities for physical and chemical foaming of thermoplasticsMaterial and Component Characterization –Incineration oven 550 x 750 x 400 mm,up to 1.200 °C–Component construction and simulation –CATIA, ANSYS and EXPRESS–Testing facilities for material characterizationSpecial Equipment–Press center for molding and formulation trials–Compounding of customer specific LFT compounds–Processing of engineering plastics with long fiber reinforcement–Product development of advanced LFT structures with specific local reinforcements–Production of thermoset composite structures–Production of structural components with high performance fibers and cast-polyamide–Testing of composites and determination of service ranges–Consulting in material optimized and process optimized design of fiber reinforced products–Process development and modification of processes for specific products –Component and process simulation for LFT parts and structures–Development of closed loop recycling concepts for composites–Recycling of fiber reinforced materialsOther Competences in Polymer Engineering at the Fraunhofer ICT –Material- and process development in the range of polymers, polymer foams and conducting polymers –Product development –Extrusion–Injection molding and special injection molding processes–Mold technologies and Rapid-Tooling –Microwave applications in polymer engineering–Plasma- and Corona treatment e.g. for surface refinement–Comminution, treatment for recycling and recycling technologies–Polymer testing and characterizationContactBy Air –Airport Frankfurt/Main (approx. 120 km)–Airport Straßburg/France (approx. 100 km)–Airport Stuttgart (approx. 80 km)–Baden Airport Karlsruhe (approx. 40 km,only regional flights)By CarApproaching from the direction of Frankfurt/Main or Basel (CH):Motorway A5, exit Karlsruhe-Durlach, follow B10towards direction of Pforzheim until Pfinztal-Berghausen,follow B293 towards direction of Bretten, after the railway underpass turn left and follow the signs to the Fraunhofer ICT.Approaching from the direction of Stuttgart/München:Motorway A8, exit Pforzheim-West, follow B10 towards direction of Karlsruhe until Pfinztal-Berghausen, follow B293 towards direction of Bretten, for further directions please see above.By TrainTrain to Karlsruhe Hauptbahnhof; there you take the »Stadtbahn« S4 tram which departs every 20 or 40minutes towards Bretten/Eppingen/Heilbronn; exit at the stop »Berghausen-Hummelberg«. Please do NOT use the »Eilzug«. Note that the tram only stops on request (i.e. please press the button on the door). Travelling time approx. 25 minutes walk up the hill for about 10 minutes.By TaxiTake a taxi from Karlsruhe Hauptbahnhof to the Fraunhofer ICT – travelling time between 15 and 30 minutes. Price: 20,– Euro.Fraunhofer-Institut fürChemische Technologie ICTJoseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 7D-76327 Pfinztal (Berghausen), Germany Phone: +49(0)721-4640-0Fax: +49(0)721-4640-111info@ict.fhg.de www.ict.fhg.deDirectorsProf. Dr.-Ing. Peter Eyerer Dr.-Ing. Peter ElsnerGeneral ManagementDr.-Ing. Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn Phone: +49(0)721-4640-388kfz@ict.fhg.deCompositesDr.-Ing. Frank HenningPhone: +49(0)721-4640-420E-Mail: hg@ict.fhg.de Dr. Jan DiemertPhone: +49(0)721-4640-433di@ict.fhg.de。