2015美国数学建模A题M奖论文-林星岑 廖相伊 王隽逸
![2015美国数学建模A题M奖论文-林星岑 廖相伊 王隽逸](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c656663587c24028915fc3e6.png)
For office use onlyT1________________ T2________________ T3________________ T4________________Team Control Number 37090Problem ChosenAFor office use onlyF1________________F2________________F3________________F4________________2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Summary SheetThe advent of licensed Ebola vaccines and drugs delights the whole world while also posing a dilemma of how to allocate the needed quantity among all Ebola outbreaks and deliver them with effectiveness and efficiency.We establish comprehensive Ebola response models in three most suffering countries (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) including a prediction model generating short-term estimates of the Ebola transmission situations, an allocation-and-delivery model planning the needed quantity of medicines and the optimal delivery route, and a cellular automaton model measuring the effect of effective isolation and treatment. Besides, we also give policy making suggestions to prevent international spread to some unaffected countries.Based on the special characteristic of Ebola, we create a modified SEIR epidemic model with an added intervention factor to stand for the effect of some forms of interventions other than vaccines and drugs. We predict the potential number of future Ebola cases with or without the use of effective medicine and the result also shows that if the transmission trends continue without effective interventions, countries will undergo worse and worse situations In the next model, we first classify all outbreaks into five levels due to the different Ebola case numbers. Then we apply minimum spanning tree method, Monte Carlo method and 0-1 programming to our model to locate an optimal number of medical center and sub-centers in each country aiming to eradicate Ebola. We set one medial center in each country and one more sub-center in Guinea, three more sub-centers in Liberia and four more sub-centers in Sierra Leone. The model also calculates the minimal needed number of vaccines and drugs in every manufacturing cycle.Then, we discuss the effect of isolation and treatment by cellular automaton model and find out that if only effective isolation is conducted, the retarding effect is limited.We present a comprehensive strategy to eradicate Ebola by conducting dynamic models and as time passes, we can update the statistic data to reality which adds accuracy to our models and optimal results.An Optimal Strategy to Eradicate EbolaIntroductionEbola virus disease (EVD) is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. It has become one of the most prevalent and devastating threat for its intense transmission. Since first cases of the current West African epidemic of Ebola virus disease were reported on March 22, 2014, over 20000 new cases have been found and about 9000 patients have died from it. The western Africa areas-Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone in particular-are outbreaks that have suffered most [1].With the help of licensed vaccines and drugs, we aim to stop Ebola transmission in affected countries within a short period and prevent international spread. Our objectives are:●to achieve full and fast coverage with vaccines for susceptible individuals and drugs for infectious individuals among three most suffering countries (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone);●to ensure emergency and immediate application of comprehensive Ebola response interventions in countries with an initial case or with localized transmission;●to strengthen preparedness of all countries to rapidly detect and response to an Ebola exposure,especially those sharing land borders with an intense transmission area and those with international transportation hubs[1].For the first objective, we create a comprehensive Ebola response models in those three countries including a prediction model of Ebola transmission, an allocation-and-delivery model for vaccines and drugs used and a cellular automaton model measuring the effect of some crucial interventions. The last two objectives are closely related to policy making and in the following part of our paper we just present detailed information of our models.Basic Assumptions1. A patient can only progress forward through the four states and can never regress(e.g. go from the incubating to the susceptible) or skip a state (e.g. go from the incubating to the recovered state, skipping the infectious state).2.Once recovered from Ebola, an individual will not be infected again in a short time.3.Populations of each country remain the same over the prediction period.4.In absence of licensed vaccines or drugs, some other interventions are used, such as effective isolation for Ebola patients and safe burial protocol.5.When vaccines and drugs are introduced to the prediction model, the incubation period and the effect of interventions other than medicine will not change.6.Building a medical center is at a high cost (e.g. storage facilities of medicines, etc.) and every medical center are capable of delivering all needed medicines.7.We ignore the potential damage to medicines when delivering.8.We calculate the distance between two sites by measuring the spherical distance and ignore the actual traffic situation.9.Once received treatment with licensed drugs, patients will no longer be infectiousindividuals, which also means that we do not take the needed recovery period into account.10.The needed vaccines or drug for an individual is one unit.11.All the data searched from the Internet are of trustworthiness and reliability.Model 1: Prediction ModelWe create a modified SEIR model [2] to estimate the potential number of future Ebola cases in countries with intense and widespread transmission- Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Not only useful in predicting future situation in absence of any licensed vaccine or drug, the modeling tool also can be used to estimate how control and prevention medicine can slow and eventually stop the epidemic.Terminology and definitionsdays is used from previous study. The resulting distribution has a mean incubation period of 6.3 days [3] and therefore, in our prediction model, patients are assumed to be infectious after a 6.3-day’s incubation period. Besides, in absence of licensed vaccines or drugs, Ebola is a disease with few cases of recovery. Thus, under this situation, we assume the recovery rate is 0.001, which is very close to zero.MethodA frightening characteristic of Ebola virus disease is that it has an incubation period ranging from 2 to 21 days before an individual exposed to the virus who finally become infectious. Thus, we create a SEIR epidemic model tracking individuals through the following four states: susceptible (at risk of contracting the disease), exposed (infected but not yet infectious), infectious (capable of transmitting the disease) and removed (recovered from the disease or dead).Moreover, based on Assumption 4, some forms of interventions other than vaccines and drugs may also reduce the spread of Ebola and death numbers, and therefore we introduce an intervention factor γ as a parameter to measure the effect. In those three intense-transmissioncountries(Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone),at least 20% of new Ebola infections occur during traditional burials of deceased Ebola patients when family and community members directly touching or washing the body. By conducting safe burial practice, the number of new Ebola cases may drop remarkably. Moreover, effective isolation with in-time treatment is also of significant importance in reducing transmission and deaths.In our modified SEIR model, we describe the flow of individuals between epidemiological classes as follows.Figure 1 A schematic representation of the flow of individuals between epidemiologicalclassesSusceptible individuals in class S in contact with the virus enter the exposed class E at the per-capita rate (λ-γ), where λ is transmission rate per infectious individual per day and γ is the intervention factor serves to retard the transmission. After undergoing an average incubation period of 1/α days, exposed individuals progress to the infectious class I. Infectious individuals (I) move to the R-class either recover or die at rate (μ+β+γ), where b stands for the recovery rate and d represents the fatality rate. Besides,The transmission process above is modeled by the following differential equation set: ()()()()()()()()()()()(++)()dS S t I t dt dE S t I t t E t dt dI E t I t dt dR I t dtλγλγααμβγμβγ⎧=--⎪⎪⎪=--⎪⎨⎪=-++⎪⎪⎪=⎩ (1.1)We modify SEIR model by adding intervention factor γ.Algorithm1. With known values of parameter α and μ, we solve the differential equation (1.1) by assigning certain value ranges and step values to parameter λ, β, and γ.2. We get the predicted numbers of exposed, infectious and dead individuals and these numbers can be fitted to real data by using the least square method to get the residual errors of each times’ loop iteration.3. By comparison every residual error, we find the least one and we use the corresponding values of parameters in our prediction for further prediction.ResultVia MA TLAB programming, we obtain the optimal values for parameters λ,μ,α,βand γ(Table1)and then get the estimated cumulative number of cases in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone separately(Figure 2, 3 and 4). The result shows that if Ebola transmission trends continue without effective drugs and vaccines, countries will undergo worse and worse situations.Sierra Leone 0.101 0.001 0.1587 0.03 0.02Figure 2 Cumulative numbers of cases in LiberiaFigure 3 Cumulative numbers of cases in GuineaFigure 4 Cumulative numbers of cases in Sierra LeoneStability testDefinition of stabilityAn aggregation of all possible parameters’ values resulting in a downwards trend of the total number of exposed individuals and infectious individuals are defined as the stability range in our model [4].Stability range First, we draw two equations from the differential equation set (1.1):()()()()()()()()dE S t I t t E t dt dI E t I t dtλγααμβγ=--=-++ As ()E t and ()R t is relatively small, we assume that ()1()S t I t =-. Then, we sum the two equations up and get:()()[1()]()()()E I d I t I t I t tλγμβγ+=---+- In order to prevent the spread of Ebola, the total percentage of E(t) and I(t) has to present a decline trend from the first day of taking action with the licensed medicine, which also means()[]0[()]d E I d dt d I t +< . When I(t)=I(0),the inequality is equivalent to(2)()()0I t λμβγλγ-----<As ()0I t ≈, the relationship of parameters λ, μ, β and γ are(2)0λμβγ---<To conclude, the stability range for model one is (2)0λμβγ---<. When parameters’ values satisfy this inequality, the model is of stability.Model 2: Allocation-and-delivery ModelWe create an allocation-and-delivery model for vaccines and drugs used in three most suffering countries (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) and the optimal strategy is assumed to have significant effect of eradicating Ebola in 180 days.In our allocation-and-delivery model, we set medical centers and sub-centers, which serve to treat Ebola patients, inject vaccines to susceptible individuals and also store needed amount of drugs and vaccines. Besides, countries manufacturing medicines (e.g., America, Canada, etc.) are not where in need of medicines, so we set one medical center to receive drugs and vaccines from the manufacturing country and then delivers the needed amount to every sub-center once a month. For sake of the inconvenience might face when delivering medicines across borders, we model three countries desperately. In another word, we set one medical center in Guinea, one in Liberia and one in Sierra Leone respectively and drugs and vaccines are delivered from every center to the sub-centers within borders.The Figure 5 below demonstrates the model with a hypothetical scenario. The dotted arrow lines show that individuals from every Ebola outbreak (E) will go to the nearest medical center (MC) or sub-center (MSC) for treatment or injection, while the solid arrow lines represent the delivery process of medicines from manufacturing county to each medical center and then to sub-centers.Figure 5 The allocation-and-delivery mode lInstead of building new treating places, we locate our medical centers and sub-centers in some existing Ebola Treating Units (ETUs) [1]. The model shows how we choose from current ETUs, including deciding the optimal number and location.Table 3 existing ETUs their locationTerminology and definitionsGoalWe determine the number and location of medical center and sub-centers on the basis of ● Minimizing the total time-cost that an infectious individual from one outbreak spends on the way to the corresponding medical center or sub-center, while locating those center and sub-centers as few as possible, also means0min N nN ij i o j C d ===∑∑● Minimizing the total distance among one medical center to other sub-centers, also meansmin ()Nij i o D i j =≠∑● Averaging the workloads of medical center and sub-centers, also meansmin N N NSV CV AV =AlgorithmFigure 6 the flow chart for model 2Initialize parameters in previous prediction model●We do not change the value of α and γ used in Model 1.●We have deduced the relationship of parameters λ, μ, β and γ in the stability test of model 1.Estimate daily added number of infectious individualsWe use the prediction model to simulate the situation of daily added number of infectious individuals DI i in 6 months(180 days) for 10 times and choose the worst case(maximal numbers) as the final estimation of daily added number.Build geographical distribution of new added infectious individualsWe categorize all outbreaks into five levels as level I, II, III, IV and V according to the number of confirmed cases and then calculate each level’s probability of a new occurring case. According to the number of new added infectious individuals and the probability of occurring in every outbreak, we build geographical distribution among all outbreaks of new added infectious individuals.Table 5 Outbreaks and classificationSet n from 1 to kWe set n from 1 to k to conduct the process for k times and compare each optimal result as N changes.Locate sub-centers randomlyWe locate sub-centers randomly and for each sub-center, the corresponding outbreaks represent all those outbreaks with a nearer distance to this sub-center compared to others.Calculate total time-costWe define the time-cost as the period that an infectious individual from one outbreak spends on the way to the corresponding medical center or sub-center, and we add up the corresponding distance as the measurement of the time-cost. When calculating the total time-cost, the number of all potential patients is taken into account.Make comparisonWe compare the total time-cost calculated in 400 times’ loop and choose the minimal one as the optimal result.Output optimal n, C n, A V n, CV nLocate medical centerWe calculate the total distance of every medical sub-center to others and locate the one with minimal total distance as the medical center which serve to receive all needed medicine from manufacturing country and deliver the required amount to every sub-center [5].ResultWe locate medical centers and sub-centers separately in three countries as shown in Table 7 and Figure7. We get the different values of indicators (shown in Table 6) and taking total distance and margin distance into account, we choose the optimal number and location of medical sub-centersTable 6 Values of indicatorsTable 7 Location of medical center and sub-centers and their corresponding outbreaksFigure 7 Locations of medical center and sub-centers and the routesWe determine the needed amount of vaccines and drugs.We assume that the successful immune rate is 90%, the recovery rate when drugs are used is 60% and the manufacturing cycle of the licensed drug is 30 days. These rates and cycle-days can be adjusted according to reality. VaccinesIndividuals having received vaccine injection can be protected from being infectious. The larger proportion of population being injected, the lower the transmission rate is. This relationship can be measured as 1'(1)dk λλ=- and we solve this equation and get thenumber of needed vaccines (1k ) is'1dλλ-DrugsPatients will have a higher recovery rate and lower fatality rate. The shorter the course of treatment is, the greater the impact on recovery rate and fatality rate. We rewrite therelationship in mathematic equations as 2'rk D μμ=+or 2'rkDββ=-. Thus, the number of needed drugs (2k ) is (')D r μμ- or (')Drββ- .The resultWe calculate an allocation plan for vaccines and drugs in 6 months and the detailed number are present in table 8 and 9. We can see that the demand for vaccine is much larger than that of drugs because there is a wider range of individuals who need vaccine injections as an effective protection.Table 8 Allocation plan for vaccines in 6 monthsTable 9 Allocation plan for drugs in 6 monthsStability testWe make 10 times’ simulation for the three countries by the following procedures.First, we estimate the needed number of medicines for one month and supply at the first day of that month.Then, we generate added numbers of infectious individuals randomly and calculate the consumed and remaining amount of medicines.Finally, we get the line of daily reaming amount of medicines as shown in Figure 8.-100100200300400500600700Dates u r p l u sFigure 8 Surplus of medicine in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra LeoneThe figures demonstrate that the supply of medicine is sufficient except a small probability (less than 10%) of deficit at the end of the first month. Thus, the model is of high stability.Sensitivity analysisWe have estimated the cumulative number of infectious individuals based on the optimal number and location of medical center and sub-centers in model 2. Then we change the values of parameters to conduct sensitivity analysis. The results are shown in the following table. Table 10 result of sensitivity analysisThe result shows the optimal result will not change unless there is some big fluctuation of parameters’ values. Besides, the fluctuation of transmission rate will result in more significant changes to the number of infectious individuals and therefore, we should put emphasis on the generalization of vaccine injections.Dates u r p l usDates u r p l u sFigure 9 Number of daily added infectious Figure 10 Present number of infectious, exposed individuals in Sirrea,Liberia,Guinea and dead individuals in Sirrea,Liberia,GuineaModel 3: the cellular automaton modelIn model 1, we estimate the transmission trends of Ebola and then in model 2, we measure the trends when licensed vaccines and drugs are used and make an allocation-and-delivery plan of medicines. We now introduce a cellular automaton model to present a clearer dynamic simulation of the spread of Ebola in one area.Cellular automaton[6] is a model in which time, space and other variables are all discrete. lt can be expressed asCA = (Ld, S, N, f)Where Ld represents a d-dimensional cellular spaces and we set d=2, L ×L=1000×1000, S represents all finite discrete set of cell stateN represents t he set of a cell’s eight neighbors’ statef represents the transfer function of one cell and it is expressed as S t+1f(S t,N t)Figure 11 A cell and its eight neighborsThere are five states{S, E, I, Q, D, R} in our model which represent susceptible, exposed, infectious, quarantined, dead and recovered individuals. We assign them as{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Initialize all cells state value Si j = 0, which means that all cells are susceptible individuals. We select a proportion of 0.0005’s cells in the cellular spaces randomly and set their state value Si j =2, which represent the initial infectious individuals.From t=0, we scan all cells in the cellular spaces and compare the effect of treatment and isolation. We set three situations as no treatment and no isolation, only isolation but no treatment and both isolation and treatment, and then simulate all these situations.Take the third situation (both isolation and treatment) as an example to show the renewing rules.When Si j=0, we calculate the probability p i j that a single cell C ij become infectious when contacting with its neighbors. Then we judge weather susceptible individuals will become exposed individuals with the probability p i j. If it is not the probability, they remain susceptible individuals.When S ij=1, cell C ij is exposed individuals with a probability of e to become infectious individuals (S ij=2).When S ij=2, cell C ij is infectious individuals with a probability of r1 to be isolated (S ij=3) and a probability of d to dead(S ij=4 and are moved out of the transfer).When S ij=3, cell C ij is quarantined individuals with a probability of r3 to be cured (S ij=5 andare moved out of the transfer because of high immune ability).We update the states of all cells in the cellular spaces at the same time and use the result as the initial state in the next time’s simulation.ResultWe use Matlab to realize a simulation process of 200 days and the following figures show the results.Figure 12No isolation and no treatment2040608010012014016018020020406080100120140160180200204060801001201401601802002040608010012014016018020020406080100120140160180200204060801001201401601802002040608010012014016018020020406080100120140160180200DAY 50DAY 100DAY 150DAY 200Figure 13 Only isolation and no treatmentFigure 14 Both treatment and isolation20406080100120140160180200204060801001201401601802002040608010012014016018020020406080100120140160180200204060801001201401601802002040608010012014016018020020406080100120140160180200204060801001201401601802002040608010012014016018020020406080100120140160180200204060801001201401601802002040608010012014016018020020406080100120140160180200204060801001201401601802002040608010012014016018020020406080100120140160180200DAY 50DAY 100DAY 150DAY 200DAY 50DAY 100DAY 150DAY 200The results shows that the transmission accelerates with no isolation and treatment, while slows down significantly when effective isolation is added. However, simple isolation as intervention cannot stop the spread of Ebola. Only with effective isolation and treatment, the transmission can be limited and the fatality rate is reduced.We use the cellular automaton model to simulate the spread of Ebola in three situations and illustrate that effective isolation and treatment is of significant importance,Sensitivity analysisWe assign different values to parameters λ, 12r r ⨯ and μand simulate the situation of the 100th day. The results are as follows.Figure 15 Result of sensitivity analysisThe figure demonstrates that the model is not sensitive to isolation level while sensitive to r transmission and recovery rate. The results indicate that the eradication of Ebola is rely heavily on the control of transmission and recovery rate. Besides, isolation is more effective with a relatively small scale of infectious individuals.Evaluation of the modelStrengths●The prediction model is a modified one adjusted to the unique characteristic of Ebola and this model is much more suitable for the prediction of Ebola transmission than the traditional SEIR epidemic model.●The allocation-and-delivery model is based on the real location of outbreaks and ETUs, and the resulting locations of medical centers and sub-centers are of high practical value.●The value of parameters in the allocation-and-delivery model is highly adjustable. Policy makers can change the value according to the reality or determined goals and this will not affect the modeling process.●The cellular automaton model presents a brief picture of the transmission trends. The result shows the limited retarding effect of simple isolation and indicates the crucial role of effective vaccines and drugs.Weaknesses●We use previous data and probability distribution to determine the value of some parameters in our model. Maybe they deviate from the current situation.●The models fail to take some emergent cases and their effect into account. For example, we ignore the real traffic situations and potential congestions when delivering medicines.Conclusions●We estimate the transmission trend of Ebola in (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) and present a comprehensive strategy to eradicate Ebola by planning the allocation and delivery system.●The model also presents the different effect of three kinds of interventions-injecting vaccines, treating with drugs, isolation. The best retarding method is to inject vaccines and treating with drugs can reduce deaths in a short period, while isolation is the least choice in absence of other forms of interventions.●To prevent international transmission to unaffected counties, immediate supply of vaccines and drugs should be delivered to any new initial outbreaks from the nearest available place and all unaffected counties have to establish a full Ebola surveillance preparedness and response plan.References[1] http://www.who.int/en/, Feb 2015[2] Ma J L,Ma Z E.Epidemic threshold condition for seasonally forced SEIR models. Mathematical Bio-sciences and Engineering . 2006[3] Chowell G, Hengartner NW, Castillo-Chavez C, Fenimore PW, Hyman JM. The basic reproductive number of Ebola and the effects of public health measures: the cases of Congo and Uganda. J Theor Biol 2004;229:119-26 [4]Katsuaki Koike,Setsuro Matsuda. New Indices for Characterizing Spatial Models of Ore Deposits by the Use of a Sensitivity Vector and an Influence Factor[J]. Mathematical Geology . 2006 (5)[5] Peter Kovesi.MA TLAB and Octave Functions for Computer Vision and Image Processing. Digital Image Computing:Techniques and Applications . 2012[6] rraga,,J.A.delRio,,L.Alvarez-lcaza.Cellularautomationforonelanetrafficmodeling.Transportatio researchpartC . 2005ReportTo whom it may concern:Ebola virus disease (EVD) are posing a threat to all human beings but the advent of licensed vaccines and drugs enable us to fight with Ebola. We have studied out a comprehensive strategy to stop Ebola transmission in affected countries within a short period and prevent international spread.For those unaffected countries and light Ebola outbreaks, immediate response actions to a new initial case are of significant importance. According to our model, effective isolation and treatment can prevent the widespread transmission of Ebola. Thus, immediate supply of vaccines and drugs should be delivered to any new initial outbreaks from the nearest available place and all unaffected counties have to establish a full Ebola surveillance preparedness and response plan including isolation and treatment of infectious individuals and injection of vaccines to susceptible individuals.For countries with intense and widespread transmission- Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone- besides the immediate isolation and treatment, a plan of allocating and delivering medicines is also crucial. We model the potential number of future Ebola cases in these three countries and estimate the goal number of transmission rate, recovery rate and fatality rate with which we can control the spread of Ebola. Meanwhile, we classify all the outbreaks in those three countries according to the number of cumulative confirmed cases. Outbreaks with different level will have a different probability of a new occurring case and we use our model to predict the possible new outbreak.Classification of outbreaksAccording to our prediction, 567 units of drugs and 2069139 units of vaccines are needed in the first manufacturing cycle, and therefore, we model an optimal delivering system with the highest efficiency. For sake of the inconvenience might face when delivering medicines across borders, we model three countries desperately. We set one medical center (MC) and a certain number of medical sub-centers (MSC), in each country which serve to treat Ebola patients, inject vaccines to susceptible individuals and also store needed amount of drugs and vaccines. Besides, the medical center serves to receive drugs and vaccines from the manufacturing country and then delivers the needed amount to every sub-center once a month.。
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2015 Mathematical Contest iow to Eradicate Ebola? The breakout of Ebola in 2014 triggered global panic. How to control and eradicate Ebola has become a universal concern ever since. Firstly, we build up an epidemic model SEIHCR (CT) which takes the special features of Ebola into consideration. These are treatment from hospital, infectious corpses and intensified contact tracing. This model is developed from the traditional SEIR model. The model’s results (Fig.4,5,6), whose parameters are decided using computer simulation, match perfectly with the data reported by WHO, suggesting the validity of our improved model. Secondly, pharmaceutical intervention is studied thoroughly. The total quantity of the medicine needed is based on the cumulative number of individuals CUM (Fig.7). Results calculated from the WHO statistics and from the SEIHCR (CT) model show only minor discrepancy, further indicating the feasibility of our model. In designing the delivery system, we apply the weighted Fuzzy c- Means Clustering Algorithm and select 6 locations (Fig.10, Table.2) that should serve as the delivery centers for other cities. We optimize the delivery locations by each city’s location and needed medicine. The percentage each location shares is also figured out to facilitate future allocation (Table.3,4). The average speed of manufacturing should be no less than 106.2 unit dose per day and an increase in the manufacturing speed and the efficacy of medicine will reinforce the intervention effect. Thirdly, other critical factors besides those discussed early in the model, safer treatment of corpses, and earlier identification/isolation also prove to be relevant. By varying the value of parameters, we can project the future CUM . Results (Fig.12,13) show that these interventions will help reduce CUM to a lower plateau at a faster speed. We then analyze the factors for controlling and the time of eradication of Ebola. For example, when the rate of the infectious being isolated is 33% - 40%, the disease can be successfully controlled (Table.5). When the introduction time for treatment decreases from 210 to 145 days, the eradication of Ebola arrives over 200 days earlier. Finally, we select three parameters: the transmission rate, the incubation period and the fatality rate for sensitivity analysis. Key words: Ebola, epidemic model, cumulative cases, Clustering Algorithm
2.4 2.5 2.6
Model Modeling Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problem Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Multi-Layer State Based Stochastic Epidemic Model 2.3.1 Individual Layer - Stochastic State Based Model . 2.3.2 Inter-Region Layer modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Human Mobility Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.4 Supply Distribution Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.5 A note on GLEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5.1 Modeling of Hospitals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consequences of Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PROBLEM A: Eradicating EbolaThe world medical association has announced that their new medication could stop Ebola and cure patients whose diseases not advanced. Build a realistic, sensible, and useful model that considers not only the spread of the disease, the quantity of the medicine needed, possible feasible delivery systems, locations of delivery, speed of manufacturing of the vaccine or drug, but also any other critical factors your team considers necessary as part of the model to optimize the eradication of Ebola, or at least its current strain. In addition to your modeling approach for the contest, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical letter for the world medical association to use in their announcement.A消除埃博拉病毒世界医学协会已经宣布他们的新疗法可以阻止埃博拉疫情和治愈非晚期患者。
将该模型在1stopt 软件中运行,采用麦夸尔特算法和通用全局最优化法对该模型进行迭代计算,对实验结果统计分析后得出该直杆相应的北纬为19.29392848度,东经为108.7225248度(海南岛的西海岸)。
同样采用问题二的计算方法得到多组结果,其中附件二最优解地点为新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区巴楚县(40.0025°N,79.6587°E),附件三最优解地点为湖北省十堰市郧西县(32.9638°N,110.277°E )。
PROBLEM A: Eradicating EbolaThe world medical association has announced that their new medication could stop Ebola and cure patients whose disease is not advanced. Build a realistic, sensible, and useful model that considers not only the spread of the disease, the quantity of the medicine needed, possible feasible delivery systems, locations of delivery, speed of manufacturing of the vaccine or drug, but also any other critical factors your team considers necessary as part of the model to optimize the eradication of Ebola, or at least its current strain. In addition to your modeling approach for the contest, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical letter for the world medical association to use in their announcement.问题一:根除病毒世界医疗联盟声称,他们的新药物可以制止埃博拉病毒,并且治愈病情没有恶化的患者。
为了更精确的计算视频中的拍摄地点和摄影时间,本文主要基于 MATLAB 与Excel处理软件,运用了遗传优化算法与模拟退火算法等,采用了视频数据化法、图片灰度化等处理手法,使计算更简便精确,使模型更完整可靠。
针对问题四,第一问中,利用 MATLAB 将视频每隔1min截取一张图片,把图片灰度化,测出影子、直杆底端与顶端的坐标,算得图中影长。
2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Summary Sheet (Attach a copy of this page to your solution paper.) Type a summary of your results on this page. Do not include the name of your school, advisor, or team members on this page. Sustainable development refers to the development that not only meets the needs of the present, but also brings no harm to the ability of future generation in meeting their own needs. How to determine the degree of a country’s sustainability, how to forecast the developing tendency and how to create the most effective sustainable development plan that based on the current situation of a certain country is one of the most far-reaching research issues in the world. This paper discusses the above problems and analyzes deeply to obtain the result with great value. First of all, in order to determine the degree of sustainability of a country, we propose two models to measure the sustainable level. In the first model, we use PCA and AHP to divide sustainability into three levels. On this basis, we introduce the concept of coordination degree to help the analysis of the degree of the coordination among each indicator. In addition, in order to further define the degree of sustainability of a country, we establish coupling model. It introduces the variable of time, making the judgment of a country’s sustainability far more accurate in degree and in time. Then, we choose a LCD country. In order to raise its level of sustainable development, through the establishment of grey model, we form a sustainable development plan for the country which based on the forecast of its development situation in the future 20 years. After that, we use the first model to evaluate the effect of the 20-year sustainability plan. Proceed from the LDC country’s actual conditions, we also consider other factors that may affect the sustainable degree, and accordingly improve the first model. By using the new model, we evaluate the effect of the 20year plan again and find out the increase of the sustainable degree of this country becomes lower, which is in accord with the fact. So it verifies the reasonability of the new model. Finally, in order to achieve our final goal to create a more sustainable world, we find out the most effective program or policy of sustainable development for this LDC country. We solve the problem in two ways. One is to consider the influence of policies on the sustainability measure. Another is taking cost into account. We introduce the concept of the actual benefit, and establish the cost-benefit model. In this model, we calculate each strategy’s ratio of benefit and cost, so as to determine the optimal strategy. Key words: analytic hierarchy process, coupling model, cost-benefit model, sustainability measure
EE (S F/ 60 (116 23/60 - 120) * 4/60 Eq / 60)
(7) (8)
t (EE - 12) *15 * pi/180
式中,EE 为真太阳时, t 为太阳时角
再通过查阅参考文献,直杆影长的计算和太阳高度角存在着余切函数关系 式,通过下图可以直观的了解太阳影子倍率变化:
A D t
k h
5.1.1 问题一的分析
首先查找资料分析影子长度与太阳高度角、观测的地理经纬度、季节(年、 月、日)和时间等各个因素的关系,观察附件中的视频中杆子影子在一天实际当 中的某个时间段的变化(有长变短再变长)过程如图(一),并建立函数表达式 模型,然后利用 MATLAB 软件作出 3 米高的直杆的太阳影子长度的变化曲线。
3)拍摄时间的参数影响 计算时差时( Eq )指真太阳时与地方时平均太阳时之差,计算公式为:
Eq (0.0028 - 1.9857 * sin ( Q) 9.9059 * sin (2 * Q) - 7.0924 * cos(Q) - 0.6882 * cos(2 * Q))/(60 * 24) (1)
Q 2 * pi * N dn - n0 / 365.2422
dn (W - L) n0 79.6764 0.2422 * (Y - 1985) - floor * (0.25 * (Y - 1985)) L (D M/ 60)/(15 * 24)
W (S F/ 60)/ 24
问题二要求直杆所处的地点,实际是转化求直杆所处的经纬度问题。本文根 据附件(一)给出的杆子影子顶点坐标数据、拍摄瞬时时间和日期,并结合上文 问题(一)所建立数学函数表达式[(1)-(9)]模型,用 MATLAB 软件,对
针对问题2,本文根据问题1得出的影子长度变化规律,将问题转换为寻找最优未知参数集{},,P P H δλ使得所给实测影子长度和理论影长的最小二乘偏差最小。
由于计算的复杂度,我们考虑“大小步长套用搜索”算法并通过合理地分析计算优化了搜索范围,最终通过相应Matlab 程序计算出一组最可能参数集,即最可能地点为东经84.9950, ,南纬4.3170 。
针对问题3,相对问题2增加了未知参数赤纬角,因此利用与问题二类似的思想建立了相应的最小二乘模型,针对附件2和附件3给出的两种不同情况给出了相应的搜索算法,并最终各拟合出两组最可能地点,四个最可能日期,如附件2给出的数据一组最可能的地点为东经79.85, 北纬39.6, 相应日期为5月2日或7月21日。
最后推算出的视频拍摄地点东经为110.48 ,北纬40.245 ,并在拍摄日期未知的情况下对模型进行了验证。
1.假设一天中的太阳赤纬角保持不变; 2.假设附件 4 中视频里的时间为北京时间; 3.假设大气层对太阳光的折射率保持不变; 4.假设影子长度和角度与该点的海拔无关;
表示含义 表示太阳高度角 表示修正后的太阳高度角 表示杆子的长度 表示杆子的影长 表示太阳赤纬角 表示某点的地理纬度 表示某点的地理经度 表示太阳时角 表示大气层的折射率 表示日期 表示某一具体时刻 表示太阳方位角
1.1 问题的背景 早在 15 世纪时, 定位技术就已经随着海洋探索的开始而产生。 随着社会和科技的不 断发展,我们对定位的需求已不再局限于航海、航空等领域,对于地球上的精确坐标定 位已逐渐成为人们关注的热点问题。对于地球表面经纬度的精确定位,可利用变化的太 阳影子来进行分析,其作为一种直观简便的定位技术,已受到广泛关注。 1.2 问题的重述 太阳影子定位技术是通过分析视频中物体的太阳影子变化,确定视频拍摄的地点和 日期的一种方法,请建立合理的数学模型解决以下问题: 1.建立影子长度变化的数学模型,分析影子长度关于各个参数的变化规律,并根据 建立的模型画出 2015 年 10 月 22 日北京时间 9:00-15:00 之间天安门广场 (北纬 39 度 54 分 26 秒,东经 116 度 23 分 29 秒)3 米高的直杆的太阳影子长度的变化曲线。 2.根据某固定直杆在水平地面上的太阳影子顶点坐标数据,建立数学模型确定直杆 所处的地点,并将模型应用于附件 1 的影子顶点坐标数据,给出若干个可能的地点。 3. 根据某固定直杆在水平地面上的太阳影子顶点坐标数据, 建立数学模型确定直杆 所处的地点和日期,并将模型分别应用于附件 2 和附件 3 的影子顶点坐标数据,给出若 干个可能的地点与日期。 4.附件 4 为一根直杆在太阳下的影子变化的视频,并且已通过某种方式估计出直 杆的高度为 2 米。请建立确定视频拍摄地点的数学模型,并应用该模型给出若干个可能 的拍摄地点。如果拍摄日期未知,是否可以根据视频确定出拍摄地点与日期。
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2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Summary Sheet
Model 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . escription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Establishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Model Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Concerning the natural transmission of Ebola, an infection disease model is built by the method of ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation).This model estimates the tremendous effects of Ebola in the absence of effective prevention and control measures. With consideration of effective vaccine and medicine, this paper simulates the prevention and control measures against Ebola in the case of sufficient medicine, by modifying the SIQR (Susceptible Infective Quarantine Removed) model. For the problem of transporting the vaccine and medicine, we use the method of MST (Minimum Spanning Tree) to reduce the overall cost of transportation, set the time limit and security points and form a point set of the target areas where the security points, as transit stations, can reach within a limited period of time. And then we use BFS (Breadth-First Search) to search every program which can cover all the points with minimal transfer stations and assign points to their nearest transfer stations to distribute the medicine. This program has taken cost, time and security during the transportation into consideration, in order to make analysis of the optimal solution. Then with the help of the modified SIQR model, the development of epidemic situation in the whole area can be predicted under the circumstance that vaccine quantity supplied in a supply cycle is determined. Thus a treatment evaluation system is established through calculating the actual mortality rate. On the other hand, vaccine quantity demanded in a supply cycle could be calculated when a certain mortality rate is expected. In the end of this paper, the other factors which may have impacts are considered too, in order to refine the model. And the future works are proposed. In conclusion, four models are established for controlling Ebola. Epidemic situation development are predicted under different circumstances firstly. Then we built a medicine delivery system for transferring medicine efficiently. Based on these, death rate and vaccine quantity demanded could be calculated.
的 9 月 23 日,冬至日为每年的 12 月 22 日。
符号 R
含义 地球半径,6371km
到各个点的空间坐标:A R cos,0, Rsin ,BR cos cos, R cos sin, Rsin , C R cos, Rsin,0 , D R,0,0 。
B βO
A α
图 1 太阳光直射地球正面图(1)
通过对包含点 A,B 的最大圆进行几何学分析,我们得到长度为 AE 的物体在 太阳光的照射下,投影长度为 AF,则:
子与 Y 轴夹角 arctan(xi / yi ),进一步求出 20 组相邻时刻的影子之间的夹角 i arctan(xi / yi ) arctan(xi1 / yi1) 作为实际值。接着再引入影子与正北方向的 夹角 作为参数。我们运用几何学知识可以求出 与各参数, , 之间的函数关 系。并且与上一模型类似,我们对直杆所在地点的经度 ,纬度 ,测量时间 t 进行穷举法遍历,通过建立的模型对于每一组 ( , ) 求解出 20 组 i i i1 作
确定视频的拍摄地点和拍摄日期是视频数据分析的重要方面,太阳影子定位 技术就是通过分析视频中物体的太阳影子变化,确定视频拍摄的地点和日期的一 种方法。
1、建立影子长度变化的数学模型,分析影子长度关于各个参数的变化规律, 并用建立的模型画出 2015 年 10 月 22 日北京时间 9:00-15:00 之间天安门广场(北 纬 39 度 54 分 26 秒,东经 116 度 23 分 29 秒)3 米高的直杆的太阳影子长度的变 化曲线。
2015年北美数学建模赛(MCM)A题二等奖论文honorable mention
![2015年北美数学建模赛(MCM)A题二等奖论文honorable mention](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a505ce761711cc7931b71627.png)
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F4 ________________
Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) Summary Sheet
Ebola viral disease(EVD) has become a problem threatening not only western Africa, but the world. The world medical association has announced their new medication. This paper aims at tackling the following problems: Describing and predicting the spread of EVD based on current statistics; determing the quantity of medicine needed; deciding the speed of manufacturing the vaccine or drug under the principle of meeting demands and lowering costs; locating the delivery center and establish an efficient delivery system. When analyzing demand and supply, an additional factor, inventory level is taken into account. First an improved SIR epidemic model is built. The population of epidemic area is divided into 5 parts instead of 3, to be more comprehensive. By solving a set of differential equations and computing several parameters, we obtained the fitting function of cumulative cases of EVD. Compared with current statistics, the imitative effect is satisfying. Second, by predicting through the fitting function obtained from Model one, we get the approximate demand curve of medicine. Considering efficiency and inventory costs, an approximate speed function of manufacturing is obtained. In the updated model, the proper inventory level is discussed based on EOQ model of short-supply not allowed and time-needed supplying. Third, a three-level delivery system is built based on Model two where supply is guaranteed to be sufficient. Centroid method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are combined to select optimal location of distribution center, and the severeness of the epidemic in different places, the distances and transportation costs are considered. In addition, an emergency dispatch scheme is built to response to sudden outbreak. By randomly simulation, we test the sensitivity of Model three, and conclude that it is steady and effective.Team Nhomakorabea#36837
太 阳 影 子 的 长 度 (m)
太 阳 影 子 的 长 度 (m)
1 -60
-20 0 20 观测点的纬度(角度)
1 -25
-10 -5 0 5 10 太阳直射点的纬度(角度)
图 4 直杆影长与观测点纬度关系图
图 5 直杆影长与太阳直射点纬度的关系图
观测点与太阳直射点的经度差 进行灵敏度分析,分别分析改变此变量对直杆影 子长度的影响。 直杆影长与观测点纬度关系图如图 4 所示(图 4 为 11:00 时的关系图像) 。当 观测点纬度从南往当前的太阳高度角所在纬度靠近时,影长缩短,当观测点纬度 与太阳高度角处于同一纬度时,影长达到最小,随后观测点再往北移动,影长又 呈增大趋势,且增大速率明显加快。由图,在其他影响因素的取值都不变的前提 下,观测点纬度与太阳高度角处于同一纬度时,影长为 1m 左右,据推测, 12:00 时的图像,最小值应为 0m ,为太阳直射的情况。 直杆影长与太阳直射点纬度的关系图如图 5 所示。首先,太阳直射点的纬度 范围在南北回归线之间,而题设天安门所处的纬度在北回归线以北,故太阳直射 点纬度在由南到北的过程中,影长一直是减小的,且减小速率逐渐趋缓。
图 2 地球上过 A , B 的大圆
考虑到太阳与地球之间相距较远,我们认为同一时刻照射到地球表面的太阳 光线是平行的,即 HF / / BO ,从而 AOB AHF 。
A 地 t 时刻的太阳高度角记为 angel 90 。
设图 1 中向量 AK 是与 A 点处经线相切且方向向北的单位向量,向量 AE 是与
③6 月 22 日—12 月 22 日,在太阳直射点向南移动过程中,北回归线及其 以北各地的正午太阳高度逐渐减小,那么其日影逐渐增长;
④12 月 22 日,太阳直射南回归线,北回归线及其以北各地的正午太阳高度 达到全年最小,其日影也达到全年最长。
一年中,各地的日影长度会随季节变化而变化,这种变化主要体现在正午的 日影长短上。它与当地的正午太阳高度有直接关系:正午太阳高度越大,日影越 短;正午太阳高度越小,日影越长。例如:
①12 月 22 日—6 月 22 日,在太阳直射点向北移动过程中,北回归线及其以 北各地的正午太阳高度逐渐增大,那么其日影逐渐缩短;
图 4 天安门广场 15 年 10 月 22 日影子长度随时间(9 点到 15 点)变化图
在该问题中,影子长度的变化曲线根据计算出是一个关于真太阳时 12 点对 称的二次函数拟合曲线,所以我们利用题中所给的时间数据运用 MATLAB(附 录二)求解该附件的拟合曲线的表达式为
l(t) = 0.3179 t2 - 7.7982t + 51.4250
对于地球上的某个地点,太阳高度角是指太阳光的入射方向和地平面之间的 夹角,专业上讲太阳高度角是指某地太阳光线与通过该地与地心相连的地表切线 的夹角。太阳高度角简称高度角。当太阳高度角为 90°时,此时太阳辐射强度 最大;当太阳斜射地面时,太阳辐射强度就小。
图 1 太阳高度角示意图
太阳方位角即太阳所在的方位,指太阳光线在地平面上的投影与当地经线的 夹角,可近似地看作是竖立在地面上的直线在阳光下的阴影与正南方的夹角。方 位角以目标物正北方向为零,顺时针方向逐渐变大,其取值范围是 0—360°。 因此太阳方位角一般是以目标物的北方向为起始方向,以太阳光的入射方向 为 终止方向,按顺时针方向所测量的角度。
我们在解决问题一的时候,利用题目中所给出的日期、经纬度和时间,来解出太阳高度角h,太阳方位角Α,赤纬角δ,时角Ω,直杆高度H和影子端点位置(x0,y o),从而建立数学模型。
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For office use onlyT1________________ T2________________ T3________________ T4________________ Team Control Number35798Problem ChosenAFor office use onlyF1________________F2________________F3________________F4________________2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) Summary Sheet(Attach a copy of this page to your solution paper.)Farewell to EbolaSummaryThe current outbreak of Ebola has caused great harm to the people in West Africa since it began in December 2013. Fortunately, the world medical association has created new medication to stop Ebola. In this paper, we set up mathematic models in two parts in order to control and even eradicate the Ebola virus disease.On the one hand, we establish two transmission dynamical models, the medicine model and the medicine-vaccine model, which are based on the basic model of infectious disease. First, we divide people into different types. Then, we build the conversion relationship between different types of people, on basis of which we get the iterative equations. At last, we iterate the equations to obtain the predicting results. We find that the medicine has larger effect on the control of Ebola virus disease than vaccine, because the contact rate is pretty small. Therefore, it is urgent to deliver medicine to the infected districts. Besides, we obtain the optimal maximal quantity of medicine produced every day is 2000 pieces.On the other hand, we set up two optimal delivery routes for medicine and vaccine separately. The former focuses on the shortest time and it is optimized by the improved Dijkstra Algorithm. The latter concentrates on the least distance and it is optimized by the refined Saving Algorithm. Finally, we conclude that there are 11 trucks required to transport the medicine for 20 days and 7 trucks transporting the vaccine for 30 days when the daily number of vaccine transported is 0.3 million pieces.Additionally, we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of our models and write a letter for the world medical association to propose our suggestions.Content1Introduction (3)1.1Analysis of the Problem (3)1.2Literature Review (3)2Assumptions (4)3The Transmission Model (4)3.1The Basic Model of Epidemic Dynamics (4)3.2The Medicine Model (6)3.2.1Partition of People (6)3.2.2Assumptions (6)3.2.3Establishment of the Model (7)3.2.4Parameter of the Model (9)3.2.5Result of the Model (10)3.3The Medicine-vaccine Model (11)3.3.1Assumptions (12)3.3.2Establishment of the Model (12)3.3.3Result of the Model (13)4The Delivery Systems (17)4.1Collection of Data (17)4.2The Delivery Systems for Medicine (18)4.2.1Assumptions (18)4.2.2Establishment of the Delivery systems (18)4.2.3Result of the Model (19)4.3The Delivery Systems for Vaccine (20)4.3.1Assumptions (20)4.3.2Establishment of the Delivery Systems (20)4.3.3Result of the Model (22)5Conclusion (23)6Strengths and Weaknesse s (24)7 A Letter for the World Medical Association (25)8References (26)1IntroductionSince Ebola virus was first identified in 1976, no previous Ebola outbreak has been as large or persistent as the current epidemic. [1] From December 2013 when the virus began to spread to 1 February 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) and respective governments have reported a total of 22,522 suspected cases and 8,994 deaths which are believed to be less than the actual numbers. [2]However, the epidemic has been controlled in a way by some measures such as changing funeral customs, isolating patients and so on. More fortunately, the world medical association has created new medication that could stop Ebola and cure patients whose disease is not advanced. In this paper, we establish a model to obtain the optimal delivery system of the new drug for eradicating Ebola under the least expense.1.1Analysis of the ProblemWe are required to set up a model for eradicating Ebola. Taking into consideration the spread of the epidemic, the quantity of the medicine needed, the delivery systems and other factors, we divide the problem into two parts.One part is the transmission of the epidemic. We use the SEIR model as the basic model and then establish the medicine model which considers the effect of medicine and the medicine-vaccine model considering the both effect of the medicine and vaccine.The other part is the delivery systems. Since the effect of medicine is distinct from that of vaccine, we set up two delivery systems for medicine and vaccine. The former focuses on the shortest time and the latter concentrates on the shortest distance.1.2Literature ReviewIn 1927, Kermack and Anderson created an epidemic model in which they considered a fixed population with only three compartments, susceptibles,S, infected, I, and removed, R, that is the SIR model.[3]Then, the SIR model was developed to many extensions, the SIR models with births and deaths, the SEIR model with latent phase considered, the MSIR model considering babies born with a passive immunity from their mother, etc.[4]After the current epidemic began in December 2013, many scientists estimated or predicted the number of cases in the Ebola epidemic. Nishiura et al. established early transmission dynamics of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa from March to August 2014. [5] Several scientists set up a mathematic model analyzing dynamics and control of Ebola virus transmission in Montserrado, Liberia. [6]The WHO team analyzed the epidemic and predicted the future epidemic. [7]There are also scientists researching the clinical manifestations of patients with Ebola. Mpia A. Bwaka and their companions researched the 1995 outbreak of Ebola in Congo, and obtained the clinical observations in 103 patients. [8] Schieffelin et al. observed patients at Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra Leone in 2014 and obtained the clinical symptoms. [9]2AssumptionsTo simplify the problem, we make the following assumptions.●We just consider Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Up to 1 February 2015,99.86 percent of the patients with Ebola are in Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone, [10]and Ebola will not spread widely in other countries for security check.●We divide the three countries into many districts and the epidemic will notspread between two districts. Actually, the countries have been divided into districts and there is security check on the boundaries of districts.3The Transmission Model3.1The Basic Model of Epidemic DynamicsSince the Ebola transmission has the same characteristics as the universal epidemic, it is suitable for the epidemic dynamic model. Meanwhile, Ebola has the following features. [11](1) Ebola has high fatality rate which of ZEBOV is 89% while SUDV’s is 53%.(2) There is latent period in Ebola which lasts 2~21 days, and the patients don’t have the infectious during latent period.(3) The Ebola patients are immune after recovery.Therefore, we use the SEIR model with latent period. [12]Let S denote susceptibles, E denote exposed individuals in the latent period, I denote infectives, R denote recovered people and N denote the total population whose value is 8612862/person, so we can the following relation figure.Figure 1: Conversions between each category in the SEIR model Where βNis the contact rate, 1/ωis the average latent period and γis the recovery rate.According to the relationship, we can the following equations.{dSdt=−β/NSIdEdt=βNSI−ωEdIdt=ωE−γIdRdt=γI(1)However, the above model is not suitable for the fact for the following reasons. (1) The medicine can only cure the patients whose disease is not advanced and vaccine acts on susceptibles.(2) There is a period of time for patients to recover after taking medicine, so the medicine should be supported continuously.(3) The cured people are immune for some time which is different in different people, and the number of cured person is small, so there is no statistical law.(4) Some patients can recover without medicine, and some people have genetous immunization to Ebola, that is, they have no symptoms after being infected. [11](5) The dead bodies are still contagious within a certain time, and the local funeral customs such as no cremation and contacting bodies aggravate the spread of the epidemic.(6) The production of the medicine is limited, so all of patients can’t take medicine.Taking these factors into account, we modify and extend the model so as to get themedicine model and medicine-vaccine model.3.2The Medicine ModelSince the infectious time of bodies, the treatment time and the latent period can’t be ignored, we use an iterative method to simulate the transmission of the epidemic. 3.2.1Partition of PeopleFor the medicine can only cure the patients with early disease and there is latent period, we divide all the people into the following kinds.Table 1 The situation of infection and medicine given on different kinds of people3.2.2AssumptionsIn order to simply the model, the following assumptions are made in this model. (1) Only patients with early disease are given medicine and they are given enough medicine the first time, that is, they will not be given medicine.(2) Patients with early disease not given medicine may change to patients with advanced disease at any time, which obeys a constant proportion. Besides, they may die at any time, which also obey a constant proportion.(3) Healthy people are considered to be susceptible. According to the data, more than 99 percent of people are without Ebola while patients with early disease take less than 0.1 percent of population. Additionally, the number of medicines is limited, soonly a small number of patients are cured which is less than 0.5 percent of susceptibles adding up the data of a month. Therefore, the number of recovered people is neglected when calculating the number of new infections every day, that is, recovered people are considered as susceptibles.(4) The growth rate of population is neglected so that the number of susceptibles is constant, because the death rate for Ebola is approximately equal to the growth rate.(5) Some patients may recover without medicine, the proportion of which is pretty small for a patient. Howeve r, the proportion can’t be neglected when considering a large number of people. We can get the proportion by researching the recovery situation of patients with early disease without medicine and patients with advanced disease. We assume that the proportion of recovery without medicine is the same for patients with early disease without medicine, patients with advanced disease and patients during latent period.3.2.3Establishment of the ModelWe consider the each district separately and iterate the equations with day as unit. Let X(i,t)denote the situation of i tℎdistrict on t tℎday, so the number of a kind of people can be represented by the number of the former day as follows.X(i,t)=X(i,t−1)+ΔX(i,t) (2) In order to determine the number of people in each category, we plot Figure 2, showing a conversion between each category.Figure 2: Conversions between each category in medicine modelEach conversion process and the number of conversion are explained as follows, where N i denotes the number of conversion, b denotes the total number of medicine, δdenotes the daily infection rate, Q(t−1)denotes the total number of patients, p denotes death rate for Ebola, q denotes the average transformation rate from patients with early disease to patients with advanced disease, m denotes the average death rate of patients with advanced disease and w is the proportion of cremation. t1is the time when bodies is infectious, t2is the time for cure, t3is the time of latent period, t4is the time for the early disease lasting and t5is the time for the advanced disease lasting.①: Patients during latent period recover without medicine,N1=I3(i,t−1)1−p t4+t5②: Susceptibles are infected,N2=S(i,t−1)βN[I1(i,t−t3)+I2(i,t−t3)+R(i,t−t3)]③: Onset occur to patients during latent period,N3=S(i,t−t3)(1−t31−pt4+t5)βN[I1(i,t−t3)+I2(i,t−t3)+R(i,t−t3)]④: Patients with early disease recover without medicine,N4=I1(i,t−1)1−p t4+t5⑤: Patients with advanced disease recover without medicine,N5=I2(i,t−1)1−p t4+t5⑥: Patients with early disease without medicine become patients with advanced disease,N6=qI1(i,t−1)⑦: Patients with early disease without medicine are given medicine,N7=bQ t−1[I1(i,t−1)+I2(i,t−1)]⑧: Recovered people become susceptibles,N8=bQ(t−1)[I1(i,t−t2)+I2(i,t−t2)]⑨: Patients with advanced disease die and become bodies,N 9=I 2(i,t −1)m(1−w)⑩: Bodies are cremated.N 10=I 2(i,t −t 1)mwAccording to the equations, we can get the iterative equations as follows.{ I 1(i,t )=I 1(i,t −1)(1−1−p t 4+t 5) +S (i,t −t 3)βN [I 1(i,t −t 3)+I 2(i,t −t 3)+R (i,t −t 3)](1−t 31−p t 4+t 5) −b (t )Q t −1[I 1(i,t −1)+I 2(i,t −1)]−qI 1(i,t −1)I 2(i,t )=I 2(i,t −1)(1−m −1−p t 4+t 5)+qI 1(i,t −1)I 3(i,t )=I 3(i,t −1)(1−1−p t 4+t 5)+S (i,t −1)βN [I 1(i,t −1)+I 2(i,t −1)+R (i,t −1)] −S (i,t −t 3)(1−t 31−p t 4+t 5)βN[I 1(i,t −t 3)+I 2(i,t −t 3)+R (i,t −t 3)]R (i,t )=R (i,t −1)+b (t )Q (t −1)[I 1(i,t −1)+I 2(i,t −1)] −b (t −t 2)Q (t −1)[I 1(i,t −t 2)+I 2(i,t −t 2)]S (i,t )=S (i,t −1)D (i,t )=D (i,t −1)+m (1−w )[I 2(i,t −1)−I 2(i,t −t 1)]Q (t )=∑[I 1(i,t )+I 2(i,t )]i(3)3.2.4 Parameter of the ModelBy fitting a straight line on the total data, we use the least squares method to obtain the daily contact rate βN .βN =5.82×10−10According to the articles of studying Ebola[8] [9] and reports [2], we set theparameters as follows.t 1=20/day t 2=20/day t 3=10/day t 4=100/day t 5=4/dayp =0.8 q =0.1 m =p/4 w = of the ModelWe iterate the equations (3) for 100 days with 3 February as the first day, so we obtain the following results of the whole situation of epidemic.Figure 3: The total number of death changes over time under different maximum of medicine given every day. We test when the maximum is 0, 10, 100, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000.According to Figure 3, when given medicine, the number of death increases more and more slowly, and finally becomes constant, that is, the epidemic is controlled. When increasing the maximum of medicine, the total number of death decreases, and the time of epidemic decreases. When the maximum of medicine is 2000, the total number of death become approximately least, and increasing the maximum of medicine has little influence on the control of epidemic. Consequently, when the maximum of medicine given every day is 2000, the epidemic will be controlled best. On this condition, the epidemic is controlled after about 20 days, and the total number of death is 1100 or so.When the maximum of medicine given every day is 2000, the number of different kinds of people and the number of medicine given every day vary as Figure 4 shows.Figure 4: When the maximum of medicine given every day is 2000, the number of patients with early disease, patients with advanced disease, patients during latent period and all the patients changes over time as Figure a, b, c, d show. The total number of death varies over time as Figure e shows. The number of medicine given every day varies over time as Figure f shows. The abscissa of the figures is time whose unit is day.In Figure d, the curve changes suddenly at two points because patients given medicine recover during the time between the two points and the total number of patients decreases rapidly.3.3The Medicine-vaccine ModelWe add the effect of vaccine on base of the medicine model, so we get themedicine-vaccine model.3.3.1Assumptions(1) The people injected with vaccine will be permanently immune to Ebola.(2) The distribution of vaccine for districts obeys the proportion of patients’number.(3) Only people without symptoms of Ebola are injected with vaccine, including patients during latent period. Besides, patients during latent period will recover after being injected with vaccine.3.3.2Establishment of the ModelWe refine Figure 2 and then get the conversion between each category as Figure 5 shows.Figure 5: Conversions between each category in medicine-vaccine modelLet A denote people injected with vaccine, n denote the total number of vaccine, so we get the additional conversions as follows.⑪: Susceptibles won’t be infected after being injected with vaccine,N11=I1(i,t−1)+I2(i,t−1)Q(t−1)n⑫: Patients during latent period will recover after being injected with vaccine and they won’t be infected.N12=I1(i,t−1)+I2(i,t−1)Q(t−1)n∑S(i,t−1)it3N(t3+t4+t5)Therefore, we get the iterative equations as follows.{I 1(i,t )=I 1(i,t −1)(1−1−pt 4+t 5) +S (i,t −t 3)βN [I 1(i,t −t 3)+I 2(i,t −t 3)+R (i,t −t 3)](1−t 31−p t 4+t 5)−b (t )Q (t −1)[I 1(i,t −1)+I 2(i,t −1)]−qI 1(i,t −1)I 2(i,t )=I 2(i,t −1)(1−m −1−pt 4+t 5)+qI 1(i,t −1)I 3(i,t )=I 3(i,t −1)(1−1−p t 4+t 5)+S (i,t −1)βN [(i,t −1)+I 2(i,t −1)+R (i,t −1)] −S (i,t −t 3)(1−t 31−p t 4+t 5)βN[(i,t −t 3)+I 2(i,t −t 3)+R (i,t −t 3)] −I 1(i,t −1)+I 2(i,t −1)Q (t −1)n∑S (i,t −1)i t 3N (t 3+t 4+t 5)R (i,t )=R (i,t −1)+b (t )Q (t −1)[I 1(i,t −1)+I 2(i,t −1)] −b (t −t 2)Q (t −1)[I 1(i,t −t 2)+I 2(i,t −t 2)]S (i,t )=S (i,t −1)−I 1(i,t −1)+I 2(i,t −1)Q (t −1)n D (i,t )=D (i,t −1)+I 2(i,t −1)p t 5w −I 2(i,t −t 1)p t 5w Q (t )=∑[I 1(i,t )+I 2(i,t )]i (4)3.3.3 Result of the ModelWe iterate the equations (4) for 100 days with 3 February as the first day, and then we get the following results the whole situation of epidemic.Firstly, we test the different daily maximum of vaccine delivered under the situations that medicine isn’t given and that the maximum of medicine given every day is 2000, and we get the results as Figure 6 and Figure 7 show.Figure 6: The three curves show that the total number of death varies over time under different conditions that the daily maximum of vaccine delivered is 0, 1000000 or 8612862 when the medicine isn’t given.Figure 7: The three curves show that the total number of death varies over time under different conditions that the daily maximum of vaccine delivered is 0, 1000000 or 8612862 when the daily maximum of medicine delivered is 2000.According to Figure 6 and Figure 7, it can be concluded that vaccine have little influence on the control of epidemic. We infer that the reason is that the contact rate βN is extremely small because we use the data of the latest 20 days when some measureshaven been taken in the three countries and the chance of infection is small. Since the chance of infection is small, the effect of vaccine is little. In order to prove the inference, we change the contact rate and get the following results.We change the contact rate to 10 times the size of the calculated contact rate and the result is showed in Figure 8 and Figure 9.Figure 8: The curves show that the total number of death varies over time under different conditions that the daily maximum of vaccine delivered is 0 or 1000000 when the medicine isn’t given.Figure 9: The curves show that the total number of death varies over time under different conditions that the daily maximum of vaccine delivered is 0 or 1000000 when the daily maximum of medicine delivered is 2000.We change the contact rate to 100 times the size of the calculated contact rate and the result is showed in Figure 10 and Figure 11.Figure 10: The curves show that the total number of death varies over time under different conditions that the daily maximum of vaccine delivered is 0, 100000 or 1000000 when the medicine isn’t given.Figure 11: The curves show that the total number of death varies over time underdifferent conditions that the daily maximum of vaccine delivered is 0 or 100000 when the daily maximum of medicine delivered is 2000.According to above figures, it can be concluded that the more infectious the disease is, the larger effect the vaccine has. When the contact rate is small, medicine is more effective than vaccine. Therefore, in current epidemic, the medicine should be delivered as early as possible to the districts and the vaccine isn’t so urgent.4The Delivery SystemsAccording to the medicine-vaccine model, the medicine should be delivered against time while the vaccine is not, so we set up two different delivery systems for medicine and vaccine.4.1Collection of DataAccording to the reported data, [10]the current epidemic concentrates on some districts in the three countries. We count the number of patients in the 21 districts with most intense transmission of Ebola on 3 February as follows. [10]Table 2 The number of patients in the 21 districts on 3 February4.2The Delivery Systems for Medicine4.2.1AssumptionsAccording the fact, we make the following assumptions.(1) The medicines are produced in other countries and delivered to the three countries by plane. Considering the location of districts, we choose BelleYella Airport as the location of delivery. When delivered to BelleYella Airport, the medicines are delivered to districts by truck every day.(2) Only 21 districts with most intense transmission of Ebola are considered.(3) The medicines are distributed on proportion of patients’ number in different districts on 3 February.(4) The medicines can be delivered to the districts within one day by truck.(5) The total number of medicine is less the maximum loading capacity of a truck.(6) There are enough trucks in BelleYella Airport.4.2.2Establishment of the Delivery systemsAccording to the transmission model, the optimal maximum of medicine delivered every day is 2000 and the medicines are required to be delivered to districts as soon as possible. Therefore, we need to choose an optimal route that the medicines are delivered as soon as possible.There are many algorithms for obtaining the optimal route, such as genetic algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm and ant colony optimization which obtain the optimal route with distance and time considered. However, in the delivery systems of medicine for Ebola, the most important factor is time. Besides, the price of medicine is much higher than transportation cost. Therefore, the transportation cost isthe secondary factor.We alter Dijkstra algorithm [13] to obtain the optimal routes because the traditional Dijkstra algorithm only considers the shortest time without considering the transportation cost.First, we add distances between adjacent districts which are directly connected by road to an adjacency matrix. Then, we use Dijkstra algorithm to obtain the shorted distance and route between each district and BelleYella Airport. The medicine for each district is transported by truck separately. Next, we use the following method to optimize the algorithm.Let T i denote the ordered set of the districts on the i tℎroute.If T i⊆T j(1≤i,j≤31 & i≠j & i,j∈Z),delete T i.Finally, we get the optimal routes. Each route has a truck running along them and the loading capacity of a truck is the sum of the medicine for districts on the route. 4.2.3Result of the ModelAll in all, there are 11 trucks for 11 routes and the routes are showed as follows. The total distance of route is 6886 km.Table 3 The optimal delivery system consisting of 11 routesIn Table 3, the number 1~21 is the number of districts in Table 2, and the number 22~31 denotes the nodes of roads. The locations of districts and nodes are showed in Figure 12.Figure 12: The locations of districts and node are showed on the map and the curve denotes road.4.3The Delivery Systems for Vaccine4.3.1AssumptionsAccording the fact, we make the following assumptions.(1) The vaccines are produced in other countries and delivered to the three countries by plane. Considering the location of districts, we choose BelleYella Airport as the location of delivery. When delivered to BelleYella Airport, the vaccines are delivered to districts by truck every day.(2) Only 21 districts with most intense transmission of Ebola are considered.(3) The vaccines are distributed on proportion of population in different districts on3 February.(4) The vaccines will be delivered to the districts for 30 days so that everyone can be infected with vaccine in the three countries.(5) There are enough trucks in BelleYella Airport.4.3.2Establishment of the Delivery SystemsAccording to the medicine-vaccine model, we find that the vaccine has little effecton the current epidemic situation. However, if the management measures are improper, the contact rate will rise rapidly and the effect of vaccine will be apparent at this time. What’s more, the injection with vaccine has a large role in preventing Ebola in the future. Thus, it’s important to tra nsport vaccine to the districts and the distribution of vaccine obeys the proportion of population in different districts.Compared with medicine, the delivery systems for vaccine focus on not the shortest time but the shortest distance for decreasing the transportation cost. Besides, the number of vaccine is much larger than that of medicine and there are ten thousands of vaccine needed every day.Therefore, we improve the Saving Algorithm [14] so as to get the delivery systems with shortest distance and the improvements are showed as follows.(1) In the Saving Algorithm, each two user points are connected with a straight line while the districts are connected with a road. We combine the Dijkstra Algorithm with Saving Algorithm and let the shortest distance between districts calculated by Dijkstra Algorithm take place of the linear distance in the Saving Algorithm.(2) In the Saving Algorithm, the delivery point is different from user points. In fact, the airport is closed to the 13th district, so it can be considered to be in the 13th district, that is, the delivery point (the airport) is in the web of user points (the districts).(3) In the Saving Algorithm, when the two user points are not directly connected, the saved distance may be negative (often making the negative distanced zero represents not saving distance). But in the improved algorithm, the saved distance will be positive, so the total distance saved will be longer, which proves that the improved algorithm is better.We list the steps of calculation in the improved algorithm.(1) Calculate the shortest distances between each two adjacent districts by using Dijkstra Algorithm and make it represented by A(i,j)where i,j is the number of the districts. Thus, we can get the matrix A which consists of all the shortest distances between each two adjacent districts.(2) Calculate the shortest distance between a district and the airport by using Dijkstra Algorithm and make it denoted by L(i)where i is the number of thedistricts. Thus, we can get the matrix L which consists of all the shortest distances between a district and the airport.(3) Calculate the saved distances between the districts according to the basic formula of the Saving Algorithm.d(i,j)=L(i)+L(j)−A(i,j) (5) d(i,j)denotes the saved distance.(4) List the saved distances from the maximum to the minimum.(5) Optimize the routes in order of the saved distances when the load of transport truck satisfied. When the routes overlap, delete the overlapped route and only hold one route connecting the districts.Let Q(i)denote the number of vaccine for the i tℎdistrict, M denote the load, and M0denote the maximal load of truck.The order of the saved distances is d(i,j), d(j,k)….When M+Q(i)+Q(j)≤M0The route is optimized to the airport→the i tℎdistrict→the j tℎdistrict, and delete d(i,j).(6) Calculate the optimal route by computer.According to the load of truck and the results of the medicine-vaccine model, we set the load of truck as 5 tons, the weight of a piece of vaccine as 100 g, so each truck can transport 50000 pieces of vaccine. The vaccines are delivered for 30 days and the total population of the three countries is about 8.6 million, so 0.3 million pieces of vaccine are transported every day.4.3.3Result of the ModelWe get the optimal routes and distances as follows.Table 4 The optimal delivery system consisting of 7 routes。